" r t.'jTi flJM Jrr VW J '(,, f" ' X i mm P&iljt nl n vrrT JliJ JVil' f J' VOL. VII. NO. 1002. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AJ'KIL 7. I81M. PRICE 5 CENTS.. THE DAILY BULLETIN PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON CZCIPT SUNDAY BY T!l Daily Balletln Publishing Co., L'd., at tub orrio 326 It 32B Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I. StlUSUMl'TION-S- ix I)om.am a Ykak. Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Cents a Mouth, In advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN -- 18 HinUflHKD-B3VH3- R.Y TTJBJSDAY At Foun Dollars a Ybar to Domestic. nd Fiv llnLLAM to Foreign Subscribers, payable In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING uciKc ik sorxnioR style. 110TH Ti:u:i'HONK8 or- - 230 V. 0. 1IOX W). 1'iik Daily Hullktik U printed mid pub-llshe- d by the Dally lttilletm I'ubllslilnit Company, Llmlud, at Its olllco, Mer-cha- nt street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl- ands. Daniel l.tn, editor, resides on A lakes street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address letters for the paper "Kdllor Uullhti.s," and liuslneis letters "Manager Dally lliilletln PuhlUhtng Company." using a personal address may cause delay In attention. Builuosa Card. LEWERS 6c COOKE, llllfORTKM AND DlCALKUl IK LllMHCR AND ALL R IX US Of IIUILHUOI Matkrials. Fort Street. Honolulu. H. HAOK7ELD CO., IIrnsmm. Cummiosio.n Akknts. ''ner Fort ami O,iiotm Streets, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Vt.TII)KRKIAKIOKSKL III SI Ms AllKWT. Malitikona, Kohala, Hawaii. WILLIAM FOSTER, ATrngsrcr-v.-I.A- W a.m Nimnr Public. No. IJ Kauliumnuu St., Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, MiNururrUHiMi Jkwklkb am Watch. ' MAKRB. Kukul Jewelry a Particular sttontlon paid to all kinds of repairs. , Mciuerny lllook, Fort Btreut. j J. J. WILLIAMS. PHOTOGRAPHER Tbe Only Collection of Inland Vlswi. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, 3TKAM I:ni.N:, fJL'UAH MlLM, UulLKKN, t'oiii.Ktm. Ikon, llnxss, anh J.kah Cahtinon, Machinery of Kvury Description Made to Order. Purtlcularauuntlon paid to Shins' Hlnckniiiithlng. Job Work executed nl Hluirl Vntliw. kk iLANiwAi." : FAMILY IIATHINd Kesort at Wulklkl. Tramcars push """ Btw Hi ial arrniioiuoiua can be iiniiD iur FhhiIIv Piculus and Kveulni! llathiiiK Parties. 5s8-- tf Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. Kstlmats given on nil kinds of STONK.CONUUKTK ,t IM.AHTF.lt WOKK 1'IINCIIKTS A HI'KCUI.TV JOHN F. BOWLER. CHR. GERTZ, anp Dkalkh in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Shoes tod Slippers No. 103 For-- t Stcaoi, CHAS. UIUKCT IMfORTKU Of - KNOLIBH AND CONTINENTAL XDry O-oocl- s Vo in KHKbnmsnn itrp. I'or Local News Kitly prt.'SDiitcil Talcu the Htillftin Kvury tiiup. :WM. G. IRWIN A CO. I (Hjimiteci) OFFKK FOR SALE FERTILIZERS AI.KX. CROSS A SONS' Celebrated High Grade Cane Hanores. We are also prepared to lake, orders for MsBara, N. OHla.nc.it A Oo.'h rertlllzera, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL . ....... ri.i.. i. .. A.iA. ui,. mi Ur ...is au'iiitii i mil, ini.iuii' stinting less pigment than Unseed Oil, and giving a laiilng brilliancy to colors. Used with drier It gives n splendid lloor surface. Lixne, Oement, KKFINF.l8t)0AKS, HAI.MUN. Pairbank Canning Co.'s Coraod Boef rARArriKR co.'s Compounds, Rooflng & Papers, Reed's Patent Stein Pipe Covering. Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol A Ever- lasting Paint Kspcclally designed for Vacuum Pans. FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co., AssetB, S7.109.825.49. London A Lancashire Firo Ins. Co., Assets, S4.317.052. Thames and Morsoy Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, 56,124,057. New York Lilo Ins. Co., Assets, $137,499,108.09. C. 0. BER6ER, General Agent lor Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU. Wm. G. Irwin & Go. (I.IMITK1)) Wm. (I. Irwin, President and Manager Clans Siireckcls. . W. M. Hlllard, Secretary and Treanurur Theo. 0, Porter Auditor Sugar Factors -- AND Commission Agents. AC1KNTS OF TIIK - Oceanic Steamship Company, OF HAN FUANC1SCO. CAL. G. BREWER & CO. ILIMITKD) General Mercantile Gonimission Agonts P. C. JiiueH I'resiib ut (I. II. ItoliertMin. Mamigi'r K. F. llUhop. . Hecretar) A l'lia.uiir W. F. Allen . Ainlltui CM. Cooke II. Walerlion.e , Directors U. L. rtr JUST ARRIVED j PEll HAIIK "C. D. MIYANT." KABY CARRIAGES or all styles; Carpets, Rugs and Mats In the tateot I'nttertii. " " HOUSEHOLD Sewing Machines, HAND SEWING MACHINES, All with the Uttctt Improvaiueuti. -- AUO OS HAND WKSTEKM AVER'S Hi 111"! lU Pn4.--i.f- 'iaoos uiwi vvwm Pallor Organs, Guitars, - M1 OTIlrt- l- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOR HAM. ED. UOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., King Street, optm. t'nsilc .v, Cooke. 4ti -- m moth ti:li:phonk3 tW 114 IIUSTACii&CO. COAL All kinds In any quantity from n bng to a Ion. CHARCOAL From one Imj; to any ipiniiilty. FIPLEATOOID In Ml. length mill Hawed or Hpllt, from a bag to any quantity; aUo WHITE & BLACK SAND 870 tf KTATI02STA.L IRON WORKS QTJH3H11-- J STK.HJH3T. Between AUlcea and Richirds Streets. 'fM!B UNDKItSKINKH AUK PltK. X pared to make nil kinds of Iron, llrass, llroiuu, Zinc, Tin and lad tJusl-liig- s. Also ii (Ifii.-ru- l Itcpiiir Hhup for uIit W heels. Wind Mills, etc Mtichlnes for tin (.leaning of Coifee, Cantor Oils, Ilamle.HNiil, Pliuapple leaves aud cither I llirous Phints ami P,i.r 8io(-k- . Also Machine for Kxtracllng Starch fr the Manioc, Arrow Hoot, viu. .Il orders promptly attemlml to WHITE, RITMAN & CO. "Sans Souci" Hotel Seasilfi &H Resort Wallctki. Honolulu. thtnhrr 37. Is'.tf. iiii,iiiiic ilrtift Jir, Ihiny in .iil,7 fffart'i, ;iir, mtr alt, clrnr tru utittr, ijwhI ( ni lif, fi,li tin ftti hum mil hrint tot tijt rtrnj nritimj utrr tl.t I'nrl-li- r Hud Hit ilittiint hilh u( lliiiiunf, rrcum-iiirin- l him Oinliilthi tit tli'r "Sim Smei.' niin:i:xr i.ntis aV.I fc.v.Mi.v T. A. SIMPSON, Hauauer. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. 5L Tea. and Coffee AT ALL IIOUIIS. TIIK KINKST HKAN'DS OK Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS ON II A Nil EL J. JSrOLTE. Prop, METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, 5h?-- 7 81 KING ST. Wholesale and Retail Butchers AMI NAVY CONTRACTORS. O. J. WitUor. Muiiannr. 0ceanic SteainstliP Co a. Australian Mail Service. For San Pramclsco: The New ami Fine At Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due n I Hunoluli from Sydney and 'Ancle-lau- d on or about May 3d, And will leave 'or the, above port with Malls and Passengers on or abou t that date. Por Sydney and Auckland : The New and Fi ,e Al Steel Steamship " MAKIPOSA " Of the Oceanic SlfAin-dii- p Company will be due at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about April 12th, And will have prompt despatch with .iinin uiul l'asscugcrs for the abiove ports. The undersigned an- - now prepared to Issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. ,. j For furthc- - particulars regarding r relghl or Passage apply to WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Ltd., I MM General Agonta. I Oceanic Steamship Go. .kV. te Time JTable. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu llonnlulu from M. F. for H. F. April Jl . .. .April i May III . .Mav ai June III .. June ' THROUGH LINE. From an Fram-I-fo- r From Hjilnoy fui tiyitiicy. bnii Kraiii'iM-o- , Arrhf Jlnontulu l.imr llimnliilu MAUI POHA. Apr. I MONMVAI, Apr. :. MOMIWAI, Mav 10 ALAMI.HA, May ;i A LAM KIM, Jiii'i.' 7 .M.l!irO.S.,.MiiyHI MAKIPOSA, July .1 MONuWAI. Jiinc MONIIVV'AI tn, AL.MKIlA.July.ii A.,:A.V.;!::,;.A' a,k- - "" I MAII ,n-S- auk ii MAKIPOSA. Ki.iil7. MllMlUM ....r .. MO.NOWA1 Oct. A LAM MM IsTOTIOE ! The PASSENGER DEPARTMENT or Tiir. - Oceanic Steamship Go. IN SAN FKANCIM'O, Han Ikcii Itcmovcd from TJ7 Maikil atrtvt to KW MoNTdOMKUV Stiikkt, (I'MIKIIIH'rillKNTAI. iimri.) From tbN iluin nil ...iiu.i.iiiii..... tioin perm IiiIiik to tin Sun FriiiicUi.ii l'ii. vliKiT lIunlueiH (ihould bo cnl to the new Utiles Lis Montgomery Street. WM. G. IRWIN I CO., L'D, Oi'iHTiil AkciiIk, Occmil,. SIciiiikIiIp Co. at HiiiioIiiIii. ..in , II. LOSIC, NoUry Public, Collector and General Business Agents. it for Several of the lle.t riKL INSl'KANCi: COM PAN IKS. Patentee ol Loie's Chemical Compouud lur Clarllvlng Cane Juice. Mutual Ti'lepliuiio p, (i. Dux Men limit Street, Honolulu. int. c. w. MOOKK, ' UOU Van Ne- - Ave., s. F Cnl. i Eloaant AuartmHnts for Patiants. I M.llVolH lhKlHK. f tW Ilr. Moore oller Invalids nil the coiiuoriKOi iioiiiii, with eiiiisiiint ami cine. fill treatment, defers tu II. It. Macfiirliim. issnf K. A. .1ACJOHSOX, Watciimakkh AXIi .Ir.WI'.I.KH !n Fori htnei, Honolulu, II. I. O. ilox'Js7. Mutual Tele. Hrt. H. HATAOKA, Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. No. 11 Hi in. r s . 1 nnn.i i. All kimUofl abliiel Making and ItuiM-- , lug and llepairlng done in ilii-cl- a Iter mid at ecoiiomie.il win, 1)7.1 liu INTEH-ISLAN- U 1'ILOTAOK. - lAI'TAIN WILLIAM jiavii:. Fui: J the past twelvji i iv in eiiiuiiianil ol liiler.islmid steamers, oilers lilt service ns Pilot in mi) purl in landing tu the llawailau Islaudi. II. -- i of refeieiices. Iliiplire III nlllie of I .. Walker, over hpreekeU' Hunk, Furl -- n. el Iii7 If FOH 8AI.K SI Mllhll OP TUN I'nlh, wti:i: i I k I run liomel iill galliiu. eai h, I ouil lio. I,, in ipimuiil. i in ult.de'lvercii nun mile Imui the l'.,sl Olllmi at 7.i viiilf ' r load Appl) to I'. W. KAWLINW. Udeo. UU'II. Vi P. o lloi I. tn-li- n Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line IJW OONMBOTIOM WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OK THE WORLD. Tickets per $5 Second & C. P. K. are Class STEAMSHIP SERVICE THROUGH TICKETS Issued from Honolulu to UNITED STATES and also to FIJI aud SYDNEY. For Fiji and Sydney: ST KAMI-- : 118 SAIL ill. BAI'H MtlN I'll. Freight md Pusenger Agents: I). MtNICOI.b. Montreal. Canada. K01IKHT KKUK. WIiiiiIiwi;, Canada, .... ... ui i.ik.i, can 111, i 0. Mel IIIIOWN. Vancouver. II. C. I Pacific Mail S.S. Co. -- and th F- .Occidental and Oriental S. S, Go. For YOKOHAMA and HONQKONQ. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their nay to the nlx.ve IKirts on or about the following dates: Simr "CHINA" April III, sstnir ".i:i.i"" June . l'i fttinr "llhl.Olt " Jul) , 'll Slliir "CHINA ' ."ptciulivr .1, l!il Miur"OCi:ANIl" .OcIoInt :, ly.ii Mtmr "CHINA". Nnvcmlwr I.', Kl titiiir"tll,K.NIC" ..lie i'IiiIkt It, l.il .Stuir "CHINA" , January Jl, l;n Miiir"OCKANIC" IVIirimrv !i, jwi, Stuir "CHINA" I rl I .'. ' For SAN FRANCISCO. .Steamer ol the above Cnmpiimo mil call at Honolulu on llivir wny Ironi Hong. kou HIHI I I'KIMIHIIIil lO II1C IIIHIVI HKI OH or about the follow llii: iluln--: 'tiur "HAKI.U"' Mav u ikm Mlnr 'CirVOFKIOUCJANCIItO" ., . .... July lu, li Simr "lli:i.illC" Augu-- t Jl, iH Minr- -t IIYoF PKKIM. ' . Oi'IoIm-- !l, !'l C" Niivi'IiiIlt in, l!il Minr "CHINA" HiivmlH-- r .11, :i Miiir".AKLH " . IVIiruar in. Hf. Stiur'PKIti;" Murcl'i ji. I irt Sim- - "OALI.Ii " . . ..prll Irr, KATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS. ro toKo. ro iiiimi- - iuma, KliMI. Cabin tiro mi tl'.'l t'abln, round trip 4 mouths itl 'ill Cabin, round trip 1'J mouths .TJ .'41 in. i'i Kurocuu Steerage n. im lno to " Pnnwngers I'aylng full fare will he I allowed IU percent oil nliirn tare if lug within twelvi mtlii. W For Frelrfhl mid Paai;i. apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., Jir?tf Agents. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY OI.E5A.K.-A.IrOS- 3 SALE OF FURNITURE VlN(i FAT & CO., luriieriif King mid Itelbul Mrei t, Oiler a I .il iv in of I in. anil "illi-liilill- ul FTjrrLIT'UPLE ! Al LOW Kit p(!.h than ever. IleiUlemlH, Iliiruiu. Talili- -, Meat h.ife., Wariirolif., . Li. ' "ii tliiiu Mie I'heape.t evei I.efiifi olli'ii'il in Honolulu ' '1 I lt)l VINO fa l a 1. Mokuleia Stock Farm, Waialua, II. I. SENATOR STANFORD WILL CON Lit TKN MAItl.s , S30 EACH. "Sonny Boy" Service, S20. FINE HORSliS FOB SALR ! THOS. W. (JAY, m; .'m ,',ht Maiiiiuei. SILKU LUN, M'FANl' 'l Sel ilool Mer. limn Kji'Iiiiu'i . Merchant Tailor New Goods md Litest Styles ! I'KIM'KCT TIT tILAy.MKi:i). Iff Customer, felling iiddiiioual suits will MTf-U- ii induction ol taiid II in re- duction on punts u,i j,,, 5M class Less ta li. S, Line CANADA, EUROPE, MONTHLY. Por Victoria and Vancouver B. C: STKA.M KII8 SAM. Mii i. Mil) II. Jul I. July 31, b'J I. IW For rickrt and Mi'iD'tii liif.irinn-tiui- i apply to THEO. H. DA VIES &c CO., .IgriiUf'iY the llmrnUnu hlnmh. Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. ' w. c, Wii.ork, Prec ft. II. Kiity rt4c t'rt. J. A. Kihii, orl Mipt. Stmr. KINAU, CLAKKE. Commauder, ill Ifuvi- - lloiiuiiiiii at .' r m., loiii'luiiK at Uthaltiu, .MiiHiiuit ll.iy nii.l .Makeiin the -- nun., iluj , M.iliiikoiiu, Kiiwuihuc mill Ijiu piibiliiN. ilu- - foiiimiiig dii), urrlvliiK at nun at miiliiighi. I.KAV L-- lli'Nol.CI.H . llll-ll- .l) April IU Friii.i . April A) 'I iii'iMiuy Alii) I rrldn May II I iii'fl.iy . Ma li Fil.liiv June I I iliv.l.iy June U lllilil; . jiiiih :hi I'UcmI.ij July .i I' ridat . . Jul) II Jul) 1 lilil.i) ... Aug. ;i I IICVl.l) .Aug. II .. . Aug. .'I I Hi'. Oil) Mpt. I Krlilii) . cipl. II I'lllt-'!.- !) . M'pt. .' hriilay!.. Oct. .i I'lU'iNiuy . Oil. Hi Frlduj . VI. Jo 1'ucvMy Nov. o I' ruin) .. .SilV. Ill Illl'.ll.l) Nov. .; I'ikIii) . i I in -- ilii) ..I tic. 1 I.ctiiriung leiive llllu, loiiilniig at l.iiu. palim hoc Mimr ilu) , Kilwiilluic . ., Hi x. m.; .MaUiia I i. m,, .Mimluci, lla il i. n.; Uibauu v. Die lollowlng ilii), arriving ui Honolulu ., ,. i. U..,luCi-da- ) aud Milurilai, AIIKI l A I Hi.NiLT.r Wiiliie.ilni April In .April J. W 'lIllHKil,!) Mav li .iturilii Ma IU l'iliirill Mil) M patiinl.i) June li i iIiiihIii) June .V .Nitunl.i) Jiiliu.io Wtitiiii.il.iy Jul) II na Jinln) July ;'l Ue.liu'-il.i- ) Aug. I fliilur.lii) AUK. II W I'lilH.lll) Aug. Zi ept. I WlllllO'pl) M pt. 1.' fM'pl. .' i'iie Ill) (let. .1 Mit.inl.i) Oct. lit Weillli'Ml l) .l.. Jl Mitiinlii) Nov. .1 W illie.. lii) Nov. II .I.IIUMil) Nov. J I Weil lie .III I leu. .1 h.iturliij Hie. to Weiiui'Mlii) Hie. J. - No hrelgtil will lie u,r IJ uihiii on ilu) ill .ailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, UAMURON. Coinuunder, Will ,1'iui' Honolulu eon') I'iii-- iIi y al I'. M., touching al ImiIiiiIiii lllieio. llui liaiiina ,tliil kipaliulo. Ki'iiirniug will ainvi m ilunuiiiiu ver) Miiidu) luuriiiiig. I0g No Krelghl will lie reoMVeil ufler i i. v on mi) nl Muling. oliMgnee. iiuist In al (lie liilullllgs In miive lueir I' relglil, lib we w.ll llol hold oiir.five- - alter hiii'Ii Krelghl Inn Iweii lailileil. Wlille the liuiipmi) will use iluu dill-ite- i in li.ilnlillig I.im Mo. k, AC decline In asMiiiu all) reini.iiiiliii incase of liir lllsa ( 'IIIIIC, lln I iiuipaiii will not In responsible fol Moo.) ur.lew.lr) miles', placed m lln-car- nl Pursers. WAIAKKAKUA NOTICE. l.i. I'Altlll.n HKMIMM. Itliiu In . V Wuinl.eakiiaF.ilU in Milium Valle) .lie lielell) riSill'stei to Olllillll u iriuis- - sum Irmii tin iiiniir'.igiiiil, ntlierwisc they will ie prosei Hied lor tretuis ll fouud on Hie preiulsei, niiuoiil silcli ii.'riulssioii. .I.h. II. HO VI), at Uih Uiml IJItice Miiprelue I .inn Itiillil lug. Il....,iiiii Iiiii., IT s.'ih NOTICE. Ill IIII.Ijs DlLilAINil III. HO-- J V uoliiiii lioail Hoard in tut urn are tu be pr.flit.'i ill lie ,.en of the IIimiI Mip ui-n- i ,i Hi, in, liu. I on tlie '.'iiln ol i a, 1, liiniilli, 'tin rvn- - II, .'i will lie el- - mpl limn lli,l liiniilli . i in.ite and like-no- t ti, in- uiiil iur .in, r two uioiitiis all. i II) order ol tbe lloiiolulii II., ad H.-i- i I, W. II. CI MMlSllS. s!'-l- l lto.nl hunrvUor, lloiiolulii. Th .iy llultrtin, SUttnti nrr month. !ARVILLE si (WrilTTUN rim tub Hri.Lr.m 1 Nothing could have suited Null bettor, with her fun-lovin- g disposi- tion, than to be a wituess of poor Burton's evident embarrassment, and chairin. Perhaps had she known that this trrave, earnest, elderly bachelor who, : Jt B of Hip an W inklo after his little imp in the Catskills, had been pro sumptuous enough to fall in love with lior, sho would not havu fouud him no amusing, but as sho was igno- rant of IiIk regard for lior aim naid again n sho ndrAiicud toward tho firw: "Pli'ago let us share jour tuoal. Vou'vo no idea how ravenously .hun- gry wo are. 1 never felt no much like a cannibal in my life; that's what makes it soeaijr for me to beg." Hero she took off her crimson can with its alert red feather aud hold- ing it Iwforo her said iu a tone of mock seriousness: "Please give mo a penny; sister's starvitiK: we're re spectable tho' poor. Aims, kind sir, alms:' Burton's hand itMousibh sought Ics . pocket, - , i but . , was quicKljr . with- - drawn as ins lair tormentor merry laughter rang out loud and clear, ami he flushed angrily. Dora, whoe sympathies were easily nroucd, said: "Don't Imi vexed with us. Wo had no iuteutiou of intruding upon you. Null is only joking. We were taking a woodland walk aud came to this spot acciden- tally. 1 think wo had better resume our ramble aud leave you to finish your dinner. Come ami see us soon. You know how welcome you always are," "And do von know why 1 camu here!" he asked, roughly. "I camu because I wanted to get away from (he world because 1 wanted to gel Imck to the old dirty, lazy life of liui 1 '.in ton, vagabond -- to cut loose from alt the scheming, thieving brood of men who have beeu my associates ever since I became Mr. I Uurlon, capitalist. Because 1 felt , this morning as if 1 uevei wanted to see a book again as long an 1 lived; as if it would be u relief to chow drink whisk, hunt aud fish, ami cook the game 1 shot, aud lie down to sleep whenever the night overtook me, aud to Mo in solitude as I used to ami never to look upon a woman's face again." "As I nui a woman 1 appreciate your compliment ami value its evi- dent sincerity," Xell exclaimed as he lluislied speaking. "Come, Dora, I am quite ready to go now. You hae my best wishes for happiness iu your newly-chose- n path, Mr.IJurtoii, -- or shall I call you by tho title you MH'tii to prefer, 'Lazy .lim'f our ambitious are noble aud manly ones, ami if one can judge from your pres- ent appearance, sure to Ih success- ful " "For shame, Nelll You have uu right to talk so to Mr. llurtou." "No right!" echoed Nell, stamping her foot angrily. "No right to re- sent insult? When any man with his abilities aud po.wir for good sinks himself to the level of a siunb nl savage and admits that he would rather live like a dirty, tobacco-chewin- whisky-drinkin- g sot sooner than look upon any woman's face again, I have the right to protest!" Then she went and stood before him, saying excitedly. "You have been calling at my father's home for some months. Are his three daugh- ters so vile that you uro justified iu naying you uover want to see a wo- man Hgatu! Answer me! What hae they done to cause 3011 to reliiuiuisli all of your plaus aud degenerate fr Mr. JIurlon to 'Lazy Jitn't "Nothing; you dou'l understand; the fault is mine; I am out of sorts." She laughed contemptuously. "And you are rich, iu good health, intellectual, plenty of friends; the weather is perfect, it is summer, and ouareout of sorts, Come, Dora, lut's go." She walked awuy without saying good live, but Dora extended her hand and said: "1 am sorry; I know there is somuthiuL' that has caused this, of which Nell and I know uoth-- j ing, but I know that you will not abandon all of the nobler purposes i of your life, or the good you yet may do. Come and see us soon and often; goodbye." When she joined her sister and they were out of hearing, she said: "Nell, you are re.dly rude al times; when you get a little oieited you ' ay some lery hamb tilings. 1 am sure Mr. Bui Inn will feel very bud oer what you said." "Lei linn; he deserves to." .en, 1 lie poor lellow is 111 love with you, and that is what has driven linn to the woods." worn, en nor you are matt or he is!' "No, it is I rue; I've seeu it for some tune; you ought to let him know you are engaged, Nell." "Nonsense! it is 110 concern of his; he is old enough to be my father." "Well, why don't you marry Cyril T Youkeep putting il ou all the lime." "Yes, because 1 have Imh-i- i hoping he would lose his money." "Lose his money?" Yes; you see 1 was in lteufro's store one day and 1.01110 ladies were till king near me. One can't help ' hearing things at times. One said: 'The Kuovvltou girls are cutting iptite a swath now; Dora has caught Kurt Ingram ami Null is engaged to ('v. Wilton ImiIIi witli lots of money, mid .lean is setting her cap for tho new minister; he walked home from church with her Inst Sunday.' 1 xC'oiili'nucd un 4th ltgt,) tt

J X mm P&iljt · 2015. 5. 30. · flJM Jrr " r t.'jTi VW J '(,, i f" ' X mm P&iljt nl n vrrT JliJ JVil'fJ' VOL. VII. NO. 1002. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AJ'KIL 7. I81M. PRICE 5 CENTS

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Page 1: J X mm P&iljt · 2015. 5. 30. · flJM Jrr " r t.'jTi VW J '(,, i f" ' X mm P&iljt nl n vrrT JliJ JVil'fJ' VOL. VII. NO. 1002. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AJ'KIL 7. I81M. PRICE 5 CENTS

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vrrT JliJ JVil' fJ'




Daily Balletln Publishing Co., L'd.,

at tub orrio326 It 32B Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I.

StlUSUMl'TION-S- ix I)om.am a Ykak.Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Cents aMouth, In advance.


-- 18 HinUflHKD-B3VH3- R.Y

TTJBJSDAYAt Foun Dollars a Ybar to Domestic.nd Fiv llnLLAM to Foreign Subscribers,

payable In advance.

BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGuciKc ik sorxnioR style.

110TH Ti:u:i'HONK8 or-- 230V. 0. 1IOX W).

1'iik Daily Hullktik U printed mid pub-llshe- d

by the Dally lttilletm I'ubllslilnitCompany, Llmlud, at Its olllco, Mer-cha- nt

street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl-ands. Daniel l.tn, editor, resides onA lakes street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address letters for the paper "KdllorUullhti.s," and liuslneis letters "ManagerDally lliilletln PuhlUhtng Company."using a personal address may cause delayIn attention.

Builuosa Card.



Fort Street. Honolulu.


IIrnsmm. Cummiosio.n Akknts.

''ner Fort ami O,iiotm Streets, Honolulu.



Malitikona, Kohala, Hawaii.


ATrngsrcr-v.-I.A- W a.m Nimnr Public.

No. IJ Kauliumnuu St., Honolulu.


MiNururrUHiMi Jkwklkb am Watch.'


Kukul Jewelry a Particularsttontlon paid to all kinds of repairs. ,

Mciuerny lllook, Fort Btreut. j


PHOTOGRAPHERTbe Only Collection of Inland Vlswi.


3TKAM I:ni.N:, fJL'UAH MlLM, UulLKKN,t'oiii.Ktm. Ikon, llnxss, anh J.kah


Machinery of Kvury Description Made toOrder. Purtlcularauuntlon paid to Shins'Hlnckniiiithlng. Job Work executed nlHluirl Vntliw.

kk iLANiwAi." :

FAMILY IIATHINdKesort at Wulklkl. Tramcars push

""" Btw Hi ial arrniioiuoiua can beiiniiD iur FhhiIIv Piculus and Kveulni!

llathiiiK Parties. 5s8-- tf

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Kstlmats given on nil kinds of




CHR. GERTZ,anp Dkalkh in

Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Shoes

tod Slippers

No. 103 For--t Stcaoi,CHAS.


XDry O-oocl-s

Vo in KHKbnmsnn itrp.

I'or Local NewsKitly prt.'SDiitcil

Talcu theHtillftinKvury tiiup.





Celebrated High Grade Cane Hanores.

We are also prepared to lake, orders for

MsBara, N. OHla.nc.it A Oo.'hrertlllzera,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL. .......ri.i.. i. .. A.iA. ui,. miUr ...is au'iiitii i mil, ini.iuii'stinting less pigment than Unseed Oil, and

giving a laiilng brilliancy to colors.Used with drier It gives n splendid lloorsurface.

Lixne, Oement,KKFINF.l8t)0AKS,


Pairbank Canning Co.'s Coraod Boef

rARArriKR co.'s

Compounds, Rooflng & Papers,

Reed's Patent Stein Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol A Ever-

lasting Paint

Kspcclally designed for Vacuum Pans.





Hartford Firo Insurance Co.,

AssetB, S7.109.825.49.

London A Lancashire Firo Ins. Co.,

Assets, S4.317.052.

Thames and Morsoy Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 56,124,057.

New York Lilo Ins. Co.,Assets, $137,499,108.09.

C. 0. BER6ER,General Agent lor Hawaiian Islands.


Wm. G. Irwin & Go.(I.IMITK1))

Wm. (I. Irwin, President and ManagerClans Siireckcls. .W. M. Hlllard, Secretary and TreanururTheo. 0, Porter Auditor

Sugar Factors-- AND

Commission Agents.

AC1KNTS OF TIIK -Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile

Gonimission Agonts

P. C. JiiueH I'resiib ut(I. II. ItoliertMin. Mamigi'rK. F. llUhop. . Hecretar) A l'lia.uiirW. F. Allen . AinlltuiCM. CookeII. Walerlion.e , DirectorsU. L. rtr



KABY CARRIAGESor all styles;

Carpets, Rugs and MatsIn the tateot I'nttertii.



All with the Uttctt Improvaiueuti.



Hi 111"! lU Pn4.--i.f-

'iaoosuiwi vvwm

Pallor Organs, Guitars,

- M1 OTIlrt- l-



King Street, optm. t'nsilc .v, Cooke.

4ti --m moth ti:li:phonk3 tW 114


COALAll kinds In any quantity from n

bng to a Ion.

CHARCOALFrom one Imj; to any ipiniiilty.

FIPLEATOOIDIn Ml. length mill Hawed or Hpllt,

from a bag to any quantity; aUo




Between AUlcea and Richirds Streets.

'fM!B UNDKItSKINKH AUK PltK.X pared to make nil kinds of Iron,llrass, llroiuu, Zinc, Tin and lad tJusl-liig- s.

Also ii (Ifii.-ru- l Itcpiiir Hhup for

uIit W heels. Wind Mills, etc Mtichlnesfor tin (.leaning of Coifee, Cantor Oils,

Ilamle.HNiil, Pliuapple leaves audcither I llirous Phints ami P,i.r 8io(-k- .

Also Machine for Kxtracllng Starch frthe Manioc, Arrow Hoot, viu.

.Il orders promptly attemlml to


"Sans Souci" Hotel

Seasilfi &H Resort

Wallctki. Honolulu.thtnhrr 37. Is'.tf.

iiii,iiiiic ilrtift Jir, Ihinyin .iil,7 fffart'i, ;iir, mtr alt, clrnr truutittr, ijwhI ( ni lif, fi,li tin ftti hummil hrint tot tijt rtrnj nritimj utrr tl.t I'nrl-li- r

Hud Hit ilittiint hilh u( lliiiiunf, rrcum-iiirin- lhim Oinliilthi tit tli'r "Sim Smei.'niin:i:xr i.ntis aV.I fc.v.Mi.v

T. A. SIMPSON, Hauauer.


The Best Lunch in Town.

5LTea. and Coffee



Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON II A Nil


5h?-- 781 KING ST.

Wholesale and Retail Butchers



O. J. WitUor. Muiiannr.

0ceanic SteainstliP Coa.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Pramclsco:The New ami Fine At Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due n I Hunoluli from Sydney and 'Ancle-lau- d

on or about

May 3d,And will leave 'or the, above port withMalls and Passengers on or abou t that date.

Por Sydney and Auckland :

The New and Fi ,e Al Steel Steamship

" MAKIPOSA "Of the Oceanic SlfAin-dii- p Company willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

April 12th,And will have prompt despatch with.iinin uiul l'asscugcrs for the abiove ports.

The undersigned an- - now prepared to Issue



,. j For furthc- - particulars regardingr relghl or Passage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Ltd.,I MM General Agonta.I

Oceanic Steamship Go.



S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu llonnlulu

from M. F. for H. F.April Jl . .. .April iMay III . .Mav aiJune III .. June '

THROUGH LINE.From an Fram-I-fo- r From Hjilnoy fui

tiyitiicy. bnii Kraiii'iM-o- ,

Arrhf Jlnontulu l.imr llimnliilu

MAUI POHA. Apr. I MONMVAI, Apr. :.MOMIWAI, Mav 10 ALAMI.HA, May ;iA LAM KIM, Jiii'i.' 7 .M.l!irO.S.,.MiiyHIMAKIPOSA, July .1 MONuWAI. JiincMONIIVV'AI tn, AL.MKIlA.July.iiA.,:A.V.;!::,;.A' a,k- - "" I MAII ,n-S- auk iiMAKIPOSA. Ki.iil7. MllMlUM ....r ..MO.NOWA1 Oct. A LAM MM



Oceanic Steamship Go.IN SAN FKANCIM'O,

Han Ikcii Itcmovcd from TJ7 Maikilatrtvt to

KW MoNTdOMKUV Stiikkt,(I'MIKIIIH'rillKNTAI. iimri.)From tbN iluin nil ...iiu.i.iiiii.....

tioin perm IiiIiik to tin Sun FriiiicUi.ii l'ii.vliKiT lIunlueiH (ihould bo cnl to the newUtiles Lis Montgomery Street.


Oi'iHTiil AkciiIk, Occmil,. SIciiiikIiIp Co. atHiiiioIiiIii. ..in ,


NoUry Public, Collector and GeneralBusiness Agents.

it for Several of the lle.t riKLINSl'KANCi: COM PAN IKS.

Patentee ol Loie's Chemical Compouud lurClarllvlng Cane Juice.

Mutual Ti'lepliuiio p, (i. DuxMen limit Street, Honolulu.

int. c. w. MOOKK,'

UOU Van Ne- - Ave., s. F Cnl.

i Eloaant AuartmHnts for Patiants.I M.llVolH lhKlHK.


tW Ilr. Moore oller Invalids nil thecoiiuoriKOi iioiiiii, with eiiiisiiint ami cine.fill treatment, defers tu II. It. Macfiirliim.



Watciimakkh AXIi .Ir.WI'.I.KH

!n Fori htnei, Honolulu, II. I.O. ilox'Js7. Mutual Tele. Hrt.


Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker.

No. 11 Hi in. r s . 1 nnn.i i.

All kimUofl abliiel Making and ItuiM-- ,lug and llepairlng done in ilii-cl- a

Iter mid at ecoiiomie.il win, 1)7.1 liu


lAI'TAIN WILLIAM jiavii:. Fui:J the past twelvji i iv in eiiiuiiianil ol

liiler.islmid steamers, oilers lilt service nsPilot in mi) purl in landing tu thellawailau Islaudi. II. -- i of refeieiices.Iliiplire III nlllie of I .. Walker, overhpreekeU' Hunk, Furl -- n. el Iii7 If


SI Mllhll OP TUN I'nlh, wti:i:i I k I run liomel iill galliiu. eai h,I ouil lio. I,, in ipimuiil. i in ult.de'lverciinun mile Imui the l'.,sl Olllmi at 7.i viiilf' r load Appl) to

I'. W. KAWLINW.Udeo.

UU'II. Vi P. o lloi I. tn-li- n

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship LineIJW OONMBOTIOM WITH


Tickets per $5 Second &C. P. K. are Class


THROUGH TICKETS Issued from Honolulu to UNITED STATES andalso to FIJI aud SYDNEY.

For Fiji and Sydney:

ST KAMI-- : 118 SAIL ill. BAI'H MtlN I'll.

Freight md Pusenger Agents:I). MtNICOI.b. Montreal. Canada.K01IKHT KKUK. WIiiiiIiwi;, Canada,.... ... ui i.ik.i, can 111, i

0. Mel IIIIOWN. Vancouver. II. C. I

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.-- and th F-

.Occidental and Oriental S. S, Go.


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their nay to the nlx.veIKirts on or about the following dates:

Simr "CHINA" April III,sstnir ".i:i.i"" June . l'ifttinr "llhl.Olt " Jul) , 'll

Slliir "CHINA ' ."ptciulivr .1, l!ilMiur"OCi:ANIl" .OcIoInt :, ly.iiMtmr "CHINA". Nnvcmlwr I.', Kltitiiir"tll,K.NIC" ..lie i'IiiIkt It, l.il.Stuir "CHINA" , January Jl, l;nMiiir"OCKANIC" IVIirimrv !i, jwi,Stuir "CHINA" I rl I .'. '


.Steamer ol the above Cnmpiimo milcall at Honolulu on llivir wny Ironi Hong.kou HIHI I I'KIMIHIIIil lO II1C IIIHIVI HKI OHor about the follow llii: iluln--:

'tiur "HAKI.U"' Mav u ikmMlnr 'CirVOFKIOUCJANCIItO"

., . .... July lu, liSimr "lli:i.illC" Augu-- t Jl, iHMinr- -t IIYoF PKKIM. ' .

Oi'IoIm-- !l, !'lC" Niivi'IiiIlt in, l!il

Minr "CHINA" HiivmlH-- r .11, :iMiiir".AKLH " . IVIiruar in. Hf.Stiur'PKIti;" Murcl'i ji. I irtSim- - "OALI.Ii " . . ..prll Irr,


ro toKo. ro iiiimi- -

iuma, KliMI.Cabin tiro mi tl'.'lt'abln, round trip 4

mouths itl 'illCabin, round trip 1'J

mouths .TJ .'41 in. i'iKurocuu Steerage n. im lno to

" Pnnwngers I'aylng full fare will heI allowed IU percent oil nliirn tare if

lug within twelvi mtlii.

W For Frelrfhl mid Paai;i. apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,Jir?tf Agents.


OI.E5A.K.-A.IrOS- 3


VlN(i FAT & CO.,luriieriif King mid Itelbul Mrei t,

Oiler a I .il iv in of I in. anil"illi-liilill- ul


Al LOW Kit p(!.h than ever.IleiUlemlH, Iliiruiu. Talili- -,

Meat h.ife., Wariirolif., . Li.

' "ii tliiiu Mie I'heape.t evei I.efiifiolli'ii'il in Honolulu


'1 I lt)l VINO fa l a 1.

Mokuleia Stock Farm,

Waialua, II. I.


S30 EACH."Sonny Boy" Service, S20.


THOS. W. (JAY,m; .'m ,',ht Maiiiiuei.


Sel ilool Mer. limn Kji'Iiiiu'i .

Merchant TailorNew Goods md Litest Styles !

I'KIM'KCT TIT tILAy.MKi:i).Iff Customer, felling iiddiiioual suits

will MTf-U- ii induction ol taiid II in re-duction on punts u,i j,,,

5M class Less ta li. S, Line




Por Victoria and Vancouver B. C:

STKA.M KII8 SAM. Mii i. Mil) II. Jul I.July 31, b'J I.

IW For rickrt and Mi'iD'tii liif.irinn-tiui- iapply to

THEO. H. DAVIES &c CO.,.IgriiUf'iY the llmrnUnu hlnmh.

Wilder's Steamship Co.


w. c, Wii.ork, Prec ft. II. Kiity rt4ct'rt. J. A. Kihii, orl Mipt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLAKKE. Commauder,

ill Ifuvi- - lloiiuiiiiii at .' r m., loiii'luiiK atUthaltiu, .MiiHiiuit ll.iy nii.l .Makeiin the-- nun., iluj , M.iliiikoiiu, Kiiwuihuc mill IjiupiibiliiN. ilu- - foiiimiiig dii), urrlvliiK atnun at miiliiighi.

I.KAV L-- lli'Nol.CI.H .

llll-ll- .l) April IUFriii.i . April A)'I iii'iMiuy Alii) I

rrldn May III iii'fl.iy . Ma liFil.liiv June II iliv.l.iy June Ulllilil; . jiiiih :hiI'UcmI.ij July .iI' ridat . . Jul) II

Jul) 1lilil.i) ... Aug. ;iI IICVl.l) .Aug. II

.. . Aug. .'II Hi'. Oil) Mpt. I

Krlilii) . cipl. III'lllt-'!.- !) . M'pt. .'hriilay!.. Oct. .iI'lU'iNiuy

. Oil. HiFrlduj . VI. Jo1'ucvMy Nov. oI' ruin) .. .SilV. IllIlll'.ll.l) Nov. .;I'ikIii) . iI in --ilii) ..I tic. 1

I.ctiiriung leiive llllu, loiiilniig at l.iiu.palim hoc Mimr ilu) , Kilwiilluic . .,Hi x. m.; .MaUiia I i. m,, .Mimluci,

lla il i. n.; Uibauu v. Die lollowlngilii), arriving ui Honolulu ., ,. i. U..,luCi-da- )

aud Milurilai,AIIKI l A I Hi.NiLT.r

Wiiliie.ilni April In.April J.

W 'lIllHKil,!) Mav li.iturilii Ma IU

l'iliirill Mil) Mpatiinl.i) June lii iIiiihIii) June .V

.Nitunl.i) Jiiliu.ioWtitiiii.il.iy Jul) IIna Jinln) July ;'lUe.liu'-il.i- ) Aug. I

fliilur.lii) AUK. IIW I'lilH.lll) Aug. Zi

ept. IWlllllO'pl) M pt. 1.'

fM'pl. .'

i'iie Ill) (let. .1

Mit.inl.i) Oct. litWeillli'Ml l) .l.. JlMitiinlii) Nov. .1W illie.. lii) Nov. II.I.IIUMil) Nov. J I

Weil lie .III I leu. .1

h.iturliij Hie. toWeiiui'Mlii) Hie. J.

- No hrelgtil will lie u,rIJ uihiii on ilu) ill .ailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,UAMURON. Coinuunder,

Will ,1'iui' Honolulu eon') I'iii-- iIi y alI'. M., touching al ImiIiiiIiii lllieio. lluiliaiiina ,tliil kipaliulo.

Ki'iiirniug will ainvi m ilunuiiiiu ver)Miiidu) luuriiiiig.

I0g No Krelghl will lie reoMVeil ufleri i. v on mi) nl Muling.

oliMgnee. iiuist In al (lie liilullllgs Inmiive lueir I' relglil, lib we w.ll llol holdoiir.five- - alter hiii'Ii KrelghlInn Iweii lailileil.

Wlille the liuiipmi) will use iluu dill-ite-

i in li.ilnlillig I.im Mo. k, AC declineIn asMiiiu all) reini.iiiiliii incase of liirlllsa ( 'IIIIIC,

lln I iiuipaiii will not In responsible folMoo.) ur.lew.lr) miles', placed m lln-car-

nl Pursers.


l.i. I'Altlll.n HKMIMM. Itliiu In. V Wuinl.eakiiaF.ilU in Milium Valle).lie lielell) riSill'stei to Olllillll u iriuis- -

sum Irmii tin iiiniir'.igiiiil, ntlierwisc theywill ie prosei Hied lor tretuis ll fouud onHie preiulsei, niiuoiil silcli ii.'riulssioii.

.I.h. II. HO VI),at Uih Uiml IJItice Miiprelue I .inn Itiillil

lug.Il....,iiiii Iiiii., IT s.'ih


Ill IIII.Ijs DlLilAINil III. HO-- JV uoliiiii lioail Hoard in tut urn are

tu be pr.flit.'i ill lie ,.en of theIIimiI Mip ui-n- i ,i Hi, in, liu. I on tlie '.'iilnol i a, 1, liiniilli, 'tin rvn- - II, .'i will lie el- -

mpl limn lli,l liiniilli . i in.ite and like-no- tti, in- uiiil iur .in, r two uioiitiis

all. i II) order ol tbe lloiiolulii II., adH.-i- i I, W. II. CI MMlSllS.s!'-l- l lto.nl hunrvUor, lloiiolulii.

Th .iy llultrtin, SUttnti nrr month.


(WrilTTUN rim tub Hri.Lr.m 1

Nothing could have suited Nullbettor, with her fun-lovin- g disposi-tion, than to be a wituess of poorBurton's evident embarrassment, andchairin.

Perhaps had she known that thistrrave, earnest, elderly bachelor who,

: Jt Bof Hip an W inklo after his littleimp in the Catskills, had been prosumptuous enough to fall in lovewith lior, sho would not havu fouudhim no amusing, but as sho was igno-rant of IiIk regard for lior aim naidagain n sho ndrAiicud toward thofirw: "Pli'ago let us share jour tuoal.Vou'vo no idea how ravenously .hun-gry wo are. 1 never felt no muchlike a cannibal in my life; that'swhat makes it soeaijr for me to beg."

Hero she took off her crimson canwith its alert red feather aud hold-ing it Iwforo her said iu a tone ofmock seriousness: "Please give mo apenny; sister's starvitiK: we're respectable tho' poor. Aims, kind sir,alms:'

Burton's hand itMousibh soughtIcs

.pocket,- , i

but. , was quicKljr. with- -

drawn as ins lair tormentor merrylaughter rang out loud and clear,ami he flushed angrily.

Dora, whoe sympathies wereeasily nroucd, said: "Don't Imi vexedwith us. Wo had no iuteutiou ofintruding upon you. Null is onlyjoking. We were taking a woodlandwalk aud came to this spot acciden-tally. 1 think wo had better resumeour ramble aud leave you to finishyour dinner. Come ami see us soon.You know how welcome you alwaysare,"

"And do von know why 1 camuhere!" he asked, roughly. "I camubecause I wanted to get away from(he world because 1 wanted to gelImck to the old dirty, lazy life ofliui 1 '.in ton, vagabond -- to cut loosefrom alt the scheming, thievingbrood of men who have beeu myassociates ever since I became Mr.

I Uurlon, capitalist. Because 1 felt, this morning as if 1 uevei wanted tosee a book again as long an 1 lived;as if it would be u relief to chow

drink whisk, hunt aud fish,ami cook the game 1 shot, aud liedown to sleep whenever the nightovertook me, aud to Mo in solitudeas I used to ami never to look upona woman's face again."

"As I nui a woman 1 appreciateyour compliment ami value its evi-dent sincerity," Xell exclaimed as helluislied speaking. "Come, Dora, I

am quite ready to go now. You haemy best wishes for happiness iuyour newly-chose- n path, Mr.IJurtoii,-- or shall I call you by tho title you

MH'tii to prefer, 'Lazy .lim'f ourambitious are noble aud manly ones,ami if one can judge from your pres-ent appearance, sure to Ih success-ful "

"For shame, Nelll You have uuright to talk so to Mr. llurtou."

"No right!" echoed Nell, stampingher foot angrily. "No right to re-sent insult? When any man withhis abilities aud po.wir for goodsinks himself to the level of a siunbnl savage and admits that he wouldrather live like a dirty, tobacco-chewin-

whisky-drinkin- g sot soonerthan look upon any woman's faceagain, I have the right to protest!"Then she went and stood beforehim, saying excitedly. "You havebeen calling at my father's home forsome months. Are his three daugh-ters so vile that you uro justified iunaying you uover want to see a wo-man Hgatu! Answer me! What haethey done to cause 3011 to reliiuiuisliall of your plaus aud degeneratefr Mr. JIurlon to 'Lazy Jitn't

"Nothing; you dou'l understand;the fault is mine; I am out of sorts."

She laughed contemptuously."And you are rich, iu good health,intellectual, plenty of friends; theweather is perfect, it is summer, andouareout of sorts, Come, Dora,

lut's go."She walked awuy without saying

good live, but Dora extended herhand and said: "1 am sorry; I knowthere is somuthiuL' that has causedthis, of which Nell and I know uoth-- jing, but I know that you will notabandon all of the nobler purposes

i of your life, or the good you yetmay do. Come and see us soon andoften; goodbye."

When she joined her sister andthey were out of hearing, she said:"Nell, you are re.dly rude al times;when you get a little oieited you

' ay some lery hamb tilings. 1 amsure Mr. Bui Inn will feel very budoer what you said."

"Lei linn; he deserves to.".en, 1 lie poor lellow is 111 love

with you, and that is what hasdriven linn to the woods."

worn, en nor you are matt or heis!'

"No, it is I rue; I've seeu it forsome tune; you ought to let himknow you are engaged, Nell."

"Nonsense! it is 110 concern of his;he is old enough to be my father."

"Well, why don't you marry Cyril T

Youkeep putting il ou all the lime.""Yes, because 1 have Imh-i- i hoping

he would lose his money.""Lose his money?"

Yes; you see 1 was in lteufro'sstore one day and 1.01110 ladies weretill king near me. One can't help

' hearing things at times. One said:'The Kuovvltou girls are cuttingiptite a swath now; Dora has caughtKurt Ingram ami Null is engaged to('v. Wilton ImiIIi witli lots of money,mid .lean is setting her cap for thonew minister; he walked home fromchurch with her Inst Sunday.' 1

xC'oiili'nucd un 4th ltgt,)


Page 2: J X mm P&iljt · 2015. 5. 30. · flJM Jrr " r t.'jTi VW J '(,, i f" ' X mm P&iljt nl n vrrT JliJ JVil'fJ' VOL. VII. NO. 1002. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AJ'KIL 7. I81M. PRICE 5 CENTS


M,vwf - ..


Cedarvllle Hkctches-- hy Kiilph Turner.sccomii rvK.

IMltorlnl 1'urngrnph.Chinese Protective Union.Card from tlio II ill Aloha Ainu.Was Hnrd to I'lce.Hawaiian Derby l)a.

TillBtt run.Marino Nows.tiucol and Uenernl Items.(treat Ijom of Sugar.0n League Meeting..St. Umii College Honored.Native" Have the Mucle.

fourth PMUC.v

Katiiehntuehn School llullillng Win."Mutch.

"Kail and fair" lt "Simple Simon.'' i


Nothe l hereby given that the accountsfor the Itlennhl Fiscal Period endingMarch 31, Ib'Jl, will he closed iroiiitl) at12 o'clock noon on SATllltDAY, April II,Ig'Jt, and ail account outstanding ntid un-

paid after that time, wilt require a 8jcclnl !


Act to he pused, niithnrlzing the payment.if.aiue. W. 0. ASHLKY,

llegltrar of Public Account".Hawaiian Treasury, April T, Isvl.

lurj-- lt

y")u --Unihi .lUrtin.

I'Uiionl to ntilhtf S'Ct not l'arly,Hut Ktabtlhrd for lh Umrfit of AH. '


Mr. Mutch in his note eNewhero '

gives plain figures, and he is a manwho must bo belloved. Tho dis-- ,


charged native laborers, who gaveour reporter tho information nowcontradicted, must hate drawn some-wha- t

on their imagination.

L'n favorable comment ha boou t

heard on tho action of county com '

missioners in Chicago, in strikingtea and colfee from tin list of sup ,

plies furnished to the poor and un-

employed. It is remarked that someof the commissioners live most lux- - ,

uriously themselves. The incidentgoes to show that the aristocracy of I

mere wealth can Im as mean a anyela on earth.

How strictly food inspection isenforced elsewhere has an instance J

in the recent proceedings against a I

fish dealer in Boston. He was linedtflUOTi for having '1 undersized lob-- 1

sters on sale, or at tho rate of ?" foreach of the crustaceans. When heappealed he was held in $l'Ji0 bailto appear liefore tlio Supremo Court.Not tho least of tho objects of thisMriugoucy is to prevent the extinc-tion of tho delicious lobster.

Although there may be an honestdiirereuco of opinion us to the ex-

pediency or propriety of holding amass meeting of tho Opposition tothe Provisional Government, thereis no room for doubt as to the per-fect legality and legitimacy of theproject. Now- - that the meeting hasbeen called for Monday evening, wehold it to be the duty of patriots toswell its numbers by their presence.All who participate either on theplatform as speakers or on theground as liteners need not be re-

minded that perfect calmness of exprcssion and reception, and thoroughdecorum, will be the bettor part ofboth oloipiouce nml enthusiasm, in

eying to the American peopleand the world a refutation of alltho slanders that have gone forthabout the loyalists, both native andforeign.

Card From tho Hui Aloha Ainu.

In view of the rumored Massi,. ,.:.... i. i. ..i, i ...... r.....io.. '

llUUblllf), IW 1,11 ,11711, IIWAI .lllflllllljevening, tho ollicers of the Hui AlohaAina wish tho public to understandthat this Association is in no wayconnected with that meeting. A-lthough of the opinion that, as longas the case of Monarchy versus Pro-visional GoMirnment has not beendefinitely settled by the proper arbitration 01 1 lie i uiiuu aiuiut), iiiiiiiiiiknn I111 Iitr'nllv done linni to aIIht the

present status, pending that settleuiout : and although of the firm belief also that therefore every iudopendent, honorable ami g

patriot ought to abstain fromtaking any oath, votiug or other-wise compromising his politicalrights aud liberty, yet tho ollicorsof tho Aloha Aina cousider that anypolitical agitation or public demou-nt rat ion is for the present impoliticand untimely. Tho only advisablecourse is simply not to regibtor forthe contemplated election, whichmight be taken as an tiucourtcotisattempt to prejudgo the UnitedStates decision.

Huwaiitin Derby Day

The meuibers of the HawaiianJockey Club are pleased that the11th of Juno, Kamehauuiha Day, hasbeen proclaimed a local holiday. A '

number of horsomen have signifiedtheir willingness to put their horsesinto training without further delay,but there is a drawback. The trackat Kaplolaui Park is in a very poorcondition, being muddy aud full ofholes. It is understood, however,that W. II. Cuinmings, the roadMiporvlsor, will undertake the taskof putting the track in good condi-tion. Mr. Ciiuimiiigs Is of the opin-ion that ho can lay the track to per-fection. W. (J. Irwin wdl consultwith tho Government as to the im-

provement of the Park. A meetingof the Jockey Club will bo heldshortly to prepare a program for thellth.


Immonne Organization Mooting Conducted with Spirit.

Tho following ort of tlm orjan-- Iization mooting of tho Chinese I'ro- -

toctivo Uuion is kindly furnished In-on-e

of ita brightest niutnbors:Tho oluction of ollloors was held

at their hall Thursday owning, thointerior of tho hall wai decoratedwith two largo Chiuos'o Hags andllowers, and thoir naino motto (Chi-nese Protective Union), and both oftho verandas wore xurroiiiidod withJapanese lanterns. The electionlasted from 7 till 11:1) p. hi.. Thonomination of the olucer.t and oxeeu-- i

ktio committees of twenty wentthrough ono by one like hot cakes, (

Tho election was conducted in amost agreeable and ijtiiut manner, i

IJeioro tlio poll was closed onu '

could hear all around the hall thoquestion. Have you voted yet J And '

it was caul by 1. hang Kim it wastlio hottest election ever held inthose islands among the Chinese, !

I hit ii4int imii rtfflin l 'lititl h turimuip !

of tho. Honolulu.Firo .

Department i

'in former times ranking second,The Chinese are woll enlightened inregaid to elections and polities inour days; they also begin to know '

the value of a franchise. The Union i

has lully NHl tnemiKrs, mostly nier--1

chants, mechanics, etc., who partici-pated in tho election, and fully I (XXI

Chinese who will become membersgathered in the hall to witness the J

election. A meeting of the above-name- d

Union mav bo called this I

evening or some day next week to j

discuss the matter ofChineso coolielaborers. Tho following named per-sons wero declared elected as olllcers '

land executho committee of theUnion for the ensuing year:

President. V. S Altaua, formerhead luua of C. Afong.

Vice President, Chang Kim, law-cler- k

of C. V. Ashford.Kuglish Secretary, L. I Chin, I

clerk of J. S. Walker. !

Chinese Secretary, Chiug YeoTin, school teacher of Port-stree- t 'School Mission.

Treasurer, Wong Wa Poy, memIht of Wing Wo Tai Co

r, Goo Vork, ncoplanter.

Tho unmet of the tweutv Kxecutive Committee:

(.1. Awaua, rice planter.11. A. Heeu, merchant.Chong Meo liing, merchant.Ho Pook, law clerk of V. V. Ash-- 1

font.Ho Pon, reporter of Hawaiian

ulnnco News.lew Sew Sou, former clerk of

.ludgo Prear.N. Mouwar, of Paul Neumann's

ollice.Ng Ngon. merchant.Mok Tai Him, merchant.Linn Toy, merchant.Wong Hung Poi, clerk of Hawai

iau Chinese News.Chock Horn, merchantWonir Oiioiil' Yoiiiil'. iiuirchautMok Shting, clerk of Wong Ouai.rat Kee. contractor amiChang Tai, merchant.Chiug Chip, merchant.Lau hum, merchant.Lee Kee, merchant.Lee lviim Vow, merchant.


Ask Your FriendWho have taken Hood's Sarsaparillawhat they think of it, ami the replieswill lo positive in its favor. Simplywhat Hood's Sarsapanlla does, thattells tho story of its merit. One hasbeen cured of indigestion or dyspep-sia, another finds it iudisousahlofor sick headache or biliousness,while others report remarkable curesof scrofula, catarrh, rheumntiMii.salt rheum, etc.

Hood's Pills are purely vegetable.


DA.N I.YO.NV IIAN'I'INll CI.AnS Wll.l.from lint Drill hliml to

Arlon Hull, unh-- he litis rnntid fur Tilesiluv, Thurduy und ."mtnnhiy of meli m

Tin- - HiliinfuN orh'unlted elii for Chlhl-ru- n

will iin-u- t ut the Arluii Hull at Jo'eloel.h'ttnnhi.x iifteruooii, April 7lh.

tin liieilu evunlnt.', April tilth, nt T

o'clock, 11 rU"i will he formed lor Men undUe n.

On ThnrMlu.x nt :i oVIix-k- .

April l.'tli. it pe- - i it I will he formedfor llttvMillans

The cliiirw for nil )a I'nplls will he J.'iCent" u l.son.

On the ulxive h Mr. I.voim inn hemint the Hull frnnio to neon. .fJl-i- i-


P1I i: lNIi:USt!NKl II.WIN'll IlKKNK iipsilnted Assignee of the of

W. llonici- - Wright of llonolnhl, 11 volttu- -urv lnMikriipt, reitii-tBiil- l mtoiii IiuvIiikeUlno nnnliiht-i-Bi- d i:tati to pre-u- nt theirnliiiiiis isltliin six months from ditto or

liny will h forever hnrri-il- , mitt nil pernonimfnuciiUl uro liurehy ri'iiei.teil to' , ....1... t 11 ?.. . t,,iimur iiiiin.-iiia- i ill, nielli ! lain.lllK. Ut Kiiuhlllil Hill atretit. lloiiohlhl.

, ..,,, j'J; j--"'' A',,K;,i,


i bi.Mii.i: w.Murriiil Ciintile for hull) ilnr- -

lli.' viiyujje to Knrope h u family withchildren. HimmI refreni-e- ' required. A--

loi:d. miKrciii..i:iii:it.Y oo.,

Con if r KIiik nml lluthel streets or Vic-toria street, opposite Thiiniiis Kiitniru.

IWI tf

Ring Up Bell Telephone 122

Mill -

Baggage Express,hliind Ht liillliiKer'HShilii,'Shiip,

ijneen Htrtet, near i'ort.Vi-- ll J AM Kb 1'UI.I.OCK.


ANY I'AK'IY. WJHi IS )i:si)l MIFthe Hi. nk of

now eoiitulni'd In tin store of Mr HamtielKhrlleh, it haiikrilpt.rornei Curtain! lintelstreet, will ph-.n-- ultllllnillldersi);nd ut the Ollice of II lluokfelilA Co. J. T II At Kilil.l).

lloiiohlhl. April a, Islil. Jim-'.'- l


iiwi-- ; Ai'i'tiiNii.ii Mil ii i;w lluiirdiiiiin -- olu intent for nil of innCouls, mined from the cclehiuteil 'IiiiwiiMines, Jupitii.

K IKitMtA A COHonolulu, April i MM. W if

Kvtry i ripUun oJJOll I'lilSTlSUthilK (if Iht Hutlttiu Om!'.


Couldn't Oet a Policeman Good I

Enough to Protect Him.

J. Nober called at tho Police Sta-tion and asked tho night clerk fortho captain of tho watch. Tho clorktold him that tho captain was ab- -


sent, but that, tho lieutenant wasineru, mm u lie nan any rievnucuto report the same to him. Noberaccordingly told Lieutenant Holithat while ho was going to his homoat Palatini on horseback ho had beenheld up by natives near J. Kaulia'sresidence and ho wanted police pro-tection. As tho lieutenant had onlyone officer with him, he aked SimouTopaz, a mnunteil patrolman, to gowith Xobor. Nober refused, oayiugho wanted no "d Dutchman?' asho was blind and couldn't hoo fourleel ahead ol mm. eer roue awavand camo back a second time, ask- -

iug for poliro aid. Lieutenant Holiordered lus assistant oilicor Loganto saddle a horse and accompanytho man. Neber again refused aid, ;

lilUiiViHliiii being that tho ollicer was I

natiw and it natives who had !a.

was. . . . . i

molested Dim. lie was then tola tomake hiui&olf scarce. Ho rodearound tho corner, on to King andfort streets, and made his way tothe Advertiser ollico to state his al1.......I i.t..M......a which thatIIUtlllllTSf woreLieiiieuaiu lion had used vulgarlanguage and him.

Those who never read tho adver-tisements in their newspapers missmore lliau I nor presume, Jonathan

.KtMiisou, ol liolau, Worth t,UO., tlOW'a,tvlifi liml liimii I rmilitfifl wit It riicuma- -tlsm in his back, arms ami shouldersread an item in his paper about how I

a prominent Oormaii citizen ;of Pt.Madison had beou cured. Ho tirocured tho same medicine, and to usehis own word: "It cured 1110 rightup. . lie also says: "A. neighborami nis wilo were both sick in bedwith rheumatism. Their boy wasover to my houo and said they were j

so bad he had to do tho cooking. I,

told him of Chamberlain s PainDalm and how it had cured me, hogot a bottle and it cured them up in.1 week lit) cent Dottles for Sale byall dealers. 1......... O. ..!,!. ,V Co., I

Agents for the Hawaiian Island". I

Mass Meeting!

'Hawaiian Constitution, Article 4,


"All men -- hull have the rij;lii, in nnorder! und ie.ii'i'nhle iiiiiiiiiit, toiwi'iu.hie. without iirin, to iihiii theroiiiiiiiui j;ixcl."

M.iss MTi!ej; of the lijnl ..(llnliiilillii nlhl Vlehilt will

he hidd nt



AprilJ I 'J0

Toeon-nl- t iimiii ihiM'omnioii uood.un I. InparlliMiliir. to i'iinldr what lotirse shniihlIn- - folneil with ripi'i't to this nroMiiedelM-tiui- i of IMfu-ite- s to a CiinitltiitiomilConvetitliin.

W er, lover of hl eomitry

tW Ia' every hellevi-- r In I'rte Uiivitii-men- the there.

It iirderof the Comnillti-e- .

II. A Wllli:IAVNI'A II KClt.

CHAH. T tll'l.l-K- .

.ItUIN I.OTA K M'l.l'Kot'.II h. M. INTYUK.C. O. IIKItlli;u.C. W ASIIHlltJI.K WTMilINIIKIttl.A. I'. I'KI'CCbDS'.lAVIIl ll.VYliiN,.HM Pit I I.I.I I'ri,It. W WII.CH.N.

.1 K KAIIDOK N0.11)11. K. (Ml.lllltN,

.1. A. (M'MMIN.x.I'AIM, NKl'MANN,K.NlIt II JllliNMlN,I..MA1IIAI KANKAKI'A.A. IIOSA.IAS. K KAt'l IA.JAMl'.S CAMI'IIKI.I..C. I. lltHMCiNKW.M. II. II I.H1I'.AD,I1 .1. TKIA.Ii W. I'CA.I'.. It. TIIOM b,.1. I". ItOWI.hlt,I A. I.I.MYD.I.. J I.KVKY,W. I'. Itr.YM'I.D.-s- .

hi:i:i). UAItltlSON.


IA1. I.IIIKAUY (IK Hi'lKNCKSf'K' open ovorv TUKHKAY.IIIUKSllAY und HATUltDAY. fromi to t o'clock r. m,, Hour of l'n-t-

IHock. Minium Hire-- t; (intraiwe on thelane le.tilliiK to Foiindry.

Itooks lent out to reMHiiixthli, nar.ties in Honolulu, uii'l when practicable, to

01 ineoiuer ihuimh.ICIementiir, t las in Iheo-opl- n ever)

W INKiblliY KYKNINW, at Ts.iii o'clocksharp, In the l.ihrar) llnll. H77-.1- W

2STOTIOE TOVisitors, Picnic Parties, Lnaus

- IMi

General Futolio I

At Smith's Bus and Livery-Stables-,

King Street,I Adjoining Mctroimlliun Meal Market;

Is the Cheape-- t place in toun HI can netllllsi, lluifini" und huddleIlnr-- . It will pit, son to call und cnhchiic Mm tr I'lecw licit',

Mutual Telephone 40Q.l'l lint


I.I. I1II.I.M lll'i; AOAISST 1 UK 110-i-

noliihi lloinl Hoard In future lireto he present ci I ut dm ollice ol the

Hind hup rvisor of Honolulu on the '.tithof each nioiiih, otherulsH they will he

that month's estimnte and like-ly not to he iiiild for one or two monthsniter. Ill order of the Honolulu itoadHoard, W. II. CU.MMIMIH,

!l-t- f lloitcl HuKTvlor, Honolulu,


Hawaiian HarflwarB Co.. L'fl

Saturday, April 7, 1894.

Did you ever notice how anant combines business withpleasure when out Oil a pro- -

'II '", uuw iiu win iiivou- -

gate when he runs up againsta bread crumb and then goback and tell a large circle ofacquaintances who soon be-

come a nuisance. It is to ob- -

viate this that we sell the new I

Tangled Bread and CakeKnives. You may cut warmor cold bread, or cake with


icing on it anil not make acrumb. I'he set of three aparer, cake cutter and pie cut-- ,

ter goes to you for a dollar. i

and when you've used themonce you will say you have athree dollar value.

The latest coast news tells'

us that all of the treaties underthe McKinley bill are repealedunder the new Tariff bill. Thisis going to bring anguish tothe breasts of some people, !

but Hawaii is all ritdit. Mc.... ... .k in nil rltrl nnt mt'u tic n fruntu, . . .1 0.1 1 . . .0llt "e wrcsteu nara to giveUS "Hallyhooly." So far astreatv relations with the UnitedStates are concerned the sunseems to be slimmer on thesui?ar ntlustrv of Hawaii: and'SO long as the sun slimes tothe extent of a cent and aquarter on sugar ,.very 0Cwill be prosperous and happy.

liavilantl ware takes a Stepr ,.n rnru-nw- l...... in tbic...., nnmmn." "" .1. v.w..i...i.

mlt it,lit,,i if. m,.ilit. ,.. -IIIV ,vii.ii uo i11llb' 13 .will- -

l)arcd with other decoratedchina. We have sold thiscrockery ever since we havebeen in business and it is nowthe favorite ware here. Ourmethod of sellitrg it makes itpopular because we do not in- -

sist upon people buying a fullset. We sell, lor instance, ahalf dozen cups and saucers asa starter. If the buyer's friendscomment on their beauty andquality it is quite likely thelady of the house will want

i some plates to add to it. Withi each niece there will be a crow- -

'K sirc for more until itculminates in the necessarydishes lor soup, lish, roasts,vegetables, salads, etc. It isquite the proper thing for peo-ple to have different decora-tions for each course: somepeople may have a completeset but would like a changefor soup or fish We can makeup such a set at a price thatwill surprise you.

The Fischer Steel Range isby far the best range manu-factured; it will heat up quiukerand burn less fuel. The firstinvoice of these ranges that wereceived were made of mate-rial just one half the thicknessof the present lot and they costus more money. While thosewe now offer you are superiorin every respect, we sell thornfor ten dollars less money.We've sold these ranges topeople who have used ironstoves all their lives and whodo not hesitate to say that the"Fischer" burns one third lessfuel than any other stove thesame size. This means thatyou will save the extra cost ofa steel range in a very shorttime.

For people who want acheaper article we have severalmakes ol iron stoves which wecan recommend. We make aleader of the "Pansy" at $15,because we believe it to be thebest. These iron stoves burncoal or wood and are wonder-fully good bakers.

The dry season is comingon and the "25th annual kickof the Water Consumers Pro-tective Alliance" will soon takeplace. It is not that there is ascarcity of water on the Islandsbut because the people do notsearch for it. We have savedthe ranch man, the plantationmanager and the vegetablegrower large sums of moneyby accepting our advice anderecting Aermotors. Our S-f-

wheel will do the samework that a 10-l'o- ot woodenwheel will perform, anil an S-f-

mill is all that is requiredfor stock or irrigation purposesunless large quantities of waterare required The Aermotorhas many advantages overwooden mills, and one of themis the fact that no matter howviolent the storm the mill willclose up automatically.


Hotel Street (Arlington Block)

The nliove Store lisi received anotherSplendid Invoice of


Beautiful Silk and Grape

Dress (Inod- - In nil lmdr, philu ulidlignrcd.

Cushions. Table Covers,lied ("overs, downs,


Silk Crape Rainbow Suits,

All Colors 1'iuiey I)raperle,

Embroidered Handkerchiefs

lhMW" "ffi&fe ru, . K,e.

XOVKLTIES:Tin. I'rlii'. of the-- e (l,N?. Mill n.tniiMi

iiii, IneliidliiK

Elegant Silk Kimonos!

Ilund'ome Clcnrctle I u- -i .1'in Ciihtnn.

Silk Ten c0.,...

Large and Small Japanese Rugs

Hilk Itmhrelhis, llclit hut -- Irene,,Oliitlr Middles U.Ilftinhoo lllllids. lilted Willi ptlllejs:Silk lollop.Sim ic- -. new stle.

Japanese Scrconi, Irrtu S3 Up.

Large Japanese Umbrellas

OIT- - t i lie Set with Pole III theKrntiliil, nice (or 1'icinc-o- r l.llltclic. outof door, the) ran hi oMtii-- out or ncd

s u tent. ()

cottonin tnti:.r VMiiurv. I

TOfc. 1mhtMoii Iiivlt.-d- .

Mrs. J, P.P.Collaco, Proprietress,

THU-- -

Cleveland Bicycle Club1

Will have lis llraulin; uti


i() A MONTHTo K.i In line with other Cleveland"'

rider. Whin ncrc can win uK (or.

Join Now, a Few Chances Left!



H. E. WALKER.irj-- ll Apuit llonohihi. II

J. J. EGAN514 Fort Street.ALWAYS) OX HAND Till:

Latest Styles in Millinery-- TUB LATKsT IN -

White and Colored Worsted GoodsTill: .MUhT COM IM.l.Ti: b'l'OCK OK

I)IIY:(J()()I)SI.N 1 111: city

Dressmaking Dune by Mrs. Reaper.


to Take Acknowledgments

ill nt tend to .Maitii!cmi'iit and .ileof I'lopcm mid ollcctln, in

till its limni lies.

Houses and Land For SaleNortherly corner of l.mnta and It.reianlu


(Ill lie: One dooi liclou l.i'uls.l l.evey,I'ort stii et. ti7' tf

lu tho Circuit Court of tho First Cir-

cuit, Hawaiian Inlands.

in 'i hi: .Mvm.ii ok tin: iink.I ruplin of hMi M, Cinti.K 11. Creditorsof the s.ili'l If ii nl; it t arc herein nottlle i Inciiinc in and piove ilimr ilelil- - hi fore theCircuit I ourt of the I'll t In mi, titleCourt II110111 of Mild Court, in Hiiiniliihi,(.Mhil, 011 MONDAY, (he nih di d prtl,Ih'll, hclwicll tll Iiimii- - nf In '1 luck in

and noun ol tlm -- nM ia),anlelect en AsslL'ltce.oi Ai;iices. of the millllaiiUnipt's l.- -t tie

Hi llieCiiiin:M.o l.l'CA- - lirk.

Honolulu Aptll .1. IMlt. tris ,M


1 lU.H Id INI'OIIM Till: I'l III. II1 thai I have oieiei lilt hlm at No. I

N1111111111 -- ireel with i)lmi Minn itnndJenlr Ml null 1 i i - ippim. , I' arl-- i

Ic. .1 list i ci ii d .nun I'm. t c .ii leatrj it. Al-i- i, IVxIiiii iiid-nia- lic.All ilispis'liiin uf i ii j ainck s miIh itid.

V. J h.Vnltlti,'M 11 Nt IW Nuiuiiu liiwt



Furniture, Glassware.AnsriD -


-- o



English Wardrobes, Plato Glass Front;iMarl )1 oi op AVasl i Si ands,

Marbloloj) Dressing Tables,SCt)(cll OllOStS Of' 1 )laW(jrS,

Dining llnll and Parlor Chairs,

Kalian Suites. Pictures, Etc.Royal WorcT.stor Vases,

Royal Worcester Tea Sets,Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,

Decorated Vases, Tumblers, Glasses,Claret Jug's. Lamps, Screens,

Iron Bedsteads, Matting,Etc, Etc, Eto.

crapksItHEO. H. DAVIES & CO.

SQ-4- ,



The Drug liiuiiu.'n heretofore carried by IIol-liht- er

& Co. hurt been incorporated under th

name of the . . ....Hollister Drag Co., L'd.

LJavinj the largest and most complete .stock in

our line, we arc prepared to off-j- r our customerI he best goods at the lowest prices.


JrJrt F'ort Rtrpot,,

National Cane ShredderI'A I'KNTi;!) 1'NHKIt TIIK LAWS


.ivam i wifvfO

FTOTioliiKi, H. T.



VVkUaiEinl VIIliSv, I

qiHK t'.N'DKUKlONCI) IIAVK WV.Y.H AI'I'OIM'i;!) SOLK AOKSTS KOKtliijM) StiiiKDlihlitt untl nn- - iww iioiitieil tn rcct'ivo onltirf.

Tlio (,'rtiut iiilvaiitiinfh in Im derived frntii the iiso of tlio National (!ani:S i i k l i l : l i arc tleiriuiKlily olaldiHlii'd niul ucknowlcdiil liy I'liintersHoui'iiilly.

I'lin l.irm- - iiuiiiKiT uf ri.inti-r- - iln-u- i in tlio United State, Culm,Vip-ntin- ltepulilic, I'orn, A u- -l r.ili.i mid olsowhern, lio.tr witni-M- t to tlm

uhiivo I'liitm.'I ho use of the SiiiiKnur.it er lurui'ly aiiyinmilH tlio iiiiiiitity of run

tlio null ciiii riiid OJ.ri in Td) .) "Is" th" c'Miiii'Wnii of jiuio (f) In VI".,)It is n hi ml s.ifi'iiuiil, 11111K1114 kn.'Wii nl mien die nl iiny

pieciii-ii- f tint), ptiiki frmii eatp, nr nnytliinn hi-l- i untilil lit-- I1.1I1U1 tn (latiiiintlio mill, ami iillnwiiu uiupti little tn h'iiuiw h.iuii' liefnro tl.inmKiin,' tlm mill.

Tin' SiiiiciuihK ir- - stmnnly inuilo, mill fmin In- - iiiiiiiiiit uf its nperu-Ho- n

it cuts nr tt'ii i l lif-- i piccfc nl uikkI nr inm willinnl nfteii lirouklllK tlio.SltmiiiDKlt; and if anyiiiu Inc.ik-- , it ic simply nt tin- - kiuCh nr I'titttTh,vlili'li inn lie j iiu-- mid emu' inii'iilly 11 placid I he SlllthiHi:it, uh ilsinline imlii'iitcs, learr tin ,nu- - inln -- lireils nf vaiviiiK leiicllie, mifi'i'tl,V npen-iii-


it mid illinium; tin- - mill m ilinroiinlily u nut the juiucb without re- -

MIIIII.' till- - llilllll'll-- e , iiiwr IteCfi-siir- ) liij.'lillll III' I'l llsll till) w holniMiie. Tlie rsiiifi. phi. 11 siii nls Ho- - ni-ilili tl iiinfiiiinly 11ml uiuly totin- null rnlN, and ilm- - iiwuy wiih I In- - niei-sMt- nf ppniidiiin the li,ipts( hyllUllll helnei n I In- - mil),., wluii- - I e,Hlelle; Ill No e;t.ii-- - n lilt ) II t oflinilei i',tpiii"iy - niiiiiii tn nii-iiiii- - tin Miiii.iiiicu than tlntl whiuh wupsiillit-ii-ii- i (nr tlio mill, fin tin .ilaiM H a. mis We fitriiisli full wnrliiut;ilriOMUKs for tin nisliilliiliuii n .nn Slli;i.lUU-.l:s- , enalilltiK all,' i'niiiietotll

in install nml ,, ilium.In nrdi'lllij.' Sum, hum, k frii'n us, pluiM M-- hiiiiiII sketch, slcwine Hie

iliuiiii'ti-- r nml wul'h nl tin mill mlU unit whit Ii Mliii.iuii to In- - iniuiei'ltil,ali-- tin- - side (iiilnr iikIiI m h It h mil as i,n f.nc t' ,nli-i- side of thellllll), Upon which Hie null cuejiH I . l.a .iIciI.'iiImi the height f I Mill Html hill)In ii'iili'i ill In. ill null mil fluid, mil dlstaiict 11 ttlir tills shall to flout endnf hui (il.ile Thi'M' MiiiKliin.lih .ire mm In mn in.ul hy Hie lliln .Siiiir Co,und lliiivi .Mill, Kiiliala, uhete tin .ucj-nii- i mint "ull'sf ii'tnui,

fS)"" I'm nod fuilliei parlhlll.tr. ml he had liy applying In

tr tlWM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.,

)U .((oifJt fur Ms niKitfnn I'uriif

Page 3: J X mm P&iljt · 2015. 5. 30. · flJM Jrr " r t.'jTi VW J '(,, i f" ' X mm P&iljt nl n vrrT JliJ JVil'fJ' VOL. VII. NO. 1002. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AJ'KIL 7. I81M. PRICE 5 CENTS


Time Table


TK.A.I2STSTo Ewa Mttu

II. II. A. I).A.M. P.M. p.m. r.M.

iavo lloiioluln .. 1 :4 4:r ft: 10lnve Pearl City.., . .:so 2:30 5:10 6:&nArrive Kwa Mill. . ...!i:67 J:&7 ft:3(i 0:2--

To HoNot.rLC.

0. It. II. A.A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Kwn Mill.. .'Ji'Jl Hi: 13 :i:43 r,:i2Icnve Pearl City.. .:.' 11:15 1:15 il:IOArrive Honolulu 7:30 11:55 1:55 ii: 15

A. Hntunlnv" only.II. Dally.(J. StilulavH fxrppjpd.1). Hntunltiyx 'excepted.

J)k gniUi UU:tin.


M:uK.iisr:s3 news.Anivnla.

Hiirmiiv, Arll 7.

Stiiir Klnnu from irnunll ami MuulStiiir Mokolll from Mulokui uml IjinniHttur Will ii lea I ii from lliinmkiiiiStiiir Mlknlinla from Ktntrtthtmr Iivuhinl from i t milMinr Kiitilu from Kuliukti - I

Vossols Loaving Monday.Am nelir Alice Cooke, IVnhnllou, for

biiii i ruiiciei)Am Minuted rulir Alnlia, Dalx-I- , fur San

Mini Mokolll for Kiiun.ikiikul. Knmalo,I'ukoo, lliiliiuu. Wnllnii. l'elekiuiii,Knliiupn.i, Uilittna, Olmrnui umlIjttuil nt ." ii in

Htinr Mlknhnla for Xmillliilll, K.lo.i. Hie- -nle, Mnkmveli, Wiitiueii uml Kuknliu at5 i m

OivrKoos from Iiuiud Port..Sinirr Klimti l:t.Jiio hut nugur (m.i tons.

from U. tf. '., Jiju Iik H)tittiH, 5.1

luiK" enrn, llslgrit-- hides, .'ti .lf, Ihnre, liu ikc umlrle.

btmr IttU'nnl ."rto Iiiij-- sugar, I'W'l liapmlily ill hup rli-p-.

Minr Mlknhnhi .lll hn?s .ttifiir, I flu hemlsin pp. 3 horses.

Stmr Wulnlenlu- - .'IMiulmis mnar.btmr Koala 111 I'. hiix itfnr.


I'min Kiiuiil, iHTMiur lunlnnl, Apr'l 7- -

in (I Irwin, Mnor Bernini, Konir l.uiw,anil gilvck.,

I'miii llnniiikna. por itinr Wnlnleiilo,April 7-- Allen Winter. Mrn Kim intoYue, nml lUileck.

l'roni Kaunl, ht -- tnir Miknluilu, April 7-- Mrs M T Murium, it 1) 'iliiBti., K Yuok-ehwur-

(Jims Upiinul, nml Asdeek.l'roni llttuall ami Maul, iHtrtmr Klnnu,

April 7 Volcnimi J J William. II Ol.ion. Jun K Kiniillz, Mr Jus K Mimlu.Miss I. KHnmltr. Kiniiums !m krr, Mrn I'.i 'rocker. Jun I. Thnuiii. n. K V Mi'llinmM,Mm !' V Mellon. Id, T W .iiu.'iio, (1 .- 1- Iu

urKiiu. Slrrn Bliniv, Mrn I Mmiv, MinnI loru (lliilc. Mls(Jlarii(lhiile. Mint linn-nu- ll

(llmle, J Svliliioiiliolm. Mm Holillton-liol-Minn Torliert, W A Wehslur. '

Ailamn. (IT llreen, I'd (nriilili. Way-iKiri- n:

(Jim Mmuiiiul, TJ IIIkkIii". Mlnkiln Hitchcock. M( K I.viiimii, A (I Cur-ti- n,

i: ll llulilwln, llro llcriruni, M (i Oir-rc-

Ml I, AliKiimler, Mm Akonu, It 8Aisee. T W liny, Minn I. CuiiuIiikIiuiii,Iuilier8lvitter, ('Annum, KuSw, nlfuMini I clillilrcn, ami ".'ilcck.

Voisols in Port.V S fi I'lillailclplila, Darker, from Cnllao,

Perutl H H Ailtimn, Selnon. from n itiiIku

I M .Sl'luiinploii, Itookc, from lllloII I J M STiikuelillio. Nimiiiru. f rum JniutuAm Lktnc W 11 Dlmuiiil, Ml-o- n, frum

him 1'miicIhoAm I inuniiil nehr KIiik I'vrim, I'lirlntlim- -

nun, from Newuattlti. X ti vAm Mlnnliiiiury piukel Morning titur, (iur--

luiiil, fioin I lie South ftiuiAm ellr l inun 1) I'o.ter,

lU'.iir. from .Vmciutle, X H WAm nolir Vuiioe, AlHliimou, from

Nnnumlp, X S WAm lik llei.per, hcHlcrnriM), from XeM'iille,

N HAm urn kiiinui I'ltiinlluH, NelU.in, from

anil rrillli'l-i'- O

Am nclir liolMirt hewem. (IihhIiiiiiii, from(iu Kriinel eo

Amnclir It W llurtlttt, OIm-ii- , from Xm.I'llntlu. X H W

N-li- r (IoMcii hlioni, lllrkliulni, fiuni New- -euntle, X S W

Am lilpOceliluiituI, Morne, from III'

Foroifrn Vossols xpoctod.(A OhKOanlle. IVarne. from llonh'kon

Hint Yokolnmui, ilnu Mill IIAm liktnu Jllhiovery, from hnn rruiielco,

now itiicAm hk Amy Turner, from Xew York, Jnlv


Am IU Aldcn lti"Mi, Krlln, from San I'ruii- -ulneo

Am hk Aiinlv .loliunoii, ItiH'k, for llllo,dun MurH

Am liktno John Ilaluely, bliephur.l, forKn iillitl. line Miir'"-- '

Am clir W K Wluemuu, Pclernon, frombun KruiicUeo, ilnii MnrMi

Am hk Xeuhlxn, Mollt'5ltil, from New- -

cuttle X H WAm hk Amelia, Ward, from Put .Sou in I

Am i tJulvuior, from X b WIlk M llavkfcld, from I.ivcrool, .lunu I 15der hk J U (llmle, from Liverpool, Apr lil

Shipping Kotos,The Klnnu will leave nuuln on her whe-ilnl- c

time.Tlio I'vloulll tin iiluiiK lth a full caro

oiKiiar Iroiu Mukawell to-- rro.The hurk llenpur Ih mi ill in the ntrcam

imulllngn herth toilln liurn hurt mil.Tim Imrkn Amliuu Welch. Trum.il mid

Alherl mui drop Iu from the Count unvduj now.

The foiir-uuiitc- d choohurn Alohu umlAlice Cooke will leuie for him l'riinulcoin Mondiiy.

'I he fiiuMiuintern l.uniiii I) I'o ter nmlIt. . Ilurtlelt iiri'illnuluirKliii; coul in theI'urt.str. ct iiliurf.

The Mlkuhulu returned lo imrt thinoruiiii; from Kumi in dat iiheuii of iImh.

Miin Will leave aaln on Mouiiav.


Our better halves say tiny couldnot keep house without Chamber-lain's Cough Itemed-- . It is used iniitoio than half tho homes iu Leeds.Sims Uros., Leeds, Iowa. This showstho esteem iii which that reined ishold where it has boon sold for yearsand is well known. Mothers havelearned hat there is nothing so goodfor colds, croup ami whoopingcough, that it cures Ihoo ailmentsiiuicklyaud permauoiitl, and I hutit is pleaant and safe for childrento take. L'."aud Ml cent bottles forijalo by all dealers. Uenson, Smithv to., Agents for the HawaiianIdIhiiiIs

AND QENEKAIJ NEW8,r00Frank Gortz is iu town lookini!


Tlio ntiinlior of rogiitoruil votersthus far is fiOI.

Tlio 1 G. Iianfl plaj nt KuininSqttaru this aftornoon.

Diatnotul Hoad, 12 m. Weatherhazy, wind lifjlit aotitli.

A HotnitiKton (ypoivritor is ntlvnrtiseil for salo at a low figttni.

Tito S. S. JIaripnsa will lio dm'from tlio Coast ou Tliurnlay not.

W. G. Irwin rot timed from Kauaion tliostontniT lwalani this morning.

Thero will ho a mass mrotitif ofnatives on Monday I'Vi.'iiing on1'alaco Stpinru.

F.Smith was arrostod Ihi.s aftnr-noo- n

for assault and batturyon Mrs.Titos. Lack yestorday.

A nii'o rnltngo is advortisod tonml ou Piiui'hlioitlstri'ot, near Horo-tani- a.

Tlio rent is roajouahlo.

Creditors of tlio Government priorto Mnroli ill will find a notiee of im-

portance to them in this initio.

.J. .1. Williams, photographer, isliaok from tho Voleano with nmvviews of tlio crater and surroundings.

Tlio prnfoo porvico at tlio Voiiiik'hMhii'm ( 'lirUtiun AahiioIiiI iitn In ninr.row uight will lie led by V. Clones.

Tho U. S. S. Adams will leave forSan Kraueineo on thu loth innt. ItIs possible chu may bo ordered toSamoa.

Mounted tialnilin.in Winlmrl vndiseliared lenterday afternoon forhis nrmst of Mr. Kirtli nn W'l.ilm.a.day ovoniiig.

J I. Morrinon. manager nf tho li

plant at ion, Kauni, i.sexpuetediu town on ihonlenmer I'elo


Creditors of tlio bankrupt cMittcof .S. Klirlieh are notified hi appearin tlio Ciieuil Court on Moniiay toprove their elai'im.

Tho Adierti.nor has it lint tin- - Ha-ivaii-

National baud will play atliuinia Siuinro tlii.s aftornoon. TinHorn in misleading.

Twenty-fou- r passengers returnedfrom tho Volcano ou I lie ntetiinorICinnu to-da- 11. C. Lyon and thoKnyiiioiid ,V Wliitcomb tourists areamong tlio relumed.

II. Morrison, tlio lad who ischarged wilh tlio larceny of a boxcontaining SUM. tlio property of aChinaman, will bo tried ou Mondayin tlio District Court.

Mr. and Mm. A. KobiiiMin, MisHobiuson, Mr. Gay and M!m Gayliavogouoto Niihatt to spend twoweeks. They worn taken thither bvtlio .steamer Mikahala.

A hi ray bullet from a gun firedfrom a rcnitlouco on Kttluii htreet,from the maiika nide, was wiihbi liiiuclicn of striking a girl ou tlio headin tho yard of Miss Lucy i'oabodythis morning.

Tlio usual Sal unlay nichingFrench dinner will bo givuu at thoHawaiian Hotel this evening. Thopopular Quintet club will rendervocal and iiiMrimioiitnl (.elections(luring I lie evening.

About four o'clock this morningan alarm of lire led a steam engineand tho chemical engine to (juoonmid Punchbowl streets. A ualiietold the liremeu that there was alire at John Angus' houe, Punch-bowl st reel, but they nearched thewhole locality without, liinlmg nuyuatiHo for their preeuce.

An ingenious method of prevent-ing tho ant nuisance is presented bytho seribo of tho Hawaiian Hard-ware Co. You would never giicswhat it is, so jou are referred totheir column. Other useful inform.ntiou for the housekeeper, the far-lin-

and the stock-raise- r will befound iu the same quarter.

Tho members of the Hawaiianbaud tendered compliment-

ary concert to .1. K. Kaulia lastevening, at his now resilience iu Pa-llium, opposite the l(forni:itorySuhool. The baud boy statioueiltheiiinelves in tlio yard iu front ofjhe hou-- e, nml for two hours deliclous music peivadoil tho atmo--phoro- .

Friend-- , called and tin.kseats ou the veraudu, while oittnidethe feueo hundred peopleenjo.ied tho ram mu-icu- l treat.After the baud concert stringed in-

struments came into play, and themusic was kept up to a lain hour.


Dijiloma for Ita Fmo Woi k Won uttlio World's Fair.

SI. Louis College lias recoiled adiploma of honor for annual andclans work, and drawing, for its ex-hibit in the Catholic section of theWorld's hair. Tim committee onawards wore Kei. D. .1. Iliordan, Km.M..I. Fii.sinimoni mid Win. A. Am-ber-

Tlio diploma is signed by thopresident and secretar.i of theCalholie Exhibit, and boars s ofthe autographs of Pope Lei XIII.and Cardinal tlihbons. It bears ontho top portraits of Pope Leo, (vucciiIsabella, (Jeorgo Washington andChristopher Columhu. The docu-ment is huudMuuel.) ongraied andwill be treasttied a a lalualilo iropliy by St. Louis College. Anybcul.iwho has altendeil tin. examination'sof ht. Loui, and ilmhandiwork of the .clinlar-- i exhibitedon those occasions, not M. -- m-.

prised at this irilmte fnin tlio' World's Pair.

Horurocl His Survitnu

Mr. V. IS. Potter, crayon and water-

-color artist, who has boon inn-ing tho islands for his health, hiimade an eiigagemeiil with Mr. .1. .1.

Williams. Mr. Puller's wot It whileiu Sail Praucisi'ii ua mmmiuI inHone. Samples Will lie mi ehiliiluillat our studio, lirj l. r i street

Thr Alffy UttlUtl'i, CO nil k month.


Professor Alexander Speaks on HisWashington Mission.

Hobiuson hall, headquarters oftho American League. was well filledFriday evening, on tho occasion ofnn open meeting to hear ProfessorAlexander speak on tho special misf ion to Washington from which hohas lately returned. Tho professor (

was warmly nnnlaiided a3 ho enteredand advanced to tho platform uttdorescort of T. I J. Murray, president oftho League. Hev. Hiram Hingham,D. I)., tho venerable Microucianinissiounry, arriving soon after waspressed to take a seat on tho plat-form.

Profo.sior Alexander modestly de-murred to the amount of praiso bes-towed upon

.tho ........Hawaiian


.....' tt II. r .,". I 1 I

i.iiives in ii aniiiugiou iur wuai uau ,

been done iu allocling the opinionsof the Congress and tho public ofthe Fnited states. Ho claimed thatthe greatest effect produced in fnvorof tho Provisional Government wasthe stand taken by its upporters athome, both men and women, "dur-ing tho black week in December,"against tho policy of President Cleve-land. Iu ackuowledainirtlioserviccsof tho American press, tho speakerespecially glordied tlio work or Mr.Dana, editor of tho Now York Sun. acontemporary of Horace Greeley,who ongagetf Walter Murray Gibjouas a corro pondeut before he hailsailed for the Fast Indies, and whohas outliied and outworked fourgenerations of newspaper writers,rim professor claimed three-fourth- s

of the American press as ou tho sideof tho Provisional Goierumetil. IIoreviewed the proceedings in Con-gress ou the Hawaiian question, andcalled tho McCroary resolution

and absurd. It andthe Turpio resolutions involved a

irtu.nl protectorate over I he islands.In conclusion I ho professor by re-

quest spuko on tho prospects ofCnito I States tariff legislation as itaffected thci islands. Nobody couldtell Ii iw the Wilson bill would comoout, but the speaker seemed to thinkthe houul) would bo out and a dulyiu. He regarded tho bounty as abar to uutiexatiou. Tho address wasread from mauucript and had lnoucarefully prepared, containing fre-quent rhetorical nits that caughtthe sympathetic audience.

Dr. X. B. Fmerson being called ongave an address ou Hawaiian indus-tries past, present and prospect iie.leading tii lo tho vexed question ofcheap labor for the sugar planters.

y rather left thin as a problem forhis auditors to ponder, declaringueiT nor lor nor against the itirtherimportation of cheap Asatie labor.;

K. Towso of tho Mar staff, who is I

also a member of the AmericanUnion parly's central committee,made a neat speech that seemed tocut more than one way. Ho evincedan opinion that Ha vafi had indulgedin mure politics that was for hergood iu tho past, and seemed to sug-gest that the country could still gotalong happily as an independenttint ion.

J. A. McCaudless related eticouraging things ho had heard iu Wash-ington from members of bothHouses.

Then followed an Incident thatcould only happen iu I ho "hnppvfamily" community of Honolulu,which is icpoiteii by tho Advertisera- - follows, excepting a little amend-inou- t

lo the ersiou of the remarksof the victim of I ho chairman's lit-

tle practical joko:"President Murray, spying Dan

Logan, the editor, iu thenydieuee, called ou him for a speech.Great applause followed the requoM. Mr. Logan, who evidentlyfelt thai, iu politics, the hand ofoiery man iu tho room was turnedngaiuni him, found a very gracefulway out oT his predicaiiieul, saying:

"Mn. Piu.siiicsr .ivn (iiati.i.m'c.n: 1

am exceedingly surprised at tiecompliment paid me iu asking tnofor a npei ch, but ion must excuseme. I cm only say that 1 hamgreatly enjoyed the different discus-sinu- s

this cloning. expected tohear something of an interestingnature from Prof. Alexander andhaio not been disappointed. Butfur me to make a speech before youis out of i ho question Vou knowthat therein a kind of armed uou-tiabt- y

exisiing between us, A gen-tleman back here says ho voted forme once. I didn't got there all thesame, but believe I call houcntlycl.iim to haie always tried to dowhat I thought was bent for thiscountry. I am willing lo gno yougentlemen credit for aiming at thesame end. Wo may ot come in thesame goal though wii are on dillei-en- t

fi i ,s of the road at present "Mt. Howard was tho last speaker

ami iwm well recoiled.


Wildi-i'- StoiiniBhij) Kinau Malms uItiiL'orU-Smaehin- g Trip.

(Seo. (J. Bock ley, purser of theKiiinu, kindly furnishes the follow- -

'mg memo, of that lino Monnior'strip;

Tim hteamhip Kinau of the Wil- -

der Co. came into poit this muruingwith the heaviest load of sugar everbrought into Honolulu hi a coastingsteamer, besides a largo generalfreight and a long passenger list.She has ou bu.ird l:i,2ti() bags sugar,or Soil tons, consigned to Brewer A:1Co., and all loaded at Papaikou, s- -

ami of Hawaii. Large auionnts ofsugar have been taken on board dif- - j

fereiit lossols iii one day; but theKinau has broken all former records,haiiug taken on board Tl'iiHl hags,or l"s tuns, iu he remarkably shorttimoiif nine and a half hours. Thepusnciigol IIM COinpilseil l.l (ial)lumui 7'J (I cli. I iiont pas-e- n

ors lion returuiiig from the Vol- -

I ','11 Ml.

I roriitiiiuoiul ( 'liniiiliorluiti'ii I'lunll.ilin fin rluuiuiiiiistii, Idiii.i liaok,sjiriins niul siM-llin- s Tlioro is imllolll-l- ' llllllllOlll lll.'llll. I IlltlO M

iur Iihi linttlns n( it tins lour nmlill uoro iloao ii!iutioi it. ,. I''.I'lorwui, ill.itfuisl. .Siuilll ( Ilii'ilK'n,III. 1 1 is fur snlo liv rill ilimloin.IIi'Iimiii, Sinilli Co., ApMitH fur (liulltiiiuiiiiu l.liunJii


Thoy Fling Sugar Bags About LikoChaff.

It was pretty lively on the cityfront this forenoon. Tlio steamersftiuau, Mikahala, lwalani, Wninlualoand Kaala arrived with cargoes ofsugar, llio schooner Aitco Looitewas awaiting tho Kinau's cargo, andtho schooner Aloha tho Mikahala'sTho barkoutine W. II. Dinioud tooktho Iwalani's. All tho men engagedon tho vessels mentioned wore na-tives. As it was a hurry-u- p job, thebags of sugar wore handled likechalT. Tho native labotem evidentlythought it play, by tho way tho su-

gar bags wore tumbling into theholds. By noon tho schooner Alohawas loadeil, and it Is expected thoAlice t ooko will bo Idled up beforo

.. . .....1 I I..I, i.lo ociouKtuis aiiernoou it lie sugarholds ..... tho W. II. Diuioud willalso bo loaded. The Alice Cookeand Aloha will get ready for sea onMonday next. Captain Poiihallowof the Alice Cooke engaged a num-ber of natives to assist his men pil-- 1

ing tip sugar in the hold.

Article by Onptain Mist.

Wo had tho great pleasure of read- -ing nn article by our fellow towns-man, Captain Mist, . X in theUnited Service Magazine, on namesof British tueii-of-wa- r. The articlewould form an instructive lesson ina "Header" for the upper classes inschools, ou account of tho historyinvolved iu it, and the incentive tostudy history which it creates.Aiiilt'ctui Vhnrrh CUronivtr,

It will bo an agreeable surprise topersons subject tontlacksof biliouscolic to learn that prompt reliefmav bo had by taking Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera ami Diarrhiea Kein-od-

In many instances tho attackmay be prevented by taking thisremedy as soon as the first symp-toms of tho disease appear. 2o andW) cent bottles for sale by all deal-ers. Benson, Smith Co., Agentsfor the Hawaiian Islands.


I ItCMIMITOX TYPI'.WItinilt. ( API-- Iml and Miiull latins, unaiauiccil iu

Hrftvt order. $"M'ali. ddri-- n,

"...S.,' P. H. Ilm en, Honolulu,liu! it- -


id i.i:r usPillK-hlnjii- l street, ut

rear of Dr. ptvml-- i .

Iluretaiilu hireut. App tomuti ou premises or I'm- - lie Sulnoii, cornerof K In j; u nd Xuiiaiiii Sneits, H.' tf



Soft Soap a SpecialtyVlllKlicst ,'l' Pdce f..rTiilow.

isj kixiiP. O. BOX 341.

J7l-- tf


rp ii.(inn I aiKiftir mm

ul'i Mlllll'.l

J, A. Victor's Phonograph Parlor

Corner Hotel and llethel sinets.You iill Hud all of the biti't st In linn

In Eastern .Mii-l- c- Nine, Mr.i- - limits, orehesfa. I oruut mid Xylopiinii.' sulu. WeuImi a "peelally of .Native lu e

New Records Received by Every Steamer.

ItW lloli t foruet the plu. e "Yli roll's,'"nor the rlee, iilllv .' eeuls em Ii -- i leelioii.

tl. .'In

KANIOIIE HAXCII(loud liv thu iiiontli or year All

Jlor-i'- s will Iihuml kept iu pudiloels.

(UK m mm no mini niorriM. -- nil ms

"NUTaROVE,"Iheord .':-)- in Honolulu,

WPI iniiPi' 'he ut this liiilieh until.lull 1, MiL I KKI. fio.

Illsi I'.uloil m,m, ,, mhI .:ij, pili.iuds IiIkIi uml ut l;ht IIUI miihuI".

I'll lo nil.: lly '(Irosvennr," In "Ad-- 1

iiiliilsiriiiur," hi "Itys.lih'ti llunilliouiiiti10." D.iiii (iy "XiuwimhI," rei'iinl t.)i.ItT" I'or further p.irtimilur uppl) to

J. P MKN'IiON'i'A KuneidiH, or,r. ItOi.'IK. Honolulu.

llVI-lii- i'

ON APRIL 1, 1894,


Will take elm r.,1 nf He store knovMiK. MA I l.l. with it


Dress Goods,DUY (JOODS,


I.MUI.s A i nii.iiti:s -


Furnishing Goods,

Shoes, Notions. Etc., Etc., Etc.

in; ti

tWi' t r r

W'VAll'4--' J&"J.S!lX


ii &.LWtf3i rW7II II II 1 jSSrrgi 'KlBi fiU'

Clifford JlltitktMH,A F?oston Boy's Eyoslght

3avodPorhap9 His Lifo

By Hood's FnrRtirxirtllii nJood IolKilled by C'uiiUpr.

Head tho followltiB from n grateful mothsri"My little i uy had heath t Totem lien 4 ycarjoM.niul It left liltn very trtwk nudnltli Moodpo'ionrd trlih rnntirr. Illi ejei ticenmaso I n flamed that lit siiflcrliigs w i ro lutcoso, nodforcvcn weeks ho

Could Not Opon Kio Eyos.I took him twlco tl'tflna tint tltna to tlio roandlir Innrinuryoiil'liarlts street, tint tlielrremedies failed to do him tho fdlntost nliadoirof good. I cnmtneiiccd glihiK him Hood'sRarsai'irilh nml It noon rnroil Mm. I Imvarcvir ilnuiitpil ii .it It mini lit rlbi,cienU not hi Tctr llfr. Yoll may lino this til

in unv ny ou rhoo,o. Iumalwajiready to louml tho ptalc ut

Hood's Sarsaparillatr eaioe of tho wnmlerfiil cosl it did my son.'Amine V. IttjKKMA.v, S888 Washlncton St,Ileilni. M.is. (let 11001) 3.

HOOD'S PlLLB ro lianl mt, ml am pftf cl la csmtnMltloa, proimrtlan uil .;tetraic.

llOltltOX, SKWMAX .V CO.,Agents for llawallnii Islands.

We hiivt' jtl-'- l rcci'ivi'il iin-nlli- i'i'

cargo of I lay ami (trainby the "Irmgiird," personallysoli-ctfi- l by our innnairor inCalifornin : and n we buythe best, a word to the wiseis sullieicnt. Prompt dcliver .

California Feed Co.

Ornu: : (Joiner (,iioenand N'liiinini streets.. Ilutli

Telephones )JI.W.Mtr.iKMSK : Kin .trert

near O. It. A: L. (Jo.'s Depot.I'.otll Telephones ."):;.


.: () tt lj I

Mg to g. ii sO s i3- - &

M 5O &, i

t- -i ij aorva Pi


r- -tO

a-- 1J CJo 0

r id

0 --. !(M

OoCM :

H O5

- a c5


(H H



AROHITKUTS,Hint: Si Nile l. m,-- iI ! ,,i In t.

I orl slieel, lli.iiuliilii, , i

I'lun SM.,.( .,i,. ,, s, , , ,1,11hi e ;n.-i- i (i.r l.v 1) l'e-- i ri.inui I It in I

I1114 "I'l llilililii')! sili'.i--lu- i( i,iehil unit l.liliirei li ii;ii- - l.ir linei i..rllt'eorilioli- - Miiik 11' Meeli.nn nl llriiw0(;, Iriieiupiiuil lllun Prititinu. Ilruuin.(or Hunk or Xniiur 1 lluttr-tiKui- .

' Pr

Headquarters for White Goods


1ST. . S uA. C H S'srao Fort Street, Honolulu.

Immense Assortment ! Lowest Prices !

XMNSO(iii (n Plain, Striped, Checks nml Plalilt.

Persian Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Linen LawnsIX AM. (UAIK AND Pit I CBS.

M.MI'lli:- - in Mrlped, Chuk, Plulds nml Hair Line,.





LACES AND EMBROIDERIES!I:MIII10II)I:IIY IIIKUShS m ... Xala.otli and Hiiinlniri!. In

Ml Wldih- - ilth lnertiti! to Mali Ii.

All-ov- ar Enibroiilory, Embroldory Flounces and Demi Fimncw.Laces of Every Description in All Widths.

J&. 3.iyl'i Hobiuson Block. Ilolul Street,

m:xi n oitowAY conrKi:

Stock Musi be Sold on May 1st.I Will -- I'.tl nt 1 MY I SIII1K s!(k roVnlMI'IMl OK

Dry and Gent's Furnishing Goods,

SHOES, KCA.TS,Men's and Boys' Suits, Etc, Etc.Ssli4 It i iinHis-il,- (. f,. ,K. tu iiU.tiuii nil th Artialc

iiml 1'ricf.s. !


Monday, March 19.PLEASE GIVE MK A CALL!

Stock lust hd Sold on May 1st.

NOTICE.I li:iv lii'cn iiihtnictod hy Mil. .1. M. nn S. k Sii.va,

propriotdriir the Hawaiian .Iapan'ksk Ua.aaii, IIotflHtrvut.I m'II liis r.to,. r .JAI'ANIWK (iOOUS. Aluo, u big

(,f .lAIMNKSK 1AKU XAPK1XS will be hoMI.INh THAN COsT.

.".VAItllirY OK




k liclail



WISH (OM'l.l OLD TO i.oh: oit this link OKIs Ol IAN III I'lll.M Al' 1'ltH'Kh

AWAY BELOW COST.IB. IF. 33BCXjBRS Sb GO.'i:i.i.pii..si: im UoX Hrj


GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED.fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter

VST ALWAYS ON HAND rjKrw G,ods Received by Evory Stwiner from San Prancibco.

' """"" " ""''"l'" K"rH,,..,s. .,,,.-- .....flTrn.i' ..Vt"1.".!" ui .!,;.' t.nlns

I.'moi.n IIuhk. Kisu SniMn. lUrr. ami Alakua Sthebts.

luilll 'l 1.1.1:1 iiom.s .'1- 0-


iiiHiilm. Wholesale Grocers


Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesPrnsli Goods by Ev&y California Stoamer.

ICK - IIOI'SK - (JOODS - A - SPECIALTY.IsllMis Om.ll.s .Si.irn. JpTJ gjr SlTIM ACTION Ul'AhANTKU..

I hi I.I'IIHSI. !.'

P (. 'J7

P. 0 1 1.1

II (





Groceries, - Provisions - and - FeedS. I..H..I- - Ii,, .,..! l.wn IMikei Ir.m the l.u.teiu Sli.le. nml Ktini'.

rUI'.sll CAI.iniiJMA - I'KdlHCi: - uv - kvbuy . stkamkkV" ""In. '.nn, m.,. ,,, (lMk l),.,verisl III Hiltii'i ' tin t ii) i iti.i:

IsLiM, ( ),. hs Slll.li IT! ... SATISKAUTION Gl'AHANTICKD,

KAh'l .iilt.M.li ritltl AM) KIMI HTUKKTb,


Page 4: J X mm P&iljt · 2015. 5. 30. · flJM Jrr " r t.'jTi VW J '(,, i f" ' X mm P&iljt nl n vrrT JliJ JVil'fJ' VOL. VII. NO. 1002. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AJ'KIL 7. I81M. PRICE 5 CENTS

t fj$pess- - -- crap- i; V ' ?-- 'wrw.n

'2forty-nint-h anndal refort Hawaiian

New --York Life Insurance Co.


. .

. .





Premium IncomeInterest, Rents, etc..

Total Income


fDeath Claims 40

1,902 90etc 1, 91

Total to l'olicv Holder.

Number of New Policies IssuedAmount of New Written

ncn-a-'- e


'27, 188,057.(5,374,989.61


Endowments ami Annuities 'J.-1-

Dividends, Purchased Insurance, 103,453.


15,038,450 'J7

1 1

.2'JS,-II7,1I- I


AmcIs 148,700,781 20Liabilities 4 per cent Standard 131,075,151 .03Surplus '. 17,025,030. 18Number of Policies1 in Force 253,870Amount of lnuranco in Force 779,150,078 00


Increase in Henellts to Policy Holder.- - $ 1,0 13,437. S4

Increase in Assets .' 1 1,201,582.22Increase in Surplus 220,082.08Increase in Insurance Written 54,812,044 .00Increase in Insurance in Force . . .' S9,908,049 00Increase in Number of Policies in ForceI in Number of Policies Written in IM'.i.'l

overIm-retu- in New Premiums Income over that of




In th following rotpocU tho Now York Llfo. lu 1803, BROKEN ALLovor mndo by Kortolf or any othar Company.

o -FnisT Number of policio applied for in 1S93

Skcono Number of new policies actually written in

Tiunb Amount of new

Fot'HTH Number of new polieie- - actually

in ..for





Finn gain in new busjui's- - over year

Sixth incrcas-- e in number of in force 37,908

gain in in force

















polit-ic- -

Skvkntii iiuram-- $80,908,049





Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Net the






Notice to Consumers!

The new work of the llauaiianElectric Co. being now completed,

notice is hereby yiten that fromanil after January loth the Com-

pany it prepared to supply ineawdescent electric lighting to (


In a Jew day the Company will

alio he. prepared to furnish clrctrk

motors for power, and of which

due notice will be given .

The Company further announce

that they are prepared In receive

orders for interior wiring and ranfurnish fixture and all fittings in

connection with new service.

Printed rules, regulations andCompany's rates can be had on

appliratinn In the Suprrintrndtnl.

lU.'-- lf

Wra. 6. IRWIN,

I'lUMiitr.XT ii. r.. co.



"AlKOKU MARU"Due here on or about Mttich '.'.'th, mnl

ulil be ileiMitclnii ultli MiiiNiitiill'ineiiKpi for the nbove

I'ort on or iiIhiiii

( r'nr further pnrtlciilurh ninrilltiKl'nt:iKc nml npply to


J. J. EGANa 1 4 Port Street.ALWAYS ON HANI) TIIK

Latest Styles in Millinery-- TIIK I.ATKST I- N-


White and Colored Worsted GoodsTill: MOST COM I'l.KTK STOfK 01'


Dressmaking Done by Mrs. Reuner.


Agent to Take Acknowledgments

Will mtciiil to MutiiiL-cim-ii- t mat na li-

nt Property unit t ollectln Inull Its liruiicbfi-- .

Houses and Land For SaleNortlmrly corner of Kiiium mnl lUninnla

lreet.Ulliai One door below Uiwlh.1. Uivey,

Korltreet. UT.Vtf



-l- iKAI.ICII I- S-

Soft Soaps" & Tallow


F. O. BOX1)7 -tt


Electric Printing Office


terlllock, Ntiimiiu stret, on llnlane luailliiK to

3-4- 1.

HookN lent out to resnunxlblit nar--tU-- In llonnluhl, and whun priiutli-Hble- , toreHldents of tliu other IblamU.

Kleuicntnry C'Iiihk In Tlienoph ovcryWKIlNKriDAY KVKNI.Ntl, ill V.:v o'clocksharp, In tho Library Hall. t)77-ft- w

3STOTIOE TOVisitors, Picnic Parties, Luaus


General Futolio !

At Smith's Bus and Livery )'""ri have

Stables, King Street,(AiIJoIiiIiik Milropolitan Meal Market)

l the (ibcapckt place In town oii cuu uctlluncn, WiiKouiiltci, IIiikkIik mnl rJHildh-llorrea- ,

It will pa) Mill to cull unduebufuru yuu try

Mutua.1 Tlphon 40B,VtO

(Continued from 1st Page.)

didn't stop to hoar any tnoro, but Ido wish Uyril was poor then I'dmarry him right away."

"If 1 lovod a man I'd marry htmif ho was a millionaire a dozen timesover." exclaitnod Dora.

"Most girls would," said her sisterdryly, and tho e iivorsatiou endedwith a laugh.

A ffi.i- - f twit, liml imtin Hill-in- (Intl.4WIVA w.uj mill h'" ...w.. Mua. ,

boraloly overturned his pot of stew """'on tho tire, picked up tho tin platoand sent it flying through thobrush, took his powdor horn and ,

bullet pouch and holding them bytho strings whirled them rapidly ,

around his head and sent themcrashing through tho tree tops. '

Then ho picked up his ritle andheld it across his knee as if to breakthe stock, hesitated a moment, thenlaid it down sajiug: "No, I mayhavo to coino to that yet." '

Then ho hunted up tho tin plate,climbed a cedar tiro where tho pow-der horn had lodged and recoveredit, searched vainly for tho bulletpouch, camo back to tho camp fire,swabbod .out tho stew pot with awhisp of dry gra, packed all of histraps togotbor and lugged themhomo, and that night sat down tohis desk and read a lung dry articleon post-tertiar- y rocks by way ofpenauco. U.u.rit Trnxtn.

To be Continued A


st. ANunr.w s cathedral.Second Sunday after Easter. The

services of St. Andrew's Cathedralwill be as follows: 0:30 a. in., HolyCommunion; 11 a. in., Holy Com- -

liiunion and sormon; 3:30 p. m.,Evensong (Hawaiian); 7:30 p. in..Hvensong and sormon.


The services of tho Second Con-gregation of St Andrew's Cathedral

(bunuay) will ue as lot- -

lows: WMii n.with flcrmon; V

. U; To Uetitn,of

Tours, Sn

I tnc, In D; liymnn 110 nml'.".2 j autlietti, "Christ lioinu; rnledfrom tho dond," by Klvey. MM p.in., Kvensoni; with sormon ; Mnuni- -

ficut, intis, litrle, in A; nunut morn untilwoodward: iivmns

FineIlmiodic- -



V2. Kov.Alex. .uncKintosii, pant or. All nreinvited.

CESTJUt. UNION Cllfltfll.Sunday School nt 1:15 n. in. Pub-

lic Worship nt 11 n.m. nml 7 :.'!() p.m.Tho Yotiue PeopleV Society ofCliristinn hmloavor will moot attl::iO p. m. All nre cordially invitedto these services.


At (5 nnd 7 o'clock n.m. Low .Mawsas usual. At II o'clock Children'sMns with UiikIIsIi instruction. AtHUH) High Mass with nntivu mid (

instruction. '2 p. in., I

Rosary nnd Catechism. I p. m., inwinter season to Febru- -

nrl'l .l!UI II in in uiiliimiir aitnaflll..., ..". ... ...., ... a v. i7w.-J..-

((I'olirtiary to Ueuedic- -

lion of the M. I). Kacrnmeut. Woelc- -ly Services II and 7 n. m., LowMnsses.

r. . c. . iiaix.Sundav, 11 n. m., cervices in Oahti

i Jail; 1:15 p. in., cervices in JJarracks;:t::M) p. in., Uible Study in V. C. A.U:!I0 ii. in., Oospul I'rniso Service inY. M. C. A. Tucitlny, 7:.'U) . mprayer mcotiiiK nt V. M. U. A.vices in liuthel street hall ntp. m. Saturday.


Ser-7:- !

The Hoorniiizcd Church of ilesusChrist of Latter Day Saints, Mili-la-

Ilnll, rear of Opera House. Ser-vices will be held Sunday as follows:10 a. in., Hible claw, 11:15 a. m. and7:!M) p. m., preachiiiK, by Klder.l.C. Clnpp.


Seventh Day Advent 1st Church,corner I'uuchboul and Herutauinstreets, in (J. West's cottaK''. Sal)-bat- h

school, 1:!10; social meetitiK af-ter Sabbath school. Uible reading

i every Sunday moiling. Everyonewelcome.

Karanhameha School Building.ICniToii Hcllctin: -

For tlio information of the gen-eral public 1 Img to Milnnit the following HHt ol the Inluirerrt muler my i

miiittrvisioii at theScliooU at tho pri'hinit time, giving

iinmher, and the j

wages eame.l, which 1 trust will go )

far to dispel I he soughti to lie given in your edition of the

It It itiHt. to the ofleel that all the' native labor then employed had

been dimiiiHsed by me for political i

reasoiiH:! HritiHh J at .?, II nt SI, 1 at

M.nu, i at $1 per diem.I 7 American -- f at SI,

at fiMi per (Hem.!l Gorman I at

at SI per diem,




1 at SJ1.50, 1

Si), I at Sl.50, 1

10 --1) at 2, 2 at SI. 50,15 at S1.'J5, 1 1 at SI per diem.

ao Hawaiiaim 1 at SI, 1 at Sil. I

at S2.75. 1 at il.75. Mat SI. 50. '2 atSl.'2,"i, 21 nt SI per dium.

-- eaeh at IU) eentu perdiem. 05 in all.

Wm. Mi'tcii, Supt.Honolulu, April 0, lti'.M.

' Full and Fair."

Editor Bulletin:j The moruiug wheel about andturn about says: "The Advertiserhas deelaied for a full and fair

of the natives." In it afull and fair whenthere nro already 18 orbiaven in the Advisory Council?"Will you walk into my parlor, Kaitl

the spider to the lly," ete. How iniioeeut you are! (Jo to blaes with

anuhiuu do with vour trii-lt-

eieoiion, exeepi those directly inter-ested within the snored preeitu-- t ofyour clinnncd circle.


.1 kinds of Commercial Jrintinypromptly exeouted (out rules the

I W'llfffn 0Kc

cn Role Bazaar. The Prize

W. F. Reynolds, : Prop.

II V do not for grinding out

fiprclacles and Kyeglasvet, but we canfit you prices accordance with the







Needles & Fittings!

Itllillgtoil LVDBWrilflS

Tin' KIiikoI All l'p' writer-- .

Purses and Card Cases,

Tennis Rickets and Supplies,

Croquet and Baseball Goods,

?i!r&raFull Supply Stationery,F;

Mourning Stationery,

Office Stationery.

SsSlOnitiB from $4.00 Up.nnd










repre-buntntio- n

reproHentation,UlHolf-oloote- d



13? Music and Books ordered by

Every Steamer.

Ami ibui't foriMl CASHbnnln of our buliiu- - mnl nluny- -


Tn (III!!u

'IKK MllDKI.-- - -



J. A, Victor's Phonograph Parlor

Corner Hotel mnl llethcl Htrc tls.You wilt liml nil rif the Uitci-- t Sclictlon

In Kakturu Mii'lc-hoii- c", llrnCornet nml Xylophone Nilo

iniikcn Kpeciitlt) .Nntlvo Mn-i- -.

New Records Received by Every Steamer.

IV Don't foriii-- t the place h t.in 'nor tin- - price, onlj cent

lis", 'flit

OihmI I'ashirap- - livtln- - month or.vcar.Unr-C- H will be well liMikeil alter

and kept In paililocki.

TIIK HUM) 1 11'llM V. r I I !

Iteconl 'J :.')'.' in Honolulu,

Will make neiihon tbN llancli untilJul) 1, 1MH. TKUMS,

Dun Ponleil IHi. hliioil buy, PIhand blub ami weight lliU kiiiiiI.

I'khihiii.k: IIj nor."b "UvmIvK'h ilumiltonhin

ID." Duin "Niitunoil," record if : I - J , .


Tor furibcr imrticiilar ppl to

.1. I'. MKNDOXfV Kiineobe. or,I'. Uill.Ti:, llun-hl- hl.



I.KT IN ill. UP.-tiin-

Mnct near Miller ft reel.





I'M tf


'pwo nu i:i.y rritX niiihcit llooini for(Iciitluiiimi ni No. I WardenLiui!. eUJ tf


7 VAi.UAin.r. iMi:i'i:s okI liniiroved Property, locntuilin dill-ru- nt 1'artn of the City ofIlonoliiln; all bari;.iln. Aidfor full nartlcuhira



rin: okai'uiiOx u CntliiKO on iMccixtrect, near (loverinneiitllullilliu'i rentoiilru

C. riKUTZ'M Sllul". BTOKK.HS7 iw


Til I.KTCtUT'lAlIKtreut, one IiIockfrom borcu cur, all uiodurnliiiprovuiiieutii, uli-- llaru,Htitlilew and HervaupN Itoum,

rtICl'l-l- f


rniir. Di;.siii.iti.i. run.1 mutv i It 11 flu


- the



the al


a'mftcfcv.KdiiitaujX- -iiiAyE2.at

WMlJusri.Apply tohl'll!

I on u-el.

&$$&ii tin....' ii. i.... m . .. ...i(loviliHii tlec-fit-, mi man will i ""j '"""7.:'. """"'to

at ai

go in

at in








l'.'. In- -




.III ..(IIIMII. ......Ill' .11.. .i 1,--

iidjolllllii; tbe lenidemi- nt Mr. K I'. III,.hop. Tbc llniue hi inn I wo Mir utulliM Six l.uritn Iteiir-iom-- , I'm low, 1 ti r. I

llooill, Kitelicn With bailee, I .iiim ,

vlu , mnl llathriioiil on eaeh lloor 'I lie en-tire houM Ih liulitcd Willi ehetrii ll The(I round" lire lare an I cuilain main vm-le-


ilea el hhuilii nnd rruit im-i-- . I n .luir-itbl- u

tuiiiiut thu propertv will bu h i at nrvrtkoliablti rilllal. Kuiiillruof

l". W.tVU-l- u Unlou ld "u tutbig,

Awarded !

Anheusor-Busc- h Browing Co.

Wins the Prize at theWorld's? Fair with their"EAGLE" Brand Boor.

St. 1,01'ia, Oct. as, 1811.

MriA Maciariakr A-- O , I.'t.,Honolulu, II. I.

Dene Sirs. We hnve mnlloil you r copyot tliu (IMifrl)emiicriit announcing tlie ureatvlctorx won bv tlit- - Amiki'p m ii Asso-ciation with their "BAOl.K" llrnnil otIk-cr- .


(&lrctttl Drsimlch InWnniirV Cmcwm, li.u, Oct. ai

No award linn over hen made o Rrntlfylnj!to St. IajiiI" people nml to JuMly meritedn the one itivLMi v by the ColumbianJury of tlic World's I'atr. f of ir

nml ebeiiiM of thehl(-lietran-

to the AtiheiiM-r-Hue- Itrcwliu: Ancln-- tton. lly of unrivalled biilni"c

enterprise, nml by itjdnc; the, het mntcrlnlproilin-ci- t In Amurk-r- t nml Kurope, cxcltiil-lii- j;

corn nml otlicr mltllb-rnii- f or urro-L'lite- i.

tlicdlircrcnt klinlx of tlio Anlieur-llil'c- li

bier linru Iwcomu tlio fururitu withthe Anii-rlcni- i iworlv, niul hnc now con-iinri-

tin-- lil(jlii".t nnnnl In every pnrttcu-In- r,

wlilch liml to bo coii-lilcr- byJury. Tlio liluli cbnrni-tc- r of

tli nwunl ulvcn y by tliu juror willlie better underwood wlirn It l known Hintthe dlllerelit beers rxhlhlteil by tbu Anlicilcr-Uil,-li llrewlni; liml toooniH'te with liumlrciU of tlio lilnt uxecl-Ic- nt

tlUplnyt of otlicr browcr. Tlio fncttlint no otlicr concern bn. rcielvcil oninny tiolnt for tlio vnrlom mini-lt- li

of uooil U-c- conllrms nncw the llnn'ircpulttton n tlm lemlcr of ull Amcrlcniibeero. ntul Mr. Ailolpbu-- i llilcli can feelprmtil over tbli rcniilt o utlv

rri' The above Is a o ol (be

Label of tbc " EAGLE " Brand wblcb took

tbe Prize.

inmk lor tbe

onlurlnu thl lleer b -- nre to"KAOI.r." Ilranil.

Macfarlaue & Co., L'd,S'.rt tf Aiicidt for lltiiritlliKi hhimls

ON APRIL 1, 1894,


Will tal.e clnnvcr of I In- - Store Lnown im"KA MAI 1.1 with ii



Dress Goods,nKVCSOODS.


I.APIl.h' ,t rUII.DItr.V.i


Furnishing Goods,

Shoes, Notions, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ai tf

WM. DA VIES,Rigger and Stevedore,



Tho Schr. "MAlirMAlll"Will run between thix port unitWalalua, Kaualbuiil. Mokuluia, Kcnwn-m- il

and l'uulkl on the of Oiilui.I'or Freight, etc., uppl) to the Captain.

tOu Impilic nt olllco of J !i. Walker,iivrhiri-Ki-l- ' Hank, tieel. Irt"-- tf


'pin: i'.vim Ni:itHiiii nr.itr.Tiiruitr.L cxl-till- butttten I'liderlel; llurrhoil

nnd Arthur llanl-o- n under the linn nameol "lliirrlMin llro-..,- " n eoiilriietom undhillliler-.- . has been b liiiltual eiinttuit dh- -vilvuil, mid all ptrtie- - o in s.ijil linn arelit'ieli liiillbedtb.it paNliielltot tliu uuinelinit be made lo I'rederiek llarri-ol- l, whoUiiiilboruiil to Mini hiirilniiv. wtihlutbiru .1 v - iioiii dull-- .

' lltl.Hi:ill('K IIAIIUISON.Alirilt'K II It It IHtlN.

Ilniiiilillu, II. I , Maich .'7, ivil.. irn-l- w

lu tlm Circuit Oourt of tho Kim Cir-

cuit, Hiiwuliun IhIiukU,

i s 'i hi: mati'Ku ni' Tin; iivnk- -1 riipict "f n m l.ii ill ii I'redliorMoftbea.ii.l llaukriipl are hireb nolillullocollie in and piout their ili-bt- bufoiii tlmI'inuli i .mil of the I'irnt t , 'li thel ouri lb mil of .al. I i nurt, in lloimlulii,Ualiu Mll.NDAY, the utb diu of April,lhll, bclwreii the hour- - of 10 lu thefurvnouii and nouii uf thn ould day, midi lect an Ailflicn, or of tlm .aidbankrupt1 Utlo.

II) thu Court!(ir.u. l.tfA. t'lerk.

Honolulu, April I, Ib'Jl WJ- -i



Are HocclvliiK New 1doIcc of





Where tlioy nro fully prcpnrcil to do allkinds ot work In tlio latest stytot, at

tliu shortest notice nnd st Ibaiuot Kuasouablu Itnlm.

; Fine Job Work In Colors a Specialty


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-- '
