j Meter in the Cloud

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  • 7/31/2019 j Meter in the Cloud


    JMeter in the Cloud

    Get Loaded!

  • 7/31/2019 j Meter in the Cloud




    Content ............................................................................................................... 2Changes ............................................................................................................. 3This Document .................................................................................................... 3Intended Audience .............................................................................................. 3Prerequisites ....................................................................................................... 3The Solution........................................................................................................ 4Architectural Overview ........................................................................................ 5Benefits ............................................................................................................... 6Costs .................................................................................................................. 7Tutorial: Putting your test in the cloud ................................................................. 7Support ............................................................................................................. 14Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 15

  • 7/31/2019 j Meter in the Cloud




    15/06/2010 Disclaimer

    11/27/2009 Added link to current AMI

    11/18/2009 Added ssh hint

    10/23/2009 Initial version

    This Document

    This document describes an Open Source based load test approach that uses

    cloud computing facilities offered by amazon web services (see

    http://aws.amazon.com/) and Apache JMeter (see



    The test approach described in this document uses Apache JMeter. It is not

    related in any way to JMeter. Please do _not_ address questions concerning

    this approach to the jmeter users list. Please address any questions directly to

    [email protected].

    Intended Audience

    The intended audience for this document consists of Test Managers, people

    responsible for test infrastructure and tool selection, System Administrators and

    people responsible for the development and execution of load tests.


    To understand the concepts and benefits of JMeter In The Cloud load test

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    approach you will need the following:

    Common sense

    To use JMeter In The Cloud load test approach you will need the following:

    Amazon Web Services account

    Basic knowledge of Amazon Web Services, especially ec2

    Basic knowledge of JMeter

    The Solution

    The solution is built upon the open source load test framework Apache JMeter

    (see http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/ ). The JMeter is next to The Grinder

    one of the most popular open source load tools.

    As most serious load tools JMeter implements an Agent/Controller Architecture.

    Within the JMeter framework the Controller is called Master. The master

    coordinates several agent (aka slave) machines. Each slave machine controls

    several worker threads. In order to generate load master and slave processes

    run on different machines in the network. The number of slave machines and

    thereby the number of machines necessary to run the tests increases with the

    amount of load specified for the tests.

    Master and slave machines are implemented as Amazon Machine Images (cf.

    http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/#os ). A Starter Kit has been added that implements

    the transparent start up of as many slaves as necessary. According to JMeterlogic the Starter Kit first starts up the slave machines. Once they are operational

    it writes a proper jmeter.config by adding them as remote hosts. Then it starts

    up the master (i.e. JMeter proper). From here on you can work as described in


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    _step.pdf .

    Please note: the Starter Kit only manages the start up of the slave machines

    and the jmeter properties file. The jmeter distribution is not affected by the

    Starter Kit.

    Architectural Overview

    The overall Architecture of the JMeter In The Cloud solution is shown below.

    The tester talks from his machine to an instance of the Starter Kit amazon

    machine image (AMI) containing all the necessary software (Starter Kit,

    JMeter). The Starter Kit machine is accessed using a linux based remote

    desktop application (NX client, available for unix and windows). For more

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    information on the NX remote desktop application, please see:

    http://www.nomachine.com/download.php . The Starter Kit instance starts up as

    many slaves as requested. The slaves are implemented as AMIs and live in the

    cloud. Once the slaves are operational the Starter Kit starts the jmeter master.

    From here on the tests can be executed as described in the standard jmeter

    documentation. If required the slaves can be accessed using commonly

    available secure shell (ssh) tools. The slaves inject the load into the system

    under test (SuT).

    In case you need to access your slaves, connect to the instance with something

    like ssh i itbjk.ppk root@yourslave. Youll find itbjk.ppk in ~/ on the master


    Important: the instances run on real hardware. Each instance consists of a real



    This test approach has several benefits for you. To name but a few:

    Endless firepower at your fingertips

    Endless firepower at will

    Virtually no hardware required on your side

    No license fees

    Up and running in minutes

    Pay for real usage and not for future use

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    The architecture comes at a very competitive price:

    Master: 0,085 USD/h

    Each slave: 0,085 USD/h

    Thats it!

    Tutorial: Putting your test in the cloud

    Seeing is believing! To give you a better idea a few screenshots demonstrate

    the ease of use.

    Putting a load test in the cloud requires the following steps:

    Sign in at amazon.

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    Create a security group named All Incoming. The security group needs to

    open tcp ports 22, 80, 1099 and udp port 161.

    Use your favourite EC2 Client (e.g. Elasticfox


    to launch an instance of the jmeter-master AMI. You can always find the current

    AMI at


    or by filtering the available AMIs by itbjk.

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    Note: your security group needs to open ports 22, 80, 1099 for tcp and 161 for

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    Note: this linux AMI takes approx. 2 to boot. Work is ongoing to cut boot time.

    Once your master instance is up and running copy the public DNS name and

    connect to the instance. Connect to instance using the free NX Client

    (http://www.nomachine.com/download.php ). Configure a session with your

    masters public DNS name as host, a desktop of your choice.

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    Connect with the user jmeter and the password jmeter.

    The first time you connect the usual ssh message appears. Make up your mind

    and say yes.

    Start the JMeter In The Cloud application you find on the desktop.

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    The application runs the Starter Kit. Enter the number of slaves you want to use

    and your AWS credentials.

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    The Starter Kit starts up the slaves. After they are up and running it inserts the

    remote hosts in jmeter properties. It then starts the original apache jmeter using

    the original jmeter start scripts. You are running an original jmeter installation

    that has not been tampered with.

    Operate your distributed tests as usual and as described by Apache (see


    _step.pdf for details).

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    After closing the jmeter application the starter kit shuts down the slaves.

    Important: if the Starter Kit application that wraps jmeter terminates abnormally

    and you do not see the shut down message youll have to manually shut down

    the slaves. Otherwise they will not be terminated.

    Enjoy! Destroy!


    In case you need further support, have questions, have comments, have feature

    requests (reporting, monitoring, custom samplers, security), want to donate lots

    of money, want to submit bug reports, etc. [email protected]

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    In case you are interested in load test related consulting, consulting on test

    processes, test specification, scripting, outsourcing of parts of the test process

    or of the whole process please contact IT Beratung Jrg Kalsbach:

    [email protected].


    JMeter in the Cloud leverages the well known JMeter load test framework by

    putting it in the cloud. It offers an easy to use load test framework with virtually

    unlimited firepower at a competitive price.

    Get loaded!