ENG. Italian LITERAL TRANSLATION (IF DIFFERENT) PHONET PRONUN January 1-Happy New Year! Nuovo Anno Felice! NWOH-v LEE-chay 2- What are your New Year's resolutions? Quale sono le Sue risoluzioni del nuovo anno? KWAH-la SOO-ay re nee dehl N noh 3-I gave up chocolate and ice cream this year. Ho rinunciato al cioccolato ed il gelato questo anno. oh ree-noo ahl chawk ayd eel jay KWEHST 4- I'm looking forward to going on holiday. Aspetto con impazienza di andare sulla festa. ah-SPEHT paht-SYEH DAH-ray ah 5- Where are you going? Dove va? DOH-vay 6- We're going skiing in the Alps. Sciaremo negli Alpi. We'll be skiing in the Alps. shah-RAY AHL-pee 7-Does the hotel have a pool or a gym? Ha l'albergo una piscina od una palestra? AH lahl-B pee-SHEE pah-LAYS 8-Don't foget to bring your gloves. Non dimentichi portare i Sui guanti. nawn dee pawr-TAH GWAHN- 9- I'm going to take a lesson at the resort. Prenderò una lezione al ricorso. I'll be taking a lesson at the resort. prehn-day leht-SYOH KAWR-so 10- Have a wonderful trip. Abbia un viaggio meraviglioso. AHB-byah my-ray-ve 11- Remember to take lot's of pictures. Ricordisi di prendere molti immagini. ree-KAWR PREHN-d eem-MAH 12- Let's go for a walk. Andiamo per una camminata. ahn-DYAH na kahm-m 13-It's too cold to go for a walk outside today. Fa troppo freddo per andare per una camminata fuori oggi fah TRAW doh pehr pehr OO-n


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Page 1: JAG-ITA




1-Happy New Year! Nuovo Anno Felice! NWOH-voh AHN-noh fay-LEE-chay

2- What are your New Year's resolutions?

Quale sono le Sue risoluzioni del nuovo anno?

KWAH-lay SOH-noh lay SOO-ay ree-zoh-loot-SYOH-nee dehl NWOH-voh AHN-noh

3-I gave up chocolate and ice cream this year.

Ho rinunciato al cioccolato ed il gelato questo anno.

oh ree-noon-CHYAH-toh ahl chawk-koh-LAH-toh ayd eel jay-LAH-toh KWEHST-oh AHN-noh

4- I'm looking forward to going on holiday.

Aspetto con impazienza di andare sulla festa.

ah-SPEHT-toh kawn eem-paht-SYEHN-syah dee ahn-DAH-ray SOOL-lah FEHST-ah

5- Where are you going? Dove va? DOH-vay VAH

6- We're going skiing in the Alps.

Sciaremo negli Alpi. We'll be skiing in the Alps. shah-RAY-moh NAYL-yee AHL-pee

7-Does the hotel have a pool or a gym?

Ha l'albergo una piscina od una palestra?

AH lahl-BEHR-goh OO-nah pee-SHEE-nah ohd OO-nah pah-LAYST-rah

8-Don't foget to bring your gloves.

Non dimentichi portare i Sui guanti.

nawn dee-MEHN-tee-kee pawr-TAH-ray ee SOO-ee GWAHN-tee

9- I'm going to take a lesson at the resort.

Prenderò una lezione al ricorso.

I'll be taking a lesson at the resort.

prehn-day-ROH OO-nah leht-SYOH-nay ahl ree-KAWR-soh

10- Have a wonderful trip. Abbia un viaggio meraviglioso.

AHB-byah oon VYAHJ-joh my-ray-veel-YOH-soh

11- Remember to take lot's of pictures.

Ricordisi di prendere molti immagini.

ree-KAWR-dee-see dee PREHN-day-ray MAWL-tee eem-MAH-jee-nee

12- Let's go for a walk. Andiamo per una camminata.

ahn-DYAH-moh pehr OO-na kahm-mee-NAH-tah

13-It's too cold to go for a walk outside today.

Fa troppo freddo per andare per una camminata fuori oggi

fah TRAWP-poh FRAYD-doh pehr ahn-DAH-ray pehr OO-nah kahm-mee-

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NAH-tah AWJ-jee

14- Let's make some hot chocolate.

Facciamo del cioccolato caldo.

fah-CHYAH-moh dehl chawk-koh-LAH-to KAHL-doh

15- I'm going to sit by the fire and read.

Mi sederò dal fuoco e leggerò.

I'll sit by the fire and read. mee say-day-ROH dahl FWOH-koh ay lehj-jay-ROH

16- My grandmother knit me a new scarf.

La mia nonna mi ha lavorato a maglia una nuova sciarpa.

lah MEE-ah NAWN-nah mee ah lah-voh-RAH-toh a MAHL-yah OO-nah NWOH-vah SHAR-pah

17- Do you know how to knit?

Sa lavorare a maglia? SAH lah-voh-RAH-ray ah MAHL-yah

18-This year is off to a great start.

Questo anno ha iniziato bene.

This year has started well. KWEHS-toh AHN-noh ah ee-neet-see-AH-toh BAY-nay

19- Let's go out for dinner tonight.

Usciamo pella cena questa sera.

oo-SHAH-moh PEHL-lah CHAY-nah KWEHS-tah SAY-rah

20- Are you in the mood for Italian food?

È nell'umore per alimento italiano?

eh nehl-lwoh-MOH-ray pehr ah-lee-MEHN-toh ee-tah-lee-AH-noh

21- I'm as hungry as a horse. Sono affamato come cavallo.

SOH-noh ahf-fah-MAH-toh KOH-may kah-VAHL-loh

22- I have a great idea! .Ho una buona idea! OH OO-nah BWOH-nah ee-DAY-ah

23- A table for two, please. Una tavola per due, per favore.

OO-nah TAH-voh-lah pehr DOO-ay pehr fah-VOH-ray

24- Would you please pass me the salt and pepper?

Mi passerebbe il sale ed il pepe, prego?

mee pahs-sehr-REHB-bay eel SAH-lay ayd eel PAY-pay, PRAY-goh

25- What is the soup of the day?

Che è la minestra del giorno?

KAY eh lah mee-NEHS-trah dehl JAWR-noh

26- Is it served hot or cold? È servita calda o fredda? eh sehr-VEE-tah KAHL-doh oh FRAYD-dah

27- When is your anniversary?

Quando ha luogo il Suo anniversario?

When does your anniversary take place?

KWAHN-doh ah LWOH-goh eel SOO-oh ahn-nee-vehr-SAH-ree-oh

28-Did you get a bonus this year?

Ha ottenuto ad un'indennità questo anno?

ah awt-tay-NOO-toh ahd OON een-dehn-nee-TAH KWEHS-toh AHN-noh

29-Congratulations! Congratulazioni! kawn-grah-too-laht-SYOH-nee

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30- How was your interview?

Come era la Sua intervista? KOH-may EH-rah lah SOO-ah een-tehr-VEES-tah

31- Email a copy of your resume to my uncle.

Email una copia del Suo curriculum al mio zio.

AY-mighl OO-nah KOH-pyah dehl SOO-oh koor-REE-koo-loom ahl MEE-oh TSEE-oh


1- Is parking available? 2-My brother just bought a new car.

È parcheggiare disponibile? Il mio fratello appena comprato un nuovo automobile.

eh pahr-kehj-JAH-ray dee-spoh-NEE-bee-lay eel MEE-o frah-TEHL-loh ahp-PAY-nah kawm-PRAH-toh oon NWOH-voh ow-toh-MOH-bee-lay

3- Do you need help with your homework?

Ha bisogno dell'aiuto con il Suo compito per casa?

Do you have need of help with your homework?

ah bee-ZOHN-yoh dehl-ligh-YOO-toh kawn eel KAWM-pee-toh pehr KAH-zah

4-We're going to the mountains this weekend.

Andremo alle montagne questa fine settimana.

ahn-DRAY-moh AHL-lay mawn-TAHN-yay KWEHS-tah FEE-nay seht-tee-MAH-nah

5- Would you like to join us?

La soddisferebbe di accompagnarci?

lah sawd-dees-fay-REHB-bay dee ahk-kawm-pahn-YAHR-chee

6- I'm hoping to get out of work early on Friday.

Spero che mi accomiata di lavoro presto venerdì.

SPAY-roh kay mee ahk-koh-mee-AH-tah dee lah-VOH-roh PREHS-toh VAY-nehr-dee

7- I look forward to meeting your friends.

Aspetto con impazienza di venire a contatto dei Sui amici.

ah-SPEHT-toh kawn eem-paht-SYEHN-syah dee vay-NEE-ray ah kawn-TAHT-to day SOO-ee ah-MEE-chee

8- Do you have a pencil I can borrow?

Ha una matita che posso prendere in prestito?

AH OO-nah mah-TEE-tah kay PAWS-soh PREHN-day-ray een pray-STEE-toh

9-You have been such a good friend to me.

È stato così buon amico a me.

eh STAH-toh koh-ZEE BWOHN ah-MEE-koh ah MAY

10- You watch too much TV. Guarda troppa televisione. GWAHR-dah TRAWP-pah tay-lay-vee-ZYOH-nay

11- Have you seen his latest Ha visto il suo ultimo film? . ah VEE-stoh eel OOL-tee-

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movie? moh FEELM

12- She’s very down to earth.

È tutto senza pretese. She's wholly without pretense.

eh TOOT-toh SAYNT-sah pray-TAY-zay

13-Let's go out for a romantic evening.

Usciamo per una sera romantica.

oo-SHAH-moh pehr OO-nah SAY-ra roh-MAHN-tee-kah

14- I love you. La amo. lah AH-moh

15- He sent me a dozen roses.

Mi ha trasmesso una dozzina delle rose.

mee ah trah-ZMEHS-so OO-nah DAWD-zee-nah DEHL-lay ROH-zay

16- They make such a beautiful couple.

Sono così belli coniugi. SOH-noh koh-ZEE BEHL-lee KAWN-yoo-jee

17- I look forward to meeting your parents.

Aspetto con impazienza di venire a contatto dei Sui genitori.

ah-SPEHT-toh kawn eem-paht-STEHNT-syah dee vay-NEE-ray ah kawn-TAHT-toh day SOO-ee jay-nee-TOH-ree

18- Yes, my mother will like you.

Sì, la mia madre La gradirà.

SEE la MEE-ah MAH-dray lah grah-dee-RAH

19- My sister is bringing the kids to visit.

La mia sorella porta i bambini alla chiamata.

lah MEE-ah soh-REHL-lah PAWR-tah ee bahm-BEE-nee AHL-la kyah-MAH-tah

20- May I have a glass of water?

Posso avere un bee-KYEH-ray di acqua?

PAWS-soh ah-VAY-ray oon bee-KYEH-ray dee AHK-kwah

21- Your cat is adorable Il Suo gatto è adorable. eel SOO-oh GAHT-to eh ah-doh-RAH-blay

22- Is that a new perfume? È quello un nuovo profumo?

eh KWEHL-loh oon NWO-voh proh-FOO-moh

23-I forgot to take my vitamins this morning.

Mi sono dimenticato di prendere le mie vitamine questa mattina.

mee SOH-noh dee-mehn-tee-KAH-toh PREHN-day-ray lay MEE-ay vee-TAH-mee-nay KWEHS-ta maht-TEE-nah

24- Do you have a glass of water?

Ha un bicchiere di acqua? AH oon bee-KYEH-ray dee AHK-kwah

25- Let's have a dinner party.

Abbiamo una partita del pranzo.

ahb-BYAH-moh OO-nah pahr-TEE-tah dehl PRAHNT-so

26- When is your birthday? Quando ha luogo il Suo compleanno?

When does your birthday take place?

KWAHN-doh ah LWO-goh eel SOO-oh kawm-play-AHN-noh

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27- My favorite color is blue.

Il mio colore favorito è blu. eel MEE-oh koh-LOH-ray fah-voh-REE-toh eh BLOO

28- I have to help my daughter with her homework.

Devo aiutare la mia figlia con il suo compito per casa.

DAY-voh ah-yoo-TAH-ray la MEE-ah FEEL-ya kawn eel KAWM-pee-toh pehr KAH-zah


1- Like father, like son. Come il padre, così il figlio. As the the father, so the son.

KOH-may eel PAH-dray, koh-ZEE eel FEEL-yoh

2- Is there a Starbuck's nearby?

C'è un Starbuck's vicino? CHAY oon STAHR-books vee-CHEE-noh

3- Do you know how to ice skate?

Sa Lei pattinare? SAH-lay paht-tee-NAH-ray

4- What is their web address?

Che è il loro indirizzo del Internet?

KAY eh eel LOH-roh een-dee-REED-zoh dehl EEN-tehr-neht

5- You made that yourself? Ha fatto quello Lei stesso? ah FAHT-toh KWEHL-loh lay STEHS-soh

6- I'm going to rent a car for the weekend.

Affitterò un automobile pella fine settimana.

ahf-feet-teh-ROH oon ow-toh-MOH-bee-lay PEHL-la FEE-nay seht-tee-MAH-nah

7- The corner market closes at six.

Il mercato della vicinanza si chiude a sei.

The neighbourhood market closes at six.

eel mehr-KAH-toh DEHL-lah vee-chee-NAHNT-sah see KYOO-day ah SAY

8- She broke my heart. Ha spezzato il mio cuore. ah spehd-ZAH-to eel MEE-oh KWOH-ray

9- Do you have a dress I can borrow?

Ha un vestito che posso prendere in prestito?

AH oon veh-STEE-toh kay PAWS-soh PREHN-day-ray een preh-STEE-toh

10- The subway is faster than the bus.

Il sottopassaggio è più veloce dell'autobus.

eel sawt-toh-pah-SAHJ-joh eh PYOO vay-LOH-chay DEHL-low-toh-BOOS

11- My study group meets tonight.

Il mio gruppo di studio si aduna questa stasera.

eel MEE-oh GROOP-poh dee STOOD-yoh ah-DOO-nah KWEHS-tah stah-ZAY-rah

12- When is your exam? Quando ha luogo il Suo esame?

When does your exam take place?

KWAHN-doh ah LWOH-goh eel SOO-oh ay-ZAH-may

13- Good luck. Buona fortuna. BWOH-nah fawr-TOO-nah

14- My grandmother is in La mia nonna è lah MEE-ah NAWN-nah eh

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the hospital. nell'ospedale. NEHL-laws-pay-DAH-lay

15-You should give him your cellphone number.

Deve darsi il Suo numero di cellphone.

DAY-vay DAHR-see eel SOO-oh NOO-may-roh dee SEHL-fohn

16- Are you going to call her?

La chiamerà Lei? lah kyah-meh-RAH LAY

17-I sent him a text message.

Gli ho trasmesso un messaggio del testo.

LYEE oh trahz-MEHS-soh oon mehs-SAHJ-joh dehl TEHS-toh

18 - Shall we go out for lunch?

Usciremo per il pranzo? oo-shee-RAY-moh pehr eel PRAHNT-soh

19- What time do you want to leave?

Quando vuole partire? KWAHN-doh VWOH-lay pahr-TEE-ray

20- How about sushi? Forse sushi? Maybe sushi? FAWR-say SOO-shee

21- I'll make a reservation. Farò una prenotazione. fah-ROH OO-nah pray-noh-taht-SYOH-nay

22- Is there somewhere I can put my coat?

È c'in qualche luogo io può mettere il mio cappotto?

EH cheen KWAHL-kay LWOH-goh yoh PWOH MEHT-tay-ray eel MEE-oh kahp-POHT-toh

23-Do you live with your parents?

Vive con i Sui genitori? VEE-vay kawn ee SOO-ee jay-nee-TOH-ray

24- I have a meeting this afternoon.

Ho un congresso questo pomeriggio.

OH oon kawn-GREHS-soh KWEHS-toh poh-meh-REEJ-joh

25- Do you take credit cards?

Prende Lei le carte di credito?

PREHN-day LAY lay KAHR-tay dee KRAY-dee-toh

26- When is your birthday? Quando ha luogo il Suo compleanno?

KWAHN-doh ah LWOH-go eel SOO-oh kawm-play-AH-noh

27- What's your sign? Che è il Suo segno di zodiaco?

KAY eh eel SOO-oh SAYN-yoh zoh-dee zoh-DEE-ah-koh

28- I'm taking the dog for a walk.

Prenderò il cane per una camminata.

I will take the dog for a walk.

prehn-deh-ROH eel KAH-nay pehr OO-nah kahm-mee-NAH-tah

29- Do you have an iPod? Ha un iPod? AH oon EE-pawd

30- He is studying to be doctor.

Studia per essere medico. STOO-dyah pehr EHS-say-ray MAY-dee-koh

31- My son loves to play soccer.

Piace il mio figlio giocare il calcio.

PYAH-chay eel MEE-oh FEEL-yoh joh-KAH-ray eel

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1- April showers bring May flowers.

Gli acquazzoni di aprile portano i fiori di maggio.

lyee ahk-kwahd-ZOH-nee dee ah-PREE-lay PAWR-tah-noh ee FYOH-ree dee MAHJ-joh

2- Stop here, please. Arrestisi qui, per favore. ahr-REHS-tee-see KWEE, pehr fah-VOH-ray

3- It's time to plant the bulbs.

È tempo di piantare i bulbi. eh TEHM-poh dee pyahn-TAH-ray ee BOOL-bee

4- I love this time of year. Mi piace questa stagione dell'anno.

mee PYAH-chay KWEHS-ta stah-JOH-nay dehl-LAHN-noh

5- Happy Easter! Pasqua Felice! PAHS-kwah fay-LEE-chay

6- Appena ha cominciato piovere.

ahp-PAY-nah ah koh-meen CHAH-toh PYOH-vay-ray

7- Don't forget your umbrella.

Non dimentichi il Suo ombrello.

nawn dee-MEHN-tee-kee eel SOO-oh awm-BREHL-loh

8- I'm feeling a little under the weather.

Mmi sento poco male. I feel a little poorly (badly). nawn mee SEHN-toh BAY-nay

9- My mother loves gardening.

Il giardinaggio piace alla mia madre.

eel jarh-dee-NAHJ-joh PYAH-chay AHL-la MEE-ah MAH-dray

10-We're engaged! Siamo agganciati. SYAH-moh ahg-gahn-CHAH-tee

11- Do you have any specials tonight?

Ha qualcuni espressi stasera?

ah kwahl-KOO-nee ehs-PREHS-see stah-ZAY-rah

12- They dance well together.

Ballano bene insieme. BAHL-lah-noh BAY-nay een-SYAY-may

13- Don't worry, I'll be fine. Non si preoccupi, io sarà bene.

nawn see pray-AWK-koo-pee yoh sah-RAH BAY-nay

14-Who ate all the cake? Chi ha mangiato tutta la torta?

KEE ah mahn-JAH-toh TOOT-tah lah TAWR-tah

15- How was your date last night?

Come era il Suo dato la notte scorsa

KOH-may EH-rah eel SOO-oh DAH-toh lah NAWT-tay SKAWR-sah

16- He is both charming and handsome.

Come è andato il Suo corteggio la notte scorsa?

KOH-may eh ahn-DAH-to eel SOO-oh kawr-TEHJ-joh lah NAWT-tay SKAWR-sa

17- Can I borrow your Posso prendere in prestito PAWS-soh PREHN-day-ray

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digital camera? la Sua macchina fotografica digitale.

een pray-STEE-toh lah SOO-ah MAHK-kee-nah foh-toh-GRAH-fee-kah dee-jee-TAH-lay

18-I can download the pictures on my computer.

Posso trasferire le immagine dal Internet sul mio calcolatore.

PAWS-soh trahs-feh-REE-ray lay eem-MAHJ-jee-nay dahl EEN-tehr-neht sool MEE-oh kahl-koh-lah-TOH-ray

19- The flowers are almost in bloom.

I fiori sono quasi in fioritura.

ee FYOH-ree SOH-noh KWAH-zee een fyoh-ree-TOO-rah

20- My sister is having a baby.

La mia sorella è incinta. la MEE-ah soh-REHL-la eh een-CHEEN-tah

21-I'm going to be an aunt. Diventerò una zia. dee-vehn-tee-ROH OO-nah TSEE-ah

22- I am lost; do you have a map?

Mi perdo; ha un programma?

mee PEHR-doh AH oon proh-GRAH-mah

23- I can take it or leave it. Posso prenderlo o lasciarlo. PAWS-soh PREHN-dehr-loh oh la-SHYAHR-loh

24-Drive carefully, the roads are wet.

Guidi con attenzione, le strade sono bagnati.

GWEE-dee kawn aht-tehnt-SYOH-nay lay STRAH-day SOH-noh bahn-YAH-tee

25- What is your email address?

Che è il Suo indirizzo del email

KAY eh eel SOO-oh een-dee-REED-zoh dehl AY-mighl

26- There's no more room at the table.

Non c'è più di spazio alla tavola.

nawn chay PYOO dee SPAHT-syoh AHL-lah TAH-voh-la

27- I didn't sleep well last night.

Non ho dormito bene la notte scorsa.

nawn oh dawr-MEE-to BAY-nay lah NAWT-tay SKAWR-sah

28- What is the euro to the dollar?

Quanto è il valore del euro al dollaro

How great is the value of the euro to the dollar?

KWAHN-toh eh eel vah-LOH-ray dehl AY-ooroh ahl DAWL-lah-roh

29- Let’s go to the flea market on Saturday.

Andiamo al mercato di pulce il sabato.

ahn-DYAH-moh ahl mehr-KAH-toh dee POOL-chay ee SAH-bah-toh

30- Did he kiss you good night?

La baciò dicendo Buona sera?

Did he kiss you (while) saying Good Night?

la bah-CHOH dee-CHEHN-do BWOH-nah SAY-rah


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1-I'll pick them up at the airport.

Li prenderò all'aeroporto. lee prehn-day-ROH AHL-lah-eh-roh-PAWR-toh

2- What a beautiful day. Ché giorno bello. KAY BEHL-loh JAWR-noh

3- I missed my train. Ho mancato il mio treno. oh mahn-KAH-toh eel MEE-oh TRAY-noh

4-Let’s have breakfast in bed.

Abbiamo prima colazione in base.

ahb-BYAMO PREE-mah koh-laht-SYOH-nay een BAH-zay

5- Were you invited to the wedding?

Era invitato alle nozze? EH-rah een-vee-TAH-toh AHL-lay NAWD-zay

EH-rah een-vee-TAH-toh AHL-lay NAWD-zay

6- I'm going to surf the net to find a hotel.

Cercherò il Internet per trovare un albergo.

chehr-ceh-ROH eel EEN-tehr-neht pehr troh-VAH-ry oon ahl-BEHR-goh

7- Let's stay home and watch a movie.

Rimaniamo a casa e guardiamo un film.

ree-mahn-YAH-moh ah KAH-zay ay gwahr-DYAH-moh oon FEELM

8-Did you get a receipt? Ha ottenuto una ricevuta? ah awt-tay-NOO-toh OO-nah ree-chay-VOO-tah

9- What DVDs do you own? Quali DVDs possede? KWAH-lee Dee-vee-deez paws-SAY-day

10- My brother doesn't eat red meat.

Il mio fratello non mangia la carne macellata.

eel MEE-oh frah-TEHL-loh nawn MAHN-jag lah KAHR-nay mah-chehl-LAH-ta

11- He has a great sense of humor.

Ha una grande vena d'umorismo..

AH OO-nah GRAHN-day VAY-nah DOO-moh-reez-moh

12- Have you heard the joke about....

Ha sentito lo scherzo circa....

ah SEHN-tee-toh loh SKEHT-soh CHEER-kah

13- Happy Mother's Day. Felice Giorno di Madri. fay-LEE-chay JAWR-noh di MAH-dree

14- She’s as busy as a bee. È occupata come ape. e ak-koo-PAH-tah KOH-may AH-payQueste

15- Those shoes do not look comfortable.

Queste scarpe non sembrano confortevoli.

KWEHS-tay SKAHR-pay nawn SEHM-brah-noh kawn-fawr-tay-VOH-li

16- Are you from around here?

Vive in questa vicinanza? VEE-vay een KWEHS-ta vee-chee-NAHNT-sah

17- How old is he? Ha quanti anni? How many years does he have?

ah KWAHN-tee AHN-nee

18- She's setting me up with Mi introducerà al suo mee een-troh-doo-cheh-

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her brother. fratello. RAH ahl SOO-oh frah-TEHL-loh

19-Have you tried online dating?

Ha provato il corteggio in linea?

ah proh-VAH-toh eel kawr-TEHJ-joh een LEE-nay-ah

20- The traffic was awful. Il traffico era terribile. eel TRAHF-fee-koh eh-RAH tehr-REE-bee-lay

21- When I was your age… Quando avereva i Sui anni...

KWAHN-doh ah-VAY-vah ee SOO-ee AHN-nee

22- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

KWAHN-doh ah-vay-RAY-va ee SOO-ee AHN-nee

23 – What time is she picking you up?

Quando La prenderà? KWAHN-doh lah prehn-deh-RAH

24- I have not broken any bones.

Non ho rotto alcune ossa. nawn oh RAWT-toh ahl-KOO-nay AWS-sah

25- All good things come to those who wait.

Tutte le buone cose vengono a coloro che attendono.

TOOT-tay lay BWOH-ne KOH-zay VEHN-goh-noh ah koh-LOH-ro kay aht-TEHN-doh-noh

26-She looks exactly like her mother.

Assomiglia esattamente alla sua madre.

ahs-soh-MEEL-yah ay-zaht-tah-MEHN-tay AHL-la SOO-a MAH-dray

27- What day of the week is it?

Che giorno della settimana è esso?

KAY JAWR-noh DEHL-lah seht-tee-MAH-nah eh EHS-soh

28- Let’s take a walk before dinner.

Facciamo una passeggiata prima la cena.

fahch-CHYAH-moh OO-nah pahs-sehj-JYAH-ta PREE-mah lah CHAY-nah

29- What would you recommend?

Che suggerirebbe Lei? KAY sooj-jeh-ree-REHB-bay LAY

30- He’s feeling sorry for himself.

Si rincresce per sè. see reen-KRAY-shay pehr SAY

31- Time flies when you are having fun.

Il tempo vola quando sta avendo il gioco.

eel TEHM-poh VOH-lah KWAHN-doh stah ah-VEHN-doh eel JOH-koh.


1- Do you hear the wedding bells?

Sente le flange di nozze? SEHN-tay lay FLAHN-jay dee NAWD-zee

2- She's a beautiful bride. È una bella sposa novella. eh OO-nah SPOH-zah noh-VEHL-lah

3- Where are they going on their honeymoon?

Dove andranno per la loro luna di miele?

DOH-vay ahn-DRAHN-noh pehr lah LOH-roh LOO-nah

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dee MYEH-lay

4- My aunt is making a speech today.

La mia zia fa oggi un discorso.

lah MEE-ah TSEE-ah FAH AWJ-jee oon dee-SKAWR-soh

5- I am going to the library to study.

Vado alla biblioteca per studiare.

VAH-doh AHL-la bee-blee-oh-TAY-kah pehr stoo-DYA-ray

6- Please take your seats. Prendano prego le Sue sedi.

PREHN-dah-noh PRAY-goh lay SOO-ay SAY-dee

7- Be careful, the roads are wet.

Faccia attenzione, le strade sono bagnate.

FAHCH-chya aht-tehnt-SYOH-nay lay STRAH-day SOH-noh bahn-NYAH-tay

8- Make sure you are on time for dinner.

Assicurisi che sia in tempo per il pranzo.

ahs-see-KOO-ree-see kay SEE-ah een TEHM-poh pehr eel PRAHNT-soh

9-I'd be delighted to go with you.

Mi diletterei per andare con sé.

mee dee-LEHT-tay-ray pehr ahn-DAH-ray kohn SAY

10- Excuse me, do you have the time?

Mi scusi, che ora è. mee SKOO-zee KAY OH-rah eh

11- Did you read the paper this morning?

Ha letto il giornale questa mattina?

ah LEHT-toh eel jawr-NAH-lay KWEHS-tah MAHT-tee-nah

12- I need to have these pants shortened.

Devo fare questi pantaloni ridurrsi.

DAY-voh FAH-ray KWEHS-tee pahn-tah-LOH-nee ree-door-see

13- Please don’t let it happen again.

Non lo lasci prego accadere ancora.

nawn loh LAH-shee PRAY-goh ahk-KAH-day-ray ahn-KOH-rah

14- I have a lot of work to do.

Devo fare molto lavoro. DAY-voh FAH-ray MAWL-toh lah-VOH-roh

15- Be quiet, the baby is sleeping.

Sia quieto, il bambino dorme.

SEE-ah kwee-AY-toh eel bahm-BEE-no DAWR-may

16- Wait here, please. Attesa qui, per favore. aht-TAY-zah KWEE pehr fah-VOH-ray

17- Did you enjoy the movie?

La piacque il film? lah PYAHK-kway eel FEELM

18- Were the tickets expensive?

Erano i biglietti costosi? EH-rah-noh ee beel-YEHT-tee kaws-TOH-zee

19- .How do you pronounce that?

Come pronuncia questo? KOH-may proh-NOON-chyah KWEHS-toh

20- Please send him my regards.

Prego trasmettagli i miei riguardi.

PRAY-goh traz-meht-TAHL-yee ee MEE-ay ree-

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21- He looks so handsome in that suit.

Sembra così bello in quel vestito.

SEHM-brah koh-ZEE BEHL-loh een KWEHL veh-STEE-toh

22- Do you have any plans for the summer?

Ha dei programmi per l'estate?

AH dei proh-GRAHM-mee per leh-STAH-tay

23- I would like a room with two double beds, please.

Mi piacerebbe una stanza con due doppie basi, prego.

mee pyah-chay-REHB-bay OO-nah STAHNT-sah kawn DOO-ay DOHP-yay BAH-zee PRAY-goh

24- Happy Father's Day! Felice Giorno di Padres! fay-LEE-chay JAWR-noh dee PAH-drays

25-There is a message for you.

C'è un messaggio per sè. chay oon mehs-SAHJ-joh pehr SAY

26- I will be staying for the weekend.

Rimarrò per la fine settimana.

re-mahr-ROH per lah FEE-nay seht-tee-MAH-nah

27-We’re going to the museum on Friday.

Andremo al museo il venerdì.

ahn-DRAY-moh ahl moo-ZAY-oh eel VAY-nehr-dee

28- There's a new exhibit at the gallery.

C'è una nuova esposizione alla galleria.

chay OO-nah NWOH-vah ehs-poh-zeet-SYOH-nay AHL-la gahl-lehr-REE-ah

29- I'd like to introduce you to my colleague.

Vorrei introdurla al mio collega.

VAWR-ray een-troh-DOOR-lah ahl MEE-oh kawl-LAY-gah

30-How do I get to my hotel from here?

Come raggiungo il mio albergo di qui?

KOH-may rahj-JOON-joh eel MEE-oh ahl-BEHR-goh dee KWEE


1- I enjoy doing yoga in the morning.

Mi piace esercitarmi alla yoga di mattina.

I like to practise at yoga in the morning.

mee PYAH-chay ay-zehr-chee-TAHR-mee dee MAHT-tee-nah

2-Have you tried pilates? Ha provato i pilati? ah proh-VAH-toh ee pee-LAH-tee

3- Are your children going to camp this year?

I Sui bambini andranno accamparsi questo anno?

ee SOO-ee bahm-BEE-nee ahn-DRAHN-noh ahk-kahm-PAHR-see KWEHS-toh AHN-noh

4-Where are we watching the fireworks?

Dove guarderemo i fuochi artificiali?

DOH-vay gwahr-deh-RAY-moh ee FWOH-kee ahr-tee-fee-CHYAH-lee

5- Blood is thicker than L'anima è più spessa The soul is thicker than LAH-nee-mah eh PYOO

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water. dell'acqua. water. SPEHS-sa dehl-LAHK-kwah

6- Sorry we're late. Sono spiacente che siamo in ritardo.

SOH-noh spyah-CHEHN-tay kay SYAH-moh een ree-TAHR-doh

7- We're having a barbecue this weekend.

Avremo la carne ai ferri fuori questa fine settimana.

ah-VRAY-moh lah KAHR-nay igh FEHR-ree FWOH-ree KWEHS-tah seht-tee-MAH-nah

8-Do you have internet access?

Ha accesso al Internet? HA ahch-CHEHS-soh ahl EEN-tehr-neht

9- How much do I owe you? Quanto Le devo? KWAHN-toh lay DAY-voh

10- Did you bring a beach towel?

Ho portato un tovagliolo della spiaggia?

oh pawr-TAH-toh oon toh-vahl-YOH-loh DEHL-la SPYAHJ-jah

11- How much money should I bring?

Quanti soldi dovrei portare?

KWAHN-tee SAWL-dee DAW-vray pawr-TAH-ray

12- It's a perfect day for a picnic.

È un giorno perfetto per una scampagnata.

eh oon JAWR-noh pehr-FEHT-toh pehr OO-nah skahm-pahn-YAH-tah

13- They have a pool so don't forget your bathing suit.

Hanno una piscina, non si dimentichi il Suo vestito bagnantese.

AHN-noh OO-nah pee-SHEE-nah nawn see dee-MEHN-tee-kee eel SOO-oh veh-STEE-toh bahn-yahn-TAY-zay

14-I prefer white wine, thank you.

Preferisco il vino bianco, grazie.

pray-feh-REE-skoh eel VEE-noh BYAHN-koh GRAHT-syay

15-Can you recommend a good book?

Può suggerire un buon libro?

PWOH sooj-jeh-REE-ray oon BWAWN LEE-broh

16- I'm taking surfing lessons.

Prendo le lezioni delle corse con l'acqua.

PREHN-doh lay leht-SYOH-nee DEHL-le KAWR-say kawn LAHK-kwah

17-Don't forget to wear sunscreen and a hat.

Non si dimentichi di portare il sunscreen ed un cappello.

nawn see dee-MEHN-tee-kee dee pawr-TAH-ray eel SAHN-skreen ayd oon kahp-PEH-loh

18- What time does the game start?

Quando comincia il gioco? KWAHN-doh koh-MEENchya eel JOH-koh

19- My husband is a wonderful cook.

Il mio marito è un cuoco meraviglioso.

eel MEE-oh mah-REE-toh eh oon KWOH-koh may-

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20- Are you still married? Sia ancora Lei sposato? SEE-ah ahn-KOH-rah LAY spoh-ZAH-toh

21- She got a laptop for her birthday.

Ha ricevuto un laptop per il suo compleanno.

ah ree-chay-VOO-toh oon LAHP-tawp pehr eel SOO-oh kawm-play -AHN-noh

22-I'm going to get a manicure at three

Otterrò una manicura alle tre.

awt-tehr-ROH OO-nah mah-nee-KOO-rah AHL-lay TRAY

23-Looks like the storm is passing.

Sembra come si passi la tempestà..

SEHM-bra KOH-may see PAHS-see lah tehm-peh-STAH

24- I have to book my flight for next month.

Devo prenotare il mio volo per il mese prossimo.

DAY-voh pray-noh-TAH-ray eel MEE-oh VOH-loh pehr eel MAY-zay PRAWS-see-moh

25- Please pour me a glass of lemonade, thank you.

Versimi prego un bicchiere di limonata, grazie.

VEHR-see-mee PRAY-goh oon beek-KYEH-ray dee lee-moh-NAH-tah GRAHT-syay

26-Oranges are rich in vitamin C.

Gli aranci sono ricchi di vitamina C.

lyee ah-RAHN-chya SOH-no REEK-kee dee vee-TAH-me-na chee

27- Have you seen my new sunglasses?

Ha visto i miei nuovi occhiali da sole?

ah VEES-toh ee MEE-ay NWOH-vee awk-KYAH-lee dah SOH-lay

28- I am taking my son fishing.

Porto il mio figlio per pescare.

PAWR-toh eel MEE-oh FEEL-yoh pehr peh-SKAH-ray

29- Oh no, I lost my sunglasses.

Ah no, perdei i miei occhiali da sole.

ah noh, PEHR-day ee MEE-ay awk-KYAH-lee dah SOH-lay

30- Can I have the dressing on the side?

Posso avere il condimento dal lato?

PAWS-soh ah-VAY-ray eel kawn-dee-MEHN-toh dahl LAH-toh

31- I need to take a shower before I go out.

Devo prendere un acquazzone prima che vada.

DAY-voh PREHN-day-ray oon ahk-kwahd-ZOH-nay PREE-mah VAH-dah

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August/English Italian Literal Translation (if different)

English Phonetic Pronunciation

1- The heat is unbearable. Il calore è insopportabile. eel kah-LOH-ray eh een-sawp-pawr-TAH-bee-lay

2- What time is your flight on Friday?

Quando è il Suo volo di venerdì?

KAWHND-oh eh eel SOO-oh VOH-loh dee VAY-nehr-dee

3-We rented a house in a small seaside village.

Abbiamo affittato una casa in un piccolo villaggio vicino al mare.

ahb-BYAH-moh ahf-feet-TAH-toh OO-nah KAH-zah een oon PEEK-koh-loh veel-LAHJ-joh vee-CHEE-noh ahl MAH-ray

4- How long will you be away?

Quanto tempo sarà assente? KAWHNT-oh TEHMP-oh sah-RAH ahs-SEHNT-ay

5- We're going camping next week.

Ci accamparemo all’aperto la settimana ventura.

chee ahk-kahmp-eh-RAY-moh ahl-lah-PEHR-toh lah seht-tee-MAH-nah vehn-TOO-rah

6- I'd like to make a collect call, please.

Vorrei fare una telefonata collect, per favore.

VAWR-ray FAH-ray OON-ah tay-lay-foh-NAH-tah kawl-LEHKT pehr fah-VOH-ray

7- I have someone I'd like for you to meet.

C’è qualcuno che vorrei che La incontri.

chay kwahl-KOO-noh kay VAWR-ray kay lah een-KAWN-tree

8- Is there an internet cafe nearby?

C'e un internet cafe' nelle vicinanze

CHAY oon EEN-tehr-neht kah-FEH NEHL-lay vee-chee-NAHNT-say

9- He's training for the marathon.

Si allena a causa della Corsa di Maratona.

see ahl-LAY-nah ah KOW-zah DEHL-lah KAWR-sah dee mah-rah-TOH-nah

10- I am on a low-carb diet. Sto seguendo una dieta povera di carboidrati.

STOH say-GWEHN-doh OO-nah dee-AY-tah POH-vay-rah dee kahr-boh-ee-DRAH-tee

11-Excuse me, do you have the time?

Mi scusi, che ora è?

Excuse me, what time is it? mee SKOO-zee KAY OH-rah eh

12-I'm not permitted to have cheese on my diet.

Non sono permesso mangiare il formaggio sulla mia dieta.

I’m not permitted to eat cheese on my diet.

nawn SOH-noh pehr-MEHS-soh mahn-JAH-ray eel fawr-MAHJ-joh SOOL-lah MEE-a dee-AY-tah

13- Unfortunately, I have to Purtroppo, devo lavorare la poor-TRAWP-poh DAY-

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work this weekend. vacanza di fine di settimana.

voh lah-voh-RAH-ray lah vah-KAHNZ-ah dee FEE-nay dee seht-tee-MAH-nah

14- I broke up with him last month.

È un mese che rompo le relazioni con lui.

It is a month since I broke (break) off relations with him.

eh oon MAY-zay kay RAWMP-oh lay ray-laht-SYOH-nee kawn LOO-ee

15- No thank you, I'm just looking.

No, grazie, soltanto guardo. NOH GRAHT-syay sawl-TAHNT-oh GWAHR-doh

16- He's going to college in the Fall.

Andrà al collegio in autunno.

ahnd-RAH ahl KAWL-lehj-ee-oh een ow-TOON-noh

17- How long will he be abroad?

Quanto tempo sarà all'estero?

KAWHN-toh TEHMP-oh sah-RAH ahl-LEHST-eh-roh

18- Did you renew your passport?

Ha rinnovato il Suo passaporto?

ah ree-noh-VAH-toh eel SOO-oh pahs-sah-PAWRT-oh

19- You'll need to get a visa in order to enter the country.

Dovrà convincere un visto per entrare nel paese.

daw-VRAH kawn-VEEN-chay-ray oon VEEST-oh pehr ehn-TRAH-ray nehl pah-AY-zay

20- Can you recommend a good doctor?

Può suggerire un buon medico?

PWOH sooj-jay-REE-ray oon BWAWN MAY-dee-koh

21- I've misplaced my keys. Ho riposto male le mie chiavi.

oh ree-PAWST-oh MAH-lay lay MEE-ay kee-AH-vee

22- Would you kindly take our picture?

Prenderebbe gentilmente la nostra immagine?

prehn-day-REHB-bay jehn-teel-MEHN-tay lah NAWST-rah eem-MAH-jee-nay

23-Make a left turn at the top of the hill.

Fa una girata di sinistra parte in cima alla collina.

FAH OO-nah jee-RAH-tah dee see-NEES-trah PAHR-tay een CHEE-mah AHL-lah kawl-LEE-nah

24- Do you know how to swim?

Sa nuotare? sah nwoh-TAH-ray

25- It's been such a relaxing vacation.

È stato una vacanza di distensione.

eh STAH-toh OO-nah vah-KAHNT-sah dee dees-tehn-see-OH-nay

26- How long will it take us to get to the airport?

Quanto tempo ci prenderà per ottenere all'aeroporto?

KWAHNT-oh TEHMP-oh chee prehn-day-RAH perh awt-TEHN-ay-ray ahl-lah-

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27- No, I have nothing to declare.

No, non ho niente dichiarare.

NOH NAWN oh NYEHNT-ay dee-kyah-RAH-ray

28- The flight leaves from gate 12.

Il volo va dal cancello 12. eel VOH-loh VAH dahl kahn-CHEHL-loh DOH-dee-chee

29-Time flies when you're having fun.

Il tempo vola quando ha divertimento.

Eel TEHMP-oh VOH-lah KWAHND-oh AH dee-vehr-tee-MEHNT-oh

30-What did you do over the summer?

Che ha fatto sopra l'estate? KAY ah FAHT-toh SAWP-rah leh-STAH-tay

31- Back to school! Di nuovo alla scuola! dee NWAW-voh AHL-lah SKWAW-lah


1- They went shopping for school supplies.

Sono andati per comprare i rifornimenti della scuola.

SOH-noh ahnd-DAH-tee pehr kawm-PRAH-ray ee ree-fawr-nee-MEHNT-ee DEL-lah SKWAW-lah

2- What school is he attending this year?

Che scuola è che assiste questo anno?

KAY SWAW-lah EH kay ahs-SEEST-ay KWEHST-oh AHN-noh

3- Class begins on the seventh.

La classe comincia sul settimo.

lah KLAHS-say koh-MEEN-chyah sool SEHT-tee-moh

4- She's an excellent student.

È una allieva eccellente eh OO-nah ahl-LYAY-vah ehch-cheh-LEHNT-ay

5- And what's your name? E quale è il Suo nome? ay KWAH-lay eh eel SOO-oh NOH-may

6- Excuse me, where is the ladies room?

Mi scusi, dov'è la stanza di signore?

mee SKOO-zee DOH-vay lah STAHNT-sah dee seen-YAW-ray

7- Our room is on the 5th floor.

La nostra stanza è sul quinto pavimento.

lah NAWST-rah STAHNT-sah eh sool KWEENT-oh pah-vee-MEHNT-oh

8- Can someone help us with our luggage?

Può qualcuno aiutarci con il nostro bagaglio?

PWAW kwahl-KOO-noh ah-yoo-TAHR-chee kawn eel NAWST-roh bah-GAHL-yoh

9- Do you accept traveler’s checks?

Accetta i assegni bancarii del viaggiatore?

ahch-CHEHT-tah ee ahs-SAYN-yee bahn-KAH-ree-

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ee dehl vyahj-jah-TAW-ray

10- Her mother offered to drive me to school.

La sua madre ha offerto di guidarmi alla scuola.

lah SOO-ah MAH-dray ah awf-FEHRT-oh dee gwee-DAHR-mee AHL-lah SWAW-lah

11- The weather is beautiful at this time of year.

Il tempo è bello a questo periodo dell'anno

eel TEHMP-oh eh BEHL-lo ah KWEHST-oh peh-REE-oh-doh del-LAHN-noh

12- They are going to Italy for their honeymoon.

Vanno in Italia per la loro luna di miele.

VAHN-noh een ee-TAH-lyah pehr eel LOH-roh LOO-nah dee MYEH-lay

13- That hotel is just too expensive.

Quell'albergo è troppo costoso.

KWEHL-lahl-BEHRG-oh eh TRAWP-poh kaws-STOH-zoh

14- Are those shoes comfortable?

Sono queste scarpe confortevoli?

SOH-noh KWEHST-ay SKAHRP-ay kawn-fawr-tay-VOH-lee

15- She looks divine in that outfit.

Sembra divina in quei abiti. SEHbrah dee-VEE-nah een KWAY ah-BEE-tee

16- Could you repeat the question, please.

Può ripetere la domanda, prego.

PWOH ree-PEH-tay-ray lah doh-MAHND-ah PRAY-goh

17- Did you book your trip online?

Ha prenotato il Suo viaggio in linea?

ah pray-noh-TAH-toh eel SOO-oh VYAHJ-joh een LEE-nay-ah

18- Her father travels extensively for business.

Il suo padre viaggia estesamente per il commercio.

eel SOO-oh PAH-dray VYAHJ-jah eh-stay-zah-MEHNT-ay pehr eel kawm-MEHR-choh

19- Is your daughter trying out for the school play?

La Sua figlia prova per il gioco della scuola?

lah SOO-ah FEEL-ya PROH-vah peh eel JOH-koh DEHL-lah SKWAW-lah

20- Do you know where I might find a taxi?

Sa dove potrei trovare un tassì?

sah DOH-vay poh-TRAY oon TAHS-see

21- I can't forget to pick up my prescription.

Non posso dimenticarmi di prendere la mia prescrizione.

nawn PAWS-soh dee-mehn-tee-KAHR-mee dee PREHN-day-ray lah MEE-ah pray-skreet-see-OH-nay

22- Please, do not be upset. Per favore, non sia rovesciato.

pehr fah-VOH-ray nawn SEE-ah roh-vay-SHAH-toh

23- My daughter is four and my son is seven.

La mia figlia ha quattro anni ed il mio figlio ha

lah MEE-ah FEEL-yah ah KWAHT-troh AHN-nee

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sette. ehd eel MEE-oh FEEL-yoh ah SEHT-tay

24- Is the party at your house?

È la festa alla Sua casa? EH lah FEHST-ah AHL-la SOO-ah KAH-zah

25- What is your address again?

Che è ancora il Suo indirizzo?

KAY eh ahn-KAW-rah eel SOO-oh een-dee-REED-zoh

26- Is the traffic always this bad at this hour?

È sempre il traffico tanto malo a questa ora?

eh SEHM-pray eel TRAHF-fee-koh TAHNT-oh MA-loh ah KWEHST-ah OH-rah

27- I'll pick you up on my way to work.

La raccoglierò andando al lavoro.

I'll pick you up (while) going to work.

LAH rahk-kohl-yeh-ROH ahn-DAHND-oh ahl lah-VOH-roh

28-Did you set the alarm clock?

Ha regolato l'orologio di allarme?

AH ray-goh-LAH-toh loh-roh-LOH-joh dee ahl-LAHR-may

29- Did you reserve a car to take us to the airport?

Ha riservato un automobile per prenderci all'aeroporto?

AH ree-zehr-VAH-toh oon ow-toh-MOH-bee-lay pehr PREHND-ehr-chee ahl-lah-eh-roh-PAWRT-oh

30- Is the reservation in your name?

È la prenotazione nel Suo nome?

eh lah pray-noh-taht-SYOH-nay nehl SOO-oh NOH-may


1- I forgot to go to the post office.

Mi sono dimenticato di andare all'ufficio postale.

mee SOH-noh dee-mehn-tee-KAH-toh dee ahn-DAH-ray ahl-loof-FEE-chyoh paw-STAH-lay

2- Do you have any stamps?

Ha dei francobolli? AH day frahnk-oh-BAWL-lee

3- It's the secret ingredient that makes the recipe.

È l'ingrediente segreto che fa la ricetta.

eh leen-gray-DYEHNT-ay say-GRAY-toh kay FAH lah ree-CHEHT-tah

4-All good things come to those who wait.

Tutte le buone cose vengono a coloro che attendono.

TOOT-tay lay BWAW-nay KOH-zay VEHNG-oh-noh a coh-LOH-roh kay aht-TEHND-oh-noh

5- How many languages do you speak?

Quante lingue parlate? KWAHN-tay LEEN-gway pahr-LAH-tay

6- Is it casual or formal? È casuale o convenzionale? eh kah-zoo-AH-lay oh kawn-vehnt-syoh-NAH-lay

7- Do they deliver? Trasportano? trah-spawr-TAH-noh

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8- What other languages do you speak?

Quali altre lingue parla Lei? KWAH-lee AHL-tray LEEN-gway PAHR-lah lay

9- Let’s go to the flea market this weekend.

Andiamo al mercato di pulce questa fine di settimana.

ahn-DYAH-moh ahl mehr-KAH-toh di POOL-chay KWEHST-ah FEE-nay di seht-tee-MAH-nah

10- No harm done. Nessun danno fatto. nehs-SOON DAHN-noh FAHT-toh

11-Isn't this dress fabulous? Non è questo vestito fabuloso?

nawn eh KWEHST-oh veh-STEE-toh fah-boo-LOH-zoh

12- The restrooms are down the stairs to the right.

Le sale di bagno sono giù le scale alla destra.

lay SAH-lay dee BAHN-yoh SOH-noh joo lay SKAH-lay AHL-lah DAYST-rah

13- Under what name is the reservation?

Sotto che nome è la prenotazione?

SAWT-toh KAY NOH-may eh lah pray-noh-taht-SYOH-nay

14- Take the elevator to the fifth floor.

Prenda l'elevatore al quinto pavimento.

PREHN-dah leh-lay-vah-TOH-ray ahl KWEEN-toh pah-vee-MEHN-toh

15- Let's take a drive to see the foliage.

Prendiamo un azionamento per vedere il fogliame.

prehn-DYAH-moh oon aht-syoh-nah-MEHN-toh pehr VAY-day-ray eel fohl-YAH-may

16- What do you buy for the man who has everything?

Che Lei compra per l'uomo che ha tutto?

KAY lay CAWM-prah pehr LWOH-moh kay ah TOOT-toh

17- I think I'll wait until it goes on sale.

Penso che attenda fino a che vada sulla vendita.

PAYN-soh kay aht-TEHN-dah FEE-noh ah kay VAH-dah SOOL-lah vehn-DEE-tah

18- You may need a smaller size.

Può avere bisogno di più piccolo formato.

PWOH ah-VAY-ray bee-ZOHN-yoh di pyoo PEEK-koh-loh fawr-MAH-toh

19- I wear a medium. Porto un mezzo. PAWRT-oh oon MEHD-zoh

20-Oh no, we're out of hot water!

Ah no, l'acqua calda è consumata!

Oh no, the hot water is used up!

ah NOH LAHK-kwah KAHL-dah eh kohn-soo-MAH-tah

21- The cathedral in the square was magnificent.

La cattedrale nel quadrato era magnifica.

la kaht-tay-DRAH-lay nehl kwah-DRAH-toh ehr-ah mahg-NEE-fee-kah

22-Excuse me, do you know Mi scusi, Lei conosce se c'è mee SKOO-zee lay koh-

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if there is a playground nearby?

un campo da giuoco qui presso?

NOH-shay say CHAY oon KAHMP-oh dah JWOH-koh kwee vee-CHEE-noh

23- Autumn is my favorite season.

L'autunno è la mia stagione favorita.

low-TOON-noh eh lah MEE-ah stah-JOH-nay fah-voh-REE-tah

24-My aunt makes the most wonderful apple pie.

La mia zia fa la torta della mela più meravigliosa.

lah MEE-ah TSEE-ah FAH lah TAWR-tah DEHL-lah MAY-la pyoo may-rah-veel-YOH-za

25-Your English is perfect. Lei parla perfettamente inglese.

You speak English perfectly.

lay PAHR-lah pehr-feht-tah-MEHN-tay een-GLAY-zay

26- She is as cute as a button.

È fina come bottone. eh FEE-nah KOH-may bawt-TOH-nay

27-Wait here, I'll go park the car.

Attenda qui, io parcheggierò l'automobile.

aht-TEHN-dah KWEE YOH pahr-kehj-jeh-ROH low-toh-MOH-bee-lay

28- I don't like scary movies.

Mi non piace il cinema spaventosa.

mee nawn PYAH-chay eel CHEE-nay-mah spah-vehn-TOH-zah

29- What are you wearing to the costume ball?

Che Lei porta alla sfera di costume?

KAY lay PAWR-tah AHL-lah SFEH-rah dee kaw-STOO-may

30-I love the color orange. Amo il colore arancio. AH-moh eel koh-LOH-ray ah-RAHN-choh

31- I love to tell ghost stories.

Amo dire le storie del fantasma.

AH-moh DEE-ray lay STAWR-ee-ay dehl fahn-TAHZ-mah


1-Can you water the plants while I'm away?

Può innaffiare le piante mentre sono assente?

PWOH een-ahf-fee-AH-ray lay PYAHN-tay MEHNT-ray SOH-noh ahs-SEHN-tay

2-Don't forget to cancel the newspaper. Non La dimenticare di annullare il giornale.

nawn LAH dee-mehn-tee-KAH-ray dee ahn-nool-LAH-ray eel jawr-NAH-lay

3- 4-I'll just have a salad, thank you. Mangerò appena

un'insalata, grazie. I'll just eat a salad, thanks. mahn-jeh-ROH ahp-PAY-

nah oon een-sah-LAH-tah GRAHT-syay

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5-No, I prefer oil and vinegar No, preferisco il olio e l'aceto.

NOH pray-feh-REE-skoh eel OHL-yoh ay lah-CHAY-toh

6-He sent me a dozen yellow roses. Mi ha trasmesso una dozzina delle rose gialle.

mee ah trahz-MEHS-soh OO-nah DAWD-zee-nah DEHL-lay ROH-zay JAHL-lay

7-Our cat had 3 kittens. La nostra gatta ha dato tre gattini alla luce.

Our cat has given birth to three kittens (lit., given them to the light).

la NAWST-rah GAHT-tah ah DAH-toh TRAY GAHT-tee-nee AHL-lah LOO-chay

8-Do you want to get an older dog or a puppy? Lei desidera ottenere un più vecchio cane o un cagnolino?

lay day-ZEE-deh-rah awt-teh-NAY-ray oon pyoo VEHK-kyoh KAH-nay oh oon kahn-yoh-LEE-noh

9-How do you pronounce that? Come Lei pronuncia quello?

KOH-may lay proh-NOON-chyah KWEHL-loh

10- Of course the sauce is homemade. Naturalmente la salsa è casalinga.

Naturally, the sauce is homemade.

nah-too-rahl-MEHN-tay lah SAHL-sah eh kah-zah-LEEN-gah

11- Have you been on a cruise? Ha stato su una crociera? ah STAH-toh soo OO-nah kroh-CHEH-rah

12-He's been working so hard lately. Ha lavorato tanto forte ultimamente.

He's worked so hard lately. ah lah-voh-RAH-toh TAHN-toh FAWR-tay ool-tee-mah-MEHN-tay

13- The holidays are rapidly approaching. Le feste si avvicinano velocemente.

lay FEHS-tay see ah-vee-CHEE-nah-noh vay-loh-chay-MEHN-tay

14- Have you ever been to London? Ha stato mai a Londra? ah STAH-toh MIGH ah LAWN-drah

15- Happy Birthday, Dad. Buon Compleanno, Papà. BWAWN kawm-play-AHN-noh pah-PAH

16- There's nothing better than a bubble bath. C'è niente di migliore di un bagno delle bolle.

chay NYEHN-tay dee meel-YOH-ray dee oon BAHN-yoh DEHL-lay BAWL-lay

17-I feel a chill in the air. Ritengo un freddo nell'aria. ree-TEHN-goh oon FRAYD-doh nehl-LAH-ree-ah

18-Marie, would you please set the table for dinner?

Maria, prego che apparecchi la tavola pella cena.

Mah-REE-ah PRAY-goh kay ahp-pah-REHK-kee lah TAH-voh-lah PEHL-lah CHAY-nah

19- Shall I bring dessert? Porterò la frutta? pawr-teh-ROH lah FROOT-

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20- Did you make that dish yourself? Ha fatto Lei stesso quella vivanda?

ah FAHT-toh lay STEHS-soh KWEHL-lah vee-VAHN-dah

21- I'm going home for the holidays. Andrò a casa per le feste. ahnd-ROH ah KAH-zah pehr lay FEHS-tay

22-I love turkey with gravy. Amo il tacchino con sugo. AH-moh eel tak-KEE-noh kohn SOO-goh

23- I'd like a dry martini, please. Gradirei un martini asciutto, prego.

grah-DEE-ray oon mahr-TEE-nee ah-SHYOO-toh PRAY-goh

24- The museum is closed on Mondays. Il museo è chiuso ai lunedì. eel moo-ZAY-oh eh KYOO-zoh igh LOO-neh-dee

25- Is that your best offer? È quello la Sua offerta la più migliore?

e KWEHL-loh la SOO-ah awf-FEHR-tah lah pyoo meel-YOH-ray

26- Please send my regards. Trasmetta prego i miei riguardi.

trahz-MEHT-ta PRAY-goh ee MEE-ay ree-GWAHR-dee

27- My in-laws are coming to visit for the holidays.

I miei in-leggi vengono visitare per le feste.

ee MEE-ay een-LEHJ-jee VEHN-goh-noh vee-zee-TAH-ray pehr lay FEHS-tay

28-I always gain weight at this time of year. Guadagno sempre il peso a questo periodo dell'anno.

gwah-DAHN-yoh SEHM-pray eel PAY-zoh ah KWEHS-toh peh-REE-oh-doh del-LAHN-noh

29- I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Soltanto pensare a lui mi esaure.

Just to think about it exhausts me.

sohl-TAHN-toh payn-SAH-ray ah LOO-ee mee ay-ZOW-ray

30- More leftovers. Più dei rifiuti. More of the leftovers. PYOO day ree-FYOO-tee December

1- The color green suits you. Il colore verde La sta bene. eel koh-LOH-ray VEHR-day lah stah BAY-nay

2- What time do they arrive? Quando arrivano? When do they arrive? KWAHN-doh ahr-REE-vah-noh

3- Be thankful for all that you have. Sia riconoscente per tutto che ha.

SEE-ah ree-koh-noh-SHEHN-tay pehr TOOT-toh kay AH

4- It's so festive at this time of year. È tanto festivo a questo periodo dell'anno

eh TAHN-toh feh-STEE-voh ah KWEHS-toh peh-REE-oh-doh dehl-LAHN-

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5- We're planning to go on safari in January. Progettamo andare sul safari in gennaio.

proh-jeht-TAH-moh ahn-DAH-ray sool sah-FAH-ree een jehn-NIGH-oh

6- Can you recommend a good book? Può suggerire un buon libro?

PWOH soo-jeh-REE-ray oon BWAWN LEE-broh

7-There are delays due to the weather. Ci sono ritardi dovuti al tempo.

chee SOH-no ree-TAHR-dee doh-VOO-tee ahl TEHMP-oh

8- I still need to find a date for New Years Eve. Ancora devo trovare una scorta per la vigilia di nuovo anno.

ahn-KOH-rah DAY-voh troh-VAH-ray OO-nah SKAWR-tah pehr lah vee-JEEL-yah dee NWOH-voh AHN-noh

9- Tis' the season. È la stagione. EH lah stah-JOH-nay

10-I have my eye on a new snowboard. Do una occhiata al nuova slitta.

DOH OO-nah awk-KYAH-ta ahl NWOH-vah ZLEET-tah

11- Let's go sledding tomorrow. Slittiamo domani. zlee-TYAH-moh doh-MAH-nee

12- Snowball fight! Un combattimento con palle di neve!

oon kawm-baht-tee-MEHN-toh kawn PAHL-lay dee NAY-vay

13- I'd be happy to make a fire. Sarei felice di fare un fuoco. SAH-ray fay-LEE-chay dee FAH-ray oon FWOH-koh

14- The city is so quiet when it snows. La città è così calma quando nevica.

lah cheet-TAH eh koh-ZEE KAHL-mah KWAHN-doh nay-VEE-kah

15- School is closed for the holidays. La scuola è chiusa per le feste.

lah SKWAW-lah eh KYOO-zah pehr lay FEHS-tay

16-Drive carefully, the roads are icy. Guidi con attenzione, le strade sono ghiacciate.

GWEE-dee kawn aht-tehnt-SYOH-nay lay STRAH-day SOH-noh gyahch-CHYA-tay

17- They're off to the Caribbean for two weeks. Partono ai Caraibi per due settimane.

PAHR-toh-noh igh kah-RIGH-bee pehr DOO-ay seht-tee-MAH-nay

18- How many people are you having for dinner?

Quanta gente è che Lei ha pella cena?

KWAHN-ta JEHN-tay eh kay lay ah PEHL-lah CHAY-nah

19-I need to pack for my trip. Devo imballare per il mio viaggio.

DAY-voh eem-bahl-LAH-ray pehr eel MEE-oh

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20-How did you do on your final exams? Come ha fatto ai Sui esami finali?

KOH-may ah FAHT-toh igh SOO-ee ay-ZAH-mee fee-NAH-lee

21- I have to wrap all my gifts. Devo avvolgere tutti i miei regali.

DAY-voh ahv-VOHL-jay-ray TOOT-tee MEE-ay ray-GAH-lee

22- Are you going to see your family for the holidays?

Vedrà la Sua famiglia per le feste?

vay-DRAH lah SOO-ah fah-MEEL-yah pehr lay FEHS-tay

23- My office is closed through New Year. Il mio ufficio è chiuso per capo d'anno.

eel MEE-oh oof-FEE-choh eh KYOO-zoh pehr KAH-poh DAHN-noh

24- Best wishes to you and your family. Auguri a La ed alla Sua famiglia.

OW-goo-ree ah LAH ayd AHL-lah SOO-ah fah-MEEL-yah

25- Happy Holidays! Feste Felici! FEHS-tay fay-LEE-chee

26- Is that sweater new? È quel maglione nuovo? eh KWEHL mahl-YOH-nay NWOH-voh

27- Bon voyage! Buon viaggio! BWAWN VYAHJ-joh

28- Close the door, it's freezing. Chiuda la porta, fa gelo. KYOO-dah lah PAWR-tah FAH JAY-loh

29- Time to go on a diet. È tempo di seguire una dieta.

It's time to follow a diet. e TEHMP-oh dee say-GWEE-ray OO-nah dee-AY-tah

30- Out with the old and in with the new.

Verso l'esterno con il vecchio e dentro con il nuovo.

VEHR-soh leh-STEHR-noh kawn eel VEHK-kyoh ay DEHN-troh kawn eel NWOH-voh

31-Cheers! Evviva! ehv-VEE-vah