Vol. 2 _____ January 2012 _____ No. 1 WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY, HEALTHY & CREATIVE NEW YEAR EFIRST A LOOK BACK BEFORE GOING AHEAD . . . F David (occasional editor of this fine paper) and Daniel were married on December 2, at the American Hotel. The ceremony was held on the side lawn of the hotel that was decorated in its holiday best. We followed the couple down a candlelit pathway to the altar where we all witnessed their vows amidst laughter and heartfelt tears. Congratulations to David and Daniel – after 12 years of being together, they are now officially married. The Victorian Fest was held on Dec. 3 rd . I can only report news from the gallery as I had little chance to venture out. There were many fine Victorian costumes, dare I say, a highlight was Jenn's mini top-hat. The mood was merry, sales were merrier and the feedback from visitors was all glowing. Beekman fans were treated to 25 days of recipes, stories and glimpses of Sharon Springs culture via the Advent Calendar. During its first annual debut there were 2,000 viewers and over a hundred comments left. The feedback ranged from loving Polka Spot, to trying the recipes to applauding the citizenry of this boozy, chatty little town. Timtern won the critics award for high drama, Polka Spot for total glam appeal and for just a damn good recipe – Maureen's apple cake (I have been looking for this one, my mother made one very similar but often kept her recipes filed in her memory rather than on paper.) A few shoppers (and locals) have been asking about the progress at Clausen Ridge. So, I put on my investigative reporter’s headband and went to Ms. Yvonne for answers. She was in a bit of a sugar stupor from eating too much Scottish Tablet (reference Advent Calendar if you don’t know what this is – so yummy that my husband was reluctant to share it with our Christmas guests!) But, I digress. The project is in hibernation for the winter, allowing her time to make the rounds of all the holiday parties in town – and there were many! Yvonne now has plenty of time to recover before renovations resume in the Spring. The specifics of the project are being pulled together with the expertise of many, but Yvonne welcomes your input, too! The project is all about working with the community and being an integral part of Sharon Springs' growth and revitalization. You can send her an email, if you like: [email protected]

January 2012 Chatter Final

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Page 1: January 2012 Chatter Final

Vol. 2 _____ January 2012 _____ No. 1WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY, HEALTHY & CREATIVE NEW YEAR

EFIRST A LOOK BACK BEFORE GOING AHEAD . . . FDavid (occasional editor of this fine paper) and Daniel were married on December 2, at the American Hotel. The ceremony was held on the side lawn of the hotel that was decorated in its holiday best. We followed the

couple down a candlelit pathway to the altar where we all witnessed their vows amidst laughter and heartfelt tears. Congratulations to David and Daniel – after 12 years of being together, they are now officially married.

The Victorian Fest was held on Dec. 3rd. I can only report news from the gallery as I had little chance to venture out. There were many fine Victorian costumes, dare I say, a highlight was Jenn's mini top-hat. The mood was merry, sales were merrier and the feedback from visitors was all glowing.

Beekman fans were treated to 25 days of recipes, stories and glimpses of Sharon Springs culture via the Advent Calendar. During its first annual debut there were 2,000 viewers and over a hundred comments left. The feedback ranged from loving Polka Spot, to trying the recipes to applauding the citizenry of this boozy, chatty little town. Timtern won the critics award for high drama, Polka Spot for total glam appeal and for just a damn good recipe – Maureen's apple cake (I have been looking for this one, my mother made one very similar but often kept her recipes filed in her memory rather than on paper.)

A few shoppers (and locals) have been asking about the progress at Clausen Ridge. So, I put on my investigative reporter’s headband and went to Ms. Yvonne for answers. She was in a bit of a sugar stupor from eating too much Scottish Tablet (reference Advent Calendar if you don’t know what this is – so yummy that my husband was reluctant to share it with our Christmas guests!) But, I digress. The project is in hibernation for the winter, allowing her time to make the rounds of all the holiday parties in town – and there were many! Yvonne now has plenty of time to recover before renovations resume in the Spring.

The specifics of the project are being pulled together with the expertise of many, but Yvonne welcomes your input, too! The project is all about working with the community and being an integral part of Sharon Springs' growth and revitalization. You can send her an email, if you like: [email protected]

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Historically speaking, the late 20th and early 21st Centuries have been times of extreme wastefulness. Our landfills are full and we are facing severe energy shortages. Perhaps we can start to solve our problems by channeling an earlier time. How many readers of the Chatter can remember the recycling efforts during World War II, a time when U.S. citizens were asked to sacrifice and did so willingly! ? People even recycled their toothpaste tubes!

Today, whenever I throw away an envelope [well, at least I put it in the recycling bin], I imagine my grandmother, Elsie Cross Madison, cringing at the waste! She re-used everything – envelopes were cut up and used for making lists or writing letters. I bet most of my cousins still have letters from Gram written on the back of a saved envelope, and she used every bit of the surface to write with small, rather cramped writing. “Waste not, want not!” was definitely one of her mantras.

Here are a few ways we could all make a conscious effort to be less wasteful, perhaps these could be our 2012 Resolutions:

1.Compost! Let’s challenge our Waste Disposal providers to have a separate container for compost plus a way to convert that to energy. It’s already happening in many parts of the USA and the world.

2. Use a reusable shopping bag – there are lovely ones available at The Cobbler & Company and at Beekman 1802. You get double points for shopping locally!

3. Turn off your car engine if you’ll be away from the vehicle for more than 8 seconds, you will save gas!

4.Turn your thermostat down a couple of degrees this winter and wear extra layers. As my son once told me, you look better with lots of clothes on!

Perhaps the Chatter could have a contest for the best ideas on saving energy and/or recycling!

~ Nancy DiPace Pfau, Town Historian

NOTE: In 2012 let's all pull together to plan, support and share sustainable, green practices -for ourselves, the community and future generations - it's easier than you think. For many, the extremes can be alienating – but, any small step is a step in the right direction. I'd like to introduce a plan called, “The Green Initiative” in which business owners would evaluate their use of electricity, recycled products and to what degree could they save energy, promote conservation and provide recycling choices for visitors to Sharon Springs.

To begin the discussion - At the Village Hall Gallery we do not leave lights on needlessly, shopping bags are made from recycled materials and are chosen for the good looks to encourage re-use. We have a recycling bin in The Loft for guests (and most everyone uses it – which is wonderful) and unless requested we change the bedsheets every 3rd night. We no longer give out bottles of water but have a filter on the tap. When I dry my hands on a paper towel I keep it around for re-use until it is truly ready for the trash. We, also recycle papers, boxes and plastic.

Any ideas, tips or discussion around this issue would be more than welcomed for the upcoming editions of The Chatter. What are you doing, big or small – care to share?

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I WANT TO DO IT RIGHT!I look around at our huge collection of Sharon Springs’ memorabilia and wonder, “How did it all start?” My husband and I never considered ourselves to be avid collectors nor were we history buffs, but it certainly doesn’t appear so. Over the years, we have watched our friends and family collect Hummels, Precious Moments figurines, dolls, teddy bears, clocks, bird cages, and trains, to name a few. All the while we were thinking, “What will they do with all that stuff?” Of course, that was years ago when we were focused on our jobs. We were thinking more about collecting a paycheck than collecting collectibles.

It all started with the gift of a Sharon Springs postcard about twenty years ago. Sharon Springs is a small mineral water community in Upstate New York, once internationally famous for its healing waters. We were intrigued with the small memento of the past because the image showed how the village used to look. This postcard led to a couple more. Then we thought it would be fun to go to a postcard show. Many dealers and vendors sell at postcard shows with dozens of long boxes storing postcards from all over New York State and bordering states. One postcard show led to several more during the year. We bought more postcards and started putting them into binders. If collecting postcards was fun, then acquiring historical books, pamphlets, photographs, and brochures about Sharon Springs would be fun too, and the albums got bigger. We added Flow Blue glass souvenirs of Sharon Springs to the collection. Keepsakes can be pricey and we couldn’t just leave them setting about so we bought a small tabletop display cabinet to put them in. When that cabinet was full, we bought a bigger cabinet.

We expanded our search from postcard shows. Garage sales, flea markets, antique shows, and of course e-Bay, are the source of our finds. We still have a thrill every time we find something new. People sometimes tell us about a Sharon Springs item they saw and we immediately check it out.

Many mementos are small items like silver spoons and Machlinware, but memorabilia and ephemera are also large objects like posters, porcelain signs, and Adirondack-type souvenirs, and we graduated to a floor showcase. One showcase was fine for a couple of years and then it just didn’t have enough space. Therefore, another showcase was added.

The exhibits lacked order. The items in the cabinets were mostly glassware which we couldn’t leave lying about for small grandchildren’s fingers to touch. In order to categorize the items and house more of the collectibles, more showcases were needed. Also, the items kept growing at a rapid pace and our wall space was getting congested with signs all indicating that Sharon Springs was a fun place to be – Sharon Raceway, Annex Baths, Roseboro Hotel, Sharon Springs Golf Course, Ski Tow, and Smith’s Pool.

So, I alphabetized and categorized the postcards and photographs into a book shelf which now includes about fifty, large binders. My husband repaired various sized showcases when he wasn’t squeezing in more space on the garage walls. He likes the big signs best which boast about the healing powers of Sharon’s mineral waters.

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Today, about twenty showcases house a portion of the Sharon Springs’ keepsakes. One showcase portrays hotels; another depicts waters and temples, still others exhibit items affiliated with bathhouses and treatments with Mud Packs and Pine Needle shampoo.

Since there is more to Sharon Springs than the spa area, the one-room schools, Central School, as well as the rural and agricultural element of life needed representation also. Three showcases correspond to the businesses which catered to the local residents, such as the creamery, feed store, gas stations, restaurants, and grocery stores, including items like dishware, calendars, menus, and milk bottles.

Did I mention the mannequins? When clothes, jewelry, pocketbooks, or hats sit on a shelf, they aren’t showcased properly so bodies and heads were needed to show off the fashions. A baseball shirt or full length gown certainly looks better on a body than lying on a shelf. Ten mannequins have become members of the family. We sold some of their relatives a few years ago and have regretted it ever since. Like all family units, each “person” has a name.Wilma, who lives with the gas can exhibit, wears her Sunoco outfit, complete with a hat from a service station. Paris is dressed for a night on the town with her sequins and chiffon. Elizabeth sports a beaded ensemble with a fur stole. Sondra and Katina wear vintage clothing. Hats from the 40s and 50s are perched on various heads. The children, Cassie, Bonnie, Little Mike, Matthew, and Josh wear winter finery of fur muffs, red stockings and patent leather shoes. Since their apparel changes with the season, sailor suits, sun bonnets, and draw-string purses will soon come out of storage.

At one time, our museum-type items were confined to one room but they are now scattered throughout our living quarters. Signs from various hotels, bathhouses, and eateries, crowd the walls of our garage and pole barn. The grandchildren are more accepting than our children. Little kids don’t see anything strange about plaster people living here. The grandchildren like to pose with them, having their pictures taken wearing jewelry and hats.

One big decision left to be made is what to do with our precious items when we can no longer care for them. Our children probably won’t be receptive to mannequins living among them. We have visions of them arguing over our possessions, “You take it.” “No, you take it.” I can’t help but wonder if we have grown to be eccentric old people.

. . . not that there is anything wrong with eccentricities! The Manko collection has become local legend. When the Sharon Historical Society offers house tours again (this year?) be sure to encourage them to include “The Manko Collection” - or we could nudge Sandy and Walt to open a private, independent museum by appointment, eh?

Sandy was just elected for another term as Sharon Town Supervisor. Congratulations and thank you for giving us a glimpse into your wonderful collection and preservation of Sharon Springs history.


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I feel nostalgic at the holidays. Nostalgia means a longing for the familiarity of what and who has been. That longing is why I come home to Sharon Springs for Christmas every year. Even though I haven’t lived in Sharon for more than 30 years with very few exceptions I always “come home.”

Over the years I have said many goodbyes but the space created by those who have left is never empty for long.

Have you ever picked up a Christmas village snow dome and admired the peaceful village within? Well, the holidays in Sharon Springs, New York is kind of like life in the dome. On the surface, all appears calm and peaceful, but if you were to peek inside the houses and really listen to the villagers you would get a whole different perspective cuz the folks inside are having a whole lot of fun!

Over the years the cast of characters has changed but the rhythm of Christmas Day in Sharon Springs has not. Part of the fun is that in a small town there aren’t a lot of people but you get to see the people who are there a whole lot! I love the loosely orchestrated dance as the same friends move from one location to the next. At each stop everyone greets each other warmly as if they hadn’t seen each other for ages when in reality it had been only a few hours.

I also love that some traditions have changed while others remain constant and comforting. My mother’s delicious leg of lamb served at a formal dinner with linen napkins has been replaced by Michelle’s yummy pink stuff. You can check the recipe at the back of Josh Purcell’s book but if you are a serious calorie counter just gift the book to a friend and have them make it for you!

What haven’t changed are the pussycats, green jello and eggplant parm that Dorcas has served every year since I was a little girl. Some traditions just cannot be altered!

All in all it was a perfect day. If you have never experienced Christmas in a small town in upstate New York you really miss out on something special. Like Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home.” Especially when home is Sharon Springs, New York.

PS: For those of you who need to bring a food item to a party but don’t even do the “Almost homemade” try this: One jar of goat milk caramel sauce from the 1802 shop poured into a decorative bowl, surrounded by Walkers short bread cookies for dipping. Hmmm. And a good time was had by all!

Thank you Marilyn Stein. Marilyn was born and raised in Sharon Springs. She states, “While I haven't lived in Sharon for many years it will always be home to me.”

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JANUARY EVENTSCoryelle will lead a Psychic Circle every 2nd Friday of the month in The Loft at Village Hall Gallery. “Our circles are moments for coming together for knowledge, for healing and for the highest good for all involved. In our circle you'll receive messages & guidance from departed loved ones, spirit guides & Angels in a safe, fun & nurturing environment. Relaxed guided meditations specifically designed to assist you in connecting to Spirit & the Universe.

You can read about her work with animals at www.insightofintuition.com

Please contact Coryelle ahead of time: phone 518-620-6115 or email [email protected] Call before driving out if the weather is acting up on the night of the Circle.


To our friends and neighbors, Cherry Valley Artworks wishes you the most peaceful, joyful and creative of New Year's. As you may know, part of our vision is to provide a forum for artists and those interested in the arts. We are in the process of renovating the Star Theater on Main Street….yes, there is a theater and we are excited about the robust program we have planned for 2012. Here's a sneak preview- Our annual Spring Gala in May, the fourth Cherry Valley Summer Sculpture Trail, the biennial international kite festival, our second annual Summer Concert series and the continued renovation of the theater. As you plan your calendar and write your resolutions, carve out time to join and support us in 2012 and visit us at www.cvartworks.org where you will find our calendar of events. In the meantime here’s to occupying a remarkable New Year in this special stretch of upstate NY that we are so privileged to share with each other. Happy New Year from your neighbors up the road. Thanks to Pam Noonan for this update !

Congratulations Are in OrderKelly Button, owner of The New York Bed & Breakfast in Sharon Springs has been appointed to The Route 20 Association Board of Directors. The Route 20 Scenic Byway stretches 108 miles from Duanesburg on the east to LaFayette on the west and of course travels right through Sharon Springs

The Association Bylaws require two Board Members from each county through which the Route 20 Scenic Byway passes. Kelly joins Joanna King of Esperance as a representative from Schoharie County. Currently there are nine businesses that are members of the Route 20 Association – we hope to add to that number in 2012 ! Congratulations, Kelly – this is a perfect time to make sure Sharon Springs “is on the map” for all New York State visitors and residents to know about.

For more information about the Route 20 Association and the Route 20 Scenic Byway: www.nyroute20.com

Route 20, “The Road Across America” runs from Newport, OR to Boston, MA 372 miles runs through NYS.

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The Town Barber, Keith Mallory

To men of a certain age, guys who know Vic Morrow played Sgt. Saunders in Combat or Bill Mazeroski stole the World Series from the Yankees with his homer in the 9th or know Ron Howard as Opie, not the director, walking into Keith Mallory's barber shop is like putting on a favorite pair of shoes. There are two barber chairs, the furniture is oak, the counter top marble. Centered on the wall is a black bear head flanked by 2 bucks. On the opposite wall is the requisite jackalope head. There's also a 10 cent Coke machine - out of service. In the backroom is a regulation pool table and a gun case. Today the pool table is used for folding laundry but fifty years ago it was a center of entertainment for local guys. That was when Sharon Springs was full of hotels, the baths flourished and Rt. 20 was the major road West.

If you don't get your hair cut here you've probably seen Keith walking his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Daisy Mae, on Chestnut Street. Keith has lived in Sharon Springs his whole life except for a stretch in the paratroopers just after The Korean War. The shop was built by his father in 1942. In the summer his Dad had a shop in Bergman Village, a collection of stores by The Chalybeate Springs and the village swimming pool.

In 1955, after the Army, Keith attended the Royal Barber School in Schenectady and began cutting hair with his Dad. They worked together until 1991. His father passed away in 2004 at 103 years old. Keith's mother is approaching her 100th birthday and is doing quite well – she lives above the barber shop.

Cutting hair is not his full-time occupation. A few years ago Keith retired after 33 years of driving school bus for Sharon Springs Central School. He works weekends at The Clark Gym in Cooperstown. Over the years he's served on the Village Council and did a term as Mayor. Have him tell you his stories about riding night patrol with Beebe, the Town Constable.

At Keith's you get a regular haircut. There is no blow drying or styling gel. He still trims around the ears and neck with a strop sharpened straight razor. The shaving cream is hot and come from an electric dispenser. State regulations have done away with the big brush dusting of barber's talc. And with that you get some darned interesting conversation.

~Thank you Philip for introducing us to Keith or for those who know him, now we know him a little bit better! I see him out walking (often carrying) Daisy Mae. A man and his dog . . .

INSPIRATION FOR THE NEW YEAR Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter

and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every New Year find you a better man.

~Benjamin Franklin

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LOCAL BUSINESS HOURS DURING THE WINTER HIBERNATIONAmerican Hotel - Serving Dinner ~ Thursday through Sunday Hourly Seating from 5pm

Sunday Brunch 8-2 & Afternoon Meals 11:30-4 (dinner begins at 5)

Call: 518 284-2105 or visit them online www.americanhotelny.com

Beekman 1802 - Our store hours will remain the same--every day 10-6 518 284-6039


Black Cat Cafe - Black Cat winter hours, closed Tuesday and Wednesday, open 8-3 Thurs – Mon

518 284-2575 www.blackcat-ny.com

Cobbler & Co. - Winter hours: Jan 1 - April 30 open 10-6 Thursday through Monday (closed Tues. and Wed) Return to summer hours May 1. Also, will be closed Jan 1 through Jan 4th. reopen Thursday Jan 5th at 10 am. 518 284-2067 www.cobblerandcompany.com

My Sisters' Place - Saturday and Sunday only from 8 am - 3 pm serving breakfast and lunch. We are planning to do special dinners during the winter and will announce the dates and menus once we have them confirmed. We will also be hosting a Valentine's Special and a St. Patrick's day dinner. We will send out announcements once our plans are solidified - for more details send us an e-mail at [email protected] or call 518 284-3421

The café is still available for special events, meetings and parties. We are also be available for catering - our catering menu is available at our website www.mysisterscafe.com We plan to return to our normal hours in April. We send our best wishes to everyone for a very happy and healthy New Year - enjoy the winter and we hope to see you all soon.

Village Hall Gallery – Thursday through Monday 10-4 or by appointment or chance 518 284-2402 www.villagehallgallery.com Landreth catalogs & notecards are in stock at VHG!

204 Main Bar & Bistro - will be open 11:30am to 2:30pm for lunch, 5:00pm to 9:00pm for dinner, Wednesday through Monday, closed Tuesday. This will be the schedule for the rest of winter.

Our new menu items include a roasted pear stuffed with Danish blue cheese and walnuts drizzled with maple syrup from Denali Farms of Sharon Springs, Asian noodle soup, and a pear frangipani tart. Also, we are now serving a delightful Spanish Cava, a sparkling wine, by the bottle.

Contact us at: [email protected] or 518 284-2402 and if you have news, stories, gossip or curiosities to share – send 'em in! Thank you, Mary Ann Nellis, for your input, editing and support!