Page 1 ge 11 13940 77 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3W 5Z4 Tel. 604-590-1311 January 2015 JANUARY 14 PAC Meeng 7:00pm 21 Grad Transions Presentaons 23 Pro D Day - No School 30 Last Day of Semester 1 FA8/AS8 Rotaons End FEBRUARY 2 Exams 3 Exams 4 Exams PAC Meeng 7:00pm 5 Exams Grade 7 Parent Night 6:30pm 6 Exams 9 Family Day - School Closed 10 Semester 2 Begins AS8/FA8 Rotaon 1 Begins 11 Grade 12 Assembly 12 Grade 8 & 9 Assemblies 13 Grade 10 & 11 Assemblies 17 Course Selecon Fair 19 Report Cards Issued 20 Pro D Day - No School 26 Annual Open House 5:30pm MARCH 4 PAC Meeng 7:00pm 6 AS8 Rotaon 1 Ends 9 - 20 Spring Break - School Closed 23 School Reopens AS8 Rotaon 2 Begins 25 Grad Newsleer Issued 30 Spring Music Concert 6:30pm 31 FA8 Rotaon 1 Ends The first semester of this school year is almost over and teachers are busy preparing students for midterm or final projects and exams. Please review the schedule and informaon included in this newsleer regarding the end of the semester. The important dates for parents to be aware of are included below: January 30: Final day of semester 1 Feb 2-6: Provincial Exams (for students enrolled in Math 10, Eng 10, Sci 10, SS 11, Eng or Comm 12 this semester) Course Compleon Days - me for students to work individually with teachers. See schedule posted on our website. Feb 10: First day of semester 2 Not all students will have responsibilies at school during the week of Feb 2-6. We encourage you to review the schedule for those days and/or to contact your son's or daughter's teachers to learn what is expected. We have scheduled many informaonal sessions during our PAC meengs and ask parents to please review the PAC meeng schedule also included in this newsleer on p. 13. Please connue to use the website and our Sng App to stay informed about what is happening at Frank Hurt. Finally, our Dry Grad Commiee is working hard to prepare a fun and safe aſter grad event for our grade 12's. If you are the parent of a grade 12 student, please consider geng involved to help the commiee with their work. You may contact them at [email protected] and aend their meengs on Mondays at 7 p.m. Gloria Sarmento Principal Vice - Principal & Counselling Assignments A-Gil - Vice-Principal Ms. Rondalyn Fitz Gim-O - Vice-Principal Mr. Shawn Campbell P-Z - Vice-Principal Mr. Jeff May A-Gil - Counsellor Ms. Bernadee Davies Gim-O - Counsellor Ms. Evelyn McLeod/Ms. Jean Campbell Gim-Z - Counsellor Ms. Danielle Pawelchak P-Z - Counsellor Mr. Dan Ramsden

January 2015 - Surrey Schools

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13940 77 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3W 5Z4

Tel. 604-590-1311

January 2015


14 PAC Meeting 7:00pm

21 Grad Transitions Presentations

23 Pro D Day - No School

30 Last Day of Semester 1

FA8/AS8 Rotations End


2 Exams

3 Exams

4 Exams

PAC Meeting 7:00pm

5 Exams

Grade 7 Parent Night 6:30pm

6 Exams

9 Family Day - School Closed

10 Semester 2 Begins

AS8/FA8 Rotation 1 Begins

11 Grade 12 Assembly

12 Grade 8 & 9 Assemblies

13 Grade 10 & 11 Assemblies

17 Course Selection Fair

19 Report Cards Issued

20 Pro D Day - No School

26 Annual Open House 5:30pm


4 PAC Meeting 7:00pm

6 AS8 Rotation 1 Ends

9 - 20 Spring Break - School Closed

23 School Reopens

AS8 Rotation 2 Begins

25 Grad Newsletter Issued

30 Spring Music Concert 6:30pm

31 FA8 Rotation 1 Ends

The first semester of this school year is almost over and teachers are busy preparing students for midterm or final projects and exams. Please review the schedule and information included in this newsletter regarding the end of the semester.

The important dates for parents to be aware of are included below:

January 30: Final day of semester 1

Feb 2-6: Provincial Exams (for students enrolled in Math 10, Eng 10, Sci 10, SS 11, Eng or Comm 12 this semester)

Course Completion Days - time for students to work individually with teachers. See schedule posted on our website.

Feb 10: First day of semester 2

Not all students will have responsibilities at school during the week of Feb 2-6. We encourage you to review the schedule for those days and/or to contact your son's or daughter's teachers to learn what is expected.

We have scheduled many informational sessions during our PAC meetings and ask parents to please review the PAC meeting schedule also included in this newsletter on p. 13.

Please continue to use the website and our Sting App to stay informed about what is happening at Frank Hurt.

Finally, our Dry Grad Committee is working hard to prepare a fun and safe after grad event for our grade 12's. If you are the parent of a grade 12 student, please consider getting involved to help the committee with their work. You may contact them at [email protected] and attend their meetings on Mondays at 7 p.m.

Gloria Sarmento


Vice - Principal & Counselling Assignments

A-Gil - Vice-Principal Ms. Rondalyn Fitz

Gim-O - Vice-Principal Mr. Shawn Campbell

P-Z - Vice-Principal Mr. Jeff May

A-Gil - Counsellor Ms. Bernadette Davies

Gim-O - Counsellor Ms. Evelyn McLeod/Ms. Jean Campbell

Gim-Z - Counsellor Ms. Danielle Pawelchak

P-Z - Counsellor Mr. Dan Ramsden

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Congratulations to Angelo F.! He is one of only two Sur-

rey students selected to serve on the BC ERASE Bullying

Advisory Board!

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Surrey Secondary Dance Festival at the Bell Centre

What: Performances by all Surrey secondary schools involved with dance. Frank Hurt’s Dance 8/9 and Dance 9 -12

classes will be performing.

When: Thursday, January 8, 2015 9:30- 11:30am

Where: The Bell Centre

Transportation: School busses provided by the district

Cost: Free – paid for by the district

Tickets: Free – family is welcome to come and watch. There is lots of seating at the Bell Centre and it is free!

To do: Parents fill in and sign, have teachers sign, and students return the permission form for this field trip. Dead-

line for permission form is January 7, 2015.

Outbreak Small Teams Competition

What: This is a competition for all of the small teams and break battle. Frank Hurt is sending four dance teams and

two break teams.

When: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 5:00 – 8pm

Where: Fleetwood Park Secondary (7490 -156 St., Surrey)

Tickets: $10 from Ms. J in the dance office. We only have ten tickets per school. This event will sell out. Get your

tickets as soon as they become available.

To do: If you are performing make sure you have a ride to Fleetwood Park.

Outbreak Dance Competition

What: A dance competition with a break battle. You can watch other schools and see their dances. All of our dance

classes and teams are performing. We also have a team competing in the advanced break battle. (The Small Team’s win-

ners may be performing )

When: Saturday, January 17, 2015 registration starts at 9:30am. Ms. J will let you know Frank Hurt’s registration

time as soon as she knows it. Doors open to the public at 12:30 and the show starts at 1:15. It usually runs all day till

around 5! If your dancer needs to leave early just let me know.

Where: North Surrey Secondary Gym

Tickets: $10 in advance from Ms. J in the dance office. $12 at the door and $5 for children under 12 accompanied

by a parent. Please get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

To do: Make sure you have a ride to North Surrey.

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Frank Hurt had 2 swimmers compete at the recent Fraser Valley Zone Meet on


Congratulations to Hirie L. and Jeremy F. for their excellent results and improving

their times from last year!


50 Free 7th in heat, 20th overall

200 IM 6th in heat, 19th overall

100 Breast 5th in heat, 20th overall

B Boys Jeremy F.

100 IM 4th in heat, 6th overall in Junior/Senior Boys

50 Free 1st in heat, 14th overall in Junior/Senior Boys

50 Back 5th in heat, 8th overall in Junior/Senior Boys

50 Fly 1st in heat, 8th overall in Junior/Senior Boys

Congratulations to Jeremy F. who represented Frank Hurt at the 2014 BCSS Provincial Championships on Nov. 14th.

Provincial Results

Jeremy F.

50M Back 22nd overall

100 IM 22nd overall

50 Fly 28th overall

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Congratulations to Wylee F., Natasha P. and

Jazmein W. for their excellent work on the gin-

gerbread house pictured here.


Raven Club is an after-school club open to all students. Students are pictured here creating dreamcatchers during the first meeting of the club. For more club infor-mation, see James or Mr. Taddei.

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This semester’s bookmark contest, run in conjunction with the Art Department , had a late start and

as a result, we had submissions from only two classes, Ms. Trujillo’s Art 11/12.

There were two first place winning entries and an Honourable Mention . The first place students

each received a $20 gift card, and the Honourable Mentions a $10 gift card from Chapters for their

amazing entries. Additionally, the first place winners from both classes will have their bookmarks

printed and laminated so our school community can enjoy their award winning efforts.

Well-deserved congratulations to all!

Stay tuned for next semester’s FH Bookmark contest for Junior and Senior Art classes!

Many thanks again to the main office for the use of their printer and laminator and to the FH Pac for their

financial support of this contest. And, of course, thanks to Ms. Staite, our library clerk, who always does a

wonderful job of making the final product.

In other library news, we have an amazing group of students who are part of the FH Book Club, “Hooked

on Books”. They meet almost every Friday after school in the library to talk/discuss/argue and enjoy eve-

rything and anything about books and reading. This is a very fluid and informal gathering which is wel-

coming and open to new members.

First Place

Bahia C.

First Place

Wylee F.

Honourable Mention

Tiger L.

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Dear Frank Hurtians,

Last, Thursday, October 9th, we welcomed over 150 guests (including about 70 current and former students, and their families) for our 3rd Annual Aboriginal Open House!

It is with great pride in our Frank Hurt community that I offer thanks for contributions, participation, and supportive words. Over 20 Frank Hurt Family of Schools staff contributed directly to making the night possible, with many more sending a personal message of support. A special thanks to Robbie Bandura for acknowledging the land, welcoming us, and opening with prayer. Many families also donated, time, money, food and prizes to the community dinner. Thanks to the many generous contributions we shared a baked salmon dinner, with pasta, potatoes, salads, and roasted veg-etables, and bannock for desert. We also offered several exciting door prizes that were kindly donated from our community!

Student and staff volunteers helped with everything from set-up to clean-up and cooking in-between. Children served their elders, as we enjoyed the DJ stylings of Tristan (our newest leader from Kelowna). Graduate Justin Webb performed (rapped) an original song, and Tristan even joined him with some freestyle beat-boxing. A couple younger siblings from one of our new fami-lies helped with tickets and drawing door prizes. The Heffernan’s one the grand prize night’s stay at the Ramada (Victoria or Vancouver)! I was so im-pressed by all the families that stayed late to help clean up!

The evening was a wonderful oppor-tunity to see our students in a new context, as members of families and

broader communities (my mom came too). From carrying little ones around the caf, to seeing relatives share laughs across the table.

Thanks again,

The FH Aboriginal Team

Below is a message sent by a member of our community:

“Thank you to the many who contributed to making the Third Annual Aboriginal Open House a wonder-ful event!

In the beginning I was welcomed by a former Frank Hurt graduate and escorted into the dining hall by stu-dents. Throughout the evening I was aware of a spirit of interest, confident cooperation and enjoyment. At the end of the evening I was unexpectedly escorted to my car by the grandmother of the young man who prepared

the salmon.

This was clearly a happy time. A time of people working together to make it possible for us to gather for a ‘family meal’ and celebrate community.

Thank you.”

Ps. I’d be very surprised if anyone read this far :P I know it is such a busy time, but I really do think FH is full of caring/expert educators!

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A big “THANK YOU” to Westminster Savings for their donation for our 2015 OPERATION

TRACKSHOES trip. The LIFE SKILLS and BASES students will greatly benefit from this contribu-

tion. Thanks for all your support!


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Wed., October 8th 7:00pm PAC Meeting

Wed., November 5th 7:00pm PAC Meeting (distribute gaming funds)

Wed., December 3rd 7:00pm PAC Meeting – Focus on Awards and Scholarships

Wed., January 14th 7:00pm PAC Meeting – Focus on Course Selection Process

Wed., February 4th 7:00pm PAC Meeting – Focus on Careers in the trades

Thurs., February 26th TBA Annual Open House – All Frank Hurt Families welcome to attend

Wed., March 4th 7:00pm PAC Meeting – Drug Use Liaison guest speaker

Wed., April 15th 7:00pm PAC Meeting - Parents as Career Coaches

Wed., May 6th 7:00pm PAC Meeting

PAC Meetings & Events

at Frank Hurt

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We extend this

special invitation

to all Frank Hurt

students and

their parents.

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 26th

, 2015

Come and explore all the opportunities

that Frank Hurt Secondary School has to offer!

Visit our wonderful theatre where students have the

opportunity to showcase their theatrical skills!

Take a peek at our teaching kitchen where students gain

valuable culinary skills enabling them to provide staff

and students with delicious and nutritious meals daily.

Explore our impressive workshops where students are able to

work on a variety of hands-on projects.

Investigate our laboratories where students dissect

organisms and conduct scientific experiments.

And much, much more. Don’t miss this special event.

We hope to see you ALL there !!!

Frank Hurt Secondary School -- 13940 – 77th

Avenue, Surrey, B.C.

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Just a reminder

If your child is going to be absent from school, or late coming to school, please call the school at 604-590-1311, to let

us know. If calling before hours, there is an attendance line where you can leave a message.

When calling in, please provide the following information, so that we can ensure that the proper student is marked ab-


Student number, student last name, student first name, (please spell the names), student grade, reason for absence, iden-

tity of person calling (ie. mom, guardian etc.).


Please remember that 77th Avenue in front

of the school is a school zone for driving.

Please do not speed, make u-turns, or double

park. Please also yield to pedestrians.

Please note that the driveways in front of the

school are for special purposes, such as ac-

cess for emergency vehicles, access for

The Frank Hurt Mandatory Study Hall Program

At Frank Hurt, we are dedicated to student success. Our message is :

“We do our work”!

One of the ways in which we show this commitment is through our Mandatory Study Hall Program.

This program runs 3 days a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) from 3:00 - 4:00 pm in the school library. It

is staffed by two teachers, Ms. Beyer and Ms. Marsden.

Classroom teachers can refer students who are struggling or falling behind in their work (generally defined as missing 3 essential core assignments) to the Study Hall teachers. Counsellors, youth workers and/or administrators will then meet with those students to inform them that they are expected to attend mandatory Study Hall until they are caught up in their classwork.

Students can also choose to drop in to Study Hall, when space permits, as long as they arrive before 3:00 pm, sign in with the teachers, and agree to work quietly and independently till 4:00 pm.

This is the sixth full year of Mandatory Study Hall at Frank Hurt. It has helped reduce failure rates in the past. For this rea-son, we are continuing to run (and modify) the program again this year. Student success is our primary focus at Frank Hurt.

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Attendance Matters!

We feel that if students are in class and on time, we are helping to create the best possible learning conditions. We

know that interruptions to learning are distracting. We will be working with students who are frequently absent from

school and who are frequently late coming to school. We thank you for your assistance with these matters.

Home and Emergency Contacts

Please ensure that the school has all the correct contact

numbers and correct names on our emergency contact

database. Please also ensure that we have all names and

numbers of individuals that are able to sign out or give

permission for a student to be signed out in case of illness,

appointments etc. If these numbers or names change

throughout the year, it is extremely important that the

school be informed of the change. Otherwise, in the event

of an emergency or if we need to contact someone, this

may not be possible.

Thank you for your co-operation.


At Frank Hurt Secondary, it is important to have

an atmosphere that is both safe and respectful.

To that end, student clothing is expected to be

appropriate for a learning and working environ-

ment. Students are required to dress in an ac-

ceptable manner suited to the activity in which

they are involved. Inappropriate attire includes:

designs/advertising, promoting drugs, weapons

or alcohol: sexually explicit or suggestive de-

signs: profanity or violence: threatening lan-

guage: derogatory and/or discriminatory lan-



Does your child have a medical condition?

If your child has a medical condition, the school should be aware of and it is important to have

this information on file. We request you come to the school and complete a medical care plan

for your child at your earliest convenience.

Thank you.


Mature and responsible student volunteers are needed for the Frank Hurt Breakfast Program. If you are looking for a way to earn your 30 GTP hours, come to the Career Centre today and find out how!

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Extreme Weather Conditions and School Status

Making a decision to delay or cancel classes or close schools due to extreme weather conditions is a serious matter. The school district values student and staff safety, learning time in schools is precious, and we also recognize that our community is dependent on schools being open for normal daily routines to take place - with children engaged in learning and under the care and supervision of education staff while their parents pursue work and other commitments. The district standard is that schools will remain open and operating as close to normal as possible except in extreme circumstances such as prolonged power outages, physical damage to a school and/or transportation route closures.

Weather-related closures, class cancellations & delayed openings

In addition to educating children, schools are expected to provide safe, supervised environments. Any cancellation, closure or delayed school opening has a significant impact on tens of thousands of families. Most cannot arrange alternate childcare when classes are cancelled or schools are closed unexpectedly. Consequently, schools will not routinely be closed due to snow or other weather conditions unless there is damage or other circumstances (e.g., power outage) at a particular school that makes it impossible to operate safely. No announcement will be made that schools are open; only cancellations, closures or delayed school openings will be announced. The district supports individual and family decisions regarding safety. Student and staff safety are a priority of the school district. Parents/guardians have primary responsibility for their children's safe travel to school and staff members also decide if local conditions may be unsafe. If, for any rea-son, there are personal concerns about the ability to travel safely to school, other arrangements should be made. It is understood some students travel to school on routes that may be challenging on a snow day; therefore, no student will be penalized for lack of attendance because of such conditions. While schools are likely to be kept open, the decision to attend is the responsibility of each family. Parents can phone or email the school to notify staff a student won't be attend-ing. Weather-related student absences will be excused.

Some schools may announce a delayed opening time. The delayed opening time will be announced on the district website and through the media. The delay would be to allow more time to address potential issues such as a power outage or staff access to the school. The district will do its best to communicate the status of schools beginning at about 7 am, when possible. Weather, power, road and safety conditions can change substantially within a few hours, therefore assessments and decisions are made early in the morning so the information is more reliable.


Sometimes extreme weather conditions or other unusual circumstances can cause a school closure on short notice. In the event of potential school closure during the 2014 - 2015 school year, please monitor the following radio stations:

CKNW (980 AM or www.cknw.com

News 1130 (1130 AM or www.news1130.com)

CBC Radio (690 AM or www.cbc.ca/bc)

Red FM (93.1 FM)

Radio India (1600 AM)

Radio Punnjab (cable/satellite)

Fairchild Radio (1470 AM)

CHMB (1320 AM)

Surrey school closure information may also be broadcast on the Weather Channel and local TV stations. Whenever possible, the Surrey School District will post such information on its web site at www.surreyschools.ca.

Even if all schools are open, many schools can face conditions and circumstances unique to a specific neighbourhood. Therefore, the district encourages and respects the importance of parental decision-making regarding accessing a school, based on parents’ own location and individual circumstances, their route to school and overall attention to safety.

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Monday, January 26 Student Timetables for Semester 2 distributed to homeroom classes

Thursday, January 30 Attendance cut-off

Last day of classes for all grades

Monday, February 2 Course Completion Day

8:30am to 11:30am English 12 Exam

Foundations of Math 10 e-Exam (Last names E to P)

12:30pm to 3:30pm Social Studies 11 Exam

Apprenticeship and Workplace 10 e-Exam

Tuesday, February 3 Course Completion Day

8:30am to 11:30am English 10 / Communications 12 Exams

12:30pm to 3:30pm Foundations of Math 10 e-Exam (Last names Q – Z)

Wednesday, February 4 Course Completion Day

8:30 to 11:30am Science 10 Exam

12:30 to 3:30pm English 10 – First Peoples Exam

Thursday, February 5 Course Completion Day

8:30am Marks Due & Failure lists due to Department Heads

11am Department Heads to compile Failure List and send to Richelle

Friday, February 6 Course Completion Day

Marks verifications distributed to teachers.

Monday, February 9 Second semester starts

Textbook forms due to the office (8:30am)

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End of Semester One – January 2015 Reporting Information

Marks entry can begin on Jan 29th. Detailed instructions can be found in your blue “Teacher Assistant Re-

sources” manual, pages 49-62. This can be found on the S-drive under “Staff Only” “Handbooks”.

Some do’s and don’t, please and thank-you:

Do not use the work habit “E”.

Do not use an “I” as a final mark.

Everyone must receive a mark. Blanks, or marks of 0% are not accepted. Please see Irene or

the student’s Alpha VP if this is a mark you are considering.

If the student is SPED, be sure to follow the directions from Special Ed before using NM. Any

questions can be directed to Steve Sheffield or the student’s Case Manager.

Be sure to enter a mark in both the “Mark” column AND the “Final” column for Semestered

courses and only enter a mark in the “Mark” column for Linear courses

Avoid marks between 46-49%. If a student is in this range, please call home, keep the student in

for extra help or make use of the Course Completion Days.

If a student is recommended for summer school use comment 173. Students cannot take remedi-

al summer school classes without the teacher’s recommendation. It is recommended that stu-

dents have >40% before taking summer school but they do accept students if the teachers feel it

is in the best interest for the student even if it is under 40%.

For students writing provincial exams, use comment 10. You may also write a personalized com-

ment or enter a second comment code.

You may decide to write your own comments (see instructions in “Teacher Assistant Resource”

page 56). Some find it as easy as looking through the comment codes book and it adds an ele-

ment of personalization.

Verifications will be in teacher mailboxes by February 6th. Please take a moment to review and

make any changes in BCeSIS before the end of the day on February 6th.

Thursday, February 12 by 3:30 pm – Report card attachments (in duplicate) are to be filed in the office.

The original goes in the homeroom folder and a copy in the “Duplicate attachments” folder.

Wednesday, February 18 by noon Homeroom folders will be in teacher mailboxes for collating.

Thursday, February 19 Report cards issued in Period 1

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Collection of textbooks is the responsibility of the classroom teacher until the end of the day, Monday, February 9th. On Tuesday,

February 10th, the office will take responsibility for text collection.

It is expected that teachers vigorously pursue students/parents regarding outstanding texts. It is the classroom teachers’ responsibility

to bill all students who have lost or damaged texts. Please use Statement of Charge forms found in wooden drawers in photocopy

room. Please make sure you press hard enough to imprint all three copies. Please put homeroom # on form. Students receive white

copy only. Make sure that all 3 copies of the form are destroyed when the student returns the text.

Price lists for text are available from your department head.

Teachers should issue a Statement of Charges form to students [white copy only] for a lost or damaged text as soon as possible.

Teachers do not collect money from students. Students are to be sent to the office to pay their debt.

The office staff will start accepting both the yellow and pink copy of the Statement of Charge at the end of the day, Monday, February

9th as we will need them to match the texts the students return to the office.

Each department is responsible for ensuring that a department member is available throughout the exam week so students missing

textbooks can go through the stacks in their department’s book room.

After 3:00pm on Mon-

day, February 9th, please

do not collect textbooks

from students!

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End of Semester Information January 2015 - Students

Some Pretty Good Advice from Exam-Writing Experts

Before the Exam

Get a good night’s sleep – avoid ‘cramming’.

Eat breakfast! Have a snack to eat just before the exam.

Be organized the night before:

o Have all your materials ready – including your Go card or picture ID.

o Do you need a calculator?

o Have extra pens, pencils, erasers….

o You may wish to bring a bottle of water and maybe some Kleenex.

Make sure you get to school on time. Students will not be admitted one-half hour after exams start.

Students who miss their exam will not be able to re-take it until June 2014.

Check the exam schedule (on the back), then double check.

The Day of the Exam

Stay away from other students if they are going to make you nervous.

Check that you have all your materials.

Make a bathroom pit stop – no bathroom breaks during exams (unless dire emergency and then you need an escort!)

Paper Exams are in the Math Module and Electronic Exams are on the 3rd Floor.

o Classrooms are organized alphabetically. Exams are organized alphabetically on each desk.

Look for your name on the student response sheet.

o Stay calm if you can’t find your name/exam – just ask a supervisor.

Bring your Photo ID

Be on time! Ar r ive at your exam session by 8 am (for a morning session) or 12 pm (for an afternoon session) – it will take

30 minutes to be signed in and have instructions read to you.

At the Start of the Exam

Leave any backpacks etc. preferably at home; or at the front of the classroom. The only electronic devices allowed are calcula-

tors. No cell phones or other electronic devices are allowed. If you bring these materials you will have to leave them on the

floor at the front of the classroom

The only things you should have on your desk are pens, pencils, an approved calculator (if required) and photo ID.

Sit quietly and listen for instructions.

Remember what you have learned about taking exams: read through the entire exam; plan out your approach; check your time;

stay calm when you see questions that seem difficult – skip them then go back. Do your best!

After the Exam

Leave all exam materials at your desk.

Leave the room and the area quietly so you don’t disturb other students finishing the exam.

Smile – you are done!

Have a great second semester!

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Room 302

Career Development Facilitators:

Ms. J. Andersen / Mr. B. Edmondson

Career Centre Assistant: Ms. K. Dalgetty

Some of the things we can help you with:

Creating a resume and cover letter

Your job or volunteering search

Information on potential careers

Information on post-secondary schools

Setting up job shadow opportunities & work experience

Assisting with your Grad Transitions completion

Information and applying for District Programs

Secondary School Apprenticeships

GT Requirements

Final deadline: Friday, January 9, 2015

PERSONAL HEALTH (150 minutes per week exercise)

Physical activity certificate

Personal Health work completed during Planning 10

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS ( 30 hrs work/volunteer experience)

Complete 30 hours of volunteer or paid work experience

Community Connections package

GT Exit Interviews: January 21, 2015 and April 9 * 10, 2015

GTP documents must be complete and signed off to be scheduled for exit interview.

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Automotive Service Technician












Baking and Pastry Arts

For those Grade 10 & 11 students possibly looking to pursue a career in an apprenticeship or certificate

program, why not get a head start? Through district partnership programs, Surrey offers many opportunities for

students to continue their high school education while receiving credit for their first-year of post-secondary

education. Take a look at what Frank Hurt students are already doing and what programs are available to you!

Yojan B. Scott C. Ravi S. Ian J.

Partnership with Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Partnership with Vancouver Community College

Selena B.

Canadian Flight Centre

Partnership with

Canadian Flight Centre

Jagvir S.

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Law Enforcement Preparatory Program

Partnership with

Nicole Valley Institute of Technology

Kayla M.

Metal Fabrication

Partnership with

British Columbia Institute of Technology Randy C.


Adam P. Anthony T. Riley Z.

Partnership with Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Megan Y.

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Partnership with Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Painting and Decorating


Josh S.

Jillian S.

Partnership with

Finishing Trades Institute of BC

District Partnership Programs: what are they?

Career preparation programs in apprenticeship trade areas are developed in

partnership with a local post-secondary institution to provide specialized tech-

nical training not offered in secondary schools

Benefits of a District Partnership Program:

Dual credits earned count toward grade 12 graduation requirements and for post-secondary

Programs Offered:

Automotive Collision Repair Technician Emily Carr—Headstart Program

Automotive Refinishing Technician Hairdressing / Cosmetologist

Automotive Service Technician 1 Law Enforcement Preparatory Program

Baking and Pastry Arts Masonry and Bricklayer

Canadian Flight Centre Metal Fabrication

Carpentry at Frank Hurt Millwright / Industrial Mechanic

Culinary Arts Professional Cook 1 Plumbing

Drafting / CADD Welding

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The Coop Program would not be possible without the support and ef-

forts of the business community. We would like to extend our grati-

tude to the following companies and businesses that welcomed our

students for their work experience placements. If you would like your

company name added to the list please call the Career Centre.

Acura Computers Al’s Meter Shop Ltd Amenida Senior’s Community Centre

American Eagle Outfitters B.C. Hydro (82nd Ave.) BC Motors Repair Ltd

Bear Creek Elem. School Bluenotes (Central City) Burger King Restaurants (Newton)

Church’s Chicken Collingwood Community Policing Critter’s Pet Supplies

Den-BC Restaurants Ltd Dick’s Lumber Dollar Tree Stores Canada Inc

Femme Skin Care & Cosmetics Frank Hurt Secondary-Cafeteria Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Ctre

Fraser Valley Equipment Ltd Fraser View Cedar Products Gap Canada Inc. (Guildford)

George Vanier Elementary Gescan Hill Hazmat Logistics Inc.

I.P. Auto Services Ltd Knight & Day Restaurant M.B. Sanford Elementary School

National Hydronics Ltd Old Navy

(Guildford) Minuteman Press

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Different careers in business


How to choose a program and information of programs





What’s it like being a police officer


What a nurse really does? Are you thinking of nursing?


Everything you want to know about the Forces


Looking for work? We can help.



Who can argue with free money for your education? There are mil-

lions of dollars out there for all types of students continuing on to some form of post-secondary edu-

cation. There are even some open to younger grades as well — it’s never too early to start your

scholarship research! Please check out our website for useful links and tips (http://


You might qualify for a scholarship or bursary depending on:

What program or school you are planning on entering

Community service you have done (lots of scholarships here!)

Organizations you or your family belong to

Sports you have been involved in

The company your parent(s) work for!

High marks!!