- nF O -UTIL M - VOL . ANACONDA, MONTANA, SUNDAY R O VOL. L--MO. *1a ANACONDA, MONTUANA. SUNDAY MORNImG, NOVEMBER a4, s P•il I C PtVWIS CWNT IsU -MUM CARDm DR. D. J. McDKX*LD sluom Dmmwr. -a swan - - krm& No F. L. ST. JUAN. A.$.. M.D.. C.M. U..~as as U. a.wt. et. J...r lI. 4S~ - ais us.. i Mt.I L Joe s Udlilag .stsmrm: rw*sOIA.M..UMis aiSS.M. T. D. FITZOURALD. VVUA?4CKDI, AV. *A. P. BR03 H. Mr~smera Irr. Mr~ I.Hrlywss1..t Liver osm.n is .a-rm beky s . Maim fs.. -Rs~. l.sr ?. VIA ITn, oflumq u -ate u Sb.mal mnige U Elal _te.. B Lb le - ~r~ Aam-a~&am ____ P. P. CHRISMAN. D. D. IL oAnm i. aailmmm EETSH EXTRACTED WTHOeUT PAIN h a T wE t Pla tyiw wkt be. IM. s - ANU.Sa PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, ANACONDA - . M ONTANA OS.. Vn Mhlmt A .Jamphlak R tdtj wesad Nra l ra d i. a U DRS. MITCHELL & SNYDER, nIN4 CON DR HOC 0 ITXI.. (N.at to uetama Hotd.) ANACONDA . . . MONTANA Anaconda Real Estate Agency. FITZPATRICK ! ArPLINU, REAL ESTATII & INSURANCE ACTS. Miming Brakere ,C~nul rs amd CuaaoveYener. ANAOON)DA - MONTANA euslmger, kmreU t krstt, Wholesale and Retail Butchers. Famil upgSl a * Mpetlm y. AU Orders Ikeiveard Free df Ckarge. $thpun ViiNLrtMtret - - - ANA'INuDA *lT•. u•r~RTIN (OrrolerTr TrHU AK) MAKES A SPECIALTY OF FINE CIGARS DOMMRTIU. IMNPORTKD AND R•Y WMRT. READ'S DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, Amecoada. - Monta•. ANDERSON & THOMAS. Contractors and Builders Plhaing MinU •at rnd of Town. MISS H. V. WHITE ias a Full and Coumilert Linwe of In Anufonda. LLJ KINDlmOV STAMPINUG EATI.Y Ix)INE. ANACOND)A, - Motana. REOPEN ED -- , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL On Front-st. ANAC)NI)A, Mt. By MRH. RAMKRY. FINE FURNISHI-D) ROOMS -AT THE- OAKLAND HOUSE. MUM. . B. WAKRRN, Prop. Ut!T IICO -t1., Asai,- EIta CKROCKET & KING. Stationers I Booksellers -- o.A IN- CIGARS. TOBACCOS. ETC. rioeei News masd. ANAOONDA - MONTANA. OLIVER SAVARI), Merchant Tailor Ofees to asnae oup tUl' Io the I LATRIST mad R1&T a r YLENat FOR I PA . ................... AND t' ARDR. SATISPACTION GUARANTEED. FRONT-BT.. - ANACOND)A. MONT. W. P. BURROWS, CENTRAL + MARKET _g Wlrt Street Anacooda. Meat. WmOL.UBAL AND RETAIl TA. Oily Flrst-Class FamUly Mark.t it. the City. READY FOR WORK The L~w bHa o the Imtu lis-tan Orgeal. SCENES ON THE FLOOR. Yen Now Eaucbs Up to th Din a- OrN slik as. NO QUORUM IN THE SENATE 3.pmkt. Uomh.ss ea theb IgemIbat. a sm mp Ae s mM m .maw. - •iqk Lom.-- lpVeltal to the meta.darl. H•P.IrXA. Nov. dI.-TIh first ISnas of rrpen.aemtatives of the state of Montana was duly orgsalnied at none to-day. Time Governor's pru•lamatlem o FPr•day lad allayed any feverish excitegsmnt existing in the city and the proceedingtllls before and incident to the organisation were conducted with decency. order anmd digni- ty. At the court house, where tbe govert- or had called the legislature to meet, the politicians began tp sasem-ble as early as 10 o'(clrk ill the nlorning, conling thus early r te most pat part to pay their respes to (Governor Toole, who greeted all most cordially at his offlee. Among thL gentle- men present, in addlitio t to tie nmemhers of the legislature, were Major Magianuis. S. T. Hauser. (ol. Broadwater, (ha'rks E. Conrald Siam Word, W. A. Clark of Butte. and Judge McConnell. The representsa tives miet fIorionsutation ti the room as- signed for their deliberatlon aboult 11:I o'clock. No republican reprwsentatives were preeuat. Ilat all the 21) democratic menlmber were three except Mr. Humber of Iker L*ldge county, who was exreted later iln the day. The sergeaelt-at-arnn stood a.t the dour with the llafornationl that none u1t lmacnihxers or persons ckl<la- hgl to be i•1e1uiers would he adnlllttedl to the floor of the house. The gallertie were net asuart for spertatorn and in ohldiesiee to thaLovernor's ianrieutions the galtbry duxaes were thrown ope•l to the publlic ir~e- cia0ly at 12. A few minutes. Iefo-re. 12 o'rclok Tern. Power was Lmee,. strklillsg own the corrl- -kr to tile oeser oif lthe fl•mr of tIhe Ileeniose. Thet erwd fell bawk toe aillow the great manu plenty of room. He iull nothing to the eklnrkecIeAr, nbut with all air soe mnajcs- tkic as to erder ln the rklieual•U tried therie t knlob anedt wheta the door refu.sel to open exclaimedll "Lr*.ketd! I thought so." Ti'rlailg onei his hIedl Mr. Power the.ri stalkeed out of the tbullding with the proudl eose•cloeiIlsneun of onei who had mi).lale, a most vital alad inperwtamnt diieevery. A 1L2 o'ehlok '. P. Blakely, of Gallatin, called the hour to orQdr. At the caonclt- sloe of the roll-call Mr. Blakely arese.e and saikl: "There are : ,,enters pereeent. a qll1oruln1 of the first legilative assembly of the state of Mo n talla." The wildest applaluse broke' frmn tile galleries. whkh were now )ackedl to thelir sltmouet ellrapcity. The clheerilg laestel several mnlllntes. effectually drowmtting theI voice of Mr. Blakely. who mlayed everal tines to sp•a•k. When ourskr was restored Mr. Blakely saidhl- the rdeetleliialn l•-vinl been presemteu -l -it was thle dllty of time memluhers to take the outl of office. All gathereel in front of the :upeakers desk. sald holding up their right halnds repeated the words of the oath after ('. B. Nolami. counti y attor- ney of Lewi.s angd Clarke. As oonl asI tle- memlersn had agall takell their seats C. P. Blakely, of Gallatin,. was el('oenl tensl- porary speaker by acclanlation. tland Charles Z. Pend0. of Jefferseon. was e*lectedl temporary clerk in the samne manne.. On notion of Mr. Toohe, Miles , inla•l, ol Butte, was appoilntedl temelorary usergeanLt- at-armsl and onl motion of Mr. Conly. S•amuel Alexasnder was choseen tenmplwasur doorkeeper. Mr. Frank, of Silver Bow, then morvedl the appointlmeint of a com• lnittee of live on credentials. The speaker ap pointed Messrs. Frank, of Silver Bow, Whaley of Jefferson, Wa'. lace of Lewis and Clarke. Toole of Deer Lodge and McEllew of Gallatin. The coenmittee retired, and after deliberation returned with a report saying that they had examined all the credentials submit- ted to them and all were legal and proper. The ~8 democrats were named in the re- port as having been duly elected. This seats the nine democrats returned from Silver Bow. Mr. Humber of Deer Lodge not being present his credentials of coure were not at hand. The co•,mittee recommended that the)- be continued for further service. The report was ,nani- mously adopted and the coennuitte cosltin- und as recomnwnded. The speaker tlmen read the following communication from the governor: (k)vasowls ()VrrICKe, Nl,v. 23. I!e. To •oaptain Jon Ham4tk, is reArpc of the Ilose of Heprewestathte., Hlsea Morst.: At 12 o'cIork nooen tod-ay you will u.e'n the- doors to th.e house of reprsenttlves rnld a;dlnit ao person to the Ilur except perm•ruans clamlinai to be Imenmlwrs of that body. When muni*.l t,)' l aly member whlum y*Ni have adlmltted tult tIh. ht.'.e of representatives has tempirarily ora:ntzre.l .i will turnover your keys to such iero..nm as tlh* h use of representatlves may deslgn-'t.*. If t,. auditor of the state appears at Lth door Iwe i . you are reliev.d by the persone deutig•a:,al by Ith, hmume of reprleseutatives you will aillmtl hil t.. the tflow of the house. When yul are reli•~i.d tbi• such person your emt•pinymient reases. JiaEgpa K. Ttoe.a, 4;,overln•r. The transfer of the keys was thel• l dly made. The house then took a recess un- til 2 o'clock. The house met at 2 o'clock, another large assemblage of spectators being pmtr. Oft tiso MI (amilv. d Issth .Ml Clat h. the rak eof the sIn- SAW cc the gtrritor at Mantam. msor adapted a. the tIrmpusey rules of this hIm ... taafar a. they wem ae a. Tb hoo the. tinmk a ren... ton til S: o'cknek,. she a mabm galag Ioa caucs In the La- terval. On wsmegnblilg at the boon named time. tent newary oIkTccru wuer appointid: XNight watch- man. Blyron Khctnaan of lIelaua. presiaent of the celnrJ,'l ci."anrrkiat club of this city: engrneslgckrk. V Ensnwt Ryan; enrolling clerk. Vincent w.atauswc. of Hekena; assIstant chief clerk. Edware' ('<onay. of Jefferson comunty; ."aamioilast ineruuana-a-arns. Williuau L4 Gwen. do Helena; day watchman. E. T. I )w..sa. of Hutto; chaplain. HRe. J. HawkiLuu. of Wirks, Jfeg+saon county. Samunuel Alex- amnder. who was apluuimltcdi dluor-k..en-r at the morning session. lctlisaing the ap- pdahataent- M. Warringtomn, of Iiueti..an county, was appointel in his stead. (in moes, ao aMr. Wallace the speaker war lmastrarte to appoint a cosamlatac of five on permanent orgtnluatinm. aned than speaker aamel Messr. Wallace, .4 Lewis and (lathe. Toole of Drer Lcu~u. Whaley, of Jefeisem,. Penrose, of Silver Dow, and MeEllewer. of Gallatin. The henes.e than adjourned until 10 oecock Me'nekey nuart- lang. THE RUMP LEGISLATURE. OUtemam Kl...tod saila Cmacasattt. A pp.1.1 .d4to Walt m 1kh. ta~a..e.ar. Itwelal tr tOh Itaaautard. HKLKNA. Nov. VI.-Paanweaaant tea a cull Ismumce by State. Auditor Kenaay uponh. whast utlcwity due. s nt appe.r- than re- publk'aa nembarm of Siw lo hes.. and the repeahlleaa clalnaming t.. 1uw nanmlwrm .. the sm i anct at naooa it a ball fa the nww Inibl ock, near thw feIl of Manlt street. Tea roach the hail freet the mtreet one? had tIo travermi tIw Centir edeptlh of Itsw hulnldhimg, go oual Into a back yarel full of Clotbaes-tle. cows andi wood-pile'.. catl theta tua, wa by another docw go hawk Into the, buildlllnag lad (eataic. out of. The rooes wasa sloppay. cntel atad .kuris.. with cigar smoke. It wa. altogetle.-r te.. mushl for tLw laerlum-a' rtalllrVl of it. atid preseneteel anyolaitg heat a rnsetate. mand dig- atife-el ap e~araiwr . The loath to thile rorans saaggesterdthe (Lark and creokedl ways of the ropubllcican leader of -Silver Bohw Bountty, aite the- rooma itee-If with Its..ateu-ea petits wa. sin powerful e'ettrat.t wila thIe ellgaelthel Ixaly of mani rsnttilug Ia -eur"nia di s. carte-re iai the c-ousl lae...e qaai.lt.eI not only with thw pioper waarajhnalia of a legIslatIve asscnab y. lnt wills right atwl justise.- ont their li.d. State Autllhtew Keuwiay ealcel its. atcetitag to eareL-r. MIr. Keniay maid: 4tGoatle-nseae of the. -Irfit aean-c oaf alrrae-ai- tatives of 01ws legislative' neenalaly fSat the smtate- of Movatania. ly Mce'tloua I,:tC .,fftha di- visiota of th. garn.ratl lawus ef Mcantaeaea, it is taqy dtty. as tate' auditor tom cli YOua to ostier. 1I6ad1 I Stow aroea toa cet ee. I 1ev." is .- artlitegate" freaa tSlw aecare ary oef mtat. eeaeatceiamlug the" uamaaeas ea all ehaly e.S~ettee gta e ailteroe ef t1w legir ,taanr e. wllilel- I w ill mnoaw re.-ae. The amulat.cr tlw.. calleul the. roll of ttie rwiItmats, .alenlxr.4 . FPrug. Silver Lemw Hobtl'iuaum, EJ)olnc,. 311'40111.. '.n. Bray antei 1rbehrt.. Jmssldt. MrcHratt ,.'. eanler iii thwrt fonr ignie~nH a ulattage(tltr.4 iief Jn'at lee Blake. he,. swore evert yhuwly i,. At this Iiwaint Mrs. L. H. Hiruhlficlh wulkedlI uia time aiwi.. witll a Iarge. l..airjmmt of ufnw.r.r winch h.lw plaeued twit the ake*. Thelw nail cull show."el :il Iwatrwe,,,.. gw~te'.ut. Anna.. C. Witter of lIea%.vrhmdta wil ttuiciti,.uiatly e-l"e*t.e melma,, .eawaker: lk.,mljamm,, %'e'.lmse.t.r of Ha"l. e-sea. sluahi, chlief clerk ; Jlnut'.ew H. Willh.. ca Heletma. engie'nwwlsimg al an .rollag (herk.; J. 1). Taylor ot ('s..aeale" euhasty, seho, ,wr- geuettot-at-rns..; H."v. V. 1. Allen, of Helenuma, hlunt chaulain; ('luerkes B. (.ihb. of Mi.- otula. shamui tl'xirkeeper and wate'hmcutan; Frank WV. (nx-brau, ot 14talena. ..hamin gmage". Tlr whluiti lIouw. then toruk a newe., .Iutil 3i '.i icutk. On em.wsenaauIlWCin* it c.mn- m~itt."a" if thmre. iaimwly: Mesr.eeuu.ilte~r tit Lerwis. anted (larke lI1..emlnhtu .fr he.te.aa. athd Hurrnlamgieum o Madhisona. w..n. apuluuint- a4l te wait one 11w govenow AuCh nf.n hlint that tihe stenaim houeaa* was iirmjataictl and rustily fearbnwm,..w. 1'lw 4Untuimltate n- Inarmeel d li half an hIour anti hiet the Iov- Etti(r budt gil4 o thel hotell r Intclrwatcr anti would P-1uailly aoct retamin manil M"..ii- dli:y nruloleg. Tlw st mtrs hntua w.i" aivKem t.., Indenuamalc that thet guirtieur liutl rlsea away to avokl 11am. but* the truth. is. that lit. livil atu e4IIitUl.geltt t 0 IaIp to thatli. nn ael- waler wher. Liberati',. haeaatl were to Mtrna- natdle hit,.. Two eoominhitte-e. wenre ail)ae.ilmt- etel. El, 11 enreletlah..: n . (Mewssrum.. Eatteag. (ory, lWiag anti Mcite-Iaell ; amad oila nate.,. He-mry IHirlia. M1.aimte-atl. Morean~ ustd Bray. TI.e adiamum 1 cutw. thee-a aeljea..rmm- eel until Moisaday at 12 eu eloek. ItRepublel*a Neaature M..t. dlt'pil tlo S*t landlardt. H uI.rn.%. Nov. t. -- Liealte(rlaut-Gov(ernor Hickards and theL eight repelulic•a~ m-ntu- toem liet at Inonse in thie tlrull the gyr- ernor had kldlsinated for the aIIwtiang of the leslate. Secretary of State Rotwitt called the samesr of the senatorn-elect. tile eight republicans alone re•ponding. Judge Hunt administered the oath of ofllee to hemn Jointly. Tim oaIlas were also prepared in written fornal, and each of the eight .senators preU•-et mulhuriltll to the saue. The written fornu was theL committed to the care of the secretary of state. The lkeutenanlt-govertor apuuolited Mathew MdGurk temporary sergeant-at- amis and told hiti to hold the keys sul- ject to his order. No further busiisseu was attempted, thL re npublican realisisag that no Yquorum was present andl that therefore any actiona would rhe null and vokl. aind an ai•ournllsent was tlake-l until IModay. NOTES OF THE DAY. The Atluespbre Wa MRatlher Chilliy 1s the Resep LegslatuLre. Speceha to the Itanlard. HIErLKA, N*ov. :L--The corridors of all the hoteIls are jaznnmwld iteoight with .men ceallly dieuuasilg the evelnts of the 4any. The* excitement has subhridkld int a largr niieaun. anlld peeople ~em*-n Ito ie saIking off their pa• oslls alnd pre.juices. Every- where- ylens o you iwar but one opirlion,. etx•ept amloag ithe reipublicann dire.tly in- tern-ate.l. and that opinioll is that the ftirt l-ay's hattle is unldeniably a denrluexrati victory. The democratic mnteniter nltl pursuant to tine call of tie gw- Sertor and at the place desrig- nated by hinm. Thely fllected a temporary organlsatioa in nlmplii•ale with the law and were ofltially recea- nised by the governor. as wau sown by Sk "or whieb lth a pwemeul shha~lrwau.erdt L II isa #lmhb ad whk-h we. wssu ibpnc of the bss.. wre l uulu'le wt the gravcty and deae um hef1t Wt an bon.mluhlr bob'. (In the other 1gs. the u.a.caltld "'bus." uu'psanlamdt hr repeahlirksaau boaki, [tans the mtar. trtu.nlinsn ande"..eal at .wtwnr of fo parr h." alled ""barn. If the. had dirt it a hrun .eatrigbt she wr".w 44103(1l mat Ihuvt. M"."1 *flWr dlafip, *Iiuinal and 15u1uhrh4Ia.. its i4)63 it."gsm 4W ilt~We farciksl vs L , . tr ." . A t 00 5 :t h el I, n i sn .t. ere~n. Itts e'el !.r."n.** Whiaj, ws pea.. .sa"'agtm. atynh14ally andS every 4ntlei way. 11w w. *.to wai i,,skqsmt. to hew MI-0%- *'f ilia nit.nfJlbln+.. an w4ll ia% te rem-ta *Il".."tie, nretunla. with aui disre..irpe. In tm1 '1-1le41 iag it'qJf. Whiclhn is a t1141" 34w aEwitiln.. th." iuatriemq 44 which. whesa Ambalme'.l :.&ad fswwsiheavl. will noe d.I.alae Lea a. nttraa'tirv. a th1e extqri.w. It mrucst w said t4 as the uwma was never intended far ah beloni fael.uewraaetaehle.. (1ertaimaIy 23w olrunacts . Wta. Inc4 agta-ytrtilsa em .n41 gI".114al w wathkt'gan of ae place, had a very ul.- Ifes feffect u on the rserpshllcnra. ute r a f.t of sprt and a (4asitau~iaalst-tot ainMsag tins. apee-tatoew. 11 aea. ~ae T .leuineuod an clvap wl ard kfel the nrvpllklcalaborsl aa e whe'ged in I51uiythe feeling loureakewmt througheout tam citythat their un.4alble org ataaltloan W5a a Ill.te *i~k'.ei huittt C)o gor to 1 p er w1 uu, r or later. 1w" Htlemia Nlbre.l lo-tiajlt way that 14bte. Aaslitow Kennumy was algwntw'h.4 tIl i oumenlai with a bribe of JVk(INi t he woukl rnesiauqt to aum.atr in th*" hueese uaed rail tb inrllfl tthat iU dy. "1w S1ANI)~AIn wj 5)VceI w's4 tillabli 1-) ltsI f Mr. Ketity t- iiglat. hlhe story In gr.'nnatiwel by tlwh deanar ruts as stalia1. u us fabrkation. little OC n4)c 4.P(rl"lme'1*11 bire Yia it evesr. 5y rttih- 'lieaws. lie )Jaa241414.y, it is .tpeu-tud that the hmaiss will ac'segsin.4sh a ,wnrana."nt oeWgas- sastioss uimed Ie rseady to tsaaeeasat all em(S- sieasteme .,sn~ltly de~velvinsg sa1scts or eruioeais fgua flu tlt 1lady. Tie' r inblkeinm s wi ll aaiin n .5.)4 their eotsonltte'e to the- IuY- 4-fleor 411ail they will 1lasul almi too. l's tact tie nuta s roan away frown tlwhn. Kceast.wr Mr~amnara Au Ian leers.. hoelng caallia"l to hirs luel by illness. Thw Ikemsr Ljelg" eand Silver How nwn.- lugs asae ine e's.4i" *t slelrit's a. iliIhsid un- aU 1)h. tlrnlrs *t.lr A esigastia.asst featamme. of ltie. dirift of jutE-. lie' o~ijisine r'." aseleeg tie" twoe arval .wgass- luatlsss is tlnat the talk tut-nlilst ons tlhe ,eeat.erial qleestloise is. .'eamllestcI ansise st ex- t'lusiv)ly to 11w" elcgsseneats. IwtsmIbliskws. The, repallirane e'alrdidt.I meseen 1. tosave Imp"u Icest 'sight sof. Aniong thee Amaneuenda pe.eele who were' s}}.eeta./.w in It"' Isouse" (rWLuy wen- Jiwlge Fitag raskl. ("I(it Attorney llonrmrnun. Janu. Riohry and (City Tre'sssmrer MNualty. Why TOW Y 11,641' show !"r. HE1.1: . Nw.t. SCtu In a qawrng t thehr ni- CwoWil lit l * ,nat.r.* and l rr)m .ultcrtivru tlJ e.vensrnIm the motion .r.Ole nf ii,.. s. a n, h14N1.u rnneserus is .wgam iitag Me, 'earately was e'iilairssel. It Wag weilet the resustii- .ru.k..Mtio6 War hbse'd eu art puIin. Htost of (G.wv.*rsar Toaale. that osmly timam healaimung .- mrtilla~at.a a.t e'Ieq.tlmisa trim.. .-. ruanty ta14rka wameutel It rta-ejrtmire.. It hau.l I infun. sim".i. (ht..lmar I *'Xgse-re. y parovidesIe.latt ittA ,atsr:a'a I%- eratlvatke.4l by flits st twiiii'eI eh.r..-te*arn toll is.'*.s stii ilalte (&Ic5tid.4" III.. rn t srispe osa stime ea(mm)ai- nt..u.""y eats tit.' lore jw msitinaal tust ontly Misaim It.' teert foundsa tm 1w' nNsassimerie iy ii. .' aetau oantvadI werare. e'matIttl"I tarn mae:.tp. asset all a. we"r ter e'.-terntlmu fan rtsar rigims.' nra "'Isla w iwtly is. thie' .rnaa 5ate imassaea. andt t use, tintu.' its the' gv*Iarn..r. Nrw., F nram asaesw. S 11 FxAN44'0.I'9. N.v. 2.1. - A.Ivi.rs 11y tlIi Mt4attI1Ni /Aail4l4nain. fr'iiui %IaI.,b. ait- Pul Nov. N Nwy ."v..rytltiemg is q.Iiet tlwre. IlNp.aa lnu r.rt~t. N\twitla".utznling time po- Vi..in)R J l elati..u nst nrlrlct), wlaiel nrsull- .. uI ii the claoikt9 of .Maatsafa ua king anin %lbalt iata as. vie.' king. tha follower., of Tama city 1.14.1 ama 'electioni oni thet lt of N,.apsmaxr, rmcauatitag in tia' elhuiP. of hat.l- etlta as king anal Taasaawseu. a.. vice. king. The. $eau&Itiogao e~aat N autfai lusmt ,aa.uthti was ('HIrltviolt) '. l(;l Isit a tetnlrwrray arclyrgn"nel. wll Is,(I, 'f.'.. Inr u twe'e ,'imjl.nihle aar'lae~n- .a.i.a of iiias * pdlemlac of typ ataiul fever, mcev- anal sailon's Eof th' (,rcntaata wair vesue.' .iliaak tdyiag with what Wit M&*pisww'I tab lIe' the eIaataww. &idu (:ermaalatas having es- tul.Iieity aIs' h..galitsl i, sow' m o fir cser.., iaamaliustzta.'a',. ca thme wear ve'ase.'Iwro'.'kr'd hosmt Muarc'h. Eats' hb Slark.. S A.19 FmcwAl'eum. New. ZI Tihe #mee'amii e.tvammmer /Aznl 111141m arriveel frw.uis Sydney aim.! Ammcklanmml via H ,mlmau at ftlfun I.. slacy. Wl~u w (w'rrrtiumu an a1e wan ent.r- itug thew, harbeer at Hernealun Nov. 14e l'uvnf. Vaun Tamei. ti lmall'mnlemt* , ac' ana as- e". m maLum fnr-ml heIr awl dro1Vlpt lrd mar the bamlloon inmm a ;arae~ at".* He" fill into tim eee.ean aiicnt twem mmil.. fromi time whosea anld em.n" sile from the- wteeamw r. H." was Me m'.o nwf i emanl it is. .agmeowel ow warn .Nten by) Msark,. Vana Tamul left Sana Fracimmel a few weekms agup fir H~eteuIaImm amine! Aus- traia. whe"rm. b.*" .'rjmteel to give ehlaibi- Tih Vessuviu. at Ae..ptd. WAsHIIIcrol,. New. 2t. -- .e."emrtary Tracy i.r-dap .rttkel tme' In sg ;m) alngint qemetion .. f thw aerleptanme-c e.f this dymmanmite cromieer V.ewunlus. In a Irter te the. builder. he klowa that them as*wifleatlon that a shell mmmitaining x1J g.ummde of elymamite or *.timr hmighm ezmlew~ive whatl he- thrownw at (. soo1t one mils'lu.. Iuwenot Imeei faallfllled~tilwae. t s.ilts wmh inh had 1wrma tlrel freumA tIhe vt- .. "'ls glgnts tiot Iavimg e'eontaeI nel aminy a*- 1 .mal*ve... Tie- nreetiremnemtem its ra-gaml to IFuro .rimp wr aieee lmowe. nacat Iwen fulflledl. a'mel til v.-AM-l camI)It(t 1w a" ewee.;m till timemine ntyUimeutaleit. are .einmmmginlld with. M..r. ublc lied. .. ttlrrrrcutl1 ?T. LLT. IN. N. '. Tme wurkcf thaIt 4 1s15m A. Snmith. of tIhe Smith. lIee nd Prue ."..upany. haI i.f the.- city . ith a. large amountS of Lattirn.! pe inoSe ImWIisl ?dmnea~tly d."nirKl by hiNatt." ney.. Nt LW Mhlpp r Std.0 fus snot left the city. WILL SAVE THE NATION Vhme mrootM 1mr nuay ohs13- Law 3... Wl Day afl ma Th.W mip Ia mad Tab.e ('bae ('HItIAtIH. %Nw. Wt.- Ie IrnWsYwuas to w telegam teans tlwn Aawaatc l Pm..sk- ily Irr or n *atcnaesst e cauc."rseing t heN erne-ist inv..mtigaatioas at .'a~lt Lake. Prsesi.k"sst W~ooduru. of ti' Hinson ,aurc..e unsls a .llapatwb ia which he says: "This is the ,~rkitllcal Mornan, uensetine which we are aceusonwrd to cpect in ?4wnnbec. ('Suugre meret in temeahecr .nd it is pnwssswd the usaal e&nir.. will ha. made t4 u'urta legsisation against the Monmons. In auclition. we are na the eve of an jun- psutant saaush~lpal election ben. which the anti-Mawrnans hole to carry by pre- venting the saturalaaatlnn of Mormons. There Is ahwslsstely nothing in the Mor- imn religion inc-onsiastet withl the most 1'atritic tltvotioa tn the" goversnment of the rsnit.tl Stnat.. The rcvelations and eienmarndmrnts of the churbch require that the ,eaan.titkrnt antl laws of the land hi. upholi. The slime. will no when the country will h'. dist4rwnrsl asdse rneral lawletuoasetes iw.vsil. Then the Mewouson people will step foarwadnl ase take an ac- fve lart isa nreulisg ts. ntation hears ruin. In nganrl to Its. claahw that the *rwe.-u- hooed atiU chie4f Atat eritleumk tlls c-hrare'h assent thR right t, Cenrol Te Mo.n rmon jaopie I in am tentperal. Iswa-ellwmig pedltie'aI, affalrm. I wouht 557 I am the heitl ef thr ehease'Ia inId 1 leo meltr nuke. any ew*rb e*laimn. It wotld be Iuatpce..e ih. to e.(eienire it it I elut. 'ii. e'lutrg. of ungdiw Lnte"rfesrene in elrie.e~rn is ahesurd. lIaI~lleltss Is 'tsrictly we'et, asIwi all nuaaLaIegtfle.Smt tot the' Atc- ti.na in the menalktest aultal it en thr hamlel nit Ummiter e Stat... gB)varnone~mmt agpt/aietar.. Tlwht itto %euttne (s II 11tilto I trnellltlelutl in la". Iy due t their being e.eNutant7 .1111 rlalrt~elyaamsalwee by the smut. B muineucity who seek ute eunte the' ajeu- ity. ' A goodt deal It being mode. oeu te form of )wwyar heuew tup.n the twe veire.e in the uixttm eluapt.-r of the, revelalleuni. so St. Johnm Iin thee New Te$lamn-Att. It re'Item to praying gtlut (:owl might rvc-nyc- the M~wwl rI m a that hewS lr. a vrttenw t the bline n 11ad1 to ce"oeltaet this wilts aveuemilmmrthe hof Joue.-p and lirnuns StaiSth. It .- an Shave to such a/q)IIEti.tles a the. en.itow- aSent wai t iv.-t* Bing hetwfie the. el.-th of Jersepb anad Hiran Snmith aseal Bar a..h Iwren aehengeevvl. T e mnm wCre matr- ethreae by a Icwest neubtlugelewel. (ewe..rim- lug the a-ry about Irteuid atuen1."wet theie. Is tno feamaelaltnn. tI er Saligieaw LMb' I. iM s aeuan te hibul .m ,t rist. We. re- in the- ieripeetral eleuetrir *. 'Wlaeieewrn-ve ehe-4 deted ,Smtun's Illeell Siy Susie. elmailt hiss Suiern ie. sliceS1.' %V..* 51a4.1 Atie.ie tali e.-ia.-tllSh fern,, ,nunh-l r rmull tie timmeler tie. law of tlw- h.tmel atunI Iy atee r nlivc-r,e .only. The. aetatee lIl ttt. ef lose- a n*i(ate. Mdeiettieat wltne.'rnent shua tie. neS.iweme.-ttt E-ti.Sleiel(.1e Inteilte a :l;;1tha I5ssa111t) 11551cm tIeuue who leave tile. (lultt9El airndeliwt lle - Ilse. 11w rweig-etIMMe siuIaaly u..t."c'. "lir lh..lnl *.ii the intaitl olive. a riught te, drniee' igi te eiselese tlw its- signeaeeimt famnaul'a If timed. .- ae.l."wttue t lusit ase 'ssiUr me, Wove- ihe. right 1, t efuse t , toiu dlm - tlae. *isaeernuleie rituatl'e. DR. PETERS' FATE. CNIa tlag rp..rtu ma t. Ml. ruS er.. . H~suawtf sad 1..uaumw... Lmrsawe. Nov. $t. (onfi.l"ting areport is. nreard toa the- lat.- of the lIr. PFea1u 'a-- julearilg puarty wn. reriveal tn-dayv. A *lii..c.pla taiidrect tr.uan Zammallir says: 1%4-U-6 ii' n-r f"iv hl Lnr La Mu ( fflfl.- sag t1w art-I, orf IOr. Petcrum. aimalu..r G. r- lioama. smedl al nativem of 1itw I.trrr party .aetpt fiv. Meter W . The nuamt.ssn . - isarril at Ad.Iu uilurmr His.Is on 1w Tl'an river. ighit clday. nlameS awi.,vo Kewkmk ro. LOr. Pet.w wafm tfriunudly witl tii. lowal trie.t. halt not with lb.. .- hk-f .A Keurnalia wit.. with a party. nHole i nhght attaLk on tIhe- esauap. After killisug time- sneintu,* .im.a 1)r. l'c.t."r' pury tmea. na,.1ive taintel t-H f5Iflp antd drove. ofl 13he uiamlkwjr andh cattle. t Is time. catimer hnuih a ca tdIgat.I Ifront Brerlin aya. tlislt Ealmm Ik.y re-lief ceassclltl- t*.* 5rq.cjivw i, c."able front the- H-smtumag *callaamly at 7?&aailftr whi.l ,.ltatMc~ titast I.i."st,.amaast IIunriI-rt. oiat, . 1t)r. h'..t.r'e unde,. c.t uuua of I r. I .1.1... L.al.5-n- mtal wl.Ia.1e-rl fuarlih mays Ir. E'.t.,me stied lwarty are- .. &f.~ used w.1l usid have- .mts'- 11.11.4 sa f..$talel stslkima at time- foxat of Moumasn KlIIau t. Panm- .%msnre•as a.t Chester. ('YUCs.raK. Ia.. Nov. 2. The PaoI-Amer- lkan ragr..*ni visitel R.aae'|• s shipyard to ay to witaltms the launrhling of the stea-ser T)risaba f.w the New York and :ubal mail line. Malny uter prunsinent visitors w.er present. The vessel was christened by a daughter of es-Miniater to Spain Foster. A banquet was after- wantl giver at whickh Juoh, B. Reibhe pre- skided. A letter was read fro•l Se'retary Blaine. whl,. after exprnosing ellret at Ilis inability to be pre...nt, akid: "Ten yearsn slwe I visited ('eter on the invi- tatiln of your father to witness the lahsfwlai0n of tIe tlirt ship for the usane -lillssel~.r l li-hl. !h.spite olliial nali(g laity as ats•m•ieml an it was cruel -whish maakllatesrl alnal eslllsitte r el his (sot days. him i;slnea* will always- be ihtaalrably amm-. a*"ited with the best eifarrtI to reHtore pres. tir. to1 t~hl Antserlan flag lie all channels ofr oiuiffwr*t'." ('Hms'A ee. Nov. =--Two publicnk meetings were Iw~hl in ('hicago Io-might t a'omnnwna- (orate the. twe.nty-mecoud anniversary of the. ra.*4tatiufL of Allen. Larkin and O'Itrie i. Es-aujre'otaUuun J: -fn F. Fin- erty of (hbicag. Hon. C. K. Gallaguher of Ihlaumm.apotris and Hun. Mattlthew P. Brady if ('lieaLgu we-re sepeakers aat the Central fli*.i(i Suit!. P. W. Dunni of Peoria. Ill.. He-v. l). II. Ttoonwty of Poato. II.. "".:' (smuit ascid 9.. U. M4. Cone!1.61, of hi~lUaeI~- plaia. uail Joh~i Dewvy of New York spoke Mis. Ii. tubs.. JA('KM4onv LLMC. Fla.. Nov. MR.--The .ete auuiep Uliavete arrived at Key Wesat to-dlay, directly train Haivansa and briua Imuformatlota that the, ('uaeita distmurba~nces wren conflused to riots in San Cristabe4. Owing to dlffeences arising among aider- muen tbam r. v ia.ov. Ik e es emima of a eity ordinamarv. tb. .a uaw flumd MS the military and the . vies wow m u WNW two m bnad bhon hues is"d s ntlmW wqmandod. Oft Nnvfnjhur 21. at as Sb. mI- tary iinarerv With tal civwluw stbWMdI ano ho resnaud amp lIha &u a A" am ma..4. I bn. offie-r and thi mu war. hilicd mut many w)UIniuds. TI-able. a o-iutss in janil aroundl )Manums. LATE 00O 10 IN RLINIW. Tb. Wrue totw.. Ausra and M1 Rwwwdarse Primp. F..dsma.A 44.q.yrtgIeew. 1s by . t . Y. Am.wto' Puss. DrILIn, Nov. 1t--TIe t.r. a Wines hrtw.en Ausiria and Rumais whic NB. marrik foceS upon (Cwunt K.IIIuy am already partly fsaIlilled af ike Remint slk. Th. car ha stopped the ps..e.ivhe r umeahin Truss senlding agenb later l. Aria and peetsmptery warmed the raS to faster in the mneantime wltliw t 1im Del any agitation. The Austria a s wougtat about a rupture of the pmpiad marriage of Prim.. Verdinaad to PMes.s. .l'AIW on. (ernst Kaluaky bha in.Srner the Auirallan consul a In rah. to edify his partilanahblp in behalf of Peta.. I.r- dinandl. Reauuia behind peaceful diHplma- Cv ci.. not euwm her muasing of U'ap on her froutier. The work of mallwy s- tenalen is being acceleated In arder that the itrmIegkeal .sysrua may be eamnpbeh by May. Public opinion netd. to deeato ap eb nesat Hlmallan republie. The Nari (.e wsen Eheactte nays: The pJieee t weild.rs of pe war namt he ward I. a'ei I errem which musaut feare. Reuropeas .fate to itritrf...'r, io protet their countupn.M. A eabi. ehupatch to Hanhmw ain that the new ministry is divided i rfe+ peruuernal quarrels. that (iGneral Yae. ca's diktatoria mamen ners Irritat, his eel- Seaguea assd thlat his reautnatrae is deutad. A pwadkctkrn which linds cvrdence Is thai the nrpuhalic will breek into three .tate., 1 41 atorlal. (eparsol andl Katl.rn* The lac teir sving a large. German pospalatios ja lesing the prwsctlon of the Faibme- 11Usd. New YoRK. Novw. 3.-Majgw General H..warrl. tin the Uniter !States arusy. Ma mee(ting of the Military service ine tnW. holl thin afternwoo lathe meneti ng ball as (U6)vfewnr's Iland. read a papsa o*Xll1 tiery .ind Naval Peni urlln.." Theqal, after revlewimig the hLitory of pminiome advis'd the' aplilstmreat i a specil coma- aimaiwwna to vrbs all penflarn regietahi.a. At ler.w'at the people wer, not lNs Carom of a ate.'arall m ptle psaitmt. He aonsle.brud it right to begia the paymsen of asib pea- siom its I1. which would be M year. after the. qla.w of the war. General Horatio King .sai that it was nreecomry that putbl w~utinelst shultl he aroutsed to stragtbea ti.. w...k knew', of uiner representatives Is tutaytr. .. and . the annual raihY mai upon the 'unite Reinin Osrua. Halmm %retK. Nov. a.---Another halnt mr tukru for Units[ St ziatem enattw to-dy. Imte Jogwnua Wly lem-id his 42 votes and a .. arn wan take.. until evening. To-aighn hims f.. re, were Lwoken. On the Brot bal- .t 1w" r.cciv..el 3 1 rotes. 48Odway 9. Me 4 u'aewr 3. 4'ae7y 1t. Walhb B. Allen 3, 3alrrauta. tlegumurat. 13. The smeemed bal- let was the same,. Instt n the third tnlrway remeived S. 1 med ndun r A. ('C 1I, Wa '. H.snry Lslr 4 Sprague 9. marwatIt 1, While dJnnsise'n vote feU to 3?. Ad. jneurn."d until Mon day. meg' IEmdI.em..l A )a~t /ube. NKW (IsaiArne. Nov. 7L-The Ruvmi Iscry Aslulsedw .. 4)asit h~ietlnf of the *Ua4 tuem&3 W ta " tolay. Two inmdete.m r w e r e f s u t i I n bl a nk . oa ne f o r U m b . U U l lw-sint stol the. .lther few fauger. both u ausuably a~salnat ex.Tre warec Burke. TM illyal 1Iaeua. of "BIab bouaa" is e.eSIameld at 41UNJ). Mateb-Mehtmsf I. Vuee..r PA mae. Now. W -- In the chamber of d.p. utie. tn-elay.a mesarur.' proposed hr M. Leyale.t. in favor of allowlng the free nm- ufaetsac. efl mate-he-a. wee rejertsd. U. Rovic-re. minister of Anacp, theep asut.Ieateln. that the. governnwnt roaM tablish a .llre.t muonepoly of the baaoeis.. A. Expert inb $I. lail.. fl... NKw YoRKu. Nov. 21.-Dr. Rudolph Idlalliky. a notal expest on insaniy' who IMYLtuIer lmaULe' anIal atteCnpteIl to kIU hi. wit.- mIooI tslns~lf in Jassulary. MltM died ye..ut..rday In liltrMnminucLal. asylum. N. was,. ue. of ter esperts ina the Gul ss . aw". ?4Sm Lv.. Wee. LInin. NEw Yt.KK. Nov. *tL-It Is now b.iIvsd tlu(t uiuae lirie wcr lost tbroUgb tlb. si- limi.cn and siuking of the Old DsUaLmiam stcuatnur Maunuttsa. wbichb ran into tlb srchomner A,) U1O Mamng on Tbhuus s.mud Vr.. the L~snwl Pmovaumnute. Nov. t'.-Tb. pum am seven other Manbanam .. urvlvuui, wbs were on she life raft wve. picked up lbe mbaxsner Tuttle Wedsdmai m a rivrel ln this port to-dm. Maos. Misathwsrth. theUWA mwd.~ Ncw Yom . Nov. SfL--Mm .esohbwe who saaurd.erd Pettam yesterday, -{ very reatlle. night in her cell. This nr- lug there Is. a-light lmpremsmtr Is condition. Dt...v.rtus smArtma. WAsrmlan O?. Now. 5L.-Geaagisal - Vey says tbat Professor Rumaels eopei- tons in Alaska have resulted In maaw i- tereetins discoveries rriadlumg the uh- cwrs, Silning. etc. Tb.e boo will prob- ably be ssd moon. T. atep Ualpm y to Canda O TAWA. Nov. I.-lt is stated pr liarent will be asked at the mea sine m to enart lawa agrainst -aiyue Is a lr to cover the ofenese com it bu Mew- maon. In the Northwest territry. PsLaee by tbh Le..sma. WAziuuvnuro. Nov. St-The pemICi has grantsd a pardon is the mu, Josephb Clarke. coerkred In IUte at trey and sentenced Mareb 8, inK te years limprisonment. lb. remmte Cm. A4Jmas. Cnlcwun. NWo. Ug.-Tbe feels oe M juurseed this naomiug till Mand l out further evidenm belng tsa. The defense will eArn. Mony.

IsU -MUM READY FOR WORK L WILL SAVE THE NATIONthat none u1t lmacnihxers or persons ckl

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DR. D. J. McDKX*LDsluom Dmmwr.

-a swan - - krm& No

F. L. ST. JUAN. A.$.. M.D.. C.M.U..~as as U. a.wt. et. J...r lI.

4S~ -ais us.. i Mt.I L Joe s Udlilag.stsmrm: rw*sOIA.M..UMis aiSS.M.



*A. P. BR03 H.Mr~smera Irr.

Mr~ I.Hrlywss1..t Liverosm.n is .a-rm beky s . Maim fs..

-Rs~. l.sr

?. VIA ITn, oflumq u -ate u Sb.mal mnige U Elal

_te.. B Lb le -

~r~ Aam-a~&am ____


oAnm i. aailmmm




OS.. Vn Mhlmt A .Jamphlak R tdtjwesad Nra l ra d i. a U



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Amecoada. - Monta•.


Contractors and BuildersPlhaing MinU •at rnd of Town.

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ANACOND)A, - Motana.


On Front-st.ANAC)NI)A, Mt. By MRH. RAMKRY.



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rioeei News masd.


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FORI PA . ...................




CENTRAL + MARKET_g Wlrt Street Anacooda. Meat.


TA. Oily Flrst-Class FamUly Mark.tit. the City.

READY FOR WORKThe L~w bHa o the Imtu

lis-tan Orgeal.


Yen Now Eaucbs Up to th Dina- OrN slik as.


3.pmkt. Uomh.ss ea theb IgemIbat.

a sm mp Ae s mM m .maw. -•iqk Lom.--

lpVeltal to the meta.darl.H•P.IrXA. Nov. dI.-TIh first ISnas of

rrpen.aemtatives of the state of Montanawas duly orgsalnied at none to-day. TimeGovernor's pru•lamatlem o FPr•day ladallayed any feverish excitegsmnt existingin the city and the proceedingtllls beforeand incident to the organisation wereconducted with decency. order anmd digni-ty. At the court house, where tbe govert-or had called the legislature to meet, thepoliticians began tp sasem-ble as early as10 o'(clrk ill the nlorning, conling thusearly r te most pat part to pay their respesto (Governor Toole, who greeted all mostcordially at his offlee. Among thL gentle-men present, in addlitio t to tie nmemhersof the legislature, were Major Magianuis.S. T. Hauser. (ol. Broadwater, (ha'rks E.Conrald Siam Word, W. A. Clark of Butte.and Judge McConnell. The representsatives miet fIorionsutation ti the room as-signed for their deliberatlon aboult 11:Io'clock. No republican reprwsentativeswere preeuat. Ilat all the 21) democraticmenlmber were three except Mr. Humberof Iker L*ldge county, who was exretedlater iln the day. The sergeaelt-at-arnnstood a.t the dour with the llafornationlthat none u1t lmacnihxers or persons ckl<la-hgl to be i•1e1uiers would he adnlllttedl tothe floor of the house. The gallertie werenet asuart for spertatorn and in ohldiesieeto thaLovernor's ianrieutions the galtbryduxaes were thrown ope•l to the publlic ir~e-cia0ly at 12.

A few minutes. Iefo-re. 12 o'rclok Tern.Power was Lmee,. strklillsg own the corrl--kr to tile oeser oif lthe fl•mr of tIhe Ileeniose.Thet erwd fell bawk toe aillow the greatmanu plenty of room. He iull nothing tothe eklnrkecIeAr, nbut with all air soe mnajcs-tkic as to erder ln the rklieual•U tried therie tknlob anedt wheta the door refu.sel to openexclaimedll "Lr*.ketd! I thought so."Ti'rlailg onei his hIedl Mr. Power the.ristalkeed out of the tbullding with the proudleose•cloeiIlsneun of onei who had mi).lale, amost vital alad inperwtamnt diieevery.

A 1L2 o'ehlok '. P. Blakely, of Gallatin,called the hour to orQdr. At the caonclt-sloe of the roll-call Mr. Blakely arese.e andsaikl: "There are : ,,enters pereeent. aqll1oruln1 of the first legilative assemblyof the state of Mo n

talla."The wildest applaluse broke' frmn tile

galleries. whkh were now )ackedl to thelirsltmouet ellrapcity. The clheerilg laestelseveral mnlllntes. effectually drowmtting theIvoice of Mr. Blakely. who mlayed everaltines to sp•a•k. When ourskr was restoredMr. Blakely saidhl- the rdeetleliialn l•-vinlbeen presemteu -l -it was thle dllty of timememluhers to take the • outl ofoffice. All gathereel in frontof the :upeakers desk. sald holding uptheir right halnds repeated the words ofthe oath after ('. B. Nolami. counti y attor-ney of Lewi.s angd Clarke. As oonl asI tle-memlersn had agall takell their seats C.P. Blakely, of Gallatin,. was el('oenl tensl-porary speaker by acclanlation. tlandCharles Z. Pend0. of Jefferseon. was e*lectedltemporary clerk in the samne manne..On notion of Mr. Toohe, Miles , inla•l, olButte, was appoilntedl temelorary usergeanLt-at-armsl and onl motion of Mr. Conly.S•amuel Alexasnder was choseen tenmplwasurdoorkeeper.

Mr. Frank, of Silver Bow, then morvedlthe appointlmeint of a com• lnittee oflive on credentials. The speaker appointed Messrs. Frank, of SilverBow, Whaley of Jefferson, Wa'.lace of Lewis and Clarke. Toole of DeerLodge and McEllew of Gallatin. Thecoenmittee retired, and after deliberationreturned with a report saying that theyhad examined all the credentials submit-ted to them and all were legal and proper.The ~8 democrats were named in the re-port as having been duly elected. Thisseats the nine democrats returned fromSilver Bow. Mr. Humber of Deer Lodgenot being present his credentials ofcoure were not at hand. The co•,mitteerecommended that the)- be continued forfurther service. The report was ,nani-mously adopted and the coennuitte cosltin-und as recomnwnded. The speaker tlmenread the following communication fromthe governor:

(k)vasowls ()VrrICKe, Nl,v. 23. I!e.To •oaptain Jon Ham4tk, is reArpc of the Ilose

of Heprewestathte., Hlsea Morst.:At 12 o'cIork nooen tod-ay you will u.e'n the-

doors to th.e house of reprsenttlves rnld a;dlnitao person to the Ilur except perm•ruans clamlinai tobe Imenmlwrs of that body. When muni*.l t,)' l alymember whlum y*Ni have adlmltted tult tIh. ht.'.eof representatives has tempirarily ora:ntzre.l .iwill turnover your keys to such iero..nm as tlh*h use of representatlves may deslgn-'t.*. If t,.auditor of the state appears at Lth door Iwe i .you are reliev.d by the persone deutig•a:,al by Ith,hmume of reprleseutatives you will aillmtl hil t..the tflow of the house. When yul are reli•~i.d tbi•such person your emt•pinymient reases.

JiaEgpa K. Ttoe.a, 4;,overln•r.The transfer of the keys was thel• l dly

made. The house then took a recess un-til 2 o'clock.

The house met at 2 o'clock, anotherlarge assemblage of spectators being

pmtr. Oft tiso MI (amilv. dIssth .Ml Clat h. the rak eof the sIn-

SAW cc the gtrritor at Mantam. msoradapted a. the tIrmpusey rules of thishIm ... taafar a. they wem ae a. Tbhoo the. tinmk a ren... ton til S: o'cknek,.

she a mabm galag Ioa caucs In the La-terval. On wsmegnblilg at the boonnamed time. tent newary oIkTccruwuer appointid: XNight watch-man. Blyron Khctnaan of lIelaua.presiaent of the celnrJ,'l ci."anrrkiatclub of this city: engrneslgckrk. V EnsnwtRyan; enrolling clerk. Vincent w.atauswc. ofHekena; assIstant chief clerk. Edware'('<onay. of Jefferson comunty; ."aamioilastineruuana-a-arns. Williuau L4 Gwen. doHelena; day watchman. E. T. I )w..sa. ofHutto; chaplain. HRe. J. HawkiLuu. ofWirks, Jfeg+saon county. Samunuel Alex-amnder. who was apluuimltcdi dluor-k..en-r atthe morning session. lctlisaing the ap-pdahataent- M. Warringtomn, of Iiueti..ancounty, was appointel in his stead. (inmoes, ao aMr. Wallace the speaker warlmastrarte to appoint a cosamlatac of fiveon permanent orgtnluatinm. aned thanspeaker aamel Messr. Wallace, .4 Lewisand (lathe. Toole of Drer Lcu~u. Whaley,of Jefeisem,. Penrose, of Silver Dow, andMeEllewer. of Gallatin. The henes.e thanadjourned until 10 oecock Me'nekey nuart-lang.


OUtemam Kl...tod saila Cmacasattt. A pp.1.1.d4to Walt m 1kh. ta~a..e.ar.

Itwelal tr tOh Itaaautard.HKLKNA. Nov. VI.-Paanweaaant tea a cull

Ismumce by State. Auditor Kenaay uponh.whast utlcwity due. s nt appe.r- than re-publk'aa nembarm of Siw lo hes.. and therepeahlleaa clalnaming t.. 1uw nanmlwrm ..the sm i anct at naooa it a ball fa thenww Inibl ock, near thw feIl of Manltstreet. Tea roach the hail freet the mtreetone? had tIo travermi tIw Centir edeptlh ofItsw hulnldhimg, go oual Into a back yarel fullof Clotbaes-tle. cows andi wood-pile'.. catltheta tua, wa by another docwgo hawk Into the, buildlllnag lad (eataic. outof. The rooes wasa sloppay. cntel atad .kuris..with cigar smoke. It wa. altogetle.-r te..mushl for tLw laerlum-a' rtalllrVl of it. atidpreseneteel anyolaitg heat a rnsetate. mand dig-atife-el ap e~araiwr . The loath to thile roranssaaggesterdthe (Lark and creokedl ways ofthe ropubllcican leader of -Silver BohwBountty, aite the- rooma itee-If with Its..ateu-eapetits wa. sin powerful e'ettrat.t wila thIeellgaelthel Ixaly of mani rsnttilug Ia -eur"niadi s. carte-re iai the c-ousl lae...e qaai.lt.eI

not only with thw pioper waarajhnalia ofa legIslatIve asscnab y. lnt willsright atwl justise.- ont their li.d.State Autllhtew Keuwiay ealcel its.atcetitag to eareL-r. MIr. Keniay maid:

4tGoatle-nseae of the. -Irfit aean-c oaf alrrae-ai-tatives of 01ws legislative' neenalaly fSat thesmtate- of Movatania. ly Mce'tloua I,:tC .,fftha di-visiota of th. garn.ratl lawus ef Mcantaeaea, itis taqy dtty. as tate' auditor tom cli YOua toostier. 1I6ad1 I Stow aroea toa cet ee. I 1ev."is .-artlitegate" freaa tSlw a ecare ary oef mtat.eeaeatceiamlug the" uamaaeas ea all ehaly e.S~etteegta e ailteroe ef t1w legir ,taanr e. wllilel- I w ill

mnoaw re.-ae.The amulat.cr tlw.. calleul the. roll of ttie

rwiItmats, .alenlxr.4 . FPrug. Silver Lemw

Hobtl'iuaum, EJ)olnc,. 311'40111.. '.n. Bray antei1rbehrt.. Jmssldt. MrcHratt ,.'. eanler iii thwrtfonr ignie~nH a ulattage(tltr.4 iief Jn'at lee Blake.he,. swore evert yhuwly i,. At this Iiwaint

Mrs. L. H. Hiruhlficlh wulkedlI uia time aiwi..witll a Iarge. l..airjmmt of ufnw.r.r winch h.lwplaeued twit the ake*. Thelw nail cull show."el:il Iwatrwe,,,.. gw~te'.ut. Anna.. C. Witter oflIea%.vrhmdta wil ttuiciti,.uiatly e-l"e*t.emelma,, .eawaker: lk.,mljamm,, %'e'.lmse.t.r of Ha"l.e-sea. sluahi, chlief clerk ; Jlnut'.ew H. Willh.. caHeletma. engie'nwwlsimg al an .rollag (herk.;J. 1). Taylor ot ('s..aeale" euhasty, seho, ,wr-geuettot-at-rns..; H."v. V. 1. Allen, of Helenuma,

hlunt chaulain; ('luerkes B. (.ihb. of Mi.-otula. shamui tl'xirkeeper and wate'hmcutan;

Frank WV. (nx-brau, ot 14talena. ..hamin gmage".Tlr whluiti lIouw. then toruk a newe.,.Iutil 3i '.i icutk. On em.wsenaauIlWCin* it c.mn-m~itt."a" if thmre. iaimwly: Mesr.eeuu.ilte~r titLerwis. anted (larke lI1..emlnhtu .fr he.te.aa.athd Hurrnlamgieum o Madhisona. w..n. apuluuint-a4l te wait one 11w govenow AuCh nf.nhlint that tihe stenaim houeaa* was iirmjataictland rustily fearbnwm,..w. 1'lw 4Untuimltate n-Inarmeel d li half an hIour anti hiet the Iov-Etti(r budt gil4 o thel hotell r Intclrwatcranti would P-1uailly aoct retamin manil M"..ii-dli:y nruloleg. Tlw st mtrs hntua w.i" aivKemt.., Indenuamalc that thet guirtieur liutl rlseaaway to avokl 11am. but* the truth. is. thatlit. livil atu e4IIitUl.geltt t 0 IaIp to thatli. nn ael-waler wher. Liberati',. haeaatl were to Mtrna-natdle hit,.. Two eoominhitte-e. wenre ail)ae.ilmt-etel. El, 11 enreletlah..: n . (Mewssrum..Eatteag. (ory, lWiag anti Mcite-Iaell ; amad oilanate.,. He-mry IHirlia. M1.aimte-atl. Morean~ustd Bray. TI.e adiamum 1 cutw. thee-a aeljea..rmm-eel until Moisaday at 12 eu eloek.

ItRepublel*a Neaature M..t.dlt'pil tlo S*t landlardt.

H uI.rn.%. Nov. t. -- Liealte(rlaut-Gov(ernorHickards and theL eight repelulic•a~ m-ntu-toem liet at Inonse in thie tlrull the gyr-ernor had kldlsinated for the aIIwtiang ofthe leslate. Secretary of State Rotwittcalled the samesr of the senatorn-elect.tile eight republicans alone re•ponding.Judge Hunt administered the oath ofofllee to hemn Jointly. Tim oaIlas werealso prepared in written fornal, and eachof the eight .senators preU•-et mulhuriltllto the saue. The written fornu was theLcommitted to the care of the secretary ofstate. The lkeutenanlt-govertor apuuolitedMathew MdGurk temporary sergeant-at-amis and told hiti to hold the keys sul-ject to his order. No further busiisseuwas attempted, thL re npublican realisisagthat no Yquorum was present andl thattherefore any actiona would rhe null andvokl. aind an ai•ournllsent was tlake-luntil IModay.

NOTES OF THE DAY.The Atluespbre Wa MRatlher Chilliy 1s

the Resep LegslatuLre.Speceha to the Itanlard.

HIErLKA, N*ov. :L--The corridors of allthe hoteIls are jaznnmwld iteoight with .menceallly dieuuasilg the evelnts of the 4any.The* excitement has subhridkld int a largrniieaun. anlld peeople ~em*-n Ito ie saIkingoff their pa• oslls alnd pre.juices. Every-where- ylens o you iwar but one opirlion,.etx•ept amloag ithe reipublicann dire.tly in-tern-ate.l. and that opinioll is that the ftirtl-ay's hattle is unldeniably a denrluexrativictory. The democratic mnteniter nltlpursuant to tine call of tie gw-Sertor and at the place desrig-nated by hinm. Thely fllected atemporary organlsatioa in nlmplii•alewith the law and were ofltially recea-nised by the governor. as wau sown by

Sk "or whieb lth a pwemeul shha~lrwau.erdtL II isa #lmhb ad whk-h we. wssu

ibpnc of the bss.. wre l uulu'lewt the gravcty and deae um hef1t Wt

an bon.mluhlr bob'. (In the other1gs. the u.a.caltld "'bus." uu'psanlamdt hrrepeahlirksaau boaki, [tans the mtar.

trtu.nlinsn ande"..eal at .wtwnr of foparr h." alled ""barn. If the. haddirt it a hrun .eatrigbt she wr".w 44103(1lmat Ihuvt. M"."1 *flWr dlafip, *Iiuinal and

15u1uhrh4Ia.. its i4)63 it."gsm 4W ilt~We farciksl

vs L , . tr ." . A t 00 5 :t h el I, n i sn.t. ere~n. Itts e'el !.r."n.** Whiaj, ws

pea.. .sa"'agtm. atynh14ally andS every 4ntleiway. 11w w. *.to wai i,,skqsmt. to hewMI-0%- *'f ilia nit.nfJlbln+.. an w4ll ia% te

rem-ta *Il".."tie, nretunla. with aui disre..irpe.In tm1 '1-1le41 iag it'qJf. Whiclhn is a t1141" 34waEwitiln.. th." iuatriemq 44 which. whesaAmbalme'.l :.&ad fswwsiheavl. will noe d.I.alae Leaa. nttraa'tirv. a th1e extqri.w. It mrucst wsaid t4 as the uwma was never intended farah beloni fael.uewraaetaehle.. (1ertaimaIy 23wolrunacts . Wta. Inc4 agta-ytrtilsa em .n41 gI".114alw wathkt'gan of ae place, had a very ul.-Ifes feffect u on the rserpshllcnra.

ute r a f.t of sprt and a(4asitau~iaalst-tot ainMsag tins. apee-tatoew.11 aea. ~ae T .leuineuod an clvap wl ard

kfel the nrvpllklcalaborsl aa e whe'ged inI51uiythe feeling loureakewmt througheout

tam citythat their un.4alble org ataaltloanW5a a Ill.te *i~k'.ei huittt C)o gor to

1 p er w1 uu, r or later.1w" Htlemia Nlbre.l lo-tiajlt way that14bte. Aaslitow Kennumy was algwntw'h.4 tIl ioumenlai with a bribe of JVk(INi t he wouklrnesiauqt to aum.atr in th*" hueese uaed railtb inrllfl tthat iU dy. "1w S1ANI)~AIn wj5)VceI w's4 tillabli 1-) ltsI f Mr. Ketity t-iiglat. hlhe story In gr.'nnatiwel by tlwhdeanar ruts as stalia1. u us fabrkation. littleOC n4)c 4.P(rl"lme'1*11 bire Yia it evesr. 5y rttih-'lieaws.

lie )Jaa241414.y, it is .tpeu-tud that thehmaiss will ac'segsin.4sh a ,wnrana."nt oeWgas-

sastioss uimed Ie rseady to tsaaeeasat all em(S-sieasteme .,sn~ltly de~velvinsg sa1scts or eruioeais

fgua flu tlt 1lady. Tie' r inblkeinm s wi llaaiin n .5.)4 their eotsonltte'e to the- IuY-4-fleor 411ail they will 1lasul almi too. l's tact tienuta s roan away frown tlwhn.

Kceast.wr Mr~amnara Au Ian leers.. hoelngcaallia"l to hirs luel by illness.

Thw Ikemsr Ljelg" eand Silver How nwn.-lugs asae ine e's.4i" *t slelrit's a. iliIhsid un-aU 1)h. tlrnlrs *t.lr

A esigastia.asst featamme. of ltie. dirift of jutE-.lie' o~ijisine r'." aseleeg tie" twoe arval .wgass-luatlsss is tlnat the talk tut-nlilst ons tlhe,eeat.erial qleestloise is. .'eamllestcI ansise st ex-t'lusiv)ly to 11w" elcgsseneats. IwtsmIbliskws.The, repallirane e'alrdidt.I meseen 1. tosaveImp"u Icest 'sight sof.

Aniong thee Amaneuenda pe.eele who were's}}.eeta./.w in It"' Isouse" (rWLuy wen- JiwlgeFitag raskl. ("I(it Attorney llonrmrnun. Janu.Riohry and (City Tre'sssmrer MNualty.

Why TOW Y 11,641' show !"r.HE1.1: . Nw.t. SCtu In a qawrng t thehr ni-

CwoWil lit l * ,nat.r.* and l rr)m .ultcrtivrutlJ e.vensrnIm the motion .r.Ole nf ii,.. s. a n,h14N1.u rnneserus is .wgam iitag Me, 'earatelywas e'iilairssel. It Wag weilet the resustii-.ru.k..Mtio6 War hbse'd eu art puIin.Htost of (G.wv.*rsar Toaale. that osmly timamhealaimung .- mrtilla~at.a a.t e'Ieq.tlmisa trim...-. ruanty ta14rka wameutel It rta-ejrtmire.. It

hau.l I infun. sim".i. (ht..lmar I *'Xgse-re. yparovidesIe.latt ittA ,atsr:a'a I%- eratlvatke.4l byflits st twiiii'eI eh.r..-te*arn toll is.'*.s stiiilalte (&Ic5tid.4" III.. rn t srispe osa stime ea(mm)ai-

nt..u.""y eats tit.' lore jw msitinaal tust ontly MisaimIt.' teert foundsa tm 1w' nNsassimerie iy ii. .' aetauoantvadI werare. e'matIttl"I tarn mae:.tp. asset alla. we"r ter e'.-terntlmu fan rtsar rigims.' nra "'Isla

w iwtly is. thie' .rnaa 5ate imassaea. andt t use,tintu.' its the' gv*Iarn..r.

Nrw., F nram asaesw.

S 11 FxAN44'0.I'9. N.v. 2.1. - A.Ivi.rs 11ytlIi Mt4attI1Ni /Aail4l4nain. fr'iiui %IaI.,b. ait-Pul Nov. N Nwy ."v..rytltiemg is q.Iiet tlwre.

IlNp.aa lnu r.rt~t. N\twitla".utznling time po-

Vi..in)R J l elati..u nst nrlrlct), wlaiel nrsull-..uI ii the claoikt9 of .Maatsafa ua king anin%lbalt iata as. vie.' king. tha follower., ofTama city 1.14.1 ama 'electioni oni thet lt ofN,.apsmaxr, rmcauatitag in tia' elhuiP. of hat.l-etlta as king anal Taasaawseu. a.. vice. king.The. $eau&Itiogao e~aat N autfai lusmt ,aa.uthti was

('HIrltviolt) '. l(;lIsit a tetnlrwrray arclyrgn"nel. wll Is,(I,

'f.'.. Inr u twe'e ,'imjl.nihle aar'lae~n-.a.i.a of iiias * pdlemlac of typ ataiul fever, mcev-anal sailon's Eof th' (,rcntaata wair vesue.'

.iliaak tdyiag with what Wit M&*pisww'I tablIe' the eIaataww. &idu (:ermaalatas having es-tul.Iieity aIs' h..galitsl i, sow' m o fir cser..,

iaamaliustzta.'a',. ca thme wear ve'ase.'Iwro'.'kr'dhosmt Muarc'h.

Eats' hb Slark..S A.19 FmcwAl'eum. New. ZI Tihe #mee'amii

e.tvammmer /Aznl 111141m arriveel frw.uis Sydneyaim.! Ammcklanmml via H ,mlmau at ftlfun I..slacy. Wl~u w (w'rrrtiumu an a1e wan ent.r-itug thew, harbeer at Hernealun Nov. 14e l'uvnf.Vaun Tamei. ti lmall'mnlemt* , ac' ana as-e".mmaLum fnr-ml heIr awl dro1Vlpt lrd mar thebamlloon inmm a ;arae~ at".* He" fill into timeee.ean aiicnt twem mmil.. fromi time whosea anldem.n" sile from the- wteeamw r. H." was Mem'.o nwf i emanl it is. .agmeowel ow warn .Ntenby) Msark,. Vana Tamul left Sana Fracimmela few weekms agup fir H~eteuIaImm amine! Aus-

traia. whe"rm. b.*" .'rjmteel to give ehlaibi-

Tih Vessuviu. at Ae..ptd.

WAsHIIIcrol,. New. 2t. -- .e."emrtary Tracyi.r-dap .rttkel tme' In sg ;m) alngint qemetion.. f thw aerleptanme-c e.f this dymmanmite cromieerV.ewunlus. In a Irter te the. builder. heklowa that them as*wifleatlon that a shell

mmmitaining x1J g.ummde of elymamite or*.timr hmighm ezmlew~ive whatl he- thrownw at(. soo1t one mils'lu.. Iuwenot Imeei faallfllled~tilwae.

t s.ilts wmh inh had 1wrma tlrel freumA tIhe vt-.. "'ls glgnts tiot Iavimg e'eontaeI nel aminy a*-1 .mal*ve... Tie- nreetiremnemtem its ra-gaml toIFuro .rimp wr aieee lmowe. nacat Iwen fulflledl.a'mel til v.-AM-l camI)It(t 1w a" ewee.;m tilltimemine ntyUimeutaleit. are .einmmmginlld with.

M..r. ublc lied.

.. ttlrrrrcutl1

?T. LLT. IN. N. '. Tme wurkcf thaIt4 1s15m A. Snmith. of tIhe Smith. lIee nd Prue."..upany. haI i.f the.- city . ith a. largeamountS of Lattirn.! pe inoSe ImWIisl ?dmnea~tly

d."nirKl by hiNatt." ney.. Nt LW Mhlpp r Std.0fus snot left the city.

WILL SAVE THE NATIONVhme mrootM 1mr nuay ohs13-

Law 3... Wl Day afl ma Th.Wmip Ia mad Tab.e ('bae

('HItIAtIH. %Nw. Wt.- Ie IrnWsYwuas to wtelegam teans tlwn Aawaatc l Pm..sk-

ily Irr or n *atcnaesst e cauc."rseing t heNerne-ist inv..mtigaatioas at .'a~lt Lake. Prsesi.k"sstW~ooduru. of ti' Hinson ,aurc..e unslsa .llapatwb ia which he says: "This is the,~rkitllcal Mornan, uensetine which weare aceusonwrd to cpect in ?4wnnbec.('Suugre meret in temeahecr .nd it ispnwssswd the usaal e&nir.. will ha. madet4 u'urta legsisation against the Monmons.In auclition. we are na the eve of an jun-psutant saaush~lpal election ben. whichthe anti-Mawrnans hole to carry by pre-venting the saturalaaatlnn of Mormons.There Is ahwslsstely nothing in the Mor-imn religion inc-onsiastet withl the most

1'atritic tltvotioa tn the" goversnment ofthe rsnit.tl Stnat.. The rcvelations andeienmarndmrnts of the churbch requirethat the ,eaan.titkrnt antl laws of the landhi. upholi. The slime. will no when thecountry will h'. dist4rwnrsl asdse rnerallawletuoasetes iw.vsil. Then the Mewousonpeople will step foarwadnl ase take an ac-fve lart isa nreulisg ts. ntation hearsruin.

In nganrl to Its. claahw that the *rwe.-u-hooed atiU chie4f Atat eritleumk tlls c-hrare'hassent thR right t, Cenrol Te Mo.n rmonjaopie I in am tentperal. Iswa-ellwmig pedltie'aI,affalrm. I wouht 557 I am the heitl ef threhease'Ia inId 1 leo meltr nuke. any ew*rb e*laimn.It wotld be Iuatpce..e ih. to e.(eienire it it Ielut. 'ii. e'lutrg. of ungdiw Lnte"rfesrene inelrie.e~rn is ahesurd. lIaI~lleltss Is 'tsrictlywe'et, asIwi all nuaaLaIegtfle.Smt tot the' Atc-ti.na in the menalktest aultal it en thr hamlelnit Ummiter e Stat... gB)varnone~mmt agpt/aietar..Tlwht itto %euttne (s II 11tilto I trnellltlelutlin la". Iy due t their being e.eNutant7

.1111 rlalrt~elyaamsalwee by the smut. Bmuineucity who seek ute eunte the' ajeu-ity. '

A goodt deal It being mode. oeu te formof )wwyar heuew tup.n the twe veire.e in theuixttm eluapt.-r of the, revelalleuni. so St.Johnm Iin thee New Te$lamn-Att. It re'Item topraying gtlut (:owl might rvc-nyc- the M~wwl

rI m a that hewS lr. a vrttenw t the blinen11ad1 to ce"oeltaet this wilts aveuemilmmrthe

hof Joue.-p and lirnuns StaiSth. It .- anShave to such a/q)IIEti.tles a the. en.itow-aSent wai t iv.-t* Bing hetwfie the. el.-th ofJersepb anad Hiran Snmith aseal Bar a..hIwren aehengeevvl. T e mnm wCre matr-ethreae by a Icwest neubtlugelewel. (ewe..rim-lug the a-ry about Irteuid atuen1."wet theie.Is tno feamaelaltnn. tI er SaligieawLMb' I. iM s aeuan te

hibul .m ,t rist. We. re- inthe- ieripeetral eleuetrir *. 'Wlaeieewrn-ve ehe-4deted ,Smtun's Illeell Siy Susie. elmailt hiss Suiernie. sliceS1.' %V..* 51a4.1 Atie.ie tali e.-ia.-tllShfern,, ,nunh-l r rmull tie timmeler tie. law of tlw-h.tmel atunI Iy atee r nlivc-r,e .only. The. aetateelIl ttt. ef lose- a n*i(ate. Mdeiettieat wltne.'rnentshua tie. neS.iweme.-ttt E-ti.Sleiel(.1e Inteilte a:l;;1tha I5ssa111t) 11551cm tIeuue who leave tile.(lultt9El airndeliwt lle - Ilse. 11w rweig-etIMMesiuIaaly u..t."c'. "lir lh..lnl *.ii the intaitlolive. a riught te, drniee' igi te eiselese tlw its-signeaeeimt famnaul'a If timed. .- ae.l."wttue t lusit ase'ssiUr me, Wove- ihe. right 1, t efuse t , toiu dlm -tlae. *isaeernuleie rituatl'e.


CNIa tlag rp..rtu ma t. Ml. ruS er.. .H~suawtf sad 1..uaumw...

Lmrsawe. Nov. $t. (onfi.l"ting areportis. nreard toa the- lat.- of the lIr. PFea1u 'a--julearilg puarty wn. reriveal tn-dayv. A*lii..c.pla taiidrect tr.uan Zammallir says:1%4-U-6 ii' n-r f"iv hl Lnr La Mu ( fflfl.-sag t1w art-I, orf IOr. Petcrum. aimalu..r G. r-

lioama. smedl al nativem of 1itw I.trrr party.aetpt fiv. Meter W . The nuamt.ssn . -isarril at Ad.Iu uilurmr His.Is on 1w Tl'anriver. ighit clday. nlameS awi.,vo Kewkmk ro.LOr. Pet.w wafm tfriunudly witl tii. lowaltrie.t. halt not with lb.. .- hk-f .A Keurnaliawit.. with a party. nHole i nhght attaLk ontIhe- esauap. After killisug time- sneintu,* .im.a1)r. l'c.t."r' pury tmea. na,.1ive taintel t-Hf5Iflp antd drove. ofl 13he uiamlkwjr andhcattle.

t Is time. catimer hnuih a ca tdIgat.I IfrontBrerlin aya. tlislt Ealmm Ik.y re-lief ceassclltl-t*.* 5rq.cjivw i, c."able front the- H-smtumag*callaamly at 7?&aailftr whi.l ,.ltatMc~ titastI.i."st,.amaast IIunriI-rt. oiat, . 1t)r. h'..t.r'e

unde,. c.t uuua of I r. I .1.1... L.al.5-n-mtal wl.Ia.1e-rl fuarlih mays Ir. E'.t.,me stiedlwarty are- ..&f.~ used w.1l usid have- .mts'-11.11.4 sa f..$talel stslkima at time- foxat ofMoumasn KlIIau t.

Panm- .%msnre•as a.t Chester.('YUCs.raK. Ia.. Nov. 2. The PaoI-Amer-

lkan ragr..*ni visitel R.aae'|• s shipyardto ay to witaltms the launrhling of thestea-ser T)risaba f.w the New York and:ubal mail line. Malny uter prunsinent

visitors w.er present. The vessel waschristened by a daughter of es-Miniaterto Spain Foster. A banquet was after-wantl giver at whickh Juoh, B. Reibhe pre-skided. A letter was read fro•l Se'retaryBlaine. whl,. after exprnosing ellret atIlis inability to be pre...nt, akid: "Tenyearsn slwe I visited ('eter on the invi-tatiln of your father to witness thelahsfwlai0n of tIe tlirt ship for the usane-lillssel~.r l li-hl. !h.spite olliial nali(glaity as ats•m•ieml an it was cruel -whish

maakllatesrl alnal eslllsitte rel his (sot days.

him i;slnea* will always- be ihtaalrably amm-.a*"ited with the best eifarrtI to reHtore pres.

tir. to1 t~hl Antserlan flag lie all channelsofr oiuiffwr*t'."

('Hms'A ee. Nov. =--Two publicnk meetingswere Iw~hl in ('hicago Io-might t a'omnnwna-(orate the. twe.nty-mecoud anniversary ofthe. ra.*4tatiufL of Allen. Larkin andO'Itrie i. Es-aujre'otaUuun J: -fn F. Fin-erty of (hbicag. Hon. C. K. Gallaguher ofIhlaumm.apotris and Hun. Mattlthew P. Bradyif ('lieaLgu we-re sepeakers aat the Centralfli*.i(i Suit!. P. W. Dunni of Peoria. Ill..He-v. l). II. Ttoonwty of Poato. II.. "".:'(smuit ascid 9.. U. M4. Cone!1.61, of hi~lUaeI~-plaia. uail Joh~i Dewvy of New York spoke

Mis. Ii. tubs..

JA('KM4onv LLMC. Fla.. Nov. MR.--The

.ete auuiep Uliavete arrived at Key Wesatto-dlay, directly train Haivansa and briuaImuformatlota that the, ('uaeita distmurba~nceswren conflused to riots in San Cristabe4.Owing to dlffeences arising among aider-

muen tbam r. v ia.ov. Ik e es emima ofa eity ordinamarv. tb. .a uaw flumd MSthe military and the . vies wow m u WNWtwo m bnad bhon hues is"d sntlmW wqmandod.

Oft Nnvfnjhur 21. at as Sb. mI-tary iinarerv With tal civwluw stbWMdI

ano ho resnaud amp lIha &u a A" amma..4. I bn. offie-r and thi mu war.hilicd mut many w)UIniuds. TI-able. ao-iutss in janil aroundl )Manums.

LATE 00O 10 IN RLINIW.Tb. Wrue totw.. Ausra and M1

Rwwwdarse Primp. F..dsma.A44.q.yrtgIeew. 1s by .t . Y. Am.wto' Puss.

DrILIn, Nov. 1t--TIe t.r. a Wineshrtw.en Ausiria and Rumais whic NB.marrik foceS upon (Cwunt K.IIIuy amalready partly fsaIlilled af ike Remintslk. Th. car ha stopped the ps..e.ivher umeahin Truss senlding agenb later l.Aria and peetsmptery warmed the raSto faster in the mneantime wltliw t 1im Delany agitation. The Austria a s

wougtat about a rupture of the pmpiadmarriage of Prim.. Verdinaad to PMes.s..l'AIW on. (ernst Kaluaky bha in.Srnerthe Auirallan consul a In rah. to edifyhis partilanahblp in behalf of Peta.. I.r-dinandl. Reauuia behind peaceful diHplma-Cv ci.. not euwm her muasing of U'apon her froutier. The work of mallwy s-tenalen is being acceleated In arder thatthe itrmIegkeal .sysrua may be eamnpbehby May.

Public opinion netd. to deeato ap ebnesat Hlmallan republie. The Nari (.ewsen Eheactte nays: The pJieee t weild.rsof pe war namt he ward I. a'ei Ierrem which musaut feare. Reuropeas .fate toitritrf...'r, io protet their countupn.M.

A eabi. ehupatch to Hanhmw ainthat the new ministry is divided i rfe+peruuernal quarrels. that (iGneral Yae.ca's diktatoria mamen ners Irritat, his eel-

Seaguea assd thlat his reautnatrae is deutad.A pwadkctkrn which linds cvrdence Is thaithe nrpuhalic will breek into three .tate.,1 41 atorlal. (eparsol andl Katl.rn* The lacteir sving a large. German pospalatiosja lesing the prwsctlon of the Faibme-


New YoRK. Novw. 3.-Majgw GeneralH..warrl. tin the Uniter !States arusy. Mamee(ting of the Military service ine tnW.

holl thin afternwoo lathe meneti ng ball as(U6)vfewnr's Iland. read a papsa o*Xll1tiery .ind Naval Peni urlln.." Theqal,after revlewimig the hLitory of pminiomeadvis'd the' aplilstmreat i a specil coma-aimaiwwna to vrbs all penflarn regietahi.a.At ler.w'at the people wer, not lNs Carom ofa ate.'arall m ptle psaitmt. He aonsle.brudit right to begia the paymsen of asib pea-siom its I1. which would be M year. afterthe. qla.w of the war. General HoratioKing .sai that it was nreecomry that putblw~utinelst shultl he aroutsed to stragtbeati.. w...k knew', of uiner representatives Istutaytr. .. and . the annual raihY maiupon the 'unite Reinin Osrua.

Halmm %retK. Nov. a.---Another halnt mrtukru for Units[ St ziatem enattw to-dy.Imte Jogwnua Wly lem-id his 42 votes and a.. arn wan take.. until evening. To-aighn

hims f.. re, were Lwoken. On the Brot bal-.t 1w" r.cciv..el 3 1 rotes. 48Odway 9. Me

4 u'aewr 3. 4'ae7y 1t. Walhb B. Allen 3,3alrrauta. tlegumurat. 13. The smeemed bal-let was the same,. Instt n the third tnlrwayremeived S. 1 med ndun r A. ('C 1I, Wa'. H.snry Lslr 4 Sprague 9. marwatIt 1,While dJnnsise'n vote feU to 3?. Ad.jneurn."d until Mon day.

meg' IEmdI.em..l A )a~t /ube.NKW (IsaiArne. Nov. 7L-The Ruvmi

Iscry Aslulsedw .. 4)asit h~ietlnf of the *Ua4tuem&3 W ta " tolay. Two inmdete.m rw e r e f s u t i I n bl a nk . oa ne f o r U m b . U U llw-sint stol the. .lther few fauger. both uausuably a~salnat ex.Tre warec Burke. TMillyal 1Iaeua. of "BIab bouaa" is e.eSIameldat 41UNJ).

Mateb-Mehtmsf I. Vuee..rPA mae. Now. W -- In the chamber of d.p.

utie. tn-elay.a mesarur.' proposed hr M.Leyale.t. in favor of allowlng the free nm-ufaetsac. efl mate-he-a. wee rejertsd. U.Rovic-re. minister of Anacp, theepasut.Ieateln. that the. governnwnt roaMtablish a .llre.t muonepoly of the baaoeis..

A. Expert inb $I. lail.. fl...NKw YoRKu. Nov. 21.-Dr. Rudolph

Idlalliky. a notal expest on insaniy' whoIMYLtuIer lmaULe' anIal atteCnpteIl to kIU hi.wit.- mIooI tslns~lf in Jassulary. MltM diedye..ut..rday In liltrMnminucLal. asylum. N.was,. ue. of ter esperts ina the Gul ss. aw".

?4Sm Lv.. Wee. LInin.NEw Yt.KK. Nov. *tL-It Is now b.iIvsd

tlu(t uiuae lirie wcr lost tbroUgb tlb. si-limi.cn and siuking of the Old DsUaLmiamstcuatnur Maunuttsa. wbichb ran into tlb

srchomner A,) U1O Mamng on Tbhuus

s.mud Vr.. the L~snwlPmovaumnute. Nov. t'.-Tb. pum am

seven other Manbanam ..urvlvuui, wbswere on she life raft wve. picked uplbe mbaxsner Tuttle Wedsdmai m arivrel ln this port to-dm.

Maos. Misathwsrth. theUWA mwd.~Ncw Yom . Nov. SfL--Mm .esohbwe

who saaurd.erd Pettam yesterday, -{very reatlle. night in her cell. This nr-lug there Is. a-light lmpremsmtr Iscondition.

Dt...v.rtus smArtma.WAsrmlan O?. Now. 5L.-Geaagisal -

Vey says tbat Professor Rumaels eopei-tons in Alaska have resulted In maaw i-tereetins discoveries rriadlumg the uh-cwrs, Silning. etc. Tb.e boo will prob-ably be ssd moon.

T. atep Ualpm y to CandaO TAWA. Nov. I.-lt is stated pr

liarent will be asked at the mea sine mto enart lawa agrainst -aiyue Is a lrto cover the ofenese com it bu Mew-maon. In the Northwest territry.

PsLaee by tbh Le..sma.WAziuuvnuro. Nov. St-The pemICi

has grantsd a pardon is the mu,Josephb Clarke. coerkred In IUte attrey and sentenced Mareb 8, inK teyears limprisonment.

lb. remmte Cm. A4Jmas.Cnlcwun. NWo. Ug.-Tbe feels oe M

juurseed this naomiug till Mand lout further evidenm belng tsa. Thedefense will eArn. Mony.