ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus Integrator... · Website: Contact Number: +27 (0)12 425 5600 Fax Number: +27 (0)12 460 5337 eFax Number: 086 612 3692 . 5 ITS

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ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Vision, Mission and Values ....................................................................................................................... 3

Overview of ADAPTIT Business Solutions ................................................................................................ 4

General Objectives and Benefits of the Programs .................................................................................... 5

Participant Profiles .................................................................................................................................... 5

Program Regulations ................................................................................................................................ 7

Program Outline and Structure ................................................................................................................. 9

Assessments .......................................................................................................................................... 11

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ....................................................................................................... 13

Certification ............................................................................................................................................. 13

Program Fees ......................................................................................................................................... 14

The Learning Agreement ........................................................................................................................ 15

Code of Conduct ..................................................................................................................................... 16

* Annexure A – Program Curricula, Structures and Course Fees * Annexure B – Module Curricula

* Provided as separate electronic annexures to the prospectus


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus


Adapt IT Business Solutions, which is the division responsible for training and consultation on the ITS Integrator system, have developed certified qualifications for users of the system that are aligned to the various levels of skills required. This course prospectus provides course participants with the necessary information on the regulations that apply to the programs, the curricula and the course fees.

Vision, Mission and Values Herewith extracts from the vision and mission statements of Adapt IT

Vision To become the leading supplier of integrated business solutions to a global market of higher and further educational institutions


Adapt IT Pretoria delivers comprehensive and innovative business solutions for Higher and

Further Education institutions.

Our integrated applications combine with an extensive range of tailored business and technical services to benefit our clients.

Our solutions empower our clients to creatively face and resolve questions that increasingly break the boundaries of traditional information systems.

Educational Information Systems should operate seamlessly with e-Learning, workflow and self-service applications. The Adapt IT (Pty) Limited solution portfolio comprehensively addresses these requirements.

We take pride in the quality of our solutions and our extensive knowledge of the client's business.

Our commitment to the continuous development of people and products ensures that past successes translate into future achievements and growth.

Adapt IT Pretoria pursues selected opportunities for growth outside of the educational market after proper consideration of the risks involved and after ensuring that service levels to existing clients will not be compromised


Passion: We are enthusiastic about what we do. Our passion motivates us to exceed expectations.

Success: We strive to achieve the objectives of all stakeholders, including customers, employees and shareholders. Our own success allows us to be socially and environmentally responsible.

Excellence: We do the job right the first time and keep our promises to customers and colleagues. We encourage innovation and continually look for opportunities for improvement.

Fairness: Fairness guides our behaviour towards customers, colleagues and prospective employees. We are unbiased and our relationships are characterized by honesty, integrity and trust


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Contact Information of Adapt IT Business Solutions

Head Office P O Box 25168

Monument Park 0181

Email Address: [email protected]

Website: www.adaptit.co.za

Contact Number: +27 (0)12 425 5600

Fax Number: +27 (0)12 460 5337

eFax Number: 086 612 3692


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

General Objectives and Benefits of the Programs

Individual users An opportunity for ITS Integrator System Users to enhance their skills and knowledge of the

system and underlying best practice processes.

To obtain certification for the level of assessed competencies in the use of the system.

To obtain a prestigious qualification that will enhance career and promotion opportunities within an institution, as well as in the higher and further education sector.

To create employment opportunities in higher and further education administration for students who have just finished their formal studies.

To obtain a recognized qualification for experienced ITS Integrator Users, through the process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Institutions Practical and work based content that is developed and presented by ITS Consultants who are

specialists in their own right of the ITS Integrator System and underlying processes.

A quality assured qualification with assessments that are conducted by qualified assessors and moderators.

Ensuring the optimal use of the system’s functionalities to provide accurate and comprehensive information on all levels.

Providing a clear indication of the level of skills of staff on the ITS Integrator system for appointment and promotion purposes.

An ideal opportunity to invest in the focused development and empowerment of employees.

Participant Profiles

The programs are structured according to the level of proficiency that is required of a user in a particular job function at the institution. The descriptions below of the three different levels do not imply that a person, who holds a position for example of a cashier, may not register for the next level, i.e. controlling level, once he/she has successfully completed the transactional level program through the required assessment processes.

Transactional level

This entry level program will apply to all operational jobs e.g. clerical, administrative assistant / officer, data capturer, cashier, etc.

Controlling level

This level will apply to supervisory / managerial level, e.g. accountant, payroll manager, assistant registrar, human resources manager, faculty manager, etc. Typically jobs that require work on a system maintenance level, such as code structure set-ups, access control, reconciliations, management reports, etc. Note: To enrol for the controlling level, the successful completion of, or certification through RPL for all the modules in the transactional level program for that particular area of specialization is a pre-requisite.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Professional level

This level will apply to system specialists, where the job requires an in-depth and cross functional competency and knowledge of the system. Note: To enrol for the professional level, the successful completion of, or certification through RPL for all the modules of a controlling level program in applicable area of specialization is a pre-requisite.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Program Regulations


All program participants and members of staff must acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations that apply to the training programs. By enrolling for the certified program, participants agree to abide by these, and acknowledge the scope of the disciplinary procedures as specified in this prospectus. Adapt IT Business Solutions may from time to time announce additions or amendments to the rules and regulations. Adapt IT Business Solutions expects all students and members of staff to conduct themselves in such a way as to enable Adapt IT Business Solutions to fulfil its aims effectively and efficiently, without hindrance. No program participant or member of staff shall act in breach of any rule or regulation specified in this prospectus where he or she knows or ought to know that he or she is acting in breach thereof. Those who breach regulations will be subjected to disciplinary action.

Admission procedures General

1.1.1 For admission to any certified training program proof of pre-requisites completed must be

provided. 1.1.2 The admission policy may be reviewed from time to time. It is the responsibility of

prospective participants to keep abreast of developments. 1.1.3 All applications for registration must include:

a completed and signed registration form; a copy of the first page of your identity document.

1.1.4 For admission into any practical or theoretical assessment, proof of full settlement of any outstanding fees is required.

Registration procedures

The academic year is structured over 3 trimesters. Students may register at the beginning of each trimester.

How to register

1.1 Contact Adapt IT Business Solutions to discuss the plan of study with a consultant.

1.2 Discuss the payment process or terms.

1.3 Submit a completed and signed registration form together with a copy of your ID document or passport

After registration

1.4 Adapt IT Business Solutions will supply students with the following:

SMS or e-mail your student number


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

SMS or e-mail your pin

E-mail your timetable schedule

Language policy and English proficiency requirements

The official language of Adapt IT Business Solutions is English. All learning materials, instructions and facilitation are developed and conducted in English. All correspondence to and from participants is therefore in English. All students who are enrolled at Adapt IT Business Solutions, are therefore expected to be proficient in English.

Version on which the training is based

1.1 The certification training is based on the version that is deployed at the majority of the client base in a particular year.

1.2. Once the majority of the client base has upgraded to a new release of Integrator, a cut-

off point will be established and thereafter all the training will be done on the new release.

1.3 For each new release, modules for each specialization area and level will be compiled

containing the enhancements of the new version, and previously certified users will only be required to complete this module to obtain certification for the new version.

1.4 Certified users will have to enrol and complete the enhancement module before the

version on which they hold certification is discontinued by Adapt IT Business Solutions, but not later than 3 years after a new version of the system was released.

1.5 If a certified user does not complete the enhancement module within the time as

specified above in par. 5.4, Adapt IT Business Solutions reserves the right to cancel such certification in which case the user will have to re-enrol for the entire program.

For the 2017/2018 year the training is based on the Integrator 3 release.

Cancellation of Enrolment

All students have the right to cancel his/her registration after enrolment provided the following procedures were followed. 1.1 Notification of cancellation of the registration for a program or module/s must be done

in writing and received by fax or e-mail at Adapt IT Business Solutions. 1.2 The notification of cancellation of registration must provide the reason/s for

cancellation of the program or module/s in order for Adapt IT Business Solutions to follow up on such reasons and rectify any discrepancies that might have been the reason for the cancellation.

1.3 Please note that fee penalties apply at the cancellation of the registration. Refer to

‘Program Fees’ below – par. 7 & 8.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Program Outline and Structure

Program outline

1.1 The ITS Integrator System User: Professional level, is offered in the three main areas

of specialization, i.e. Student Management System, Financial Management System

and Human Resources and Payroll Management System as indicated below.

1.2 The ITS Integrator System Controlling level, is offered in the functional specialization

areas of the sub-systems of the three main areas as indicated below.

1.3 The ITS Integrator System User Transactional level is also offered in the functional

specialization areas of the sub-systems of the three main areas as indicated below.

•Enquiries Management

•Admission and Registration Management

•Academic Administration Management

•Graduation and Alumni Management

Student Management System

•Cash Management

•Debt Management

•Supply Chain ManagementFinancial Management System

•Human Resources Management

•Payroll ManagementHuman Resources and Payroll

Management System


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Program structure Each program on the respective levels within the 3 functional systems consists of a number of modules:

1.1 Core module A core module forms an integral part of the functional ITS Integrator sub-system and the acquired skills span across the sub-systems and areas of specialization, e.g. Finance code structures module.

1.2 Mandatory

A mandatory module forms an integral part of the functionality in the area of specialization and for which the acquired system skills are essential for the student to perform the duties of the particular job in that area, e.g. Cash Book module in the area of specialization of Cash Management.

1.3 Elective

An elective module is not directly related to the system skills essential to perform the particular job, but enables the student to acquire system skills in closely related sub-systems.

1.4 Each module consists of a number of credits based on the notional hours to

successfully complete the particular module. “Notional hours” is defined as the learning time that it is conceived it would take an average learner to meet the outcomes defined for the module. It includes concepts such as contact time, time spent in structured practical learning in the workplace and/or classroom and individual learning. Notional hours of learning is therefore a measurement for determining the average length of time the average learner supposedly takes to complete a unit of learning.

1.5 Participants will be assessed per module, and once the prescribed modules for the

particular program level have been successfully completed, the qualification will be awarded.

For the detail on the program curricula, module structures and module fees of the respective programs please see Annexure A of the prospectus.

Duration 1.1. The expected duration for each of the three levels is one academic calendar year.

1.2 Candidates may determine their pace and duration according to the number of modules

enrolled for per trimester.

1.3 Assessment opportunities are scheduled at the end of each trimester.

Presentation formats

1.1 Lecturers will present a prescribed number of video tutorials.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

1.2 Program participants are themselves responsible to organise access to the web in order to access the Learning Management System. The URL and log in procedures with the necessary password will be supplied to a participant after registration.

1.4 Learning material will be provided electronically to program participants.

1.5 Communication between lecturers, assessors, moderators, administrative staff and program participants will be via e-mail, the Learning Management System or any other electronic / remote medium.

Assessments Assessment procedures

1.1 Assessments per module will consist of practical assignments (formative

assessments) and summative assessments (examinations) containing theory and practical elements.

1.2 Program participants will submit formative assessments electronically to Adapt IT

Business Solutions during the semester.

1.3 Summative assessments (examinations) will be scheduled and conducted at the end of each trimester electronically.

1.4 Participants will have to compile a portfolio of evidence (PoE) for each module under the supervision of a qualified assessor. The results obtained in the summative assessment (examination) will be included in the PoE.

1.5 The PoE will be assessed and the assessor will declare the participant competent

against the assessment criteria standards for the module, or if found not yet competent, the participant will be given one more opportunity to do the summative assessment (supplementary examination) and compile the PoE for a second assessment at an additional fee.

1.8 Participants must enrol for the summative assessment (supplementary examination) at the next scheduled examination opportunity and pay the prescribed fee for the supplementary examination.

1.9 If the participant is still assessed as not yet competent after the second opportunity,

he/she will have to re-register for the module and repeat the entire module.

2.0 Assessment will be subject to moderation by qualified moderators.

Principles of Assessments

Appropriateness: The method of assessment is suited to the performance being assessed. Fairness: The method of assessment does not present any barriers to achievements,

which are not related to the evidence.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Manageability: The methods used make for easily arranged, cost-effective assessments that do not unduly interfere with learning.

Integration into work or learning: Evidence collection is integrated into the work or learning process where this

is appropriate and feasible. Validity: The assessment focuses on the requirements laid down in the standard; i.e.

the assessment is fit for purpose. Direct: The activities in the assessment mirror the conditions of actual performance

as closely as possible Authenticity: The assessor is satisfied that the work being assessed is attributable to the

person being assessed. Sufficient: The evidence collected establishes that all criteria have been met and that

performance to the required standard can be repeated consistently.

Systematic: Planning and recording is sufficiently rigorous to ensure that assessment is fair.

Open: Learners can contribute to the planning and accumulation of evidence.

Assessment candidates understand the assessment process and the criteria that apply.

Consistent: The same assessor would make the same judgement again in similar


Assessment criteria Definitions

Assessment: A process in which evidence of performance is gathered and evaluated against agreed criteria for both formative and summative assessments.

Applied competence: Means the ability to put into practice and in the relevant context, the

learning outcomes acquired in obtaining the qualification. Critical outcomes: Those generic outcomes that inform all teaching and learning. Performance: Includes skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes, and the ability to

transfer these to new situations. Assessment criteria: State the type and quality of performance against which the candidate is



ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


Recognition of prior learning means the comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner howsoever obtained against the learning outcomes required for the particular module, and the assessment of such for purposes of being accredited for the module. In order to recognize ITS Integrator users who have been users on the system for an extensive period of time, a process of recognition of that practical experience has been put in place. This procedure of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is as follows:

1. Candidates who have registered for a program, may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning

(RPL) for a particular module/s based on their experience as a user of the ITS Integrator system. The application form will be available at registration.

2. Once the application was evaluated by Adapt IT Business Solutions against the criteria of

required experience as a system user on the particular level for which is applied, and in terms of the user’s experience in the particular area of specialization, and such criteria is met, the application for RPL can be approved.

3. The application is subject to verification and recommendation by the manager / supervisor of

the applicant.

4. ITS reserves the right to not approve the application for an RPL assessment, and to provide the reasons to the applicant in this regard.

5. Successful applicants will have to register for the module’s summative assessment (examination) only, and pay the prescribed RPL fee.

6. The candidate will then have to register for the first summative assessment (examination) opportunity as scheduled for the trimester.

7. If the competency requirements are met, credit/s for such a module/s will be awarded. The

focus is to determine if a candidate achieved competency according to the pre-determined standards, where such competency have not yet been formally recognized.

8. For RPL purposes candidates are granted only one summative assessment opportunity, and if

failed, s/he will have to re-register for the full module.


On completion of the program, candidates will receive an Adapt IT Business Solutions certificate designating the holder as a ‘Certified ITS Integrator System User’ on the particular level (Transactional, Controlling or Professional) and the particular area of specialization.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Program Fees

1. A registration fee of R650.00 is payable on registration for the program per level. The registration fee is payable on registration and is not refundable at cancellation of the registration. 1.1 If a program participant should be found not yet competent in a module after his/her

second attempt and has to re-register for a module/s, the registration fee will be charged for the second registration.

2. Module fees differentiate as it is calculated on the number of credits per module. The module

fee includes the course material, participation on all scheduled WebEx lecture sessions and one summative assessment opportunity. Please see Annexure A for the fees per module.

3. A supplementary examination fee (summative assessment) of R500.00 per module is

charged on enrolment for the supplementary examination. (Refer ‘Assessments’ above - par. 1.7)

4. The RPL fee amounts to R500.00 per module assessed. (Refer ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’

above – par. 1 to 8)

5. Adapt IT Business Solutions will issue a VAT invoice for the applicable fees to the candidate or his/her sponsoring institution, whoever is responsible for the payment of the fees, which must be agreed upon registration for the program.

6. All fees is payable before registration.

7. On cancellation within 30 days after registration, 50% of the cancelled module/s fees will be

payable to Adapt IT Business Solutions. Notification of cancellation must be done in writing and received by fax or e-mail at Adapt IT Business Solutions before the 30 days lapse. No telephonic or verbal notice of cancellation will be accepted.

8. On cancellation of registration after 30 days, 100% of the cancelled module/s fees invoiced will

remain payable to Adapt IT Business Solutions . Notification of cancellation must be done in writing and received by fax or e-mail at Adapt IT Business Solutions .


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

The Learning Agreement

Program participants’ rights

1.1 Every registered participant has an equal right to available services and facilities. 1.2 All participants have a right to be treated with respect and in a civil manner at all times

by Adapt IT staff. 1.3 All participants have a right to have their work assessed in a fair and impartial manner

according to well-defined procedures. 1.4 All participants have open access to the policies and procedures that govern Adapt IT

Business Solutions and their activities, insofar as these relate to study and learning activities.

1.5 All participants may express concerns through the appropriate channels regarding

their program and services in a timely manner and according to established procedures.

Program participant’s responsibilities

1.1 To abide by the program’s Code of Conduct.

1.2 To become familiar with the rules and regulations governing the programme, work

environment and any services they may use in the course of their studies.

1.3 To accept responsibility for their own learning and consult appropriately when problems arise.

1.4 To submit original work for formative assessments, without plagiarising or cheating.

1.5 To keep copies of all work that is submitted electronically to Adapt IT Business


1.6 To meet their contractual obligations.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct has been introduced in order to:

Foster and promote positive relationships and an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect among program participants as well as between participants and members of Adapt IT staff.

Ensure that negative behaviour does not prejudice the achievement of the aims of


Inform participants about unacceptable behaviour and to promote correct conduct.

Ensure fair and consistent disciplinary procedures.

Avoid conflict.


A participant shall be guilty of misconduct if he/she: 1.1 Intentionally or negligently contravenes or subverts, or attempts to contravene or

subvert, or assists, encourages or persuades any other person to contravene or subvert a code, regulation, rule or instruction of Adapt IT Business Solutions;

1.2 Steal, unlawfully appropriates, uses or misuses, destroys, damages or alienates

property of Adapt IT or of a staff member or of a fellow learner, or uses or handles such property in a way that is or may be prejudicial to Adapt IT or a staff member, a fellow learner or other person while such staff member, fellow-learner or other person is on or in Adapt IT’s premises;

1.3 Without official authorisation brings on to or stores on Adapt IT premises a firearm or

other dangerous weapon, or explosive, or allows or arranges the foregoing to be brought on to or stored in such premises;

1.4 Behaves in any other way that leads or may lead to the consequences described

below, if such consequences were or could reasonably have been foreseen at the time when such behaviour occurred:

Adapt IT Business Solutions’s good name is or may be prejudiced;

the maintenance of order, discipline and security at Adapt IT Business Solutions is or may be prejudiced or imperilled;

The process of tuition and general Adapt IT Business Solutions activities are or may be prejudiced or imperilled.

1.5 Procedure with misconduct of the participant will include the following:

being informed of a charge against him/her;

a fair hearing;

a decision based on the hearing;

a fitting sanction; and

the right to appeal.


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Employers responsibility

1.1 Ensuring disciplined behaviour on the part of the participant is not only the responsibility of Adapt IT Business Solutions. Employers also have an obligation that their employees conduct themselves according to the accepted norms of controlled, courteous and correct behaviour.

1.2 Adapt IT Business Solutions will contact employers when a participant’s behaviour becomes a cause of concern and will endeavour, in a spirit of constructive partnership, to resolve the problem. The employer, however, remains ultimately responsible for ensuring that their employee meets the disciplinary standards required by Adapt IT Business Solutions.

Disciplinary procedure

In the case of violation of the Code of Conduct and/or the infringement of Adapt IT Business Solutions rules, other than criminal offences, the following procedures will apply:

1.1 The offender, herein after referred to as the defendant, will be notified in writing of the misconduct, and the detail of such misconduct.

1.2 A disciplinary hearing will be conducted and the defendant will be notified of when and where the hearing will be held.

1.3 The disciplinary hearing will be chaired by the Manager of Adapt IT Business Solutions, and the person/s who tabled the case of misconduct (the complainant), as well as any other person who was involved with the misconduct that can provide evidence thereof.

1.4 The defendant will have the right to submit any evidence before or at the hearing that

can be used during the hearing which provides proof to his/her innocence of the alleged misconduct.

1.5 The defendant will be allowed to call witnesses in his/her defence against the alleged

misconduct, and the hearing may then cross-examine these witnesses.

1.6 Should the defendant refuse to attend, the hearing may proceed in the defendant’s absence.

1.7 Once all the evidence has been considered by the members of the disciplinary hearing, the defendant will be excused in order for the hearing to come to a finding and to decide what disciplinary action should be taken against the defendant, if any. The Chairman will have the deciding vote.

1.8 The defendant will then be called back into the hearing and the chairman will inform

him/her of the findings and the disciplinary action / penalty taken against him/her.

1.9 The defendant has the right to appeal against either the finding of the hearing or the penalty decided upon, providing that the appeal is in writing, submitted to the


ITS Integrator User Certification Program Prospectus

Chairman within two working days of the original disciplinary hearing and is fully motivated.

1.10 The Chairman must forward the appeal to the Executive Manager of Adapt IT

Business Solutions. If the appeal is dismissed, the defendant must be informed of this in writing, with full reasons for the dismissal being furnished.

1.11 Penalties may include one or more of the following:

cancellation of marks obtained in an assessment; and/or

suspension from the program for a given period of time; and/or

expulsions from the program