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Page 1: it CARR~OZO,. LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY: SE~T ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · r ' . • • ' ___ : : ·-. - -"1" ....."--.---·--·-'"-----~---·_·

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• • • W;ttt~ II, -. Pntsmn Mto P;uHdpl.teJ fn the 1ng ~t~4 Pil!.g(ng .of Be~


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aynoptta.-'Xbe autbf?~ of til,.. ul Otlletlll' Ill the- pto-llet!ra' eo~ of .tJle OenilU ~ • . IDJ to tbt enlloetl'll' c:orp• ot tht ODltea UQlJI, ft MQt 11\to BeJ&Jam. Wltb the ant Gel'IIWl tcn'Cel lDTadlq tbat coutrJ. JG()o raat ot tb.tr dNttnaUon or ot the reuona for tlltJr acttou, ~· Off.. man 110ldlera eroa t!Je border and attack the Bt.liiR .oJlltvt dtftDCJ. · loa their trootter. ClvUlao.l-mtn, women and dlJidren-ve ctrh'eA from their blml1DI homH U the ZeppelJilJ 04 lfant l'tiDJ of tQ Gfl'o IJWUI rued the .u-onnat tortU1caUona. Til• 1tnnana nr~ on aCfOII BeJJiam, llaJina and borntna onder order~ ot tbelr ,oft'lcen co aow ao merq. Some German 110ll1ltl'l who tried to aid belpleu retuc ... wu. rebuked bJ tbeJr o1Dce., ooe of whom t1edared tbat JUeb • UJ1q at! Plb' wu lnanltJ, .

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Mrs., _____ --. ~. _ _ . _ . was ~~ulde-nect· .. ·. -- Tuesa~y~ ........

-- ·1lfe:--r~Mtc~--'1lhe~llnil~--- ·_ _ ~fltj death in. an' .~Uta $ccident rte~ . tena, • Mr_$., Crel9s w~s home.-on_ a~~ visit,, --artd- a~-~~t- _ _ _ _ .- _ _ s~e and hel." si3te.roro.ve ·Free• ·

. J!gJ:t f.qr a, 4l1Y~~; outius~ · _ .. -- -returning- hom~. about i-.0:~ · ot ·to the-- ·

· a8 they -~e~red th'e 'Dl)U farm on - . . \()f' the Vvar in · the outskb:ta "of 'Lena1 -the · -· whlcll the ,.:pnit~d ~~~t~ _ ·

s_werv~; dnsbed ln~ au 9m.b~nk~ .. tntl.Y be ~ngaged, . \Vith in;. . ment .und ovprtllrne.d so tl1at · :wnt.by l.iu~h \CUrtailment to was faeing· in tlfc1dire.etion .from - 'c\ipple or hinder thQ_ Unit~d -which it eame. · . -- .• _ St;ltes hl.tbe J>tOScc\;tian Qf

The f~rce of the jar thrt)w ~irs. _ the war,- shall--_ be punieh~d <Jrewsro tne gr(junu, dent}! re•~ suiting nlmost·inetnntly (roro the irijuries ree~ived.· ~ The · cause of . the. accident. ia not ltnown. . Miss Bucln:mm, wllo

-$10;000 or _ for not more than tw .. ;mty years ..


. wns driving tbe cal'~..c says that jt . < . •.• • -~=<>-=~b . was done so quicldy tha~ she was --:c:-: ~~!.,Lieu~ · · .;_'(!9Dilelt , ·· -unable to accoqnt for the :misad- Tne Recruiting Sergeants who venture. ~The sensation sit~ e~ .. Were here this \Veek are well ac·

" nerfenced as the big .cnr liUl.dn · · with First "Lieut. Phil. the lunge was as if tho otet!ting- S. O'Connt3H, who was at .one wheel beeanm"'loo2ened, depriv- time foreman of The Outlook.

. ing her of· any control of the Lieut. O'Connell was at the time machine. .. · he w.as eonnect<!d with The Out·

Mrs. Floyd Cr~ws in a daugh· loult, tcmporo.rily at leave from tor-in-law of our Jndge ercws, tho eer,~Jc~ ns. n reward for Ius

_ of Oaeuro, and WM m lady m•Jch seven years nf faithful sovvice, beloved by aU who ltnew her. durin!! which time he had not We deplore the fnct that laclt of only gained the j;Onfidence of space forbids our' alvin~ an ex- his military oe~iorn, but had p~r­tensive account of the beautiful formed mri.ny act£ of loyalty and cbnrocfer of tllia, "miable Indy. courage nftong the harder, which But a few wordnwill ba=ouffieient commended him . tb tho love and to bahow the beauty and sunobine admiration o~ all bin military no·· of her personality. ~ · sociatc::J. · _

A few momentg . before her He returned to tho oervice oev· death ohe turned t9 her com• era! months ngo, ~eing otat£oned

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r-- --~-~-~~-This _Cool ..Weather hM_br'?ug__ht int~bold __ relief th~~ _ . ' . -·-~

S PLENDil> STO·CKS OF THIS STORE . Everyone agrees 'ihat the main- features of interest to wo~en ·

.-· · ... . during these days· are the N~ W S TY.LES -The New Display at this Store Made'tm --Instant and Lasting lmpt·essiolll-:a Showing of

Autumn Coats, Newe~t _aDd :Best Styles·· • , I


Ladies' Suits_ Creating Greatest Interest ! Lovely Crepe de Chine Waists


Are Expressing Greatest Satisfaction With Values and &tyles. .. / .



ENTIREIN NEW. Each and Every Modcl.llas ORIGINALITY •

• . .

T ·E p:mion and onid. "What o happy nt El Paso, and won nt once • • . --~~ --- --~ -~-~ dav we hnyo hnd. '.' placed in eharge of the \1riehine Recrwtinar Seraeanll • ·- . -·

--~--- ---- ~~--~-~~~ • •

Sbo wns of tho disproiUou that Gun Corp:J ns inntrueror. ~ He ViJit C.rriaozo · '" cnrried . m.tll9hina into aU h~r 1m3 ainee b~en l)tomotcd to dif· Sergeants Byaey, Derry and. t\SZocintum.~. Ao obo wao much ferent stationn. or. honor no re· Walker. cerving as a recruiting-loved, oo wdl nho bo ~~ch roisse:J wards ofh mcr1t. • The Outl~k contingent, nrrived here Tnes·

.. • •

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by thoso of her ndm.urmg agsom· ~ ordered a serw1ce fin~: wb~ch dny fmm El Paso. and made ,. atea. ., wtll snon ap~;:n' in tho Se~VlCO good use of the time allotted to

· . Fl~g GnU~ pl honor of Lieut.. tbeir stay. These gentlemen arc · • .,_,

To Amii, Citiunst PhiL ~· () Connell. *' o credit to tho ife&t cause they -. ~ represent.. Thorouihly patriotic aS

·~<:',an ~opening gun for_ tho "To My Own Sunny South in every bonjj and fibre, they go Foorm. Lt~ertY I:tlan, tho Out· Take Me Home:' about Uncl~ sam:s. busine~s in a look contrabutes Us first p3go ~ u- R. T 0 'bb d d . h manner wlrlcb eb~1ta the h1gheot this patriotie endelvot, Now ts ~t!· · • n. an _ aug • of ndmirntion. the tinto for eve{ybt>dy -to pro· ter, ~rpa~-IA~c, left. Tues~ay Serp;ennt Derry hns undergone pare tor the c:oontng battle, "To for pom~ • .m MUWssiptn, Flonda sorviee in France, being sent in A~, CitizcUB!'' ahtlutinst tba and Ma~ma: • • 1915 from Cnnadn, alld his vast

o b:tttle cry of ••t;bei'ty Bonds.'' ·They wnll VJisat. at the gtrlllood experience which he ia fL;ee·in A ~atattfug .wm assure a home of Mrs. f?rJbb nt P~fdo,. giving i~formntion of, in ou~e!!fut~-., Tho Oat- a!te; whldl kh~ Wi!l - nnly of greatibterestto hear ~rmk nhrtu~ the m~:xg~J aht(}ad the relatives of Mr .. Cn~b at· bim·rebte, but it '~niptn greatly an a. bcrntd to tbo eamiogo ef!ort. Pensaoola, FJa., nnd Korromo, in the work he and his officer Fillr in ~·~- -~ --- -- -- ~~~ ~~ - -engag--ed in -whilo-.in ~ ~~-~---1 zenn!" c _ C~zo. If it were possible,

..___....,......, __ ~ Plat Head to The Core we would bo both pleased and E. F. Schee1e,.o1Tucum· - .. LMtMon~a.yG3vernment offi.- benefitted bv a visit from these

. . • ur• .. t. Ti cr ~ c . cmt Tinklepaug~ r..ame over nt <C::ome :futnlro date. U"rl, w•m ra Ull ~· from Fort Sronton bringing with -Warren Sentinef-Len.dar.

1\lr. FJ. F.. Sche-el~, wno ltJr . ·- a lull grown "Jhnburger.,, _ . - = ==· o

man7 ucara hM heen as~aeiated who (ltaWe-red to the name of The Flag Galley Mourn~t


• . r

~met 1ng peCia --•

Its Next Attraction·


with Gttldenburgtg gtner&l · __ - -- --.Brandt, Jttid whO; is c;harged The Fla~ Galley mourns the at Tucutnelri, hu. at1t®ted _ .. evsdinit. tcgiBtra\ion. _ _- ot Roy Hamilton, who is ,. _ _

• •

_J)9:8ition ~-head'C~~of the -- ___ Upon _beJng....,ques~oned, be otn~inlly ~ported killed in action· ''£-mp··----- ·- ty- Doc· ke· t-s'' ~ey-de~nt•t tilt ;_ ~tat:M tUat he was_ op~ed to AugUSt~Gtb, 1918.. .. • .. , -· - ~i , .,

"mtghtr e~~tetW~eed-- in -- 1s _ ar~ _ _ _ becAu~\i}~o~~d -Rol!!r:fl~~f~~-l!£/:! : -Ruper.t.IJu~'dovel~~f- ___ New ¥or . -· ··- -~-- (!~~line, and ia. k.nown b~ - . . . --. __ -- __ . itt ~a~ -~to the dishonor sid~-wit~. bet daughter. Mrs, hustle is . it The fa,.t . tiia't Herbert. ·~- .. :. . .

.. _ great. many , C~mta . lreQille. the Ka1w, unt gott} - _ Catvtn earl. and was a brother of - - ~ .. ' ·~ .. • -_ - -__ - . --··--- .. -"'! · _ - · . _ . . . , ,. __ .. ~ B~wil~ J?ri,~~~~f&tnily hefe ~ ~ .m~~~rUtitn ot ~he fact that QUtlrtta. 'VnJ, SQfilett and Mta.· Brenon is ,the producer whets

~It:. Q ampgements bulimg m • ft~--~!>untty-. doea Calvin Carl-i . ·- __ ·_ _ _ _ ________ -· · • ,:· .. . tnadelot thett fat~ _ _ __ _ _ . ~~~ta!'lolateth~ ~ . Detailsh:WaJ\ottl&l~~trea~hed .. pur .appetite . \)laoo. .. . .. ·' vlsions()r·~e~~~~~~A9t.~ " hete; but a iull.aeeourtf'of Itis ·w~-----E.-.- A'--R--E-. .- ... G ... · o· ·~---N~. G' .. T--o'·_ SE.-- E' IT . •c -·--

0 ' ' .. •• --.. • .. -- .:L...,th, -ftd far· r ild_ thlf\ .t'!,.t1L11J:fiD1_ , .... ,t . . . - : . .. . . . . . ... .. -HF": --.... , ,·-·· dti'""l - Ut:~ QQ ~ v \JVY·'IJ "·-~r.t;:&-4. ~

- ~ - - · -_ - C.Ul Alhe_ · _ rt _ Ft•ftia _ .bt~~- out. will ap· ne_ar--next. -- -. _ · ___ . __ ·_-_-___ >'_ •• _. __ - -_ _ _ _ _ __ - __ ~-- _· • __ • ____ ... _____ ~ _ _ • -~ ·"

· :'··~>oM Anai·f~ttutfl- ·· 'his ill to introduce sou to· v:aek!'jtn Tl1~ Outlook. ·. ~~19 tela· .- SATlJ1RJlA.Y- SEPTEMBER 21 l1 _

· _lot Mark_ · Albert Freemlftt who _ ._ t1.ves. have our mo3t vrofQund . • - _ _ ' • . ~- . ... - _ . q _ . •

Dona Ana' U1untr delt!gates. _ ·at the .hom~ ot ·nr .. 'carl-_--- ' . _ _ __10

: - _ . . • ~ .... •• -~ • , _,

-:f~tga into the ~:~ ing _ n~Ci;1~;~:; «roUn~ · r<Yt:N~~~r:~~-~;; F()t£fma- - . Price& 1 0Q 81\d 20c· ~ · .. , · ..

--" " · Kar~ .. The -_ _ -- · <being • lOJat ~trio~ ·- 'Chlnt. ~an ltav{} same onJ - .· ·~ -- · · _ - · __ _ t'; . _ - , · · · ·· - . __ : -'':c_ •o .- -:c ::o. ~~:!.~:U~ aYOWei3!11:li:!-.r!'lr: i~: •. • • at the ~~=t~~ ,' ,,. ~. --- -- : ; ~~'~~::\V'~J;, ', ~- --- .. , -;<' ' •- . :'

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· Resolutions of Sympathy . i


Geo. !Spa~~ · JU. C. Me•~h ... 0

, Carrizozo, N~'Mexi~~ -:{(!{ .• .• ... . "' tr Sept~mber 1.2tb,;l918~

. GEORGE SPENOEi Lieut. )Chas, H •. Lutz, ATTORNEY,A;t:LAW. Troo~ J?. 6th.Qatral.r""y"-... - -·----

ln BanJL Building· · --~· Phon" No, ... c:c;~:--. 'Oarri~;ozot Ne~ Mexicd ..r- ·. . ,;-.-'Ths Pastot, "'Mcmbera~i ai~d ·

• ..

' . • · .df the Methodist Ohurcl\ . of your home

H. B. HA'~UL'r'ON · · city, \leard last Slitnd.n ev.~~ipg, 'with · Attorpey:at·Lil~ profound l'egret of yo.ur .... ~-,

Oistrlot Attorney Thitd ludioial District ing on the bnttle field in while Civil Practice 'in a.ll Courta . tight.iJ'lg, for th.e CU\lSe ot Humanity.

P!fone 51 Court House •. We assure you, lijr."~Lqtz, that the

- - - New Mexice

• .. · . SETH F. CREWS ·

Attorney-at-. Law Practice in all the Courts

Oc!Curo New Mexicc •


EDWIN · MI!..'CHEM . Attoroey-nt-Law Genpral l'ructico

OCCicc Ovllr Rolland's Drug Store

Alamogorodo ·New Mexico

WILLIAM 8, BRADY Notary P.:bho, loterpret.e~ and Attorney

Before Ju'ltice and ProiJal:tl Courr.

}.leart9f all you~ companions and ~riendf! h(ls been <leeply ~d-by tlhe tradg­edy that has come. into youf · yo~n&t life and . all are hoping earnestly and. . .

praying fervently that·you muy-,. at 11n early date, be restored to health, that your ambition, as a young soldier, to fight the battles of your Country, ..... , be -ugain realized.

It -is thee w1iili c»Eilf1:Tim:Yci\ninay'1 restorl'd to health, to your home and nation.

• Sincerely. • The Membership anfi Friends

of the Methodist Church.

p Carrlzor;o !Sill I~

Carrizozo, New Mexico• September 12th, 191

Mr. and l\1 rs. Henry Lutz, • N~w Mexico Carrizozo, New Mexico.

' ---------------- Dl'nr Friends: -I~H.A~K J. SAGER

lo11urance, N Dtnry Public Ajtera·y Elltablished 11:192

enrriZO!:O oml'e in I~xl'hange I Ba:J k

New Mexie,o,

l>H.. R. E. IH.ANgY, Dl~NTlHT . Exehnngc Brtnk Building

The Pat11or, Mombt•rship and fri<'ntlu of the Methodist Church of this city. asscmblt>~ for evening service Sunday night, henrd \,Vith profound sorrow, of the severe wounding of your .non Cha~. H. Lutz, on tht• battlefield of France, while flghtinJr for hit} l'ommand, for tlw t•au!lt• of humanity, '

l'n rd 1102:0

Wt• Wi!!h tu t'X(lrl'!19 tfl you, nt t.!1lo~ time, our hl•urtfl•l t t~ympathy. and 'io

:-:cw Mcxit•t• ·1 1 , lL!•HU rt• :•uu, t hut Wt• w 1 I prcty t•arrwrl t y l tuad f••rn•ntly, l~ yuur '"'" may •cuut

T. K ICI.;I,Ll•: 'i 1 lw n• .turt•d tu ~. U<~llUI lu·alt h, that £o'unrm1 Director nnd l.iccn~c I~mbalme'r lw rnay ag·uin bt• Jl••rmitlrd to tukt• UJl

./' !'bone 06 tlll' cuuao, fnr which he dNlicntM''bio c · \ New Mcxit-o , ynun~ rnanhund.

• ' . .. - ' . . - . ,.. ~ -~ . ' " '-

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• ·- · ·Blackleaf ~'40".' . -


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The • Titsworth Company, •

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. amt~, · I We will ever pray, .tt bcint't God'~ .. ___ -- ·- - [)~);. UAKE~t will, lhat he may, 4JV(•ntually, bo re·

· Capitan, New Mexico ' •

- .. ,----------. " ---·-----------~-·-- • I' "''idrm nnd ~~~r~~c•c•n In m~ "~·lflt"'t't' uf 'I Y•>ali•! l·<lU)p,

. \t Till• Lut·ar1 llonpstnl .

Office and Ht•!lidl'Ol"l' rtl!JOC .'\o, 7:.1 ocarn·d rmld1er, will) tm~ "fl.lUJ~ht. lht~ ·· ;:============= fight" and "l~cpt tile fuslh'' ur.l l'lll' uf

..-------------~~ our ''Nntion 'o ht•roen."


ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Carrizozo, New Mrxico.

Regular Meeting First W OOfi(.'sday of

Each Month.

All Visiting Stars Cordially In ~ _vited. .

MRS. R. R. SALE, Worthy Matr«>fl, s: F. MILLER. Secretary. ---------------~-

-CARRIZozo LoDGE No; 41~

Carrizozo, New Mexico. A. F. & A.M.

Regular communi­cations for l!JIB. an 26 ·Feb 23 Mar.

23, Apr.20, May 25 June 22. July

Aug. 17, Sep. 14, 'Oct. 19, Nov, 16, and Dee. 14 and 27.

Sincerely youro, Th<> M"mbernhlr• and I•'riendt:~.

ft. T. Crihb, flp.-, nnd 'J'rrw. ------------~--~----Past~ This in Your Hat

There will be a social dance at White Oalts on the night of S(lpt, 2lt't, beginning promptly at U n' dt)t"k. U('-f.r.eshmcmts- will S(•rved and with music- hy Coombs and Mayer, a goud time is guuran teed to all. ,.., ...

Come!! . -- -· .,., -·· - ' ~·---~~

Brockway Can Fix It FoR all kind of House Repair­

ing, Screen Doors and Window11, cutting and fitting srlass: cepair­in" Tables and Chairs, Filing and setting saws, see F. W. Brockway, Box 49J, vaiTl·: wzod New !\iex.

FOR SALE - The Adams Ranch; 2 miles from town. Good improvenb; 18 head of

R. E. Blaney, W. M. S. F. Miller, ~-1 c::attle; plenty of good water.

:sec:ret if taken at once. --------- ----~--..--------

CARRIZOZO LODGE No.30 1.0.0. F Carrizozo, New Mexico.

GJ~,c);~R.T.Cribb,N G " .J/te:::·44. M. H.~Mont-- t!P · gomery-=-Sec'y

Regular meetings 1918- First and third Friday ·each month.

~ · Apply to A •. W. Adams. -

Job rinting +•-/P"e- 7?'9"Co-·h ~~ffl-'l+-

' rerve you with

; :a:~·:::::!~::--:. Se~ u.-· ·l -t-..-7-H·~t1Nl11··nrf'.· in-the 'I+ ~ •.. -

Before litte printed (ioiqr Else- rtqtionery-for 'lc-~ wlaere your business

and pe_f'so-nal '

Leffel' Bea,Ja . Blll Head.

' '

IJ.' J. t."'ARRAllD - J:;...S. COitN

... •

.COR r -· . •

' . ' •

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Self Vulcanizing ·Patch· •

• - •

' .

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1~--~~--------------------~--~ J.,IBERTy. • •


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· o.wt wort)·. · (.Jf!f,.r nrw nf mn: ~ •h'lwim_t'LflllSf'!l ·''LP!t•rl.fnr _ U[1t'_

· on th{• Fourth. Yuu'll lind l'itlwr f!U' hett1•r than ,yi.u. ('UUI!l i•r{,IJuet!.;in i;t.Ur a~n .home. YlJu'V lind nur flrkl•!l, JO(l, tar hi·low . . .

· 'what vuu l'ould ltaTn• n l'td~c •If

_.,l)ii!. ftlr~· nnd it. woiildn't he nc:irly - . .. ·•

. r~ood: • · ; " .. -~' ...

\ I .

,.): ~----------- __ ._ _ ___: __ ... . .

Board of County Commis~joners 00. collect the r9rul tax in this precinct. .. The tax is· $3.00 as­sessed against every able-b9died . man between the ages of 21-and 60 years old. · This tax As now due, and prompt payment of the same is requested. ·

. G. T. MeQUILLEN, 96tf. Collector ·Precinct 14.

. Eaivelopes· Carcb . W eddiu-'" ~tioD.I '

P011ten Gr Almounc:emeata Of All ibltle

. .... - , .

. At !tolland ilros ••. Druggists.· ~---··--·~·~-~---~ ~ . .

. #

We sell Bevo @ $3.25 per cas e > · \ Carrizozo 'trading Co.

. ' , . . '

-~- ;,·

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c . '

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Page 6: it CARR~OZO,. LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY: SE~T ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · r ' . • • ' ___ : : ·-. - -"1" ....."--.---·--·-'"-----~---·_·

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Three at One Haul , .. . ... ,

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KEEPING TRE -...... E fiRE$·. BURNING . West!:a Latest Piddnars'

. -· Offl~ 'Ben · West iis surely an· ~TES ' .

TIRES· ' .

A ea8ing ·ana a tube--these we b.eli~ved were the utmost -development of .the· automo· hUe tire. . .. . . . - _-

' •



Each is important: the inner tube for the air.,. the casing to hold th~ pressure and the Gatee Half~::fole tire to take all the wear of" .. ttie


road·- ·a pt>rfect combin.31ti~n. ' .• ~ ' ., . - - '\

·The net result is that you double your t1re mileage and cut the cost in two.

Jt will pay you to investigate.

· ·lf:b: ~aitofs .and · · desel¢ers _ have trav,.eled m~y miles withmlt appreliension. · wheii they ct>me "flithjn.his boul}­

th~y are. itt ... dead lirre"'' ' ' · and ge 11" furthe~-.They gt' back.

Last Monday ·morning Mr.. West was -i~f0rmed that thr~e

had ooen seen 1urkbig shout · the outskirts of town in s9ldier's uniforms, _and he at once set out on .horseback in ' -_liearch of

--... the ..coldfoot trio. On . nearing the old Peters ·residence in· t.he ·southerq portion o.f town, he saw the objeCts of .hffi search in the act of begging breakfast from the housewife,- who was evident- Here 01 a Uttle btt ot home 'ft'~leh mat be toon<JID P-1 ~'·

-' • r - • • ____.., - - - ..... -

ly thd v._ic_tim_ of some. ''_h~rd I. u. c ... k', !nJlldlns lo the Southern Department.· The big ppeo '11replace, tlle

PE'I*I'ERSON & BUSSING. ~ .. ... · 'Windows, tb&..c9~-C()rDCl"T--aJld.fJu~. nwe femJDID~ •tooohe8 whfcb. .Jlll\'e beeQ

tale trom the men, and ·was iadde4 by friends ot the ~."' ·~1 contribute to the comfort and morale ot the ab()Ut to provide them with a · .mdler away irom bome. .; · ·· \_ . . .




. '• -


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\ ,


. .

' · Here the eoldler will 'ftnd a kppy substitute (or 'Ole bome ftfeslde, 'Witb . ·Tularosa, New Mexico- · ~ - ~ morning meal. -- --- - musle-11' -b~feJS- tt-ihe bome paper . good -mngaztne~ • game ot cbect- ~--

, · The officer placed them 'Under -en wttb bls cbum, ftlld • lot ot otber things that help to make Ufe tnterestlri~

I • ,_

I : I

' '


.. We Pay the Shipping Cost One Way , t?ok the ~io to jail where'. for the soldier. . Thl.B Is the Boclnl room wlllch, may oo found tb nearl:r ev~r:r u ·-lb -=== n th h n C · Ann}' Y. M. (l, A. b'llt. This pnrtiCUlar one l8 enjoyed by :eoldlers from the

.., a::==:::~•<IIIIID.· •0 •·D~G ~e:::::::·: ~:::===1:!1 ey gave t e names .-ete~ raJ- SOlttbwestem state!! at a Texns camp. . . \ gim, Lin Dow Davenport . and • The beadquarten' omces or the 'Southern Department. .lfJD1 Y. a 0. Ala

-------------'"""-~-.----~---. ,---- George H. Nutting. They · are ... at a. . .et:Onto, Texas. WUUim E. Adan:s ~ Ule crttvUYe eec:retaq.


Barnett FEED Store Retail~

Hay, Grain and Feed Stock Salt, Oil Cake


od and Coal· •

-Prices owest and Service Best


on their own coofession, desert- _:_ u _. ::."" .::::. _ ..

ers f~ Fort Bliss. being ~v- · · - · · ·- ·· · ·· - -aJey. ~cruits, and baye been at large f~r four weeks. In consid­-eration of the time consumed in making a distance of 144 miles they must have walked the great­er portion of this distance, in. order to e.scape d-etection.

The · proper military officials were notified, and the men taken

· to the place from whence they came. Mr. West should have a medal; he has,arl'eSted m~re de­eertera than aiiy one official in the wes'tern -country and if all railrrond detectives were on the alert and wa~hinsr for these

Fulf Line of Nyal's Remedies Constantly on Hand


. . -

- ftfle!.lt • •

· . Drugs, -


Toilet Articles, Etc. Carrizozo New.Mexieo •• - •

Cani~.ozo, New Mexico as Mr. West bas been

ther~ would be le~s desertions, and duty would be more in con-

""-----~-------------------.J sideration. • ----Look ! Look ! Look I Look! REME.MBER: •

~==::ace ===\::;=a• o~ClD~<JD~cr===::ur==' =.:=: ::11~ . \.7 '\l

L ' . '

• fh·· wg..; n:lt\; If \I~Ac:F. whnn i'•JUr Ford Car hC<'<In Otlt>ntion. We . ' oiT•·r yuu 1a;~IJISI·; 1~.111[) S!l:llVICI•! noel f>'ORD PArtTS. and our pri''"f. ur•• olandar.J. ,,ulh H'ltt• J hy lho FurcJ Motor Co., nm:mring everyone of h. · u11d...rm pr,.. • 0 l1 ({ M 1~<~11 AN IC'S A IU( l•!"' PEUTS uri t:urd t·wrlt,\ ~-lwh IU<"<llt" ~h·"- so~•.J.r r<1pai: .work will br> duno rirrrat. nntf wt• nlr.u gonr· \ o•1tt•t• all w11rn. Urinr. U'1 your f>•unl rmd we will t~nvc you tame und monl'yr.· ll.~r .'\<'coulry Jl.•J•arWil••nL io the m.,at.up-to·cln~i~ .n1ry. _Ht~ HI ani lin <>·•WtncoJ l•'o~Jrle nnd Cord Tirt><l lt••Jlillihr. Cimu • (!¢,>(-n··o. l•'•r•••t ,.,,., f'<>JAral, United Stnt(•'l. ·In ntll.t''l fur niii'Or!l. '

ll•·a IJI'lrl<>rll (or ('nrrtt ·~ ,.Jt.,,.w,•IJ Whllf' Lirw Htni)r> ('Q. 9 OPR MOTfO Prompt nnl Effirif'Dt Scr~tiet•. "'

• 0 '

Bedsteads, .Mattresses, ·Go­Gart..G, Combination Chair and -:-IU>p Ladders, Furniture. --N. B. Taylor & Sotl9.


--- "---

. ' Garrard & C-orn have made some radiral changes in the old Johnson Bros. Garage. We now have a first ~· -


Y o11r Opportunity

THE DOLLAU Dt'J.LSEYE 10 th(' tnra{lt (l\'f'ry nmbitiou9 IJunnw:-~ll mnn nan:o ot - ond ml!llll'll, it h(l hm1 not t h(l eP. op(lrotion of o tJnnneiolly •mund and rc9JIJ)JIDihlt· ccmmercioJ bonk like- ours. ('(lfiotdt•r thl' foeill­tlt>o, tht> eonveniencu1, thE> JITrll·

tige of bnnldnu your doily fur:ds with this inntitution. A cbt>d' Inc ofcount here · i9 o bctlgt> or commcreinl honor.

' . -··N. STATE·BAN-K~

• ••• GROW wrrn US ...

Dancent Whi'tc<laks sure! Oh my!!

. ' .

,. "'-· ""c;" ~ ': ... I

D. • Rnvin!t located !!1 the b_uilding Phone 6 for a~ytbing to eat. adjoining the office of\V. W. Patey 4 H~bbs.

• - ...... -

Stadtmnn: on Alamo. ave., I am ·To TradQ- Somo goOd work ·now ready with a · full-lintn>t' ft;lll horse! and wagon, for· late mod~l . millinery nt priee9 tll~t will SUr· Ford car in gO(Xl condition. ~Boo prise Jlnd quality t-hat wnt eatisty or address .M~x 9roglcs, Car·

. you. -=Mrs. A. V. Atla~~~ ~ izo~a; plione 1~..:id! . -· · '· ' . . '

,., ...... - . . ·, '• -~-- -· ----- ' 4- ' . • . .• .

' .. • -

'! -

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-.. ~

-------- ----~-------. . .... . . '

• "'·• . . ' '

' . - ., <


' '·

' ·' ' .

--' 4 •

cla.•:ts mechanic, who is doing

All Kinds -ef Lathe and Machine~.

W-ork •

Act>tylene welding and battery work. We also have a first class blacksmith who does all kinds of \VOJ.'k in tllis. line. that; comes . into tho· gami.re. - Have. you noticed the new Dodge toadster which Pete PhiUips is driving


through G:nrar4 & Corn? •

\Vc luwe a mechanic for every line of work · and thGy ···know ·their

:-.businees~send in your . ' ' . k .

Wor ----- ..... ' ' ~ .


' .

Garrard &CQrn . - I .

. ' '

•· -•''



., It's time to retire ~gain, but be .. fore. you retir~ come in and let us show you- the FIRESTONE line. ·Following, we qu · te C r Owners ~et prices on_ E­STONE ttres and-tubes.-·-.-------------·-30x3·Round Tread Cases $15.55 3 o~ r .:.z » " ~ H- " -~ 19.7 s 31 x3 1·2 '~ ~! " 21.5 0 32x3 1-2 " ,., " 23.50

· 31 x4 " " " 31.00

• •

32x4 " . " " 31;so 33z4 " " " 33.00

't . •

• -··- -'1 ' . '

., " " , •

$18.00. 23.00. 24.60.

·: 27.15. 36.20. •.

. ,, 37.00. . 39.00.

• •

/lA '(!......, .._. ~n "·ouRS is. ' ' - '·- ' ' ' .. ~. "•.

~ ' It • " • ~;~. ,.;, - ..,.h;- Qf . ..

- -~-----.


: I •


. . ' ' '

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" .


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• . ' . ...

Gray Tubes 3 .. 20 ' 3M- ----. 3.95 ..

--- - - .. -

4~20 5.20 5.35· . s.ss


. . ill .

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·- ,-

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Page 7: it CARR~OZO,. LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY: SE~T ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · r ' . • • ' ___ : : ·-. - -"1" ....."--.---·--·-'"-----~---·_·

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~- - • • <.t~.JUtlZOZO OUTLOOK. • ,.



fi ~· ~·­. ; ' ,.. -

w!tb tbt} t\ic! p.f ."- dog, ' . h~trle' of his ·mother r AIrs. arnnm .

eecoyrr.u·c_m, ~:Ji~:r~H~e h;~~~ Fl;~::r$~o. 14. ~eanng two stnrs,

an . shall be d~plny!!d 11t• the home of J, E, Farley, and last by· his dtiu~hwr. Mrs. [. D. Balcer,

6 ~~~e-ll· ,9,1llf4 day ...;:-...;....__, r-o ·, su~t'ise to sunset Mnfen;IJ:· 68 · · . Jaguary . ope!l~ seasons prescribed

"'i; t!f.t'h f,t''t)l~pQStoffice .~n tbts regUlation, .by the Umifeo. uM~r•t.®--.1;\ot Qf M · 4b·a .1879 .1n the number permitted. by .J~o/.:1' ,; ,, : , ,: . ; • • • • . ll.li. ~ 1 u.nd :l hereof, respect!'.'~·

bf honor ·of her husband, " I. D. ll<ilt~r and her b~other, Albert F.~rlej~,

. · Flag Nq.·(~. :. Flj',ing !It. .. .borne of. • ·and ltl;rs. T. J. Straley, ·bearing

two. &tars, ln bpnor. of th.eir two sons, 'Dhos. and ChllB. SpiU'geon, nt Ancbo. · ...

Flag No. 16. At the home of Mrs. R. T. Lucas, beari11g the single .. star in honor .of her'liuaband, Lietit, R. T. LU('R.S. . . ~g.v£lrilsing for~li elo;~Qo Wedncada.y "~ ly, .when &Q takend, eac

1h . spectthcs

"'~"'Wht'7ftllt •cloila Ttiu"iid·~..,..nr "rit~' • any ay < ur.rng e · t '\ 1~ i r~sr.ectlve seasons herem pre· Flug No. '17. .At the home of Wrh.>

•o nut r~c.e've YP!lr papp~ ro~~:uii.U'IY,fll~Mauotlfv J.!CI'Jbed t . 'llDd for un additional Bnrnt•tt, in honor of ~um and ~1llill ·~ P~bhsber «J Adver_tlslnl!~~~n;.J}pllention_ .n.m:io_qpf ~en.~av.!l next Slll!Ceeding snid

"" . - ""'"' broUwr~:~ nf Wm. Barnt•lt, and Hoy ·f SUBSCRifflO~ 8A opVVa~~~~~~l: The open season for Hamilto,u, a brother of Mrs. B~trm•tt .• •NE YEAR. m Advance • $2.00 Wntcrfowl (means ducks of ull kinds, Flas.r No. lK Bear>~ two e<tars, dill-\ !(X MO~THS lllAJvonce • - • fLQO except wood· d1,U!~, eidt!t' ducks. and played at ,the home of Mrs. Edith 1~. t , swans) coot. galhnules, and Wilson . Smith in h n(Jr f h ..t .

·---- ' snip~' or jat-ksnipe tihall bt> as follc)\ys: I' . ', . 0 ~ <>r wo sons, ~- <>Ffi'CE PliO~E NUMQt:R Z4 Okl Arizona and New l\1t•xlco Orviilt V~rnon, 1.0 the nrmy, and 4RIDAY :3EPTI,~MBI~R 20, 19 HL. ht'r 1 to I>l•(•tmlbcr Iii . Cecil Hammond, in ~ht• na\'.Y-. _ ' · . . . · ... c.. ~·. -A 'fit'rstm nmy -tttlre tn Flag No. 19. At .Utc n•siden('t• of

• !

~ ... .


Best Accomrnodati.Oils . For . l't ' .'-i·

AU The People •

All The Time •

c ' - . '

., • •=~~t .. -·-·;.

~-~_-tr-, :·

··-~ '

; .

' ' ' I

. \

. I

\ .. 4

Market" Affords . Table ·supplied \Vith Be~t -;.:l'be .. ' . • .. • . . .

• " ..

• • '.

• ..

at·errial· . '

I -+

With u. Jarge stock uf build in•,.. mateda! we ----. --·---+------1 '- - . ' .... e. .

~·- --·'"' .. ·-- - - ~ , , · one day during _tlw open st;nso~s pr~- W. l'. l\h!r('h:tnt, in hurwr of hi>~ a!·e n.ble to ~i ve you good sei'Vi<·e and so-•

• • •


. . "


• ---~·

, .. •

' ' ...

"· n" .. -

• •

ribed tl~l·r•·fur_ m Regulatwn l not · · tn N'ceed t.he following-number of mig. two >~()nil, Bornard R. and Ralph W.

~~~~~dY.affaJJ}c~b;r~~~~~t~}~lc~l;;,>~~.;~;;~e I l\f~~~:~uot~. ~ .... ~~~t~-:~ f 1\1 . in tlw aggrllgate of all kinds. (,c~·lle: . ~ • ~ orn: .• o . rs. F.ight In the tWt~rt•gntt• of tlLl !owls. I :11!-' ~,.6'Conn••ll. h••:1r~ tht• !\In (tit• t1tnr I ltuiiH; I 'out und · <;uJIIIIulut~: Tw~~1ty- I tn hnnnr of her hp•tlwr J anw'l Curpl'n• fivt• in till' ag~n·Jate of ull kmd11.j tt.>r. !\lovt••l to I~l l'u•t1 Blat·k-Hl'lli••d unci nvldt•n PloVI'rN ural' Greater and Lt.>mwf'Yollnwlt>g>~: lt'lftfll'll\ I~lug No. 21. At the hume of K W, in the uggre1tu!.t• of ull ltir.!:is. \\'tl.'1on' Harris, in b.mor uf ~i~~ tam-in-law J snip<' ·ot Jn~·ksnirll': Twt•nt~·!t\'t•. I Johmum.rm•l h"artJ.t!m.mll;~rit.ttr.

~l:tmrmng 1lt'1d wtrlt~:•wmgt>d· t. I•'Jn r No ., I At t} • ·h h~ f Twt•ntv-liVl' in th<' aggrcgatp of g . w-· I~ ranc l nt• 0

• • ·lirit.the trade gJ th~ _people .of lJncoJn. . ·---------- .--- ~ --- -- -- ----

county, (, . , arr1 zozt> anJ !l,ujan·nt .. towns.


F·oxworth~Galbraith Lll.lmber. Co. Q. R. Stewart,

• • . '

both kind". ./ j P.M. Juh·a•' 1, b !:&rin..r t•·-:~"'i'i lr.i in Wht•n information is fnm 11ht•d tht•, honor of <>onq, [•,.t,•r a;uJ Ira .Johrwon.j +,_;."!!I..- •• m. ar. 4~1 ... ;;:: ... e.:asLJ:u;smaiRtl ••

S••crt•tury that nnyspt•t'it•s of rnigTl:llory •' • , .,. II. lJ. JONI~S. J>r<.'sld('nf J•A Pl. !11.\ YI~H. Vh·<.'·l'reuuknt • • • bird~ hu' h••••omt•, 11nclr•r tiXtrn .. rdtnnry I Ia~, Nu .... J. At tht•hum(' ••f !Ur. nnd. ' r

\'OUI\ FLAG AND My I1'LACi I con·liti«ln9, Hl'ri•msly lnjuriuu<; to llt!· 1\fru. Bt•njamin Stfinmt'l hN1r:'lll~~ l)lrt•(•lf-.----~ -· ll,ANI{ YOU n 1\ION EY \VITH us ricul..turnl or. CJUwr lnlt•r{•Hl!l m any stnro in hunur of hin thrt•t• rumt1 Bt•n· 1 ·

~ - .... ~. --- . --- partiil\Hur cum'rnunit\', an invt·~tij!a· . I' ('h I' ... , J , • . r We Are ~o.~~:~"'-."-oolb!l.~"-""'~"~"'r..""' . 'II b I t . I t . th . I J!l.nun ., ' nr ''' .. an• (,cor~•t• I· .. -..-..:..~~'""~~~-"""~ tum WI ~ rna• ,. .. I t• t•rllltll(• (' PlC· • . I . . I 'i'he L't' r,..,t ;,\ nd () I '!1.: • I

Motto Thio Pa er I wlit and natun.• of ffll' injury, wht•tht•r I Mlmnw. . I .. ,., nuy natJOna --------'-.....;."--"•~· _.__P____ thll, birtl11 nllt>gt>d. t.<• Ill• d01.llf! the• d,~m-·i l•'larr No. 21. At tlu• hum•• of M rN.

ol,l d d t th u d I I ugC' sh~mld ht! l\lll<>d. ond If lliJ, durmg: M. I•'. Wells b.•aring tht'l"'l>to ,., t• in ' County ' e g<.' 0 c n Y ng whnt trrnt•ll and by what m~:nnn ll (lfJn 1 ' , If 0 ur 1 •• . •

Or lt!l hif4 dctt'rminotiun. an upproJ>riutt•ord~r honor of he,r oun IAurdon Welk , ' Our N ~TIONA I. HANK is contiolkd bv men ex-Support Country's .11 b 1 • N • ' ·

WI C' llt!\1 c. . • l'lag • o. 2:;. At. the home of Mr11.' perienc{'d 'in the }!Uflking lJUsine~s, nt;d Who ~:~ticlt n

Ymcmc ra for better protl'Cllon nnd more L. B. Crawford, bt..~l'ing two atnro in ~ " to sound methods c1f. banking. <> ' • T. E. Kelley, honor of her huob!lnd, L. B. Crawford

Banlt in Lincoln •

. .

=· --~ =,~ ~- --E~-- Deputy Game Wardell. and brother, M.G. Lconot. I We extend every accommodation within the limJts • of Prudent nnd Sound Banking. - •,

Jad~ship o. SerVICe Flag o Mrs. J. n. Gnrven. •

U Vlolcto Dixon. I hereby announce inysclf ao candi­date for the judJicohip of the Third Judicial District. oubject to the nc·

0 Flag No. 27. In honor of Lt. Harry 01 . ~alley "" I Dbcon, a~ . tho home A)( m. sUe. Mrs.

oD-Gr><IIIDCICICID~GO<IIIDGA Fln:;r No. 2B b«!aring a single a tar nt •

• •

The First ·National Bank ~rrizozo, N. M •

• tlon of tho Ropublicnn diotrict con.. vention .


the home of Mr. tJnd Mm. F. E. Rich· · / nrd in honor of Ray ~ Curry, brothtr STATE OF NEW MEXICO a tbc C~Iruniaoioncr of Public Londo, or ' of Mro. Richard. . . 'his Otzcnt noldinr: rmch oolc, ono-twen·

' I hereby announce my candidacy for Flng No. 29nt the home of Mro. ~ ti«.'th of the price olfur<:d by him for J, II. Cole benrc two atoro In hvm1r of l Notice for Pulllieatlon, Public Land. the Jon~ "'our JJ\•r ('cnl intcrl!nf m ad-



diptt'ict judcto of tho Third Judicial District cmbracinJ counties. of Tor­rMcc, Llncoln, Otero nnd Dona -Ana, subject tb tho netion of the Republican diat.rict convcn lion.

her two cono, Jack o.nd Will C,olc. j Sale, Lincoln County u vonc., fo, th«J bnlon<.'c> of sut"h ptrrl'hU!i{l -Fin!! No. 20 nt tho home of Tnnidod , ()ffi('l' of the Comll)insiunt>r of Pubhc (~riCt>. fl'C'n f•)r advt>.rtirling and op· · .

Onllego!l and Mana B Hallcc:ro::~ b£>arR Landn, Santn Jo'o, !'i· \1. , proi.t'lemcnt, and aU co:Jtn incldcntcll to

LYTTON R. TAYLOR - - - . ... . , . .

I hereby announce myoclf no candi­dato for di,trict judjte of the Third· Judicial District.' subject to the nctinn of tho Republican OiPtrlct Convention.



-I hereby announce myaelf as a can·

didatc lor the office of County Schoo Superintendent subject tn the delibBrn­.tione of tho County Republican con­'lmnt.ion.


Herewith I announce myself G.!J can-

FinS! No. I. BenrinR" three obll's, ln honpr of Eb. Ralph and Lewin J OD!li, nt tho rcJJidcmco of R. R. Solo brothol'!l of Ml'!l. R. R. Sale nncf' 'tlios Grace Jonco.

Flag No. 2. Beanng two Rtors, In honor of Ralph R. nnd Geo. B. Barber Jr .. at the Barber residence .

Flag·No. 3. -Bel!Mng the single star, at~ t~e hC!~~ _of_ Mr. nnd Lutz, in honor of their son, Li(•Ut. Cha'l. H. Lutz.

two otnro In honor of their two cono, Noti('c io herciJ.y wven that. pur-~ t1~c nnlc herein. E h and all of omd -, Pablo and Pedro,· nuont to the provision a of an At't of • amauntn tnunt bt>' ilepoolwd In raah or b• Flng No. 81 b(!3ring the cingle .otnr eongre!IB, approved June 2llth. nno, ,, cert.lflcd CX\'ha cat tho time-of !Ullt, nt the Brnzbel hhomc, In honor of.< hnn. the lnwo of the Stntc of New· Mexi~:o, and which 0 ,{J amountn and nil of A. Snow, y is. wife, Mro. Glnrn 1 d 1 ti · f th f ' Brazel Snow. and the .ru eo nn l't'Jtll 11 onn ° 0 1 them, are su jeet to forf(llture to thv

. . . State Land Offi!!e, the Commlooioner I Stl:lw of New Mexico, If tho atreceooful

h Flng Nfo. 828 bearoHai~~lnglc stnr In of Public Lnndn will offer at publie bidder doeo not execute a contrnet onor o FVIlll ...... tower at tho 1 h hi h t b'dd t 9 • 1 I

rnrt~h )10mc of Urn. Jim Cooper, Sr. an ° to t 0 g eo 1 or, 6 0 c ce', within thirty dayo after it hM been Fln --N 33 Be rl b I a.m. • on Monday, October 2lnL IOU!, ' mailed to him by the Stntc Land Oillcc

in ho:or :r R~y Balrd n:/ R.~Ji~~1nr::~ In the- town of Carrizozo: County of Jsnid contrat't to 'provide that thu 'puP. Drug otore. /} Lincoln. State vf New MuJeo, in front eho..'lcr may, at his option make poJ·

I ' or tho Court HoU!lO t.hcroin. the fol·l mentn or not Jegg tbun onc:tblrtiL•th vt lowing deacrihed tract!J of land. viz. ; ninety·flvc per ('Cnt of the pbr('hru!e

l Snlc No. 12&0·- S!-2Sl 2. St>e. 19; E_J·2 _plief> at. Lm.li time af.W~Lthe ilal~'tlnrl ,.... -------.---. --......... ---""'1 nmt-4, Sec: 20; T."lS .• R. 1& K, ('011· 'prtor to till' PXfliration of thirty Yl'Offl

' tnining Zlli. 40 nt'rl'!l. Thoro nrc r.n im· from dnw of ttw ('Ontra<>t., and t .. r~ro·

• •

' ,.

. __ .-didaro~ the nominatio 'Of· Sur,erin· tendent of Schools i coin county, subject to the efibor tion9 of thP Democratic party.

J. E. KOONCE.. _ --- _.-_ ___ .. - - ' --------Flag No. 4. Bearing th~ !lingle otur,

o 10 o ·ntorgar. Reily, at the-res­idence of Mr. and Mra. Wm. Reii)":'-­

provcment.s on this trol't. , vidt• for tho payment of any unpaid . Snl•• No. 1232=-S- ~1':.4.-~f'P,-~7; -b~ ni- tl1e expiration or tKirtv---il T. 9 S., R. f! E , containing t!U ac'ren. i yearo from . tho dnte of tho eon tract, There are no improv<>mentA on thio! with intereat on tfe:t'm·red payments at '

I hereby announce myself as.. a can· diiate (or the offi::e of Crmnty School S·Jp~rlntendent subject to the decision

· of the C:>unty Republican Convention. Mll.'i MAUD I.. BI.ASEY.

---- -- ___ , ----

·Flng No. 5._ Bearing two tJtars, in honor of Thon. F. Wright and llavid T. B:!als, displayed nt the First National Bank.

. I her~by'nnnounce myself 39".cnndi- Flag No. 6. Bearing the single I onte for the office of Gounty school star, In honor of Roy H. Grumbles,

supenntendent•subject to the action of son of Mrs. M. B. Grumbles, at her the County Democratic Convention. home ..

LOltiNDA B. SPELL'fAN. · ·- . _ · Flag-·No. 7. Hearin:r . one star, in

DEPUTY GAME WARDEN T. E. honor of Romaldo Garcia, at the home of ltio father, Jose Garcia. '

r KELI.,EY'S INFORMATION l'lag No. '8. At the ~ome of Mrs.

Dizzy Spells Sickheadachea

tract. ~the rato of four per ecnt per annum, Sale No. 12.~:1 _ W 1·2N. Wl-4, SN". J!j;! peyab!e in udvam•e ot\ tho anniVt•rsary

W 1~2SE1-4, He c. 22; Nl-:!S Wl-4,HPe. i of abc duw of ('rmtraet, partinf · pay• 21; Nl-2SE1·4; SP('. 2i!, T. 9- s., n. menta t" hf' cn•shtt•d on tht~ amli\"Pra:<ry f! r-:, containin~t 3211 n('r('!l. There are. of Ow datu of thf'. (foratrnct·fw"f' follow• no improvement.n on. thia trn('t lng tht> date u( lPndPr .

. Selle No. 12tH - Lot 4. Sec •. 1~; l,.otA ·. ThP above sale of land will be GQb 1, 2, a, El-2AW1·4, Set. :W; T. 0 S .. J~<'t to valid cni.9tincr rigbtd, easo. R. 9 E., containing 237 .HQ no res. The ml'nts, rights-of-way, nnd i'CC!)Wntion:J improvements connist of houa?, horn 'Fhc (!ormplii!li~ncr· of ~bUc Landa. and well; value $100 00: or hin agent holdmg !ltJI'h anlo, rcsorv~•

· TO SPO.tt'l'ING PUBLIC Cbli9. A. Ste\fcns, beari~g the JJir!lrle ··· · · - . ' - clfi an qfiQnt~J~r fu_ the llPQitlng .el~ att:u: in han..Qr. .. of her oon;· AUison

--- --- --·----;- • ilment of this locality .. the Gn"fno. War- Stevena •. by

Sam No-. t285-,..•!tt-~Wt4, swt-4Sf!hc. right:_~ roj!>Ct_ nuy nrtt_ntr hida · are EtA, Sec. u; T. rrrs-.. JI. 14 E.;- con- of!ur~d ut omil onTe. Poss_l!DOlQn_ undr.r

taining ifs:'i() nerea: . ,'fhcro are no itn- conb'a.!to ol S~fc for ttll' p.bOV(I d6l~ 0 _. this tr'rwt. embed tracts" will , ho glvan on nig_n· · ~.

-- ....

.. -


... ,_ -~

'"'' c

r• _' -

·;- •• den says: Conforming to the amended ~lag No. 9. Bcarn two gf::lra, l.Jis-~.-rcgulati&io ll9 eontnined in tb~ ltfigra.- played at the home of· Mra: Alice

,.. tory Bird-Act fuanished by the Sec. of Robel'ts, in honor of her two\ nona, · · ·. ·Agricultt\ro, I 11m giving for y~ur in· B9t.t Roberts · nnd Pink ParKer RQb.

· , · fonnntitm, the- f~IIowing sections ot' erta. : • ' ~ ~ said net;-wbich cover this State. You Flag 'Mo. 10. 'S,eara _the sh:tghl stat',.

will pleaae read ·them over (;!li>Aftilly displJl.yed- at tbe ~omc of M:r:s,:p Ge~. .~ ..,. a. Barber, by MIS9 Anna . Knoy, tD

and govern yourselveg aecoruiogly. ' honor of her brother,· Gflt1 Kirby.-:-Regulation 1.. ·T,9e migratory gam(! 1\foved to El Paso. "'""""~ bi~s specified in R~(WJa~ton 2 may be • Flag No. 11-. Be~re t single star,

. tnken during Ule open seaaou-witb a ciJs)l1ayed at the ranch me of Mrs. gun only, not larget ·than numo~ terl I. B: Cleghorn, tn honpr. brotberf · agd, tired.frotn th&a~ouJder •• .q ape .. J~. B. Collier. , . . .... o.

: ~m fy permitted b.Y·RegulatiottD-bere.i •. Mag N.,, U~ . Bears t1te 111ng1e •tar• of~ · · may be taken in the open I!H!'l• m. h~nor of Lloyd Hulbe~ at . .

-.· . . · • . . . . ,._.ll home of his father, F. S. lltilbett, ~ f. om the land or water, from a bullU. ·u11eoln... 1 , ~-. • -r • · • · . llr ft. · til'ig device_ oth6r than an aft· Fla~ No. 13. Bearing . the aing~~ piJne, · werboat, l!ailbo&t, or ant boat atat, m ·honor lvan P. ~rebch, at ~e .

. . r ' .. p. • •

~,t . .

. .

are easy to take.Aftd nornud and easy .

L. . - . •

the ,howell. · .T ALt.

... _ ·•-c


--··-~ --­,- -: - --- --- ...;._______·:.- - ~ .. - - ,__ .. _:...__:-- --- -- -- ··:-;----·-

.. '.. . . • • • .. • i '

:V.' ""· ' • I

• ' •

- .I - .

' F .. ' ........ , . -."' '

. ' ~·: ... _L ' . . • ' . . '

. • . lnp, of the contracts, . Sale No. 12SG-·SE1·4NE1~4. NE1·4S Witnen!l my hqnd and thooffidal 11Nd

El-4, Sl·2SEl·lJ, Sec. 83; T. 10 S .• R. of.til(l Larrd Offie£> of tbo"Rtatc 1of New

l .A E ontninln"' 160 acrea Thet"e Af.!Jlt'i"eo this IHth day of July, i91H. ·• '.,. c .. • , • · UODT. P. EIWJEN

are no 1mprov.emento .on thin tract. , C:Ommi!!GioMr of Public I.nndfl, •

No bid on the above described traew . , ~Hate of No(v 1\lo~ico. will be acqepted for less tban Tlir4?e ly l!J. 8· Hlwlu; _. · Oollara (83.00) per a~rc, which iu the - -=-=·-"· ~,~ •. , .,.C' ... ~. ·~~c-2'::'""'-· ~ •·

nppraioed value ·thereof •. a.nd in nddit W W Stadtman tipn thereto the auccesoful b1dder l))flrit • o . . · .,_ __ _

pay tot' the improvcr.nflnta· that ~tiet NOTARY PUBLIC ontbe lnnd ... r ·. . . •. ,. ·~-· 4fellj for 8~1al T~wrih!!ra··· .

Each ot the above descrJbed tr•ct• . p·fw"' INSURANCE will te offered tor sale ~P!lrately. ·. ; · · .JU:t ·

to ~~;~~:in°: ~:'!, w~::o~: ==· · =;....;_=,;,~-... :=-.. ~"""""=· : ... :::.~:::, ,:::,:::=::: .. :::. =· ;:,,:. ~·.>""*'=· ~~:-.~-> · · · ·u ...... · t .. M. ul~.·· d. i'ord.·. •8hQP. in ... ~ · tiona, viz. : • ' ·· ~ "''J; .,. V" ..

the ·state-. -We&tetn Ga.,tg~ ·. ·

' c •

. . '

' . •

• -· ·•' et•' • • ' \ ·• •• ..,__ ' : •


"J --' ·~ . •· ~.~~~-~~~~~~·~~·-~~~~~~ .,,# .. .;;. ~

• . . --------' ~ ...

Page 8: it CARR~OZO,. LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY: SE~T ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · r ' . • • ' ___ : : ·-. - -"1" ....."--.---·--·-'"-----~---·_·


' . . ..


. .

• '

. . •

•• '

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-- --- ----~~-- . _-;..:..:·· -:.:..:· .. =="''*':=· =· =· =· =;:::' =· a::. 4 =' =' =·1422=$=$ a::::( a ·='as=' I =·.;::oAR~). ~~~~.z~oz~o~~~O'J:~L~QO~,K=· ·=' az:=_;•:;::s 1 a=· =a 1 ·=· 2 =a •. =$) =:· =· 0 ='' ,=· 4 '=='=· ; :::::::: . :!:::' ===·· '===::~' ~ . . . . . ""'


' . . d

. . • •

' •

--..:NGLAND . 2 LBS., ''FRANCE 1 1--2 LBS~,. .ITALY 1 LB:. '

SUGAR· ·RATIONS: . ·w ef are"' asked to limit our~elves~ 2 lbsii -of sugar. pe~ . f)er'son per ~~onth .for· ·all . uses in· order .. ·that the Allies .may have these ration·s~ · · Does our .Jimitati~n seemUIIieasonable? .

• • v • .-·.., ~10

" .. '

• ·- - $/

..... -, __ . r . . . ' ~ ·l

• •

' ....... - ~ '"' -· - -~ - ..... - ' -

• • •

OUR GROCE Y DEPAR -.6.-- T ts· STo-c _·



0 ? • ••

• . '



No·. 2 Charm Tomatoes No. 3 Charm Tomatoes

. No .. 3 Hominy -No. 2 Milk Hominy · -No. 3 Club House Kraut

" • Charm Kraut -

Priscilla Corn .. -


• -



. . .


12 1-2c • •

20·c 15c

· lSc

22 1•2c

15c 15c

Club House Corn ... 20c two :fo.r .. 35c - - 30c

a 20c two for 35c . '

.. 1 • . - 15c -~·c

• •

• •


Charm Sweetpotatoes . Club House Sweetpotatoes


No. 2 Club House Tomatoes •

" 2 Pumpkin .. •

'' 3 Peaches, Telmo. •

· '' 3 Pears, Telmo . . " 3 Apricots - •

" 3 Eggplums . ' •

'_ .. -- .


20c 2c-c

17 '1-2 •

.• . 20.c •

1 lb. Club House Coffee · .~ . ·

25c 25c 25c 25c 40c 7Sc

"' 2 lb.; Club House Coffee •

.3 Jb. Club House Coffee • l.lOc • •


Club House Peas

Shooting ~tar Peas No.2 Beans. ... .

No.2 Charm Beans t __ J ~o. 2 Club House

• . ~ 20c

• • • • 25c 70c

Pure Lard~ 3 lbs. Pure Larq, SiDs.

• •

.. 90c .. 1.5~ -~

. 3.00 Q

Mason Jar Preserves • • Pure Lard. 10 'lbs. • •

, Fresh Vegetables ..

Potatoes 61bs. for 25c •

1' . Flour •• • • •


CA --"THE STOIN~ Ol~ SBUVIfE" . . \ .

.. '


- . •

• •


.· · : _· -·v~~gar, gallon~ ·soc (} - . ' - -- -"-- ., _,.- -'- ----- -----.--·,.----· ·- - . '-- . - . ' ~ . -- ··-- . --- --·- -- --- . --

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.u.u.;;ljl fa ~tope we all hear now-a-days beoaue ao numy IJOOPle a:e lnoliDea to ez-agge~ · t·YetbaaiDJ ·told you that we ~edtlureuonahleremedial

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popertles ~or Flettller'- Oalorla'l J'Ust ask them. .:w_e won't answer It onraelvee,-. we bow .wbat thBIDIWSl wiD be. ·

~it hal· an tbe 1fduel to-day- wasolalllalt'or It In ltaearlydaya Ia tO . IJe ~a In Ita fDcnued me, tbe reoommendatlon by prominent and our 8lll1IID08 t.JJ4t.lta ltllldsrd will be maintained.

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Imltatloalm to )M, boxl fn some stores and only beoawJe of the Caatoria tha\ -·Jlr.l'letoher created. But it il not the gemdne ~ria that llr. Pie~ RoDeltlJ,

advertlaea, lloDeltlJ pJDl. Wn the publlo aDd ttom 'tfblch be~ expeog. reoo!TS hts l'8\l1liL . . .

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Children Cry Fot'-• - t --


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Extracts from by Grateful . ParentS to--a.as. IL

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. , ·On ~· 25 the Pre~iding El- To smt your PURSE-See-. . ~ . · . · der,, Rev. J, ~~ C<lehtnn •• of Al· 0 T . Gillett· - ·~. · tbuquE!rqllle;~ w1ll pJ.'eacb m the • . • · ·. ·. .. •· · · evening· and hold the laat quart-' ' '

lter'!!~~ · · ·- · ···· ·; · ·-~ . · · '1Jontt fail tO read the bargains . off~t:~d in 'Ziegler Bros. ad ..

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· Juan Jauregui and family b~ve fe~\ll'lletL.from nn exteuded VtSit

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to Deming • ----6 :· Ney; Line of · Buiine,.

_N •. ,:e. __ Ta.xl~ .. ~ ~!l~ __ _fl~ve. upen~d a blac'kmnith and shop opposite Barnett's feed store. Heavy .forging a S{}ecinlty · and · vulcanizing casings and tubes, =Will handle~· oils and. accessories, nnd will be prepared to repair anytbjn.g in the auto line and FonDs Too. . .

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._.* _ ~asbing _yo~ Stamps before maturity. Malee ev~. QliCr-. . ·- --~- -.........,.__.-.,..._... ___ - --· -· -

dfiee to h<>ld yout st<>ftk- 1n your Gbvernroent. ... ..,'f of all stackers: is th~'pcrson who buya W .. S~ Stamp~ tQmal(ij. ~ ~

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a showing and tllen>~uus to the P"ostofBt:e.for his money.: · •

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• Lasl week's advertisement in the· Outlo.ok Hstea several items in .,

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groceries where you could save~ , .. •

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. . . If an article cos.t us t--ree cents more, you pay ~s three cents ,a~d not an advance of five cen.ts. Every effort is bei!lg ma.d~bY·U& t<J~reduce the high ''cOSt o.f. groceries.·· BUT thts does nQ~ mean-we w1ll sell chea~goQdl and our 1'40~E.Y BACK. .GUAR- ·~c AN TEE insures. you of -the same NATIONAL'4Y~ADVERTISED PRODUCTS~ . - ~ -

Fruits and Beiriea.of choicest varieties gathered_when at thelr b~st~~-vegetabler grown in elimate·s where they reach their highest perfection•*-meat products put up ·

" d •• · con· ttions. . 9

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