JAR vs IPG Two similar but very different documents Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014


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JAR vs IPG. Two similar but very different documents. Introduction. Similarities?. Introduction. Similarities? Tell judges how to act during tournaments Differences? Everything else!. Introduction. Similarities? Tell judges how to act during tournaments Differences? Everything else! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: JAR vs IPG

JAR vs IPGTwo similar but very different documents

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

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Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014


Page 3: JAR vs IPG

Similarities?◦ Tell judges how to act during tournaments

Differences?◦ Everything else!

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014


Page 4: JAR vs IPG

Similarities?◦ Tell judges how to act during tournaments

Differences?◦ Everything else!◦ Goals/Philosophy◦ Fixes/Deviations◦ Penalties/Education

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014


Page 5: JAR vs IPG

Quick quiz: who are Magic’s rivals?

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Regular

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Quick quiz: who are Magic’s rivals?

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Regular

Page 7: JAR vs IPG

“Most Magic players play for fun and see a tournament as a social event.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Regular

Page 8: JAR vs IPG

“Most Magic players play for fun and see a tournament as a social event.”

“Regular REL encourages a welcoming atmosphere and friendly competition.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Regular

Page 9: JAR vs IPG

“Most Magic players play for fun and see a tournament as a social event.”

“Regular REL encourages a welcoming atmosphere and friendly competition.”◦ 97% of the tournaments were regular, only 3%

were competitive (France, 2013)◦ 12% of the players with a DCI-number have

played in a competitive tournament (France, 2013)

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Regular

Page 10: JAR vs IPG

Are competitive tournament not social events?

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Competitive

Page 11: JAR vs IPG

Are competitive tournament not social events?◦ =>They are

Is the atmosphere not welcoming?

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Competitive

Page 12: JAR vs IPG

Are competitive tournament not social events?◦ =>They are

Is the atmosphere not welcoming?◦ => We try to make it so

So what’s different?

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Competitive

Page 13: JAR vs IPG

Are competitive tournament not social events?◦ =>They are

Is the atmosphere not welcoming?◦ => We try to make it so

So what’s different?◦ => The investment of the players!◦ “These are events that protect the interests of all

players by providing event integrity”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - Competitive

Page 14: JAR vs IPG

Regular◦ Fun before competition◦ Everyone is welcomed

Competitive◦ Protect the players’ investment

Both are customer service, but with different priorities

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Goals/Philosophy - summary

Page 15: JAR vs IPG

Fix: changes to the game state made by a judge after an infraction (can be no changes)

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes/Deviations - definitions

Page 16: JAR vs IPG

Fix: changes to the game state made by a judge after an infraction (can be no changes)

Deviation: choosing to do something other than what the document prescribes, concerning the fix or the penalty

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes/Deviations - definitions

Page 17: JAR vs IPG

Found in the “Common issues” paragraph. Infraction description followed by fix Example:

◦ “A player sees a card in a library that he or she shouldn’t have seen

◦ This is easily fixed by shuffling the card seen into the unknown portion of the library. Make sure to check if any player knows of any cards in the library (because an effect sent them to the bottom, for example), and ensure your fix preserves those cards.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - JAR

Page 18: JAR vs IPG

“If a player accidentally breaks a rule, apply the best remedy described below.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes/Deviations - JAR

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“If a player accidentally breaks a rule, apply the best remedy described below.”

“If your situation isn’t covered here, use common sense to make the best ruling you can.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes/Deviations - JAR

Page 20: JAR vs IPG

“If a player accidentally breaks a rule, apply the best remedy described below.”

“If your situation isn’t covered here, use common sense to make the best ruling you can.”

Some situations let you choose between two fixes◦ Examples : putting a forgotten trigger on the

stack or not, don’t do it if significant decisions have been made

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes/Deviations - JAR

Page 21: JAR vs IPG

“[…], we can do our best to fix the situation as fairly as possible.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes/Deviations - JAR

Page 22: JAR vs IPG

“[…], we can do our best to fix the situation as fairly as possible.”

“Focus on educating the players and keeping the game going rather than worrying about the impact on the game”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes/Deviations - JAR

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Name◦ Game Play Error – Drawing Extra Cards

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

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Name Penalty

◦ Game Loss

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

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Name Penalty Definition

◦ When is this infraction commited?

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

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Name Penalty Definition Examples

◦ Illustrates the definition

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

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Name Penalty Definition Examples Philosophy

◦ Why is it an infraction. How the penalty may vary depending on the infraction.

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

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Name Penalty Definition Examples Philosophy Additional Remedy

◦ The fix

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

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Every word counts!

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

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Every word counts!◦ Example: “If the player received confirmation

from his or her opponent before drawing the card (including confirming the number of cards when greater than one), the infraction is not Drawing Extra Cards.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

Page 31: JAR vs IPG

Every word counts!◦ Example: “If the player received confirmation

from his or her opponent before drawing the card (including confirming the number of cards when greater than one), the infraction is not Drawing Extra Cards.”

◦ Example: “If the information needed to verify the legality was ever in a uniquely identifiable position (such as on top of the library or as the only card in hand) after the infraction was committed, do not upgrade the penalty and reveal the information if possible.

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Fixes - IPG

Page 32: JAR vs IPG

“Only the Head Judge is authorized to issue penalties that deviate from these guidelines.

The Head Judge may not deviate from this guide’s procedures except in significant and exceptional circumstances or a situation that has no applicable philosophy for guidance.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Deviations - IPG

Page 33: JAR vs IPG

“Significant and exceptional circumstances are rare — a table collapses, a booster contains cards from a different set, etc.

The Rules Enforcement Level, round of the tournament, age or experience-level of the player, desire to educate the player, and certification level of the judge are NOT exceptional circumstances.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Deviations - IPG

Page 34: JAR vs IPG

“If another judge feels deviation is appropriate, he or she must consult with the Head Judge.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Deviations - IPG

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“If another judge feels deviation is appropriate, he or she must consult with the Head Judge.”

Don’t deviate!!

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Deviations - IPG

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Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014


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Only two kind of penalties given at Regular tournaments

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - JAR

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Only two kind of penalties given at Regular tournaments

Game Loss◦ “A player continuing to make the same mistake

despite repeated reminders may be warned that the next occurrence will result in a Game Loss.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - JAR

Page 39: JAR vs IPG

Only two kind of penalties given at Regular tournaments

Game Loss◦ “A player continuing to make the same mistake

despite repeated reminders may be warned that the next occurrence will result in a Game Loss.”

◦ “Hopefully this final step will not be required, but knowing it is possible should get the player to correct their behavior.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - JAR

Page 40: JAR vs IPG

Only two kind of penalties given at Regular tournaments

Game Loss◦ “A player continuing to make the same mistake

despite repeated reminders may be warned that the next occurrence will result in a Game Loss.”

◦ “Hopefully this final step will not be required, but knowing it is possible should get the player to correct their behavior.”

◦ “Focus on educating the players and keeping the game going rather than worrying about the impact on the game.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - JAR

Page 41: JAR vs IPG

Only two kind of penalties given at Regular tournaments

Game Loss Disqualification

◦ “Certain actions will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Every effort should be made to educate players before and during events; however, ignorance is not an acceptable defence of these actions.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - JAR

Page 42: JAR vs IPG

Only two kind of penalties given at Regular tournaments

Game Loss Disqualification

They are extremely rare

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - JAR

Page 43: JAR vs IPG

“Rules violations usually require a penalty or they are unenforceable”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - IPG

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“Rules violations usually require a penalty or they are unenforceable”

“The purpose of a penalty is to educate the player not to make similar mistakes in the future.”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - IPG

Page 45: JAR vs IPG

“Rules violations usually require a penalty or they are unenforceable”

“The purpose of a penalty is to educate the player not to make similar mistakes in the future.”

“Penalties are also for the deterrence and education of every other player in the event”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - IPG

Page 46: JAR vs IPG

“Rules violations usually require a penalty or they are unenforceable”

“The purpose of a penalty is to educate the player not to make similar mistakes in the future.”

“Penalties are also for the deterrence and education of every other player in the event”

“[Penalties] are also used to track player behavior over time”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - IPG

Page 47: JAR vs IPG

“Any time a penalty is issued, the judge must explain to the players involved the infraction the procedure for fixing the situation and the penalty”

“The level of penalty an infraction carries is based on these factors: …”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - IPG

Page 48: JAR vs IPG

“[…], desire to educate the player, […] are NOT exceptional circumstances”

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - IPG

Page 49: JAR vs IPG

“[…], desire to educate the player, […] are NOT exceptional circumstances”

Make sure you are not “coaching” a player

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Penalties/Education - IPG

Page 50: JAR vs IPG

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Key points

Page 51: JAR vs IPG

JAR:◦ Make it welcoming for everyone◦ Apply the document’s fixes when appropriate,

improvise otherwise◦ No penalties for honest mistakes, discussion first

for unwanted behaviour. Focus on education

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Key points

Page 52: JAR vs IPG

JAR:◦ Make it welcoming for everyone◦ Apply the document’s fixes when appropriate,

improvise otherwise◦ No penalties for honest mistakes, discussion first

for unwanted behaviour. Focus on education IPG:

◦ Protect the players’ investment◦ Apply the document

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Key points

Page 53: JAR vs IPG

JAR:◦ Make it welcoming for everyone◦ Apply the document’s fixes when appropriate,

improvise otherwise◦ No penalties for honest mistakes, discussion first

for unwanted behaviour. Focus on education IPG:

◦ Protect the players’ investment◦ Apply the document◦ Really apply the document; each word counts!

Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Key points

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Pierre Laquerre - Gérard Terpin - GP Vienna 2014

Questions ?