Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013 St. Mark’s mourns the death of Evelyn Cotter St. Mark’s has lost a beloved and admired friend in Evelyn’s death on April 2. Page 4 Housing and homelessness Good, secure housing is the bedrock to a healthy life with dignity, writes Sue Essig Page 7 Results of our Lenten projects Once again St. Markers have shown their generosity in their support of the two Lenten projects we undertook this year. Page 3 Jacob’s Ladder A newsletter from St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Port Hope Photo by Anne Oram

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Page 1: Jacob's Ladder Pentecost 2013 - stmarksporthope.castmarksporthope.ca/.../08/Jacob-Pentecost-2013.pdf · Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013 St. Mark’s mourns the death of Evelyn Cotter

Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

St. Mark’s mourns the death of Evelyn Cotter

St. Mark’s has lost a beloved and admired friend in Evelyn’s death on April 2.

Page 4

Housing and homelessness

Good, secure housing is the bedrock to a healthy life with dignity, writes Sue Essig

Page 7

Results of our Lenten projects

Once again St. Markers have shown their generosity in their support of the two Lenten projects we undertook this year.

Page 3

Jacob’s Ladder

A newsletter from St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Port Hope

Photo by Anne Oram

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013


Just about 12 years ago I was in the process of considering and being considered for the position of Incumbent (Rector) of St. Mark ’s. Just after I accepted the Bishop’s offer and the parish had been informed I had a request from Bob Grandy, the organist of the day. He asked me to select a verse or two of Scripture that he would then set to music. I was delighted with the result when the choir sang the motet at my Induction service in November 2001. The verse I chose come from the Book of Ruth, one of my favourite stories in the Bible. Ruth, a Moabite woman, chose to accompany her mother-in-law to Israel where she, a foreigner, would most likely have a difficult time. Ruth’s commitment to Naomi, her late husband’s mother, was expressed in these words, “Where you go, I will go; Where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.”

As I was beginning my life among St. Markers I was committing myself to go wherever you would go. As I reflect now it seems we have already had quite a journey together. Parts of that journey have been very challenging, some sad, some very joyful and all together a wonderful experience, at least from my perspective. I think we have accomplished much on the journey. Our exercises of visioning have led to new structures for working together and new features. Regular opportunities for the ministry of healing through anointing and laying-on-of hands, a very successful book club and amazing Taizé services have become integrated parts of parish life.

Ministry Teams, with more people taking part in the planning and development of our vision as God’s people are in place. Our administrative structures are much more efficient after a great deal of effort has been put into things such as computerizing our financial records and clarifying our management of documentation.

Of course the biggest single part of that journey has been the process of renovating our Parish Hall. Twelve years ago who could have predicted that would happen? But now it is a reality and we are on the verge of moving into the space.

And the journey continues. We certainly can take some time just to enjoy what has been accomplished but then we will begin to put the hall to good use. What do we envision now for the future? Already some new rental groups have made arrangements to use space. Scouts and the Salvation Army will be returning. We hope AA will be back. What else might become part of our life together at St. Mark’s?

As we have journeyed together we have been greatly blessed. May God continue to both bless and challenge us as we go wherever God would have us go.

Margaret Tandy


She was close to tears. “I haven’t been here for some time, but I have just been laid off.”

The gracious lady at the desk quickly reassured her that she was welcome, and her needs were soon dealt with.

But this is all too common a story these days; look at frequently occurring accounts in the local newspaper.

We are seeing more young people and their small children, and a number of new seniors are also appearing.

So far we have been able to cope thanks to the generosity of many, among them the kind people of St. Mark’s are prominent.

The whole Food Bank team is grateful for what we are given to feed our neighbours. Please continue to pray for those we serve, and for all of us whose privilege it is to distribute, as did the Disciples, the “five loaves and two small fishes” which have been blest.

G M C Dale


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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

You can receive more information or make a secure on-line donation by visiting www.faithworks.ca If you do decide to make your donation on-line, please advise us, so that we can get an accurate accounting of contributions by parishioners of St. Mark’s church.

Each parish is entitled to retain up to 15% of what it raises to support local outreach projects. In 2012 St. Mark’s Church was able to donate to Green Wood Coalition and the Help Centre, both local agencies which lost some of their previous funding.

Thank you to everyone who is able to support this initiative. If you have questions, please contact Sue Essig.

Our Lenten projects

St. Mark’s undertook two projects this year: the “Ministry of Presence” through the Council of the North and Fare Share. Once again St. Markers have shown their generosity. Donations to the Council of the North came to $2,430, and a cheque for that sum was sent to General Synod to be forwarded to the Diocese of Yukon. Gifts to Fair Share totaled $395, in addition to food donations. Many thanks to Anne Oram for her leadership on these projects.

Below is a brief reminder about the Council of the North. (For a moving reminder of the need for our own Food Bank, see Geoff Dale’s article on page 2).

At its peak the Diocese of Yukon had 15 stipendiary clergy. The mines were thriving and they required their employees to live on site. Moreover, the financial state of the Anglican Church of Canada, which supports the Diocese of Yukon through the Council of the North, was in a healthy position. But by 2010 the situation had drastically changed. The mines had closed and the employees either moved or became unemployed. Today, as new mines open up, they do not require their employees to live on site. There is little contact with the local community.

Sue Essig

FaithWorks is the annual appeal of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Since 1996 FaithWorks has provided more than $24 million to non-profit groups offering help and hope to those in need throughout the Diocese and around the world.

FaithWorks allows us to share our blessings with others who are less fortunate, right here in our community and around the world. FaithWorks supports 16 different Ministry Partners. These agencies help at-risk women, youth and children; provide outreach to the homeless and prisoners; help refugees and new immigrants; and provide home based hospice and spiritual care for the terminally ill.

FaithWorks also supports the wonderful work being done around the world and in Canada’s North by the Anglican Church of Canada and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.

If you have not received an envelope with information about FaithWorks and a brochure please check the back of the church. Once you have decided on your contribution, please return your gift and pledge card by placing it in the collection plate or returning it to the church office. Cheques should be made out to St. Mark’s Church with “FaithWorks” on the memo line.

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

She was the mother of Sean (Nancy Warner), Charis, Cate (Charles McQueen) and Simon (Trudy Ruf). The following obituary (edited) appeared in the Toronto Star on April 6.

“Evelyn went to school at St. Mary's Academy and Walkerville Collegiate in Windsor, Ontario. She won a scholarship to attend University College, University of Toronto (Whitney Hall), where in 1947 she completed her M.A. thesis on her fellow countryman, Sean O'Casey. Evelyn lectured at St. John's College, Winnipeg, the University of Manitoba and Carleton University.

She moved on to be the Director of the Writing Labs at Innis and Woodsworth Colleges at the University of Toronto. Evelyn served as Board of Education Trustee for Parkdale from 1975 to 1978, where she was instrumental in making Canadian content and Canadian literature more available in Toronto schools.

She was very involved in Camp Artaban, Bolton, where she directed the girls' camp. Evelyn lived with her family successively at Hillcrest Park in Cabbagetown, the Rectory on Tyndall Ave. in Parkdale, and "Bag End" near Warkworth in inimitable Northumberland County. Blessed in her friends and family, she lived her life with good sense and good humour.” 4

The financial state of the Anglican Church of Canada had also changed. In the last 15 years the grant given to the diocese has been cut by over 40%. For 2013 the cuts for the Diocese of Yukon through the Council of the North totaled 5% of the total Diocesan budget.

The Diocese of Yukon is very aware of the hurt and the need for pastoral care to be provided in those communities that once had stipendiary clergy. They are following several means to seek to provide this pastoral care and ministry. As we learned through Lent, the Ministry of Presence is one of those means. It’s a good feeling to know we have been able to contribute to so vital a cause. Ian McDonald

The Bogyay family will gather in the churchyard following the 10:30 a.m. service on June 30 to mark the placing of a stone on the late Helen’s grave. All parishioners are invited to share in this ceremony.


Ian McDonald

With the death of Evelyn Cotter on April 2 St. Markers mourn the loss of a much loved and respected fellow parishioner. Evelyn, who was born in Dublin, Ireland on October 3, 1923 was the lifelong love of her husband, Graham, whom she married

in 1950.

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

The funeral was held on Monday, April 8 at St. Mark's with a reception following in St. John’s parish hall. There were some 250 people in attendance. The tributes were many and varied. Here are a few, as shared by Graham:

“She was such a powerful, generous, curious, loving, definitive human being...a model for us all”. (Suzanne Lawson) “Evelyn taught me some useful things that have served me well for decades – some technical (she gave me a useful critique of my writing when I was working on my dissertation); some funny (“when in danger when in doubt run in circles scream and shout”); some philosophical (“the Church is my hair shirt”). My main sense of Evelyn was one of tremendous groundedness, the ability to look at life and, with conviction, state that “all will be well”. (Ellen Waterman) “Evelyn loved people, all kinds of them. They are just so interesting! And, of course, she brought out the best in all of us because she wasn't taking any guff”. (Nola McDonald)



Claire Mowat

Congratulations to ELLEN TORRIE who won a prize with Cobourg Music Experience Spotlight. Ellen will get her song recorded and later in the summer she will sing at an outdoor gathering in Cobourg.

The Rev. Patrick Gray and Cathy Carlyle have happily moved to their new home in Port Hope after a rather long winter living in their summer cottage. Their new address is 10 Maple Blvd., and their phone number is (905) 885-6648.

Roger Wilson has been appointed as our Deputy Rector’s Warden.

Mary Symonds, daughter of Dick and Pat, has recently undergone surgery in Toronto and is now making a successful recovery.

Joe Nayanokeeshuk has had his second knee replacement in Toronto in March.

Thanks to Peter Goering for sorting out the light fixtures from our old parish hall which will be used in storage areas in our newly renovated parish hall.

Congratulations to Anne Oram whose photo was one of the finalists chosen by Marks of Mission, a framework for ministry throughout the entire Anglican communion. Anne’s inspiring photo, taken in Cuba, is of bright yellow flowers, some blooming, some opening and some fading. It is being used to illustrate the category “Proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom.”

Sincere thanks to Carol Poste and her son Steve Poste for keeping our church clean for many years. They wish to retire from this responsibility. A contract has now been awarded to a cleaning company.

Many thanks to Peter Goering, Ron Rowe and Roger Wilson for helping to “pave the way” to the church office this winter which provided safety underfoot and a limit to the dirt that was being tracked into the church office during the Parish Hall renovation.

Tom Lawson has just completed a book titled Crazy Caverns, an account of the 1995 Government’s plan to bury nuclear waste in caverns under Lake Ontario adjacent to Port Hope. The plan was stopped by citizens’ protest. To obtain a copy go to


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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

Wade Rowland’s book – Saving the CBC – is available at Furby House.

Pat Lawson, Julie Mavis and Stephen Smith have joined a twelve member consultation group which will be a liaison between the Port Hope Area Initiative and the citizens of Port Hope. The purpose of the PHAI is the cleanup and safe management of historic low-level radioactive waste in Port Hope resulting from the operations of the Eldorado Crown Corporation.

Peter Abrams was on hand recently when the Municipality of Port Hope presented the Council’s Choice Award to the Kinsmen Club of Port Hope. Peter received three awards from the Kinsmen Club for his longtime membership, achievement and multiple service. Peter and Deborah (Henderson)’s son Cameron Abrams, now 21, also received a Kinsmen Club award for his community service. Congratulations to both father and son.

Anne Finlay, Evan Legakis and their daughters Sarah and Kate spent a week in Barbados in March where they visited St. John’s Church in which Anne’s great grandfather was the rector. He later became the Archdeacon of the West Indies. He was ordained at Coddrington College in Barbados, the oldest theological college in the Western Hemisphere.

Kieran Mathew, son of Jo and Himal, has been appointed a prefect of Trinity College School for the academic year 2013-14.

Our condolences to Geoff Dale on the death of his brother Lt. Col. Robert Dale in Toronto on March 11th.

We mourn the loss of the Rev. Tom Little who died in Sunnybrook Hospital on April 1st. He was the beloved husband of Margaret. Fr. Tom was our rector here at St. Mark’s from

1996 to 2001 and he is fondly remembered by all of us who were here during those years. Fr. Tom served in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto for 41 years. His funeral was held in St. Thomas’ Church in Toronto on April 5th.

We mourn the loss of Evelyn Cotter who died in Campbellford Hospital on April 2nd, beloved wife of Canon Graham Cotter. Her funeral was held on April 8th here at St. Mark’s. (See the tribute on page 4.)



9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. St. Mark's Parish Hall Goods will be received and stored as of

Sunday 11 August. We do NOT accept clothing, footwear, TVs, stereos/electronics, or computer parts.

Household items, small appliances in good working order, books, furniture, sports equipment are appreciated.

Volunteers for sorting, set-up, pricing, selling and pack-up are wanted.

Sign-up sheet in late July. 6

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

Many others live in shelters, “couch-surf” with friends, or find other temporary accommodation. For many others, their housing is inadequate – perhaps due to overcrowding (having a family of 5 in a one bedroom apartment), or because the housing is substandard and in need of repairs. Over 3,000,000 people in Canada live in unaffordable housing and spend more than 30% of their monthly income on housing. This leaves them less money for things like food, education and transportation. The cost of housing is the primary reason that people go hungry in Ontario, and turn to charities and food banks. It turns out that affordable housing and homelessness is one of the four main areas of focus for the Social Justice and Advocacy Committee of our Toronto Diocese. Their web site and monthly newsletter have information about the situation in Canada, and what individual parishes in our diocese are trying to do to address the problem. If you are interested in subscribing to the free monthly newsletter, just contact Murray MacAdam at [email protected] or 1-800-668-8932. Right now the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association has a new innovative public education campaign to change how we think about affordable housing and homelessness. Just go to their web site, www.housingopensdoors.ca, and “ring the bell”. You can add your voice to those who support affordable housing. What is the situation closer to home? Well, it isn’t the same as in a large city like Toronto, and we don’t have people sleeping on the streets in Port Hope. However, there are housing needs.


Housing and Homelessness By Sue Essig In the last issue of Jacob’s Ladder, Nola McDonald talked about poverty, and wrote movingly about the memorial at the Eaton Centre to the homeless who have died on the streets of Toronto. It made me want to find out more. How big a problem is homelessness and is there a housing crisis in Canada? The number of visibly “homeless”, that is people who are living on the streets in Canada, is at least 150,000, although it’s difficult to get an accurate count. A homeless person doesn’t usually fill out the census. However, homelessness just represents the tip of the iceberg, which is Canada’s housing crisis.

55 Acres

Vegetable Garden

Flower Gardens


Country Side View

Home of the “Warkworth” preserves

St. Mark’s Country BBQ

At Steve Poste’s Property

Beside Sandy Flats Sugarbush (approx. 1/2 hour drive time)

Sunday July 14th after 1030 service

[Rain date: July 21st ]

Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Salads, Desert, etc.

By Donation – Proceeds to St. Marks’

Bring your lawn chairs and wear comfy shoes.

Watch for the Sign Up Sheet and Maps.!

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

Good, secure housing is the bedrock to a healthy life with dignity. Safe, affordable housing is a basic necessity. Individuals and families living in poverty need secure, adequate housing in place as a prerequisite for dealing with other issues that help address poverty such as accessing health care or other services, pursuing education and obtaining and maintaining employment. Affordable housing makes sense, and should be a priority.

You are cordially invited to

St. Mark’s Annual Strawberry Social

In the Garden of George Clements

13 King Street

Sunday, June 23rd at 12:00 noon

Sandwiches, Strawberries, Cream and Wine

$10 per person

All St. Mark’s families and friends are welcome.

Sign up at the back of church.

Please bring your lawn chair!!


Northumberland County has a shortage of affordable housing for low and moderate income individuals and families. Many who are living in poverty are spending more than 60% of their incomes on shelter costs for housing that is in a poor state of repair and is short-term or insecure. In addition, there are only a few units of supportive housing for individuals with mental health issues. The wait list for affordable housing can be long, and the cost of subsidized housing is an issue. Here in Northumberland County our local government is developing a 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan for the County and its seven area municipalities. The Plan will create a long-term vision and identify goals that reflect the unique issues and needs related to affordable housing and homeless-related services in the area. A needs assessment, which will guide the plan and reflect the housing needs in Northumberland County, is just being completed. There should be information about this in our local newspapers. The plan is expected to be completed and adopted by County Council by the fall of 2013, and must be in place by January 2014.

Anglicans join other people of faith at an interfaith prayer vigil on the lawn of Queen’s Park on April 24, 2012. Photo by Michael Hudson

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

Cemetery Board update: The updated Cemetery By-Laws have been approved by the Cemeteries Regulation Unit and we are now in compliance with all aspects of the new legislation. The Board is looking for new members who are interested in preserving our historic cemetery and assisting with the administration of the area designated to cremated remains. Please see Roger Wilson or Gwen Duck if you are interested. King Street Reconstruction: The scope of work for the reconstruction is currently out for tender and it is our understanding construction may start as early as July. All sewer and water lines will be replaced, the street will be repaved and parking will be available on both sides of King, similar to its current state. Parish Hall update: The construction team is pleased to announce the projected timeline for the completion of the interior of the parish hall is the end of June. The turning circle, driveway and other outside work will continue over the summer months. We extend a sincere thank you for your patience as we have worked through the 7 month delay which resulted when human remains were disturbed in the north excavation. At present, the focus remains on the north addition and work is being completed in the first floor storage and kitchen areas and in the second floor mechanical room. Other areas are receiving a final coat of paint, finishing hardware is being installed and the electricians are working to install lights and ceiling fans. The entire vision is coming together to make the parish hall energy efficient, functional and accessible. 9

Wardens’ Report

Gwen Duck and Peter Kedwell

Church Restoration:

West Brothers Painting, which is on site for the parish hall interior and exterior painting this spring, will complete the east wall work left over from 2010. This includes the painting of the cross, the window frame and ledge and the roof capping. There are also concerns about the on-going “bubbling” of paint on the west entrance and tower and the peel of paint on the entrance porch and steps.

The company will address these problems as well since they did the initial restoration work. At this time, we do not foresee a request of funds from the St. Mark’s Heritage Foundation this year. This may change with respect to the church inspection outlined below.

We have requested from Moffatt Brothers, the firm which re-shingled both the rectory and parish hall this year, an inspection of the church roof and a quotation for replacement of shingles.

Church and Rectory Inspection:

We are mandated by the Diocese to carry out a full structural inspection of the church and full residential inspection of the rectory this year. We have engaged four firms for quotations: AD Engineering, Halsall Associates, Carson Dunlop Engineering and Michael O’Grady and once bids are received, we expect this work to be completed this summer.

The Trent-Durham Area Council has allowed each church a grant of $500 towards these costs. The parish hall is exempt from this audit given that it will be inspected at the end of construction and renovation.

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

Meanwhile the parish owes a great debt of gratitude to our many musicians who are ensuring that our musical tradition continues to have high priority.

Peter Roe continues to fill in most capably on the organ bench and gives us wonderful music Sunday by Sunday. We are deeply grateful for the experience and skill he brings.

Our incumbent Marg has been doing a marvelous job with the senior choir – and she assures me she enjoys it. Her experience in leading community choirs has stood her in good stead indeed.

Easter Day Procession with combined choirs

Easter refreshments after the liturgy 10

New siding is applied to the new kitchen on the north side of the hall Plans are also underway for the re-opening of the parish hall for use by the parish and we are pleased many of our former renters (1st St. Mark’s Scouts and the Salvation Army sponsored community lunches) will be joining us in the fall. The parish hall will also be the location for several local yoga teachers with classes starting n September. We will host an “Open House” for our King Street neighbours and the community on September 28 and Bishop Nicholls will formally dedicate the hall November 17. ________________________________________ Music Notes

Ian McDonald, Convener, Organist Search Committee

The search for a new organist/choir director continues – slowly. Available organists are few and far between and our most promising candidate chose to withdraw. We are continuing to advertise the position in different media and follow up leads as they are presented. We are advised that this is a good time of year to advertise our position and remain hopeful that there is just the right person out there!

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013

On the lighter side

Newfoundland humour

From Phil Ayling

Recently I was visiting my older daughter, Janice, and her husband, Rick, in Newfoundland. I was visiting their church with them.

I discovered this amusing poem on their bulletin board:

Every time I go to church I pay a little visit

So when at last I’m carried in,

The Lord won’t say, Who is it?

Winds of change at the Vatican... From Peter Goering

Nescafe manages to arrange a meeting with the Pope. After receiving the papal blessing, the Nescafe official whispers, "Your Eminence, we have an offer for you. Nescafe is prepared to donate $100 million to the church if you change the Lord's Prayer from 'give us this day our daily bread' to 'give us this day our daily coffee.'" The pope responds, "That is impossible. The prayer is the word of the Lord. It must not be changed." "Well," says the Nescafe man, "we anticipated your reluctance. For this reason we will increase our offer to $300 million." "My son, it is impossible. For the prayer is the word of the Lord, and it must not be changed." The Nescafe guy says, "Your Holiness, we at Nescafe respect your adherence to the faith, but we do have one final offer... We will donate $500 million - that's half a billion dollars - to the great Catholic Church if you would only change the Lord's Prayer from 'give us this day our daily bread' to 'give us this day our daily coffee.' Please consider it." And he leaves. The next day the Pope convenes the College of Cardinals. "There is some good news," he announces, "and some bad news. The good news is that the Church will come into $500 million." "And the bad news, your Holiness?" asks a Cardinal.

"We're losing the Wonderbread account." 11

Our faithful and enthusiastic junior choristers are led by Ellen Torrie and Jenn Mitchell. Listening to them rehearse on a Wednesday afternoon is nothing less than a joyful experience. Many thanks to all of them for their rich contribution to our liturgy and to our parish life.

Good News from the Green Wood Coalition

New home for weekly Community

Dinner We are happy to report that our popular weekly dinner gathering has resumed after a short hiatus while we searched for a new location after the St. Mary's School closed in March. We're meeting at the Ruth Clarke Activity Centre on Mill St. S on Mondays at 6 PM. St. Mark’s next turn is on Monday, June 10. These meals have been serving up delicious food and warm social interaction to the Port Hope community for more than six years, and are provided by a roster of local church and service groups.

Green Wood Coalition awarded

Charitable Status We're happy to announce that Green Wood Coalition has been awarded charitable status. From now on donations to our organization will be tax-receiptable!

GWC recognized for Community

Building Green Wood was presented with the Community Builder Award by Northumberland United Way at their recent AGM.

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Jacob’s Ladder Pentecost 2013


St. Mark’s Anglican Church 51 King Street, Port Hope, ON L1A 2R6

A parish of the Diocese of Toronto Anglican Church of Canada

Mark Your Calendar

• Strawberry Social: Sunday June 23 at noon at George Clements’, 13 King Street

• Country BBQ: Sunday July 14 after 10:30 service at Steve Poste’s

• Attic Treasures and Basement Bargains: Saturday August 17 from 9:00 to 1:00

• Parish Hall Open House for neighbours: Saturday September 28

• Dedication of Parish Hall: Sunday November 17

Jacob’s Ladder is edited by Ian McDonald and published four times a year (September, December, March and June) for members and friends of St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Port Hope, Ontario.