Italy presentazione traduzione centro combined

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  1. 1. Francesca Esposito Born in Acerra (Neaples) 18/04/1990 Gradueted in Modern Licterature in Federico II University of Neaples
  2. 2. The Istitutions of the Republic Italy is a parliamentary republic from 1946 The Italian Parliament is divided into the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate and It is elected every five years by the citizens every 5 years. It has the power to appoint the President of the Republic and the granting or withdrawal of confidence in the Government
  3. 3. The Organization of the StateItaly is divided into 20regions, 11 provinces, 8101municipalitiesThe president of theregions , of the provincesand the headtown arechoosed from citizensThe regions are differet fromthemselves by culture,food and local languages(dialects)
  4. 4. Economy: agriculture there are many fields of wheat and corn There are many fruit trees, vines and olives There are the herds of cows, calves and pigs in the north of sheep in south-central
  5. 5. Vineyard of VesuvioThe lands which arenear Vesuvio, an activevolcano situeted inNeaples, produce someexcellent grapes forwine
  6. 6. Pomodoro San Marzano
  7. 7. Economy: Factories Italy has very little oil,but enough methane(energy sources) There are many oilrefineries, power plants,factories to makeplasticand for working iron(plants base) l There are manyindustries (factories),especially in the north There are ports for thetransport of goods
  8. 8. Fashion companiesItaly is a mondial leaderof the fashioncompanies in the worldThis sector gives work to1.080.000 of people
  9. 9. Economy: TourismIn the south of Italy there isnt a real development of the factories infact the unemployment of the young people is very highTourism is the first sourche of wealth
  10. 10. Italy, a Territory of CultureItaly is a nation that hosts unique and fascinatingevents of international resonance throughout theyear, providing innumerable opportunities forexperiencing intense emotions
  11. 11. Art Artistic wonders can be foundAlberobello, Puglia everywhere, and every corner ofthe country holds countless andwonderful surprises. Our artisticand cultural heritage is one of themost valuable in the world Italy has more cultural UNESCOWorld Heritage Sites than anyother country.
  12. 12. Rome
  13. 13. Florence
  14. 14. Venice
  15. 15. Neaples
  16. 16. Matera
  17. 17. Siena
  18. 18. Museum q Italy has had the biggest artist inworld, Botticelli, Raffaelo,Leonardo da Vinci,Michelangelo.Our most important museumare: Uffizi Gallery in Florence The Capitoline Museums in Rome, The Brera Art Gallery in Milan The Capodimonte museum inNeaples
  19. 19. Uffizi Museum, Florence
  20. 20. ArcheologyPompei Archeological sites The most important archeological sites of the world are in Italy, in the region Campania The Archeological area of Pompeii The Archeological Area of Erculaneum
  21. 21. MonumentsItaly is a country with alot of monumentsColosseo RomeTorre di PisaReggia di CasertaDuomo di FirenzePiazza San PietroMole AntonellianaPiazza del Plebiscito
  22. 22. Reggia di Caserta
  23. 23. Plebiscito Square, Neaples
  24. 24. Mole Antonelliana, Torin
  25. 25. Tower of Pisa
  26. 26. Theater Italy is the nation ofopera music. The mostimportant Theater are:Teatro San Carlo,NeaplesTeatro la Scala, MilanTeatroPetruzzelli, BariTeatrodellopera, RomaTeatro la Fenice, Venice
  27. 27. CarnivalViareggio Carnival The Italian carnival is a party with ancient roots, and today has become a folkloristic rite in which traditions and fun work together to bring enormous life to this unique celebration.
  28. 28. CarnivalCarnival Cities Venice Viareggio Putignano Cento Ivrea Acireale
  29. 29. CarnivalIvrea Carnival Venice Carnival
  30. 30. Ivrea carnival
  31. 31. Religion Italy is a land of pilgrimage - one of the foremost in the world - and is home to countless places of devotion and worship The first religion in Italy is the Catholicism
  32. 32. Sanctuaries San Giovanni Rotondo, the citywhere St. Padre Pio ofPietralcina lived and worked Assisi, the city of St. Francis,with its magnificent Basilicaand Holy Convent The Sanctuary of Loreto, one ofthe most prominent spiritualand cultural centres inEurope. Rome, the Capital ofChristianity and Seat of thePapacy, where one can findSt. Peters Basilica, the largestChristian church in the world
  33. 33. ProcessionsIn Italy are very famous the The procession for Madonnareligion processions. dellArco (Neaples)People who are devote to asaint walk for all the city I Settennali dellAssuntaof their saint or for the (Guardia SanVirgin Maria praying forFramondiNeaples)her and asking to her amiracleInfiorata di Gensano for theCorpus DominiFesta dei serpari Cocullo, forthe Snake Saint
  34. 34. Settennali dellAssunta
  35. 35. Video settennali
  36. 36. Festa dei serpari, Saint of snakes
  37. 37. FoodItaly has always been a The typical Italian diet is synonym for "good food,"the Mediterranean, offering an unmistakablebased on pasta, extra explosion of flavours, virgin oil , bread, scents, and aromas. vegetables and meat.Aside from having one of the most famous cuisines, it also proposes an immense variety of different regional dishes and recipes.
  38. 38. Food The typical products Pizza of Neaples Parmigiano Reggiano(Parmesan) cheese Parma and San Daniele ham Modena balsamic vinegar Pizza ( from neaples) Lemons of Sorrento Pasta of Gragnano
  39. 39. Food
  40. 40. EducationIn Italy the school and theUniversity are public
  41. 41. School School starts for a child at the age of 6 years 5 years of elementary school 3 years of middle school 5 years of high school
  42. 42. Italians choose the kind of high schoolLyceumLiceo classico (latin andancient greek)liceo scientifico (mathsand science)Liceo artistico (art), liceolinguistico (languages) liceo musicale e coreutico(music and dance),liceo delle scienze umane(psicology)
  43. 43. Italians choose the kind of high school Technical istitute: Economic area or Tecnologic area Professional istitute Food, Tourism, Agricolture, Industry
  44. 44. University The Italian university is public and the students pay the taxes according to their family income A student can start the university after the end of high school at the age of 19 years. The majority part of University courses provide a pre-selection to access. The selective tests are very difficult.
  45. 45. Italian UniversityFrancesca Esposito
  46. 46. UniversityThe Italian University is public and students pay thetaxes according to their family incomeA student can start the university after the end ofhigh school at the age of 19 years. The majoritypart of University courses provide a pre-selectionto access. The selective tests are very difficult.
  47. 47. The universitary courseThe university education is made:THREE-YEAR DEGREESpecialist Degree(2 years)Magistral Degree (5 years), Medicine, Law, ArchitectureFirst level Master (1/2 years)Second Level Master (1/2 years)Graduate studies (2 /6 years)PhD (3/4 years)
  48. 48. The course
  49. 49. No obligatory lessons
  50. 50. Universitary teachersThe teacher is an autorithyThe attitude of the teacher isformalThe Italian teachers dontgive written exams to theirstudents
  51. 51. Informal lessonsIn some faculties there are informal teachersUsually they are filologysteachersThey make lessons in thegarden or on the terrace
  52. 52. After the lessonsBreak in the gardenCoffeeEat with friends
  53. 53. Free time...
  54. 54. The sun-tan on the terrace
  55. 55. The sun-tan
  56. 56. LibraryItalian students study togheterIn Italy there are some library open 24 hours
  57. 57. Curiosity...In the Italian universities there are some classroom occupied by the studentsThese places are used tostudy, to smoke, to speakabout political life
  58. 58. Thank you!