Produced by Jamie Coleman 5. Equipment needed to con- nect to the internet: In or- der to connect to the inter- net you need soſtware and hardware. Most hardware is built inside your internet device but not always. If this is the case just go to your local hardware store. Soſtware can be used when accessing the internet. Soſtware examples are things like Google and Ya- hoo. 4. Using the Internet safely: When search- ing the internet it can be likely that you might come across web pag- es that you really did- n’t want to come across. To avoid this check the website’s history to see if it is considered safe and vi- rus-free. Index 1– Using Browsers 2– Connecng to the internet 3– Adding to favourites 4– Using the internet safely 5– Equipment needed to connect to the Internet. 6– Security Online 7– Sharing Informaon + Benefits of the Internet 8– Disadvantages of the Internet

Jamie Coleman's Using the internet Guide

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A greatly detailed guide on how to use the internet produced by Jamie Coleman

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Produced by Jamie Coleman


Equipment needed to con-

nect to the internet: In or-

der to connect to the inter-

net you need software and

hardware. Most hardware

is built inside your internet

device but not always. If

this is the case just go to

your local hardware store.

Software can be used when

accessing the internet.

Software examples are

things like Google and Ya-



Using the Internet

safely: When search-

ing the internet it can

be likely that you might

come across web pag-

es that you really did-

n’t want to come

across. To avoid this

check the website’s

history to see if it is

considered safe and vi-



1– Using Browsers

2– Connecting to the internet

3– Adding to favourites

4– Using the internet safely

5– Equipment needed to connect to the


6– Security Online

7– Sharing Information + Benefits of the


8– Disadvantages of the Internet


Add to Favourites:

Whatever web page you

are visiting you can add

the page to your

favourites if you wish to.

Adding a page to your

favourites is a quick way to

access specific web pages.

You can add the web page

to your favourites by

selecting the star icon

which is located at the top

-right of your internet



Connecting to the

Internet: To connect

to the internet you

need to connect to

an internet service

provider or ISP. An

ISP is provided in

broadband packages

such as Sky and

Virgin Media. Once

connected the user


Using the Internet

Browsers: Also

known as

Search engines are

used to find

Specific results

when searching the

web. Some popular

search engines are

Google, Yahoo and



Security online:


Internet users use some

form of security when

online. Many users have

anti-virus protection to

prevent their computers

becoming infected with

Malware. To prevent cer-

tain people and people in

certain professions from

coming across a dodgy

website there are internet

restrictions for business us-

ers so then their work can’t

be contaminated and par-

ents place restrictions on

their children to prevent

them from finding certain



Sharing Information: The

internet is a great way to

share information. You can

share information by using

social networking sites like

Facebook and Twitter. You

can also share information

by sending e-mails to each


Benefits of the Internet: You can access a whole world of


You can contact others to talk with

You can buy products on the inter-

net at your convenience

You can watch content that you

can’t access on your TV

You can also look at news updates

to see all world affairs

You can use internet banking to

save time and convenience


Disadvantages of the In-

ternet: The internet has many ad-

vantages but also has its disad-

vantages. On social media there are a

lot of people who try to verbally

offend others if this happens to you,

you can block the person preventing

any further abuse. People who use the

internet too much often start to loose

their social life. To prevent this hap-

pening to you make sure you don’t

spend too much time on the internet.

On the internet there is tons of con-

tent you don’t want to see. To prevent

this happening to you install a re-

strictions package that stops you from

seeing content that may upset you.

There are many more disadvantages,

to see what they are go to iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/spring03/mentzer/
