Jeff Kinley | Pre-order Bonus€¦ · irrefutable evidence regarding the existence of yeti or the Abominable Snowman. ... explorers, climbers, and legend hunters have searched and

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Chapter 1

Antichrist: Symbol of Evil, or Flesh and Blood?

Question addressed: Is Antichrist an actual, coming historical figure?

It was 1951 when Eric Shipton, a former tea grower turned mountain climber, made a daring

attempt to ascend the world’s tallest summit, Mount Everest. As he climbed upward, Shipton

broke with conventional protocol, choosing to look for an alternate route up the massive

mountain. During an arduous trek across the Menlung Glacier, the British explorer and his co-

climber, Dr. Michael Ward, stumbled upon a curious find. It was an unusual impression in the

snow in the shape of a humanlike footprint, only much larger. Immediately reaching for his

camera, Shipton placed his ice ax next to the impression to show scale and then snapped what

would later become an iconic photograph. This image captured what many believe to be

irrefutable evidence regarding the existence of yeti or the Abominable Snowman.

Since that time, explorers, climbers, and legend hunters have searched and scoured the

Himalayan region in efforts to locate and identify the elusive, oversized, apelike creature. Some

have claimed to have found similar footprints, heard eerie noises, and even obtained hair

samples. A Western version of yeti soon emerged, dubbed Bigfoot or Sasquatch, complete with

its own unique folklore. But despite widespread chatter regarding the supposed snow beast, no

conclusive evidence of its existence has ever been presented. And aside from the local Nepalese

who keep the monster’s legend alive for tourists, most scientists now believe the footprint and

hair evidence can be traced to a bear, indigenous to that region.1

For millennium, humanity has nurtured a fascination with mythical monsters and urban

legends. These fabricated tales and traditions have long held our attention, not because they’ve

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been proven real due to hard evidence in their favor, but rather owing more to culture’s romance

with such mythic creatures. In short, we want to believe they’re real. But at the end of the day,

reason wins out, and we are forced to concede our fictional fantasy. And we eventually view

with a sense of pity those who maintain constant vigil in their search of such phantom “missing


Sadly, in the godless and skeptical age in which we live, the claims of Christianity are often

lumped into a similar category of fairy-tale legends. Like those who adamantly argue for the

existence of Sasquatch, Christ-followers are today mocked for believing in their God, or what

atheists sometimes refer to as the Flying Spaghetti Monster. To these unbelievers, Jesus and the

Bible are among the legion of urban legends circulating among the superstitious. They assert

that, like most other myths, the Bible’s claims merely give the gullible “something to believe in.”

Bigfoot and the Bible

Before embarking on a journey in search of Antichrist, we must first establish whether we are

merely chasing Bible prophecy’s own version of Bigfoot. At the heart of this issue is whether

there is credible evidence Antichrist is an actual coming historical figure or simply Scripture's

rendition of the ultimate bogeyman. We must determine whether there are sufficient reasons to

believe in a real person called Antichrist. Or is he, like Shipton’s creature, an elusive beast

existing only in our fantasies?

It all boils down to this: Did the apostle John, upon penning Revelation, simply conjure up

this character in his mind, or was it given to him by divine revelation?

That there is something or someone the Bible calls “antichrist” is undeniable. And if the

Bible is credible and worthy of our trust, then the existence of a future Antichrist is simply a

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matter of fact, regardless of who believes it. If, however, the Bible cannot be trusted concerning

this claim, then it certainly cannot be relied upon in other areas as well. For if Scripture gets it

wrong about history and prophecy, then how can we confidently trust it when speaking about

basic Christian theology, truth, and salvation?

That being said, I see four possibilities concerning what this antichrist could potentially be:

1. Antichrist is a figment of John's imagination, nothing more than the ramblings of an aged,

exiled Jew. You could chalk up John’s bizarre literary tale to “Post Traumatic Stress from Being

Boiled in Oil Syndrome.”2 In which case, perhaps we should pity him—bless his heart. Of

course, if this is true, nothing in Revelation should be taken seriously or be considered

trustworthy or applicable to our lives.

2. Antichrist is a symbol, pointing to something other than an individual—perhaps a

governmental system, a secret committee of world leaders, or even artificial intelligence.

3. Antichrist is merely representative language, personifying the principle of evil itself. He is

not physical but rather abstract and metaphysical. But, if Antichrist is merely a concept pointing

to the general principal of evil, then what do the rest of the characters and events found in

Revelation represent? Are they also literary devices meant to illustrate additional spiritual truths?

And with what authoritative deciphering tool do we determine their supposed symbolic


4. Antichrist is a real man and will appear in the end times exactly as the Bible describes.

It is critical to recognize that how one arrives at a conclusion concerning the nature and

reality of Antichrist is determined by the interpretive approach to prophecy and the Bible as a

whole. If the predictions of prophetic books like Daniel and Revelation are deemed too bizarre to

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be taken literally, then perhaps options 2 and 3 above are the most reasonable. If John's

recordings are seen as too unbelievable to be true, then it is John himself who must be viewed

with great suspicion. For who but a deranged old man dealing with the trauma and despair of

exile would experience such hallucinogenic scenarios as depicted in the book of Revelation?

And if this be the case, then how can we ever be confident John's recollection of the life and

times of Jesus Christ as recorded in his gospel are credible? Not to mention his three epistles.

And there goes one-fifth of the New Testament.

This highlights an important truth that is often neglected within the Christian church today.

The Bible is not a buffet mixture of truth, myth, history, and fantasy where we choose what

appeals to us and then leave the rest behind. Quite the contrary, it is a God-breathed chain of

revelation containing thousands of interconnected truth-links. If even one link proves to be false,

or fails, then the entire chain is broken and comes apart. Either all of the Bible is trustworthy or

none of it can be fully relied upon. Scripture’s doctrines have a domino effect on one another in

terms of our confidence in them. As one goes, so go the others. If one falls by proving to be

false, the others immediately become suspect as well.

So the first stepping-stone on our journey is recognizing the veracity and complete inerrancy

of Scripture.

Interpretation vs. Opinion

As we survey the Bible, we find no evidence, either in past prophetic Scriptures or in the

book of Revelation itself, that Antichrist refers to anything other than a specific, single

individual. Further, if the Bible depicts Jesus Christ as a historical figure who walked upon the

earth, then it follows that the one who is called Antichrist would also correspond to a real person.

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If the authentic Messiah was real, the counterfeit Christ must also be real. Otherwise, the title

Antichrist is stripped of its corresponding meaning.3

The questions we face when encountering Antichrist in Scripture are the same as when we

engage Bible prophecy in general, namely, does the text mean what it says? Can it be understood

and interpreted plainly and literally? Does the original Hebrew or Greek shed any grammatical

light on its interpretation? Is it a symbolic representation, illustration, or picture of some other

literal reality? What does the immediate context tell us? And what does the rest of Scripture say?

Obviously, the majority of Revelation (95 percent) falls into the category of Bible prophecy.

As such, it is a unique biblical genre distinct from other more easily understood books, such as

the Law (Genesis–Deuteronomy), History/Narrative (Joshua–Esther, Gospels, Acts),

Wisdom/Poetry (Job–Lamentations), and Letters/Epistles (Romans–Jude). All told, prophecy

makes up about 28 percent of the entire Bible.

So, the question becomes, Do we interpret and understand prophetic books and passages any

differently than we do the rest of the Bible? Well, yes and no. When attempting to interpret and

understand the Bible, the same rules apply to every passage of Scripture no matter what the

genre. And a general rule of thumb is that Scripture is to be interpreted plainly, historically,

grammatically, and contextually. In other words, the Bible is not a hidden document to be

decoded. It is not a library of cryptic hieroglyphics. To the contrary, God composed Scripture for

the average person to understand and obey. So, for example, when Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am

the way, the truth, and the life; and no one comes to the Father except by Me,” He meant exactly

what He said.

However, this doesn't automatically guarantee that we can immediately comprehend the

meaning of every verse in Scripture upon first glance. Some passages require more in-depth

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study than others. Understanding the Bible plainly also doesn't mean we ignore symbols,

parables, metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech. Jesus claimed, “I am the door,”

speaking metaphorically, not literally.4 There are figures of speech used in the Bible. And yet,

the “door” Jesus spoke of still referred to something actual and real: the way of salvation.

Context is always our first clue in interpretation.

But this is precisely where a lot of people get lost when encountering Bible prophecy. Many

of the prophecies we read in Daniel and Revelation employ what can be confusing symbolic

language. In those books we see statues, stars, horns, bowls, beasts, heads, serpents, riders on

horses, and representative measurements of time. Even so, the use of symbols does not alter the

way we interpret the meaning of those symbols. Sometimes, the symbol is actually interpreted

for us, as in Revelation 5:8, where “bowls of incense” refer to the prayers of the saints. We know

this because their meaning is revealed in the very same verse. There are many other examples in

Daniel and Revelation of the Bible interpreting itself.

For example:

• The “great city, Sodom and Egypt” in Revelation 11:8 is Jerusalem.

• The woman and child of Revelation 12:1–2 are revealed as Israel and Christ.

• The phrase “time, times, and a half a time” in Revelation 12:14 is explained as 1,260

days in Revelation 12:6.

• The great prostitute of Revelation 17:1 is the great city Babylon (17:18).

• The ten horns of Revelation 17:12 are revealed as ten kings (in the same verse).

• The seven kings (heads) of Revelation 17:9–10 and 12 are understood when we view

history contextually from John's first-century perspective.

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But unless the immediate context of the passage or the greater background of Scripture

suggests otherwise, it’s best to understand a passage or word plainly and literally as it is written.

The Evidence Speaks

That brings us back to the subject of Antichrist. Is there scriptural evidence to suggest this

word refers to an actual person? I believe there is, and here’s why.

The word antichrist is used five times in the New Testament, and each time it refers to an

individual, individuals, or the spirit of a specific individual.5 This person is given other names

and descriptions in Scripture as well, such as:

§ The little horn (Daniel 7:8)

§ A king, who is insolent and skilled in intrigue (Daniel 8:23)

§ The prince who is to come (Daniel 9:26)

§ One who makes desolate (Daniel 9:27)

§ The king who does as he pleases (Daniel 11:36)

§ The foolish shepherd (Zechariah 11:15)

§ The man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

§ The son of destruction (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

§ The lawless one (2 Thessalonians 2:8)

§ The antichrist (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7)

§ The deceiver (2 John 1:7)

§ The rider on a white horse (Revelation 6:2)

§ The beast coming up out of the sea (Revelation 13:1)

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The Bible also describes him as possessing characteristics typically associated with an

individual rather than descriptive of an entity or group, and certainly not ones associated with a

“principle.” Antichrist is described as one who: exalts himself above every god (Daniel 11:36),

speaks monstrous things against the God of gods (Daniel 11:36), refuses to regard the gods of

his fathers and has no desire for women (Daniel 11:37). All these names, descriptions, and

actions are clearly descriptive of and consistent with a real person.

We see further scriptural depictions of Antichrist as a real person through the words of:

• Daniel (Daniel 7:8, 20, 24–25; 8:23, 25; 9:27; 11:21, 24, 31, 36–37)

• Zechariah (Zechariah 11:15–17)

• Paul (2 Thessalonians 2:3–4, 8–9)

• John (1 John 2:18–19, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7)

• Jesus (Matthew 24:15, 24; Revelation 6:2; 11:7; 12:17; 13:1–18; 15:2; 16:13; 17:7;

19:20; 20:4, 10)

Still, while many today have no trouble with a literal interpretation of the prophecies

concerning Christ's first coming, death, and resurrection, they nevertheless are unwilling to

concede that Revelation’s future prophecies (for example, Antichrist) will also be literally

fulfilled (with perhaps the exception of Jesus’s second coming).

Some today view Revelation as merely a big book of symbols and metaphors describing not

future events but allusions to spiritual truths and principles. They interpret Revelation as divinely

inspired truths that happened to be packaged in apocalyptic language. However, this presents a

huge problem. We simply cannot cherry-pick our way through Bible prophecy, accepting as real

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only those predictions that, with the luxury of hindsight, we’ve already seen fulfilled. Instead, we

must remain consistent throughout all Scripture in our interpretation of it.

This interpretative issue proves critical when understanding the places, events, and people

portrayed in the prophetic book of Revelation. The method one uses in interpreting the Bible and

prophecy has profound implications regarding our understanding of God’s Word. For if there is

no coming person known as Antichrist, then our entire understanding of Revelation and the end

times shifts dramatically.

This is a critical point.

Without an Antichrist, there can be no judgments exactly as described in John’s vision. No

“666.” No Mark of the Beast. No 144,000 young Jewish males. And no Seal, Bowl, or Trumpet

judgments—at least not literal ones. But again, if Antichrist is not a real person, then what is he?

A governmental system? A malevolent metaphor? A machine? The internet?

If we cannot trust that Scripture’s specific prophecies will be fulfilled as they were written,

what confidence can we have that other prophetic predictions in Revelation will also come to

pass? If Revelation 6–18 isn’t real (the Tribulation), how can we know whether Revelation 19–

22 will be (second coming of Christ, millennial kingdom, new heavens and earth)?

In the final scene of Tom Hanks’s movie Castaway, Chuck Noland (Hanks) has pulled over

at a lonely intersection in the middle of nowhere, Texas. With miles of flat, barren land in every

direction, Noland pulls out his paper map and begins considering his options, when, out of the

blue, an attractive woman pulls up in an old pickup truck. The woman (Bettina Peterson)


Bettina Peterson: You look lost. Chuck Noland: I do? Bettina Peterson: Where're you headed?

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Chuck Noland: Well, I was just about to figure that out. (Bettina then points to each direction, describing to Noland where each will take him). Bettina Peterson: Well, that's 83 South. And this road here will hook you up with I-40 East. If you turn right, that'll take you to Amarillo, Flagstaff . . . California. And if you head back that direction, you'll find a whole lot of nothing all the way to Canada.

Much like those Texas roads, choosing which interpretive method you follow when

approaching Revelation and Bible prophecy will greatly determine your ultimate destination and

your understanding of the subject. Choose one road and you will end up with a vastly different

conclusion concerning the people, places, events, and the timeline of prophecy than the others.

The road traveled in this book is paved with a literal, grammatical, historical, and contextual

approach. And that approach leads me and many others to the strong belief that Antichrist is a

man and is very real indeed. Just as the Old Testament prophets understood a literal Messiah

would come, Scripture also predicts a literal antiMessiah.

The Bible paints a portrait of a world leader who will arise in planet Earth’s last days. You

can be assured that he is no myth or mere religious folklore. He is legit, and he is coming.

And that prophetic reality is a whole lot more interesting—and important—than Bigfoot.

1 http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/11/so-much-abominable-snowman-study-finds-yeti-dna-belongs-bears. 2 Tertullian wrote of John’s boiling experience at the hands of Rome, http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0311.htm. 3 Elsewhere in Scripture, Paul demonstrates the reality of sin and reconciliation by comparing the historicity of Adam with the reality of Christ (Romans 5:12–21). Without a real Adam, his truth comparison would have no correlation or significance. The same is true regarding Antichrist. 4 John 10:9. 51 John 2:18, 22; 4:3, 2 John 1:7.

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Chapter 2

An Ancient Ambition Reborn

Question addressed: Why will there be an antichrist?

Of all the great mysteries that have ever puzzled the mind of man, perhaps none is more

perplexing than the origin of the universe. Since the dawn of time, humankind has pondered the

age-old question, How did it all begin? And out of this quest was born everything from

metaphysical myths and legends to religious folklore. That's because embedded within the

human spirit is the desire to know these things. We possess an inherent interest in understanding

who we are, where we came from, and if possible why we exist.

And so, a curious planet asks, What event or process was the initial catalyst that ultimately

caused the existence of space, time, and matter? What is responsible for giving birth to such

mind-boggling realities as dark stars and DNA, atoms and atmosphere, electrons and the human

eye? Among atheist scientists, and even some Christian leaders, the answer to that enigma, they

say, is easily explained through an event popularly known as the Big Bang. Succinctly put, once

upon a “time” there was an infinitely dense “singularity” that exploded and resulted in the

universe. Where this matter originated from, they confess, “We don't know.”1

Even so, since we are able to observe the universe expanding, they conclude it must be

emanating from a common source. Sort of like a visible shock wave from a concentrated blast.

Using mathematical formulas and mapping what has been dubbed the “Cosmic Microwave

Background,” or the echo effect, scientists now believe, with reasonable certainty, they can

reconstruct the origins of the initial explosion that caused the cosmos some fourteen billion years


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Incredible, huh?

Today, this Big Bang theory is highly regarded as the standard cosmological model for the

beginning . . . of everything.

In other words, if you really want to understand the universe and humanity, there’s no way

around it, you simply have to go back to the Big Bang.

Back to the Future

However, for most Christians, Scripture has its own version of the universe’s beginnings, and

one that differs greatly from a narrative involving billions of years and a preexisting bundle of

something about the size of a peach.3 While scientists, philosophers, and educators vehemently

maintain the galaxies spontaneously began using preexisting matter, Christians claim that the

universe (and all there is) was supernaturally brought forth by the divine decree of an eternal

Creator. And that He did this by simply speaking it all into existence.4

In other words, if you really want to understand the universe and humanity, you have to go

back to God.

Obviously, for the atheist, the idea or belief that some invisible Being created the universe,

earth, and mankind in six, twenty-four-hour days is a proposition that seems not only unscientific

but also untenable. Not to mention preposterous. The Bible’s account of how all these created

things will one day come to an end is also dismissed as unbelievable. Scripture’s apocalyptic

prophecies are routinely mocked and ridiculed as fictional scare tactics used by Christian

conservatives to frighten people into “getting saved”—and into handing over their wallets.

Equally inconceivable to them are Bible prophecies concerning a man called Antichrist.

Regardless of one’s belief system, however, there remain only two options regarding this coming

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man of sin and his rule upon the earth. 1) It’s all true and is definitely going to happen, or 2) It’s

false and just another example of the Bible’s future fairy tales. In which case Revelation reads

more like World War Z than the divinely inspired Scripture it claims to be.

Considering the fact that the Bible is batting one thousand, with a 100 percent accuracy rate

with regard to past prophecies, I’m going to put my money on Scripture with this one. Even so,

in order for us to fully understand and appreciate the phenomenon of the coming Antichrist, we

have to go back to his beginnings. Back before his future rise to power. Long before his birth.

Before the prophecies concerning him were penned. Even before Adam and Eve’s fall in the

garden. All the way back to the very beginning—to the one in whom sin was born.

In other words, you cannot fully understand Antichrist until you get an understanding of


Like an explanatory movie flashback, the Bible rewinds history for us, scrolling in reverse

to an unknown moment in time. Once there, we are given a behind-the-scenes glimpse into what

set in motion the process that will eventually produce Satan’s counterfeit messiah.

The story begins with a heavenly angel named Lucifer. Created by God, this supernatural

being was part of a unique classification of angels called cherubim. As is the case with many

other heavenly realities, this angelic class possessed a beauty and power that is almost beyond

description and imagination. We find the first reference to the cherubim in Genesis 3:24, when

God stationed them at the gate of Eden’s garden after Adam and Eve were driven out. These

angels, armed with flaming swords, stood sentry there, guarding the way to the Tree of Life, lest

sinful humanity eat its fruit and live forever in their sinful state.

When we see the cherubim in Scripture, they appear to be primarily associated with God’s

glory, holiness, and a certain proximity to Him (Psalm 80:1; 99:1; Ezekiel 1:1, 4–14, 22–25; 10:1–

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22; 8:3; 10:4, 18–22; Hebrews 9:5). The two golden angels covering the ark of the covenant in the

Holy of Holies were cherubim (Exodus 25:17–22; 37:1–9.) These living beings radiate the

brilliance of God’s glory and holiness (Ezekiel 1:13). We also know from Scripture that they

possess the power to travel “like bolts of lightning” and that the sound of their wings is both loud

and authoritative.5 The Tabernacle and Temple also contained depictions of the cherubim.6

But what does Scripture specifically tell us about the cherub called Lucifer?

The prophet Ezekiel gave us a particular insight into this subject when describing the wicked

King (prince) of Tyre. The revelation he received contained a dual application, as it also depicts

the satanic entity behind his throne.

Again the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord God,

“You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. “You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx and the jasper; The lapis lazuli, the turquoise and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, Was in you. On the day that you were created They were prepared. “You were the anointed cherub who covers, And I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. “You were blameless in your ways From the day you were created Until unrighteousness was found in you. “By the abundance of your trade You were internally filled with violence, And you sinned; Therefore I have cast you as profane From the mountain of God. And I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the stones of fire.

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“Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, That they may see you.”’” (Ezekiel 28:11–17)

From this description, we discover several revealing characteristics of Satan’s original

power: position and position.

He was perfect in every way (12).

He possessed supernatural wisdom (12).

He was beautiful beyond description (12).

He is a created being (13).

He was present in the Garden of Eden (13).

He was once adorned with heavenly jewels (13).7

He was a “covering angel” (14), perhaps guarding the very throne of God.8

He dwelt in the presence of God, with close proximity to Him (14).9

He was without moral blemish (15).

He also witnessed the creation of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1; Job 38:7).

After reading such a description, you are likely left scratching your head, baffled as to

how could someone as wonderful as this become Satan. If so, then you are not alone.

Sin’s Birthday

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Something happened long ago in heaven that forever dismantled Lucifer’s privileged

existence, turning him into the wicked monster we see in the rest of Scripture. From the biblical

narrative, we can surmise that at some point between creation and Genesis 3, “unrighteousness”

was discovered in him.10 This first-ever sin is spelled out in five “I Will” assertions made by

Satan, recorded for us in Isaiah 14:13–14.

1. “I WILL ascend to heaven” (13).

But the question here is, why? Why would an angel in such an exalted and honored

state ever wish to risk losing it all? That is the question of the ages. And while we may

not be able to dissect all Lucifer’s motives in his epic fail, God does tell us it had

something to do with the angel becoming enamored with his own beauty and splendor

(Ezekiel 28:17).

2. “I WILL raise my throne above the stars (angels) of God” (13).

Filled with unholy ambition, Lucifer desired a throne and kingdom of his own,

including ruling over the angelic host and receiving worship from them. In this he would

partially succeed, as a third of the angelic host followed him in his rebellion (Matthew

12:16; Ephesians 2:2; Colossians 2:13–15; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Jude 1:6; Revelation 12:4).

3. “I WILL sit on the mount of assembly” (13).

Another reference to his attempt to reign over heaven and its angelic population.

4. “I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds” (14).

Lucifer pursues the ultimate, exalted position. Notice the Godward direction of his

ambition: “ascend,” “raise . . . above,” “mount,” “ascend above.” He seeks to occupy the

number one position in heaven and claim its kingship for himself.

5. “I WILL make myself like the Most High” (14).

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In his final arrogant assertion, Lucifer crescendos his declaration of independence

from God, making it abundantly clear that he intends to be God. Beyond just instigating

an angelic mutiny, he was consumed with incarnating the very essence of deity.

Rising above the angels.

Ruling over heaven.

Reimagining himself as God.

And that's how it happened. That's how sin was conceived. How pride and evil were born.

And how wickedness ultimately filled the earth. It is through this first-ever act of rebellion in

God’s universe that we are granted insight into the core nature of sin itself. In its essence, all sin

can be traced back to self-worship. Whether it be a single thought, attitude, act, or even a

lifestyle, every sin committed is essentially an exaltation of self above God and His authority.

And as such, sin is a direct affront to God’s character and an assault on His throne.

Which uncovers a hard, dark truth about us, namely that we are all natural-born sinners—

natural lovers of self and haters of God.11 We are moral mutineers. Rebels. Rejecters of God. Our

unredeemed souls breathe an atmosphere thick with self, and we are deeply in love with our own

fleshly desires and thoughts. Does that sound odd? Or does it make perfect sense to you? Do you

see the principle and power of sin and self-love at work in your own life?

Acknowledging this helps us better understand what David meant when he confessed he was

“born in sin” (Psalm 51:5). It also helps us comprehend Jesus’ demand that our love for Him

must be unparalleled, far above our love for the self-life (Luke 14:26–27; Matthew 10:39;

Galatians 2:20). Freedom from slavery to sin is best seen in a deliverance from self, which is

both an event and a process taught in Scripture (Romans 6:1–14; 7:15–25).

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By virtue of His existence, God is the rightful Ruler over the universe, heaven, earth, and

every human heart. And yet, as a planet of depraved humans, we stubbornly refuse to bow to

Him and submit to His authority. We reject His rule in our hearts, and, as a race, strip Him of His

authority over the universe. We don't even allow the Creator to be the Creator anymore, having

deleted Him from the story of man’s origin. Therefore, it is precisely in Lucifer’s rebellion that

we see our own stiff-necked refusal to acknowledge Him as Lord. We are like the Pharisees

whom Jesus rebuked: “You are of your father, the devil, and want to do the desires of your


And so, sin began in the heart of this once-privileged angel. But what else do we know about

him? In Scripture, we see approximately forty different titles and descriptions that help us draw a

more complete character sketch of Satan, including:

• Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12)13 • The (old) Serpent (Genesis 3:1; Revelation 12:9) • The Devil (Matthew 4:1) • The Dragon (Revelation 12:9) • Apollyon (Revelation 9:11) • The Prince of this world (John 12:31) • The Prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) • The god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) • The Accuser of the Brethren (Revelation 12:10) • The Evil One (Matthew 6:13; John 17:15; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 1 John 5:19) • Belial (2 Corinthians 6:15) • Beelzebul (Matthew 12:24) • Roaring Lion (1 Peter 5:8) • The Tempter (Matthew 4:3) • The Wicked One (Matthew 13:19) • Ruler of the Demons (Matthew 12:24)

Since his fall, Satan has lost all his holiness and position among the heavenly host. And what

about his original wisdom? Corrupted, perverted, and irreparably stained, that intellect and

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discernment is now used by him to deceive mankind through his many schemes (Ephesians

6:11). The new positions he now occupies on earth and in the spiritual realm enable him almost

unlimited access to humanity as he deploys his weapons of mass depravity.

The Devil’s Dream Lives On

Despite his decisive expulsion from heaven, Satan did not simply resign himself to defeat. He

entertained no thoughts of riding into the sunset to lead an obscure existence. There was no

remorse for his blasphemous offense. No repentance and no regret. Instead, he continued

swelling with arrogance. The Devil simply regrouped, reloaded, and prepared for a long-term

battle campaign against the King of kings. His next strategic strike against the Creator would be

to go after creation itself, specifically the newly formed Garden couple. Adam was God’s

prototype, the head of the human race. He and his wife, made innocent of sin, became the bull’s-

eye target of the great deceiver. And what was Satan’s original seductive message to mankind?

“You can be like God.”

Wait, where have we heard that before?

Jesus said, “The evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth

speaks from that which fills his heart.”14 When Satan tempts us to worship self, he is doing what

comes natural for him. He is acting out of his essence.

And this pattern has blazed a traceable trail of pride and self-deceit throughout humanity’s

story, really. We see it in Noah’s generation, so in love with self and sin that Moses records

“then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of

the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:6, emphasis added). We see it in

Nimrod, great-grandson of Noah. The name Nimrod in Hebrew means “rebel” and this “mighty

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hunter” and founder of the kingdom of Babel lived up to his name.15 Whether he was directly

involved with the design and building of the Tower of Babel is a matter of debate. But his

prideful spirit certainly inspired the construction of such a structure that represented rebellion

against heaven.16 Other pagan, pride-filled world rulers would follow in their own quests for

world domination: Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, the Caesars, conquerors, kings, and dictators,

including Stalin and Hitler. Truth be known, I wonder how many millions, if given the

opportunity to rule the word like a god, wouldn’t jump at the chance?

Both Scripture and history testify to the fact that Satan still wants to be in charge. And yet he

has been prevented thus far from seeing his dream become reality. But the clock is ticking, and

his day is coming. Yes, God has sovereignly scripted a prophetic plan for the last days. And

Satan has his end-times agenda as well. His plan includes ruling like the “God Most High,

Possessor of heaven and earth.”17 And one day, the Bible predicts, he will accomplish that dream

through a man. And maybe sooner than we expect.

Through mimicking heaven’s sovereign reign, Satan will effectively forge God’s signature

on the title deed to planet Earth and humanity through three unholy objectives: independence,

authority, and worship.

Antichrist will be the vessel through which he realizes those blasphemous and long-sought

desires. He is a man through whom the Devil channels his deepest, darkest cravings. With the

coming man of sin, an ancient evil is unleashed. During Antichrist’s rise to power, deception and

destruction converge like rivers to form a mighty torrent of terror. Like the one who empowers

him, his is a heart baptized in sin, enflamed with self-love, and engorged with an insatiable

desire to be like God.

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And we see that the rebellion that began in heaven long ago will culminate in the arrival of

the “willful king.”18

He is energized by evil, deputized by the Devil, and saturated in satanic pride.19 And he is

possessed—body, mind, and soul—by the demon Prince of Darkness.

Friend, a global darkness is coming to our world, and it has a name.


1 https://www.big-bang-theory.com. 2 https://www.space.com/33892-cosmic-microwave-background.html. 3 https://www.space.com/31192-what-triggered-the-big-bang.html. 4 Genesis 1:1; John 1:1–3, 10; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2. 5 Ezekiel 1:14; 10:5. 6 Exodus 25:17–22; 26:1, 31; 36:8; 1 Kings 6:23–35; 7:29–36; 8:6–7; 1 Chronicles 28:18; 2 Chronicles 3:7–14; 5:7–8; Hebrews 9:5. 7 We see similar groups of precious stones only two other places in Scripture: 1) On the high priest’s breastplate (Exodus 28:17–20), and 2) the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:18–20). 8 Obviously, God does not need protection or “guarding.” Angels, by their creation and nature, however, are an extension of God’s power, acting on His behalf. 9 The concept of the “mountain of God” is used in the Old Testament as the seat of God’s authority (Exodus 4:27; Psalm 2:6; 3:4; 43:3; 68:15; Isaiah 2:2; 11:9). 10 Satan’s fall must have occurred at some point after creation but before the fall. Scripture says he was with God at the time of creation, and he next appears in the garden. 11 Jeremiah 17:9; John 3:19–20; Romans 3:10–12, 23. 12 John 8:44. 13 Lucifer means “light-bearer” or the “bright shining one.” Serpent is from the Hebrew nahash, meaning “shining one.” And, of course, the New Testament describes him as disguising himself as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). 14 Luke 6:45. 15 Genesis 10–11. 16 Ancient Jewish historians maintain that Nimrod built the tower in direct defiance against God, lest He try to flood the earth again. They wanted a tower so high the floodwaters of divine wrath would be unable to reach them, https://www.ccel.org/ccel/josephus/complete.ii.ii.iv.html. 17 Genesis 14:19. 18 Daniel 11:38.

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19 Ezekiel 28:9–12; Revelation 13:4; Ezekiel 28:2; Daniel 8:25.

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