Criterion A: Initial consultation Date: January 14 th , 2011 Describe your business. My client is the Librarian at Quartzite Cove High School, Janice Neustran. What problem(s) does your business face? She is trying to promote reading amongst students. Her method of promoting this is with the “READ” campaign. Yet she does not have enough time in her schedule to visually advertise this, or the expertise to do so using advanced technology. What ideas are you thinking about to solve the problem? I was thinking I would like to create posters that advertise reading using familiar faces to the students, create a mobile library website, and to create a video orientation to get students familiar with using the library as a resource. Describe each of the ideas in more detail. To create posters that includes photos of teachers reading. Yet each photo should be interesting and appealing to the eye, with the background one that corresponds with the book in the photograph. The more interactive the photos are, the more successful they will be. A mobile library website would get more students to want to use the library as a resource for research and for pleasure. Because mobile applications are so popular, I would like to make one for the library in hopes that it will make students excited about the resource that they have at their fingertips A video orientation will be shown to all entering freshmen. These students are not yet familiar with how to use the library as a resource or when to do so. This video should be fun and entertaining to ensure the young students will be using the library for years to come as well as their first year of high school.

ITGS Project - Example 2

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Internal assessment example for ITGS

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Criterion A: Initial consultation Date: January 14th, 2011

Describe your business.

My client is the Librarian at Quartzite Cove High School, Janice Neustran.

What problem(s) does your business face?

She is trying to promote reading amongst students. Her method of promoting this is with the “READ” campaign. Yet she does not have enough time in her schedule to visually advertise this, or the expertise to do so using advanced technology.

What ideas are you thinking about to solve the problem?

I was thinking I would like to create posters that advertise reading using familiar faces to the students, create a mobile library website, and to create a video orientation to get students familiar with using the library as a resource.

Describe each of the ideas in more detail.

To create posters that includes photos of teachers reading. Yet each photo should be interesting and appealing to the eye, with the background one that corresponds with the book in the photograph. The more interactive the photos are, the more successful they will be.

A mobile library website would get more students to want to use the library as a resource for research and for pleasure. Because mobile applications are so popular, I would like to make one for the library in hopes that it will make students excited about the resource that they have at their fingertips

A video orientation will be shown to all entering freshmen. These students are not yet familiar with how to use the library as a resource or when to do so. This video should be fun and entertaining to ensure the young students will be using the library for years to come as well as their first year of high school.

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Criterion A: Initial investigation Summary of problem

Librarian, Janice Neustran (client), is hoping to encourage students to come into the library and use it as a resource.

At the moment, students rely more on “Google” searches and simply use the library as a place to complete homework at the last minute. Because Mrs. Neustran is so busy with her job, she does not have time to encourage more students to utilize the library. She believes that the library would be used more if she could advertise what can be done in the library and how useful and enjoyable it can be (problem).

An interview was carried out with Mrs. Neustran on 14th January 2010.

Explanation of inadequacies of current situation

Students rarely use the library for reading or research, even though that is its intended use. It is hoped that by providing Mrs. Neustran with an IT solution to the problem, students will become more enthusiastic about using the library and possibly will even be influenced to read more often.

Using some device that will make students laugh or relate to an advertisement, I can help bring more students into the library to use it to read and research.

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Criterion B: Analysis

Proposed solution: Mrs. Neustran and I initially considered the following options:

• Creating a mobile application

• Creating posters containing photographs of teachers reading using Adobe PhotoShop

• Creating a video orientation using Adobe Premier

After discussing what technological strengths I had and the most creative activities given, Mrs. Neustran and I decided to create large posters.

Requirement specification

IT system requirements • Hardware – PC with Internet connection (for email interactions and photos), Digital Camera

of high quality

• Software – Adobe PhotoShop, web browser

System interaction • Adobe PhotoShop is already installed on the PC. • Ensure that the photos are of high enough quality to be printed in a large format with clarity.

Input/output requirements Input requirements

• I must take a photo of each teacher reading the book, preferably with the teacher wearing an outfit that corresponds with the book.

• I must find a photo that would work as a background for the photo that corresponds with the book.

• I must coordinate times and dates with the teachers so as not to conflict with their schedules.

Output requirements

• Image files in jpeg format to email and share with the teacher and Mrs. Neustran. • The background of the photo must correspond with the teacher’s favorite book. • The text that says, “Read,” must be placed on the photo.

Processing • Take photo of teacher • “Cut out” photo of teacher, removing all background • Edit lighting of photo • Place photo in new background • Resize photo to fit background adequately

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• Place text “Read,” on photo

Security • Save often and place on a USB • Save multiple copies of each step of the process

Specific performance criteria To measure the quality of poster

a) Show the title of the book prominently b) Show the face of the teacher c) The background must correspond with the book and the teacher’s interpretation of the book d) To evoke a reaction from students of each teacher.

Justification of chosen solution The poster is the best solution to address the issue of students not utilizing their library and the

needs of Mrs. Neustran. The large posters will be prominently displayed in the library on the walls. The posters are sure to evoke a reaction from the students as they will recognize their teacher and may connect with them by knowing about their favorite book.

The alterative solution would be to put up posters that are not unique but that are constantly spread throughout the walls of campus. By doing high quality, professional photo posters, students will be willing to look at them. It is more convenient than asking them to download an application or view a video, as they will have to come into the library at some point. Hopefully by seeing this poster, they will want to read more and will use the resource of their library.

The resources for creating the posters are easily accessible. PhotoShop is installed on my PC and I have easy access to a camera of high quality. The internet provides me with a plethora of photos to use as a background. I will be taking my own photos of the teachers, and though difficult to arrange times to do so, is not a hard process.

I have a good knowledge of the Adobe PhotoShop software I will be using. I have used PhotoShop in many cases and done work with it for my school’s yearbook. Yet I have not done exactly this process before and have not had to coordinate times before and after school with teachers to take their photos.

My client is very excited that I will complete this task for her. She is willing to proved feedback before the posters are printed.

Word Count = 291

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Criterion C: Project schedule

Date Action Details Comments and follow up Date completed Criterion

Jan 2011

Initial discussion with ITGS teacher

After discussion with my ITGS teacher, my ideas were approved

Make an appointment to talk with Ms. Neustran

12th January 2011


Jan 2011

Initial discussion with Ms. Neustran

Ms. Neustran mentioned creating posters to promote reading.

Speak with all teachers who would want involvement, and set up a time to photograph them.

13th January 2011


Jan 2011

Photo shoot with Mrs. Frigord

I took photos of Mrs. Frigord and spoke with her about her book.

Work on editing her photo in Photoshop, and giving it an appropriate background. Also, make sure she likes my choices by following up through email.

19th January 2011


Jan 2011

Photo shoot with Mrs. Schaefner

I took photos of Mrs. Schaefner and spoke with her about the book.

Work on editing her photo in Photoshop, and giving it an appropriate background. Also, make sure she likes my choices by following up through email.

25th January 2011


Jan 2011 Edit photo of Mrs. Schaefner

I edited the photo using Photoshop.

I emailed the completed photo to both Ms. Neustran and Mrs. Schaefner for their approval.

27th January 2011


Feb 2011

Photo shoot with Mr. Mannix

I took photos of Mr. Mannix and spoke with him about the book.

Work on editing his photo in Photoshop, and giving it an appropriate background. Also, make sure he likes my choices by following up through email.

16th February 2011


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Resources Details



DigitalCamera ThecameraIuseisreliableandofahighquality.

Techniques Details

Usingthebluescreenroom Byusingtheroomwiththebluescreen,thelightingisperfectasitdoesnotcreateashadowor


EditingwithPhotoShop WhenIusePhotoShop,ImakesurethatthebackgroundphotoIuseisnotcopyrightedsoasnotbestealing.

Takingmultiplephotographs Byhavingmultiplephotostochoosefrom,itiseasiertofindtheperfectshottofitthe


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Testitem Testdata Partofsystemtested Expectedoutcome Actualoutcome CommentsRefinproduct









Sizeofjpeg Sizeofjpeg Photosarelarge Yes

AdobePhotoShop Functioning Yes




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Criterion E: Product development

• Photo taken with digital camera

• Use of internet to find appropriate background picture

• Use of PhotoShop to edit lighting of the photo of the subject

• Use of PhotoShop to place subject in background and edit photo

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Set up of the photo The photo originally is of the subject in front of a blue screen. The photo is edited after words. Below is an original photo, an example of what it looks like before editing.

Because there are often times shadows and the lighting is not perfect, it is edited to improve the visual quality. Using PhotoShop, the brightness, contrast, and color balance is adjusted to result in

the best quality photo.

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After using the editing the lighting of the photo, then I used the Pen Tool to cut out the subject from the background. It results in a photo that has no background and is solely of the subject.

The Pen tool is used to cut the subject out. The cut-out of the subject needs to look clean, with no unnecessary bumps and no background showing. By doing so, this verifies that the subject will look more natural in its background, not as if it was cut out from a different background and replaced.

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After completing the cut out, the next step is to find a background that is relevant to the book. The image is found using the internet. I used Google images to do a search. Because the book is about a man hiking through the wilderness, the image is a popular hiking spot. It is not copyrighted.

The cut out then is placed in the photo. The sizing needs to look as though it is not distorted, but as if the subject is actually there. The perspective should be appropriate, with the subject not looking as if he or she is out of place. The lighting of the photo should match the lighting of the subject.

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Once placed, the subject needs to be fitted to the photo, in order to keep a good perspective.

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After placing the subject, some adjustments need to be made. The edges around the subject are softened, and using the Clone Stamp Tool, grass appears as if it is covering the shoe of the subject. Using the Burn Tool, a shadow is created beneath the subject to make it more realistic.

Because the client needs to have each photo with the word “Read” printed, I took a different approach with this photo. Instead of using the Type Tool, I created my own letters. I did not type the letters; I used the Smudge Tool to create letters that looked like clouds.

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Each photo used this process, although I used the Type Tool to print the word “Read” on the photo.

Below are copies of each of the end results of the photos created.

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Criterion F: Feedback from client

Question Response Comments

Are you pleased with the final product?

I am very pleased! I think this was done very professionally and creatively.

Is the quality of the photo high?

The quality is very high on most of the photos and should look fine when expanded, not pixilated.

The photo of Mrs. Frigord on the train tracks could be of higher quality.

Is the background relevant to the book choice?

The backgrounds each match the choice of the book.

Annamaria Caminosa lived in Mexico for much of her life, the pyramid in the background is appropriate for that image. The image of the hiker is perfect, the background is beautiful. The image of the train tracks works well with Atlas Shrugged which is set on a train for much of the novel.

Is the photo interesting for a student to observe?

The photos are all interesting. Most of the subjects have props and got very involved in the photo.

Ms. Frigord is on train tracks and does not have props, yet the phrase behind her is very appropriate to the book.

Does the photo promote reading amongst students?

Each of the teachers look as if they are having fun while reading, it should make students believe they could also have fun while reading.

Was the product completed on time?

Yes, with time to spare. There are minor changes that should be made also.

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Criterion F: Product evaluation and future product development The posters proved to be successful. Teachers are proud of them and students really enjoy them.

Ms. Neustran wants to improve upon them in these ways:

1. To include posters of sports teams on campus and feature students.

2. To expand her audience and put posters all around campus, not just in the library.

3. Using the posters as a prototype, to advertise all kinds of clubs and other forms of involvement to keep students involved.

4. Not only feature the word, “Read,” which is copyrighted by the Library Society.

Because students look up to teachers, the posters featuring teachers were started. Yet students also look up to fellow students, and may be more interested in seeing their classmates featured in an advertisement. They also may be more likely to act upon it if they see their “cool” counterparts reading, and decide to read themselves. Most likely, the best idea would be to photograph an entire team. That way, the team gets more publicity just as reading does.

Students spend time in the library, but the bulk of students who are not reading are the students that do not go to the library. By putting posters around school, we will get more students into the library and reading. The issue would be trying to weatherproof the posters to make sure they sustain in the outdoors.

Posters of clubs will be very good publicity for the clubs and will keep students involved. It will also be fun for students to see their classmates on a poster.

Ideas for other phrases are, “Read on,” “Ms. Neustran reads,” and other similar phrases.