January 2016 Newsletter

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Notes I left for you, until we meet again...

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The Vision of the “Voice of Manifestations” News-

letter is to communicate the various events to our

partners and the community. Thus, it helps to build

and enhance relationships between the two. The

newsletter is also a mechanism to evangelize, en-

courage, build and lift up. The Voice focuses on the

four aspect of Manifestations Worldwide, which are

Spiritual Trainings, Education, Job and Housing. Our

prayer is that God is touching someone’s life through

the Voice of Manifestation Newsletter (VOM). Ulti-

mately, our desire is to be obedient to the commis-

sion God has given us; to go and spread the gospel.

All we need is an audience; someone that is inter-

ested, ready to listen, with a heart to receive. Many

go door to door; but VOM newsletter travel email to

email; across the country and around the world,

seeking the heart in need of a word.

And teaching them to obey everything I have com-

manded you. And surely I am with you always, to

the very end of the age.” Matthews 28:20 (NIV)

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Name : Yesmin Negron Title: Sister/ Newsletter Chair

Name : Sonya Title: Assistant Editor Name of Article: He Makes All Things New Page #: 15

Name : Calvin Vance Title: Elder Name of Article: A Man’s Perspective: New Gear/ New Years Page #: 7 Name of Article: Until We Meet Again Page: #20-21

Name : Keith Lashley Title: Brother Name of Article: The Art of Branding Page #: 22-23

Name : Eddie Boles Title: Pastor Name of Article: Thoughts from Above: Broken Promises Page #: 6

Name : Eva Johnson Title: Teacher Name of Article: Not Just for Teachers Only Page #: 10-11

Name : Jenifer Grant Title: Sister Name of Article: Newness of Life Page: 14

Editorial Team and Index

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Happy New Year believers! I pray you all

had a very Merry Christmas spending valuable

time with family and friends. It’s good to take a

little time off from time to time, relax and re-

charge. Now in the interest of new beginnings;

becoming a better person and the thought of mak-

ing wiser decisions comes with a plethora of self-

promises that usually fall to the ground by the

month of February. So in this issue I’d like to

give a few pointers concerning self- promises.

Two keys from scripture, the first being that it’s

better to not make a

vow than to make a

vow and not pay or

keep it, and sec-

ondly let your yea

be yea and your nay,

nay lest you fall into


Too often believers

find themselves

making promises

and not keeping

them, first to our own selves and secondly to oth-

ers. We must remember that we are to be people

of integrity and exceptional character, so here are

some important keys for us to remember as we

begin this New Year.



Be honest with yourself

Before making a promise pause, think, and ask

yourself the question will you be able to ful-

fill it

Ask yourself if you mean it

(Truth is we usually know the moment we make a

promise whether we’re going to follow through or

not. Why do we make promises knowing we’re not

going to fulfill it and then suffer negative emo-

tional consequences from our own dishonesty?)

Analyze your motivation

Determine why you’re making the prom ise or


Make sure your making the promise for the

right reason

Take your promises seri-


Why? Because it’s in in-

ner agreement with your-

self or another and not

following through causes

a lack of trust, damages

your image, and con-

vinces others that you

don’t value them.

Write your promises down (as in a contract

with your signature) instead of verbalizing


Why? Written communication seems to carry with

it another level of accountability whether to self or


If for some reason you can’t follow through

initially don’t abandon it, complete or finish it

even if at a later date or time. Better to finish or

complete than to not finish or complete. It’s better

to under promise and over produce rather than

over promise and under produce.

Believers, remember your character and integrity

are always in question….protect it all cost.

Till next month, peace be with you!


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Sis Sonya

What’s up fam! It’s that time again, let’s

bring it in. I wanted to start out by encourag-

ing you to not throw away your confidence be-

cause of what you did not accomplish last

year. As long as we’re still in the land of the

living, opportunity for change and other

choices are available!

The word states clearly that we receive

new mercies morning by morning. So even

though we are celebrating a New Year, we get

to experience that on a daily basis! (Sooo

AWESOME) Every day we can access God’s

grace to help us do what we CAN’T do, to

help us know and understand what we don’t

know and understand, as well as help us to

walk out His word and His wisdom in life.

We also have Holy Spirit! He is our com-

forter; He leads and guides us into all truths;

He shows us things to come, and He teaches

us in the way we should go. Lastly, we here at

CFM have ministries set up to strengthen us in

our areas of challenge, educate us and there

are plenty of volunteer opportunities for train-

ing, development and growth! At NO time in

our lives are we ever without help!

Help is NOT what we lack. The old say-

ing, “you can lead a horse to water but you

can’t make them drink!” Yeah, that right

there... We can’t MAKE a grown person do

anything. None-the-less, we have the tools

and people in place. It’s time to look at the

man/woman in the mirror, not to join with the

accuser of the brethren and condemn our-

selves, but allow and submit to the conviction

of the Holy Spirit as He points out those

“STOP THAT’S” and follow His instruction

as He leads us into the “WHAT TO DO’S.”

Yes, at times we do find ourselves dis-

connected from the winds that are ever blow-

ing over our lives to cause our expansion, or

unplugged from the power that strengthen us

and endows us with ability and might, even

out from under the clouds that continuously

pour into our lives so we are full and over-

flowing with the heart and like- passions of

God. However, our Father is ready to forgive

and has already provided us with everything

and anything we will ever need to finish

strong in life..... on a daily basis. Did you get

that? It’s not about the end so much; it’s about

the process of getting there!

So again, I say don’t not throw away

your confidence because of what you did not

accomplish last year, you’re still here and God

makes beautiful things out of the dust,

AMEN!!! Yes, He makes all things new, so

let’s follow Him forward.

These are my words for you

Big Sis Out!

He Makes All Things New

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Source: WebMD.com

Breaking up is hard to do, and it may be especially hard for kids. Kids of divorce can feel they've been hit the hardest by the end of their parents' relationship. Some are asked to broker peace be-tween warring exes, even as they are grieving the loss of a parent who has abruptly moved out. Others must deal with parents who suddenly can't cope with everyday tasks, like making dinner or helping with homework. Many children carry the battle scars of divorce well into adulthood. But broken-up spouses can help stop the damage by managing their own behavior before the ink dries on the divorce papers. Family and divorce expert M. Gary Neu-man, LMHC, gives exes pointers on how to split up without emotionally de-stroying their kids long term.

1. Don't make your child the messen-ger...

“Too many parents attempt to communi-cate through their children,” Neuman

says, “which causes undue emo-tional stress on them and forces them to negotiate a situation their own parents could not handle.” Email is an excellent tool nowadays to communicate with your ex-spouse. It allows you to specifi-cally discuss the practicalities of raising your child without detouring into nega-tive areas and opening old wounds. It also provides a recorded message, ad-missible into court, so parents tend to be more careful when using it. “If you want or need to speak with your ex over the phone or in person, be fo-cused and stay on task, and most im-portant, don't swallow the bait if he or she descends into anger. Simply say, 'I appreciate your feelings, but I am here to discuss our child's school assign-ment.' Take the high road. Your child's emotional health depends on it.”

2. ... or your therapist.

“Teenagers like to feel in control, and di-vorce turns their world upside down,” Neuman says. “Don't fall into the trap of sharing divorce details or your angry feelings about your ex with your older kids. Their own anxiety and need for control causes them to be 'understanding' of what you're going through, but you need to be the parent. Get outside help for yourself, get ther-apy if necessary, and maintain those boundaries. Making your child your co-hort is wrong and does them damage.”

The Top 5 Mistakes Divorced Parents Make

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3. Try to "get" your kid.

“Kids need to feel as if they are understood,” Neuman says, and after a divorce their feelings may be in turmoil. “Listen to them. Don't tell them what to think. And it might be difficult, but never criticize your ex -- it's a criticism of your child, who, of course, is 50% of your ex-husband or wife. Respond specifically to what they are telling you. Say, 'It sounds like you are feeling sad/mad/upset about meeting your dad's new girlfriend, is that right?' As a par-ent, you don't have to have a solution. You just need to hear them.” “And don't editori-alize. You can suggest your child write down his feelings and share them with your ex, but only if the child wants to do so. Stay trained on your child's feelings, not yours. Heal-ing comes through a loving connection and from feeling un-derstood.”

4. Avoid the third degree.

“I tell parents to treat their child's weekend away with their ex-spouse as if the child has just vis-ited an aunt or uncle,” Neuman says. “Saying

nothing will leave your child stressed, as if he must compartmentalize both worlds and tiptoe around this other experience. On the other hand, grilling the child puts him squarely in the middle, which is an impossible position emotionally. So ask your kid fun and general questions, which diffuses tension. And then let it go.”

5. Repair the damage you've already done.

Many divorced parents reading these tips may recognize mistakes they've unintentionally made with their own kids. Is it ever too late to undo emotional fall-out from a nasty split? “No, children are re-markably forgiving,” Neuman says, “at least until they reach their later teen years, when anger may be more ce-mented.” If you've made mistakes, it's im-portant to do the follow-ing: Apologize for them. Saying you're sorry goes a long way with your kids. Explain in detail exactly what you've done wrong, and then com-mit to changing your behavior from that mo-ment on. Give your child a safe

and specific signal -- for example, tell your child to raise his or her hand when you begin criticiz-ing your ex -- which serves as a time-out for you, telling you in no uncertain terms you're doing it again and need to stop immediately."

Source: WebMD.com

Brought to You by:

CFM’s Live Again Divorce Care Ministry

Contact the ministry leader for more information

at [email protected]

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F or love to “come alive” it must have an expression. Love was never meant to be

kept, but to be given. Words are admirable, and should be spoken; however

what gives love “legs” is action. Love always extends itself, by reaching out to

touch someone. True Love Feb. 2015

When you value, treasure and cherish an individual, or individuals, you look forward to

doing things to express your heart. Appreciation July 2015

The Bible says, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” The

“evidence” of our sonship is proven when we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. We need to

know the Word of God so we have a point of reference for when He leads us, communi-

cates with us or warns us. The Word is the “standard” by which we are to live our lives.

How do we know this? God said, “Man shall not LIVE by bread alone, but by every word

that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The Holy Spirit will never violate the Word of

God. So to please God and live a victorious life all you have to do is

Follow The LEADER! Oct.2015

Each day we wake up, can get up or go about our daily activities, there is a reason to

give thanks. This action reflects an attitude of appreciation and demonstrates an under-

standing of the fact that what you are able to do is a gift. An attitude of gratitude will al-

ways increase your latitude. As we wake up each morning, go about our activities

throughout the day and lie down for the night, let’s be deliberate and intentional to ensure

we are always… Giving Thanks Nov. 2015

As believers, we should reflect on the “gift” God gave us in the person of Jesus. Proverbs

17:8 states, “A gift is a precious stone and no matter which way it turns it prospers.” Now

let’s look at how this plays out spiritually with Jesus as the gift. God the Father is bene-

fited by Jesus because by Him, God would reconcile man back to Himself and start a

family. Jesus benefits too. Because of His life, death, burial and resurrection, He is made

King of Kings and Lord of Lords; He becomes the first-born of the family of God and is

given a name above every name just to name a few things. We are benefited because by

the gift of Jesus, we become God’s children and receive of His Spirit whereby we call

him Daddy/Father. We are given His divine nature. We are given the victory through Je-

sus Christ our Lord and are caused to triumph. We are made kings and priests unto God,

we are given authority over the enemy, receive everything that pertains to life and godli-

ness, we have eternal life and so much more! We are what we are; we have what we have

and can do what we do because of. . . “The Gift!” Dec. 2015

Until we meet again… Here are some things to remember By Calvin Vance

Page 21: January 2016 Newsletter

F or love to “come alive” it must have an expression. Love was never meant to be

kept, but to be given. Words are admirable, and should be spoken; however

what gives love “legs” is action. Love always extends itself, by reaching out to

touch someone. True Love Feb. 2015

When you value, treasure and cherish an individual, or individuals, you look forward to

doing things to express your heart. Appreciation July 2015

The Bible says, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” The

“evidence” of our sonship is proven when we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. We need to

know the Word of God so we have a point of reference for when He leads us, communi-

cates with us or warns us. The Word is the “standard” by which we are to live our lives.

How do we know this? God said, “Man shall not LIVE by bread alone, but by every word

that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The Holy Spirit will never violate the Word of

God. So to please God and live a victorious life all you have to do is

Follow The LEADER! Oct.2015

Each day we wake up, can get up or go about our daily activities, there is a reason to

give thanks. This action reflects an attitude of appreciation and demonstrates an under-

standing of the fact that what you are able to do is a gift. An attitude of gratitude will al-

ways increase your latitude. As we wake up each morning, go about our activities

throughout the day and lie down for the night, let’s be deliberate and intentional to ensure

we are always… Giving Thanks Nov. 2015

As believers, we should reflect on the “gift” God gave us in the person of Jesus. Proverbs

17:8 states, “A gift is a precious stone and no matter which way it turns it prospers.” Now

let’s look at how this plays out spiritually with Jesus as the gift. God the Father is bene-

fited by Jesus because by Him, God would reconcile man back to Himself and start a

family. Jesus benefits too. Because of His life, death, burial and resurrection, He is made

King of Kings and Lord of Lords; He becomes the first-born of the family of God and is

given a name above every name just to name a few things. We are benefited because by

the gift of Jesus, we become God’s children and receive of His Spirit whereby we call

him Daddy/Father. We are given His divine nature. We are given the victory through Je-

sus Christ our Lord and are caused to triumph. We are made kings and priests unto God,

we are given authority over the enemy, receive everything that pertains to life and godli-

ness, we have eternal life and so much more! We are what we are; we have what we have

and can do what we do because of. . . “The Gift!” Dec. 2015

Until we meet again… Here are some things to remember By Calvin Vance

Page 22: January 2016 Newsletter

In this series of articles we began to dis-

cuss how to be creative in the work-

place. One of the most important aspects

of any successful company and or indi-

vidual is to understand the concept of

branding. A simplified explanation of

the meaning of branding is to create a

recognizable symbol or image that ad-

vertises the product or service. Suc-

cessful business people often create

their own personal style and in turn in-

corporate it into their business. Think

musicians, artists and people like Don-

ald Trump. Branding involves engaging

the senses. The first impression is usu-

ally via a logo. The logo is created to

appeal to the senses through color, de-

sign, and graphic proportions. Its pur-

pose is to “brand” the company’s name,

history and image into your conscious-

ness. For example, whenever a person

sees the IBM symbol, they not only

know that it represents a computer com-

pany, but it also represents a long his-

tory of innovation in the computer field,

big business, and perhaps even the fu-

ture of computing. All of this is con-

veyed by three capital letters. Donald

Trump uses his name and font on all of

his correspondence, his buildings and

his clothing lines.

Corporations invest millions of dollars

in developing their branding, whether it

is the logo, the packaging and even the

way the name sounds. These apparatus

appeal to the visual senses, the touch,

like a Coca Cola bottle, and even the

jingle which appeals to the auditory or

hearing sense. All of these are created

for one purpose: Making Money. In the

present volatile economic climate, com-

panies are fighting to maintain their

market share. It is not enough to live on

their historical success because technol-

ogy and the global impact of the internet

have changed commerce forever. So

branding has taken a far more important

role in business than ever before.

Branding is not just about attracting

business. More importantly, branding is

about keeping business and expanding

business. Branding must be backed by

the promise that the quality of a product

will be consistent. It is the key to any

successful business. The product and/or

services must be reliable and trustwor-

thy. All the beautiful logos or catchy

tunes in the world will not help a busi-

ness succeed if the product is faulty or

the customer service is terrible.

McDonalds is one of the most success-

ful businesses ever created because its

products are consistent. It is not gour-

met food, but you know exactly what

you are going to get, and it will be the

same wherever you go in the country.


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One other nontangible aspect of brand-

ing is its use of emotional bonding.

Have you ever noticed how I-phone us-

ers refuse to entertain using android

products even though the android prod-

ucts like Samsung are better with more

features? Advertisers create communi-

ties. Communities are created through

market share and sooner a company can

get its product to market the better. Ad-

vertisers show users in action poses,

dancing on tables during meetings, in

romantic settings to appeal to the

senses. The use of specific types of

people in advertising is meant to attract

a specific crowd. Are they hip? Are

they sophisticated? Are they multigen-

erational? This is all part of branding.

The need to connect with their clients

and customers must be a part of any

business goal. Does the product give

peace of mind? Do they feel appreci-

ated? Does your product or service

make their lives

easier because

it is one less

thing they need

to worry about

in this increas-

ingly complex


All of the

branding princi-

ples above

translate into

our personal lives as well. What we

wear, what we say, how we say it, and

the emotional intent behind it are our

own personal branding. One must be

aware of their role in the workplace and

the expectations of the employer. If

you are self-employed, then you should

have already realized that you must set

your business and yourself apart from

your competition. Pay attention to

what successful people in your business

or profession wear, how they speak,

and most of all how they connect with

others. If you are an employee, it is im-

portant to observe your supervisor,

managers and the owner of the com-

pany. Your own personal “brand” must

represent quality and reliability. If you

want to change your situation, you must

abandon the “I just want a job” mental-

ity and begin to think more long-term;

for example, “how can I improve my

situation and get ahead?”

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