THE WASHINGTON TBTES TUESDAY JTXE 1 1909 ill I IUIIII r C r- I I = = ACROSS rHEJ CORRIDOR m J Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Phil Daring and Bob Stevens two cou sins live with their rich uncle John Stevens has made out a will in which the flrst oC nephews to marry with his approval receives MM0 the rest oC estate being divided equally between the beys Stevens threatens to chaRS Me will in favor of Phil as Bob baa prove unworthy The night before Win is to be Attend is feu dead by nitric acid while his servant is found wesnsdoMS at tb time Phil and B b accuse saab oUter Of tk crime CHAPTER IV EDENS ENDEAVOR first time the attending bad his attention attract ben the faithful oW ser who lay tn faint near dead master How does this felbw happeu to be hero asked the physician He was here with n cle when I ar- rived aqenvered Bob quiokly looking down at Bben who bean to stir in an clfort to recover Have hint carried Into the next room said the medical man and in Obedience io the orders a footman pick- ed up the insensible form and started offwith it Having thrown a sheet over the body pf John Stevens the doctor hurried in to the next room followed Phil and Bob The footman bad Just placed Eben on a bed and the over lint quickly looking urder his eyelids testing his pulse and feeling for wounds a in his head the medi- cal man muttered as much to himself RS to the anxious young fellows wh se fate might on Bben story as to poisoning of his master Both Bob watched with breathless suspense hoping for the one he accuse What explana- tion would be for the death of John Stevens Im afraid hes almost was the doctors verdict as he turned to a trav of stimulants fifteen minutes doctor worked over Eben but though he got him to breathing normally he the man from the stupor into which he had fallen How did he happen to faint the physician asked of Bob was like this explained the younger man Eben was some sort of cold cure that he made for Uncle Jack I was standing near my uncle talking to him when sud denly he called out for the drink Eben had J st finished preparing it and I stepped over took the from Ebens and gave it to my He drank it and immediately be gan to act in a peculiar manner Then lIe was seized with and be- gan to ofy out with pain both his hands on his stomach and an unnat ural look in hs face Eben came for- ward at the alarm then rushed back to lila table looked over the bottles- he bad ben using in the mixture let an unearthly cry and fell over In the swoon in which you find him Thats a very strange story young man replied the doctor looking doubtfully at Bob The fellow flushed up red dened and replied angrily But every word fcf it Is true We shall see when Eben is able to affair has a very aspect He continued over the old Fin afraid when he foil he hit something hard and dented his skull the doctor explained looking down tdubjoualy a He seems to eXhtbtt the symptoms c Insanity Youll notio the reflex the set of the eyes when I pull tile lid back I think blow affected his mind But isnt there hope of his coming around and telling his story There Is hope but thats all telL hes making a strug- gle with himself now As be spoke the physician passed a poothing over brew the mans eyelids fluttered- In a moment the lids went up and Ebens stared out at the little group around him strange that look is whispered- Bob edging closer to his cousin with wonder in his face Feel better inquired the doctor Eben looked at him but at tempted no reply Then Ids eyes and he glanced from one to the other of the tee In front of Suddenly his eyes met of Bob The young man gaze and stirred on the bad His mouth and Jie made a frantic effort to say something but his tongue seemed dumb and all that was was a shrill shriek that caused Bob to take a step backward Cant you say what you want to the physician asked taking up one of Ebens hands and smoothing it CHugglusslug The sounds Is- suing from Ebens mouth were unintel- ligible but the trio bent low to listen However nothing could be learned from his unintelligible cries- It is as I feared said the physi- cian The dent he received from his fall hae broken down his mind He re- members something that he wants to tell but can find no way to express it Phil looked steadily Bob as the physician said this and he noticed a strange in hie cousins face He could not exactly interpret It but It left him with a chilled feeling There was a certain about the whole affalr Dr Lyoas to below announced a servant entering the doom Dr Lyons was John Stevens family doctor and had been unable to get him at ftrat so had been forced t call iu a substitute ftfeow him up sid young Stevens and in a few minutes the doctor ap Re red Si took the news of the tragedy with profession almnem and asked to body Liter a brief examination he looked up and scanned the two young men closely Bob flushed and stared back boldly This is very serious Your unrle died from poisoning The poison so far- M I can ascertain was nitric add Wouldnt it be possible to put enough nitric acid in a cough drop to kill a man asked Bob quickly for Dr gj Absolute Pain- less Extraction Consultation and Advice t kt Golf i Crowns and I Porcelain Crowns S3- T and Ji Administered Red Cross Dental Office 939 Pa Ave N W iru STEBVICE Cars New Service Perfect Prices Moderate Town Cars for Calling and Cars by Week or Mouth if Desired JtOTOS CAR LiVERY CO- OFXC S AT COGBA3T HOTSU bone Main 4334 who his hi tile s poI DeB I FOR tits to of the man Which t o er the awak- en s unlle talk was the replY Thlll I to work I and cried W- ent See eyes w sud- denly his At e F ili 9 Pgfatt 4 SUctl L I fi < Fillings SOc V u t R Steee sam va a hIS 2iIl re- covery physicians servant but nith little success bt I bim thoe bon C see- the a i Cue I L bL- JAA1L1An3 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < + By ROBERT CARLTON BROWN AUTHOR THE BURJE OF PROOF OF II II i a Lyons bad addressed the remarks him with an evident question in his voles Yes replied the doctor vaguely Then he with much Why do you ask that Because uncle took a peculiar looking cough drop Just before What do mean Doctor Lyons seeing the veins on Phils fare swell and noting Jhw crafty look in Bobs eyes At that moment there came a wail from the next room I 1 the plaintive voice drawled down to noth ing Why that sounds like old Eben family physician It is Phil Come we must CHAPTER V THE BOX OF COUGH DROPS listened to the gurgle of old voice for some time but nothing could be learned Doctor Lyons seamed to think that the blow on the paralyzed his tongue l ut came to believe in the insanity idea for Eben could not even write what he wanted to explain There was however a leek of pain in his OreS that showed plainly he had- a story ho wished to tell and that if he could but tell it the mystery would he cleared up Bob excused himself shortly and went downstairs Phil heard him slam the outer door after him and wondered vaguely it his cousin were going to run- away from it all Somehow ho could the affair in but one light Bob had poisoned uncle and was trying to jrake it appear that Phil had done the deed For an hour after Bob left Phil sat in consultation with the doctor They advanced and rejected a hundred the- ories finally coming back to the only plausible one that John Stevens had such a thing Was there for Bob There was no motive for Eben to do such a thinng Was there for Bob It was late when the doctor left the coroner had been notified and a sitting arranged for the first thing in the morning We will see what the coroners Jury thinks of the case said Doctor Lyons as he bade Phil good night Phil Daring sat for some time with his uncles corpse Then with a sMver he passed into tne room where lay servant had fallen Into a slum- ber and his breathing was regular The doctor left one of to nurse him through the night There being to do and hav ing had a strenuous night of it Phil went to his room down Suddenly ho thought of the courfc he to his uncle It couldnt he possible tta th con- tained poison to ms dinnercoat he took ottt the hex and put one of the drops in his mouth It tasted sWbet and he sucked- it to the end with no IHertects The poison idea was absurd He dropped the halffull box into a pocket of the coat he had anti smoked a thoughtfully hour Then Tie bok off his cqat and threw JilmoalC on the bed j j He must have fallen asleep easily for it was almost dawn he attracted by a peculiar sound But he was too sleepy to just what had bothered and dozedoff again with out any trouble- In the morning he slept on as though loss of rest A maid awakened him at S3 advising him that the coroners jury would sit at the house at 10 oclock Phil jumped from bed threw or his clothes went to the den where preparations were already being made assistants were work ing about helping Dr Lyons who was making a preliminary examination of the body order to live his opinion- to the Jury How i Eben this asked Phil after he had expressed surprise at the physicians early return He is easily but is still un able to say anything coherently re plied ide other Ga and with him ht may be able to find exprovjlon for his thoughts and we dont want to miss a Phil started for the room and met Bob Just out Good morning- A black look w6 the only reply he but suddenly Bob turned and called after him genially Good morn- ing What had caused the sudden change Phil could not imagine but he did not worry about it Suddenly the thought flashed through his mind that old managed o impart some- thing to Bob or else the young fellow was pleased over the certainty that Eben would never be able to ell his story Phil went in and sat beside old abe The man did not seem to recognise hhr He looked at him with a ex pre in his dazed pitiful that hurt Phil Bab IMIM struggled ESben stra iiur hte mouth wide open and staring at- Phil Daring could not understand that word the old fellow was reaching for but it might be that he was j y Bob Bob Bob repeated PhiL Ehens eyes that hfe had guessed tight SHOES Distinctive and cora rcct Foremost in style and comfort Above all they wear well 350 400 500 FOR MEN AND WOMEN- Let us show you the principle of 929 F Street N W Operated by BieberKaufman Shoe Co Buy Your Clothe- on Credit THE FAMOUS 42123 7th St o Z m hhhhlt Hes to say I find out wht It fs THEY ns then his I toile I I I Oil for an drugged for he wu heavy the t eyesa trying to A light or understanding into WU OVER WALKOVER S g ben nothing tbt a eme WALKOVER 1 t I I i7 I t I IH ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < Vhat do yoij want to say ba urged Di dl di went on the old fellow but Phil could make nothing out of that Half an hour he sat beside Eben bi learned absolutely nothing It stfetned that the man was more con fused in his efforts at explanation and Phil feared that nothing would ever be learned from him If Eben couU only then the true story of tie tragedy would come outPhil could not help but compare the situation two days before with that of the Then everything had been running along had been happy Alice Arlington his uncle was alive and and now how completely everything had changed Phil suddenly heard the tramp of footsteps coming tip the stairs and vaguely realized that It was the coro ndrH jury assembling for their sitting What would they find Dr Lyons came to the door a few minutes later and told Phil that his presence was needed at the inquest young fellow followed him into the den and looked around slowly On table in the center of the room rest ed his uncles body and around it sal a group of men including Bob and the footman who had been dispatched for Phil the night before At the head of tho table sat an aus- tere cold looking man Phil understood- at a glance that ho was the coroner- It was not quite time for the Jury to convene They sat talking in hushed voices looking around with that air of mystery that pervades such a group of m n- One of the coughed The others looked ua in a startled manner The was repeated Give hint one of those cough drops- of yours Phil drawled Bob fumbled in his pocket Yes well want tho e in evidence too broke in the covoner Phil had mechanically remoVed the box from his pocket where he had placed it the night before He handed it over to Bob who sat near him wed better look at these first to be sure said Pob Quickly opening the box he took out one of the drops and pressed it with hl3 thumb It was reduced to a sticky mass at hie touch Nitric acid cried Lyons examin- ing the brown paste In Bobs hand reached over like a flash picked up the box that had fallen Holding It up after a quick look at it he cried This is not the same box Its a new one Iy initials were penciled on the ether and It wa from rubbing in pocket The Jurors looked at him curiously There was doubt expressed in the eyes of every man present H Fldii OVER THHMESSAGV- TTTT DARING Rat sudden discovery of Ute cough drops he had been carrying He had noticed in an Instant that the box wajB new one and nqt the medicine had changed he did not kno v r IN lw ViCiwi V ii But suddenly he thought of how ae had been awakened by a noise that morning and figured that It would have been possible for a person to slip into his zoom and change tIme boxes The coroner took possession of this new evidence and tho jury was called- at once Bob toW his story in the same way that he had repeated It to the doctor- It made an Impression on the jury for he toM also of time cough drop that Phil had handed to his uncle after dnner that night Then Phil told his story of what he had seen when he entered the boom but he did not accuse Bob for he had no facts with which to back up his belief in his cousins guilt Dr Lyons next the stand and told of his examination of the dead mans stomach Without a doubt death had been by nitric acid Having given his simple statement- of facts launched forth into a dls cuaaton of theory of the nitric acid having been administered In a cough drop He supported Phil and that it would almost be impossible for a lo live as long as Stevens did if had been poisoned right after dinner He also stated that there was evidence Every Woman Will Be Interested If you will send you name and addreeg w will man you FREE a package or Mother Gray ATJSTKAIiZANliEAr a certain pleasant h rb ours for Womens Ills It reliable regulator and neverfalling If you hap pains in back Urinary Bladder or Kldrpy 1 u thin pleasant union- of aromatic roots and leaves All drug sell It 50 cent or addreee The Mother Gray V Le Roy N Y Hodgkins Paints an just Ideal for retouching Whehrr Its a room a chair or the fence outside you can make thieve brig I t and attractive Model House Paints all colors Stains for floors Aluminum and Wire Screen Paints etc 15c per can and up- We the PAINT BRUSH FJlE Also Rochdale Discounts Family ILP Paint Store 913 7th St N W Phone M 2706 Painless i Hilt spn a tooth yrt that I couliiii tnut without palntlmt- yli I i Utis Painless Extraction 01- o IM DR EVANS 1201 Pa Ave N W Entrance on Twelfth Street CUTTING GRASS is just little recreation ifwhen you uso one of our easy running LAWN MOWERS UP BARBER ROSS llth and G streets Daring an J stunned by the one leon eau ed ma he Is- M the herbs Brighten Up the Home spring Var- nish Extracting OR I I i a IISht- r f I 225 4APJERTI Uls z give UAf1dbinc 13 na- a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < of a far greater quantity of the acid in Stevens stomach than could be con- tained In two of the cough drops He talked on thus strain half an hour he Jury was interested but not convinced The of Eben then introduced by Dr Lyons He explain- ed that there was a very peculiar cir Involved in tilt old nuns Evidently Eben lad witnessed a trag edy There was more to he assured them than the sliglit theory that Phil had given his uncle poIson in a cough drop The doctor pointed te the lack of mo- tive on part and though hIS re marks were umioco ary the coroner allowed him to contiriue as he himself scouted accepted theory of the pol onod cough drops All possible details were entered and discussed and it was only aftor a long and heated argumentthat the jury brought in its verdict Neither Phil nor Ebb had realized the full Importance of this preliminary protested innocence and were but little concerned with the jury that was to decide the cause of their uncles death But when the verdict arrived both cousins sat up with a surprise and alarm that they had not dreamed of before- It lied all come so suddenly The cold hard voice of the coroner was nouncing the decision while a clerk wrote it down We find John Stevens was mur- dered between the hours of 9 and 10 oclock last night in his room on the third floor of lila home The murder was committed through the agency of nitric acid and the jury Is undecided ens nephews of the deceased commit- ted the crime It Is believed however that one or the other is guilty and on that belief the jury recommends that warrants be issued for the arrest of both Bob huddled down in a shapeless limp The verdict had been so unex that he lost all control of him selfPhil too had not considered arrest as a possible outcome The young fel- low had been so wrought up over the death of his uncle Betas susplciin of him that he had thought of little else Now It all eame to him with a sud- denness that took his breath away He was to be arrested charged with the nu rder of his uncle whom he hail rev ere need and loved above everything in the world Even as this thought came to him two bluecoated officers entered the room The coroner showed them their prison- ers the warrants were prepared read and Phil Daring was led off to prison at the side of his cousin Bob Stevens Neither had a word to say It bed me bout so sud1 along in f this ttnantlclpnttd arrest In tbe town of Dutton John Stevens had always been looked up to as the greatest and richest man the com- munity It was a small place and when Phil and Bob had come tc live with tfeel uncle they had been accepted IB the as he- TOW H ffiWk of these two your fel- lows being ted through street tiand wrested 6 charge pi murdering their uncle along their path and poured out to see the great criminals The murder of John Stevens for such it had called by the coroners jury was the biggest sensa- tion that Duttoa had ever enjoyed To think that their little town should into sudden prominence in such a The officers who led the two young men swelled with pride their day and they marched on their way to station house in order to flaunt their catch in the faces of as many people as posiDie The news spread everywhere by tele Nadine Face Powder Produces a Beautiful Complexion Soft and velvety k Ke ma 1 n c until I washed on Purl fled a newly discovered cess Harmless as water Prevents return of green boxes only Buy one 50c package and money will be re funded If are not entirely satisfied Flesh Pink Brunette By leading druggists or mail Prepd by NATIONAL TOILET CO parisTcnn Sold Viv Iliarmacv ODon- npll8 Pharmacy Kvarif Pharmacy and hiihclash toilet iountrrs CHRISTIAN XANDERS NE PLUS ULTRA 250 a Full Quart- A veryold Rye Whiskey of sur- prisingly delicious quality One of the 18 unrivaled American Whiskies in stock Owy at Quality House 909 7Jh St Nw No Brandies Phone M 7i Red Cetfar Flakes Keeps the Moths Away and there is no disaoraoable odor Large Package lOc 25c size 904 F St N W FOR HIRE y Surreys and own i u in ni e r corvcy 11 s excellent 31 arses Especially B quipped to take c of visiting tourists tea KonabJe rlces Portland Stables J M Peake t Prop- El NCVJ Vrk AVC Ph jne Main 12i8 fer bod was cum taaCf fain the story Phil the that as to Phil Dating or Bob Sllv and all w sept With the th t pie bee spring mnn r bI ut through unnecessary streets I pro I I discolo- rations In TintsWhite i ODOHELL1- g I PPJido nee are r sit- ting sit trail ght db mtb54 the was a score of oc 14ci s I j 1 eLi I b i er 7 6r liel ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = gram and telephone It was a great tragedy could see in his minds eye the afternoon papers coming out with their pictures together and under- neath in red type the ques- tion Which He could imagine the yellow Journals offering prizes to their subscribers for ones that guessed rightly Which of the cousins was guilty they reacted the station house They were led before the desk sergeant slated and searched It was humil iating routine and the two young f61 all thy could do to boftr It length the red tape was com- pleted and they were back to the coil There fi m lack of space they were locked up together In one cell There were one above the other in the llttl iron room Phil without a word climbed into the upper one where he burled his head in the hard prison pillow and clenched his teeth and lists in an agony of despair Below he heard Bob to taunt him by whistling a cheery air For two lay there thumb ing over the dead past and thinking or the great shame that suddenly come to them aM Now even Alice Arl ington would fail him Even If he did set out the world would turn front himA rap on the bars below brought Phil back to the present and he leaned in time to look down and see Bob reading an open telegraph message turnkeys Is this fo you asked the latter Yes answered Bob quickly selzltig thc yellow slip and looking up fur Phil Then youre the one thats called Phil Daring I can tell apart No Im Daring cried Phil spring from his bunk to the floor as lie realized that something underhand was going on No you dont cried Bob as Phil tried to seize the telegram Its mine Ill see it or know whvi cried Phil his bloofl up Bob threw out his log and tried to Phil but the latter was too quick for him Bracing back he plunged his flat full into his cousins face and snatched the telegram from Bobs hand as he fell The Continuation of This Story Will Be Found in Tomorrows Edi- tion of The Times dollar Is the introductory price we are making on our regular Gold Mounted Eyeglasses Positively the greatest eyeglass valu ever offered elsewhere under 3 or 4 jour eyes examined free Glasses ad vised only where necessary Fitted to meet your exact requirements without extra charge TEE EYE SPECIALIST 917 Pa Avenue IM W 5 to 5 Reduced to manufacturers clear- ance of the newest spring and summer styles If you want one you had better hurry theyre going fast 500 Umbrellas 7 While they last i Kroegers Umbrella Store I 618 9th St Opposite Patent Omce Phone M 4834 BULBS iOc PHLOX PLANTS lOc EACH 3 FOR 25c Kramer- A Sewing Machine Sale Several H iR h grade Sfewing Me- liines in excel- lent condition and liiiaranteed for five years for weeks Home 7 Domestic 58 Singer Sio Standard 12 OPPENHEIMERJS5149thSt rot LIKE THESE California Wines and Muscatel 3 fits for 100 Fine flavored Port bherry Angelica EUGENE SCHWAB i2S Stl St S E Phone Lincoln QL my27t- fj Cook With Coke The ideal fuel for summer l e Ignites quickly burns freely quite inexpensive K Bushels Large Ccts drjtvereaIJ50- A to Bushel Large Cva dellv l37a Large Cose 25 Bushels CruiieJ Ctke deliveredJ300- T MI Bushels dellveredsa- C BusheU Crushi v kp deliveredJ5 Washington Gaslight 413 Tenth St W Ylhen t Over just 7 SPEND 100 ON YOUR SIGHTO- ne 50 CALUSHER Parasols 2- A Reducedto2 I ti N W- I I Peony and Dahlia The Florist 916 FSL W- J this sell- ing Now jU1 WILL 3 5 c 1 M so Bushel t Co- t t t t- l i 4 44 J 4 i t fiT I f 7 4 O5 4 S I C t t delivered 3510 eke 444 C C C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < ++ + + HE SENT TO ABDUL- Letters Said r to Favor Old Rulers quest Is Significant CONSTANTINOPLE June Ambassador Von Bleberstein visited HHml Pasha today and made a personal demand for the return of the letters written by Emperor William to former Sultan Abdul Hamld during the crisis of last April Theae letters ere alleged to prove the Kaisers support of Abduls despotism and Germanys anxiety to recover them- Is considered significant They were found among the rulers effects when he was driven from the palace by the victorious Young Turks vizier told Von Biebersteln that the let ters were still In the possession of the Young Turks Investigating committee and that until they were to the government it would be impossible for him to with the request The ambassador then asted as to the contents ot the letters but was In- formed that the Young Turks had dis- closed nothing to the government Hilml to send the letters to the It would surprise you to know how many man ufacturers of furniture- use Ivory Soap to give a finishing touch of beauty- to the things they make This is the recipe Dissolve onefourth of a cake of Ivory Soap in boiling water Add a pail of warm water in which put two table spoonfuls of kerosene Stir thoroughly Wash furniture with a soft cloth Dry with another soft cloth Ivory Soap 994 Cent Pure STORE YOUR FURS Its the Only Way Thats Safe 0ur Cold Storage affords pos itive protection against mishaps fcv fire or Your furs rugs and draperies are absolutely safe in our Warehouse Terms moderate 1140 Fift nth Street HEADACHE and KINDRED ILLS almost invariably are the re- sults of The quicker the weakness Is cor- rected the quicker will these ills disappear When you have your eyes examined consult an Eye Spe- cialist zr that Insure accurate judgment and proier treat- ment H D FEAST 6 CO 26 Yeais an Eyesight Spcclalljil 1213 F Street N W EXCURSIONS Annapolis June 14 ino Cars sourly on hour from WhIte Xouse Station via Wash Baltimore Annapolis Electric Railway The Only Line Direct to S NAVAL ACADEMY Lte cars leave Academy Gate at 12 p m for Washington June 3 4 Ticket Omce 14th St nnd New York Ave K W Ask for coaraETs PROOKAMmy3I4t VZSIT- Yaslilngton s Iopulnr Salt lYatcc Resort boardwalk Many new attractions Fishing Boating Minsters Orchestra Excel hotels and cafes Unexcelled CulsHne- 25c Week Days Tplt 50c Sundays tind Holidays IIUJUUU Train schedule in R R Coium- njny21tf CO Every day In the year from foot 7th si- or Fort Monroe Norfolk Newport ifewa and points south via steel steamers Soutii land ewport J ew Horfslji and Washington tv Vashton 615 pIn Lv Portsmouth5 pm LV JMexandria76epm Lv Xorfolk ir Monroe 7W am Ur Ft Monn 7 pm Ar Norfolk800 Ar am Ar PorfjmouthSSOam Ar WashlQBOn am zySenral Ticket Office 715 Hjh CoY orads Bulidlnjr Phone Main i520- 7tis St What Phone Main STftt- JNO tvr VHAX V Pres A Gen Mgr W H CALLAHA Gent Pate Ag- taplStr KAISER ASKS NOTES DespotismRe 1German depo co promised as soon as ho got possession of Per 0 t JUNE WEEK AT ACADEMY I Agent Chesapeake Beach pt NORFOLK VASHINQTON pm- r Alexandrl l d them c t 4 AVAL the 34 the- O ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Health Never to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty- No matter how it has been gray Promotes a luxuriant growth of bair Stops its out anti positively removes D- clndf Keeps soft and glossy all substitutes as f n 100 as SOc size Is Not a bottles at drags Send 2c for free book The Cars of the Hair Philo Hay Spec Co Newark N J Bays Hariina Soap cures rough and chapped and all skin and soft 25c drurrjritu end 2c for tree book of RESTS MODSK2T PKAB- BHS FRAn BPAKXS- 25OB 2 8ZOZS AMUSEMENTS COLUMBIA Tonight at Jt3 Mats Tburs and Sat Xo PHONE ORDERS Matinee Prices 25c and 500 Tho Columbia Players I 5C Prince Chap f Next WeekARE TOT A MASON r NEW Tonight at 820 MATINEES flllfnU wed and Sat JTlffht Prices asc soc IN A CHINESE HONEYMOON With KATIE BARRY aaFiFIm- y316t LUNA PARK Pree Gate Week Day coxTixrors VACDEVIME American atogimeatal SaaiS- o ATTRACTIONS ISfLIDIXCr Shetiand Ponies Johnstown Fjo 4 Chutes Filipino Midgets Human Laun dry Scenic River Roller Coaster Ca rous et Skating Rink SUPERB DANCE PAVILION Frida Night at 9 Danre PavlionT- OTH CEXTITIY CAKE WALKERS GAYETY THEATRE THJS WEEK MATINEE EVERY DAT GREAT BEllMAN SHOW and FRANK D BRYANS rongrei of American Girls Extra Attraction Walter Next S CLARKS JERSEY LILIES CO myiltt NEW LYCEUM MATINEE DAILY Alit THIS WEEK INNOCENT MAIDS Special Added Attraction MLLE The Girl W Blue Will positively appear- at every performance Chorus Girls Contest Tuesday Night Amateur Xlght Friday Next Week THE ROLLICKEBS my31St ATTENTIONMo- tion Picture Managers and Proprietors our proposition for furnishing you our No 1 Film Service latest subjects and one ot the bfst machines on the market and an experienced operator for the price that you would pay alone for an inferior film service song slides free furnished anywhere In the U S or Canada Write today Independent Amusement Go 651 12th St N E Washington D C my3fl30t OKA2TD COCTCBRO AT HEVY HASE Marine Band Every Evening including Sunday Illuminated Pony Track Except Sunday jeltf Great Fun A Glen Echo Free Motion Pictures antC Dancing Bring the family my31tf GAilES FOR ONE ADMISSION2 FIRST G5fkE 2 P AT Nationals V8 New York myHtf SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City The leading rpsort house of America a particularly attractive during Atlantic a famous summer season JOSIAH WHITE SONS COMPAK- Tmy2721texSn stat w v HADDON HALL ATIJA2T7XG 3T J Directly on the ocean front with ua obstructed view Salt water in alt baths Hot and cold water In most bedrooms Always open Booklet LEEDS JF- PINCOTT mylO tex3u Maryland VESBRN MARYLAND R R NEW BOD- KSnmTriPTlTiO owtete informa UI1 Get free cop The W M R any ticket agent A or address dPATTMdRRBat M4 Ocean City Ocean City N J IIe thlest and prettiest rosort on 7 coast Excellent bay and ocean yachting and fishlnff BoardwaikteB trolley to A lactic City Cottages ami Bungalows er Write lor illustrated booklet not i usi uua other anfermatien PUBLICITY BUREAU jnylStuthsa Hhode Island THE THORNDIKE JAMESTOWN K I Open June K Delightfully situated on the Bay dlrecur opposite Newport Pine Bathing FishIng and SallUsr Single rooms 10 to J14 per week Got your resrevatlons Write for Boon let GEO B SELOVER Proprietor my9Sututh3et Pure Fresh Elgin BUTTER At of the 24 stores of THE SASlTdfSt CEOC RY CO Falls orfaded fatling 2 De- b au SOc no the OEONItELLS PXAJt 1S S E v go msilGr 75e ABORN OPERA 00 St t- ALL t WeekWM DEl LEON Get C LAKE Every Evening g BASEBALL TODAY t Warlborougb l3lenbeIm crT F HOWELL jel30t 3 t anyone I t Re- fuse spit dis- eases TM Care P1OP- Lzz By Large Section Lanc1fl Lien of erse 2 8 vi ¬ < =

IUIIII I ACROSS rHEJ CORRIDORTHE WASHINGTON TBTES TUESDAY JTXE 1 1909 ill I IUIIII r C r- I = I ACROSS rHEJ CORRIDOR m J Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Phil Daring and Bob

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Page 1: IUIIII I ACROSS rHEJ CORRIDORTHE WASHINGTON TBTES TUESDAY JTXE 1 1909 ill I IUIIII r C r- I = I ACROSS rHEJ CORRIDOR m J Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Phil Daring and Bob





I I= =


Synopsis of Chapters Already PublishedPhil Daring and Bob Stevens two cou

sins live with their rich uncle JohnStevens has made out a will inwhich the flrst oC nephews to marrywith his approval receives MM0 therest oC estate being divided equallybetween the beys Stevens threatens tochaRS Me will in favor of Phil as Bobbaa prove unworthy The night before

Win is to be Attend is feudead by nitric acid while hisservant is found wesnsdoMS attb time Phil and B b accuse saaboUter Of tk crime


first time the attendingbad his attention attract

ben the faithful oW serwho lay tn faint near

dead masterHow does this felbw happeu to be

hero asked the physicianHe was here with n cle when I ar-

rived aqenvered Bob quiokly lookingdown at Bben who bean to stir in anclfort to recover

Have hint carried Into the nextroom said the medical man and inObedience io the orders a footman pick-

ed up the insensible form and startedoffwith it

Having thrown a sheet over the bodypf John Stevens the doctor hurried into the next room followed Phil andBob The footman bad Just placed Ebenon a bed and the overlint quickly looking urder his eyelidstesting his pulse and feeling for wounds

a in his head the medi-cal man muttered as much to himselfRS to the anxious young fellows wh sefate might on Bben storyas to poisoning of his master

Both Bob watched withbreathless suspense hoping for the

one he accuse What explana-tion would be for the death ofJohn Stevens

Im afraid hes almost wasthe doctors verdict as he turned to atrav of stimulants

fifteen minutes doctor workedover Eben but though he got him tobreathing normally he

the man from the stupor into whichhe had fallen

How did he happen to faint thephysician asked of Bob

was like this explained theyounger man Eben wassome sort of cold cure that he madefor Uncle Jack I was standing nearmy uncle talking to him when suddenly he called out for the drinkEben had J st finished preparing itand I stepped over took thefrom Ebens and gave it to my

He drank it and immediately began to act in a peculiar manner ThenlIe was seized with and be-gan to ofy out with pain both hishands on his stomach and an unnatural look in hs face Eben came for-ward at the alarm then rushed backto lila table looked over the bottles-he bad ben using inthe mixture let an unearthly cryand fell over In the swoon in whichyou find him

Thats a very strange story youngman replied the doctor lookingdoubtfully at Bob

The fellow flushed up reddened and replied angrily But everyword fcf it Is true

We shall see when Eben is able to

affair has a very aspectHe continued over the old

Fin afraid when he foil he hitsomething hard and dented his skullthe doctor explained looking down

tdubjoualy a He seemsto eXhtbtt the symptoms c InsanityYoull notio the reflex theset of the eyes when I pull tile lidback I think blow affectedhis mind

But isnt there hope of hiscoming around and telling his story

There Is hope but thats alltelL hes making a strug-

gle with himself nowAs be spoke the physician passed a

poothing over brewthe mans eyelids fluttered-

In a moment the lids went up andEbens stared out at the littlegroup around him

strange that look is whispered-Bob edging closer to his cousin withwonder in his face

Feel better inquired the doctorEben looked at him but at

tempted no reply Then Ids eyesand he glanced from one

to the other of the tee In front of

Suddenly his eyes met of BobThe young man gaze and

stirred on the bad His mouthand Jie made a frantic effort to

say something but his tongue seemeddumb and all that was was ashrill shriek that caused Bob to take astep backward

Cant you say what you want tothe physician asked taking up one ofEbens hands and smoothing it

CHugglusslug The sounds Is-

suing from Ebens mouth were unintel-ligible but the trio bent low to listen

However nothing could be learnedfrom his unintelligible cries-

It is as I feared said the physi-cian The dent he received from hisfall hae broken down his mind He re-

members something that he wants totell but can find no way to express it

Phil looked steadily Bob as thephysician said this and he noticed astrange in hie cousins face Hecould not exactly interpret It but It lefthim with a chilled feeling

There was a certain aboutthe whole affalr

Dr Lyoas to below announced aservant entering the doom

Dr Lyons was John Stevens familydoctor and had been unable to gethim at ftrat so had been forced t calliu a substitute

ftfeow him up sid young Stevensand in a few minutes the doctor apRe red

Si took the news of the tragedy withprofession almnem and asked to

body Liter a brief examination helooked up and scanned the two youngmen closely Bob flushed and staredback boldly

This is very serious Your unrledied from poisoning The poison so far-

M I can ascertain was nitric addWouldnt it be possible to put enough

nitric acid in a cough drop to kill aman asked Bob quickly for Dr

gj Absolute Pain-

less ExtractionConsultation and Advice

t kt Golfi Crowns andI Porcelain

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Lyons bad addressed the remarkshim with an evident question in hisvoles

Yes replied the doctor vaguelyThen he with muchWhy do you ask that

Because uncle took a peculiarlooking cough drop Just before

What do mean DoctorLyons seeing the veins on Phils fareswell and noting Jhw crafty look inBobs eyes

At that moment there came a wailfrom the next room

I 1 theplaintive voice drawled down to nothing

Why that sounds like old Ebenfamily physician

It is Phil

Come we must


listened to the gurgle of oldvoice for some time but

nothing could be learned DoctorLyons seamed to think that the blowon the paralyzed his tonguel ut came to believe in the insanityidea for Eben could not even writewhat he wanted to explain

There was however a leek of painin his OreS that showed plainly he had-a story ho wished to tell and that ifhe could but tell it the mystery wouldhe cleared up

Bob excused himself shortly and wentdownstairs Phil heard him slam theouter door after him and wonderedvaguely it his cousin were going to run-away from it all

Somehow ho could the affair inbut one light Bob had poisoneduncle and was trying to jrake it appearthat Phil had done the deed

For an hour after Bob left Phil satin consultation with the doctor Theyadvanced and rejected a hundred the-ories finally coming back to the onlyplausible one that John Stevens hadsuch a thing Was there for Bob

There was no motive for Eben to dosuch a thinng Was there for Bob

It was late when the doctor left thecoroner had been notified and a sittingarranged for the first thing in themorning

We will see what the coroners Jurythinks of the case said Doctor Lyonsas he bade Phil good night

Phil Daring sat for some time withhis uncles corpse Then with a sMverhe passed into tne room wherelay

servant had fallen Into a slum-ber and his breathing was regularThe doctor left one ofto nurse him through the night

There being to do and having had a strenuous night of it Philwent to his room down

Suddenly ho thought of the courfche to his uncle

It couldnt he possible tta th con-tained poison

to ms dinnercoat he took otttthe hex and put one of the drops in hismouth It tasted sWbet and he sucked-it to the end with no IHertects Thepoison idea was absurd

He dropped the halffull box into apocket of the coat he had antismoked a thoughtfullyhour Then Tie bokoff his cqat and threw JilmoalC on thebed j j

He must have fallen asleep easilyfor it was almost dawn heattracted by a peculiar sound But hewas too sleepy to just what hadbothered and dozedoff again without any trouble-

In the morning he slept on as thoughloss of rest A maid awakened him atS3 advising him that the coronersjury would sit at the house at 10oclock

Phil jumped from bed threw or hisclothes went to the den wherepreparations were already being made

assistants were working about helping Dr Lyons who wasmaking a preliminary examination ofthe body order to live his opinion-to the Jury

How i Eben this askedPhil after he had expressed surpriseat the physicians early return

He is easily but is still unable to say anything coherently replied ide other Ga and withhim ht may be able to find exprovjlonfor his thoughts and we dont want tomiss a

Phil started for the room and metBob Just out

Good morning-A black look w 6 the only reply he

but suddenly Bob turned andcalled after him genially Good morn-ing

What had caused the sudden changePhil could not imagine but he did notworry about it

Suddenly the thought flashedthrough his mind that old

managed o impart some-thing to Bob or else the young fellowwas pleased over the certainty thatEben would never be able to ell hisstory

Phil went in and sat beside old abeThe man did not seem to recognise hhrHe looked at him with a expre in his dazed pitiful

that hurt PhilBab IMIM struggled ESben stra

iiur hte mouth wide open and staring at-Phil

Daring could not understand thatword the old fellow was reaching forbut it might be that he wasj y Bob

Bob Bob repeated PhiL

Ehens eyes that hfehad guessed tight

SHOESDistinctive and corarcct Foremost in

style and comfort Aboveall they wear well

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Hes to sayIfind out wht It fs








for an

drugged for he wu heavy the



trying to

A light or understanding into












I i7I tI IH





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Vhat do yoij want to say baurged

Di dl di went on the old fellowbut Phil could make nothing out ofthat

Half an hour he sat beside Eben bilearned absolutely nothing It stfetnedthat the man was more confused in his efforts at explanation andPhil feared that nothing would ever belearned from him

If Eben couU only then thetrue story of tie tragedy would comeoutPhil could not help but compare thesituation two days before with that ofthe Then everything hadbeen running along hadbeen happy Alice Arlington hisuncle was alive and and nowhow completely everything hadchanged

Phil suddenly heard the tramp offootsteps coming tip the stairs andvaguely realized that It was the corondrH jury assembling for their sittingWhat would they find

Dr Lyons came to the door a fewminutes later and told Phil that hispresence was needed at the inquest

young fellow followed him intothe den and looked around slowly On

table in the center of the room rested his uncles body and around it sala group of men including Bob and thefootman who had been dispatched forPhil the night before

At the head of tho table sat an aus-tere cold looking man Phil understood-at a glance that ho was the coroner-

It was not quite time for the Juryto convene They sat talking in hushedvoices looking around with that air ofmystery that pervades such a group ofm n-

One of the coughed The otherslooked ua in a startled manner The

was repeatedGive hint one of those cough drops-

of yours Phil drawled Bobfumbled in his pocket

Yes well want tho e in evidencetoo broke in the covoner

Phil had mechanically remoVed thebox from his pocket where he hadplaced it the night before

He handed it over to Bob who satnear him

wed better look at thesefirst to be sure said Pob

Quickly opening the box he took outone of the drops and pressed it with hl3thumb It was reduced to a stickymass at hie touch

Nitric acid cried Lyons examin-ing the brown paste In Bobs hand

reached over like a flashpicked up the box that had fallen

Holding It up after a quick look atit he cried

This is not the same box Its a newone Iy initials were penciled on theether and It wa from rubbingin pocket

The Jurors looked at him curiouslyThere was doubt expressed in the eyesof every man present


sudden discovery of Utecough drops he had been carrying

He had noticed in an Instant that thebox wajB new one and nqt the

medicine had changed he did notkno v r IN lw ViCiwi V ii

But suddenly he thought of how aehad been awakened by a noisethat morning and figured that It wouldhave been possible for a person to slipinto his zoom and change tIme boxes

The coroner took possession of thisnew evidence and tho jury was called-at once

Bob toW his story in the same waythat he had repeated It to the doctor-It made an Impression on the juryfor he toM also of time cough dropthat Phil had handed to his uncle afterdnner that night

Then Phil told his story of what hehad seen when he entered the boombut he did not accuse Bob for he hadno facts with which to back up hisbelief in his cousins guilt

Dr Lyons next the stand andtold of his examination of the deadmans stomach Without a doubt deathhad been by nitric acid

Having given his simple statement-of facts launched forth into a dlscuaaton of theory of the nitric acidhaving been administered In a coughdrop

He supported Phil and thatit would almost be impossible for alo live as long as Stevens did if

had been poisoned right after dinnerHe also stated that there was evidence

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Jstunned by the



eau ed






Brighten Upthe Homespring






a IISht-
















of a far greater quantity of the acidin Stevens stomach than could be con-tained In two of the cough drops

He talked on thus strain half anhour he Jury was interested but notconvinced The of Eben thenintroduced by Dr Lyons He explain-ed that there was a very peculiar cir

Involved in tilt old nunsEvidently Eben lad witnessed a trag

edy There was more to heassured them than the sliglit theorythat Phil had given his uncle poIsonin a cough drop

The doctor pointed te the lack of mo-tive on part and though hIS remarks were umioco ary the coronerallowed him to contiriue as he himselfscouted accepted theory of thepol onod cough drops

All possible details were entered anddiscussed and it was only aftor along and heated argumentthat the jurybrought in its verdict

Neither Phil nor Ebb had realized thefull Importance of this preliminary

protested innocenceand were but little concerned with thejury that was to decide the cause oftheir uncles death

But when the verdict arrived bothcousins sat up with a surprise andalarm that they had not dreamed ofbefore-

It lied all come so suddenly Thecold hard voice of the coroner wasnouncing the decision while a clerkwrote it down

We find John Stevens was mur-dered between the hours of 9 and 10oclock last night in his room on thethird floor of lila home The murderwas committed through the agency ofnitric acid and the jury Is undecided

ens nephews of the deceased commit-ted the crime It Is believed howeverthat one or the other is guilty and onthat belief the jury recommends thatwarrants be issued for the arrest ofboth

Bob huddled down in a shapelesslimp The verdict had been so unex

that he lost all control of himselfPhil too had not considered arrestas a possible outcome The young fel-low had been so wrought up over thedeath of his uncle Betas susplciinof him that he had thought of littleelse

Now It all eame to him with a sud-denness that took his breath away Hewas to be arrested charged with thenu rder of his uncle whom he hail revere need and loved above everything inthe world

Even as this thought came to him twobluecoated officers entered the roomThe coroner showed them their prison-ers the warrants were preparedread and Phil Daring was led off toprison at the side of his cousin BobStevens

Neither had a word to say It bedme bout so sud1

along in f this ttnantlclpnttdarrest

In tbe town of Dutton John Stevenshad always been looked up to as thegreatest and richest man the com-munity It was a small place andwhen Phil and Bob had come tc livewith tfeel uncle they had been acceptedIB the as he-

TOW H ffiWk of these two your fel-lows being ted through street tiand

wrested 6charge pi murdering their uncle

along their pathand poured out to see the greatcriminals The murder of John Stevensfor such it had called by thecoroners jury was the biggest sensa-tion that Duttoa had ever enjoyedTo think that their little town should

into sudden prominence in sucha

The officers who led the two youngmen swelled with pridetheir day and they marchedon their way to station house inorder to flaunt their catch in the facesof as many people as posiDie

The news spread everywhere by tele

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ferbod was

cum taaCffain

the story




as to Phil Dating or Bob Sllv



sept With the





springmnn r

bI utthrough unnecessary streets

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discolo-rations In











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wasa score of




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gram and telephone It was a greattragedy could see in his mindseye the afternoon papers coming outwith their pictures together and under-neath in red type the ques-tion Which

He could imagine the yellow Journalsoffering prizes to their subscribers for

ones that guessed rightly Which ofthe cousins was guilty

they reacted the station houseThey were led before the desk sergeant

slated and searched It was humiliating routine and the two young f61all thy could do to boftr It

length the red tape was com-pleted and they were back to thecoil There fi m lack of space theywere locked up together In one cell

There were one above theother in the llttl iron room Philwithout a word climbed into the upperone where he burled his head in thehard prison pillow and clenched histeeth and lists in an agony of despair

Below he heard Bob to taunthim by whistling a cheery air

For two lay there thumbing over the dead past and thinking orthe great shame that suddenlycome to them aM Now even Alice Arlington would fail him Even If he didset out the world would turn fronthimA rap on the bars belowbrought Phil back to the present andhe leaned in time to lookdown and see Bob reading an opentelegraph message turnkeys

Is this fo you asked the latterYes answered Bob quickly selzltigthc yellow slip and looking up fur

PhilThen youre the one thats called

Phil Daring I can tell apartNo Im Daring cried Phil spring

from his bunk to the floor as lierealized that something underhand wasgoing on

No you dont cried Bob as Philtried to seize the telegram

Its mine Ill see it or know whvicried Phil his bloofl up

Bob threw out his log and tried toPhil but the latter was too

quick for him Bracing back heplunged his flat full into his cousinsface and snatched the telegram fromBobs hand as he fell

The Continuation of This Story WillBe Found in Tomorrows Edi-

tion of The Times

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to send the letters to the

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