Congregation Anshai Torah Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020 Volume 40 / Issue 4 Kol Emet REPORT OF THE 2019-20 ANSHAI TORAH NOMINATING COMMITTEE As chair of the 2019-20 Congregation Anshai Torah Nominating Committee, it is my pleasure to announce our nominations for officers and directors for the 2020-2021 fiscal year to be presented to the membership meeting on Tuesday, May 19, 2020: Executive Committee: President: Dan Cohn Executive Vice-President: Haim Vasquez Vice-President: Jay Post Vice President: Jennifer Hersh Treasurer: Warren Harmel Financial Secretary: Andrew Silver Corresponding Secretary: Howard Abraham Recording Secretary: Lisa Gerstenfeld Immediate Past President: Barrett Stern Directors nominated for an initial two-year term from July 2020-June 2022: Ido Doron Darrin Goldin Karen Hazen Cohen Stephanie Kufert Denise Pollis Brad Welcher Director nominated for a second two-year term from July 2020-June 2022: Avi Edwards Debbie Rajunov Director nominated to complete the first term of David Ginchansky, ending June 2021: Marissa Shrell Kaufman Directors remaining on the Board to complete their terms ending in June 2021: Shawn Frank Jonathan Goodman Julia Kaufman Paige Rothstein Ricardo Szperling Corey Todres Kim Velevis Special thanks to Shawn Frank, Darrin Goldin, Julia Kaufman, Joseph Kufert, Paige Rothstein and Nelson Weil for their hard work, patience, and the thoughtful way they went about vetting nominees and determin- ing the proposed slate of nominees for the Anshai Torah Board of Directors for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Marcy Kramer Kahn Immediate Past-President and Nominating Committee Chair March 16, 2020

Iyyar 5780 / April 2020 Volume 40 / Issue 4 Kol Emet · 2020-03-26 · Congregation Anshai Torah Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020 Volume 40 / Issue 4 Kol Emet REPORT OF THE 2019-20

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Page 1: Iyyar 5780 / April 2020 Volume 40 / Issue 4 Kol Emet · 2020-03-26 · Congregation Anshai Torah Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020 Volume 40 / Issue 4 Kol Emet REPORT OF THE 2019-20

Congregation Anshai Torah

Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020 Volume 40 / Issue 4

Kol Emet

REPORT OF THE 2019-20 ANSHAI TORAH NOMINATING COMMITTEE As chair of the 2019-20 Congregation Anshai Torah Nominating Committee, it is my pleasure to announce our nominations for officers and directors for the 2020-2021 fiscal year to be presented to the membership meeting on Tuesday, May 19, 2020:

Executive Committee: President: Dan Cohn Executive Vice-President: Haim Vasquez Vice-President: Jay Post Vice President: Jennifer Hersh Treasurer: Warren Harmel Financial Secretary: Andrew Silver Corresponding Secretary: Howard Abraham Recording Secretary: Lisa Gerstenfeld Immediate Past President: Barrett Stern

Directors nominated for an initial two-year term from July 2020-June 2022: Ido Doron Darrin Goldin Karen Hazen Cohen Stephanie Kufert Denise Pollis Brad Welcher

Director nominated for a second two-year term from July 2020-June 2022: Avi Edwards Debbie Rajunov

Director nominated to complete the first term of David Ginchansky, ending June 2021: Marissa Shrell Kaufman

Directors remaining on the Board to complete their terms ending in June 2021: Shawn Frank Jonathan Goodman Julia Kaufman Paige Rothstein Ricardo Szperling Corey Todres Kim Velevis Special thanks to Shawn Frank, Darrin Goldin, Julia Kaufman, Joseph Kufert, Paige Rothstein and Nelson Weil for their hard work, patience, and the thoughtful way they went about vetting nominees and determin-ing the proposed slate of nominees for the Anshai Torah Board of Directors for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Marcy Kramer Kahn Immediate Past-President and Nominating Committee Chair March 16, 2020

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Kol Emet

President’s Perspective . . .

either cancel or postpone. The Mitzvah kids will have their time very soon, and the programming will all continue as soon as possible. I am hopeful we can learn valuable les-sons from this pandemic and use them to our advantage going forward. I do want to point out that prior to the social distancing due to the Coronavirus, we had an amazing Kashrut Event fea-turing Susie Fishbein and a spectacular adult only Purim Party at Pete’s Dueling Piano Bar. The Shalach Manot basket fundraiser was also a success. I truly miss and value our regular daily routine. Our chil-dren need their education and we all need our spiritual safe havens. I am hopeful that we will be able to celebrate Passover together and our children will be allowed to return to school very soon. During this time of self-distancing and self-isolation, please stay safe, and I hope to see each and every one of you very soon.

Shalom, Barrett CAT President

This is a difficult article for me to draft. In less than a week we went from going to work and beginning spring break to social distancing. Yes, unfortunately we have closed our doors to programs, events, meetings, Min-yans, and even Shabbat services. With the assistance of Dr. Jeffrey Kahn, the executive committee, Rabbis, and Harvey, we had to make some difficult decisions to protect our members’ health and safety. The Corona-virus has changed our way of living, but we must move forward as individuals, families, and community. We began immediately to explore the opportunity for conference calling and video conferencing for different aspects of our shul, including committee and board meetings. By the time you read this article, I hope that we will be able to have Minyan and hopefully Services via video conferencing as well. I am saddened that the Bar & Bat Mitzvah families could not have their special Shabbat on the date that they were scheduled during this timeframe. It is upsetting that we have great up-coming programs (Jack Molad Event, Bishop Burns Dinner, and the Passover Events) that we needed to

Congregation Anshai Torah is hoping to spread the LOVE through its first annual LOVE Anshai Tennis Tournament, on Monday, May 4 at Fretz Tennis Center, with check-in at 9am and play from 9:30am—12:30pm. Men and women of all ages from throughout the greater community are invited to hit the courts to benefit the congregation’s programming. “We are so excited to bring our community to the courts for a morning of fun competition, good spirit and fundraising for Anshai Torah,” said Ricardo Szperling, who is co-chairing the event with Michelle Silver and a committee that includes Adrienne Bransky, Marlo Kane, Debbie Katz, Barry Melman, Melanie Murphy, Andy and Nancy Rabhan, Kim Velevis and Marni Wise-Itscovitch. “We’re happy to host this opportunity to take out the racquets to help our synagogue bring exciting educational, informative and social programs." The tournament will be played on 12 courts with a maximum of 62 players participating in a Round Robin for-mat. Men’s and women’s teams, connected by player level at the event by organizers, will be reassigned after each match and the winner of the most games will take away final honors. Snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the morning and all participants will receive entrée gifts. For more information, to register as a participant ($36/player) or as a sponsor, visit tinyurl.com/CAT-LOVE-TENNIS-TOURNEY

Anshai Torah LOVEs Community – 1st Annual Tennis Tourney, May 4 by Deb Silverthorn

If you have recently had a new addition to your family, recently become engaged, married or had a major milestone birthday or anniversary, please let us know! We would love to share good news with our Anshai Torah family.

Send details/pictures to [email protected].

Anshai Torah Families

Please watch your email in event of change of date.

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Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020

PASSOVER 2020 Mikhirat Hametz—Sale of Hametz

The sale of Hametz in advance of Passover must be completed by the morning of Friday, April 3. No Jewish per-son is to have in his/her possession any form of Hametz during the course of the festival of Passover. It is advisa-ble to “sell” the Hametz in every person’s possession by meeting with the Rabbi. For those who are unable to at-tend to this matter in person, the following form is provided to facilitate the disposal of one’s Hametz. As the form (“shtar”) indicates, the person who completes the form authorizes Rabbi Weinberg to transfer ownership of his/her Hametz.


I/We _____________________________________, do hereby authorize Rabbi Stefan J. Weinberg at Congrega-tion Anshai Torah, 5501 West Parker Road, Plano, TX 75093, to sell, transfer and assign all Hametz of whatever kind and nature in my/our possession or in which I/we may have an interest whatsoever, situated in my/our resi-dence at: __________________________________________________ or in my/our place of business, or in any other place, without reservation and limitation. In witness whereof I/we have hereunto set my hand and seal this the date of ________________, 2020.

___________________________________________ Signature A donation to MAOT HITTIM is customary but not mandatory. This is a special fund which is created prior to Pe-sach to help care for the needy in our community. Your support is very much appreciated. Please make checks payable to Congregation Anshai Torah. Hag Kasher v’Sameah

The Hesed committee:

provides meals to those needing a helping hand,

delivers care packages to bring a little sunshine and nourishment to your day.

fulfills the mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim (visiting those who are ill at home, in hospitals and those recovering in Physical rehabilitation centers)

writes notes to recognize milestones, and acknowledges losses.

makes phone calls to check on your progress.

welcomes new babies and grandbabies with an Anshai baby bib. During this challenging time please call on me should you need help or know of anyone in our extended Anshai Torah family who could benefit from our support. We have volunteers ready to drop a meal off at your home. I can be reached on my cell 214-783-4000, by email [email protected] or you may contact Kay at the shul [email protected] Elaine Levitt Hesed Committee Chair

Hesed. . .dependable loving kindness, nurturing our Anshai Torah family

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Kol Emet

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Sheryl Billman Sharon Ginchansky Marcy Parker

Shawn Frank Del Matsil Ann Rubin

Jackie Fleschman Elaine Levitt Roberta Poznick

Our lives have become more isolated despite the fact we are more ‘connected’ than ever. Handwritten notes and cards are things of the past. Birthday cards have been replaced by electronic greetings and social media posts. Every single month, these dedicated members of the Sunshine Committee write and send birthday cards to every member. Their words are from their hearts. These members spread joy and sunshine to so many. Please allow me to introduce these extraordinary members:

The dedication these members have for Anshai Torah is unparalleled, and they make Anshai Torah and the lives of everyone around them better. This is a love letter to the Sunshine Girls – a thank you from our hearts. The world is a better place because of each and every one of them. The impact the Sunshine Committee has had on our Anshai Family has been immense. The birthday card may be the only birthday greeting they receive. Our committee will continue to bring joy and sunshine to all of you. It’s truly a privilege to serve on this committee with you and to be able to write this article about you. We sincerely thank each and every one of you for your dedication to all of us at Anshai and for performing this mitzvah month after month. I love you all so much. Anshai Family, we hope you all enjoy receiving a birthday card. It’s labor of love – it’s such a joy to celebrate each and every one of you on your special day. I serve on the Sunshine Committee, because sending cards and letters is something I’ve been doing ever since I can remember. Every birthday postcard I write to one of my Anshai family reminds me of my Granny – it warms my heart and I hope the cards you receive make you feel loved and special. The graduating class of Anshai’s Preschool will be designing a new card for us every year. We can’t wait to see what these delightful and creative children will come up with. Thank you, Rachel Blum, for making this possible. I hope you all feel inspired to spread a little sunshine. And, if anyone is interested in joining the Sunshine Committee, please contact me, Cynthia Brooks at [email protected] or 972.213.5800.

Sunshine Committee. . .

The Wolfstein Kosher Deli has served a free lunch during the school year to Jewish High School Juniors and Seniors since 2001. Spread the word to your Jewish friends—it is open to all Jewish juniors & seniors! Contact Harvey Swento at [email protected] to become a sponsor of our monthly student lunch!!

Sponsors: Amy & David Balis, Sandy & Phil Balis, Melissa & Stephen Bernstein, Hazak Alisa & Jason Makler, Nicole & Michael Roy, Diane Yaris

NOTE: Because of COVID-19, you will be no-tified when High School Lunch will resume.

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Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020

Shemini Sedra—Michelle & Mark Meiches in honor of their Anniversary

Pasuk—Sandy & Jeff Sachs in honor of Dot & Basil Haymann 3/31/2019


Sedra—The Balis Family in honor of Sarah's Bat Mitzvah -- 4/9/11

Men's Club Salutes Our Youth Scholarship Recipients

In 2019 Men's Club received a record number of scholarship applications, and awarded $13,500 to 18 Anshai Torah kids, including: Eli Berk, Joseph, Laura & Ashley Domenico, Sarah & Samuel Feldman, Gabriela & Debra Fletcher, Zoe Ginchansky, Jonah Goldin, Maya & Ari Herschberg, Kyle Itscovitch, Tess Kraus, Jillian Popp, Micah Rappaport, and Izabella Wolfe. Our scholarship winners received grants from $200 to $1,500 to help attend March of the Living and Camp Ramah, along with other Jewish camps all over the coun-try. We thank the members of Men's Club, Sisterhood and Hazak who make this program possible through their service on the Scholarship Committee.

This year's scholarships were funded by the Anshai Torah Men's Club Scholarship Fund, generous donations from Sister-hood and the Leida Uretsky Chapter of Hazak, and con-tributions from the Rabbi's Discretionary Funds of Rabbis Weinberg & Kushnick. Scholarship applications for Dec. 2020 and 2021 activities will be accepted throughout Oc-tober 2020. For questions or details, con-tact Scholarship Chair Jacob Ratner. You can support the Men's Club Scholarship Fund any time through direct donations or by participating in the upcoming 2020 Weinberg Family Charity Golf Tourna-ment.

Sunday, April 19, 11 am - Please join us at The Village of Prestonwood social hall - 2601 Marsh Lane, Plano 75093, for a special entertaining and outstanding adult comedy magic show. You will be amazed and amused with fun and fantasy in the mystery, merriment, illu-sion, and prestidigitation of magic by the award-winning Russell Turner.

There will be a brunch, expertly prepared by our cuisine group and YES there will be prizes awarded. Cost is $8 per person and please RSVP via ShulCloud (and if necessary to Hal Babitch jhtpbab@ gmail.com )

Leida Uretsky Chapter of Hazak. . .

Illustrated Torah — April

Kiddush Sponsors / Donors

April 4— Donors Sandy Frysh in honor of Howard’s Birthday April 11— Donors Ora Bernstein in honor of Evan’s Birthday Esther Nathan in honor of Fred’s Birthday Gilda Zucker in honor of her Birthday

April 18— Donors David, Abigail, Alexis, Samantha Goldberg in honor of Kari’s Birthday Mitch, Zac, Sara, Daniel & Clara Moskowitz in honor of Cindy’s Birthday April 25— Donors Donors Sarah, Eytan & Gila Vasquez in honor of Haim’s Birthday

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Kol Emet

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Birthdays . . . April

Anniversaries . . . April

1 Ilana Lemack

Micah Karlin

2 Haley Chestler

Jerald Goldstein

Evan Pearlman

Flora Herbert

3 Maren Landgarten

Lindsey Cherner

Bruce Ackerman

Blake Acks

Janis Sayewitz

Joe Unell

4 David Grandfield

5 Caryn Kboudi

Alexandra Schnitzer

Matthew Sebert

David Gershenson

6 Dylan Epstein

Jeffrey Dworkin

Eli Morse

Howard Frysh

Dean Fuller

Don Knubowitz

7 Avery Sutker

Bryce Shores

Janey Daniels

8 Jennifer Abrahams

Sadie Sevak

Carly Mondry

Isaac Lemeshev

Britt Baumel

Michael Stahl

Carly Fein

Debra Dekelbaum

9 Amanda Domenico

Diane Yaris

9 Jennifer Siegel

Jonathan Schildkraut

10 Andrew Friedman

Gary Croll

Jacob Karlin

Brett Levy

11 Fred Nathan

Michelle Morse

Eric Steitz

12 Shana Staub

Bret Miller

Diane Hovav

Elan Reister

Jason Kirshenbaum

Tammy Futterman

Sidney Dressman

13 Vivian Zetune

Rachel Bellan

Randall Iola

Daniel Levitt

Larry Bergman

Michelle Silver

Jonah Makler

14 Abbe Lemack

Mark Feldman

Gilda Zucker

Jodi Norton

Ella Alkalay

Blake Halpern

15 Nadya Laynor

Alex Dekelbaum

16 Sophie Rabinowitz

Hudson Markowitz

Zane Zientz

Manson Ho

Ethan Fine

16 Karla Jacoby

Evan Bernstein

James Kurtzman

Solomon Bierman

Steven Brenner

17 Hailey Goldminz

Debra Rabinowitz

Sydney Chestler

Alex Kamen

Seymour Thum

Stanley Rothstein

Jack Entes

Ashley Grossfeld

Kari Goldberg

18 Adam Asraf

Levi Hersh

Joel Cohen

Owen Austein

Rachel Goldin

Andrew Rabhan

19 Cindy Moskowitz

Janet Dolginoff

Gabriel McCrary

Lawrence Mondry

Aaron Kaufman

Lucy Cohen

20 Natalie Mellman

Rafael Aronovich

Zachary Zuckerman

Jason Woodruff

Tamara Norton

James Loomstein

21 Andrew Murphy

Robert Edwards

22 Dan Adhamy

Joe Kboudi

22 Charles Norton

Rachel Mesa

Lyle Ethan Pailet

23 Lindsay Cobert

Shawn Zuckerman

Michael Cohen

Allana Luterman

24 Bradley Harmon

Av Goodman

Lawrence Levine

25 Aaron Epstein

Jacob Satz

Haim Vasquez

Jordan Velevis

Sammy Weitz

Jonathan Grossfeld

Jeffrey Cyk

Scott Berk

Darrell Steinberg

26 Steve Zetley

Sam Robinson

27 Jaime Hazan-Cohen

28 Zachary Evans

Claire Cohen

Abby Grandfield

Juliana Shindler

Michael Pincus

29 Dylan Goldminz

Itamar David

Scott Pincus

30 Haley Davidoff

Chip Muchin

Shira Hovav

Carly Levitt

Ashley Davidoff

Lynne Klugo

1 Susan & Steve Zetley

2 Alla & Louis Bardov

3 Sheryl & Michael Weisberg

5 Cherry & Harvey Swento

9 Gail & Michael Milnher

12 Lori & Mickey Goldberg

13 Lisa & Ira Kravitz

25 Sylvia & Glen Rabin

28 Janice & Arthur Weinberg

Stephanie & Scott Sulzer

30 Danielle & Joshua Zietz

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Donations . . .

Kol Emet

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Adult Education In memory of Bill Schultz Shani & Jeff Romick & Family Building Fund In memory of Sylvia Gendel In memory of Frank Weitz In memory of Max Kramer Cheryl & Lane Weitz In memory of David Rosenfeld Janis Barbash CATS in College In memory of Sheldon Brown Elayne Brown Mazal Tov to Adina Weinberg on her engagement to Mitchell Debbie & Dan Cohn The Balis Family Congratulations to Sarah Balis on her college graduation & “defending her thesis” Carol Newman & Bob Ciago General Operating In memory of Merv Ginsburg Jacob Karno, Wally Lebrun, & Judy Mackles In memory of Eric John Hepker Jennifer & Errol Hepker In memory of Sadie Peskind Leslie & Steven Peskind In memory of Ernst Katz In memory of Victor Katz Gary Katz Donations by Sung Powley (2) In memory of Ted Gruen Helen Gruen In honor of Sheila & Hal Babitch’s wedding Carolyn & Richard Schwartz In honor of Janis & Bruce Barbash’s anniversary Eve & Alan Rosenfield In memory of Bill Schultz Wanda Borodziewicz Nicole & Michael Roy Cherry & Harvey Swento In honor of Cherry & Harvey Swento's new granddaughter Marcy & Jeffrey Kahn Hazak In memory of Shiela Mandell In memory of Leo Mandell Larry Mandell To wish a speedy recover to Gail Berman Gerry Romanik

Hesed In memory of Alec Becker Jeanette & Michael Pincus In memory of Sophie Malta Del & Bob Matsil In memory of Ruth Peskind Leslie & Steven Peskind In memory of Bill Schultz Debbie Butvin Bonnie & Harold Rubinstein High School Lunch In memory of Rose Weisberger Sheryl Billman Kitchen In memory of Aunt Frances Weill Jackie & Sheldon Fleschman Kol Rina In memory of Herman Eisenkraft Andi Rosenfield In memory of Sanford Wine Gail & Harvey Wine In memory of Merv Ginsburg Amy Popp Preschool In memory of Esther Traub Brenda & Godfrey Traub Rabbi’s Discretionary- Weinberg In memory of Abe Gerber Randi Gerber-Katz In honor of the Hazak Shabbat Susan Moger In honor of Adina Weinberg’s engagement to Mitchell Stein Barbara Schwarz In memory of Louis Lieberman In memory of Goody Lieberman Linda & Stuart Lieberman In memory of Merv Ginsburg Gail & Ron Donoff In memory of Bill Schultz Lisa & Eric Olschwanger Gerry Romanik Gail & Mike Milner & Family Debbie & Bruce Katz Religious School In memory of Rose Ross In memory of Gail Ross Diane & Allen Kufert

. . . Cont’d on Page 10

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Remembering our loves ones . . . April Yahrzeit

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Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020

7 Nisan April 1 Meyer Martin, father of Ilene Bierman 8 Nisan April 2 Carolyn Lipshy Galersten, mother of Lauren Busch 9 Nisan April 3 Robert Behringer, husband of Janet Behringer father of Brad Behringer father of Jaime Cohen Louis Rubinstein, father of Harold Rubinstein grandfather of Neil Rubinstein 11 Nisan April 5 Ruth Gibbs, mother of Lisa Rosemore 12 Nisan April 6 Beedie Shapiro, grandmother of Staci Rubin 13 Nisan April 7 Evelyn Bender, mother of Morris Hasson Clyde Goldsmith, father of Ilene Sporkin grandfather of Erin Sporkin 14 Nisan April 8 Lorraine Shrell, mother of Robert Shrell Karen Kenter, sister of Ben Kenter 15 Nisan April 9 Eva King, mother of Sonia Goodman mother of Bonnie Piotrikowsky Rose Cohen, grandmother of Andy Cohen 16 Nisan April 10 Robert Chodroff , father of Amy Fink Bernard Weinberg, father of Howard Weinberg 17 Nisan April 11 Charles Berman, uncle of David Berman Joe Smookler, uncle of David Berman 18 Nisan April 12 Paul Rath, grandfather of Gary Katz Barry Litt, father of Rebecca Bishop 19 Nisan April 13 A. Leon Goldman, father of Vivian Schaar Freda Skok, aunt of Warren Harmel Berta Rochwerger, mother of Katty Rosenstock Dorothy Frysh, mother of Howard Frysh

20 Nisan April 14 Enrique Rosenstock, father of Julio Rosenstock Louis Bodzin, father-in-law of Sandi Bodzin 21 Nisan April 15 Hannah Goodheart, mother of Linda Lieberman Eva Miriam Marcus, mother of Sharon Weinberg Fred Socolof, uncle of Joshua Socolof 23 Nisan April 17 Alan Sorin, father of Abbe Lemack Norman Goldman, husband of Glenda Goldman Robert Tigner, father of Carolyn Wilkov Carl Chestler, father of David Chestler Israel Berman, father of Eric Berman 24 Nisan April 18 Harry Kimmelman, father of Gail Wine 25 Nisan April 19 Evelyn Rich, grandmother of Wendy Korenman Claude Soussi, brother of Robert Soussi Stanley Frank, father of Richard Frank 26 Nisan April 20 Hymie Berman, father of David Berman Marvin Fuller, father of Dean Fuller 27 Nisan April 21 Mildred Balis, mother of Philip Balis Lynn Romick, mother of Mark Romick mother of Jeffrey Romick Fraya Feferman, sister of Ellise Harlow Barney Marcus, father of Sharon Weinberg 28 Nisan April 22 Evelyn Kunofsky, sister of Stanley Rothstein Shan Schaar, mother of Richard Schaar Renee Knubowitz, mother of Don Knubowitz mother of Joel Knubowitz grandmother of Shana Staub 29 Nisan April 23 Alexander Page, father of Nancy Rabhan Abraham Skok, grandfather of Warren Harmel Etty Cohen, mother of Sandy Frysh grandmother of Brendan Cohen Trude Solomon, aunt of Dot Haymann 30 Nisan April 24 Norman Siegel, father of Andrew Siegel Marshall DeMerit, father of Samuel DeMerit

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With sincere sympathy on your loss. . .

Angela ‘Roy’ Cohen, cousin of Michael Roy

Donald Gross, father of Brad Gross

Allan (Bill) Schulz, father of Michelle Meiches

“May God comfort you among all the Mourners in Zion and Jerusalem”

. . .Yahrzeits Cont’d from Page 12

30 Nisan April 24 Doris Goodman Katz grandmother of Richard Berry Nathan Rigler, grandfather of Gail Milner Bert Julius, uncle of Deborah Silverthorn 1 Iyyar April 25 Benjamin Cohen, father of Sandy Frysh 2 Iyyar April 26 Julius Lippel, grandfather of Deborah Silverthorn Zeada Julius, aunt of Deborah Silverthorn 3 Iyyar April 27 Irene Nevelow, mother of Ronald Nevelow Muriel Zable, grandmother of Jacob Cherner 4 Iyyar April 28 Florence (Frumie) Sulski, mother of Lesley Kahn Roy Kohn, father of Alan Kohn

4 Iyyar April 28 Pauline Rigler, grandmother of Gail Milner Frances Weill, aunt of Jackie Fleschman 5 Iyyar April 29 Robert Schultz, father of Kimberly Velevis Alvin Schaar, father of Richard Schaar Ruth Peskind, wife of Stanley Peskind mother of Andrea Katz mother of Steven Peskind Derval Kirshenbaum, mother of Joel Kirshenbaum Rose Litchman, grandmother of David Stanley 6 Iyyar April 30 Rose Young, mother of Marcie Intebi Susan Gerstenfeld, mother of Philip Gerstenfeld Dorothy Goott, mother of Lorraine Abramson

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Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020

We hope your students have enjoyed the connection to home we have made for them with a Fall

Rosh Hashanah package, our college Shabbat over Thanksgiving break, Starbucks gift cards at fi-nals time, and birthday cards! They also received a Shalach Manot package from Anshai Torah for Purim! We are pleased to offer these great projects to all children of Anshai Torah families at no charge. Please consider making a contribution to the CATs in College/Military fund so we can continue con-necting to our students with fun packages, gift cards, and more. To make a contribution, go to https://congregationanshaitorah.shulcloud.com/form/catsincollege or log into ShulCloud and, under the "donations and payments" tab select "CATs in College" from the dropdown menu. Please also remember to let us know if your child GRADUATES or has any changes to their address, college/military status, etc. Also, continue to send photos of your student enjoying Jewish life on campus, and enjoying special gifts from CATs in College. Thank you to ALL of the volunteers who have helped make this happen! If you want to volunteer, please let us know! Here are some students enjoying their Shalach Manot packages!

Abby Lowey Devyn Lemack Josh Kowal Heather Kurtzman

Jenny Katz Sarah Balis

Rachel Friedman Sophie Katz

. . .Donations Cont’d from Page 7

Ritual For the speedy recovery of Ashira Elisheva bat Sara Yehoshua Valencia Rubin Family Scholarship In memory of Gertrude Fertman Mann In memory of Seymour Rubin Sherry Lynn & Warren Rubin

Security In memory of Sadie Peskind Donation by Stanley Peskind Stanley Peskind Tikkun Olam In memory of Lillian Rose Del & Bob Matsil Donation by Yehoshua Valencia & Isabel Patino In appreciation of Shana Staub & all of her hard work for this year’s Levine Academy Gala Yael Twitto/Levine Academy

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Nisan—Iyyar 5780 / April 2020

Kol Emet Advertising — Congregation Anshai Torah appreciates our Kol Emet sponsors. Payment and ad copy are due the first of the month before the ad runs. We do not pay agency fees or commissions. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy. By accept-ing advertising, the congregation does not, in any way, approve or endorse any product or service advertised. To purchase an ad, please contact Kay Sykora, Office Manager, at 972-473-7718. Ad rates are per issue (minimum requirement 3 months): Business card $36 ($54 color); Quarter page $75 ($110 color); Half page $140 ($200 color). Buy 6 months, get the 7th free!

Thank You to our Advertisers

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5501 West Parker Road

Plano, Texas 75093

Phone: 972-473-7718

Fax: 972-473-7714

E-mail: [email protected]


Congregation Anshai Torah

April 2020


















Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


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15 Offices Closed

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Fast of 1st Born Erev Pesach Pesach I

Pesach II Pesach III

Pesach IV Pesach V Pesach VI Pesach VII Pesach VIII

Yom HaShoah

Yom HaZikaron Yom HaAtzma’ut

Offices Closed