Jarlath Dooley 3/3/2011 Employee Engagement

Jarlath Dooley Staff Engagement

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Jarlath Dooley


Employee Engagement

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2008 - The Business Issue

• The Symptoms:– Falling Net Profit

– Customer Complaints

– Increasing Staff Turnover

• The Causes:– Low Engagement

– Fast growth – no time for process improvement

– Kicking the can down the road• Focus on managing the now – not on managing growth

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Strategic Triangle

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Strategic Triangle

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Strategic Triangle

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Strategic Triangle

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Extreme 1: Engagement = Holy Grail!

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Extreme 2: Disengagement =Holy S**t

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Engagement Hierarchy

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Engagement Hierarchy

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Engagement Hierarchy

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2 Basic Premises

• Premise 1: You cannot engage employees

• Premise 2: You can create the environment where ‘community can flourish’

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No society can remain vital or even survive without areasonable base of shared values. Where community exists, it confers upon its members, identity, a sense of belonging, a measure of security. A community has the power to motivate its members to exceptional performance. Community can set standards of expectations for the individual and provide the climate in which great things happen.

—JOHN W. GARDNER, FORMERProfessor, Activist, Author, Reformer,


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No society can remain vital or even survive without a reasonable base of shared values.

Where community exists, it confers upon its members, identity, a sense of belonging,

a measure of security.

A community has the power to motivate its members to exceptional performance.

Community can set standards of expectations for the individual and provide the

climate in which great things happen.

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– Run Appreciative Inquiry workshops

• http://www.appreciativeinquiryunlimited.com/Powerpoint/Short%20Presentation%20-%20Intro%20AI_files/frame.htm

– 2011 Strategy Development Program

• collaboration exercise involving 71 staff members

– Mission in Action

• included in induction, news, project briefs, customer bids, mandatory

companywide workshops

Over 60 HR initiatives!

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– Core Values

• built into recruitment, goals, career planning, performance mgt

– Communications

• ICG, Weekly News, Quarterly briefings, Team Meetings, CEO updates

– PMG established (People Management Group )

– Focus on Engagement points

• 1:1’s, email, meetings, career planning, performance reviews etc

– Change Management approach adopted for initiatives

– New Career Planning & Development model rolled out

HR Initiatives

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– New Rewards system based on performance

– Recognition programmes

– Communities of Practice

– Rotation Process introduced

– First Quarter Induction Process introduced

– Plus lots of other small initiatives such as CEO monthly

update, Quarterly themes relevant to the business, Open book

mgt, facilities improvements.

HR Initiatives

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Version 1 Rhythm - 2008

V1 Rhythm 2008

Objective setting Few & Far

Performance Mgt Annual (at best)

Staff Engagement Survey Seldom

Customer Satisfaction No real measure

Strategy Review Inconsistent

Company Briefings Two/three per year

Budgets Annual

Targets Mainly Annual

Key Account Plans Annual

Profit Share NA

Company Theme The odd one

Communications Sporadic

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Version 1 Rhythm 2010

V1 Rhythm 2008 2010

Objectives Few & Far Quarterly

Performance Mgt Annual (at best) Quarterly

Staff Engagement/Survey Seldom Quarterly

Customer Satisfaction No real measure Quarterly

Strategy Review Inconsistent Quarterly

Company Briefings Two per year Quarterly

Budgets Annual Quarterly

Targets Mainly Annual Quarterly

Key Account Plans Annual Quarterly

Profit Share NA Quarterly

Company Theme The odd one Quarterly

Communications Sporadic Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly

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Consistently Focus on Initiatives

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Consistent high engagement scores


Horrid Bizenvironment

Quarterly RhythmNow Established

Consistent High Scores

Start of HR Initiatives

2011 Strategy

0% NP

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How do we fare against Gallup?





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Very Good

Sustained Performance Improvement

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Net Profit


Revenue/Net Profit Growth

Highest Ever

Double Digit

NB: Figures are indicative only & are not based on actuals for confidentiality purposes.. The important point is the continuous improvement in both graphs through the programme

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Customer Engagement


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Growth in Company – staff numbers

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Key Messages

Build a Community not a Company

• Use Appreciative Inquiry as a kick off tool


• We all love to follow a Vision, feel Purpose and Share Values.

Build Confidence

• In leadership & the strategy – walk the talk, act on feedback

Know Your Community

• Take the temperature of engagement often.

Communicate Often

• You can’t over communicate

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Build an Appreciation Culture

• Remember to say “Thank You” often.

Work on Career Paths & Skills Development

• It is more important now than ever

You cannot fake it

– Don’t even try to engage insincerely!

It is simple, but it ain’t easy

– In fact it is very hard!