Itla Tlayohua Itla Tlayohua Itla Tlayohua Itla Tlayohua: “Something Dark” “Something Dark” “Something Dark” “Something Dark” A Maztican Compilation A Maztican Compilation A Maztican Compilation A Maztican Compilation A A A A MAZTICA ALIVE! MAZTICA ALIVE! MAZTICA ALIVE! MAZTICA ALIVE! NETBOOK NETBOOK NETBOOK NETBOOK

Itla Tlayohua - Something Dark - A Maztican Compilation

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A compilation of Maztican myths, adventures and other game material drawn from a number of authors and contributors.

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Itla TlayohuaItla TlayohuaItla TlayohuaItla Tlayohua:::: “Something Dark”“Something Dark”“Something Dark”“Something Dark” A Maztican CompilationA Maztican CompilationA Maztican CompilationA Maztican Compilation


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Itla TItla TItla TItla Tlayohualayohualayohualayohua:::: ““““Something DarkSomething DarkSomething DarkSomething Dark”””” A Maztican CompilationA Maztican CompilationA Maztican CompilationA Maztican Compilation


Maztica Alive! Campaign

Page 3: Itla Tlayohua - Something Dark - A Maztican Compilation


I T L A T L A Y O H U A - S O M E T H I N G D A R K D E S I G N

Jon “Seethyr” Hild


“TenTen v.s. Caicai” by Wyd1985 @ http://wyd1985.deviantart.com/


“Mayan Princess” Digital Illustration by Jared Castro | Creativo [pg 5] “Trentren vs Caica” by Ziggyman @ http://ziggyman.deviantart.com/ [pg 7]

“When Good Plants Go Bad” by Caleb Voorhees @ http://calebvoorhees.deviantart.com/ [pg10] “Deus Jaguar” by ricardoafranco @ http://ricardoafranco.deviantart.com/ [pg 17]

“Minotaur” by Overdrivezero @ http://overdrivezero.deviantart.com/ [pg 20] “Mayan Commander” by Axelalonso @ http://axelalonso.deviantart.com/ [pg 22]

“Mayan Blue” bySilverFlight @ http://silverflight.deviantart.com/ [pg 37] “Aztec Priest” by Raynaljacquemin @ http://raynaljacquemin.deviantart.com/ [pg 41]


Various (See individual entries)

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“The Night of Wailing, the Return of Qotal and the coming of the pale-skins has forever changed the face of the True World. We do not know what this means for our future. One thing is certain, however; Maztica has become a far, far more dangerous place than it was when I was a child. Are there yet more changes to come? This is a time for heroes, those whom the pale-skins call ‘adventurers.’ The name, however, confuses me. I do not see what they do as an adventure, but rather our greatest hope for survival…” The Plumaweaver Taccati 1369, The Year of


Let us just say it has been a long and difficult ride for Maztica fans.

Since the glories of the Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition boxed set, its following adventures and its supplements, Maztica has gotten very little “love” from the powers that be.

In the 3rd edition, with some notable exceptions, there was very little published lore to support this rich and vibrant setting. We learned of the tlincalli invasion of mainland Faerun and some political repercussions in Amn and among Helm’s faithful, but Maztica herself was virtually ignored. A diamond in the rough that lay forgotten with little mention or thought.

Then the 4th edition arrived. As if being forgotten wasn’t tragedy enough, Maztica was thrown out only like so much trash. Yes, the True World was literally shunted out of existence, possibly on some twin world, or maybe not even. Did anyone care?

Well, if you are reading this now, it is obvious that YOU cared. If the success (yes, THOUSANDS of reads on Scribd) of the first four Maztica Alive! Netbooks is any indicator; fans of the setting are still legion. In the corporate world, perhaps that is not enough, but as true fans, it makes no difference to us.

The Maztica Alive! group has done its best to continue the lore, allowing it to grow organically with love of the setting, not profit, as the primary motivator. As always, these netbooks are entirely free. Our real reward in writing them is in knowing that thousands have enjoyed their pages.

So wait, what exactly is this netbook about? Every title so far has been clear as day, but this one…not so much!

Well, Itla Tlayohua is Payit for “something dark.” In essence, this book is a compilation. Over the years of the existence of “Maztica Alive!”, there have been dozens of contributors, artists and others who have made the community essentially one big “think tank.” Not all of what has been produced has made it to print and there was just too much good stuff to leave in digital limbo. There is (purposefully) little rhyme or reason to what comes in these pages. Some ideas, in fact, are not even fully developed or hashed out. That does not make this an incomplete netbook, however. More than anything, this netbook was created with an intention to inspire further work and further creation.

Something Dark was chosen as an appropriate title because so much of what is in these pages comes from a dark time in Maztica’s history both in the fantasy realm and in the real world. The 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons is set to release quite soon, and in fact is most likely available by the time you read this introduction. While this might be a “dark” time, the 5th edition gives us new hope and new unknowns. Perhaps Maztica will even make a published comeback! The final section of these pages is the prologue of a short story set to lead us out of these dark times and into a brighter future for Maztica. Even if we still carry the torch alone, I look forward to what the 5th edition might bring to us. See you in the jungle, Jon “Seethyr” Hild

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Diamond Eyes - Myth Written by: Seethyr, Seer of Yhog, PNutRaygs, and

Sean "Azaghal" Pennington

Description: I remember back in my school days, there was a writing teacher that had our whole class develop a story by allowing each student to write a paragraph. This myth was formed in much the same way with contributions from each of the listed authors. The actual myth shows that even among the gods, there have been connections to mainland Faerun in the past. Shar in fact, has had much more of an effect on Maztican history than many would believe! Long before he fled the land in shame, the great god Qotal had fallen in love with a woman and lavished upon her great gifts of pluma. The woman’s pale blue diamond eyes were unlike any seen in the land before, and upon his first sight of her vast beauty, Qotal realized that he must have her. Qotal knew that if he wished to win over the mortal woman he would have to come to know her, since it would be wrong to simply take her. Qotal decided to take a number of forms in order to learn of the woman and woo her. The problem was choosing the proper disguise. First, Qotal took the form of a radiant butterfly, but she paid the creature little heed. Next, he tried a simple, yet beautiful macaw. In this form she found his call to be irritating. Finally, he chose the form of the great couatl, but from this serpentine form, she ran in fear. Even the beautiful necklace, anklet and headdress of pluma the couatl offered could not earn her trust. In desperation, Qotal turned to Plutoq and from his stony brother he begged advice. Plutoq told him. "Brother, if

you really want her to love you, you must go to her as one of her own.” So Qotal took the form of a human and readied himself to approach the girl a final time. Plutoq stopped him, however, and said, "Wait brother! It is true that you appear as one of her kind, but do you not see the obvious nature of your divinity? If you truly wish her to consider you for love, you must hide not only your face." Qotal pondered Plutoq’s words and was thankful for the advice. He was also a bit ashamed for not realizing this truth himself. Qotal took much of his divinity and power and hid it in a beautiful talisman of pluma, which he wore around his dark brown human neck. When Qotal finally approached the woman he called her Diamond Eyes, for he knew not her name. Those bright blue orbs of hers pierced his soul in a way none had before. He knew that there was nothing that she could ask of him that he would not give. So when her eyes settled on his pluma talisman, Qotal knew fear.

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Without his pluma talisman and its sequestered divinity, Qotal knew he would be vulnerable to the predations of his dark brother Zaltec. Certainly, Zaltec had expressed his jealousy of the favored child before when he had slain their own mother! If Zaltec were to know of Qotal's temporary weakness or worse yet, seize the talisman from Qotal's beloved, their age long enmity could come to an abrupt and violent end. So Qotal was faced with a choice. Would he choose love and accept its accompanying vulnerability? Was his love for Diamond Eyes potentially worth his own immortal existence? Qotal looked deeply into the character of Diamond Eyes and believed that she was everything he could ever want in a lover, but still he hesitated in fear should she discover the power settled about her neck. Qotal threw caution to the wind and he placed the necklace upon his love. At that instant he also embraced the woman and when he had done so, Qotal realized the error of his choice. Though her outward beauty was unparalleled, it came with an impossibly dark soul! When Qotal moved to kiss her, Diamond Eyes laughed in a voice that echoed with emptiness, lies and the endless nothing. Qotal felt suddenly hollow and weak. Vulnerable from the loss of much of his divinity, he could feel an almost human pain when the emptiness burst from her body and laid waste to the surrounding land. Diamond Eyes had also changed her appearance to that of a dark creature; one previously unknown in these lands, but spoken of in Maztica's darkest legends. Shar, the Goddess of Loss had made herself known in the True World and had stolen much of what Qotal was. Reeling in the pain of his lost divinity and the horror of what had been unleashed upon the land, Qotal ran for cover. He needed to find a way to fix the results of his foolishness. Qotal knew that he could not defeat Shar in his weakened state, yet somehow, he needed to get the talisman back. This task, Qotal knew he could not do alone, and so he turned to the only one he knew could help. To defeat one so evil he required the assistance of one equally as foul. It was time to turn to his dark brother Zaltec. Enlisting Zaltec might not be wise, but it was a necessity.

Knowing that Zaltec would first deride Qotal for his foolishness he prepared himself to call upon his brother. Zaltec watched his brother approach as he gorged himself on fresh hearts. "Ahh brother!" He laughed. "It seems as if you are not yourself these days. Could it be that your weakling priests have not been as fervent as they might have once been? Let me tear out their hearts and we could feast together." Qotal could barely hide his disgust as Zaltec took another bite and pinkish drool fell from the dark brother’s lips. "Little brother,” Qotal stressed the word little, "I require your assistance, and no, it has nothing to do with my priests. They continue to worship me with love that you could never understand, for it is far more powerful than the fear you are so fond of." "You seek my help and yet you insult me? Come, tell me what troubles you so and explain to me why I should not tear out your own heart right here and now. It has been long since I tasted the blood of my own kin and I'm sure yours would be as delectable as that of our mother's." Qotal ignored the threat, and the pain from the mention of his mother’s death from the very being who murdered her. He knew the sanctity of the True World and his own divinity hinged on his brother's help. As he explained the woman he knew as Diamond Eyes, the loss of his talisman, and her true identity as the dark goddess Shar, Zaltec's entire demeanor began to change, much to Qotal's surprise and cautious delight. "She dares!" Zaltec growled with the voice of a thousand jaguars. "Yes brother, I will avenge you! But know that our alliance has nothing to do with so foolish a notion of love or loyalty. Shar's theft is an act of pure evil, and evil my dear brother, belongs to me!" Poor Qotal still had much to fear. What if Shar defeated them both? If they did win, what if his brother decided to keep the talisman and its powers for himself? Wary but determined, Qotal led Zaltec to the dark lands where he last encountered the Lady of Loss. There she sat upon a throne of ash and bone, ever

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the image of pure hatred and despair. She smiled at the approach of the brothers, a rare expression from one that knew only darkness and the cold comfort of the void. "Welcome, children of the interloper Kukul and his bitch wife. Apparently there is something of yours which I currently have in my possession." Qotal began, "Return it to me, Maiden of Loss. These lands are not to be fouled by your presence any longe..." "Die bitch!" growled Zaltec as he swung his maca at her head, interrupting Qotal mid-sentence. Before the maca could make contact, Shar disappeared and much to the brothers' surprise, left behind the talisman containing Qotal's divinity. Not understanding why, nor caring at this point, both brothers grabbed for the talisman. Success dissolved the truce and the temporary allies regained their relationship as mortal enemies. Upon grasping the talisman, the brothers were cursed with a vision. Their sister, Kiltzi, was revealed to them tending one of her many vast gardens. At first the vision was from such a distance that her features were hidden to them. As the moments passed the image grew closer and clearer until she finally turned to face them both. Kiltzi was shockingly beautiful and both brothers flushed with lust. Most startling of all, Qotal noticed a feature of his sister's that he never noticed before…her sparkling Diamond Eyes.

With the vision spent, the power faded from the talisman and with it Qotal's power returned. Zaltec howled in rage at the unfairness of it all and swore revenge upon his brother before disappearing. Qotal quickly forgot Zaltec's threat, Shar's recent appearance and even the destruction she had wrought in her brief tenure in the True World. His mind became uncommonly focused on his sister Kiltzi and the beauty in her eyes. How he had not recognized her from the start, he did not know, nor did he care to. For now he was of only one mind. He must have his sister! He must have Diamond Eyes! From her dark realm, Shar laughed at the sight of it all. Lady Loss had succeeded in bringing her favorite emotions to the so called True World with unreasonable ease. "Amateurs," she mused as she watched Qotal first grow lustful, then jealous, then possessive and obsessive over his own sister. Within time he would commit a great sin and loss would take its rightful place as master in Maztica. ADVENTURE HOOK: Qotal’s assessment that the necklace he originally gave to Diamond Eyes is devoid of power might not have been fully accurate. Perhaps this object is found, and in it, the mixture of Qotal’s love with Shar’s corruption could lead to a pretty interesting artifact!

The Great Serpents of Water and Earth - Myth

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Written by: Seethyr

Description: The following legend is from the real world mythology of the Mapuche people from south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina and has been applied to the Gualata Mountains in southeastern Kolan on the continent of Maztica. An adventure hook accompanies the myth itself. Wise men of the Kolan tribes speak of the battle of Kai Kai and Tren Tren, the great serpents of water and land. In ancient times Kai Kai, whom some say was a forgotten child of the rain god Azul, flooded the land in sheer malice.. Another great serpent of unknown origin with great power over the land known as Tren Tren rose up to fight the sea serpent and defend the people of Kolan. When the water began to rise, Tren Tren ordered the people to flee into the nearby hills to escape the flood waters. Wise men claimed that the hills would not be high enough and that the people would still drown. Regardless, they followed Tren Tren’s command and when they reached the hills Tren Tren’s lifted them to impossible heights. Tren Tren expended much of his personal power to create what would one day be known as the Gualata Mountains. Here, the water could not reach the people, but neither could they survive for long at such a great height with little food and drinkable water. Tren Tren continued to battle his enemy, but neither serpent could gain headway and with the waters raised as such, the Kolan were certainly doomed to starve or die of thirst. In an act of desperation, Tren Tren suggested that the people make sacrifices to Kai Kai in order to appease the great serpent. Trusting in their newfound protector, the Kolan made many sacrifices for which Kai Kai was appeased and he allowed the waters to recede. To this day the people of Kolan still try to appease Kai Kai with sacrifice, but their thanks is truly given only to the great serpent of the land, Tren Tren Vilu. ADVENTURE HOOK: With the coming of Cordell, and the near abolishment of human sacrifice, Kai Kai has once again grown angry with the inhabitants of Kolan. A party with good intentions would certainly not wish to see an

increase in human sacrifice so they must find another way to appease (lower level), entrap (middle level) or even destroy (high or epic level) the great sea serpent. Finding and enlisting the help of the earth serpent Tren Tren surely would make the most sense in any attempt.

The Ruins – Adventure (Levels 5-7)

Written by: Seethyr

Description: This adventure seed was my first attempt at writing for Maztica. I had just seen the movie that is its namesake and I thought to myself, “Wow, that would make a GREAT D&D monster!” Soon after, I developed the Chiltitimiqui, and from that came this adventure. Not long after, a fully hashed out monster book was necessary of course! As an adaptation of the 2008 movie The Ruins, directed by Carter Smith., this adventure seed attempts to capture some of the horror and hopelessness felt by the characters (victims) in the movie. Players who have seen the film will undoubtedly recognize the plot, but by the time they do, it should be too late. The adventure is completely site based and can be dropped almost anywhere. However, in order to maximize its “creepy” feel, and to stay true to the film that inspired the adventure, the Ruins themselves are best set in the remote reaches of the Ocostun Jungle, south of Far Payit. The location should be set far from major settlements, but not far enough to be unreachable. Later in the adventure you will note that the ruins themselves have very few clues within them as to who built them. This is done intentionally, and the DM is encouraged NOT to flesh out a history. Keep the ruins a mystery, as it will only add to the horror of the setting. In addition, keep track of how much food and water the party brings with them. Dehydration and starvation will be a very real threat during this adventure.

Player’s Background:

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Commoners often long to adventure and they tend to fantasize about the glory and excitement of the life of an adventurer. If they knew what you have seen and experienced what you have been through, you know it would not be so! So for a short while, you and your companions have sought to take some time for YOUR fantasy…a vacation! Relaxing with the people of Payit has truly taken the edge off. Those you have met have been very kind, and your relative wealth has allowed you to truly enjoy the best Maztica has to offer. Alas, the relaxation was not to last long! Two Cormyrian explorers, Bertram Garl and Leeson Maul have found you, and they have a request. “Well met heroes. I am Bertram and this is my friend Leeson. I sense you are true explorers, lovers of mystery and adventure much like ourselves. Might I be so bold as to sit and speak with you for a moment? Hopefully at this point the party is not too upset about their disturbed “vacation,” and they agree to Bertram’s request. “Quite recently, my brother Tremont discovered a map to ruins hidden deep in the Ocostun jungle far to the south. No mention was made of treasure, ancient curses or dead that did not wish to be disturbed; it was simply just a map. Well, my brother has always been possessed of an overdeveloped sense of curiosity so he and his friends set out for these mysterious ruins. That was five tendays ago. I worry for my brother’s safety and fear he is already dead. It may be true that his curiosity has finally gotten the best of him, but I need to know for sure. Would you be interested in joining us as we attempt to either rescue or recover my wayward sibling?” Of course, Bertram does not expect the party to assist him for free. Bertram has not been successful as an explorer himself, but he comes from a very wealthy family and is prepared to offer 500 gp per

player. He can be talked into going as high as 750 gp plus all expenses for the trip, but agreeing to this much will make him a bit grumpy for the rest of the day. Bertram, Male Human (Cormyrian) Ranger 2, NG Description: Mid 20 year old, tall and about 3 months into beard growth. Spoiled, but not annoyingly so. Leeson, Male Human (Cormyrian) Ranger 1, N Description: Bertram’s childhood friend. Leeson’s family has nowhere near the wealth of his closest friends, but the two families are close nonetheless. Leeson is extremely quiet, almost mysterious, but he is loyal to friends. The Trip: Though there are many monsters in the southern jungle, it would be best to avoid random encounters. Surprisingly, both Bertram and Leeson are extremely comfortable in the jungle and seem to know how to avoid the more dangerous beasts. However, horrible howling and other terrifying noises coming from the trees are more than appropriate, and the party should not get a good night sleep at any point. If your players are itching for a fight, throw a pack of man-eating baboons at them, led by a hulking and aggressive specimen (actually a dire baboon). Dire Baboon (1), N Baboon (4), N When the party reaches a point very close to the ruins, but still not within sight, they will stumble onto a child washing clothing in a small stream. The child, initially in the distance, immediately notices the party. The boy will not respond in any way to the party. He will only stare at the party expressionless and when they approach, he will disappear into the jungle.

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This boy is in the tribe that protects the ruins, or rather, protects the world from what resides in the ruins. Unless the party somehow captures the boy, they will not know this until later in the adventure.

The Ruins: Initial Impressions The ruins themselves are located near the river where the boy was discovered, but it is neatly hidden by the jungle. If the party walks in the direction which the boy fled, the jungle eventually opens up into a clearing, in the center of which lies the ruins. At the moment of discovery, describe it to the party. As you step through the dense jungle leaves, a rather unexpected sight opens up before you. A clearing with a diameter of what you guess is 200-300 yards across lies before you. In the center of the clearing lies a rectangular pyramid. It is not impressive on its own, but there is obviously some significance to its location and a reason for its separation from the jungle itself. At first you wonder how the jungle has not grown over the clearing, but then you notice the cause. Pale crystals of what can only be rock salt cover the ground. Nothing can grow here! Your guides explain to you that these are the ruins that you seek. What has become of Bertram’s brother? If the party asks for further details, explain to them that the salt ends only a few feet before reaching the pyramid. There are steps leading up each side of the pyramid to the rectangular platform on top, though they are overgrown with vines. Do not call any extra attention to this vegetation. The plants are the main villains in this adventure and if the party figures this out now, it could ruin much of the horror. If they should ask specifically, describe the plants as an ivy-like vine that covers most of the ruins. It is actually quite beautiful because red flowers with a bright yellow core grow from the vines. The vines do not attack…yet. The pyramid is approximately 80 feet to the top of the platform itself, the base is over 150 feet wide and the top platform is approximately 50 feet aboveground.

The Lure Bertram and his quiet friend will want to climb the ruins immediately. Should the party hesitate; a loud bellow will be heard from the top of the ruins themselves. Bertram recognizes the sound as that of his brother Tremont’s hunting horn, and he immediately gets excited. “Can it be true?!! I was beyond all hope, but my ears are telling me I may have given up too soon. That sound is from Tremont’s horn, a gift from my father that has been in our family for generations! Follow me please; he only sounds it when he is in danger.” Of course, the horn blowing is not from Tremont’s horn. The vines are terrible monsters known as Chiltitimiqui (should the party ever get a chance to ask the locals), and their flowers have the ability to mimic most any sound. In the common tongue, the

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name means “red creeping death,” though no outsiders will ever have heard of the creature. These terrible plants are intelligent and evilly cunning. They know that the sound of the hunting horn will draw the party in. Tremont obviously blew the horn when he realized the awful danger he was in, and plants are making full use of their mimicry ability. Setting Foot on the Ruins Timing is very important here. Once the party sets foot upon the steps, they hear rustling at the edges of the jungle. Before they can react, men and women of all ages begin pouring out of the woods. They walk towards the ruins and begin yelling at the party in an unknown language. Tongues will allow the party to speak to the people, but they will not hold a conversation other than to warn the party never to step off of the ruins, of face death at their hands. Over 100 individuals emerge from the forest and at least 50 of them are armed with longbows. The armed men and women have their bows drawn and aimed at the party! Before anyone can react, Leeson steps forward. Read the following. You do not know what you have done but the men, women and children that poured from the jungle are obviously not happy with you. Somewhat near to the jungle’s edge you recognize the boy you found by the river. Has he brought the people here? Did you do something to the child that angered his people? After a brief staring contest, Leeson steps down from the 10th step to the 9th and you see the people become even more agitated. Bertram notices the cause, but obviously Leeson doesn’t, because he continues walking down the steps. At the 4th step he tries to speak to a heavyset man that seems to have the role of leader. At step 1, you are all shocked when 7 arrows pierce Leeson’s chest simultaneously. Leeson, with his mouth agape, falls over dead and Bertram screams. At this point, only the party can halt the disaster from getting any worse. The 53 armed men and women are all level 3 warriors, and it would be pure suicide to attack so many. Bertram is not thinking clearly after seeing his childhood friend die for no

clear reason. If the party doesn’t restrain him soon, he will surely follow Leeson in death. Give the party enough hints that they should stop Bertram from moving forward. He will not resist being held back. In fact, once again, the horn sounds from the top of the ruins. Tribe Leader: War 7, LN Human Warriors (53): War 3, N Noncombatants (70): Com 0, N At the Top of the Ruins Thankfully Bertram snaps out of his madness long enough to realize that these folk do not want you to leave the pyramid for any reason. When the bass horn sound makes its second call, Bertram momentarily forgets his grief and sprints up the steps yelling, “Tremont!!! I am coming brother!” When you get to the top of the stairs, you see no signs of Tremont himself. In fact there is little to see at all on the platform. At least you don’t have 50 bows pointed at your face anymore. The people below won’t come near the ruin. At this point the party should be confused as to what to do next. There is a trapdoor on the platform but the Chiltitimiqui are hiding it quite well. They intends to eventually reveal the trapdoor, but a starving, dehydrated and desperate party makes far worse decisions than a healthy one and the Chiltitimiqui knows this. They will take their time “softening” up the party. For many days, the situation will not change. Allow the PCs to come up with whatever clever ideas they can, and try if they wish. The warriors will attack if anyone actually steps off the pyramid itself, but they otherwise leave the party alone. Note that at every hour of night and day, at least 15 guards are watching the sides of the pyramid. Unbeknownst to the PCs, this tribe considers keeping the Chiltitimiqui quarantined a sacred duty, and it will be all but impossible to escape. Events During the Long Days and Nights

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Each of the following events occurs as the days and nights pass. At most one event should occur each day and each night. The last event should occur just as the PCs begin to take damage from dehydration. Night: Items disappear. Keep track of whatever the party leaves unattended, and whatever is not in view of party members left on watch. The Chiltitimiqui will target food and weapons primarily. Should there be any obvious magic items, these too will disappear. Day: Random sounds. Though the Chiltitimiqui are intelligent, it is a foreign intelligence and horrifically malevolent. They will play sounds made from past victims randomly throughout the day, knowingly perfectly well that they are terrifying the party. No party member should be able to detect the source of these snippets of conversations, screams and crying. Not knowing will only increase the sense of dread and paranoia. Night: Leeson’s body disappears. Leeson’s body simply disappears without a trace. No one will see where, but in truth the party should be thankful, because the stench was overbearing. Bertram of course cries out once he realizes this has occurred. Day: The People. As the party suffers, they hear sounds of normal daily living going on below in the temporary village. Children are playing, men and women are laughing, and there is even the sound of a barking dog. This nonchalant attitude nearly sets Bertram over the edge. After one particular round of raucous laughter from the village, Bertram stops what he is doing and once again descends the steps. You have no way out and have never felt so utterly hopeless in your life. The sounds are the worst of it all! Where did the crying baby go? Why did the sound change to a desperate screech just before stopping? How terrible and uncaring the men, women and children are below. While you hang on the brink of insanity you hear them laughing, playing, working and generally just living life! As this thought passes through your head, Bertram stands up and once again begins walking down the steps. He is near the bottom before you realize it. Right on cue the warriors aim their arrows at his chest. At the lowest step, no further move is made and an intense

showdown begins. Bertram, using the only “weapon” he has left, reaches down and rips off a handful of vines and flowers from the ruin steps. Before anyone can react he hurls it at the warriors and misses. As it flies by, it strikes the boy from the river in the chest and for a moment nothing happens. Then the unthinkable occurs! The lead warrior turns to the boy and shoots him with an arrow in the chest! The boy looks at his chest, coughs blood and falls over. If this act of utter savagery is not enough to drive you insane, the appearance of this calamity’s true villain does! When the corpse hits the floor, every vine around you suddenly jerks into motion. They slither around you, through your legs and over your feet, traveling in the boy’s direction. The ruins come alive with movement! Within moments the body is snatched up and it disappears into the vegetation. The vines are still not quite ready to attack but this may not be true for the party. Express to the PCs just how much vegetation their truly is. There are ten Chiltitimiqui here, far too many for the party to handle! Let them hack and slash away but for every vine they kill, two more should take its place. Luckily, the Chiltitimiqui enjoys this slow torture so it will not yet attack to kill. Instead it will herd the party back to the platform where it will cease its attack. Read the following when the party once again stands desperate on the platform. Just when you think the days’ horrors are too much to bear, there is a brief moment of hope. For a third time, Tremont’s hunting horn is sounded, only this time the sound is far clearer. At the top of the pyramid you notice a feature that certainly was not there before, an opening in the top of the pyramid itself! It is from this hole that the horn was sounded! Once again, Bertram acts before you have a chance to plan. He grabs a torch from his pack, lights it, and begins to climb down the hole yelling for his brother. His call changes the moment he disappears into the darkness. Bertram has fallen!

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Bertram is not dead, and only momentarily unconscious. However, his leg is terribly broken (it is a compound fracture). Though he is in shock, the party will hear him moaning softly below. Should they think to search it, Bertram’s pack contains enough rope for them to easily climb down into the darkness. If the party does not go to rescue Bertram, they will only die of thirst within a few days. They have little choice in the matter. Obviously the quarantine isn’t about to end and now they may know why. If you really want to torture the group’s psyche, let them hear the sounds of running water below (also a mimic). Chiltitimiqui (10) The Heart of the Ruin As the party’s eyes adjust to the small amount of light coming from the trapdoor, they will see Bertram’s broken body below. When they approach, previously unnoticed vines will scatter as if frightened of the PCs (in fact they have just “infested’ Bertram with spawn). Bertram moans and the horn calls one more time, this time from beyond a stone archway. Another, rougher archway leads in the opposite direction. They cannot see what is beyond either doorway with the torch. Note that Bertram’s bleeding must be stopped if he is to survive. He is currently at 2 hp, but is losing enough blood to die in 5 turns. The Stone Archway If the party enters the stone archway (which a conscious Bertram will insist upon) the room will open up into a 20’ by 20’ room. A slumped man sits amongst more vines and a silver horn rests in his open palm. Bertram immediately recognizes his brother and family heirloom, The Garl Horn. Should anyone disturb the man, what turns out to be his desiccated head will fall off and the vines will pour through the neck stump. At this point the blood red flowers will face the party from all around and blast the horn sound in a terrible cacophony. The party is under attack! Chiltitimiqui (1)

Once the party has destroyed the Chiltitimiqui, give them a few moments to collect the treasure in the room. Bertram is emotionally and physically beaten so badly, that he barely speaks. He asks the party to take the Horn, because he does not want reminders of his lost brother. The treasure is all from previous victims of the Chiltitimiqui. Treasure: The Garl Horn; +2 Shortsword; Ring of Invisibility; Assorted 2,000gp worth of small gems and semiprecious stones. When the party picks up the last piece of treasure, they hear screaming coming from the adjacent room. Inside, the Chiltitimiqui are beginning to slither in from the ceiling, and as they pour in, they scream, cry, babble, trumpet and wail. They are out for blood! It is time for the party to run and the only place they have to go is through the rougher archway. The Rough Archway and Tunnel This room is identical to the one behind the stone archway, however there are no Chiltitimiqui in here (though they are undoubtedly not far behind the PCs). In addition, the back wall has an enormous hole blasted into its side. Beyond the hole, which looks recent, a tunnel slopes downward once again into darkness. The tunnel is a naturally occurring cave system that may actually lead deeper into the Underdark. In a last ditch attempt to save himself, Tremont used the Garl Horn within this room while the fighters he summoned fought off the Chiltitimiqui (see the Garl Horn new item entry at the end of the adventure for a description of its powers). Unfortunately, the fighters did not last long against the onslaught and Tremont was killed and carried away before he could make his escape. Do not let the PCs hesitate, this is the way out. The tunnel and cave system is close to a mile long and leads to a waterfall close by. In fact the waterfall is part of the same river where the now deceased boy was encountered earlier in the adventure. By this point, the PCs have had a very difficult time and should feel relief. The plant monsters will not pursue this far into the dark. Unless you have an Underdark adventure or encounter prepared for them (a run in with scorpionfolk at this point would just be, well, cruel!), the caves trip is uneventful.

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Epilogue Back in Payit, the harder, worldlier Bertram makes good on his original promise. He wants to hear no mention of the Horn itself and he leaves it to you to discover its powers. Just before you say your final goodbyes, something strange captures your eye. It’s most likely you imagination, but did something just wiggle underneath the skin on Bertram’s forehead…? Yes, Bertram is infested. Unless he is given powerful healing soon, he will die and the Chiltitimiqui spawn will be set loose upon the world. If this is allowed to occur, a major campaign can be set to eradicate the creatures. Vindictive PCs may even seek out the ruins once again, but the psychological damage of a second visit may be too much to bear. Additional adventures may stem from the tunnel itself. Is there a link to the land of the scorpionfolk? Could the Chiltitimiqui become a problem for them now? Would that even be a bad thing? New Magic Item The Greathorn of House Garl, “The Garl Horn”

This powerful item functions as both a Silver Horn of Valhalla (whose summoned fighters appear in Cormyrian Purple Knight garb) and a Horn of Blasting.

Blood Offering – Adventure Seed

(Levels 10-12)

Written by: Seethyr

Special thanks goes to The Angelic Dragon, PNutRaygs, Chimpman, Tom Kalbfus, Louis_Bowwow and Big Mac for all of their help on The Piazza!

Description: Movies and novels always get me inspired to write and this adventure seed is an amalgamation of one of each. You will certainly recognize the plot of From Dusk ‘til Dawn (directed

by Robert Rodriguez) in the set up, and you will see just as many elements from the novel Obsidian Butterfly, by Anita Blake. I highly suggest the latter if you want to get a feel of what I wanted this adventure to be! The invasion of Maztica by Amn and the other opportunistic Faerunian nations that followed was disastrous for the True World. However, not all of the “locals” have suffered and some have even figured out a way to use it to their benefit. The word “locals,” in one particular case, refers to an ancient vampire, his spawn, and his werejaguar servants. In his long existence, the vampire has never found feeding to be as simple as it is has been since the newcomers arrived. Blood Offering by day is a vibrant and rowdy tavern that is set far off of the beaten path. DMs can place the tavern close to a well-traveled route, but far enough away that only those who leave the route can find it. The werejaguar involved live in a nearby jungle/forest, so the northern reaches of Far Payit might be most appropriate. The tavern is not at all what it appears to be and is in fact the top level of an ancient step pyramid. The bottom levels are all buried belowground.

Blood Offering Tavern

The outer walls of the tavern appear to be made of ancient crumbling stone, but they are decorated in garishly clichéd Maztican imagery. The sounds that come from the hall are indicative of taverns anywhere on mainland Faerun, and intoxicated revelers stumble in and out of the front gate at all times of the day. DMs should find a reason why the PCs end up in this tavern off the beaten path. Perhaps inclement weather or even rumors of a great entertainment hub

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led them to the tavern itself. The Blood Offering Tavern by all intents and purposes should appear to be nothing more than one giant “tourist trap.” Adventure Background: For centuries, Xopitl, his vampire spawn, and a pack of werejaguar have occupied a great step pyramid created thousands of years in the past. Though the werejaguars grow old and die while Xopitl lives on, the pack considers Xopitl an aspect of the deity Zaltec himself and new pack members are indoctrinated into the “religion” at a young age.

Pyramid Rear View

For centuries, Xopitl and his spawn have relied on the werejaguar to capture Mazticans and bring them to the pyramid so that both he and his spawn could feed. The setup has worked for ages, but when the newcomers arrived, feeding became even simpler. Now, with the believable ruse of a rowdy tavern, the vampire and his minions hide in plain sight. Potential meals drink and enjoy nightly entertainment while Xopitl and his servitors find victims that will not be missed.

The pyramid itself is part of an ancient small city known as Chacobben. It was an early settlement of mankind which was destroyed over two thousand years ago in -1011 DR. At this long ago time, a great flood decimated the southern continent of Lopango. The vast majority of Maztica was unaffected but the Maztican rain god Azul was heavily involved in the circumstances leading up to the Lopangan flood. While he was otherwise occupied, Azul’s servants; the chac and a wyrm tlalocoatl dragon, ran amok.

The resulting chaos led to a massive mudslide which buried this entire small city overnight. Some fled and survived, but more died in the deluge. Most of the city itself is still waiting underground and untouched for two thousand years. The top of this pyramid, which was the tallest structure at the time of the mudslide, is all that remains visible. Xopitl is not an original inhabitant of the city, and even in his hundreds of years of occupation, he has never had reason to explore the extent of his home. The undead he commands, however, were from Chacobben and were drawn to his power. If a DM wishes to expand upon the adventure, hints might somehow be found through them. A more likely source of information would be the chac found in room 11. Furthermore, two full levels of the pyramid are left for the DM to populate with whatever creatures, traps and story arcs desired.

Level 1 (Blood Offering Tavern) Though rough, there is little to distinguish the Blood Offering Tavern from being exactly what it claims. There are frequent fights due to the rough clientele but Otto the bouncer (see below) is certainly capable of keeping the peace. The evening’s entertainment begins with the “sacrifice” of what patrons believe to be an actor named Gawati. Those in attendance are seated in the performance hall by barmaids just as the sun begins to set. When the last rays of light disappear outside, the vampire Baxcalta appears in a flash behind the blackened altar in the hall using a combination of alchemical pyrotechnics and his gaseous form ability. Much to the delight of onlookers, Baxcalta then “sacrifices” Gawati after saying a few theatrical prayers to Zaltec. Onlookers believe this to all be part of an illusion or act, but Gawati’s pain is real and he is often brought to within an inch of his life. The proud werejaguar never makes a sound during the process.

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Pyramid Top View If the vampires and their spawn choose to feed during any particular evening, Otto closes the front exit and bolts the door from the outside. This effectively traps patrons inside. The other werejaguars then disappear into the bolthole behind Sweet Layalli’s bar as the horror begins. Even they cannot stand to watch the vampires and their spawn feed. Tonight, as luck would have it, the vampire spawn have chosen to feed. Once the tavern is clear of werejaguars, the spawn materialize from their gaseous form and attack. Outside, Otto (in jaguar form) is sure to keep wanderers from getting close enough to hear the screams inside Blood Offering. He wanders the nearby jungles with two real jaguar pets and will not expect the battle to go badly for the vampire spawn no matter how well armed the PCs originally appeared. He does not reappear until after the battle and the PC’s meeting with Gawati. The jaguars do not accompany him to the tavern. Vampire Spawn (11) If the PCs survive the battle, Gawati returns to the before any of the other werejaguars. He is horribly wounded from his earlier performance (5 hp), but he still wants to converse calmly with the PCs. If he is allowed to speak, Gawati explains all of the information given in the adventure background. He also reveals that the tavern is simply the top level of a grand pyramid by showing the PCs the bolthole behind Sweet Layalli’s bar. According to Gawati,

the ancient vampire believes himself to be an incarnation of Zaltec himself and he will certainly send the entire werejaguar pack after the adventurers who killed his spawn. Baxcalta is also a vampire, though Gawati explains he had not chosen to feed this evening. Give the PCs a few moments to question Gawati. He knows each of the werejaguars personally and is willing to give information about them in return for the party’s promise to leave the werejaguars that live in the jungles surrounding the tavern alone. He considers these folk his own and hopes to free them from Xopitl’s influence. Finally, when the PCs are running out of questions he will hand over his ring of regeneration as the doors swing open and Otto, Sweet Layalli and the barmaids return. Gawati will fight alongside the PCs for the first battle before returning to the jungle.

Room 1: Bouncer Otto is not a common name for a native Maztican, but few who see the seven foot mountain of a bouncer would dare to question him. Otto is in fact a human werejaguar and if things go wrong in the tavern he will be sure to join the fray. He prefers the jungle to the stuffy enclosed tavern, but he relishes his role in the vampire’s ruse. Otto (CE male human werejaguar barbarian 5) Room 2: Tavern Hall Two werejaguar serving maids run the main tavern while Sweet Layalli works the bar. These three female werejaguars work quite well together if battle breaks out as Sweet Layalli supports the two fighters with her bardic abilities.

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The room also contains 4-16 patrons at any time of the day or the beginning of the evening. Typically off duty Amnian or Waterdhavian mercenaries (1-4 LN Warrior 1) are mixed into the commoners. They will fight for their lives should it come time for the jaguars or vampire spawn to attack, but will do little more than serve as a distraction. Sweet Layalli serves many of the typical beverages associated with Faerunian taverns. If she notices patrons who are obviously powerful, however, she will attempt to slip a local tastless herb known as hakani into their drinks. This mild ingested poison causes a reaction visibly similar to drunkenness but in fact causes 1d4 points of initial and secondary wisdom damage. A 3'x3' trapdoor leading to the lower levels of the pyramid is located behind her bar against the wall. It is hidden, but still quite easy to Spot (DC 10). Sweet Layalli (LE female human werejaguar bard 5) Barmaids (2) (LE female human werejaguar fighter 4) Room 3: Performance Hall The evening’s entertainment begins in this chamber just as the sun

Level 1 – The Blood Offering Tavern

goes down. Gawati is a werejaguar who attempted to free the pack from Xopitl’s influence years ago.

Along with a few loyal werejaguar, he attempted to slay Xopitl by staking him in his sleep. Unfortunately, he had no knowledge of the guardians in the vampire’s chamber. From that day forward, Gawati has paid for his crime on a nightly basis. The werejaguar is forced to wear a ring of regeneration while he is sacrificed to Zaltec each and every evening. The vampire

priest of Zaltec known as Baxcalta performs this sacrifice to within a few inches of Gawati’s life. The spilt blood pleases Zaltec, even though the sacrifice is not complete. Of course, patrons believe it is all just a part of the show. Gawati (N male human werejaguar ranger 8; possessions: ring of regeneration) Baxcalta (CE male human vampire priest (Zaltec) 8) Level 2 (Lair of the Werejaguars) The level just below the tavern is a lair of the werejaguars under Xopitl’s command. The majority of the clan actually live outside of the pyramid itself in the

surrounding jungles, but those who are closest to believing in Xopitl’s inherent divinity choose to live closer to their god. A schism between the pyramid werejaguars and those in the jungles grows yearly and Gawati’s influence is having a far greater impact among the outside clan members. The werejaguars that PCs encounter in these rooms are universally hostile. They are fanatics in their belief in Xopitl’s divinity. Room 4: Hallway Sentries Three werejaguar sentries continually man the bottom of the shaft that

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leads to the entrance of this level from above. Should the werejaguars feel outmatched by the PCs, or if one is killed, one will run off to areas 7a and 7c while the other will head to 7b and 7d to warn the levels inhabitants. Sounds of battle alone will not alert the other werejaguars as there are frequent enough inter-clan fights. Werejaguar Sentries (3) (LE human werejaguar fighter 4; possessions: +2 maca, 2 potions of healing) Room 5: Storage Food and drink for both the tavern and the pyramids living residents can be found here. The temperature is noticeable cooler than the rest of the sweltering hot upper levels of the pyramid, particularly as PCs approach the door to Room 6. Hidden in a small nook by the door to Room 6 (Search DC 10) can be found a ring of warmth that the werejaguars use to enter Room 6 to grab the frozen foods. Room 6: Cold Storage This room literally sucks the heat out of any creature that enters. Brown mold covers patches throughout the walls and roof of this room. Ten patches in total can be found here. Brown Mold (10) Room 7: Werejaguar Living Quarters Four werejaguars live crowded in each of the rooms 7a-7d. If the sentries reach them in time, the werejaguars will mobilize and attack. The sounds of battle alone are not enough. Werejaguars (16) (LE human werejaguar fighter 3; possessions: +1 maca) Treasure: The temple werejaguars are known for their gaudiness and dress opulently. Assorted gold jewelry worth 12,000 gp can be found among their possessions and on their physical beings.

Level 3 (Elemental Chambers) This entire floor radiates magic, though it is not the doing of any of the current inhabitants. The elemental magic here is a leftover from the unique culture of Chacobben. It’s people had a much stronger grasp of the four elements than most do in Maztica and this will become obvious in this level. The chac in Room 11 is in fact one of the chac who caused the ancient mudslide. The vampire spawn also reside on this floor. Each elemental chamber has its own climate of sorts which are specifically explained in each rooms description, but they all share some similar qualities. None of the elements spill over into other rooms whether or not the doors between them are opened. Also, the portions of the room that are elemental extend deeper than physically possible. The floor in fact, goes 10-15 feet deep in dirt, water, lava and snow respectively. The rooms are all also incredibly well lit by an illumination that comes from the walls of the chambers themselves. Room 8: Stairway Landing If any of the vampire spawn managed to escape the battle upstairs, the would have fled here and bolted the strong wooden doors to room 9. Strong Wooden Door (Hardness 5 Hit Points 20 Break DC 23) Room 9: Burial Vaults The vampire spawn reside in the 11 chambers here. Unless bidden by their master, they never go into the chambers beyond this point of the pyramid. Room 10: Chamber of Earth A deranged vampiric desert dwarf named Cotic resides in this

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chamber. Xopitl long ago slew the original xorn guardians and replaced them with the wild haired creature. The vampire dwarf once travelled from his home in the House of Tezca after hearing rumors of the tavern and suspecting the truth behind it. He sought to partake of the tavern’s bounty. Xopitl doesn’t take kindly to rivals and immediately dominated the dwarf. He left the vampire here and only rarely allows it to feed, torturing the pathetic creature at every oportunity. This treatment has driven the dwarf to the brink of insanity. Cotic (CE Dwarf (House of Tezca) Vampire Ranger 3)

Room 11: Chamber of Water The chac Quiyahuitl is so ancient that he was around when the mudslide buried the temple and city. In fact, as Quiyahuitl will gladly explain, he was one of the main causes of the catastrophe. Quiyahuitl was once tasked with guarding this room by the original creators of the temple, but his terms were loose, and he has never actually had to fight in its defense. Instead, Quiyahuitl has always convinced ahuizotl to come defend the temple for him. Quiyahuitl does not actually wish to fight, but the ahuizotl certainly will. It rises from the deep pool that takes up the majority of the room. Quiyahuitl (LN Chac male) Ahuizotl (1) Treasure: There is no monetary treasure here but at the bottom of the pool there is something that will certainly be of interest to the PCs. There is an unhatched Tlalocoatl dragon egg that is very close to hatching. Quiyahuitl swore to forever protect the

descendants of the rain dragon that lived in Chacobben but once again, the letter of his pact was open to interpretation. If the PCs claim the egg, they will only need to promise not to kill the wyrmling rain dragon once it hatches. This egg could be worth upwards of 10,000 gp for its rarity in Faerub, but it will hatch in less than a tenday. Room 12: Chamber of Fire This room is a glowing room of fiery horror. With the exception of a small path that winds through its center, the room is full of flowing lava. Those who stay on the path are protected from the lava, but not the family pair of xiuhcoatl that reside within it. Xiuhcoatl (4) Room 13: Chamber of Air A gelugon guards this room and immediately asks the PCs if they have come from Mictlan to take him home when they enter. The gelugon is not stupid and will only momentarily fall for any story the PCs try to concoct. Gelugon (1) Level 4 (Maze of the Minotaur) Room 14: Maze This entire floor is the lair of a few minotaurs and a vampiric minotaur that is Xopitl’s favorite pet. Each spot marked with an “M” on the map of level 4 is the location of a normal minotaur. The spot marked with the “T” is Tacastin’s current location. Tacastin (CE Vampire Minotaur Barbarian 2) Minotaur (3)

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Level 5 and 6

These two levels are left for the DM to populate with whatever traps or creatures he sees fit. This would be a good time to use a copy of Monsters of the True World – Maztica and Lopango for some ideas.

Level 7 (The Master’s Lair) The Master’s Lair is the interior of the lowest level of the step pyramid. Xopitl tolerates only his wife in this lair.

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Room 51: Landing Four civatateo guard this landing. They are the children of Xopitl and his wife Xochiketzalli. They are also all priestesses of Zaltec, though none are as powerful as their mother or father. Civatateo (4) (CE Civatateo Human Priest (Zaltec) 5) Room 52: Stone Sphere Trap The circular room setup here is designed to accommodate the deadly trap designed for this temple thousands of years past. Once triggered, a ground panel will slide over revealing a recess in the base of the pyramid floor. Inside a giant stone ball will be launched using a system of powerful springs. Giant Rolling Rock Trap CR 10; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset; giant stone ball set in motion (16d6, crush); multiple targets (all targets in area 52); never miss; onset delay (2 rounds); Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 29,000 gp. Room 53: Queens Haunt The civatateo Xochiketzalli, whose name means beautiful flower, was Xopitl’s wife in life and remains with him in death. If the stone sphere has already softened up the PCs, Xochiketzalli will attempt to finish the job as they enter this chamber. Xopitl himself will not rise from Room 54, even if his wife is under attack. Xochiketzalli (CE Civatateo Human Priestess (Zaltec) 10) Room 54: The Lord’s Chamber While he is not quite the deity the werejaguars believe, Xopitl is certainly a force to be reckoned with. He rarely leaves his coffin other to feed, but when he makes an appearance, all other inhabitants of the pyramid bow to his command. Xopitl (CE Vampire Human Sorcerer 3/Priest (Zaltec) 5/Hishnashaper 4) Wide-Mouth Pit Trap

CR 9; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; DC 25 Reflex save avoids; 100 ft. deep (10d6, fall); multiple targets (all targets within a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. area); Search DC 25; Disable Device DC 25. Market Price: 40,500 gp.

The Ruins of Esh Elakar – Adventure (Levels 8-10)

Written by: Seethyr

Description: Briefly mentioned in FMQ1 City of Gold, The Ruins of Esh Elakar have always seemed like a great site for an adventure. Set in the far north of Maztica, I always loved how City of Gold focused more on a Pueblo Indian derivative rather than Aztec or Maya. The location also screamed for Lovecraftian horror to me, and fans of the author will certainly recognize the serpent protagonist of the adventure! Note that this adventure is also a follow up to the one found in FMQ1 City of Gold, and makes many references to events from that product. Adventure Background: Pre-History In an age before the Azuposi, before even the Skeleton Man Masauwu coaxed humankind from the underground and introduced them to the blessed Micha; men came to the Sun Canyon to partake in its plenty. Unlike the Azuposi they preceded, these men came with greed in their hearts. Though the spirits of the land opposed them, the people were powerful in the ways of magic, and for a time even the powerful spirits were enslaved.

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As evil societies often do, they eventually caused their own downfall. The wondrous golden Micha was too precious to share, and the men and women began to war amongst themselves. It a shortl time by the spirits’ reckoning, the society disappeared. Some were killed by their own lumbering stone guardians, others were imprisoned deep in the bowels of the earth for eternity, but most were changed into the deadly snakes that still haunt their dreaded ruins. This is the general myth of the people’s downfall; but no one knows the entire truth. Esh Alakar, or occasionally Esh Elakar, is known by these names through the strange stories written on the ruin’s walls. It is known to be the center of this dark and ancient culture. Just a Few Years Ago Masauwu, who has protected and nurtured the Azuposi people since their arrival ages ago, spoke to the Sunwatcher Koyisqatapi from his abode, the Skeleton House on the Plane of Wenimats. He warned that like the evil folk before them, the Azuposi could soon destroy themselves. Not because of their greed or evil, but due to the fact that they had grown lazy and complacent. A single fiend had caused three years of drought, simply because the cowardly Koyisqatapi could not overcome the creature and reach Masauwu. Masauwu thus refused to ask the rain spirits known as the Shiwannas to perform their duty in Sun Canyon and the Azuposi suffered. An outlander band, followers of strange deities and ways, led Koyisqatapi to Wenimats and helped defeat the fiend. Shamed by his weakness, the sunwatcher vowed to learn from the outlanders what it meant to be brave. The Azuposi did learn from the outlanders, who lived amongst them for a number of years. They learned of heroes and

villains and quests. They even learned of the dungeons and the dragons of the otherland. The young of the Azuposi, were amazed by these stories, and in a short amount of time, the culture began to change. Adventuring “bands” known as Niyanan-Napew (literally “Five-Folk”) set off to explore and learn of the world around them. The adventures of the Niyanan-Napew were many, and their accomplishments were great. Most notably was the destruction of the bent priestess Ikitipsa, whom they later found to have been behind the summoning of the fiend that confounded Koyisqatapi years earlier. Ikitipsa was not finished with the Azuposi after her fiend was defeated. She had already begun to amass a horde of evil Azuposi, Nahopaca, Dog People and even ogres and coyote skinwalkers. The bent priestess was killed by the Niyanan-Napew after she had been tracked to a cave at a lip of the Long Canyon. The final battle left the heroes dead, but Ikitipsa was thrown down the chasm and her body lay broken below. Ikitipsa’s power had been vanquished.

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Recently… Ikitipsa is back. Her hatred of the Azuposi and the lack of a proper burial caused her to rise again as a powerful Pasocada Ghost. For years, her spirit lay at the bottom of the canyon, bound to an object and unable to continue to do harm. When she died, somehow, her spirit was bound to an evil talisman that had been the key to her magic. Her ghost cannot leave the talisman’s immediate proximity nor could she move it herself, thus the bent priestess lies impotent. All this has changed recently when young Niyanan-Napew found her cave and far below, the skeletal remains of the bent priestess. Tipiskaw, the pueblo priestess leader of this doomed Niyanan-Napew, was possessed by Ikitipsa. Having young and inexperienced followers, none noticed the talisman or its effect on their leader. Ikitipsa herself now led the band, and she led them right into the ruins of Esh Alakar. Ikitipsa led the Niyanan-Napew to their deaths in Esh Alakar, but not before overcoming the traps and creatures of the fabled ruin. In Tipiskaw’s body, she now controls much of the magic of the ruin itself. She has begun to expand its evil out into the world, particularly towards Michaca, the City of Gold, in order to enact her revenge and the downfall of the Azuposi people. Three Niyanan-Napew were formed in Michaca in recent years, more than enough to satisfy the newly emboldened Koyisqatapi. The first, led by Tipiskaw, was led to their deaths in Esh Alakar and another, led by the koyemshi (clown) known as Atim was sent to find them. This group was also killed in the ruins. The third Niyanan-Napew is off in the Land of the Mantis-Men, unreachable at this point. It looks like the Azuposi will have to depend on outsiders once again, as they did years ago… Micha, The Gold of Michaca Micha takes the form of fine, powdered gold that sparkles in sunlight almost as brilliantly as a diamond would. It is the source of most of the prosperity felt by the Azuposi people of the Sun Canyon. The substance is considered a gift from benign spirits such as Masauwu and is never traded to other peoples. This is not due to greed; it is due

to the substance’s religious significance. The spirits would not appreciate their gift being squandered for items the Azuposi could earn in other ways. On the other hand, the spirits have not forgotten the help outsiders gave to the Azuposi so long ago, and Micha can be freely given, typically as a reward for heroic actions. Micha’s abilities focus mainly around the spiritual. It can be used to create the Sun Trail which leads into the Demiplane of Wenimats, the spirit world of the Azuposi people. It is also useful to wizards and sorcerers. Every half ounce of the substance can be used to increase the effective level of any arcane casting by 1. If the spell or ritual is used for summoning, the increase instead is a bonus of 3. Micha disappears when used. If less than a half ounce of Micha is used in a casting, it will not have any effect other than to disappear, and if more is used, the substance will work (and disappear) but the level increase is still one. Micha typically has a gold piece value of 100-150 gp per half ounce, depending on the quantity sold and the individual purchaser. As stated earlier, only a truly outcast Azuposi would ever sell the powder. Player Hooks

• The fabled City of Gold was found by the explorer Sozarro, and quickly lost again. Though he came back from the trip three years after his initial foray with his retainers and guides, he never spoke of the City’s location. Recently, Sozarro’s niece has found the explorer’s diary. Though it has no map, it describes his voyage in great detail.

• Exploration is the greatest part of your

adventuring life. So much of the world lies yet unknown and you want to make your own discoveries. Rumors of ancient civilizations and ruins abound in Maztica, but one that intrigues you more than the others is the fabled City of Gold. Imagine a city whose streets are paved with gold!

• A man appeared in town today, apparently

half-starved and undoubtedly crazed. His

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appearance was that of the Dog People, though he claimed to actually be from a tribe known as the Azuposi. Before collapsing from exhaustion, he spoke of an ancient ruin where evil from a time past had killed his adventuring band whom he called a Niyanan-Napew. Apparently, he was the only survivor and he wants to be led back home. The man has nothing to offer, but when he mentioned where “home” is, you suddenly became interested. He claims to be from Michaca, the fabled City of Gold!

Player’s Introduction Lucinda Mancharda is the estranged niece of the famous explorer Sozarro. Sozarro returned from a three year expedition claiming to have found Michaca, the City of Gold. At first few believed the explorer, but when he produced a fabulous gold powder that had mystical powers, it commonly became known that he had found something. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, Sozarro never again spoke of the city and even once claimed that the land he traveled to is plagued by a terrible disease that only natives of the region seem immune to. Knowing your reputation as explorers and adventurers, Lucinda has approached you and asked to meet at her home to discuss possible employment. Could it be that she believes her uncle’s stories? Meeting Lucinda at Home “Hello friends and welcome to my humble home. I am Lucinda Mancharda, a trader of sorts in this region. I recently came across a book that might be of interest to explorers such as yourselves. You may have heard that recently a madman stumbled into town raving about a terrible ruin far to the north. Few paid any attention to his claims. Did you know that he is from the city known as Michaca and desires to be returned home? Though the name may mean nothing to you, this is the true name of the fabled City of Gold! Few are taking this strange fellow seriously, and I wouldn’t have given it a second thought myself had I not recently found my uncle’s diary. My uncle

Sozarro found the city years ago. No one believed him, including his own family, but after reading the details of his diary I just know it has to be true! Though not an explorer myself, I wish to follow in my uncle’s footsteps. Our family’s wealth is not what it used to be, but I at least wish to claim its legacy and prove my uncle correct. I can offer you little except the diary itself, which has no map, but at least gives an account of my uncle’s trip. I can also offer you this, the last bit of what Sozarro brought back… At this point, Lucinda hands one of the PCs a tube full of sparkling gold dust. The dust is an ounce of the mysterious substance known as micha, the gold of Michaca. It is the last of the micha brought back by Sozarro himself. In return, Lucinda only wants the PCs to bring back some form of proof that her uncle was correct. She believes that the notoriety gained in so doing would be enough to lead business to her. Who wouldn’t want to trade with the family that discovered the fabled City of Gold? Lucinda Mancharda (Human Expert 3, LN) After their meeting, Lucinda directs the PCs to the infirmary where Hesutu, the Azuposi madman can be found. Meeting Hesutu, the Azuposi Madman Hesutu was originally part of the second Niyanan-Napew sent to find out what happened to the first. The band followed their koyemshi (a roguish, but mystical clown) leader, Atim, and eventually tracked the original group to the evil ruins of Esh Alakar. It was only moments after entering the ruins, that “great stone statues” and malevolent snakes attacked his Niyanan-Napew (adventuring band). Only he survived and escaped. Dazed by poison and a blow to the head, Hesutu wandered for weeks, surviving only by luck. He was hopelessly lost when he wandered into the PCs settlement only a few days ago and is now recovering. Hesutu is a good hunter, but knows that he will not make it back through the Land of the Dog People alone. He can only promise that any who take him back to his city will be rewarded by his sunwatcher spiritual leader. If asked which city he is from, Hesutu will answer “Michaca” though he will not refer to it as

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the City of Gold. Note that Hesutu is fluent in the PCs language, whether it is a native tongue or the common tongue of Faerun. If the PCs ask the following questions, Hesutu responds as follows. “What city are you from?” “Michaca, far to the north and west.” “Is Michaca truly a City of Gold?” “My city is beyond beautiful, but you will need to see it for yourself.” “What dangers will we face?” “There are many dangers that we might face along the way, from violent tribes to the random spirit, The desert itself that we will cross is the greatest danger. This is why I have asked for your help in the first place.” “Why were you at the ruins? / What are the ruins? “The ruins are of an ancient evil civilization that existed long before our people even existed in Sun Canyon. Typically we avoid it at all costs so as to not unleash its evil. We were searching for another Niyanan-Napew much like our own that disappeared into the ruins. Why they went there themselves, I do not know. Perhaps adventure?” “What is a Niyanan-Napew?” “In my people’s tongue, the word literally means ‘Five-Folk,’ though this number is only accurate by chance. Much like the adventuring bands of your homeland, it is a small group of my people, whose abilities typically complement each other, and who seek to explore the unknown for the benefit of the people as a whole. The first were formed when the Great Spirit Masauwu punished us for growing lazy and cowardly.” Hesutu knows the mythology introduced in the adventure background up until the recent information, and he will relay the information if asked. Though he will not know that the recent disappearance has anything to do with her, Hesutu may mention Itikipsi the Bent Priestess in passing.

Hesutu also knows of Sozarro and his retinue. Sozarro is looked at as a great hero among his people. The Azuposi are positively inclined towards outlanders to this day because of this piece of history (treat all initial encounters as Indifferent, but all Diplomacy checks can be made at +2 Circumstance Bonus to increase to Friendly). Hesutu (Human (Azuposi) Hunter 4, NG) The Journey Much of the journey is laid out before the PCs already. Sozarro’s diary reads much like an exciting adventure book and the detail is incredibly precise. Hesutu desires to follow Sozarro’s route and will say so if the PCs ask. Sozarro traveled from Kultaka to Zopal, then onto a northern river to the Sands of Itzcala. Finally, the path led through scrublands and desert to Michaca. Hesutu is no guide, nor does he claim to be so he will agree to whatever routes the PCs eventually decide. Encounter 1: Coyote Skinwalkers (Suggested Location - Scrublands North of Zopal) While passing through the scrublands during day, the PCs hear howls in the wilds around them. The exact location of the noise cannot be pinpointed and often seem to come from all around. Tracks of both coyotes and men appear on the path that the PCs are taking. Hesutu gets nervous and explains that the tracks match those of the skinwalkers. Once, they were men like the Azuposi, but the tribe chose to live in the wilds far from his fellow man. A powerful trickster spirit known as Coyotl granted them the ability to wear the skins of the coyote and change form between man and animal. They were not always hostile to the other tribes, but when Cordell came years ago, their outlook changed. Cordell had little appreciation in the spirits and lands of the coyote and began wholesale slaughter of the species. The tribe has since recovered, but they now see all others as potential defilers, particularly outlanders. Not all of the coyote skinwalkers will be hostile to the PCs but will start with at least an Unfriendly attitude. The pack that is stalking the PCs however is out for blood. The attack will come on the first watch of the night.

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Coyote Skinwalkers (6) Encounter 2: Ahuizotl (Suggested Location - The Northern River) The waters of this unnamed river are clean and fresh to drink. If the PCs stop at the river for any reason, they will notice a water filled sinkhole (which Hesutu calls a cetay) about 20 yards off the bank of the river itself. Any PCs who look in its direction notice a small wake in the pool where there should be none. As long as the PCs do not approach the cetay nothing occurs, but as soon as they get within 10 yards of the pool, two alligator like creatures with blue feather-like scales burst forth and attack. These dangerous predators, known as Ahuizotl are not typically found this far north, but they were chased from their homes by a particularly vile jagre and found the region to be suitable. If the ahuizotl are defeated, the PCs are free to explore the underwater sinkhole. It opens into a den which is only 12 feet deep, but opens up to a width of 30 feet just below the surface. The ahuizotl have little in the way of treasure due to their recent relocation, but the source of their aggression is readily apparent when two fist sized blue eggs are found. The eggs are only a week from hatching, but could fetch 1,000 gp on the open market. Once hatched, the young could be sold for up to 5,000 gp each. Training ahuizotl has never been attempted, but it is not impossible. In addition to the eggs, the nest also hides one uncut piece of jade worth 1,000 gp. Ahuizotl (2) Encounter 3: Chac and Chaneque (Suggested Location – Axapoztlan Mountain Cave) Hesutu remembers little from his dazed wanderings after the battle in Esh Alakar. One memory that does often enter his mind was of a vision he had soon after leaving the desert. At this point in his wandering, Hesutu claims that he had not a drop of water for days and was hovering on death’s door when he came upon the Axapoztlan Mountain Range. As he lost consciousness a jaguar came upon him from the mountains. Thinking himself the jaguar’s next meal, he despaired. To his

surprise, the jaguar then stood upright and changed form to a human being with a stream of tears rolling down its face. The being said nothing, but looked to the sky and immediately the area began to rain, when there had been no clouds only moments before. Hesutu was saved from dehydration by this mysterious creature. At first, he believed that his dying mind must have caused the vision, but now after seeing the mountains, he has decided otherwise. The creature of which Hesutu speaks is known as a chac and it lives with its small clan in the nearby mountain caves. As the PCs approach the mountains, the chac that rescued Hesutu weeks ago spies the PCs from a hiding place near its mountain home. The chac recognizes the group as powerful outlanders (or natives if the party consists of them) and sees an opportunity to have its favor returned. The chac will come bounding down the mountainside in the PC’s general direction, but will slow up far before actual contact and change form. If attacked, the chac will flee immediately and never be heard from again. Hesutu will attempt to stop the PCs from committing any hostile action as he recognizes the spirit immediately. Once it has changed to human form and approached the party, the chac says… Welcome, visitors to the Mountain of the Chac. I am known as Karyage, and I am a leader among my kind. As I have helped one of you in the past, I am now asking for the favor returned. I have little to offer, but I can assure you that if you do help, you will not die of the thirst brought by the Sands of Itzcala. Do you accept? If the PCs ask Karyage to be more specific about the favor, he tells them that a clan of evil sprites, known as the chaneque have warred with his clan for many years. The chaneque steal part of the chacs spirit and hide them underground. Chac soon die from sickness once parts of their spirits are stolen, and if the chac all disappear, the Sands of Itzcala will spread far beyond its current boundary. Karyage explains that the whole clan must be eradicated, so that the chac are free to find their missing spirit-parts in the den. As far as rewards go, Karyage explains that they may keep any wealth found in the den of the chaneque, for the chac have

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little use for monetary wealth. In addition, the chac will make sure the trip through the desert known as the Sands of Itzcala will no longer have the danger of dehydration through the chac’s intervention. If the PCs refuse, the desert trip will be much more difficult than planned. Water will not be found anywhere along their chosen path. If the PCs agree the chac will be visibly excited. Karyage changes back to jaguar form and leads the party directly to the chaneque den, but the chaneque are not simply standing by waiting to be slaughtered. A chaneque spy has seen the entire conversation, and runs back to warn its kin long before the PCs arrive. The entire clan thus sets up an ambush outside of the den as the PCs prepare. If the chaneque are defeated, the whole chac clan soon arrives outside of the den. Karyage and 3 other sickly looking chac immediately run into the den and begin digging for their “spirit-parts” which take the form of small chunks of uncut gemstone. Once smashed, the spirit-parts return to their owner, but only if performed in a ritual known to the chac. An unaffected chac who identifies herself as Buricha, an adept of a less bloodthirsty aspect of the rain deity Azul, addresses the PCs. Though I did not approve at first, Karyage was wise in enlisting your aid. Take this talisman, known to our people as Rainmaker, and know that you have our blessing. Though she called it a talisman, Rainmaker appears to be no more than a harmless rattle, much like that used in various Azuposi and Dog People religious ceremonies. It contains powerful magic, however, and can control weather three times each week. In addition, it acts as a divining rod and can find water in even the most arid deserts, typically after only 1 hour of use. The den of the chaneque also has its own treasures, including 5 uncut chunks of turquoise (2,000 gp each), a beautiful turquoise and silver necklace (3,500 gp) and a large chest (unlocked and untrapped) containing 400 quills of gold dust (2,000 gp value total) and 1000 buds of coral (500 gp value total). Karyage, (Chac Fighter 2, LN) Buricha, (Chac Adept 4, LN) Chac (5)

Chaneque (10) Encounter 4: Tlincalli and Dog People (Suggested Location – The Sands of Itzcala) Thanks to Rainmaker, the PCs should have little trouble with the effects of dehydration in the Sands of Itzcala. If they use the control weather ability at any point during their trip, however, you should immediately begin this encounter, because a storm suddenly popping up out of nowhere in the desert will surely bring attention! Feel free to use this encounter (with slight modifications, perhaps through a natural storm) even if the PCs do not use Rainmaker. The storm clouds above you begin to gather and you feel the cool refreshment of the storm on you face within moments. You scramble to gather as much of the falling water as you can into containers before the rain gives way to the unforgiving sun once again. Suddenly an arrow lands in the sands near your feet. A bowshot away you notice a number of human hunters, and it looks like they’re already reloading. The localized storm have brought you some unwanted attention! Allow the PCs to take cover, fight back or flee. Whatever they choose, it won’t prevent a third, far deadlier party from getting involved. This part of the event should occur within 3 rounds of the Dog People’s initial attack. Suddenly you notice on of your attackers stumble, and none of you have caused his fall. The sands around you erupt and you make out a horrible clicking sound. The sands settle quickly and the source of the sound is horrifically apparent. Giant scorpions, with the upper torso of bronzed humans click their horrid pincers, and they immediately close on both you and the Dog People. Hesutu screams the word “Tlincalli!” This battle is to the death as the tlincalli have no fear of their own destruction here in the sands. Half of them will fight the remaining Dog People, who are surrounded and cannot flee, while the rest engage the PCs. The manscorpions should make

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short work of the remaining Dog People, and they will quickly join their fellows against the PCs. Should the PCs somehow defeat the Tlincalli before the Dog People are wiped out, the remaining few will flee immediately. They are not willing to continue a battle against such obvious power. Together, only 500 gp worth of jewelry (mostly silver and turquoise) can be found on the bodies of tlincalli and Dog People. One of the tlincalli carries a horrific onyx statuette shaped like some multi-headed centipede. The statuette could sell on the open market for 2,000gp, but it is horribly disturbing to look at (actually a likeness of the obyrith demon lord, Obox-Ob) and though nonmagical, it does radiate evil. DMs may determine what functions, if any, the statuette has. Dog People (12), (Human Hunter 4, CN and CE) Tlincalli (22) Michaca, the City of Gold Off in the distance you can see the glittering of what can only be the City of Gold itself. Despite your excitement your gut feeling tells you that something is not quite right. Hesutu confirms your fears when he points in the city’s direction and says, “Michaca burns!!!” As the PCs get closer to the city, they will notice that there are both large and small fires in various parts of the city. When they get within 500 ft they can see why the fires have begun. The ground is alive with snakes. Close to 1,000 snakes known as death head adders are infesting the city and the inhabitants are starting fires to keep them at bay. To add to the confusion, a number of stone golems are running amok in the city, smashing dwellings to bits and killing any who stand in their path. Michaca is under attack. Deadly as they may be, the citizens of Michaca will be able to handle the snakes on their own, but the stone golems should at this point be the PCs main target. If they don’t figure this out on their own, have Hesutu point out that the weapons that the people are using have little to no effect on the walking statues. Stone golems can be taken on

individually due to their dispersal throughout the city, but within three rounds of each new engagement, another stone golem will join its fellow until all five are destroyed. If the PCs for some reason decide to stand by and watch the debacle, the people of Michaca will eventually overcome the onslaught, but at great cost to the city. They will have nothing to do with the cowardly adventurers (even Hesutu will abandon his former friends), and the adventure is effectively over unless the PCs decide to find Esh Alakar on their own. The snakes should be more of a hazard than a fight as they are quite easy to kill for higher level parties. Have a snake or two attack and distract wizards or sorcerers at key moments during the battle with the stone golems. Do not make this fight easy for the PCs! Death’s Head Vipers (1,000) Stone Golems (5) With the stone golems destroyed, Sunwatcher Koyisqatapi approaches the PCs and thanks them profusely. He is ecstatic when he sees Hesutu, but wonders what has become of the rest of the Niyanan-Napew. Their reported deaths and the massive damage to Michaca fouls his mood. Thank you outlanders for your assistance. It seems that much like it was a few short years ago, my people have need of the aid of outsiders. I fear that Masauwu has forsaken us yet again! With this proclamation, Koyisqatapi decides to follow the Sun Trail to the Demiplane of Wenimats and the House of the Skeleton Man, Masauwu. The journey takes him two days and the PCs are treated as honored guests during their wait. Here they may explore the beautiful city of Michaca, help put out the fires and route any remaining adders. Hesutu will take his leave of the party at this point, but the PCs have made a friend for life. The PCs should restock on supplies (sold at an incredible discount of 25% of the PHB value), rest and recuperate. Bartinga, an apprentice Sunwatcher to Koyisqatapi, will provide healing in the form of potions of cure light wounds or his own spells (he is a 5th level Sunwatcher) if necessary. In two days Koyisqatapi will return grim and determined.

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Oh blessed spirits, Masauwu has not abandoned us, nor is he angry! It is one of our own that plagues us, the bent priestess Ikitipsa, curse her name! Masauwu has told me that Ikitipsa has risen from the dead and her evil will plague us yet again. This was hardly the great spirit’s worst news. Somehow, Ikitipsa has awoken a far greater evil, that of the Ruins of Esh Alakar! At this point, allow the Sunwatcher to reiterate the ancient history of the Azuposi people, explaining how men existed in this canyon long before the Azuposi. Not only were they not blessed by the spirits, they were at war with and often enslaved them! The Ruins of Esh Alakar (and to a lesser extent a nearby bridge) are the last true remnants of this vanished people. The Azuposi, including the brave Niyanan-Napew, have avoided the ruins in fear of awakening that evil. Somehow, Ikitipsa has harnessed its power. The evil has been awakened, and Masauwu has proclaimed that it must be destroyed once and for all. The Bridge of the Ancients Outside of the Esh Alakar itself, this bridge crossing the Long Canyon is the only surviving relic of the ancient age before the Azuposi. This encounter may give a few hints as to the identity of the Esh Alakarans should the PCs choose to explore it. When Ikitipsa found her freedom, her first act was to again subjugate some of the ogres who were her original minions. Though powerful barbarians, these ogres were as fearful of Esh Alakar as the Azuposi. No matter what she threatened the ogres with, they refused to enter the ruins. The ogre clan has otherwise remained loyal to Ikitipsa, but she has abandoned them here at the Bridge of the Ancients. Ogres (7), (Barbarian 3, CE) The bridge contains a number of clues to the identity of the Esh Alakarans, yet none have as yet deciphered its mysteries. The bridge has a number of faded motifs of snakes and snake men. One of the carvings shows a number of snake men bowing in worship to a horrific giant snake.

The ogres’ treasure consists of 12 uncut emeralds worth 200 gp each. In addition, there are a number of snakes that live in the canyon surrounding the bridge itself. Three of them (more Death’s Head Adders) have scales which form runes and mystical markings. Together, their scales form the text of a complete Volume Veneficus as described in Dragon Magazine #330. The snakes will attack any non-yuan-ti that approach, but once killed, the scales can be removed and the spells copied into a spellbook. Note that any yuan-ti who sees these spells in use will immediately be considered Hostile. They will attempt to destroy the sacrilegious text and its maker. If you do not have access to Dragon #330, the snakes do not have the mystical markings, but they do guard a hidden panel (DC20 to locate) in the bridge which hides spell scrolls of your own choosing. Use this encounter to introduce new spells into your campaign, particularly any that make use of snakes or venom. Death’s Head Adders (3) The Ruins of Esh Alakar: Aboveground The aboveground portion of the ruins has held up surprisingly well considering the age of the ruins themselves. The walls were originally reinforced with powerful magic but the magic has faded, and the ruin’s time is no longer unlimited. The initial signs of wear are collapsed sections of wall (as indicated on the aboveground map), and once wooden doorways that have completely rotted away. The intact walls are almost completely covered in pictographs and writing in an unknown tongue all through the inside of the ruin. If translated with magic (the language is too ancient to otherwise be deciphered), the following information can be found:

• Search DC 10: The ruins are called Esh Alakar. The original inhabitants were men who came from a far land. Soon after they arrived, they discovered micha and used it to become masters of the land around them.

• Search DC 15: The inhabitants practiced frequent ritual sacrifice, even in their

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original homeland. Elves, dwarves, bird-men (the aarakocra) and even the mantis-men known as thri-kreen are shown being put under the knife.

• Search DC 20: Though originally worshippers of some dark deity, soon after they settled these lands the evil folk began to worship a snake-like spirit called Xig. New sacrificial rituals involved the forceful injection of horrible venoms into their victims. After years of service the men were blessed (or cursed) by Xig when he transformed them into yuan-ti.

• Search DC 25: On one incomplete wall, a story is told of how the yuan-ti became incredibly arrogant and began to imprison, abuse and torture spirits of the land. Xig did not approve, yet the yuan-ti continued.

What the walls don’t show is that the yuan-ti in their hubris, eventually shackled Xig himself. For their effrontery, Xig enacted a curse on his former worshippers. He amplified and accelerated their transformation into scaled ones and they became the Death’s Head Adders that haunt the ruins today. Their power and civilization vanished overnight. Aboveground Area 1: Entryway / Main Hallway Due to Xig’s large body, the doorways which he needed to pass through were often quite large. At 18 feet in width, this may be one of the first details that the PCs notice. The hallway was originally guarded by four stone golems but two were destroyed by Ikitipsa (in Tipiskaw’s body) and her Niyanan-Napew on her original exploration of the ruins. She sent the other two to attack Michaca. All that remains of the deadly statues is a large pile of rubble, but a pack of barghest have wandered into the ruins only minutes before the PC’s arrival and they are hoping for an easy meal. Barghest (5) Aboveground Area 2: Temple This large room originally had the dual purpose as a temple to Xig and preparation for his sacrifices. The pictographs in this room are ripe with images

of snakes and snake-like beings. Two large stone snakes carved into the walls are actually snake shaped stone golems, and if the PCs head towards Area 3 for any reason they will animate and attack. The golems have the same statistics as a regular stone golem except they only have one slam attack from their tail. Stone Golems (2) Hidden in one of the recesses is a dusty burlap sack (Search DC 25 to find, DC15 if the PCs specifically mention searching the recesses). This sack contains valuables stolen from Xig’s altar ages ago by a yuan-ti who had found the worship of Merrshaulk more to his liking. He hid this sack after a particularly gruesome (therefore entertaining) sacrifice while the other yuan-ti were distracted. He planned to retrieve the sack later when the temple was empty, but the snake-man’s heresy was discovered before he could make his move. This sack has been hidden for ages now, but it is in perfect shape. It is actually the largest sized bag of holding. The bag contains various small, but cut gems which are rare in this part of the world and the gold offering tray that must have once held them. The 20 gems are worth an average of 500 gp apiece and the tray itself is worth 3,500 gp. Aboveground Area 3: Sacrificial Altar Hundreds of gruesome sacrifices have been committed in this chamber and as ancient as it may be, the black altar in the room still shows stains of blood. In front of the altar is a stone bowl formed from a sickly green stone. The bowl itself looks to have been carved right from the stone block upon which it rests, almost as if the carving was never finished. The stone bowl and altar both detect as strongly magical and evil. Originally an altar dedicated to a little known evil deity, it was reconsecrated to the worship of Xig. If a sentient being is sacrificed on this altar, its soul is consumed by the snake spirit Xig and the unfortunate being cannot be resurrected without the power of a wish. Xig has not had a single sacrifice during his long imprisonment, and has lost much of his power. At the height of his power, Xig was considered a quasi-deity well on his way to becoming a demigod. If the sacrifices were

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to begin again in earnest, Xig would eventually regain his status. While the altar may have been the location, the stone bowl was the instrument of each sacrifice. It is capable of filling with any non-magical venom known simply by placing one drop of the venom in its center. The bowl fills to the brim, ready to be used on the helpless victim. This evil relic of the yuan-ti cannot be removed without destroying its magic. The sickly green stone from which the bowl is chiseled however, has a pure vein of gold running through it. The PCs may notice this with a DC 15 spot check. If the block is smashed to bits, 2,000 gp worth of gold can be recovered. Of course, destroying the stone bowl, stone base or the altar releases a few guardians who materialize behind the PCs and attack. Nessian Warhounds (3) Behind the altar is a secret trap door (DC15 Search to find) revealing a gently sloping ramp which leads to the underground of Esh Alakar (see Underground Area 1). Aboveground Area 4: The Second Niyanan-Napew The second Niyanan-Napew, led by the koyemshi named Atim did not make it very far when they entered the ruins. Stone golems surprised the heroes who fled to this room. As the golems pursued, the Niyanan-Napew split. Atim lost track of his companions and continued running blindly into Area 8. He ran right into the nest of Death’s Head Adders and was bitten numerous times while the others engaged the golems. Stuck between the golems and the snakes, there was nowhere to run. Though fading quickly, Atim decided to rejoin his companions in this, their final battle. Atim’s heroics were all that allowed the single survivor Hesutu to escape. Atim and the Niyanan-Napew have not rested easy, and they now haunt this room as shadows and a Pasocada Ghost. If Atim is destroyed, he will rise again in three days, but the shadows will not. The only way he can permanently be put to rest is if his body and those of his Niyanan-Napew are buried. Atim, (Pasocada Ghost Koyemshi 6)

Shadows (5) The bodies of the Niyanan-Napew have uncut gems and jewelry worth little over 500 gp on them, but Atim’s body is holding a large staff decorated with feathers. This is actually a lightning surge staff +2 (see Dungeon Master’s Guide II, replace with another weapon of your choosing if it is unavailable). Atim’s father, the koyemshi Enapay, will give the staff to the PC’s if they return the personal effects of the Niyanan-Napew to Michaca. Though sad, he will be proud of his son’s brave death and glad that he may finally rest. Aboveground Area 5: Eating Chamber Creatures that were captured by the yuan-ti but did not end up on the sacrificial altar often ended up on the dinner plate. Broken ancient clay pots and utensils litter this room, but nothing of value can be found here. Behind the pots, a rather large Death’s Head Adder specimen is resting after it recently fed on a coyote. Since it has recently fed, the huge snake will not attack unless provoked. Unfortunately, it considers searching its home for treasure ample provocation. Advanced Death’s Head Adder (8HD) Aboveground Area 6: Sleeping Chamber This room used to be where almost the entire community of yuan-ti rested. The remains of ancient silks lie rotted throughout the entire room. The doorway to Area 7 was originally located in the northern portion of this room, but it has collapsed along with part of the ruins outer wall. At this point, it is difficult to determine that a door ever existed. Treat the pile of rubble as a secret door that requires a DC20 check to locate. Once located, the rubble is easy to remove, but an attempt to do so may cause a collapse. Refer to the table below after rolling a single die.

• Roll 1-5: Successful removal of rubble. PCs may proceed to Area 7

• Roll 6-15: Successful removal of rubble but PCs must make a dexterity check to avoid falling rubble that inflicts 2-40 points of damage to anyone within 15 feet.

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• Roll 16-20: Same effect as a roll of 6-15, but the falling rubble reseals the doorway and the PCs must roll again on this table. This result can only occur twice. A third roll of 16-20 is treated as a roll of 6-15.

Aboveground Area 7: Guard Room While prisoners were never expected to be able to escape Area 9, a guard post was placed here anyway. It only took a single yuan-ti to guard the room because of the stone golems present. These stone golems still occupy the chamber and will attack any who attempt to leave Area 9 that do not get cleared by the long dead watchman. Stone Golems (3) Aboveground Area 8: Snake Chamber The floor of this chamber is an absolute nightmare to behold. A living carpet of snakes, each with those terrible markings on the backsides of their heads, covers every inch of the floor. Hundreds, if not thousands of snakes are living, breeding and dying in this room. Worse still, they have noticed you, and as if of a single mind, the mass slithers in your direction! Ages ago, this room served as a pleasure chamber for the yuan-ti. Though only of animal intelligence, something instinctual, perhaps remnants of their ancestors comfort within this room, causes their descendants to live out most of their lives here. The snakes are also highly territorial and defensive. As one, the snakes attack any who enter. Instead of fighting 1,000 snakes individually, treat this encounter as an encounter with 10 swarms of vipers as described in the 3rd Edition Fiend Folio. Death’s Head Adder Swarm (10) Instinctually, when the yuan-ti were transformed into snakes, they dragged much of their worn jewelry, gems and coins into this room, and in here it has remained. The total value of the treasure is 10,000 gp in gold, silver, amethysts, turquoise, emeralds and various bracelets, rings and necklaces.

One plain silver ring is actually a ring of shooting stars and a gaudy amethyst necklace functions as a necklace of adaptation. Aboveground Area 9: Prison The prison area is empty except for a few excellent gemstones that are casually strewn about the bottom right cell. When Ikitipsa first ransacked the ruins after becoming its master, she found these six gems in the belowground portion of the ruins and rather than deal with the ancient spirits within, she discarded them fittingly within this true prison. Each of them contains an ancient soul captured using trap the soul. They were all captured by yuan-ti sorcerers shortly before the time of Xig’s curse upon the yuan-ti. If the souls are freed, have the reforming beings turn out to be rival yuan-ti sorcerers or wizards who are immediately hostile to the PCs, or if the PCs are having a tough time of the adventure, this may be a good time to introduce a new ally. The gems themselves are diamonds and emeralds worth 5,000 gp each, but buyers may not be too happy with the PCs once they realize their true nature. The Ruins of Esh Alakar: Belowground Esh Alakar’s belowground area is where Ikitipsa has chosen to make her lair. Xig cursed the yuan-ti simultaneously with his own binding in Area 3 and has only his undead broodguards to watch over him. In fact, these undead known as the Ur Histachii, are all that remains of his once increasing worshippers. Ikitipsa spends most of her time in her own lair working on the magics necessary to enslave Xig completely to her will. Until such time as she is successful, Ikitipsa has moved the focus of his binding spell to her own talisman and if the talisman is destroyed, Xig will be set free. She has promised to set Xig free once the Azuposi are no more, and this promise is what has kept the snake spirit in her command. The golems and snakes of Esh Alakar follow Xig’s command without question. Depending on how much noise the PCs make, they may have quite a fight on their hands. If the PCs

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enter the laboratory or treasury first, unless they take some major precautions, Ikitipsa will hear the battle and quickly move to Xig’s brood chamber. Though Xig is not yet free to join in the battle, his ur histachii will surely aid the bent priestess. Belowground Area 1: Laboratory The yuan-ti manufactured their stone golems in this room ages ago, and Ikitipsa desires to restart the process again once Xig is fully under her control. Three stone golems guard the room and the eight unfinished golems lie in the same state that they were left in so long ago. Stone Golems (3) A small shelf of books is located in the rear portion of the room. All of the books except for two became dust centuries ago, which makes the fact that they are magic all the more obvious. Ikitipsa knows of them but saw no reason to remove them from the room. After all, Esh Alakar is now hers. The two tomes are both manuals of the golem (stone). Belowground Area 2: Treasury While this room may have at one time served a different purpose, Ikitipsa uses it as her makeshift treasury. Two golems and three Death’s Head Adder swarms are tasked with its guardianship. Stone Golems (2) Death’s Head Adder Swarm (3) The treasury is not vast, but amounts to a decent haul for the PCs. It consists mostly of gold which originally belonged to the yuan-ti of the ruins (10,000 gp) and uncut gems that originally belonged to Ikitipsa herself (7 worth 1,000 gp each). Magic items are suspiciously absent. In truth, Ikitipsa used all the magic that she found within the ruins to help fuel her movement of Xig’s binding to her talisman. Belowground Area 3: Ikitipsa’s Chamber Depending on the PCs actions so far, they may be able to catch the Bent Priestess here. She has possessed the body of the Azuposi pueblo priestess

Tipiskaw, but she will not attempt to deceive the PCs. She is well aware that if the PCs have made it this far, they will not be fooled into thinking that she may be the missing priestess. In fact, the desiccated corpses of the remainder of the Niyanan-Napew stuffed in the room’s corner is as incriminating a bit of evidence as any. If Tipiskaw’s body is destroyed, the PCs will see a mist like form flow from her mouth and enter a feathered talisman that she wears around her neck. At this point the PCs will all receive a mental vision of Ikitipsa’s spirit once again leaving the talisman and animating one of the other Niyanan-Napew corpses. A voice in their heads shouts, ”You must destroy the talisman or the bent priestess shall rise again! Do it now, before you are too late!!! This mental image was sent by Xig himself who has recently become aware of the PCs invasion. Xig is not lying and Ikitipsa will be able to rise again if the talisman is not destroyed. Destroying the talisman however, has its own consequence. The Bent Priestess’ Defeat When the feathered talisman shatters in your hands, a ghostly face of an old crone emerges from the shards. You know that you are now face to face with the spirit of the bent priestess Ikitipsa, the Azuposi outcast whose hatred of her own people has led to this horrible form. Her face initially appears angry, but as she begins to fade, her expression turns to mirth. “Fools, you have destroyed me, but you have brought doom upon the Azuposi regardless! Behold the great snake spirit Xig!” With her final proclamation the face fades from existence. Ikitipsa is no more. With this final death of Ikitipsa, Xig’s binding shatter, and a roar can be heard from a nearby room. The walls begin to shake and crack and snakes pour from the cracks! These are not Death’s Head Adders but the snakes are deadly nonetheless. Fortunately they do not attack immediately and move to form a very obvious path out of the chamber. The snakes eerily turn to watch every PC movement as they exit the chamber, but they do not attack under any circumstances. Their numbers are effectively unlimited, and attacks on the snakes will only waste PC resources. When the PCs exit the chamber, they find that the snakes nearly fill the ruins, and the path that they form leads directly to Xig’s brood chamber.

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Ikitipsa, (Pasocada Ghost Azuposi Human, Pueblo Priestess 3 / Bent Priestess 7, NE) Ur Histachii (5) Belowground Area 4: Brood Chamber There are three possible scenarios that may occur in this room, depending on the PCs previous actions.

1. The PCs alerted Ikitipsa to their presence in the ruins by making too much noise in areas 1 or 2. In this case, they will have to battle Ikitipsa and the 10 Ur Histachii. If Ikitipsa is defeated, describe the events which occur in “The Bent Priestess’ Defeat” in Area 3, except the snakes simply surround the chamber when they appear.

2. This room was entered before Ikitipsa was alerted in any way to the PCs presence in which case the PCs have 3 rounds to battle the ur histachii before Xig summons her aid and she arrives from her chamber.

3. Ikitipsa was defeated in her chamber and the snake path has led to this room. In all three scenarios, Xig will make his speech.

Describe Xig as immense. Truly his body fills the rear of the chamber and the ur histachii perch upon his tail like some bizarre tropical birds on a wooden branch. Xig is also difficult to look at, as if his body defies the standard geometries known to mankind. The PCs will be able to feel a palpable sense of evil, wrongness and an ancient existence surrounding the spirit, yet he will also seem somehow, diminished. “Humansss. I have ssseen your ssstrength and I will give you one chance to ssserve me. You may become my fist worsshippersss in thisss new age, or my firssst meal. The choice isss yourssssss… Hopefully, the PCs choose correctly because any PC who accepts Xig’s worship will immediately be set upon by the snakes surrounding the chamber. Their poisons will rip through each of the new “worshippers’” bodies and transform them into yuan-ti, effectively removing them from player control. If the PCs choose to become Xig’s first meal, the giant snake hisses in anger and attacks.

The snakes in the ruins do not interfere with their lord’s meal. If Xig is defeated, which is no easy feat, all remaining snakes in the ruins will flee through the cracks and holes in the ruin walls, never to be seen here again. The evil of Esh Alakar is vanquished. Xig Concluding the Adventure: Defeat! If the party meets their end in Esh Alakar, the repercussions will be felt throughout the region. Ikitipsa’s hatred and Xig’s evil both know no bounds and either will soon send their next batch of snakes and golems to Michaca. This time, the city has few defenders and falls to the onslaught. The horrors coming from Esh Alakar do not stop there, and every known settlement of the Azuposi is soon attacked. The goal is total annihilation. Perhaps the Nahopaca, Dog People and remaining Azuposi unite in an effort to stop the attacks on their own. Remember, there is still a third Niyanan-Napew off somewhere in the Land of the Mantis-Men. When they return, might they have more luck than the outland adventurers and Niyanan-Napew before them? Concluding the Adventure: Victory! The ruin known as Esh Alakar has been a thorn in the side of the Nahopaca, Azuposi and Dog People for their entire existence in this region of the True World. Ikitipsa’s evil intent to cause the downfall of the Azuposi has backfired as her actions inadvertently led to the destruction of a far more ancient, greater evil. With the removal of two major threats, a huge celebration is certainly warranted. In the city of Michaca, the PCs are rightfully known as great heroes and will be treated as such. If the party wants to fulfill their promise to bring proof home to Lucinda Mansharda, it will be a simple task to do so. Mikhwa rewards the PCs with the same gift given to Sozarro years ago, an entire year’s harvest of micha (200 lbs). Lucinda does not ask for or even desire the micha for herself when the PCs return, only that they flaunt its finding in

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8 9

-- = 5 ft



2 4


-- = 5 ft

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Payit. This act will cement her claims that her uncle was not a liar, but may draw unwanted attention to the PCs and Michaca itself. The Mansharda name becomes quite well known and Lucinda’s business soon reaps the benefits. In a few months her successful business makes her quite rich, and she may seek out the PCs employment once again. After all, Esh Alakar is not the only set of ancient ruins in the True World!

Appendix NEW PRESTIGE CLASSES / CORE CLASSES: The following prestige and core classes are not fully developed in this adventure. Develop them as necessary or use the replacement suggestions below if desired. To maintain the cultural flavor of the adventure, you may at the very least want to use the class titles provided. Hunter : The warrior NPC class. Prefers to use longbows over any other weapon. Azuposi Pueblo Priest: Priest with access to the Healing Domain Azuposi Sunwatcher: Priest with access to the Sun Domain Bent Priest: Druids of NE alignment or multiclass Druid/Sorcerers. Koyemshi (Azuposi Clown): Rogue, Bard or Rogue/Bard multiclass Note that if you wish to develop the classes above on your own, FMQ1: City of Gold, would be an invaluable resource, particularly in the appendix pages A1-A10. NEW MONSTERS: Much like the classes above, many of these monsters are left to be designed by the DM, keeping in mind the level range of the characters involved. Some have been fully described in older editions and suggestions have been made below.

Pasocada Ghost: Pasocada ghosts are the most prevalent undead in the region, created when Azuposi are left unburied or die with great evil in their hearts. Their powers are very similar to that of standard ghosts, but they are frequently known to carry insubstantial bows whose arrows drain life (much like a wraith’s touch). Not all Pasocada ghosts follow this template, and it may just be due to the fact that most of them are typically slain hunters. The main villain in this adventure is the ghost of a powerful Bent Priestess. She is bound to a talisman from which she cannot move more than 100 feet. See pages 79 and 80 of FMQ1 The City of Gold. Death’s Head Adder: Use statistics for vipers. These snakes are unique to the ruins of Esh Alakar and the surrounding region and they are the descendants of the cursed yuan-ti of the terrible spirit Xig. The scales on the back of each snake’s head form surprisingly humanlike faces that seem to scream in agony or horror. Ur Histachii: Use yuan-ti given the mummy template or see Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition: Cult of the Dragon

The Collected Work of David Schwartz – (God’s Domains, Races, Languages, Prestige

Classes, Poisons, etc.)

Written by: David Schwartz

Description: In Dragon Magazine, Issue 315, David Schwartz wrote an excellent article updating Jaguar and Eagle Knights to the third edition. This fantastic work was followed up with much additional material that he posted on the Paizo message boards here: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2igzz?Maztica-articles Graciously, Mr. Schwartz has allowed that material to be reprinted here in Itla Tlayohua.

Gods' Domains:

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Kukul: No clerics Maztica: Druids only Qotal: Air, Good, Healing, Law, Protection Zaltec: Chaos, Evil, Strength, Trickery, War Azul: Air, Evil, Law, Luck, Water Tezca: Chaos, Evil, Fire, Sun, War Plutoq: Artifice, Destruction, Earth, Law Eha: Air, Chaos, Travel, Trickery Kiltzi: Chaos, Charm, Community, Good, Healing Watil: Creation, Good, Healing, Plant Nula: Animals, Chaos, Strength, Trickery

Races: Common - Human (Any region) Uncommon - Dwarf (House of Tezca): Lose attack bonus against orcs and goblinoids. Lose dodge bonus against

giants. Gain +1 racial bonus to damage with stone-edged weapons (see Dragon #135). Halfling (Far Payit) : -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int. +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with shortbows, composite shortbows, and thrown weapons. Favored Class: Ranger. Rare - Aarakocra (Any high mountain): Language: Auran Type: Monstrous Humanoid Abilities: -2 Str, +4 Dex Size: M Speed: 20', fly 90' (average) Darkvision: 60' Natural Armor: +1 (cannot wear armor or use shields) Combat: flying: 2 talons, 1d4 damage; standing: bite, 1d3 damage Claustrophobia: Shaken when in enclosed space.

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Favored Class: Fighter LA: +2 Tabaxi (Far Payit): Language: Tabaxi Type: Monstrous Humanoid Abilities: +4 Dex, +2 Wis Size: M Speed: 40' Darkvision: 60' Natural Armor: +1 Combat: 2 claws, 1d3 damage; bite, 1d3 damage; Improved Grab: if both claw attacks hit; 2 rakes, 1d4 damage Skills: +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently Favored Class: Ranger LA: +2

Languages: Regional: Dog People Green Folk Huacli Kolan Kultakan Nexalan (Common) Payit Racial: Draconic Dwarven Giant Halfling Tabaxi Spirit: Aquan Auran Ignan Terran *Nexalan is spoken in Pezelac with a rustic accent. *The following languages are mutually intelligible with an Intelligence (or Linguistics) check: Nexalan-Kultakan DC 18 Payit-Tabaxi DC 16 Kolan-Green folk DC 5

*Outsiders who can communicate can speak any language.

Classes: Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Hishnashaper Plumaweaver Ranger No multiclass cleric/druid. Rangers can choose a region instead of a humanoid subtype.

Domain modifications: Earth: Change level 8: iron body to statue Evil: Change level 2: desecrate to hold person; change level 6: create undead to blade barrier Good: Change level 6: blade barrier to hero's feast Sun: Change granted power to: Your spells' saves are DC +1 when cast under natural sunlight; change level 2: heat metal to daylight; change level 3; searing light to invisibility purge

Hishna spells: 0 - Dancing Lights Daze Detect Magic Detect Poison Flare Ghost Sound Guidance Know Direction Missive Prestidigitation Purify Food and Drink Read Magic Resistance Virtue 1 -

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Alarm Animate Rope (commonly a snakeskin rope) Calm Animals Cause Fear Death Watch Disguise Self Detect Animals or Plants Detect Snares and Pits Hypnotism Identify Invisibility to Animal Magic Fang Magic Weapon Message Pass Without Trace Protection from Good Silent Image Spider Climb Summon Nature's Ally I True Strike 2 - Alter Self Animal Messenger Animal Trance Barkskin Bull's Strength Cat's Grace Charm Person or Animal Darkness Hold Animal Invisibility Minor Image Mirror Image Misdirection Scare Silence Speak with Animals Spiritual Weapon (dagger) Summon Nature's Ally II Summon Swarm Web 3 - Bestow Curse Charm Monster Deeper Darkness Dominate Animal Displacement Fear Greater Magic Fang Greater Magic Weapon

Haste Invisibility Sphere Tiny Hut Magic Vestments Major Image Poison Scrying Sculpt Sound Slow Snare Speak with Plants Summon Nature's Ally III 4 - Giant Vermin Hallucinatory Terrain Improved Invisibility "Jaguar Form" (leopard) Secure Shelter Modify Memory Nondetection Sending Summon Nature's Ally IV 5 - Control Water Dream Insect Plague Mind Fog Mislead Nightmare Persistent Image Summon Nature's Ally V 6 - "Dire Jaguar Form" (tiger) Eyebite Find the Path Greater Scrying Mass Haste Mass Invisibility Permanent Image Programmed Image Summon Nature's Ally VI

Pluma spells 0 - Create Water Dancing Lights Daze

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Detect Magic Detect Poison Flare Guidance Know Direction Light Mage Hand Mending Prestidigitation Purify Food and Drink Read Magic Resistance Virtue 1 - Alarm Calm Animal Delay Poison Detect Animals and Plants Detect Snares and Pits Endure Elements Expeditious Retreat Faerie Fire Feather Fall Hypnotism Identify Invisibility to Animals Mage Armor Magic Stone Magic Weapon Message Obscuring Mist Pass Without Trace Protection from Evil Sanctuary Sleep Summon Nature's Ally I True Strike 2 - Animal Messenger Animal Trance Blur Cat's Grace Calm Emotions Charm Person or Animal Daylight Hold Animal Levitate Mirror Image Obscure Object Protection from Arrows

Resist Elements Silence Speak with Animals Spiritual Weapon (spear) Summon Nature's Ally II Whispering Wind 3 - Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Confusion Dispel Magic Fly Gaseous Form Greater Magic Weapon Gust of Wind Haste Helping Hand Keen Edge Tiny Hut Magic Vestment Protection from Elements Scrying Slow Snare Speak with Plants Summon Nature's Ally III Water Walk Wind Walk 4 - Air Walk Break Enchantment "Eagle Form" Secure Shelter Locate Creature Minor Globe of Invulnerability Modify Memory Neutralize Poison Summon Nature's Ally IV 5 - Control Water Control Winds Dream Mind Fog Spell Resistance Summon Nature's Ally V Telekinesis 6 - Control Weather Find the Path

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"Giant Eagle Form" Greater Scrying Major Globe of Invulnerability Mass Haste Summon Nature's Ally VI Wind Walk

Hishnashaper: AL: any nongood HD: d6 BAB: 3/4 Good Saves: Refl, Will Skill Points: 4 Weapons and Armor: light armor and shields; all simple weapons and spear caster. Spells: Casts arcane as bard (with regard to spells per day, spells known, and armor). Key ability: Int. All hishna spells have a material (M) component - fangs, claws, pelts, etc. Sneak Attack: as a rogue Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny dodge: as a rogue Bonus Feats: as a wizard.

Plumaweaver: AL: any nonevil HD: d6 BAB: 3/4 Good Saves: Refl, Will Skill Points: 4 Weapons and Armor: light armor and shields; all simple weapons and shortbow Spells: Casts arcane as bard (with regard to spells per day, spells known, and armor). Key ability: Int. All pluma spells have a material (M) component - birds' feathers, insect wings, etc.

Air Affinity: Fighter's BAB (1/1) when using a shortbow (or composite shortbow). Evasion: as a rogue. Improved Evasion at 10th level. Bonus Feats: as a wizard. Skills: Animal Empathy, Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal (plumaweaver only), Hide, Intimidate (hishnashaper

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only), Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival (was Intuit Direction and Wilderness Lore), Swim, Use Magic Device. Knowledge (arcane) covers hishna and pluma magic.

Poisons: Blood salt (Ing/Inj): Desert dwellers know to avoid salt the color of dried blood. Often dissolved in water; blood salt causes intense nausea. Kurari (Con): The method of making kurari is known only to the halflings of Far Payit. It cause paralysis and is rarely fatal. Nezca (Ing): Nezca is a mushroom that grows in the foothills and mountains. It is used to induce visions. However, the effects can linger for several days. Tarqa root (Con): Only the root of this jungle plant is poisonous. The extracted powder causes debilitating seizures.

Azure Skies – Prologue

Written by: Seethyr

Description: With the introduction of the 5th edition of D&D, Maztica may or may not be brought back from Abeir to Toril. If it does come back, perhaps the return is experienced by the people of Maztica as written below. This is my attempt to bring the True World out of the darkness, and it is my first attempt to write an original novel. Anxelli was running full speed, heedless of the brush scratching at her face. Famous in the northern reaches of Payit for her exceptional speed, the village elders knew that she was perhaps the only one capable of surviving her task. Anxelli, however, knew that even the fastest of humans couldn't outrun the raptors which pursued her. Raptors rarely needed a reason to hunt but the fact that she carried an entire clutch of their eggs in a feathered sack gave them a sense of purpose uncommon for such creatures.

Even in her panic and state of mortal danger, Anxelli's thoughts went to the remarkable calls of the hunting raptors. Similar in some ways to the calls of jungle birds, the hoots and whistles were actually quite beautiful. She allowed herself a moment to realize the sounds might in fact be just as complex as the languages of man. She understood that the raptors were in fact communicating hunting tactics and in the tone of their calls, Anxelli thought she could translate, "We have her now." As the calls got closer, Anxelli heard them approach from all sides. The raptors were surrounding her and she thought it wouldn't be long before she ran headlong into the one whose calls now came from in front of her. As she ran she removed the obsidian knife from her belt pouch, knowing full well it would not be even close to enough to protect her from these powerful predators. Maybe Anxelli could take one with her as she prepared herself to enter whatever world might come next. *** Under her feathered headdress, Cualli, smiled at her "children" as she had for the past eight centuries. They were beings of impossible beauty, yet the plumazotl never showed even the slightest hint of trepidation when addressing her horribly disfigured form. In a time long past she and her husband Itzamna Manik created them in what many consider the greatest feat of plumaweaving ever performed by a mortal or possibly even immortal being. Cualli and Itzamna suffered terribly for that act. They were tortured and burned for decades under the ministrations of the xiuhcouatl; flame-like perversions of her own deity's most favored creations; the couatl. The terrible flame serpents had been sent by both Tezca and the murderous god Zaltec for what they deemed was an act of unsurpassed hubris. Itzamna eventually succumbed to the flames but Cualli lingered on. For the remainder of her existence, she had been forced to live with virtually no discernible face. Her eyes remained, but her once beautiful lips, nose and ears had been literally melted from her face so that only the gaps in her pink skin remained. As if to torture her more fully, the xiuhcouatl left her senses intact, thinking that she would suffer more as she

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experienced her disfigured form. Her lasting suffering in truth came only from the loss of her husband. Even after hundreds of years, the death of Itzamna Manik still felt like a fresh wound that no scars could ever cover. The chieftain of the plumazotl, a favorite of hers who went by the name Makuatua, approached and her pride swelled. The existence of these beautiful beings was the reward for her endurance. Despite her emotional pain, Cualli knew that if she had to do it all over again her choice would be the same. *** In her stone palace deep in the sky rock kingdom known as Tamoacha, Itzapaplotl scratched her taloned feet on the still squirming pale white bodies beside her throne. Itzapaplotl, who had also been known across the ages as the Obsidian Butterfly, found herself above all things bored. Only a month ago her tzitzimitl, known among the ignorant humans as "star demons," captured an entire clutch of the bird-like humanoids known as aarakocra simply for her sadistic pleasure. Since the gods had disappeared over a century past, her minions have been able to raid the world below at their leisure. Tamoacha, as it was, was created ages ago by Itzapaplotl by tearing the ground and thrusting it into the Great Skyhome above. Slightly more than a century ago, a blink in her existence really, the entire planet below had disappeared and been replaced with a new steel skied version of the original. To Itzapaplotl's pleasant surprise, Maztica had come along for the ride, and now no god was present to hold her to the ancient dictate that only allowed her to send the tzitzimitl during a solar eclipse. This century had allowed her to slaughter at whatever pace she desired. Itzapaplotl had noticed a recent change, however. No longer dependent on their gods, mankind had indeed grown in strength. Their magic of hishna and pluma was not as weak as it once was and tempered by a more primitive and brutal world, human warriors had grown more fearsome. Mankind had in fact turned back her tzitzimitl on occasion but this did not bother her much. She cared for her creations only as tools for her depredations. To her pleasant surprise the Obsidian Butterfly found a single feather on the still living but mostly

unconscious aarakocra that lay to the right of her throne. She took pleasure in removing it, knowing that the creature still had a little suffering left in it. *** Anxelli thought she could detect the faint odor of rotting meat as if the breath of a raptor was upon her. As much as her sense of smell made her think of doom, her sense of hearing brought hope. She could detect the faint sound of running water nearby. Though she was not entirely sure how effective raptors were as swimmers, she was certain that she stood at least a better chance in a river; if she could only make it to one. The sense of hope renewed her determination and Anxelli ran faster than she ever had before. The calls of the raptors began to grow faint as the sounds of running water increased. Hope blossomed and she thought she would make it alive up until the point that she saw them. The raptors had herded her, and the river was in fact a large waterfall with a bottom she could only guess at, given her point of view. Three stood directly before the falls and more could be seen to her left and right. Clever as they were, it was obvious that the raptors behind her now had her completely trapped. Acting purely on instinct, Anxelli ran towards the three raptors in front of her and slashed her blade. She stabbed at the first raptor in her path, but if it felt the slight wound she caused in its front shoulder it certainly did not react as such. The raptor bit at her but she managed to use her momentum to slide under the beast. Not that it mattered, but her obsidian blade had fallen from her hand when it struck and now she was left utterly weaponless. All three raptors charged her as her back went to the very edge of the waterfall. She had to decide at this moment if it would be teeth or the jagged rocks below that would end her life. Perhaps there was another way? In desperation she removed the pack full of eggs and held them before the raptors. Thinking that the creatures might actually be dedicated enough parents for her to hold them off by brandishing the endangered eggs, she shook the pack as if she would drop it over the side of the waterfall. Perhaps she overestimated their

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intelligence, or perhaps they just truly did not care because a raptor with perfectly camouflaged plumage struck out at her belly with its vicious talon. The wound was deep and the pain caused her to nearly faint. Instead of dropping them, she threw the egg pack as high as she could manage and jumped to her supposed doom. On her way down Anxelli managed to catch a glimpse of one of the raptors catch the thrown bag in a remarkably delicate manner for such a terribly fanged mouth. "Good for them," she thought, satisfied knowing she hadn't taken the lives of so many unborn along with her own. These creatures didn't deserve what her elders had planned. Her village's hishnashapers believed that they could make magical alterations in the egg to create guardian creatures against the depredations of the dreaded star demons. The attempt had been made before, once in the long ago past. This first attempt, before the skies changed from azure to steel, was a legendary disaster. The dreaded dilophodiles were said to be the result of the original experiments and these magical monstrosities certainly were no boon to the safety of mankind. Three clutches of eggs had been captured recently at the expense of dozens of lives of good jaguar and eagle knights. These experiments too had been for naught as every altered raptor that hatched had died within moments. On the way down, Anxelli felt the pain in her belly subside. After what seemed like an eternity but was in reality only a few seconds, all went black. *** The Obsidian Butterfly never named her tzitzimitl despite their unique personalities, but she recognized the particularly scrawny specimen that stood before her. Of all her pets, this one was perhaps her favorite since its cruelty was a near match to her own. When this particular star demon brought her captives, they were rarely in good enough shape to live more than a day or two under her own ministrations. Normally, such greed among her minions would drive her to destroy the offender, but she saw so much of herself in the runt that she let him sneak his tortures. When the star demon blamed others of his kind for each victim's sorry state she usually destroyed the accused to sate her own bloodlust despite the truth.

"Runt, what is it you wish from your queen and your mother? Speak quickly or I will put out your star fire and leave your undying flesh to float in the void for eternity!" In its sibilant voice, the Runt responded, "Dear Queen and Mother, I bring news from the True World. The sky is changing! Once again, as it did a century ago, there is talk among the stars that the world is sundering once again." "And why do you bother me with such trivial news? What does this mean to an eternal such as I? If my playthings hail from one world or another what should it matter to me?" The star demon shifted showing some fear in continuing but it held its ground and Itzapaplotl admired its bravery. "Forgive me, Queen and Mother, I know your evil is all powerful and independent of the world itself, but would it not cause you some consternation should the gods return and reclaim their ancient edict?" Obsidian Butterfly blasted the creature with fire, knocking it backwards but causing no real damage. "How dare you assume the gods had such a hold over my fate? They are nothing to me now and could not possibly have the power to enforce such an unfair contract. Go from my sight now before my decision to keep you as my breathing servant changes!" Itzapaplotl managed to keep herself from appearing any less than the ultimate power her servants thought her to be but in truth the Runt had struck a chord. She noticed what had been occurring below but thought nothing of it. Itzapaplotl was many millennia old and change had come before but this is the first time she feared the change. What if the gods returned? Would she be able to continue down her current path? None but her knew the true reason behind the endless murder and torture. Since her arrival on Maztica, Itzapaplotl had been restricted to raiding the lands below only when Kukul's Eye was blind to the world in a solar eclipse. The gods could not stop her when they could not see her but these heavenly events were few and far between. When the gods disappeared and her presence in the world

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multiplied tenfold, Itzapaplotl learned that she derived power from her actions. The spark of true divinity had at one time been an unreachable goal but now she thought it a distinct possibility. The steel skied world had its own obscenely powerful beings but these primordial creatures worried little over the world's inhabitants or the ambitions of the Obsidian Butterfly. It was true that the mortal denizens of the True World had grown in power but they were still no real threat to her might. Itzapaplotl despaired that her perfect world and perfect plans might soon come to a screeching halt. *** In the depths of Mount Zatal a great stone form stirred. A century of rest after his attempt at fratricide was not nearly enough for the god to recover from his wounds, but he would awaken regardless. He could feel his brothers and sisters begin to stir as well but he was unable to take advantage of the weakness he sensed in them. Right now it would be challenge enough for Zaltec to simply remove himself from the tomb from which he awoke.