tfcns ao ur JKV- Blrtk B st Brtwns UidJL asiiiojied AliPorA- M PKOM- tTFAUttA FLO DECEMBER 271895 NEW n li 0- cO cc j L i 1 G p d rO ill 11 I I IJ I i 11 11- iTi I tI- d t II r L i1 n iL 11- fr n rC- IIEnnU h j p j I 1fI lI- I j- f if I Ii i f j 1t j I t 7111- f JC I Iron l I I ii i Id- J It CUb Y SE 8 it it s eu t sit u g a rd tl- ll 7ft r ietlrt AttJ k tIr7A tnsat E f4- n h t tbm n s IItt- TnbtLitC w lt1i ii F it Xs aye t i l 1 Yr tj i k t 4l try s I 4 y awe u4 4 4 t A 4y hl 4Ut U iii 4 r r r y 9 t t r1 r r ii Bitters t d ww- II I Iianl e re ll VOLU1 NO r- K I > = = = = = = ° ° + t or uHJUST- I 0 i 5tiIM aSMI1 R D aoM Rk Igftg Cp r i lUlsi1119 y b- C I tieligioo 6leartl t YMJ < LTSM il k BU- r Months nM Whether the freeze of lait winter tflll lo be an fcdvan o a disadvantage to orange section of Florida Will proba blY depend entirely on the action the farmers in imbraclnsr theIr oppor lunllles pee advantage already made manifest I that tile of Putnam county will again depend en- tirely on aRT one product however profitable for ft llrellhood That haz- ardous 8T lem ot farming once preva- lent throughout the ntlrfl South Is gradually toaoffilnjr extinct and li be- ing followed by a more profitable sen- sible and Independent system of diversified fanning What the people of the tobacco growing regions of Vir- ginia and North Carolina and the growing States of South CwoHfla Georgia and Alabama were a genera- tion In learning by slow experience was the orange growers of Florida by one stroke of the magic of Providence which brought destructive polar blast Btato end destroyed the semitropical vegetation Including the staple tho While experience has plainly showed the value of farm luff It Is clear to a close observer the ipost independent class of agrtcnl who besides growing uil articles for home con In a degree onji staple crop tho value Of which Is clear to the growet- It U confidently believed by those who have Riven the subject and tested the by well conducted experiment k this State and especiallY this eeo i Now ftl ton of it Is peculiarly adapted to the ronvtfi of tobacco of the finest grades Ono cigars In flavor color And texlurt to the beet grades of Cuban tobaccos lAit ihopcojije of central South Carolina became with rau cotton nnd a great many of them made tobacco cropi and although they realized nine And ton cents for their cotton and sold tobacco at the usual prices the latter crop was fw moro t6 grown inBouth Carolina does duce a this It muqi coarser in tex ture yet It is the money crop There Is scarcely an acre of land in Iflorida outside of the awanipa that is adapted to either or without tie use of commercial fertili- zer and the thousands of of wild lands will yield large cfopa of this product many Ywus clearing with but little lortllizlnili It Is thoDgbt thut imported seed from tuba will glvo resnlu and ftttd Fenlnittlar ttaU ad to lur- rjUh any amount of aced v Any will drained laud 14 tuluola for i c wUichalionld bo burnt n farilio tpnci The seed should J la February or March one being BWutrt nt for one hundred be kept enough to sprout tbo seeds lham car MU to giiaw WV4W0 nor ta oTS c ieeMSAtnr In growing JfAD- ar ad artAtl m 0 S T to I iiroperly although wnoiMtwlJ hMO been kr wblh wnlUug for i ft fk u rjiB wvni sad KHlrtitl griWS m icb Will wises bin ikw ugain vglc to tea nod cuoii a prOnpuuu comiiiluu- ruvi only be rujplfdit JIiU is try p wrs MreiibiBk i c T 1 VoBid northy t fnWiMMO lKf j 1ij taxvxti JI XS- I t f j 1 t f r tttrllljjjtlbpri9 i 7 t e5 L ru L c I tIS C L L 1 hOt grafting a cot- ton t la that t t1lta lug in nddl loli to llmt d now c Attain I Urt1ng Q- tHd hoe been that tobacco grown Both i lJ equal for the mann reot j g i1vcc p1e 7 p flbb Ie PhD than In State and Is I with for lht Central J t i over ii 1t I q aro t bade j I It cqult1oJ the tc to tile ait ftiH 4Ifue c 111 fI1t rr1Ai brieA1- n 31g QHI CIO Thorl lit tbet tt4 ily rkh- lI I tad if Il 1 U II thA f ill IUl y Iud weluded All rget6btit C r t2 WI Uj w J t Iff r t s a4L17L 1rt t Tai TIMES I1t BALD Publl hers IraUbh gY r5nt Street rAI r1CA11LA irnc 1818os 4- st3ssgalr N anbsvnptlcnaCyetnad cC- Oxorncco A IiTAPitE tags never wand orange these thor- ough ma- tter sulk tai the tin proven For 7r1iTn state to ti l year disgusted T larger yield not tobacco scow very after the authocjttee tf the 1lprida free 4 be Arwa r outs o yr and the IigbLly cav crud 1Rlthbruah or lat vb1 After lhla e suit keep erowiag It rocs not r4IIrvatiy por P- An irY doea e rra liatailara aed I tot Mil tier vsty ex- xiavagaat pet e La lme jest bb 41e4 is arch putrnitu- n ImeI RI 5S fie Iq IIO S lire ruu ro MTR7rrt- t t futId urtY tutu coal two to- fa r ra- te wff searej boa Itrn u urupp- r Vii a I ai auld tFFty alts bypIasi- U le lastngtfsesalu 4 dI0i A- a one Iy ahtt Plelro ul e 1fdt d b ate n > ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > > > > > + + + + A Otto printers of w for two b appropriation for inpajftlo budding aV- Tbo man woo that the wntor that burns ftt must have Indulging litfe- frilly IR Ore Sully Havwanl has his crime A is usual with condemned oiurtler r he Unmated was going straight to glory Princess Lt of China has a thousand pairs of iboes There are a thousand wOtoen In this country wllh prettier feet who have no shoos The hanging of Unity Hayward wilt probably soon be followed by exe- cution of the other two of the famous trio of criminals Holmes nod Durrani Senator native Floridian con- stituents wlll hardly be the way in which he infersnllally re proftcbed 8p In forYecognialngthe late Confederacy A number of wealthy Georgians will present Atlanta with a marble 4ust of President Cleveland Should the President become a candidate for re- election they will glvo hint the marble heart The most cheeky exhibition of simon pure gall that hat perpetrated lately upon nn innocent and public is the Republican at- tempt to Impeach Hmistnr Bayard for making a speech boulh Carolina Isplay Ing hard lines No sooner Is she tit of the copslttu tional convention than her fait name la clouded by report of one of the most barbarous Outrages of modern times The Governors of various Southern States in their annual messages to the different UgUlatnres recommend strin- gent laws against lynching Would not a strict enactment of the prevent stat- utes be sufficient Senator Darbys prophetic announce- ment in retard to tho is re- ceiving considerable attention The Metropolis says State Senlkor Darby of Palatka makes the announcement next President of tho United States will Democrat With we had faith to Senator a prophet A The Metropolis has tills to say in re- gard to Senator Calls legislative course Senator Calls resolution to recognize the belligerency of Cuba is on a par to Improve the 6 river at He has of it notwithstanding the Im- pediment to navigation has existed for years attention continually it There are three votes Putnam County to be cast for tho next United Senator and there are voters now in Florida who will vote tor members of the legislature next year See A PURITANIC WAIL The ravings of the Pharisaical hypocrites in tome sections of the country in regard to negroes being lynched m the South for committing a horribly crime are mischlejoui in the extreme At a mas mooting at Dpston recently Tr Downing who regarded at a bright and shin Ing light that of nHrarslviJIza lion exclaimed j it b rJ cw- sary to resort to flaming or poison or the sword ta wm ay was received with word of sympathy for Use victim tho lustful brutes atrocity Mr Downing taay to informed that the only wliy to stop the lynching of no es ta to stop the negroes mitliag tbcle atrocious crimes He play furthermore add to his elaek at knowledge that as there exKt lu the S9iWb wen who are worthy t possess wives f r f nr The TtNMMnEJULD hflttday edi n wilt b read by nearly im JHrta ii ooMrr cn reed EBGtTLATOE i jmjiurHt- wjwft fcr wo mwtiw w wneiBir w i f j n luau is to no IJnmp c z t ho L with v boer I cy boa believe the tee I n4 j mil l l eenl1ment of trorm com Belong sad t brbatrlua meL With swift j M 4- cDELlCATE 1I aaO xD FEMALE tTtlA TOMIG- satt1ar jWlCf J k ftedtI are to j n II t 1 i i I clue a sober Senator roe aeogro a wrote story about water e that he stall the Calls pleased unsus- pecting the pres Sn the brpiid a enthusiastic applause 1i p a ww3 slot n willl retelbutton every per who n A7M0 bit I tl la rise f- lmm wireed ri apt 18 tins R tr Ir Very Y1l L i ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < << + BAT UMA iTiarrra flee 12- Mt1 A linker has disposed of his Heejirs Crockett- Bcribne Of Maine Who I present site Sutely old keopa well abteast with anv tho State iu the march of progress With tha new Industries already assured und others that are sure to bllow W0 will soon have the banner county ot Florida for the va- riety of our Industries So mote It be1 Mr n A Hodges Is taking in the Atlanta Exposition Our live merchant T V Kinks is busy getting in his Christmas goody It is A shame that the JT K W Bllroa4 keeps tho depot hero closed when it tccelvcf more freight from this than any other place of like size on the line Most of the orange trees made a good growth the past summer and being banked now the growers ctfnfldeatly- expeet good bqddlng wood in the sprint Jta This Worlds Fair Tes showed no baking powiti so pure or ao great In loan tatng as the Cuticura BeautyT- o preserve purify and beautify The Skin Scalp and Hair And restore them to a condition- of health when Diseased nothing Is so So so speedily effective CUTICURA SOAP Portfts applications Great CUre and mild doses of CUTICURARiSSOLVENT the new blood purifier Conunlgslonois Sale an AND nit VJUTUB OB tare o OonstraCtltm I decree In MtM u ini- ot Mia 1utnnBi osdorelgoed M ojpoM pubua eatery foir alo to the en or IBM said tint Mond bttveea tb uvCul Mie before the umtt lieu allot the following wuta tarltt- 24t if land l nto Mocks In tM Towo of hart rutnun Morton ugrtidii tfotwln- uttely W of of tbft lust tf Beo 1 a K Also t tb wise tin utd ot the Town t mantis lutonnUBntyVMrl of m fawn t Mrt bgr pproxJm aat Mtntf naj lie nw- iefcofKeo ft b nnir T ESa M u a Ow tt J417 MI r IIw fi r there etjI itl1l1Dg plant PqtIla 1 I o point pow l Royal IJ e Ass erer Sold fI1Dt I nl10111I it Port unll Bata tJotnTY cnJId tttl4 th t J s lIa ftI kIt the AIaCoII tlaad tba tile re egOIS of the ecl N 1e DAY tile 1UIIItr hOIl of th4 laJtka FlorIda ttt Uta a sheen acres Q the to tilt and the n all the rsii IIUtc1 QI rlJn t1l1 tit of tics Q If the ncUhII and w st of 4 lit 11 25 Mors OJ tJ 8Il twIlIOrthld t t WIe g n T s It e alld awes n of tk T B 1 and II urn IM1 1reo fit l1I TklA t iflt lMl FGll1C- gtbnMremeaeu T1ha milling utereatto n will erect a large on the county in I A t kttiC v gentle Skits N me Conovsa ass pap sun post Bete Batos- sboat tas poaey n tbfe nUantA rtrrxau bly the port Ibtbaq r van- ta will s aLa is 5Th dice i i ust u the e nald raw lots lant the then the nay thd at W ley and aw oO of soy s alt Mfg 4eo t ceoIaJntee ru fns I ee thes- e Dee od IFM A D 341 aura of the e see is Iy9D twisty max ilt tit ac tr < < < ° > > l FlJ IM BW H ld Houw with nit lend toots r lnMiu Moton widi em toil ball 1S1- ml wort or at or oripD- NKUf toW liloek iMMUfnw u wd tot tfbloli rt Geld bow wow laud ji r t i fiHilltla my in cir f VwWiMrBAIurb imwbMO it il kb at UM la or wlibtn Nt or Ti liklf A KuC umi true I la bid for uy ami at Mid nr IK tunraArl 7 n oe bolt tateret u 4t forts Rare ware orIbalsa s w TL 5 taae 6 x a e I6 es x t7h t- AIe hMm abd to en 11 Doty to s I 1e lot dt4u oSf sionk f a- in III sO r a Nn tt RetS w If Iwo 1rc told E t n the a a u m w rs less rl tbt It F ese Of ti auerlfW 4t rut a er j- rre of I I 11 sop etutl w Ia y Tile txf u sj51A s iQI erims to tts0s1t T ee0 I t esis 1 lIa f jees ia 1 airs ibvlt p ti Qamhii- tdtA in td5 t1d- in I ait ti- et S 8xe- hS nr R 7 Zrl I > > > < ¼ ° Hifhwt ii tav iiSag Power Latest U Gort Report m cnr ins Store iho Y F S IV K of First rrcsbT- er just re The qhrJitlan Endeavor In liolinSc- at Thursday night dhsolvcid and r r ing goods o and elected ft pin at vary flddbt corps cfoDlccrs and and now fully wjmppji for th work in hand The following officers and coamltUc elected A Lewis l J This remedy is indorseilife physicians prescribed by them all over Positively guaranteed to cure the most stubborn cases The formula is published plainly on every bottle As a tonic it is I SUB TO ALL Fojf Female Complaints and Building up sys it acts like Try and be convinced READ TH TRUTH EXTRACT FROM BOOkXJT TIESTIMONIAL8 BIOTCH- Ef OLD SORE BLOOD fcVv- Smm miS- CR t S 1tt Great dim breath Had DOJ step on either sloe tor tyro rears now I sleep egnndlr In n JU UoiiTBt- niB1 XTSMT Notrr Public i sOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS LIPPMAN BRAS PROPRIETORS LPRMAN5 BLOCKSAVANNAH 6A C J rI- IJ 0 I re and Superior run ns u 4 v I 11 Wu II rheumatic for la month Tf1nqtJ llcftt lit WeliI Tex or ij I Ark lafll4lDJrondl but e lan l Wlfr tT fOdAl f W 1If jli1t rt 1 n the y D tor t1I JII 0111111 w hrr I wear Remed1 com n r Kali S o Baking r irf 5 the s o Ibo wall ltnowit t tenets hoe yrk alarge stud on with the lrstPresbytcrlauchuich hrs the latf el cc t full and commltteoe to die ro this all for trio ensuing Iresi i Ft r IrE i p M I ii rsaparillas magic a bottle I aatterer 5 y from Mlnoral M doctor Iec loo ae nrt- advfl L urnar ltq coo a wdj man t Ill of itlltaee rc dip Grocers relisobleToe- ladoried bX II rsaatsna t tali and of x i s11 u iel r t8woratoandrebeatibe OTe k pith p easDo eru tag i f warless res etfiva re ted rasenp e wtkeof tsrp 4 2Uwn p Erana 7 e6atn 11 U u tNewaeBarsnytW a 1t- tiry U a t1 sane 8 5 m a Il Q T J kPa > < < < ° + The steamer eBarry ran at take and W slightly Injntcd She arrived at Palattft J hours late on Bnnday In coni qucnc- Or CrMffi Powder WorJd Felt aUdit Award Excursion I reduced rat 0 to all Summer Resorts at FEKKS Drug Stofe opposite ootort house j Deputy Shorlff ah Was Jn the city with a haldoz a7enr floe ptrfi whtoV Were the n Mr fen Mr these fish ore very nljjntUutlfii Uf- ietutts Pilk T bowels and produce For side headache bI4i- ousnesfe constipation and kink dr d tnib blut curt TUTTS Liven ground Price Wednesday pc le its fl r i I Ped ff i by otaal tJI the A1 Body fti I3al hit TlckaG tar the Snatmer fag oaught rte r says river boar a4U a- 1Cet ile y tcmiierfecfor- der 1t c a of Liver rag Mate elisel PILLS < + r f o ttJI- IOTJ1 Port x ewt- ir Cetsn o1 A b tIeaMrdtparttntit Ihn R is- IaI fNeltr MJ- aw fhd is dqa r r tYstNdrh otl P- wtLeeu a r l IN ow KY 117Nse aiow XriD Ufab40 1r ttlnVaYLLI 14- 1ltdeai r e tote is tI is nl VI 1fA r at JiIsta3r seta o f Pt1twa It lI r fsir a4aatke- aAr Art ontila tr 11r to tg4R aeS II s rpitlatt r 51513 Ttb abdy nr I Ina t a tr I II rt xL < + Itbyett Setwctftt WwiJ ITS U I- j ono wood endanM tad la tuJ d rwenwitlM tod platform mike red or buck etk Ut Can abow tlw two W by n jjr4 tiiuJA ij poiu f Bc other wM verk shout uUry hbuw For wo t work floor W8SfllLI E US tor rVxAIti W XKlne- U tufortctag fwwa recta IttUMI r- Mr P idottr of Pumon the rtry M Bii 7 and suede tto A The oil M I One DOt1JIrB Site atI- tIIII wood trM1 oak Mee for to 13 that la to ww Ill kted tar craP wen AM Isrst tii hjllhJ 11- 41IJItctlt1de i04 lJlllrtJ at loa lllngl1- rr RSON- E it tJi t u PllltI- lJ1W GOStal s IIEftfCAM liQDPREst YiN TLfR O nett Ij will Y tI b I J 11 PI i of W lei H U4 prorttteut t Bau C I Ii- II Orat Rlsco- verVOEX NE tmess wlu eserer a will u a ties s 7edn- TssW ore year SOS a i5oblOa wooden 1lgoty bsttsul4 M boa lI 2 vii prieav m i i ttepeble prodt wig t it Dote bIo of wood of wber ere M and kind at and 5100 Yer stable k- I1irie rea on to IxaaVl Cit q of ail pfd Eatrepellahtobhtaa 4tid o C tY lfMSlfafDrh YIrMrlrrt I i1 DAINsI of Yr srs3Ji PaIdrtrtF- As byva ehiegtea to 40 Praring read col- iAuetCar ptj y At2lttleHt- AIdANtrE iaeantd- fetture Sit Als ie halve i ilatiog- f tp T JyaCMeMtilq hire ateek 4 exetsato- IJa A end M t zrmiBed one ii pepktxr arltiaen a pteas aA 14 n14 GNn1 fi is V Ia Pr via A v W T e + paying crops ray bushels ieside two tons foi- la Florida wbero othe failure fcrou makes excaHentfood iot twenty flvo cents per pa packages for one dollar B SSt 210 Riverside avenue Jacksoisvllle 7- 1Atl nt 8 JOB Ifflt Boons all on On tbei American WOO t 800 but otb r Li Peaohtree Inn OeOlgI4 Honda Hsaaars ACCOMMODATIONS iKithr Good tlMlHld 11to fDaor n1 14 kIt t l- IP ACb I JmU heh Pet tI- At their mu tit to cuarlr lIIutWlt r Arou- lMs ri J 1- fl Oo- a edtlne shell When Y Beesa nt fen day- Room vdithoetMaeis Tod to f- a at 3u tr s A potae rptiet d tkp- a 14 debacriwI- 41 sltb- Uerifwe a Inst that t SsTara wonld tr A41r ki- fya ey 5ra6 fa OUil6 s tG L Ytsx kt r1 Y- syrtu °

It tav o irf mufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00110/00186.pdfThe Metropolis has tills to say in re-gard to Senator Calls legislative course Senator Calls resolution to recognize

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Page 1: It tav o irf mufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00110/00186.pdfThe Metropolis has tills to say in re-gard to Senator Calls legislative course Senator Calls resolution to recognize

tfcns ao ur


Blrtk B st


UidJL asiiiojied AliPorA-



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ll7ft r ietlrt AttJ k tIr7A tnsat


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tor uHJUST-


0 i 5tiIM aSMI1 R D

aoM Rk Igftg Cp r i lUlsi1119y


C Itieligioo 6leartl t YMJ


LTSM il k BU-

r Months nM

Whether the freeze of lait wintertflll lo be an fcdvan

o a disadvantage to orange

section of Florida Will probablY depend entirely on the action

the farmers in imbraclnsr theIr opporlunllles pee advantage already made

manifest I that tile of Putnamcounty will again depend en-

tirely on aRT one product however

profitable for ft llrellhood That haz-

ardous 8T lem ot farming once preva-

lent throughout the ntlrfl South Is

gradually toaoffilnjr extinct and li be-

ing followed by a more profitable sen-

sible and Independent system of

diversified fanning What the people

of the tobacco growing regions of Vir-

ginia and North Carolina and thegrowing States of South CwoHfla

Georgia and Alabama were a genera-

tion In learning by slow experience

was the orange growers of

Florida by one stroke of the magicof Providence which brought

destructive polar blastBtato end destroyed the semitropicalvegetation Including the staple tho

While experience has plainly

showed the value of farmluff It Is clear to a close observerthe ipost independent class of agrtcnl

who besides growinguil articles for home con

In a degree onji staple croptho value Of which Is clear to thegrowet-

It U confidently believed bythose who have Riven the subject

and tested theby well conducted experiment

k this State and especiallY this eeoi Now ftl ton of it Is peculiarly adapted to the

ronvtfi of tobacco of the finest grades

Ono cigars In flavor colorAnd texlurt to the beet grades ofCuban tobaccos

lAit ihopcojije of central SouthCarolina became with rau

cotton nnd a great manyof them made tobaccocropi and although they realized nineAnd ton cents for their cotton and soldtobacco at the usual prices the lattercrop was fw moro t6

grown inBouth Carolina doesduce a this

It muqi coarser in texture yet It is the money crop

There Is scarcely an acre of land inIflorida outside of the awanipa that is

adapted to either orwithout tie use of commercial fertili-zer and the thousands of of wildlands will yield large cfopa of thisproduct many Ywus clearingwith but little lortllizlnili

It Is thoDgbt thut imported seed fromtuba will glvo resnlu and

ftttd Fenlnittlar ttaU ad to lur-rjUh any amount of aced

v Any will drained laud 14 tuluola fori c wUichalionld bo burnt

n farilio tpnci The seed shouldJ la February or March one

being BWutrt nt for one hundred

be kept enoughto sprout tbo seeds lham

car MU to giiaw WV4W0 norta oTS c ieeMSAtnr In growing


ar ad artAtl m 0 S T to

I iiroperly although wnoiMtwlJ

hMO been kr

wblh wnlUug for

i ft fk u rjiB wvni sadKHlrtitl griWS

m icb Will wises binikw ugain vglc to tea nod

cuoii a prOnpuuu comiiiluu-

ruvi only be rujplfdit

JIiU is tryp wrs MreiibiBk i c T


VoBid northy t fnWiMMO lKf

j 1ijtaxvxti JI XS-

I tf j

1 tfr

tttrllljjjtlbpri9 i

7 te5 L ru L









t la


t t1ltalugin nddl loli to

llmt d


c AttainI Urt1ng Q-

tHd hoe been that tobacco grown

Both i lJ equal for the mannreot

j g i1vccp1e


pflbb Ie PhD

than InState and Is

I with




ti over



I q aro t bade



It cqult1oJ


tc to tileait

ftiH 4Ifuec

111 fI1t rr1Ai brieA1-

n 31g QHI CIO

Thorl lit tbet tt4


lII tad





thA f ill

IUl y Iud weludedAll rget6btit

C r t2WI Uj w



r t


a4L17L 1rt t

Tai TIMES I1t BALD Publl hers

IraUbh gY r5nt Street

rAI r1CA11LA irnc 1818os


st3ssgalr N

anbsvnptlcnaCyetnad cC-

Oxorncco A IiTAPitE






thor-ough ma-

ttersulk tai

thetin proven


state totil



larger yield

not tobacco



the authocjttee tf the 1lprida



be Arwar outs o

yr and the IigbLly cavcrud 1Rlthbruah or lat vb1 After lhla


suit keeperowiag It rocs not r4IIrvatiy por

P-An irY

doea e

rra liatailara aedI tot Mil tier vsty ex-

xiavagaat pet e La lme



is arch putrnitu-

n ImeI RI

5S fie Iq IIO S lireruu ro MTR7rrt-

t t futId urtY tutu

coal two to-



te wff searej boa

Itrn u urupp-

r Vii a I ai

auld tFFty alts bypIasi-U le lastngtfsesalu 4 dI0i A-

a oneIy ahtt Plelro ul e 1fdt d b ate


> °








< >









A Ottoprinters of w

for twob

appropriation for inpajftlo budding aV-

Tbo man woo thatthe wntor that burns ftt

must have Indulging litfe-

frilly IR Ore

Sully Havwanl has hiscrime A is usual with condemnedoiurtler r he Unmated wasgoing straight to glory

Princess Lt of China has a thousandpairs of iboes There are a thousandwOtoen In this country wllh prettier feetwho have no shoos

The hanging of Unity Hayward wiltprobably soon be followed by exe-

cution of the other two of the famoustrio of criminals Holmes nod Durrani

Senator native Floridian con-

stituents wlll hardly bethe way in which he infersnllally reproftcbed 8p In forYecognialngthe lateConfederacy

A number of wealthy Georgians willpresent Atlanta with a marble 4ust ofPresident Cleveland Should thePresident become a candidate for re-

election they will glvo hint the marbleheart

The most cheeky exhibition of simonpure gall that hat perpetratedlately upon nn innocent and

public is the Republican at-

tempt to Impeach Hmistnr Bayard formaking a speech

boulh Carolina Isplay Ing hard linesNo sooner Is she tit of the copslttutional convention than her fait namela clouded by report of one of themost barbarous Outrages of moderntimes

The Governors of various SouthernStates in their annual messages to thedifferent UgUlatnres recommend strin-

gent laws against lynching Would nota strict enactment of the prevent stat-

utes be sufficient

Senator Darbys prophetic announce-ment in retard to tho is re-

ceiving considerable attention TheMetropolis says State Senlkor Darbyof Palatka makes the announcement

next President of tho UnitedStates will Democrat With wehad faith to Senator aprophet A

The Metropolis has tills to say in re-

gard to Senator Calls legislative courseSenator Calls resolution to recognize

the belligerency of Cuba is on a parto Improve the 6

river at He hasof it notwithstanding the Im-

pediment to navigation has existed foryears attention continually

it There are three votesPutnam County to be cast for tho nextUnited Senator and there are

voters now in Florida whowill vote tor members of the legislaturenext year See


The ravings of the Pharisaicalhypocrites in tome sections of thecountry in regard to negroes beinglynched m the South for committinga horribly crime are mischlejoui inthe extreme At a mas mooting atDpston recently Tr Downingwho regarded at a bright and shinIng light that of nHrarslviJIzalion exclaimed j it b rJ cw-

sary to resort to flaming orpoison or the sword ta wm ay

was received withword of

sympathy for Use victimtho lustful brutes atrocity MrDowning taay to informed that theonly wliy to stop the lynching of no

es ta to stop the negroesmitliag tbcle atrocious crimes Heplay furthermore add to his elaek atknowledge that as there exKtlu the S9iWb wen who are worthy tpossess wives

f r f nrThe TtNMMnEJULD hflttday edin wilt b read by nearlyi m JHrta ii ooMrr cn reed


i jmjiurHt-

wjwft fcr wo mwtiw w wneiBir w

i f j n


is to no

IJnmp c z









boabelieve the



n4j mil

l l eenl1ment


trorm com


sad tbrbatrlua meL With



M 4-



tTtlA TOMIG-satt1ar jWlCf

J kftedtI

are to j


IIt 1 i

i I

clue a sober

Senator roe aeogro


wrote story about



that he








the brpiida

enthusiastic applause 1i p aww3

slot nwilll


every perwho

nA7M0 bit

Itl la rise


lmm wireed riapt 18 tins

R tr Ir Very Y1l















BAT UMA iTiarrra flee 12-

Mt1 A linker has disposed of hisHeejirs Crockett-

Bcribne Of Maine Who I

present site Sutely oldkeopa well abteast with anvtho State iu the march of

progress With tha new Industriesalready assured und others that aresure to bllow W0 will soon have thebanner county ot Florida for the va-

riety of our IndustriesSo mote It be1Mr n A Hodges Is taking in the

Atlanta ExpositionOur live merchant T V Kinks is

busy getting in his Christmas goody

It is A shame that the JT K WBllroa4 keeps tho depot hero closedwhen it tccelvcf more freight fromthis than any other place of likesize on the line

Most of the orange trees made a goodgrowth the past summer and beingbanked now the growers ctfnfldeatly-expeet good bqddlng wood in thesprint Jta

This Worlds Fair Tesshowed no baking powitiso pure or ao great In loan

tatng as the

Cuticura BeautyT-o preserve purify and beautifyThe Skin Scalp and HairAnd restore them to a condition-

of health whenDiseased nothing Is soSo so speedily effective


Portfts applications

Great CUre and mild doses ofCUTICURARiSSOLVENT

the new blood purifier

Conunlgslonois Sale

an AND nit VJUTUB OB tare o

OonstraCtltm Idecree In MtM u ini-ot Mia 1utnnBi osdorelgoed M

ojpoM pubua eatery foir alo tothe en or

IBM saidtint Mond bttveea tbuvCul Mie before the umtt lieu

allot the following wuta tarltt-24t if land lnto Mocks In tM Towo of hart

rutnun Morton ugrtidii tfotwln-uttely W

of of tbft lust tfBeo 1 a K

Also t tb wise tin utd otthe Town t mantislutonnUBntyVMrl of

m fawn tMrt bgr pproxJm aat

Mtntf naj lie


iefcofKeo ftb nnirT ESa M u

a Ow tt J417 M I



r thereetjI itl1l1Dg

plantPqtIla 1




pow l Royal



Ass erer

Sold fI1DtI nl10111I it Portunll



cnJId tttl4th t J s lIa ftI kIt

the AIaCoII tlaad tbatile re

egOIS of theecl N

1e DAYtile

1UIIItrhOIl of

th4 laJtkaFlorIda tttUta a

sheen acresQ the to

tilt and the n

all thersii IIUtc1



titof tics Q If the ncUhII

and w st of 4lit 11 25

Mors OJtJ 8Il twIlIOrthld t t WIeg n T s It e alld

awes n of tkT B 1

and II

urnIM1 1reo fitl1I

TklA t iflt lMl FGll1C-

gtbnMremeaeu T1ha

milling utereatto

n will erect a largeon the

county in




kttiC v




me Conovsaass pap

sun post Bete Batos-sboat tas poaey n tbfe

nUantA rtrrxau

bly the port Ibtbaq r


will s aLa is5Th



i ust uthe e

nald raw

lots lant

the thenthe naythd at W ley and aw oO

of soy s alt Mfg

4eo t ceoIaJntee rufns

I ee thes-eDee od IFM

A D 341 auraof the e see is

Iy9D twisty

max ilt tit ac tr







l FlJ IM BW H ld Houw withnit lend toots r lnMiuMoton widi em toil ball 1S1-

ml wort or at or oripD-NKUf toW liloek iMMUfnw u

wd tot tfblolirt Geld bow wow laud ji r t i

fiHilltla my in cir f

VwWiMrBAIurb imwbMO it il kbat UM la or wlibtn

Nt or Ti liklf A KuC umi true

I la bid for uy ami at Midnr IK tunraArl

7 n

oe bolt tateret u 4t fortsRare ware orIbalsa s w

T L 5 taae6 x a e I6 es x t7h t-

AIe hMm abd to en

11 Doty to sI 1e lot dt4u oSf sionk f a-

inIII sO

r aNn tt

RetS wIf Iwo 1rc

toldE t n the

a au m w rs less

rl tbtIt F

ese Of

ti auerlfW 4t rut a er j-rre of I I 11 sop etutl

w Ia

y Tile txfu sj51A s

iQIerims to tts0s1t

Tee0 I t esis 1

lIa fjeesia

1 airs ibvlt p ti Qamhii-

tdtA in td5


in I ait ti-



hSnr R

7 Zrl








Hifhwt ii tav iiSag Power Latest U Gort Report


cnrins Store iho Y F S IV K of First rrcsbT-

er just re The qhrJitlan Endeavor In liolinSc-

at Thursday night dhsolvcid and r ring goods o and elected ft pin

at vary flddbt corps cfoDlccrs andand now fully wjmppji for thwork in hand The following officersand coamltUc elected


l J This remedy is indorseilifephysicians prescribed by them

all overPositively guaranteed to cure the most

stubborn cases The formula is publishedplainly on every bottle As a tonic it is I SUB


Fojf Female Complaints andBuilding up sys

it acts like Tryand be convinced








1tt Great dim breathHad DOJ step on either sloe tor

tyro rears now I sleep egnndlr In nJU UoiiTBt-

niB1XTSMT Notrr Public








0 I






v I


Wu II rheumatic for la month Tf1nqtJ llcfttlit WeliI Tex or ij I

Ark lafll4lDJrondl but e lanl Wlfr tT

fOdAl fW 1If jli1t

rt 1

n they D

tor t1I JII 0111111w hrr I

wear Remed1 com n


Kali S o



the s o

Ibo wall ltnowit ttenetshoe

yrk alarge stud on with the lrstPresbytcrlauchuich hrsthe latfel cc t

full andcommltteoe

to die rothis

all for trio

ensuingIresi i

Ft r


ip MI



a bottle

I aatterer 5 y

from MlnoralM doctor Iec loo ae nrt-

advfl L urnar ltq coo awdj man t Ill

of itlltaee rc dip Grocers relisobleToe-ladoried bX II rsaatsna


tali and of


i s11 u

iel r

t8woratoandrebeatibe OTe

k pith p easDo eru tag i f

warless res etfiva re ted rasenp e wtkeof tsrp4 2Uwn

pErana 7 e6atn 11U u tNewaeBarsnytW a


tiry U


sane 8 5


a Il









The steamer eBarry ranat take and W slightlyInjntcd She arrived at Palattft Jhours late on Bnnday In coni qucnc-

Or CrMffi PowderWorJd Felt aUdit Award

Excursion I

reduced rat 0 to all Summer Resorts

at FEKKS Drug Stofe opposite ootort

house j

Deputy Shorlff ah Was Jn the citywith a haldoz a7enr floe

ptrfi whtoV Were

the n Mr fen Mrthese fish ore very nljjntUutlfii Uf-

ietutts Pilk Tbowels and produce

For side headache bI4i-

ousnesfe constipation and kinkdr d tnib blut curtTUTTS Liven



Wednesdayp c le its




Ped ff i

by otaal tJI

theA1 Body


I3al hit

TlckaG tarthe Snatmer


oaughtrte r

saysriver boar

a4U a-

1Cet ile y tcmiierfecfor-der 1t c a of

Liver rag







fo ttJI-

IOTJ1 Port

x ewt-

ir Cetsn o1A btIeaMrdtparttntit Ihn R is-

IaI fNeltrMJ-aw fhd is dqa

r r tYstNdrh otl P-

wtLeeu a r l IN ow KY

117Nse aiowXriD Ufab40 1r ttlnVaYLLI 14-

1ltdeai r e tote

is tI is nl VI 1fA r

atJiIsta3r setao f Pt1twa It lIr fsir a4aatke-

aAr Art ontila tr 11r totg4R aeS II s rpitlattr 51513 Ttb abdy nr I

Ina t a tr

I IIrt xL



Itbyett Setwctftt WwiJ

ITS U I-j ono wood endanM tad la tuJ

d rwenwitlM tod platformmike red or buck etk Ut

Can abow tlw two W by

n jjr4

tiiuJA ij

poiu f Bc other

wM verk shout uUry hbuwFor wo t work



tor rVxAIti W XKlne-

U tufortctag fwwa rectaIttUMI r-

Mr P idottr of Pumon

the rtry M Bii 7 and suede tto


The oil


One DOt1JIrB Site atI-

tIIII wood

trM1 oakMee for to

13 that

la to

ww Ill kted

tar craP


AM Isrst tiihjllhJ 11-

41IJItctlt1de i04 lJlllrtJ at loa


rr RSON-

E it tJit

u PllltI-

lJ1W GOStal s



O nett

Ij will


tI b I J

11 PI i

ofW lei


U4 prorttteut

t BauC




Orat Rlsco-


tmess wlu


will ua ties s

7edn-TssW ore year SOS

a i5oblOa wooden 1lgoty bsttsul4 M boa


2vii prieav m i i ttepebleprodt wigt it Dote

bIo of wood of wberere

M andkind at


Yer stable k-

I1irie rea on to IxaaVl Citq of

ail pfd Eatrepellahtobhtaa 4tido C tY

lfMSlfafDrh YIrMrlrrtI

i1 DAINsI of Yr srs3Ji PaIdrtrtF-

As byva ehiegtea to 40





ptj yAt2lttleHt-


fetture Sit Als iehalve i ilatiog-

f tpT JyaCMeMtilq

hire ateek4 exetsato-

IJa A end Mt zrmiBed


ii pepktxr arltiaen

a pteas aA

14 n14 GNn1 fi is V Ia PrviaA




paying cropsray bushels

ieside two tons foi-

la Florida wbero othefailure fcroumakes excaHentfood iottwenty flvo cents per papackages for one dollar

B SSt210 Riverside avenue

Jacksoisvllle 7-

1Atl nt

8 JOB Ifflt

Boons all on

On tbei American WOO t 800

but otb r Li

Peaohtree InnOeOlgI4


iKithrGood tlMlHld


fDaor n114 kIt

t l-IP ACb I

JmUheh Pet tI-



titto cuarlr



lMs ri










Beesa ntfen


RoomvdithoetMaeis Tod to


a at3u



potaerptiet dtkp-

a14 debacriwI-

41 sltb-Uerifwe a Inst

that t

SsTara wonld trA41r ki-


5ra6 fa OUil6 s




r1 Y-

