South West Development Centre Working for positive outcomes for health and social care in the South West

James de Pury in Poole

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South WestDevelopment Centre

Working for positive outcomes for health and social care

in the South West

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Foreword 3

About CSIP South West 4

Our approach 5

1 Mental health 8

2 Social care, older people and learning disability 14

3 Children and families 17

4 Health and social care in criminal justice 20

5 Commissioning 24

Have your say / contact us 27

Our team 28

CSIP South West Development Centre


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ForewordOur future lies in the South West

Health and social care services in the

South West region are faced with some

challenging questions. For example,

• How do we gear services to support

people to lead their lives fully and

independently in ways they choose?

• How can services to be more

responsive to the needs of their local


• How can we ensure everyone has equal

access to high quality care?

• How can services work with local

communities to plan now for the

changing demands of an ageing


Given the day-to-day pressures of

delivering services, it is not easy to find

space to think collectively about solutions

to some of these complex but urgent

questions. Our role in CSIP South West is

to support services to do just that and, in

the process, bring about self-sustaining


While we have remained focused on

delivering the business in hand, we have

been through a process of significant

organisational change as part of the

Department of Health’s programme to

strengthen its presence in the regions and

the Office of the Strategic Health

Authorities’ (OSHA) Review of National


We welcome the increased involvement of

the South West Strategic Health Authority

(SHA) to ensure our work continues to be

accountable, and driven by regional

priorities. We are also working more

closely with our regional Public Health,

Government Office and Third Sector

colleagues. We look forward to building

on our already strong working

relationships in the future.

Through strong partnerships, we work

where it is most needed and where it is

making a difference to people's lives.


Paddy CooneyRegional Director

CSIP South West Development Centre


We support local organisations to

improve health and social care services to meet better the needs of:

• people with mental health problems

• people with learning disabilities

• older people

• children and families

• people in the criminal justice system;


• the families, carers and supporters of

these groups.

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About CSIP South WestSupporting the delivery of Department of Health policy priorities at a national,

regional and local level to bring about improvements in health and well-being.

We are accountable to the Strategic

Health Authority for our regionally agreed

programmes of work. We also have an

accountability to the director of the CSIP

National Support Office for discharging

our responsibilities for work commissioned

centrally, and for ensuring that we

contribute to nationally agreed


We have agreed a change plan that

outlines how CSIP South West will

continue to support working across the

NHS and social care, engaging with local

government and the Government Office

network. CSIP South West and the South

West Strategic Health Authority will keep

key partners and stakeholders informed of

progress on a regular basis.

Our role is to support the

delivery of DH policy priorities

at a national, regional and

local level to bring about

improvements in health and


Care Services Improvement Partnership is

a partnership of four national improvement

programmes, delivered regionally.

The Department of Health (DH) and the

Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) have

implemented changes to the Care

Services Improvement Partnership’s role

and way of working.

The changes were agreed following a

thorough review of CSIP’s eight regional

development centres (RDCs) and

nationally coordinated programmes that

come under its auspices.

The value of CSIP’s programmes has been

recognised and their role in supporting

improvement across and beyond health

and social care remains pivotal to the

effective delivery of an ambitious policy


CSIP South West is commissioned by the

South West Strategic Health Authority and

the Department of Health.


CSIP South West Development Centre

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A regional partnership for

regional priorities

Our Regional Development Centre ensures

a strong emphasis on regional priorities.

We work in partnership with DH, the South

West Strategic Health Authority, the

Government Office for the South West and

local government to promote and support

the improvement and innovation of local


Developing shared solutionsWe adopt a collaborative approach,

understanding the needs of our partners

from the public and Third Sector and work

with them to achieve shared solutions for

the improvement and innovation of local


We achieve this by:

• developing the capacity and capability

to achieve improvements in delivery

• supporting policy implementation, and

• supporting the development of policy

The diagram on page 7 illustrates this


Founded on experienceHere at CSIP South West we have a

dedicated team of highly skilled

consultants offering a wide range of

services to support local organisations to

improve outcomes for people who use

health and social care services.

Staff include practitioners and managers

from health and social care, education and

criminal justice services, and people with

experience of working in the statutory,

voluntary and independent sectors. We

also employ carers and people who use

services directly to help to ensure that our

approach is centred on people’s real

needs, and experience.

The team has a valuable depth of

practical, clinical and managerial acumen.

Our consultants regularly provide

facilitation to senior managers for effective

decision making, planning, and strategy



Our approach

Our approach

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Focussed on local communities

The team also provides facilitation to

engage communities in planning more

appropriate and responsive services,

ensuring that local strategies and action

plans reflect community needs and

priorities. To achieve this, team members

combine their experience of working with

local communities and understanding of

policy issues with the knowledge of how

local services work, in order to develop

clear and focused analysis of often

complex situations.

Committed to integration and

partnershipsWe continue to model and promote

integrated ways of working across health,

social care and the wider public and Third

Sector; an approach that is focused on,

and responsive to the practical and

organisational challenges of driving whole

system change.

Supporting effective leadership

and teamwork development We provide effective leadership and

teamwork development support for local

organisations. Our support helps to

mobilise teams to define and achieve

shared goals. It also helps people to

understand and identify how to improve

the experience of and outcomes for

people from diverse communities who use

local services. This work is led by

Professor Steve Onyett.


Diverse consultancy services

The diagram below illustrates the diverse

range of consultancy services that we


Core work programmes

Our activity is focused on five core work


1. Mental health

2. Social care

3. Children and families

4. Health and social care in

criminal justice programme

5. Commissioning

This brochure provides a flavour of some

the shared solutions we have successfully

delivered in order to meet our local

partners’ priorities.

strategy development

service redesign

network supportteamwork


leadership development

tools and guidance learning


facilitate peer group support


project design and management


capacity planning

workforce planning and development

policy implementation

CSIP South West Development Centre

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Supporting system change

Supporting the


of policy

Developing the capacity and

capability locally to achieve

improvements in delivery






Examples include:

• reducing delayed transfers from hospital for older people through improved data collection, analysis and mapping the journey of people who use services

• working closely with service providers and people who use services, using evidence-based

tools and technology to deliver high impact changes in mental health

• working closely with many local authorities to develop sustainable efficiency improvements in

adult social care.

Examples include:

• supporting the regional implementation of the National Dementia Strategy

• supporting services to implement

improvements identified in the HealthCare

Commission’s audit of inpatient mental health


• supporting the implementation of Valuing

People Now

• ensuring dignity is at the heart of all care and

support, particularly for older people

• supporting implementation of the amended Mental Health Act 2007

Examples include:

• supporting the development of the strategic framework for improving health

in the South West following the Darzi


• leading the Department of Health

consultation on the Commissioning

Framework for Health and Wellbeing

with input from regional partners, and

• developing national demonstration sites

through the Improving Access to

Psychological Therapies programme.

Our approach

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CSIP South West Development Centre


Mental health1Working to improve the quality of life of people of all ages who experience mental distress

Our mental health programme is led by the

National Institute of Mental Health in

England (NIMHE). NIMHE was formed in

2002 to help the mental health system

implement the Mental Health National

Service Framework and the NHS Plan.

We aim to implement national policies for

local benefit taking a whole system

approach across health and social care.

Our strategic objectives are:

• improving health and well being

• supporting service and performance


• promoting equality, access, choice and

independence, and

• supporting system change.

Led by Kate Schneider, Deputy Regional

Director, the CSIP SW mental health

programme has 6 workstreams:

• Improving Access to Psychological


• Effective Commissioning

• Wellbeing and inclusion

• Specialist Mental Health services

• Equalities

• Legislation

Improving Access to Psychological

Therapies (IAPT)This is a three year national programme of

investment of £173 million in England to

give greater access to people suffering

from anxiety and depression to

psychological therapies. This will help

people to better manage their mental

health conditions to remain or get back

into work.

Over the next three years the South West

Strategic Health Authority Authority is

committed to ensuring that:

• 90,000 more people are treated for

depression and anxiety

• 45,000 of them moving to recovery (in

line with National Institute for Health

and Clinical Excellence guidelines)

• 2,500 fewer people with mental health

problems are on sick pay and benefits

• 360 more newly trained psychological

therapists are offering evidence-based


Programme lead: Kate Schneider

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Mental health


To support this we are working closely

with Strategic Health Authority.

Between 2008-2011 we will support the

delivery of:

• a phased roll-out of IAPT services

across the region

• a regional training plan delivered

against national standards

• supervision for trainees whilst

delivering care

• employment opportunities for

graduating trainees, linked to the roll-

out of IAPT sites, and

• a partnership approach with

employment and training services.

From October 2008, 100 extra

psychological therapy workers will be

receiving training in the South West

and by 2010 a minimum of 386 will be

undertaking training or have

completed it.


We are delivering an extensive programme

of work to support services to implement

the Mental Health Act 2007, the Mental

Capacity Act 2005 and the related

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, which

require significant changes to practice.

We work to inform all relevant

organisations about the legislation, helping

them to understand the impact that the

changes will have on service

commissioning and delivery. For example,

we have actively supported local

implementation networks in the

commissioning of the new advocacy

service required under the Mental

Capacity Act 2005.

We help local organisations with legal

responsibilities under the legislation to

develop local implementation networks

and delivery programmes, ensuring that

stakeholders have opportunities to

influence the implementation process

locally. For example, we have played a key

role in promoting the development of a

network of advocacy provider

organisations. A key element our work is

to provide focused training and awareness

raising for key staff and other


We respond to queries about challenges

that organisations face, offering expertise,

advice and guidance, and encouraging

them to share information about what

works and what does not. This includes

promoting joint working in the delivery of

training plans. We also provide local

"a very big 'thankyou' for your continued

support and commitment, in assisting with

the seminars across the Trust with the

implementation of the Mental Capacity

Act. The feedback has been extremely

positive and the seminars well received"

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organisations with information about

national policy, guidance and other

initiatives to support local service



Delivering Race Equality (DRE) in Mental

Health is a five year action plan introduced

by the Department of Health in 2005 to

tackle inequalities for Black and Minority

Ethnic (BME) people including those of

Irish or Mediterranean origin and Eastern

European migrants. It forms an integral

part of the CSIP equalities portfolio.

Evidence shows that BME people who

come into contact with mental health

services fair less well than their White

counterparts in terms of access to

services, experience and outcomes. The

DRE programme aims to:

• support more appropriate and

responsive services

• engage communities in the planning

and development of services, and

• gather and provide information on

people who use services.

In the South West, we are working to

realise these aims in a number of

innovative ways.

Four Focused Implementation Sites

covering Somerset, Bournemouth and

Poole, Dorset and Plymouth have

demonstrated that the implementation of

DRE can bring about positive outcomes

for BME service users and carers, and

provide an opportunity for frontline staff

to consider ways in which they can

better meet the needs of increasingly

diverse communities.

Eight Community Engagement

Projects - supported by the University

of Lancashire - have enabled local

people to get more involved in the health

and social care needs of targeted

community groups whilst at the same

time acquiring research skills.

Recommendations from these projects

are being translated into Statements of


Forty Community Development

Workers (CDWs) have been employed

to work strategically across the South

West region with a range of

stakeholders. As access facilitators;

capacity builders; change agents, and

CSIP South West Development Centre

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Mental health


service developers, CDWs are already

proving to be an effective workforce.

At a recent workshop for the

Gloucestershire Primary Mental Health

Development Team West, which included

local CDWs, participants rated the

outcome of the day and the ideas

generated at 8.5 / 10, and the agenda

and facilitation of the event at 9 / 10. The

“one word that described the day” for

participants were

The HealthCare Commission’s Report ‘The

Pathway to Recovery’ and the annual

‘Count Me In’ Census, suggest that the

unmet needs of BME service users and

carers remain a cause for concern. As

such, CSIP South West will build on the

successes, disseminate the learning and

continue to work with stakeholders in

order to realise the DRE programme


Promoting social inclusion through

employmentThe Individual Placement and Support

(IPS) model is widely recognised as being

an effective approach in helping people

who have mental health problems to find

or remain in employment. CSIP South

West regularly holds events to look at

the evidence for IPS and give examples

of clients and services who have used it.

Delegates can share information and

current practice and consider how to

develop an IPS-based vocational service.

Suicide prevention

CSIP South West is working to raise

awareness and promote the sharing and

spread of positive practice in suicide

prevention and reducing the number of

deliberate self harm incidents across the

region. We aim to ensure that prevention

of suicide is seen as everybody’s

business and not just the responsibility

of professionals.

Our work includes supporting a wide

range of agencies to

• improve suicide prevention planning

and data gathering

• reduce suicide and self harm amongst

vulnerable groups and those who do

not engage with services and who are

difficult to reach

• address clinical and professional

issues about patient safety, risk

management, and clinical governance

• deliver targeted action on suicide


• identify current research and work to

put the research into practice

encouraged, refreshing,

invigorating, motivated,

energised, and successful

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Mental health


• challenge the often negative media

reporting of suicide

We held a special network event on 10th

September 2008 to mark ‘World Suicide

Prevention Day’ and focus regional

attention on how we tackle these issues

together in the South West.

Devon Partnership Trust has led the way

in ‘putting the research into practice’

publishing the Guidance on Action to be

taken on suicide hotspots and the

application of new technologies to reduce

the incidence of self harm amongst young

people. This has been well received

nationally and is being used locally to

make a real difference. For example, new

safety features have been incorporated

into the design of a new bridge being

constructed over the River Taw as part of

the Barnstaple Western Bypass scheme.

More recently Devon Partnership Trust has

been developing and piloting the use of

text messaging as a means of delivering

psychological support to individuals who

engage in self harm, and exploring the

potential of social software and on line

communities to foster engagement. It is

hoped that this research will make a major

contribution to help those who self-harm,

and also inform the way in which we

educate people about it


As part of implementing the recent

‘Local Government and Public

Involvement in Health Act’ (2007) we are

supporting the developments of Local

Involvement Networks (LINks) in

conjunction with the Department of

Health and the NHS Centre for


There will be a LINk in every Local

Authority area that has social services

responsibility. LINks will encourage and

support local people to get involved in

how local care services are planned and

run. They will listen to local people about

their needs and about their experiences

of services.

CSIP South West is facilitating a

development and support network for

local authority LINk leads, as well as

facilitating a development and support

network for host organisations. We help

health and social care commissioners

and providers to connect with LINks

locally and to use them effectively.

Working in partnership with the NHS

Centre for Involvement to design and

develop a syllabus of knowledge and

expertise. We use this to offer specific

support and guidance for LINks leaders/

governors. We also provide a range of

leadership support to community and

Third Sector organisations to support

capacity building and effective


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Mental health


Mental Health Reference Groups

We facilitate local area-based Mental

Health Reference Groups that provide a

forum for discussions about the strategic

direction and local priorities for mental

health and social care services. The

groups consider and advise on the mental

health service improvement work across

the region. They also advise on how the

mental health programme could work

more effectively, for example through who

is involved and the values observed.

The Reference Groups ensure that there

are opportunities for representation from

diverse perspectives. Membership

includes people who use services, carers,

voluntary sector representatives and front

line practitioners, who all feed into and are

part of other networks and groups across

the region.

Making A Real DifferenceCSIP South West has worked with our

partner development centres across the

country to develop a range of useful

resources to support participation of

people who use mental health services

and their families and friends. This

includes the South West-led initiative to

develop an ‘Involvement Passport’.

Download the resources at


As part of our work to implement this in

the South West, in conjunction with the

Citizens Advice Bureaux we are piloting a

scheme to offer guidance for people who

are in receipt of benefits but who wish to

become involved in CSIP South West’s

work. We are currently planning a

regional event about involvement and

benefits and reimbursement issues.

Specialist mental health services

We support local Trusts and their

partners to ensure that admissions to

acute inpatient care are appropriate,

purposeful, therapeutic and safe.

Following the publication of the results of

the HealthCare Commission acute adult

mental health service improvement

review we have adopted the HealthCare

Commission’s inpatient assessment

framework to inform desired local

outcomes and priorities for service


Working in partnership with local Trusts

we aim to ensure that:

• an effective acute care pathway is in

place re admissions and discharges

• there is individualised whole person

care that promotes recovery and


• service user and carers are involved

in care planning, how the ward is run,

and in operational and strategic

planning, evaluation and

development, and

• safe and therapeutic systems,

processes and facilities are in place

on the ward for service users, staff

and visitors.

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CSIP South West Development Centre

2 Social care, older people and learning disability

CSIP’s Social Care Programme relates to the wider social context of people’s lives

including their independence and wellbeing, and their housing, for example, as

well as their health and immediate care needs. We are committed to the vision of

health and social care services that are personalised and meet the needs of



Our programme provides consultancy,

support and delivery services focussed on

the policy priorities from the Department

of Health’s Social Care, Local Government

and Care Partnerships Directorate and in

conjunction with the South West Strategic

Health Authority. The programme is co-

ordinated by Nye Harries, Regional

Change Agent.

Our insight into the everyday issues faced

by health and social care services enables

us to deliver real results to benefit health

and social care professionals and the

services they provide. We engage with

managers, clinicians and practitioners to

redesign pathways, improve skills and

motivate the workforce.

Helping to transform care services for adults, particularly older people, those with long term conditions and people with learning disabilities, to enhance their quality of life with greater choice and

control, wellbeing and personal dignity.

Better health and social care for

older people

CSIP South West has an established track

record of working with whole systems

partners in individual communities across

the South West, working with local

partners to improve care pathways for

older people, support local implementation

of the national agenda for older people’s

health and social care services that covers

physical and mental health, and

strengthen partnership working between

local agencies.

We are working on the following themes in


• Dementia: supporting local

implementation projects and regional

development activities, including

Programme lead: Nye Harries

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Social care


"we have found CSIP support extremely helpful, it has helped us to move forward with partnership working and also provided constructive challenge."

PCT Director of Nursing

sponsoring and sharing innovative

practice, for the new National Dementia

Strategy. This covers the full range of

care settings, including home support

from NHS and social care community

services, care homes, general acute

care and specialist mental health care.

• Dignity in Care: providing regional

support for local projects as part of the

national Dignity in Care campaign.

• Older People’s System Reform:

undertaking whole systems

reviews of care pathways in and

out of hospital, with a particular

focus on delayed discharges,

and working to support NHS falls


• Early Intervention and

Prevention: supporting the six

regional Partnership for Older

People’ Project (POPP)

prevention pilots and development

work to improve local work on

wellbeing for older people and people

with long term conditions.

• No Secrets: developing and

implementing the national policy review

in this area.

There is also an active Housing Learning

and Improvement Network in the South

West run by CSIP to support local

implementation of the new national

housing strategy for an ageing population.

Social care services and policy

implementation support

CSIP South West works with individual

communities and across the region on key

adult social care priorities including:

• Personalisation and self directed


• Delivery of the Joint Improvement

Programme (JIP) for Adult Social Care

• Negotiating and supporting delivery of

the adult social care and older people’s

sections of Local Area Agreements, on

"CSIP have been helpful in both pointing out options and opportunities and in direct facilitation of sometimes difficult discussions and situations. ….progress that has been achieved has been significantly supported by CSIP…as an honest broker, and has I believe the respect of all parties, challenging and supporting individuals and organizations as appropriate."

Acute Trust Director of Operations

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Social care


behalf of the Government Office for the

South West

• Supporting performance improvement

within priority councils

• Delivery of the Care Services Efficiency

Delivery programme

Valuing People

We are working to support the

implementation of Valuing People Now.

The programme is led by Sue Turner,

Regional Advisor for the Valuing People

Support Team, who can offer specific

support to areas, based on their local

needs. The Valuing People programme

also supports a number of networks and

events which address the five key

priorities set out in Valuing People Now:

• Personalisation

• Health

• What people do in the day and


• Housing

• Making it happen

Examples of support include:

• A family led jobs project for families

who want to support their sons or

daughters into work. The project

provides practical tools and support for

families, their allies and local support

providers to enable people with

learning disabilities jobs. There is also

an employment network for the South

West. The aim of the network is to

support people with learning disabilities

into 16+ hours employment.

• We are developing a joint post with the

Health and social care in criminal

justice programme to identify and

disseminate good practice in terms of

working with people with learning

disabilities in contact with the criminal

justice system.


We are supporting the implementation of

the revised Prime Minister's Strategy for

Carers and the work of the Standing

Commission on Carers.

We enrolled three carer co-ordinators to

develop networks of family carers. The

networks provide family carers with

opportunities to have time together to

discuss issues and share information.

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3 Children and familiesWorking to support real change and better outcomes

for children, young people and their families.


Our children and families programme aims to enhance, at a regional level,

cross-government activity to support the delivery of Every Child Matters (2003)

and the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity

Services (2004).

At CSIP South West our team is led by

Linda Parker, the Regional Change Agent.

We work with all agencies and sectors

involved with children and families and can

offer specific support to individual areas,

based on their local needs.

Our programme for this year includes work


• Children with disability – we will

support the multi-agency

implementation of Aiming High for

Disabled Children which includes

improvements in the provision of short

breaks, transition planning and services

to those children with life-limiting


• Commissioning – we work with local

areas to develop World Class

Commissioning competencies within

the Children’s Trust arrangements

Programme lead: Linda Parker

CSIP South West Development Centre

• Early years and child health

promotion – we are supporting areas

to implement the Child Health

Promotion Programme and to develop

a wide range of services in Children’s

Centres and Extended Schools

• Emotional health and wellbeing –we

offer information, advice and support to

enable Partnerships to continue to

improve their services

• Maternity services – we are helping

areas to implement their Maternity

Matters action plans

• Safeguarding – we work with the

South West Strategic Health Authority

to support those professionals working

in this field as they implement the Child

Death Review process

The following page provides examples of

our work in these areas.

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Children with disability

• Supported one area to work as a

multi-agency team and complete the

national disability audit tool. This self

assessment allowed the area to gauge

its progress towards the

implementation of Aiming High for

Disabled Children and to identify its

priorities for the next year

• Worked in several areas to support the

redesign across all agencies of

services for disabled children,

including therapy services

• Facilitated workshops to encourage

local teams to consider how to

develop and implement protocols for



• Working with commissioners and

providers of palliative care services to

implement Better care: Better Lives

• Member of the Regional Improvement

and Efficiency Partnership Governance

Group. Leading projects on teenage

pregnancy and young people with

emotional and behavioural disorder

• Support to local areas as they

undertake re-commissioning and re-

procurement exercises

Early years and child health


• Working with several PCTs as they

redesign their Health Visiting Services

to meet “Facing the Future” and the

Child Health Promotion Programme

• Working alongside regional colleagues

to support health services to become

an integral part of Children’s Centres’

service delivery

• Working with regional colleagues to roll

out the Extended Schools and fully

include NHS colleagues in the services


Children and families

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Emotional health and wellbeing

• Working with the Targeted Mental

Health in Schools pilots to set the

programmes up and share the early

learning across the rest of the South


• Re-launching the Primary Mental Health

Worker Network to support the

clinicians and enable them to develop a

consistent service offer to


• Working with several areas to review

their CAMHS Partnership arrangements

and tackle specific service

improvements in line with the

CAMHS review

Maternity services

• Worked with Maternity Services

Liaison Committees to develop

new terms of reference and

workplans for the year that will

support the implementation of

Maternity Matters

• Working with one area to

implement a perinatal mental

health care pathway, that sees

midwives and children’s centre

staff working closely together


• Sharing information about good

practice and promoting the use of the

Safeguarding network website

(www.safeguardingnetwork.org.uk) and

the secure discussion forum (https://

saif.csip.org.uk) for named and

designated health professionals

CSIP South West Development Centre

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CSIP South West Development Centre



Health and social care in criminal justice

Working to support better health and social care for offenders and their families.

The main focus for the Health and Social Care in Criminal Justice Programme

(HSCCJP) is on supporting positive changes in the well-being of people with

health and social care needs in all areas of the criminal justice system.

The Offender Health and Well-being

Partnership in the South West builds on

the work of the Department of Health

(DH), the Home Office (HO) and more

recently Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to

modernise and mainstream prison health

care into the wider NHS and the

developments highlighted in the

consultation on ’Improving Health,

Supporting Justice’. As changes in

structures within the MoJ and DH regional

presence proceed, we will continue to

work in partnership to “improve health,

address health inequalities and reduce

crime by maximising the opportunities

provided by better integration of health,

social care and criminal justice systems”.

Our main aim is to support the delivery

and implementation of Improving Health,

Supporting Justice.

Our main objectives are to:

• lead efforts to improve access to health

services for offenders with mental

health, physical health or substance

misuse needs through partnership

working with local organisations and


• support the implementation of National

Service Frameworks, the NHS Plan, the

Social Exclusion Unit report and other

related policy guidance within the

context of the criminal justice system

• contribute to the reduction of

reoffending across the South West

• improve the quality of commissioning

processes for offenders

• enable service developments to be

informed by local experience and

stakeholder participation

• monitor and review progress in service

development, targets and milestones

and assist local partnerships to achieve


Programme lead: Lynn Emslie

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Health and social care in criminal justice


• develop the use of the Prison Health

Performance Indicators (PHPIs) and

support service improvement issues

arising from these, and

• support research and development

activities, encouraging the South West

to lead national practice in key

developmental areas.

Reducing reoffending

The South West Reducing Reoffending

(RRO) Delivery Board has identified eight

strategic pathways as a framework for the

management of its work:

• Accommodation.

• Children and Families of Offenders.

• Drugs.

• Alcohol.

• Education, Training and Employment.

• Attitudes and Behaviour.

• Finance, Benefits and Debt.

• Mental and Physical Health.

The South West Offender Health and Well-

being Partnership will contribute as

appropriate to the work of all these

pathways and will lead on delivery of the

Health pathway on behalf of the RRO

Delivery Board. It will also oversee the

offender section of the regional delivery

plan for health and well being, and the

Department of Health service level

agreement between CSIP and Social Care,

Local Government and Care Partnerships

Directorate. The National Treatment

Agency for substance misuse and the

South West Strategic Health Authority are

key partners in delivery of this agenda.

The South West Reducing Re-offending

Board attaches high priority to addressing

diversity issues and to the promotion of

equality in the delivery of the Reducing

Re-offending Strategy. Working through

its constituent members and partners, the

Board is committed to ensuring that:

• the development of services relevant to

each pathway takes account of, and

responds to, the diverse characteristics

of the target group

• there is equality of access to delivery

and benefits of service provision for

each pathway, and

• services are delivered by organisations

that can demonstrate that they have

proper policies and procedures in place

to support and promote diversity –

both in terms of service delivery and in

terms of employment.

Here in the South West Lynn Emslie leads

a well-established team who are working

with key partners in order to improve

access to healthcare for offenders and

reduce re-offending through leadership of

the Mental and Physical Health Pathway of

the South West Reducing Re-offending


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CSIP South West Development Centre


Network support

Lynn has established a HSCCJ Network

for all stakeholders across the South


Court pilot project

We are working with Her Majesty’s Courts

Service (HMCS) to improve the service

available to defendants appearing in court

who are presenting as having mental

health difficulties.

The pilot started in Bath and Bristol

magistrate’s courts and Bristol crown

court on 1 April 2008. It was officially

launched by Courts Minister Maria Eagle

on 5 June 2008 who welcomed the

introduction of the pilot:

“The South West Courts Mental Health

Assessment and Advice Pilot is an

important step in ensuring that court

users with mental health problems

have their cases heard by the courts


Better care for women offenders

In December 2007 the government set out

their response to the Corston review and

in May 2008 a National Service Framework

for Women Offenders was published that

clearly lays out the government's strategy

for addressing the needs of women


Interrupting the Spiral – Women in Contact

with the Criminal Justice System

(Birmingham 24th April 2008), was a

significant national event which brought

together service users, carers and

professionals from health, social care and

criminal justice agencies, the third and

private sector. The attendance of Maria

Eagle MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary

of State, Ministry of Justice, reinforced the

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Health and social care in criminal justice


interministerial interest and support for

this work by confirming the Government’s

response to the Corston report: a review

of women with particular vulnerabilities in

the criminal justice system.

The voice of experience was prominent

through out the day. Key themes from the

event identified the need for:

• effective partnership working across all

agencies, including the Third Sector

• early interventions

• effective information exchange, and

• the sharing of best practice.

Better health care for prisoners

Examples of work in this area includes


Mental health

• the implementation of the extension of

the Offender Care Pathway in prisons,

especially in local prisons

• the development of comprehensive

mental health services across all South

West prisons, especially primary mental

health care

• a network for prison in-reach teams

• a pilot for the delivery of Increased

Access to Psychological Therapies for

offenders in Dorset prisons

• local services to address the health

and social care needs of offenders in

the community from first point of

contact with the criminal justice system

through to reintegration within the


Older prisoners

The Development of ‘A Pathway to Care

for Older Offenders: A Toolkit for Good

Practice’. The South West has completed

a substantial piece of work which resulted

in the publication of the ensuing

Department of Health guidance. The

purpose of this publication is to inform

and assist the delivery of individually

planned care for older prisoners whilst in

prison, followed by successful

resettlement back into the community,

receiving the necessary support to sustain

an optimum quality of life and reduce re-

offending. This work is currently being

rolled out nationally.

General prison health

The implementation of a new system of

Prison Health Performance Indicators

(PHPIs) has ensured ownership of the

prison health agenda by the NHS and

provides a bench mark for improvements

in standards.

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Activities have included joint planning and

delivery of events on:

• Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

• Commissioning and LINks, and

• Social Enterprises for health and social


Effective commissioning for

mental healthThis year’s programme builds on an

approach and style which commissioners

have valued and found effective in

developing their knowledge, skill and


What has worked for them?

The development and improvement of

commissioning as a mechanism to

drive system reform in order to

achieve better outcomes for

individuals and communities is a

priority for health and social care.

Extensive policy initiatives and

considerable guidance provide a range of

frameworks within ambitious visions

projecting both World Class

Commissioning for organisations and the

potential for highly personalised and

localised responses through

Personalisation (Putting People First

January 2008) and Practice Based


We are working with colleagues across

regional organisations to bring together

partners to harness the potential for

coherent and coordinated approaches to

support the development of;

• commissioning systems for


• commissioning teams across agencies

and disciplines, and

• commissioning capability in individuals.


Commissioning5Supporting the development of world class commissioning across the South West region

Programme lead: Carrie Morgan

CSIP South West Development Centre

“Quality discussion on

complex issues”

“Flexibility in responding to need and

new agendas”

“Examples of good practice and

innovation across the region”

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The aims for the programme are to:

• support the development of effective

commissioning and system reform

within current and emerging national &

regional priorities

• enable commissioners to take account

of and integrate the wide range of

policy imperatives impacting on mental

health and well- being

• promote the development of WHOLE

LIFE commissioning through

connecting to other relevant health

and social care policies and CSIP


• be grounded in the needs and of

communities in the South West as set

out in Indications of Public Health in

the English Regions (South West

Public Health Observatory 2007)

• encourage health and well-being

improvement as expressed in Improving

Health, Ambitions for the South West

(NHS South West Strategic Priorities

2008/09 to 2010/11)

• relate commissioning to system

development and reform at regional

and local levels, and

• recognise and underpin the role of

confident leadership in enabling and

sustaining system change and service


The key themes for this year are:

• moving on to commissioning for health

and wellbeing

• developing, supporting and sustaining

joint commissioning

• personalisation and choice, and

• social inclusion and recovery.

And, how is it for participants? In a word

or phrase

Enhancing commissioning

capacity in the third sector

Working across CSIP SW’s programmes,

the Third Sector Programme encourages

partnership working between the public

and third sector to provide better

outcomes for all. It does this by providing

information, policy support and capacity

building activities for Third Sector

organisations and commissioners.

We have been working over the last three

years to develop opportunities for the

Third Sector to become more involved in

commissioning to improve outcomes for

local communities. For example last year

we developed the successful

“Commissioning for Non-

Commissioners Pub Quiz”. This year we



focussed, encouraged,

reassured, fun, an oasis of

calm, positive,

empowering, informative

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have worked in partnership to design a

short course offering health and social

care Third Sector organisations an

opportunity to develop their understanding

of commissioning as a whole and to

develop “readiness” to being

commissioned in the future.

Evaluation shows that we have been

successful in helping people to

understand better the health and social

care reform agenda, and in becoming

more familiar with the concepts, policy

and language to do with commissioning.

People also have a better understanding

of what commissioning for outcomes

means, and the implications for their


Participants valued the opportunity to

learn from others, applying their learning

to their own organisation, the clear

presentations and guidance, useful

examples and group participation. Some

organisations felt that the course enabled

them to really push ahead with developing

their plans to become world class


The course is being written up to provide

a workbook for the wider voluntary and

community sector to use to improve and

develop their understanding of


Workstream lead: Rebecca Hardwick



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CSIP South West Development Centre

Have your sayWe have developed an ambitious

programme of work based on what our

commissioners have said are the most

important things we should do.

Findings from last years IPSOS MORI

survey show that the majority of our

stakeholders say that we support positive

outcomes in health and social care

services in the South West. But what you

think? Your views are important to us and

there are a number of ways that you can

have your say. We will do our best to listen

to what you say and implement any

improvement suggestions where


Talk to one of our team

Get in contact with one of our team to

share your views in person. Use the

contact list on the next page to identify

the most relevant team member.

Complete our stakeholder survey

Our online stakeholder survey will take you

less than 2 minutes to complete.



Write an email

You can provide your feedback by email to

[email protected].

Tel: 01278 432 002

Fax: 01278 432003

Email: [email protected].

Web: www.southwest.csip.org.uk

Regional Director: Paddy Cooney 07957 153139 [email protected]

Deputy Director and mental health lead: Kate Schneider 07973 732766

[email protected]

Contact us

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Our team

Mental health Diane Bardsley Participation Lead and LINKs Co-ordinator 07785 511807

[email protected]

Sarah Joy Boldison Development Consultant Mental Health Workforce 07775 684776 sarah.joy-

[email protected]

Francine Bradshaw Development Consultant Race Equality 07775 684785

[email protected]

Leeanne Caldwell Programme Support Officer Mental Health 01278 432002

[email protected]

James De Pury Project Manager Mental Health Act Implementation 07908 098036

Alan Howard Development Consultant Acute Care 07876 453407 [email protected]

Miriam Morgan Race Equality Lead 07920 213901 [email protected]

Mark Norman Service Improvement Lead and Dual Diagnosis Lead, 07990 528836

[email protected]

David Pennington Development Consultant MH Legislation/IAPT 07799 627244

[email protected]

Kate Schneider Deputy Director and Mental Health Lead 07973 732766 [email protected]

Louise Sheasby Temporary Programme Support officer, Mental Health and IAPT, 01278 432002

[email protected]

Alex Stirzaker Developmment Consultant IAPT & Personality Disorders 07920 502250

[email protected]

Trish Stokoe Development Consultant Social Inclusion and Wellbeing 07768 421669

[email protected]

Amanda Williams Project Manager Mental Capacity Act 07825 843356

[email protected]

CommissioningRebecca Hardwick Development Consultant Third Sector Programme and Commissioning 07768

612736 [email protected]

Carrie Morgan Senior Development Consultant Commissioning 07900 905487

[email protected]

Our teamStaff team contact details grouped under our core work programme headings and listed alphabetically by surname. Click on a staff members name to read their biography on our website.

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Our team

Jane Rawlinson Programme Support Officer, Children and Families and Commissioning 01278

432002 [email protected]

Social care, older people and learning disabilityEmma Bullen Temporary Programme Support Officer 01278 432002 [email protected]

Sandy Clarke Physical and Sensory Impairment Lead 07889 209083 [email protected]

Amanda Cheesley Regional Change Agent Older People 07810 658284

[email protected]

Nye Harries Regional Change Agent Older People’s Services 07775 897428

[email protected]

Kay Russell Regional Change Agent Older People 07776 453489 [email protected]

Sue Turner Regional Advisor VPST 07866 715742 [email protected]

Children and families David Goodban Regional Development Worker, CAMHS 07787 510232 [email protected]

Shoba Manro Service Improvement Lead, CAMHS 07748 656939 [email protected]

Linda Parker Regional Change Agent Children and Families 07920 711007 [email protected]

Jane Rawlinson Programme Support Officer, Children and Families and Commissioning 01278

432002 [email protected]

Health and social care in criminal justice programmeFaye Brazier Programme Support Officer HSCCJ 01278 432002 [email protected]

Lynn Emslie Lead, HSCCJ 07899 968190 [email protected]

Sue Staddon Project Manager Court Pilot Project 07917 593470 [email protected]

Other leadsRichard Byng GP Advisor

Steve Onyett Senior Development Consultant Leadership 07771 908812 [email protected]

Support teamJean Alger-Green Business Manager 01278 432002 [email protected]

Julie Armstrong-Butler Business Support Officer 01278 432002 [email protected]

Carol Prescott Information Officer 01278 432002 [email protected]