l ao 1o FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Repo,. ~ Requ , ,~ d by the ~rht~’~ m Government Act of 19 78 R~v. 1/2010 FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (5 u.s c app §.~ 101-1!1) I. Person Reporting (]as! namco first, freddie msual) 2. Court or Organization 3. Date of Report Zagel, James B. U.S District Court No. IlL 6’4/2010 4, Title (Article Ill judges rod)care acnve or ~em or st,~tu:,, So. Report Type (check approprtate type) 6. Reporting Period magistrate judges md~cate filll-or par~-tFnc) [] Noramanon, Date 01/01/2009 U.S. DistrlctJudge, Active [] lmtml ~ ~ Annual [] Final to 12 ;31/2009 5b, [] Amended Report 7. Chamb ers or Office Address 8. On the basin of the reformation contained in this Report and any modifications pertaiaing theretu, it is, in m) opim on, in corapliance 219 S Dearborn ~ith applicable laves and regulations. Room 2588 Chicago, IL 60604 Rcwewing Of ficer Date IMPORTANT NOTES: The instructions accompanying thi.~ form must be followed Complete all parl& checking the NO NE box for each part where you have no reportable information. Sign on lost page. I. POSITION S. <+,~o+a,g,.a+i+nao~++.; NONE (No reportable positions.) POSITION NAME OF ORGANIZATION/ENTITY 2, 3, 4. 5. I1. AGREEMENTS. ~." ~ NONE (No reportable agreements.) 7J~r:~: ~ ~.+~’] ~ PARTIES AND TE~S ~;-- ~ I. ~ 2.

James B Zagel Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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la o 1 o F I N A N C I A L D I SC L OSU R E R E P OR T R e p o , . ~ R e q u , ,~ d b y t h e ~ r h t ~ ’ ~

m Government Act of 19 78R ~ v . 1 / 2 0 1 0 FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (5 u.s c a p p § . ~ 1 0 1 - 1 ! 1 )

I. Person Reporting (]as! namco first, freddie msual) 2. Court or Organization 3. Date of Report

Zagel, James B. U.S District Court No. IlL 6’4/2010

4, Title (Article Ill judges rod)care acnve or ~em or st,~tu:,, So. Report Type (check approprtate type) 6. Reporting Periodmagistrate judges md~cate filll-or par~-tFnc)

[] Noramanon, Date 01/01/2009

U.S. DistrlctJudge, Active [] lmtml ~ ~ A n n u a l [] Final to

12 ;31/2009

5b, [] Amended Report

7. Cham b ers or Office Addres s 8. On the basin of the reformation contained in this Report and anymodifications pertaiaing theretu, it is, in m) opim on, in corapliance

219 S Dearborn ~ith applicable laves and regulations.

Room 2588

Chicago, IL 60604Rcw ew ing Officer Da te

IMPORTANT NOTES: The instructions accompanying thi.~ form must be followed Complete all parl&

checking the NO NE box for each part where you have no reportable information. Sign on lost page.

I . P O S I T I O N S . < + , ~ o + a , g , . a + i + n a o ~ + + . ;

N O N E (No reportable positions.)







~ NONE (No reportable agreements.) 7 J ~ r : ~ : ~ ~ . + ~ ’ ]


I. ~


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P a g e F I N A N C I A L 2 o f 1 0 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R Tz a g e l, J a m e s B . 6 / 4 / 2 0 1 0

I I I . N O N - I N V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . r S e p o r ~ . g , . d , v ,~ u a l a . d s p o . s e ; s e e ~ . p . 1 7 - 2 4 of filing ,nstruction$.)

A. F lier’s Non-lnvestment Income

NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)

D AT E SOURCE AND TYPE INCOME(yours, not spouse’s)

I 1/1-12/31 Foundauon Press - Book Royalttes $2,978 00

2 1/1-12/31 EP Talent Services - Actor’s Royalties $298.00



B . S p o u s e ’ s N o n - I n v e s tm e n t I n co m e - If you were married during a ny portion of the reporting year, complete this section.

( D o l l a r a m o u n t n o t r e q u t r e d e x c e p t f o r h o n o r a m a )

D NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)


I. 1/I-12/31 Grant Thornton - Partnership lnco,ne




I V . R E I M B U R S E M E N T S - ,r ~ . s p o r ta , io n , IodgJng, yood, ,e~J n ....( I n c l u d e s t h o s e t o s p o u s e a n d d e p e n d e n t c h t l d r e n , se e p p 2 5 - 2 7 o f fi h n g t t ~ t r u c n o n s )

NONE (No reportable reimbursement.*)







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P a g e 3 o f 1 0[ Z a g e I, J a m e s B .

6 / 4 / 2 0 1 0

V . G I F T S . a , a ~ , h o , e ,o ~ . ~ ~ , d d , p ~ , ~ , ~ U d , ~ ; ~ p ~ . ~ - ~ , g ~ t ~ m~,ruction~.)

NO~ ~o reportable g~s.)







V 1 . L I A B I L I T I E S . a . ~ t . a .~ ~ h o ~ e o y ~ v o ~ . ~ ~ . a a . .¢ . a ~ , ~ h a a ~ e , ,; ,~ ~ . ~ - ~ of fihng instruction~)

N O N E (No reportable liabdities.)







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P a ge 4 o f 1 0 Z a g e l , J a m e s B . 6 / 4 / 2 0 1 0

V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i ........ ~.e, , ..... ~o,~ a.ci.d.s ,hose o,.sp ..... ~ d,p~ .d,~, ~hU ~.,~; ,e~ ~ . 34 -~0 o~,~ ~,~ o~

N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)


D e s c n p h o n o f A s s et s I n co m e d u n n g G ro s s v a l u e a l e n d T r a n s a c t m n s d u n n g r e p o r ti n g p e r io d

( m c l u d m g t r u s t a s s e t s ) r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d o f r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d

(I) i2 ) (1) (2) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5 )P l a c e " ( X ) " a f t e r e a c h a s s e t I A m o u n t T y p e ( e . g ., Value Value T y p e ( e . g . , D a l e Value G a i n l d e n U t y o f

e x e m p t f i ~ m p r i o r d ~ s c l o s u r e ! C o d e 1 d i v . , r e n t , C o d e 2 M e t h o d b u y , s e l l, a m / d d / y y C o d e 2 C o d e 1 buyer/seller

I ( A - H )o r i n t . } ( J - P ) Code3 r e d e m p t t o n ) ( J - P ) ( A - H ) ( f f p n v a t e

( Q - W ) t r a n s a c t m n )

1. M O N ¥. Pohcy Value D Dw~dend K T

2 Northern Trust Accts C Dtvidend P I T

3. Farm Lan d Washington/Chnton Counties Ill C Rent K W

4 Grant Thornton 401 (k) C Interest M T

5. Northwestern Mut. Life Ins. Policy A D~vidend J T

6. New York Life Ins. Pol. A D ~ v ~ d e n d J T

7. Country Cos. Life Pol A Dividend J T

8 Transamer. Life Pol Val. None L T

9 Transamer Life Pol V al None L T

10 Prudentml Lffelns. A Dtv~dend J T

1 1 . Metropohtan Life Ins. A D~wdend J T

1 2 . Equttable Life (Now AXA Equttable) A D~vidend K T

1 3 . Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) C Interest PI T

14 ING Life Pohcy A D~vidend J T

15 R B C B Interest O T

1 6 . TEMFX A D ~ s t r t b u t t o n K T

17 TEMFX A Distributton K T

t lncomeOam Codes A=$1,00Oorles!, B =$1,001-$2,500 C=$2,~01 - $5,000 D=$5,001 - $15,0~O E=$15,001-$50,000(See Columns BI aad D4) F =$50.001 - $100,000 O =$100.00t - $1,000,000 HI =$1.000,001 - $5,000.000 H2 =More than $ 5,000.000

2 Value Codes J-$15,000orlcss K =$ 15,001-$50,000 L =$ 50,001- $100,000 M =$100,001. $250,000

(5 ¢¢ Co lum ns CI an d D 3) N -$ 250,00 1 - $ 500 ,0 00 O =$ 500,001 - St,000,000 P I =$ 1,000.001 - $5,000,000 P2 =$5,0~0,001 - $25.000.000P3 -$25,000.001 - $50,1~0,000 P4 =More lha~ $50.000.000

3 Value Method Codes Q -Appraisal R =Cost (Real E~tat¢ Only) S =Assessment T-C~b Market(S~.¢ Column L2) U =Book Valu~ V ~Ofi~r W =Estimated

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FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N a m e o f P .... R e p o r t i n g D a t e o f R e p o r l

P a g e 5 o f 1 0 z ~ g e l , J ~ m e s B . 6 / 4 / 2 0 1 o

V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - o, . . . . . . ~,e, tr ..... dons (’Includes those of spa .... nd dependent children; see p p. 34-60 of filing in~truct, on~.)

N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A, B. C. D .D e s c n p t m n o f A s s e ts I n c o m e du n n g G r o s s v a l u e a t ~ n d T r a n s a c t i o n s d u r i n g r e p o r lm g p e r i o d

0 n c ] u d m g t r u s t a s s e ts ) reporttng period , of repomng period

Place"lX)"afl ..... basset i A m o u n t i Type(e.g., / V a l u e [ V a l ~ e T y p e ( e . g . , I Oate I Value Gain [ Identltyof

e ~ e ~ p t ~ o m p . o ~ d , ~ c ~ o , ~ i C ° 0 e lI ¯ . . . . . . ~ / C ~ o~ I M e t h o d buy. se!l,n ~ d ~ y y l C o d e 2 C o d e l ] b~re,"sell~r( A - H ) o r m r ) [ ( J - P ) C o d e 3 m d c m p t m n ) "

! (J’P)(A-H) / U f p n v a t e

1 8 . KO A D w ~ d e n d K T

1 9 . KO A D ~ v ~ d e n d K T

20. Regions Fm = RF A D~vtdcnd J T

2 1 . SAG Pension Plan A Interest J T

2 2 . CP A D~vldend K T

2 3 . CP A D ~ v ~ d e n d K T

24. Teck Cominco Ltd EI’CK N~ne J T

25 . Teck Cominco LtdJTCK None J T

2 6 . Encana - ECA (formerly PCX) B D~vidend K T

2 7 . Encana- ECA (formerly PCX) B Dividend K T ,

2 8 . Cenovius None K T Spmoff 12/21109 K(from hne 26)

None K T Spmoff 12/21/09 K9 Cenovlus

(from line 27)

30 Dell None J T

3 1 . MK Lm~lted Partners B Distribution k W


3 3 . Assets of Trust. Total value ofall asselsP’hsted

34 My estimated share is 11%

P3 =$2L~,~1 - $50,000.~ P4 =More thin $50.~,~

Column C2) U =Book Value V =~er W -E~]mated

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FINANCIAL DISCL OSURE RE PORT i N a m e o f P . . . . Reporti.g D a t e o f R e p o t |

P a g e 6 o f 1 0 Z a g e ~ , J a m e s B . 6 / 4 / 2 0 1 0

VII. INVESTMENTS and T RUST S - i . . . . . . . ~.~, t .....o ~ a n a , d , , ~ h o , e

~ NO ~ (No reportable income, assets, or ~ansactions.)

A. B C D,

( i n c l u d i n g t m s ~ a s s e ~ ) re~ng penod o f r e p o s i n g p e r i o d

Place"(X)" a~ each ~set A m o u n t T y p ~ ~ e g , V a l u ~ Value~

T~ (e.g,, : Date . Value O a m I d ~ n U ~ o f

exempt from prior d~losu~ C o d e 1 d w . , ~ n ~ , C~e 2 Me~ [ b u y . s e ~ , mm/d~’yv C~¢ 2 C~c I buser/~¢l~r( A - H ) o r i n t . ) ( J - P ) C~e 3 [ r c d e m p t m n ) ’ (J-P) ( A - H ) 0 g p n v a ~ e

3 5 . Bank Account. Hams Trust Chk.!lnt. A Interest J T

3 6 . Maple Pubhshmg Co. None

37 SEP/IRA RB C C Dividend N T

38 CP A D ~ v ~ d e n d J T

39 Teck Cominco L td.!TCK None J T

4 0 . Encana- ECA (formerly PCX) A D~wdend K T

41 Cenov~us A Dividend K T Spmoff 1 2 / 2 1 / 0 9 K(from line 40)

4 2 . Oracle- ORCL None J T

4 3 , End oflRA

¯ ~ . liD A Dividend J T

45. H D A D~vidend J T

46 PG B D ~ v ~ d e n d L T

47. PG B D ~ v ~ d e n d L T

4 8 . Wyeth - W YE (formerly AHP) A Dividend Sold 1 0 / 1 6 / 0 9 K D

49 Wyeth - W YE (formerly AHP) A D~vidend Sold 1 0 / 1 6 , ’ 0 9 K D

5 0 . General Electric-GE A Dtvidend J T

51 General Eleeme-GE A D ~ v ~ d e n d J T

2 Value C~es

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FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT [ N .... fPerson Report ing Da’leofReporl

IPage 7 of 1 0 ] z ~ g e l , J a m e s n . 6 t 4 / 2 0 1 0

VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - i.co ..... r u e , t ....* ’ d o n s ( I n c l u d e s t h o s e o f ~ p o u s ¢ a n d d e p e n d e n t c h i l d re n ; s e c p p . 3 4 - 6 0 of fili,g in~tructlons.)

N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A B C. D. - ....D t : s c ri p n o n o f A s s e ts I n c o m e d u r i n g G r o s s v a l u e a t end T m n s a c u o n s d u n n g r e p o rh n g p e r io d

( i n c l u d i n g t r u s t a s s c t s ) [ reporting period o f r ~ , o r t m g p e r i o d

[ (1) (2 ) (I) (2) (li (2) [ (3) (4) I (5 )P l a c e " ( X ) " a f t e r e a c h a s s e t | A m o u n t T y p e ( e g , Valua Value T y p e ( e g . , Date . Va lue Gain i Idcmuy or

e x e m p t f ro m p r i o r d t a c l o a a r e | Code I d r y . , r e n t , C o d e 2 M e t h o d . b u y , s e l l , m m / d d/ y y , C o d e 2 C o d e I i b u y e r / s e l l e r[ (A-H) ormt) I (J-P) C O d e 3 1 r e d e m p t i o n ) ( J - P ) ( A - H ) i

........... ......... ~o-_~ F , I .... ~,oo)

5 2 . A O L None J T Spino~ 1 ] 1 2 7 1 0 9 J A(from l ine 54)

~ 3 . A O L None J T Spinoff I 1 1 2 7 1 0 9 J A(from hn e ~)

~ 4 . T~me Wan~er A Dwtdcnd .I T

5 5 . Ttme Warner A Dividend J T

5 6 . Time W arner Cable A D~vidend J T Spinoff 3/12/09 J A(from hoe 54)

57 Time Warner Cable A Dwtdeod J Y Spmoff 3/12!09 J A(from hoe 55)

58 Janus Contranan Fund A Divtdend K T

5 9 . Janus Contrartan Fund A Dwtdend K T

60. Bear Steams Account!RBC D Interest N T Accounts Merged-seen o t e

6 1 . Pepco Holdings POM B Dtvtdend K T

62 F~rst Energy - FE B Dtvtdend K T

6 3 . Duff & Phelp Fund - DNP B Dtvtdend K T

6 4 . Fund Managed I-hgh Income - MItY B Dtvidend K T

6 5 . Lease of excess B errien Cty, MI acreage to B Rent L WLett.z Corp

6 6 . AT&T A Dwidend J T

67. FPLGroup/FPL A D ~ v ~ d e n d K T

68 Conoco Philips - COP B Dividend K T

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FINANCIAL DISCL OSURE RE PORT N,m, of Perso. Reporting [ Dale of Report

P a g e 8 o f 1 0 z, gel,,--o.

I0 , 4 , ~ 0 , 0

V II. 1 NV ESTMENTS and TRUSTS -i .......,,., ......a , , ~ a ~ , . z ~ a , ~ , , o , , o : , ~ . . . . . a ~ , . a , ~ t ~ s l t a , , ~ : , , , ~ . J 4 . ~ o o f : # ~ , ~ , , , , ¢ a o ~ , . ~

NONE ~o reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

De~nptlon of Asse~ Income dunng

_ Gross value at end

Tran~tlons d~ing reposing ~rl~(mclud mg trust ~ts) r~ing p~od of repomng pen~

e x e m p t f r o m p ~ o r d * ~ l o s ~ e C~e2~ Me~ buy, sell,

~COde ~ I

~.... t, {n~d~yy C~e 2 ] C~e I b . y c f f s c l l r r

~ (A-H) Drink) (J-P) [ C~c 3 rcdcmpOon) : (J-P) ’ (A-tt) (~fpnvate

- - [ (Q’~ lImnsact ton)

6 9 . Bank of America - BAC A ~vidend K T

70 Dallas Fort W orth Roy Bonds A lnt./Div. Sold 11/02/09 K B

7 I. Dallas Fort Worth Roy Bonds A lnt/Div Sold 11/02/09 K B

72 Ill Sports Facs Auth Bond B ]nt/Div. K T

7 3 . FIP Propemes LL C None M R B uy 05/01/08

7 4 .

incomc(~am Cud~A = $ 1 , O O O o r l e s s kl=$1.O01- $2,500 C=$2,501 -$5 ,000 D=$5,001-$15,000 E =$15,001 - $50.000

Va~ue Codes J =515.000 or los,; K =515.(RII - 550.000 L =$50,001 - 5100 000 M =$100,001 - $250,000

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I N r e e r s o a R e p o , t .~ ..... ] DateofRepor~J

Page 9 of 1 0 Z a g e ~ , J a m e s B . 6 / 4 / 2 0 ] 0


I participate m the Federal T hrift Savings Plan, bnt it is my unde rstanding that this asset need not be hsted.

All individual assets held in brokerage accounts are mthvidually disclosed m report.

The d ouble l isting of certain investments is due to the fact that ~o~ne are m ~ name. 1 hav e not designated wh ich are~ assets, but [ hst themseparately because they are individual holdings which might be sold separat~ly at a future t~me

Various investment accounts held at Bear Steams were, during the calendar year 2008, transferred to RBC’s (Royal Bank of Canada) Wealth Management facthty.in Chicago I have deleted last year’s reference to Bear S teams and now list the assets solely under Royal B ank of Canada (I~B C) Accordingly, the individualinvestments are hsted under the heading Bear Stearns/RBC. The transition of investments occuned over some weeks These are non-discretionary acco~,mts

In previons years, the Union League C lub was listed under "V Gifts." Based upon fiarthcr information, and upon the opinion oftbe Conmu ttee on Codes ofConduct, the monthly fees paid byjudges are equal to tees paid by younger members, clergy and military. The fee~ exceed the overhead costs to the club, and theprivileges accorded are less than those acc orded regular mem bers. In the opinion ofthe Com mittee on Codes of Conduct, this fee class~ ficiatlon does not constitutea "gift" under the Ethics m Government Ac t.

The B ear Steams Account listed last year m Section VII, line 72 had been transferred last year to Royal B ank of’Canada with all of the Bear Stearns accoant~. 1did not specify thi~ at line 72, but in Section VIII, 1 did state that all Bear Steams aeconnts w ere transferred to RBC. On March 16 of this year, my tv, o separateaccounts were m erged wh ich accounts t’or the increase in value reported this year for the account listed in Section V1], hne 13.

The new entry, FIP Partners, LLC, should have been reported last ~,ear ~ acquired a half interest in a condommmm owned b’, ~ and°~i’~. The purchase price w as $ 186,00() The condominium ts a rental property The only activity thus far has been to furnish the apartment and prepare tt for

Maple Pnblishmg, Section V II, line 36, was a small, minority investment made b~ ~ or h~s attorney around the t me o~ .--1, death in 1995. In February 200~),the interest was extinguished by the majority interest since the intended purpose of thin’investment was achieved The lead trustee did not advise me of this because

the transaction dld not reqmre or permtt approval oftbe trustees The extu~ctton nfthe investment should have been reported m Calendar Year 2000 Therotalincome realized from this investment was reported under the name "Maple Publishing" in the reports for Calendar Years 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000.Since 2001, I have never received nor requested any funds from the tla.lsl I note it has been my practlee to report zero income as "A" s~ nce zero ts less than $10001 should, instead, have reported that the income received was "None." I entered "A " in order to make sure I w as not inadvertently omitting some minimal incomefrom my statemem, particularly when I hold, or are entitled to, a percentage interest in an investment

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F I N A N C I A L D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T N s r ~ e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g [ Date of Report

Pa ge 1 0 o f 1 0 Z a g e l , J a m e s B .




i certify that all information given abov e (including information pertaining to my spouse an d minor or depen dent children, if any) isaccurate, true, and complete to the best of my know ledge and belief, and that any information not reported w as withheld because it met applicable statutoryprovisions permitting non-disclosure.

I further certify that earned Income from outside emp loyment and ho noraria and the acceptance of gifts which h ave been reported are incompliance w ith the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. § 501 et. seq, 5 U.S.C. § 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.



Mail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

Committee on F~nancml DisclosureAdm inistrative Office of the United S tates CourtsSuite 2-301One Colum bus Circle, N.E.W ashington, D.C. 20544