Pawleys Presbyterian Monthly NewsleƩer of Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church | January 2018 WE WELCOME OUR BRIDGE INTERIM PASTOR Beginning Sunday, January 7th, we will welcome to the pulpit the Rev. Gary N. Lowe. Gary will be our Bridge Interim Pastor until we call a permanent pastor. Gary is a native of Georgia, growing up in the shadow of the Civil War battlefield of Kennesaw Mountain. His childhood planted a love of nature and history in his heart and mind which is still evident in his love for hiking, kayaking and, much to his family's frustration, taking all day to get through a museum. Gary's faith journey began in high school due to the impact of his church's youth director. Gary graduated from the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!), Wheaton College Graduate School (Chicago) and Columbia Theological Seminary. Gary served as a college and youth minister in several churches in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Following seminary Gary served two PCUSA congregations and is currently a Hospice Chaplain with Amedisys Hospice, serving four counties in southeast North Carolina. Gary and his wife, Lisa, a speech therapist with Horry County Schools, have two adult children. Carter is a graduate of American University and works in Boston, Massachusetts, and Sarah Jane just graduated from the University of South Carolina. MARK YOUR CALENDARS 1-1 OFFICE CLOSED 1-5 OFFICE CLOSED 1-6 Un-decorate the Church 1-7 Baptism of the Lord Communion 1-14 Officer Ordination/Installation Congregational Meeting 1-17 WOW? Dinner and Speaker 1-21 Baskervill Food Drive 1-23 Session Meeting 1-27 Officer Training Shepherd Training 1-28 SALT Youth Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser A CHRISTMAS POEM When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among others, To make music in the heart. Howard Thurman, cited in “Black Fire; African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights.”

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Pawleys Presbyterian

Monthly Newsle er of Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church | January 2018 

WE WELCOME OUR BRIDGE INTERIM PASTOR Beginning Sunday, January 7th, we will welcome to the pulpit the Rev. Gary N. Lowe. Gary will be our Bridge Interim Pastor until we call a permanent pastor. Gary is a native of Georgia, growing up in the shadow of the Civil War battlefield of Kennesaw Mountain. His childhood planted a love of nature and history in his heart and mind which is still evident in his love for hiking, kayaking and, much to his family's frustration, taking all day to get through a museum. Gary's faith journey began in high school due to the impact of his church's youth director. Gary graduated from the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!), Wheaton College Graduate School (Chicago) and Columbia Theological Seminary. Gary served as a college and youth minister in several churches in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Following seminary Gary served two PCUSA congregations and is currently a Hospice Chaplain with Amedisys Hospice, serving four counties in southeast North Carolina. Gary and his wife, Lisa, a speech therapist with Horry County Schools, have two adult children. Carter is a graduate of American University and works in Boston, Massachusetts, and Sarah Jane just graduated from the University of South Carolina.






Un-decorate the Church

1-7 Baptism of the Lord


1-14 Officer Ordination/Installation

Congregational Meeting

1-17 WOW? Dinner and Speaker


Baskervill Food Drive

1-23 Session Meeting

1-27 Officer Training

Shepherd Training

1-28 SALT Youth

Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser

A CHRISTMAS POEM When the song of the angels is stilled,

When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home,

When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins:

To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry,

To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations,

To bring peace among others, To make music in the heart.

Howard Thurman, cited in “Black Fire; African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights.”

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The PIPC Pastor Nominating Committee has been working diligently since its inception this past May to seek out the next permanent pastor for our church. The Committee has been meeting weekly and initially worked on creating our Ministry Information Form (MIF). This is essentially a broad job description distilled from our Mission Study Team report, which was prepared with input from most of our congregation.

Since our MIF has been posted in the Church Leadership Connection (or CLC) in August - the online system operated by our denomination - we have received and reviewed nearly 70 applications, which are referred to as Pastor Information Forms, or PIFs.

The review of every PIF, which ranges between 5 to 12 pages each, is a time-consuming process which often includes reading other materials and viewing or listening to online sermons. Our Commit-tee then compares our impressions, and determines and agrees which of the candidates we may want to talk with.

Initial FaceTime or Skype calls generally take more than an hour as we try to get to know a little more about the candidate. Following the initial call our committee decides whether or not to move forward with a longer second call, with more in-depth questions and dialogue.

We have had a number of first and second calls up to this time, and we are at the next step in the process; making arrangements to visit with a select number of candidates to hear them preach in person, and for them to visit our community.

As new PIFs continue to be submitted we are continuing to perform evaluations of those candi-dates, even as we proceed moving forward through the process with those we have already reviewed.

We continue to ask for your prayers and support, and appreciate your patience and respect for the confidentiality of the process, as we move forward to find the person we are confident that God has already chosen for our church.

Pastor Nominating Team

Pastor      Nominating  

    Committee                  Update 

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"God is not unjust. He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them." - Hebrews 6:10.

December was a fun and busy month for the SALT youth. The month began with nine of our members going to Charlotte to serve with Operation Christmas Child.

The 10th found us enjoying our annual Progressive Dinner. Thank you to Pam Gaddy, Jill Fletcher, Cari Brown, the Junkins family and the Kennedy family for hosting us. Thank you to Charles Biddix, Tina Hair, Liz Williamson and Christy Stuckey for chauffeuring us around.

2018 will begin with a bang as we prepare for our Annual Soup and

Sandwich Fundraiser. This will be held on January 28th, immediately follow-

ing the worship service. This fundraiser enables us to participate in activities such as our ski trip, which will

happen February 16-19. Please let Andria Eddy (843-340-6736) know if you plan on

attending and give her your deposit.


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Happy New Year from the Music Ministry of PIPC! Being a part of the Music Program here at PIPC is fun! We are part of a support group for each other, you never have to worry about where to sit, or what you are wearing, AND you are able to be actively involved in the worship leadership, AND as we study the music and the words, we are so blessed! There are no auditions. If you have a spirit of desire and aren’t afraid to commit, we hope you will take that leap of faith and consider being a part of the Music Ministry. We hope that you were blessed and inspired by the music during the Advent and Christmas seasons. We have rung bells; sung; played oboe, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, viola, piano, organ, and wind chimes; sung solos; processed from the aisles; and dressed our children in costumes for the nativity Christmas Eve service! Please take a moment to thank your musicians for the many hours that they spend each and every week in rehearsal time - and they do it with JOY! We begin our new year in worship on January 7, 2018, at 10:00 am with Communion and the welcoming of our bridge pulpit supply, Gary Lowe. Wednesday, Jan. 3 - Chancel Choir will return to rehearsals on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30 pm. You are welcome to join us! Let me or a choir member know if you plan to come, and we will have a folder ready for you. IT’S A GREAT TIME TO JOIN! The Alleluia Ringers Handbells will begin rehearsals on Monday, January 8 at 5:00 pm. Their schedule currently involves playing in worship on Feb. 11, the Bell Festival in Mt. Pleasant on March 2 & 3, and playing in worship on March 25 and April 29. Sunday, January 14 - Elders and deacons will be ordained and installed. Grace and Peace, Lana

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We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper on Sunday,

January 7th! Prepare your hearts!!

OFFICER ORDINATION AND INSTALLATION The following will be Ordained and Installed on Sunday, January 14th, at the 10:00 AM worship service: Class of 2020: Cari Brown, Ken Leach, Susie Lowenbach, Jeanne Quinn, Andrew Warren, Office of Deacon: Class of 2019: Mary Spechko; Class of 2020: Jill Fletcher, Page Mashburn, Carolyn Wolfe, Johnna Young, Office of Trustee: Scott Eddy.

Please continue to be in prayer for our PIPC Officers.


The Deborah Circle will meet on Monday, January 8th, at 10:00 AM at Martha Wahl’s home. For more information, con-tact Martha at 843-237-2657. The Tuesday Circle will meet on January 9th, at 10:00 AM in the Library. For more information, contact Hazel Winstead at 843-237-9205. Note from Thornwell: Dear Sisters in Christ, Brady was placed at Thornwell earlier this year. Before he arrived, his mother lost her home, so he didn’t know where he would live or where his next meal would come from. Because of you, he is now cared for and in a safe place he can call home. Your gift helps pay for everyday essentials for Brady. You also provide tutoring sessions to help him succeed in school, and thera-py sessions to help him overcome his traumatic pasts. Thank you! May God bless you and your families during this holiday season. The Rev. Elliot M. Smith President


STEPHEN MINISTRY Calling all good listeners to serve our church family by becoming a Stephen Minister. We will be starting a class in January. If you are interested in joining this caring ministry, please call Becky Veselick at 843-237-7462.


On Sunday, January 14th, immediately following the worship service, there will be a Congregational meeting

for the purpose of approving the 2018 Budget.

SAVE T HE DAT E Scholarship Fiesta Dinner & Auction

9th Annual Scholarship Dinner Saturday, February 10, 2018

5:00 PM– 8:00 PM Holsclaw Fellowship Center

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Family first. . .


Meet the Richardson Family Web and McKenzie Richardson and their 3 children, Laiklyn, age 13, Dawson, age 11, and Baylor, age 9, are our PIPC Family of the Month. They are a Clemson family and enjoy their weekends watching Clemson football or being out on the creek or at the beach. They also enjoy flounder fishing together. Laiklyn enjoys cheerleading and track. Dawson enjoys track, doing crafts, and caring for animals. Baylor loves baseball and football and anything Tiger! Web works at S&ME. In addition to being the nursery su-pervisor at PIPC, McKenzie works as an assistant preschool teacher for 3-year-olds at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. For the Richardsons, PIPC is a family affair since Web’s parents, Jacque and Jimmy Richardson are also members. Say hello to this wonderful family the next time you see them!


PIPC is in need of

volunteers who would help with our Social Media.

If you have ideas & skills to step up our use of

Facebook & our website, please contact

Cecilia Dilworth at 843-340-5614 or at

[email protected].

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old,  

he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 

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The Book Corner

Happy New Year from your PIPC Library Team! The January book display features newly acquired resources for teachers and Bible study leaders.

The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines by John A. Beck This book is spiral bound to make it easier to reproduce the full-color charts and maps you may want to use for your class. The contents are based on the most up-to-date Biblical scholarship and present essential information in a con-cise, visual way to support the study of God’s Word.

The Bible Made Clear by Douglas Connelly This book provides a user-friendly look at the Bible, including how it developed over many centuries; introductions to important people, places, and events of the Bible; the different types of literature represented; and the historical and cultural background of the Bible. Also in the Library collection by the same author are Bible Prophecy Made Clear and The Book of Revelation Made Clear. New Commentaries include: The MacArthur Bible Handbook: The Old Testament and The MacArthur Bible Handbook: The New Testament by John MacArthur The Bible Commentary: Volume 1. The Old Testament and Volume 2. The New Testament edited by E. Ray Clendenen and Jeremy Royal Howard Be Basic (Genesis 1-11): Believing the Simple Truth of God’s Word by Warren W. Wiersbe The rest of the author’s “Be” series covering the entire Bible is also in the Library collection. Especially for Children’s Teachers:

The Bible Explorer’s Guide by Nancy I. Sanders With “1,000 Amazing Facts and Photos,” this book lets children come up close and personal with everyday life dur-ing Bible times using full-color photos, maps, and illustrations of people, places, objects, and buildings of the Bible. Each two-page spread (e.g., Noah’s Ark) includes captivating images and text to help make Biblical people and plac-es come alive for kids.

Congratulations Bible Bookworm Award Winners Nine JAM participants each read at least 10 books or 100 pages from

the PIPC Library during the fall semester and earned a Bible Bookworm certificate and award book. Pictured from left to right are Wesley Pow-ley, Ellie Branham, Ava Hapeshis, Ava Leach, Emma Branham, and Ben Powley. Winners who were absent for the picture are Addy Hapeshis, Elise Wahl, and Rhys Wahl. Congratulations everyone!

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Baskervill Food Pantry


Many of you may not know this, but a dedicated group of PIPC members has been volunteering for well over a decade to help feed the hungry in our community. PIPC and other area churches have long worked together in an ecumenical approach to provide volunteers to operate the Baskervill Food Pantry. Our PIPC volunteers work in teams of two on every Thursday of the month throughout the year. In addition to this, PIPC supports the Baskervill Food Pan-try by collecting food and making an annual budgeted donation. “The Baskervill Food Pantry is open to all people and families in need or crisis. We offer a ‘hand-up’ not a ‘hand-out’ to help reduce the number of families affected by hunger in our community. Our guests are treated with dignity and respect. The Baskervill Food Pantry is an inter-denominational effort, supported by local civic organiza-tions, area churches and individuals.” The Pantry has been evolving since its recent move into a new facility. It now offers client choice and a well-ness program. In the past, guests received a prepacked bag of groceries. Today, however, they have the opportunity to “shop” for and choose the items that they most prefer or need. PIPC church members can support the Pantry in the following ways:

By participating in quarterly church-wide “grocery bag” food drives to be scheduled throughout the year (The first drive of the New Year will be on Sunday, January 21st) By helping deliver the collected food to Baskerville following a drive By volunteering to work in the Pantry on Thursdays

Sometimes the Pantry needs help for specific tasks during the year: Food drives: After churches, neighborhoods and organizations run food drives, there is a need to unpack and sort food, and stock Pantry shelves. Fresh Produce Distribution: In 2018, there will be four fresh produce distributions at Holy Faith Memorial Episco-pal Church tentatively scheduled for Tuesday afternoons in February, April, June, and August. There is need for volunteers to greet folks who come in and to help distribute the food. Grocery trips to Low Country Food Bank: Twice a month, there is a run to the Low Country Food Bank in Myrtle Beach to pick up food items. Erin Hines of the Pantry Team will accompany you until you want to go on your own, or be pleased if you want to get a group trip together. Tastings: as part of the Pantry Wellness Program, there will be four tastings during the year. If you enjoy cooking, you might want to help cook one healthy dish that will be served at the Pantry as people come in. Assistance with fundraising: as always, opportunities for raising monies or writing grants is another way to help. Gardening: The garden behind Smith Clinic and the Pantry is a winter garden now, but lead gardener Dottie D’Ambrosio would welcome those who want to dig in the dirt, dress the scarecrow or water.

Many thanks to Matt Roughgarden who is retiring from the position of the PIPC/Baskervill Food Pantry Coordinator after many years of dedicated service. Thank you, too, to the PIPC youth group and Andria Eddy for leading our food drives, to Jack Moree and crew for transporting the collected items to Baskervill, and to our faithful Thursday Pantry

volunteers: Jack Moree, Howard Bogner, Jack Dent, Don Myers, Joan Leonard, Fred Genther, Marilyn Genther, Jane Leach, and Naomi Leach.

The Baskervill Food Pantry is located inside Smith Medical Clinic building on the Holy Cross Faith Memorial Campus at 113 Baskervill Drive, Pawleys Island, SC 29585.

The Pantry Hours are Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12 noon and Thursday evenings from 4:30 – 6:30.

For more information or to find out how you can become involved, please contact Virginia Bradshaw ~ 843-543-1998 ~ [email protected].

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JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 1 Delores Blair 2 Maddy McConnell 2 Elaine Strong 7 Arla Shult 8 Herb Lawson 9 Pat Mashburn 10 Jack McConnell 13 Mary Diehl 17 Neil Mashburn 18 Jane Scott 19 Betty Coram 19 Jacque Richardson 25 Anna Grace Fletcher 25 Ava Grace Hapeshis 25 Dawn Wright 26 Barry Hurd 26 Laiklyn Richardson 28 Alexander McCaskill 28 Benjamin Powley 29 Rob Henry 29 Gene McCaskill 29 Millie McNeil 30 Belinda Shearer 30 Carl Squires 31 Donovan Fields

JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES 4 Brian and Viki Shult 17 Al and Norma Mead 18 Jeff and Nancy Sample 22 Randy and Rosemary Roddy 23 Matt and Susie Lowenbach 29 Lee and Bettie Motsinger

Take a moment to acknowledge those who have a birthday or anniversary this month. If your birthday/anniversary is not listed in your month, please contact Tina in the church office at 237-4581 (ext. 21).



“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future.

Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me

and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13

Have a Blessed New Year!

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

31 8:30 AM Library Open 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Service

1 New Year's Day - Office Closed


Office Hours 9:00 AM– Noon 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:30 PM Staff Meeting - Office Closed 3:30 PM Teach My People 5:30 PM Mission and Evangelism Team Meeting 6:30 PM Deacons Meeting


Office Hours 9:00 AM– Noon 3:30 PM Teach My People 6:00 PM Choir Practice

4 Office Hours 9:00 AM– Noon 10:00 AM Church Life Team Meeting 3:30 PM Teach My People 6:00 PM PNC

5 Office Closed

6 8:30 AM Men's Breakfast and Bible Study 9:30 AM Un-decorate the church


The Lord’s Supper

8:30 AM Library Open 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Service 5:30 PM SALT Youth 5:30 PM

8 10:00 AM Deborah Circle Meeting 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:00 PM Dorcas Disciples 3:30 PM Teach My People 4:00 PM Administration and Personnel Team Meeting 5:00 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal 5:30 PM Building and Grounds Team Meeting 6:30 PM Finance Team Meeting 7:00 PM Christian Education Team Meeting

9 10:00 AM Tuesday Circle 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:30 PM Staff Meeting - Office Closed 3:30 PM Teach My People 5:15 PM Worship Team Meeting

10 11:30 AM Recorder Consort 3:30 PM Teach My People 6:00 PM Choir Practice

11 3:30 PM Teach My People 6:00 PM Stephen Ministers Meeting 6:00 PM PNC

12 13 8:30 AM Men's Breakfast and Bible Study

14 8:30 AM Library Open 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:00 AM Officer Examination 10:00 AM Worship Service - Officer Ordination/Installation 11:00 AM Congregational Meeting

15 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:00 PM Dorcas Disciples 3:30 PM Teach My People 5:00 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

16 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:30 PM Staff Meeting - Office Closed 3:30 PM Teach My People

17 11:30 AM Recorder Consort 3:30 PM Teach My People 5:30 PM WOW? Dinner and Speaker 6:00 PM Choir Practice

18 3:30 PM Teach My People 6:00 PM PNC

19 20 8:30 AM Men's Breakfast and Bible Study

21 8:30 AM Library Open 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Service—Baskervill Food Drive 5:30 PM SALT Youth

22 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:00 PM Dorcas Disciples 3:30 PM Teach My People 5:00 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

23 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:30 PM Staff Meeting - Office Closed 3:30 PM Teach My People 7:00 PM Session Meeting

24 11:30 AM Recorder Consort 3:30 PM Teach My People 6:00 PM Choir Practice

25 3:30 PM Teach My People 4:00 PM Library Team Meeting 6:00 PM Stephen Ministers Meeting 6:00 PM PNC

26 27 8:30 AM Men's Breakfast and Bible Study 10:00 AM Officer Training 12:00 PM Shepherd Training

28 8:30 AM Library Open 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:00 AM Youth Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser

29 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:00 PM Dorcas Disciples 3:30 PM Teach My People 5:00 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

30 11:30 AM Bread of Life Kitchen Open 1:30 PM Staff Meeting - Office Closed 3:30 PM Teach My People

31 11:30 AM Recorder Consort 3:30 PM Teach My People 6:00 PM Choir Practice

1 10:00 AM Church Life Team Meeting 6:00 PM PNC

2 3 8:30 AM Men's Breakfast and Bible Study

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Pawleys Island  Presbyterian Church 

9967 Ocean Highway Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Phone: 843‐237‐4581 E‐mail: [email protected] Website: pawleysislandpresby.com

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future.

Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me

and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13