REMINDER Check in on the COLLABORATE mobile app Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Administration Prepared by: Ivo Dujmovic [email protected] Entrepreneur Patchivo, Interana

Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

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Page 1: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching


Check in on the

COLLABORATE mobile app

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Administration

Prepared by:

Ivo Dujmovic

[email protected]


Patchivo, Interana

Page 2: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

About the Presenter

■ Ivo Dujmovic

▪ Patchivo : 12.2 PatchStatus – free iPhone app

— Specialized tools delivering insight into IT

[email protected]

▪ Interana : Hadoop accelerator for customer behavior analytics

— Stealth VC-backed startup

[email protected]

▪ Formerly Oracle Snr Director of Development

— Managed development organization for EBS Administrative

functionality: Install, Cloning, Configuration, Patching, EM plugins,

OAM, iSetup, TechStack

— Wrapped up 12.2 to pursue entrepreneurship

— Holds Online Patching patents

Page 3: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Main Changes from 12.0/1 to 12.2

■ Re-platforming to FMW 11 , DB 11.2

▪ same WLS, webtier, DB as used by Fusion Applications

— Fusion applications use a different FND core version

■ Native consumption of technology

▪ Install: bootstraps then defers to native tech installs

▪ Configuration: bootstraps then defers to native tech config

▪ Cloning: wraps native tech cloning

▪ 10.1.2 Forms & Reports considered EBS internal

■ Online Patching

▪ Uses EBR from 11.2 of DB

▪ New concepts to EBS: dual FS, FS cloning

▪ Cheat sheet for Online Patching

Page 4: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Fusion Middleware (FMW) 11g

■ WebLogic Server (WLS) 11g

▪ BEA acquisition, first partially integrated version

▪ Key concepts

— Admin Server manages Managed Servers (farm)

— Managed Servers have local copy of config, apps if Admin Server is


▪ Industry leadership due to great administrative functionality

— Deploy new version of staged App from AS to select MS’s

— Run two versions side-by-side or preview new version with secret url

— Roll-back to previous version if needed

Page 5: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Other Technology

■ WebTier delivers Oracle HTTP Server, aka Apache 2.2

▪ Needed for mod_security

■ Database

▪ 11.2 was the latest at development time, as well as the first

delivering EBR, the key feature for Online Patching

▪ Grid Install concept:

— Lay down grid infrastructure (storage management, fast network

interconnects) prior to installing the database binaries on top

■ Forms & Reports 10.1.2

▪ Same as in other R12 releases

▪ Forms servlet deployed to WLS instead of OC4J

Page 6: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

12.2 Install

■ Preparation

▪ Virtualization makes sense – virtualbox with 64b Linux

▪ 9GB mem for the install; otherwise hard to troubleshoot bugs

▪ Platform install doc has gotcha’s listed

— Hostname/network sensitivity even more pronounced

— OS patching and settings: install 32b libs before 64b ones

■ Staging script

▪ When downloading zip files

— You do not need all

— You should not unzip them your self

– Start with startCD and follow readme

■ See blog on patchivo.com for more tips & details

Page 7: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Dual File System

WebLogic Server

Oracle HTTP Server

Developer 10.1.2




File System: 2

WebLogic Server

Oracle HTTP Server

Developer 10.1.2




File System: 1

Synchronization managed by patching tools

Edition-Based Redefinition

File System: Non Editioned





Page 8: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

12.2 File System for Install

$ ls /oracle

ebs122 oraInventory stage

$ ls /oracle/stage/


client Disk1 EBSInstallMedia misc startCD

current Disk2 examples patches TechInstallMedia

database Disk3 gateways readme.htm TechPatches

deinstall Documents grid README.txt wls1036_generic.jar

Page 9: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

12.2 File System: FS1 , FS2 , FS_NE

$ cd /oracle/ebs122/

$ ls

EBSapps.env fs1 fs2 fs_ne VIS

$ . EBSapps.env

E-Business Suite Environment Information


RUN File System : /oracle/ebs122/fs1/EBSapps/appl

PATCH File System : /oracle/ebs122/fs2/EBSapps/appl

Non-Editioned File System : /oracle/ebs122/fs_ne

DB Host: ip-10-28-88-207.ec2.internal Service/SID: VIS

Page 10: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

12.2 Key Environment Variables









Page 11: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

FS1 - File System One

$ ls fs1

EBSapps FMW_Home inst

$ ls fs1/EBSapps/

10.1.2 appl comn

$ ls fs1/inst/


$ ls fs1/inst/apps/VIS_ip-10-28-88-207/

admin appltmp logs out portal soa

appl conf_VIS.txt ora pids rgf temp

Page 12: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Instance Top of FS1

$ ls fs1/inst/apps/VIS_ip-10-28-88-207/appl

admin fnd

$ ls fs1/inst/apps/VIS_ip-10-28-88-207/appl/admin/

adovars_VIS_ip-10-28-88-207.env oamextensions.xml

cutover/ ojspCompile.conf

forms-c4ws_wls.properties ojspCompile.properties

forms_wls.properties VIS_ip-10-28-88-207_patch.txt

fsclone_config.txt VIS_ip-10-28-88-207_run.txt

oacore_wls.properties VIS_ip-10-28-88-207.xml


Page 13: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

FS_NE – Non-Editioned File System

$ ls fs_ne

EBSapps inst

$ ls fs_ne/EBSapps/

appl log patch

$ ls fs_ne/EBSapps/appl/


$ ls fs_ne/EBSapps/log

adop adopreports

$ ls fs_ne/inst/


$ ls fs_ne/inst/VIS_ip-10-28-88-207/

certs logs oracle_common soa

Page 14: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

12.2 Database File System

$ ls

EBSapps.env fs1 fs2 fs_ne VIS

$ ls VIS/

11.2.0 checkpoints data diag

$ ls VIS/checkpoints/

$ ls VIS/diag/

asm clients crs diagtool lsnrctl netcman

ofm rdbms tnslsnr

VIS/11.2.0 is the database ORACLE_HOME

Page 15: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

12.2 Admin Scripts


01041419.log adexecsql.pl adstpall.sh jtffmctl.sh

adadminsrvctl.sh adformsrvctl.sh adstrtal.sh msc

adalnctl.sh admanagedsrvctl.sh cz64bitengine.pl mwactl.sh

adapcctl.sh adnodemgrctl.sh gsmstart.sh mwactlwrpr.sh

adautocfg.sh adopmnctl.sh ieo sqlnet.log

adcmctl.sh adpreclone.pl java.sh

$ ls /oracle/ebs122/VIS/11.2.0/appsutil/scripts/VIS_ip-10-28-88-207/

adautocfg.sh addbctl.sh adexecsql.pl adpreclone.pl adstrtdb.sql

adchknls.pl addlnctl.sh adlsnodes.sh adstopdb.sql

Page 16: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

New Cloning Type: FS Clone

■ Clone an Instance: Prod to Copy-of-Prod, Test1 to Test2

■ Clone a Node: scale-out, rolling upgrades

■ New: Clone a File System

▪ Replicate one File System on a node, from the other File

System on that node

■ Instance and Node Cloning still copy bits for only one FS

▪ At target bits are recycled for creating both FS’s

Page 17: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

ADOP – AD Online Patching

$ which adop


$ adop -help

Applications DBA Online Patching Tool (adop)

Usage: adop [phase=<phase,phase,...>] [patches=<patch#,patch#,...>]

[<parameter>=<value> ...] [input_file=<filename>]

Enter adop -examples for a detailed list of parameters and their usage.

See Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for a full description of

adop features, operation, and usage.

The phase parameter specifies the parts (phases) of the online

patching cycle to be executed. The five standard phases are executed

in the order shown below.

Standard phases:

prepare - Prepare the instance for patch application.

apply - Apply patches (to the patch edition).

finalize - Ready the instance for cutover.

cutover - Make the patch edition the new run edition.

cleanup - Drop obsolete objects and data from old editions.

There are also three special phases, for use when needed.

Special phases:

abort - Abort the current patching cycle.

actualize_all - Create new copies of all code objects in the patch


fs_clone - Copy the run file system to the patch file system.

Phase-specific parameters control operation of a particular phase:

Apply parameters:


A single patch or comma-separated list of patches to apply.

This parameter is required when executing the apply phase.

For language patches, you must also specify the driver file:


restart=(yes|no) [default: no]

Resume a failed apply action where processing left off.

abandon=(yes|no) [default: no]

Re-apply a failed patch from the beginning.

Finalize parameters:

finalize_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode will provide the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional actions such as gathering

statistics, which may improve performance after cutover.

Cutover parameters:

mtrestart=(yes|no) [default: yes].

Specifies whether to restart application tier servers after

cutover. Leave at default unless performing manual steps

during downtime.

Cleanup parameters:

cleanup_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional processing to remove all

unused code, data, and old editions. May take a long time.

General parameters apply to all phases:

workers=<number> [default: computed]

Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks.

Default value is computed principally according to number of

available CPU cores.


As well as being entered directly on the command line,

adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with

one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file.





Command line parameters override input file parameters.


[default: event]

Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed.

allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]

Specifies whether actions should be executed on all

application tier nodes of a multi-node system.

action=(db|nodb) [default: db]

Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as

file system actions).

-status [<session_id>]

Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified



This help screen.


Additional help information with common usage examples.

Three examples (use adop -examples for more examples):

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 18: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Online Patching Affects DBA’s Life

■ Traditional Patching involved:

▪ scheduling downtime, kicking off users, stopping services,

applying patch, restarting services

■ Online Patching allows for patch application to happen during online use:

▪ Schedule quiet time to apply patch, bounce services

▪ Downtime slims to 5-20mins range, easier to schedule

▪ If applying patchsets, load can be non-negligible

— Target 1 RAC node (similar to “reporting node”)

— Apply patches during “quiet periods”

▪ Adworker count logic is improved, but can still be manually set

— No workshifts/ramp-up

Page 19: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

ADOP Phases

Standard phases:

prepare - Prepare the instance for patch application.

apply - Apply patches (to the patch edition).

finalize - Ready the instance for cutover.

cutover - Make the patch edition the new run edition.

cleanup - Drop obsolete objects and data from old editions.

Special phases:

abort - Abort the current patching cycle.

actualize_all - Create new copies of all code objects in the patch


fs_clone - Copy the run file system to the patch file system.

Phase-specific parameters control operation of a particular phase:

Apply parameters:


A single patch or comma-separated list of patches to apply.

This parameter is required when executing the apply phase.

For language patches, you must also specify the driver file:


restart=(yes|no) [default: no]

Resume a failed apply action where processing left off.

abandon=(yes|no) [default: no]

Re-apply a failed patch from the beginning.

Finalize parameters:

finalize_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode will provide the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional actions such as gathering

statistics, which may improve performance after cutover.

Cutover parameters:

mtrestart=(yes|no) [default: yes].

Specifies whether to restart application tier servers after

cutover. Leave at default unless performing manual steps

during downtime.

Cleanup parameters:

cleanup_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional processing to remove all

unused code, data, and old editions. May take a long time.

General parameters apply to all phases:

workers=<number> [default: computed]

Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks.

Default value is computed principally according to number of

available CPU cores.


As well as being entered directly on the command line,

adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with

one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file.





Command line parameters override input file parameters.


[default: event]

Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed.

allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]

Specifies whether actions should be executed on all

application tier nodes of a multi-node system.

action=(db|nodb) [default: db]

Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as

file system actions).

-status [<session_id>]

Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified



This help screen.


Additional help information with common usage examples.

Three examples (use adop -examples for more examples):

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 20: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

ADOP Phase Parameters

Apply parameters:


A single patch or comma-separated list of patches to apply.

This parameter is required when executing the apply phase.

For language patches, you must also specify the driver file:


restart=(yes|no) [default: no]

Resume a failed apply action where processing left off.

abandon=(yes|no) [default: no]

Re-apply a failed patch from the beginning.

Finalize parameters:

finalize_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode will provide the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional actions such as gathering

statistics, which may improve performance after cutover.

Cutover parameters:

mtrestart=(yes|no) [default: yes].

Specifies whether to restart application tier servers after

cutover. Leave at default unless performing manual steps

during downtime.

Cleanup parameters:

cleanup_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional processing to remove all

unused code, data, and old editions. May take a long time.

General parameters apply to all phases:

workers=<number> [default: computed]

Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks.

Default value is computed principally according to number of

available CPU cores.


As well as being entered directly on the command line,

adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with

one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file.





Command line parameters override input file parameters.


[default: event]

Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed.

allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]

Specifies whether actions should be executed on all

application tier nodes of a multi-node system.

action=(db|nodb) [default: db]

Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as

file system actions).

-status [<session_id>]

Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified



This help screen.


Additional help information with common usage examples.

Three examples (use adop -examples for more examples):

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 21: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

More ADOP Phase Parameters

Finalize parameters:

finalize_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode will provide the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional actions such as gathering

statistics, which may improve performance after cutover.

Cutover parameters:

mtrestart=(yes|no) [default: yes].

Specifies whether to restart application tier servers after

cutover. Leave at default unless performing manual steps

during downtime.

Cleanup parameters:

cleanup_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional processing to remove all

unused code, data, and old editions. May take a long time.

General parameters apply to all phases:

workers=<number> [default: computed]

Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks.

Default value is computed principally according to number of

available CPU cores.


As well as being entered directly on the command line,

adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with

one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file.





Command line parameters override input file parameters.


[default: event]

Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed.

allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]

Specifies whether actions should be executed on all

application tier nodes of a multi-node system.

action=(db|nodb) [default: db]

Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as

file system actions).

-status [<session_id>]

Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified



This help screen.


Additional help information with common usage examples.

Three examples (use adop -examples for more examples):

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 22: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

More ADOP Phase Parameters

Cleanup parameters:

cleanup_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]

Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by

skipping non-essential additional actions.

Full mode performs additional processing to remove all

unused code, data, and old editions. May take a long time.

General parameters apply to all phases:

workers=<number> [default: computed]

Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks.

Default value is computed principally according to number of

available CPU cores.


As well as being entered directly on the command line,

adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with

one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file.





Command line parameters override input file parameters.


[default: event]

Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed.

allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]

Specifies whether actions should be executed on all

application tier nodes of a multi-node system.

action=(db|nodb) [default: db]

Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as

file system actions).

-status [<session_id>]

Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified



This help screen.


Additional help information with common usage examples.

Three examples (use adop -examples for more examples):

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 23: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

All ADOP Phases: Shared Parameters


As well as being entered directly on the command line,

adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with

one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file.





Command line parameters override input file parameters.


[default: event]

Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed.

allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]

Specifies whether actions should be executed on all

application tier nodes of a multi-node system.

action=(db|nodb) [default: db]

Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as

file system actions).

-status [<session_id>]

Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified



This help screen.


Additional help information with common usage examples.

Three examples (use adop -examples for more examples):

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 24: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

More Shared Parameters

allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]

Specifies whether actions should be executed on all

application tier nodes of a multi-node system.

action=(db|nodb) [default: db]

Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as

file system actions).

-status [<session_id>]

Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified session.



Three examples (use adop -examples for more examples):

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 25: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Adop Examples

Complete patching cycle, running each phase separately:

adop phase=prepare

adop phase=apply patches=12345,67890 workers=4

adop phase=finalize workers=4

adop phase=cutover workers=4

adop phase=cleanup

Complete patching cycle, running all phases in a single adop command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=12345

Complete patching cycle, specifying all parameters in an input_file:

adop input_file=adop2013_05_13.txt

Page 26: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Online Patching Cycle - Cutover

■ Middle-tier processes stopped

▪ End Users are disconnected

■ File system roles swapped

▪ Patched (FS-2) promoted to Run

▪ FS-1 available for next patching cycle

■ Database Patch Edition

promoted to Run Edition

■ Middle-tier processes restarted

▪ Users reconnect

Cutover Requires a Brief Downtime

Page 27: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Great Presentation on Online Patching

■ Slides with red corner from Kevin Hudson’s:

▪ https://oracleus.activeevents.com/2013/connect/sessionDetail.w


Page 28: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

ADOP Special Phases

abort - Abort the current patching cycle.

actualize_all - Create new copies of all code objects in the patch


fs_clone - Copy the run file system to the patch file system.

Page 29: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

ADOP Behind The Curtain: Prepare

■ Prepare

▪ Checks if cleanup was run after last cutover

— If not, runs it now

▪ Checks what was done to the other FS (currently run)

– Patches applied

– Configuration changed (both EBS and WLS,Webtier)

— Redoes those on this FS: patches applied and configuration cloned

▪ Checks if there was an aborted session on this FS (current


— Losses confidence in the patchFS, so calls fs_clone to recreate the

patchFS from the runFS

Page 30: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

ADOP Behind the Curtain: Apply

■ Apply

▪ Applying many patches within a single list merges them

▪ To apply patches without merging, use separate adop calls

▪ Applying many patches unassisted in test systems

— Use abandon = yes

■ Cutover

▪ Does a finalize first if it was not run as last action before cutover

— Run finalize before cutover

▪ Runs certain (deferred) db actions from patch apply

— Duration of cutover can be impacted by patches applied in cycle

Page 31: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching


■ Apply a patch to runFS with your historical hotpatching processes

▪ adop phase=apply hotpatch=yes patches=…

▪ Must be done outside normal patching cycle, so if you already

did a prepare, you need to do a cutover (empty cycle)

— Empty cycle does not require an fs_clone unlike the other option:

abort current cycle

▪ Not recommended unless you are really sure in what you are

doing: review the patch, read all files delivered and actions listed

in driver (some actions are not really documented)

▪ Know which users will be connected

▪ Bounce processes

Page 32: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Patching Many Nodes

■ Adop automatically synchronizes patching across nodes

■ FS_NE is shared across nodes, with patches and logs

■ Sharing the file system amongst many nodes is possible to the extent that the underlying technologies allow it

▪ DB has Oracle Home sharing

▪ Webtier / Apache 2.2 is easy to share

▪ WLS has some competing infrastructure

■ Rolling patching is possible, but has no benefit

Page 33: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Applying Technology Stack Changes

■ [worse] Outside a patching cycle

▪ it should be done to the Run file system

▪ Followed by an FS_Clone to separate propagation of change

from patching

■ [better] Within the patching cycle

▪ After prepare finishes, perform on target Patch file system

■ Applies to techstack config as well, although those changes should be automatically detected and propagated

Page 34: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Custom Code Patching

■ During ADOP cycle

▪ Apply to Patch FS

■ Register files in

▪ FS_NE/EBSapps/appl/ad/custom/adop_sync.drv

▪ Will propagate from Run to Patch FS

Page 35: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Special Cutover Processing

■ See doc or code for pre-cutover and post-cutover hooks

▪ You can hang your special cutover processing functionality

Page 36: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching

Q & A

Page 37: Ivo Dujmovic, R12.2 Administration and Patching


Check in on the

COLLABORATE mobile app

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Administration

Prepared by:

Joseph Josephine

Head of Oracle Product Usage

Acme Manufacturing

This is a subtitle for the presentation that can be extended to three lines

Session ID#: