The Short End Of The Stick REALITY CHECK Pg. 6 PLAN B ALL THE WAY Learn the Truth about Tourettes Pg. 12


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Page 1: Jerk

The Short End Of The




Pg. 6



Learn the Truth

about Tourettes

Pg. 12

Page 2: Jerk

Table of Contents

Jerk: Review……………………………… Pg. 3-5

Baby Boom……………………………….. Pg. 7-8

Abusive Families…………………………..Pg. 10

Running to Victory………………………...Pg. 11

Disadvantages of Tourettes………………..Pg. 12

Tourettes………………………………….. Pg. 13

Page 3: Jerk







Jerk: Review


P A G E 3

Brendan Kelley

Page 4: Jerk

P A G E 4


Friesen (Above)

This book was

not written about Jona-

than Friesen, but being a

man who has the disease

that is controlling his

main character Sam car-

rier so violently, it is cer-

tainly written around past

experiences, which is

what makes this novel so

special and so touching.

To most

readers this book starts

off very slow; we are

introduced to what life

changing disease has

struck Sam at only the

age of five or six. The

author then brings us into

Sam’s life at a much later

and more difficult time

for him, his senior year

of High School. At this

point of the novel, Sam’s

struggles are really

brought to the fore front,

he allows us to see how

tough it is for Sam to live

the way he does with his

tourette’s. We quickly

feel sympathy for him

when we discover how

disingenuous his step

father Old Bill really is.

He talk’s about his

mother being a loving

woman, but Bill no

longer allows that side to

be seen under his reign if

you will. The book

quickly picks up its pace,

and at the same time the

Map leading to, you

guessed it Jerk, Califor-

nia. Sam does not take

the trip alone thankfully,

or I

he suddenly passes leav-

ing Sam and us readers to

wondering how long can

we go with out answers!

Well answers do come

but not without a bit of

travel. Sam is left with a

with that being one of the

biggest moments in any-

one’s life. After this dev-

astating event, Sam real-

izes he must spend some

time away from his fam-

ily and get a job. His em-

ployer turns out to be a

former friend of his fa-

ther who Sam knows lit-

tle to nothing about. We

soon learn that this man

George is the key to Sam

discovering all of the

missing pieces to he puz-

zle that is his father. But

just as Sam begins to feel

comfortable with the guy,

interest level of myself,

and im sure of many

other readers of this

book. Sam’s is com-

pletely embarrassed by

his fellow classmates at

his graduation, and this

was something many

people could relate to

Likely would have put

down the book. He travels

with an attractive young

girl named Naomi, now

Naomi and Sam have met a

few times before with Sam

having mixed results when

trying to impress her.

Page 5: Jerk

with her chose of her second

husband. When Sam gets to

California he is relieved to find

his Grandma Francine, I am as

well as this book is taking quite

the toll on me. He is enlighted

to find a windmill of his own

built in the ocean behind her

house; it was a present from his

dad containing cassette tapes of

his voice. The tapes describe

who he is and talk about his life,

it almost seemed like he was

planning to die. In the End Sam/

Jack returns home to take care

of his Mom and younger brother

Lane, he brings them to the

home of George, which he in-

herited after his passing.

After all when I think

about what this book brought to

the table, it was fun ride of

laughter, tears, and joy, and it is

a great teaching tool to people

all around the world that every-

body can do great things, and

make something of themselves

no matter what obstacles may

try to impede their way.

“Because I couldn’t do

it without you”

What they both learn although,

is that Naomi is really George’s

granddaughter, why she didn’t

know is really never explained

and really makes no sense…

Their cross country trips has

many exciting stops along the

way, Sam encounters many

young men all trying to gain the

affection of Naomi, but he al-

ways seemed to keep them from

getting to her. On the trip Sam,

and myself were glad to dis-

cover a clearer picture on what

really happened to his dad, it

turns out he died in a car acci-

dent, attempting to retrieve

medicine for baby Sam. This

change’s Sam’s opinion on his

father. Sam is surprised to learn

on the way that his real name is

actually Jack Keegan and that

Old bill changed his name, even

I was surprised to find this out, I

guess his mom got a little lazy

P A G E 5

Page 6: Jerk

Plan B

Ask your doctor today! Take within 72 hours of sex

95% effective

P A G E 6

Page 7: Jerk

P A G E 7

Kaitlyn Paul Baby Boom

Teen pregnancies are getting more and more popular, there are an estimated one million teen pregnancies in the United States alone. About 85% of these pregnancies are unplanned. Unplanned pregnancies increase the risk for prob-lems. One of the risks for teen mothers is delaying prenatal care 7.2% of moth-ers don't revive any care at all, The rea-sons for lack of prenatal care is; delayed pregnancy testing, denial or even fear of telling others about the pregnancy. Some states are starting to develop a health department where prenatal care is free or low cost and there is patient confidentiality, meaning no one can tell the teen mother's family. Because the body of a teen is still grow-ing she will need more nutritional sup-port to meet both her needs and her baby. Nutritional help can be a large por-tion of prenatal care, usually by a doctor or a midwife. This help will usually in-clude information about prena-tal vitamins, folic acid, and the dos and don'ts of eating and drinking. Lack of proper nutri-tion can lead to problems like anemia (low iron) or low weight gain. The biggest problem for teen moms now is the use of drugs and alcohol, including cigarette smoking. No amount of this safe for the baby. Doing these things while being preg-nant can complicate pregnancy even further increasing the like-

lihood of premature birth. Pre-

mature birth is extremely unsafe for any-one having a baby especially in a teen mom; premature birth is when the baby is born early and because of their low birth weights it can cause problems like; brain damage, physical disabilities and more.

-Abortion The definition of an Abortion "is the termina-tion of a pregnancy by the removal or expul-sion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death". Abortion can occur accidentally due to a complication during the pregnancy (miscarriages), There is also therapeutic abortion, and a elective abortion. - Therapeutic abortion is performed to - save the lift of pregnant women - Preserve the women's health, physical or mental- Termi-nate pregnancy that the baby would be born with a congenital disorder, that would be life threatening or to reduce the number of fe-tuses, meaning the women was having more than 1 baby, which was causing health risks. Elective abortion is when it is performing at the request of the woman for reasons that are not maternal health or diseases.

-Plan B There is also the option of taking the morning after pill " Plan B" It can be taken 3 days (72 hours) after having sex. You take 2 pills which do one of the these 3 things; * Temporarily stops the release of an egg from the ovary * Prevents fertilization * Prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus Within 24 hours of sex it is 95% effective Between 25-48 hours it is 85% effective Between 49-72 hours its 61% effective

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P A G E 8

You can also take long term precaution meaning Birth control. Birth control is oral contraceptive, meaning you take it by mouth. It contains hormones to change the way the body works and prevent pregnancy, the hormones in the Pill control the ovaries and the uterus. Most birth control pills are "combination pills" containing a combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg during the monthly cycle). A woman cannot get pregnant if she doesn't ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilized. The Pill also works by thickening the mucus around the cervix, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and reach any eggs that may have been released. While facing the grim realities of teen pregnancy is not pleasant.. Teen mothers are perfectly capable of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. With the proper nutrition, early prenatal care and screenings for potential problems. Some people think that you can't teach a teen mother anything about her body or baby, that's not true at all. Many of the teen mothers who take active roles in their care, do go on to have healthy babies, Support from the families and communities is very important for the family to be successful.

Statics– according to Statics Canada



picture or


1) Studies have found that between 11 and 20 percent of pregnancies in teenagers are a direct re-sult of rape 2)Teen pregnancy cost the United States over $9.1 billion in 2009 3)Three-quarters of a million teens between 15 and 19 become pregnant each year. 4)Out of all teen pregnancies, 57% end in birth. 5)Two-thirds of teen pregnancies occur among teens 18-19 years old. 6)Teen mothers account for 11% of all births in the US. 7)Nearly a third of pregnant teenagers choose abortion. 8)Black teens have the highest teen pregnancy rate. 9)Teens who become pregnant are less likely to attend college. 10)14% end in miscarriage.

Page 9: Jerk

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Page 10: Jerk

Your business tag line here.

Imagine going home everyday after school relaxed coming

to a loving family that cares for you. Now imagine coming home to a stressful worrisome world where your parents

consistently beat you from the time you walk in the door till

you fall asleep, your sleep is incidentally cause by a blow to

your temple from the louis-vill slugger…. GRAND SLAM.

Every day there are adolescents that are beaten percus-

sively by their abusive parents. These actions often unno-

ticed by friends, co-workers ,the mail-man and even the

swimming coach, these victims often make up excuses for their welts, cigarette burns and many more. There are many

other options you can do about these problems such as

consult a teacher, janitor or your IT guy.



P A G E 1 0

Kenneth Zed

Page 11: Jerk

The youth of today are being para-

lyzed by obesity. Fast food restaurants

have become a security blanket for

youth choosing the delicious double big

Mac over the garden salad and supple-

menting French fries for carrot sticks.

At this rate our generation is expected

to die off before our elders. The healthy

choice is not seen as the

cool choice, Wendy baconaters are

much more appealing then mom’s

homemade whole grain turkey sand-


Although sports are still actively

taken part in, it still isn’t enough to

overcome the calories indulged by the

youth of today. More emphasis on exer-

cising needs to be talked about in

schools and action needs to be taken in

order to prevent the epidemic of


An excellent and extremely

popular source of healthy living

and way of exercising is running.

Running is accessible to everyone,

it is free and does not require

teaching. It requires no skill what

so ever, as one can run at any

pace, for any distance they wish.

Running is exhilarating the wind at

your back at any giving time you

can increase your speed and reach

your highest athletic potential.

This not only continuously builds

muscle, increases endurance it im-

portantly gets you women. Thick

awesome muscular thighs and a

back of an angel, no man or

women could ever resist.

Running is not only an action

or a source of exercise it is a way

of life, and a tool used by many in

order to create active minds and

successful living. It is imperative

that an individual reach their high-

est potential, as they will achieve

true happiness and the key to a

long an eventful life.

Running To Victory!

P A G E 1 1

Kenneth Zed

Page 12: Jerk

disease was expressed fantas-

tically I think in Jerk, Califor-

nia. Like in the book, the per-

son with tourettes always

seems to believe that they are

almost lesser than other peo-

ple, and no one should ever

feel this way because every-

body is equal. Lastly, some-

body with tourettes may not

have as easy of a time at

home than others, many par-

ents could become frustrated

with a child in these circum-

stances. As well as neglect

the child to the point where

The usual struggles of some-

body with tourettes is quite

obvious, they are forced to

with take numerous counts of

bullying from schoolmates,

it’s terrible, but in today’s

society kids never learn. An-

other struggle that hampers a

person with tourettes is the

problem of maintaining your

focus and temper at times

where you can’t keep still and

or can’t stop talking. Besides

these fairly obvious struggles,

there is a few that are not so

apparent when you look at

those with tourettes. One is

the way it effects the personal

emotionally, this part of the

they were alone and not

wanted, and no child or adult

should have to go through


As everyone out there

should already know no hu-

man should every be bullied,

neglected, or ridiculed no

matter the situation, and I can

only hope that a person with

tourettes, gets treated just like

any other, because on the in-

side we are all the same.

Disadvantages of

Have you ever wondered what it

would be like to live in the body of

somebody with a disease that at any

moment could ultimately control

what you do and say? Tourettes is a

disease that affects 200,000 people a

year in the United States alone, ac-

cording to

http://tourette13.tripod.com/, and it

does not just cause the jerking or the

inability to control what you say, it

affects so much more.

Tourettes is a disease that con-

tains many noticeable and un-

usual symptoms, as well as

some unnoticeable symptoms.

These symptoms are typically

called tics and common tics are

eye blinking, coughing, throat

clearing, sniffing, and facial

movements. Unfortunately most

people who have the disease

usually are forced to endure a

difficult life, but it doesn’t al-

ways have to be difficult.

P A G E 1 2

Brendan Kelley

Page 13: Jerk

Tourettes Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a "neurological or "neurochemical" disorder which causes you to tic -- involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocaliza-tions that occur repeatedly in the same way" The cause of TS has not been found, but research shows that the disorder comes from the abnormal metabolism of at least one brain chemical called dopamine, probably other neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, are also involved in the cause. In 1825 the first case of TS was reported by Dr. Itard. It was a about women whose symptoms included involuntary tics of many parts of her body and various vocalizations and coprolalia (involuntary swearing) She lived to the age of 86. Tourettes was named after Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette. The most common Symptoms of Tourettes is a facial tic, like rapidly blinking eyes or twitches of the mouth. Other signs include; involuntary sounds, such as throat clearing and sniffing, or tics from the legs or arms. The symptoms include:

* Multiple motor and one or more vocal tics at

some time. * The tics happen many times a day nearly every day or throughout a span of more than one year; * The change in the number, frequency, type and location of the tics, disappear for weeks or months at a time On set before the age of 18. There has been a lot of controversy because The term "involuntary" used to describe TS tics, some people don't believe its the right word because it is known that most peo-ple with TS do have some control over the symp-toms. What we know is that the control that can be shown from seconds to hours at a time, can only postpone more severe outbursts. Tics are experi-enced as irresistible as the urge to sneeze and must eventually be expressed. Since many people with TS have yet to be diag-nosed, there are no abso-lute percent of how many people have Tourettes. Recent studies show that the figure may be one in one hundred. There are different Cate-gories for tics: Simple:

* Motor - Eye blinking,

head jerking, shoulder shrugging and facial grim-acing; * Vocal - Throat clear-ing, yelping and other noises, sniffing and tongue clicking. Complex: * Motor - Jumping, touching other people or things, smelling, twirling about and, self-injury ac-tions including hitting or biting yourself (this is rare) * Vocal - Uttering ordi-nary words or phrases out of context, repeating a sound, word or phrase just heard and in rare cases, swearing Sadly, At this point in time, there is no cure for TS. Data shows that the tic symptoms tend to sta-bilize and become less severe in adult life, luckily, Those diagnosed with TS can live a normal life span.

P A G E 1 3 Kaitlyn Paul

Page 14: Jerk

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