ACS Green Press Army Community Service (ACS) Fort Drum, New York January 2013 Regarding resilience: Tips, tools and tech- niques for practic- ing resilience everyday 2 Landing Your Dream Job 3 Financial Stress Effects the Whole Family 4 Spouse in the Spotlight-Monika Flom 5 Army Family Action Plan 6 Making New Year’s Resolutions With Your Children 7 ACS Calendar of Events 8 ACS Contacts 9 Inside this issue: ~A tree free newsletter Direct questions / feedback To: Sarah Lynch : 772-5374 [email protected] New Year’s Resolutions with Army Community Service Maybe you want to volunteer or find employment? Come to ACS and meet with the Volunteer Corps Program Manager to match your particular skills with a volun- teer opportunity. Often times volunteerism leads to employment opportunities. The Employment Readiness Program, works diligently to help Soldiers and Families, as well as DA civilians, find employment now or upon separation of service. They offer classes to improve employability and develop skills needed to find employment. Whatever your resolution is, Army Community Service would like to help you succeed. If we don’t have what you are looking for, chances are, we know where you can find it. Happy New Year and best wishes. Remember, to Think ACS First! The new year is upon us. It’s that time again, when we spend New Year’s Eve reflecting on the past and looking ahead to the future. On the new year, we traditionally make New Year’s resolutions. We resolve to make changes such as spending more time with friends and Family, exercising more, quitting smoking or losing weight. The common themes are self improvement, better health and better relationships. While we, at Army Community Service (ACS), can’t make you skinny (even though we are located next to Monti Fitness Center and the new Mountain Functional Fitness Center), we can help with self improvement and mental well being. Have you noticed January is a long and often dreary month? It can definitely challenge your motivation to get out there and achieve those resolutions. Army Community Service would like to empower you to come in and check out what we have to offer. If your resolution is to treat the people in your life better or to build stronger relationships, ACS suggests attending resilience training. The Master Resilience Training (MRT) is a positive psychology that teaches you how to be psychologically strong during times of stress and adversity. The training helps students understand how their thought processes drive their actions and affect the consequences of their behaviors. It teaches people how to communicate effectively, build better relationships and become more resilient in every day situations. If, on the other hand, your resolution involves better money management, how about a budgeting or TSP class? Financial Readiness will also work with you one on one to help you reach your financial goals.

January Green Press 2013 pdf

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Page 1: January Green Press  2013 pdf

ACS Green Press

Army Community Service (ACS) Fort Drum, New York January 2013


resilience: Tips,

tools and tech-

niques for practic-

ing resilience



Landing Your Dream Job


Financial Stress

Effects the Whole



Spouse in the




Army Family

Action Plan


Making New Year’s Resolutions With Your Children


ACS Calendar of



ACS Contacts 9

Inside this issue:

~A tree free newsletter Direct questions / feedback To: Sarah Lynch : 772-5374 [email protected]

New Year’s Resolutions with Army Community Service

Maybe you want to volunteer

or find employment? Come to

ACS and meet with the

Volunteer Corps Program

Manager to match your

particular skills with a volun-

teer opportunity. Often times

volunteerism leads to

employment opportunities.

The Employment Readiness

Program, works diligently to

help Soldiers and Families, as

well as DA civilians, find

employment now or upon

separation of service. They

offer classes to improve

employability and develop

skills needed to find


Whatever your resolution is,

Army Community Service

would like to help you succeed.

If we don’t have what you are

looking for, chances are, we

know where you can find it.

Happy New Year and best

wishes. Remember, to

Think ACS First!

The new year is upon us. It’s that

time again, when we spend New

Year’s Eve reflecting on the past

and looking ahead to the future.

On the new year, we traditionally

make New Year’s resolutions.

We resolve to make changes such

as spending more time with

friends and Family, exercising

more, quitting smoking or losing

weight. The common themes are

self improvement, better health

and better relationships. While

we, at Army Community Service

(ACS), can’t make you skinny

(even though we are located next

to Monti Fitness Center and the

new Mountain Functional Fitness

Center), we can help with self

improvement and mental well


Have you noticed January is a

long and often dreary month?

It can definitely challenge your

motivation to get out there and

achieve those resolutions. Army

Community Service would like to

empower you to come in and

check out what we have to offer.

If your resolution is to treat

the people in your life

better or to build stronger

relationships, ACS suggests

attending resilience training.

The Master Resilience

Training (MRT) is a

positive psychology that

teaches you how to be

psychologically strong

during times of stress and

adversity. The training helps

students understand how

their thought processes

drive their actions and

affect the consequences of

their behaviors. It teaches

people how to

communicate effectively,

build better relationships

and become more resilient

in every day situations.

If, on the other hand, your

resolution involves better

money management, how

about a budgeting or TSP

class? Financial Readiness

will also work with you

one on one to help you

reach your financial goals.

Page 2: January Green Press  2013 pdf

ACS Green Press January 2013 Page 2

Regarding Resilience: Tips, tools and techniques

for practicing resilience everyday!

By Jenn Eichner, MRT 772-2848

I recently asked a few folks who have taken the MRT training if they are continuing to hunt the good stuff daily. Unfortunately the majority said no. When I asked why, they responded that it was hard or they would just simply forget. I didn't let them off the hook very easily. We have got to seek out, identify and articulate the good happening in our lives on a daily basis. If we don't it is too easy to become immune to seeing it at all. Good is all around us, but we tend to give the bad more of our attention. Most of us spend far more time worrying about what can go wrong or replaying setbacks than we do noticing and enjoying what has gone right. In fact, we actually need to teach ourselves to look for and acknowledge the positive things that also happen every day. An earlier article outlined how to start and what to write in a Hunt the Good Stuff journal. But maybe keeping a journal is not for you. Guess what –

that does not let you off the hook either! Find an avenue to record your good stuff that works for you so that it becomes a habit. Here are a few creative ideas: Start a Good Stuff Jar. Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good stuff each day. Then, on New Year’s Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year. Good way to keep things in perspective. Start a Good Stuff Chain: Cut out paper strips and write some good stuff on one as often as possible. Each day link the paper strips together to make a good stuff chain. Use your chain to brighten up your home, office, and/or car. Make a Good Stuff Ball: Start with a small bouncy ball. Each day, wrap a rubber band around the ball to symbolize good stuff that has happened in your day. Make it as big as you and enjoy watching it bounce. Remember the more resilience you show the more you stretch and bounce back!

Have You Been Hunting the Good Stuff ? Start a Good Stuff Bank: Drop spare change into a jar for each good thing that has happened in your day. At the end of the month/year treat yourself to something positive as a reward for training your mind to hunt the good stuff.

So, hunting the good stuff does not

need to be a challenge. As with all

change, it may take time to become a

habit. But if you will give it the time,

you will increase your hope, your opti-

mism and your overall mental and

physical health!

Happy hunting! Have a wonderful month – good luck and good thoughts!

11 February Module 3 9:30am-2:30pm

4 March Module 4 9:30am-2:30pm

All classes held at ACS Building call 772-0470/2848/0509 to make a


Refrigerators are available for use if you wish to bring a lunch!


ACS Master Resilience

Training Schedule

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Page 3 ACS Green Press January 2013

Landing Your Dream Job

Congratulations to the following Employment Readiness clients who have recently landed a job!

Kristen Dickerson DFAS Kelly Geagan Fairgrounds YMCA If you are an Employment Readiness Client, please let us know when you are offered a job so we can salute you!

Look Who’s On The Payroll!!!!!

Looking for employment is not an easy task, and at times landing a job may take weeks or even months. Why not land your dream job this year? By using an efficient process of setting goals, identifying what you need to accom-plish to meet those goals, and acting on your objectives, you can land the job of your dreams. What Do You Want? Studies have shown you’re more likely to be successful if you enjoy your work. Goal setting expert Adrian Loncraovich advises job seekers to visualize your dream job and start by listing the things you like to do. “The easiest way to pinpoint your dream job is to use visual aids, like a list or a mind map. It doesn't matter whether you use a pen and paper or a computer program -- getting everything written down where you can see it will help you get a clear picture of your job goal and what you need to do to get there.” Recognize Your Skills? Next, identify the things that you're good at. Are you good with numbers? Are you the person people call when their computer breaks down? Everyone has their own personal skill set. Start making a list of all the things you do well. Don't forget to include skills that you've developed in your work experience and/or volunteer activities, but do not limit yourself to only skills you have had formal training in. Once you have a list of skills, identify which of the skills you are best at, and num-ber them using "1" for your strongest skill and go from there. After you’ve made your list, you can start looking

for a job that involves doing something you like using the skills you are strongest in. If you're stuck, Army OneSource has a great career assessment tool that can help you get a sense for what’s out there. Visit their website www.myarmyonesource.com and look under the careers tab. Build A Plan. You have now identified your dream job, but what do you need to do to get there? Most careers require a specialized skill set so think about what you need to do to get that knowledge, if you do not already possess. Do you need to go back to school? Do you need to attend training seminars and get certified? The first goal you will set to achieving your dream job will be related to obtaining these training and skills you need to be successful. Take Action. The next set of goals to achieve your dream job involves creating a résumé. Start working in your field as early as possible, even if it's only part time or volunteer work. The more experience you have when you apply for your dream job, the more successful you will be in achiev-ing your goals. Stand Out From The Crowd. Start creating a demand for yourself as soon as you can to stand out amongst your competitors. If you're working part time or volunteering, make yourself stand out from the crowd by doing an above-average job. Whenever you are given an assignment, complete it to the best of your ability, and do not be reluctant to take on additional work if

you see an area where you can make a difference. By expressing your passion, you'll have built an above-average résumé that shows potential employers how hiring you will benefit their company. Build a Strong Network. In finding any job, knowledge and experience can only take you so far-- "It's not what you know, it's who you know.” Having a strong social network can open opportunities for you and help you enter into your dream job. Maybe you know a friend, who knows a friend, who works in the industry you are trying to enter into. You can also meet people within the field of your dream job by joining associations or attending conferences in the field. Consider the internet for expanding your social network. You can set up your own webpage, blog, or even create an account on social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter). The internet offers unlimited social networking potential, but it's up to you to take advantage of it. Love Your Job. The most important thing to remember about getting your dream job is that it won't happen overnight. Plan for the long term, but don't procrastinate when it comes to getting started. The first steps you take toward your goals are often the hardest, but if you don't start moving, you'll never get anywhere. So, what are you waiting for? GO! *Information adopted from Adrian Loncarovich, co-author of GoalEnforcer

Page 4: January Green Press  2013 pdf

Financial Stress Affects the Whole Family

problems and often can add to them.

The strain of parenting alone after the

divorce can lead to further stress from

financial problems.

So, what’s the bottom line? Stress can

be damaging to all of those involved.

Stress over finances is extremely

common among married couples.

Army Community Service (ACS) always

suggests a preventative course of

action. Here is a list of ways you can

alleviate the negative effects of stress

caused by financial concerns:

Don’t panic: For every financial

problem there is a solution, even if it

seems impossible.

Set goals: Financial goals keep you

focused, with an end in sight. You can

see your progress and celebrate your

accomplishments. Ask Financial

Readiness how to set financial goals

that will work for your individual

situation. Contact Financial Readiness

to discuss ways to get on track.

Think positive: ACS offers

resilience training to teach you

techniques for changing the way you

think about a situation as well as how

you react to the situation.

Financial stress is a leading cause of

stress on marriages and ultimately the

Family as a unit. In marriage,

whenever there is a lack of

communication about finances

combined with differences in

spending and saving habits, things can

go bad quickly.

In a relationship, financial stress can

lead to increased fighting between

husband and wife. Children pick up

on the stress their parents are feeling

as well as the strain on the Family.

It is important to realize that financial

stress affects the whole Family either

directly or indirectly. When left

unaddressed, financial problems can

cause children to act out in school,

regress to behaviors from a younger

age, have trouble eating and difficulty


In fact, financial stress is one of the

top ten factors contributing to

divorce. Worrying and arguing over

money can be emotionally trying.

Many couples have sited money

problems as a contributing factor to

their decision to divorce. Most often

divorce does not alleviate the financial

Page 4 January 2013 ACS Green Press

Work together: Couples need to

strengthen their bonds and remember

that marriage is a partnership. ACS

offers couples communication classes

and the chaplains frequently offer

marital retreats. The best part is they

don't cost you anything.

Get help if you need it: If you feel

overwhelmed and are in crisis, you can

talk to one of the Military and Family

Life Consultants with assurance that it

will remain confidential. You can also

take a stress management class through

our Family Advocacy Program.

Remember, everyone experiences stress

in one form or another, the difference

is, some people take actions to prevent

stress from damaging the wellbeing of

themselves and those they love. ACS

has many resources to promote a

healthy well balanced lifestyle. Come in

and discover how we can benefit you.




Start the new year with a financial plan


Tools to managing stress!

Call 772-6556/6557

Make an appointment with a financial counselor or sign up for one of the

classes that help alleviate stress and promote overall well being

Army Community Service has your tools for success!

Page 5: January Green Press  2013 pdf

Page 5 ACS Green Press January 2013

Monika came to Fort Drum in August of

last year from Fort Bliss. She and her

husband SGM Brian Flom, assigned to

1st Sustainment Brigade, 91st MP’s,

along with their daughter Alexandra

stayed at the Fort Drum Inn while they

awaited housing. Monika decided that

she wasn’t going to wait for housing

before getting involved in the Fort Drum

Community. Instead, she began to

network with other spouses and introduc-

ing herself right away.

It didn’t take Monika long to visit Army

Community Service and set herself and

her daughter up to go on the

Newcomer’s Tour with Relocation

Readiness. While on the tour, Monika

quickly formed friendships with the

tour participants and it became evident

to the staff that she had a knack for

talking to people and making them feel

at ease.

Monika has a passion for people! She

explained that she went door to door

with her friend Suzette Zehler to invite

spouses within their neighborhood to

come to a meet and greet at the

community center to get to know each

other. Well it didn’t take long for ACS

Outreach to ask Monika to join the

effort of reaching the community.

Since then, Monika volunteers an

average of five days a week for


Together we have been taking a grass

roots approach to making contact with

the Fort Drum community. We often

travel off base to housing communities

to set up meet and greets in an effort

to educate the Soldiers and Families

who live off post and may not be

aware of the services ACS has to offer


Monika is a valued addition to ACS

and the Fort Drum Community as a

whole. Her dedication to the Families

of Fort Drum is apparent to all. She

really believes in the value of ACS

programming and services and how

they benefit our Soldiers and Families.

She cares deeply about our Fort Drum

community and understands the

unique opportunities as well as the

challenges that come with the life of a

military spouse and Family member.

Monika is a wonderful person. If you

see her out and about in the

community, introduce yourself. She is

always looking for ways to enhance

the life of a Family member and make

new friends. Chances are, she proba-

bly knows of something you might be

interested in hearing about.

Building Community: In the Spotlight

ACS Introduces Monika Flom

“Without a sense of

caring, there can be no

sense of community”

~Anthony J. D’Angelo

Looking for ways to get involved? Wanting to make friends? Why not join one of these ACS groups? International Spouse Club (meets the third Friday of the month) Hearts Apart (deployment support group meets the first Friday of the month) SELF (women’s empowerment group meets the first Tuesday evening and the first

Wednesday morning of the month) ACS offers a variety of other groups based on time of the year and community feedback. Stop by and see what is going on today.

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Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Conference 28-29 January 2013

Submit Your Issues




ISSUE: What is the issue/problem?





SCOPE: Why is this an issue/problem?





RECOMMENDATION: Possible solutions?








Return your form to an Issue Box Location:

Army Community Service, Monti Physical Fitness Center,

Magrath Sports Complex, BOSS, Education Center, Clark

Hall, The Commons, Fort Drum Inn, Hays Hall, Guthrie

Clinic, and FRSA offices (call for specific locations)

Some of the changes that resulted

from past AFAP issues include

Pay increases

Military Savings Plan

Youth Initiatives

Tricare for Life

Household Good Weight Allowances

Increase for junior enlisted

Permissive TDY

Let YOUR voice be heard today! Sumbit

your issue before 18 January 2013

For information or to sign up to be a

delegate, call 772-6710 or 772-2933 Delegate training will be held on

16 January 2013

If it’s a program or service, an AFAP issue can improve it! If it’s a policy or regulation, an AFAP issue can change it! If it’s a law, an AFAP issue can amend it! If there’s a low-cost, creative solution, you should pursue it!

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Setting New Year’s Resolutions with Your Children

Page 7 ACS Green Press January 2013

New Year’s resolutions are an

excellent opportunity for parents to

teach children about the value of

goal setting as well as an

opportunity to foster self discipline.

Setting goals can be a daunting task

for many adults not to mention

children. There is a process to goal

setting to increase the likelihood of

successfully reaching the goals we


One important part of setting goals

is determining a goal and deciding

whether it is reasonable and

achievable. Goals can be short or

long-term but either way, goals have

the same characteristics in common.

Goals are specific. For instance, if

your child sets a goal to be a good

student. The goal is vague and not

easily measured. A better goal to set

might be for your child to get an A

in all of his or her classes.

Goals should have deadlines. If a

goal has no deadline, it is easy to

ignore and eventually forget your

goal. Long term goals may have

lengthy deadlines and therefore

might be better broken down into

small term goals. For instance, if

your child sets the goal to be on the

cheering team, a short term goal

might be to achieve a backhand-

spring in three


Good goals are

sincere. Your child

should set their own

goals, not goals you

think they should

have. If they don't

pick their own, they will not be

motivated to reach them.

Goals should be written down.

When your child writes down the

goal, they are forced to really think

about it and it becomes tangible.

Plan the steps to achieve the

goal. Listing the steps needed to

achieve the goal. This is the

planning process. Sometimes with a

long term goal it means breaking the

goal into short term, middle term

and long term goals to make the

goal process more manageable. If

your child wants to become an

actor, start with taking an acting

seminar over the summer or signing

up for voice lessons. Then perhaps

joining drama club or trying out for

little theater. Each goal achieved

builds toward the long term goal.

Monitor Progress. Children might

feel like failures if they don’t achieve

the goal they

set before its

deadline. It is

important to

encourage your

child and

reassure them

that the only

way to truly fail

to reach a realistic and specific goal is

to give up on it completely. If your

child’s goal to make the school play

wasn’t realized for this year’s

production, encourage him or her to

try harder next time and to continue

to work toward that goal.

Remember, setting and working

toward a goal is a positive way to

learn self discipline. When you teach

your child how to set goals properly,

you will be setting them up for suc-

cess and teaching them a valuable

skill that will benefit them through-

out their lifetime.

From left to right,

Cadence Fox, Maggie Jansen, and Alexander Erb

Recently, Children from the Chapel Drive

Annex Child Care Center, held a winter coat

drive. The children donated coats to Army

Community Service (ACS) to give out to

Families in need of a warm coat for the


ACS would like to say thank you to Chapel

Drive Annex and CYSS for taking care of

our Soldiers and Families!

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Page 8 ACS Green Press January 2013

Note: Italics indicate class is located outside of ACS

ACS Contact information on page 8

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Army Community Service

P4330 Conway Road

Fort Drum, New York


Army Emergency Relief 772-6560, 772-8873, 772-2855

Army Family Team Building/Army Family Action Plan http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000122037720

772-6710, 772-9229

Army Volunteer Program Coordinator http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-Army-volunteer-Corps/13651504365912


Exceptional Family Member Program http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-FMWR-Exceptional-Family-Member-Program /104951319542718

772-5488, 772-0819, 772-0664

Employment Readiness Program http://www.facebook.com/fortdrumemployment

772-9611, 772-2737, 772-1090

Family Advocacy Program (New Parent Support Program) SAPRP

772-4244, 772-6929, 772-2279

772-0596, 772-4070, 772-0748

772-5605, 772-5914

Financial Readiness Program http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-financial-Readiness-ACS/1956662120473

772-0050, 772-5196, 772-8526

Information and Referral 772-6556, 772-6557

Military & Family Life Consultants 212-6919

Mobilization and Deployment http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-Mobiliztion-and-Deployment/178420512193448?ref=ts&v=wall

772-2848, 772-0470, 772-2919

Outreach http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-ACS-Outreach/180373271991692


Relocation Readiness http:// www.facebook.com/pages/Fort -Drum -Relocation -Readiness Program/171335822906429

772-5475, 772-6553, 772-6902


Soldier Family Assistance Center http://www.facebook.com/Fort.Drum.FMWR/SFAC


Survivor Outreach Services http://www.facebook.com/fortdrumsurvivoroutreachservices
