IWOM watch 2012 compilation_technology (Part 8)

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© 2011 CIC IWOM WATCH © 2012 CIC



网论观察 2012

Page 2: IWOM watch 2012 compilation_technology (Part 8)

PAGE. 3-4

From SoLoMo to HyLoMo PAGE. 5 Renren Update Mobile App - Introducing Public Pages


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From SoLoMo to HyLoMo Emergence of HyLoMo

Here’s the scene…

On you way home from work, you remember it’s your girlfriend’s birthday tomorrow and you decide to buy her a camera.

You’re here!

There’s a digital shop 300m away.

Not only that, you can also see that your friend Wang has shopped there and given it a good review!

You’re here!

Digital shop

Nearby, at the stadium, a football match is starting at 19:00 tonight.

As you’re considering it, your friend Tan’s dialog box pops up: “Hey! My phone says you’re near the stadium! How about the football tonight?”

Well, why not?! You book two tickets and with your girlfriend’s present bought in record time, you head to the stadium to meet Tan.

You say ‘camera’ to an app on your cell.

This finds you the closest result.

So, you head straight there and pick up the camera.

That’s not all though. Based on your interests and location, the app makes some other suggestions…


“HyLoMo” stands for “Hyper-Local Mobile” and for those still getting to grips with “SoLoMo” (Social, Local, Mobile), digital media waits for no-one. The concept is already being infused into smartphone apps but is set to take off in a big way next year. The core ethos is that we live locally; we tend to shop, eat and ultimately exist, between where we live and where we work.


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CIC view:

The availability and ability to analyze such a quantity of earnest, real-life behavioral data could and should benefit everyone. Consumers’ access to information will increasingly reflect the ways that we live, as will the products and services we seek out, and the marketing activity that makes our preferred brands more accessible. Smartphones already know where we live, where we shop, where we eat and what information we look for in order to facilitate this ongoing process of consumption. The challenge and exciting opportunity for advertisers is in taking full advantage of this river of information, springing from an increasingly diverse variety of sources.

People start to spend more time on Apps than web

Everyone loves an app.

Massive volumes of real-time data could make smartphone apps considerably more useful to consumers, brands and advertisers.

From SoLoMo to HyLoMo HyLoMo is Everywhere


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Renren Update Mobile App - Introducing Public Pages

Extra: Renren’s Mobile Update

On the subject of Renren, let’s look at how Renren’s updated mobile app has enhanced brand engagement features…

“Public Pages” in the updated Renren app offer one slide access to Pages.

Full content can be accessed from the brand Page, including videos and links to external content.

Filter with tabs to navigate through the content shared by the brand and it’s followers.

Participate in your consumers’ mobile conversation with SNS like Renren.


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CIC is China's leading social business intelligence provider, enabling enterprise to fully leverage the power of social media and Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) intelligence across the organization. Since 2004, CIC has pioneered IWOMized technology, research and consulting. Firstly, by coining the term IWOM and then being the first to raise the concept of “social business” in China. As the industry thought leader, we have always been at the forefront of China’s internet and social business revolution. CIC is China’s largest integrated 3rd party provider of technical IWOM solutions, social media studies and social business intelligence. In order to help companies effectively leverage this social business intelligence, CIC provides customized research, consulting services, syndicated reports, and industry trend watches, rich in actionable insight. In addition to helping brands accomplish their social business aims, CIC is also monetizing the social business industry in China, creating an integrated social business support system (IWOMmaster), powered by our proprietary technical solutions and platforms. CIC utilizes its own patent pending technology to capture millions of online conversations and “makes sense of the buzz” by analyzing them to draw out insight that leads to more effective action. CIC gathers and mines over 100 million naturally occurring consumer comments every month, from a range of uniquely Chinese social media platforms including blogs, BBS, microblogs and social networking sites, then by applying our unique, China focused methodology, provide a comprehensive picture of the social media landscape and its implications for business. To date, CIC has archived almost 7 billion mentions of brands and products, from over 2 billion consumer comments. CIC has developed solid, long-term retainer relationships with leading multinational agencies and Fortune 500 companies. For over 8 years, CIC has persisted in analyzing the milestones of China’s social media landscape, sharing the most innovative concepts and practices in IWOM in white papers and trend watches of various industries. We’ve always been committed to providing an unbiased, third-party perspective, to enrich the whole industry and help enterprise grasp the revolutionary opportunities brought about by the development of social business. In early 2012, as China’s leading social business intelligence provider, CIC agreed to be acquired by WPP’s Kantar Media, the media research and insight division of Kantar, as a move to strengthen its position and with aim to expand its social offering across Asia Pacific. Kantar Media has over 5,000 employees around the world, is currently working with 22,000 companies, tracking 3 million brands across 50 countries. As the consumer insight arm of WPP, Kantar Media provides strategic advice and competitive intelligence to the world’s leading brands, publishers, agencies and industry bodies, helping them navigate and succeed in a rapidly evolving media industry. (media release) CIC will continue to provide social business intelligence from an objective, third-party perspective, to the world’s leading brands and agencies.

© 2012 CIC

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What is IWOM Watch:

A monthly digest of the hottest trends, creating the biggest buzz, reflecting China’s unique online culture. CIC’s exemplary

case studies and detailed analysis of the month’s most significant online marketing campaigns allow you to listen, know,

and participate in China’s unique digital community.

As the industry’s thought leader and pioneer of Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) and social business in China, our finger is

always on the pulse of the hottest online issues and influential IWOM. Since 2006, our monthly Watch reports have been

distilling social business intelligence that not only keep our retainer clients on the leading edge of China’s IWOM, but also

inform their strategic planning with insights into platform development, netizen behavior and social culture of the world’s

largest, most dynamic and fragmented digital landscape.

In this IWOM Watch compilation, we have collected and categorized a series of articles that bring 2012 into focus. For

marketers, this is a year in the life of China’s social Internet.

The majority of the pictures and related quotes are from publicly available information.

This report is copyrighted material owned by CIC. Any improper use of this document or its content will be considered a

violation of CIC IP copyright and CIC has the right to take legal action.

Copyright Statement

About IWOM Watch

© 2012 CIC

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IWOM WATCH CIC IWOM watch archive

2012: 2012 IWOM Watch Travel Special Edition | view IWOM watch Compilation 2011 | view 2011: IWOM watch Special Edition: Microblog | view 2010: IWOM watch Special Edition: LBS (Location-based service) | view IWOM watch compilations from 2006 to 2010 (part 7) - How brands marketing under social media age | view IWOM watch compilations from 2006 to 2010 (part 6) - Interaction in virtual gaming world between brands and netizens | view IWOM watch compilations from 2006 to 2010 (part 5) - The inspiration from “Shai”,“Show” culture for brand marketing | view IWOM watch compilations from 2006 to 2010 (part 4) - Spoof – Brand’s “ending” or “chances”? | view IWOM watch compilations from 2006 to 2010 (part 3) - Viral videos storm come up with brands | view IWOM watch compilations from 2006 to 2010 (part 2) - Brands Crisis upgrade to 2.0 | view IWOM watch compilations from 2006 to 2010 (part 1) - New product promotion way through new media - Seckill & Group purchase | view

2009 IWOM watch 2nd half year review 2009 | view IWOM watch 1st half year review 2009 | view 2008 IWOM watch 2nd half year review 2008 | view IWOM watch 1st half year review 2008 | view IWOM watch May Special Edition (Sichuan Earthquake) 2008 | view 2007 IWOM watch 2nd half year review 2007 | view IWOM watch 1st half year review 2007 | view 2006 IWOM watch 2nd half year review 2006 | view

If you would like to find updated IWOM intelligence (CIC White paper, IWOM Watch and Social business eNewsletter) in one place, then apply for your IWOMmaster ID now.

View more on IWOM Backstory

© 2012 CIC

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IWOM WATCH Join CIC Community

© 2012 CIC










Website: www.ciccorporate.com

Blog: www.seeisee.com

Founder blog: www.seeisee.com/sam

Service platform: www.iwommaster.com

IWOMdiscover: discover.iwommaster.com

IWOMexplorer: explorer.iwommaster.com

IWOMcooperator: cooperator.iwommaster.com

Know more about

IWOM Roundtable & White paper & IWOM watch

email: [email protected]

If you would like to find updated IWOM intelligence (CIC White paper, IWOM Watch and Social business eNewsletter) in one place, then apply for your IWOMmaster ID now. Facebook.com/ciccorporate

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