ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:dj úOdhl idrxYh yd ks¾foaY ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpa fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpapd; ,Wjp mwpf;if epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fKk; gupe;JiufSk; FINAL REPORT OF THE CONSULTATION TASK FORCE ON RECONCILIATION MECHANISMS Executive Summary and Recommendations

ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh

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Page 1: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh

ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:dj

úOdhl idrxYh yd ks¾foaY

ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpa fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpapd; ,Wjp mwpf;if

epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fKk;




Executive Summary and Recommendations

Page 2: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh
Page 3: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh

ixys¢hd hdka;%K Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhys wjika jd¾;dj 2016 fkdjeïn¾ 17 jk Èk wjika lrk ,§' fuu jd¾;dfjys úOdhl idrxYHh iy

ks¾foaY i|yd isxy, iy fou< mßj¾;khkA fuu fmdf;ys we;=<;afõ'

ixys¢hd hdka;%K Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldh ~

ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpa fye;jhNyhridf;fhd; nrayzpapd;

,Wjp mwpf;ifahdJ 17 etk;gu; 2016 md;W Kw;Wg; ngw;wJ. mwpf;ifapd; epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fk;; gupe;Jiufs; Mfpatw;wpd; jkpo;

rpq;fs nkhopngau;g;Gfs; ,e;; E}ypy; mlq;fpAs;sd.

ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpa fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp


The final report of the Consultation Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanisms was completed on the 17th of November 2016. This book contains the Sinhala and Tamil

translations of the Executive Summary and the Recommendations of the report.

Consultation Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanisms

Page 4: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh


nghUslf;fk; Table of Contents

úOdhl idrdxYh ....................................................................................................................... 1 ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY .................... 16 epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fk; ..................................................................................................................... 40 fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp: mtjhdpg;GfSk; gupe;JiufSk; ....................................... 57 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 83 CTF Observations and Recommendations ........................................................................ 98

Page 5: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh

úOdhl idrdxYh

Page 6: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh


úOdhl idrdxYh

w' ld¾hidOl n,ldh yd m%úpdrKhka i|yd l%ufõoh ia:dms; lsÍu

1' ixl%dka;s hqla;sh yd ixys¢hdj i|yd fhdað; hdka;%Khka ms<sn| ck;djf.a woyia yd úpdr ,nd .eksu i|yd Y%S ,xldj ms<sn| 2015 Tlaf;daïn¾ mej;s tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ms,sn| ljqkais,fha ;SrKh m%ldrj Y%S ,xld rcfha iu wkq.%yh we;sj w.%dud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha § isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú; m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh m;a flß‚' m%úpdrKha fuu hdka;%Khkag iSud fkdjQ w;r ixys¢hdj i|yd ck;dj fhdackd lsÍug wfmalaId lrk wfkl=;a hdka;%K yd l%shdj,Ska ms<sn| idlÉPd o Bg we;=<;a úh'

2' m%úpdrKfha wjidk jd¾;dj fhdað; hdka;%K y;r iy ixl%dka;s hqla;sh yd ixys¢hdjg iïnkaO ufkda iudÔh iyh iy rdcH yd idudÔh m%;sixialrK wd§ i¾jjHdmS .eg¿ ms<sn| tla tla lreKg fjka jQ mßÉfþo iys;j ilia ù we;' m%úpdrKhkaf.a ikao¾Nh yd wkd.;h flfrys ixys¢hdfõ n,mEï we;s ùug mdol úh yels Ñria:dhS lreKq olajk ye¢kaùula o wfkl=;a mßÉfþo w;r fõ' hdka;%K ms<sn| mßÉfþo m%úpdrK l%shdj,sfha § ck;dj olajk ,o woyia u; mokï ù we;s w;r ck;djf.a fukau tla tla hdka;%Kh - w;=reoyka jQjka ms<sn| ld¾hd,h" ydks mQ¾Kh i|yd jk ld¾hd,h" i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj iy úfYaI wêlrKhla yd úfYaI WmfoaYlhl=f.a ld¾hd,hlska iukaú; wêlrK hdka;%Khla ms<sn| ksYaÑ; ks¾foaY o Bg we;=<;a fõ' m%úpdrKhkaj,§ uyck;dj yd md¾Yjlrejka úiska olajk ,o woyia yd u;hka u.ska oek .ekSug ,enqKq m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ks¾foaY i|yd wjidk mßÉfþoh fjka lr we;'

3' ksfhdað;hkaf.ka iukaú; WmfoaYl uKav,hla yd úfYaI{hkaf.ka iukaú; WmfoaYl uKav,hla u.ska m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldhg iydh ,nd fokq ,eîh' úfYaI{hkaf.ka iukaú; WmfoaYl uKav,h u.ska m%úpdrKfha § ixl%dka;s hqla;sfha uQ,sl yrh" tys úfYaI Ndú;dj iy Y%S ,xldjg tys we;s wod<;ajh ms<sn|j o ksfhdað;hkaf.ka iukaú; WmfoaYl uKav,h u.ska l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldh i|yd idudðlhka f;dard .ekSu ms<sn|j o m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh fj; Wmfoia ,nd fok ,§' flfia jqjo Tjqkaf.a odhl;ajfhys lemS fmfkk iudkd;au;djhla úh' ;u m%cdfõ yd m%foaYfha mqoa.,hka fj; ;uka leu;s NdIdjlska woyia oelaùu ck;djg jvd;a myiqfõh hk woyi we;sj m%isoaO /iaùï yd b,lal lKavdhï idlÉPd meje;aùu u.ska m%úpdrKhka fufyhùfï ld¾hh W;=re yd kef.kysr m<d;aj, tla Èia;%slalhlg tl ne.ska yd wfkla m<d;a y;g tl ne.ska jk l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldhkag mejß‚' m%úpdrKhka u; mokï jQ l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldfha jd¾;d tla jd¾;djla f,i ilia lr we;' tajd m%Odk .eg¿ yd fhdað; hdka;%Khkag wkqj iïmdokh lsÍu yd LdKav.; lsÍu i|yd m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh fj; hjk ,§' l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldfha idudðlhska isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .kakd ,o w;r Tjqka w;r ysgmq rdcH fiajlhka yd we;eï wjia:djkays § mQcH mlaIh o úh' tla tla l,dm wkqj jd¾.sl yd wdxYsl ksfhdackh yd NdId m%ùK;djh ;yjqre lsÍug wu;rj l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldh ;=< ldka;d ksfhdackh 50]la úh' l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldfha kjH;djh" tys wka;¾.;h yd m%fõYh m%cd uÜgñka fnfyúka w.h flreKq w;r th Èjhsk mqrd m%úpdrKhkaf.a id¾:lNdjh ;yjqre lsÍug odhl jQ m%Odk idOlhla úh'

Page 7: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh


4' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha b,a,Su mßÈ udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdfõ ksfhdað;hl= m%úpdrKhkaj,g iyNd.s jQ w;r m%úpdrKhka w;r;=r udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdjg ueÈy;a ù lghq;= l< yels mßirh iq¿ fldg ;lk wdldrfha isÿùï isÿ ù kï ta iïnkaOfhka miq úmrï flfrk nj ;yjqre lsÍug Tjqka ueÈy;a úh'

5' l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldfha m%úpdrKhkag wu;rj" m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh u.ska cd;sl uÜgñka yuqodj" w;=reoka jQjkaf.a mjq,a" wd.ï ksfhdackh lrk idudkH ck;dj" jD;a;Sh yd udOH ixúOdk" ldka;d lKavdhï" ks¾udKd;aul l,djkaf.a kshef,k mqoa.,hka yd ixúOdk wd§ m%Odk CIa;%j, ksfhdað;hka iu. m%úpdrKhka mj;ajk ,§' fï i|yd fjka flreKq fjí wvúhla" B-fï,a yd ;emE, yryd o lreKq bÈßm;a flß‚'

6' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh fj; woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï 7"306 la ,enqKq w;r ta w;ßka 4"872la m%isoaO /iaùïj, § o 1386la b,lal lKavdhï idlÉPd j,§ o 1048la ,sÅ; woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï f,i o ,eì‚' woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï Wmßu uÜgñka isÿ jQfha ms<sfj,ska uvl,mqj" wïmdr yd ol=Kq m<df;a isÿ lrk ,o m%úpdrKhkaj,§ jk w;r iEu l,dmhlu 500 blaujQ idudkHhla olakg ,eì‚' jhU yd niakdysr m<d;aj, isÿ lrk ,o m%úpdrKhkaj,§ woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï ixLHdj 250g wvq wju w.hla úh' hdmkh yd W;=re ueo m<d;aj, w.h weia;fïka;= u; mokï jQ w;r th wfkla l,dmj, ,sÅ; jd¾;djla u; mokï úh'

wd' i¾jjHdmS .eg¿ ( ksÍlaIK yd ks¾foaY

1' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh u.ska Y%S ,xldfõ ixl%dka;s hqla;sh yd rch úiska fhdað; hdka;%Khka i|yd ;d¾lslh flfrys rcfha by<u uÜgïj, iydh yd mdlaImd;SNdjh wfmalaId flß‚' flfiajqjo fuh bgq fkdjQ w;r m%cd uÜgñka isÿ flreKq l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldfha m%úpdrKhkaj,§ m%Odk jYfhka wjOdkh fhduq lrk ,oafoa ;u wdorŒhhka fiùfï § iy miq.sh ld,fha mÍlaIK yd úu¾Yk ms<sn| ckdêm;s fldñIka iNd lsysmhla bÈßfha fmkS isàu yd lreKq bÈßm;a lsÍu we;=¿j ÿla.ekú,s i|yd ms<shï

Page 8: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh


fiùfï § ck;djf.a úia;r yd w;aoelSï flfrysh' tfia jqj;a m%Odk hdka;%Khka y;rg wod<j m%úpdrKhkaf.a úIh m:h flakaø.; lsÍug iy ixl%dka;s hqla;shg iïnkaO fjk;a fhdackdj,g hï n,mEula t,a, lsÍug l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldh yd udOH u.ska isÿ lrk ,o oekqj;a lsÍu fya;= mdol úh' tneúka hdka;%Khka y;frys ks¾udKh" m;alsÍfï l%shdj,sh" n,h yd l%shdldrlïj,g wod< ;dlaI‚l lreKq ms<sn| iDcqj bÈßm;a jQ woyia iSud iys; jqjo lreKq úuiSfï § ck;djf.a oeä Wkkaÿjla yd by< iyNd.S;ajhla we;s flreKq w;r m%Odk .eg¿ ms<sn| woyia o ,nd .kakd ,§' iuia: l%shdj,sh ;=< ck;djf.a iyNd.S;ajh yd ysñldÍ;ajh ;yjqre lsÍfï m<uq mshjr iksgqyka lrñka woyia úuiQ wjia:dfõ § we;eï mqoa.,fhda úu;sh m, l<y' by; lreKq i,ld n,d ixl%dka;s hqla;sh ms<sn| rch úiska ck;dj iu. by< uÜgñka wLKavj ikaksfõokh isÿ l<hq;= njg m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh u.ska ks¾foaY lrk ,§'

2' miq.sh m%h;akhkaf.a wiïmQ¾K iajNdjh yd ms<shï ,nd §ug fkdyels jQ wid¾:lNdjh fkdi,ld ;j;a m%h;akhla jk fuu wjia:dfõ § rg mqrd ck;dj úiska ie,lsh hq;= uÜgfï wfmalaId Nx.;ajhla" fodïkila yd fldamhla m, flß‚' fï iu. fuu ixl%dka;s hqla;s hdka;%Khka ms<sn| jQ m%úpdrKhka isÿlsÍu fjkia iajrEmhla .kq we;ehs hk wfmalaIdj yd m%d¾:kdj o úh' ck;djf.a woyiaj, fuu oaú;aj iajrEmh m%úpdrKhkaj,§ oeä f,i biau;= jQ w;r m%;sm;a;s iïmdokh yd ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy ixys¢hdj i|yd jk hdka;%Khka ks¾udKfha § fï ms<sn| oekaúh hq;=h' i;Hfha wjYH;djh" ksfhda. ,nd ÿka mqoa.,hkaf.a j.ùu yd kej; isÿ ùug tfrys yeÕSfuys oeä nj wkqj i;Hh" hqla;sh yd j.ùu" ydks mQ¾Khka yd kej; isÿ fkdùu ;yjqre lsÍu wdÈhg wod<j ks¾jpkh lrk ,o ixl%dka;s hqla;shg we;s ysñlu flfrys jQ jHjia:duh ms<s.ekSu yd th ;yjqre lsÍu m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh u.ska ks¾foaY flf¾'

3' wdrlaIl wxY yd fmd,sia ks,OdÍkaf.a fuu ixys¢hd l%shdj,sh u.ska wfmalaIs; m%;sM,j,g úreoaO m%;sM,hla ,nd fokq we;ehs o cd;sl wdrlaIdj ms<sn| tlÕ;djhlg t<öu" mj;sk is;a fõokdjka ;Sj% lrkq we;s njg;a w¿;ska is;a fõokdjka we;s lrkq we;s njg;a wka;¾ jd¾.sl yd wd.ñl fn§ï jeä lrkq we;s njg;a jk wk;=re yeÕùï iys; woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï ;snQ nj i|yka l< hq;=h' wdrlaIl wxYj, ish¿ u ks,OdÍyq úfYaIfhka j.ùï hdka;arfkhg wka;¾cd;sl ueÈy;aùu ;Èka u m%;sCIam l<y'  flfiaj;=ÿ wdrlaIl wxY ks,OdÍka yd fmd,sia ks,OdÍka úiska lrk,o woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï fndfydauhla u.ska ixys¢hdj ioyd rch úiska f.k we;s m%h;akhkag yd jsmdlodhS fkdjk ms<shï ,nd §u i|yd jk m%fõYh i|yd meyeÈ,s f,i iydh olajd we;s w;r ta ioyd wd.usl kdhlhkaf.a ueosy;a jSu o wjYH nj fmkajd oS we;' kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk jHjia:d ixfYdaOk yd ielhka yd jerÈ f;dr;=re ikaksfõokh je<elaùug iEu uÜgulu mqoa.,hka iu. rch f;dr;=re yqjudre lr .ekSu ;yjqre lsÍu i|yd ixys¢hdj yd ydks mQ¾Kh flfrys m%uqL;dj ,nÈh hq;= nj Tjqyq m%ldY l<y'

4' ;uka rcfha foaYmd,k u. fmkaùu yd iydh u; tys wruqKq <Õd lr .;a; o j¾;udkh jk úg ;uka w;r iduQysl;ajh yd iyfhda.h uo njla yefÕk nj o yuqod ksfhdað;hka úiska m%ldY lrk ,§' tfuka u i;Hh fiùfï l%shdj,shla i|yd fuka u hï wdldrhl idmrdë l%shdjka ms<sn| idlaIs fidhd .;fyd;a jerÈlrejkayg fpdaokd f.dkq lsÍu i|yd o ;u iydh ,nd fok nj o Tjqyq m%ldY l<y' Tjqkaf.a oekSug wkqj lsis÷ idmrdë l%shdjla isÿ ù ke;s neúka fmdÿ iudjl wjYH;djla ;uka fkdolsk njo Tjqyq lshd isáhy' Tjqyq isú,a ck;dj ys;du;d b,lal fkdflreKq nj;a isú,a mqoa.,

urK je<elaùfï ප %;sm;a;shla wkq.ukh l< nj;a   ත   යා     අතර fjvs m%ydrhkag ueos jQ isjs,a jeishka ush hkakg we;s nj ms<s.;ay'tfuka u Tjqyq ,sx.sl ysxikh

Page 9: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh


hqo wjshl f,i Ndjs;d l< nj o m%;slafIam l<y' lsisoq idmrdOS l%shdjla we;s fkdjQ nj;a kS;s jsfrdaOS wjs Ndjs;d fkdl< nj;a .=jka yuqodj wjOdrKh lf<ah'

5' ixl%dka;s hqla;sh yd ixys¢hdj flfrys rcfha lemùu ms<sn| úYajdih yd meye§fï uo nj iy ixys¢hdj i|yd jk l%shdj,sh ms<sn| iel my, lsÍu fya;=fjka by; tajdg wu;rj úúO;ajh Yla;sfha moku yd j;alula f,i ms<s.;a ish¿ ck;dj w;r jk wkafhdakH f.!rjh u; mqrjeisNdjh ia:dms; flreKq rcfha yd isú,a iudcfha by< u uÜgï úiska m%p,s; flreKq nyq úO" nyq jd¾.sl yd nyq wd.ñl Y%S ,xldjla i|yd jk oelaul wjYH;dj m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska oeä f,i wjOdrKh flf¾' úúO;ajh ;=< jk iduQyslNdjh" ish¿ Y%S ,dxlslhkaf.a nyqúO wkkH;djhka flfrys .re lsÍu yd tajd wdrlaId lsÍu wdÈh rg ;=< w¾:dkaú; ixys¢hdj" iduh yd fi!Nd.Huh we;s lsÍu i|yd uQ,sl wjYH;djka fõ'

6' ta wkqj jd¾.sl fn§u yd wkH wd.ï fkdbjiSu je<elaùug iy ´kEu wdldrhlg w¾: oelafjk m%cdjlg wod<j ìhlska fyda mCImd;SNdjhlska f;drj kS;sfha ksis l%shdldÍ;ajh hgf;a j.lsj hq;= mqoa.,hka j.ùug ,la lsÍu i|yd rch úiska M,odhS" b;d meyeÈ,s l%shd ud¾. .; hq;=h' ;jo rg ;=< ish¿ wd.ïj,g iu f.!rjhla ysñjk

wkd.dñl f,!lsl rdcHhhla ථා ත  කළ    බව  we;eï woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska biau;= úhz Tjqyq fuh iu mqrjeisNdjfha w;HjYH wx.hla f,i;a ixysÈhdfõ werUqï ,laIh f,i;a fmkajd ÿkay' ish¿ md¾Yjlrejkaf.a woyia úuiSfuka miq m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska fï ms<sn| oeä wjOdkhla fhduq l< hq;= njg ks¾foaY flf¾'

7' wdrïNfha isgu wdrlaIdj ms<sn| lreKq m%úpdrKhkaj,§ m%uqLia:dkhla .e‚ks' m%ùlaIKfha§ fmr mej;s fldñIka iNdj, lreKq úuiSï isÿ lsÍfï § wdrlaIl wxY" nqoaê wxY yd fmd,sia ks,OdÍka ;e;s .ekafjk wdldrfhka isàu yd m%Yak lsÍu ms<sn| i,ld n,d m%úpdrKhka isÿ flfrk ld, iSudj ;=< yd Bg miqj o yelshdje;s mßirhla mej;Su ;yjqre lsÍu i|yd m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska wdrlaIl wud;HxYh" ;%SjsOyuqod wK fok ks,OdÍka iy fmd,sish iu. idlÉPd lrk ,§' fmd,sish yd yuqodjg iïnkaO ks,OdÍka y÷kd .eKqkq w;r w;awvx.=jg .ekSu" r|jd .ekSu yd jO ysxid meñKùu ms<sn| wjOdrKh flß‚' fuu l%shd ud¾.hkag wu;rj isÿ ùï .Kkdjla o úh' m%úpdrKhkag ndOd lrk wdrlaIl wxY$ fmd,sia ks,OdÍkaf.ka bj;a jk f,i b,a,Su i|yd we;eï wjia:dj,§ l,dmSh ld¾h idOl n,ldfha /iaùïj,g fm!oa.,slj ueÈy;a ùug m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha idudðlhkag isÿ úh' wdrlaIl wxY yd fmd,sisfha by<u uÜgï iu. ks,OdÍkaf.a fujeks l%shdjka je,elaùug tlÕ ù .kakd ,o l%shd ud¾. ;sìh § mjd fuu isÿùï we;s ùfuka ìï uÜgfï § ovqjï fkd,nd /£ isàfï yelshdj ;yjqre úh'

8' ovqjï fkd,nd /£ isàfï yelshdj ixys¢hdj flfrys jk m%Odk ndOlhla f,i;a ta wkqj w¾:dkaú; ixys¢hdjla we;s lsßu i|yd rchg we;s leue;a; yd yelshdj ms<sn| ie,lSfï § hdka;%Khka ia:dms; lsÍug fmr úYajdih f.dvke.Sfï m%Odk l%shd ud¾.hla f,i tu ;;a;ajh je<elaùu o tu.ska úYajdikShNdjh we;s lsÍu o woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj,§ y÷kd .e‚ks' idlaIsj, úYajikShNdjh yd úkaÈ;hdf.a wdrlaIdj ms<sn| .eg¿j ovqjï fkd,nd isàfï yelshdj" uyck wdrlaIdjg b;d ióm iïnkaO;djla we;s w;r m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ks¾foaY u.ska oeä yd iajdëk wdrlaIdj i|yd foaYSh yd wka;¾cd;sl iydh ,nd .ekSu ms<sn| wjOdrKh lr we;'

9' ksIaÑ; jYfhka yuqoduh .eg¿ yd wdrlaIdj ms<sn| .eg¿ iïnkaOj lghq;= lsÍu i|yd úYajdih f.dvke.Sfï fjk;a l%shd ud¾. /ila y÷kd .e‚ks' tajd m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl

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n,ldfha ks¾foaYj, we;=<;a fõ' fuu l%shd ud¾. isú,a ck;djf.a lghq;=" úfYaIfhka wd¾Ólh yd isú,a mßmd,kh flfrys yuqoduh ueÈy;aùu keje;aùu" wdrlaIl wxY úiska w;am;a lr .kakd ,o isú,a ck;djf.a bvï h<s Tjqka fj; Ndr §u blauka lsÍu" fiakd úuqokh yd yuqodjka bj;a lsÍu wdÈhg iïnkaOfõ' tfukau ;%ia;jdoh je<elaùfï mk; fyda fjk;a kS;shla hgf;a jerÈlrejka fkdlrk ,o /|úhka yd yuqodj fj; Ndr jQjka ksoyia lrk f,i;a" ;%ia;jdoh je<elaùfï mk; wfydais lrk f,i;a /|úhkaf.a kï yd Tjqka r|jd isák ia:dk we;=<;a ,ehsia;=jla m%ldYhg m;a lrk f,i;a oeäj b,a,d isákq ,efí'

10' m%úpdrKhkaj, § wjOdrKh flreKq úYajdih f.dv ke.Sfï m%Odk l%shd ud¾.hla jkqfha foaYmd,ksl yd jHjia:duh jYfhka .egqu iu:hlg m;a lr .ekSfï m%Odk wjYH;djhhs' fuh ixys¢hdj yd tlai;a rgla i|yd w;HjYH idOlhla f,i woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj,§ wjOdrKh flß‚' ta wkqj fuh m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ks¾foaYj, i|yka lr we;'

11' hqoaO wmrdO yd ukqIH;ajhg tfrys wmrdO fukau ish¿ mqoa.,hka nf,ka w;=reoyka lsÍfuka wdrlaId ùu i|yd jk wka;¾cd;sl iïuq;sfhys wmrdOh w¾: olajd we;s wdldrhg w;=reoyka lsÍfï wmrdOh wmrdOhla f,i y÷kd .ekSu iy Y%S ,xldj ;=< kS;s.; lsÍu o úYajdih f.dvke.Sfï m%Odk l%shd ud¾. f,i wjOdrKh flß‚' tajd m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ks¾foaYj, we;=<;a fõ'

12' m%úpdrK l%shdj,sh ;=<ska biau;= jk ;j;a i¾jjHdmS lreKla jkafka ixl%dka;s hqla;s hdka;%Khkaf.a ks¾udKh yd fufyhùu i|yd ufkdaidudÔh m%;sIaGdjkaf.a wjYH;djh iy ish¿ jd¾.sl lKavdhïj,g wh;a n,mEug ,lajQjka ̂ isú,a ck;dj fyda yuqod Nghska& i|yd ms<shï ,nd§fï ufkdaidudÔh iydhhs' n,mEug ,la jQjkaf.a wjYH;djkaf.a jeo.;alu" ixl%dka;s hqla;sfhys wjYH;djkag iu.dój iy cd;sl iu.sh yd ixys¢hd ld¾hdxYfhys ufkdaidudÔh ld¾h idOl n,ldh iu. iyfhda.fhka mj;sk fiajdjka Yla;su;a lsÍu yd mj;ajdf.k hdu wd§ lreKq m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ks¾foaY u.ska wjOdrKh lrhs

13' fuu jd¾;dfjys ;reKhka yd ia;%S mqreI iudcNdjh i|yd mßÉfþo fjkalr fkdue;s w;r ish¿ hdka;%Khka yd ́ kEu m%;sixialrKhla iy ixys¢hd jevigykla flfrys lemS fmfkk n,mEula t,a, lrk i¾jjHdmS .eg¿ f,i tajd fuu jd¾;dj u.ska wjOdrKh lr we;' hdka;%Khka i|yd iunr jQ ia;%S mqreI yd ;reK ksfhdackh" úfYaIfhka ;SrK.kakka" fpdaolhka iy úksYaphlrejka f,i fufyhqï l%shdj,sfha iEu uÜgula i|ydu ldka;djka m;alsÍfuys we;s jeo.;alu m%úpdrKhka mqrdjg woyia ,ndÿka mqoa.,hka úiska wjOdrKh lrk ,§'hdka;%Khkag myiqfjka <Õd ùfï yelshdj yd wjldYh ,nd§u" ryiHNdjfha ;yjqrejka" hdka;%Kh iu. lghq;= lrk ,sx.sl ysxikhg yd wmfhdackhg ,lajQjkaf.a yd ïõjrekaf.a wjYH;djka flfrys ixfõ§ùu yd .relsÍu we;=¿j hdka;%Kfha l%shdldÍ;ajhg ia;%S mqreI wjYH;djka we;=<;alsÍu ms<sn| Tjqyq wjOdrKh l<y' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska fuu lreKq wkqu; lrk w;r fndfyda ld,hla ;siafia mj;sk ldka;djka i|yd jk cd;sl fldñIka iNdjla i|yd jk b,a,Sug iydh olajhs'

14' woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï /il§ yuqodjka yd jk ixrlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j jeks fjk;a rdcH wdh;k úiska bvï w;am;a lr .ekSu" fjk;a jd¾.sl m%cdjkaf.a idudðlhska úiska bvïj, fojk jr mÈxÑh yd ëjr lghq;=j, kshe,Su wd§ isÿùï we;=¿j ixys¢hdjg n,mE ;j;a i¾j jHdmS .eg¿jla f,i bvï ms<sn| .eg¿j woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï /il § biau;=

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úh' ixlS¾K jQ wka;¾ jd¾.sl bvï wdrjq,a i|yd m%udohlska f;drj úi÷ï ,nd Èh yels hdka;%Khla hdka;%Khka we;=¿j ksYaÑ; jQ m%;sm;a;suh l%shdud¾.hla fï i|yd wjYH fõ' bvï i|yd jk cd;sl fldñIka iNdj i|yd oekg mj;sk jHjia:duh úêúOdk l%shd;aul lsÍu m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska ks¾foaY flf¾'

15' m%úpdrKhkaj, § wjOdrKh flreKq by< rdcH wkq.%yfha wLKav wjYH;djh yd ixl%dka;s hqla;sfhys id¾:l;ajh fuka u ixl%dka;s hqla;sfha iy ixys¢hdj ms<sn| m%;sm;a;sfhys meyeÈ,s nj i|yd m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ks¾foaYj, m%uqL;djh ,nd § we;' tneúka ixys¢hdj i|yd ie,eiaula iy wfmalaIs; hdka;%Khka" tlsfkl iu. fukau rdcH wud;HxY we;=¿ ixys¢hdjg wod< lghq;= mjrk ,o wdh;k iu. jk iïnkaO;djka i|yd m%;sm;a;shla yd fufyhqï rduq rch úiska m%ldYhg m;a lsÍfï wjYH;djh úfYaIfhka biau;= flf¾'

16' ia:dkh" Ndú; NdIdj yd ixhq;shg wod<j hdka;%Khkag <Õd ùfï yelshdj ;yjqre lsÍu fukau wdndê; yd fldka flreKq mqoa.,hkaf.a wjYH;djhkaf.a jeo.;alu m%úpdrKhkaj, § wjOdrKh flß‚' ish¿u fhdað; hdka;%Khkaf.a ish¿ uÜgïj,§ n,mEug ,la jQjka yels iEu úgu ksfhdackh lsÍu yd ixl%dka;s hqla;s hdka;%Khka yd fkdÿgq njg jk iy;slh jeks fuj,ï i|yd iqÿiq iy fkdu. hjk iq¿ fkdjk NdIdjla Ndú;d lsÍu ms<sn| ck;dj úiska È.ska È.gu wjOdrKh flß‚' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska fuu b,a,Sï wjOdrKh lrk w;ru óg wu;rj" n,mEug ,la jQ mjq,aj, ksfhdacs;hk"a udkj ysuslï iqrlskakka" isjs,a iudc l%shdldrSka yd jHjia:dodhl iNdj jsiska bosrsm;a lrk ,o kï ,ehsia;=jlska ckdOsm;s;=ud jsiska m;a lrk ,o cd;Hka;r ksfhdacs;hskaf.ka iukajs; iuia: hdka;%Kh ioyd fufyhqï tallhla ks¾foaY lrkq ,efí' fuu fufyhqï tallh jsiska ckdOsm;s;=ud fj; jd¾;d l< hq;= w;r tu jd¾;d m%isoaO l< hq;=h'

we' hdka;%Khka ms<sn| jQ ks¾foaY

1' m%úpdrKhka isÿ flfrk w;r;=r rch úiska w;=reoka jQjka ms<sn| ld¾hd,hla iïnkaO mk;a flgqïm;la md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a lrk ,o w;r iNdfõ ie,lsh hq;= ndOdjka uOH fha jqj o wjidkfha th md¾,sfïka;=fõ iïu; úh' fï iïnkaOfhka rch úfõpkhg ,la ùu úYauhg lreKla fkdjk w;r m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh yd tys m%úpdrKhka ms<sn| rcfha woyi ms<sn| iel u;= flß‚' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska w;=reoka jQjka ms<sn| jk ld¾hd,h iïnkaOj w;=re jd¾;djla ksl=;a l< w;r th fuu wjidk jd¾;djg wuqKd we;'

2' flfia jqjo mk;a flgqïm; bÈßm;a lsÍug fmr yd th iïu; lr .ekSfï ld, iSudj ;=< w;=reoka jQjka yd w;=reoka jQjka ms<sn| jk ld¾hd,h yd iïnkaO .eg¿j ms<sn| woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï .Kkdjla isÿúh' m%isoaO /iaùï lsysml § woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï úYd, m%udKhla olakg ,enqKq w;r ta úfYaIfhka W;=re yd kef.kysr m%foaYj,§h' óg fya;=ka f,i oYl follg wêl ld,hla ;siafia fuu .eg¿jg ,eî ;snqKq jeo.;alu" ;u wdorŒhhka fidhd .ekSug hula l< yelsh hk úYajdih yd l< hq;= njg mjq,aj, idudðlhka ;=< jk oeä wjYH;djh" w;=reoyka jQjka ms<sn| ld¾hd,h i|yd jk mk;a flgqïm; iïnkaOfhka fmdÿ l;sldjka" w;=reoykaùï isÿ jQ wdldrhka yd .eg¿jg ueÈ jQ mjq,a ixúOdkh ùu wdÈh oelaúh yelsh' óg wod< m%Odk b,a,Sï isÿ flrefKa ld¾hd, kduh ;=<ska w;=reoyka ùïj, wksÉPdkql iajNdjh biau;= ùu" meñ‚,s md¾Yjfha n,OdÍka iu. f;dr;=re yqjudre lr .ekSu i|yd w;=reoyka jQjka ms<sn| ld¾hd,fhys wNsu;h iSud lsÍu" ld¾hd, fj; <Õd ùfï yelshdj" NdIdj" ksfhdackh" w;=reoyka jQjka

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ms<sn| ld¾hd,fha lghq;=j,g w;=reoyka jQjkaf.a mjq,aj, ueÈy;a ùu iy n,mEug ,la jQjkaf.a wdrlaIdj wd§ lreKq iïnkaOjhs' w;=reoyka jQ w;eï mqoa.,hkaf.a mjq,aj, idudðlhka úiska hqla;sh yd ydks mQ¾Kh ms<sn| idlÉPdjka wmßK; yd Nhdkl lghq;a;la f,i i,lkq ,eîh' Tjqkaf.a woyi wkqj b;d blaukska u l< hq;= jQfha hqoaOfha § yd ol=fKa le/,af,a § w;=reoyka jQjka ;ju;a Y%S ,xldj fyda úfoaY rgla ;=< r|jdf.k isákafka o hkak ksYaph fldg oek .ekSuhs'

3' ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍfï wdldr .Kkdjla y÷kd .;a; o tfia isÿ lrk ,oafoa jd¾.sl yd wd.ñl jYfhka m%cdjka w;aÿgq ydksh yd mSvdj oeäj ms<s.ksñkah' jkaÈ ,nd §u i|yd jQ ish¿ b,a,Sï ;=< hqla;sh" tkï ms<shï ,nd §u yd ydks mQ¾Kh ;=<ska mqoa.,hka fyda m%cdjkag tfrysj isÿ lrk ,o jerÈ ksjerÈ l< hq;=h hk yeÕSu" i|yd o yvla úh'ta wkqj ydks mQ¾Kfha wjYH;dj biau;= ù we;af;a rch úiska mqrjeishkag isÿ lrk ,o jerÈj,g j.ùu yd$ fyda Tjqkaf.a mSvdjka ms<s.ekSu i|ydh' ;jo hqla;sh ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍfï l%uhla f,i meyeÈ,sj olajd we;s w;r we;eï wjia:dj, b,a,d isák ,o tlu ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍfï l%uh o th úh' úfYaIfhka 1980 ld,fha hqoaOh fyda ol=fKa le/,a, fya;=fjka ;u wdorŒhhka ñh .sh yd w;=reoyka ù we;s yd ;u mjqf,a idudðlhl= wysñ ùu ksid we;s jk úúO wdldrfha n,mEïj,ska mSvd ú¢ñka isák mqoa.,hka w;r Tjqkaf.a mSvdj ;=rka lsÍug rcfhka wfmalaId l< yels tlu foh" hï wdldrhl jkaÈ ,nd .ekSu muKla njg yeÕSula úh' hqla;sh mis|,Su m%udKj;a yd wjYH ydks mQ¾Kh njg jk fhdackdj rg mqrd woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj,ska biau;= úh'

4' mSvkh hqoaOhg iïnkaO ysxidjka yd jd¾.sl;ajhg wod<j muKla we;s fkdjQ w;r Wvrg oñ< ck;dj yd foaYSh m%cdjka we;=¿j mx;sh u; mokïj we;eï m%cdjka w;aÿgq wdh;k.; m%pKav;ajh yd fldka lsÍu u.ska o ck;dj mSvdjg m;aúh' n,y;aldrfhka bvï w,a,d .ekSu yd nf,ka fjk;a ia:dkj, mÈxÑ lrùu u.ska ñksiqkaf.a iudc- wd¾Ól ysñlï W,a,x>Kh lsÍu o Èjhsk mqrd h<s h<s;a l;dnyg ,la jQ f;audjls' ixj¾Ok jHdmD;s i|yd ;u bvï w;am;a lr .;a kd.ßl m%cdjka yd fmdÿ ck;djf.a ysñlï ydkshg ,la lsÍu ms<sn| .eg¿j biau;= l< foaYSh m%cdjka fuhg we;=<;a úh'

5' iuia:hla f,i rfÜ ixj¾Okh fya;=fjka ;uka /lshd úrys; ;;a;ajhg m;a ù we;ehs o uQ,sl jYfhka ydks mQ¾Kh isÿ flfrkafka jkaÈhla ,nd §u u.ska jk neúka tu.ska hqla;sh mis|,Su yd j.ùfï l%shdj,Skag ndOd we;s fõh hk yeÕSu fyda úl,amhla f,i ie,flkq we;ehs hk yeÕSu ksid ydks mQ¾Kh ms<sn| ck;dj ;=< we;s wlue;a; yd ìh o woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj,§ oek .ekSug yels úh' fuu woyi úYd, jYfhka W;=re yd kef.kysr m%foaYh" úfYaIfhka w;=reoyka jQjkaf.a mjq,a fj;ska bÈßm;a úh'

6' b;d iq¿ woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï ixLHdjla u.ska muKla ydks mQ¾Kh i|yd jk ld¾hd,hl wjYH;dj olajd we;' ydks mQ¾Kh i|yd jk b,a,Sï mqoa.,sl fyda iduQysl f,i j¾. l< yels w;r th øjHuh yd uQ,Huh ydks mQ¾Kfha isg ixfla;d;aul ydks mQ¾Kh olajd jk mrdihla ;=< isÿ l< yelsh' ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍfï § wkq.ukh l< hq;= ud¾f.dmfoaYhka o woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj, § y÷kd .e‚ks' ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍu ms<sn| jQ meyeÈ,s yd úksúoNdjfhka hq;= m%;sm;a;shla" iDcqj u n,mEug ,la jQjka flakaø lr .;a ydks mQ¾Kh i|yd jk m%fõYhla iy jevigyka iïmdokfha § n,mEug ,la jQjkaf.a iyNd.S;ajh iys;j wmlaImd;S wdldrhg ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍu wd§ woyia fuhg we;=<;a úh'

7' úúOdldrfha w,dNhka" úkaÈ; lKavdhï yd Èú .,jd .;a lKavdhï i|yd my; olajd we;s mßÈ uQ,Huh jkaÈ ,nd §ug fhdackd flß‚'

w& wdorŒhhl= yd$ fyda .DyuQ,slhl= wysñùu i|yd jkaÈ ,nd§u

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wd& w;=reoyka jQjka fiùu i|yd oeÍug isÿ jQ øjHuh$ øjHuh fkdjk úhoï i|yd jkaÈ ,nd §u

we& ,sx.sl ysxikh yd wndê;nj we;=¿ YdÍßl ysxikh yd mSvdjka i|yd jkaÈ ,nd §u

wE& wNHka;r yd ndysr wj;ekajQjka fjkqfjka Pkaoh m%ldY lsÍfï whs;sh h<s ,nd §u we;=¿j jkaÈ ,nd §u

b& foam< yd j;alï wysñ ùu fjkqfjka jkaÈ ,nd §u

B& ufkda idudÔh n,mEï yd udkisl lïmkh fjkqfjka jkaÈ ,nd §u

t& idïm%odhsl$ foaYSh Ôjk rgdj wysñ ùu fjkqfjka jkaÈ ,nd §u

yosis wjYH;djka ioyd wka;¾ld,Sk ydks mQ¾Khka tkï n,mEug ,lajsh yels ush .sh fyda w;=reoka jQ whf.a mjq,aj, idudcslhka ioyd /lshd yd Tjqkaf.a <uqkag YsIH;aj ,nd oSu ioyd o b,a,Sï bosrsm;a jsh¡

8' W;aij yd wjldYhka fjka lsÍu u.ska wkqiaurKh lsÍu" ks< jYfhka ms<s.ekSu yd iudj b,a,d isàu wd§ jYfhka ixfla;d;aul ydks mQrKfha wjYH;dj woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï ie,lsh hq;= jdr .Kkl § biau;= flß‚'

9' ish¿ uÜgïj, mqrjeishka we;=<;a jk l%shdj,shla f,i wkqiaurKfha wjYH;djh woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï .Kkdjl § wjOdrKh flß‚' wkqiaurKh lsÍfï jvd;a m%p,s; l%uh jk iaudrl" fõokdj ms<sn| jk úia;r rdYshg .re lrñka wmlaImd;Sj yd Tjqka iaurKh lsÍug we;s tlu ixfla;h f,i fkdie,flk mßÈ fyda we;eï lKavdhï h<s;a úm;g m;a ùfï wjodku je<elafjk whqßka" ixfõ§ f,i ks¾udKh l< hq;= nj fuu woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska biau;= flß‚' ck;djg bf.k.ekSfï lghq;= yd wdj¾ckh lsÍu i|yd l%shdldÍj iyNd.s úh yels mqia;ld, yd fl!;=ld.dr jeks úl,am wjldYhka o fhdackd flß‚' iaurKh lsÍu i|yd jk wjldYhka hkq iaudrl fyda iam¾I l< yels bÈlsÍï u úh hq;= ke;s njo woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï j,§ oelaùh' WodyrKhla f,i tla woyia bÈßm;a lsÍul § i|yka lrk ,oafoa uq,a,sjhslald,ays ldka;djka yg is;a ikijk yd ksi, wjldYhka f,i ;=re ,;djka" mlaISka yd Èh myrj,ska hq;= Ôjudk wkqiaurK wjldYhka wjYH njhs'

10' W;=f¾ mj;sk iaudrl ms<sn| isxy, yd oñ< m%cdjkaf.a woyia w;r ie,lsh hq;= m%udKhl m%;súreoaO;djla úh' fuu iaudrl yuqod Nghkaf.a wNsudkh yd ch.%ykfha ixfla; yd iaurKh lsÍfï wjldY f,i isxy, ck;d woyiaj,ska oelajqj o oñ< ck;djf.a yeÕSu jQfha fuu iaudrl bÈ lr we;af;a Tjqka ck fldgila f,i mrdchg m;a ùu u;la lr §ug njhs' fuu iaudrl miq lr hdfï § tajd u.ska m%ldY flfrk ch.%yKh ,nd .ekSu i|yd wysxil Ôú; .Kkdjla wysñ lr .ekSug isÿ jQ nj isf;k úg Tjqkag oefkk fõokdj o Tjqka úiska i|yka lrk ,§'

11' fuu iaudrl ms<sn| újdohg wu;rj" ñksia ixydrhka jeks Ôú; wysñ jQ úfYaI wjia:d fukau w;=reoyka jQjka ixfla;j;a lsÍu wdÈh i|yd kj iaudrl bÈlsÍu i|yd b,a,Sï .Kkdjla o rfÜ iEu ia:dkhlska u bÈßm;a flß‚' ol=fKa le/,af,a § Èú wysñ jQ isú,a jeishka i|yd ÈhjkaJddfjys bÈ lr ;snQ" mYapd;a hqo iufha § úkdY lrk ,o iaudrlh" kej; bÈ lsÍfï wjYH;djh o tla woyia bÈßm;a lsÍul § i|yka flß‚'

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12' fuys§ m%isoaêfha yd fm!oa.,slj fYdal ùfï whs;sh o biau;= flß‚' úfYaIfhka W;=re yd kef.kysr m%foaYj," t,a'à'à'B' idudðlhkaf.a fidfydka úkdY lsÍu yd tu.ska we;s jQ is;a ;ejq, iy ñh .sh mqoa.,hkaf.a f.!rjh wdrlaId lsÍfï wjYH;djh ksrka;rfhka biau;= l< lreKq úh' ;¾ck yd ìh .ekaùï fya;=fjka fndfyda mjq,a" úfYaIfhka t,a'à'à'B' idudðlhkaf.a mjq,a ;=< fm!oa.,slj fyda fYdal ùug ;ukag ksoyila ke;ehs hk yeÕSu úh' wdorŒhhka i|yd fYdal ùfï wjia:djla f,i —udùrd¾ Èkï˜ ^ñh .sh t,a'à'à'B' idudðlhka wkqiaurKh lsÍu& wLKavj lrf.k hdug wjia:dj i,id Èh hq;=h hk woyi W;=ßka u;= flß‚' mjq,aj, idudðlhka" úfYaIfhka uõjrekag ;u ksjfia ñh .sh t,a'à'à'B' idudðl=f.a Pdhd rEmhla ;nd .ekSug yels úh hq;= nj o mejis‚' mjqf,a idudðlhkag fidfydka ìï m%;sixialrKh lr §u yd miqld,Skj tu ia:dkj, bÈ lrk ,o ish¿ f.dvke.s,s bj;a lsÍu m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh u.ska ks¾foaY flf¾'

13' úúO m%cdjka úiska wysñ jQ Ôú; yd Tjqkag tfrysj isÿ flreKq jerÈ l%shdjka wkqiaurKh lsÍu i|yd Èk .Kkdjla fhdackd flß‚'

14' fjk;a hdka;%Kj,g we;s iïnkaO;djka fya;=fjka fndfyda fokd ydks mQ¾Kh fjk;a l%shdj,Skaf.ka fjka lr y÷kd .;af;a ke;' ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍï fjk;a l%shdj,Skaf.a" úfYaIfhka i;Hh yd hqla;sfha fldgila úh hq;= hehs fndfyda fokdf.a yeÕSu úh' flfiajqjo" fm!oa.,sl yd iduQysl jYfhka b;sydifha f;dr;=re f,aLK.; lsÍu u.ska ydks mQ¾Kh lsÍu i|yd jk b,a,Sïj, ksYaÑ; jQ iïnkaO;djla we;s nj fmkS hhs'

15' i;Hh fidhd .ekSfï$ m%ldY lsÍfï iy i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdfõ wruqKqj, w.h ms<sn| woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï .Kkdjla m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh fj; ,eì‚' wruqKq .Kkdjla y÷kd .;a w;r woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï nyq;rhla u.ska i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj my; oelafjk wruqKq o <Õd lr .; hq;= nj oelaùh'

w& i;Hh ia:dmkh lsÍu

wd& .egqfuys uQ,h ksYaph lr .ekSu

we& wmrdOlrejka j. ùug ,la lsÍu

wE& iu whs;sjdislï ,nd §u

b& b;sydih ms<sn| nyqúO wdLHdkhka f.dvke.Su

B& kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd iy m%pKav;ajh yd wmfhdackhka i|yd ms<shï fiùug mSvdjg m;a jQjkag yels jk mßÈ ks¾foaY bÈßm;a lsÍu

fmr mej;s fldñIka iNdj, wid¾:l;ajh yd óg fmr fï iïnkaOfhka lsis÷ l%shd ud¾.hla fkd.ekSu fya;=fjka i;Hh fiùfï m%fõYh fmr .kakd ,o m%h;akhkaf.ka uQ,sl jYfhka fjkia úh hq;= nj woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj,§ wjOdrKh flß‚' tneúka i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj u.ska oekg mj;sk lghq;= bÈßhg f.k hEu" fmr mej;s fldñIka iNdj, ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lsÍu yd iaÓridr l%shd ud¾. u.ska tajd bÈßhg lrf.k hdu isÿ l< hq;= njg Tjqyq wjOdrKh l<y'

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16' woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï fndfydaula úiska ish,a, we;=<;a m%fõYhlg iydh olajk ,o w;r n,mEug ,la jQ mqoa.,hka" lKavdhï yd m%cdjka we;=<;a jk mq¿,a ld, rduqjla ks¾foaY lrk ,§' woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska wdhqO ikakoaO .egqï yd m%pKavldÍ ld, iSudjka f,i t,a'à'à'B' yd Y%S ,xld rch w;r hqoaOh ^1983-2009&" ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK yd Y%S ,xld rch w;r ;reK le/,a, yd foaYmd,ksl m%pKav;ajh ^1971 yd 1987-89&" oñ< úfrdaë ixydrh ^1983&" iq¿;r wd.ïj,g tfrys m%pKav;ajh yd fjkia fldg ie,lSu ^uQ,sl jYfhka mYapd;a hqo wjêh& iy rch ueÈy;a jQ fjk;a m%pKavldÍ wjia:d i|yka lrk ,§'

17' fndfyda woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska fhdað; fldñIka iNdfõ n,h meyeÈ,sj oelaùu yd fmr mej;s mÍlaIK i|yd jQ ckdêm;s fldñIka iNdj,ska fjkia lr oelaùfï wjYH;dj fuka u i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj fj; mQ¾K úu¾IKd;aul N+ñldjla we;s nj o fmkajd fok ,§' mSvdjg ,la jQjkaf.a woyia úuid fmdÿ iudj §fï n,h i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdjg ;sìh hq;= nj iy hqla;sh mis|,Sfï wdh;khla fj; isoaëka fhduq lsÍfï n,h o ;sìh hq;= nj we;eï woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj,§ fmkajd ÿ‚' we;euqka fmdÿ iudj i;Hh fy<s lsÍu i|yd jk fm<Uùula f,i oelajq w;r úOdk §fï j.lSu orK my< uÜgïj,§ fmdÿ iudj §u ms<sn| idkqlïms; woyila we;s msßila o jQy' wfkla msßi lsis÷ fya;=jla hgf;a fmdÿ iudj §ug ;Èka u úreoaO úh' tfuka u iuia:hla f,i úOdk §fï j.lSu iys; uÜgfï" tkï ksfhda. ,nd fok wh úiska j. ùu ksYaÑ;ju wjfndaO lr.; hq;= w;r fuys§ fmdÿ iudjg bvla fkdue; hk m‚úvh ,nd ÿ‚'

18' wfkl=;a woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska fldñIka iNdfõ kej; isÿ fkdùu hk lreK ms<sn| wjOdkh fhduq l< w;r fjkiaj ie,lSfï rdcH m%;sm;a;s jeks óg fmr isÿ jQ W,a,x>Khka y÷kd.ekSu" wjOdrKh lsÍu yd ms<shï fiùu yd tajd ksjerÈ lsÍfï n,h iys; úh hq;= njg ks¾foaY lrk ,§' ixys¢hdj i|yd jk fjk;a hdka;%Khka" úfYaIfhka wêlrK hdka;%Kh yd ydks mQ¾Kh i|yd jk ld¾hd,h iy i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj w;r we;s iïnkaO;djka fmdÿfõ ms<s.eKqks' hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj úfYaI wêlrKh wkqmQrKh fkdl< hq;= w;r i;Hh yd hqla;shg úreoaOj ixys¢hdj iy kej; isÿ fkdùu flfrys muKla wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=hehs tla bosrsm;a lsrSula i|yka lf,ah

19' f;dr;=re fnodyeÍfï l%shdj,shg udèh fõ§ka yd l,dlrejka iyNd.slr .ekSu" fldñIka iNdj yryd f;dr;=re ,nd §u iy tys wjidk jd¾;dj NdId ;%s;ajfhka u ck;djg myiqfjka ,nd .ekSug wjldY i,id §fï jeo.;alu fmkajd foñka úfYaIfhka i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdfõ oekqj;a lsÍu" ck;djg ióm ùu yd ikaksfõok lghq;= ms<sn| wjOdrKh flß‚' kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd;a ixys¢hdj flfrys wkqn, §ug;a mSvdjg m;a jQjkag iydh §fï m%dfhda.sl wjYH;d i|yd;a iïmQ¾K ft;sydisl ,shú,a,la f,i uQ,sl jYfhka wkd.;h i|yd f;dr;=re f,aLK.; lsÍfï jeo.;alu o woyia bÈßm;a lsÍïj,§ y÷kd .e‚ks' i;Hh " hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdfõ fidhd.ekSï cd;sl wOHdmk m%;sixialrKhkays we;=<;a úh hq;= njg m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lrhs'

20' woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska n,mEug ,la jQjka w;ßka f;dard .;a lKavdhï i|yd m%isoaêfha lreKq úNd. lsÍfï wjia:dj o wfkla msßig mqoa.,slj idlaIs ,nd §fï wjia:dj o i,id fok f,i b,a,d isák ,§' meñ‚,s Ndr .ekSu yd ovqjï mekùu iy jd¾;d

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lsÍu o jeo.;a ld¾hhka f,i fmkajd fok ,§' fldñIka iNdfõ ks< ld,h ms<sn| lreKq oelajQ msßi lshd isáfha tys ld¾hh flá ld,hla ;=< iïmQ¾K l< hq;= njhs' we;eï woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska tu ld,h jir folla úh hq;= njg ks¾foaY lrk ,§' fldusIka iNdfõ ks< ld,h ta ioyd bosrsm;a jk isoaOSka m%udKh u; ;SrKh l< hq;= njg m%jspdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh k¾foaY lrhs¡

21' we;eï woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdfõ jHqyh ms<sn| lreKq bÈßm;a lrk w;r hdka;%Khkag <Õd ùfï yelshdj ;yjqre lsÍu i|yd fhdackd o bÈßm;a lrhs' fuu woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska úuOH.; jHqyhlg leue;a; m, lrk w;r n,mEug ,la jQ m%cdjkag i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj fj; <Õd ùfï yelshdj ;sìh hq;= nj wjOdrKh lrhs' tfuka u hdka;%Khka úiska rg mqrd msysá .ïudk fj; f.dia n,mEug ,la jQ m%cdjka fj;ska f;dr;=re ,nd .; hq;= njg fhdackd flf¾' i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñIka iNdj iajdëk wdh;khla f,i lghq;= l< hq;= nj;a th ndOdjkaf.ka f;drj l%shd;aul lsÍu i|yd m%udKj;a wruqo,a fjka l< hq;= nj;a woyia bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska wjOdrKh flf¾'

i;Hh" hqla;sh ixys¢hdj iy kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk lñgqj úiska ;u ks, ld,h wjik md¾,sfïka;=j fj; jd¾;djla bÈßm;a l< hq;= njg;a" tu jd¾;dj NdId ;%s;ajfhkau m%isoaO l< hq;= njg;a m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lrhs' tu mámdáhgu wkQj i;Hh" hqla;sh ixys¢hdj iy kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk lñgqj úiska ;u ld¾hhkag wod,j jd¾Isl jd¾;djlao ksl=;a l< hq;=h' m%isoaO /iaùï jdrj,g fmr" jdr w;r yd miq uyck;dj yd udOH w;r iïnkaO;djh ;yjqre lsÍu ms‚i" fï i|ydu fjka jQ fjí wvúhla yd uyck iïnkaO;d tallhla u.ska M,odhS oekqj;a lsÍfï yd ikaksfõok l%shdud¾.hla th úiska l%shd;aul l< hq;=h'

22' isú,a hqoaOh miqìï lrf.k w;S;fha isÿ jQ wmrdO yd tajdfha m%;sM, ms<sn| j.lSu" lKavdhïj, whs;Ska W,a,x>kh yd ckjd¾.sl yd$fyda wd.ñl lKavdhïj,g tfrysj isÿ jQ m%pKav l%shd" ol=fKa ke.sàu ;=< isÿ jQ wmrdOhka yd —tÈfkod m%pKav;ajhz yd o~qjï fkd,nd isàfï ysñlu wjika lsÍug we;s wjYH;djh y÷kd.ekSu" mj;sk kS;s yd wêlrK moaO;sfha wiu;aNdjhka i|yd ms<shï fiùu" W,a,x>kh lrkq ,enQ yd m%;slafIams; iduQysl whs;Ska i|yd foaYmd,k yd wd¾Ól úi÷ï ,nd§u" kej; isÿ fkdùu ;yjqre lsÍu yd ixys¢hdj i|yd moku ieliSu hkd§ jQ wdldrfhka .eg¿ .Kkdjla rfgys úúO foiska bÈßm;a ùu;a iu. hqla;sfha yd idOdrK;ajfha jeo.;alu biau;= flfrk ,§' tfukau" m%Odk jYfhka isxy, m%cdj ;=< iuyre hqla;sh bIaG lsÍu ;=< ixys¢hdjg ndOd lrkq we;s njg yd ckjd¾.sl$wd.ñl m%cdjka ;j ÿrg;a fnod fjkalrkq we;s njg;a ìh m, l<y' rg mqrd isjqfoiska hqla;sh i|yd flfrk oeä b,a,Su foi ne,sh hq;af;a .eg¿ ksrdlrKh lsÍug" m%pKav;ajh y÷kd.ekSug" j.ùu ia:dms; lsÍug fukau úm;g m;ajQjkaf.a wdrlaIdj ;yjqre lsÍu yd idlaIHlrejka m<s.ekSïj,ska wdrlaId lsÍu ms‚i wêlrK moaO;sfha we;s wiu;aNdjh yrydh' ta wkQj" rcfha fmr fldñIka iNdj, olajd we;s jd¾;d ;=<o olajd we;s mßÈ úfYaI wêlrKhla yd WmfoaYljrfhl= iys; wêlrK hdka;%Khla ;=<ska wêlrK l%shdj,sh flfrys mj;sk úYajdih m%;sia:dmkh l< yels njg oelsh yelsh¦ úfYaIfhkau tys iajdëk;ajh ;=<ska w;S; wvqmdvq yd fodaIhka úuiñka j.ùu ;yjqre lsÍugo yels fjkq we;' hqla;sfha jeo.;alu biau;= lrñka" tfy;a úfYaI hdka;%Khla fjkqjg jvd M,odhS yd m%;sixialrKh lrk ,o wêlrK moaO;shla ;=<ska hqla;sh ;yjqre l sÍu ms<sn|j wjOdrKh l< bÈßm;a lsÍïo ;sì‚'

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23' iajdëk;ajh" yelshdj" m%ùK;ajh yd úksú|Ndjh i|yd jk wjYH;djh" cd;Hka;r úksYaphlrejka" wNsfpdaolhka" úu¾Ylhka yd wêlrK hdka;%Kfha wfkl=;a ld¾h uKav,fha wjYH;djh ;yjqre lrhs' W;=f¾ yd ol=fKa fou< cd;slhkaf.ka b;d úYd, nyq;rhla cd;Hka;r ueÈy;aùula b,a,d isák w;ru fuu hdka;%Kh ;=< fou< NdIdj l:d lrk mqoa.,hka mej;Sfï jeo.;aluo wjOdrKh lrhs' fuu hdka;%Kh" Y%S ,xldfõ nyq ck yd nyq wd.ï iajNdjh mQ¾K jYfhka orkafka kï ta ms<sn|j jk úYajdih ;yjqre jk njg flfrk ;¾lh;a iu. fuu yhsì%â udÈ,sh ksiel f,i tfukau M,odhS f,i l%shd;aul lsÍu ;j;a Yla;su;a flfrhs' fuh ;kslru foaYSh l%shdj,shla f,i i,lk isxy, m%cdj úiska l=uk wdldrfha fyda cd;Hka;r ueÈy;aùula m%;slafIam flfrk bÈßm;a lsÍï .Kkdjlao ldrah idOl n,ldh fj; ,eì‚' cd;Hka;r yd cd;sl úksYaphlrejkaf.a .Kfkys wkqmd;h yd fuu yhsì%â l%uh fj;ska l%ñlj foaYSh hdka;%Khla fj; ixl%uKh ùfï wjYH;djh hkd§ jQ ;dlaI‚l ldrKd ms<sn|j idlÉPd l< bÈßm;a lsÍï lsysmhlao olakg ,eì‚'

24' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska ks¾foaY lrkqfha foaYSh úksYaphlrejka nyq;rhlska yd m%udKj;a ;rfï cd;Hka;r úksYaphlrejka m%udKhlska hqla; yhsì%â wêlrKhls' fuu.ska tla wêlrK iNdjla i|yd wju ;rñka tla cd;Hka;r úksYaphlrefjla isàu yd tla fyda Bg jeä úksYaphlrejka ixLHdjla fkdmeñŒfuka isÿ úh yels m%udohka je,elaùu isÿ flfrkq we;' tfukau wNsfpdaolhkaf.a yd úu¾Ylhkaf.a úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,h i|yd jk ;dlaIksl iyh ,nd§ug wu;rj cd;Hka;r iyNd.S;ajho ,nd.ekSfu fuu.ska ks¾foaY flf¾' cd;Hka;r iyNd.S;ajh ms<sn|j meyeÈ,s ud¾f.damfoaYhla yd ks¾Kdhlhka w¾: .kajd m%isoaO l< hq;=h' foaYSh hdka;%Khka ;=< úYajdih f.dvke.Sfuka wk;=rej yd wjYH úfYaI{Ndjh iy yelshdj ,nd.ekSfuka wk;=rej cd;Hka;r iyNd.S;ajh l%ñlj bj;a l< yelsh'

25' wêlrK hdka;%Kfha m%Odk;u wêlrKuh lghq;a; jkafka hqO wmrdO" ukqIH;ajhg tfrys wmrdO yd cd;Hka;r jHjydr kS;sh W,a,x>kh wNsfpdaokh lsÍuhs' jO §u" ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajh" >d;k" frday,aj,g fndaïn oeóu" T!IO yd wdydr iemhSu m%;slafIam lsÍu jeks is;du;du isú,a ck;dj b,lal lsÍu" ;ykï wdhqO Ndú;d lsÍu" yuqoduh l%shdlrejkag Ndr jQ mqoa.,hka w;=reoka ùu" n,y;aldrfhka isú,a jeishka m,jd yeÍu yd orejka n,y;aldrfhka n|jd.ekSu hkdÈh úu¾Ykhg ,la l< hq;= ksYaÑ; wmrdO f,i lñgqj fj; flreKq bÈßm;a lsÍïj, úfYaIfhka i|ykaj ;sì‚' ;dlaI‚l fhÿï ;=<skau i|yka lr fkd;snqKo f,daldh;a; wêlrK n,h iïnkaO bÈßm;a lsÍï ;=< fhdackd flrefKa wêlrK hdka;%Kh hqoaO ld, iSudj ;=< isÿ flreKq wmrdO fyda hqO ld,fha ksYaÑ; ld,hka we;=<; isÿ flreKq wmrdOj,g muKla iSud fkdúh hq;= njhs' fuu b,a,Sï mrdih ms<sn|j i,ld n,ñka wêlrK n,h iïnkaOj f,daldh;a; iSudjka fkd;sìh hq;= njg m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lrhs'

26' úfoaYsl msßia" wm%udoj ia:dmkh lsÍu yd uyck iïnkaO;djh hkdÈhg jk wjYH;djhka i|yd jk úfYaI WmfoaYhl= iïnkaOj ksYaÑ;ju isÿ l< mqoa., bÈßm;a lsÍï ;snqKo" wêlrK hdka;%Kfha wNsfpdaokd ld¾h Ndrhg wod, wNsfpdaol m%;sm;a;sh ms<sn| .eg¿j" oDIagdka;uh isoaëka f;dard.ekSu yd ta ms<sn|j lghq;= lsÍu iy idudkH wêlrKhka fj; fhduq l< yels b;sß kvqj, brKu hkdÈh ms<sn|j m%udKj;a wjOdkhla fhduq fkdùh' úfYaI WmfoaYl OQrh wm%udoj msysgqúh hq;= njg m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lr isঠtys n,;, yd ld¾hhka fukau wfkla hdka;%khka iu. tys we;s iïnkaO;djh meyeÈ,sj olajd m%isoaO l< hq;=h' m%dfhda.sl;ajh$fõ,dj$iïm;a ms<sn| fya;= ksid W,a,x>kh lsÍï ms<sn| ish¿u mqoa.,sl kvq wNsfpdaokh lsÍug úfYaI wêlrKhg fkdyels jQ wjia:dj," wNsfpdaol m%;sm;a;sh

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úiska úYd,;u cd;Hka;r wmrdOj, j.lSu orkakka ta flfrys j. ùug ,la lsÍug j. n,d.; hq;=h'

27' rch fyda rch u.ska iyh olajk wdh;k fyda mqoa.,hka iïnkaOj Tjqkaf.a ;rd;sru yd$fyda ;;a;ajh fkdn,d m, l< woyia yd t,aààB h iïnkaOj lñgqj fj; flreKq bÈßm;a lsÍïj, wvx.=j ;sì‚' wmrdOj,g úOdk ÿka wh yd$fyda ;uka úiskau wmrdOhka isÿ fkdl< cfHIaG;u kdhlhka fuu hdka;%Kh u.ska wdjrKh jk mßÈ úOdk j.lSfï jeo.;alu wjOdrKh flf¾' t,aààB idudðlhkag tfrysj wNsfpdaokh lsÍu iïnkaOj fou< m%cdj ;=< iuyrl=f.a bÈßm;a lsÍu jQfha oekg Ôj;ajk t,aààB idudðlhka mqkre;a:dmk l%shdj,shlg hg;aj fyda mj;sk wêlrK moaO;sfhka wNsfpdaokhg ,laj we;s ksid Tjqkag tfrysj kej; kS;suh l%shdud¾. fkd.; hq;= njhs' fuu bÈßm;a lsÍïj,g wkQj" ta fjkqjg wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;af;a hqoaOfha wjika wÈhr ;=< fyda wjidkfha§ rch iu. tlajQ t,aààB kdhlhka ms<sn|j fyda úfoaY.;j isákafka hehs Wml,ams; t,aààB kdhlhka ms<sn|jhs' fï yd iudkju" rK úrejka b,lal lr.ekSu ms<sn| .eg¿ u;= lrñka isxy, m%cdj úiskao woyia bÈßm;a flß‚' Tjqkaf.a woyi jkafka iuyr l%shdjka isÿ ù we;af;a hqoaOfha yÈis fyda wjodkï ;;a;ajh hgf;ah' ish¿u m%cdjka fj;ska isÿ lr we;s bÈßm;a lsÍï wkQj úOdk jHqyh yd fY%a‚h iy f.dkq mqrdu isák j. lsjhq;a;ka j.ùug ,la l< hq;= nj yd idOdrK;ajh bIag l< hq;= njhs'

28' ,sÅ;j isÿ flreKq bÈßm;a lsÍï lsysmhla ;=< wêlrKfha udÈ,sh yd jHqyh ms<sn|j i|yka lr ;sì‚' ta wkQj" kvq f,aLk.; lsÍfï" úNd. lsÍfï yd wNshdpkd lsÍfï uKav,j,ska iukaú; md¾,sfïka;=fõ mk;la u.ska ia:dms; jd‚c uydêlrKhg iudk jQ uydêlrKhla yd úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,hla we;s lsÍu' bÈßm;a lsÍïj,g wkQj" úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,h i|yd meyeÈ,s úê ksfhda.hka ;sìh hq;= w;r iajdëk úh hq;=h' tfukau thg úu¾Ykh" úkaÈ;hka yd idlaIHlrejka wdrlaId lsÍu" WmfoaYkh yd úkaÈ; iyh" uyck iïnkaO;d hk tallhkao w;=reoka ùï iïnkaO úfYaI tallhlao iys; úh hq;=h' bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska kvq úNd. wëlaIK tallhla fukau wdrlaIl yd ffk;sl tallhlao ;sìh hq;=h' n,mEï ,;a mqoa.,hka úiska u;= l< m%Odk .eg¿ jQfha msysàu yd NdIdj wkQj m%fõY ùug we;s yelshdjhs' m%fõY ùug we;s yelshdj iy;sl lrkq jia wêlrKh msysgd we;s ia:dkh jeo.;a jk w;r wju jYfhka m<d;aj, wêlrK YdLd msysgqúh hq;=h' tfukau úkaÈ;hkag yd idlaIHlrejkag ;ud leu;s NdIdjlska wêlrKh yd iïnkaO ùug wêlrKh úiska bv ,nd Èh hq;=h'

29' fuu bÈßm;alsÍïj, wvx.= jQ ;j;a lreKla jQfha cd;Hka;r udkqIjd§ kS;sh yd idlaIH iy l%shmámdáj,g wod, Í;ska foaYSh l%u moaO;sh ;=<g we;=<;a l< hq;=h hkakhs' úOdk lsÍfï" by< yd úOdk j.lSu fukau noaO wmrdO jHjjidh hkd§ jQ j.lSï udÈ,Ska Y%S ,dxlSh kS;shg y÷kajd §fï wjYH;djh Tjqka úiska fmkajd fokq ,efí' ;j;a ;dlaI‚luh wdldrfha bÈßm;a lsÍï lsysmhla úiska mámdáuh Í;ska we;s lsÍu" idlaIH tla /ia lsÍu" yeisrùu yd .nvd lr .ekSu fukau idlaIHlrejkaf.a idlaIs flfrys lghq;= lsÍu iïnkaOj wêlrKfha n,;, yd l%shdldÍ;ajh iïnkaOj idlÉPd lrhs'

30' ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajhg f.dÿre jQjka" orejka yd wdndê; mqoa.,hka hkd§ jQ úfYaIs; úkaÈ;hka yd mqoa.,hka wêlrKh bÈßhg meñKùfï§ lghq;= l< hq;= wdldrh ms<sn|j isÿ flreKq bÈßm;a lsÍï ;=< úkaÈ;hkag hym;a wdldrfha mámdáuh kS;s yd úkaÈ;hkag yd idlaIHlrejkag ie,lSfï wdldr ms<sn| ks¾foaY we;=<;a úh' wêlrK hdka;%Kh ms<sn|j" úfYaIfhkau ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajh iïnkaO .eg¿ ms<sn|j ,enqKq ;dlaIKuh bÈßm;a lsÍï u.ska wêlrK l%ufha wiu;alï biau;= lrk w;r úi÷ula ,nd.ekSu olajd

bÈßhg lghq;= flreKq w;S; meñ‚,s úNd. lsÍu i|yd wêlrKh i;= iaj n,h (suo-

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moto& Ndú;d lsÍfï wjYH;djh wjOdrKh lrhs' ìhg m;a lsÍu kej; isÿ ùu je<elaùu yd idOdrK;ajh iy;sl lsÍu ms‚i úkaÈ;hkaf.a yd idlaIHlrejkaf.a ksYaÑ; wjYH;djhka flfrys wjOdkh fhduq lsÍu i|yd jk mámdàka wêlrK hdka;%Kh ;=< m%uqL;djhla úh hq;= nj wjOdrKh flf¾'

31' úksYaphldrjreka" wNsfpdaolhka yd ld¾h uKav,h f;aÍfï§ yd m;alsÍfï§ tla tla wfmalaIlhkaf.a yelshdj" hym;a pß;h yd wNs,dYuh .egqu iajdëk wêldßhla u.ska mÍlaId flfrk oeä yd ;o iajdëk l%shdj,shl jeo.;alu fuu bÈßm;a lsÍu ;=<ska wjOdrKh flß‚' úksYaphldrjreka" úfYaIfhka cd;Hka;r úksYaphldrjreka" m;a l< hq;af;a ;kslru foaYSh l%shdj,shla ;=<skao ke;fyd;a cd;Hka;r iyNd.S;ajh iys;jo hkak ms<sn|j talu;sl woyila ke;' W;=re m%foaYfhka ,enqKq bÈßm;a lsÍï lsysmhlu uyck$ n,mEïj,g ,la jQ m%cdjf.a úYajdih Èkd isák úksYaphldrjreka yd ld¾h uKav, m;a lsÍfï jeo.;alu wjOdrKh lr ;sì‚'

32' uyck /iaùï ;=< flreKq woyia oelaùï ;=< n,mEïj,g ,;a m%cdjka yg wêlrK hdka;%Khg iyNd.S ùug bv §fï jeo.;a lu biau;= lrk ,o w;ru m%isoaO kvq úNd. meje;aùu yd kvq úNd. uyck;dj fj; úldYh lsÍu ms<sn|jo woyia u;= úh' fuhg wod,j Tjqka wêlrK hdka;%Kh ÿgqfõ hqla;sh bgq lsÍfï ld¾hh ;=<g úkaÈ;hka mjd iïnkaO úh yels uyck úksYaph iNdjla f,ih' wêlrKhg msúiSfï whs;sh" wêlrKh ;=< ksfhdackh lsÍu yd wdrlaIdj" ufkdajsoHd;aul yd ia;%S  mqreI Ndjh iïnkaO lreKq u; mokïj n,mEug ,la jQ m%cdj i;=j wêlrK hdka;%Kh ;=< mj;sk N+ñldj wfkl=;a bÈßm;a lsÍï ;=<ska idlÉPd flß‚'

33' udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh lsÍï yd úfYaI wêlrKh u.ska úNd.hg fkd.;a kvq wNsfpdaokh lsÍu ;yjqre lsÍu ms‚i idudkH wêlrK moaO;sh ;=< ksis úê úOdk ielish hq;=h' fuhg kS;sm;s fomd¾;fïka;=j" wêlrK ffjoH ks,OdÍka" fmd,Sish yd Yla;su;a úkaÈ; yd idlaIH iqrlaIK tallh hkd§ jQ ish¿ uÜgï ;=< moaO;s m%;sixialrKhka yd jHqyd;aul fjkialï we;=<;a fõ' m%;sixialrK i|yd jk wjYH;djh iuyr ,sÅ; bÈßm;a lsÍïj, ;snQ w;r wdxYsl /iaùï fukau uyck /iaùï j,§ wú.;a .egqu" wd.ñl m%pKav;ajh yd ztÈfkodz kS;sh yd iduh ;=< wdrlaIdj fidhk zmqoa.,hka uqyqK fokq ,nk wNsfhda.hka .Kkdjla u;= flß‚' fï iïnkaOj k s¾foaY .Kkdjla i;Hh" hqla;sh ixys¢hdj iy kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk lñgqfõ wjika jd¾;dj ;=< wjOdrKh lr we;'

34' i;Hh" hqla;sh ixys¢hdj iy kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk lñgqj" rch úiska fhdað; hdka;%K i;rg wu;rj wfkl=;a fhdackd i|ydo újD; úh' wj;ekaùu" bvï" ldka;dj yd hqla;sh iy wd.ñl mSvkh jeks .eg¿ fj; wjOdkh fhduq lsÍu i|yd fjkuu hdka;%Khka i|yd jk wjYH;djh u;= lsÍfï§ ixúOdk yd mqoa.,hka mj;sk l%ufha wvqmdvq fukau fujeks .eg¿ iïnkaOj blauka l%shdjka .ekSfï wjYH;djho wjOdrKh lrk ,§'

35' iq¿;r m%cdjkaf.a .eg¿ i,ld ne,Su i|yd iq¿ ck ysñlï fldñiula ia:dms; lsÍug i;Hh" hqla;sh ixys¢hdj iy kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk lñgqj ks¾foaY lrhs' isú,a iudch fj;ska ,nd.kakd ,o kdu f,aLkhla jHjia:dodhl iNdj úiska ckdêm;sjrhdg bÈßm;a lrkq ,ÿj" ckdêm;sjrhd tu kdu f,aLkfha mqoa.,hka w;=ßka fldñIka iNdj m;a l< hq;=h' tu.ska" rfÜ iq¿;r ck;djf.a ;;a;ajh ms<sn|j jd¾Isl jd¾;djla md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a l< hq;= w;r tys ks;suh m%;sixialrKhka i|yd fhdackdjka we;=<;a l< yelsh'

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36' wd.ñl m%pKav;ajh ms<sn|j bÈßm;a lsÍï .Kkdjlao ,enqKq w;r thska iuyrla hqla;sfha wjYH;djh u;= lr oelajQ w;r wfkla bÈßm;a lsÍï ;=< je<elaùfï yd m%;spdrd;aul l%shhdud¾.hka fukau fjkuu jQ hdka;%Khla fhdackd lr we;' 2016 fmnrjdß ui ckdêm;sjrhd úiska ia:dms; l< njg jd¾;d fjk wka;¾ wd.ñl WmfoaYk lKavdhu úiska wd.ñl .egqï yd m%pKav l%shdjka fmr§ y÷kdf.k wk;=re yeÕùu" tjeks u;fNaohka i|yd ueÈy;a ùu yd tjeks l%shdjkaf.ka n,mEï ,;a mqoa.,hkaf.a whs;Ska w.;shg ,la fkdlrñka tajd wëlaIKh lsÍu iy ia:dms; kS;sh yd iduh iy hqla;sh ms<sn| mámdàka ;=<ska tajd ksrdlrKh lsÍu l< hq;=h'

37' yuqodlrKh bj;a lsÍu yd fmr igkalrejka iudch ;=<g wkql,kh lsÍu iïnkaOj ksYaÑ; ks¾foaYhka ,nd § we;' j;auka hqO yuqod ld¾h uKav,h yd wdndê; fin¿ka ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iïnkaOj ;u woyia u;= l< w;r hqO yuqodjka iu. iïnkaO mqoa.,hka" hqO yuqodj,g iïnkaO mqoa.,hkaf.a" fmd,sia ks,OdÍkaf.a yd l%shdkaú;fha§ w;=reoka jQjkaf.a mjq,a fuu hdka;%Khka ;=< fiajh lsÍfï wjYH;djh we;=¿ fjk;a foa iïnkaOj fhdackdjka u;= lrk ,§' t,aààBh iu. iïnkaO jQ ysgmq igka lrejka fuu hdka;%Khka i;r ms<sn|j woyia oelajQ kuq;a ;u j¾;udk ;;a;ajh" mqkre;a:dmk jevigyfka wiu;alï iy iudchg wkq,lkh ùu ms<sn|j lreKqo u;= lrk ,§' hqO yuqodjkaj," nqoaê wxYfha yd fmd,Sisfha wLKav m%ùlaIKh wkdrlaIs; nj yd wmlS¾;sh flfrys n,mdk whqre ms<sn|j fukau ;ukag we;s iSud iys; wd¾Ól wjia:djka ms<sn|jo Tjqyq woyia oelajQy' iuyreka mjik wdldrhg Tjqka m%cdj ;=< fldka lsÍug ,la ùug fya;=j jQfha rch úiska Tjqka ysgmq igkalrejka f,i y÷kd.ekSu ksid muKla fkdj Tjqka ms<sn|j iudcfha we;s wdl,amho ksidh' ish¿u fmr igka lrejkag ;u lS¾;sh iy Tjqka l< lemlsÍu i|yd iudcuh f.!rjh fkdue;s ùfï .eg¿j u;=j ;sì‚'

38' ks¾foaYj,ska b;d úYd, m%udKhla rch fj; fhduq lr ;sîu mqÿuhg lreKlao fkdfõ' ixl%dka;s hqla;sh i|yd wjYH iudcuh fjkialï ms<sn|j bÈßm;a lsÍï l=vd m%udKhla ;snQ w;r bka fndfyduhla udOH yd l,dlrejka iu. mej;s wdxYsl yuqj,§ ilik ,o tajdh' iudcfha hï ksYaÑ; wxYhka úiska iajhx úfõpkd;aul wka;rdjf,dalkhka yd bka miq isÿ l< hq;= ksjerÈ l%shdud¾. ms<sn|j hï bÈßm;alsÍï m%udKhla isÿ lr ;sì‚'

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ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY

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ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY m%úpdrK l%shdj,sfhys,d iïnkaOjQ md¾Yjhka úiska isÿ lrk ,o bÈßm;a lsÍïj,g wu;rj ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldho my; i|yka mßÈ iajlSh jQ ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY bÈßm;a lr isà' m%úpdrK l%shdj,sh u.ska fï ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY m,lr isák w;r th isÿ lrkqfha ixys¢hdj ,Õdlr .ekSu msKsi fhdackd lrkakdjQ hdka;%Khkag iy th fjkqfjka lghq;= lrkakdjQ ixo¾Nhg wod,j h' ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldfha my; i|yka ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY ldKav.; flfrkqfha ta wkqjh' w& fmdÿ( 1'1' úúO;ajh hkak Yla;shla fukau j;alula f,i ms,s.;hq;= jkafka hhss y÷kd.kq ,nk" tfiau mqrjeisNjh hkak iaÓridr f,i wfkHdakH .re;ajh u; mokïjk nyq;ajjd§" nyq wd.ñl iy nyq jd¾.sl Y%S ,xldjla ms,sn| ±lau rch-úfYaIfhkau tys by,u ia:rhka- fukau isú,a iudch úiskao rgmqrd jHdma; lsÍu iy ms,s.ekSug ,la lsÍu w;HjYH jkafkah' úúO;ajh ;=< jk tlai;aNdjh" Y%S ,xldfõ nyqúO wkkH;djka flf¾jk ms,s.ekSu iy wdrlaIdj iy;sl lsÍu rfgys w¾:j;a ixys¢hdj" iduh iy iuDoaêh ia:dms; lsÍfï,d uQ,sl jkafkah' 1'2' ixys¢hdj we;s lsÍfï,d rdcHfha lemùu iïnkaOfhka iudcfhys ie,lshhq;= uÜgñka tfukau wLKavj mj;akd úYajdifhys wvqlu iuyka lsÍu fjkqfjka rch" ks¾jpkh lr we;s wdldrh ljrla jqj ta ljr ckj¾.hla flf¾ mCImd;S;ajhka fyda ìhla fkdolajñka" jd¾.sl fNaohka iy wd.ñl jYfhka mj;akd fkdßiaiSï jHdma; ùu je,elaùug iy j.lsjhq;= jkakdjQ md¾Yjhka kshñ; ffk;sl l%shdj,sh ;=< r|jd .ekSug i:,odhS iy b;d meyeÈ,s l%shdud¾.hka .; hq;af;ah' 1'3' rfgys wkq.ukh lrkq ,nkd nyqúO wd.ï flf¾ iudk f.!rjhla olajk whqßka iy f,!lsl rdcHhla flf¾ fhduqjk whqßka ish¿ md¾Yjlrejka iu. jk m%úpdrKh yryd w¾:j;a mshjr wksjd¾hhfhkau .; hq;= jkafka hhs ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldh ±äfia ks¾foaY lr isáhs' 1'4' w¾:j;a iduhla iy tlai;aNdjhla Wfoidjk ixl%dka;s hqla;sfhys uqLH jeo.;alu ms,s.ekSfuys,d iEu mqrjeishl=ygu w;S; .egqï ms,sn| i;Hh ±k.ekSug fukau tys§ isÿj we;s udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khka iy Bg n,mE fya;= ±k.ekSug we;s whs;sh wdKavql%u jHjia:dfjka ms,s.; hq;af;aah' 1'5' tjka .egqïj,§ ydkshg m;a fyda mdvq is¥ùïj,g ,lajQ iEu mqoa.,hl=gu iM,odhS ms,shï ,nd .ekSug wksjd¾hh ysñlula ;sìh hq;=jk w;r Bg my; oE we;=,;a úh hq;af;ah' w&'wmrdO hqla;sho we;=¿j iM,odhS j.ùï l%shdj,shla wd&' im%udKj;a" iM,odhS iy blauka jkaÈf.ùfï iy mqkre;a;dmk l%shdj,shla

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1'6' tjka wdldrfha udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khka iy .egqï kej; we;s fkdjk njg ;yjqrejk wdldrfha ish¿ idOdrK mshjr rch úiska .kq ,eìh hq;=jk w;r úfYaIfhkau udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khka i|yd fya;=ldrl jkakdjQ fyda ta je,elaùug wfmdfydi;a jkakdjQ wdh;k m%;sixialrKhg w;HjYHfhkau mshjr .; hq;af;ah' tfukau wmrdOuqla;sh ms,n|j mj;akd whym;a ixialD;sh uq¿ukskau wdmiq yerúh hq;af;ah' 1'7' iM,odhS iy w¾:j;a n,h fn§ula u; mokï jk wdldrhg jd¾.sl .egqu i|yd foaYmd,k iy wdKavql%u jHjia:duh úi÷ula ms,sn| tlÕ;djla fukau th mQ¾K jYfhka l%shd;aul lsÍulao fuys,d ;SrKd;aul jkafkah' ixys¢hdj Wfoidjk mQ¾j wjYH;djla f,i fukau ixys¢hdj Wfoidjk hdka;%Khka ia:dms; lsÍug iy tajd l%shd;aul lsÍug wjYH jkakdjQ mßirhla we;s lsÍfuys,d ;SrKd;aul jk lreKla f,i fuh fndfyda ksfhdackhka u.ska y÷kd.kq ,en ;sfí' 1'8' rg mqrd bÈßm;a lrk ,o ksfhdackhka u.ska ixys¢hdj iïnkaOfhka mj;akd tla m%Odk ndOlhla f,i rdcH hdka;%Kh ;=< oaúNdId m%úK;dj iïnkaOfhka mj;akd wvqmdvq y÷kd.kq ,eîh' tfyhska ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldh fuh m%uqLj wduka;%Kh l, hq;= lreKla f,i ks¾foaY lrhs' 1'9' yuqodj úiska w;am;a lrf.k isák bvï blaukska wdmiq ysñlrejkag Ndr§u" /|úhka fukau /|jqï uOHia:dk ms,sn| ,ehsia;=jla ksl=;a lsÍu" ;%ia;jdoh je,elaùfï mK; wj,x.= lsÍu iy ;%ia;jdoh je,elaùfï mK; hgf;a r|jd .kq ,en isák fpdaokd fkdue;s mqoa.,hka ksoyia lsÍu we;=¿j úYajdih f.dvke.Su Wfoid bjy,a jk mshjr rdYshla úYajdih iïnkaOfhka mj;akd ie,lsh hq;= uÜgfï wvqj iuyka lsÍu Wfoid wm%ud§j .;hq;af;ah' 1'10' fmd,sish" wdrlaIl yuqod iy nqoaOs wxY w;a wvx.=jg .ekSï iy r|jd .ekSï ms,sn| 2016 cQks ui h<s ksl=;a lrk ,o ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ud¾f.damfoaYhka ms,smÈk njg rch wksjd¾hfhkau iy;sl úh hq;af;ah' 1'11' n,y;aldÍ w;=reoyka lsÍï j,ska ish¿ mqoa.,hka wdrlaId lsÍu ms,sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;sh hgf;a wmrdO hkak iïnkaOfhka bÈßm;a lr we;s ks¾jpkh yd iu.dój n,y;aldÍ w;=reoyka lsÍï wmrdO f,i ks¾jpkh lsÍu msKsi w;HjYH jHjia:duh m%;smdok wm%ud§j .; hq;af;ah' 1'12' wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 13^6& j.ka;sh iy isú,a iy foaYmd,k ysñlï ms,sn| cd;Hka;r m%{ma;sfhys 13^2& j.ka;sh wkqj hñka ;djld,sl kshuhkaf.ka f;drj iy w;S;fha isÿ lrk ,o hqo wmrdOhka iy ukqIH;ajhg tfrys wmrdOhkag tfrysj kvq mejÍug wjir ,efnk fia hqo wmrdO iy ukqIH;ajhg tfrys wmrdOhka jeks cd;Hka;r wmrdOhka wmrdO f,i ms,sf.k jHjia:dodhlh yryd jydu tajd Y%S ,xldfõ kS;s moaO;shg we;=¿ l, hq;= jkafkah' 1'13' ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy ixys¢hdj Wfoidjk hdka;%Khka ia:dms; lsÍu iy l%shd;aul lsÍu msKsijk ud¾. is;shula rch úiska w;HjYHfhkau ms,sfh, l, hq;af;ah' tu ud¾. is;shu u.ska wud;HdxYo we;=¿j" ixys¢hdj i|yd tlsfkl u; mejfrk n,;, iys;j

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rdcH wdh;khkayS nyqúO;dfjys meje;au fjkqfjka lghq;= l, hq;af;ah' tfiau tu.ska wod, jkakdjQ rdcH wdh;khka fukau tajdfha n,;, ukdj fm,.iajk w;ru tajdfha n,;, iy ls%hdldrlï" tlsfkl fj; we;s in|;djka ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy ixys¢hdj fjkqfjka ia:dms; l, hq;= hdka;%Kh meyeÈ,s l, hq;af;ah' 1'14' §m jHdma; jevigyklg ish¿ md¾Yjlrejka iïnkaO lrñka ckdêm;sjrhd iy w.%dud;Hjrhd ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy ixys¢hdj Wfoidjk ud¾. is;shu id¾:l;ajhg m;a l, hq;= jk w;ru tys iuia; j.lSu ±ßh hq;af;ah' tfiau hdka;%Khka msKsijk jHjia:djka ms,sfh, lsÍfï§ fukau bka miqjo ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldfha m%úpdrKhka blaujñka rch iy ish¿ md¾Yjlrejka w;r wLKav ixjdohla iy m%úpdrKhla mj;ajd .ekSu fmdÿ uyckhd iy ikakoaO yuqodjka w;frys msßyS we;s úYajdih iukh lsÍfï,d b;d ;Srl iy uQ,sl jeo.;alulska hq;a wjYH;djla f,i mj;skq we;af;ah' fuys id¾:l;ajh Wfoid meyeÈ,s udOH Wmdh ud¾.hka iys;j fmdÿ ck;dj fj; ióm ùu b;d jeo.;a fõ' 1'15' hdka;%Khkaf.a iy ixys¢hd l%shdj,Skaf.a iuia; wkqikaOdkh iy;sl lrkqjia úfYaIfhkau wod, hdka;%Khka w;frys in|;djka ms,sn|j mj;akd úhjq,a iy.; ;;ajhka ;=< tfukau fï hdka;%Khka i;r ia:dms; l, hq;af;ao hkak iïnkaOfhka mj;akd fmdÿ wj{diy.; wdl,am j,g ms,s;=re f,i wdrïNfha§u fï hdka;%Khka i;ru i|ydjk m%;sm;a;sh iy fufyhqï rduqjg m%uqL;ajh Èh hq;=jk fiau tajd jydu m%isoaO lr l%shdldÍ njg meñKúh hq;af;ah' 1'16' ksis l,g ksis whqßka fï hdka;%Khka i|yd wruqo,a imhk njg jk j.lSu rch úiska wksjd¾hfhkau ±ßh hq;=jk w;r fhda.H whjeh m%;smdokhkao i,id,sh hq;af;ah'

1'17' fkdoqgq njg jk iy;slh ^Certifiate of absence ) jeks fhÿï i|yd j¾;udkfha

Ndú;djk fou, fhÿu jeks whym;a iy fhda.H fkdjkakdjQ fhÿï iy úlD;s lsÍï u.yerùu i|yd ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk hdka;%Khka iy wfkla mshjrhka kï lsÍfï§ iy fufyhùfï§ fhda.H NdId jHjydrhka mj;ajd .ekSug wksjd¾hhfhkau wjOdkh fhduq l, hq;af;ah' fï i|yd NdId Ndú;djka ms,sn|j ms,s.ekSug ,laj isákd wod, lafIa;%fhys úfYaI{hkaf.a Wmfoia ,nd.; hq;af;ah' 1'18' rch fmdÿ wdrlaIdj iy ;%ia; úfrdaë kS;s we;=¿j úksúo fmfkkd iy ish,a, we;=¿ lr.kakd wdldrfha kS;s iïmdok l%shdj,shla iy;sl l, hq;af;ah' ;jo Y%S ,xldfõ ffk;sl iy m%;sm;a;suh rduqj wdKavql%u jHjia:dj úiska iy cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï ms,sn| j.lSï j,ska iy;sl lr we;a;djQ uQ,sl wis;sjdislï j,g wkq.; jk nj wkq,a,x>KSh fldkafoaishla úh hq;af;ah'

i) yuqodyrKh- 1'19' hqoaOfha isg iduh i|yd jk ixl%dka;sh ;=< yuqodjg mejfrk ;Srl ld¾hNdrh yuqfõ" j.ùfï hdka;%Kh flf¾jk úfYaI wjOdkh iys;j ixl%dka;s hqla;sh ms,sn| l%shdj,sh iy úúO hdka;%Khka ms,sn|j yuqodfõ ish¿ ks,hka mQ¾K wjfndaOfhka hqla;j mj;ajd .ekSu wkq,a,x>KSh j.lSula jkafkah' tfiau mYapd;a .egqï ;=< l%shd;auljk m%cd;ka;%jdoh yuqfõ yuqodfõ j.lSu iy ld¾hNdrh ljf¾o hkak ms,sn| meyeÈ,s

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wjfndaOhla iy ms,s.ekSula rdcHh" yuqodj iy isú,a n,dêldÍka fj; wksjd¾hfhkau ;sìh hq;af;ah' fï ld¾hNdrh ms,sn|j jk ms,s.ekSu tys l%shd;aulNdjh u.ska jvd Wiia ;;ajhlg m;aúh hq;af;ah' ta wkqj rch yuqodyrKh iy wdrlaIl wxY m%;sixialrKh iy;sl lsÍu Wfoid wksjd¾hfhkau mshjr .; hq;af;ah' úfYaIfhkau fuys§ yuqodj wd¾:sl lghq;=j,ska fukau isú,a mßmd,kh iy fmd,sish úiska l, hq;= jkakdjQ ld¾hhkaf.ka uq¿ukskau bj;a úh hq;af;ah' 1'20' isú,a Ôú;h iy iudch Ôú;hg h,s taldnoaO lsÍu msKsi jk mqkre;a;dmkhla iu.ska wdrlaIl n,ldhhka mshjßka mshjr bj;a lr,Su wjYH jkafkah' iuia; mqkre;a;dmk l%shdj,shgu mqoa.,hkaf.a ufkda idudÔh mqkre;a;dmkh" Tjqkag h<s wOHdmkh ,nd §u" iy wjYH jD;a;Suh mqyqkqj ,nd§u we;=,;a úh hq;af;ah' ta wkqj udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khka fyda wmrdO ms,sn| lsisÿ jd¾;djla fkdue;s mqoa.,hka isú,a wdh;khkayS .e,fmk ;k;=rej, fiajd kshqla; lsÍug fyda Tjqkag úfoia rgj, /lshd fidhd §ug fyda yelsh' fiajfhka bj;a ùfï$l,ska úY%du.ekSfï wdl¾YKSh meflachla Tjqka yg msßkeñh hq;= jk w;r Bg úYdu jegqma" mjq,a meflachka" YsIH;aj iy <uqka mdi,aj,g we;=,;a lsÍu i|ydjk bv lv" fjk;a Wmldr iy fiajd" miqúmrï iys; ffjoH iy ufkda idudðh Wmldr iy m%;sldrhka" kjd;eka" wdodhï W;amdok Kh iy wjia:djka hkdÈh we;=,;a l, yelsh' fï u.ska n,mEug ,lajk mqoa.,hka yg wksjd¾hhfhkau fï l%shdj,sh ms,sn| f;dr;=re ,nd Èh hq;=h' 1'21' ±kg yuqodj úiska w;am;a lrf.k isák" isú,a jeishka úiska ysñlï lshkq ,nk rcfha iy mqoa.,sl bvï iïnkaOfhka .;a l, fmdÿ iyNd.S;ajho iys; úia;S¾K ie,iqï l%shdj,shla iy bvï ksoyia lsÍu i|yd jk iúia;rd;aul ie,iqula wjYH fõ' ksoyia lsÍfï l%shdj,sh kej; we.hSu i|yd jd¾Isl iudf,dapkhla isÿ l,hq;af;ah'

ii) fmd,sia iy wêlrK m%;sixialrK

1'22' wêlrK" kS;s iy iduh ms,sn| moaO;Ska yryd iykhka wfmalaId lsÍfï§ we;sjk m%udohka iy u. weysÍï .ek ie,lsh hq;= ixLHdjl ksfhdackhka u.ska u;= lr olajd ;sfí' tfyhska wêlrK" kS;s iy iduh ms,sn| jHqyhka iy l%shdj,Ska iudf,dapkhg ,la lsÍfï iy m%;sixialrKh lsÍfï meyeÈ,s wjYH;djla mj;S' i;Hh ±k .ekSfï" hql;sh iy j.ùu ms,sn| ysñlu" jkaÈ ,nd .ekSfï iy h<s tjka isÿùï fkdjk njg iy;slhla ,nd .ekSfï whs;sh hkdÈh wkqj rduq.; lrk ,o ixl%dka;s hqla;s uQ,O¾u fïjd iu. taldnoaO l, hq;=h' 1'23' idudkH wêlrKhka yryd jk iM,odhS ms,shï iy j.ùï ;=<ska moaO;s m%;sixialrK iy jHqyd;aul fjkialï yryd wêlrK moaO;sh" kS;sm;s fomd¾;fïka;=j" úu¾Ylhka" wêlrK ffjoH ks,OdÍka" iy úkaÈ;hka iy idlaIslrejka f.a wdrlaIdj we;=¿j iEu uÜgul§u moaO;sfha mj;akd m%udohka" ksoyi iSudùu iy foaYmd,kSlrKh" ms,sne¢hd .egqu" Odß;dj iy ksmqK;dfõ uolu" f.dÿrejQjka flakaøSh lr .ekSfï iuia; jYfhka mj;akd ÿn,;djka we;=¿j hqla;sh iy j.ùu i|yd jk m%fõYhkag ndOd muqKqjk mq¿,a .eg¿j,g wduka;%Kh lsÍug ueÈy;a úh hq;af;ah' 1'24' úfYaI wêlrK n, m%foaYhkag we;=,;a ùug wjYH ;;ajhka fkdimqrk udkj ysñlï lvùï$kvq mejÍfï m%;sm;a;shg wod, fya;= u; úfYaI wêlrKhka yS kvq

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fkdmjrkq ,nk isoaê iïnkaOfhka jk l, idudkH wêlrK moaO;sh ;=< kvq mejÍu iy;sl flfrkd mshjr wksjd¾hfhkau mej;sh hq;=h' m%Odk úfYaIs; ks¾foaYhkag my; lreKq we;=,;a fõ' w' kvq iy meñKs,s iïnkaOfhka ±kg mj;akd mr;rhka" m%udohka" iy w;miqùï u.yerùu i|yd kS;sm;s fomd¾;fïka;=j" fmd,sish iy wêlrK ffjoH ks,OdÍka ^ wêlrK ffjoH lafIa;%h we;=¿j& f.a ixLHdj by, ±óu' NdIdj iy wêlrK ffjoH úoHdj jeks úfYaIs; m%ùK;djka ms,sn| wjYH;dj iïnKaOfhka lghq;= lsÍu fukau ldka;djka iy ish¿u ck j¾.hka f.a m%udKd;aul ksfhdackh ,nd .ekSu' fuys§ lsishï úfYaIs; ld, mßÉfþohla i|yd ks, fkdj ufyaia;%d;ajreka f,i lghq;= lsÍug wêlrk ks,OdÍka f,i kS;sfõ§ka f.a fiajh f.ùï u.ska ,nd .ekSu jeks ;djld,sl mshjr .ekSu wjYH úh yelsh' wd' wêlrKj, fukau by; i|yka wdh;k j, Odß;dj iy m%ùK;dj by, kexùu' j¾;udk rdcH moaO;sh ;=< wvqjlaj mj;sk wêlrK ffjoH myiqlï kexùu" idudkH jYfhka ixl%dka;s hqla;sh tfiau úfYaIs; jYfhka udkj ysñlï " cd;Hka;r wmrdO" ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajhka jeks lrekq ms,sn| ffk;sl fl!I,Hhka ,nd §u i|yd jk mqyqKqùï j,g w;sf¾l iïm;a fjka lsÍu fukau cd;Hka;r ;dlaIKsl úfYaI{;d w;am;a lr.ekSu i|yd foaYSh ks,OdÍkag bvm%ia:d ,nd §u' úfYaIfhkau udkj ysñlï" cd;Hka;r wmrdO iy ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajhka ms,sn| ffk;sl fl!I,Hhka ,nd Èu we;=¿j ixl%dka;s hqla;sh ms,sn| ffk;sl ±kqu iemhSu msKsi úksiqrka iy kS;sfõ§ka we;=¿j by;a wdh;khkayS mqoa.,hka i|yd úfYaIfhkau ks¾udkh lrk ,o mdGud,djka iEu kS;s wOHdmk wdh;khla u.skau meje;aúh hq;af;ah' Wiiaùï wjia:djka i|yd mqoa.,hka i,ld ne,Sfï§ by; wdh;khka fj;ska ,o ksmqK;djka ie,ls,ag .; hq;af;ah' fuh b;d meyeÈ,sj ilid l%shd;aul l, hq;=h' we' kvq weiSfï§ fukau kvq mj;ajdf.k hdfï§o moaO;sfha yg.kakd m%udohka we;=¿j hqla;sh m%udo lrkd by, wêlrK we;=¿j wêlrKhkayS mj;akd j¾;udk l%shdj,sh wduka;%Kh lrkd mshjr wksjd¾hfhkau .; hq;=h' wE' úfYaIfhkau kS;sm;s fomd¾;fïka;=j iy fmd,sish ;=< olakg ,efnkd ms,sne¢hd .egqu ms,sn| nrm;, .eg¿j iïnkaOfhka rch wksjd¾hhfhkau mshjr .; hq;=h' rdcH ks,OdÍkag tfrysj t,a,jk wmrdO fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka kvq mejÍfï§ we;s jk ms,sne¢hd .egqu u. yerùu i|yd kS;sm;s fomd¾;fïka;=j fnod fjkalr rdcH fpdaol wOHlaIl hkak fjku iy ksoyia wdh;khla njg m;a lsÍu ks¾foaY flf¾' úfYaI úu¾YK tallh ms,sn| ±kg mj;akd ms,sne¢hd .egqu i,lk l," fmd,sish iïnkaOfhka i,ld ne,Sfï§ Bg tfrysj t,a, jk fpdaokd úu¾YKh i|yd fjku tallhla ia:dms; l, hq;= hhs ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lrhs' fï tallffha ks,OdÍka iajdëk úh hq;= w;ru ks;H fmd,sia n,ldfhka fjka l, hq;=h' b' úu¾YKhka" kvq mejÍfï lghq;=j, iy wêlrK l%shdj,sh ;=< ls%hd;auljk m%Odk msßia uyck;djf.a úYajdih" úksúoNdjh iy j.ùu j¾Okh lsÍu i|yd udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khka" cd;Hka;r wmrdO" iy ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajhkag wod, jk kvq iïnkaOfhka m%;sm;a;s iy mßmdá ilid tajd m%isoaO l, hq;af;ah'

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B' j¾;udk wêlrK moaO;sh m%dfhda.sl jYfhka úkaÈ;hkaf.a ysñlï iy úfYaIs;

wjYH;d ie,ls,a,g .ekSug wiu;a nj y÷kd .;a ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh" f,dj mqrd ms,s.kq ,nk pQÈ;hdf.a ysñlï ;yjqre lrk w;ru wêlrK moaO;sfha iEu mshjrla mdidu mßmdáuh iy jHqyuh md¾Yjhka wdjrKh lrkd tfukau úkaÈ;hd flakaølr.;a cd;sl m%;sm;a;shla ixj¾Okh l, hq;= hhs ks¾foaY lrhs' ish lghq;= iM,odhS f,i ls%hd;aul lrk nj iy;sl lrkqjia úfYaIs; fomd¾;fïka;=uh pl%f,aL u.ska fï m%;sm;a;sh iúu;a l, hq;af;ah' fuys§ úkaÈ;hd yg ;u wêlrK ffjoH jd¾;dfõ msgm;la ,nd §u m%;slafIam lrk j¾;udk Ndú;dj iy jHjia:duh iSudjkays we;s iSudldÍ iajNdjh we;=¿j úkaÈ;hdg m%udkj;a f;dr;=re iemhSug we;s wiu;alu jeks hqla;sh lrd m%fõY ùug we;s j¾;udk mßmdáuh ndOdjka flf¾ m%uqL wjOdkhla ±laùu w;HjYHh' iuia; wêlrK moaO;sh mqrdu oaù NdId m%;sm;a;sh ms,s.kakd iy th l%shd;aul lrk njg j. n,d .; hq;=h' ta wkqj wêlrKhkayS m%ùK NdIK mßj¾;lhka m%udKj;a ixLHdjla fiajfha ksr;j isáh hq;=h' W' hqla;sh bgq lsÍfï m%fõYhg ndOdldÍjkakdjQ rcfha wl%Shldß nj" m%udohka iy wfkla yeisÍï y÷kd.eksug iy m%uqL;dj ±laúh hq;= lreKlafia i,ld ta fjkqfjka lghq;= lsÍug yelsjk fia hqla;sh ie,isfï ,d iïnkaOjk jHqyhka úiska iM,odhS fmdÿ meñKs,s iy wëlaIK moaO;shla ksis mßÈ ia:dms; l, hq;=hhs ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lr isáhs' W!' ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ish ks, ld¾hhkays§ ;ukg mejÍ we;s n,;, wkqj lghq;= lsÍug wfmdfydi;ajkakdjQ o" ish n, iSudjka blaujd lghq;= lrkakdjQo rdcH ks,OdÍka yg tfrysj mdroDIH iy iM,odhS úkh mßmdá fkdue;sùfï .eg¿j ms,sn|j u;= lr olajhs' óg ckjd¾.sl;ajh" wd.u" ia;%S mqreINdjh" mx;sh fyda l=,hg muKla iSud fkdjkakdjQ mlaImd;S;ajhka ms,sn| meñKs,so we;=,;a fjhs' jerÈ isÿ lrk rdcH ks,OdÍka Bg j.úh hq;= wdldrh iy tys m%udKh mdroDIH fukau fpdaokd lrkq ,nkd W,a,x>Khkag wkqmd;sl úh hq;af;ah' jO ysxid$ w;awvx.=fõ miqjkakkag tfrys m%pKav;ajhka iïnkaOfhka jerÈlrejka jk ks,OdÍka ia:dk udre lsÍfï ls%shd ms,sfj; u.ska moaO;sh flf¾ fmdÿ uyck;djf.a úYajdih ì£ hk nj iy ;jo tu.ska wmrdOhkg j.lsjhq;a;kag uqla;sh ie,fik ixialD;shla wLKaavj mj;sk njo ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh u;=lr olajhs' t' fmd,sish iïnkaOfhka .;a l, ldka;djka iy iq¿;r wd.ñl lKavdhï wdrlaId lsÍu jeks m%cdjg ±kg;a n,mdkd .eg¿ ;jÿrg;a W.% fkdjk nj iy;sl lrk w;ru m%cd wdrlaIdj iïnkaOfhka ±kg orkq ,nkd m%h;akhka ;jÿrg;a mq¨,a lsßfï wruqKska tajd iudf,dapkh l, hq;= hhs ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh úiska ks¾foaY lrkq ,efí'

iii) mYapd;a hqo ixj¾Okhka" wj;ekaùï iy bvï

1'25' W;=re" kef.kysr iy udhsï l,dmhkayS .egqïj,ska n,mEug ,lajQ m%foaYhkayS m%dfoaYSh fukau foaYSh wd¾:slhkg isÿj we;s úkdYh m%dfoaYsl jYfhka mj;akd úIu;djka ;j ÿrg;a W.% fkdjk njg iy;sl lrkqjia ixj¾Ok jevigykaj§ wksjd¾hfhkau ie,ls,a,g .; hq;=h' ;jo m%cd uÜgfï há;, myiqlï iy m,df;a

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wd¾Ólhka kej; f.dvk.k njg iy mq¿,a lrk njg wjOdrKh l, hq;af;ah' uQ,H wxYfhys kshdukh iy n,mEug ,lajQjkag iykhka ie,fik nj ;yjqre lrkq msKsi Kh.e;sNdjh we;=¿j mj;akd .eg¿ mÍlaIdjg ,la lsÍu w;HjYH jkafkah' 1'26' wNHka;r wj;eka jQjka iy wkd:hka yg l,a mj;akd úi÷ï ie,iSu Wfoid rch w;HjYHfhkau lemúh hq;af;ah' l,amj;akd úi÷ï ,nd .ekSug fkdyelsj isákakdjQ fyda ;ju;a wj;ekaj isákakdjQ ck;djka y÷kd .ekSug iy bvï" f,aLK.; lsÍï" há;, myiqlï iy wfkla iydhka ys we;s .eg¿ we;=¿j mj;akd ish¿ ndOdjka mrojd,Sug úfYaI mshjr .; hq;af;ah' 1'27' .egqïj,g wod, bvï m%Yak úYd, ixLHdjla u;=lr olajkq ,enQ w;r ta iïnkaOfhka blauka mshjr .ekSu w;HjYHj mj;S' rdcH ksfhdað;dh;k fukau wfkla m%cdjka úiskao isÿlrkd bvï n,y;aldrfhka w,a,d .ekSï ms,sn| fpdaokd óg we;=,;a fõ' 1'28' W;=re iy kef.kysr bvï .eg¿ úi£ug fmdrd;=j rfÜ wfkla m,d;a j,ska mqoa.,hka f.kú;a mÈxÑ fkdlrk nj ;yjqre lrk w;ru" ëjr lghq;= i|yd fukau jdßud¾. myiqlï jeks fmdÿ myiqlï iïnkaOfhka we;s iSud lsÍï" úkdY$ydks lsÍï" f,aLK.; lsrSïj, mj;akd wjulï" rdcH ksfhdað;dh;k iy wfkla isú,a msßia u.ska lrkq ,nk mÈxÑ lsÍï we;=¿j W;=re" kef.kysr iy udhsï l,dmhkayS .egqïj,g wod, bvï .eg¿ ms,sn| mshjr .ekSug rch lghq;= l, hq;af;ah' 1'29' rch úiska ld,Sk iy iM,odhS m%;spdrhka olajk nj i.;sl lrkqjia" ckj¾.hka;=, iy ckj¾.hka w;r fukau isú,a mqrjeishka iy rdcH ksfhdað;dh;k w;r mj;akd ixlS¾K bvï wdrjq,aj,g wduka;%Kh lsÍu msKsi m%cd kdhlhka" Èia;%sla uÜgfï ks,OdÍka iy foaYmd,lhka tla lrñka Èia;%sla uÜgfï hdka;%Khka ia:dms; lsÍu iy ke;sjQ f,aLK kej; ksl=;a lsÍu i|yd jk cx.u jev igyka iïmdokh lsÍu jeks úfYaIs; mshjrhka .; hq;af;ah' 1'30' wdKavql%u jHjia:dj m%ldr cd;sl bvï fldñiu ia:dms; l< hq;af;ah'

iv) ldka;dfjda

1'31' .egqï mej;s ld,h ;=, iy ldka;djkag tfrysj l%shd;aul jQ nrm;, wdldrfha udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khka fukau o~qjul wdldrfhka isÿlrk ,o ¥IKhla" wLKavj isÿlrk ysxikhla u.ska -úfYaIfhkau wújdyl hhs yef.kd ldka;djkag- wêldÍ n,h iys; mqoa.,hka úiska isÿlrkq ,nkd l%udKql+, iy jHqyd;aul kdßoafõYS l%shdjka fukau hqoaOfha n,mEug ,lajQ iy yuqodlrKhg ,lajQ W;=re kef.kysr m,d;aj,g muKla iSud fkdjk" ;¾ckd;aul iudc ixo¾Nhla ;=< ldka;djkag tljr mjqf,a wjYH;djka imqrk iy wdodhï W;amdok ld¾hhfhys nr bis,Sug isÿjkakdjQ iy laIKsl wjOdkh b,a,d isákakdjQ isÿùï ms,sn|j ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldhg lreKq bÈßm;a j ;sfí' ;uka fj;ska fiajh ,nd .ekSug meñfKk ldka;djka fj; ,sx.sl n,y;aldrh mEu iïu;hla fia fndfyda rcfha ks, orkakka i,lk ixo¾Nhla ;=< ldka;djkg wdodhï W;amdokfha,d fukau mjqf,a lghq;= n,dlshd .ekSfïo lghq;= iunrj mj;ajd .ekSug isÿj ;sfí' rg mqrdu fukau úfYaIfhkau .egqïj, n,mEug ,lajQ m%foaYhkayS ldka;djka u; megfjk fï nr ms,sn|j rch ksis wjOdkh ±laúh hq;af;ah' ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh my; ks¾foaY bÈßm;a lrhs'

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w' isß;a úß;a" l=,h fyda tjka ljr lreKla jqj fkdi,ld wdKavql%u jHjia:dj" kS;sh" m%;sm;a;s fukau Ndú;h u.ska ldka;djkaf.a wd¾Ól" iudc" foaYmd,k"ffk;sl iy ixialD;sl ysñlï iq/lsug iy iy;sl lsÍug lghq;= l, hq;af;ah' wd' m%udohlska f;drj ldka;djka Wfoid jk cd;sl fldñiu ia:dms; l, hq;af;ah' we' ish¿ hdka;%KhkayS iy ffoksl l%shdldÍ uÜgïj, ;SrK .kakd iEu m%Odk ;k;=rlu ldka;d ksfhdackh iy;sl l, hq;af;ah' wE' n,mEug ,lajQ ldka;djkag fhdð; hdka;%Khka y;frysu lghq;= lsÍug iy Bg m%fõYh i|yd wjYH jk ish¿ mshjr .ekSug ie,ls,a, fhduq l, hq;af;ah' 2'15 iy 2'16 ks¾foaY n,kak b' wOHdmk wdh;k" rdcH fiajdjka we;=¿j iudcfha ish¿ uÜgïj,g ia;%S mqreINdjh ms,sn| ixfõ§j lghq;= lsÍug mqyqKqj ie,ish hq;af;ah' B' ldka;djkag tfrys ysxikh rdch fiajfhys wdh;k ix.%yh ;=< o~qjï ,eìh yels jrola f,i ms,s.ekSu iy tjka ysxikhka iïnkaOfhka meñKs,s lsÍfï hdka;%Khla ia:dms; l, hq;af;ah' W' by; lreKq mqoa.,sl wxYh úiskao ie,ls,,ag .kakd njg iy;sl úh hq;af;ah'

v) <uhska iy ;reKhka

1'32' <uqka iy ;reKhka hkq rfÜ wkd.;h jk w;ru ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy ixys¢hd ls%hdj,sdhys id¾:l;ajh r|d mj;skqfha ixys¢hd l%shdj,sfhys iEu uÜgul§u Tjqkaf.a wjYH;d iy woyia ie,ls,a,g .ekSu u;h' iyNd.S;ajh i|yd ;reKhka Èß.ekaúh hq;=jk w;ru fmdÿ lghq;= j,§ Tjqkag kdhl;aj N+ñldj i|yd wjia:d ie,ish hq;=h' ish woyia m%ldYkh iy úfYaIfhkau ñY% jd¾.sl iy ,sx.sl mßirhkayS wre;anrnj jgyd .ekSu i|yd l,d" udOH" kùk ;dlaIK" l%Svd iy wfkla iudc ld¾hhkayS Tjqkag wjia:d iy myiqlï ie,ish hq;af;ah' 1'33' jvd nyq;ajjd§ iy wka u; bjik iudchla m%j¾Okhg wjYH jkakdjQ wOHdmk úIhud,djka iy wjldY ks¾udKh l, hq;af;ah' b;d by, uÜgñka wka oE we;=¿ lr .ekSug" fmdÿNdjh iy fmdÿ b;sydihla ms,s.ekSug yelsjk fia b;sydi iy wfkla úIhkaf.a úIHud,djka iudf,dapkh iy kej; ieliSu ixys¢hdj i|yd uQ,sl wjYH;djls' cd;sljdoh" nyq;ru;h ms,s.ekSu" f.da;%jdoh iy mr;ka;%jdoh jeks iïu; wÉpq m%YaK lsÍug isiqka Èßu;a flfrkd nqoaêuh wjldYhka mj;ajd .ekSug iy m¾fhaIK isÿ lsÍug Y%S ,xldfõ iriú lghq;= l, hq;af;ah' tfiau iEu wdldrhlu widOdrKhka iy wiudk;djkag tfrysj lghq;= lsÍug Tjqka Èßu;a l, hq;af;ah' ldka;djka" iq¨ cd;Ska^cd;sl iy m%dfoaYSh jYfjka&ia;%S mereI iudcNdjh wkqj iq¿;rh" mSä; mx;s" wdka;sllrkhg ,lajQ ck;dj" wdndê; iy udkislj fn,ySk mqoa.,hkag .re lsÍfï jákdlu l%udKql+,j mdi,a úIh ud,djkag we;=¿ l, hq;= w;r udOH iy iudc wdh;kj,go ta y÷kajd Èh hq;=h' 1'34' ;reK wkd:hka" wNHka;r wj;ekajQ mqoa.,hka" fmr <ud fid,aodÿjkaj isá mqoa.,hka iy ;ksj isákd ;reK uõjreka jeks hqoaOfhka n,mEug ,lajQ ;reK msßia fj; úfYaI wjOdkh fhduq l, hq;= w;r Tjqka Wfoidjk fiajdjka ie,ish hq;af;ah' Tjqkag wOHdmkh ,nd §fï isg jD;a;Sh mqyqKqj olajd ffjoH" udkisl" fukau m%ckk fi!LHh" we,afldfyd,a iy u;aøjH ms,sn| WmfoaYkhka hkd§ jYfhka mq¿,a mrdihla óg we;=,;a fõ'

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vi) isú,a iudch

1'35' rdcHfha uQ,sl ld¾hh jkqfha ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy ixys¢hdj ms,sn| wNsfhda.hg uqyqK§u nj ms,s.kakd w;ru ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldh fï iïnkaOfhka fmdÿfõ bgq l, hq;= jeo.;a iy wkqmQrl ld¾hNdrh ms,sn|j wjOdrKh lr isà' ;ukaf.au uQ,drïNhka i|yd lghq;= lrk w;ru rch úiska wdrïNlrkd fujka ld¾hhka i|yd Wmldr ie,iSug úfYaIfhkau udOHh" jHdmdßl m%cdj" wd.ñl l%shdldÍka" jD;a;Sh ixúOdk" isú,a iudc lKavdhï fukau foaYmd,k mlaIo lghq;= l, hq;af;ah' ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ldrh idOl n,ldh olsk wdldrhg úfYdaOk l%shdldrlï i|yd rcfha ueÈy;aùu fndfyda md¾Yj úiska wfmalaId l,o wfkla l%shdldÍka fj; Tjqka olajkqfha wdka;sl wjOdkhls' iM,odhS ixl%dka;s hqla;shla Wfoid jk l%shdj,shl§ m%dfoaYSh uÜgfï isg cd;sl uÜgu olajd úúO uÜgï j, fï ls%hdldßlhka lghq;= lsÍu ;SrKd;aul fõ' 1'36' ixl%dka;s hqla;sh ms,sn| l%shdj,shla ;=< isú,a iudcfhys ld¾hNdrfha w;HjYH;dj ms,s.;hq;af;ah' isú,a iudc ixúOdkhkag fï ld¾hNdrh bgqlsrug yelsjk fia ffk;sl rduqj Yla;su;a l, hq;=jk w;r Tjqkag tfia lghq;= lsÍug wjldY iemhSu fukau ta wdrlaId lsÍuo l, hq;af;ah' úfYaIfhkau Èia;%sla uÜgfï ks,OdÍka u.ska Tjqkaf.a jgkd odhl;ajh i|yd wjYH myiqlï ie,ish hq;af;ah' 1'37' bÈßm;a lrk ,o fhdackd w;ßka w;s nyq;rh cd;sl uÜgfï ueÈy;aùï" kS;s"m%;sm;a;s fyda wdKavql%u jHjia:d ixfYdaOkhka fyda cd;sl uÜgfï l%shdldÍka m%dfoaYSh uÜgfï ueÈy;aùï isÿ lsÍfï wjYH;dj fj; fhduq jqjo ie,lsh hq;= ixLHdjl woyia ±laùï u.ska hdka;%Khka ks¾udkh iy l%shd;aul lsÍu i|yd m%dfoaYSh uÜgug we;s whs;sh iy iyNd.S;ajfhys wjYH;dj olajd ;sfí' fï ld¾hfha§ ixl%dka;s hqla;sh ms,sn| cd;sl uÜgfï m%h;akhka yd iu.dój iyÔjkfhys iy wfkla w;d;sldÍ ;;ajhkag wduka;%Kh lrkq msKsi ±kgu;a mj;akd ixiohka fyda cd,hka Yla;su;a lsÍug fukau kj wdh;k ia:dms; lsÍugo isú,a iudch fukau m%;sm;a;s iïmdolhkao Èia;%sla iy m%cd uÜgñka ish Y%uh wksjd¾hh wjYH;djla fõ' 1'38' WmfoaYKhka ;ks fyda fjkajQ tajd fkdúh hq;= w;r ixl%dka;s hqla;s l%shdj,sh yd taldnoaOjQ iy wLKavjQ wx. f,i mej;sh hq;af;ah' fï fya;=fjka flaj, hdka;%Khka yS ks¾udKh' l%shdldÍ;ajh iy iM,odhl;ajh iúu;a flfrkq we;af;ah'

vii) %f,aLK wdrlaId lsÍu

1'39' ixl%dka;s hdka;%Khka yS fufyhqï iy WmfoaYk l%shdj,sh úiska ksmhkq ,enQ o;a; wdrlaId lsÍug iy f,aLKd.dr.; lsÍug iqÿiq mshjr iy;sl l, hq;af;ah' bÈßm;a jk o;a; wñ, jk w;ru tfyhska tajd fmdÿ m%fõYhkag ndOd fkdjk fia wdrlaId l, hq;af;ah' fï iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re ±k .ekSfï mKf;ys wod, m%;smdok ie,ls,a,g .; hq;af;ah' 1'40' ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh fj; bÈßm;a lrk ,o f;dr;=re ix.%y.; lr tajd m, lsÍug " mq¨,a f,i fnod yeÍug iy fmdÿ ck;djg myiq m%fõYhka iemhSug rch lghq;= l, hq;= hhs ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh

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ks¾foaY lr isà' wjfndaOh iy ±kqj;a Ndjh w¾:j;a ixys¢hdjla i|yd jk wdrïNl ,laIhla fia fuu.ska ;jÿrg;a m%isoaO flfrkq we;' wd& hdka;%Khka ms,sn| yria ks¾foaYhka 2'1' m%udohlska f;drj hdka;%Khka iïmdokh i|yd jk kS;s y÷kajd Èh hq;=h' 2'2' mÍlaId lsÍï ms,sn| wjia:djka iïnkaOfhka ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldhg jd¾;d lrk ,o tfiau tys idudðlhka m%úpdrK ld¾hfha§ ;ukau ta ms,sn| idlaIs ±rE wdldrh " tfiau m%úpdrk ld¾hhkays§ wdrlaIl wxY ksfhdað;hkaf.a ;¾ckd;aul yeisÍu" Bg iyNd.sjkakka m%YaK lsÍu iy ;ukg isÿjQ wlghq;=lï .ek l;d lsÍfï§ Tjqkag lrk ,o ìh.ekaùï .ek i,lñka ixys¢hdj Wfoid jk m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lrkqfha ixys¢hdj Wfoidjk hdka;%Khka ia:dms; lsÍfï§u" m%úpdrK l%shdj,shg iyNd.s jQ whg fukau tjka hdka;%Khka ia:dms; l, miqj ta fj; meñfKk mqoa.,hkaf.ao wdrlaIdj iy;sl lrk wdldrfha mshjr .; hq;= njhs' fuys§ ysxikhka iy ìh.ekaùï ms,sn| isÿùï je,elaùu i|yd wdrlaIl wud;HdxYfhka fukau kS;sh iy iduh ms,sn| wud;HdxYfhkao meyeÈ,s Wmfoia wksjd¾hfhkau ksl=;a l, hq;af;ah' 2'3' ta wkqj úkaÈ;hka iy idlaIslrejka wdrlaId lsÍfï úfYaI tallhla ia:dms; lsÍu w;HjYH jk w;r Bg fmd,sia ks,OdÍka we;=,;a úh hq;af;ah' fuh udkj ysñlï fldñifï ksfhdað;hkaf.a iy l%shd;aul ùug mgka .;a miqj by; hdka;%Khkaf.a ksfhdað;hkf.ka iukaú; uKav,hla úiska wëlaIKhg ,la lrkq we;af;ah' fuu tallh isú,a iudc l%shdldÍka we;=¿j foaYSh w;a±lSï flf¾ wjOdkh fhduq l, hq;=jk w;r tallfha rduqj ia:dms; lsÍu tys fufyhqï moaO;s ixj¾Okh lsÍu iy l%shdldÍ;ajh wëlaIKh lsÍu msKsi cd;Hka;r ;dlaIK úfYaI{ iyh ,nd .; hq;=h' fï tallh foaYmd,k iy wfkla n,mEïj,ska iajdëkj mej;sh hq;= w;r Bg mqyqKq lsÍï" n,.ekaùï" laIKsl m%;spdr ±laùï" idlaIslrejkag iy úkaÈ;hkag hdka;%Kfha lghq;=j,g iyNd.s jk ld,fha iy bka miqjo wLKav wdrlaIdj iemhSu jeks ld¾hhka i|yd wjYH n,;, ;sìh hq;af;ah' óg myiqlï i,ikqjia tallh iEu hdka;%Khlau ksfhdackh l, hq;af;ah' th jd¾;d l, hq;af;a ckdêm;sjrhd fj;h' 2'4' ±kg mj;akd idlaIs iy úkaÈ; wdrlaIK wêldßh iajdëk wdh;khla f,i m%;sia:dms; l, hq;= jk w;r tys n,;, iy ld¾hhka 2'3' wkqj ielish hq;af;ah' 2'5' by; 2'3' Yla;su;a lsÍu msKsi n,mEug ,lajQ mjq,a" udkj ysñlï wdrlaIlhka" isú,a iudc ksfhdað;hka" iy cd;Hka;r m%cdfõo ksfhdað;hka we;=,;a wëlaIK wdh;khla mej;sh hq;af;ah' hdka;%KhkayS fukau mj;akd wdrlaIl mshjrhka yS iM,odhS;ajh ms,sn|j ckdêm;sjrhdg jd¾;d lsÍu i|yd Bg ks, jYfhka n,h ysñúh hq;af;ah' hdka;%Khka Yla;su;a lsÍu fukau úkaÈ;hka iy idlaIslrejka f.a wdrlaIdj iïnkaOfhka jk w;sf¾l mshjrhka .ek Wmfoia iemhSfï ld¾hho wëlaIK uKav,hg ysñúh hq;af;ah' wdrïNfha§u m%úpdrk l%shdj,sh ;=< mÍlaId lsÍï" m%YaK lsÍï iy ìh.ekaùï" r|jd .ekSuya iy jOysxid meñKùï j,g ,lajQjkaf.a wd¾lIdj iïnkaOfhka wêlaIK uKav,h miqúmrï mshjr .; hq;af;ah' wëlaIK uKav,h ;=< cd;Hka;r m%cdjkaf.a ksfhdackhka w;HjYHfhkau hdka;%Kfha idudðl;ajh iy cd;Hka;r

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iyNd.S;ajhg wod,j my; olajd we;s- ks¾foaY 2'12 iy 2'13- jeks ud¾f.damfoaYhkag wkq.; úh hq;af;ah' 2'6' isú,a iudch úiska jHjia:dodhl iNdjg lrkq ,nk ks¾foaYhka w;=ßka jHjia:dodhl iNdj úiska ilikq ,nk kdufhdackd ,ehsia;=jlska ckm;sjrhd fuu wëlaIK uKav,hg m;a lsÍï isÿl, hq;af;ah' wdh;kfha ksfhdað;;ajh ;yjqre lrkq msKsiu ukav,fha iduðlhka jir ;=kl ld,hla fiajh l, hq;af;ah' 2'7'ld¾hd,hka wod, m,df;au ia:dk.; lsÍu yryd hdka;%Khkag m%fõYh myiq lsÍu m%dfhda.sl jk w;r th tfia jk nj iy;sl l, hq;=h' fuys§ Èia;%sla uÜgfï cx.u msßia j,ska iukaú; hdka;%Khka wjYH wjia:dj, fhÈh hq;af;ah' 2'8' m%Odk ld¾hd,fha fukau m%dfoaYSh Wm ld¾hd,j, fukau ish ld¾hhkays§o ff;%hs NdId iy ix{d NdId myiqlï iemhSug hdka;%Khka m%h;ak ±ßh hq;af;ah' 2'9' n,mEug ,lajQ mjq,a we;=¿j hdka;%Khka i|yd md¾Yjlrejkaf.a ksfhdackhka ;yjqre l, hq;=h' hdka;%KhkayS ksfhdackhka ms,sn| ixlS¾K lrefKys§ m%pKav l%shdj, fhÿk wmrdO iydhl lKavdhïo isáh yels nj ie,ls,a,g .; hq;=jk w;r hdka;%Khka fj; ksfhdackhka ±laùfï§ n,mEug ,lajQ wh fukau wmrdOj,g iïnkaOhhs fpdaokd t,a,jQ wh hk fomd¾Yjfhau ms,sne¢hd .egqu ms,sn|j ie,ls,a, fhduq l, hq;=h' 2'10' úfYaIfhkau W;=re iy kef.kysr m,d;a yS fukau rfÜ we;eï m%foaYj,§o isÿ lrk ,o m%úpdrKhkaf.ka wkdjrKh jQfha rch" tys wdh;k iy hdka;%Khka flf¾jk úYajdih fkdue;s luhs' foaYSh hdka;%Khka úYajdi l, fkdyelsh hkak ±äj m, flreK woyi jQfõh' tfiau wdrlaIl yuqod fukau W;=re iy kef.kñr m,d;aj,ska msg; l, m%úpdrkhkayS § hdka;%Khkag cd;Hka;r iyNd.S;ajhka flf¾ nrm;, úfrdaOhla t,a, jQfõh' flfia fj;a; foaYsh jYfhka we;eï wxYj, mj;akd Odß;dfõ iSudldÍnj fya;=fjka cd;Hka;r úfYaI{hk fhoúh hq;=h hkak fndfyda fokd ms,s.;af;dah' 2015 Tlaf;dan¾ ui udkj ysñlï ieis jdrfha§ Y%S ,xld rch hdka;%Khka yS cd;Hka;r iyNd.S;ajh ms,sn|j ±lajQ lemùu fukau bÈßm;a lrk ,o fhdackdj ;=< Bg ±lajQ iu wkq.%yh ms,sn|j m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha ie,ls,a,g ,laj ;sfí' tfyhska Y%S ,xld rch iu wkq.%yh ±lajQ 2015 Tlaf;dan¾ tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ljqkais, jdrfha ±lajQ whqßka úksiqrka iy meñKs,a, fufyhjkakka jeks wh we;=¿j hdka;%KhkayS l%shdldÍ iduðlhkag Wmfoia j, isg úfYaI{ Wmfoia iemhSu olajd jk ld¾hhkag wod,j by; hdka;%Khka i;rg cd;Hka;r fukau foaYSh mqoa.,hka iyNd.slrùu ks¾foaY lrhs' 2'11' hdka;%KhkayS mqrjeis ksfhdackhka Y%S ,xldfõ m%Odk jd¾.sl m%cdjka ksfhdackh lrk iajdëk iy wjxl " m%ùK fukau w;a±lSï iys; mqoa.,hkaf.ka iukaú; úh hq;af;ah' mqrjeishka úiska fydnjkq ,nk ;k;=re ms,sn|j fukau hdka;%Khka i|yd jk ksfhdackhka jd¾.sl;ajh" NdIdj" ia;%S mqreINdjh" w;a±lSï iy l=i,;djkayS úúO;ajh iys;j ksfhdackh jk nj ;yjqre lsÍug yelsjkfia meyeÈ,s ks¾Kdhlhka ;sìh hq;af;ah' Bg wu;rj Tjqkaf.a lemhsh hq;= hhs wfmalaId lrkq ,nk ld,h meyeÈ,sj ±laúh hq;af;ah' wjYH mßÈ mqrjeishkag mqyqkqj ,nd Èh hq;=h'

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2'12' cd;Hka;r ;,fha mqoa.,hka úiska fydnjkq ,nk ;k;=re fukau tlS mqoa.,hka ms,sn|jo meyeÈ,s ks¾kdhl iy idOdrKSlrkhka ;sìh hq;af;ah' úfYaIfhkau Tjqkaf.a iajdëk;ajh" wjxl;ajh" mqyqKqj iy w;a±lSï iy;sl l, hq;=h' Tjqkaf.ka lemùu wfmalaId lrk ld,ho ±laúh hq;af;ah' NdId m%ùK;dj iïnkaO wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK §u fukau foaYSh ixo¾Nhg yev .eiSug we;s yelshdj fuys§ ie,ls,a,g .; hq;= w;r cd;Hka;r ;,fha mqoa.,hka kï lsÍug fmr Tjqka iu. lghq;= lsÍug mshjr ksis mßÈ f.k ;sìh hq;af;ah' fï l%shdj,sfha mdroDIHNdjh iy;sl l, hq;af;ah' 2'13' ixl%dka;s hqla;sh ms,sn| hdka;%Khkag cd;Hka;r iyNd.s;ajh ms,sn| wfkla ixo¾Nhka j,§ fukau fuys§o foaYSh hdka;%KhkayS" foaYSh YlH;d" iy m%ùK;dj j¾Okh lr.;a miqj cd;Hka;r ksfhdað;hka bj;a l, hq;af;ah' 2'14' wêlrK hdka;%Khka" w;=reoyka jQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h" i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj iy kej; isÿùï je,elaùfï fldñifuys úu¾Ylhka we;=¿j hdka;%K i;frys ld¾h uKav,fha miqìï mÍlaIdj ms,sn| l%shj,shla .ek ukd fia iy;sl úh hq;=h' udkj ysñlï W<a,x>Khka j,g iïnkaO jQ ks,OdÍka neyer lsÍu i|yd jk laIudj u.ska msßmyÿ lsÍfï l%shdj,shla wkq.ukh l, hq;af;ah' 2'15' wod, hdka;%KhkayS ld¾h uKav, úiska hdka;%Kh lrd tkakjqka ,sx.sl iQrdlEug ,la lsÍu" Tjqkaf.ka w,a,ia .ekSu" úYajdih lv lsÍu" iy ìh .ekaùu je,elaùu i|yd wdrïNfha§u mshjr ilid,sh hq;af;ah' fï i|yd p¾hd O¾u moaO;sh" wëlaIKh" meñKs,s hdka;%Kh iy úkh l%shdud¾. i|yd ls%hd mßmdá mej;sh hq;af;ah' 2'16' hka;%Khka ;=< fufyhqïyS iEu uÜgulu ia;%S mqreI ksfhdackfhys iudk njla mej;sh hq;= w;r tfiau fï ia;%S mreI wjYH;d flf¾ ixfõÈ;djlao ;sìh hq;f;ah' Tjqkag <uqka n,d.ekSfï myiqlï ̂ <orejka n,d .ekSug iy uõ lsß §ug bv lv we;=¿j& iy wdrlaIs; ikSmdrlaIl myiqlï ie,ish hq;=h' 2'17' hdka;%Khka lrd m%fõY jkakjqkag wjYH;dj wkqj" Tjqka úiska ork ,o .uka úhoï" kjd;eka i|yd jk úhoï m%;smQ¾Kh lsÍug i,ld ne,sh hq;=h' 2'18' hdka;%KhkayS ld¾h uKav, w& úfYaIfhkau fjkia wdldrfha ie,lSu iy úfYaI wdl,am u.ska Tjqkaf.a ueÈy;aùug ndOd fkdlrk nj iy j,lajd,Sï fkdjk njg ;yjqre fjñka iq¨ cd;Ska"

iajfoaYslhka"wdka;sllrkhg ,lajQjka" msä; l=," iy LGBTIQ m%cdj we;=¿j

hdka;%Khkag m%fõY jk ish¿ m%qoa.,hkaf.a iy m%cdjkaf.a wjYH;djka flf¾ ixfõ§ úh hq;= fiau wd& fjkia wdldr yelshdjka we;a;jqkaf.a úfYaI wjYH;d ie,ls,a,g .kakd w;ru tjka ish,a,gu m%fõY ùfï myiqlï we;=,;a hdka;%Khka ks¾udkh lr ia:dms; l, hq;a;f;ah' 2'19' ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajh iy wfkla ,sx.sl wmrdO iïnkaOfhka ms,shï fh§u i|yd jk jevigyka ks¾udKh iy hqla;sh bgq lsÍu w;sYh ixfõ§ wldrhg úh hq;= w;r ryiHNdjh $mqoa.,sl;ajh$wdrlaIs; mßirh ie,fik njg bka ;yjqre úh hq;=h' tfiau tu.ska f.dÿre ù .e,ù .;a;jqkag bÈßhg taug Èß Èh hq;= w;r Tjqka h<s f.dÿrenjg

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m;afkdjk nj iy laIs;suh w;a±lSïj,g h<s f.dÿre fkdlrk njg j.n,d .ekSu wjYHh' 2'20' wjYH;dj mßÈ Wmfoia §ug"hdka;%Khka ;=< jk fiajdjka ks¾udKh lsÍu iy iïnkaëlrKh" iEu hdka;%Khla ;=<u fhdað; ufkdaiudÔh tall msysgqùu" iy rg mqrd ufkdaiudchSh fiajdjka Yla;su;a lsÍu iy jHdma; lsÍfï lghq;= i|yd iyh ùug iajdëk wdh;khla msysgqúh hq;af;ah' fï lghq;af;a§ cd;sla tlai;a iy ixys¢hd ld¾hd,fha ufkdaiudÔh ld¾h idOl n,ldh iu. iómj lghq;= l, yelsh' 2'21' ixl%dka;s hqla;s hdka;%Khka iu. ck;dj f.a iïnkaOùï we;sjkakg fmr" ta mj;sk ld,h iy bka miqj m%cd uÜgfï n,mEug ,lajQ wh fjkqfjka ufkda iudÔh fiajdjka iQodkïj mej;sh hq;af;ah' Odß;dj Yla;su;a lsÍfuka" ;srirNdjh iy;sl lsÍfuka iy isú,a iudc ixúOdk iy rdcH wdh;khka úiska ±kg imhkq ,nk fiajdjka yS úIh m:h mq¨,a lsÍu u.ska fuh l, hq;af;ah' 2'22' rch u.ska úfYaIfhkau udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh iïnkaOfhka rcfha ksfhdað;hka j.lsj hq;= wjia:dj,§ iDcqju ufkdaiudÔh iy wfkla fiajdjka iemhSu ;=< we;sjk ms,sne¢hd .egqu iïnkaO úNjhka y÷kd.; hq;=h' tfyhska rch ufkdaiudchSh iy wfkla fiajdjka mj;akd njg j. lshkd w;ru isú,a iudc l%shdldßlhka fiajdjka iemhSu i|yd ueÈy;a ùuo wjYH jkfkah'^ iqÿiq mßÈ rdcH fiajdjka iïnkaëlrKh msKsi& fufia l, hq;af;a ufkda iudÔh iy wfkla fiajd iïmdolhka f.a iajdëk;ajh iy wmlaImd;S nj iy;sl lrkq msKsih' 2'23' úúO úkaÈ;hka f.a wjYH;djka Wfoid lghq;= lsÍu msKsi m%udKj;a wruqo,a we;s nj iy;sl lsÍu i|yd úkaÈ; Ndr wruqo,la ia:dms; lsÍu w;HjYH jkafkah' wfkla cd;Hka;r mß;Hd.YS,Skag wu;rj óg odhl ùu i|yd rch mqoa.,sl wxYh iy vhiafmdard odhlhka Èß.ekaúh hq;af;ah' 2'24' jHjia:dodhl iNdfõ ks¾foaY u; ckdêm;sjrhd úiska wruqoaf,a Ndrlrejka m;a lrkq ,eìh hq;af;ah' fï ks¾foaYhka isÿ l, hq;af;a isú,a iudch úiska isÿlrk kdufhdackdjka w;=ßks' 2'25' iEu hdka;%Khlgu uyck;dj iy iDcqju n,mEug ,lajQ wh iu. hdka;%Kfha lghq;= iïnkaOfhka iïnkaëlrkh mj;ajd .ekSug úysÿï iy f;dr;=re tallhla mej;sh hq;af;ah' fï iEu hdka;%Khla i;=ju fmdÿ f;dr;=re /ialsÍfï iy fnodyeÍfï meyeÈ,s Wmdh ud¾.hla iy Bgu wh;a fjí wvúhla ;sìh hq;af;ah' ish fjí wvúhg wod, f;dr;=re we;=¨ lsÍu fukau ish wod, hdka;%Khka iïnkaOfhka fjí wvúh yryd jk úuiqï iy m%YaK iïnkaOfhka lghq;= lsÍu ms,sn| j.lSuo fï tallh i;=h' 2'26' úfoaYhkayS isák fuys mÈxÑlrejka fkdjk Y%S ,dxlslhka fj; ióm ùug iy hdka;%Kh iu. Tjqka f.a iïnkaOh ;yjqre lsÍug m%h;ak ±ßh hq;af;ah' tfia lsÍug jk wiu;aNdjh ixys¢hd l%shdj,sfha úIh m:h iSud lsÍug fya;=úh yels w;ru tys kS;Hdkql+,Ndjh m%Yak lsÍug bka mokula we;sùug mjd yelaflah'

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we' úfYaI hdka;%Khka 3' w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h iy w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn| iy;sl 3'1' m%úpdrK l%shdj,sfha§ wjOdrKh l, mßÈ w;=reoykalsÍfï n,y;aldß iy wksÉPdkq. iajNdjh hdka;%Kfha ku u.skaa meyeÈ,sju ms,sìUq úh hq;af;ah' 3'2' wdrïNfha isgu w;=reoyka jQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h ish m%dfoaYShld¾hd,hka flakaøSh l,dmhkayS ia:dms; l, hq;= w;r miqj Èia;%slalhkays mjq,aj,g m%fõY myiqlï iy;sl lsÍu msKsi Èia;%sla ld¾hd,hkao ia:dms; l, hq;af;ah' 3'3' ish úu¾YK ld¾hhkays§ ms,sne¢hd .egqï we;s fkdjk njg ;yjqre lrk w;ru w;=reoykajQjkaf.a mjq,aj, .e,fmk olaI;d we;s idudcslhka ish fufyhqïj, wëlaIK hdka;%Kh we;=¿j iuQy ñksj,j,a f.dv.ekSu jeks úfYaI ld¾hhka Wfoid iy ld¾hd,h úiska Ndú;d l, hq;= wlD;s mÍlaIdjka i|yd iyh ld¾h uKav,h f,i n|jd.; hq;=h' w;=reoyka jQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h ia:dms; l, miqj m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfhys w;=re jd¾;dfjys iy wfkla tjka jd¾;djkayS we;s w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn|j lghq;= l, ixúOdkhka iy mjq,a úiska lrk ,o ks¾foaYhka iudf,dapkhg ,la l, hq;af;ah' 3'4' úfYaIfhkau wêlrK ffjoH lafIa;%hg wod,j úfoia mqoa.,hka we;=¿j w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h iu. cd;Hka;r ;dlaIK ueÈy;aùï mej;sh hq;af;ah' 3'5' meñKs,s bÈßm;a lrkd n,OdÍka iu. f;dr;=re fnod .ekSfï§ ish wNsu;h Ndú;d lrk wdldrh iïnkaOfhka w;=reoyka jQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h ish mßmdál Í;s iy ks¾Kdhl m%isoaêhg m;a l, hq;af;ah' óg ;uka i;=j we;s f;dr;=rej, ryiHNdjh ms,sn| ks¾Kdhlo we;=,;a úh hq;af;ah'fï iïnkaOfhka .;a l," w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h ia:dms; lsÍug kshñ; f;dr;=re ±k .ekSfï whs;sh ms,sn| ;u j.lSu meyeÈ,sj i|yka l, hq;=h' 3'6' iuQy ñkSj,j,a leKSu iy f.dv.eksu l, hq;af;a tys we;s wegiels,s y÷kd.ekSu muKla fkdj j.lsjhq;a;kag kvq mejrSug we;s yelshdj hk lreKqo is; ;ndf.kh' tfyhska tjka lghq;= isÿl, hq;af;a wegiels,sj, b;sßj mj;akd fldgia iy wfkla idlaIs j, taldnoaO;dj iy;sl jk wdldrh .ek ukd ie,ls,a,lsks' leKSï iy f.dv.ekSï ms,sn| mßmdá u.ska mjq,aj, iy m%cdjkaf.a udkisl wjYH;d fukau ixfõ§ md¾Yjhka ms,sn|j wjOdkh fhduq l, hq;af;ah' 3'7' wêlrK hdka;%Kfha" úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,fha" úu¾Ykhkays§ w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,fha ld¾hNdrh meyeÈ,s lr m%isoaêhg m;a l, hq;=h' w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn| isÿùï j,g wod,j úfYaI wêlrKh iy WmfoaYl f.a úIh m:h iy j.lSï ms,sn|j uyckhd wksjd¾hfhkau ±k isáh hq;af;ah' w;=reoykaùï ms,sn| isÿùï ixLHdfõ wêlnj" isÿùï iïnkaOfhka bÈß lghq;= lsÍfï§ we;sjk j;auka ndOd iy m%udohka .ek i,lñka w;=reoykaùï ms,sn| kvq úNd. lsÍu i|yd úfYaI wêlrKhla fyda fjk;a wêlrKhla msysgqùu we;=¿j w;=reoykaùï .ek kvq mejÍug yelsjk fia wjYH wêlrKuh m%;sixialrK isÿl, hq;af;ah'

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3'8' cd;sl uÜgfï wdh;k iy w;S;fha l%shd;aul jQ fldñIka iNd i;=j mej;s w;=reoykaùï iïnkaO ish¿ f;dr;=re w;=reoykajQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,hg ,eìh hq;af;ah' 3'9' ;uka úiska jd¾;d lrk ,o w;=reoykalsÍfï isÿùu$ï iïnkaO mÍlaIK j, m%.;sh .ek Wkkaÿjk mjq,aj, f;dr;=re w;=reoyka jQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,h úiska hdj;ald,Sk lrkq ,eìh hq;af;ah' 3'10' w;=reoyka jQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,hg meñfKk mjq,aj, whg idlaIslrejkag iy úkaÈ;hkag ysñ wdrlaIdj ,eìh hq;af;ah'by;2'3-2'6 n,kak

3'11' fkdoqgqnjg jk iy;slhg we;=,;a lrk jpk úfYaIfhkau Absence hk jokg

fhdok isxy, iy fou, jok b;d ixfõ§ iy iqÿiq úh hq;= w;ru tu.ska urKhg jvd w;=reoykaùu iy fkdue;sùu iajNdjh ms,sìUq úh hq;=h' tfiau fuys§ urK ,shdmÈxÑ lsÍfï ^;djld,sl úêúOdk& mK;g ixfYdaOkhla tla lsÍu wjYH fõ' 3'12' lsishï w;=reoykajQ mqoa.,hl= Ôj;=ka w;r isákafkao keoao hkak ;SrKh lsÍug w;=reoyka jQjka ms,sn| ld¾hd,hg iy rchg ld,hla .;jk ;;ajhla hgf;a ±kg ksl=;a lrk fkdue;sùfï iy;slfha jir foll j,x.= ld,h m%udKj;a fkdfõ' tfyhska jir follg jrla iy;slh w¨;a lsÍfï nßka mjq,a ksoyia lsÍu msKsi fkdue;sùfï iy;slfha j,x.= ld,h jir oyhla olajd È.= lsÍug yelsjk fia urK ,shdmÈxÑ lsÍfï ^;djld,sl úêúOdk& mK; ixfYdaOkh l, hq;=h' 4' jkaÈ ld¾hd,h

4'1 jkaÈ ,nd.ekSu lsisÿ f,ilska fjk;a ixl%dka;s hqla;s hdka;%Khla yd idudkH wêlrK moaO;sh yryd i;H yd hqla;sh fj; msúiSug we;s whs;sh wysñlrKh lsÍug u. mEÈula fyda fkdúh hq;=h'

4'2 jkaÈ f.ùfï§ fmr yd oekg isÿ flfrk W;aidyhka" jkaÈ f.ùu i|yd lghq;= lrk mj;sk wdh;k yd jevigykao we;=¿j" iudc iqnidOkh i|yd m%.;s,dNSka f;aÍu i|yd jk ks¾Kdhl iy ixj¾Ok jHdmD;Ska ish,a, wkqrEmKh l< hq;=h' fuh jkaÈ ld¾hd,h yd jkaÈ f.ùfï m%;sm;a;sh ksueùfï§ we;=<;a l< hq;=h'

4'3 jkaÈ ,nd.ekSfï whs;sh iy th l%shd;aul lsÍu i|yd wjYH meyeÈ,s m%;sudkl yd fufyhqï ud¾f.damfoaYhka y÷kd.kakd meyeÈ,s m%;sm;a;shla ilia lr m%isoaO l< hq;=h' jkaÈ ,nd.ekSfï whs;sh" ixj¾Okh i|yd we;s whs;sfhka fjkiaj thg wu;rj we;s whs;shla f,i oelsh hq;=h' fuu m%;sm;a;sh" ;ks mqoa.,hka yd m%cdjka uqyqK ÿka uyd mßudK .egqï iïnkaO yd l%u moaO;Ska yd iïnkaO W,a,x>kh lsÍïj, úúO jQ wdldrhka mdol lr.kakd yd tajdg m%;spdrd;aul m%;sm;a;shla úh hq;=h' tu.ska" mqoa.,hka" mjq,a yd m%cdjka fj; uQ,Huh jkaÈ ,nd§u" fjk;a øjHd;aul iyhka ,nd§u" udkisl mqkre;a:dmkhka isÿ lsÍu" iduQysl jkaÈ f.ùu" ixialD;sl jkaÈ f.ùu yd ixfla;d;aul mshjrhka .ekSu hkd§ jQ úúO wdldrfha jkaÈ f.ùï ie,iqï l< hq;=h'

4'4 úúO úkaÈ; lKavdhï w;r fukau idudkH ck;dj w;ro .egqï j¾Okh fkdlrk njg ;yjqre l< hq;af;h'

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4'5 jkaÈ ,nd§u i|yd" úfYaIfhkau m%odkhkaf.a wdldrh yd m%udKhka ;SrKh lsÍu i|yd jk meyeÈ,s yd úksúo fmfkk iq¿ ud¾f.damfoaYhka ieliSfï§ my; lreKq ms<sn|j wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=h(

- jkaÈ ,nd.ekSu i|yd jk iqÿiqlu mokï úh hq;af;a iïnkaO;dj, úúO;ajh y÷kd.ekSu ms‚i isÿ flfrk zúkaÈ;hdz iy zúkaÈ; mjq,z hkakg mq¿,a w¾: l:khla ,nd§fuks'

- jkaÈ ,nd§fï m%uqL;djh" wjYH;djfha yd wjodkug ,laùfï uÜgu wkQj ilia úh hq;=h'

- wysñ ùu yd ú¢kq ,enQ lïmkhg jkaÈh iudkqmd;sl úh hq;=h'

- jkaÈh wfmalaId lrk ydksfha iajNdjh ms<sn|j uQ,sl wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=h'

- .egqïj, m%;sM,hla f,i isÿ jQ wysñ ùïj,g wu;rj jHqyd;aul m%pKav;ajh yd$fyda fldka lsÍulg ,la lsÍfï m%;sM,hla f,i we;s jQ wysñ ùï fyda lïmkhka i,ld ne,sh hq;=h'

- jkaÈh mokï jkafka uq,a wysñùu u; fkdj jkaÈ ,nd.kakdf.a j¾;udk ;;a;ajh iy fjk;a ksYaÑ; wjodkï iy.; ;;a;ajhka u;h' tkï" jkaÈ ish¿ fokd i|ydu ,nd fokafka jqjo jkaÈh ,ndfokafka n,mEug ,;a mqoa.,hkaf.a j¾;udk wd¾Ól ;;a;ajh m; mokï ù Tjqkaf.a l%shdldÍ;ajh i|yd rel=,a §ula f,ih'

4'6 ck;djf.a blauka wjYH;d imqrd .ekSu i|yd wka;¾ ld,Sk jkaÈ" uQ,sl øjH ms<sn|j i,ld ne,sh hq;=h' fuh" idOdrKh bgq fjk f;la È.= l,la n,d isá mqoa.,hka yd úfYaIs; f,i wjodkug ,la jQ mqoa.,hkag wod, fjhs'

4'7 .egqïj,§ ñh .sh mqoa.,hkaf.a mjq,aj,g tla jrla flfrk f.ùula isÿ l< hq;=h' isú,a jeishkaf.a Ôú; wysñ ùu i|yd flfrk f.ùu" yuqodjkaf.a yd rcfha ks,Orhka i|yd flfrk f.ùug iu l< hq;=h'

4'8 urKhg m;a jQ fyda w;=reoka jQ whf.a wjodkug m;aj isák mjq,a idudðlhka i|yd /lshd wjia:d yd orejka i|yd YsIH;aj ,nd foñka tla jrla muKla isÿ flfrk jkaÈhla ,nd Èh hq;=h'

4'9 wú.;a .egqï mej;s ld,fha§ mqoa.,hkaf.ka ,nd.;a øjH" úfYaIfhkau rka wdNrK" uqo,a yd wfkl=;a pxp, foam< kej; ,nd§u iy;sl flfrk jHdhduhka isÿ l< hq;=h'

4'10 ;u wdorŒhhkaf.a urKh fyda w;=reoka ùu iaurKh lsÍug fyda ta fjkqfjka ÿla ùug úkaÈ;hkag we;s whs;sh rch úiska ms<s.; hq;=h'

4'11 iaurKh lsÍïj,§ rchg m%Odk N+ñldjla mejfrk w;ru th tla md¾Yajhlg muKla ysñ hula f,i fkdie,lsh hq;=h' iaudrl ;ekSu i|yd rch úiska f.k hk l%shd ud¾. lsisjla" Rcqju n,mEï ,;a mjq,a yd m%cdjka úiska bÈ lr mj;sk iaudrl fyda isÿ l< pdß;%hka wNsnjd fkdhd hq;=h' ;u iaurK l%shdj,Ska iyNd.S;aj wdldrfhka mj;ajd.ekSug;a" thg úkaÈ;hka yd m%cdjka iïnkaO lr.ekSug;a rch lghq;= l< hq;= w;r fuu l%shdj,Ska ;=<ska iaudrlhka ms<sn| iduQysl ysñldÍ;aj yeÕSula we;s l< hq;=h' iaudrl msysgqjk ia:dk y÷kd.ekSu" wmlaImd;S f,i ks¾udKh lsÍu i|yd l,dlrejka f;dard.ekSu" úkaÈ;hkag ixfõ§ iaudrl ks¾udKh lsÍu" iaudrl bÈlsÍu yd kv;a;=j"

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tu bvlv ;=< mj;ajk ieureï ie,iqï lsÍu hkdÈho we;=<;aj tfy;a thg iSud fkdù fuu m%pdrK l%shdj,sh tys ixl,amhg wkql+, úh hq;=h' iure WoHdk we;=¿j rdcH iaudrl i|yd jk úúO jQ woyia m%úpdrK l%shdj,shla ;=<ska i,ld ne,sh hq;=h'

4'12 hqO .egqïj,ska ñh .sh fyda w;=reokajQjka je<Æ" ;ekam;a l< fyda ixfla;d;aulj fufkys lrk ish¨u ia:dkj, Y=oaO;ajhg .re l< hq;= nj;a" Tjqka fjkqfjka ÿla ùug fyda lsishï jQ wdldrfha ixialD;sl yd wd.ñl pdß;% fyda ieureï lsÍu i|yd ;ks ìï fldgiaj, ysñldÍ;ajh Tjqkaf.a mjq,aj,g ,nd Èh hq;= hehs ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lr isà' bka miq ld,Skj fuu ìïj, f.dvk.d we;s ´kEu f.dvke.s,a,la fyda bÈ lsÍula bj;a l< hq;=h'

4'13 Y%S ,xldfõ ish¿u hqO .egqïj, úkaÈ;hka i|yd ieureï Èkhla m%ldYhg m;a l< hq;= w;r ieureï lghq;=j,§ ish¿u úkaÈ;hkaf.a ixfõ§;djhkag .re lrñka rch úiska ieureï lghq;= isÿ l< hq;=h'

4'14 fndfyda m%cdjka úiska WodyrKhla f,i 1983 úkaÈ;hka fukau 2014 w¿;a.u úkaÈ;hkao we;=¿j tfy;a thg iSud fkdjQ" ish¿ fokd w;aú¢k ,o fõokdjka yd wysñùï ks, jYfhka rch ms<s.; hq;= w;r tajd kej; isÿ fkdùug fmdfrdkaÿ úh hq;=h' hqoaOfha wjika wÈhf¾§" ol=fKa ke.sàfï§" W;=f¾ uqia,sïjreka msgux lsÍfï§ ú¢k ,o fõokdjka" u,hyd m%cdj jeks iuyr lKavdhï úiska uqyqK fok ,o fldka lsÍu yd$fyda jHqyd;aul marrpKav;ajho fï iu. i,ld ne,sh hq;=h'

5' i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu ̂ TJRNR fldñiu&

5'1 i;Hh fiaùfï hdka;%Kfha ld¾h Ndrh i|yd jQ m%úpdrKh ;=< u;=jQ u;hkaj, ;snQ wmeyeÈ,slu yd tlsfklg m%;súfrdaë nj ksidu" fuu hdka;%Kfha wruqK yd úIh m:h" th úiska wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;= W,a,x>khkaf.a wdldrhka yd th úiska l< hq;= m%Odk ld¾hhka b;d ie,ls,af,ka ilid .; hq;=h'

5'2 úfYaIfhkau" i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu úiska mqoa., meñ‚,s fyda iduQysl w;aoelSï iy ú|ùïj,g wod, oDIagdka; meñ‚,s ms<sn|j i,ld n,kafkao hkak ms<sn|j meyeÈ,s woyila ;sìh hq;=h'

5'3 m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha u;h jkqfha i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu wju jYfhka fjkiafldg ie,lSfï wjia:djka we;=¿j Y%S ,xldfõ .egqï ;=< isÿ jQfha l=ulao hkak ms<sn| i;Hh m%ldY l< hq;= nj;a i;Hh fidhd.ekSfuka miq tys j.lSu yd i;Hh ks, jYfhka ms<s.ekSu l< hq;= nj;a h' ks, ms<s.ekSu ;=< iqÿiq ;kays§ kS;s iïmdokhkao we;=,;a l< hq;=h'

5'4 fuu ikao¾Nh ;=< i;Hh hkq j.lSu oelaùu jk kuq;a idmrdë j.lSu" tkï fuh isÿ l< wh ljqrekao hkak ;SrKh lsÍu jvd .e,fmkafka wêlrK hdka;%Khlg fyda mj;sk wêlrK moaO;shghs' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha u;h jkafka i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu" idmrdë j.lSu ;SrKh lsÍug iqÿiq hdka;%Khla fkdjk nj;a tksid iudj §u ms‚i n,h fkdmejßh hq;= nj;ah'

5'5 i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu i;Hh fidhd .ekSu i|yd úu¾Ykhka isÿ lr wNsfpdaol wdh;khla iu. tu f;dr;=re fnod .; hq;= njg m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lrhs'

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5'6 i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiug iaÓr ks, ld,hla ;sìh hq;= w;r th wjidkfha§ md¾,sfïka;=jg jd¾;djla bÈßm;a l< hq;=h' ta iu.u tu jd¾;dj uyck;dj fj; ksl=;a flfrkq we;' hdka;%Kfha ks, ld,h ;SrKh l< hq;af;a ta wNshi we;s isoaê m%udKh u; mokïjh' i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu meyeÈ,s" l%shd;aul l< yels ks¾foaY iys;j jd¾Isl jd¾;djka m%ldYhg m;a l< hq;=h' fïjdo md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a l< hq;= w;r túgu uyck;dj fj; ksl=;a l< hq;=h'

5'7 i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu ksYaÑ; f;audjka" .eg¿ yd$fyda úu¾Ykh i|yd yd jd¾;d lsÍu i|yd ud;Dld f;aßh hq;=h'tu f;aÍu i|yd ksis wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=h' hqoaOfha wjika ld,h" W;=frka uqia,sïjreka msgux lsÍu yd uf,hswyd m%cdj ms<sn| b,a,Sï .Kkdjla m%úpdrKfha§ biu;= flß‚'

5'8 fldñiïj, b;sydih yd fmr jd¾;dj, ks¾foaYhka l%shd;aul fkdlsÍu fya;=fjka" fuu ks¾foaY u.ska isÿ l< yels yd l< hq;= ld¾hhka ld,Skj l%shd;aul lrk wdldrh ms<sn|j iudf,dapkhla isÿ lsÍu jeo.;a fõ'

5'9 wl%sh ijka fokafkl=f.ka Tíng f.dia l%shdj u; mokï jQ fldñiu njg m;a ùu i|yd jk uyck b,a,Su yuqfõ i;afhh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu úiska i;Hh fiùu i|yd il%sh ud¾.hka iïmdokh lrk njg yd thg wod,j ksYaÑ; iy l%shdjg ke.sh yels ks¾foaY ,ndfok njg;a iy;sl úh hq;=h'

5'10 i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiï jd¾;dj, wvx.= úia;rd;aul ft;sydisl isoaëka iuld,Sk b;sydi yd mdi,a úIh ud,djka fj; oekaúh hq;=h' udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kfha j.lSu" j.ùu ks, jYfhka ms<s.ekSu yd ft;sydislj ;yjqre lr.ekSu fukau tajdfha mqoa., yd iduQysl m%;sM, wjfndaO lr.ekSu;a ixys¢hdj we;s lsÍu i|yd uQ,sl fjhs' fuh iuia; m%cdjkag tfrysj úfYaIfhka Tjqkaf.a ixialD;sl wkkH;djhkag tfrysj lrk ,o nrm;, W,a,x>kh lsÍï i|yd fuh wod, lr.; hq;=h' tjeks W,a,x>kh lsÍïj,g WodyrKhka jkafka hdmkh uyck mqia;ld,h .sks ;eîu" 1983 fou< úfrdaë jO nkaOkh" hdmkh frday," wrka;,dj" wkqrdOmqr" i;=refldakavka" ld;a;kal=ä" ì÷Kqjej isÿ flreKq >d;khka" Y%S o<od ud,s.dj fj; t,a, l< m%ydrh hkdÈh jk w;r tajd nrm;, udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khka yd lDDrlï i|yd WodyrK f,i mdi,a b;sydi fmd;aj, úia;r l< hq;=h'

5'11 i;Hh ksYaph lsÍfï jeo.;alu u; mokïj i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu i;=j kS;sh" b;sydih" udkj úoHdj" wêlrK ffjoH úoHdj" wmrdO úoHdj" ufkda úoHdj yd iudc úoHdj hkd§ lafIa;% ;=< yelshdjka iys; m¾fhaIlhkaf.ka iukaú; Yla;su;a úu¾Yk tallhla mej;Su w;HjYH fõ' óg wu;rj" i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu i;=j" foaYSh ksmqKhkaf.a fiajh ,nd.kakd yd m¾fhaIK isÿ lrk m%dfoaYSh úu¾Yk ld¾hd,o ;sìh hq;= fjhs'

5'12 i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiu /iaùug fmr Èjhsk mqrd me;sreKq oekqj;a lsÍfï yd uyck iïnkaO;d meje;aùfï jevigykla ie,iqï l< hq;=h' fldñifï ish¿u /iaùï jdr yd isoaê úuiSfï jdrhka mQ¾K f,i yd

iajdëk f,i" iÔj oyrkh ^live streaming& we;=¿j wdjrKh l< hq;=h' iudc udOHhka NdId ;s%;ajfhkau in, l< hq;=h' i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñiug wod,j udOH fyda ikaksfõok tallhla ia:dms; l< hq;= w;r wod,

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md¾Yajlrejka yd mq¿,a jYfhka uyck;dj iu. ikaksfõokh isÿ lssÍfï wruq‚ka m%udKj;a f,i uq,H ,ndÈh hq;=h'

5'13 fldñifï fidhd.ekSï mq¿,a f,i m%pdrKh l< hq;= w;r myiqfjka ,nd.; yels úh hq;=h' idudkH ck;dj iu. yd fldñiu bÈßfha fmkS isák n,mEï,;a m%cdjka iu. fldñifï fidhd.ekSï ir, NdIdjlska fnod .; hq;=h' fuu l%shdj,sh w;r iy i;Hh" hqla;sh" ixys¢hdj yd kej; isÿ fkdùu i|yd jk fldñifï wka;¾ld,Sk yd wjika jd¾;d Ndr§fï ld,h ;=< m%.;sldrl uyck idlÉPdjla we;s lsÍu Wfoid udOH wdh;k"l,dlrejka iy nqoaêu;=ka fldñifï fidhd.ekSï iu. iïnkaO lr.ekSug ÈßÈh hq;=h'

5'14 iyNd.S jk ish¿ fokdf.a wdrlaIdj iy;sl lsÍu i|yd yd iyNd.S ùug wdrlaIdldÍ jgmsgdjla ieliSu i|yd m%udKj;a wjOdkhla fhduq l< hq;=h'

6' úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,h iu. jk wêlrK hdka;%Kh

6'1 úksYaphldrjrekaf.a isg úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,h olajd il%sh cd;Hka;r iyNd.S;ajhla i|yd jk wjYH;djh u; mokïj 2'12 iy 2'13 ks¾foaY wod, jkq we;'

6'2 cd;sl yd cd;Hka;r úksYaphlrejka m;alsÍu ioyd f;aÍï ks¾Kdhlhka ilikq ,nkafka jD;a;Sh iy isú,a iudc ixúOdk iu. m%úpdrKfhka jHjia:dodhl iNdj úiska jk w;r cd;Hka;r m;a lsÍï i|yd tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ms<sn| uy flduidßia ld¾hd,h úpdrkq we;' fuu wjia:d oajhh ;=<§u m;alsÍï ckdêm;sjrhd úiska isÿ lrkq we;s w;r tu ks¾Kdhlhka m%isoaO lrkq we;' 6'3 úksYaphldrjrfhla fyda lsysm fofkla fkdmeñŒfuka m%udo ùï isÿ fkdùu ms‚i m%udKj;a úksYaphldrjreka ixLHdjla m;alsÍug wjYH úê úOdk mekúh hq;=h'

6'4 iEu kvq jdrhl§u foaYSh úksYaphldrjreka nyq;rhla yd wju jYfhka tla cd;Hka;r úksYaphldrjrfhla isákd njg wêlrKh iy;sl úh hq;=h'

6'5 wêlrKfha yd úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,fha úksYaphldrjreka yd wNsfpdaolhka iïnkaOj ia;%S mqreI Ndjh wkQj;a" ish¿ jd¾.sl m%cdjka wkQj;a ksfhdackhka iy;sl lsÍug iEu W;aidyhlau .; hq;=h'

6'6 úkaÈ;hka yd idlaIHlrejkaf.a ksYaÑ; wjYH;d iemsÍu ms‚i" úfYaIfhka ldka;djka yd <uqka iïnkaOj" úfYaI wêlrKh úiska wod, mámdàka" ld¾h uKav, yd jHqyh ielish hq;=h' 2'19 n,kak'

6'7 fhdað; yhsì%â wêlrKh ieliSfï§ nex.f,da¾ m%;sm;a;s yd cd;Hka;r wêlrKfha wêlrK j.lSu ms<sn| jD;a;slhkaf.a ud¾f.damfoaYho we;=<;aj hqO wmrdO ms<sn| kvq weiSfï wêlrKhka i|yd wod, jk m%Odk cd;Hka;r iïu;hka meyeÈ,s f,i olajd we;=<;a l< hq;=h' idlaIs ix.%y.; lsÍu iy wêlrK mßmdáh úYsIag cd;Hka;r mßphkag wkq.; úh hq;= w;r foaYSh kS;shg ta wka;¾.; l, hq;=h' 6'8 úfYaI wêlrKh hqO wmrdO yd ukqIH;ajhg tfrys wmrdO we;=¿ cd;Hka;r wmrdO úNd. lsÍug yelsjk mßÈ úfYaI wêlrKhg j.lSï mejßh hq;= w;r ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajh yd orejkag tfrys wmrdO iïnkaOj úfYaI wjOdkhla fhduq l< hq;=h' wêlrKfha l¾;jHh jkqfha ixl%dka;s hqla;sh iy jrog o~qjï fkd,en isàu úi£u nj oekqj;aj

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úfYaI wêlrKfha wêlrK n,hg f,daldh;a; iSudjka fkd;sìh hq;= njg m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh ks¾foaY lrhs'

6'9 wm%udoj úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,h msysgqúh hq;=h' tys n,;," l%shdldÍ;ajhka yd wfkla hdka;%Khka iu. olajk iïnkaO;djh meyeÈ,sj olajd m%isoaO l< hq;=h'

6'10 wNsfpdaol m%;sm;a;sh ieliSfï§" Y%S ,xldj ;=< isÿ jQ njg fpdaokd flfrk mq¿,a mrdifha cd;Hka;r wmrdOhka" fuu wmrdO u.ska n,mEï ,;a úkaÈ;hkaf.a úúO wdldrh iy wmrdO isÿ l< whf.a úúO wdldrhka ms<sìUq flfrk wdldrhg úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,fha f;aÍï ie,iqï l< hq;=h' fpdaokd lrkq ,en we;s W,a,x>khka i,ld ne,sh hq;af;a ,o yels idlaIHhkag hg;aj jk w;r thg fmdl=re wdhqO yd fjk;a ks;S úfrdaë wdhqO yd hqoafOdamlrK Ndú;h¦ frday,a yd wdrlaIl l,dmj,g m%ydr t,a, lsÍu¦ udkj m,sy Ndú;d lsÍu¦ orejka hqO fiajhg n|jd .ekSu¦ hg;aùfuka miqj w;=reoyka lsÍu¦ iuQ, >d;k¦ ck;dj w;=reoyka ùu¦ ¥IKh lsÍï yd fjk;a wdldrfha ,sx.sl m%pKav;ajhka¦ mqoa.,hka uyd mßudK f,i msgux lsÍu¦ fndaïn oeóu" fI,a fjä oeóu yd fjä ;eîu hkd§ jQ wdldrfhka isú,a ck;dj >d;kh lsÍu¦ .egqï w;r isrjQ isú,a ck;dj fj; wdydr yd T!IO iemhSu m%;slafIam lsÍu hkdÈ foa we;=¿j tfy;a thg iSud fkdjQ ish,a, we;=<;a fõ'

6'11 m%dfhda.sl;ajh$fõ,dj$iïm;a ms<sn| fya;= ksid W,a,x>kh lsÍï ms<sn| ish¿u mqoa.,sl kvq wNsfpdaokh lsÍug úfYaI wêlrKhg fkdyels jQ wjia:dj," wNsfpdaol m%;sm;a;sh úiska úYd,;u cd;Hka;r wmrdOj, j.lSu orkakka ta flfrys j. ùug ,la lsÍug j. n,d.; hq;=h' úOdk lsÍfï" by< yd úOdk j.lSu fukau noaO wmrdO jHjidh hkd§ jQ j.lSï udÈ,Ska Y%S ,dxlSh kS;shg y÷kajd §ug wjYH fjkq we;'

6'12 úfYaI WmfoaYl ld¾hd,hg thgu jQ úu¾Yk tallhla ;sìh hq;=h' ld¾h uKav,hg cd;Hka;r msßia isáh hq;=h' ld¾h uKav,fha ish¿ fokd iajdëk" úYajikSh wh úh hq;= w;r wêlrKfha m%Odk wêlrK n,h ilik wmrdO lsisjlg fyda lsisÿ wdldrhlska iïnkaOhla fkdoelaúh hq;=h' fujeks isoaëka úu¾Ykh lsÍu iu.

iïnkaO jQ ;%ia; úu¾YK ld¾hdxYh ^TID) jeks ld¾hd, fyda ksYaÑ; tallj, we;s úh

yels wNs,dYuh .egqu fya;=fjka tu tallj, idudðlhka fuu úu¾Yk tallfha idudðlhka ùu ;ykï l< hq;=h' 6'13 hqO wmrdO yd ukqIH;ajhg tfrys wmrdO jeks cd;Hka;r wmrdO fukau jO nkaOkhg ,la lsÍu" w;=reoka lrùu yd ¥IKh lsÍï jeks nrm;, udkj ysñlï wmyrKh hkdÈhg iudj §u kS;s úfrdaë jk w;r ms<s.; fkdyelso fõ' tajd tf,i fkdl< hq;=h'

6'14 kS;s{jrfhl=f.a fiajh iys;j fyda rys;j wêlrK hdka;%Kfha ljr wÈhrhla ;=< fyda ;ukaj ksfhdackh lsÍug úkaÈ;hkag-Èú .,jd .;a whg yelshdj ;sìh hq;=h' M,odhS f,i iyNd.S ùug yd iïnkaO ùug yels jk mßÈ úkaÈ;hkag yd Èú .,jd.;a whg ish¿u wÈhrhkays§ m%udKj;a f;dr;=re ,ndÈh hq;= w;ru ta yd iudkju úfYaI wêlrKfha fyda úfYaI WmfoaYlf.a ld¾hhkag ndOd lrk fyda w.;shg m;a lrk lghq;= je,elaúh hq;=h'

6'15 kS;s Wmfoia iemhSu yd wdrlaIdj i|yd ksfhdackhka iemhSu wdrlaId l< hq;=h'

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7' wfkl=;a ks¾foaY

7'1 wd.ñl yd ixialD;sl .eg¿ ms<sn|j Wmfoia §u i|yd 2016 fmnrjdß ui ckdêm;sjrhd úiska wka;¾ - wd.ñl WmfoaYk iNdjla msysgjQ njg jd¾;d úh' m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldh fj; ,enqKq ks¾foaY wkQj" fuu hdka;%Kh M,odhS yd ish,a, wka;¾.; jkakla ùug kï m%Odk wd.ïj, nyq ksldhka ksfhdackh flfrñka" fuu iNdjg ish¿u wd.ñl lKavdhï fj;ska ksfhdackhka we;=<;a ùu jeo.;a fõ' tfukau" iNdfõ N+ñldj olajk ld¾h ks¾foaYh m%isoaO l< hq;=h' kS;sh yd iduh iy hqla;sh ms<sn| ia:dms; mámdàka ;=<ska wd.ñl .egqïj,ska n,mEï ,;a mqoa.,hkag tu .eg¿ ksrdlrKh i|yd we;s whs;shg w.;shla fkdjk mßÈ wd.ñl .egqï ms<sn|j mQ¾j wk;=re yeÕùu" ueÈy;a ùu yd wëlaIKh jeks ld¾hhka iNdj úiska isÿ l< hq;=h'

7'2 hqoaO yuqod ld¾h uKav,h" fmd,Sish iy .%dudrlaIljreka iïnkaOj .;a úg fmr fiajh l< msßia yd l%shdkaú;fha§ ñh .sh fyda w;=reoka jQ yuqod ld¾h uKav, idudðlhkaf.a mjq,a úiska u;= lrk ,oafoa" ,ndÿka jkaÈ" úY%du jegqma iy wfkl=;a wdOdrhka fukau m%;s,dNSka f;dard.ekSfï ks¾Kdhlj, .eg¿ ;snQ njhs' fuu fjkialï iudf,dapkhg ,la l< hq;= w;r tajdfha idOdrK;ajh tu mjq,aj,g úia;r lr § .e,fmk mßÈ fjkialï isÿ l< hq;=h'

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ixys¢hd hdka;%K Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾h idOl n,ldfha wjika jd¾;dj 2016   fkdjeïn¾ 17   jk Èk iïmq¾K lrk ,§'

Ydka;d wNsudkisxyï  uy;añh (P.C.) úidld O¾uodi uy;añh

wdpd¾h *¾idkd ykS*d fla' ví' ckrxck  uy;d

uydpd¾h is;%f,a.d fu!k.=re ufkdaß uq;af;gqj.u uy;añh iNdm;sksh

ñrdla rySï uy;d             uydpd¾h .ñ,d iurisxy

wdpd¾h mdlHfida;s irjkuq;a;= uydpd¾h ohd fidauiqkaorï f,alï

.dñ‚ úhkaf.dv uy;d

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ld¾h idOl n,ldfhys me;slvhka

ukQß uq;af;Ügqfõ.u ^iNdm;s&

lS¾;su;a wêkS;S{jßhla iy kS;S{jßhla jk weh uyck kS;s jD;a;slfhl= iy m%isoaO udkj ysñlï lßHdldßlfhl= f,i lghq;= lrhs' weh ^1994-97& ol=Kq" ngysr iy inr.uqj m<d;aj, w;=reoykaùï ms<sn| ckdêm;s fldñifuys iNdm;sks f,io iy ^1998-2002& iuia; ,xld w;=reoykaùï ms<sn| fldñifuys iNdm;sks f,io lghq;= l<dh' fuhg wu;rj weh ^2004-2007& udkj ysñlï fldñifï flduidßia OQrho ^2005 -2007& nrm;, udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh lsÍï ms<sn| mÍlaId lsÍu i|yd m;a l< mÍlaIK fldñifï flduidßia OQrho fydnjd we;'

wdpd¾h mdlshfida;s irjkuq;a;= ^f,alï&

wdpd¾h mdlshfida;s irjkuq;a;= úl,am m%;sm;a;s flakaøfha ^CPA) wdrïNl úOdhl wOHlaIl fõ' whsikayj¾ wêidudl moúfhka msÿï ,nd we;s Tyq g%dkaiafmarkais bkagkeIk,a Y%S ,xld wdh;kfha wdrïNl wOHlaIl OQrh;a" 1997 jif¾ isg Y%S ,xldj ;=< iEu m%Odk ue;sjrKhlau ksÍlaIKh lr we;s ue;sjrK m%pKavl%shd ksÍlaIK uOHia:dkfha ^ue'm%'ks'u& iu le|jqïlre OQrh;a orhs'

Ydka;d wNsudkisxyï

weh hdmkh kS;s{ ix.ufha iNdm;s yd W;=re yd kef.kysr mÈxÑ tlu ckdêm;s kS;s{ jk w;r ldka;d .Dy uQ,sl mjq,a uqyqK mdk .eg¨ wOHhkh lrk cd;sl lñgqfõ iNdm;s f,i fiajh lrhs'

úidld O¾uodi

úidld O¾uodi hqoaOfhka úm;g m;a ldka;djkaf.a ix.ufha yd w;=reoyka rKúrejkaf.a uõmshkaf.a ix.ufha iNdm;S;ajh orhs' 1998§ Y%S ,xld hqo yuqod ks,Odßfhl= jQ wef.a fojk mq;= l%shdkaú;fha§ w;=reoyka úh' iduh i|yd lghq;= lsÍug fomd¾Yjfhau ldka;djka tluq;= lsrSug yels jSu ksñ;af;kA 2005 § iuQy fkdfn,a idu ;Hd.hg weho kï úh' weh fjdIskagkfha iduh i|yd jQ tlai;a ckmo wdh;kfhka idlÉPd yd ueÈy;aùfï l=i,;d ms<sn|j iy ydjâ úYaj úoHd,fhka ldka;djka yd wdrlaIdj ms<sn|j Wmdêhla orhs'

wdpd¾h *¾idkd yks*d

*¾idkd yks*d fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha iudc úoHd fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fcHIaG lÓldpd¾hjßhla f,i lghq;= lrhs' weh udkj úoHdj ms<sn| wdpd¾h WmdêlA ^fldf,dïìhd úYaj úoHd,h& ork w;r Y%S ,xldfõ ldka;djka yd .egqï iïnkaO .eg¨" ixl%dka;sl hqla;sh" yuqodlrKh" iy <ud whs;sjdislï ms<sn|j foaYSh yd cd;Hka;r

jYfhka úúO ,sms m< lr we;' uqia,sï f,alï ld¾hd,fha (Secretariat for Muslims) wOHlaIl uKav,fha iNdm;s OQrh ork weh myq.sh jir 15 ;=< wehf.a m¾fhaIK lghq;= iy iudc l%shdldÍ l%shdldrlï i|yd rfÜ uqia,sï m%cdj ms<sn|j úfYaI wjOdkhla fhduq lrñka ,xldfõ iq¿ ck fldgia iïnkaO foaYmd,kh yd ixl%dka;sl hqla;sh flakaø lrf.k ;sfí'

fla' ví' ckrxck

kS;s{fhl= jk fla' ví' ckrxck uy;d fld<U fikag¾ f*da fm%df*Ik,a iagãia ^CFPS) wdh;kfha fcHIaG lÓldpd¾hjrfhl= f,i l%shd lrhs' Tyq fcHIaG udOHfõÈfhla jk w;r" rdjh mqj;amf;a ixialdrl l;Do" rdjh m%ldYk iud.fï wOHlaIlo fõ' ksoyia

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udOH jHdmdrhg lrsHdldÍj iyNd.SjQ ckrxck uy;d 2007 - 2008 jljdkqfõ rhsÜia kõ - m%cd;ka;%jdoh i|yd iduQyslfha wdrïNhg lghq;= lr we;'

uydpd¾h Ñ;%f,aLd fu!k.=re

uydpd¾h Ñ;%f,aLd fu!k.=re uvl,mqj iQßh ldka;d ixj¾Ok uOHia:dkh iu. l%shd lrhs' 2007-2010 jirj, cd;sl ldka;d lñgq idudðl;Ajh oerE weh hdmkh úYaj úoHd,fha yd kef.kysr úYaj úoHd,fha jir 30 lg jeä ld,hla W.kAjd we;' wehf.a m¾fhaIK lghq;= iA;%S mqreI Ndjh" fou< idys;Hh yd ckm%jdo u; flakaøù we;' wj;eka ldka;djka iy Y%S ,xldj ;=< i;%S mqreI iudkd;aundjh ms<sn| lßHdldß;Ajh i|yd weh

UNHCR^2003& úiska f.!rjhg md;% úh'

ñrdla rySï

ñrdla rySï hkq udkj ysñlï" ixys¢hdj" bvï .eg¨" wj;eka jQjkaf.a .eg¨ iy iq¿;r m%cdjf.a .eg¨ ms<sn|j lghq;= lrk m¾fhaIlfhl= yd iudc l%shdldßlfhl= fõ' úl,am m%;sm;a;s flakaøfha fcHIaG m¾fhaIl= f,i lghq;= l< Tyq oekg kej; mÈxÑ lsÍfï wud;HxYfha WmfoaYlfhl= jk w;r uqia,sï f,alï ld¾hd,fhA uKav,fhys fiajh lrhs'

Tyq wka;¾cd;sl in|;d iy b;sydih ^LSE& ms<sn| iy idu wOHhkh ^Notre Dame University) ms<sn| Wmdê orhs'

uydpd¾h .ó,d iurisxy

.ó,d iurisxy idhksl ufkda úoHd{fhls iy fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha iudc úoHd fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ufkda úoHd iydhl uydpd¾h f,i fiajh lrhs' iïudk /ilskA msÿ◊ï,;A weh" fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha Wmdê mSGh i|yd kj ufkda iudÔh jevigyka y÷kajd ÿka w;r" mYapd;a .egqï wdY%s; lïmkh i|yd Wmdh ud¾. ixj¾Okh lr we;' weh cd;sl <ud wdrlaIl wêldßfha m¾fhaIK lñgqfjys lghq;= lrk w;r" oekg hqoaOfhka mSvdjg m;a mjq,a i|yd iqjm;a lsÍfï l%shdj,sh ixj¾Okh lsÍug cd;sl iu.sh iy m%;sikaOdkh ms<sn| ld¾hd,fha ufkda iudÂh ld¾h idOl n<ldfha fiajh lrhs'

uydpd¾h ohd fidauiqkaorï

ohd fidauiqkaorï hdmkh úYaj úoHd,fha ffjoH mSGfha fcHIaG ufkda ffjoH úoHd uydpd¾h f,i fiajh lrk w;r oYl follg jvd jeä ld,hla Y%S ,xldfõ W;=f¾ ufkda ffjoH WmfoaYlhl= f,i lghq;= lrhs' Tyqf.a m¾fhaIK yd m%ldYk m%Odk jYfhka wdmod ;;ajj,§ we;s jk udkisl n,mEï iy tjeks n,mEï i|yd .; hq;= ms<shï ms<sn| flakaø ù

we;' Tyq cd;Hka;r ufkda frda. j¾.SlrKh-11 ^ICD-11& ixfYdaOk isÿ lrk iufha f,dal

fi!LH ixúOdkfha ^WHO& udkisl wd;;sh yd iïnkaO frda. i|yd jQ ld¾h n,ldh

hgf;a jQ mYapd;a jHik la,u: wl%u;dj ^PTSD& ms<sn| Wm lñgqfõ iu-iNdm;s f,i lghq;= lr we;'

.dñ‚ úhkaf.dv

.dñ‚ úhkaf.dv —mqrjeis n,fhys˜^Citizens’  Power& ks¾ud;Djrhd iy m%Odk ixúOdhlhdjk w;r fld<U úYaj úoHd,fhA ixj¾Ok wOHkh ms<sn| WmdêhlA orhs' Tyq iqm%lg isxy, NdId f,aLlfhl=o" miq.sh oYl ;=kl ld,hla mqrd m%cd;dka;%jdoh iy hy md,kh ms<sn| rdcH l;sldfj m%uqL iudc-foaYmd,k úfõplfhlAo fõ' Tyq fYaIaG idys;H lD;s 27l mßj¾;kh lsÍfuka" isxy, mdGlhdg mYapd;a-kQ;k idys;Hfh m%jK;d y÷kajd oSug bjy,aj we;'

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epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fk;

Page 47: ixys¢hdj Wfoid m%úpdrK ld¾hidOl n,ldfhA wjika jd¾:djdud;Hjrhd úiska 2016 ckjdß w.Nd.fha isú,a iudcfhka f;dard .;a idudðlhka 11 fofkl=f.ka iukaú ; m%úp drK ld¾h i dOl n,ldh


epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fk;

m. nrayzp cUthf;fKk;; fye;jhNyhrid KiwapaYk;

1. 2015Mk; Mz;L xf;Nlhgupy; ,yq;if murhq;fj;jpdhy; ,iz mDruiz

mspf;fg;gl;l ,yq;if njhlHghd If;fpa ehLfspd; kdpj cupikfs; Nguitapd; jPHkhdj;jpw;F mika epiykhWfhy ePjp kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;fhfg; gpNuupf;fg;gl;l nghwpKiwfs; njhlHgpy; kf;fspd; fz;Nzhl;lq;fisAk;> fUj;JiufisAk; ngWtjw;F 2016 Mk; Mz;L [dtup gpw;gFjpapy; rptpy; r%fj;ijr; NrHe;j 11

cWg;gpdHfs; mlq;fpa fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp (CTF) ,yq;ifg;

gpujkuhy; epakpf;fg;gl;lJ. fye;jhNyhridfs; ,g;nghwpKiwfs; gw;wp khj;jpukd;wp nghJkf;fs; gpNuupf;f tpUk;gpa ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;fhd Vida nghwpKiwfisAk; nraw;ghLfisAk; $l cs;slf;fpaJ.

2. ,Wjp mwpf;ifahdJ gpNuhpf;fg;gl;l ehd;F nghwpKiwfSf;Fj;jfTk; epiykhW

fhy ePjpf;Fk;; ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;Fk; njhlu;ghd csr%f MjuT kw;Wk; r%fk;, muR njhlh;ghd rPh;jpUj;jq;fs; Mfpait Nghd;w tplaq;fs; vd;gtw;wpw;F mika xOq;fikf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,it xt;nthd;Wk; xt;nthU mj;jpahaq;fshf

mike;Js;sd. fye;jhNyhrid eilngw;w R+oikT, vjph;fhyj;jpy;

ey;ypzf;fj;jpy; nry;thf;F nrYj;jf; $ba fhuzpfs; Mfpatw;iw cs;slf;fpa mwpKfk;> fye;jhNyhridfspd; Kiwapay; Mfpait Vida ,U mj;jpahaq;fs;

MFk;. fhzhky; NghNdhUf;fhd mYtyfk; (OMP)> ,og;gPl;bw;fhd mYtyfk;>

cz;ik> ePjp> ey;ypzf;fk; kw;Wk; kPsepfohikf;fhd MizFO (TJRNRC) kw;Wk; tpNrl ePjpkd;wj;ijAk;;> tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfj;ijAk; cs;slf;fpa ePjpg;nghwpKiw Mfpa xt;thU nghwpKiwfSf;Fk; fye;jhNyhridapd;NghJ nghJkf;fs; Kd; itj;j fUj;JiufisAk;> fz;Nzhl;lq;fisAk; ,t;twpf;if mbg;gilahff; nfhz;Ls;sJ. filrp mj;jpahak; nghJ kf;fspdJk; Vida gq;Fjhuh;fspdJk; fz;Nzhl;lq;fs; kw;Wk; fUj;Jiufs; %yk; ngwg;gl;l fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpapd; gupe;Jiufisf; nfhz;ljhFk;.

3. gpujpepjpj;Jt MNyhridf; FO> epGzj;Jt MNyhridf; FO Mfpa ,uz;L FOf;fspd;; MjuT fye;jhNyhridf;fhd; nrayzpf;Ff; fpilj;jJ. epGzj;Jtf; FOthdJ fye;jhNyhridfspy; epiykhWfhy ePjpapd; cs;slf;fk;> ,yq;iff;F mjd; gpuNahfk; kw;Wk; nghUj;jg;ghL vd;gd njhlHgpYk;> gpujpepjpj;Jtf;

FOthdJ tya nrayzp; (ZTF) cWg;gpdHfspd; njupT njhlHgpYk;>

fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpf;F MNyhrid toq;fpd. ,f; FOf;fspd;

gq;fspg;gpy; Fwpg;gplj;jf;f, xd;Wld; xd;W Nktpa jd;ik fhzg;gl;lJ. jkf;Fg;

gupr;rakhd nkhopapYk; jkJ r%fq;fisr; Nrh;e;Njhh; Kd; ek;gpf;ifAlDk; nghJ kf;fs; fUj;Jfisf; $Wth; vd;w fUJNfhspd; mbg;gilapy; tya nrayzpfs; mikf;fg;gl;ld. tlf;F kw;Wk; fpof;F khfhzq;fspd; xt;nthU khtl;lj;jpw;F

xt;nthU tya nrayzpAk;; (ZTF)> Vida VO khfhzq;fSf;Fk; VO tya

nrayzpfSk; (ZTF) mikf;fg;gl;ld. ,tw;Wf;F jj;jkJ rKfj;jpdUld; nghJf;

$l;lq;fs;> ,yf;Ff;FOf; fye;Jiuahly;fs; Clhf fye;jhNyhridfis elj;Jk; nghWg;G toq;fg;gl;lJ. tyar; nrayzpapd; fye;jhNyhrid mwpf;iffs; jdp mwpf;ifahf njhFf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. gpNuupf;fg;gl;l ehd;F nghwpKiwfs;> tplag;gug;G Mfpatw;Wf;F mika tifg;gLj;jYf;fhfTk;> njhFj;jYf;fhfTk;

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fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpf;F mDg;gg;gl;ld. rptpy; r%fk;> njhopy; rhh; ty;Ydh;fs;> Kd;dhs; nghJ Copau;fs;> rpy re;jh;g;gq;fspy; kjf; FO cWg;gpdh;fs; KjypNahh; tyar; nrayzp mq;fj;jth;fshfr; Nrh;j;Jf;

nfhs;sg;gl;ldu;. ,d> Jiwrhh; gpujpepjpj;Jtk,; nkhop rusk,; 50tPjk; ngz;

gpujpepjpj;Jtk; Mfpait tyar; nrayzpapy; cWjp nra;ag;gl;ld. tyar; nrayzp mikf;fg;gl;l Gjpa Kiwik mtw;wpd; mq;fj;Jtk; kw;Wk; mZFKiw vd;gd r%fkl;lj;jpy; ngUkstpy; tuNtw;igg; ngw;wd. mj;Jld;> ehlshtpa uPjpapy; fye;jhNyridfspd; ntw;wpia cWjp nra;tjw;fhd gpujhd fhuzpfshfTk; ,Ue;jd.

4. ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;F VJthd #oiy, fye;jhNyhridfspd; NghJ ghjpj;j epfo;Tfs; gw;wpa gpd;njhlu; eltbf;ifia cWjp nra;tjw;F fye;jhNyhridf;fhd

nrayzpapd; Ntz;LNfhspw;F mika kdpj cupikfs; Mizf;FOtpd; (HRC) gpujpepjp xUtH $l;lq;fspd;NghJ gpurd;dkhapUe;jhu;.

5. tya nrayzpapd; fye;jhNyhridf;F Nkyjpfkhf> Njrpa kl;lj;jpy; ,uhZtk;> fhzhky; NghNdhupd; FLk;gq;fs;> kjj; jiytHfs;> njhopy;rhH epGzj;Jt mikg;Gfs;> Clf epWtdq;fs;> ngz;fs; mikg;Gf;fs;> gilg;Gf; fiyapy; <Lgl;Ls;s mikg;Gfs;> jdpegh;fs;> Mfpait cs;slq;fyhf gpujhd Jiwfspd; gpujpepjpfSld; fye;jhNyhrid elj;jg;gl;lJ. gpuj;jpNafkhd ,izaj;jsk;> kpd;dQ;ry;> jghy; Mfpait %yk; %d;W nkhopfspYk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; ngwg;gl;ld.

6. fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpf;F nkhj;jkhf 7>306 rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; fpilj;jd.

mtw;wpy; 4,872 nghJf; $l;lq;fspy; ,Ue;Jk;> 1>386 ,yf;Ff;FOf;

fye;Jiuahly;fspy; ,Ue;Jk; 1,048 vOj;J %y rkHg;gpj;jy;fshfTk; ngwg;gl;ld.

kl;lf;fsg;G> mk;ghiw kw;Wk; njd; khfhzj;jpy; mjpf vz;zpf;ifapyhd

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rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Kd;itf;fg;gl;ld. ruhrupahf xt;nthU tyaj;jpYk; 500 f;F Nkyhf rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; gjpthfpapUe;jd. tlkj;jpa kw;Wk; Nky; khfhzq;fspy; 250 f;Fk; Fiwthfg; gjpthfpd. tl kj;jpa khfhzk;> aho;ghzk; Mfpatw;Wf;fhd vz;zpf;if Vida khfhzq;fspd; vOj;J %y gjpTfSf;F khwhf rkh;g;gpj;jy;fspd; kjpg;gPLfspd; mbg;gilapy; mike;Js;sd. M. ahtw;iwAk; cs;slf;Fk; tplaq;fs;: mtjhdpg;GfSk; gupe;JiufSk;

1. ,yq;ifapy; epiykhWfhy ePjp, murhq;fk; gpNuupj;j nghwpKiwfs;

Mfpatw;Wf;fhd epahag;ghl;il murhq;fj;jpd; cau; kl;lq;fs; gug;Giu nra;J

Kd;ndLf;f Ntz;Lnkd fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp ek;gpaJ:thjpj;jJ. vdpDk; ,J eilngwtpy;iy. fle;j fhyj;jpy; gy;NtW [dhjpgjp Mizf;FOf;fs; Kd; r%fkspj;J rku;g;gpj;jy;fs; nfhLj;jy; cs;slq;fshf

jkJ md;Gf;Fupatu;fisj; Njly; , FiwfSf;F epthuzk; Njly; Mfpait gw;wpa

mDgtq;fSk; fijfSNk nghJkf;fs; kl;lj;jpy; fye;jhNyhrid ikaj;jpd;

Ftpikakhf mike;jpUe;jd. ,Ue;j NghjpYk;> tyar; nrayzp (ZTF) kw;Wk; Clf %ykhd tpopg;GzHT Vw;gLj;jyhdJ ehd;F gpujhd nghwpKiwfs; njhlHgpy; fye;jhNyhridfspy; ftdk; nrYj;Jtjw;Fk;> epiykhWfhy ePjpAld; rk;ge;jg;gl;l kf;fspd; Vida MNyhridfis ntspf;nfhzHtjw;Fk; XusT Jiz Gupe;jd. ,jdhy; ehd;F nghwpKiw;fspdJk; tbtikg;G> epakdr; nraw;ghL> mjpfhuq;fs; kw;Wk; nraw;ghLfspd; njhopy;El;g mk;rq;fs; njhlHghd Neubahd rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; xg;gPl;lstpy; FiwthapUe;jd.. vdpDk; jye;Jiuahly;fspd;NghJ mjpfsT nghJkf;fspd; MHtk;> tpthjk; kw;Wk; gq;Nfw;G vd;gd cUthf;fg;gl;L> gpujhd gpur;rpidfs; njhlHghd mth;fspd; fz;Nzhl;lq;fs; cWjpnra;ag;gl;ld. xl;Lnkhj;j nraw;ghl;bdJk; gq;Nfw;G kw;Wk; nghJ cupikj;Jtj;ij cWjp nra;tjpy; Kjy; gbepiyahf> jkJ fz;Nzhl;lq;fis tpdtpaik njhlHgpy; rpyH tpag;ig ntspapl;ldH. Nkw;$wpatw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; epiykhWfhy ePjp gw;wp murhq;fj;jpd; cau;kl;lk; njhlu;r;rpahd njhlu;ghliy Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lnkd fye;jhNyridf;fhd

nrayzp CTF gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

2. epthuzj;ijNah gupfhuj;ijNah toq;Ftjw;Fj; jtwpa fle;j fhy Kaw;rpfspd; gLNkhrkhd jtWjy; kw;Wk; KbTwhj jd;ikapd; kj;jpapy;> kw;WnkhU Kaw;rp njhlHgpy; ehnlq;fpYk; cs;s kf;fs; Fwpg;gplj;jf;fsT tpuf;jpiaAk; frg;igAk; Nfhgj;ijAk; ntspg;gLj;jpdH. vdpDk; ,t;Tzh;T ,f; Fwpg;gpl;l Kaw;rpahdJ NtWgl;ljhf ,Uf;Fk; vd;w vjpHghHg;G kw;Wk; Vf;fj;Jld; fye;jpUe;jJ. ,ul;ilj; jd;ikAila nghJ csg;ghq;F fye;jhNyhridapd; NghJ jPtpukhf ntspg;gl;lJ. epiykhWfhy ePjp kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;fhd nghwpKiwfis tbtikf;Fk; nfhs;if tFf;Fk; NghJ Nkw;$wpa ,ul;ilj;jd;ik ftdj;jpy; vLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. cz;ik> fl;lisapl;Nlhhpd; nghWg;Gilik kPs;epfohik Fwpj;j gykhd czh;T Mfpatw;iwf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L cz;ik> ePjp> nghWg;Gilik> ,og;gPL> kPs;epfohikf;fhd cj;juthjk; Mfpatw;why; tiutpyf;fzg;gLj;jg;gLk; epiykhWfhy ePjpf;fhd chpikf;F murpay; ahg;G rhh; mq;fPfhuj;ijAk; Vw;ghLfisAk; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpwJ.

3. ey;ypzf;fr; nraw;ghlhdJ vjpHkiwahdJ: Njrpag; ghJfhg;gpid tpl;Lf;

nfhLg;gJ: fhaq;fis Mokhf;fp> Gjpatw;iw Vw;gLj;JtJld; ,dq;fSf;Fk; kjq;fSf;Fk; ,ilapyhd gpuptpidia gutyhf;Fk; vd;w vr;rupf;iffs; ghJfhg;Gg; gilapdH kw;Wk; nghyp]hupdhy; Kd;itf;fg;gl;likiaAk; ,q;F Rl;bf;fhl;l

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Ntz;Lk;. Fwpg;ghf nghWg;Gilikf;fhd nghwpKiwapy; rHtNjr gq;fspg;gpid midj;Jg; ghJfhg;Gg; gilapdUk; Kw;whf epuhfupj;jdH. vt;thwhapDk;> ghJfhg;Gg; gilapdH kw;Wk; nghyp]hupdhy; Kd;itf;fg;gl;l ngUk;ghyhd rkHg;gpj;jy;fspy;> murhq;fj;jpd; ey;ypzf;f Kaw;rpfSf;Fk;> tQ;rk; jPHf;Fk; mZFKiwf;Fg; gjpyhf rPuikj;jYf;F MjuTk; kjj; jiytHfis ,k;Kaw;rpfspy; <LgLj;Jtjw;Fkhd mtHfsJ tpUg;gk; fhzg;gLfpwd. ey;ypzf;fKk;> ,og;gPLfSk;> kPsepfohikia cWjp nra;tjw;F Kd;Dupik mspf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;w Nehf;if mtHfs; nfhz;bUe;jJld;> murpayikg;G ahg;G rPu;jpUj;jj;ijAk; typAWj;jpdh; mj;Jld;> re;Njfk;> jtwhd jfty;fs; ,lk;ngWtijj; jtpHg;gjw;F murhq;fkhdJ midj;J kl;lq;fspYk; jkJ cWg;gpdHfSld; jfty;fis gfph;e;J nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vdTk; $wpdh;.

4. murpay; topfhl;lypd; fPOk;> rpf;fyhd> rthy; kpf;f #o;epiyfspYk; murhq;fj;jpd; Fwpf;Nfhs;fis jhk; vl;baNghjpYk;> jw;NghJ xw;Wik kw;Wk; jkf;fhd Mjutpy; gw;whf;Fiwia czHtjhf ,uhZt gpujpepjpfs; Fwpg;gpl;ldH. cz;ikiaf; fz;lwpAk; nraw;ghL kw;Wk;> Fw;w eltbf;iff;fhd VNjDk; Mjhuq;fs; ,Ug;gpd; Fw;wj;jpw;fhd jz;lid vd;gtw;wpw;Fk; mtHfs; Mjuit ntspg;gLj;jpdH. jhk; mwpe;j tiuapy;> ve;jnthU Fw;wtpay; eltbf;ifAk; nghWg;Ngw;fg;gltpy;iy vd;gjhy;> kd;dpg;Gf;fhd Njit mtrpakpy;iy vdTk; mtHfs; $wpdH. nghJ kf;fs; kPJ Ntz;Lnkd;W ,yf;F itf;fg;gltpy;iy: ve;jnthU rptpypad;fSf;Fk; ghjpg;G Vw;glf; $lhJ vd;w nfhs;if gpd;gw;wg;gl;lJ vd mtHfs; typAWj;jpa NghjpYk;> Nkhjy;fSf;F ,ilapy; rpf;fpa rptpypad;fspd; kuzj;jpw;fhd rhj;jpaj;ij Vw;Wf;nfhz;ldH. Aj;jj;;jpy; MAjkhfg; ghypay; td;Kiw gad;gLj;jg;gl;likia mth;fs; epuhfupj;jdH. vt;tpj Fw;wKk; Gupag;gltpy;iy kw;Wk; rl;ltpNuhjkhd MAjq;fs; vJTk; gad;gLj;jg;gltpy;iy vd tpkhdg;gilapdH kPstypAWj;jpdH.

5. epiykhWfhy ePjp kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;fhd murhq;fj;jpd; cWjpapy; mtek;gpf;if ntspg;gLk; epiyapy; Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;litf;F Nkyjpfkhf xU gd;ikj;Jt gy; kj ,yq;if gw;wpa ghu;it Nghw;wg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mjpy; gu];gu nfsutj;Jld; Nt#&d;wpa FbAupik ehL KOtjpYk; Kd;ndLj;Jr; nry;yg;gLtJk; mtrpakhFk;. ,jpy; murhq;fj;jpd; cau; kl;lq;fSk; rptpy; r%fq;fSk; <Lgl Ntz;Lk;. Ntw;Wikapy; xw;Wik fhz;gJk; ,yq;iq kf;fs; midtupdJk; gd;Kf milahsq;fis ghJfhg;gJk; nfsutpg;gJk; ehl;by;; mu;j;jKs;s ey;ypzf;fKk; rkhjhdKk; tsKk; Vw;gLtjw;F mj;jpahtrpakhFk;.

6. ,jw;F Vw;g ,dg; gpsTfs; kw;Wk; kj rfpg;Gj;jd;ik ,d;ik vd;git guTjiyj; jLg;gjw;F tpidj;jpwd; kpf;f> re;Njfj;jpw;fplkw;w eltbf;iffs; murhq;fj;jpdhy; vLf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld;> rl;lj;jpd; Kiwahd nraw;ghl;bd; fPo; rk;ge;jg;gl;ltHfis vt;tpj r%fk; rhH ghugl;rKk; ,d;wp nghWg;ghf;f Ntz;Lk;. ehl;bd; midj;J kjq;fSf;Fk; rkkhf kjpg;gspg;gJld; muR kjr; rhh;gw;wjhf mika Ntz;Lk; vd ehl;bd; gy ghfq;fspYkpUe;J rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Kd;itf;fg;gl;ld. rkj;Jtkhd gpu[hTupik vd;w czHtpw;Fk; ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;Fkhd Muk;gg;Gs;spahf mtHfs; ,jidf; Fwpg;gpl;ldH. rfy gq;FjhuHfSlDk; fye;jhNyhrpj;J ,J njhlh;gpy; jPtpukhd ftdk;

nrYj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp (CTF) gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

7. Muk;gk; KjNy ghJfhg;G tplaq;fs; fye;jhNyhridfspy; Kjd;ikahitahf

,Ue;jd. Ke;jpa Mizf;Ff;fspd; mkh;Tfspd; NghJ ghJfhg;G gphpT, Gydha;Tg;

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gpupT kw;Wk; nghyp]; mYtyfu;fspd; fz;fhzpg;G tprhuiz> mr;RWj;Jk; gpurd;dk; Kjypait epytpajhy; fye;jhNyhrid fhyg;gFjpapYk; mjd; gpd;dUk; rhjfkhd #oiy cWjp nra;tjw;F ghJfhg;G mikr;R> fl;lisj; jsgjpfSld; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp ciuahbaJ. nghyp]; kw;Wk; ,uhZt ,izg;gjpfhhpfs; milask; fhzg;gl;L mtu;fSf;F ifJ> jLj;J itj;jy; kw;Wk; rpj;jputij njhlHghd [dhjpgjp topfhl;ly;fs; kPs;typAWj;jg;gl;ld. ,e;j eltbf;iffSf;F kj;jpapYk;> gy;NtW rk;gtq;fs; gjpthfpd. fye;jhNyhridfspd; NghJ rpy tya nrayzp $l;lq;fspy;

gq;Fgw;wYf;Fr; rhjfkpd;ikia Vw;gLj;jpa ghJfhg;G / nghyp]; mYtyu;fis

ntspNaWkhW NfhUtjw;F fye;jhNyhrid nrayzpapd; cWg;gpdHfs; jdpg;gl;l

uPjpapy; jiyaPL nra;jdH. ghJfhg;Gj; Jiw, nghyp]; Mfpatw;wpd; cah;kl;lj;jpy;

,tw;iw epw;ghl;Ltjw;fhd nghwpKiwfs; Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl;l NghJk; mbkl;lj;jpy; jz;lidf;fhd gakpd;ik njhlh;e;J epyTfpwJ vd;gJ ,jd; %yk; cWjpahdJ.

8. ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;Fg; gpujhd Kl;Lf;fl;ilahf jz;lidapy; ,Ue;J jg;Gjy; njhlHe;Jk; epyTjy; vd;gJ rkHg;gpj;jy;fspd; %yk; milahsk; fhzg;gl;lJ. ,ijnahl;b nghwpKiwfis epWj;Jtjw;F Kd;dh; ek;gpf;ifiaf; fl;bnaOg;Gk;; tifapYk; mh;j;jKs;s ey;ypzf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;Jk; tifapYk; ,jid mfw;w

Ntz;Lk;. ek;gfkhd, rhl;rpfs; kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfis ghJfhj;jy; vd;gJ jz;lidapypUe;J njhlHe;Jk; jg;Gjy;> nghJg; ghJfhg;Gld; neUf;fkhf rk;ge;jg;gl;Ls;sJ. fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpahdJ jkJ gupe;Jiufspy; tYthdJk; RahjPdkhdJkhd ghJfhg;Gf;fhd cs;@H kw;Wk; rHtNjr Nfhupf;iffis kPs;typAWj;Jfpd;wJ.

9. ,uhZtj;JlDk; ghJfhg;G gpur;rpidfSlDk; rk;ge;jg;gl;l ek;gpf;ifia fl;bnaOg;Gk; Vida gy;NtW nghwpKiwfSk; ,e;j fye;jhNyhridfspd;NghJ milahsk; fhzg;gl;ld. fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpapd; gupe;Jiufspy; mit cs;slf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. mitahtd rptpypad; tptfhuq;fspy;> nghUshjhuk; kw;Wk; rptpy; epHthfk; vd;gtw;wpy; ,uhZtk; <LgLjiy epWj;Jjy;> Fwpg;ghf gilapduhy; ifg;gw;wg;gl;l nghJkf;fspd; fhzpfis Jupjkhf kPs toq;fy;> gilapy; Ml;Fiwg;G kw;Wk; ,uhZtka ePf;fk; MfpaitahFk;. gaq;futhj

jilr;rl;lk; (PTA) my;yJ NtW rl;lq;fspd; fPo; Fw;wk; Rkj;jg;glhj jLj;J

itf;fg;gl;Ls;stHfs; kw;Wk; ruzile;jtHfis tpLjiy nra;jy;, gaq;futhj jilr; rl;lj;jpid ,uj;J nra;jy;> jLj;J itf;fg;gl;Ls;stHfspd; ngaH gl;baiyAk; midj;J jLg;G epiyaq;fs; Fwpj;j jfty;fisAk; ntspaply; vd;gd Fwpj;J cWjpahd Nfhupf;iffSk; fpilj;jd.

10. Kuz;ghl;ilj; jPh;g;gjw;fhd murpay; jPh;Tk; ahg;G uPjpahd jPh;Tk; ek;gpf;ifiaf; fl;bnaOg;Gtjpy; ,d;;wpaikahg; gq;Ftfpf;Fk; vd;gJ rkh;g;gpj;jy;fspypUe;J ngwg;gl;lJ. ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;Fk; ehl;bd; xw;Wikf;Fk; ,J mj;jpahtrpakhdJ vd;gij rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; typAWj;jpd. ,ij fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp jdJ gupe;Jiufspy; cs;slf;fpAs;sJ.

11. Aj;jf; Fw;wq;fSk; khDlj;jpw;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fSk;> gyte;jkhd fhzhky; Nghjy;fspy; ,Ue;J midj;J egHfis ghJfhg;gjw;fhd rHtNjr rhrdj;jpd; fPo; Fw;wk; vd;w tiutpyf;fzj;jpw;F mika> ,yq;if rl;lj;jpw;Fs; fhzhky; Nghjy;fs; Fw;wk; Nghd;w rHtNjr Fw;wq;fis; Fw;wkhf;fy; kw;Wk; cs;slf;fy;

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vd;gdTk; gpujhd ek;gpf;ifia fl;bnaOg;Gk; nghwpKiwfshf Rl;bf;fhl;lg;gl;ld. mit fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpapd; gupe;Jiufspy; cs;slf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.

12. ,dj;Jtg; gphpTfSf;F Nkyhf nghJkf;fshapDk rhp;> NghuhspfshapDk; rhp ghjpf;fg;gl;NlhUf;F njd;G+l;lf; $ba csrKf MjuTk;> cjtpAk; toq;fy; rfy epiykhW fhy ePjpg; nghwpKiwfspd; tbtikg;G> nraw;ghLfspd;NghJ fUj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;ba ahtw;iwAk; cs;slf;Fk; tplakhf fye;jhNyhridfspypUe;J ntspte;jJ. epiykhWfhyePjp> ey;ypzf;fk;; Mfpatw;wpf;F Vw;wtifapYk; ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhhpd; fhprid> Njit Mfpatw;wpf;F Kjd;ikaspj;Jk; Njrpa xw;Wikf;Fk; ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;Fkhd mYtyfj;jpd; csrKf nrayzpapd; xj;Jiog;GlDk; nraw;gl Ntz;Lnkd mOj;jpf; $WfpwJ.

13. ,isQH> ngz;fs; njhlh;ghd jdpj;j mj;jpahak; ,e;j mwpf;ifapy; ,lk;ngwhj NghJk; mit ahtw;iwAk; cs;slf;FtdthfTk; rfy nghwpKiwfSf;Fk; ey;ypzf;f epfo;r;rpj;jpl;lj;jpw;Fk; ve;jnthU rPh;jpUj;jj;jpw;Fk; njhlh;ghditahfTk; Nehf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. fye;jhNyridfs; KOtjpYk; ghy;epiy> ,isQh; Mfpatw;wpd; ruprkdhd gpujpepjpj;Jtk; tw;GWj;jg;gl;lJ. Fwpg;ghf rfy

nraw;ghL kl;lq;fspYk; ngz;fspd; epakdk; - jPh;khdk; vLg;gth;fshfTk; tof;Fj; njhLeh;fshfTk;> ePjpgjpfshfTk; ngz;;fs; epakpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vdf; $wg;gl;lJ. nghwpKiwfis ,yFthf mZFjy;> ghy;epiyj; Njitfisg; nghwpKiwfspd; nraw;ghLfspy; cs;slf;fy; jFe;j ,lk;> ,ufrpaj;jd;ik> cWjpg;gLj;jy;> ghypay; njhe;juT> J];gpuNahfk; Mfpatw;wpf;F cs;shf;fg;gl;Nlhu; njhlh;ghd

$Uzh;T, nfsutk; mspj;jy;, jha;khhpd; NjitfSf;fhd mf;fiw Mfpatw;iw

tw;GWj;jpd. ,tw;iwf; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp Vw;Wf; nfhs;tJld; Njprpa ngz;fs; Mizf;FOTf;fhd ePz;l fhy Nfhhpf;ifiaAk; Mjhpf;fpwJ.

14. fhzp vd;gJ ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;F ikakhf mikAk; ,d;Ndhh; mOj;jk; epiwe;j gpur;rpidahFk;. ,uhZtj;jhYk; tdtpyq;F jpizf;fsk; Nghd;w NtW mur

epWtdq;fshYk; Mf;fpukpg;G, Vida ,dj; FOkq;fshy; fhzpfs; kw;Wk; kPd;gpb

ePHepiyfspd; ,uz;lhk; epiy Mf;fpukpg;G cs;slq;fyhf gy;jug;G rkHg;gpj;jy;fspYk; ,J ntspte;jJ. jhkjkpd;wp ,dq;fSf;F ,ilapyhd rpf;fyhd fhzp Kuz;ghLfis milahsg;gLj;jf; $ba nghwpKiwfs; cs;slq;fyhf tpNrl nfhs;if eltbf;iffs; Vw;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Njrpa Mizf;FOTf;F jw;NghJ ,Uf;Fk; ahg;G uPjpahd Vw;ghl;bd; eilKiwg;gLj;jiy fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpwJ.

15. fye;jhNyhridfspd;NghJ Rl;bf;fhl;lg;gl;l epiykhWfhy ePjpapy; murhq;f caHkl;lq;fspd;; gug;GiuAk; mjid Kd;ndLj;jYk; epiykhWfhy ePjpf;Fk; ey;ypzf;f nfhs;iff;fpilapyhd ,zf;fKk; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpapd; gupe;Jiufspy; Kd;Dupikg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd. Mifahy; nghwpKiwf;fhd nfhs;if kw;Wk; nraw;ghl;L rl;lfj;Jld; ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;fhd jpl;l tiuig murhq;fk; ntspg;gLj;JtJ Kf;fpa NjitahFk;;. ,j; jpl;ltiuGld; njhlu;Gila mikr;Rfs; cl;gl ey;ypzf;f nraw;ghLfs; nghWg;gspf;fg;gl;l gy;NtW mur epWtdq;fisAk; mtw;Wf;fpilNaahd cwTfisAk; murhq;fk; njspTgLj;j


16. ,lk;> gzpahw;Wk; Ml;fs;, gzpahw;Wk;; nkhopfs;; vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy;

nghwpaikg;Gf;fis ,yFthf mZFk; jd;ikia cWjp nra;tjw;fhd Kf;fpaj;JtKk; fye;jhNyhridfspd;;NghJ typAWj;jg;gl;lJ: mNjNghd;W>

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khw;Wj;jpwdhspfs; kw;Wk; tpspk;Gepiyapdupd; NjitfSk; vLj;Jiuf;fg;gl;ld. gpNuupf;fg;gl;l midj;J nghwpaikg;Gf;fspd; midj;J kl;lq;fspYk; ,aYkhd tiuapy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtk; Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ nghJf;fUj;jhf

,Ue;jJ. NkYk; epiykhWfhy ePjpg; nghwpKiwfs;, ,y;yhikf;fhd rhd;wpjo; (Certificate of Absence) Nghd;w Vw;ghLfs;; Mfpatw;wpy; jpupGgLj;jyw;w nghUj;jkhd

nkhopapd; gad;ghLk; typAWj;jg;gl;ld. fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp ,e;jf;

Nfhupf;iffis MNkhjpg;gJld; ghjpf;fg;gl;l FLk;gq;fspd; gpujpepjpfs;, kdpj

cupikg; ghJfhtyu;, rptpy; r%f nray;thjpfs; kw;Wk; ahg;Gg; Nguitapdhy;

Kd;nkhopaggl;l gl;baypy; ,Ue;J [dhjpgjpahy; epakpf;fg;gl;l ru;tNjr r%fj;jpdu; MfpNahupd; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;Jld; $ba xl;Lnkhj;jkhd fz;fhzpg;G mikg;G xd;iwAk; gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. ,f;fz;fhzpg;G mikg;ghdJ [dhjpgjpf;F mwpf;ifapLtJld; mjd; mwpf;iffisg; gfpuq;fg;gLj;jTk; Ntz;Lk.;

,. nghwpKiwfs; njhlHghd gupe;Jiufs;

1. fye;jhNyhridfs; Kd;ndLf;fg;gl;L te;j Ntisapy;> fhzhky; NghNdhH mYtyfk; (fh.Ngh.m) gw;wp murhq;fkhdJ rl;l%yk; xd;iwg; ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; rkHg;gpj;jJ. ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; Fwpg;gplj;jf;f ,ila+wpd; gpd;dH mJ ,Wjpapy; epiwNtw;wg;gl;lJ. Mr;rupakw;w tifapy;> ,J Fwpj;J murhq;fj;jpd; kPJ

tpkHrdk; Kd;itf;fg;gl;lJ> mj;Jld; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpiaAk;, mjd; fye;jhNyhridfisAk; gw;wpa murhq;fj;jpd; gw;WWjp Fwpj;J re;Njfq;fs; vOg;gg;gl;ld. fhzhky; NghNdhh; mYtyfk; njhlHghd fhye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp ntspapl;l. ,ilf;fhy mwpf;if ,e;j ,Wjp mwpf;ifapy; gpd;dpizg;ghfr; NrHf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

2. vt;thwhapDk;> fhzhky; NghNdhh; mYtyfr; rl;lk; epiwNtw;wg;gl Kd;dUk;> epiwNtw;wg;gl;l gpd;dUk;> fhzhky; Nghjy;; gpur;rpidfs; njhlHgpy; gy;NtW rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Fwpg;ghf tlf;F kw;Wk; fpof;fpy; eilngw;w nghJf;$l;lq;fspy; ngUk; njhifahf Kd;itf;fg;gl;ld. %d;W jrhg;jq;fSf;F Nkyhf njhlUk; ,g;gpur;rpidAk;> fhzhky; Nghd jkJ FLk;g cWg;gpdHfis fz;lwptjw;F VNjDk; nra;ag;glyhk; vd;w FLk;g cWg;gpdHfspd; mtru mq;fyha;g;Gk; rl;l%yk; Fwpj;j nghJ kf;fs; fye;JiuahlYk;> fhzhky; Nghjypd; tiffSk; ,g;gpur;rpid rhHe;j FLk;gq;fspd; xd;W Nrh;jYk; ,jw;F gq;fspj;jpUf;fyhk;. fhzhky; Nghjy; jd;dpr;iraw;w jd;ik mYtyfj;jpd; ngaupy; gpujpgypj;jy;> tof;F njhLdH mjpfhu rigfSld; jftiy gupkhwy; njhlHgpy; fh.Ngh.m ,d; cupikf;fhd kl;Lg;gl;l jd;ik mYtyfq;fspd; mZFk; Kiw> nkhopMw;wy;> gpujpepjpj;Jtk;> fh.Ngh.m ,y; fhzhky; NghNdhupd; FLk;gq;fspd; <LghL kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfSf;fhd ghJfhg;G vd;gtw;iw Rl;bf;fhl;Ltjhf gpujhd Nfhupf;iffs; mike;Js;sd. fhzhky; NghNdhupd;; rpy FLk;g cWg;gpdHfshy; ePjp kw;Wk; gupfhuq;fs; njhlHghd fye;Jiuahly;fs; fhyj;jpw;F Ke;jpajhfTk; rpyrkaq;fspy; mghaufkhdjhfTk; fUjg;gl;ld. Aj;jj;jpd;NghNjh my;yJ njw;F fpsHr;rpapd;NghNjh fhzhky; NghdtHfs; ,yq;ifapNyh my;yJ ntspehLfspNyh jLj;J itf;fg;gl;Ls;sduh vd;gij cldbahf cWjpnra;tij mtru gzpahf mtu;fs; fUjpdu;.

3. gupfhuq;fs; gy;NtWgl;l tifapy; Gupe;Jnfhs;sg;gl;Ls;sd. Mdhy; kf;fspd; ,og;G kw;Wk; ,d;dy; njhlHgpy; ,d> kj NtWghLfSf;F mg;ghy; cWjpahd

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mq;fPfhuKk;> MjuTk; cs;sd. gupfhuq;fSf;fhd Nfhupf;ifapd; ikakhf ePjpf;fhd Nfhupf;ifAk; jdpegHfs; my;yJ rKfq;fSf;F vjpuhfg; Ghpag;gl;bUf;Fk; Fw;wkhdJ epthuzk;> jpUj;;jy; cupikahsuplk; jpUg;gpf; nfhLj;jy; vd;gdtw;wpd; %yk; rupnra;ag;gl;ly; Ntz;Lk; vd;w czh;thfTk; mike;Js;sJ. mt;thNw> gupfhuj;jpw;fhd Nehf;fkhdJ gpui[fSf;F

,ioj;jpUf;ff;$ba jtWfSf;fhd murpd;; nghWg;Glik, mtHfsJ ,d;dy;fis

Vw;Wf;nfhs;sYk;; mq;fPfupj;jYk; vd’gdtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; tpsf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

NkYk; ePjpf;fhd Nfhupf;if gupfhuk; vd;w tbtkhf njspthff; $wg;gl;lJld; rpy rkaq;fspy; mJNt Nfl;fg;gl;l gupfhukhfTk; cs;sJ. Fwpg;ghf> Aj;jk; my;yJ njw;F fpsHr;rpapd; tpisthf 1980fspy; nfhiy kw;Wk; fhzhky; Mf;fg;gl;likahy; NtjidAw;NwhUf;Fk; FLk;g cWg;gpdH xUtiu ,oe;jikahy; gy;NtW Nkhrkhd tpisTfis vjpHnfhs;s njhlh;e;J Nghuhbath;fSf;Fk; jkJ ,d;dy;fis ePf;f murplk; ,Ue;J vjph;ghh;f;f; $baJ el;l<L khj;jpuNk vd;w vz;zk; cs;sJ. NghJkhdJk; tpUk;gj;jf;fJkhd gupfhuk; ePjp fpilg;gJ vd;gijNa ehnlq;fpYkpUe;J fpilj;j rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; $wpAs;sd.

4. ,dj;Jtk; kw;Wk; Nghu; njhlu;ghd cupik kPwy;fs; vd;w mbg;gilapy; khj;jpuk; Ntjid vLj;Jiuf;fg;gltpy;iy.; th;f;f mbg;gilapy; rpy r%fq;fSk; kiyafj;jopoh;fSk;> goq;FbapdUk; fl;likg;Grhu; td;KiwfSf;Fk;

Xuq;fl;lYf;Fk; cs;shfpaik $wg;gl;lJ. epy mgfupg;G, gyte;jkhd FbNaw;wk; Kjypa kf;fspd; rKf nghUshjhu chpik kPwy;fs; MfpaitAk; kPz;Lk; kPz;Lk; typAWj;jg;gl;ld. mgptpUj;jp jpl;lq;fSf;fhf efug;Gw kf;fspd; epyk; vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;gl;likAk; ,tw;wpy; cs;slq;Fk;. goq;Fbapdh; jkf;Fhpa tsq;fs; kPjhd chpik Ruz;lg;gLk; gpur;ridiaAk; vOg;gpdh;.

5. el;l <L tbtpyhd gupfhukhdJ; ePjp> nghWg;Gilik Mfpatw;iw Fiyj;J tplyhk; my;yJ mtw;Wf;F khw;wPlhf toq;fg;glyhk; vd;gjd; mbg;gilapy; Mj gw;wpa jaf;fj;ijAk; mr;rj;ijAk; rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; ntspg;gLj;jpd. tlf;F kw;Wk; fpof;fpy; Fwpg;ghf fhzhky; NghNdhhpd; FLk;gq;fs; kj;jpapy; ,g;gak; ntspg;gl;lJ.

6. ,og;gPLfSf;fhd jdpahd mYtyfj;jpw;fhd Njitia kpfr;rpy rku;g;gpj;jy;fNs Fwpg;gpl;ld. ,og;gPLfSf;fhd Nfhupf;iffs; jdpg;gl;ljhf my;yJ $l;lhdjhf tifg;gLj;jg;glyhk;. mj;Jld; ,it nghUs; gzk; Mfpatw;wpypUe;J FwpaPl;Lj; jd;ik tha;e;jit tiuf;Fk; gy;NtW tifapdjhf cs;sd. ,og;gPL gw;wpa njspthdJk; ntspg;gilj;jd;ikAs;sJk; Neubahfg; ghjpf;fg;gl;lth;fis ikag;gLj;jpaJkhd epfo;r;rp jpl;lq;fspd; tbtikg;G mth;fspd; nraw;jpwd; kpf;f gq;Fgw;wiy cs;slf;fpaJk; rkkhd Kiwapy; gupfhuq;fis mspf;ff; $baJkhf mika Ntz;Lk;.

7. gzg; ghpfhuq;fs; ntt;NtW tifahd ,og;Gf;fSf;Fk; ghjpf;fg;gl;l FOtpdUf;Fk;> jg;gp gpioj;NjhUf;Fk; gpd;tUk; Kiwapy; mspf;fg;glyhk;. m) FLk;g cWg;gpdH xUtupd; kw;Wk; gpujhd ciog;ghsh; xUtupd; ,og;Gf;fhd gupfhuq;fs;

M) fhzhky; NghdtHfs; /njhiye;J NghdtHfis NjLtjpy; NeHe;j

nghUs;rhH/nghUs;rhuh nryTfSf;fhd gupfhuq;fs;

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,) ghypay; td;Kiw mq;ftPdk; cs;slq;fyhf cly;rhH

td;Kiw/clw;fhaj;jpw;fhd gupfhuq;fs;

<) thf;Fupikia kPs toq;fy; cs;slq;fyhf cs;sf kw;Wk; ntspaf ,lg;ngaHTf;fhd gupfhuq;fs; c) nrhj;J kw;Wk; cilik ,og;Gf;fhd gupfhuq;fs; C) csr%fj; jhf;fk; kw;Wk; csneUf;fPl;Lf;fhd gupfhuq;fs; v) kuGrhH tho;f;if Kiwapd; ,og;Gf;fhd gupfhuq;fs; nfhy;yg;gl;l my;yJ fhzhky; NghNdhupd; ,yFtpy; ghjpf;fg;glf; $ba FLk;g cWg;gpdHfSf;fhd Ntiytha;g;G Nghd;w cldbj; Njitfis vl;Ltjw;fhd ,ilf;fhy ,og;gPLfs; kw;Wk; rpWtHfSf;fhd fy;tp Gyikg;guprpy; Nghd;w xNu jlitapyhd ,og;gPLfSf;fhd Nfhupf;iffSk; Kd;itf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.

8. epidT$uYf;fhd epfo;Tfs; kw;Wk; ,lq;fs; vd;gtw;wpd; tbtpy; FwpaPl;Lg;ghq;fhd ,og;gPLfisAk; cj;jpNahfg;g+Ht Vw;Wf; nfhs;sisAk; kd;dpg;Gf; NfhuiyAk; Fwpg;gplj;jf;f vz;zpf;ifapyhd rkHggpj;jy;fs; vLj;Jf; $wpd.

9. midj;Jg; gbepiyfspYk; gpui[fis cs;slf;;fpa epidT$uypw;fhd Njit gw;wpa Fwpg;gplj;jf;f typAWj;jy;fis gy rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Kd;itj;jd. epid$uypy; gpugy tbtkhd epidTf;fl;blq;fis epidtpd; xNunahU

FwpaPlhff; fUjhik, Jd;gj;jpd; gy;tifahd vLj;Jiug;Gf;fSf;F kjpg;gspj;jy;>

rpy FOf;fs; kPsg; ghjpf;fg;glf; $ba mghak; Mfpatw;iwf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L tbtikf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,tw;wpf;F khw;wPlhf Ehy; epiyaq;fs;> mUq;fhl;rpaq;fs; Nghd;w kf;fs; nraw;jpwDld; <Lglf; $baJk; fw;wYf;F top nra;af; $baJkhd khw;wplq;fSk; gpNuupf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. epidTgLj;Jtjw;fhd ,lq;fs; fl;lhak; epidTf;fl;blq;fisf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;bajpy;iy vdTk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Rl;bf;fhl;bd. vLj;Jf;fhl;lhf> Fzg;gLj;Jk;> mikjpg;gLj;Jk; ,lq;fshf kuq;fs;> gwitfs; kw;Wk; ePH epiyfs; epiwe;j capu;g;Gs;s epidTgLj;Jk; ,lq;fs; Njit vd Ks;sptha;f;fhiyr; NrHe;j ngz;fs; $wpajhf xU rkh;g;gpj;jy; Fwpg;gpl;Ls;sJ.

10. tlf;fpy; jw;NghJs;s epidTr;rpd;dq;fs; njhlHgpy; rpq;fs jkpo; r%fq;;fSf;fpilapy; Fwpg;gplj;jf;f NtWghlhd ghh;itfs; cs;sd. ,uhZtj;jpduhy; <l;lg;gl;l ntw;wp> ngUkpjk; Mfpatw;wpd; milahskhfTk;> epidT$uYf;fhd ,lkhfTk; ,e;j epidTr;rpd;dq;fis rpq;fs rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Fwpg;gpl;l mNjNtis> jhk; Njhw;Wg; NghdtHfs; vd;gij jkf;F epidTgLj;Jk; Nehf;fj;Jld; ,it cUthf;fg;gl;litahf jkpoHfs; fUJfpd;wdH. ,e;j epidTr;rpd;dq;fs; nfhz;lhLk; ntw;wpahdJ> gy;NtW mg;ghtp capHfis ,oe;Nj ngwg;gl;lJ vd;w Jd;g czHitNa mtw;iw jhz;br; nry;Yk; NghJ mtHfs; ngw;wjhff; $wpdh;.

11. jw;NghJs;s epidTr;rpd;dq;fs;/fl;blq;fs; gw;wpa tpthjq;fSf;F Nkyjpfkhf

gLnfhiyfs;> fhzhky; Mf;fg;gl;lik Mfpatw;why; ,of;fg;gl;l caph;fspd; FwpaPlhf Gjpa epidTr; rpd;dq;fSf;fhd Nfhhpf;iffs; ehl;bd; gy;NtW gFjpfspy; ,Ue;Jk; vOg;gg;gl;L tUfpd;wd. Aj;jj;jpw;F gpd;duhd fhyg;gFjpapy;

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jpatd;dhtpy; mopf;fg;gl;l njw;Ff;; fpsh;r;rpapy; capupoe;j nghJ kf;fSf;fhd epidTr; rpd;dj;jpd; Gdu;eph;khzj;jpd; Njitia xU rkh;g;gpj;jy; Fwpg;gpl;lJ.

12. gfpuq;fkhfTk; jdpg;glTk; tUe;JjYf;fhd cupik rhHe;j tplaq;fSk; $wg;gl;ld. tlf;F> fpof;Fg; gFjpfspy; Fwpg;ghf jopoPo tpLjiy Gypfspd; (j.tp.G) fy;yiwfs; ,bf;fg;gl;lik rhHe;J mJ Vw;gLj;jpa kdf;FiwfSk; capupoe;jtHfspd; Gdpjj;jd;ikia ghJfhf;f Ntz;ba NjitAk; mbf;fb vLj;Jf; $wg;gl;ld. FLk;gq;fs;> Fwpg;ghf Kd;dhs; j.tp.G Nghuhspfspd; FLk;gq;fs;> mr;RWj;jy; kw;Wk; tw;GWj;jy; fhuzkhf jdpg;gl;l Kiwapy;$l jkJ

Ntjidia ntspg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd Rje;jpuk; ,d;ikia ntspg;gLj;jpd. “khtPuH jpdk;” (capupoe;j j.tp.G Nghuhspfis epidT $uy; jpdk;) mD~;bj;jiy

njhlHe;J Kd;ndLg;gjw;F FLk;g cWg;gpdHfSf;F mDkjp toq;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vd;w tplaKk; tlf;fpy; vOg;gg;gl;lJ. FLk;g cWg;gpdHfs;> Fwpg;ghf capupoe;j j.tp.G Nghuhspfspd; jha;khH> jkJ tPLfspy; j.tp.G ,d; rPUilapy; jkJ kfdpd; Gifg;glj;ij itj;jpUf;Fk; tpUg;gj;ij ntspg;gLj;jpdH. Gijf;fg;gl;l ,lq;fisr; rPuikf;fTk; mtw;iw FLk;gq;fSf;F jpwe;J tplTk; gpd;dhspy; mtw;wpy; vOg;gg;gl;Ls;s fl;blq;;fis mfw;WkhWk; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiu nra;fpd;wJ.

13. capupog;G my;yJ jkf;F vjpuhf epfo;j;jg;gl;l jPq;Ffis epidT $Utjw;fhf ntt;NtW r%fq;fs; ntt;NtW jpdq;fis Fwpg;gpl;ld.

14. Vida nghwpKiwfSldhd ,izg;G njhlHgpy;> ,og;gPL;fis Vida nraw;ghLfspy; ,Ue;J NtWgl;ljhf ngUk;ghyhdtHfs; Nehf;ftpy;iy. Vida nraw;ghLfspd;> Fwpg;ghf cz;ik kw;Wk; ePjpr; nraw;ghLfspd; mq;fkhf ,og;gPLfs; mika Ntz;Lk; vd ngUk;ghyhNdhH fUjpdH. jdpg;gl;l kw;Wk; $l;L tuyhwhf Mtzg;gLj;jy;> ghJfhj;jy; tbtpYk; ,og;gPLfs; mikayhk; vd;w fUj;Jk; fhzg;gl;lJ.

15. gpNuupf;fg;gl;l cz;ik> ePjp> ey;ypzf;fk; kw;Wk; kPs;epfohikf;fhd

Mizf;FOtpd; (c.eP.e.kP.ep.M) Fwpf;Nfhs;fs; njhlHgpy; cz;ik NjLtjd; / $Wtjd; ngWkjp njhlHgpy; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpahdJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fsT rkHg;gpj;jy;fis ngw;wJ. gy;NtW Fwpf;Nfhs;fs; milahsq;fhzg;gl;l NghJk;> ngUk;ghyhd rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; gpd;tUtw;iwf; Fwpg;gpl;ld. c.eP.e.kP.ep.M MdJ> m) cz;ikia epWTjy;.

M) Kuz;ghl;bd; mbg;gilf; fhuzp;fisj; jPHkhdpj;jy;

,) td;Kiw Fw;wk; Gupe;jHtfis jz;bj;jy;

<) rkkhd cupikfis vl;Ljy;

c) tuyhw;wpd; gy;NtW vLj;Jiug;Gf;fis fl;bnaOg;gy;

C) kPs;epfohikf;F gupe;Jiufis vLj;Jiuj;jy;: td;KiwfSf;Fk;>

J~;gpuNahfq;fSf;Fk; epthuzj;ij ehLtjw;F ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfSf;F


Ke;ija Mizf;FOf;fspd; Njhy;tp kw;Wk; eltbf;if vLf;fhikapd; tuyhW Mfpait Nghyd;wp cz;ikia ehLtjw;fhd mZFKiw fle;jfhy Kaw;rpfis

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tpl mbg;gilapy; tpj;jpahrkhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vdr; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Fwpg;gpl;ld. vdNt> jw;NghJs;s gzpapypUe;J c.eP.e.kP.ep.M jkJ flikfisj; njhlq;f Ntz;Lk; vdTk;> Ke;ija Mizf;FOf;fspd; gupe;Jiufis eilKiwg;gLj;jy; Ntz;Lk; vdTk;> cWjpahd eltbf;iffs; njhlh;e;J eilngw Ntz;Lk; vdTk; mit typAWj;jpdH.

16. ngUk;ghyhd rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; ahtiuAk; ,izj;Jf; nfhs;Sk; mZFKiwia

Kd;itj;jd. ghjpf;fg;gl;l jdpegHfs;> FOf;fs; , r%fq;fs; Mfpatw;iw

,izj;Jf; nfhs;s trjpaspf;Fk; gue;j fhy mstpidAk; gupe;Jiu nra;jd. MAj Kuz;ghLfs; kw;Wk; fhyf;fpukkhd td;Kiwfs; Fwpg;ghf j.tp.G f;Fk;;

,yq;if murhq;fj;jpw;Fkpilapyhd td;Kiw (1983-2009) > ,isQu; fpsu;r;rp, kf;fs; tpLjiy Kd;dzp (N[.tp.gp) f;Fk; ,yq;if murhq;fj;jpw;Fkpilapy; epfo;e;j murpay; td;;Kiw (1971 kw;Wk; (1987-89)> jkpoHfSf;F vjpuhd

gLnfhiyfs; (1983)> rpWghd;ik kjq;fSf;F vjpuhd ghugl;rk; , td;Kiw

(gpujhdkhf Aj;jj;jpw;Fg; gpd;)> kw;Wk; muR rhHe;j Vida td;KiwfisAk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Fwpg;gpl;ld.

17. gpNuupf;fg;gl;l Mizf; FOtpd; flikfSk; nghWg;Gf;fSk; Vw;fdNt epWtg;gl;l tprhuizfSf;fhd [dhjpgjp Mizf;FOitg; Nghyy;yhJ njspthf tiuaWf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. c.eP.e.kP.ep.M MdJ cz;ikia epWTjpy;; tprhupf;Fk; ghj;jpuj;ij tfpf;f Ntz;Lk;. Fw;wtpay; nraw;ghLfis tof;Fj; njhLf;Fk; mikg;Gf;F mDg;Gk; ghj;jpuKk; tfpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mNj rkak; nghJkd;dpg;G toq;FtJ cz;ikiar; nrhy;y Kd; tUNthUf;F xU Cf;fpahf ,Uf;fyhk.; fl;lisfis gpwg;gpf;Fk; fPo; kl;lq;fisr; Nrh;e;NjhUf;Fk;> ghjpf;fg;gl;NlhUld; fye;jhNyhrpj;J nghJkd;dpg;G toq;Fk; fUiz rhh; mDFKiwiaf; filg;gpbf;fyhk; vdTk; $wpdh;. Vida rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; nghJ kd;dpg;igf; fz;bg;ghf kWj;jd. Nghh; Fw;wq;fSf;Nfh> khDlj;;jpw;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fSf;Nfh> rpj;jputij> fhzhky; Mf;fg;gly;> ghypay; ty;YwT $l;L nkhj;jkhd kdpj chpik kPwy;fSf;Nfh nghJ kd;dpg;G toq;ff; $lhJ vd;gij fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp Fwpg;gpLfpwJ.

18. fle;j fhy chpik kPwy;fisAk; ghugl;rkhd mur nfhs;iffisAk; milahsk; fz;L epth;j;jp nra;tjw;fhd mjpfhujij; Mizf; FO nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk; vd rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; gupe;Jiuj;jd. c.eP.e.kP.ep.M w;F ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;fhd Vida

nghwpKiwfs; Mfpatw;Wldhd ,izg;ig/njhlh;ig Fwpg;ghf ePjpg; nghwpKiw>

,og;gPl;Lf;fhd mYtyfk; nghJthf mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;lJ. xNu xU rkh;g;gpj;jy; khj;jpuk; tpNrl ePjpkd;Wld; ,e;j Mizf;FO njhlh;GglyhfhJ vdTk; ey;ypzf;fk;> kPs;epfohik Mfpatw;iwNa Ftpikag;gLj;j Ntz;Lk; vdTk; $wpaJ.

19. c.eP.e.kP.ep.M d; tpopg;GzHT Vw;gLj;jy;> ntspafr;nraw;ghL kw;Wk; jfty; gfpuypy; Clftpayhsh;fspdJk;> fiyQHfspdJk; gq;Fgw;wypd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk;; Fwpj;J Fwpg;gplj;jf;f tifapy; mOj;jpf;$wg;;gl;bUe;jJ. Mizf;FOtpdhy; ngwg;gl;l jfty;fSk;> mjd; ,Wjp mwpf;ifAk; Kk; nkhopfspYk; gutyhf nghJ kf;fSf;Ff; fpilf;f Ntz;Lnkd rkHg;gpj;;jy;fs; Nfhupd. ey;ypzf;fj;ij Kd;dpWj;Jtjw;F kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfSf;F cjTk; eilKiw Nehf;fj;Jld; kPsepfohikf;fhd tuyh;WrhH tpsf;fj;jpd; cs;slf;fkhfTk;> gpujhdkhf mLj;j jiyKiwf;fhf jfty;fis Mtzg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd kw;Wk; Nrkpg;gjw;fhd Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ijAk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; mq;fPfupj;jd. Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;l tplaq;fis

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xg;Gf; nfhs;tJld;; > c.eP.e.kP.ep.M ,d; KbTfs; Njrpa fy;tp ghltpjhd rPh;jpUj;jpYk; kw;Wk; ghlEhy;fspYk; cs;slf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vdTk; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

20. ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhhpy; Njh;njLf;fg;gl;l FOf;fs; gfpuq;f kd;wpy; jkJ thf;F

%yq;fis mspf;fTk; mNj rkak; jdpg;gl mtw;iwf; $wTk; mjd; njhpT ,Uf;f Ntz;Lnkd rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; $wpd. mwpf;ifapLjy; Nghy KiwaPLfisg; ngWtJk; mguhjk; tpjpg;gJk; Kf;fpa nraw;ghlhff; fUjg;gl;lJ. Mizf;FOtpd; gjtpf;fhyk; Fwpj;J fUj;J njuptpj;j rku;g;gpj;jy;fs; ,uz;L tUlq;fs; Nghd;w xU FWfpa fhyg;gFjpapy; mjd; gzpia epiwT nra;a Ntz;Lk; vdf; Fwpg;gpl;ld. Kiwg;ghLfspd; msitg; nghWj;J Mizf;FOtpd; fhyg;gFjp jPu;khdpf;fg;glNtz;Lnkd fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

21. c.eP.e.kP.ep.M ,d; fl;likg;G njhlHgpy; rpy rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; fUj;Jiufs;

ntspapl;ld. nghwpaikg;Gf;fhd mZFk; trjpia cWjp nra;tjpy;

MNyhridfis Kd;itj;jd. gutyhf;fg;gl;l fl;likg;gpid ,e;j rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; gpNuupj;jd. mj;Jld;> ghjpf;fg;gl;l r%fq;fs; c.eP.e.kP.ep.M ,id mZFtjw;F VJthf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd typAWj;jpd. ehnlq;fpYk; cs;s fpuhkq;fSf;Fr; nry;tjd; %yk; ghjpf;fg;gl;l r%fq;fsplk; ,Ue;J nraw;wpwd; kpf;f tifapy; nghwpKiwahdJ jfty;fisg; ngw Ntz;Lk; vdTk; MNyhrid $wpd. c.eP.e.kP.ep.M ,d; nraw;gh;LrhH RahjPdj; jd;ik kw;Wk; jilfspd;wp jkJ Mizia g+Hj;jp nra;jy; Mfpadtw;Wf;F VJthf NghjpasT epjp xJf;Fjy; vd;gdTk; rkHg;gpg;Gf;fspy; typAWj;jg;gl;ld. c.eP.e.kP.ep.M MdJ gjtpf;fhyk; KbtilAk; NghJ ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;F mwpf;if xd;iw rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk; vdTk;> mJ %d;W nkhopfspYk; kf;fSf;Fg; gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vdTk; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. mNj eilKiwf;F mika jkJ gzp rhHe;j Mz;lwpf;iffis c.eP.e.kP.ep.M ntspapl Ntz;Lk;. tpidj;jpwd; kpf;f tpopg;GzHT Vw;gLj;jiy kw;Wk; gpuj;jpNafkhd ,izaj;jsk; kw;Wk; ntspaf myif cs;slf;fpa njhlHghly; gpurhuj;ij mJ Kd;ndLf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,jd; %yk; nghJ mkHTfspw;F Kd;dUk;> mkHTfspd; NghJk; mkHTfspd; gpd;dUk; kf;fSld; kw;Wk; Clfj;JlDkhd <Lghl;bid cWjp nra;a KbAk;.

22. ehl;bd; midj;Jg; ghfq;fspYk; ,Ue;J ngwg;gl;l rkHg;gpj;jy;fspy; ePjpapd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; typAWj;jg;gl;bUe;jJ. Aj;jk; kw;Wk; mjw;Fg; gpd;duhd #o;epiyapy; Kd;ndLf;fg;gl;l fle;j fhy Fw;wq;fSf;fhd nghWg;Gilik> FO cupikfspd; kPwy;fs;> ,dj;Jt> my;yJ kj FOkq;fSf;F vjpuhd td;Kiw>

njw;F fpsHr;rpapd; NghJ Ghpag;gl;l Fw;wq;fs;> ‘md;whl td;Kiw’ jz;lidapypUe;J jg;gpj;jiy KbTWj;Jtjw;fhd Njitapd; mq;fPfhuk; Nghd;wd

cs;slq;fyhf gy;NtW topfspy; mJ tpsf;fg;gl;bUe;jJ. kWf;fg;gl;l, kPwg;gl;l $l;L cupikfSf;fhd murpay; kw;Wk; nghUshjhu jPHTfis toq;fp> kPs; epfohikia cWjp nra;J> ey;ypzf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;Jtjpy; jw;NghJs;s ePjp Kiwikapd; Njhy;tpia milahsg;gLj;jy; njhlHgpYk; ePjp tpsf;fg;gl;bUe;jJ.

ePjpahdJ ey;ypzf;fj;ijf; Fiwj;J kjpg;gpl;L> ,d/kj r%fq;fis NkYk;

gpsTgLj;jptplf; $Lk; vd VidNahH> gpujhdkhf rpq;fs rKfj;ijr; NrHe;NjhH mr;rk; ntspapl;ldH. ehL KOtjpYk; ,Ue;J vOe;j ePjpf;fhd mgupkpjkhd Nfhupf;if> epthuzk; toq;fy;> td;Kiwfis mwpjy;> nghWg;Glikiaf; fl;bnaOg;gy; kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfs;> rhl;rpaq;fs; gopthq;fy; eltbf;ifapy;

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,Ue;J ghJfhf;fg;gLtjid cWjp nra;jy; Mfpatw;wpy; jtwpa ePjp Kiwikapd; mbg;gilapy; Nehf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. mjw;fpzq;f> murpd; Ke;ija Mizf;FOf;fspd; mwpf;ifapYk; Fwpg;gplg;gl;l tpNrl ePjpkd;wk; tof;Fj; njhLeh; cs;slq;fyhf ePjpg; nghwpKiwahdJ> ePjpr; nraw;ghl;by; ek;gpf;ifia kPsf;fl;bnaOg;Gk; nraw;ghL xd;whfg; ghHf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. Fwpg;ghf> fle;j fhy FiwghLfs; kw;Wk; gw;whf;Fiwfs; Fwpj;J RahjPdkhfTk;> gf;fr;rhHgpd;wpAk; eltbf;if vLf;Fk; nghWg;Gilikia cWjp nra;Ak; xU eilKiwahf mJ fUjg;gLfpd;wJ. tpNrl nghwpKiwf;Fg; gjpyhf NkYk; gaDWjp kpf;f kw;Wk; jpUj;jg;gl;l ePjp Kiwapd; Clhf mJ vl;lg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vd typAWj;Jk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fSk; cs;sd.

23. RahjPdk;> Mw;wy;> jFjp kw;Wk; ntspg;gilj;jd;ikf;fhd NjitahdJ rHtNjr ePjpgjpfs;> tof;F njhLdHfs;> tprhuizahsHfs; kw;Wk; ePjpg; nghwpKiwapd; Vida mYtyfh;fisf; NfhUtjw;fhd MjhukhFk;. tlf;F kw;Wk; fpof;fpy; cs;s ngUk;ghyhd jkpoHfs; rHtNjr <Lghl;bid Ntz;Lfpd;w mNjNtis nghwpKiwfs; jkpo; NgRgtHfis nfhz;bUg;gjd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ijAk; kPstypAWj;jpdH. ,J fyg;G Kiwapd; tpidj;jpwd; kpf;f khjphpia cl;Fwpg;ghff; nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,yq;ifapd; gy;ypd> gy kjj; jd;ikia KOikahfg; gpujpgypj;jhy; khj;jpuNk nghwpKiw kPjhd ek;gpf;if kw;Wk; jd;DWjp cUthf;fg;gLk; vd;w thjjj;jpd; %yk; ,jid NkYk; tYg;gLj;jyhk;. KOikahd cs;sfr; nraw;ghL vdf; fUJk; epfo;Tg; Nghf;fpy; rHtNjr <Lghl;il epuhfupf;Fk; rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; ngUk;ghYk; rpq;fs rKfj;jplkpUe;J fpilf;fg; ngw;wd.; cs;ehl;L> ntspehl;L ePjpgjpfspd; tpfpjhrhuk; cl;gl njhopy;El;g mk;rq;fisg; gw;wpf; Fwpg;gpl;l rpy rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; fyg;Gg; nghwpKiwapy; ,Ue;J Kw;wpYk; cs;sf nghwpKiw;f;Fg; gbg;gbahf khWtjw;fhd Njit Fwpj;Jk; Fwpg;gpl;ld.

24. ngUk;ghyhd cs;ehl;L ePjpgjpfSk; Nghjpa vz;zpf;ifapyhd rHtNjr ePjpgjpfSk; Nrh;e;j fyg;G ePjpkd;wj;ij fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. xU mkh;Tf;F Mff; Fiwe;jJ xU rHtNjr ePjpgjp vd;gjid ,J cWjp nra;tJld;> xd;W my;yJ Nkw;gl;l ePjpgjpfs; tUif juhikahy; Vw;glf; $ba jhkjq;fisAk; ,J jtpHf;Fk;. njhopy;El;g cjtp toq;fYf;F Nkyjpfkhf tof;F njhLdHfs; kw;Wk; tprhuizahsHfspd; tpNrl MNyhrfH mYtyfj;jpy; rHtNjr gq;fspg;gpidAk; mJ gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. rHtNjr gq;fspg;gpd; midj;J mk;rq;fs; njhlHgpy; Fwpj;j njspthd topfhl;bfs; kw;Wk; gpukhzq;fs; tpsf;fg;gl;L> nghJ kf;fSf;F fpilf;ff; $bajhf mikjy; Ntz;Lk;. cs;sf nghwpKiwfspd; ek;gpf;ifAk;> cWjpAk; fl;bnaOg;gg;gl;L> NjrpauPjpapy; Njitahd epGzj;Jtk; kw;Wk; ,aYik va;jg;gl;ljd; gpd;dH rHtNjr gq;Nfw;G fl;lk; fl;lkhf ePf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

25. Aj;jf; Fw;wq;fs;> khDlj;jpw;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fs; kw;Wk; rHtNjr tof;fhw;Wr; rl;lq;fis kPWjy; Mfpatw;wpy;; tof;F njhLj;jy; ePjpg; nghwpKiwapd; rl;l tuk;ghFk;. Fwpg;ghf> rpj;jputij> ghypay; td;Kiw> ,dg;gLnfhiyfs;> itj;jparhiyfSf;F Fz;L tPRjy; cs;slq;fyhf nghJkf;fis jpl;lkpl;L ,yf;F itj;jy;> kUe;J kw;Wk; czT tpepNahfj;ij kWj;jy;> jil nra;ag;gl;l MAjq;fspd; gad;ghL> ,uhZtr; nraw;ghl;lhsHfsplk; ruzile;j egHfs; fhzhky; Nghjy;> nghJkf;fs; gyte;jkhf ntspNaw;wg;gly;> nghJkf;fisfis kdpj Nflaq;fshfg; gad;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; rpWtHfis gyte;jkhf gilapy; ,izj;jy; Nghd;w Fw;wq;fs; tprhupf;fg;gl Ntz;ba Fw;wq;fshf rkHg;gpj;jy;fspy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;ld. njhopy;El;g thh;j;ijfspy; Fwpg;gplhtpbDk; czh;T uPjpahd

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njhlh;gpyhd rkh;g;gpj;jy;fs; ePjpg; nghwpKiwahdJ Aj;jj;jpd;NghJ my;yJ Aj;jj;jpd; xU Fwpg;gpl;l fhy fl;lj;jpy; Ghpag;gl;l Fw;wq;fSf;F khj;jpukhdJ my;y vd;W $wpd. rku;g;gpj;jy;fspd; tPr;ir fzf;fpy; vLf;Fk; NghJ tpNrl ePjpkd;wpd; ePjp mjpfhuj;ijg; nghWj;jtiu fhyuPjpahd vy;iyg;ghL ,Uf;ff; $lhJ vd fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp $WfpwJ.

26. ntspehl;L egUf;fhd Njit cl;gl tpNrl tof;FiuQupd; mYtyfk; mjd; tpiuthd ];jhgpjk; mJ nghJkf;fisr; nrd;wiljy; njhlu;gpy; Fwpg;ghd MNyhridfisAk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Kd;itj;jd. mNjNtis> tpNrl tof;FiuQupd; mYtyfj;jpdhy; tof;F njhluypd; tPr;rsT> tifkhjpupahd rk;gtq;fspd; njupTk; ifahs;ifAk; vQ;rpAs;s rk;gtq;fspd; epiyik Mfpait NghjpasT ftdpf;fg;gltpy;iy. jhkjkpd;wp tpNrl tof;FiuQupd; mYtyfk;; mikf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vdTk;> mjd; mjpfhuq;fSk;> nraw;ghLfSk;> Vida nghwpKiwfSld; mjd; njhlHGk; njspthf cUthf;fg;gl;L> gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lnkd fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. eilKiw Neuk; tsq;fs; rhHe;j fhuzq;fSf;fhf tpNrl ePjpkd;wj;jhy; rfy cupik kPwy; tof;FfisAk; tof;Fj; njhlu Kbahjtplj;J rHtNjr Fw;wq;fSf;fhd ngupasT nghWg;G cilNahu;;> nghWg;Gf; $wiyahtJ tof;Fj; njhLf;Fk; nfhs;if cWjp nra;jy; Ntz;Lk;.

27. gjtp kw;Wk; / my;yJ jw;Nghija gjtpepiy vd;w NtWghbd;wp mur my;yJ mur

MjuT nraw;ghl;lhsHfs; kw;Wk; j.tp.G cs;slq;fyhf gue;jstpyhd Fw;wkpioj;jtHfis rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; ,dq;fhl;bd. Fw;wq;fis cj;jutpLgtHfs;

kw;Wk; /my;yJ Neubahf Fw;wj;ij Gupahj mjprpNu~;lj; jiytHfs;

nghwpKiwapdhy; ghJfhf;fg;glhikia cWjp nra;tjw;fhd Mizapd; nghWg;gpd; Kf;fpaj;JtKk; typAWj;jg;gl;lJ. j.tp.G cWg;gpdHfspd; Nky; tof;Fj; njhlUk; NghJ> capHjg;gpAs;s j.tp.G Nghuhspfs; GdHtho;Tf;F cl;gl;Ls;sjhfTk; my;yJ jw;Nghija ePjp Kiwapd; fPo; tof;Fj; njhlug;gl;Ls;sjhfTk;> mtu;fs; kPJ kPs tof;Fj; njhlug;glf; $lhJ vdTk; jkpo; r%fj;jpd; rpy rku;g;gpj;jy;fs; njuptpj;jd. ,e;j rkHg;gpj;jy;fSf;F mika> Aj;jj;jpd; ,Wjpf; fl;lj;jpd; NghJ my;yJ mjw;Fg; gpd;dH murhq;fj;Jld; ,ize;J nfhz;l j.tp.G jiytHfs; my;yJ ntspehl;by; thoyhk; vd fUjg;gLk; j.tp.G jiytHfs; kPJ ftdk; nrYj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vdTk; njuptpj;jd. mNjNghd;W> Aj;j tPuHfis ,yf;F itj;jy; rhHe;j fupridfis rpq;fs rKjhaj;jpd; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; rpy ntspg;gLj;jpd. Aj;jj;jpd; mtruj; NjitfSf;fhf rpy nraw;ghLfs; Kd;ndLf;fg;gl;ld vd mtHfs; Fwpg;gpl;ld. Mizf; fl;likg;G> gjtpepiy> kw;Wk; gbepiy KOtjpYk; nghWg;Gf; $w Ntz;batHfs; kw;Wk; gjtp tfpj;jtHfs; njhlHgpy; ePjp epiyehl;lg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vdTk; midj;J r%fq;fsplkpUe;Jk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; ntspaplg;gl;ld.

28. rHtNjr kdpjhgpkhdr; rl;lKk;; rhl;rpaj;Jf;fhd> tpjpfSk; eilKiwfSk; cs;sf Kiwapy; rk;ge;jg;gl;l tpjpfSld; ,izf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd

rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Nfhupd. Mizaply;> Nkk;gl;l kw;Wk; fl;lisg; nghWg;G, ,ize;j Fw;wtpay; Jiw Nghd;w flg;ghl;L Kiwfis ,yq;ifr; rl;lthf;fj;jpy; mwpKfg;gLj;j Ntz;ba NjitiaAk; mit Rl;bf;fhl;bd. rpy

njhopy;El;g rkHg;gpj;jyfs;; thf;F rhl;rpaq;fisr;Nrfupj;jy; , tifg;gLj;jy; , rhl;rpaq;fspd; thf;F%yq;fisf; ifahSk; tpjk; Fwpj;Jk; $wpd.

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29. ePjpkd;wj;jpd; khjpup kw;Wk; fl;likg;G Fwpj;J rpy vOj;J %y rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; Fwpg;gpl;L ghuhSkd;w rl;lj;jpd; %yk; ];jhgpf;fg;gl;l tHj;jf caH ePjpkd;wj;jpid xj;j caH ePjpkd;wk; xd;iwAk; gpNuupj;jd. tpNrl tof;FiuQh; mYtyfkhdJ njspthd Mizia nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk; vdTk;> RahjPdkhdjhfTk;> tprhuiz> ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfs; ghJfhg;Gf;fhd> cstsj;Jiz kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltUf;F MjuT> nghJ kf;fis miljy; Fwpj;j myFfisAk;> fhzhky; Nghjy;fs; njhlHgpy; tpNrl gpupitAk; cs;slf;fpapUf;f Ntz;Lk; vdTk; mit gpNuupj;jd. tof;F tprhuizfisf; fz;fhzpf;Fk; mikg;G kw;Wk; ghJfhg;G> rl;lg; gphpitAk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; gupe;Jiuj;jd. ,lk; kw;Wk; nkhop njhlHgpy; ,yFthf mZFk; jd;ikAk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfshy; vOg;gg;gl;l gpujhd tplakhFk;. Mff; Fiwe;jJ ePjpkd;wj;jpd; fpisfs; khfhzq;fspy; mikf;fg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk; vdTk;> jkJ tpUg;Gf;Fupa nkhopapy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfSk;> rhl;rpaq;fSk; ePjpkd;wj;ij mZFtjw;F mDkjpf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vdTk; gupe;Jiufs; Nfhhpd.

30. ghypay; td;Kiwahy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfs;> rpWtHfs; kw;Wk; khw;Wj;jpwdhspfs; cs;slq;fyhf ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfspy;; tpNrltifapdh; kw;Wk; rhl;rp;fis ePjpkd;wj;jpy; ifahs;tjpy; rpNdfg+Htkhd tpNrl eilKiw tpjpfs; Fwpj;j gupe;JiufSk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fspy; ,lk; ngw;wd.. ePjpg; nghwpKiw njhlHgpy; ngwg;gl;l ngUk;ghyhd njhopy;El;g rkh;g;gpj;jy;fspy; rpy> tpNrlkhf ghypay; td;Kiw njhlHgpy;> ePjpKiwikapd; Njhy;tpia Rl;bf;fhl;bd. mj;Jld;> ,Wjp tiu tof;Fj; njhLf;fg;glhj fle;j fhy Kiwg;ghLfis ntspf;nfhzUtjw;F ePjpkd;wj;jpd; jd;dpr;irahd mjpfhuj;ijg; gad;gLjj NtzLnkdf; Nfhupd. ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpaq;fspd; tpNrl Njitfis milahsg;gLj;jp kPs;kdmjpHr;rpia jtpHj;J> ePjpf;fhd mZFk; trjpia cWjp nra;tjw;fhd eilKiwfs; ePjpg; nghwpKiwapd; Kd;Dupikahf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk; vdTk; rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; typAWj;jpd.

31. ePjpgjpfis> tof;Fj; njhLdHfis kw;Wk; CopaHfisj; njupT nra;jy; kw;Wk;

epakpj;jypy;> xt;nthU tpz;zg;gjhupapdJk; Mw;wy;> xOf;fg; gz;G, eyd; rhh;e;j Kuz;ghL Kjypatw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; RahjPd mjpfhu rigahy; njupT nra;ag;gLk; fl;Lj;jpl;lkhd nraw;ghl;bid rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; typAWj;jpd. ePjpgjpfs;> Fwpg;ghf rHtNjr ePjpgjpfs;> KOikahf cs;sfr; nraw;ghl;bd; Clhfth my;yJ rHtNjr gq;fspg;Gldhd nraw;ghl;bd; Clhfth epakpf;fg;gl

Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ njhlHgpy; ,zf;fk; vJTk; ,y;iy. nghJ kf;fs; / ghjpf;fg;gl;l r%fq;fspd; ek;gpf;iff;Fupa ePjpgjpfs; kw;Wk; CopaHfis epakpf;f Ntz;bajd; mtrpaj;ij tlf;fpy; ,Ue;J ngwg;gl;l gy rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; typAWj;jpd. kdpj cupikfs; Mizf;FO> njhopy;thz;ik epWtdq;fs; kw;Wk; rptpy; r%fj;Jldhd fye;jhNyhridAld; murpay; ahg;G Nguitapdhy; ePjpgjpfs; kw;Wk; tpNrl MNyhrfH FO njuptpw;fhd gpukhzq;fs; tiuag;gl Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. rHtNjr ePjpgjpfs; njhlHgpy;> kdpj cupikfSf;fhd If;fpa ehLfspd; caH];jhdpfuhyaj;jpd; fUj;Jk; ngwg;gly; Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp NkYk; gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. njhpTf;fhd gpukhzq;fs; gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. tpNrl ePjpkd;wk; kw;Wk; tpNrl tof;FiuQh; mYtyfj;jpw;fhd epakdk; njhlHgpyhd ngaHg; gl;baiy murpay;ahg;G Nguit [dhjpgjpf;Fr; rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

32. nghJf; $l;lq;fspy; Kd;itf;fg;gl;l rkHg;gpj;jy;fs;> ePjpg; nghwpKiwapy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l r%fq;fspd; <Lghl;bd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;jpid kPs;typAWj;jpa mNjNtis> gfpuq;f mkh;TfisAk; kw;Wk; mtw;wpy; ,lk; ngWk;

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tprhuizfisAk; xypgug;G nra;tjw;fhd NjitiaAk; Rl;bf;fhl;bd. ,jdbg;gilapy;> ePjp gfpHe;jspj;jypy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfSk; <LgLk; nghJ ePjpkd;wkhf ePjpg; nghwpKiwia mtHfs; ghHf;fpd;wdH. gpujhdkhf ePjpkd;wj;jpf;fhd mZFk; trjpapd; cupik> ePjpkd;wj;jpy; gpujpepjpj;Jtk; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;G> csr;r%f kw;Wk; ghy;epiy mf;fiwfSf;F ftdk; nrYj;Jtjw;fhd Njit rhHe;J ePjpg; nghwpKiwfspy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l r%fq;fspd; tfpghfj;jpid Vida rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; fye;Jiuahbd.

33. tpNrl ePjpkd;wj;jpdhy; ftdk; nrYj;jg;glhj kdpj cupik kPwy;fs; kw;Wk; rk;gtq;fspd; tof;Fj; njhluiy cWjp nra;tjw;F rhjhuzkhd ePjp Kiwikf;Fs; nghwpKiwfs; cs;slf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. ,itahtd ePjpj; Jiw> rl;lkhmjpgH jpizf;fsk;> rl;l kUj;Jt mjpfhupfs;> nghyp]hH cs;slq;fyhf midj;J kl;lj;jpYk; KiwrhH jpUj;jk; kw;Wk; fl;likg;GrhH khw;wk; vd;gtw;iwAk;> ghjpf;fg;gl;ltH kw;Wk; rhl;rp;fisg; ghJfhf;;Fk; tYthd myifAk; cs;slf;Ffpd;wd;wd. rpy vOj;J %yr; rkHg;gpj;jy;fspYk;> JiwrhH $l;lq;fspYk; jpUj;jq;fSf;fhd Nfhupf;if tpLf;fg;gl;lJ. mNjNtis> MAj

Kuz;ghL> kj td;Kiw kw;Wk; ‘ehshe;j’ rl;l xOq;Fr; #o;epiyfspy;; epthuzk;

kw;Wk; ghJfhg;gpid ehLgtHfs; vjpHnfhs;Sk; gy;NtW rthy;fs; nghJf; $l;lq;fspy; Rl;bf;fhl;lg;gl;ld. ,J njhlHgpy;> fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpapd; ,Wjp mwpf;ifapy; gy;NtW gupe;Jiufs; Rl;bf; fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sd.

34. murhq;fj;jpdhy; gpNuupf;fg;gl;l ehd;fpw;F Nkyjpfkhd nghwpKiwfSf;fhd MNyhridfSf;F fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp jahuhf ,Ue;jJ. ,lg;ngaHT> fhzp> ngz;fs; kw;Wk; ePjp Nghd;w tplaq;fisAk; kw;Wk; kjg; gjl;lq;fisAk; ifahStjw;F ;jdpahd nghwpKiwfisf; Nfuup> jw;NghJs;s Kiwikapd; FiwghLfisAk;> ,e;j gpur;rpidfs; rhHe;j cldb eltbf;iff;fhd NjitiaAk; epWtdq;fSk;> jdpegHfSk; Rl;bf;fhl;bdH.

35. rpWghd;ik r%fq;;fspd; mf;fiwf;Fupa gpur;rpidfis milahsk; fhz;gjw;F rpWghd;ik cupikfs; Mizf;FOtpd; cUthf;fj;ijAk; fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. murpay; ahg;Gg; Nguitapdhy; Kd;nkhopag;gl;l kw;Wk; rptpy; r%fj;jpy; ,UeJ ngwg;gl;ltHfspd; gl;baypy; ,Ue;J [dhjpgjpapdhy; ,e;j Mizf;FO epakpf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. ehl;by; rpWghd;ikapdupd; epiyik njhlHgpy; ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;F Mz;lwpf;ifia mJ rkHg;gpj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. rl;luPjpahd jpUj;jj;jpw;fhd MNyhridfisAk; mJ cs;slf;fpapUf;f Ntz;Lk;.

36. kj td;Kiw njhlHgpy; gy;NtW rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; ngwg;gl;ld. mtw;wpy; rpy ePjpf;fhd Njitia typAWj;jpaJld;> jdpg;gl;l nghwpKiw cs;slq;fyhf Kd;jLg;G kw;Wk; gjpyspg;G Mfpa ,uz;Lk; rhHe;j nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpAk; MNyhrid $wpd. 2016Mk; Mz;L ngg;utupapy;> [dhjpgjpapdhy; epWtg;gl;l kjq;fSf;F ,ilapyhd MNyhridf; FOtpw;F> ,lk; ngwf$ba kjg; gjl;lk; gw;wpa ;Kd;ndr;rupf;if toq;fy;, kj;jpa];jk;> rl;lk; kw;Wk; ePjp xOq;fpd; fl;likf;fg;gl;l eilKiwfspd; Clhf epthuzk; NjLtjpy; kj td;Kiwr; rk;gtq;fspy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfspd; cupikfisg; ghugl;rkpd;wp fz;fhzpj;jy; Mfpa nghWg;Gf;fs; xg;gilf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

37. ,uhZtka ePf;fy;; kw;Wk; r%fj;jpy; Kd;dhs; Nghuhspfis kPspizj;jy; vd;gd

rhHe;J tpNrl gupe;Jiufs; Kd;itf;fg;gl;ld. epiykhWfhy ePjp njhlHgpy; jw;Nghija ,uhZt mjpfhupfs; kw;Wk; khw;Wj;jpwdhspfshd gilapdu;; jkJ

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fupridfis ntspg;gLj;jpaJld;> ,e;jg; nghwpKiwfspy; ,uhZtj;Jld; rk;ge;jg;gl;ltHfs; gjtp tfpj;jy; cs;slq;fyhf MNyhridfis Kd;itj;jdH. mj;Jld;. kw;Wk; eltbf;ifapd; NghJ nfhy;yg;gl;l my;yJ fhzhky; Nghd ,uhZtj;jpdH nghyp]; mjpfhupfspd; FLk;gj;jpdupd; Xa;t+jpak;> epthuzk; kw;Wk; gadhspfis njupT nra;tjpy; epyTk; rkkpd;ikia Rl;bf;fhl;bdH. jkpoPo tpLjiyg; Gypfsp Kd;dhs; NghuhspfSk;> ehd;F nghwpKiwfs; njhlHgpy; rkHg;gpg;gpjy;fis Kd;itj;jdH. mj;Jld;> jkJ jw;Nghija #o;epiy Fwpj;j fupridfisAk;> GdHtho;T epfo;r;rp kw;Wk;> r%fj;jpy; jhk; kPspizf;fg;gLjpy; Vw;gl;l Njhy;tp gw;wpAk; fupridfis vOg;gpdH. mjpfupj;j ghJfhg;gpd;ik kw;Wk; fsq;fg;gLj;jypy; ,uhZtj;jpdhuhy;> Gydha;Tj; Jiwapduhy; kw;Wk; nghyp]hupdhy; njhlHr;rpahd Nkw;ghHitapd; jhf;fj;jpid Fwpg;gpl;lJld;> nghUshjhu re;jHg;gq;fSf;fhd FiwghLfisAk; Rl;bf;fhl;bdH. rpyh; ;jkJ r%fj;jpw;Fs; xJf;fg;gl;lyhdJ> Kd;dhs; Nghuhspfs; vd;w milahsj;jpdhy; khj;jpukd;wp> jk;ik r%fk; Nehf;Fk; KiwahYk; ; tpistjhf fUjpdH. Kd;dhs;; Nghuhspfs; midtUf;Fk; nfsut gpur;rpid kw;Wk; jhk; mHg;gzpj;j r%fk;rhH kjpg;G gw;whf;Fiw vd;gJk; mf;fiwahf ,Ue;jd.

38. Mr;rupaj;jpw;fplkpd;wp> ngUe;njhifahd rkHg;gpj;jy;;fspYk; muR FtpikaggLj;jg;;gl;bUe;jJ. rpwpa vz;zpf;ifapyhd rkHg;gpj;jy;fs; epiykhW;fhy ePjpf;Fj; Njitahd r%fk;rhH khw;wq;fs; Fwpj;J ftdk; nrYj;jpd. ,tw;wpy; ngUk;ghydit Clfk; kw;Wk; fiyQHfSldhd JiwrhH fye;jhNyhridfspy; Kd;itf;fg;gl;litahFk;. r%fj;jpd; Fwpg;gpl;l gFjpapduhy;; RagupNrhjid kw;Wk; RatpkHrdKk; nra;ag;glNtz;Lk; vdTk; rpy rkHg;gpg;gpj;jy;fs; Fwpg;gpl;ld.

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fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp: mtjhdpg ;GfSk; gupe ;JiufSk;


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fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp: mtjhdpg;GfSk; gupe;JiufSk;

fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiwapd;NghJ gq;Fgw;wpNahu; njuptpj;j fUj;JiufSf;F Nkyjpfkhf fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gpd;tUk; jdJ nrhe;j mtjhdpg;gfisAk; gupe;JiufisAk; Kd;itf;fpd;wJ. ,e;j mtjhdpg;GfSk; gupe;JiufSk; fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiw Clhfg; ngwg;glitahFk;. mj;Jld; Kd;ndLf;fg;gLk; ey;ypzf;fr; #oYlDk; mjidr; rhjpg;gjw;fhf Kd;nkhopag;gl;Ls;s nghwpKiwfSlDk; njhlu;Gilait. fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpapd; gpd;tUk; mtjhdpg;GfSk; gupe;JiufSk; mjw;Nfw;g tifg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd.

m. nghJ

1.1 gd;Kfj;jd;ik xU gykhfTk; xU tskhfTk; mq;fPfupf;fg;gLfpd;w xU gd;ikj;Jt> gy;ypd> gy;kj ,yq;if gw;wpa ghu;it Nghw;wg;glNtz;Lk;. mjpy;

gu];gu nfsutj;Jld; Nt&d;wpa FbAupik, ehL KOtjpYk; Kd;ndLj;Jr;

nry;yg;gLtJk; nfhz;lhlg;gLtjk; mtrpakhFk;. murhq;fKk;> tpNrlkhf mjd; cau; kl;lq;fSk; rptpy; r%fKk; ,jpy; <LglNtz;Lk;. ,e;j ehl;by; mu;j;jKs;s ey;ypzf;fKk;> rkhjhdKk;> tskhd Kd;Ndw;wKk; Vw;glNtz;Lkhdhy; Ntw;Wikapy; xw;Wik fhz;gJk;> ,yq;if kf;fs; midtupd; gd;Kf milahsj;ijg; ghJfhg;gJk; nfsutpg;gJk; mj;jpahtrpakhFk;.

1.2 ey;ypzf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;Jtjpy; murpd; flg;ghL njhlu;ghf njhlu;e;J epyTk; mtek;gpf;ifia <Lnra;Ak; tifapy; ,dg;gpsT> kj rfpg;gpd;ik vd;gd guthky; jLg;gjw;Fk; mjw;Ff; fhuzkhdtu;fs; vr;r%fj;ijr; Nru;e;jtu;fshapDk; mr;rNkh rYifNah ,d;wp mtu;fisr; rl;lj;jpd;Kd; epWj;Jtjw;Fk; tYthdJk; jpl;ltl;l khdJkhd eltbf;if murhq;fj;jhy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.3 gykjq;fs; gpd;gw;wg;gLk; ehl;by; rkj;Jt mbg;gilapy; rk;ge;jg;gl;l vy;NyhuJk; fye;jhNyhridapd; Ngupy; kjr;rhu;gw;w muir Nehf;fpr; nry;tjw;fhd mu;j;jKs;s eltbf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp cWjpahfg; gupe;Jiu nra;fpd;wJ.

1.4 mu;j;jKs;s rkhjhdk;> If;fpak; Mfpatw;iw Vw;gLj;Jtjpy; epiykhW;fhy ePjpf;Fupa kpFe;j Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; tifapy; fle;jfhy Nkhjy;fs; gw;wpa cz;ikiaAk;> mg;NghJ epfo;e;j kdpj cupik kPwy;fisAk; mtw;Wf;fhd fhuzq;fisAk; xt;nthU gpui[Ak; mwpe;Jnfhs;tjw;fhd cupik murpay; ahg;gpy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;

1.5 ,j;jifa Nkhjy;fspd;NghJ ghjpf;fg;gl;l xt;nthUtUf;Fk; gpd;tUtd tw;iw cs;slf;fpa xU jFe;j gupfhuj;Jf;fhd cupik cz;L

m. Fw;wtpay; ePjp cl;gl jhf;fkhd nghWg;Gf;$wy;>

M. Nghjpa> jhf;fkhd> cldbahd e~;l <Lk; Gdu;tho;Tk;

1.6 ,j;jifa Nkhjy;fSk; kdpj cupik kPwy;fSk; kPz;Lk; xUNghJk; epfohky;

,Ug;gij cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; epahakhd rfy eltbf;iffisAk; muR Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Fwpg;ghf> kdpj cupik kPwy;fSf;Ff; fhuzkhd my;yJ mijj; jLg;gjw;Fj; jtwpa epWtdq;fisr; rPu;jpUj;Jk; eltbf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;sg; glNtz;Lk;. jz;lidapypUe;J jg;gpf;nfhs;Sk; fyhrhuk; Kw;wpYk; khw;wg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

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1.7 tYthd> mu;j;jKs;s mjpfhug; gutyhf;fypd; mbg;gilapy; ,dKuz;ghl;Lf;F murpay; kw;Wk; ahg;GuPjpahd jPu;T fhz;gjw;fhd cld;ghL ,t;tifapy; kpf Kf;fpakhdJ. mNdfkhNdhupd; fUj;Jiufspy; ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;fhd mbg;gilahd xU Kd;Njitahf ,J ,dq;fhzg;gl;Ls;sJ. ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;fhd nghwpKiwfis Vw;gLj;Jtjw;Fk; mtw;wpd; nraw;ghl;Lf;Fk; Vw;w #oiy cUthf;Ftjw;Fk; ,J mtrpakhdJ vd ,dq;fhzg;gl;Ls;sJ.

1.8 mur ,ae;jpuk; KOtjpYk; fhzg;gLk; ,Unkhopj; jpwd; FiwghLfs; ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;fhd ghupa jil vd;gij ehLKOtjpYk; kf;fs; njuptpj;j fUj;J milahsg;gLj;jpaJ. Kd;Dupik mbg;gilapy; ,jw;Fj; jPu;Tfhz Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

1.9 ,uhZtk; ifafg;gLj;jpAs;s fhzpfisj; Jupjkhf cupatu;fsplk; kPs xg;gilj;jy;> jLj;Jitf;fg;gl;Ls;s midtuJk;> jLg;G Kfhk;fsJk; gl;baiy ntspapLjy;> gaq;futhjj; jilr; rl;lj;ij (gjr) ePf;Fjy;> gjrtpd; fPo; jLj;Jitf;fg;gl;Ls;stu;fis cldbahf tpLtpj;jy; vd;gd jhkjkpd;wp Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,j;jifa ntspg;gilahd eltbf;iffs; gu];gu ek;gpf;ifapYk; gw;WWjpapYk; fhzg;gLk fzprkhd ,ilntspiaf; Fiwg;gjw;F mj;jpahtrpakhFk;.

1.10 ifJ kw;Wk; jLj;jitj;jy; njhlu;ghd 2016 [_d;khjk; kPz;Lk; ntspaplg;gl;l [dhjpgjpapd; topfhl;Ljy;fis nghyp]; gpuptpdUk;> ghJfhg;Gg; gilapdUk;> csTr; NritapdUk; gpd;gw;Wtij murhq;fk; cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

1.11 flj;jg;gl;Lf; fhzhkw;NghtjpypUe;J midtiuAk; ghJfhg;gjw;fhd ru;tNjr cld; gbf;iff;F mikthf> flj;jg;gl;Lf; fhzhkw;Nghtijj; jz;lidf;Fupa Fw;wkhf; Ftjw;Fupa rl;l eltbf;iffs; jhkjkpd;wp Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.12 Nghu;f; Fw;wk;> khDlj;Jf;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fs; Nghd;w ru;tNjrf; Fw;wq;fs; jz;lidf;Fupa Fw;wq;fshf;fg;gl;L rl;lthf;fj;jpd;%yk; jhkjkpd;wp ,yq;ifr; rl;lj;Js; cs;thq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. murpay; ahg;gpd; 13(6) gpupTf;Fk; rptpy; kw;Wk; murpay; cupikfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjr cld;gbf;ifapd; 13(2)Mk; gpupTf;Fk; ,zf;fkhd Kiwapy; fle;jfhyj;jpy; ,iof;fg;gl;l Fw;wq;fis tprhupg;gjw;F mDkjpf;Fk; tifapy; ,J mika Ntz;Lk;.

1.13 ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwfis epWtTk; nraw;gLj;jTk; xU jpl;ltiuig

(roadmap) murhq;fk; cUthf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,j;jpl;ltiuG ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;fhd

xd;Wld; xd;W njhlu;Gila Mizfisf; nfhz;l mikr;Rfs; cl;gl gy;NtW mur epWtdq;fspd; ,Ug;ig ntspg;gLj;jNtz;Lk;. ,jpy; rk;ge;jg;gl;l mur epWtdq;fisAk; mtw;Wf;Fupa MizfisAk;> newpKiwg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. mtw;wpd; mjpfhuq;fisAk; nraw;ghLfisAk;> mtw;Wf;fpilNa cs;s cwTfisAk; mJNghy; mtw;Wf;Fk; epiykhWfhy ePjpf;Fk; ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;Fkhf epWtg;gl ,Uf;Fk; nghwpKiwfSf;Fk; ,ilNa cs;s cwTfisAk; njspTgLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

1.14 [dhjpgjpAk;> gpujkUk; jpl;l tiuigAk; epiyfhy ePjpiaAk; Kd;ndLj;Jr;nry;y Ntz;Lk;. mJ njhlu;ghd ehLgue;j Ntiyj;jpl;lj;jpy; rk;ge;jg;gl;l vy;NyhiuAk; <LgLj;jNtz;Lk;. ,J njhlu;ghd KOikahd nghWg;igAk; mtu;fs; Vw;fNtz;Lk;. fye;jhNyhrir; nrayzpapd; MNyhridfSf;F mg;ghy;> nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpa rl;lthf;fj;jpYk; mjd; gpd;dUk; murhq;fj;Jf;Fk; rk;ge;jg;gl;l midj;Jj; jug;gpdUf;Fk; ,ilNa njhlu;r;rpahd ciuahlYk; MNyhridfSk; mj;jpahtrpakhFk;.

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nghJkf;fSf;Fk; MAjg;gilapdUf;Fk; ,ilNa ek;gpf;if> ek;gfj;jd;ik njhlu;ghfj; njhlu;r;rpahf epyTk; Fiwghl;il eptu;j;jpnra;tjw;F ,J kpf Kf;fpakhdJ. xU njspthd Clf cj;jpAldhd nghJkf;fs; njhlu;G ,jd; ntw;wpf;F mtrpakhFk;.

1.15 nghwpKiwfspdJk; ey;ypzf;fr; nray;KiwfspdJk; KOikahd xUikg;ghl;il cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; rfy nghwpKiwfSf;Fkhd nfhs;iffSk; nray;Kiwg; GwtiuGfSk; Muk;gj;jpNyNa Kd;Dupikg;gLj;jg;glNtz;Lk;. mit tpiuthfTk; mLj;jLj;Jk; nraw;gLj;jf; $batifapy; xOq;FKiwg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. vy;yhg; nghwpKiwfSk; epWtg;gLkh vd;gJ gw;wpa nghJkf;fspd; rypg;gzu;itj; jtpu;fTk;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l nghwpKiwfSf;F ,ilNa cs;s cwTfs; njhlu;ghf epyTk; kaf;fj;ijj; jPu;f;fTk; ,J mtrpakhFk;.

1.16 ,g;nghwpKiwfSf;Fj; Njitahd Nghjpa epjpia cWjpg;gLj;Jk; nghWg;ig muR Vw;fNtz;Lk;. ,jd;nghUl;L tuTnryTj; jpl;lj;jpy; Nghjpa msT epjp xJf;fPL nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.17 jpupGgLj;jy;> nghUj;jkw;wJk; jPq;F tpistpg;gJkhd fiyr;nrhw;fspd; gad;ghL Nghd;wtw;iwj; jtpu;f;Fk; tifapy; nghwpKiwfSf;Fg; ngaupLjy;> mtw;iwr; nraw;gLj;Jjy; Nghd;wtw;wpYk;;> ey;ypzf;fk;> ,ilf;fhy ePjp Nghd;w gpw nraw;ghLfspd;NghJk; nghUj;jkhd nkhopiag; gad;gLj;Jtjpy; mjpf mf;fiw nrYj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Njrpa nkhopfspy; mwpTila Jiwrhu;e;j epGzu;fspd; MNyhrid ngwg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.18 Fwpg;ghf nghJg; ghjfhg;G> kw;Wk; gaq;futhj vjpg;Gr; rl;lq;fSk; cl;gl vy;yhr; rl;lthf;f eilKiwfSk; kpfTk; ntspg;gilahditahfTk; midj;Jj; jug;gpdiuAk; cs;slf;FtdthfTk; ,Ug;gij muR cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. ,yq;ifapd; rl;l kw;Wk; nfhs;ifr; rl;lfk; murpay; ahg;G cj;juthjg;gLj;jpAs;s mbg;gil cupikfisAk;> ru;tNjr kdpj cupikf; flg;ghLfisAk; cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;baJ fl;lhakhFk;.

i) ,uhZtka ePf;fk;

1.19 Aj;jj;jpypUe;J rkhjhdj;Jf;F khWtjpy; ,uhZtj;Jf;F xU Kf;fpa ghj;jpuk; ,Uf;Fk; mNjNtis> epiykhWfhy ePjpr; nray;Kiwfs; gw;wpAk;> gy;NtW nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpAk;> Fwpg;ghf> nghWg;Gf;$wy; nghwpKiw gw;wpAk; ,uhZtj;jpd; vy;yh kl;lj;jpdUf;Fk; tpsf;fkspj;jy; mtrpakhFk;. mj;NjhL NkhjYf;Fg; gpe;jpa [dehafr; nraw;ghl;by; muR> ,uhZtk;> rptpy; cj;jpNahfj;u;fs; MfpNahupd; ghj;jpuKk; nghWg;GfSk; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,j;Jld;> ,uhZtka ePf;fj;ijAk; ghJfhg;Gj; Jiwiar; rPu;jpUj;JtijAk; cWjpg;gLj;j murhq;fk; etbf;if Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Fwpg;ghf> rptpy; epUthfKk; nghyp]{k; nra;aNtz;ba eltbf;iffspy; ,uhZtk; <LglhjpUg;gNjhL mJ nghUshjhu eltbf;iffspy; <LgLtijAk; epWj;j Ntz;Lk;.

1.20 ghJfhg;Gg; gilapdiuf; fl;lk; fl;lkhf Ml;Fiwg;Gr; nra;tjw;fhd mtrpak; cs;sJ. r%fj;jpDs;Sk; r%f tho;tpYk; ,tu;fis cs;thq;Ftjw;fhd

Gdu;tho;Tj; jpl;lj;Jld; ,J ,ize;J epfo Ntz;Lk;. KOikahd Gdu;tho;T, cs-r%fg; Gdu;tho;T> kPs; fy;tp> mtrpakhd njhopw;gapw;rp vd;gtw;iw ,J cs;slf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,ijj; njhlu;e;J> kdpj cupik kPwy;fs;> NtW Fw;wq;fs;

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Gupahjtu;fis rptpy; epWtdq;fspy; jFe;j gjtpfspy; Nru;j;Jf;nfhs;syhk; my;yJ ntspehLfspy; Ntiytha;g;Gg; ngw;wf;nfhLf;fyhk;. ,tu;fSf;fhd

ftu;r;rpfukhd gjtptpyfy; / Kd; Xa;Tj; jpl;lk; xd;Wk; Kd;itf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

,j;jpl;lk; Xa;T+jpak;> FLk;g eyj; jpl;lk;> Gyikg;guprpy;> gps;isfSf;F tpUk;gpa ghlrhiyfspy; mDkjp> cjtp kw;Wk; Nritfs;> kUj;Jt kw;Wk; cs-r%f MjuTk; rpfpr;irAk;> tPl;Ltrjp> tUkhd tpUj;jpf;fhd fld; cjtp> ,itNghd;w gpwtha;g;Gfs; vd;gtw;iw cs;slf;fyhk;. ,jdhy; ghjpf;fg;gLgtu;fSf;F ,r;nray;Kiw gw;wpg; Nghjpa jfty;fs; nfhLf;fg;gl;l gpd;dNu ,J Kd;ndLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.21 nghJkf;fshy; cupik Nfhug;gLk;> jw;NghJ uhZtj;jpd; iftrKs;s jdpahu; kw;Wk; nghJf; fhzpfisg; nghWj;jkl;by; nghJkf;fspd; gq;Fgw;wYld; mtw;iw ,dq;fhZk; xU KOikahd nray;KiwAk;> fhzpfis tpLtpg;gjw;fhd xU tpupthd jpl;lKk; mtrpakhFk;. fhzpfis tpLtpf;Fk; eltbf;iffis kPs; kjpg;gPL nra;tjw;fhf xU tUlhe;j kjpg;gPLk; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

ii) nghyp]; kw;Wk; ePjpj;Jiwr; rPu;jpUj;jk;

1.22 xU fzprkhd vz;zpf;ifAs;s nghJkf;fspd; fUj;Jiufs; ePjp kw;Wk; rl;l

xOq;F mikg;Gfs; Clhf gupfhuk; ngWtjpy; cs;s jhkjq;fisAk; jilfisAk; Jyf;fkhf vLj;Jf;fhl;bd. mt;tifapy;> ePjp kw;Wk; rl;lk; xOq;F Mfpait nraw;gLk; KiwikfisAk; mtw;wpd; mikg;gfisAk; kjpg;gplTk; rPuikf;fTk; Ntz;ba Njit ,Ug;gJ njspthfpwJ. epiykhWfhy ePjpapd; %yf; nfhs;iffs; cz;ik mwptjw;fhd cupik> ePjp>nghWg;Gf;$wy;> ,og;gPLfSf;fhd cupik> kPs;epfohikf;fhd cj;juthjk; vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. ,k; %yf;nfhs;iffs; mtw;Ws; cs;thq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.23 ePjpj;Jiw> rl;lkh mjpgu; jpizf;fsk;> rl;lkUj;Jt mjpfhupfs;> tprhuizahsu;fs;> ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhu; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfs; ghJfhg;G cl;gl xt;nthU epiyapYk; fhzg;gLk; Kiwg;gLj;jg;gl;l jhkjq;fs;> Rje;jpukpd;ikAk; murpay;kakhf;fYk;> rhu;Geyd;fspd; jhf;fk;> ,aYikAk; jpwDk; ,d;ik Nghd;w gue;Jgl;l gpur;rpidfisf; ifahStjw;F rhjhuz ePjpkd;wq;fs; Clhf Kiwg;gLj;jg;gl;l rPu;jpUj;jKk; mikg;G khw;wKk; Vw;gLj;Jtjw;fhd jhf;fkhd gupfhuKk; nghWg;Gf;$wYk; mtrpakhFk;.

1.24 tpNrl ePjpkd;wj;jpd; vy;iyf;Fs; tuhj kdpj cupik kPwy;fs; kw;Wk; / my;yJ

tprhuizf; nfhs;if fhuzkhf tpNrl epjpkd;wj;jhy; tprhupf;fg;glhj tof;Ffs; vd;gtw;iwg; nghWj;jtiu rhjhuz ePjp Kiwikf;Fs; mtw;wpd; tprhuizia cWjpg;gLj;Jk; eltbf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

Fwpg;ghd Kf;fpa gupe;Jiufs; gpd;tUtdtw;iw cs;slf;Ffpd;wd:

m) ,g;NghJs;s ,ilntspfs;> jhkjq;fs;> epYitapYs;s tof;Fs;> Kiwg;ghLfs; vd;gtw;iwf; ifahs;tjw;fhd rl;lkh mjpgu; jpizf;fsk;> nghyp]; (Fw;wtpay; kUj;Jtk; cl;gl) ePjpj;Jiw kUj;Jt cj;jpNahfj;ju; vd;gtw;wpy; mYtyu; vz;zpf;ifia mjpfupj;jy;> nkhop kw;Wk; Fw;wtpay; kUj;Jtj;Jiwj; jpwd;fs; cl;gl Fwpg;ghd jpwd;fSf;fhd Njit> ngz;fsJk; vy;yh ,df; FOf;fsJk; Nghjpa gpujpepjpj;Jtk; vd;gtw;iw epiwTnra;jy;. xU jw;fhypf Vw;ghlhf xU Fwpg;gpl;l fhyg; gFjpapy; cj;jpNahfg; gw;ww;w ePjpgjpfshff; flikahw;Wtjw;F rl;lj;juzpfis ePjpj;Jiw mYtyu;fshf

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thliff;F mku;j;JtJ mtrpakhfyhk;.

M) ePjpj;Jiw kw;Wk; Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;l epWtfq;fspd; jpwd;> ,aysT vd;gtw;iw tYg;gLj;Jjy;. jw;NghJ mur Kiwikf;fs; ,y;yhj rl;lkUj;Jt trjpfs; cl;gl Nkyjpf tsq;fis xJf;fPL nra;jy;> nghJepiyapy; ,ilf;fhy ePjpgw;wpa gapw;rp> Fwpg;ghd epiyapy; tpNrlkhf kdpj cupikfs;> ru;tNjrf; Fw;wq;fs;> ghypay; td;Kiw gw;wpa ePjpj;Jiwg; gapw;rpfs;> ru;tNjr njhopy; El;g epGzj;Jtj;ij cs;@u; mYtyu;fs; ngWtjw;fhd tha;g;G vd;gtw;iw ,J Ntz;bepw;Fk;. Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;l epWtfq;fspy; gzpGupAk; ePjpgjpfs;> rl;lj;juzpfs; cl;gl MszpapdUf;F epiykhW;fhy ePjp gw;wpa Fwpg;ghf kdpj cupikfs; ePjpj;Jiw> ru;tNjrf; Fw;wq;fs; kw;Wk; ghypay; td;Kiw gw;wpa tpNrlkhf tbtikf;fg;gl;l ghlnewpfs; rfy rl;lf; fy;tp epWtfq;fspYk; fw;gpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,e;epWtfq;fspy; gjtp cau;T jpwd; Nju;r;rpapd; mbg;gilapy; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,J njspthf tiuaWf;fg;gl;L mKy;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

,) cau;kl;l ePjpj;Jiw cl;gl ePjpkd;wq;fs; tof;Ffis Kfhik nra;tjpYk; tprhupg;gjpYk; fhl;Lk; jhkjq;fs; cl;gl ePjpf;F ,ilA+W nra;fpd;w jw;Nghija eilKiwia Nkk;gLj;Jtjw;Fupa eltbf;iffSk; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

<) Fwpg;ghf rl;lkh mjpgu; jpizf;fsj;jpYk; nghyp]; JiwapYk; fhzg;gLk; Kf;fpa gpur;rpidahd rhu;G eyd;fspd; jiyaPl;ilf; fistjw;F muR eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mur mYtyu;fSf;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fis tprhupg;gjpy; rhu;G eyd;fspd; jiyaPl;ilj; jtpu;g;gjw;F rl;lkh mjpgu; jpizf;fsj;ijg; gpupj;J nghJ tprhuizfs; gzpg;ghsiu xU jdpahd> Rahjpd myfhf khw;WtJ gupe;Jiuf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. nghyp]; Jiwiag; ngWj;jtiu nghyprhUf;F vjpuhd Fw;wr;rhl;Lfis tprhupg;gjw;Ff; fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp xU jdpahd myifg; gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. ,J tpNrl tprhuiz myFfSld; cs;s rhu;Geyd; jiyaPl;ilj; jLf;Fk;. ,e;j myfpd; mYtyu;fs; nghyp]; gpuptpy; ,Ue;J tpyfpAk; Rje;jpukhfTk; ,aq;Ftu;.

c) nghJkf;fspd; ek;gpf;if> ntspg;gilj; jd;ik> nghWg;Gf;$wy; vd;gtw;iw Nkk;gLj;Jk; tifapy; tprhuiz kw;Wk; ePjpj;Jiwr; nraw;ghLfspy; <Lgl;Ls;s Kf;fpa mYtyu;fs; kdpj cupik kPwy;fs;> ru;tNjrf; Fw;wq;fs;> ghypay; td;Kiwfs; njhlu;ghd tof;Ffisf; ifahs;tJ njhlu;ghd jq;fs; nfhs;iffisAk; eilKiwfisAk; cUthf;fp mtw;iwg; gfpuq;fg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

C) jw;Nghija ePjpKiw ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhupd; cupikfs;> Fwpg;ghd Njitfs; vd;gtw;iwf; fUj;jpy; nfhs;sj; jtWfpd;wJ vd;gij Vw;Wf;nfhz;L fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhiu ikakhf;Fjy; gw;wpa xU Njrpaf; nfhs;isia cUthf;Ftij fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. ,J ru;tNjrpa uPjpapy; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;l Fw;wk; rhl;lg;gl;Nlhupd; cupikfis cWjpg;gLj;Jk; mNjNtis ePjpKiwapd; xt;nthU fl;lj;jpYk; eilKiwuPjpahdJk; mikg;GuPjpahdJkhd mk;rq;fis cs;slf;Ffpd;wJ. rupahf mKy;gLj;jg;gLtij cWjpg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf Fwpg;ghd jpizf;fsr; Rw;WepUgq;fs; %yk; ,f;nfhs;if eilKiwf;Ff; nfhz;Ltug;gl Ntz;Lk;. ePjpKiw KotjpYk; ,Unkhopf; nfhs;if KOikahf Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;L mKy;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,t;tifapy; ePjpkd;wq;fspy; Nghjpa vz;zpf;ifapy; ed;F Nju;r;rpngw;w nkhopngau;g;ghsu; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.

v) ePjp toq;Ftjpy; rk;ge;jg;gl;Ls;s vy;yh mikg;GfisAk; fz;fhzpf;fTk; nghJkf;fspd; Kiwg;ghLfisg; guprPypf;fTk; nray;jpwDila Kiwik xd;W

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cUthf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. ePjpngWtjw;F ,ilA+whf ,Uf;Fk; murpd; nraypd;ik> jhkjk; kw;Wk; NtW nraw;ghLfs; vd;gtw;iw ,dq;fz;L Kd;Dupik mbg;gilapy; jPu;Tfhz;gjw;F ,J cjTk;.

V) jq;fs; mYtyfg; gzpfspd;NghJ jq;fSf;F toq;fg;gl;l Mizapd;gb nraw;glj; jtWfpd;w my;yJ jq;fs; mjpfhu vy;iyia kPwpr; nraw;gLfpd;w mur mjpfhupfSf;F vjpuhf ntspg;gilahd xOq;F eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;tjw;fhd xU Kiwikapd; ,d;ikia fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp mtjhdpf;fpwJ. ,J ,dj;Jtk;> kjk;> ghy;epiy> rhjp> tu;f;fk; vd;gtw;Wf;Fs; kl;Lk; kl;Lg;glhj gf;fr;rhu;G gw;wpa Kiwg;ghLfis cs;slf;Ffpd;wJ. jtwpioj;j mur mjpfhupfspd; nghWg;Gf;$wy; ntspg;gilahdjhfTk;

Fw;wQ;rhl;lg;gLk; mj;JkPwy;fSf;F Vw;wjhfTk; mika Ntz;Lk;. rpj;jputij / fhg;gpy; ,Uf;Fk;NghJ ,iof;fg;gLk; td;Kiw Kjypa Fw;wk; Gupe;jtu;fs; kPz;Lk; mf;Fw;wq;fisg; Gupakhl;lhu;fs; vd;gij cWjpg;gLj;Jk; Nky; eltbf;iffs; VJk; ,d;wp ,lkhw;wk; nra;Ak; eilKiw nghJkf;fspd; ek;gpf;ifia ,of;fr; nra;tNjhL jz;lidf;fhg;Gf; fyhrhuj;ijAk; Cf;fg;gLj;Jfpd;wJ vd;gijAk; fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp mtjhdpf;fpwJ.

I) nghyp]; Jiwiag; nghWj;jtiu eilKiwapYs;s nghyp]pd; r%ff;fz;fhzpg;G Kaw;rpfis> ,j;jifa Nritfis tpupTgLj;Jk; Nehf;fpy; kPs;guprPyid nra;tij fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. mNjNtis ngz;fisAk;> kjr; rpWghd;ikapdiuAk; fz;fhzpg;gJ Nghd;w ,g;NghJs;s r%fg; gpur;rpidfis ,J NkYk; tYg;gLj;jhjpUg;gij cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

iii) NghUf;Fg; gpe;jpa mgptpUj;jp> ,lg;ngau;r;rp kw;Wk; fhzp

1.25 gpuhe;jpa kw;Wk; cs;@u;g; nghUshjhu mopTfSk; Aj;jj;jhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l tlf;F> fpof;F kw;Wk; vy;iyg; gpuNjrq;fspy; Vw;gl;l ,og;GfSk; mgptpUj;jpj; jpl;lq;fspy; fUj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. gpuhe;jpa Vw;wj;jho;Tfs; NkYk; NkhrkilahjpUg;gij cWjpg;gLj;j ,J mtrpakhFk;. r%f kl;lj;jpyhd cl;fl;likg;GfisAk; cs;@u;g; nghUshjhuj;ijAk; kPz;Lk; fl;bnaOg;gTk; tp];jupf;fTk; mOj;jk; nfhLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. epjpg;gpuptpd; nraw;ghl;ilr; rPu;ikg;gLj;jTk;> ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fSf;fhd epthuzj;ij cWjpg;gLj;jTk; fld; Njitfs; cl;gl eilKiwapy; cs;s gpur;rpidfs; guprPypf;fg;gLtJ mtrpakhFk.;

1.26 Aj;jj;jhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;L cs;ehl;by; ,lk;ngau;e;jtu;fSf;Fk; mfjpfSf;Fk;

epiyahd jPu;Tfisf; fhz;gjw;F murhq;fk; Kd;tuNtz;Lk;. ,d;Dk; ,lk;ngau;e;J tho;gtu;fis my;yJ epiyahd jPuTfis fhzKbahjtu;fis milahsk; fhz;gjw;Fk;> epyk;> Mtzq;fs;> cl;fl;likg;G> gpw cjtpfs; cl;gl ,jNdhL njhlu;ghd jilfis milahsk; fz;L mtw;Wf;Fj; jPu;T fhz;gjw;Fk; jpl;ltl;lkhd eltbf;iffs; vLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.27 Aj;jj;NjhL rk;ge;jg;gl;l epyk; njhlu;ghd Kf;fpakhd mNef gpur;rpidfs;

Kd;itf;fg;gl;ld. ,it mtrukhf eltbf;if vLf;fg;gl Ntz;bait. mur Kftu;fshYk;> gpw ,df; FOkq;fisr; Nru;e;j Fbkf;fshYk; epyk; ifafg;gLj;jg;gLtjhd Fw;wr;rhl;Lfs; ,jpy; mlq;Fk;.

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1.28 tlf;Ff; fpof;fpy; cs;s epyg;gpur;rpidf;Fj; jPu;T fhz;gjw;F Kd;du;> gpw gpuNjrq;fspy; cs;stu;fisf; Fbaku;j;Jtjpy; <LglhjpUf;Fk; mNjNtis> tlf;fpYk; fpof;fpYk;> vy;iyg; gpuNjrq;fspYk; Aj;jj;NjhL njhlu;ghd epyg;gpur;rpidfisj; jPu;g;gjw;F murhq;fk; eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Mtzq;fspd; mopT> rpijT> FiwghL> mur Kftu;fs; my;yJ NtW Fbkf;fshy; epyk; gad;gLj;jg;gLjy;> kPd;gpb ePu;tsk; Nghd;w nghJ %ytsq;fspd; fl;Lg;ghLfs; Nghd;w gpur;rpidfis ,J cs;slf;Ffpd;wJ.

1.29 ,tw;Wf;F cldbahd jhf;fkhd murpd; vjpu;tpidia cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; jpl;ltl;lkhd eltbf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. njhiye;JNghd Mtzq;fis toq;Ftjw;fhd elkhLk; Nrit> ,dj;Jf;Fs;Sk; ,dq;fSf;fpilapYk;> mJNghy; Fbkf;fSf;Fk; mur Kftu;fSf;fpilapYk; cs;s rpf;fyhd epyg;gpur;rpidfisj; jPu;gjw;fhfr; r%fj;jiytu;fs;> khtl;l mjpfhupfs;> murpay;thjpfs; MfpNahiu xd;wpizj;J khtl;l epiyapyhd nghwpKiwfis epWTjy; Nghd;w eltbf;iffs; ,tw;Ws; mlq;Fk;.

1.30 murpay;ahg;gpd; mbg;gilapy; Njrpa fhzp Mizf;FO epakpf;fg;gl ntz;Lk;.

iv) ngz;fs;

1.31 Aj;jj;jhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l> ,uhZtkakhd tlf;Ff; fpof;Fg; gpuNjrq;fspy; kl;Lkd;wp mr;RWj;Jk; xU r%fr; #oypy; Nkhjypd;NghJ eilngw;w ngz;fSf;nfjpuhd ghuJ}ukhd kdpj cupik kPwy;fs;> ghypay; ty;Ywit xU jz;lidKiwahfg; gad;gLj;Jtjd; Clhf ntspg;gLk; ePz;lfhy mikg;GuPjpahd ngz;ntWg;G> mjpfhuj;jpy; cs;stu;fshy; njhlu;r;rpahfg; ngz;fs; Jd;GWj;jg;gLjy;> xNuNeuj;jpy; ngz;fs;; guhkupg;G kw;Wk; tUkhdk; Njly; Mfpa Rikfisr; Rkf;fNtz;ba epiy Kjypa mtrukhd ftd<u;g;igf; NfhUfpd;w fUj;Jiufis fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp ngw;wJ. ngz;fs; guhkupg;Gg; gzpia rk;ghjpf;fNtz;ba NjitAld; rkurg;gLj;j epu;g;gw;jpf;fg;gLfpwhu;fs;. Mdhy; mNef mur mYtyu;fs; jq;fsplk; Nritfis ehbtUk; ngz;fspd; gytPd epiyiag; gad;gLj;j Kidfpwhu;fs;. ehLKOtJk; cs;s> tpNrlkhf Aj;jj;jhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ngz;fs;kPJ jpzpf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,r;Rikia> muR cupa Kiwapy; Gupe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gpd;tUk; gupe;Jiufis Kd;itf;fpd;wJ:

m) ngz;fspd; nghUshjhu> r%f> murpay;> rl;l kw;Wk; fyhrhu cupikfs; rk;gpujhak;> rhjp> my;yJ NtW ve;jtpjkhd tiuaiwfSk; ,d;wp murpay;ahg;G> rl;lk;> nfhs;if> eilKiw Kjypa vy;yhtw;wpYk; cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl;Lg; ghJfhf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

M) ngz;fSf;fhd Njrpa Mizf;FO jhkjkpd;wp epWtg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

,) vy;yhg; nghwpKiwfspYk;> KbntLf;Fk; Kf;fpakhd gjtpfspYk; md;whlk; nraw;gLj;Jk; gjtpfspYk; ngz;fspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtk; cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

<) Kd;nkhopag;gl;Ls;s ehd;F nghwpKiwfspYk; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ngz;fspd; gq;Fgw;;wYf;Fj; Njitahd vy;yh eltbf;iffSk; fUj;jpy;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. gupe;Jiufs; 2.15> 2.16 ghu;f;fTk;

c) fy;tp epWtdq;fs;> gfpuq;f NritfSf;fhd gapw;rpfs;cl;gl r%fj;jpd; vy;yh epiyfspYk; ghy;epiyf; $Uzu;Tg; gapw;rp

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C) ngz;;fisj; Jd;GWj;Jjy; jz;lidf;Fupa Fw;wk; vd;gij gfpuq;f Nitfs; jhgdf; Nfhitapy; cs;slf;Fjy;> mj;jifa Jd;GWj;jy;fSf;F vjpuhd Kiwg;ghLfSf;fhd xU nghwpKiwia epWTjy;

v) jdpahu; JiwfSk; Nkw;$wpatw;iwf; filg;gpbg;gij cWjpg;gLj;Jjy;.

v) rpWtu;fSk; ,isQu;fSk;

1.32; rpWtu;fSk; ,isQu;fSNk ehl;bd; vjpu;fhyk;. epiykhWfhy ePjp kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fr; nraw;ghl;bd; ntw;wpahdJ jpl;lkpLjy;> tbtikj;jy;> nraw;gLj;Jjy;> nraw;ghl;ilf; fz;fhzpj;jy; Kjypa midj;J epiyfspYk; mtu;fisAk; ,izj;Jf;nfhs;tjpNyNa jq;fpAs;sJ. ehl;bd; nghJj; Jiwfspy; gq;Fgw;WtjpYk;> jiyikg; ghj;jpuk; Vw;gjpYk; ,isQu;fis Cf;fg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. jq;fis ntspg;gLj;Jtjw;Fk;> Fwpg;ghf ,dj;Jtf; fyg;G kw;Wk; ghypdf; fyg;Gr; #oy;fspy; mu;j;jq; fhz;gjw;Fk; fiyg;gilg;ghf;fk;> Clfj;Jiw> etPd njhopy;El;gk;> tpisahl;L> r%fr;nraw;ghLfs; Nghd;wtw;wpy; mtu;fSf;fhd tha;g;GfSk; trjpfSk; Vw;gLj;jpf;nfhLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.33 Ntw;Wikfis cs;thq;Ffpd;w xU gd;ikj;Jtr; r%fj;ij Kd;ndLg;gjw;F

cupatifapy; fy;tpj; jpl;lq;fSk; fy;tp ntspfSk; tbtikf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. xU gue;j mstpyhd cs;thq;Fk; jd;ikiaAk;> nghJikf;fhd ,lq;fisAk;> nghJthd tuyhW gw;wpa czu;itAk; cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; fiyj;jpl;lj;ij kPs;guprPyid nra;J kPs tbtikj;jy; ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;F mbg;gilahFk;. ,yq;ifg; gy;giyf;fofq;fs; Njrpathjk;> ngUk;ghd;ikthjk;> je;ijtop Kiwik Nghd;w rpytifahd tifkhjpupfis khztu;fs; Nfs;tpf;F cl;gLj;Jtij Cf;fg;gLj;Jk; xU Ma;twpTj; jsj;ij cUthf;fTk; Muha;r;rpfis Nkw;nfhs;Tk; Ntz;Lk;. vy;yhtifahd mePjpfSf;Fk; mrkj;Jtq;fSf;Fk; vjpuhf ,aq;Ftjw;Fk; mtu;fs; Cf;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ngz;fs;> ghy;ikr; rpWghd;ikapdu;> (Njrpa kw;Wk; gpuhe;jpar;) rpWghd;ikapdu;> jho;j;jg;gl;l rhjpapdu;> tpopk;Gepiy kdpju;fs;> khw;Wj; jpwdhsp;fs;> kdNehahspfs; Nghd;wtu;fis kjpj;J kupahij fhl;Lk; tpOkpaq;fs; ghlrhiyf; fiyj;jpl;lj;jpYk; Clfq;fspYk; r%f epWtdq;fspYk; Kiwahf mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.34 ,sk; mfjpfs;> cs;ehl;by; ,lk;ngau;e;j ,isQu;fs;> Kd;ehs; Foe;ijg;

Nghuhspfs;> fztid ,oe;j ,sk; jha;khu; Nghd;w Aj;jj;jhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ,isQu;fSf;F tpNrl ftdk; nrYj;jg;gLtNjhL mtu;fSf;Fj; Njitahd NritfSk; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. fy;tpiaj; njhlu;jy;> njhopy;gapw;rp vd;gtw;wpypUe;J kUj;Jtk;> kWcw;gj;jpr; Rfhjhuk;> kJ kw;Wk; Nghijg;nghUs; ghtid njhlu;ghd cs-r%fg; guhkupg;G> csts MNyhridfs; tiu gy;NtW tplaq;fis ,it cs;slf;Fk;.

vi) rptpy; r%fk;

1.35 epiykhW;fhy ePjp> ey;ypzf;fk; vd;gtw;Wf;fhfr; nraw;gLtJ murpd; gpujhd flik vd;gij Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; mNjNtis> murpd; Kd;ndLg;GfSf;F MjuT mspg;gjpYk;> jhNk nrhe;jkhf Kd;ndLg;Gfis Nkw;nfhs;tjpYk; nghJthfr; r%fj;jpdJk; Fwpg;ghf murpay; fl;rpfs;> Clfq;fs;> tu;j;jf r%fk;> kjj; jiytu;fs;> njhopy;thz;ik mikg;Gfs; kw;Wk; midj;J rptpy; r%ff;

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FOf;fs; vd;gtw;wpd; Kf;fpakhdJk; JizaHdJkhd ghj;jpuj;ij fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp typAWj;Jfpd;wJ. ngUk;ghyhd nghJkf;fspd; rku;g;;gpjjy;fs; gupfhu eltbf;iffSf;F muirNa vjpu;ghu;j;jpUg;gijAk; NtW r%f epWtdq;fSf;F kpff; Fiwthd ,lNk nfhLj;jpUg;gijAk; mtjhdpf;f Kbfpd;wJ. xU jhf;fkhd epiykhW;fhy ePjpr; nray;Kiwiag; nghWj;jtiu Njrpa kl;lj;jpypUe;J cs;@u; kl;lk; tiu gy;NtW epiyfspy; nraw;gLk; ,e;jg; gpupTfs; vy;yhtw;wpdJk; <LghLk; gq;Fgw;wYk; Kf;fpakhdJ.

1.36 epiykhWfhy ePjpr; nray;Kiwapy; rptpy; r%fj;jpd; kjpg;gplw;fupa gq;F mq;fPfupf;fg;gl Ntz;bajhFk;. muRrhuh eptdq;fspdJk; NtW rptpy;r%f mikg;GfspdJk; rl;luPjpahd rl;lfk; tYg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mNjNtis> Fwpg;ghf khtl;lepiy mur mjpfhupfspdhy; rptpy; r%fj;Jf;fhd ,aq;Fntsp toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.37 nghJkf;fspd; kpfg; ngUk;ghyhd gupe;Jiufs; rl;lk;> nfhs;if my;yJaurpay; ahg;G khw;wq;fs; my;yJ cs;@u; kl;lg; gpur;rpidfspy; Njrpa kl;lr; nraw;ghl;lhsu;fspd; gq;Fgw;Wjy; gw;wpNa Kjd;ikg;gLj;jpd. mNjNtis nghwpKiwfspd; tbtikg;gpYk; mKy;gLj;JtjpYk; cs;@u;kl;lg; gq;Fgw;wYk; cilikAk; Njit vd;gijAk; xU fzprkhd gupe;Jiufs; Fwpg;gpl;ld. mt;tifapy;> rptpy; r%fKk; nfhs;iftFg;ghsu;fSk; Vw;fdNt ,Uf;Fk; mikg;Gfs; my;yJ tiyaikg;Gfs; vd;gtw;iw tYg;gLj;Jtjw;Fk;> ,ilf;fhy ePjpapy; Njrpa Kaw;rpfSf;Fr; rkhe;jukhf rhtho;T> KWfy;epiy vd;gtw;iwf; ifahstjw;fhd Gjpa mikg;Gfis epWTtjw;Fk; jq;fs; rf;jpiar; nrytpLtJ mtrpakhFk;.

1.38 MNyhridfs; xNu Kiwjhd; ngwg;gLk; vd;W fUjg;glf; $lhJ> mJ

njhlu;r;rpahd xd;whfTk;> ,ilf;fhy ePjpr; nray;Kiwapy; xd;wpize;jjhfTk; Nehf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,J jdpj;jdpg; nghwpKiwfis tbtikg;gijAk;> mtw;wpd; nraw;ghl;ilAk;> jhf;fj;ijAk; tYg;gLj;Jk;.

Vii) Mtzg;gLj;jy;

1.39 MNyhridr; nray;Kiwapd; NghJk; ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwapd; nraw;ghl;bd;NghJk; ngwg;gl;l juTfisg; ghJfhf;fTk; Mtzg;gLj;jTk; Njitahd ebtbf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ngwg;gl;l juTfs; ngWkjp kpf;fit. MfNt mit Mtzg;gLj;jg;gl;Lg; ghJfhf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Njitahapd; nghJkf;fs; mtw;iwg; gad;gLj;jyhk;. jftywpAk; cupikr; rl;lj;jpd; nghUj;jkhd gpupTfs; ,t;tifapy; fUj;jpy;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

1.40 fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpf;Fr; rku;g;gpf;fg;gl;l nghJkf;fspd; fUj;Jf;fspd; njhFg;ig mu;j;jKs;s ey;ypzf;fj;jpd; njhlf;fg; Gs;sp vd;w tifapy; nghJkf;fs; NkYk; Gupe;Jnfhs;sj; jf;f tifapy; murhq;fk; ntspapl;L gutyhf mwpaj;ju Ntz;Lk; my;yJ vspjhff; fpilf;fr; nra;a Ntz;Lk; vd;W fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

M) nghwpKiwfs;; njhlu;ghd ,ilaPl;Lg; gupe;Jiufs;

2.1 nghwpKiwfis cUthf;ftjw;fhd rl;lthf;fk; jhkjkpd;wp mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.2 ghJfhg;Gg; gilapdupd; fz;fhzpg;G eltbf;iffs; gw;wp fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpf;Fg; gy Kiwg;ghLfs; fpilj;jd. MNyhridf; $l;lq;fspd;NghJ

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mjd; cWg;gpdu;fshYk; ,J mtjhdpf;fg;gl;lJ. MNyhridf; $l;lq;fspd;NghJ ghJfhg;G cj;jpNahf];ju;fs; mr;RWj;Jk; tifapy; gpurd;dkha; ,Ue;jdu;> fUj;Jf;$w te;jtu;fs; tprhupf;fg;gl;ldu;. mjdhy; fye;Jiuahly; epfo;tpd;NghJ fUj;Jf;$wy; njhlu;ghf mtu;fs; mr;rk; njuptpj;jdu;. ,tw;iw kdq;nfhz;L ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwfis epWTk;NghNj fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiwapy; gq;Fgw;wpatu;fsJk; mg;nghwpKiwfs; epWtg;gl;lgpd;du; mtw;iw ehb tUNthu;fspdJk; ghJfhg;ig cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; xU ghJfhg;G Vw;ghl;il cUthf;Ftjw;F mtru eltbf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;sg;glNtz;Lk; vd;W fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. mJNghy;> ghJfhg;G mikr;Rk;> rl;lk; xOq;Ff;fhd mikr;Rk; ,j;jifa jiyaPL> Jd;GWj;jy; epfo;Tfisj; jtpu;f;Fk; tifapy; njhspthd mwpTWj;jy;fis toq;fNtz;Lk;.

2.3 ,t;tifapy;> ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfspd; ghJfhg;Gf;fhd tpNrl myF xd;iw cUthf;FtJ mtrpakhFk;. ,jpy; nghyp]; cj;jpNahfj;ju;fSk; ,ij Nkw;ghu;it nra;tjw;F kdpj cupik Mizf; FOtpd; gpujpepjpfisf; nfhz;l xU rigAk;> eilKiwf;FtUk;NghJ nghwpKiwfSk; cs;slq;Fk;. ,e;j myF rptpy; r%fr; nraw;ghl;lhsu;isAk; cs;slf;fpa cs;@u; mDgtq;fisAk; cs;thq;fNtz;Lk;. ,e;j myFf;fhd rl;lfj;ij epWTtjpYk;> mjd; nray; Kiwia tpUj;jpnra;tjpYk;> mjd; nraw;ghl;il Nkw;ghu;itnra;tjpYk; ru;tNjrj; njhopy;El;g epGzj;Jtj;ijAk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ,e;j myF murpay; kw;Wk; gpw jiyaPLfspypUe;Jk; tpLgl;Lr; RahjPdkhf ,aq;fNtz;Lk;. gapw;rp toq;Ftjw;Fk;> mKy;gLj;Jtjw;Fk;> Jupjkhfr; nraw;gLtjw;Fk;> ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fSk; rhl;rpfSk; nghwpKiwfSlDk; mjw;F mg;ghYk; njhlu;Gnfhs;Sk; Nghnjy;yhk; njhlu;e;Jk; mtu;fisg; ghJfhg;gjw;Fk; mjpfhuk; ngw;wpUf;fNtz;Lk;. ,ij ,yFgLj;Jtjw;fhf ,e;j myF xt;nthU nghwpKiwAlDk; njhlu;Gnfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. [dhjpgjpf;F mJ mwpf;if rku;g;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

2.4 jw;NghJ eilKiwapYs;s rhl;rpfs; kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; ghJfhg;G mjpfhurig xU RahjPd mikg;ghf kPSUthf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mj;NjhL 2.3 ,y; $wg;gl;lthW mjd; mjpfhuq;fSk; nraw;ghLfSk; jpUj;jpaikf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.5 2.3y; $wg;gl;l tpNrl myif NkYk; tYg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf> ghjpf;fg;gl;l FLk;gq;fspd; gpujpepjpfs;> kdpj cupikf; fhg;ghsu;fs;> rptpy; r%fr; nraw;ghl;lhsu;fs>; ru;tNjr r%fg; gpujpepjpfs; MfpNahiu cs;slf;fpa xU Nkw;ghu;it mikg;G ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. nghwpKiwfspd; nray;jpwd; kw;Wk; eilKiwapYs;s ghJfhg;Gr; nray;Kiwfs; gw;wp [dhjpgjpf;F mwpf;if rku;g;gpgjw;Fupa mjpfhuk; mjw;F toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. NkYk; mjd; mwpf;if gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. nghwpKiwfisAk; rhl;rpfs; kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fspd; ghJfhg;igAk; tYg;gLj;j cjTk; Nkyjpf eltbf;iffs; njhlu;ghf MNyhrid toq;Fk; mjpfhuj;ijAk; ,e;j Nkw;ghu;it mikg;G ngw;wpUf;fNtz;Lk;. fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiwapd;NghJ fz;fhzpg;Gf;Fk; tprhuizf;Fk; mr;RWj;jYf;Fk; jLg;Gf; fhtYf;Fk; rpjpjputijf;Fk; Mshdtu;fspd; ghJfhg;gpy; ,k;Nkw;ghu;it mikg;G Muk;gj;jpNyNa eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ,e;j Nkw;ghu;it mikg;gpy; ,lk;ngWk; ru;tNjr r%fg; gpjpepjpfs; ru;tNjr gq;Fgw;Wjy;> nghwpKiwfspy; mq;fj;Jtk; ngWjy; njhlu;ghf fPNo 2.12> 2.13 Mfpa gupe;Jiufspy; jug;gl;Ls;s topfhl;Ljy;fSf;F mikthfr; nraw;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.6 ,e;j Nkw;ghu;it mikg;G [dhjpgjpapdhy; epakpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,jpy; ,lk;ngWk; cWg;gpdu;fs; murpay; ahg;Gg; Nguitf;F rptpy; r%fj;jpdhy; gupe;Jiuf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; kj;jpapypUe;J njupTnra;ag;gl;L murpay; ahg;Gg; Nguitapdhy; [dhjpgjpf;F toq;fg;gl;l gl;baypypUe;J [dhjpgjpahy; epakpf;fg;gLthu;fs;.

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2.7 gpuhe;jpaq;fspy; eilKiw rhj;jpakhd ,lq;fspy; mYtyfq;fis epWTtjd; %yk; nghwpKiwfis kf;fs; ,yFthf mZFtjw;Fupa tha;g;Gfs; cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.8 jiyikafj;jpYk;> gpuhe;jpa Jiz mYtyfq;fspYk; ntspj;njhlu;G eltbf;iffspd; NghJk; Kk;nkhopfSk; irif nkhopAk; gad;gLj;jf;$ba tha;g;ig cWjpg;gLj;Jtjw;F nghwpKiwfs; Kaw;rpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

2.9 ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fspd; FLk;gq;fs; cl;gl nghwpKiwfspd; gq;fhspfspd;

gpujpepjpj;Jtk; cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. nghwpKiwfs; njhlu;ghd gpujpepjpj;jtk; gw;wpa rpf;fyhf gpur;rpid njhlu;ghf td;nray;fis Nkw;nfhz;l gy;NtW Fw;wthspf; FOf;fspd; ,Ug;igf; fUj;jpy;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld; nghwpKiwfspy; gpujpepjpj;Jtk; njhlu;gpy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs;> Fw;wk;Gupe;j re;Njf egu;fs; Mfpa ,Urhuhupd; rhu;Geyd;fs; jiyaplhjpUg;gij cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;

2.10 Fwpg;ghf tlf;Ff; fpof;fpYk; ehl;bd; Vida gFjpfspy; rpy ,lq;fspYk; ,lk;ngw;w fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiwfspd;NghJ murpYk;> mur epWtdq;fspYk;> nghwpKiwfspYk; ngUksT mtek;gpf;if ,Ug;gJ ntspg;gl;lJ. Kw;wpYk; xU cs;sfg; nghwpKiw ek;gj;jFe;jjhf mikahJ vd;gij ,e;j ek;gpf;if tYthf ntspg;gLj;jpaJ. mNjNtis> tlf;Ff; fpof;Ff;F ntspapYk; MAjg; gilapdUlDk; eilngw;w fye;Jiuahly; nray;Kiwapd;NghJ ,g;nghwpKiwfspy; ru;tNjrg; gq;Fgw;wYf;Fj; jPtpukhd vjpu;g;G ntspg;gl;lJ. ,Ug;gpDk;> rpy Fwpg;gpl;l gFjpfspy; Njrpa ,aystpy; fhzg;gLk; kl;Lg;ghLfs; fhuzkhf ru;tNjr epGzj;Jtk; ngwg;glNtz;Lk; vd;gijg; gyu; Vw;Wf;nfhz;ldu;. 2015 xf;Nlhgupy; eilngw;w Ieh kdpj cupikfs; Nguitapy; epiwNtw;wg;gl;l $l;Lj; jPkhdj;jpy; nghwpKiwfspy; ru;tNjrg; gq;Fgw;wiy ,yq;if murhq;fk; Vw;Wf;nfhz;bUg;gij fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpAk; ftdj;jpy; nfhz;Ls;sJ. MfNt 2015 xf;Nlhgupy; eilngw;w Ieh kdpj cupikfs; Nguitapy; epiwNtw;wg;gl;l $l;Lj; jPu;khdj;jpy; nrhy;yg;gl;ltifapy; MNyhrid> epGzj;Jtk;toq;fy;Kjy; ePjpgjpfs;> tprhuizahsu;fs; cl;gl nghwpKiwfspy; nraw;gLk; cWg;gpdu;fshf ,Ug;gJtiu ehd;F nghwpKiwfspYk; ru;tNjr kw;Wk; Njrpa Mszpapdupd; gq;Fgw;wiy fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

2.11 nghwpKiwfspd; Njrpa gpujpepjpj;Jtk; ,yq;ifapd; gpujhd ,df;FOkq;fspy; ,Ue;J njupTnra;ag;gl;l jFjpAk; mDgtKk; Neu;ikAk; RahjPdKk; cilatu;fisf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. Njrpa gpujpepjpfs; tfpf;Fk; gjtpfSf;Fupa njspthd mstPLfs; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. Njrpa gpujpepjpfspd; njupTk; ,dj;Jtk;> nkhop> ghy;epiy> mDgtk;> jpwd;fs; vd;gtw;iwg; nghWj;jtiu xU gd;Kfj; jd;ikia cs;slf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;F Nkyjpfkhf mtu;fsplk; vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLk; fhy msT njspthff; Fwpg;gplg;gl Ntz;Lk;. NkYk; Njitahapd; Njrpag; gpujpepjpfSf;Fg; gapw;rpAk; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.12 ru;tNjrg; gpujpepjpfs; tfpf;Fk; gjtpfisg; nghWj;jtiu njspthd mstPLfSk; epahag;ghLfSk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mtu;fspd; njupitg; nghWj;jtiu – Fwpg;ghf mtu;fspd; RahjPdk;> Neu;ik> gapw;rp> mDgtk; vd;gd cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mtu;fsplk; vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLk; fhy msTk; njspthff; Fwpg;gplg;gl Ntz;Lk;. nkhopj; jpwd;> cs;ehl;Lr; #oy; gw;wpa gupr;rak; njhlu;ghd rthy;fs; vd;gd fUj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ru;tNjrg; gpujpepjpfs; epakpf;fg;gLk; Kd;du; ,r; rthy;fisf; ifahs;tjw;fhd nray;Kiwfs; Kd;itf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,r;nraw;ghLfspd; ntspg;gilj; jd;ik cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

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2.13 epiykhWfhy ePjpg; nghwpKiwfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjrg; gq;Fgw;wy; epfOk; gpw re;ju;g;gq;fisg; NghyNt> Kw;WKOjhd Njrpag; nghwpKiwfspYk; Njrpa ,aYikfspYk; jpwd;fspYk; ek;gpf;ifAk; gw;WWjpAk; fl;b vOg;gg;gl;lJk; ru;tNjrg; gpujpepjpfspd; gq;Fgw;wy; epWj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk;.

2.14 ePjpg; nghwpKiwapd; tprhuizahsu;fs;> fhzhky; NghNdhu; njhlu;ghd mYtyfk;> cz;ik> ePjp> ey;ypzf;fk; kw;Wk; kPs;epfohik Mizf;FO cl;gl ehd;F nghwpKiwfspd; Mszpapdu; njhlu;ghd ftdkhd xU guprPyidr; nraw;ghL cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. kdpj cupik kPwy;fSld; njhlu;Gila mYtyu;fs; ,jpy; gzpahw;wj; jFjpaw;wtu;fs;. ,j;jifatu;fis mfw;Wk; xU J}a;ikahf;f Kiwik gpuNahfpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.15 nghwpKiwfs;%yk; gad;ngw tUk; nghJkf;fs;kPJ nghwpKiw mYtyu;fshy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; ghypay; Ruz;ly;> yQ;rk;> ek;gpf;if Nkhrb> mr;RWj;jy; Nghd;wtw;iwj; jLg;gjw;Fupa eltbf;iffs; Muk;gj;jpNyNa Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,Wf;fkhd ed;dlj;ij tpjpfs;> Nkw;ghu;it eltbf;iffs;> KiwaPl;Lg; nghwpKiwfs;> xOf;fhw;W eltbf;iffs; vd;gtw;iw ,J cs;slf;f Ntz;Lk;.

2.16 nghwpKiwfs; mtw;wpd; nraw;ghl;bd; vy;yh epiyfspYk; rkepiyahd ghy;epiyg; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ijf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld; mtw;iwg; gad;gLj;JNthupd; ghy;epiyj; Njitfisf; fUj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mit (ghY}l;Ltjw;Fk; Foe;ijg; guhkupg;Gf;Fkhd ,ltrjp cl;gl) Foe;ijfSf;fhd trjpfiAk; ghJfhg;ghd Rfhjhu trjpfisAk; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;.

2.17 NjitNaw;gbd;> nghwpKiwfis ehbtUNtupd; gaz> jq;Fkplr; nryTfis kPs toq;FtJ gw;wpf; fUj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.18 nghwpKiwfspd; mYtyu;fs;

m) rpWghd;ikapdu;> goq;Fbapdu;> tpopk;Gepiyg; gLj;jg;gl;ltu;fs;> xLf;fg;gl;l

rhjpapdu;> jk;ghYwtpdh;,,UghYwtpdh;,ghy;khwpfs; (LGBTIQ) r%fj;jpdu; cl;gl

nghwpKiwfis ehbtUk; vy;yhr; r%fj;jpduJk; jdpkdpju;fsJk; Njitfs; njhlu;ghd Gupe;Jzu;T nfhz;bUf;fNtz;Lk;. Fwpg;ghf mj;jifatu;fSld; njhlu;Gnfhs;Sk; NghJ kdj;jilNah ghuhgl;rNkh mtu;fisj; J}ug;gLj;jhjpUg;gij cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

M) khw;Wj; jpwdhspfspd; tprl Njitfs; gw;wp fUj;jpy;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. vy;NyhUk; ,yFthf te;Jnry;yf;$ba tifapy; nghwpKiwfs; tbtikf;fg;gl;L> mjw;Nfw;w ,lq;fspy; nraw;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.19 ghypay; td;Kiw> mJNghd;w ghy;epiyg;gl;l Fw;wq;fSf;fhd jPu;Tnjhlu;ghd ePjptoq;fYk; jpl;l tiuGk; ftdkhff; ifahsg;gl Ntz;bait. ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; jhkhf Kd;tuj; J}z;Lk; tifapy; ,ufrpak; NgZk;> me;juq;fkhd> ghJfhg;ghd #oy; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. kPz;Lk; ghjpg;Gf;Fs;shf;fhj> kPz;Lk; kdtL Vw;gLj;jhj #oyhf mJ mikaNtz;Lk;.

2.20 nghwpKiwfSf;fpilNa Nritfis xUq;fpizg;gjw;Fk;> tbtikg;gjw;Fk;> MNyhrid toq;Ftjw;Fk;> Kd;nkhopag;gl;l csr%f myFfis xt;nthU nghwpKiwapDs;Sk; epWTtjw;Fk;> ehLKOtJk; csr%fr; Nritfis tp];jupg;gjw;Fk; tYg;gLj;Jtjw;Fk; xU RahjPd mikg;G cUthf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,t;tifapy; Njrpa xUikg;ghL kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;f mYtyfj;jpd; csr%fr; nrayzpAld; mJ neUf;fkhf ,ize;J nraw;gl KbAk;.

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2.21 r%f kl;lj;jpy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fSf;F> mtu;fs; epiykhWfhy ePjpg; nghwpKiwfSld; njhlu;Gnfhs;tjw;F Kd;Gk;> njhlu;Gnfhs;Sk; NghJk;> mjd; gpwFk; csr%fr; Nritfs; toq;fg;glNtz;Lk;. rptpy;r%f mikg;GfspdhYk; mur epWtdq;fshYk; toq;fg;gl;l ,g;NghJs;s Nritfspd; gug;ig tprhyg;gLj;Jtjd; %yKk; mtw;wpd; epiyNgw;Wj; jd;ikia cWjpg;gLj;Jtjd; %yKk; mtw;wpd; nrayhw;wiy tYg;gLj;jtjd; %yKk; ,J nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.22 murpdhy; Neubahf toq;fg;gLk; csr%fr; Nritfspy;> Fwpg;ghf> kdpj cupik kPwy;fspy; murKftu;fs; rk;ge;jg;gl;bUf;ff; $ba epiyikfspy;> eyd;rhu; <LghLfs; ,Ug;gjw;fhd rhj;jpag;ghL cz;L. MfNt> csr%f kw;Wk; NtW Nritfis toq;Ftij cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;ba flg;ghL muRf;F cupaJ vd;w NghjpYk; ,r;Nritfis toq;Ftjpy; rptpy; r%fr; nraw;ghl;lhsu;fs; (nghUj;jkhd tifapy; mur NritfSld; ,ize;J) <Lgl Ntz;ba NjitAk; ,Uf;fyhk;. csr%f kw;Wk; NtW Nritfis toq;FNthupd; RahjPdj;ijAk; rhu;gpd;ikiaAk; cWjpg;gLj;jtjw;F ,J mtrpakhFk;.

2.23 ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhu; ek;gpf;if epjpak; xd;W cUthf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhupd; gy;NtW Njitfisf; ifahs;tjw;Fj; Ntz;ba NghJkhd epjpia ,jd;%yk; cWjpg;gLj;jyhk;. ru;tNjrf; nfhilahspfspd; gq;fspg;gf;F Nkyhf jdpahu; Jiw kw;Wk; Gyk;ngau;Njhupd; gq;fspg;GfisAk; muR Cf;fg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

2.24 ,e;j epjpaj;jpd; ek;gpf;ifr; rigapdu; murpay; ahg;Gg; Nguitapd; gupe;Jiuapd;Ngupy; [dhjpgjpahy; epakpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,g;gupe;Jiu rptpy; r%fj;jpddhy; rku;g;gpf;fg;gl;l ngau;g; gl;baypypUe;J ngwg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2.25 nghJkf;fSlDk; nghwpKiwapd; Ntiyapdhy; Neubahfg; ghjpf;fg; gl;l

tu;fSlDk; jfty; gupkhw;wk; nra;tjw;fhf xt;nthU nghwpKiwAk; ntspj;njhlu;G kw;Wk; jfty; myF xd;iwf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. xt;nthU nghwpKiwAk; xU njspthd jfty; kw;Wk; jfty; gupkhw;wr; nray;KiwiaAk; jkJ nrhe;j ,izaj;ijAk; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ntspj;njhlu;G kw;Wk; jfty; myFfs; jkJ ,izaq;fspy; jfty;fis Vw;Wjw;Fk; jhk; rhu;e;j nghwpKiwfspd; gzpfs; njhlu;ghd tpdhf;fisAk; tprhuizfisAk; ifahs;tjw;Fk; nghWg;GiladthFk;.

2.26 ntspehl;by; thOk; ,yq;ifau;fs; nghwpKiwfSld; njhlu;Gnfhs;tij

cWjpg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd Kaw;rpfs; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,ijr; nra;tjw;Fj; jtWk; gl;rj;jpy; ey;ypzf;fr; nray;Kiwapd; gug;ig mJ kl;Lg;gLj;JtJ kl;Lkd;wp> mjd; Vw;Gilikiaf; Nfs;tpf;Fs;shf;Fjw;fhd mbg;giliaAk; mJ toq;Fk;.

,. Fwpg;ghd nghwpKiwfs;

3. fhzhkw; NghNdhUf;fhd mYtyfKk; (fhNghm) Ms; ,d;ikr; rhd;wpjOk; (M,rh)

3.1 fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiwapd;NghJ typAWj;jg;gl;lJNghy;> nghwpKiwapd; ngau; fhzhkw; Nghdik RatpUg;gpd;wp type;J jpzpf;fg;gl;lJ vd;gij ntspg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

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3.2 njhlf;fj;jpNyNa fhNghm ika epiyaq;fspy; gpuhe;jpa mYtyfq;fisj; jpwf;f Ntz;Lk;. gpd;du; khtl;lq;fspy; cs;s FLk;gq;fSf;F tha;g;gspg;gjw;fhf khtl;l mYtyfq;fisj; jpwf;f Ntz;Lk;.

3.3 Fwpg;ghf tprhuizr; nraw;ghl;ilg; nghWj;jtiu rhu;Geyd; FWf;fplhjtifapy; fhzhkw; NghNdhupd; FLk;gq;fisr; Nru;e;j nghUj;jkhd jpwDilatu;fs; ,e;j mYtyfj;J mYtyu;fshf epakpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. fz;fhzpg;Gg; nghwpKiwr; nraw;ghLfs;> kdpjg; GijFopfisj; Njhz;LtJNghd;w Fwpg;ghd eltbf;iffs;> mYtyfj;jpy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; gbtq;fisg; guprPyidnra;jy; Nghd;w eltbf;iffspy; ,tu;fs; <LgLj;jg;glyhk;. fhNghm epakpf;fg;glTld; fye;jhNyhridr; rigapd; ,ilf;fhy mwpf;ifapYk; Vida mwpf;iffspYk; fhzhkw;Nghjy; gw;wp epWtdq;fSk; FLk;gq;fSk; njuptpj;Js;s gupe;Jiufis mJ guprPyid nra;a Ntz;Lk;.

3.4 tpNrlkhf kUj;Jtr; rl;lj;Jiw njhlu;ghd ntspehl;L ty;Ydu;fs; cl;gl ru;tNjrj; njhopy;El;g epGzj;Jtk; fhnghmtpy; <LgLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

3.5 tprhuiz mjpfhupfSld; jfty; gupkhw;wk; njhlu;ghd jdJ jPu;khdq;fisr; nraw;gLj;Jtjpy; mJ gpd;gw;wg;gNghFk; nray;Kiw tpjpfisAk; mstPLfisAk; fhnghm gfpuq;fg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. jd;trKs;s jfty;fspd; ,ufrpaj;jd;ik gw;wpa mstPLfisAk; ,J cs;slf;Fk;. ,Jnjhlu;ghf tug;NghFk; jfty; ngWk; cupik Kiwikapd;fPo; jdJ flg;ghLfis mJ njspthf vLj;Jf;$w Ntz;Lk;.

3.6 GijFopfisj; Njhz;LjYk;> gpNujq;fisj; Njhz;b vLj;jYk; vYk;Gf;$Lfis ,dq;fhZtij kl;Lkd;wp> tprhuizfspd; rhj;jpag;ghLfisAk; kdq;nfhz;Nl nraw;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. MfNt> vYk;Gf;$l;L vr;rq;fspd; ek;gfj; jd;ikiaAk; NtW rhd;WfisAk; cWjpg;gLj;Jk; mf;fiwAld; mit nraw;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. GijFopfisj; Njhz;Lk;> gpNujq;fisj; Njhz;bvLf;Fk; eltbf;iffs; FLk;gq;fspdJk; r%fq;fspdJk; cstpay; NjitfisAk; Ez;czu;TfisAk; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

3.7 tprhuizfspy; ePjpg;nghwpKiw> tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfk; kw;Wk; fhNghm vd;gtw;wpd; gq;Fk; gzpAk; njspTgLj;jg;gl;L gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. fhzhkw;NghNdhu; gw;wpa tprhuizfisg; nghWj;jtiu tpNrl ePjpkd;wk; tof;FiuQu; vd;gtw;wpd; gug;ngy;iyAk; mtw;wpd; flg;ghLfSk; nghJkf;fspd; ftdj;Jf;Ff; nfhz;Ltug;gl Ntz;Lk;. fhzhkw;NghNdhupd; ngUe;njhif> tof;Ffis Kd;ndLj;Jr; nry;tjpy; fhzg;gLk; jhkjk; kw;Wk; NtW jilfs; vd;gtw;iw kdq;nfhz;L fhzhkw;NghNdhu; njhlu;ghd tprhuizfisj; Jupjg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; fhzhkw;NghNdhupd; tof;Ffis tprhupg;gjw;Fupa ePjpkd;wj;jpd; tpNrl gpupT xd;iw epWTtJ cl;gl mtrpakhd epjpj;Jiwr; rPu;jpUj;jq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

3.8 Njrpa mikg;Gfs; kw;Wk; fle;jfhy Mizf;FOf;fs; Mfpaw;wplk; cs;s fhzhkw;NghNdhu; njhlu;ghd jfty;fs; midj;Jk; fhNghmTf;Ff; fpilf;fr; nra;a Ntz;Lk;.

3.9 fhNghm jq;fshy; mwptpf;fg;gLk; fhzhkw;NghNdhu; njhlu;ghd tof;F my;yJ tof;Ffs; njhlu;ghd Kd;Ndw;wj;ijr; rk;ge;jg;gl;l FLk;gq;fSf;F mg;gNghijf;fg;NghJ njupag;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

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3.10 fhNghmit mZFk; FLk;gq;fs; rhl;rpfs; kw;Wk; ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlu; ghJfhg;G mikg;gpid mZFtjw;Fupa tha;g;Gk; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

3.11 Mspd;ikr; rhd;wpjo; vd;Dk; fiyr;nrhy;ypy; ,lk;ngWk;> Fwpg;ghf ‘,d;ik’  

(absence) vd;w nrhy; rpq;fsk;> jkpo; Mfpa nkhopfspy; ,wg;G vd;w

nghUs;juhjtifapYk; fhzhkw;Nghdikapd; jd;ikiaf; Fwpf;Fk; tifapYk; nghUj;jkhfg; gad;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. kuzg;gjpT (jw;fhypf tpjpfs;) rl;lj;jpy; xU jpUj;jk; mtrpakhFk;.

3.12 fhzhkw; Nghd xUtu; capUld; ,Uf;fpwhuh ,y;iyah vd;gij cWjpg;gLj;j muRf;Fk; fhNghmTf;Fk; Njitg;gLk; fhy msitf; fUj;jpy;nfhz;lhy; Mspd;ikr; rhd;wpjOf;fhd jw;Nghija nry;YgbahFk; 2 tUlf; fhy vy;iy NghJkhdjy;y. ,uz;L tUlq;fSf;F xUKiw Mspd;ikr; rhd;wpjiog; GJg;gpf;f Ntz;ba FLk;gq;fspd; epu;g;ge;j epiyiaj; jtpu;f;f Mspd;ikr; rhd;wpjopd; nry;YgbahFk; fhyj;ijg; 10 Mz;LfSf;F ePbf;Fk; tifapy; kuzg;gjpT (jw;fhypf tpjpfs;) rl;lk; jpUj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

4. ,og;gPLfSf;fhd mYtyfk;

4.1 ,og;gPLfis Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sjy; Vida epiykhWfhy ePjpg; nghwpKiwfs;

ClhfTk; toikahd ePjpKiwikf;F ClhfTk; cz;ikiaAk; ePjpiaAk; ngw;wf; nfhs;tjw;Fupa cupikia vt;tifapYk; jLf;fNth rl;lj;Jf;F Kuzhd jhf;fNth $lhJ.

4.2 ,og;gPLfs; gw;wpa nghWg;Gila eilKiwapy; ,Uf;Fk; epWtfq;fs; kw;Wk; jpl;lq;fs;> r%fey kw;Wk; mgptpUj;jpj; jpl;lq;fspypUe;J ed;ik ngWNthiuj; njupTnra;tjw;fhd eilKiwapYs;s mstPLfs; cl;gl fle;j fhy kw;Wk; jw;Nghija e~;l<L kw;Wk; ,og;gPL njhlu;ghd Kaw;rpfs; gw;wpa xU tiuglk; mtrpakhFk;.

4.3 ,og;gPLfisg; ngWtjw;fhd cupikia mq;fPfupf;fpd;w xU njspthd ,og;gPl;Lf; nfhs;ifAk;> mijr; nraw;gLj;Jtjw;fhd xU njspthd topfhl;ly; epakq;fSk; tiuag;gl;L gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. ,og;gPl;Lf;fhd cupik mgptpUj;jpf;fhd cupikapypUe;J NtWgl;ljhfTk; mjw;F NkyjpfkhdjhfTk; ghu;f;fg;glNtz;Lk;. ,f;nfhs;ifahdJ jdpegu;fSk; r%ff; FOf;fSk; ghjpf;fg;ggLtjw;F VJthd ngUkstpyhd Nkhjy; rhu;e;j kw;Wk; Kiwikg; gLj;jg;gl;l td;Kiwfspd; gy;NtW tbtq;fis vjpu;nfhs;sf; $bajhf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. jdpegu;fs;> FLk;gq;fs;> r%ff; FOf;fs; vd;gtw;Wf;fhd gzuPjpahd el;l<L> NtWtifahd nghUs;rhu;e;j cjtpfs;> csr%fg; Gdu;tho;T> $l;L ,og;gPLfs;> gz;ghl;L ,og;gPLfs; kw;Wk; FwpaPl;L eltbf;iffs; cl;gl gy;NtW ,og;gPl;L tbtq;fis ,J cUthf;f Ntz;Lk;.

4.4 ghjpf;fg;gl;l ntt;NtW FOf;fSf;fpilapyhd Nkhjy;fisAk; mJNghy;

nghJkf;fs; kj;jpapyhd Nkhjy;fisAk; NkYk; Nkhrkhf;fhjpUg;gij mJ cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

4.5 ,og;gPLfs; toq;Ftjw;fhd njspthdJk; ntspg;gilahdJkhd topfhl;ly; tpjpfs; Fwpg;ghf mjd; tbtKk; toq;fg;gLk; msTk; gpd;tUtdtw;iwf; fUj;jpy;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

,og;gPLfSf;fhd jFjp cwtpd; gd;Kfj;jd;ikia Vw;Fk; tifapy; ‘ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;’ kw;Wk; ‘ghjpf;fg;gl;ltupd; FLk;gk;’  vd;gtw;Wf;fhd xU gue;j tiutpyf;fzj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; mika Ntz;Lk;.

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,og;gPLfSf;fhd Ke;Jupik ghjpg;gpd; jd;ik kw;Wk; Njit vd;gtw;Wf;F Vw;g mika Ntz;Lk;.

,og;gpd; msT> kdtLtpd; Mok; vd;gtw;Wf;F Vw;w tpfpjhrhuj;jpy; ,og;gPL mika Ntz;Lk;.

,og;gPL Nfhug;gLtjw;Fupa ghjpg;gpd; tiff;F Kf;fpa ftdk; nrYj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

Nkhjy; njhlu;ghd ,og;GfSf;F Nkyjpfkhf mikg;GuPjpahd td;Kiw kw;Wk; / my;yJ xJf;fg;gLtjd; tpisthd ,og;Gk; kdtLTk; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

el;l<L cz;ikahd ,og;ig kl;Lkd;wp el;l<L NfhUgtupd; jw;Nghija epiyikiaAk; mj;Jld; NtW VJk; Fwpg;ghd ghjpg;gilaf;$ba jd;ikfisAk; fUj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

4.6 ,ilf;fhy ,og;gPLfs;> Fwpg;ghfg; nghUl;fs; toq;Ftijf; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;sNtz;Lk;. mjd;%yk; kf;fs; jkJ cldbj; Njitfis epiwTnra;Jnfhs;s KbAk;. ePz;l fhykhf ePjpf;fhff; fhj;jpUe;jtu;fisAk; mJNghy; Fwpg;gpl;l rpy ghjpf;fg;gl;l FOf;fisAk; nghWj;jtiu ,J mtrpakhFk;.

4.7 Nkhjy;fspd;NghJ jkJ FLk;g cWg;gpdu;fs; nfhy;yg;gl;l FLk;gq;fSf;F xNu juj;jpyhd nfhLg;gdT xd;W toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Fbkf;fspd; capupog;Gf;fhd nfhLg;gdT MAjg; gilapdUf;Fk; mur mYtyu;fSf;Fk; toq;fg;gLk; nfhLg;gdTf;F ,izahjhf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;.

4.8 gps;isfSf;fhd Gyikg;guprpy;fs; vd;w tbtj;jpYk;> nfhy;yg;gl;l my;yJ

fhzhkw; NghNdhupd; FLk;g cWg;gpdu;fSf;Fj; njhopy; tha;g;G vd;w tbtj;jpYk; xNu juj;jpyhd ,og;gPLfSk; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

4.9 MAj Nkhjy;fspd;NghJ jdpegu;fsplkpUe;J vLf;fg;gl;l> Fwpg;ghfj; jq;f eiffs;> gzk;> NtW mirAk; nrhj;Jf;fs; Kjypatw;iwf; fz;nlLj;J cupat;fsplk; kPs xg;gilf;f eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

4.10 jq;fs; md;Gf;F cupatu;fspd; kuzj;ijAk; fhzhkw; NghdikiaAk; epidT $uTk; mjw;fhf ,uq;fTk; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fSf;F cupa cupikia muR mq;fPfupj;J mjw;F kjpg;gspf;f Ntz;Lk;.

4.11 ,we;jtu;fSf;fhd epidTr; rpd;dq;fs; vOg;Gtjpy; muRf;F xU Kf;fpa gq;F ,Uf;Fk; mNjNtis> ,J muRf;F kl;Lk; cupaJ vd;W fUjg;glf; $lhJ. xU epidTr; rpd;dk; vOg;Gtjw;fhd murpd; ve;j xU eltbf;ifAk; Vw;fdNt ,Uf;Fk; epidTr; rpd;dq;fisNah my;yJ Neubahfg; ghjpf;fg;gl;l FLk;gq;fs;> r%ff;FOf;fs; vd;gtw;wpd; rlq;FfisNah mopg;gjhf mikaf; $lhJ. murpd; epidTr; rpd;dk; vOg;Gk; Kaw;rpfs; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fsJk; r%ff; FOf;fsJk; gq;Fgw;wYld; eilngWfpd;wJ vd;gijAk;> ,jd;%yk; epidTr; rpd;dq;fspy; xU $l;L cilik czu;T Vw;gLtijAk; muR cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. ,e;jf; fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiw epidTr; rpd;dk; gw;wpa fUj;jhf;fj;jpYk; fl;Lkhdj;jpYk; cs;shu;e;j gFjpahf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,J ,lj;Nju;T> rhu;gw;w cUtiuGf;fhd fiyQu;fs; Nju;T> ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhupd; czu;iTf;F kjpg;gspf;Fk;gbahd epidTr;rpd;dk;> epidTr; rpd;dq;fisf; fl;b vOg;gjYk; guhkupg;Gk;> mq;F elj;jg;gLk; nfhz;lhl;lq;fisj; jpl;lkpLjy; Nghd;wtw;iw cs;slf;f Ntz;Lk;. mur epidTr; rpd;dq;fspd; mikTgw;wpa fUj;Jf;fspd; gy;tifik> epidTg; G+q;fhf;fs; cl;gl> ,j;jifa fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiwapd; %yk; mika Ntz;Lk;.

4.12 MAj Nkjy;fspd;NghJ mope;j my;yJ fhzhkw;NghNdhu; Gijf;fg;gl;l my;yJ FwpaPl;Lg;ghq;fpy; epidT$ug;gLfpd;w ,lq;fspd; Gdpjj;jd;ik kjpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;Wk;> mj;jifatu;fspd; FLk;gj;jpdu; jq;fSf;Fg; nghUj;jkhdjhff;

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fUJk; rka> gz;ghl;Lr; rlq;Ffs; my;yJ nfhz;lhl;lq;fis Nkw;nfhs;sTk; jq;fs; ,uq;fiy ntspg;gLj;jTk; me;j epyj; Jz;Lfspd; cupikia me;jf; FLk;gq;fSf;F toq;f Ntz;Lk; vd;Wk;> ,e;j ,lq;fspy; gpd;du; vOg;gg;gl;l fl;blq;fSk; mikg;GfSk; mfw;wg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;Wk; fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

4.13 ,yq;ifapy; eilngw;w vy;yh MAkNjhjy;fspd; NghJk; nfhy;yg;gl;l my;yJ fhzhkw; NghNdhupd; epidT jpdk; xd;W gpufldg;gLj;jg;gl;L> mj;jpdj;jpy; eilngWk; epidT$u; eltbf;iffspy; ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhu; midtupd; czu;TfSk; murhy; kjpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

4.14 gy;NtW r%fq;fSk; mDgtpj;j ,og;GfSk; Jd;gq;fSk; kPz;Lk; epfohJ

vd;gij cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; murhq;fk; mjpfhu G+u;tkhf cWjpnkhopfs; toq;f Ntz;Lk;. cjhuzkhf ,J 1983 NguopTfs;> 2014 mOj;fik mopTfs; Nghd;wtw;iwAk; cs;slf;Fk;. Aj;jj;jpd; ,Wjpf;fl;lj;jpy; epfo;e;j Ngutyq;fs;> njd;dpyq;ifapy; ele;j MAjNkhjy;fspd;NghJ epfo;e;j ,og;Gfs;> tlkhfhz K];ypk;fs; ntspNaw;wg;gl;lik> kiyafr; r%fk;Nghd;W gy;NtW r%ff; FOf;fs; vjpu;Nehf;fpa mikg;GuPjpahd td;Kiwfs;> xJf;fy;fs; KjypaitAk; ,J njhlu;ghff; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

5. cz;ik> ePjp> ey;ypzf;fk; kw;Wk; kPs;epfohik Mizf;FO (cePekPep Mizf;FO)

5.1 cz;ikNjLk; nghwpKiwf;F toq;fg;gLk; Miz njhlu;ghf fye;jhNyhrid mku;Tfspd;NghJ njuptpf;fg;gl;l Kuz;ghlhd fUj;Jf;fs;> njsptpd;ik vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ghu;f;Fk;NghJ> nghwpKiwapd; Nehf;fk; mjd; gug;ngy;iy> mJ fUj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;ba td;Kiwfspd; tiffs;> mJ epiwNtw;w Ntz;ba mbg;gilahd gzpfs; vd;gd ftdkhf tiuaWf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. cePekPep Mizf;FO murhq;fk; thf;FWjpaspj;Js;s gue;j xU ey;ypzf;fr; nray;Kiwapd; xU gFjp vd;w tifapy; gpw nghwpKiwfSld; mjd; cwTgw;wpAk; njspthf tiuaWj;Jf; $wNtz;Lk;.

5.2 Fwpg;ghf> cePekPep Mizf;FO jdpj;jdp tplaq;fisah my;yJ $l;L

mDgtq;fisr; nrhy;Yk; tifkhjpup tplaq;fisah ifnaLf;fg;Ngfpd;wJ vd;gjpy; xU njspT ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.

5.3 ,yq;ifapy; Nkhjy;fs; eilngw;w fhyj;jpy; ghuhgl;r eilKiwfs; cl;gl vd;d eilngw;wJ vd;gij epWTtJk;> mJ epWtg;gl;lJk; cz;ikia mjpfhug+u;tkhf Vw;Wf;nfhs;tJNk cePekPep Mizf;FOtpd; Fiwe;jgl;r Nehf;fk; vd;gJ fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpapd; mgpg;gpuhakhFk;. MjpfhuG+u;tkhf Vw;Wf;nfhs;tnjd;gJ nghUj;jkhd ,lj;J rl;luPjpahd eltbf;iffisAk; cs;slf;f Ntz;Lk;.

5.4 ,r;#oypy; cz;ik vd;gJ flg;ghl;ilAk; cs;slf;Ffpd;wJ. Mdhy;> Fw;wtpay; flg;ghl;il epWTtJ> mjhtJ> ahu; Fw;wthsp vd;gijj; jPu;jhdpg;gJ xU ePjpg; nghwpKiwf;Nf my;yJ eilKiwapy; cs;s ePjp Kiwf;Nf kpfg; nghUj;jkhdJ. cePekPep Mizf;FO Fw;wtpay; flg;ghl;ilg; nghWg;Ngw;gjw;Fg; nghUj;jkhd nghwpKiw my;y vd;gNj fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpapd; mgpg;gpuhakhFk;. MfNt kd;dpg;G toq;Ftjw;fhd mjpfhuk; mjw;F toq;fg;gl;f; $lhJ.

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5.5 cePekPep Mizf;FO cz;ikiaf; fz;lwptjw;fhf tprhuizfs; elj;JtijAk;> Fw;w elj;ijfs; njhlu;ghd jfty;fis ePjptprhuiz mikg;Gld; gfpu;e;J nfhs;tijAk; gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

5.6 cePekPep Mizf;FO xU Fwpg;gpl;l fhy vy;iyiaf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;.

fhy vy;iy Kbtpy; mJ ghuhSkd;wj;Jf;Fj; jd; mwpf;ifiar; rku;g;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. Vffhyj;jpy; mJ nghJkf;fSf;Fk; ntspaplg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mjd; fhy vy;iy mJ tprhupf;f Ntz;ba tplaq;fspd; mstpd; mbg;gilapy; jPu;khdpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. cePekPep Mizf;FO jd; tUlhe;j mwpf;iffis njspthd nraw;gLj;jf;$ba gupe;JiufSld; ntspapl Ntz;Lk;. mitAk; ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; rku;g;gpf;fg;gLk; mNjNtis nghJkf;fSf;Fk; ntspaplg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

5.7 cePekPep Mizf;FO Fwpg;ghd njhdpg;nghUs;fs;> gpur;rpidfs; kw;Wk; / my;yJ

tprhuiznra;tjw;Fk; mwpf;if rku;g;gpg;gjw;Fkhd tplag;nghUs;fs; vd;gtw;iwf; fUj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mtw;wpd; Nju;tpy; cupa ftdk;nrYj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. fye;jhNyhridr; nray;Kiwapd; NghJ Aj;jj;jpd; filrpf;fl;lq;fs; gw;wpAk;> tlf;fpypUe;J K];ypk;fs; ntspNaw;wg;gl;lJ gw;wpAk; kiyafr; r%fk; gw;wpAk; tpNrl ftdk;nrYj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd mNefkhd Nfhupf;iffs; Kd;itf;fg; gl;ld.

5.8 Mizf;FOf;fspd; tuyhw;iwAk; Kd;ida mwpf;iffspd; mKy;gLj;jg;glhj

gupe;JiufisAk; fUj;jpy;nfhs;Sk;NghJ fhyj;jpd; Njitia xl;b vj;jifa eltbf;iffs; vLf;f ,aYk; vLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;gij mOj;jpf; fhl;Ltjw;fhf ,g;gupe;Jiufs; gw;wpa xU guprPyid Nkw;nfhs;tJ mtrpakhFk;.

5.9 ,e;j Mizf;FO xU nraw;ghlw;w Nfl;ghsuhf ,y;yhJ nraw;ghLrhu;e;j

mikg;ghf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;w nghJkf;fspd; Nfhupf;iff;F Vw;g cePekPep Mizf;FO cz;ikiaj; NjLtjw;Fk; mjd; mbg;gilapy; Fwpg;ghd> nraw;gLj;jf;$ba gupe;Jiufisr; nra;tjw;Fk; Vw;wtifapy; nraw;gL topKiwfis tFf;;f Ntz;Lk;.

5.10 tuyhw;W epfo;Tfis tpgupf;Fk; cePekPep Mizf;FOtpd; mwpf;iffs; rkfhy

tuyhw;wpYk;; ghlrhiyf; fiyj;jpl;lq;fspYk; nry;thf;Fr; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. tuyhw;WuPjpahd cWjpg;gLj;jy;> kdpj cupik kPwy;fSf;fhd nghWg;gpid cj;;> jpNahf g+u;tkhf Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sjy;> nghWg;Gf; $wy;> ,tw;wpd; gpd;tpisTfs; gw;wp jdpahfTk; $l;lhfTk; Gupe;Jnfhs;sjy; vd;gd ey;ypzf;fj;Jf;fhd mbg;gilfshFk;. KOr;r%fj;Jf;Fk; vjpuhd nkhj;j td;Kiwf;Fk; Fwpg;ghf> mtu;fspd; gz;ghl;L milahsj;Jf;F vjpuhd td;Kiwf;Fk; ,J nghUe;Jk;. aho;g;ghz E}yf vupg;G> 1983d; jkpou;fSf;F vjpuhd NguopT> aho;g;ghz

M];gj;jpup> tlkhfhzj;jpypUe;J K];ypk;fs; ntspNaw;wg;gllik,; fpof;fpy;

nghyprhh; nfhy;yg;gl;lik, aho;gghz M];gj;jphp; gLnfhiyfs; mwe;jyhit>

mDuhjGuk;> Gdpj gPw;wh; Njthyak;, rj;JUf;nfhz;lhd;> fhj;jhd;Fb>

gy[ypanfhly;y, gpe;JDnttg; gLnfhiyfs; rpwp jyjh khspifapy;

Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;l jhf;Fjy; Nghd;wit Kw;WKOjhd kdpj cupikj; jhf;Fjy;fSf;F cjhuzq;fshfg; ghlriy tuyhw;W E}y;fspy; ,lk;ngw Ntz;Lk;.

5.11 cz;ikia cWjpg;gLj;Jjy; Kf;fpakhdJ vd;w tifapy; cePekPep Mizf;FO xU tYthd tprhuiz myiff; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;baJ mj;jpahtrpakhFk;.

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,e;j myF rl;lk;> tuyhW> khdpltpay;> rl;l kUj;Jtk;> Fw;wtpay;> cstpay;> rKftpay; cl;gl nghUj;jkhd jpwd;fis cila Ma;thsu;fisf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;F Nkyhf cePekPep Mizf;FO cs;@u; epGzj;Jtj;ijg; gad;gLj;Jk; tifapy; gpuhe;jpa tprhuiz mYtyfq;fisAk; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,tu;fSk; Ma;Tfis Nkw;nfhs;tu;.

5.12 cePekPep Mizf;FOtpd; gfpuq;f mku;TfSf;F Kd;du; ehLgue;j ftd <u;g;ig Vw;gLj;Jk; cj;jpAk; ntspj;njhlu;G Ntiyj;jpl;lKk; tFf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Mizf;FOtpd; rfy mku;TfSk; mtw;wpy; nry;yg;gl;l tplaq;fSk; KOikahfg; gjpag;gl Ntz;Lk;. %d;W nkhopfspYk; r%f Clfq;fs; KLf;fptplg;gl Ntz;Lk;. cePekPep Mizf;FOTf;fhf Clf> nra;jpg;gupkhw;w myF xd;Wk; epWtg;gl Ntz;Lk;. rk;ge;jg;gl;ltu;fSlDk; gue;Jgl;l nghJkf;fSlDk; njhlu;Gnfhs;tjw;fhf Nghjpa msT epjpAk; mjw;F toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

5.13 Mizf;FOtpd; KbTfs; gutyhfg; gug;gg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,k;KbTfspd; vspjhff;

fpilf;ff;$ba vspikahd nkhopapy; mike;j tbtk; nghJkf;fSf;Fk; Mizf;FOtpd; Kd;du; Njhd;wpa ghjpf;fg;gl;l r%fj;jpdUf;Fk; fpilf;fr;nra;a Ntz;Lk;. cePekPep Mizf;FOtpd; mku;Tfs; eilngWk; NghJk;> mjd; ,ilf;fhy kw;Wk; ,Wjp mwpf;iffs; rku;g;gpf;fg;gl;l gpd;dUk; Clfq;fSk;> fiyQu;fSk;> Gyikahsu;fSk; ,e;j KbTfs; gw;wp mf;fiw nfhs;sTk; nghJkf;fSld; ,Jgw;wpa xU Mf;fG+u;tkhd nrhy;yhliy cUthf;fTk; Cf;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

5.14 gq;Fgw;Wk; rfyupdJk; ghJfhg;ig cWjpg;gLj;jTk; gq;Fgw;wYf;fhd

ghJfhg;ghd ,lq;fis cUthf;fTk; Nghjpa ftdk; vLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. 6. ePjpg; nghwpKiw (tpNrl ePjpkd;wk; kw;Wk; tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfk;)

6.1 ePjpgjpfs; Kjy; tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfk;> tprhuizahsu;> mYtyu;; tiu jPtpu ru;tNjrg; gq;Fgw;Wjypd; Njitiag; nghWj;jtiu 2.12> 2.13 Mfpa gupe;Jiufs;gpuNahfpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

6.2 Njrpa kw;Wk; ru;tNjr ePjpgjpfspd; epakdj;Jf;F Ml;fisj; njupT nra;tjw;fhd epakq;fs; njhopy;thz;ik kw;Wk; rptpy; r%f epWtdq;fspd; MNyhridAld; murpay; mikg;Gg; Nguitapdhy; tFf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ru;tNjrg; gpujpepjpfisg; nghWj;jtiu If;fpa ehLfs; kdpj cupikfs; cau;];jhdpfu; mYtyfj;jpd; MNyhridAk; ngwg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,uz;ilAk; nghWj;jtiu njupT epakq;fs; gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

6.3 Nghjpa msT vz;zpf;ifahd ePjpgjp;is epakpg;gjw;fhd toptif nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk;. mg;NghJjhd; ePjpgjpfSs; xUtNuh gyNuh tUifjuhtpbDk; fhyjhkjk; Vw;glhJ.

6.4 xt;nthU mku;tpYk; ngUk;ghd;ikahd Njrpa ePjpgjpfSk; Fiwe;jglrk; xU ru;tNjr ePjpgjpAk; ,Ug;gij ePjpkd;wk; cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

6.5 ePjpkd;wj;jpYk; tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfj;jpYk; ePjpgjpfisAk; tprhuizahsu;fisAk; nghWj;jtiu ghy;epiyg; gpujpepjpj;JtKk; vy;yh ,df;FOf;fspd; gpujpepjpj;JtKk; ,Ug;gij cWjpg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd rfy

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Kaw;rpfSk; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

6.6 ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfspd; tpNrl Njitfis> Fwpg;ghfg; ngz;fs;> Foe;ijfspd; Njitfisf;> ftdpf;Fk; tifapy; eilKiw tpjpKiwfs;> mYtyf Copau;fs; mtu;fspd; Nru;f;if vd;gtw;wpy; tpNrl ePjpkd;wk; epiwepiyapy; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.

6.7 Nghu;f;Fw;wk; gw;wpa ePjpkd;w tprhuizfisg; nghWj;jtiu mbg;gilahd ru;tNjr epakq;fs; ngq;f@u; %yf;nfhs;iffs;> ePjpj;Jiwg; nghWg;Gf; $wy;

njhlu;ghd rh;tNjr ePjpkd;W(ICJ) tof;FiuQu; topfhl;b cl;gl Kd;nkhopag;gl;l

fyg;G ePjpkd;wj;ij mikg;gjpy; ntspg;gilahd Fwpg;Gfspd; %yk; cs;slf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

6.8 Nghu;f;Fw;wq;fs; kw;Wk; khDlj;Jf;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fs; cl;gl ru;tNjrf; Fw;wq;fis tprhupg;gjw;Fk;> ghypay; td;Kiwf; Fw;q;fSf;Fk; rpWtu;fSf;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fSf;Fk; Fwpg;ghd ftdk; nrYj;Jtjw;Fk; tpNrl ePjpkd;wj;Jf;F Miz toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,ilf;fhy ePjp kw;Wk; jz;lidapypUe;J jg;gpj;jy; gw;wpf; ftdk; nrYj;Jjy; vd;wtifapy; epjpkd;wj;Jf;Fupa Mizia kdq;nfhz;L tpNrl ePjpkd;wj;jpd; rl;l mjpfhuj;Jf;Ff; fhytiuaiw ,y;iy vd fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ.

6.9 tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfk; fhyjhkjk; ,d;wp epWtg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mjd; mjpfhuq;fSk;> nraw;ghLfSk;> gpw nghwpKiwfSld; mjw;Fs;s cwTk; njspthf tiuaWf;fg;gl;Lg; gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

6.10 tprhuizf; nfhs;if tFf;ifapy; ,yq;ifapy; epfo;e;jjhff; $wg;gLk; ru;tNjrf; Fw;wq;fspd; gug;ngy;iy> ,f;Fw;wq;fshy; ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhupd; gd;Kfj;jd;ik> Fw;wk; Gupe;Njhupd; gy;NtW tiffs; vd;gtw;iwg; gpujpgypf;Fk; tifapy; tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfj;jpd; Nju;Tfs; tbtikf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. fUj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;ba (kdpj cupik) kPwy;fs; fpilf;Fk; rhd;Wfisg; nghWj;jtiu gpd;tUtdtw;iw cs;slf;f Ntz;Lk;> Mdhy; mjw;Fs; kl;Lg;gLjf;$lhJ. nfhj;jzpf; Fz;;Lfs;> NtW rl;lG+u;tkw;w MAjq;fs; kw;Wk; MAj jsghlq;fspd; gad;ghL> kUj;Jtkidfs; kPJk; ghJfhg;G tiyaq;fs;kPJk; Jg;ghf;fpr;#L> kdpju;fisf; Nflakhfg; gad;gLj;jy;> rpWtu;fisg; gilazpapy; Nru;j;jy;> ngUkstpy; ruzile;J gpd;du; fhzhkw; Nghjy;> gLnfhiyfs;> ngUkstpy; fhzhkw;Nghjy;> ty;YwTk; NtWtifahd ghypay; td;KiwfSk;> Ml;fisg; ngUkstpy; fl;lhakhf ntspNaw;Wjy;> Fz;LtPr;R> vwpfiz tPr;R> Jg;ghf;fpr; #L cl;gl nghJkf;fisg; ghuhgl;rkpd;wpf; nfhy;Yjy;> rz;ilapy; rpf;Fz;l nghJkf;fSf;F czT> kUe;J Mfpait fpilg;gijj; jpl;lkpl;Lj; jLj;jy;.

6.11 eilKiwg; gpur;rpidfs; / fhyk; Nghjhik / %ytsg; gw;whf;Fiw Nghd;w

fhuzq;fshy; kPwy;fs; njhlu;ghd jdpj;jdp tplaq;fs; vy;yhtw;iwAk; tprhupg;gjw;F ,ayhky;NghFk; re;ju;g;gj;jpy; Fiwe;jgl;rk; ru;tNjrf; Fw;wq;fSf;Fg; ngUk; nghWg;G Vw;fNtz;batu;fisahtJ nghWg;Ngw;fr; nra;tij tprhuizf; nfhs;if cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. ,jd;nghUl;L cj;jutpLjy;> Nky;kl;l kw;Wk; fl;lisg; nghWg;G kw;Wk; ,ize;j Fw;wtpay; topelj;jy; Nghd;w rl;lf; flg;ghl;L mk;rq;fis ,yq;ifr; rl;lj;Js; mwpKfg;gLj;j Ntz;bapUf;Fk;.

6.12 tpNrl tof;FiuQu; mYtyfk; jdf;nfd;W nrhe;j tprhuiz myiff; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. mjd; mYtyu;fs; ru;tNjrg; gpujpepjpfshf ,Uf;f

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Ntz;Lk;. ,j;jifatu;fs; RahjPdk;> Neu;ik> ePjpkd;wj;jhy; jz;bf;fg;gLk; vj;jifa Fw;wq;fspYk; rk;ge;jg;glhik vd;gtw;iw cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; guprPypf;fg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. rhj;jpakhd rhu;Geyd; jiyaPl;ilj; jtpu;f;Fk; tifapy; ,j;jifa tof;Ffis tprhupg;gjpy; Kd;du; rk;ge;jg;gl;bUf;Fk;

Fwpg;gpl;l myFfs; my;yJ gaq;futhj tprhuizj;Jiw (TID) Nghd;w

mYtyfq;fisr; Nru;e;j cWg;gpdu;fs; ,e;j tprhuiz myfpy; cWg;gpdu;fshf ,Ug;gijj; jtpu;f;f Ntz;Lk;.

6.13 Aj;jf; Fw;wq;fs;> khdplj;Jf;F vjpuhd Fw;wq;fs;> rpj;jputij> jpl;lkpl;Lf; fhzhkyhf;fy;> td;Gzu;r;rp Nghd;w jPtpu kdpj cupik kPwy;fs; vd;gtw;Wf;fhd kd;dpg;G rl;tpNuhjkhdJk; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg; gglhjitAkhFk;. ,tw;iwf; fUj;jpy; nfhs;sf;$lhJ.

6.14 tho;e;Jnfhz;bUf;Fk; ghjpf;fg;gl;Nlhu; xU tof;FiuQupd; cjtpAlNdh ,y;yhkNyh ePjpg;nghwpKiwapd; vy;yhf; fl;lq;fspYk; <LgLj;jg;gLk; ,aYik cilatu;fs;. tho;e;Jnfhz;bUf;Fk; ghjpf;fg;gl;NlhUf;Fk; nghwpKiwapd; myFfSf;Fk; jhf;fkhd Kiwapy; <Lgl;Lr; nrayhw;Wtijr; rhj;jpakhf;Fk; tifapy; vy;yhf; fl;lq;fspYk; NgHjpa jfty;fs; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mNjNtis> tpNrl epjpkd;wj;jpd; my;yJ tpNrl tof;FiuQupd; gzpapy; VNjh xU tifapy; jiyaPL nra;aNth my;yJ CW tpistpf;fNth $ba ve;jr; nraw;ghLk; epfohky; ghJfhf;f Ntz;Lk;.

6.15 tof;fhLdUf;F rl;l MNyhrid kw;Wk; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;Jf;fhd rl;l Vw;ghL ghJfhf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

7. NtW gupe;Jiufs;

7.1 kj kw;Wk; gz;ghl;Lg; gpur;rpidfspy; Mnyhrid toq;Ftjw;fhf kjq;fSf;F

,ilapyhd MNyhridg; Nguit xd;W 2016 gpg;utup khjk; [dhjpgjpahy; epWtg;gl;Ls;sjhf mwptpf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzpf;Ff; fpilj;j gupe;Jiufspd;gb ,g;Nguit xt;nthUgpujhd kjj;jpdJk; cl;gpupTfsJ gpujpepjpfs; cl;gl vy;yh kjq;fspdJk; gpujpepjpjpfis cs;slf;FtJ mtrpakhFk;. ,g;Nguit jpwk;glr; nraw;gLtjw;F ,J mtrpakhFk;. NkYk; ,g;Nguitapd; nra;ghLgw;wpa tpjpKiwfs; gfpuq;fg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. kj td;Kiwr; rk;gtq;fs; gw;wp Kd;$l;bNa vr;rupf;Fk;> mj;jifa rk;gtq;fisf; fz;fhzpf;Fk;> rkurg;gLj;Jk; gzpfs; ,g;Nguitahy; ifNaw;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,j;jifa rk;gtq;fspy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; rl;lk; xOq;F kw;Wk; ePjpj;Jiwapd; %yk; epthuzk; NjLtjw;fhd mtu;fsJ cupik ,jdhy; ghjpf;fg;glf; $lhJ.

7.2 uhZtj;jpdu;> nghyp]; kw;Wk; Cu;fhty; gilapdu; Mfpatu;fisg; nghWj;jtiu> el;l<L> Xa;T+jpak; kw;Wk; NtWtifahd cjtpfspd; msTk;> mtw;iwg; ngWtjw;F cupatu;fspd; njupTk; mj;njupTf;Fg; gad;gLj;jg;gl;l msTNfhy;fSk; gpur;rpidf;F cupaitahf Kd;dhs; uhZt tPuu;fshYk;> Aj;jj;jpd;NghJ nfhy;yg;gl;l my;yJ fhzhkw;Nghd uhZtj;jpdupd; FLk;gq;fshYk; njuptpf;fg;gl;ld. ,e;j NtWghLfs; guprPypf;fg;gl;L ,jw;fhd fhuzq;fs; mtu;fSf;Fj; njuptpf;fg;gLtNjhL mjw;Nfw;wgb FiwghLfs; rupf;fl;lg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

7.3 jkpoPo tpLjiyg; Gypfs;> jkpo; kf;fs; tpLjiyg; Gypfs;> <o kf;fs; [dehaff; fl;rp cl;gl Kd;ehs; jkpo;j; jPtputhj ,af;fq;fSld; njhlu;Gnfhz;bUe;j Kd;dhs; Nghuhspfspd; epyik guprPypf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,J mtu;fis kPz;Lk; r%fj;Jld; xUq;fpizf;Fk; jpl;lj;ij cUthf;Ftij Nehf;fkhff;

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nfhz;bYf;f Ntz;Lk;. xUq;fpizg;Gf;Fj; jilahf cs;s eilKiwapYs;s ghJfhg;G> nghUshjhu> clypay;> cstpay; kw;Wk; r%fr; rthy;fs; vd;gtw;Wf;F mJ jPu;Tfhz;gjha; mika Ntz;Lk;. murpd; ghJfhg;G mf;fiwfs; fhuzkhf Kd;dhs; Nghuhspfspd; tPLfSf;F uhZtj;jpdUk; csTg; gpuptpUk; njhlu;r;rpahfr; nry;YjYk; mtu;fs; uhZt Kfhk;fSf;F te;J xg;gkplNtz;Lk; vd;w Nfhupf;ifAk; mtu;fis kdKwpTf;Fk;> r%f tpyf;Ff;Fk;> NkYk; GwnkhJf;fYf;Fk; jPtpug;gLj;jYf;Fk; Mshf;f KbAk;. MfNt ,e;j mZFKiw kPs;guprPypf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Ngha; xg;gkpLjy; khtl;lr; nrayfj;Jf;F my;yJ Kd;dhs; Nghuhspfisf; fz;fhzpg;gjw;Fk; mtu;fsJ eyd;fisg; guhkupg;gjw;Fk; mjpfhuKila rptpy; mjpfhupf;Fg; ghuk;nfhLf;fg;glyhk;. csr%fg; Gdu;tho;T> jpwd;fis tsu;j;jy;> Rarhu;ig Nkk;gLj;Jjy; vd;gd %yk; ey;tho;T vd;w fUj;ij Nkk;gLj;Jtjw;fhd xU jpl;lk; cUthf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. xU guprPyidr; nray;Kiwf;Fg; gpd;du; jFjpahdtu;fSf;F mur Jiwapy; Ntiy toq;FtJ gw;wpf; fUj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

7.4 Kd;dhs; Nghuhspfs; vd milahsg;gLj;jg;gLk; ,g; ngupa FOtpDs; mlq;Fk; ,yFtpy; ghjpg;gilaf; $ba FOf;fs; tpNrl ftdj;Jf;F cupait. ,it Ks;dhs; Foe;ijg; Nghuhspfs;> ngz; Nghuhspfs; kw;Wk; CdKw;w Nghuhspfs;

vd;Nghiu cs;slf;Fk;. fy;tpia kPsj; njhlu;jy; kw;Wk; / my;yJ njhopw;

gapw;rp vd;gd ,tu;fSf;F mtrpakhFk;. mNjNtis> mNj r%fj;ijr; Nru;e;j gpw ,isQu;fSf;Fk; ,j;jifa trjpfs; fpilg;gJ cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Vida ,sk; ngz;fSf;F toq;fg;gLk; cjtpfs;Nghy; Kd;dhs; ngz; NghuhspfSf;Fk; toq;fg;gLtij cWjpnra;a Ntz;Lk;. CdKw;w Kd;dhs; Nghuhspfspd; epiyik Vida cly; CdKw;wtu;fspd; epiyikNahL ,ize;jjhfg; ghu;f;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mt;tifapy; kUj;Jtg; guhkupg;G> ,ayhik epiyia kPs;guprPypj;jy;> clw;rpfpr;ir> guhkupg;ghsu;fSf;fhd cjtp> CdKw;NwhUf;fhd fy;tp kw;Wk; khw;W tho;thjhuj; jpwd;fs;> mth;fsJ ghJfhg;G gw;wpa fz;fhzpg;G; vd;gd cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

7.5 epy cupikfs; jpl;lkpl;l mbg;gilapy; kWf;fg;gl;l r%fj;jpdUf;F muR gupfhuk;

toq;f Ntz;Lk;. mu fhzpg; gfpu;jspg;Gj; jpl;lj;Jf;F cl;glhj kiyafj; jkpou;fSk;> jho;j;jg;gl;l rhjpapdUk;> jq;fs; ghuk;gupa tdq;fspYk;; gpw ghJfhf;fg;gl;l gpuNjrq;fspYk; tuyhw;W upjpahd jq;fs; $l;L cupik kWf;fg;gl;l MjpthrpfSk; ,jpy; mlq;Ftu;.

7.6 rpWghd;ikr; r%fq;fisg; ghjpf;fpd;w ,g;gpur;rpidfisAk; NtW

gpur;rpidfisAk; ftdpg;gjw;fhf rk;ge;jg;gl;l rfyupd; MNyhridAld; rpWghd;ikapdu; cupikfs; Mizf;FO xd;iw Vw;gLj;JkhW fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. ,e;j Mizf;FO rptpy; r%fj;jplkpUe;J ngwg;gl;L murpay; ahg;Gg; Nguitapdhy; rpghu;R nra;ag;gLk; ngau;g;gl;baypypUe;J [dhjpgjpahy; epakpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd fye;jhNyhridr; nrayzp gupe;Jiuf;fpd;wJ. ,e;j Mizf;FO Njitahd rl;lj; jpUj;jq;fSf;fhd MNyhridfSld; ehl;by; rpWghd;ikapdupd; epiyik gw;wpg; ghuhSkd;wj;Jf;F Mz;lwpf;if rku;g;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

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ey;ypzf;fg; nghwpKiwfs; gw;wpa fye;jhNyhridf;fhd nrayzpapd; ,Wjp mwpf;ifahdJ 17 etk;gu; 2016 md;W Kw;Wg; ngw;wJ

rhe;jh mgpkhdrpq;fk; (P.C.) tprhfh ju;kjh]

fyhepjp. gu;]hdh `dPth K.W. IduQ;rd

Nguhrpau;. rpj;uNyfh nksdFU kNdhup Kj;njl;Ltfk (jiytu;)

kpuhf; u P̀k; fyhepjp fkPyh rkurpq;f

fyhepjp. ghf;fpaNrhjp rutzKj;J (nrayhsu;) Nguhrpupau;. jah NrhkRe;juk;

fhkpdp ntahq;nfhl

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nrayzpapd; Ratptuq;fs;

kNdhup Kj;njl;Ltfk (jiytu;)

kNdhup Kj;njl;Ltfk xU rpwe;j tof;fwpQUk; rl;lj;juzpAkhthu;. ,tu; nghJr;rl;l gapw;rpahsUk; midtUk; mwpe;j kdpj cupikfs; nraw;ghl;lhsUk; Mthu;. ,tu; njd; Nky; rg;ufKt Mfpa khfhzq;fspy; fhzhky; NghNdhu; gw;wpa [dhjpgjp Mizf;FOtpYk; (1994-97) kw;Wk; mfpy ,yq;if fhzhky; NghNdhu; gw;wpa Mizf;FOtpYk; (1998-2002) jiytuhf flikahw;wpAs;shu;. kdpj cupik kPwy;fis tprhuiz nra;Ak; Midf;FOtpYk; (2004-2007) jPtpu kdpj cupikr; rk;gtq;fs; njhlu;ghd Mizf;FOtpYk; (2005-2007) Mizahsuhf Nrit Gupe;Js;shu;.

fyhepjp. ghf;fpaNrhjp rutzKj;J (nrayhsu;)

ghf;fpaNrhjp rutzKj;J khw;W nfhs;iffSf;fhd epiyaj;jpd; mikg;ghsUk; epiwNtw;Wg; gzpg;ghsUkhthu;. ,tu; l;uhd;];ngud;rp ,d;lu;Ne]dy; epWtdj;jpd; ,yq;iff; fpisapd; mikg;ghsUk; 1997 Mz;L njhlf;fk; ,yq;ifapy rfy

Nju;jy;fisAk; mtjhdpf;Fk; (CMEV),d; ,iz jiytUkhthu;. ,tu; <rpd;nfhtu;

Gyikg;guprpy; ngw;Ws;sik Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ (2004).

rhe;jh mgpkhdrpq;fk;

rhe;jh mgpkhdrpq;fk; aho;g;ghzk; rl;lj;juzpfs; rq;;fj;jpd; jiytUk; tlf;F-fpof;F khfhzq;fspy; gzpahw;Wk; xNu Idhjpgjp rl;lj;juzpAkhthu;. ,tu; ngz;jiyik jhq;Fk; FLk;gq;fs; vjpu;nfhs;Sk; gpur;ridfs; njhlu;gpy; MuhAk;; Njrpa nraw;FOtpd; jiytUkhthu;.

tprhfh ju;kjh]

tprhfh ju;kjh] Nghupdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ngz;fs; rq;fk;, Parents of Servicemen Missing in Action Mfpatw;wpd; mikg;ghsUk; jiytUkhthu;. ,tuJ kfd; ,yq;if

,uhZtj;jpy; rpg;ghahf gzpahw;Wifapy; 1998 Mk; Mz;L fhzhky; NghAs;shu;. mtu; ,yq;ifapy; cs;ehl;L Aj;jk; epiwT ngWtjw;fhf ghLgl;ltu;. ,tu;

ngz;fis, Kuz;ghl;L vy;iyfisf;fle;J rkhjhdj;ij cUthf;f xd;W

jpul;baikf;fhf 2005 Mk; Mz;L Nehgy; gupR ngWtjw;F gupe;Jiuf;fg;gl;lhu;. ,tu; Ngr;Rthu;j;ijfs; kw;Wk; ,zf;fk; Vw;gLj;Jk; Mw;wy;fs; (mnkupf;f rkjhdj;jpw;fhd fy;tp epiyak; ) ngz;fs; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;G (`thu;l; gy;fiyf;fofk;)Mfpa gl;lq;fis ngw;Ws;shu;.

fyhepjp. gu;]hdh `dPth

gu;]hdh `dPth nfhOk;G gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; r%ftpay; rpNu];l tpupTiuahsu;. ,tu; nfhyk;gpah gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; fyhepjp gl;lg;gbg;ig Nkw;nfhz;lJld;

,yq;ifapy; ngz;fspd; gpur;ridfs;, Kuz;ghL, epiykhW;fhy ePjp, ,uhZtkakhf;fy; kw;Wk; rpWtu; cupikfs; njhlu;ghd tplaq;fis tpupthf ntspapl;ltu; Mthu;. ,tu; K];yPk;fSf;fhd nrayfj;jpd; gzpg;ghsu; rigapd; jiytUkhthu;. ,tu; fle;j gjpide;J Mz;Lfshf xU Ma;thsuhfTk; nraw;ghl;lhsuhfTk; ,yq;ifapy; rpWghd;ik r%fq;fspd; murpay; kw;Wk;

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epiykhWfhy ePjp njhlu;gpy; ehl;bd; K];yPk; rKfj;jpid ikakhff; nfhz;L

nraw;gl;L tUfpd;whu;.

K.W. IduQ;rd

IduQ;rd rl;lj;Jiiw tpupTiuahsu;. ,tu; njhopw;fw;iffSf;fhd ikaj;jpy;

(CFPS) rpNu];l tpupTiuahsuhfg; gzpahw;WtJld; [dehafj;jpw;fhd rl;lj;juzpfs;

mikg;gpd; jPtpu nraw;ghl;lhsu;fspy; xUtUkhthu;. uhta gj;jpupif

epWtdj;jpd;(Ravaya Publications Grantee Limited) ,af;Fduhd ,tu; mg;gj;jpupifapd;

MrpupaUkhthu;. Rights Now- Collective for Democracy vd;w mikg;gpd; ];jhgf

cWg;gpduhd ,tu; 2007-2008 fhyg;gFjpapy; mjd; epiwNTw;Wg;gzpg;ghsuhf nraw;gl;lhu;.

Nguhrpau;. rpj;uNyfh nksdFU

rpj;uNyfh nksdFU #upah ngz;fs; mgptpUj;jp epiyajJld; ,ize;J nraw;gLfpwhu;. 2007-2010 fhyg;gFjpf;Fupa Njrpa ngz;fs; FOtpd; mq;fj;jtuhf ,yq;if murhy; epakpf;fg;gl;ltu;. fle;j Kg;gJ tUl fhykhf aho;g;ghzg;gy;fiyf;fofk; fpof;Fg;gy;fiyf;fofk; Mfpa ,uz;bYk; fw;gpj;jtu;;. ghy;epiy jkpopyf;fpak; ehl;lhupay; Mfpait ,tupd; Ma;Tehl;lq;fs; MFk;.

,yq;ifapy; ngz;fs; rkj;Jtk;, ,lk;ngau;e;j ngz;fspd; cupikfs; njhlu;ghf

gzpahw;wpikf;fhf 2003 Mk; Mz;L If;fpa ehLfs; rigapd; mfjpfSf;fhd cau;];jhdpau; tpUJ toq;fp nfsutpf;ftpf;fg;gl;lhu;.

kpuhf; u P̀k;

kpuhf; u`Pk; kdpj cupikfs;;, ey;ypzf;fk;;;, epyk;;;, ,lg;ngau;T kw;Wk; rpWghd;ik r%fq;fspd; gpur;ridfs; Nghd;w tplaq;fspy; ePz;l fhy <LghL nfhz;l Ma;thsUk; nraw;ghl;lhsUkhthu;. ,tu; khw;Wf;nfhs;iffSf;fhd epiyaj;jpd; Kd;dhs; rpNu];l Muha;r;rpahsu;. jw;NghJ kPs;FbNaw;w mikr;rpYk;

K];yPk;fSf;fhd NguitapYk; MNyhrfuhfg; gzpahwWfpwhu;.. ,tu; London School of Economics and Political Sciences gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; ru;tNjr cwTfs; kw;Wk;

tuyhW vDk; fw;if newpapy; gl;lk; ngw;wJld; mnkupf;fhtpd; Notre Dame gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; rkhjhdf; fw;ifapy; KJfiyg;gl;lj;ijAk; g+u;j;jp nra;Js;shu;.

fyhepjp fkPyh rkurpq;f

fkPyh rkurpq;f xU kUj;Jt cstpayhsUk; nfhOk;G gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; r%ftpaw; gpuptpd; ,izg; NguhrpauhfTk; gzpahw;Wfpd;whu;. ,tu; nfhOk;G gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; gl;ljhup fw;iffs; gPlj;jpy; gy Gj;jhf;f r%f cstpay; jpl;lq;fis mwpKfg;gLj;jpAk; cghaq;fs;-Nkhjypd; gpd;duhd mjpu;r;rp. vDk;

jpl;lj;jpid tpupTgLj;jpAk; gy tpUJfisg; ngw;Ws;shu;. ,tu; NCPA tpd; mq;fj;jtuhfTk; flikahw;Wfpd;whu;. mj;NjhL Njrpa xUikg;ghL kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fj;jpw;fhd r%f cstpay; nrayzpapy; Nghupdhy; FLk;gq;fSf;F Vw;gl;l kd cisr;ry;fis Mw;Wg;gLj;Jk; nraw;ghLfis tbtikg;gjpy; NritAk; Gupfpwhu;.

Nguhrpupau;. jah NrhkRe;juk;

jah NrhkRe;juk; ahog;ghzg;gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; kUj;JtgPlj;jpy; kdeyj;Jiwapy; Nguhrpupauhfg; gzpahw;Wfpwhu;. mj;Jld; ,tu; ,uz;L jrhg;jq;fSf;F Nkyhf tl

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,yq;ifapy; kdey MNyhrfuhfj; njhz;lhw;wAk;p tUfpwhu;. ,tuJ Ma;Tfs; kw;Wk; gy ntspaPLfs; ,aw;if mdu;j;jk; kw;Wk; Nghu; Mfpatw;wpd; tpisTfshy; Vw;gLk; kd eyg;ghjpg;Gf;fisAk; mtw;Wf;fhd rpfpr;ir KiwfisAk; ikakhff;

nfhz;lit. ,tu; ICD 11 kPs;guprPyidr; nrad;Kiwapd; NGhJ kd mOj;jk;

njhlu;ghd (PSTD) njhlu;gpyhd cyf Rfhjhu mikg;gpd; (WHO) nraw;FOtpd;

,izj;jiytuhfr; nraw;gl;lhu;.

fhkpdp ntahq;nfhl

fhkpdp ntahq;nfhl “ GuNtrp gya” (gpuiIfs; rf;jp) vd;w mikg;gpd;

mikg;ghsUk; rpNu];l xOq;fikg;ghsUk; Mthu;. ,tu; mgptpUj;jp fw;iffs; Jiwapy; nfhOk;;G gy;fiyfofg;gl;lj;ij ngw;Ws;shu;. fle;j %d;W jrhg;jfhykhf

[dehafk; ey;yhl;rp Mfpait gw;wpa r%f murpay; Kd;dpiy tpku;rfUk;, vOj;jhsUk; Mthu;. ,tu; ,Ugj;jpNaO cd;dj Nkw;Fyf ,yf;fpaq;fisr; rpq;fsj;jpy; nkhopngau;j;J Kjd; Kjyhf rpq;fs thrfu;fSf;F gpd;-etPdj;Jt ,yf;fpa Nghf;Ffis mwpKfg;gLj;jpatu;.

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A. Establishment of the Task Force and Methodology of Consultations

1. The Consultation Task Force (CTF) of 11 members drawn from civil society was appointed by the Prime Minister in late January 2016, to seek the views and comments of the public on the proposed mechanisms for transitional justice and reconciliation, as per the October 2015 UN Human Rights Council resolution on Sri Lanka, co-sponsored by the Government of Sri Lanka. The consultations were not restricted to these mechanisms and encompassed discussion of other mechanisms and processes for reconciliation the public wished to propose.

2. The Final Report of the consultation is organised according to the proposed four mechanisms and overarching issues such as psychosocial support and State and societal reform pertaining to transitional justice and reconciliation, with each meriting a chapter of its own. The other chapters include an introduction laying out the context of the consultations and enduring factors that would impact reconciliation into the future as well as a chapter on the methodology of the consultations. The chapters on the mechanisms are based on the views expressed by the public in the consultation process and contain both observations of the public as well as explicit recommendations in respect of each mechanism—the Office on Missing Persons (OMP), Office of Reparations, a Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Non-Recurrence Commissions (TJRNRC) and a Judicial Mechanism comprising of a Special Court and Office of a Special Counsel. The concluding chapter is devoted to the recommendations of the CTF, which are informed by the views and opinions expressed by the general public and stakeholders at the consultations.

3. The CTF was supported by two advisory panels—one of Representatives and the other of Experts. The latter advised the CTF on the substantive content of transitional justice in the consultations, its particular application and relevance to Sri Lanka and the former on the selection of members of the Zonal Task Forces (ZTFs). However, there was significant overlap in their contributions. The ZTFs—one ZTF in each district of the Northern and Eastern Provinces and one each for the other seven provinces—were tasked with conducting the consultations through public meetings and focus group discussions (FGDs) on the premise that people would trust and feel more comfortable expressing their opinions to those from their community and area and in the language of their choice. The ZTF reports based on consultations are compiled as a separate report. They were sent to the CTF for collation and categorisation according to key issue areas and the four mechanisms proposed. The ZTFs were drawn from civil society, the professions, former public servants and in some instances, members of the clergy. In addition to ensuring ethnic and sectoral representation as well as language proficiency as per each zone, there was 50% female representation on the ZTFs. The innovation of ZTFs, their composition and approach,

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were greatly appreciated at the community level and constituted a key factor in ensuring the success of consultations island-wide.

4. At the request of the CTF, there was a representative of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) present at the consultations and HRC involvement to ensure follow-up action on incidents at the consultations, which undermined the enabling environment for reconciliation.

5. In addition to the ZTF consultations, the CTF had consultations at the national level with representatives of key sectors—the military, families of the disappeared, lay religious, professional and media organisations, women’s groups, individuals and organisations engaged in the creative arts. Submissions were also received through a dedicated website, by e-mail and by post in all three languages.

6. The CTF received a total of 7,306 submissions of which 4,872 were made at public meetings, 1386 were at focus group discussions (FGDs) and 1048 were sent in to the CTF as written submissions. The highest numbers of submissions were made at the consultations in Batticaloa, Ampara and the Southern Province respectively, averaging in excess of 500 in each zone. Consultations in the North Western and Western Provinces recorded the lowest number of submissions—below 250. The figures for Jaffna and the North Central Province are based on estimates as opposed to a written record in other zones.

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B. Overarching Issues: Observations and Recommendations

1. The CTF hoped and argued for advocacy and championship at the highest levels of Government of the rationale for transitional justice in Sri Lanka and the mechanisms proposed by the Government. This however did not materialise and the predominant focus of the consultations at the community level was on the narratives and experiences of people in their search for loved ones and in seeking redress for grievances, including through appearances and submissions before a number of Presidential Commissions of Inquiry and Investigation in the past. Nevertheless, awareness-raising by the ZTFs and media had some effect in focusing consultations on the four main mechanisms and in eliciting other suggestions related to transitional justice. Consequently, though submissions directly on the more technical aspects of design, process of appointment, powers and functions of the four mechanisms were limited, a high level of public interest, debate and participation at the hearings was generated and views on key issues ascertained. Marking a first step in ensuring participation and public ownership of the overall process, some individuals expressed amazement at being asked for their views. In light of the above, the CTF recommends continuing communication and outreach on transitional justice by the Government and at the highest levels with the public at large.

2. People throughout the country expressed considerable frustration, bitterness and anger at yet another initiative, despite the inconclusive nature and abysmal failure of past efforts to provide any relief or redress. This though was coupled with an expectation and yearning that this particular initiative of consultations on transitional justice mechanisms would be different. This duality in public attitudes was strongly expressed in the consultations and must inform policy-making in the design of mechanisms for transitional justice and reconciliation. The CTF recommends that, given the desire for the truth, accountability of those who gave orders and the strength of feeling against recurrence, there should be constitutional recognition and provision of the right to transitional justice defined in terms of truth, justice and accountability, reparations and guarantees of non-recurrence.

3. It should also be noted that there were submissions, including from the security forces and Police, warning that this process of reconciliation would be counter-productive, compromise national security, deepen wounds and open new ones as well as exacerbate inter-ethnic and religious division. All Security Forces personnel categorically rejected international involvement in the accountability mechanism in particular. However, in most submissions made by the Security Forces and Police, there was unequivocal support for the Government’s reconciliation initiatives and for a restorative as opposed to retributive approach, with a call by them for the involvement of religious leaders to enhance the former. They were of the view that reconciliation and reparations should be given priority to ensure non-recurrence, urged constitutional reform and requested greater information sharing by the government with their personnel at all levels, to dispel doubts and misinformation.

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4. The Army representatives also stated that although they had achieved the Government’s objective under its political direction and in difficult and challenging circumstances, they felt a lack of solidarity and support at present. They stated their support for a truth seeking process and if there is any evidence of criminal activity, for the prosecution of the guilty. Given that as far as they were concerned, no criminal activity had been undertaken, they saw no need for amnesty either. Whilst they insisted that civilians were not deliberately targeted and that a policy of zero-civilian casualties was followed, they conceded the possibility of civilian deaths on account of civilians being caught in the crossfire. They also denied that sexual violence was used as a weapon of war. The Air Force reiterated that no crimes were committed and no illegal weapons used.

5. In light of the deficit of trust and confidence in the Government’s commitment to transitional justice and reconciliation and the reservations expressed with regard to the process of transitional justice and reconciliation, the CTF strongly urges that in addition to 1 above, the vision of a plural, multi-ethnic and religious Sri Lanka in which diversity is recognised as a source of strength and as an asset and in which citizenship is founded on the mutual respect and dignity of all the peoples of Sri Lanka, be propagated and celebrated throughout the country by the highest levels of Government and by civil society. Unity in diversity, respect for and protection of the multiple identities of all Sri Lankans, is fundamental to meaningful reconciliation, peace and prosperity in the country.

6. Accordingly, effective, unequivocal action must be taken by Government to prevent the spread of ethnic division and religious intolerance and to hold to account those responsible under the due process of law, without fear or favour in respect of any community however defined. Some submissions from across the country called for the establishment of a secular State with equal respect accorded to all the religions practiced in the country. They posited this as integral to the sense of equal citizenship and as the starting point for reconciliation. The CTF recommends serious consideration of this in consultation with all stakeholders.

7. Security considerations were at the forefront of the consultations from the very outset. Given the surveillance, questioning and intimidating presence of security, intelligence and Police personnel at hearings of past commissions, the CTF spoke with the Ministry of Defence, service commanders and Police to ensure that an enabling environment would prevail for the duration of consultations and thereafter. Police and military liaison officers were identified and Presidential Directives on Arrest, Detention and Torture reiterated. Despite these measures, there were a number of incidents. CTF members had to personally intervene at some ZTF meetings to ask security/police personnel inhibiting participation at the consultations to leave. The persistence of impunity at the ground level, despite measures agreed upon with the highest levels of the security forces and Police to stop them, is confirmed by these incidents.

8. The persistence of impunity was identified in submissions as a key impediment to reconciliation and in turn, an end to it as a key confidence–building measure that should precede

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the establishment of mechanisms and thereby bridge the considerable deficit of trust and confidence that prevails in the willingness and ability of the Government to achieve meaningful reconciliation. The issue of credible Witness and Victim Protection is closely connected to the persistence of impunity, public safety and security and the CTF in its recommendations reinforces local and international calls for robust and independent protection.

9. A number of other confidence building measures that deal specifically with military and security issues were identified in the consultations. They are included in the CTF’s recommendations. These relate to the cessation of military involvement in civilian affairs, in the economy and civil administration in particular, expedited return of civilian lands acquired by the forces, demobilisation and demilitarisation. There are also unequivocal demands for the release of detainees and surrendees who have not been charged under the PTA or other laws, the repeal of the PTA, the publication of the list of detainees and of all places of detention.

10. A key confidence-building measure highlighted in consultations is the pivotal need for a political and constitutional settlement of the conflict. Submissions stressed that this was an essential prerequisite for reconciliation and a united country. The CTF has noted this accordingly in its recommendations.

11. The criminalisation and incorporation into Sri Lankan law of international crimes such as war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as the crime of disappearances in line with the definition of the crime under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, were also highlighted as key confidence-building measures. They are included in the CTF recommendations.

12. Yet another overarching consideration that comes out of the consultation process is the need for psychosocial considerations to be factored into the design and operations of transitional justice mechanisms, in particular, restorative psychosocial support and assistance to those affected, be they civilians or combatants across all ethnic divides. The CTF in its recommendations emphasises the primacy of the needs and concerns of those affected, the strengthening and sustenance of existing services in line with the requirements of transitional justice and reconciliation and in cooperation with the Psychosocial Task Force of the Office of National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR).

13. Whilst this report does not devote separate chapters to Youth and Gender, it treats them as overarching issues that have a significant bearing on all mechanisms and indeed, any reform and reconciliation programme. Throughout the consultations, participants emphasised the critical importance of balanced gender and youth representation on the mechanisms, in particular the appointment of women at all levels of operation, especially as decision makers, prosecutors and judges. They stressed easy access to the mechanisms and the incorporation of gender requirements into the functioning of the mechanisms including the provision of space, guarantees of confidentiality, sensitivity towards and respect of the needs of those subjected to sexual harassment

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and abuse, and that of mothers who will engage with the mechanisms. The CTF endorses these concerns and supports the long-standing demand for a National Commission on Women.

14. Land is another overarching issue, central to reconciliation, which came up in multiple submissions, including cases of occupation by the military and other state agencies such as the Forrest Department, and secondary occupation of lands and fishing waters by members of other ethnic communities. It merits specific policy action, including mechanism/s that can address complex inter-ethnic land disputes without delay. The CTF also recommends implementation of the existing constitutional provision for a National Land Commission.

15. The continuing need for highest-level governmental advocacy and championship of transitional justice highlighted in the consultations is prioritised in the CTF recommendations, as well as the coherence of the entire transitional justice and reconciliation policy. Therefore, the crucial requirement that the Government simultaneously spell out a road map for reconciliation along with the policy and operational frameworks for the mechanisms envisaged, their relationships to each other as well as to existing bodies tasked with reconciliation including Government ministries, is singled out for immediate, urgent attention.

16. The importance of ensuring the accessibility of the mechanisms in terms of their location, working languages and composition was also stressed in the consultations; likewise, the needs of the differently abled and marginalised. The public was insistent on the representation of those affected at all levels of all proposed mechanisms where feasible, and on the use of appropriate and non-distorting language for transitional justice mechanisms and instruments such as the Certificate of Absence (CoA). The CTF endorses these demands and in addition, recommends an overall monitoring body of the mechanisms with representation from affected families, human rights defenders, civil society activists and the international community appointed by the President from a list of nominations submitted by the Constitutional Council. The monitoring body should report to the President and its reports made public.

C. Recommendations on the Mechanisms

1. Whilst the consultations were ongoing the Government presented a bill to Parliament on an OMP, which was eventually passed after a considerable disruption in the chamber. Not surprisingly, there was criticism of the Government on this and doubts raised as to the seriousness of the Government’s regard for the CTF and its consultations. The CTF issued an Interim Report on the OMP, which is annexed to this Final Report.

2. A number of submissions however, were made on the issue of disappearances and the OMP, prior to and after the passage of the Bill. They formed the bulk of submissions in some public meetings, particularly in the North and East. This may be attributable to the salience of the issue over three decades, the sense of urgency among family members that something can and must be

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done to locate missing members of their families, the public discussion of the OMP Bill, types of disappearance and the organisation of families around the issue. The key demands were with regard to highlighting the enforced and involuntary nature of disappearance in the title of the office, limiting the discretion of the OMP over sharing of information with prosecutorial authorities, accessibility of the offices, language, representation, involvement of families of the disappeared in the OMP and protection of those affected. For some family members of the disappeared, discussions on justice and reparations were considered too premature or even dangerous. The urgent task, as they saw it, was to immediately ascertain whether disappeared persons from both the war and the Southern insurrection were still in detention, either in Sri Lanka or abroad.

3. Reparations were understood in a myriad of different ways but with strong acknowledgement and solidarity across ethnic and religious lines for the loss and suffering of communities. At the heart of all calls for reparations is a call for justice, a feeling that wrongs that have been committed against individuals or communities need to be corrected, through redress, repair and restitution. As such, the purpose of reparations was articulated in terms of the accountability of the State for wrongs it had done to citizens and/or the recognition and acknowledgement of their suffering. Further, there was a clear articulation of justice as a form of reparation, or in some instances as the only form of reparation requested. Particularly among those who had suffered killings and disappearances during the 1980s as a result of the war or Southern insurrection and who continue the struggle to cope with the multiple consequences of losing a family member, there was a sense that all that could be expected from the State was some form of compensation to alleviate their suffering. There were submissions from across the country that also posited the provision of justice as both a sufficient and desirable reparation.

4. Suffering was articulated not only in terms of war related violations and ethnicity, but also structural violence and marginalisation of certain communities based on class as well as the Malaiyaha Tamils and Indigenous Communities. Violation of peoples’ socio-economic rights including through land grabs and forcible relocations, was also a recurrent theme across the island. This included urban communities whose land had been taken for development projects and indigenous communities, who raised the issue of the erosion of the right to the commons.

5. Submissions also revealed both a reluctance and fear of reparations, on the grounds that development of the country as a whole had rendered them redundant and that reparations— primarily in the form of compensation—would thwart justice and accountability processes or be provided as an alternative to them. This fear was expressed largely in the North and East, particularly by families of the disappeared.

6. Very few submissions noted the need for a separate Office for Reparations. Requests for reparations though, could be categorised as either individual or collective and ranged from the material and financial to the symbolic. Guidelines to be followed in the provision of reparations

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were also identified in submissions. These included a clear and transparent policy on reparations, an approach to reparations centred on those directly affected and one that provided reparations in an equitable manner with the inclusion and active participation of those affected in the design of programmes.

7. Financial reparations were suggested for different types of losses and groups of victims and survivors as set out below:

a) Reparations for loss of a family member and/or a breadwinner, b) Reparations for material/non-material costs incurred looking for those disappeared/missing, c) Reparations for physical violence and injury, including sexual violence and disability, d) Reparations for displacement, both internal and external, including restoration of voting

rights, e) Reparations for loss of property and assets, f) Reparations for psychosocial impact and trauma, g) Reparations for loss of traditional/indigenous ways of life.

There were also calls for interim reparations to meet immediate needs—employment for vulnerable members of families of the killed or disappeared and for one–off reparation in kind, in the form of educational scholarships for their children.

8. There were a significant number of submissions that raised the need for symbolic reparations in the form of events and spaces for memorialisation, official acknowledgment and apologies.

9. A number of submissions lay significant emphasis on the need for memorialisation to be a process including citizens at all stages. These submissions also noted that monuments—the most popular form of memorialisation—needed to be sensitively designed respecting the multiple narratives of grief, be non-partisan, not be considered the only symbols of memory or risk the re-victimisation of certain groups. Alternative spaces such as libraries and museums where people could actively engage in reflection and learning were also proposed. Submissions also noted that spaces to remember did not necessarily entail monuments. One submission for instance noted that women in Mullivaikkal wanted living memorial spaces filled with trees, birds and water ways as healing and calm spaces.

10. There was considerable divergence in views between the Sinhala and Tamil communities on existing monuments in the North. While Sinhala submissions spoke of these monuments as symbols of pride, of victory achieved by soldiers and also as spaces for remembrance, Tamils felt these monuments were intended to remind them that they as a people had been defeated. They noted the grief they felt when passing by, particularly as the victory that these monuments celebrated was won at the cost of a number of innocent lives.

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11. In addition to the debate on existing monuments, there were a number of calls from across the country for new monuments, including for lives lost in particular through incidents such as massacres to those symbolising disappearances. One submission noted the need to reconstruct the monument for civilian lives lost during the Southern Insurrection that was destroyed in Diyawanna in the post-war period.

12. The right to grieve both publicly and privately was also raised. In the North and East in particular, the destruction of LTTE cemeteries, the grief it had caused and the need to preserve the sanctity of the dead was raised frequently. Many families, particularly of former LTTE cadres, felt they lacked the freedom to grieve even in private due to threats and intimidation. Observance of “Maaveerar Dinam” (Commemoration Day for fallen LTTE cadres), was raised in the North as a practice of grieving for family members that should be allowed to continue. Family members, particularly mothers of deceased LTTE cadre, also expressed the desire to be able to hang a photograph of their son in LTTE uniform, in the privacy of their homes. The CTF recommends the restoration of burial plots to family members and the removal of all buildings subsequently erected on them.

13. A number of days were suggested by different communities as days for commemorating lives lost or for wrongs committed against them.

14. In terms of linkages with other mechanisms, many did not see reparations as separate from the other processes. Many felt that reparations should be part of the other processes, particularly that of truth and justice. Specific linkages are apparent in the call for reparations in the form of documenting and archiving histories—both personal and collective.

15. The CTF received a significant number of submissions on the value of truth seeking/telling and on the objectives of the proposed Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Non-recurrence Commission (TJRNRC). Whilst a number of objectives were identified, a majority of submissions state that the TJRNRC must:

a) establish the truth, b) determine the root causes of conflict, c) hold perpetrators of violations to account, d) achieve equal rights, e) build multiple narratives of history, f) make recommendations for non-recurrence and enable victims to seek redress for violations

and abuses.

Given the failure of previous commissions and a history of inaction, submissions insist that the approach to truth seeking must be fundamentally different to past efforts. They emphasised that

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the TJRNRC, therefore, must build on existing work, implement the recommendations of previous commissions and follow through with concrete action.

16. Many submissions advocated an inclusive approach, recommending a broad time-frame allowing for greater inclusion of affected individuals, groups and communities. Submissions referred to the armed conflicts and periods of violence, namely that between the LTTE and the GOSL (1983-2009), the youth insurrection and political violence between the JVP and the GOSL (1971 and 1987-89), the anti-Tamil pogrom (1983), violence and discrimination against minority religions (primarily post-war), and other violence involving the State.

17. Many submissions wanted the mandate of the proposed Commission to be clearly defined and differentiated to that of previous Presidential Commissions of Inquiry. They saw the TJRNRC as having a comprehensive investigatory role in establishing the truth as well as one of referring cases of criminal acts to a prosecutorial body. At the same time there were submissions that saw amnesty as an incentive for coming forward with the truth and those, which favoured a compassionate approach to amnesty at lower levels of command responsibility in consultation with victims. Others were flatly opposed to amnesty under any circumstance. The CTF notes that there should not be amnesties for war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as gross human rights abuses including torture, enforced disappearances and rape.

18. Submissions recommended that the Commission recognise and address past violations such as discriminatory State policies with the power to rectify them. The TJRNRC’s link to other reconciliation mechanisms was also commonly recognised, particularly to the Judicial Mechanism and the Office on Reparations. One submission stated that the TJRNRC should not complement the Special Court, but should only focus on reconciliation and non-recurrence as opposed to truth and justice.

19. Particular emphasis was placed on the awareness raising, outreach and communications functions of the TJRNRC, pointing to the importance of involving media personnel and artists in the dissemination of information. Submissions called for the information received by the Commission and its final report to be made widely available to the public in all three languages. Submissions also recognised the importance of documenting and archiving the information, primarily for posterity as an inclusive historical narrative for non-recurrence, to promote reconciliation and for the practical purposes of assisting victims. The CTF endorses the above and also recommends that the findings of the TJRNRC are included in national educational curriculum reform and school text-books.

20. Submissions called for public hearings for select groups of the affected, with the option of giving testimonies in private being made available to others. Receiving complaints and imposing penalties was also seen as an important function, as was reporting. Those submissions that commented on the tenure of the Commission, stated that it must conclude its work within a short

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period of time, with some recommending a period of two years. The CTF recommends that the tenure of the Commission be determined by the volume of cases before it.

21. Some submissions comment on the structure of the TJRNRC and make suggestions about ensuring access to the mechanism. These submissions prefer a decentralised structure and stress that affected communities should be able to access the TJRNRC. It is also suggested that the mechanism should actively seek information from affected communities by visiting villages around the country. The operational independence of the TJRNRC and the allocation of sufficient funds to enable it to fulfill its mandate without constraints, is also emphasised in submissions.

21. The CTF recommends that the TJRNRC should at the end of its term present a report to Parliament, which in turn should be made public in all three languages. The TJRNC should also release annual reports on its work according to the same procedure. It should conduct an effective awareness raising and communication campaign involving a dedicated website and Outreach Unit, thereby ensuring engagement with the public and media prior to, during and after the public sittings.

22. The importance of justice was reiterated in submissions from all parts of the country and expressed in various ways including as accountability for past crimes committed in the context of the war and its aftermath, violation of group rights and acts of violence against ethnic and/or religious groups, crimes committed during the southern insurrection, ‘everyday violence’ and as recognition of the need to end impunity. It was also presented in terms of addressing the failures of the existing judicial system, of providing political and economic solutions for collective rights denied and violated, ensuring non-recurrence and laying the foundation for reconciliation. There were others, mainly from the Sinhala community, who feared that justice might undermine reconciliation and further polarise ethnic/religious communities. The overwhelming call for justice from across the island, must be viewed in terms of the failure of the judicial system to deliver redress, recognise violations, establish accountability and ensure the security of victims and witnesses from reprisals. Accordingly, a Judicial Mechanism with a Special Court and Counsel, which has also been reflected in reports of previous commissions of the State, is seen as a measure that will restore confidence in the judicial process; in particular, independently and impartially address past lapses and shortcomings and ensure accountability. There were submissions as well, reiterating the importance of justice, which insisted that it could be achieved through a more effective and reformed judicial system, rather than a special mechanism.

23. The need for independence, capacity, competence and transparency underpins the call for international judges, prosecutors, investigators and other staff of the Judicial Mechanism. Whilst an overwhelming majority of Tamils in the North and East call for international involvement, most of them also reiterated the importance of having Tamil speakers on the mechanism. This implicit yet effective endorsement of the hybrid model, is further strengthened by the argument advanced that trust and confidence in the mechanism would be generated if it fully reflects the

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multi-ethnic and religious character of Sri Lanka as well. The CTF also received submissions, largely from the Sinhala community, rejecting any international involvement in what they viewed as a purely domestic process. There were a few submissions that spoke to the more technical aspects, including the ratio of national to international judges, and the need for a gradual transition from a hybrid to a purely domestic mechanism.

24. The CTF recommends a hybrid Court with a majority of national judges as well as a sufficient number of international judges. This will ensure at least one international judge per bench and pre-empt delays due to the absence of one or more judges. It also recommends international participation in the Office of the Special Counsel of prosecutors and investigators, in addition to the provision of technical assistance. There should be clear guidelines and criteria spelt out and made public in respect of all aspects of international participation. International participation should be phased out once trust and confidence in domestic mechanisms are established and when the required expertise and capacity has been built up, nationally.

25. The material jurisdiction of the Judicial Mechanism is to prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity and violation of customary international law. Particular crimes such a torture, sexual violence, massacres, deliberate targeting of civilians including bombing of hospitals, denial of medicine and food supplies, use of banned weapons, the disappearance of persons who surrendered to armed actors, forcible expulsion of civilians, the use of civilians as human shields and the forcible recruitment of children were specifically mentioned in submissions as crimes to be investigated. The submissions on temporal jurisdiction, though not couched in technical terms, broadly suggest that the Judicial Mechanism should not be limited to crimes committed during the war or to specific periods within the war. Taking into account the range of submissions, the CTF recommends that there should be no temporal limitation on the jurisdiction of the Special Court.

26. Whilst individual submissions made specific suggestions on the Office of the Special Counsel including on the need for foreign personnel, its swift establishment and public outreach, the issue of prosecutorial policy in terms of the scope of prosecutions by the Office of the Special Counsel, selection and treatment of emblematic cases and the fate of remaining cases, was not sufficiently addressed. The CTF recommends that the Office of the Special Counsel should be set up without delay; its powers and functions and its relationship to other mechanisms clearly established and made public. In the event that the Special Court is unable for reasons of practicality/time/resources, to prosecute all individual cases of violations, the prosecutorial policy must ensure that at a minimum, those bearing the greatest responsibility for international crimes are held accountable.

27. Submissions identify a wide range of perpetrators including State or State supported actors, irrespective of their rank and/or current position and the LTTE. The importance of command responsibility is reiterated to ensure that those who ordered crimes and/or the most senior leaders who may not themselves have directly perpetrated crimes, are covered by the mechanism. On the prosecution of LTTE members, some submissions from the Tamil community take the position

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that surviving LTTE cadres have been through rehabilitation or have been prosecuted under the existing judicial system and should not be re-tried. According to these submissions, the focus instead could be directed towards leaders of the LTTE who were allied to the Government during or after the final phase of the war or LTTE leaders assumed to be living abroad. Similarly, there were submissions from the Sinhala community expressing concern over the targeting of war heroes. They maintained that some of the acts were committed in the exigencies of the war. There were also submissions from all communities calling for justice to be served and for those responsible to be held to account throughout the command structure, rank and file.

28. Submissions call for the incorporation of international humanitarian law and relevant rules of evidence and procedure into the domestic system. They point to the need to introduce modes of liability such as ordering, superior and command responsibility and joint criminal enterprise into Sri Lankan law. Some technical submissions also address the collection, handling and storing of evidence and the treatment of witness testimonies.

29. A few written submissions address the model and structure of the Court and propose a High Court, akin to the Commercial High Court established by an Act of Parliament. Submissions state that the Office of the Special Counsel should have a clear mandate, be independent and include units for investigation, victim and witness protection, counselling and victim support, public outreach and a special unit on disappearances. Submissions also recommend, a trial monitoring body and a defence and legal unit. Accessibility in terms of location and language were key issues raised by affected persons. There were recommendations that at a minimum, branches of the Court should be located in the provinces and that victims and witnesses be allowed to access the Court in the language of their choice.

30. Specific victim friendly rules of procedure and recommendations for the treatment of victims and witnesses are also highlighted in submissions dealing with special categories of victims and persons before Court, including victims of sexual violence, children and persons who are differently abled or disabled. Some of the more technical submissions received on the Judicial Mechanism, especially on the issue of sexual violence, highlight the failure of the judicial system and call for the exercise of suo-moto powers of Court to take up past complaints that have not been prosecuted to a conclusion. Submissions stress that procedures to address the specific needs of victims and witnesses, to avoid re-traumatisation and ensure access to justice, must be a priority for the judicial mechanism.

31. On the selection and appointment of judges, prosecutors and staff, submissions emphasise the importance of an independent and rigorous process whereby each candidate is vetted for their capacity, moral character and conflict of interest by an independent authority. There is no consensus on whether judges, particularly international judges, should be appointed through a purely domestic process or one with international participation. Several submissions from the North stressed the importance of appointing judges and staff who have the trust and confidence of

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the public/affected communities. The CTF recommends the setting out of criteria for the selection of judges and the Special Counsel by the Constitutional Council in consultation with the Human Rights Commission, professional bodies and civil society and in the case of international judges, with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as well. The criteria should be made public and the Constitutional Council should submit a list of names to the President for appointment in respect of the Special Court and the Office of the Special Counsel.

32. While submissions made at public meetings reiterate the importance of the involvement of affected communities in the Judicial Mechanism, some singled out the need for public hearings and public broadcasting of hearings. In this respect, they saw the Judicial Mechanism as a public tribunal where victims would also be involved in the dispensation of justice. Other submissions discussed the role of affected communities in the Judicial Mechanism mainly in terms of standing—of the right to access the Court—representation on the Court and the need to pay attention to security, psychosocial and gender concerns.

33. Measures must be put in place within the ordinary judicial system to ensure prosecution of human rights violations and cases, which are not taken up by the Special Court. This entails systemic reform and structural change at every level including the judiciary, Attorney General’s Department, Judicial Medical Officers, Police and a robust Victim and Witness Protection Unit. The call for reforms was made in some written submissions and at sectoral meetings. Whilst at public meetings, the number of challenges faced by those seeking redress and protection in a variety of contexts of armed conflict, religious violence and in ‘every-day’ law and order were highlighted. In this regard, a number of recommendations are highlighted in the CTF’s Final Report.

34. The CTF was open to suggestions for mechanisms other than the four proposed by the Government. In calling for separate mechanisms to address issues such as displacement, land, women and justice, and religious tensions, organisations and individuals were further highlighting the shortcomings of existing systems and the need for urgent action in respect of these issues.

35. The CTF recommends the establishment of a Minority Rights Commission to address issues of concern to minority communities. This Commission should be appointed by the President from a list of nominees submitted by the Constitutional Council and drawn from civil society. It should present an annual report to Parliament on the situation of minorities in the country, which could include suggestions for legislative reform.

36. A number of submissions were received on religious violence, with some stressing the need for justice and others suggesting measures that would be both preventive and responsive, including a separate mechanism. The CTF recommends that the Inter-Religious Advisory Group reportedly established by the President in February 2016, should be tasked with providing early warnings and mediation of potential religious tension and violence and the monitoring of incidents of religious

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violence, without prejudice to the rights of those affected in such incidents of seeking redress through the established procedures of law and order and justice.

37. Specific recommendations have been made with regard to demilitarisation and to the reintegration of ex-combatants into society. While current military personnel and disabled servicemen raised their concerns with the transitional justice process and made suggestions, including on the need for persons associated with the military to serve on these mechanisms, families of military personnel and of police officers killed or missing in action, pointed to disparities in pensions, compensation and the selection of beneficiaries. Ex-combatants associated with the LTTE made submissions on the four mechanisms and also raised concerns about their current situation, the failure of the rehabilitation programme and their reintegration into society. In addition to pointing to the impact of continuing surveillance by the military, intelligence and police in heightening insecurity and stigmatisation, they also pointed to limited economic opportunities. For some, their marginalisation within the community resulted not only because of their identification by the State as ex-combatants, but also on account of how they were perceived by the community. For all ex-combatants the issue of prestige and the lack of societal respect for what they had sacrificed, was a concern.

38. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of recommendations made in submissions focused on the State. A small number of submissions focused on societal changes required for transitional justice, with many of these being made in sectoral meetings with the media and artists. There were some submissions that called for introspection and self -criticism followed by corrective action, by specific sectors of society.

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In addition to the submissions made by those who participated in the consultation process, the CTF has the following observations and recommendations to make of its own. These observations and recommendations are informed by the consultation process and relate to the context in which reconciliation is being pursued and the proposed mechanisms to achieve it. The following CTF observations and recommendations are grouped accordingly:

A. General

1.1 The vision of a plural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic Sri Lanka in which diversity is recognised as a strength and asset to be celebrated and in which citizenship is firmly grounded in mutual respect, needs to be propagated and celebrated throughout the country by Government - especially at its highest levels - and by civil society. Unity in diversity, respect for and protection of the multiple identities of all Sri Lankans, is fundamental to meaningful reconciliation, peace and prosperity in the country.

1.2 To bridge the considerable and persistent deficit in trust and confidence regarding the State’s commitment to reconciliation, effective and unequivocal action must be taken by the Government to prevent the spread of ethnic division and religious intolerance and to hold to account under the due process of law those responsible, without fear or favour in respect of any community however defined.

1.3 The CTF strongly recommends that meaningful steps should be taken through consultation with all stakeholders, towards a secular State and with equal respect accorded to the multiple religions practiced in the country.

1.4 In recognition of the pivotal importance of transitional justice for meaningful peace and unity, the right of every citizen to the truth of past conflicts should be recognised in the constitution, as well as the violations of human rights that took place in them and what gave rise to them.

1.5 Everyone who has suffered harm or loss in such conflicts must have the right to an effective remedy, including

a. effective accountability, inclusive of criminal justice; and b. adequate, effective and prompt reparation and rehabilitation.

1.6 The State must take all reasonable measures to ensure that such conflicts and human rights violations never occur again, and in particular steps must be taken to reform institutions that caused or failed to prevent human rights violations. The culture of impunity must be comprehensively reversed.

1.7 Agreement on a political and a constitutional settlement of the ethnic conflict based on effective and meaningful powers haring and its full implementation is critical in this regard. This was identified in many submissions as an essential prerequisite for reconciliation and

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as one that would ensure the vital enabling environment for the establishment and functioning of mechanisms for reconciliation.

1.8 Shortcomings in bi-lingual language proficiency throughout the machinery of the State, was identified in most submissions across the country, as a major impediment to reconciliation. The CTF recommends that this be addressed as a priority.

1.9 A number of confidence–building measures ranging from the expedited return of land held by the military, to the release of a list of all detainees and detention centres, the repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and the immediate release of persons held under the PTA without charges, must be undertaken without delay to bridge the considerable deficit in trust and confidence.

1.10 The Government must ensure that the Police, security forces and intelligence agencies follow the Presidential Directives on Arrest and Detention reissued in June 2016.

1.11 The necessary legislative measures should be taken without delay to criminalise enforced disappearances in line with the definition of the crime under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

1.12 International crimes such as war crimes and crimes against humanity must be criminalised and incorporated into Sri Lankan law immediately through legislation, without temporal prescriptions and in a manner that allows for the prosecution of these crimes committed in the past, in line with Article 13(6) of the Constitution and Article 13(2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

1.13 The Government must draw up a roadmap laying out the establishment and functioning of the mechanisms for transitional justice and reconciliation. The roadmap should address the existence of a multiplicity of State bodies, including ministries, with overlapping mandates for reconciliation. It should streamline the number of Government entities involved as well as their mandates, clarify their powers and functions, relationships to each other as well as to the mechanisms to be established for transitional justice and reconciliation.

1.14 The President and Prime Minister, engaging all stakeholders in an island-wide outreach programme must champion the roadmap on transitional justice and take overall responsibility for it. Continuing dialogue and consultation between Government and all stakeholders beyond the CTF consultations, in the preparation of legislation on mechanisms and thereafter, also remains of fundamental and critical importance in bridging the prevailing deficit of trust and confidence with the general public and the armed forces. Public outreach with a clear media strategy is important for its success.

1.15 To ensure the overall coherence of the mechanisms and reconciliation process, especially the prevailing confusion over the relationships between the respective mechanisms, and in order to counter public cynicism as to whether all four mechanisms would be established, the policy and operational frameworks for all the mechanisms should be prioritised at the outset, swiftly made public and operational.

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1.16 The State must take the responsibility to ensure adequate funding of the mechanisms in a timely manner and as such, appropriate budgetary allocations must be made.

1.17 In order to avoid distortion, inappropriate and harmful terminology such as the Tamil term currently in use for the Certificates of Absence (CoA), due attention must be paid to the use of appropriate language in the naming and operation of the mechanisms and other measures for reconciliation and transitional justice. Experts in the field, who are knowledgeable in local language usage, should be consulted.

1.18 The State must ensure a more transparent and inclusive law making process, particularly with regard to public security and counter-terrorism legislation. It is imperative that Sri Lanka's legal and policy framework conforms to the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution and international human rights obligations.

i) Demilitarisation

1.19 Given the critical role of the military in the transition from war to peace, it is imperative that all ranks of the military be kept fully informed of the transitional justice process and the different mechanisms, with a specific focus on the accountability mechanism. There must be clear recognition and understanding of the role and responsibilities of the military in a post-conflict, functioning democracy by the State, the military and civilian authorities. The recognition of this role must be complemented by its operationalisation. Accordingly, the Government must take steps to ensure demilitarisation and security sector reform. In particular, the military should relinquish its roles in activities that should be undertaken by the civilian administration and Police, and from economic activities.

1.20 There needs to be a process of phased demobilisation of security forces accompanied by rehabilitation to reintegrate into society and civilian life. The overall rehabilitation should include psychosocial rehabilitation, re-education and necessary vocational training for personnel. Following which, those without any record of human rights violations or crimes can be employed with commensurate positions in civilian institutions or found employment overseas. There should be an attractive discharge/early retirement package offered to them which can include pensions, family packages, scholarships and admissions to schools for children, support and services, follow up medical and psychosocial support and treatment, accommodation, income generating loans and opportunities. Information regarding this process must be provided to the persons who will be affected by it.

1.21 With regards to private and public land currently held by the military that is claimed by civilians, there needs to be a comprehensive mapping process with public involvement and a detailed plan for release of land. An annual review should be conducted to re-evaluate the release process.

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ii) Police and Judicial Reform

1.22 A considerable number of submissions highlighted the delays and blockages in seeking redress through the judicial and law and order systems. As such there is a clear need to review and reform the structures and processes of justice and law and order. Transitional justice principles framed in terms of the right to truth, justice and accountability, the right to reparations and to guarantees of non-recurrence should be integrated into them.

1.23 Effective remedy and accountability through ordinary courts must involve systemic reform and structural change to address broad issues which impede access to justice and accountability including systemic delays, lack of independence and politicisation, conflict of interest, lack of capacity and competence and an overall lack of victim centeredness, at every level including the judiciary, the Attorney General’s Department, Judicial Medical Officers, investigators and victim and witness protection.

1.24 In the case of human rights violations that do not meet the threshold of the Special Court’s jurisdiction and/or cases that for reasons of prosecutorial policy are not prosecuted by the Special Court, measures must be in place to ensure prosecution within the ordinary justice system.

Key specific recommendations include the following:

a. Increase cadre in the Attorney General’s Department, the Police (including forensics) and Judicial Medical Officers (JMOs) to address existing gaps, delays and backlog of cases and complaints. Address the need for specific competencies including language and forensic skills and adequate representation of women and all ethnic groups. It may be necessary to look at temporary measures such as the hiring of lawyers as judicial officers to serve as unofficial magistrates, for a specified period of time.

b. Strengthen capacity and competence of the Judiciary and the above institutions. This entails allocating additional resources, including for dedicated forensic facilities, which are currently lacking in the State system, training, at a more general level, such as on transitional justice and at a more specific level, especially on the jurisprudence in respect of human rights, international crimes and sexual violence as well as providing local officers access and exposure to international technical expertise. Specifically designed courses for the personnel from the above institutions, including for judges and practising lawyers, on transitional justice - especially on human rights jurisprudence, international crimes and sexual violence - should be provided in all educational institutions of legal learning. Promotions should take into account the improved competence of personnel in the above institutions. This needs to be clearly set out and implemented.

c. Measures must also be taken to address current practice of Courts including the higher judiciary, which impede justice, including systemic delays in the hearing and management of cases.

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d. The State must take measures to address the pressing issue of conflict of interest particularly in the Attorney General’s Department and the Police. Bifurcation of the Attorney General’s Department and reverting to a Director of Public Prosecutions as a separate and independent entity is recommended to avoid conflict of interest in prosecuting crimes alleged against State officers. In the case of the Police, the CTF recommends a separate unit to investigate allegations against the Police given the current conflict of interest with the special investigations units. The officers of this unit should be independent of and insulated from the regular police force.

e. To increase public confidence, transparency and accountability, key actors involved in the investigative, prosecutorial and judicial processes must formulate and make public their policies and procedures on the treatment of cases involving human rights violations, international crimes, and sexual violence.

f. Recognising that the current justice system fails to take into account in practice, the rights and particular needs of affected persons, the CTF recommends developing a national policy on victim centeredness which will cover procedural and structural aspects at every step of the justice system, while ensuring universally recognised rights of the accused. This policy needs to be enforced through specific departmental circulars to ensure effective implementation. Current procedural bars to access to justice such as the failure to provide adequate information to affected persons including the current practice of denying such persons a copy of their own judicial medical report and the restrictive nature of the statute of limitations, must be addressed as a matter of priority. There should be full recognition and implementation of bilingualism throughout the justice system. Accordingly, there should be sufficient numbers of competent interpreters in the courts.

g. The CTF recommends that an effective public complaints and monitoring system of all structures involved in justice delivery must be put in place in order that inaction, delay and other conduct by the State that impedes access to justice is identified and addressed as a matter of priority.

h. The CTF notes the lack of transparent and effective disciplinary proceedings against State officers who fail to act according to their mandate or overstep the bounds of their authority in the course of their official work. This includes complaints of bias not limited to ethnicity, religion, gender, caste or class. Accountability of errant State officers must be transparent and be proportionate to the alleged violation. The CTF notes that the practice of transferring officers found guilty of torture/custodial violence without further steps to ensure non-recurrence, erodes public confidence in the system and perpetuates a culture of impunity.

i. With regard to the Police, the CTF recommends reviewing current efforts at community policing with a view to expanding such services, while ensuring that this does not reinforce existing problems in the community such as the policing of women and religious minorities.

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iii) Post-war Development, Displacement and Land

1.25 The destruction to both regional and local economies in the conflict affected areas of the North, East and bordering regions, must be factored into development programmes in order to ensure that regional disparities are not exacerbated. Emphasis should be placed on re-building and expanding community–level infrastructure and local economies. On-going problems, including debt, need to be examined to ensure regulation of the financial sector and relief for those affected.

1.26 The Government must commit to finding durable solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees. Specific measures need to be taken to recognise populations still living in displacement or unable to secure durable solutions, and to overcome obstacles, including those relating to land, documentation, infrastructure and assistance.

1.27 A number of conflict related land problems were highlighted and require urgent action. This includes allegations of ‘land grabs’ by State agencies and by civilians from other ethnic communities.

1.28 While ensuring it does not settle persons from other parts of the country prior to settling land issues in the North and East, the Government must undertake measures to address conflict-related land issues in the North, East and border areas, including destruction/damage, lack of documentation, secondary occupation by State agencies or other civilians, and restrictions on common resources such as fishing waters and irrigation schemes.

1.29 In order to ensure timely and effective State response, specific measures should be undertaken, such as mobile units to provide missing documents, and the establishment of district level mechanisms bringing together community leaders, district level officials and politicians to address complex inter and intra-ethnic land disputes as well as those between civilians and state agencies.

1.30 As per the Constitution, the National Land Commission should be appointed.

iv) Women

1.31 The CTF received submissions that called urgent attention to the grave human rights violations against women during the conflict as well as to the long ranging, systematic and structural misogyny that manifested itself through the use of rape as a form of punishment, persistent harassment of women – especially women perceived to be single - by persons in authority and women’s need to simultaneously bear the burdens of care provision and income generation in a threatening social context, not limited to the war affected and militarised areas of the North and East. Women are compelled to balance their care-giving role, together with the need to earn income in a context where many government personnel consider sexually predatory behaviour towards women who come to access

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services, to be the norm. The State must take due cognizance of this burden placed on women throughout the country, and especially on those affected by conflict. The CTF recommends that:

a. Women’s economic, social, political, legal and cultural rights irrespective of any constraints on the basis of custom, caste or any other consideration should be safeguarded and ensured in the Constitution, law, policy and practice.

b. Establishment of the National Commission on Women without delay.

c. Ensure women’s representation in key decision-making positions in all mechanisms as well as in everyday operational positions.

d. Take into account all measures required for affected women to access and engage with the proposed four mechanisms. See recommendations 2.15 and 2.16

e. Gender sensitivity training at all levels of society including in educational institutions and in training for the public services.

f. Recognition of the harassment of women as a punishable crime within the establishment code of the public service, and the institution of a complaints mechanism for such harassment.

g. Ensure that the private sector also takes the above into account

v) Children and Youth

1.32 The children and youth of the country are its future and the success of the transitional justice and reconciliation process depends on the inclusion of their needs and concerns at all levels of the reconciliation process. Youth should be encouraged to participate in and opportunities provided for them to take leadership roles in public affairs. Opportunities and facilities should be created for them in the arts, media, modern technology, sports and other social endeavours to express themselves and find meaning, particularly in mixed ethnic and gender settings.

1.33 Educational curricula and spaces must be designed to promote a more inclusive and pluralist society. Reviewing and redrafting the curricula of history and other subjects in order to ensure a greater inclusiveness, points of commonality and a sense of shared history is fundamental to reconciliation. Sri Lankan universities should conduct research and foster an intellectual space where students are encouraged to question certain stereotypes such as nationalism, majoritarianism, patriarchy and heteronormativity. They should be further encouraged to work against all forms of injustice and inequality. Values of respect and dignity for women and gender minorities, minorities (both national and regional), depressed classes, marginalised people, differently abled and mentally ill should be

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systematically introduced in the school curriculum and also through the media and social institutions.

1.34 Special attention and services should be provided for war- affected youth such as young refugees, internally displaced persons, former child soldiers and young single mothers. This includes a wide range of specific assistance- from catch-up education and vocational training to medical, psychosocial care, counselling on reproductive health, alcohol and drugs.

vi) Civil Society

1.35 Whilst the CTF recognises the primary duty of the State to address the challenges of transitional justice and reconciliation, the CTF emphasises the important and complementary role of society in general in this regard. In particular, the media, the business community, religious actors, professional organisations, and all civil society groups as well as political parties, should support such State initiatives as well as take initiatives of their own. CTF notes that a majority of submissions look to the State to take corrective action but only provide marginal reference to other actors. For an effective transitional justice process the involvement and participation of all these actors working at multiple levels, from the national to the local, is vital.

1.36 The indispensable role of civil society in a transitional justice process needs to be recognised. The legal framework enabling civil society organisations to fulfill this role needs to be strengthened, and the space for them to do so provided and protected. Their valuable contribution needs to be facilitated especially by district level State officials.

1.37 While the vast majority of suggestions focused on national level interventions requiring changes of law, policy or constitution, or the involvement of national level actors in local level problems, a number of submissions spoke to the need for local level participation and ownership in the design and implementation of mechanisms. It is imperative that civil society and policy makers invest energy at the district or community level to strengthen already existing forums or networks for this and in establishing new ones to address issues of coexistence and tensions, in parallel to national efforts at transitional justice.

1.38 Consultations should not be seen as a one-off activity, but should be continuous and integral to the transitional justice process. This will strengthen the design, functioning and effectiveness of the individual mechanisms.

vii) Archiving

1.39 Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the archiving and protection of data produced by the consultation process and the operations of the reconciliation mechanisms. The data produced is invaluable and therefore should be archived and protected without prejudice to public access. The relevant provisions of the Right to Information Act should be considered in this regard.

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1.40 The CTF recommends that the Government publish, widely disseminate and make easily accessible to the public, compilations of the submissions made to the CTF. This will further public understanding and awareness as a starting point for meaningful reconciliation.

B. Cross-cutting Recommendations on the Mechanisms

2.1 Legislation setting up the mechanisms should be introduced without delay. 2.2 Given the instances of surveillance reported to the CTF and witnessed by its members at

consultations, the intimidating presence of security personnel at consultations, the questioning of participants and fears expressed by them in the consultations with regard to repercussions, the CTF recommends that from the very outset of the establishment of the reconciliation mechanisms, urgent steps must be taken to put in place a protection system to guarantee the security of those who participated in the consultation process, as well as of those who will access the mechanisms once established. As such, clear instructions must be issued by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Law and Order to avoid incidents of harassment and intimidation.

2.3 Accordingly, it is necessary to establish a Special Victim and Witness Protection Unit that will include Police personnel and which will be overseen by a board that includes representation from the Human Rights Commission and the mechanisms once operational. The Unit must draw on local experiences, including those of civil society actors, and obtain international technical expertise in establishing the framework for the Unit, developing its operational systems and monitoring its functioning. The Unit should be independent from political and other interference, have the necessary powers for training, for enforcement, for rapid response and continuing protection of affected persons and witnesses throughout their engagement with the mechanisms and beyond. To facilitate this, the Unit should be represented in each of the mechanisms. It should report to the President.

2.4 The current Witness and Victim Protection Authority should be re-constituted as an independent body and its powers and functions revised in line with 2.3.

2.5 To reinforce 2.3 there should be a monitoring body comprised of representatives of affected families, human rights defenders, civil society activists and the international community. It should be officially mandated to report to the President on the effectiveness of the mechanisms and prevailing protection measures and its report should be made public. The monitoring body should also be tasked with advising on additional measures to strengthen the mechanisms and the protection of witnesses and victims. At the outset, the monitoring body must follow-up on the security and protection of those who were subjected to surveillance, questioning and intimidation, detention and torture during the consultation process. Representation of the international community in the monitoring body must be in accordance with strict guidelines such as those outlined below- recommendations 2.12 and 2.13 - in respect of international participation and membership of the mechanisms.

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2.6 The monitoring body should be appointed by the President from a list of nominations submitted by the Constitutional Council and drawn from recommendations made to the Council by civil society. Members of the monitoring body should serve for a term of three years only to ensure the representativeness of the body.

2.7 The accessibility of the mechanisms in terms of the location of offices in the regions where practicable, must be ensured. District–level mobile teams of the mechanisms should be considered where appropriate.

2.8 The mechanisms must endeavour to ensure tri-lingual and sign language capacity at headquarters and regional sub-offices, as well as in outreach activities.

2.9 The representation of stakeholders on the mechanisms, including families of those affected must be ensured. The complex issue of representation on the mechanisms must take account of the existence of multiple perpetrator-groups that carried out violations and ensure against conflict of interest of both those affected as well as alleged perpetrators in representation on the mechanisms.

2.10 Consultations in the North and East in particular, as well as in some in the rest of the country, revealed the overwhelming lack of trust in the State, its institutions and mechanisms. The belief was strongly expressed that exclusively domestic mechanisms would not be credible. At the same time, consultations outside of the North and East and with the armed forces, revealed strong opposition to international participation on the mechanisms. Many however, did recognise that given the limitations of existing national capacity in specific areas, international expertise should be engaged. The CTF also notes the commitments made by the Government of Sri Lanka on international participation in the mechanisms, in the resolution that it co-sponsored at the UN Human Rights Council in October 2015. Therefore, the CTF recommends the participation of both international and national personnel on the four mechanisms ranging from the provision of advice and expertise to active membership of the mechanisms including as judges and prosecutors, as spelt out in the UN Human Rights Council Resolution of October 2015, co-sponsored by the Government of Sri Lanka.

2.11 National representation on the mechanisms should be by competent and experienced persons of integrity and independence, drawn from the main ethnic communities in Sri Lanka. There should be clear criteria for the positions nationals will occupy as well as for the choice of nationals so as to ensure that the representation on the mechanism will encompass a diversity of ethnicity, language, gender, experience and skills. In addition, the commitment of time required of them must be clearly specified. Further training should be provided for nationals, as required.

2.12 There must be clear criteria and justifications for the positions that internationals will occupy and for the choice of internationals – especially their independence, integrity, training and experience must be ensured. The commitment of time required should also be spelt out. Due recognition of the challenges of language competence and familiarity

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with the local context should be taken into account and measures to deal with them put in place before internationals are nominated. Transparency of this process must be ensured.

2.13 As in other contexts of international participation on transitional justice mechanisms, internationals should be phased out once trust and confidence in exclusively national mechanisms, national capabilities and competence have been built up.

2.14 A careful vetting process of staff of the four mechanisms, including investigators of the Judicial Mechanism, the Office on Missing Persons (OMP) and the Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Non- Recurrence Commission (TJRNRC) should be ensured. The process of lustration whereby officials associated with human rights violations are ineligible, must apply.

2.15 Measures need to be put in place at the outset to prevent sexual exploitation, bribery, breaches of confidence and intimidation of those accessing the mechanisms by staff of the mechanisms. These should include strict codes of conduct and processes for monitoring, complaints mechanisms and disciplinary action.

2.16 Mechanisms must have balanced gender representation at all levels of operation and be sensitive to the gendered needs of those who utilise them. They must provide childcare facilities (including space for breast-feeding and infant care) and safe sanitation.

2.17 Reimbursement of costs of travel and accommodation of those who access the mechanisms, according to need, must be considered.

2.18 The staff of mechanisms must a) be sensitive to the needs of all communities and individuals that access the mechanisms,

including the minorities, indigenous peoples, the marginalised, depressed castes, and LGBTQI community, ensuring in particular that stigma and discrimination do not deter or impede their engagement with them, b) take into consideration the special needs of those who are differently abled and the mechanisms should be designed and located to ensure easy access to all.

2.19 Provision of justice and design of schemes for redress for sexual violence and other gendered crimes should be sensitive, offer confidentiality/privacy/safe environment such that survivors are encouraged to come forward and are not re-victimised/re-traumatised.

2.20 An independent body must be established to advise, design and coordinate the services within the mechanisms, to set up the proposed psychosocial units within each mechanism and to support the strengthening and extension of psychosocial services throughout the country as needed. In this regard it could work closely with the Psychosocial Task Force of the Office of National Unity and Reconciliation.

2.21 Psychosocial services must be made available to those affected at the community level before, during and after their engagement with the transitional justice mechanisms. This should be done by strengthening capacity, ensuring sustainability, and by expanding the scope of existing services provided by civil society organisations and state institutions.

2.22 The potential for conflicts of interest must be recognised in the direct provision of psychosocial and other services by the State, especially in cases where agents of the State

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may be responsible for human rights violations. Therefore, whilst the State is responsible for ensuring the availability of psychosocial and other services, it may be necessary for civil society actors to be involved in the delivery of services (in coordination with State services as appropriate). This is to ensure the independence and neutrality of the psychosocial and other service providers.

2.23 A Victim Trust Fund must be established so as to ensure sufficient funds to address various needs of affected persons. The Government should also encourage private sector and diaspora contributions to the Fund, in addition to contributions from other international donors.

2.24 Trustees of the Fund should be appointed by the President, on the recommendations of the Constitutional Council. The recommendations should be drawn from nominations submitted by civil society.

2.25 Each mechanism should have an Outreach and Information Unit to liaise with the general public and those directly affected on the work of the mechanism. Each mechanism should have a clear public information and dissemination strategy and its own website. The Outreach and Information Units will be responsible for uploading material to their respective websites and for dealing with questions and queries posted regarding the work of their respective mechanisms.

2.26 Efforts must be made to ensure outreach to non-resident Sri Lankans abroad and their engagement with the mechanisms. Failure to do so would limit the scope of the reconciliation process and even provide the basis for questioning its legitimacy.

C. Specific Mechanisms

3. Office on Missing Persons (OMP) and the Certificate of Absence (CoA)

3.1 As emphasised in the consultation process, the name of the mechanism must clearly reflect the enforced and involuntary nature of disappearances.

3.2 From the outset, the OMP should establish regional offices in central locations and later in district offices to ensure accessibility for families in the districts.

3.3 Whilst ensuring no conflict of interest, especially in terms of its investigative function, appropriately skilled members of families of the disappeared should be employed as staff of the Office including in the monitoring mechanism of its operations, for specific activities such as exhumation of mass graves and for the vetting of forms to be used by the Office. Once the OMP is appointed it should review the recommendations made by families and organisations working on disappearances in the CTF’s Interim Report and other such reports.

3.4 There should be international technical involvement in the OMP including foreign personnel, specifically with regard to forensics.

3.5 The OMP should make public its rules of procedure and the criteria it will adopt in the exercise of its discretion over the sharing of information with prosecutorial authorities.

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This should include criteria for the confidentiality of information in its possession. In this regard the OMP should clearly spell out its obligations under the impending Right to Information regime.

3.6 Excavations and exhumations must take place bearing in mind not only the identification of skeletal remains, but also of the possibility of prosecutions. Therefore, they must be conducted with due care to ensure the integrity of skeletal remains and other evidence. The procedures for excavations and exhumations must pay heed to the sensitivities and psychological needs of families and communities.

3.7 The role of the Judicial Mechanism, the Office of a Special Counsel and the OMP in investigations, has to be clarified and made public. The public must be made aware of the scope of the Special Court and Counsel and their responsibilities in respect of cases of disappearances. Given the large volume of disappearances, current delays and other obstructions in progressing with cases, necessary judicial reforms must be undertaken to enable prosecution for disappearances, including the establishment of a special bench of the relevant court to hear cases of disappearances.

3.8 All available information on disappearances from national bodies and past commissions must be made available to the OMP.

3.9 The OMP must periodically update families concerned on progress in respect of the case/s of disappearance reported by them.

3.10 Families accessing the OMP must have access to Witness and Victim Protection. See 2.3-2.6 above.

3.11 Terminology for the Certificate of Absence, particularly the word for ‘absence’ must be sensitive and appropriate in the Sinhala and Tamil languages, reflecting the nature of disappearance and absence rather than death. An amendment to the Registration of Deaths (Temporary Provisions) Act will be required.

3.12 Given the time it will take the OMP and the State to verify if a disappeared person is alive or not, the current validity period of 2 years for a CoA is inadequate. The Registration of Deaths (Temporary Provisions) Act must be amended to extend the validity of the CoA to 10 years, in order to avoid burdening families with having to renew the certificate every two years.

4. Office of Reparations

4.1 Acceptance of reparations should not in any way preclude or lead to the forfeiting of the right to access truth and justice via the other transitional justice mechanisms and the regular judicial system.

4.2 A mapping of past and on-going efforts at compensation and reparations, including of existing institutions and programmes that have a bearing on reparations, and of existing criteria for beneficiary selection of social welfare and development projects must be undertaken. This needs to be factored into the design of the Office of Reparations and the policy on reparations.

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4.3 A clear policy on reparations that recognises the right to reparations and a clear set of normative and operational guidelines to give effect to this, should be set out and made public. The right to reparations should be seen as distinct from and in addition to the right to development. The policy should be imaginative and responsive to the various forms of large- scale conflict related and systemic violations that individuals and communities have suffered. It should devise multiple forms of reparations including financial compensation to individuals, families and communities, other material forms of assistance, psychosocial rehabilitation, collective reparations, cultural reparations and symbolic measures.

4.4 It should ensure that conflicts between different sets of affected persons as well as within the general population are not exacerbated.

4.5 The clear and transparent guidelines for the provision of reparations, particularly the form and quantum of awards, must take into account the following:

- Eligibility for reparations must be based on a broad definition of ‘victim’ and ‘victim family’ so as to recognise the diversity of relationships.

- Prioritisation of reparations should be according to the level of vulnerability and need. - Reparations should be proportional to the loss and trauma suffered. - Primary consideration to be paid to the type of harm for which reparation is sought. - Loss and trauma suffered as a result of structural violence and/or marginalisation in addition

to conflict- related loss must be considered. - Compensation, based not only on original loss but on the current situation of the claimant

and any other specific vulnerabilities i.e. reparations are for all affected, but financial reparations are made on the basis of the current economic situation of those affected in order to enable their functioning.

4.6 Interim reparations, primarily material, should be considered so people can meet immediate needs. This is especially the case for those who have waited long periods for justice as well as for particularly vulnerable groups.

4.7 There should be a one-off payment to families for family members killed in conflicts. The payment for the loss of life of civilians should be made commensurate to that for armed forces and public officials.

4.8 There should be one-off reparation in kind, in the form of scholarships for the children and employment for the vulnerable family members of those who have been killed or disappeared.

4.9 Efforts should be made to ensure the recovery and return of items, specifically gold jewellery, monies and other movable properties taken from individuals during armed conflicts.

4.10 The State should recognise and respect the right of affected persons to mourn and commemorate the death or disappearance of loved ones.

4.11 While the State has a key role to play in memorialisation, this should not be considered as an exclusive one. Any State process to create a memorial should not override existing

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memorials or rituals performed by the families and communities who are directly affected. The State should ensure that its own processes of memorialisation are participatory, involving affected persons and communities and that these processes strive for a sense of collective ownership of the memorials. This consultative process should be integral to the conception and construction of the memorials, including but not limited to identifying locations, selecting artists to design non-partisan, victim sensitive memorials, construction and maintenance of the memorials, and the planning of ceremonies to be performed in the space. A variety of ideas for state memorials, including memorial gardens should be considered through this consultative process.

4.12 The Task Force recommends that the sanctity of all sites, where those who perished or disappeared in armed conflicts are buried, interred or symbolically remembered is respected and families be granted the ownership of individual plots to mourn and practice whatever cultural and religious rites or ceremonies, they think appropriate. Any buildings or structures built subsequently on these sites should be removed.

4.13 A memorial day for victims of all armed conflicts in Sri Lanka should be declared and the sensitivities of all affected person respected in commemoration activities by the State on that day.

4.14 There should be official acknowledgement by the State and pledges by it to ensure non-recurrence of the losses and suffering endured by many communities, including but not limited to the persons affected in 1983 and of Aluthgama 2014, for instance. The suffering endured in the final stages of the war, the Southern insurrections, the eviction of Northern Muslims, recognition of the structural violence and/or marginalisation faced by certain groups such as the Malaiyaha community, must also be considered in this regard.

5. Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Non-Recurrence Commission (TJRNRC)

5.1 Given the lack of clarity and contrary opinions expressed in the consultations as to the mandate of the truth seeking mechanism, it is imperative that the purpose and scope of this mechanism, types of violations it should address and the key tasks to be performed by it be carefully formulated. In addition, given that the TJRNRC is part of a larger reconciliation process promised by the Government its relationship to the other mechanisms should be spelt out.

5.2 In particular, there must be clarity on whether the TJRNRC will take up individual or emblematic cases that speak to collective experiences and suffering.

5.3 The CTF is of the opinion that at a minimum, the purpose of the TJRNRC must be to establish the truth of what happened in the conflicts in Sri Lanka including discriminatory practices, and official acknowledgement of the truth once established. Official acknowledgement must include legislative measures where appropriate.

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5.4 Truth in this context entails responsibility, but establishing criminal responsibility, i.e. the determination of who is a perpetrator, is best suited to a judicial mechanism or the existing judicial system. The CTF is of the opinion that the TJRNRC is not an appropriate mechanism to ascertain and assign criminal responsibility and therefore should not be empowered to grant amnesties.

5.5 The CTF recommends that the TJRNRC conduct investigations in order to find the truth and share information relating to criminal conduct with a prosecutorial body.

5.6 The TJRNRC should have a fixed term at the end of which, it should present a report to Parliament, which will be simultaneously released to the public. The length of the term of the mechanism should be determined by the volume of cases before it. The TJRNRC should publish annual reports, with clear actionable recommendations. These too should be presented to Parliament and simultaneously released to the public.

5.7 The TJRNRC should consider particular themes, issues and/or subjects for investigation and report. Due consideration must be paid to their selection. A number of requests were made in consultations for a specific focus on the last stages of the war, the Expulsion of Muslims from the North and the Malaiyaha community.

5.8 Given the history of commissions and unimplemented recommendations of previous reports, it is important that a review of these recommendations be undertaken to highlight what actions can and should be undertaken in a timely manner.

5.9 In light of the demands by the public for the Commission to be an action-oriented body as opposed to a passive listener, the TJRNRC should devise proactive ways for truth seeking as well as make specific and actionable recommendations in respect of it.

5.10 TJRNRC’s reports detailing historical incidents must inform contemporary history and school curricula. Historical confirmation, official acknowledgment and acceptance of responsibility for human rights violations, accountability as well as the individual and collective understanding of the consequences of these, are central to reconciliation. This must apply to gross violations against whole communities and in particular, their cultural identities. Examples of such violations are the burning of the Jaffna Public Library, the anti-Tamil pogrom of 1983, the expulsion of Muslims from the Northern Province, the killing of policemen in the East, massacres at the Jaffna Hospital, Aranthalawa, Anuradhapura, St. Peter’s church, Sathurukondan, Kattankudy, Palliyagodalla, Bindunuwewa and the attack on the Sri Dalada Maligawa, which should be described in the school history books as examples of gross human rights atrocities.

5.11 Given the importance of ascertaining the truth it is imperative that the TJRNRC has a strong investigation unit made up of researchers with relevant skills including in the law, history, anthropology, forensics, criminology, psychology and sociology. Additionally, the TJRNRC should have regional investigative offices employing and involving local expertise, which will also conduct research.

5.12 Prior to the public sittings of the TJRNRC an island-wide awareness raising strategy and outreach programme must be devised. There must be full and substantive coverage of all

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sittings and hearings of the Commission that are not in camera, including live streaming. Social media must be mobilised in all three languages. A media or communications unit for the TJRNRC must be established and adequately funded for the purpose of communicating with stakeholders and the wider public.

5.13 The findings of the Commission must be widely disseminated and an easily accessible, simple language version of these findings must be shared with the general public and affected communities that appear before the Commission. Media institutions, artists and academia must be encouraged to engage with the findings to create a constructive public discourse, both during the process and upon the submission of the interim and final reports of the TJRNRC.

5.14 Adequate attention should be taken to ensure the security of all participants and to create safe spaces for participation.

6. Judicial Mechanism (Special Court and Office of Special Counsel)

6.1 Bearing in mind the need for active international participation - from judges to the Office of the Special Counsel, investigators and staff - recommendations 2.12 and 2.13 shall apply.

6.2 The selection criteria for appointment of national and international judges to be set out by the Constitutional Council in consultation with professional and civil society organisations, and in the case of internationals, with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as well. In both instances appointments will be made by the President and the criteria should be made public.

6.3 Provision should be made to ensure an adequate number of judges, so that the absence of one or more judge does not result in delays.

6.4 The Court shall ensure that there will be a majority of national judges and at least one international judge on every bench.

6.5 Every effort should be made to ensure gender representation and that of all ethnic communities in respect of judges and prosecutors on both the Court and the Office of the Special Counsel, respectively.

6.6 The Special Court must be equipped in terms of procedure, staff and composition to address the specific needs of affected persons and witnesses, particularly women and children. See 2.19. It is imperative that affected person are not re-traumatised during the Court process and that the Court procedure is fair by both affected persons and the accused.

6.7 Key international standards pertaining to courts hearing war crimes cases should be included by explicit reference in the setting up the proposed hybrid Court, including the Bangalore Principles and ICJ's Practitioners Guide on Judicial Accountability. The treatment of evidence and the procedure of the Court should conform to international best practice and should be incorporated into domestic law.

6.8 The Special Court should be mandated to try international crimes, including war crimes

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and crimes against humanity and pay particular attention to crimes of sexual violence and crimes against children. Bearing in mind the mandate of the court in terms of transitional justice and addressing impunity, the CTF recommends that there be no temporal limitations to the jurisdiction of the Special Court.

6.9 The Office of the Special Counsel should be established without delay. Its powers, functions and relationship to the other mechanisms clearly established and made public.

6.10 In devising prosecutorial policy, the choices of Special Counsel’s office must be designed to reflect the broad range of international crimes alleged to have been committed in Sri Lanka, the diversity of persons affected by these crimes and the several categories of perpetrators. The alleged violations that may be considered, subject to the availability of evidence, should include, but not be limited to, the use of cluster weapons and other illegal weapons and armaments; firing on hospitals and safety zones; the use of human shields; child recruitment; mass surrender and subsequent disappearances; massacres; mass disappearances; rape and other forms of sexual violence; forcible mass expulsion of persons; indiscriminate killing of civilian populations including bombing, shelling and shooting; and deliberate denial of access to food and medicine to civilian populations trapped by fighting.

6.11 In the event that the Special Counsel is unable for reasons of practicality/time/resources, to prosecute all individual cases of violations, the prosecutorial policy must ensure that at a minimum, those bearing the greatest responsibility for international crimes are held accountable. This would require the introduction of modes of liability such as ordering, superior and command responsibility and joint criminal enterprise into Sri Lankan law.

6.12 The Special Counsel should have its own investigating unit. The staff should have international personnel. All personnel should be vetted to ensure independence, credibility, and no allegations of involvement in any of the crimes forming the material jurisdiction of the Court. Given the potential conflict of interest of specific units or offices like the TID, which had prior involvement in investigating such cases, members of such units should be barred from being members of this investigating unit.

6.13 Amnesties for international crimes such as war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as gross human rights abuses including torture, enforced disappearances and rape are illegal and unacceptable. They should not be considered.

6.14 Affected persons should be capable of being represented in the Judicial Mechanism at every stage, with or without the services of a counsel. There must be sufficient information given at all stages to the affected persons and units of the mechanism to enable effective involvement and participation while simultaneously guarding against any conduct which may in any way prejudice or harm the work of the Special Court or Special Counsel.

6.15 The provision of legal advice and representation to the defence must be safeguarded.

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7. Other Recommendations

7.1 A Inter-Religious Advisory Council was reportedly established by the President in February 2016 to advise on religious and cultural issues. As per the recommendations the CTF has received, it is important that this Council include representation from all religious groups, including the multiple sects in each of the major faiths, in order for this mechanism to be effective and inclusive. Furthermore, the terms of reference laying out the role of the Council should be made public. Tasks such as early warning, mediation and monitoring of incidents of religious violence, should be taken up by the Council without prejudice to the right of those affected in such incidents of seeking redress through the established procedures of law and order and justice.

7.2 In respect of military personnel, police and home guards, the variations in the quantum of compensation, pensions and other forms of assistance and the selection of and criteria used for selection of beneficiaries was raised as problems by former military personnel and the families of military personnel, killed or missing in action. These variations should be reviewed, the rationale for them explained to families and adjustments made accordingly.

7.3 The situation of ex-combatants associated with former Tamil militant groups, including but not limited to the LTTE, TMVP, EPDP and others needs to be examined, with the aim of drawing up a reintegration programme that will address the existing security, economic, physical, psychological and social challenges that act as obstacles to reintegration. The State’s security concerns, current practices such as constant home visits by military personnel and intelligence and the requirement of having to report to army camps can result in apprehension, social ostracism and withdrawal, further marginalisation and radicalisation. Hence this approach needs to be re-examined. Reporting can be to the local Divisional Secretariat or designated civilian authority, which can be given the responsibility for monitoring ex-combatants and looking after their welfare. A programme for re-instilling notions of well-being through psychosocial rehabilitation, skills building and the promotion of self-sufficiency needs to be developed. After a process of vetting, eligible candidates could be considered for jobs in the public sector.

7.4 Vulnerable groups among this larger group identified as former combatants, need specific attention. These include former child, female and disabled ex-combatants. They need catch up education and/or vocational training, while ensuring that other youth in the same communities are also afforded such facilities. Devising assistance for female ex-combatants as part of assistance to other young women needs to be ensured. The situation of disabled former combatants needs to be addressed alongside that of other differently abled persons, so as to ensure medical care, re-assessment of disability status, physiotherapy, support for care givers, education and alternate livelihood skills for the disabled and monitoring of protection.

7.5 The State needs to provide redress for communities who have been systematically denied land rights. This includes Malaiyaha Tamils who have not been included in state land

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distribution schemes, depressed castes and also Adivassis whose historical collective rights of access to their traditional forests and other protected areas has been denied without redress.

7.6 The CTF recommends the establishment of a Minority Rights Commission in consultation with all stakeholders, to look into these and other issues affecting minority communities. The CTF recommends that such a Commission be appointed by the President from a list of nominees submitted by the Constitutional Council and drawn from civil society. The Commission should present to Parliament an annual report on the situation of minorities in the country, including suggestions for legislative reform.

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The final report of the Consultation Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanisms was completed on the 17th of November 2016.

Shantha Abhimanasingham (PC) Mirak Raheem

Visaka Dharmadasa Prof. Gameela Samarasinghe

Dr. Farzana Haniffa Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu – Secretary

K.W. Janaranjana Prof. Daya Somasundaram

Prof. Sitralega Maunaguru Gamini Viyangoda

Manouri Muttetuwegama – Chairperson

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MEMBERS OF THE CONSULTATION TASK FORCE ON RECONCILIATION MECHANISMS Manouri Muttetuwegama (CHAIRPERSON) Manouri Muttetuwegama is an eminent Attorney-at-Law and a Barrister. She is a practitioner in Public Law and a well-known human rights activist. Manouri served as Chairperson Presidential Commission on Disappearances in the South, West & Sabaragamuwa Provinces (1994 – 97) & All-Island Commission on Disappearances (1998 – 2002). She also served as Commissioner Human Rights Commission Sri Lanka (2004 – 2007) and Commissioner Presidential Commission on incidents of serious Human Rights Violations (2005 -2007). Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu (SECRETARY) Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu is the founder Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, (CPA). A former Eisenhower Fellow (2004), he is a founder director of the Sri Lanka Chapter of Transparency International and a founding Co- Convener of the Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV), which has monitored all major elections in Sri Lanka since 1997. Shantha Abhimanasingham Shantha Abhimanasingham is a President’s Counsel (PC). She is the President of the Jaffna Bar Association and holds the distinction of being the sole President’s Counsel residing in the North and East. She is also the Chairperson of the National Committee studying the problems faced by Women-Headed Households. Visaka Dharmadasa Visaka Dharmadasa is the founder and Chair of The Association of War Affected Women and Parents of Servicemen Missing in Action. Her second son, a Sri Lankan Military officer was reported missing in action in 1998. Visaka was nominated for a collective Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 for her work on bringing women together across conflict lines to work for peace. She holds degrees in Negotiations and Mediation skills (United States Institute for Peace, Washington), and in Women and Security (Harvard University). Dr. Farzana Haniffa Farzana Haniffa is a Senior Lecturer in the Sociology Department of the University of Colombo. She holds a PhD in Anthropology (Columbia University) and has published extensively on issues of women and conflict, transitional justice, militarization, and child rights in Sri Lanka. Chair of the Board of Directors of the Secretariat for Muslims, her research and activist interests for the past fifteen years have concentrated on minority politics and transitional justice in Sri Lanka with an emphasis on the country's Muslim communities.

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K. W. Janaranjana K. W. Janaranjana is an Attorney-at-Law, and works as Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Professional Studies (CFPS) Colombo. He is a senior journalist and the Editor of the newspaper “Ravaya” as well as the Director of the Ravaya Publications Guarantee Limited. Janaranjana has participated actively in the Free Media Movement and helped to found Rights Now Collective for Democracy between 2007- 2008. Prof. Sitralega Maunaguru Sitralega Maunaguru works with Suriya Women’s Development Centre Batticaloa. A member of the National Committee on Women from 2007 – 2010, she also taught for over 30 years at both the University of Jaffna and at the Eastern University. Her research interests are gender, Tamil literature and folklore. She was honoured by UNHCR (2003) for her work with displaced women and gender equality in Sri Lanka. Mirak Raheem Mirak Raheem is a Researcher and Activist working on human rights, reconciliation, land, displacement and minority issues. A former senior researcher at the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), he currently leads the consultation process of the Ministry of Resettlement and is on the Board of the Secretariat for Muslims. He holds degrees in International Relations & History (LSE) and Peace Studies (Notre Dame University) Prof. Gameela Samarasinghe Gameela Samarasinghe is a Clinical Psychologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Colombo. The recipient of multiple awards, she has introduced innovative psychosocial programmes at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo and developed strategies for addressing post-conflict trauma. She is on the research committee of the NCPA and is presently serving on the Psychosocial Task Force of the Office of National Unity and Reconciliation to develop a healing process for families affected by conflict. Prof. Daya Somasundaram Daya Somasundaram is a Senior Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, and a consultant psychiatrist working in northern Sri Lanka for over two decades. His research and multiple publications focus on the psychological effects of disasters and the treatment of such effects. He functioned as co-chair of the subcommittee on Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) formed under the WHO working group on stress-related disorders during the ICD – 11 revision process. Gamini Viyangoda Gamini Viyangoda is a founder and chief organizer of The Purawesi Balaya (Citizens’ Power) and holds a graduate degree in Development Studies from the University of Colombo. He is a well-known writer in Sinhala, and has been a leading socio-political critic in the public discourse of democracy and good-governance for the past three decades. He has been instrumental in introducing post-modernist literary trends to the Sinhala readership through his translations of 27 great literary works.

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