Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Islamiat (Hum 0107)

IUT Islamiat (HUM-0107) Lecture-1: Tawheed

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This is the Week-1 Lecture at Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Dhaka, Bangladesh. This lecture consists the meaning of Eemaan and Islam and then goes deeper into the basis of Eemaan. Then we discussed about the Eemaan in Allah, the Tawheed: Rububiyyah, Uluhiyyah & Asmaa' was Sifaat.

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Page 1: IUT Islamiat (HUM-0107) Lecture-1: Tawheed

Islamic University of Technology


Islamiat (Hum 0107)

Page 2: IUT Islamiat (HUM-0107) Lecture-1: Tawheed

Outline: Islam as Deen (Classes: 4)

Meaning of Islam

Definition of Eemaan

The Basis of Eemaan

Eemaan in Allah

Eemaan in the Angels

Eemaan in the Prophets and Messengers

Eemaan in Divine Scriptures

Eemaan in the Day of Resurrection

Eemaan in Al-Qadaa’ Wal Qadar (Divine Preordainment

What invalidates Eemaan

Shirk & Kufr

Page 3: IUT Islamiat (HUM-0107) Lecture-1: Tawheed

Eeman & Islam

ثني:،قالعب داللهب نعمرعن نا:رضياللهعن هقالعمرب نال خطابحد ب ي نارجل صلىاللهعلي هوسلمإذ طلععلي نعن دالنبي يامحمد:ثمقال...نح

الم، بر نيعناإلس الم؟قالأخ :ومااإلس

قه،قال:،وقال" ألهويصد ناأنهيس :صدق ت،ف عجب بر نيعناإليمان؟قال :فأخ

ثمقالليرسولاللهصلىاللهعلي ه...صدق ت:،قال"ريمنالسائل؟:"وسلم :"اللهورسولهأع لم،قال:ف قل ت"ياعمر،هل تد

أم ردينكم ي علمكم ."فإنهجب ريلأتاكم 1:أخرجهمسلمفيصحيحهبرقم

Page 4: IUT Islamiat (HUM-0107) Lecture-1: Tawheed

Eeman & Islam A narration attributed to 'Umar' (ra) reports:

“While we were one day sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, there appeared before us a man… and said, O Muhammad! Inform me about Islam." Muhammad said, "Islam is that you should testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, that you should perform salah, pay the zakah fast during Ramadan, and perform Hajj (pilgrimage) to the House (the Ka'bah at Makkah), if you can find a way to it (or find the means for making the journey to it)." Said he (the man), "You have spoken truly." … he went on to say, "Inform me about Iman (faith)." He (the Messenger of Allah) answered, "It is that you believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and in the Last Day, and in fate (qadar), both in its good and in its evil aspects." He said, "You have spoken truly." …Thereupon the man went off. I waited a while, and then he (the Messenger of Allah) said, "O 'Umar, do you know who that questioner was?" I replied, "Allah and His Messenger know better." He said, "That was Jibril. He came to teach you your religion. " [Muslim:01]

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Eeman & Islam


• Non visible – not apparent –Faiths & Beliefs


• Visible – apparent - Deeds

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Eeman & Islam

When both words used together, they have the different

meaning. But when used in different places, they have the

same meaning.

Faith DeedsMumin/ Muslim

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The Basis of Eemaan

Page 8: IUT Islamiat (HUM-0107) Lecture-1: Tawheed

The Basis of Eemaan

It is that you believe in Allah and His angels

and His Books and His Messengers and in the

Last Day, and in fate (qadar), both in its good

and in its evil aspects.

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The Basis of Eemaan

Eemaan in Allah

Eemaan in the Angels

Eemaan in the Prophets and Messengers

Eemaan in Divine Scriptures

Eemaan in the Day of Resurrection

Eemaan in Al-Qadaa’ Wal Qadar (Divine


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The Basis of Eemaan – Eemaan in Allah

Tawheed in three areas:

In His Lordship (Rububiyyah)

In His worship (Uluhiyyah)

In His Names and Attributes (Asma’ Was Sifaat)

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Rububiyyah

Lord = Relationship of dominance and control

He alone is the: Creator



Grants Life & Death

Responds to supplications

Gives and deprives and has power over us

“His is the creation and His is the command. Blessed is Allah, the

Lord of the universe.” – A’raf-54

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Rububiyyah

Allah is the aboslute executor of Actions







All acts of worship should solely be directed to Him

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Rububiyyah

This is root of all other Tawheed, that’s why it is

mentioned in Al-Qur’an in the context of praising Allah,

worshipping Him and surrendering and Submitting to Him

Sura Fatiha – Rabbil Aalamin

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Uluhiyyah

Tawheed in His Worship

Those who believe in the lordship of Allah, but don’t believe in

Him as the only God and Tawheed of His Names & Attributes,

to those people Tawheed is of no avail.

“And most of them believe in Allah only when they associate

others with Him in His Divinity.”–Yousuf-106

Tawheed in His Worship

Allah is the True God and there is no God but Him and

worship is directed only to Him

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Uluhiyyah

Worship = Obedience, Subservience, Submission

Complete Love

Complete Submission

Allah should be greatest and dearest from anything else

“I created the jinn and humans for nothing else but that they

may serve Me.” Zaariyat-56

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Uluhiyyah










All types and forms of Worship

It is one of the foundations of Islam

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Uluhiyyah


Sincere dedication of love to Allah

Yet there are some who set up equals with God and adore them with the

adoration due to God, but those who believe love God most. If only the

wrongdoers could see, as they will see when they face the punishment, that

all power belongs to God, and that God is severe in punishment. (Baqara-


Devoting Supplication, reliance and hope to Allah alone in

matters upon which only He has the power

“And put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed” (Maaidah-23)

Fearing only Allah

Then fear Me (Allah) much (Nahl – 51)

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed Uluhiyyah

Dedicating purely and solely to Allah all physical forms of

worship, such as prayer, fasting, animal sarcifice, pilgrimage, as

well as all verbal forms, such as vows, seeking forgiveness and

the like.

Surely, Allah will not forgive the setting up partners in

worship with Him. He forgives whoever He will for

anything other than that. Whoever ascribes partners to

God has strayed far indeed. (Nisa-116)

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed ul Asma’ was


Allah is:

Characterised by all attributes of perfection,

Above all defects and deficiencies

He alone is distinguished from the rest of creation

by these characteristics

It is achieved by attesting all the names and

attributes Allah reported by Himself or

confirmed by His Prophet Sm In Qur’an and


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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed ul Asma’ was


3 Principles:

1. Declaring Allah above any imperfections or

attributes like Creatures

2. Belief in names and attributes that are in Quran-

Sunnah without increasing/decreasing or


3. Don’t greed to know the nature of these


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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed ul Asma’ was


1. Declaring Allah above any imperfections or attributes like Creatures Believe:

Above having a:

Spouse, Partner

Equal, Assistant


Above all imperfections:

Sleep, Exhaustion

Fatigue, Mortality

Ignorance, Injustice, Forgetfulness

And so on..

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed ul Asma’ was


2. Only names and attributes to be ascribed to

Allah are those mentioned in Qur’an-Sunnah

3. Believe in this names and attributes without

enquiring after their nature and manner or

investigating their essence.

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed ul Asma’ was


Various elements should be avoided: Comparison (Tashbeeh) Like christians compare Christ the son of Mary to Allah

and the Jews compared Uzair to Allah

Distortion (Tahreef) throuh false interpreation, change or alteration “And Allah spoke directly to Moses” – Nisa-163

Negation (ta’teel)

Takyeef: Ascertainting the manner in which Allah’s attributes take form and also determining their essence

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed ul Asma’ was


Some Names of Allah:

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Eemaan in Allah – Tawheed ul Asma’ was


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Meaning of Islam

Definition of Eemaan

The Basis of Eemaan

Eemaan in Allah

Tawheed Rububiyyah

Tawheed Uluhiyyah

Tawheed ul Asma’ was Sifaat

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Naim YaSin, Muhammad, (1997), The Book of Eemaan,

London ,Al-Firdous Ltd.

-Yousuf Sultan
