Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out€¦ · Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means?

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Page 1: Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out€¦ · Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means?
Page 2: Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out€¦ · Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means?

Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”!

• Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means? (Wait for response) It means “Hello, friends” in Swahili!

• So “Jambo” friends and thanks for joining me on our African Safari.

• And with Valentine’s Day coming up this week, we’re going to celebrate LOVE!

• Don’t worry, it’s not some mushy kind of love, but the GREATEST love EVER, GOD’S love for US!

• Now God doesn’t show His love for us through valentine cards, teddy bears, or sweet treats.

• He wrote His love notes to us in… the BIBLE!


• As we pray today, let’s make sure we take a moment and thank God for His love!

Lead Kids in Prayer

• All right, safari seekers, I want to remind you of the TWO challenges we have here “Out in the Wild”.

• The first challenge is to… bring your… BIBLE! What better way to learn about God’s Word then by actually bringing… GOD’S WORD!

• Raise up your Bible if you brought one today! (Wait for response) Nice! Every week that you bring in your Bible, you will get a special treat! (Make sure to give a special treat to those who brought their Bible)


• Your second challenge is to memorize the names of ALL the books in the New Testament.

• To help you out, we have these cards (hold up Bible Challenge card) for you to take home. They have a list of all the books you need to memorize.

• In fact, let’s check out this song to help us memorize the books of the New Testament!

o We have a brand new “Books of the New Testament” pin to award each of you who memorizes the books of the New Testament this series!


Wild_Lesson o For those of you who brought your Bible, I want

you to turn to Hebrews 4:12. Once you find it, keep your Bible open to that page, because you’re going to need it for this next bit! Make sure to listen up!

Host comes on stage with Foam/plastic sword The Bible is such an incredible book. It’s filled with pages and pages of God’s love for His creation. God spoke through the writers of the Bible to let us know what He wanted to teach us.


Page 3: Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out€¦ · Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means?
Page 4: Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out€¦ · Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means?

Like we read in Hebrews 4:12, the Word of God is ALIVE and ACTIVE. (Holding up foam/plastic sword) it’s sharper than any double-edged sword.

• God’s word wasn’t just for the Israelites back in the day! And it’s not an old dusty history book. It still has power for those of us who believe in it today!

• And like a soldier (hold up sword) would never go anywhere without his sword, we shouldn’t go anywhere without remembering the truth in God’s Word! Check this out!


WOW! That is awesome that God would use people like Jeremiah to write down His messages for us through the Bible. • Since God told the men what to write, then we

can believe that everything in the Bible is true! • Now let’s go over our Need to Know for today!

Say it with me!

• The message throughout the Bible is the same and never contradicts itself!

• Over the course of thousands of years, God used 40 different people to write His words down.


• People change their minds about things all the time. But God’s Word is perfect and true. It never changes.

• Every fulfilled prophecy has been accurate and there are no inconsistencies.

And the GREATEST prophecy every fulfilled was that of a Savior coming. We know this happened because we have a Savior in Jesus!

Wild_Worship In the Bible there is this incredible story about King David. He was so excited that the Ark of the Covenant, which kept God’s promise to the Israelites, was brought to the city of Jerusalem, that He started dancing.


He was dancing before the Lord with ALL his MIGHT. He didn’t care who saw him worshipping God because He was so grateful to God for everything. So when we worship today, forget about everyone else, and just think about what God has done for you.

Wild_My Lighthouse_Worship

Wild_Verse_Offering Slide The Bible is like a lighthouse! It guides us to know where to go and shows us the light of God’s Word!

The Bible guides us to be generous. Hebrews 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first part of all your increase. ELEM WILD WK 2 (8)

Page 5: Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out€¦ · Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means?
Page 6: Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out€¦ · Jambo, rafikis! Welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • Does anyone remember what “Jambo, rafikis” means?

.” I know you might not have a job where you can make loads of cash, but God does appreciate it when you give back to Him with whatever you DO have. Why do we give? We give to HONOR God! When we want to honor someone, we are showing that they are important and matter to us. If anyone has offering, please place it in (indicate area). Wild_Announcements and Game

We have a few quick announcements before we end our time with a game! Your February and March Family Mission is Love Gives: Foster Care Kits. We are challenging your families to put together care kits for the kids in foster care.


We want those amazing kids to know how much we care about them! Make sure to check out the flyer to see what to include in your kits!

And then coming up in just two weeks is… Sugar Rush! You’re invited to join us for a sweet treat and fun games! Use the CF Kids Valentine Invites to invite a friend to come and check it out!

Wild_Game Time_Video Now for a fun game! Everyone is getting a heart half. You’ll notice your heart half has a word on it. You’ll have 60 seconds to find the other half of your heart by looking at other people’s words and seeing which one goes with your word.


• For example, if I had the word peanut butter, what other word do you think goes with it? Jelly!

• Let’s play “Perfect Match”

Wild_60 Second Timer_Video

Wild_Logo_Slide That was so much fun. Now to check if you found the right pair! (Have kids read out their pair) There are 4 heart halves that show the greatest love EVER- God/His Word and Jesus/Savior. These make up an even bigger heart that shows God’s Love for US. For God SO LOVED the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! Let’s end in prayer!