- ., .. ' " .' 1981-82 .'f. Carrizozo StUt/ent to Venezuela!' 'The a>nipleUon cit tilts project WU1 .aiit in placing the fint foreign Itudett Utmah)' yeitl. Sponsored by the tntt!mationat FeUowship, Monica WiU spend her Senior year liVing with a Venezuelan tamUy and attending scbOQI there. Clnitozo High SChool Junior Monica Herrera has annoooced her intent to become foreign exchange lIWdent in during the 1981· 82 sclloo1 year. 'Ibeet)&t ottbe JrDgram is $1800 fot an entire,yM. stay In a foreign country. WhUe tbe Herrera tamUy will be asawnIng mucll or the cost of Hi1di1ig Monica, Qthet sport- sors and donaUons are: heeded greatly. Donations may be made in one of way., inCluding SOdilliVing, throUgh civic ClubS and organizationi, or businesses and clitJl'Cbes. 'lbe' will be tJsed fot travel aDd Uving expmses•. Student 'organi'utiohil at SChOOl .re . ,planning, ttitd raising. activities' to . bIel) MOllica, and ate to be Jefit to clul>s and i', buaineiiIeI in the cornmunit, to en" f courage their 8BiISt4i'iCe in thiS' it \Vbl:thWbild elton. Penoilil dodatiooi Will be teCelved at tile iUgir'Scl)ooI hoUri. tlo,me Ec.lIOmltt Ull. a.& a\!HI p,8tlot tbeToWlf Sr.tn'ey whkh Wli taken lilt Bahlta.)'. She fa membtt of tbe Carr'zozo Eto1llOtDtc Development O>mmitlte, which COo11HHtlOrtd the lurvey. the Chrilt6ba1 Zltnora Jr. FamUy bome at 6pm Ittd in capitan at 8pm with the Childrm. program starting at 7:30pm. Christmas day there will be Mau at Ca.rrUozo at gam and in Capitan at 11am. 'l'biJ year again we will have our FamUytmUtnw TI1!e in both Santa Rita. cartiZot.o. and SalTed Heart in Capiun. The trees will be pUt up the SUnt»y before Chrktntas in f11e aC- leI'1100n. We invite family 10 bring It tree ornament from ho1l1e to place on the F"atnily Otristnlas Tree. Capitan Bid to LandgrafConst. Rotary (roW1! tlllt .e rt6t. II r..s.eoln colMlty. al he wa. 110m a,lIl! rat.... 111 N.M. Romero taco...,ea {lie ltd,. .tdtklt tWl-dmg tor the CtrrliOto Retteatton Mta.MARV ELLEN PAYNE t lJrlco.trs Ct.ty Assembly a/God tuta Choir is undtt the diteclion of 0rgani.U Neva .Ray Ventura. The public is invited to par- ticipate in my of the QuisbTIas programs at Santa Rita. other IK'Ogtatn.9 in addition to the Midnight Mua wit1 be Ille IMwU CYe Caroling Patty Saturday Dect!mber 20th foUowing the 7tm Mass. Smday 2M 1iiill 00 the third an- wa1 Cbtistn1n party at the cl1tm:h IWtifig.t t;t,llen the church wm be decorated for Cl:itiStmu aM the (jotdoor' crib set wUl be put up. At .:00pm the tte1igious EdueatWn Program will a Cbtiatmas J?n)gtam in the Patisb Han followed by a Utrislnlas Pot. tudt. Sta1day will be the third lfifiUa1 0itUlP1as- Bingo with speciat Cbtiltmu prita and the ChrisUItiiS Black6ut Jackpot of Bids Were opened on the 18th ot $100.00. at ';'pm: November for the second phase of the < on Decembet Cbrisunas Eve neW Capitan High Scllool. The lowest . the- Lt.iDiliUiries will be lit around bidder was l.abdgra£ COJUltJ;:UCtion Rita Chutclt to greet JIOOPle for .Co., or AlbUquerque. tIiS bid wtlS in . midnight Mm.. 'l1iete Will also be the amota'lt ot $$15,000. Cbrlstmu :Eve Masses at ·Lincolnat In August otthIs year the SChool Supt. and ScllOOl Boai'd .met with Ute Capital OlitIay Com· mittee and received $100,000 for Phuen. After bidopenitlg in NoV., 1Ucliatd Cllttoo, of School., made spplicaUOO for ad 4 ditioom h1Oi1ies to the' bldcOilld be awafdtd. The capital outlay, com- fi1ittee called a special at the annual ScliooI BOard' CDnletmce frUit wa. held in Albuquerque Ufi DE!Ceinbet & and &gam awarded the -Capitan. S1:hools :an additional $120,000. meeting With the COOiihittee were iChoot'Supt. .Clifton, Pat, HIleY. Pte$.l)f SChool Bo4t(1 and tfiemben twph a.rber and. CUrtIs . f ; Landgraf Co. Without tIie ecppmenl, ApplicatiOO wi11 made at • later datefot titomes to buy ltO'l"AJlty PRE8mENT nTrankle" BU\- .. <cot Jde. photo) wtletMes pesl. at the nottrY (WMod 1m 'nnw)' at Ute Cm1u)to C'tatuo. ilL ROMERO (top rip! Dt1llirlmmt ol'F&111'1 U 1M Al!tnhtlsttatlon ttU. Santa Rita Midnight ••• Mass Highlights Celebration '1he tradillootl Midnight Mass will be eelebr.ttd Christmas Et:e at SlntaiUla CathOOc Cllurcll. 'the santi JUta Choir Will begin their MUIk at. '1:30pm With "It Co1e Upon Midnight. Cltllt' and rooc1udir.«Juat be:tore Midnight Mass with 'Silent h1gbt' vJllch wil1 feature Monica 0rU.t on the 'The Santa " : . nepresentlltives-;Q( the meeting. ,.lteprel)en· meeting,: @nsiat3 of jphMQn Stearn$' .' ,, of "-rustee's; teO am(uig at the of R,otarlan president, and Howatd ,Don ;fC\cUityi ...... .echlof<mW by' Gi'ollS ,C()l,1I)ty,. Recr;e!lUon appr<OOmately 43pcQple Qn hlJnd : Tranqllilim SUva., '. WaD, '.U1eY'{. along with' their club by cO\lAtYand' comd' tIletl be: -herp of Commercj;}, CardzQzo . who together to P9ssible In theW, 19 assist in the t()WI1 1 school, county to a. log !it supwn the facUitti School Lincoln County.' methods of financing the Carrizozo quest for for the " ,anQ state o.fficlals to come togeUJeJ;" to the control bUildin.s on the. premises" actiQlt by the ComrnisSlon, State ' Area, pne lllUe east of 'Carrizozo formed a find a !iOlution to the '. " Ps)'ni;t a. slide. temP9rs rf flBlding:;· ".' .... '. :.I .' .,.:". and SoptheasterniNew CarrizoZQ, " . four to.spearhea4 the Mea. The' facility in· . presentation at tbe D.ecemoor ,11 , tbat P4tt'ot Ule, ' DeveloJlment Dlstrtct were .' ,'". Al Romero, bead of the. DeJ:>art- project. 'J,'he committee whose . eludeS a. golf course, two meeUng. held. at.' governme,pf in last week's CarrizoW,ment of Finance and chairman is attorney Bill Payne, . (one with fish>, tennis CQurt, ReCrel\tlOn at; Spepcer cOUld ;appropriated for,' in. Park, facilitieS' in financ:ing tlJe faeility but that such: l:!l1 ap.ptopriation tp .RoUlQ' Payne pointed ot,It that M.B. no the in' the 90·acre Jeg'isijltor 'w)'IQis .actively recreation&J1 lltea are fJ:ee to the work,ing fpr BUch appropriatiollt", publiCI with the of the golf 1.11 . to . he.' 'tDrled COIU'.e $t5O OOQ was eXJ)eJIded in e. WD .' ',J,av iDiti4l costs for this area, requeeting fundS for the " 'wJUch doeI not inelude tile cost of 10 yeau: a 8$0, lWmel:o (old .the S!'Ollpat .' acres or the land which was dona ted the. Rot8.fY ».elp not ; to the town by the CarrizozO COuntry come, Club. Since. the golf COUfIe in' ,t, work tha\ y!a'J He lSfl.d . .' , . " through the effort of the : spring of 191f, more improvements varioUf interested groups" a SQluUon have been made in addition to CQ1Jlld. , initial construction He suggested that the Town of . Jackie Spencer, who now lives in Canizozo .uempt to obtain a of Alto, had. annual for £.undaon JDemergency f>pfj from the ' the facUity. Spencer mamtenance Governor'. J)·eUona.-v Fun"" to JUpport SldJ this month. '.I1le town' lICl' .1. ... has been activel)' seeking solutions QPe!atfnS fundi. durmg an . for keet'lnS the lacUtiy open: interIm until permanent P.yne concludedhla fundingillobtained.lIeauggesled with 'beCore' .Ude featming a '-Own, eo\UIty and. scllOOl otric,lals prairie, deltitute of keelS and grass. letterJ to the Dq>artment of He commented that the (adily 'has Fmance requeaUng the lo<>ked like. and can look FridaYI 12, the llke thll ,gain. Carrizozo town Cowell and 'the Romero, pointed out that RecreaUon met at the Canizot.o hal a one milli-on doUar inVeIU1Ient in recreational facilities town haU to formally authorize the , request of an emeraency grant. notincludi.nS the Recreation center at Docembe.r lS. Monda)'. ltenry Vega, Sp·encer Park. and that. the carriZozo Area COoIt, 0( Caci1itiet; SUpttiJUeadQ:l.t. 'iJ*,1Mi carried' tho }Itttr toSlata FerequesUnid:'1.* , ..- £ot •• n .. coming Friday. lupportlnJ and J.tIted that no gol( 19. Payne, who f. alJO the toYm's COUi'H itt New Mexico htl attained attorney and CarrIzozo Mayor such Hlf-lUpportlng statUI. Manuel Hernandez, along with Vll1ioUI metbodl or obtaining SometOwUlgobeforethestatelklltd finInclng (ot the recre.atJon of Finance in SAnta Fe lor ex- . 'aclUty wa diIc\J!IUd by Romero. planaUoo and justification of the lneluding ackiliMal property taxes emergency lund, which if obtained (which appear. unlikely- :.t the will be Uliltlnc:e tor the nexl .Ix praiftt time); Ute pouibUlly of the P1onthl. . Cloita Crom the Baptilt and UnlLed Mt.'thodid CburdltW. and the Houmu,."ill betMtu.rII ht.1pecl11 45 blinute Q1riJhnll musie.1 progrlmoD. Sundly evenlrtg. Deetmbu 11It at 1:30pm in the TrinityUuWlltthodktCfnrtb,lOth And tDt in Catritoto. 'l'b«e 11 no tharge (or adn1Wioo, and no olfermg will be tUm. The p.tblic fj mnia11y to auetld. . . SUsan and I<en WeUs announce the birth 'of II 'l'raey Ann, bomat7:31amonDee.14th at Gerald Cbamplon Memorial Hospital in N.a!DOfJOl'dQ. She weJghed 8 2 oz. anl1 WM 211QChellong, TrIlCY haa two older J1Itere, Audrey. five ami a baU yPr" .04 Karen, alJnQlt fOlU' ye,ara. M4tem'll are Mr. pnd )4rt. HQw,rd a*rkey, and Patemil Gl'lDlbWenta. are Mr. and MrI.BU\ We1ll bC ctl\alcb 'l'ra-c:.y waa bom on bel' Aunt LuEllen Dockray'. blrtbday. The CYO. Chrl.Uan YouUt OqanJuUon or capitaD VJ1ll have I CbriItmu CaroUDg Party Tuesd.ay December 23td. As they go about Capit&D c.rouo, they will taking all'iltmu PleUael. Jo lhe needy. 'lb1Y uk .-nyooe who y,'ou1d Ilke to 1rit4J'iMnI to _ ... t Cltftb In It .4pftt Oftl" DtctmberA'dor live tbern to. CYO membflt, '!be CuoUnI Piny Is oped' to &11 Hf&b School youth or eapiW1. , .", ".< " .YOLUME7.S.NUM,e·'R'.'l .J . (; :1 Jd 'I , •' •. ' t"', ' .. ' , .,' I. .: 'l'b:e' eMil' 'tllUdr,n'aMim.try(lf J;'jtst,BAlKil?t' .' .', ", .',' .; " " I '.: 7 ," .' . ,.".'; " ',': . oJi .. ', .•. , , :: .... ', '. , .. . durjDg " C' ,: '. ' ." . R . ," '. , ." ,.zI,,&1, , ,,' '. ',' 0' t',.", ." directiOn (If Darlene liN" .flif,j j/{,j' tIlIl . I. and Cbildten pr98fant ,are: peggy Barne,; I, AMandll Floriap; Jl\sQQ FIQriau, ,Melinda, Jimm)' Valerie Gallegos, Nicl4;ailon, Nary Nic'kasop, WAyne NickaliOll, Mich!iel Vega, Bobby Reid·Wheeler.,.

J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · cost of Hi1di1ig Monica, ... bome at6pm Ittd in capitan at 8pm with the Childrm. program

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Carrizozo StUt/entto Venezuela!'

'The~ul a>nipleUon cit tiltsproject WU1 .aiit ~~ inplacing the fint~ foreign~chang~ Itudett Utmah)' yeitl.

Sponsored by the tntt!mationatFeUowship, ~c.. Monica WiU spendher Senior year liVing with aVenezuelan tamUy and attendingscbOQI there.

Clnitozo High SChool JuniorMonica Herrera has annoooced herintent to become • foreign exchangelIWdent inVen~a during the 1981·82 sclloo1 year.

'Ibeet)&tottbe ~Change JrDgramis $1800 fot an entire,yM. stay In aforeign country. WhUe tbe HerreratamUy will be asawnIng mucll or thecost of Hi1di1ig Monica, Qthet sport­sors and donaUons are: heededgreatly. Donations may be made inone of ieYe!i'~ way., inCluding~SOdilliVing, throUgh civic ClubS andorganizationi, or businesses andclitJl'Cbes.

'lbe' «!OU~donatiOO' will betJsed fot travel aDd Uving expmses•.Student 'organi'utiohil at SChOOl .re .

,planning, ttitd raising. activities' to .~' .bIel)MOllica, and~netterl ate~ to be Jefit to clul>s and i',buaineiiIeI in the cornmunit, to en" fcourage their 8BiISt4i'iCe in thiS' it\Vbl:thWbildelton. Penoilil dodatiooi '.~Will be teCelved at tile iUgir'Scl)ooI~glCbOothoUri.

tlo,me Ec.lIOmltt Ull. ~ar'ya.& a\!HIp,8tlottbeToWlf Sr.tn'ey whkh Wli taken lilt Bahlta.)'.She fa • membtt of tbe Carr'zozo Eto1llOtDtcDevelopment O>mmitlte, which COo11HHtlOrtdthe lurvey.

the Chrilt6ba1 Zltnora Jr. FamUybome at 6pm Ittd in capitan at 8pmwith the Childrm. program startingat 7:30pm. Christmas day there willbe Mau at Ca.rrUozo at gam and inCapitan at 11am.

'l'biJ year again we will have ourFamUytmUtnw TI1!e in both SantaRita. cartiZot.o. and SalTed Heart inCapiun. The trees will be pUt up theSUnt»y before Chrktntas in f11e aC­leI'1100n. We invite ~cl1 family 10bring It tree ornament from ho1l1e toplace on the F"atnily Otristnlas Tree.

Capitan Bid to

Landgraf Const.


Rotary (roW1! tlllt .e ~I rt6t. II r..s.eolncolMlty. al he wa. 110m a,lIl! rat.... 111 (Ja~tN.M. Romero taco...,ea {lie ltd,. .tdtkltr~lUr~ tWl-dmg tor the CtrrliOto RetteattonMta.MARV ELLEN PAYNE t lJrlco.trs Ct.ty



tuta Choir is undtt the diteclion of0rgani.U Neva .Ray Ventura.

The public is invited to par­ticipate in my of the QuisbTIasprograms at Santa Rita. otherIK'Ogtatn.9 in addition to the MidnightMua wit1be Ille IMwU CYe CarolingPatty Saturday Dect!mber 20thfoUowing the 7tm Mass. Smday~mbe.t2M 1iiill 00 the third an­wa1 Cbtistn1n d~or'ating party atthe cl1tm:h IWtifig.t 1:~ t;t,llenthe church wm be decorated forCl:itiStmu aM the (jotdoor' crib setwUl be put up. At .:00pm thette1igious EdueatWn Program will~t a Cbtiatmas J?n)gtam in thePatisb Han followed by a UtrislnlasPot. tudt. Sta1dayev~g. will be thethird lfifiUa1 0itUlP1as- Bingo withspeciat Cbtiltmu prita and theChrisUItiiS Black6ut Jackpot of Bids Were opened on the 18th ot$100.00.~ at ';'pm: November for the second phase of the <

onDecembet~Cbrisunas Eve neW Capitan High Scllool. The lowest .the- Lt.iDiliUiries will be lit around bidder was l.abdgra£ COJUltJ;:UCtionSa.Ji~ RitaChutclt to greet JIOOPle for .Co., or AlbUquerque. tIiS bid wtlS in .midnight Mm.. 'l1iete Will also be the amota'lt ot $$15,000.Cbrlstmu :Eve Masses at ·Lincolnat In August otthIsyear thecapit~

SChool Supt. and ScllOOl Boai'd .metwith Ute St~e- Capital OlitIay Com·mittee and received $100,000 forPhuen.

After ~ bidopenitlg in NoV.,1Ucliatd Cllttoo, ~terident ofSchool., made spplicaUOO for ad4

ditioom h1Oi1ies to the' bldcOilld beawafdtd. The capital outlay, com­fi1ittee calledaspecialm~g at theannualScliooI BOard' CDnletmce frUitwa. held in Albuquerque UfiDE!Ceinbet &and &gam awarded the-Capitan. S1:hools :an additional$120,000.~ meeting With theCOOiihittee were iChoot'Supt. .Clifton,Pat, HIleY. Pte$.l)f SChool Bo4t(1 andtfiemben twph a.rber and. CUrtIsPa~, . f ;

~bidw4Sawjt~toLandgraf~. Co. Without tIie ecppmenl,ApplicatiOO wi11 ~ made at • laterdatefot titomes tobuy~equipfDe1t~

ltO'l"AJlty PRE8mENT nTrankle" BU\-..<cot Jde. photo) wtletMes pesl. at the nottrY~ (WMod 1m 'nnw)' at Ute Cm1u)to~ C'tatuo. ilL ROMERO (top rip! ~OW).Dt1llirlmmt ol'F&111'1U 1M Al!tnhtlsttatlon ttU.

Santa Rita Midnight •••

Mass Highlights Celebration'1he tradillootl Midnight Mass

will be eelebr.ttd Christmas Et:e atSlntaiUla CathOOc Cllurcll. 'thesanti JUta Choir Will begin theirMUIk~ at. '1:30pm With "ItCo1e Upon • Midnight. Cltllt' androoc1udir.«Juat be:toreMidnight Masswith 'Silent h1gbt' vJllch wil1 featureMonica 0rU.t on the f1u~. 'The Santa

" :

. nepresentlltives-;Q( the Carri~ozo. ·Ro~n. meeting. S~te ,.lteprel)en· wastheJnairis~ke~atthe meeting,: @nsiat3 of bank~J;S jphMQn Stearn$' .' ~~bali:fie.1d, i>i~ic/~q4Playgt;otirig$tat~reUnqu~itig'Pa#'Of t~~t~t~ , ,'Bo~rd of "-rustee's; Oard~o~o' ~tiv.e, teO~~nacb, w~sallil,O am(uig at the r~uest of R,otarlan president, andHowatd $hank.s.~uid ~ttomey ,Don ar~a:'.fIle ;fC\cUityi.......echlof<mW by' Gi'ollS ~epit$'l'a~(o th~ ,C()l,1I)ty,.Recr;e!lUon Commi~tee, Carrj~o~o. tb~ appr<OOmately 43pcQple Qn hlJnd :Tranqllilim "fr8A~e' SUva., '. WaD, '.U1eY'{. along with' their club 'loca~·te>WnI~~e, b~ by cO\lAtYand' w~ch. comd' tIletl be: ~(i')Q -herpCbmn~r of Commercj;}, CardzQzo . who cmm~ together to disc~ P9ssible In theW, .~ffort 19 assist in the p1'esjdentjn,vi~ t()WI11 school, county state1:esl~tlaccql'din'g to a. log !it supwn the facUitti atidi.m.'m~iateSchool bistJ;'i~h Lincoln County.' methods of financing the Carrizozo quest for 1~~ f~diIig for the fa~ity, " ,anQ state o.fficlals to come togeUJeJ;" to the control bUildin.s on the. premises" actiQlt by the ~i~a.tur~:un)tovjdeComrnisSlon, State ~lanningOffice ' ~reati()n Area, pne lllUe east of 'Carrizozo ,~otarians formed a find a !iOlution to sav~ the Carri~zo '. "RQ~an Ps)'ni;t sav~ a. slide. temP9rsrf flBlding:;· ".' .... '. :.I .' .,.:".and SoptheasterniNew Me~ico CarrizoZQ, " . "commit~of four to.spearhea4 the "necr~tlon Mea. The' facility in· . presentation at tbe D.ecemoor ,11 , ROm~·St~ted tbat P4tt'ot Ule, 'J;!;~nomic DeveloJlment Dlstrtct were .' ,'". Al Romero, bead of the. DeJ:>art- Ro~l'y project. 'J,'he committee whose . eludeS a. 9-~ole golf course, two la~es Ro~~y meeUng. held. at.' th~ ~pec~d 8~~ governme,pf '.s~l'plusin "tteJ1dan~~ ~t last week's CarrizoW,ment of Finance and Adm~Jst1;ation chairman is attorney Bill Payne, . (one ~tocked with fish>, tennis CQurt, ReCrel\tlOn'cen~loea~ at; Spepcer cOUld ;~' ;appropriated for,' U~. in.

Park, Varlo~~~atiQil facilitieS' in financ:ing tlJe faeility but that such: l:!l1,theC-.rrJ1,oJO~rea:wer~Y1ewed~the ap.ptopriation m~y~' difficm~, tp.RoUlQ' S~Itr. Payne pointed ot,It that Qb~beCa.QSe Un~~o/ M.B.nothe f~cmtiel in' the 90·acre Jeg'isijltor ip~nta'.Fe 'w)'IQis .activelyrecreation&J1 lltea are fJ:ee to the work,ing fpr BUch ~ appropriatiollt",publiCI with the e~eption of the golf 1.11 . to . sh~d he.' 'tDrledCOIU'.e $t5O OOQ was eXJ)eJIded in e. WD .' ',J,av s~,iDiti4l ::on.tt~tkm costs for this area, requeeting fundS for the f~Uitt "f~ve'wJUch doeI not inelude tile cost of 10 yeau:a 8$0, lWmel:o (old .the S!'Ollpat .'acres or the land which was donated the. Rot8.fY me~g:, ».elp ~ouId not ;to the town by the CarrizozO COuntry come, overni~ht, :~urea~cracy"Club. Since. the golf COUfIe~ed in' ~ ,t,work tha\ y!a'J • He lSfl.d .th~t .

.' , . " through the COI1~~ effort of the :spring of 191f, more improvements varioUf interested groups" a SQluUonhave been made in addition to th~ ma)"~ CQ1Jlld. • ,initial construction COI~. He suggested that the Town of .

Jackie Spencer, who now lives in Canizozo .uempt to obtain agr~nt ofAlto, had.pro~ided annual C~ing for £.undaon JDemergency f>pfj from the 'the facUity. Spencer mamtenance Governor'. J)·eUona.-v Fun"" toJUpport SldJ this month. '.I1le town' lICl' • .1. • ...

has been activel)' seeking solutions provi~e QPe!atfnS fundi. durmg an .for keet'lnS the lacUtiy open: interIm ~riod until permanent

P.yne concludedhla pr~ntaUon fundingillobtained.lIeauggesled tha~with • 'beCore' .Ude featming a '-Own, eo\UIty and. scllOOl otric,lalsprairie, deltitute of keelS and grass. ~te letterJ to the Dq>artment ofHe commented that the (adily 'has Fmance requeaUng the emergen~y

lo<>ked like. th~be!ore and can look C~ FridaYI ~mber 12, thellke thll ,gain. Carrizozo town Cowell and 'the

Romero, pointed out that RecreaUon Comm1tt~ met at theCanizot.o hal a one milli-on doUarinVeIU1Ient in recreational facilities town haU to formally authorize the

, request of an emeraency grant.notincludi.nS the Recreation center at Docembe.r lS. Monda)'. ltenry Vega,Sp·encer Park. and that. the carriZozo ~ecre.tion Area~~ COoIt, 0( ~~ Caci1itiet; SUpttiJUeadQ:l.t. 'iJ*,1Mi carried' tho

~~bt~~-,t~·o ~d,OI1~bll(, }Itttr toSlata FerequesUnid:'1.* ,'=1&~~it.rr:=~;;i'fam.~- ~"; .c_,~. f"';=~~~: ..-

£ot••olt~tobe(inanclaU)olselt- n .. coming Friday. ~~betlupportlnJ and J.tIted that no gol( 19. Payne, who f. alJO the toYm'sCOUi'H itt New Mexico htl attained attorney and CarrIzozo Mayorsuch • Hlf-lUpportlng statUI. Manuel Hernandez, along with

Vll1ioUI metbodl or obtaining SometOwUlgobeforethestatelklltdfinInclng (ot the~r recre.atJon of Finance in SAnta Fe lor ex- .'aclUty wa diIc\J!IUd by Romero. planaUoo and justification of thelneluding ackiliMal property taxes emergency lund, which if obtained(which appear. unlikely- :.t the will be Uliltlnc:e tor the nexl .Ixpraiftt time); Ute pouibUlly of the P1onthl.


. ~.

•Cloita Crom the Baptilt andUnlLed Mt.'thodid CburdltW. and theHoumu,."illbetMtu.rIIht.1pecl1145 blinute Q1riJhnll musie.1progrlmoD. Sundly evenlrtg.Deetmbu 11It at 1:30pm in theTrinityUuWlltthodktCfnrtb,lOthAnd tDt~ in Catritoto.

'l'b«e 11notharge (or adn1Wioo,and no olfermg will be tUm. Thep.tblic fj mnia11y in~iUd to auetld.


.SUsan and I<en WeUs announce

the birth 'of II 4augl1~r: 'l'raey Ann,bomat7:31amonDee.14th at GeraldCbamplon Memorial Hospital inN.a!DOfJOl'dQ. She weJghed 8 U~ 2 oz.anl1WM 211QChellong, TrIlCY haa twoolder J1Itere, Audrey. five ami abaUyPr" .04Karen, alJnQlt fOlU' ye,ara.M4tem'll Gr~~nta are Mr. pnd)4rt. HQw,rd a*rkey,Ca~ andPatemil Gl'lDlbWenta. are Mr. andMrI.BU\We1ll bC ctl\alcb 'l'ra-c:.y waabom on bel' Aunt LuEllen Dockray'.blrtbday.

The CYO. Chrl.Uan YouUtOqanJuUon or capitaD VJ1ll have ICbriItmu CaroUDg Party Tuesd.ayDecember 23td. As they go aboutCapit&D c.rouo, they will~ takingall'iltmu PleUael. Jo lhe needy.'lb1Y uk .-nyooe who y,'ou1d Ilke to~w\J)lQuiltmu~~to1rit4J'iMnI to SI¢telIJ~C~ _... tCltftb In Ci~ It .4pftt Oftl"DtctmberA'dor live tbern to. CYOmembflt, '!be CuoUnIPiny Isoped'to &11 Hf&b School .~ youth oreapiW1.

,.", ".< "

'~"""""""""""'""'l'---';"""""'''''''''''~.,.',' .YOLUME7.S.NUM,e·'R'.'l .J .(; :1 Jd 'I , • '•. ' t"', ' .. ' , .,' • I.

. : 'l'b:e' Ohil(lernJ~·. eMil' all~

'tllUdr,n'aMim.try(lf J;'jtst,BAlKil?t' .' .', ", .',' .; " " I '.: 7 ," .' . ~ ,.".'; " ',':

.:'.':~~:~f:rr:~~:~:;~t:; 'U*d~te, oJi Recrea~i~n'Ate~(".$~~u~tipn~ ..',an4m"ctbiS~Stl.h4liy;·nece.~~"'21 .•. , , ::.... ', ' . , ..

. durjDg 'tb~H'4~m~g WorSbip~rvjc~ " C' ,: '. ' ." .R . ," '. ,. " ~t11,ClQ~nl;'fhe:~mStfmi~~d¢i'tne • ,.zI,,&1,~4'~"'()', .,~(),,,' '. ',' 0' t',.",."

directiOn (If ~vil Wb~ler", Darlene liN" .flif,j j/{,j' tIlIl .I. Sc~, and He1~ ;~." Cbildten

parUcipatingin'lJl~ pr98fant ,are:peggy Barne,; I,TainmieBarn~s,

AMandll Floriap; Jl\sQQ FIQriau,,Melinda, F19rl~i1,:Chl'h.tqpberGalle~C)s, Jimm)' ,G~eg08, ValerieGallegos, Let~ Nicl4;ailon, NaryNic'kasop, WAyne NickaliOll, Mich!ielVega, Bobby Wh~ier, Reid·Wheeler.,.




Jon an. Sharon _ .""tIlolrO"., _ vlaItacIlds....t.n<Iunel•• IIIl1h .... EclwlJ'd PenIIeI.1n_Iiild Uneeln~.

Jon "" heeII teadJ!lllln SeutllAmed..r.._ ..y 1iild ls nowaPllif_ oIL1iD8Ua 1U,T.E.P.In I!;ll'.... 'Jlc. •

'IbOl'hav. bouBhl._eand...llDW rnaIlq tlldr borne til.....

'lb. _ lhO HrJliqe truot Ia<Io!llll '" Un<oIa la~ wellao4 1I'lHa ilia aD I1nlIIlecI wUI Ile •IIUl Jl/IlI ,.. JJnodo an<I ....people.

W...._Ill. Wortlay Held Ia_.t_lan.bcp!ll,tlwUI be--""It ..........

'lbe Il!o_ YaDey NurIer)o0IIlce It"""....Ied In tile _ endIII tile '1'<IplIlID .loIoSlwe _

You JIJlB C01lDIAUY nwrnmtil the



Paving. Dltchtng• Excavating

PhI 2514200 2514121RUitloSCl, N.M.'1345

£eatudn~ the



4Ild the !M%1I:t'J'l' CIJi11/CH CI/Olll



--......at 7,30 p....

SllNDAl'lltfSNING, l>SOSHllSll tIS.


!'ll1NlW llN:m'llJI ~Jr01l.tR C1IIJ1ICHlOth Ii 11 St...,' CAll1l.tliO!rO

•11111" 1,; onoI:h.... ""_nll:Jl progr.mPtflBlltlt.4 by th.. bl....." ..n<l1ltIl!.~t101l1t1 NJIll,;torul ' ..llOoiilll111,"hI(Ih alii.. 1l:Ivit... y..u fa iI ""'"'".....ltI/1I:o& l'Hr~. IN". l'f!O!I"iIOlbegitmlng at g'011 p.... at t1i..

. t'i:t"t iI.pU"t Cllurch. !




\\eM'S glrla junior varsit)'baskabaJI coatfJ. lJadd lft. was int:arriutto Ias\ .'ri:l:1a)' competing histwn against flihtft eI a Haytournamenl. lJavid il a Zomgraduate. and ll(I1I e:tf tmnet ZomprinCipal and balketball etlaeh.Gerald Lee. 0tmiliI is W«'d's 00)11varsily basttthaU t'Oach.

'!be Nat Chavez family v'alted InAlamOllonlo Iait SIInclay. On thel,way bonto they stopped at lito ,RedllooOlor WUeran'. Tl1l>y IlllIlruekdthe waltreA to S1ve IIIo1r eom·pIlml!llla .. the ohrf • '1'''/. ~Jron.

former tarrIzozo rtIIdmt.


MODday .Retnoon, Dee J5teacher RIck B\IIh AIld hl.1lIh gr•••...<Ionla ",joyecl • hollclay party .tIII. _ center, 'Ib0l' bowl.. a""rerreibmentl ,,-ere aerved.



A tpl!C!IOI Velllh Admt"'"_w.._t..th.\ttlfthlp*Ot1li•• byYOIlllll p..p'o 0' Trinity UnllOdI.II!tbcdbl ClrureII.1Ul SIll""".

1'altlell\iUJig In lI1e l*Oifittl..... Iio>wul.. TiIOI Ilu Iiild .1.dCohilI,.1ehti Iiild Hal WUlIini llbeoch.Jr. .

SpoeIal .._WII \ltOVlded by.ell...a1 ijUIlfftl'tom 1I11c:hutclt cllolr....d thO S_ qUUlet !'rom lblca,tjzoJ<> Sela>oIJ. '''''jiIlI.d "I_ Soott, llol4 .1mlJ'd. 'GOcrsil<. _lilW'llllCl JInt _.tlt, iIIlUotlaiillotheVoUtilliItocIoI'lor 111. c:b_.'lb._ I!OIiOIDded wIIlt111•. Ilgbtln' 01 dI.. 'e""............lIi.!lahtwhlO&III.Cl>riltQIIldh. """",U"to thO llIool_pltlIeIjlIiD~QIU_1nlIio11_Mpal'liiliit lhO ....' 'Jlngl6IloU.'.1Il<lot lhO lelclef01llp III _ Ill.~.' .



__1aI .I~a. ....o

NOlklt'. COflntry f'lr••h MRt. WIioI<AIaAIloOaJI· lla......_,.. ..~ ee-8Ia_,,1O_1l~ l>Ii,.lliOII1oCll1oHJ>

Installs' Newstate Cowbelle Pres.---


• Crown Cowbe1lea held the Gues" were Mrs, WUson, PaUleDecember meeting at 'the home of DIshman, Mr. and Mrs. Trembly,Roe Lovelace with Bennie Crist and Marte Faqn!ng, who is an aunt ofBetty Ann Bell co-h"teases. There Jodie Rogers, Mary Jones, Franceswere Cbrlstmas decorations tbrou. Lovelace,l!lUMr SmJtb (who won the

'ghout the hoUle IU1d boWls of cold door price), Margaret Collins andIbneandhot cranberry punch, cheese. Anna Jane Current, both of'rQcum­balls add crackers. Ptesldent Betty earL Gertldine PerklaB received aAnn Introduced Trembly. Director of box of blrUIdaY cheer, and Mrs,Cottage L1te at Boys' Ranch who Fanning, Granite City. W. received asbowed a fUm on the ranch and Its bottle of QUiltm8s joy (detergent>acUvlUes, He itated that the ranch for traveUog the molt mUes, Favorsralae. aU Idndl of llveswck but the tor au were Uny denim boot8 holding amain product Ii boy.. He thinked the stick ot peppermlDt candY,Cowbelles tor II1l their help. He told of Mn, Bell announced the dote ofthe Hart Banch at Melrose which Is Feb. 10th for the leplatlve tea. LeenoW abr~ of BOYJ'llDnch. sayIng Su1temeler ltated lhJt the JanWU'ythat baU the cattle had been moved meetln& wW beheld on thetltb at thethere and'it Is boped Co have two recfeatloo room with Linda Pondercouagel ready Cor twelve boyseach In andBetty RuueIl hDiteases lor C!Offeo

. and cooSdts. Members wW eat Junchthe Qe&r luuare. A two hundred nere at the ICboo1 eafeterla.tract beflrJAm)' has been given for a Margaret Co1llnll, New MexicoGlrla' _nearLamy, Ahellcopl" StaleCawbeU.Preal<lcmlnslaJlcel thohadtaJceathedireetorandMrs. Bruce omceralor thenew year. She had noKing to1nlpect tho spot which has no appropriate symbot lor each orcIee,Wlter, electrlclt.y or aecesa road at ranging Crom 8 bull whip for thethIa time. H~et, a comQlltment ptlrllammtariantoagoldenerownforCor oqe cottage haa been mado. ond lbe pres1deDI.. Mra. CurTalt DflS15lCdglrls.~ _"'4 .. be Uvlng there an. l'i!mecl,.~.<XI each oll/efl'by mhl.aummer. Mrs. lo".rank o"~ CO~~~d 'her c:JmrgA.SulteMfler, project cllairman, lns,.ued were, ,president Leepreaent<d Iha Trembleya willi • &lI\eIllelu. lintvl <Ien' Unda<IouOon 01 elghty clollatv. Don.tI... Po""........"" vl -,<Ien, J""I.lor the glrla lDBy be mo.e I. BOY!l' lla<Igers. Il<Cttlary _lEa .BJl'II.Ranch IIldearmarked for the girlD In treasurer. Katie suI,emeler,order to be tax deduCUlble al Oils bIstorIan, Belly Russell. reporter,Urne. repo'Uer Geraldine Perkins ond

Iloe Lovelaee an. Stacey Wu..m porllall1011tarlan Belly _1Id1. aim.reported on the Cattle Gt'O\\vs' Bell lhanked aU tor lhelr support thequarterly meeting In Deming. "'Irs. am lV."O years of the CJ'ganlmtlonWUaon left tea or the NM CowbeUe beteandgave eadl oUieer a candle Inpins which v,we sold quickly. a tin cup Ues witb a bandana.

U:t.r tiiEflli:1t,.0 ....0U!II'"bY'iii 1i.Iclo"0 a........ _til••!ilta' ,_ iii _ !K>lII& _t II.,. wlo4ebliil lI<ll:l;rlai..8i .UdlllgUorI.'. lliUl'. hit. fa ClI'rll6iiJ tlurtift.·IaitSaIViloy. '1'110a.........'WIi.U••

• • •


11118 '6J WHITJ!; Cory.1r I.. lUIexample of the :vaDdallJm whlcll hasoccurred locally. The car which waswaltlng lor rep.....J

1W8I 'on, of lwo

can at Nick's Auto 'Repair whichwere dl.covered wUb .•haUeredwindows. Town poUce IaY"OSatollcoptlnuea In tbe serle. o( l'eceutVIII,'d:aUsm acts.

PoUce repon•.&how tho followingbuIlaetllOl experiencing.0 gun aadrock &browIDg damagea: Mal PallGr.ocery, Family Pharlllacy,Ptetielll'. Disanud Uquor, GroceryBasket" Goiden Rule TradlDg Co..Nickels Hardware, White'., RellApartmenh and Carrizozo HighSchool and. E1ememary buDdln.s. Inaddition the re.ldencel or nbicleJ otthe toUowiD, were allO I.rgd. otYaadal.: J.E. ThoI1l&oo, Jack Mageeand Otto and Bmle rrtflem•


Publbhed evel')' 1'1l1arld.,. .t 301Ctnmll Ave.. Carrizozo, NewMexico 88301



U.s.p.8.313480Second CIIlII POIItage paid at Carrizozo, New Mexico.

Sub.erlptlon rates. '8 per yur lD Uncota CoUftI.)'. III peryear elsewhere.Peter Aguilar.,., ., , .. , k'ubll1btrJackie Vigil., •........ ,. , .•• , , BookkeeperPeter Baea •. " "., , Compo,llIoaPolty Chavez •••...••• ,." •••••• , ••.• , •••••• ,StlttWrfter

••.•...•. ", ..•....•••••.•••.Photdtrtpher


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:1·······························::.:: See thlllfJ neW ~~.••• • • •••::.. STANLEY TOOLS ••::

i: at ~E::•• ••.. ,~ ::•• ••:: NICKILS IiIUILDIND Go :::: HlllRDWRRISUPPLY :.:•• •:: AulflOtlad ::•• •••• ••.. .::is Preview 018.... .::~ :, ~\••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• • ••.. . " .•.••• • ••i: CARBIDE GRITllLADES ::.. ' ::.:: Cut&Ceranilc CutsFormica . :1:: ... ..... ,.,•• •••• ••.. ::•• ••••• •.. .'.•• •••• •••• ••'I: ::•• •••• ••.., :::-': ...: ..ill. ••..

.::. ::• •••• ••.. : ::.:: .~_:

"..- ...•• •••• • ••••• •••• • ••.... • • ,I..e.,,".'••••••~•••••jll•••••*••••••••••••••"·~..il•.••.....•.•...•.•..•..•.... .....

Your Friend,(J.B,) Gallegoa


From lAve• MeIannl

Dear Santa Claus:My name is JellB1e James

Gallegos and I have beeP 80 good.and I wiBb I could have aMilleulem FalCon spaceshJp andStar Wars figures.


I aID. """goodgirl. I ".,uI.llke(or yOU to send me some dolls anda b1cyele; an. a babY buggy .mI.tlll'lUvtf ~ho.o, A baby in abasket. a colonial doll cradle•.


PS. My Dad helped me writethis,you see I am only 4--year&01d,

Your friend,Jessie James GaUegos

4th Grade

Dear Santa:My name lBFranlde Juan (J.R.)

Gallegos, I bave been good, prettygood. And I would llke to have anelectronic football.

WILL BE OPENfor business on the

following dates duringthe upcomong holidays·.

Dec. 22·23·24 • Dec. 29·30·31.............................

- for apolntment call­848·2441


Beauty Salon

"Santa:I have been good. Please bring

me a doll, monkey, and a bike.




II .


\ ',




OJlm""U," Wc;ll!I Utilii'd& Oflnt4.:f 'IUt'II HlIi'll oU·artbolOol'S.

1'lJ"I1I11o:I~••\Ibfd 7AmOf'Q."Jlmnrlll= \'ulbblpUII••\

._. ~



sale•• s....


623·2630·101 S. Mlln RO&w.1I


OUt dullt lneut.d....to../U~·lhlno ftOI\f ttpal/C·10 pononallkabll.;\y. Play sof••••l.euN with uelIh·_._.........LI/t·MHIIe_.. Illlt._

ll& ....It

. 'tOt- all:yOUI'ItllU~"."uL1ICOUICOIln 11_£ lCEHY

Tre·e·'frimming Palty Dessert'

t.s:"ii:~~:'=~~:-;;:<!:ca~kRECIPE OF 11IE WEEK•• ,

....A wondNrul way to ~are the aplrit of l'hmlm::lJ with

olh('q is to host a It<<4dl'JUJ\iftg pmy. AlIA' aJI' tht' pop­t'Otn Ell sU'U1lg and lb. feu ollttJrnenl b hUIIiJ. tre<J;1 fOD'guem to a ft'eatny apirilc'dd~" VDUd Hog Pie rombinNlhE' tr:1dmonol Ilavtll'll ur~ rio;Z. nutmeg. tum end enomin an iPMydo-su> unOmMrt'd Itli'kIlin(O ~. Sinoo thl:! pi..em bt> ~rt'PaR"d l'<:IrI)' in Ihl' lbr.lhl'R ~hmFd. itaim! the'h01lt!:ii plrnly or limto to I:lt'l tPady rot th..~" SEirwdwith etlpa of hm Il>a. bolh thE' pli! and your p:!rl)' willIih. E!VI!I'Yon.. into iI." lfolillD)" 8pjrit~


Band jail 'Mon~y lor Q Qrlslma.program, one 01 leveral hollda)'Illippenlngi at Carrizozo schools.

C'zozo FFA News

,SISl'flng Mon. 15th 1ilChl'ltlfmss

Open MOha trill Fri.... 5._ .• '._5_" -s··p--" '.2"Z _ .,. J.-j:'P!r7'

.. Helen's Outlet Clothing.........,·New ShIpment Art/Vii. tills Wliek-end

MtlII1 itlllls On Sale

..·Teens..Kids'"Mom..Dad ". .

11IE MID-filCH Chorut. pi........here. Jolne4 the BJsh 8tllool t'bOnll,beglnnJaghlndandlbe FaCUlty Bral.

iroN" GREER botds gra.ndsGD ('fhttt"S Ilrodp home I1Ipt'!rvlUlr walMe allad.~" IA Annual Aru busy assisting in the lales ofod ("n'" Bltlllr at New RorlzoDL ('bristmas omamentl. gUt paper lind!eke's Mom. Rt)'IletJe Greer the othtt holiday ltemlll.

•. IIYfll1l.""NCe-






. '" '."




... Stop InTodayl

Q~ Hardwar. Co.

'itt.COLBOURNE'M192&WOUfable,l1O(y$tyreneC4biMI teaulifully fitiiShed insimulated grained AmE!!i'IC8ftWBInut. LED ChannelDiSplay. "P1Uis:e-Lotk lJjOP AJ:CTunifiO. Ei:leCffdAic

: . ~t sentryVoltage FtdgullllOr.





Wayman Mays, Green River,Utah, stopped overnight with lheDavidsons.

Walter Cochran, FrIona. TIC. wasgreeting Mends SatW'day. He waseroute to Loe Lunas to see biB motJierand s!8ter.

Xl _ EpaIi<ln or Blil4 SIgmaPhi m"Aloodiyevrnlngln lbe ranchbomo or Afra. Raod P.._ wllbpresldentl.ll1Paradalndlorseollb.

Friends were Bhoeked by thedeatbolLanceBrown in II one vehicleaccident between Corona andCedarvale Nrl)' SUndoy. Limco, "11180 graduate or eolOllll HIgb _01Ia aurvlvnd by bla par""... ~fr, andMr.. Jame. Stanley Drown. 0bco1ber, Bodle, a sliter, domesene.",d gran<lparenlo. ~ln. Sam BlOwnand Mr. and Afra. Tom Po..cIa,

Psycbol(l&Yt,.searc:hforth8llse· ,old qUQUon, 'What 111 man?' RelIgion.man', recognIlkm of Ills relatton toGo<I and lb. exp.....l.. or Ibatrelation infailh. worship and COtJduct,may be _ ..t or nol, Biblicalreligion primarDy Ia a IbIng or beartand 11ft rather!banrllual. Acomplex

Mr nd ayatem or be1Iofa, alUludea and• II Mnt. Bobby Canon and ceremonlea which relate the ln~

.ToeS were here froro Santa Fe for thewee1cend. Bobbe is a member of the cUvldlll1 to .'dMne being.ENMU senior elas! wbfcb wiD Thr ho8teues served MlssJsslppltqaduatelnexm:ilcaFridoJ evenmg. MudeakeI, tea JDd coffee. andduringOavldCrllsit lUlother memberof the "the relrelhment hour plans weregraduattag claaa. madefor the CbrlItmas meeting to be

beld at the Tyree ranch home.


.. . - ", "




~-~~-- _. - ~. - ---- --". -_. " .... __ ........ A ...• rM6etit•••·h_•• .:. 7. ega ...__ - _ -

, ~


' .

"""C-c'" .. '0'_

ID attendaDce WIll Mr. LupeMandai., _ wbo Ja A.A.A. C0­ordinator for all 01_ 8:

A voteof tIiaDkI w•• extended toMossI. '1'rujIIlo for hII very generou,donaliolltosenlorCl,lzenIofCapitan.

OUr gratitude and Ithanka' to aUwbo mlde th1I da)' • jo)'OUI IUetle&S.

We wlIh to announce that MayorDon .Stark and CapitaD VIllage~haVe B1'anted tand tCO' use for• _ Cltlzeno Center.Capltan 5enIor ClI1zeJll Commltfeo ofCapitan •cIIiI}. Fronlt loII11er

"I nm hear...

-, ..,,"----_ ....... - .. ,



~.... -

-- STARTS FRlbAY -­btc.mb.r19

Over $100 mWloD bit been....lvecI by !be Slale " New ..xl..frout tbe Bureau of LandHanlpmOllI lor _ .et1v/u..IItlJ1. pl... 00 publl. IIDdaIIlroughout tha Ill... 10 addIlIoll. 30CDUDU,. bave reeeived dlre~t

pa7lDeat of over 1100 thouslnddol!Ol'l.

The I~te maury receivedpaymenllrom_In tho_I of$S2,I27,f1S .. III IIIara of m1nerllboaUl.., ro;,I1Uu and rentall_"" Item April 1. liIIO thnlugb6eIUmI>w 30, IIISO. 'ilIe~.IxIIIOClIh_ca a paiocIending In- __.71$,U8.

'ilI.llIlIalIo....r $3ilS,lI85uIto _ " ....... f collectedfrom ]l4IbI1c IIod ""ell In NewMaxlcolrom 00_ 1. 1Q1lllbrough.._liar 30, _.

AddlUolll11y... Now Mul.o_ .. _ dlreot _ .....

!Iom_lor f..."~I~W._..-1 _ '" totha...telld1,.... colleolec1lIIll!ctha_Le'",".AClOf192Oandca8paymt1llolthelllldlhareoflunda !10m ItIJllll tOOl under th.Ta)lOr Gmh>g Act olli:W.

'100 Million PQid

.New Mexico by BLM

CapllOD 5enIol' CI_ h....d aPotlUck luncbeon at 11:80aq\December IOtb. Slx1:;y..lx SeniorClU- " CarrIzoIo aad Co.....altAllldad lh8 Luneb....

W. wera~ with a concertby Mr. Qllltcblll-Coollo aad th.

. combined dlo1rI 01 Capllon SchooIJ.WoaderlUl mUll. ODd aloglog _enjoyed by all.


8 .•12 •

Capitan .0 1.

-'J'JBer ScoriDJl S. Staae 2, T.WomaCk 4, B. Barber II D. Priace 2.T. Brookl 12. T. HII)' It, K. Bauer I,B. PIlUUp. 1.8. EJ4rJdlef, E.l.o.. 1.

capitan •••• 18Qd'eroft ••• Z

(~.) Ut Round Game-


BEAUTY'. . SALON-~--.;


PlioaI_• • r - en


"'11&" lloorbIll Kennella LaMa7 Z.Toni Broob I, 'lUfaD)' klley I, Kula80..... Z. Becky PhUUpa I. lIbeJJ,y

. Eldrlcll. 13.---

. ,• .....oilh_

Spltl.. .1=lora,Order.



Guo AUracI completecl bls Ba,leand Tecb, tralDlDg at Chunute A.F.B.In DJ•. December 8. H. wID beataUonedatHonoman Air Force BaseIn A1BmoSorda. He II al this UlnaapeodlnS Ulna with hII parenta Mr.ODd 1\ll'I. BID AUracI.



Ine.. , ,

. WA_W1ILtlIl .

, t'eIo_lt. c._.,l'I,M,

_............~~J!~.~'~ ,I.:----_...........J

Mr. ODd 1\ll'I. Cllnl Hobb .ocIJullio " IIope, liM v1IItad Mr. aad1\ll'I. W_ Hobbo Jaal Bundly.

IWyJoneAllredaadlllarl.Lobbwho are attending c:oUea:e In KaJJIQwIDmlve_.to .pend th. bolldeyowith lhelr parenla. December :lOlh.

BID ODd Jona Allred on happy_to u they hav. aU of their__.lor th. boUdaye. MlkaIs a _ al tha UnlvOI'Ilty 01Uncoln In Nellruka and II worlcfnsfoIo lbe Gu CccnpaD)' at Aurora, Neb.


Maxble Wright aDd thelt _cia.""'.... I!BI' strIokIand aocl lWOdi""'......pen,BIlblJaalSaturday InIlo.wall ""11lI. IlIeIr CbrI"ma.IbcIPP1nIl. 'Ibey m"lIlBIIjI ol_ofCapltan there dolog th.......





. I\ll'. aad 1\ll'I. So Wonham andHappy IlIrtI>dq to LIllda wrJsbI Mr. ODd 1\ll'I, _ of _. Texaa

....... day .... _ber lo.GlII'VIIIl.'l;Mr. ODd 1\ll'I, Pit Join";' aadOdell p_IOllO_·nb!o,..... old family Olid _a 10....Dacamber It Is the 100 of W . •ocI .1\ll'I. purtIII P_. llonya CraIn_ .lIve l'III'iold _ 18.

liIle II tIIa cia""'.... of Mr. and Mr••Leonard Crlld.

Mr. ODd 1\ll'I. Roy Horton IJIllllI'IballIcqlYln.1n MIlO Artzona. Roy_Iwo daya In !be boopItaI therolor medloal cbec1cllp. Glad to haveyou beth bom. 1/1010 aad OK.

Tbe Capitan Girl.: Varilt)'Bao1lelbaD loom played In _Frlday llfIhl December W.


. .....~, ..

JunettePrbIee bal. beauUlull)'IJabtadQuillmu__ wIIldl

.11'" mi lata of Ch.... wilen tha .1iI.... down. 'ill...on lata of boaulllul_ colll1nll torwlfd to .....y tIIa'happy CI>rIIlmIf SplrI'. 'lb. Ga.:eom_ bIB av«y preltyo..1nIId.of tho 014ce.




'lbla day December 18 I> ,..nfwarm w1tb dear blue llkies. Not UkeDecember. We bad Ihree tenths of aninch ~f raiD Saturda,. momlngloIlowed by 8 JlgIIl IDOW and lola ofice. "!bat~ was great

Th.- Capitan Scbool received$700,000 '01" Phase 2; for Ibe HiSh_ BuIllllng to be built. 'Iba' I>great. Last trIda)' Richard cuttoD1

SUperln....den, ..d _01 boardmemben Pat Hue)', Ralph Barber..d CurtI> PB3DB went to SBaI> Fe.'Ibay recalved $12O,4IlO additionalwhich is _,428 to award the bid! onPh... >1II8b Schoolllulldloi. 'I'a..1aIlocatioa to date '1,670,-00 fromtha NM Stalo outlay Commlltea. 'IbatIs great Mr. CII1loII ood thai IChooIboard bave doDe wonderful. RichardClIRoo haldone mlllJ' good lblni.forour sehool and community. He II agood clean honest hard workingSuperintendent and aU 01 WI do.cer­tainly appreciate h1m. 1bank ~u,

Richard. •

-1'" oldDonoIo Fudll


RentlCall 648·2333




uWeB;ly'iilR! .en·;-oo",l_y-'

HourSlto;Mdf"SI"lUti.1..Wtlc1~ ..rrJl

' ........ ,

Tbe Capitan Women', Clubdecorated the 01rJI1mU tree outBIdetbe Cit)' JIIlI.od the two trees: at tbeSmokey Bear MUJeum. 'lbe Muewndelires to thank them ad ..urethem 01 thelr deepeal appredltlan.Tho)' are prett.)' •

A WW from Mexico enjoyed thesmokey Bear Park and Mueum IaatSunclay.

Our F1ra AJarm IBlIIIded MondayDecember Slh It .,,,, pm to llDd theywere needed ID Utlcoln wbere 8traDer bome wu burnlag. It w.u aTnl.II Loss.








lI .



'lbe autstmal Annual SchoolProIll'Bm wu bold Tueoday nJsbL'Iba lUsh S<bool Balld ODd Qloruo

1 1 were a part of 1L A good crowd eD~

I •Jo7ed Ie Scbool 010... lor thaBoUdaya Friday December 18thi.ush Jaauary 8th.


1 oz. R.g. 'all

s.r. '2~f



A' =",,,,,,....,-

~oz•• .~'.e -i Reg. -aIr

- Salt*2K

8 oz.,..... It.g••4",~s.r'*3ul

"'flllll__< _ ...6_""''''

""rloIeI" Qt....llt} 11m. Ip 1 I............ IIFrlao,'. 1<1100 ...lnIlllleWeed B.llc1ep.'\'be GrI",U..went on to win tll.e game .n••ltv.aoe to the flul••whtebwUl he pI.,... _" '111...""'1 •• 11I0 <Ill" ....U.I '(MoU~.lr) " ••AO~8I&lUlIII)'•

the longest actingnasal decongestant

a "-'n·NASAlIII'" SPRAYup to 12hour relief~ (1%. R.g. *21'4

SaIl *2°1 . J

Reg. 1811

4 oz. Sal. *4", . F-n

, ,-Reg. 18"8 oz. Salt *413



Super Holiday Sales

OilofOlayIlIl'AUTV l.O'I1ON

;, ,

.,S" " 515A'S'

J\IA'l'lJitAI ""r.P.llM~'






. ,


... r', .'




........................... 1;SW4.I.I

........................... az4.&a



............ It UI4SU

Em'fg,noy Numb,ra

\·...Jhtt " t'o...,1U t•••••••••••••••••1tIo4.511 orlJl-fol2l1~lortart)' • Eslattcla:

\lu(1J1latnlr " Willard:

Jon Todd '\I"II_r (53) pill-I up albolln FrIday,nip, ..dian .pln,' nIt: RG.well ic'IIP. Grh:dleldropped. close one by z poln'•• AgulJar WN hlp "point man for tbe WllflJamenii Icorlng It polnllln(h. three gamel the C'&Qzo JV Flayed.







(s) Stirling or.S~erPtesidente

Legal Notice

is) Gale C. StatkpoleSecretaiio

Publiahed'ih the Lincoln ~CountyNews for Me time OnIy Thursday,December 18, 1'900.

PA$ADO Y ADOPTADO estedieciseisiavo dia de dE!Ciembre de1980.

(SELLO).. sera el Coi1sej<) de ~ducacion del AtC$tiguo:bistriw ~1lU' :Municipal No. 7 decaiTizow, CMdack>s de- Lincoln ySocorro, Nuevo Mexico, a~torizado itemrnrbonosdeobligacloo geiiflrmdell:>ismto, est una &erie 0 inali, .en Jacantidad principal agtegada a"'&noexcedef $215.000, para el prO)?O$ito deerigir,relltodelar. hacer adicionE!s yameubJat IPS edificios escolares ycomprar y fi1ejorat los terrenos Notice is 'fu!reby given that th~escalates, diClios bonos Ii ~er certttal Office in the Adfilinisp-atiOl\psgablade impU~tosgenerales (ad •BuildJng. ~f the eatritozo ~uniCipalvakK'efu' ye ha 'ser emitidos y \'el1- . SChoolS Will be closed on Wednesday,didOiuitaltieinpiJCJtietnposl>tticHales. ItItling .l l():OO nooi'l, Dec. Zi,t~l'minos, Y condiciones (!Ofi'io 1990, ill day TbUtsday, .De<:embet 25,determmee1 Cons«ljo1" 1geo, and JIloay ThUtllday,·.January

Ij'~l. "Candidats lor metil.bershi M

the .loa1 Bcliool board may I~e' a'c!eclaraUo;to( candidacy in the~traIOf~ atarting thursday,~mber 1~, 1~ Uttough TuesdAy~December 3O,'191lO, 'except rot' Weday.liated abo~i' frOm 8:00 am witil5:00pm NcbdaY•.Dated thiu8th dayot~ember.lll8O~

tal Dr. James1>. Miller.Jr"Superintertdeot

. Pu~ once m·1be LiricolnComtY NewI, necembet' la, 100a•.


,i l:>eb«!fa el 'C«fsejo de E:dtkati~n

del Diatt1tO El«Jlat MuniciPal No.1de·camZOiEO. COOdadoslie Li~ollty

Sot:'ort'o. Nuevo Me:ltico, ser

,". En tUdia e1etclon. la sigUiente;e~ta:Wfibieu setaSO'rtletidaa10$YMantei Wificados, ttgiStrados del








.. POltcu'ANTO, 106 tennirlos delOncid de Wallace Ferguson y C. ttayweUa como tniembro del ConsejO deEduc:acion del Di&tri(o Escola.tMunicipal de Caniiozo No, 7(de iciuIell adelat1te e}. "Consc:tlol1 y elliDisttitoIJ teI{lectivaifienle). en: eleondatlol de LinCtlbl·Y SocOl1'O yEstadO de: Nuevo Me:tttG"8e vencer1tel p.ifiH!t dia :de lrtitzo de 1981; Y

ron. CUAN'I'O, segunsec~iOn.22­6-1 NMSA. WS,Wia elecciOO regular

J' • , . > '" "', ' "". ~fi\ .~,r' ',~. I ~

."qp,e.at.l~h sbaU alflo ~ submitted'to .~r~ '~l mitnnJ)rC~ ~: I~ 'ot'i(!l~a. del.. ~~t9ri~~.'.~P9riet:uni,mp~~tode.", 3ucfi ~1Uied, ,r~gillter@q ele,e'tors Df CQneejQ ten(lra:1l.Jgar e1 ter~er di/.l de .~pied4d.~e.'~.,l)()l' '~¢Ada' $l~Q,PO de,;.

.fe~reto:~e~"lcY .'. ...i:..····: ',:: valUA.~iM··'f1e~a.~~. Ja:,p:r-Q'p.~d~(1. : '.' ,:.POR(nJAN'J(o; s~g~.$iiCe(oIl,2.~;'i ,. ,!!e,tutladll.'~1 Pj.$~itl)Qa~,el~ndigo

.:~: ;rJ.lp~JcSC~OQLi::: . ' ,//*3,;.NM,~,I\i:.JQ7S,el·COps.ej<i:;.ha· Im.p;l1~tQ~d~Prpp~~~9.l¥'ra,lqg "Pos'CAPlT.At I.l\1PRpVEl\Ul:l'J....S. •4et~~adO y.por~w. determma• . ~}mpu~t9.,d~ P:rQp,led~~.deI'J981,

~A"'9UE$TIQN.., >. " ··gU~·de.1:Jerlnler SOmeHdq ~.~leclorAdo •. 1~",Y.~~'PItA \~l P'OPOSltO ;Be los'Ilpd ,., ;. , .. ' ; ." ; "' ..:;:: ',::: ~en)~ ·;~ec~i~lirteglilat..JJ.q~~ ·t~W:a, '~i~i~t~~:.~~jOr; ..rn.i~nt9~:~dpital~

SCHQQ~ BOND Ji1LECT,IO~ '. .HSbaU.tbt\l·8~d: .·of ;I!lducaticm 9f:·.lli$m: .d.3·· c;le';. febtero' ·'de ..19lJ~,I.la .'c~n ~'" ~~tQj:. ~s." .A~~r;.:!.\el'eg!r.WllE~A:S. the terml1pf ~f~lce of .~~~M~ci~l:~hopl,pisu;~ct,rpre$~Jas.~>~~bera :~~~~,IIA" r~~ctg~~.~f ;1t~(!~J:. .fd~~\.Qn;~;Js~•

Wallace F~g,ullQn and C,~y.We1ls N9.7,.. qq~~e.so":Un~Uf ~n~ ~ ;Jn~elJtp:qepropl~ll(l ~hL$2pl)r .c~@ Pl:Q"e~~W~po,par~IOO.ficos:~c;o~aryas.mem,berIJof the :Board, o.f$~ueat"SQcoJ:r9' N!i!wMIOOCO,,'be ~utbori~~ .. ,.l~\lOQ·de.v~lUQclQP ··net·.··~:'M· III . ,amu~bl~rlps,:':<:9m~ar;,·~ ,':maJOrar.

. i~ ~~ Cardzozo. MunicjpQl.~ool to ~PQse .aprO~~y,I ..~~ ~f ,,2pe;"··· .propiCildad que:s~ la. P,9~er:'J)p~er 1~1'l'eJlOs ..e.~Uff;~.'y m~renim!enloPll:Jt1"ict No. 7 (herem the'a641'd' 8lJd.. ea(:li$l.IlO(),QQpf netf8xableva)ue of<.tmpues,tos seQldad\) paraelJ)llitrJt9 C;le Ip~ ,eflciC~O$'()ee§cl.lt:;I~· pql>hca ythe 'Dislrict,' r.:espectiv~1Y>; in the, 'tb~prqpertyaJloc:ate(UQsUchPiStrict~jQ;~~" Codigo' delmj)u¢!;to$ . de .. terranos :cie'~(lolai' ' publicas lex·

, Co.UIlties of Lincoln and ~1TO ~lld.wi4e1' the Pro~y 'r1lX'CO(le for the· .;p,rQple~ p\1~e set l.nlpues~pa.-alos. clusivQ d~lqscQ!ll~ delos!i~llrios destat~ o( New Memco, w~ expire, ~n.pi-Q~rtyt~ ye~s pf .1l181.' 19AA ~md '. 4ll?s: de impue!!tos de 'Propi~dl1d de los empl~~I1)l~ Pisl!ito?" 'the l!Jt day of March. 1981 i and ; .J983for the P\Ifpl)s~ pf the {QUQWlng .. 19&J, 1.982, y 1983, para el Pfopl)sito de • . .r ,"~:'

WHEREAS•. pursuant tQ Section capit~ jrnprQvem.ents.·ir).the ·Pi!?trict. mejQI,'.I:m~ieilto.~ Cllpitales en el· .S~,CCi(lJ1~ •• Pa'I'I:l'(.VPta~, ,~os22-6-1 NMSA 1978. a regular election i.e;l ert:eting.remo(i¢lipg. nla~g" IJi,strito;. y. . volanles cah.flCadQ}l del Dl/ltrltofor the offices pf members of the additio~ to, pro.vi.diJlg'l:\quipmentfQr ,POR CUAN',PO segun la deb«m !;1ehl!,ber$~, r~gistf~doBoard is to be held on Tuesday, the and f\1l,'nishing s~hool'buildrngl1, "R~lucjon y Notica de l~ El~cion pl'evhlmente ccm·elE~d~no del3rd day of February. 1981 j and plII,'Chasingaild improVing I1chool de' Bonos EScQlare& y Junta delCOndlido del CQndlldQ de Lincolll o' el

WHEREAS. pursuant to Section. grO~ds, and maintenanae of pu6lic: CQnsejo" aOOptada al mismi tiempo Escribano del Condadod~~J,'ro:22-25-3, NMSA 1978, the Board. has school bQilding~ an.d publicscbool .~e estaresolucion, lapr~unta de la C\lalquler v(lU!nte .caUfiC~ri~ l;ieldetermined and does hereby .de~er.. grounds exclu$ive (If !!alary expenses. emision do bODQS d¢ obligacion Distrito.que ~Q ~tll ahOJ;'a,J:¢$~lldo

mine. that there should be submitted ofe~ployees o~ the Disuict?" geQeral del Pistritot.ambien se y que .desea vQtl:\r en di()1)a'el~4,lion

to the electorate at the regular Section 6. lrl order tQ vote sometera a votacion en dicha el~cion es~ial' deb¢ r~istrm.-se :dPrai;l*l~selection to be held on February 3. qualified elecWIlI of the Distri~t must ,regUlar; horas l'e~ul~es' de t1ficina.eil la1981. the questiQn whether or not a have previpuslf registered with the POR CUANTO, el 18 de', oficina dei El!Cr~bano ~H~()nda4Qc:lel

property tax of $2per each $1.000,00 of County Clerkof Lincoln Q)untyor the noviembre de 1980, el Consej9 adopto Conda(io de Lincoln en la C~/>a. denet taxable value c;»f property County Clerk of Socorro Coupty. Any tres resoluciones relacionadas a la Corte del Condado en Carrizozo,allocated to the District under the .qualified electoroftheDistrict who j~ el~clonque tendra lugar el'3 de NueVo Meltico 0 enla' ofici61,1. delProperty Tax Code ahould be imposed not now registered and 'who 'wishes lo febrero de 1981 y poique esas .Escrfbino de1CondaeJ.o de :~cPtTo enfor the property tax years of. 1981. vote at such regular' election 'sbould resoluciones estaban lmcoJlJpletas. el la Casa 'de CQrte del CoJlQad9 de1982, and 1983, for the purpose of registerduring regular office hours at tiempo de su adopcion, es la'intenclon Socom»en Socorro. ~uevo M~xico.capital improvements in the District; the office of the -County, a.erk of del ConsejO que esta resolucioo, junlo depend~e;ndo'eI} q~e Condado' dichoand Lincoln County, at the County . con las otras dos reSQluc10nes que la . votantereside, 0 en Is ofieina de

WHEREAS. pursuant to the Courtliouse in Carrizozo; New acompanan relacionadas a dicha cualquier oficlal diputado de'Resolution and Notice of School Bond Mexico. or at the office of the County eleccion y tambien consi(leradas en registracion apuntado POl' elElection and Board Meeting' adopted Clerk of Socorro Counly at the l!Sta jurita del 16 de diciembre de 1980. Escrib&Qo del Condado en el Condadoconcurrentiy with this resolution, ~e Socorro County Courlhouse in clarificara y sobresera las tres en el cual en elector reside (in·question of the issuance of general Socorro, New Mexico, depending resoluciones del 18 de novelmbre de cluyendo los escribanos municipalesobligation bonds of the District is also upon which co,unty in which such 1980. ~ todaa loa, municipalid!ldel1en elto be lubmiued to a vole at said elef;tor resid~, or at the office of any Condado de Lincoln excepto la Cuidadregular election; and • deputy reglltration officer appointed AHORA. POR ESTO, SEA de CarriZpzo y de fodas las

WHEREAS. the Board on by the CoWlty Clerk of the county in RESUELTO POR EL CONSEJO mWllclpales des en el CondaOO deNovember 18. 1960. adopted three· which the elector resides (including EDUCACIONAL DEL DISTRITO Socorro excepto la Cuidad dereaoluUona relating to the election to thtr- ·munIeipal· clerks of' all ESCOLAR MUNICIPAL NO 7 de Socorro) antes de las 5:00 p.m, el 23be held on February 3. 1981 and municipalities in Lincoln County CARRIZOZO QUE CONTITUYE EL de diclembre de 1980.because such reaolutions were in· except the City of Carrizozo and or all CON~EJO GOBERNANTE DE Seccton 1. El impuesto con·completeat the timeoftheir adoptlon. municipalities in Socorro County DICHO PISTRITO EN EL CONDADO templado pl)r Is pregunta de 1m·ItiatheintentionoftheBoardthat this except the City of Socorro) prior to PE LINCOLN Y SOCORRO Y puestOi de mejoramient06, capltalesresolution, together with the two 5:00 pm on December 23,1960. ESTADO DE NUEVO MEXICO. sera en adicioh al lmpuesto con·accompanying resolutions relating to Section 7. The tax contemplated templaOO por la pregunta de b<>nos yluch election and also being con· by the capital improvements tax Seccion 1, En el tercer din de por cuI1Qq[er impueato que 6W im-l!lldered at thlJ meeting of December questionahall be in addition to the tax febrero de 111I81 tenclra lugar en 01 puesto para pagar Borvicios de16. 1G6O, Ihall clarily and supersede contemplated by the bona question Distrlto Escolar Municipal No.7 de duedu en eualquler. bono 0 pl)rIUCh three resolutions o( November and to any tax imposed to pay debt Carrizozo, Condados de Lincoln y CUi1quier otro prop061tO. Dicho im­18, 19oo. " service on any bonds or for any other Socorro. Nuevo Mexico. una elecclon puesto do emjoramlent06 capilales

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT purp<lIe. Such capital improvements regular para el proposito del eleglr seraautorizado sejun el Act a deRESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF tax llball be authori%ed pUJ'8unnt to 008 (2) miembros para wrminos de Mejoramientol Capitalea de EscuelasEDU.CATlpN QF CARRIZOZO the Public School CapItal 1m- sels (6) IDOl. PubUcas, es declr, ICcciones 22"25-1MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT provemmtl Act, I.e., Sections 22-25-1 ~cion 2. Declaracioncs de balta 22-25-10 NMSA 1978 Csic:ndoNO.7. CONSTJTUT1NG THE thrOugh ~25-10 NMSA tinS (being cal1dldatura tlenen que ser en- capitulo 5, Uytl de NuevQ Mexico.GOVERNING :BOARD OF SAID Chapter S, Law. of New Mexico. 1915, tragadal I la oficina del Superin- 1$76, '5ec1oQ Especial, Como cs en·DISTRICT, IN THE COUNTIES OF Special session, all amended and terldlentede EacuelQ8, 800 O. Avenue, men,dada y Suplementada).LINCOLN AND SOCORRO AND supplemented). Carrizozo. Nuevo Mexico. a mas SeedoD8. Votaclondeausentes seSTATE OF NEW MEXICO: sectionS. Ab6entee voting will be tardar a las S:()() p.m. el 30 de permltira en la manera autorizado

Section 1. On the 3rd day of permitted in the manner authorized dlclembre de 1ll8O. por SeccloneJ 22-6-21 basta 22-6-34,February. 1981, there will be held ln by Sections 22-6-21 through 22-6-34. SeedOD 3. TOOos los precintos del NMSA, 1G18. Aplicaclones paraCarrizoZo Municipal School Dlstrlct NMSA 1m. Appllcationll for ab- Dislrito seran conlOUdados para esta boletol de aus.ent.ta puethen ser oboNo.7. Lincoln and Socorro Counties. Rttt.ee ballolJ may be obtained lrom e1ecdon. El Dlltrito entero con· tet1didol en 11 oficlna del Superfn·New Mexico, a regular election for the oCfiee of the SUperintendent or sUtulra un solo precinto consolidado 'I tet1dic:nte de Escuela& en la Oficinathe purpose of eleetfJ1g t.wo (2) School. at the Office of the (05 votantes ca1ifa~dos Ceceptuando del Supetintendiente, 800 D. AvStue.members for termi of six (6) years. SUperintendent, BOO D. Avenue. in e:sos VOlanda en ausencla como esta en Carrizozo, Nuevo Mexico; pero a

Section 2. Declarations of can- Carrizozo, New Mexico; but at proveiOO lqUi dentro) votaran en In los 5:00 p.m. del viernes. 30 de enerodldacy must be delivered to the Otliee 5:00 pm on Friday. January 30, 1981. Cau de A~tamtento del CMdado &! 1961, e1 SuperlnU!ndfente estaof the Superintendent of Schools, 800 the SUperintendent is required by de Lincoln ttl Carritoro, Nuevo requirido pot eslatua a destruirD. Avenue. CarriIOro. New Mexico. statute to destroy unused absentee Mexico, liendo el mismo paraje do boletosde ausentes no usados, asi queno later than 5:00 p.m. on December ballots. so completed applications Yotaclon 4ue ~ establecio para la ' apUcaclonet compJaas deben ser30, 1900. , mllSt be returned to the Snperin- elecdon regular de los ofieiales del regresadas at SuperlnU!tldiStte antes

Section 3. All precincts in the tendent prior to such time. The a~ Distrito que tendra lungar el mlsmo de dicho UernJlO. E1 paraje deDistrict shall be consolidated Cot this se:1tee voters polling place shall be dia, Los juectS de 18 ~eedon seran votaclon de101YotanU!s ausmtes serae1l!oClion. 'Ibe entire District shall located at Ute Office of the Superin- Joan Means (Juet Gobernante), enlaOflcinadel&werirttendiente,800constitute a single consolidated tendent. 800 D. Avenue, in Carrizozo, cecilia Orfu; Y Ruth Wilson, y los D. Avenue en carrttozo. Nuevoprecinct. afief aU qualified electors New Mexico. The iudges and clerks Escriban08 de 1a El~Oi1 seran Mexico. Losjueces y escrlbartos para(except ~ voting absentee as (or absent voters as appointed by the Zillah Wateoo y Rachel West; tOOos IQIi \"OW11tS .usen~ comD se hanherein provided) sbal1 vote at the SUperintendent of Schools of the siendo 181 misnlOs personas que apuntaoo por e1 Superlntenwente deLincoln County ~u~thouse, in District, shall be: condllCiran la elect:iol1 regutar dcl Escuelas de1.Distrito, setan:carri1ow: New M~ico~ being the Presiding Judge: Consejo ~lar qtle lendra lugar el G~t........ roan ....ean·ssamepollfugplaeeestablishedforthe Joan Means mismo dia, Juet UUt:UJante. ,,!U

~ular d~tion or District officers Judges: • seedon 4. los parajes de totacion Jueces: Cecilia Ortizbeing held on the same day. The Cecilia Ortiz para dicba e1eccion estaran abiertos • RuthWilsonJUdg~1 or Eteclfon shall be Joan Ruth \Sftlson Sttire las horalJ de 8:00 a.m. '17:00 Escribanos: ZillahWatsclnMeans (Presiding JUdge), Cecilia Clerks: p.m. e1 dia de til e1eccion. Rachel WestOrtiZandRuth Witaon, and theClerks Zillah Watson setclon 5. En dicha decdon, laof Election shAll be 2illl1h Watson Rachel West sigl,lieiite pfegtmta sera someUda aand ltachel West; au being the same los v6lantes Wificados, registradospe~ \lr'bo will <onduct the regular PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th del Distrito:scbooIboirdel~tiontobeheldonthe day of December, 1980. Pltf;GUNTA Df; BONOS DEsame day~ (8) StirlingT. Spatcet, President OBLIGAClON GENERAL'

section 4. 1'be polls for said (SEAL)electkilt Will be open between the Attest:how ot 8:00 am ltiid '1:00 pm on the Gale C. Stackpole, &!ttetaryday of the e1eeW)il. Published in the Lincoln County

section 5. 'At such e1ettiM. the News one time only, 1>ecembet 18.folloWing question shall be' submitted 1900.to such qwillfiedj registered electorsor the District:

Prices Are "

Best In Town

To be publilbed two tImes only InThe Lincoln County News Thursday,DeceJIlber n. 19oo and Thursday.J)ecember 18, 118).

For Classifieds

Call • 648';'2333

Public Notice

New Hor,izons has Poinsettias forsale. Prices are $2.50 for a 4" pot.$5.75 for a 5" pot. and $6.25 for a 6"pot. Order by CaJling 648·2379.Quintities are limited. In addition toRed, White Poinsettias are availablein the 6" pot only. Plants will bedelivered as.soo~ as possible.-----......--

A public hearing shall be held at10:00 am. on January 6, 1981, by theLincoln Counly Board of Com­mluionera. at the Lincoln CountyCourthouae. ClUTizozo. New Mexico.to colll1der the application of TinnieMercantile Company, c/o Harold J.Wondera. P.O. Box 1657. Roswell. NM8lWll, to ttansfe:r the ownership ofLiquor Licente No. 1170 fromBerrenco. Inc. (Old Tinnie MercantileCo.) P.O. Box 333, Tinnie, NM toTinnie MercantUe Company, P.O.!lox 333. Uncoln, NM.

FOR SALE: One ROHMGMBH SONTHElM.22 calibersingle action target plJtol. ExtraCylinder. LeA than one-year~ld.

$5O.oocuh. Cl1lM8-~. 1t·p



Deposit Forfeited or' Extra In·ventory. Resold Direct byManufacturer. 40'xlOO'xIS'6" ListSI8,514. Bal. $9357. Big ArchBldgs. 20·22 gao A few smallerbldgs. "same deal. 20LL-20WL orbetter. Cheap frt. + tax. CallLaod Rep.. Don 1·800-525·S075.Mon.• Fri. Erection Avail. Itp,

Thank You Card-We wish to thank all of our

many friends for your thought.fuUnesl during my recent Dlnell.

MERRY CHRISTMASHazel &Fred Englllh

FOR SALE: KelvinatorRefrigerator. works great. $50.00··A.M.F. Roadmaster 3-speedbicycle - New $75.00. -"IronHorse" Locomotive transistorradio· New $35.00. F. Thorpe 648­2189. It-p

..Firewood for Sale: Cedar and

Pinon. Call 648-2574. tin

.' -l.< ",;:','. • ':. /:' t:''', " ~ "- .. '.

.....-P-R...)i;....~ClI"r"'..J.tI....S~*MA~'iiooi.. ~"""s...A"""~:Ei!oii",.....~i'l,ii,;L·;park.APal1m~W.fumished·lLast 'l'bneTIJ"'Veat",.·:ge·dioom•utilities &: <;able'paid, ·6411-

- Store Wide DlIi«:OUTlts _ . ~74. 'Sat. &Sun~l)~e,=1l&21

COJO'S GIFTSMain St., Capitan

special muter h~ln. hn expired."The amoWlt of the Judgment NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS

entered in favor of Nationwide RESOLVED that an elecUon for saidFinancial Corporation of New Mexico purpoIe be ea1Ied to elect two (2)

agalDlt the Ddendanls, John P. members to the Corona Board 01McConnell and Connie Lee Me- Education. Municipal School DistrictConnell. La $31,538.B9 plus interest on No. 13. Lincoln County. New Mexicothat IUJn from september 8, 1980. at in said District on the 3rd day ofthe rate of 12 pe:reent per annum. Febrwlry, 15161 lor the followingattorney's fees in the amount of positioos:$1.664.00, COlts of this action In the Polltion 1•Term 6yearsamomt of Si1.7l. and the fee of the Po!ition 2· Term 6yearsspecial master herein. Declaration of candidacy must be

The amounts 01 the above filed in the office of the Iluperin·tudgmentlJ do DOt include final court tendent of sclloois no later than 5:00COIta, addltiooal advancements and p.m. Tuesday. December 30, 1980.the expences of the special master's RegiJtration books shall be closed bysale. This sale is made subject to the the County Clerk at 5:00 p.m.possible rights of redemption of JOM Tuesday, December 23. 1980.P. McConnell. Connie Lee McConnen, The school district shall beDennis O. Jeter and Mary H. Jeter. composed of ooe voting place, the

The proceeds of said sale will be Corona Village Hall. The boundariesapplied as follows: for voUng' in the Municipal School

1. The costs of said foreclosure District No. 13 are as follows: In­sale including the fee of the special eluding the original School Districtmaster appointed herein; No. 13 and an consolidated distril:ts.

2. The Judgment of Chaves Section 77-5-21 N.M.S.A. PublicCounty Savings Ir Loan Association School Code of New Mexico providesincluding aD principal. interest, at· for absentee voting for any qualifiedtomey's fees. costs of suit, ad- elector of the scl1oo1 district forvancements and costs of sale: regular school district election as

3. The judgment of Nationwide defined in section 77-5-22 N.M.S.A.Financial Corporation of New Mexico through 34. Intormatkln atld abBalteeall prinCipal. interest, attorney's fees. ballots may be obtained iIi the office

.costs of suit, advancements and costs of the auperintendent of schools inof sale; Corona, New Mexico. ThiS oUice will

4. The balance, if any. to the be eloeed Dec. 22, 1900 through Jan. 2.Defendants, Dennis O. Jeter and 1981.Mary H. Jeter. Sincerely,

The ..ue Will be made to the NevaBrllWl1,highest bidder for c:ash and the time SUperintendentfor said sale may be postponed in the " Published in the LinColn Countyevent that the ~ial master, in his News ODe time only, Dec!ember 18.judgment, deems it advisable, in 1900.whien case the sale will take pla~ assoon thereafter as is reasona.blypossible.

TV REPAIR: John's TVService at Nogal· Phone 354-2777.


~ l!

Lion's Club

HELP WANTED"Retired, Semi-Retired? Com·

plete residentiai dwelling inspectionsand other related inspections forinsurance, companies only forCarrizozo, Oscuro, Nogal, Capitanand surrounding areas. No ex­perience necessary. Work on in­dependent conlractor basis. Musthave reliable car and 35mm or 126camera. Write to P.O. Box 13027.Albuquerque, New Mexico 87192."3pt-IH.


SAT.. DEC. 20th9:00a.m.·???CARRIZOZO


FOR SALE: Land, 3.15 acres,close in, south of city limits. Waterand power available. $3.500. Ph. 1·8H3·7591or 1-898·7362. tfn


Three. Bedroom one bath home$23,000. Ass~mable mortgage of$15.000 at 91fl Percent. Bedrooms andliving room carPeted. !-g. kitchen,seplU'ate dining room and utlilityroom. Central heat and air thru most.Call 6411-2823 weekdays between 8a.m. and 5p.m. Ask for Mike. tfn

l"OR SALE: Used. good conditionfireplace insert. Minimum clenrance,lans. triple insulated stack, roofmount and cap. Ca1l64I1-25l3. tin


Platntiff. No. CV 129-S0






lJE~NIS 0 JETER. et al..Defendants.

NOTICE OF SALEl"otlce is hereb)' given that the

undernlWted &pedal master will. onthe 16th da)' of January. 1931. at thehour of 10:00 a.m. at the front en·trance of the Uncoln County Cour­thouse. Carrizozo. New Mexico. selland convey all of the right. tiUe andinterest of the parties. John P. Me·Connell. Connie Lee McConnell,Denms O. Jeter, Mary H. Jeter andDoug Bass. m and to the parcel of realproperty ~llich is the subject of theabove-entitled and numbered causeand which is situated in LincolnCounty. New Mexico. and moreparticularly described as follows, towit:

Lots 5. 6 and 7. alack 2, of LornaGrande Acres Unit 2. Lincoln Cotmty.New Mexico. as shown by the platthereof filed in the office of the CountyClerk and exo{)f(jcio recorder ofLincoln County, June 7. 1972, in tubenumber 446, together with all im­provements thereon.

said sale will remade pursuant tothe "Judgment" entered in the above­entitled and numbered cause of the4th day of December. 1960, the natureof which'netion was for,the collectionof promiAsory notes and theforeclosure bf mortgages whichconstitute liens upon the above­described parcel orreal property. Theamount or the judgment entered infavor of Chaves Q,ltt1ty Bavings &:Loan AsSociation and against theDefendants. DenllisO. Jetel', Mary H.Jeter, John P. McCoiltle11 arid ConnieLee McConnell; is $38.138.80plU8interest at thllifale of ~.~pe~pt petannum {f9.2'9 pet da.y} from August19.1980. a~rneY;s tees m' Wel1rnOtil1fof $1,561.50, C06fS,ot th.• action in' thetiilOll1t of $lllf.57.a~ the (e6; tit the



• 0[0- NE1iV MEXICO.PlatntJff.

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