I It e r THE BEE EARLINGTON KYi 5 < IJ 11 < The Better i Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated you cough and there is more irrita ¬ tionmore coughing You take n ou h mixture and it eases th- eiiatiotifor awhile You take SCOTTSEMULSION nndit cures the cold Thats what is necessary It soothes the throat because it reduces the Irritation curesthe cold because it drives out the inflammation builds ujj the weakened tissues beCause it nourishes then back to their natural strength Thats how Scotts Emulsion deals with a sore throat a cough a cold or bronchitis WELL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE SCOTT 4O VrnH Ml reel SBOWNE New Tkorit THE OLD SILVER DOLLAR r Hqw dear2 to our hearts is the old silver I I When some kind subscriber pro ¬ sents It to view The liberty head without necktie or collar i And all tim strange things that to us seem so now j The wide spreading eagle the arrow below it The stars and the words Vtl the queer thiugs they tell1 The coin of our fathers Were glad that wo know it For somo time or otler twill come in right well Well Worth Trying W H Brown the popular pension saysNext to get Is Dr Kings New Life Pills lie writes they Keep my family in splendid health Qniok cure for Headache Constipation and Bilious ¬ ness 25c Guaranteed at St Ber ¬ nard Drug Store- Christian Langor a Danish life boat man who died recently at Har boo at the age of eightythree saved more Ian COO persons from drowning during the last 48 years YOUX 8UXM1B VACATION Can be pleasantly spent at Wauko sha Waunaca Fmeld St Paul 1 SuperiorDuIuth1oratonoftbe WiscousinCe illustrated Summer Book which tells you how when and where to Roand how nht h It will cost Free onappllcatlon to JaB 0 Pond General Passcmeer Agent Ml1waukeeWII t Confldence is the Napoleon inthe mental army It doub- le ¬ and trebles the power of all the other faculties The whole men ta army watts until confidence leads thiway II HA BALSAM I Clesaw awl twMttflM ths ball I OrarJKalr ttUiL fc Eqverty itself is riot so bad as the polVrtythought It is the onvloI tfqri that wo are poor and must re > main 9n so thatJs fatal A Clear Complexion and Bright f Eyes In most cases a sallow blotched complexlonahd dull are du to poor IndfgesUonapdan in ¬ active liver Orino Laxative Fruit stimulatesUlfvorand OrlnoL iulldatldt ff Ttereiiodi8graco h1 tnl vent Lst abJ poverty yhe diBgrtce Is- mtPt r doing our level best to better > ourcondltion i ASTORIA For Infanta and Children t KM Kind You Hiyi Always Boujht c 1 r the ri inatnr of im9r7 44 WhtiIie superior man seeks is in himself what the small man seeks is in others CI andrldsX for better fellowship and citizen- shIp Not the outside oLtlebody lie cleansed but oc use fa laxative qr catbar yoqpeij8 the bowelS and clears the forsiuii era Plaunt little flllthlPot lq not- gripsor aioken b1J OX TaIlor < 4i i e Iht f e r > iI1Yf Made Hint Feel Small iAu Arkansas paper tells a story of a man who was caught out in the wqodsdurltig a storm He didnt want to get wet and tho only dry place hd could find was a hollow log into which he managed to thours had better 19 going hone He tried to extract himself from tho log but tho soft wood had swollen and he couldnt budge a peg There alone in time desolate wooJs many miles iron the nearest habitation the poor man lay for hours thinking of all the meatless 10 had done whenM all at once it dawned upon he had read his home paper for throe yera without paying a cent for It and thou refused it at the poatofllco and it made him feel so sinall that he crawl d out of the log through a knot holoEx the Original Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of tho great FoleysHoney utTered for tho genuine Thpeo worthless imitations have similar sounding names Beware Of them The genuine Honey and Tar is in a package Ask for it and refuse any substitute It is the best remedy for coughs and colds Sold by Jno X Taylor The Creator has bidden every mtn to look upnot down has made iIs man iiv poverty or in painful or die ¬ tressing clrOulustancesc Mow Are Tou Kidneys V Dr Uobba r s Pills cnro all kidney tUi flaw r 110 free AddtiterUDaUomBdTCo Chicago or N I Another pedestrian this time a Greek has turned up who Is walk t- Ing around the world on a wager of t 20000 Funny that no one ever hears of thefie tramps winning the pot And anyhow where do they got the money with which to bet When two strong men come to blows even if they are well matcheda It Is not a pleasant sight man who gets the worst of it will use DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvet he will look bother and feel i in short order Be sure get Dee Witts Good for everything a is used for including piles Sold by Jno X Taylor CHURCH DlRECTORYf CATHOMO tntoiiFIrst mass every Sunday and holy day at 700 a m Second mass and preaching 080 a m Vesper and benediction 7 pm Rev J P McPariand Pastor OHKIBTIAN OHUKOH school at 930 a m Preaching every Lords day at 1045 a m and 7 p- in Prayer meQting overy1Vedue day at 780 prftnuiElder Howard Brazelton pastoV ME OJIIJBOH Regular services third Sunday atllama d7SOpM Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 780 Sundayschool at 980 am Class meetings second and fourthI Sundays at 880 pm Rev Dame pastor 4 M E CiruRoll OUTIRey J E King pastor Services first and fourth Sundays at 11 a m and 780 p m Sunday school at 980 a m Prayer meeting Thursday evenings at 780 oclock 0 EpIi worth League evening at 680 Also one Literary meeting each month with some member The I Womant8 Ifs IQP Jyaoclety fSatur day af terrioon b nda rneetugMotidayafterflrscSundav MISSIONABY BAVTMST OHUROH1 Preaching the fourth Sunday at 11 precedIng ¬ Saturday ¬ Sundays hool at 080 a n Prayer meetnig every Monday night at780 Rev 0 H Grigson GENERA iJAPijtST OHUBOK Serylces night before the first Sunday in each month at 780 p mfirst Sundav atoll am and 780 pm Prayer meeting Friday even ¬ lug at 780 Rev O E Johnson Pastor PRESBYTEKIAN ClUIKOH HKO jiArJlogular services fourth Sab- bath ¬ in each month at 11 a m and 730 pm Sunday school each Sun- day ¬ morning at 080 oclock RKV Mi CKOOKIT Pastor Eiiaqoi Ai < GnnBOir Servlceu each Tuesday ovenlnif utthe Library at 780 Rev George C Abitt rector VACATION TRIPS Made Delightful and Comfortable To the famous resorts in Colorado pr1ngSArk iexIooS VIA Missouri Pacific Rij OR Iron Mounfaib Route Through sleepers dining eats eieqtrio fans LOW ROUND TRIP BATES Now in effect Liberal limits and over prlviliBgesi JReduced home seekers dtrlp rates and third Tuesdays each mouth tq the descrIpttve ¬ I ee nearest ticket agent br address RTG MATTHEWS TP Av Missouri PapIflaJRy JR9p l1fBldr r 1Y1l1e1 4 P 0 J24 BUYS 44 I SCHOLARSHIP ttntll the 100 allotted to bo told at a discount on- ecountof tho opening of our Etansvlllo Col are sold No vacation enter any tlmd DRAUGHONSZTAMQ7TT AND MAIN 27 Colleges in 15 States 330000000 indorsed by business men from aine to California 17 years success WO also touch BY MAIL Writo for prices POSITIONS SECURED I MONEY REFUNDED on I Call or send fox Catalogue I Kentucky Fair Dates Monticollo Sept 111 days Glasgow Sept 124 days Henderson Sept 255 days Falmotith Sept 2f14 days Pembroke Sept 27S pays Owensboro Oct 26 daysJ Mayflold Oct i4 days To Cure a Felon PhilllpsburgKan theSalve cure for Burns Boils Sores Scalds Wounds Piles Eczema Salt Rheum Chapped Hands Sore Feet nd Sore Eyes Only 2 cat St Bernard Drug Store Guaranteed In Ithaca N Y four cripples re- ently ¬ engaged in a handtohand combat ovtr an argument as to which ono qf them was really the most unfortunate The incident il ¬ lustrates the pride that human na ure takes in any kind ofa distinc ¬ ionS In these days of rush and hurry courtesy is often forgotten In the mad pell mell rush of our life little things are done to offend that we rather remainded undone A hastily aten meal and its resultant head ¬ che may cause us social or finan ¬ cial loss The wise man or woman stheonu who relieves little Ills of his sort by a little dose of Kodol Dyspepsia It digests what you at and puts your stomach back In- to > shapeSold Jno X Taylor Alas for the hens of Franklin Pa it they ever so patiently it is re- ported ¬ that the shook of blasting op- erations ¬ now tomff on l11tbelr nelghborhqqd is killing the unborn hicks and reducing the maternal sitting to a mere physical exercise for the cultivation qf patience CA S J 0 L4 Bean tins lIIa KliU TH llama AlWBfS BMftt 1lgUw Gl The chignon js said to be coining n fashion agaih The chignon is made from your hair rolled over a turnip at the back of your bead Reasons for its return have not been given out v Men Past Sixty in Danger More than halt of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kid ¬ usualyinlargemomit s both paInful and dangerou Mmd Foleys Kidney Cure should be- taken at the first sign of danger as It corrects irregularities and has sf1lr writes ill suffered with en kidneytrouble OurOIfeelbotter yearsf11d y H Seventyfive Jews were arrested defendingthQmeelves ataw when the fanatics got after him General Robert E lee was the gieatest general the world has ever known Ballards Snqw LmlmntQhickl joiuterHeinpatoad is to certify that Ballards Snow U1Yhousehold LinimentRheumatle qutit Sold by St Bernard Drug Store Quo oftlle Chicago University scientists declares that 95 per cent of the population of that city eat too much Very strange Our un ¬ derstanding that 68 per cent of the Chicago people board The Best Medicine Ever Put In a Bottle for Chills and Fever ThebestCfallHI came here Thearstyear with and Jover I tried all the known remedies but without Tonlo1twllluh thebeatmedicine torohills and fever SoldbyDrug giss50osnd 100 PKKPABHD BX QBOflTT1T CO < hQ T Wnt 0 1 cln A1i 1 Pithy Points for Pondering People Wiljiam J Burtscher In the SoarohHght Twofaced people are nqver doublebratnod S i Good hbrseBtlno Is not as good as good mansense Nobody is good when asleep who wasnt good befro they wont to sleep r A man is sometimes known by the company that is trying to get away i from him I The world owes every man a Ht lug Every man owes it to the world to live right Hollseternlty is an endless sweltry summer heaenjia gin ¬ rious refreshing spring Idle hands is so ashamed of their tryfngto Perhaps the reason some men do not open the door when tjRportunity knocKS they think it is just an ¬ other bill collector 1 The man who schemes to eat his bread without tho sweat on his sweatingin l10tknoW dqesnt care as it seems to be doiqg all in its power to keep that other half from living at all 4l She Found Relief If you are troubled with Jlyer complaint and have not received Help read this Mrs Mary E Ham ¬ mond Moody Texasu I was in poor health with liver trou1lofor h- over a year Doctors did me no good and I tried Herblno and threej bottles cured me I cant much for Herbine as it is a wonder- ful liver medicine I always have It in the house Publish where you Wish Sold by St Bernard DrugStore It has been observed that Ameri- cans are more ardently patriotic than ever after a sojourn in Europe This rush millionaires to the other side ought to be a good thing for the country O JBk T O 3BL X A lea ntle S9 T1KI5dYO5H56AIW3TSBgM ftgnatnre 11 or Miss Corey says she doesnt be ¬ Have any rich man In New York is Ut to be the custodian of a child She has not trusted herself to ex ¬ prose an opinion concerning rIch Pjftsburg men No one would buy a sailboat with sails that could not be reefed There isalways that possibility of a little too much wind that makes a cau unprovidedTh sometimes goes back on him pro ¬ vides for his stomach by keeping a bottle pf Kodol For Dyspepsia with inreach Kodol digests what you eat and restores the stomacn to the condition to properly perform its functionsSold Jno X Taylor Sarah Beruhardt need not repine because the decoration of the Legion of Honor honor has been denied her The deoration of the American Dol lar is always hers for the asking Dr Finns T stimo Interesting Dr Thomas Finn of Boonsboro Mod who has practiced medicine fqr 82 says hehas used every prescription known to the profession fortreatment of kidney and blad der diseases and says he has neyer found anything so effective jh both chronic and acute kidney and blad ¬ der trouble as Foleys Kidney Cure It stbps Irregularities and up tbewholesystemSoJd Taylor A H6uston Tex married man de- fines ¬ sorrow as an emotion which the benedict rarely experiences when Mary and the kids go to the seaside for the summer1 KILLTHECOUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS KingsNew PrlceF Surest and Quickest Ouro for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB ¬ LES or MONEY BACKa I e C The Great East and West Line AcrosEhOTexasAnd Louisiana I WOTXOtIJLZ TO AMIWJX aUXSTIOKS u rstMo jaiR parte between J azsnd5CLouIs4 Write r Xew I1In Texai 771- 1PTUkNUGii e PasesJ AjePK D IJMTXM JtT 0 MATIftrWS I c T i P A L itmIIsI W 00 in LL 4V For the- Children fmust age strength How is it with the children P Are they thin pale delicate P Do notforget Ayers Sarsaparilla You know it makes the blood pure and rich and builds up the general health in every way coedhealth tOiutIpail thee by giving malt laxative doses or Ayers lilt vegetable sugarcoated bYJ 0 AyeI Co Lowell MaSs Alto manufacturers of A HAIR VIGOR 1I e r SCIIERRY PECTORAL A Prof liable Trip Mr Bryan says an exchange wasI away from America eleven months and during that time hemadelOOQI a week by writing articles on hfsI travels for a syndicate of American papers He will earn approximate ¬ y 50000 by his articles and they will be produced in book form later which will net him at least 25000 more It1s estimated that Mr Bryans expenses ot traveling with is wife son and daughter have 200 a week or about 10000 or the time he has been away His earnings for the year therefore will net him 05000 The Breath of Life Its a iinIflcant fact that the strongest animal of its size thej lungsPowerful creatures How to keep the breath ¬ In organs right should be mans- chtereststudy LIke thousands of others Mrs Ora A Stephens of Port Williams 0 has learned how to do this She writesuTbreebot ¬ tles of Dr Kings New Discovery stopped my cough af two years and cured me of what my friend grandfor anteed by St Bernard Drug Store Price 50c and 100 Trial bottle free Baggy trousers such as un English expert intends as part of the Ameri- can ¬ soldiers uniform will render it difficult for Uncle Sams boys td run after their enimies SPECIAL LOW SATES To all points in Montana Idaho Washington Oregon and British April7th Tickets on special days Write at once for information and maps to IKAP SomvEOKL Traveling Agent Wisconsin Central Ry 407 Traction Bldg Cincinnati Ohio Are you really looking fqr the sil ¬ ver lining to your clouds Ir you lookyou will surely find it FoleYl1oneyGd Tai > rchildecasafcsur No pMtis Out In Michigan a millionaire lum- berman ¬ has just died leaving 27 wills and it wont be long before there will be 27 lawyers to each will JswoJlto wJUcauseconstlpaUonno ¬ arations containing opiates Use Kennedys Laxative Honey and Tar audlUQvesthe Sold by Jno X Taylor Every married woman under 40 knows a man she thinks she might marry if her husband sh uldbat ¬ pen to die i An OunCe of Prevention Is worth a pound of cure There are many poor suiferers CtinsUmp tlves who are hopeless of getting I well who if they had taken care of 4A Horehoj1ndSyrup fcj Ureat Falls Montana writes t HI have used Ballards Horehound Syrup in family for yearsmy coughSolclby A rule that refusesto work at all often gets the best of one that works both ways IDewre of Qinments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury- as mercury will surely destroy the sense of systemh Such articles should never be used clceptonp- rescriptions from reputable as he damage they will do Is ten told to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh TolI teraally acting eirectly open the blood and mu coui surfaces ot the system In buyln Hans Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It Iti TotedoOhlobTP Sold by Druggists Price 730 per bottle Take Halls Family Pills for constipation Hard times has good many rela ¬ tlv sIt IB the twin brother of the bluestr oA Ct 2txI- MII 7 e TM Kd yeW Ns AIII Issj t t 1 II a lgi t Condition of < he WorkingMan Look at the condition of the work- ingman today whore is he asks an exchange The tinners are cqiftiUi tally going up the spout and plumbers are always in the gutters tho wall paper hungers are up against the wall bakers are com ¬ pelled to raise the dough i the policeman has to be on his beat to ive the shoemakers have to work the uppers and get waxed m the end the clock makers run on tick and are never 0n time the wash- woman is the only one on the line and the photographer is always < in the darltEx Starving to Death Because herstoU1achwas8d weakened by Useless drligging that she could not eat Mrs Mary H > Walterp of St Chair St Columbus 0 was literally starving to death She writes My stomach was ao weak from useless drugs that t could not eat and my nerves sq wrecked that I could not pleep and not before I was given up to die was induced to try Electric Bitters with the wonderful result that im ¬ provement began at once and a complete cure followed Be st health Tonic on earth SOc Guar- anteed by St Bernard Drug Store The most dangerousforce in this country is the fortune with no char ¬ actor behind It Good forthe cough removes the cold the cause of tho cough Thats the work of Kennedys Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxa ¬ tive cough syrup Contains n 0 opiates Sold by Jno X Taylor Selfcontrol wll succeed with ono talent wher selfindulgence will fall wlthiten If Its a Reputation you are after Whites Cream Vera reputation8S and for its tonic influence on weak and Unthrifty children Itim ¬ proves their digestion add assimila ¬ tion of their food strengthens their nervous system and restores them to health and vigor natural to a vhappychJ1d Cream Sold by St Bernard DrugStore That man has failed who has not been able to keep a good opinion of himself Illinois Central Rl Annual Stockholders Meeting at Chi ¬ cago Oct 17 Personal Attendance of Individual Holders Desired FREE TICKET TO THE MEETING Public notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be heldVat the office in Chicago Il ¬ linois en Wednesday October 17 1000 at 12 oclock noon To permit personal attendance at said meeting there will be issued To Each Holder of One or MoreiShares- of the capital stock of the Illinois ragister6d ¬ at the close of business on Monday September 24 1000 whp id of full aReA Enabling Him or Her to Travel Free over the Companys lines from the station on Central Rail ¬ road nearest to his or her registered address to CHICAGO and RETURN journey ¬ Pour Days Immediately Preceding and the day of the meeting and for the return journey from Chicago only on the day of tile meeting and the Four IaysimmediatelyFMifidng when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or before Saturday October 20 1OQO that Is to say between 909 am and- 600p mln the ofUce of the As slstant Secretary Mr W G Brudn in Chicago Such ticket may be ob tuiued by any holder of stock as registered above on application iti waiting to the President otthe in Chicago but each siqck npplyforhis must state the full name and ad- dress ¬ of the Stockholder exactly as in his or her Certificate of Stock together with the number and date of uch certificate No more than one person will be carried free in respect to anyone holding pf stock as registered on the books of the Company A G HAOKSTAFF Sedrbtary Gray Hair Restored to Its Natural Color ARMSTRONGS ORIENTAL HAIR REJUVBN O ATOR A harmless compound that can be applied at home yjaadrtortbe for two weeks AnaBpllcaUon tcoot three tiaaes a IOeth- will preserve natural color of any bairtor a lifetime lowlU last a lady one or two MMiths tbut will last aRutle allis I t to any address with filIIp poi4gipaid TxIIaIzeoc I oJ I II IJI W S s4ns- i si i

It The Way Better iAu J24 BUYS For the- SCHOLARSHIP …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58dw35/data/1227.pdf · I It e r THE BEE EARLINGTON KYi 5< IJ 11 < The Better i Way The tissues of the

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Page 1: It The Way Better iAu J24 BUYS For the- SCHOLARSHIP …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58dw35/data/1227.pdf · I It e r THE BEE EARLINGTON KYi 5< IJ 11 < The Better i Way The tissues of the

I It er


11< The Better

i WayThe tissues of the throat are

inflamed and irritated youcough and there is more irrita ¬

tionmore coughing You taken ou h mixture and it eases th-eiiatiotifor awhile You take


nndit cures the cold Thatswhat is necessary It soothes thethroat because it reduces theIrritation curesthe cold becauseit drives out the inflammationbuilds ujj the weakened tissuesbeCause it nourishes then backto their natural strength Thatshow Scotts Emulsion deals witha sore throat a cough a coldor bronchitis



SCOTT 4O VrnH Ml reelSBOWNE New Tkorit


rHqw dear2 to our hearts is the old

silver I I

When some kind subscriber pro ¬

sents It to viewThe liberty head without necktie or

collar iAnd all tim strange things that to

us seem so now jThe wide spreading eagle the arrow

below itThe stars and the words Vtl the

queer thiugs they tell1The coin of our fathers Were

glad that wo know itFor somo time or otler twill come

in right well

Well Worth TryingW H Brown the popular pensionsaysNextto get Is Dr Kings New Life Pills

lie writes they Keep my family insplendid health Qniok cure forHeadache Constipation and Bilious ¬

ness 25c Guaranteed at St Ber ¬

nard Drug Store-

Christian Langor a Danish lifeboat man who died recently at Harboo at the age of eightythreesaved more Ian COO persons fromdrowning during the last 48 years

YOUX 8UXM1B VACATIONCan be pleasantly spent at Waukosha Waunaca Fmeld St Paul



WiscousinCeillustrated Summer Bookwhich tells you how when andwhere to Roand how nht h It willcost Free onappllcatlon to JaB 0Pond General Passcmeer Agent

Ml1waukeeWIItConfldence is the Napoleon

inthe mental army It doub-le


and trebles the power of allthe other faculties The whole menta army watts until confidence leadsthiway


HA BALSAMI Clesaw awl twMttflM ths ball

I OrarJKalrttUiLfcEqverty itself is riot so bad as thepolVrtythought It is the onvloItfqri that wo are poor and must re

> main9n

so thatJs fatal

A Clear Complexion and Brightf EyesIn most cases a sallow blotched

complexlonahd dull aredu to poor IndfgesUonapdan in ¬

active liver Orino Laxative FruitstimulatesUlfvorandOrlnoLiulldatldtff

Ttereiiodi8graco h1 tnl ventLst abJ poverty yhe diBgrtce Is-mtPtr doing our level best to better

> ourcondltion

i ASTORIAFor Infanta and Children


KM Kind You Hiyi Always Boujhtc

1 r theri inatnr of im9r744

WhtiIie superior man seeks is inhimself what the small man seeksis in others

CIandrldsXfor better fellowship and citizen-shIp Not the outsideoLtlebody lie cleansed but oc

use fa laxative qr catbaryoqpeij8 the bowelS and clears theforsiuiiera Plaunt little flllthlPot lq not-gripsor aiokenb1J OX TaIlor

<4i ie Iht f e r> iI1Yf

Made Hint Feel SmalliAu Arkansas paper tells a story ofa man who was caught out in thewqodsdurltig a storm He didntwant to get wet and tho only dryplace hd could find was a hollowlog into which he managed tothourshad better 19 going hone He triedto extract himself from tho log buttho soft wood had swollen and hecouldnt budge a peg There alonein time desolate wooJs many milesiron the nearest habitation thepoor man lay for hours thinking ofall the meatless 10 had done whenMall at once it dawned uponhe had read his home paper forthroe yera without paying a centfor It and thou refused it at thepoatofllco and it made him feel sosinall that he crawl d out of thelog through a knot holoEx

the OriginalFoley Co Chicago originated

Honey and Tar as a throat and lungremedy and on account of tho great

FoleysHoneyutTered for tho genuine Thpeoworthless imitations have similarsounding names Beware Of themThe genuine Honey and Taris in a package Ask for itand refuse any substitute It is thebest remedy for coughs and colds

Sold by Jno X Taylor

The Creator has bidden everymtn to look upnot down has madeiIsman iiv poverty or in painful or die ¬

tressing clrOulustancescMow Are Tou Kidneys V

Dr Uobba r s Pills cnro all kidney tUi flawr110 free AddtiterUDaUomBdTCo Chicago or N I

Another pedestrian this time aGreek has turned up who Is walk t-

Ing around the world on a wager of t20000 Funny that no one ever

hears of thefie tramps winning thepot And anyhow where do theygot the money with which to bet

When two strong men come toblows even if they are well matchedaIt Is not a pleasant sightman who gets the worst of it willuse DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvethe will look bother and feel iin short order Be sure get DeeWitts Good for everything ais used for including piles

Sold by Jno X Taylor


every Sunday and holy day at 700a m Second mass and preaching080 a m Vesper and benediction 7p m Rev J P McPariand Pastor

OHKIBTIAN OHUKOHschool at 930 a m Preaching everyLords day at 1045 a m and 7 p-

in Prayer meQting overy1Vedueday at 780 prftnuiElder HowardBrazelton pastoV

ME OJIIJBOH Regular servicesthird Sunday atllama d7SOpMPrayer meeting Wednesday eveningat 780 Sundayschool at 980 amClass meetings second and fourthISundays at 880 pm RevDame pastor 4

M E CiruRoll OUTIRey JE King pastor Services first andfourth Sundays at 11 a m and780 p m Sunday school at 980a m Prayer meeting Thursdayevenings at 780 oclock 0 EpIiworth League eveningat 680 Also one Literary meetingeach month with some member The IWomant8 Ifs IQP Jyaoclety fSaturday af terrioon b ndarneetugMotidayafterflrscSundav

MISSIONABY BAVTMST OHUROH1Preaching the fourth Sunday at 11precedIng ¬

Saturday ¬

Sundays hool at 080 a nPrayer meetnig every Monday nightat780 Rev 0 H Grigson

GENERA iJAPijtST OHUBOKSerylces night before thefirst Sunday in each month at 780p mfirst Sundav atoll am and 780pm Prayer meeting Friday even ¬

lug at 780 Rev O E JohnsonPastor

PRESBYTEKIAN ClUIKOH HKOjiArJlogular services fourth Sab-bath


in each month at 11 a m and730 pm Sunday school each Sun-day


morning at 080 oclockRKV Mi CKOOKIT Pastor

Eiiaqoi Ai< GnnBOir Servlceueach Tuesday ovenlnif utthe Libraryat 780 Rev George C Abittrector

VACATION TRIPSMade Delightful and Comfortable

To the famous resorts in Coloradopr1ngSArkiexIooSVIA

Missouri Pacific RijOR

Iron Mounfaib RouteThrough sleepers dining eats


Now in effect Liberal limits andover prlviliBgesi JReduced home

seekers dtrlp rates andthird Tuesdays each mouth tq thedescrIpttve ¬

Iee nearest ticket agent br address

RTG MATTHEWST P Av Missouri PapIflaJRyJR9p l1fBldr

r 1Y1l1e14 P0

J24 BUYS44


SCHOLARSHIPttntll the 100 allotted to bo told at a discount on-ecountof tho opening of our Etansvlllo Col

are sold No vacation enter any tlmd


AND MAIN27 Colleges in 15 States 330000000

indorsed by business men fromaine to California 17 years success WO

also touch BY MAIL Writo for pricesPOSITIONS SECURED



Call or send fox Catalogue I

Kentucky Fair Dates

Monticollo Sept 111 daysGlasgow Sept 124 daysHenderson Sept 255 daysFalmotith Sept 2f14 daysPembroke Sept 27S paysOwensboro Oct 26 daysJMayflold Oct i4 days

To Cure a Felon

PhilllpsburgKantheSalvecure for Burns Boils Sores ScaldsWounds Piles Eczema SaltRheum Chapped Hands Sore Feetnd Sore Eyes Only 2 cat St

Bernard Drug Store Guaranteed

In Ithaca N Y four cripples re-


engaged in a handtohandcombat ovtr an argument as towhich ono qf them was really themost unfortunate The incident il¬

lustrates the pride that human naure takes in any kind ofa distinc ¬ionSIn these days of rush and hurry

courtesy is often forgotten In themad pell mell rush of our life littlethings are done to offend that werather remainded undone A hastilyaten meal and its resultant head ¬

che may cause us social or finan ¬

cial loss The wise man or womanstheonu who relieves little Ills ofhis sort by a little dose of Kodol

Dyspepsia It digests what youat and puts your stomach back In-


shapeSoldJno X Taylor

Alas for the hens of Franklin Pait they ever so patiently it is re-


that the shook of blasting op-


now tomff on l11tbelrnelghborhqqd is killing the unbornhicks and reducing the maternalsitting to a mere physical exercisefor the cultivation qf patience

CA S J 0 L4Bean tins lIIa KliU TH llama AlWBfS BMftt


The chignon js said to be coiningn fashion agaih The chignon is

made from your hair rolled over aturnip at the back of your beadReasons for its return have notbeen given outv

Men Past Sixty in DangerMore than halt of mankind over

sixty years of age suffer from kid ¬

usualyinlargemomits both paInful and dangerou MmdFoleys Kidney Cure should be-taken at the first sign of danger asIt corrects irregularities and hassf1lrwrites ill suffered with enkidneytroubleOurOIfeelbotteryearsf11dy

H Seventyfive Jews were arrested

defendingthQmeelvesatawwhen the fanatics got after him

General Robert E leewas the gieatest general the worldhas ever known Ballards Snqw

LmlmntQhickljoiuterHeinpatoadis to certify that Ballards Snow


Sold by St Bernard Drug Store

Quo oftlle Chicago Universityscientists declares that 95 per centof the population of that city eattoo much Very strange Our un ¬

derstanding that 68 per cent ofthe Chicago people board

The Best Medicine Ever Put In aBottle for Chills and Fever

ThebestCfallHI came hereThearstyearwith and Jover I tried allthe known remedies but without

Tonlo1twllluhthebeatmedicinetorohills and fever SoldbyDruggiss50osnd 100


T Wnt0 1 cln A1i


Pithy Points for Pondering People

Wiljiam J Burtscher In theSoarohHght

Twofaced people are nqverdoublebratnod

S iGood hbrseBtlno Is not as good as

good mansenseNobody is good when asleep who

wasnt good befro they wont tosleep r

A man is sometimes known by thecompany that is trying to get away i

from himI

The world owes every man a Htlug Every man owes it to theworld to live right

Hollseternlty is an endlesssweltry summer heaenjia gin ¬

rious refreshing springIdle hands is so ashamed of theirtryfngtoPerhaps the reason some men do

not open the door when tjRportunityknocKS they think it is just an ¬

other bill collector1

The man who schemes to eat hisbread without tho sweat on his

sweatinginl10tknoWdqesnt care as it seems to be doiqgall in its power to keep that otherhalf from living at all 4lShe Found Relief

If you are troubled with Jlyercomplaint and have not receivedHelp read this Mrs Mary E Ham ¬

mond Moody Texasu I was inpoor health with liver trou1lofor h-

over a year Doctors did me nogood and I tried Herblno and threejbottles cured me I cantmuch for Herbine as it is a wonder-ful liver medicine I always have Itin the house Publish where youWish

Sold by St Bernard DrugStore

It has been observed that Ameri-cans are more ardently patrioticthan ever after a sojourn in EuropeThis rush millionaires to the otherside ought to be a good thing for thecountry

O JBk T O 3BL X Aleantle S9 T1KI5dYO5H56AIW3TSBgM

ftgnatnre 11or

Miss Corey says she doesnt be ¬

Have any rich man In New York isUt to be the custodian of a childShe has not trusted herself to ex ¬

prose an opinion concerning rIchPjftsburg men

No one would buy a sailboat withsails that could not be reefed Thereisalways that possibility of a littletoo much wind that makes a cau

unprovidedThsometimes goes back on him pro ¬

vides for his stomach by keeping abottle pf Kodol For Dyspepsia withinreach Kodol digests what youeat and restores the stomacn to thecondition to properly perform itsfunctionsSold Jno X Taylor

Sarah Beruhardt need not repinebecause the decoration of the Legionof Honor honor has been denied herThe deoration of the American Dollar is always hers for the asking

Dr Finns T stimo InterestingDr Thomas Finn of Boonsboro

Mod who has practiced medicinefqr 82 says hehas used everyprescription known to the professionfortreatment of kidney and bladder diseases and says he has neyerfound anything so effective jh bothchronic and acute kidney and blad ¬

der trouble as Foleys Kidney CureIt stbps Irregularities and uptbewholesystemSoJd Taylor

A H6uston Tex married man de-


sorrow as an emotion whichthe benedict rarely experienceswhen Mary and the kids go to theseaside for the summer1



PrlceFSurest and Quickest Ouro for allTHROAT and LUNG TROUB ¬



The Great East and West Line

AcrosEhOTexasAnd Louisiana



rstMo jaiR parte between

J azsnd5CLouIs4Write r Xew I1In Texai 771-1PTUkNUGiie PasesJ AjePK


T iP A L itmIIsIW 00in


For the-


fmustage strength How is it withthe children P Are they thinpale delicate P Do notforgetAyers Sarsaparilla Youknow it makes the blood pureand rich and builds up thegeneral health in every way

coedhealthtOiutIpailthee by giving malt laxative doses or Ayerslilt vegetable sugarcoated

bYJ 0 AyeI Co Lowell MaSsAlto manufacturers ofA HAIR VIGOR


A Prof liable Trip

Mr Bryan says an exchange wasIaway from America eleven monthsand during that time hemadelOOQIa week by writing articles on hfsItravels for a syndicate of Americanpapers He will earn approximate ¬

y 50000 by his articles and theywill be produced in book form laterwhich will net him at least 25000more It1s estimated that MrBryans expenses ot traveling with

is wife son and daughter have200 a week or about 10000

or the time he has been away Hisearnings for the year therefore willnet him 05000

The Breath of LifeIts a iinIflcant fact that the

strongest animal of its size thejlungsPowerfulcreatures How to keep the breath ¬

In organs right should be mans-chtereststudy LIke thousands ofothers Mrs Ora A Stephens ofPort Williams 0 has learned howto do this She writesuTbreebot ¬

tles of Dr Kings New Discoverystopped my cough af two years andcured me of what my friendgrandforanteed by St Bernard Drug StorePrice 50c and 100 Trial bottle free

Baggy trousers such as un Englishexpert intends as part of the Ameri-can


soldiers uniform will render itdifficult for Uncle Sams boys td run

after their enimies

SPECIAL LOW SATESTo all points in Montana Idaho

Washington Oregon and BritishApril7thTickets on special days Write atonce for information and maps toIKAP SomvEOKL Traveling AgentWisconsin Central Ry 407 TractionBldg Cincinnati Ohio

Are you really looking fqr the sil¬

ver lining to your clouds Ir youlookyou will surely find it

FoleYl1oneyGd Tai>rchildecasafcsur No pMtis

Out In Michigan a millionaire lum-berman


has just died leaving 27wills and it wont be long beforethere will be 27 lawyers to each will

JswoJltowJUcauseconstlpaUonno ¬

arations containing opiates UseKennedys Laxative Honey and Tar

audlUQvestheSold by Jno X Taylor

Every married woman under 40knows a man she thinks she mightmarry if her husband sh uldbat ¬

pen to die i

An OunCe of PreventionIs worth a pound of cure Thereare many poor suiferers CtinsUmptlves who are hopeless of getting I

well who if they had taken care of4AHorehoj1ndSyrupfcj Ureat Falls Montana writes t

HI have used Ballards HorehoundSyrup in family for yearsmycoughSolclbyA rule that refusesto work at all

often gets the best of one that worksboth ways

IDewre of Qinments for Catarrh ThatContain Mercury-

as mercury will surely destroy the sense ofsystemhSuch articles should never be used clceptonp-rescriptions from reputable as hedamage they will do Is ten told to the good youcan possibly derive from them Halls CatarrhTolIteraally acting eirectly open the blood and mucoui surfaces ot the system In buyln HansCatarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It Iti

TotedoOhlobTPSold by Druggists Price 730 per bottleTake Halls Family Pills for constipation

Hard times has good many rela ¬

tlv sIt IB the twin brother of the

bluestroA Ct 2txI-

MII 7 e TM Kd yeW Ns AIII Issjt


1 II a

lgi t

Condition of < he WorkingManLook at the condition of the work-

ingman today whore is he asks anexchange The tinners are cqiftiUitally going up the spout andplumbers are always in the gutterstho wall paper hungers are upagainst the wall bakers are com ¬

pelled to raise the dough i thepoliceman has to be on his beat toive the shoemakers have to work

the uppers and get waxed m theend the clock makers run on tickand are never 0n time the wash-woman is the only one on the lineand the photographer is always

< inthe darltEx

Starving to DeathBecause herstoU1achwas8d

weakened by Useless drligging thatshe could not eat Mrs Mary H >

Walterp of St Chair St Columbus0 was literally starving to deathShe writes My stomach was aoweak from useless drugs that tcould not eat and my nerves sqwrecked that I could not pleep andnot before I was given up to die wasinduced to try Electric Bitterswith the wonderful result that im ¬

provement began at once and acomplete cure followed Be sthealth Tonic on earth SOc Guar-anteed by St Bernard Drug Store

The most dangerousforce in thiscountry is the fortune with no char ¬

actor behind ItGood forthe cough removes the

cold the cause of tho cough Thatsthe work of Kennedys LaxativeHoney and Tar the original laxa ¬

tive cough syrup Contains n 0opiates

Sold by Jno X Taylor

Selfcontrol wll succeed with onotalent wher selfindulgence willfall wlthiten

If Its a Reputationyou are after Whites Cream Verareputation8Sand for its tonic influence on weakand Unthrifty children Itim ¬

proves their digestion add assimila ¬

tion of their food strengthens theirnervous system and restores themto health and vigor natural to avhappychJ1dCream

Sold by St Bernard DrugStore

That man has failed who has notbeen able to keep a good opinion ofhimself

Illinois Central RlAnnual Stockholders Meeting at Chi¬

cago Oct 17 Personal Attendanceof Individual Holders Desired


Public notice is hereby given thatthe regular annual meeting of theStockholders the Illinois CentralRailroad Company will be heldVatthe office in Chicago Il¬

linois en Wednesday October 171000 at 12 oclock noon

To permit personal attendance atsaid meeting there will be issuedTo Each Holder of One or MoreiShares-

of the capital stock of the Illinoisragister6d ¬

at the close of business on MondaySeptember 24 1000 whp id of full

aReAEnabling Him or Her to

Travel Freeover the Companys lines from thestation on Central Rail ¬road nearest to his or her registeredaddress to

CHICAGO and RETURNjourney ¬

Pour Days Immediately Precedingand the day of the meeting and forthe return journey from Chicagoonly on the day of tile meeting andthe

Four IaysimmediatelyFMifidng

when properly countersigned andstamped during business hours on orbefore Saturday October 20 1OQO

that Is to say between 909 am and-600p mln the ofUce of the Asslstant Secretary Mr W G Brudnin Chicago Such ticket may be obtuiued by any holder of stock asregistered above on application itiwaiting to the President otthe

in Chicago but each siqcknpplyforhismust state the full name and ad-


of the Stockholder exactly asin his or her Certificate of

Stock together with the numberand date of uch certificate Nomore than one person will be carriedfree in respect to anyone holding pfstock as registered on the books ofthe Company


Gray HairRestored to Its Natural Color


A harmless compound that can be applied athomeyjaadrtortbefor two weeks

AnaBpllcaUon tcoot three tiaaes a IOeth-will preserve natural color of any bairtor alifetime

lowlU last a lady one or two MMiths

tbut will last aRutle allis I tto any address with filIIppoi4gipaid TxIIaIzeoc I oJ


IJI W S s4ns-i si
