P.O. Box 106049, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ph. (+9712) 5835701 | Fax. (+9712) 5835704 | [email protected] | www.iskills.co COMPANY PROFILE INFINITY STUDIES & TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS

ISTS profile w courses - 2016

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P.O. Box 106049, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ph. (+9712) 5835701 | Fax. (+9712) 5835704 | [email protected] | www.iskills.co

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Who We Are

We are solution provider for empowering and nurturing young minds.

Infinity Studies & Technical Solutions (ISTS) is a leading CONSULTING &

TRAINING COMPANY offering high quality consultancy services, end-to-end solutions

and cost effective trainings in the broad technical and management spectrum. ISTS is a

multi-skilled training service provider supported by highly competent trainers and

coaches with strong global presence and recognition.

What We Do

We offer trainings that motivate and instigate the desire of learning. With years of honed

expertise in multi-disciplinary skills and quality-integrated methodologies, ISTS develop

and offer flexible range of learning solutions to meet specific needs of individuals,

organizations, governments and other range of clients. ISTS is unique in a senses that we

adopt a proactive approach utilizing our international exposure to develop and design

training programs that focus on specific issues facing our clients. Our training methodology

is a blend of various learning techniques devised by blending class room lectures, praxis

learning and technological advancement.

Our Values

Commitment to the satisfaction and fulfilment of

our customers is our foremost priority. Our

knowledgeable and friendly staff are dedicated to

insure that your learning experience is both fun and

achievement. Our core values revolve around the

same philosophy;







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P.O. Box 106049, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ph. (+9712) 5835701 | Fax. (+9712) 5835704 | [email protected] | www.iskills.co

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Our Mission

Where We Are

We are located in a region which is epic center of development

and have unique geographical advantage due to which we have the

opportunity to offer our services around the globe.

We have global presence in UAE, UK, Canada, and Sub-

Continent Region. The Company is headquartered in Abu Dhabi,



A values-driven organization who consciously work for continued

improvement of its stakeholders by disseminating useful knowledge and skills.

We strive to disseminate useful knowledge & skills in innovative and

diversified ways to empower community, improve livelihood and to enrich

the human experience with strength and joy. Business Communications

Human Relations &

Interpersonal Skills

Management Skills

Strategy Management &


Business Coaching

Team Building

Train The Trainer

Marketing Sales &

Customer Care

Project Management

Risk Management

Financial Management

Contracts & Procurement


Logistics & Supply Chain


Information Technology


Strategic Information



The Prime Areas Of

Learning And


Our Products

Our Vision

ISTS offers comprehensive Portfolio of Public as well as Customized Training

Programs each year at introductory and advanced levels. With our expertise

and unique approach, we are able to offer you value added, flexible training

and consultancy solutions to meet your requirements.

Standard Training Program; Training courses based on industry standards.

Students earn internationally-recognized certification.

Customized Training Program; Customized solutions to cater your specific

needs are offered in-house/on-site at a time and location of your choice.

Tailored Training Program; Standard training programs are tailored as per

our clients Specific training needs to cover the topics that they want to grab

during the training sessions.

Localized/Translated Training Services; Training courses are delivered in

English as well as in Arabic as per our client’s request.

Training Consultation Services; We deliver training programs designed after

consulting our clients on technical requirements and training needs

assessment while ensuring to build up areas of specialization and strengthen

areas of weakness and gauging return on investment (ROI).


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P.O. Box 106049, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ph. (+9712) 5835701 | Fax. (+9712) 5835704 | [email protected] | www.iskills.co

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Artificial Lifting

Completion &


Drilling Engineering


Geo Physics

Petroleum Engineering

Reservoir Engineering

Production Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Plant & Equipment


Corrosion & Coatings

Cathodic Protection

Pipeline Maintenance &


Pipeline Integrity

Management System


Intelligent Pigging

Health & Safety


Renewable Energy

Energy Conservation

The Prime Areas Of

Learning And


Our name says it all, learning is a life long journey we strive to

share our experience, knowledge and skills with our stake

holders through dynamic interactive learning system which

allows participants to learn the micro details that may be

encountered in any given profession, continue to focus on

advanced trainings, research, and instigate proper application

of learned methodologies in their daily routines.

Why To Choose ISTS As Your Training Partner

With so many training companies around seeking your account,

we believe that with the following credentials we shall be your

first preference:

Outstanding service with assurance to provide you

the maximum benefits – within your budget—value

for money

World class trainers from all over the world

speaking the language of your choice

Diversified product range covering all major

industries and sectors

Committed and Customer Focused Training Services

Provider – striving to serve you as per your


Work in partnership with our clients – we take time

to understand your business and real needs to add


Wide- ranging training and consultancy capabilities

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s


BC1.010 Advanced Professional Communication Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.020 Advanced Writing Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.030 Business Etiquette - Gaining That Extra Edge 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.040 Business Writing that Works 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.050 Communication Strategies 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.060 Conflict Management (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.070 Connecting With Others - Listening & Speaking 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.080 Creative And Problem-Solving 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.090 Developing Effective Interpersonal and Communication Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.100 Documents and Records Management Compliance 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.110 Effective Business Writing Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.120 Effective Communication - Manager Level 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.130 Effective Communication Skills - Basis Level 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.140 Effective Meeting 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.150 Effective Negotiation Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.160 Excellence in Customer Service 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.170 Experience-Based Communication (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.180 Grooming Courtesy 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.190 Human Relations And Interpersonal Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.200 Interpersonal Communication Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.210 Managing & Negotiating with Consultants & Contractors 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.220 Negotiations Skills for Procurement And Supply 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.230 Negotiation Strategies for Better Purchasing Value 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.240 Personal Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.250 Presentation Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.260 Public Speaking - Presentation Survival School 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.270 Public Speaking - Speaking Under Pressure 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.280 Report Writing: How To Structure A Report for Maximum Effect 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.290 Skills For The Administrative Assistant 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.300 SpeakEasy - Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

BC1.310 Strategic Thinking And Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.320 Technical Report Writing 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.330 The Internal Consultant: Fundamental Consulting Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.340 Working Smarter - Using Technology To Your Advantage 3 days AUH/DXB

BC1.350 Writing Reports And Proposals 3 days AUH/DXB


HR2.010 Anger Management - Understanding Anger 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.020 Art Of Delegating 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.030 Building High Performance Teams 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.020 Building Your Self-Esteem And Assertiveness Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.050 Conducting Effective Performance Reviews 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.060 Creating A Dynamite Job Portfolio 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.070 Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.080 Effective Performance 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.090 Emotional Intelligence In Organizations 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.100 High Performance Leadership 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.110 Hiring For Success 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.120 HR In A IT Perspective 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.130 HR Planning & Training Needs Analysis 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.120 Interview And Selection Workshop 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.150 Knowledge Sharing 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.160 Make The Negotiation Your Way 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.170 Making Work Fun 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.180 Manpower Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.190 Mastering The Interview 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.200 Motivation For Greater Performance 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.210 Orientation Handbook 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.220 Performance Management 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.230 Performance Management & Organizational Effectiveness 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.220 Positive Attittude And Motivation 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.250 Problem Solving 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.260 Problem Solving & Decision Making 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

HR2.270 Psychology Of Managing Conflicts 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.280 Strategic HR Management 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.290 Stress Management 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.300 The Employee As eKnowledge Agent 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.310 Time Management 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.320 Train The Trainer 3 days AUH/DXB

HR2.330 Training Needs Analysis 3 days AUH/DXB


MS3.010 Advanced Negotiation Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.020 Assertiveness Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.030 Becomming The Professional Supervisor 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.040 Budget Management For Non Financial Managers 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.050 Business Succession Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.060 Cataloguing best practices and methodology for their application 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.070 Category Management framework and detailed description of the different steps

3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.080 Certificate in Strategic Business Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.090 Change Management 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.100 Change Management-Change And How To Deal With 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.110 Coaching as A Strategic Tool for Leadership 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.120 Coaching for Optimum Performance 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.130 Conflict Resolution - Dealing With Difficult People 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.140 Conflict Resolution - Getting Along In The Workplace 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.150 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.160 Delegation - To Delegating Effectively 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.170 Diversity In The Workplace 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.180 Effective Coaching and Counseling Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.190 Essential Management Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.200 HR For Managers Outside The HR Department 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.210 Implementing Balanced Scorecard 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.220 Introduction To CRM 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.230 Introduction to Supervision and Team Leading 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.240 Inventory Management 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

MS3.250 Leadership Development: Self-Awareness, Skills and Strategies 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.260 Managing and Motivating Towards Excellence 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.270 Managing Conflict: Power through Influence 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.280 Meeting Management 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.290 Motivation and Behavior: A Professional and Personal Seminar for Executives

3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.300 Practical Key Managerial Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.310 Successful Planning, Organizing and Control 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.320 Supervising Others 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.330 Supervisory Management Skills for 1st And 2nd Level Managers 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.340 Systems Thinking in Analyzing Problems 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.350 Time Management Get Organized For Peak Performance 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.360 Total Business Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

MS3.370 Total Quality Management 3 days AUH/DXB


SMB4.010 Advanced Forecasting Techniques 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.020 Balanced Score Card Certification 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.030 Benefits Management 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.040 Certificate in Advanced Business Process Analysis: Mapping and Modeling 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.050 Certificate in Essential Business Process Analysis: Mapping and Modeling 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.060 Certified KPI Practitioner 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.070 Corporate Risk Management 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.080 Developing and Implementing The Business Plan 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.090 Re-Engineering Your Organization: A Road Map To Process Improvement 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.100 Strategic Thinking and Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.110 Advanced Forecasting Techniques 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.120 Balanced Score Card Certification 3 days AUH/DXB

SMB4.130 Benefits Management 3 days AUH/DXB


BC5.010 Business Coaching And Teams Motivation 3 days AUH/DXB

BC5.020 Coaching For Corporate Excellence 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

BC5.030 Coach Management (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

BC5.040 The Basics Of Coaching 3 days AUH/DXB

BC5.050 Using Coaching For Leadership 3 days AUH/DXB


TB6.010 Basic Leadership And Team Building Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

TB6.020 Building Better Teams 3 days AUH/DXB

TB6.030 Developing The Teams Of The Future 3 days AUH/DXB

TB6.040 How To Close The Generation Gap 3 days AUH/DXB

TB6.050 Safety In The Workplace 3 days AUH/DXB

TB6.060 Workplace Harassment 3 days AUH/DXB

TB6.070 Workplace Violence 3 days AUH/DXB


TT7.010 How To Teach Ledership Courses (1 start SG trainer) 3 days AUH/DXB

TT7.020 Setting the Stage (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

TT7.030 Trainer Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

TT7.040 Trainer Skills -eLearning Production For Dummies 3 days AUH/DXB

TT7.050 Trainer Skills -eLearning Production For Dummies 3 days AUH/DXB


MS8.010 Basic Service (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.020 Business Ethics 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.030 Call Center Training - Level 1 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.040 Call Center Training - Level 2 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.050 Creating the Total Customer Focused Organization 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.060 Critical Elements of Customer Service 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.070 Customer care and service 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.080 Customer Service Training 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.090 Customer Service Training Workshop 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.100 Essential Telephone Skills & telesales 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.110 Event projects 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.120 Focusing the Business on High Value 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.130 Get the sale through 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.140 Innovative ways to make a sales presentation 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.150 Motivation (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

MS8.160 Negotiation Techniques (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.170 Professional Telephone Skills 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.180 Prospecting sales 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.190 Service level 2 (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.200 Smart selling 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.210 Storytelling and branding (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.220 Successful Selling with NLP 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.230 Successful Telesales 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.240 Telemarketing 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.250 The Minute-Taker's Workshop 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.260 Total Customer Focus 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.270 Understanding Export (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.280 Understanding Marketing and Sales 3 days AUH/DXB

MS8.290 Using network professionally 3 days AUH/DXB


PM9.010 Advanced Diploma In Project Management 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.020 Advanced Primavera P6 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.030 Advanced Project Cost Management in Primavera P6 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.040 Advanced Project Management 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.050 Basics of Project Management 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.060 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.070 Development Projects (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.080 Diploma In Project Management 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.090 Fundamentals Of Project Management 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.100 Intermediate Project Management 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.110 International Contracting 3 days 3 days

PM9.120 IT Supported Project Management (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.130 PMI-SP Exam Preparation 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.140 PMP Exam Preparation 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.150 Primavera P6 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.160 Primavera Risk Analysis 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.170 Prince 2 Foundation 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.180 Prince 2 Practitioner 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

PM9.190 Project Contract Administration and Close Out & Dispute Analysis and Assessment Workshop

3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.200 Project Management in Oil and Gas Fields 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.210 Project Management In Practice (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.220 Project Planning & Scheduling 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.230 Project Procurement 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.240 Project Risk Management 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.250 Risk Management Professional (RMP) 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.260 Scrum - Project Management Course 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.270 The Contracts & Project Management MBA 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.280 Understanding Project Management (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

PM9.290 Units costs' description and calculation 3 days AUH/DXB


RM10.010 Accident Investigation & Risk Management 3 days AUH/DXB

RM10.020 Accident Investigation / Reporting 3 days AUH/DXB

RM10.030 Advanced Risk Assessment & Risk Management 3 days AUH/DXB

RM10.040 Basic Risk Assessment & Risk Management 3 days AUH/DXB

RM10.050 Risk Management 3 days AUH/DXB


FM11.010 Analyzing Financial Feasibility 1 3 days AUH/DXB

FM11.020 Budgeting and Cost Management 3 days AUH/DXB

FM11.030 Certificate in Financial Tools in Procurement 3 days AUH/DXB

FM11.040 Creating And Analyzing A Budget 3 days AUH/DXB

FM11.050 Finance For Non Financial Managers 3 days AUH/DXB

FM11.060 Finance For Non-Financial 3 days AUH/DXB

FM11.070 Process Management: Mapping and Improvement 3 days AUH/DXB


CM12.010 Advanced Documents & Records Management Compliance 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.020 Certified Contracts Manager 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.030 Commercial and Business Contracts: A Practical Guide 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.040 Construction Contracts Master class: Developing & Managing Successful Construction Contracts

3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.050 Contract & Project Risk Management & Compliance 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.060 Contract Administrator Workshop 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

CM12.070 Contract Drafting and Implementation 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.080 Contract Drafting and Implementation 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.090 Contract Management Fundamentals 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.100 Contract Management: Principles and Practice 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.110 Contract Negotiation and Effective Purchasing Technique 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.120 Contract Reading, Writing and Negotiations 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.130 Contract Risk Management and Compliance 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.140 Contractual Risk, Insurance & Indemnities 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.150 Description of the different contract strategies and their application, detailed review of the Terms & Conditions

3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.160 Detailed review of contracting clauses, presentation of model contracts and their application

3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.170 Effective Contract Preparation 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.180 Essential Contracting and Dispute Management for the Oil and Gas Industry 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.190 Essentials of Contracting 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.200 Managing Contracts and Relationships in Procurement and Supply 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.210 Managing Contractual Claims 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.220 Managing Tenders, Specifications & Contracts 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.230 Managing Vendor Qualification, Performance & Contract Compliance 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.240 Mastering Contracts Management - The Oxford 5-day MBA 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.250 Oil & Gas Contracts 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.260 Oil and Gas Contract Management, Principles and Practices 4 3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.270 Service Level Agreements: Planning, Negotiating & Managing High-quality Performance Contracts

3 days AUH/DXB

CM12.280 Strategic Contract Management for Oil and Gas 2 3 days AUH/DXB


LSCM13.010 Advanced Stores and Inventory Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.020 Advanced Warehouse Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.030 Best Practice Procurement 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.040 Business Needs In Procurement and Supply 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.050 Certificate in Risk Management in Supply Chain 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

LSCM13.060 Certificate in Stock Management, Demand Planning and Forecasting 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.070 Certificate in Sustainable Supply Chain 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.080 Certified Purchasing Professional 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.090 CILT Endorsed - Managing Freight and Warehouse Operations 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.100 CILT Endorsed Road Fleet Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.110 Contexts of Procurement and Supply 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.120 Developing a Procurement Strategy 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.130 Effective Inventory Management Techniques 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.140 Effective Purchasing and Contract Negotiation Strategies 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.150 Effective Purchasing and Inventory Management Techniques 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.160 Effective Purchasing, Tendering & Supplier Selection 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.170 Excellence in Warehouse and Inventory: Best Practices for Managing & Improving Warehouse, Inventory and Stock Control Operations

3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.180 Fundamentals of Purchasing 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.190 Global Supply Chain Leadership Program 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.200 Ins and outs of demand planning and methodology to build Y+1 plan 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.210 Integrating Project Management into Supply Chain 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.220 Introduction to upstream Oil & Gas supply chain best practices 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.230 Inventory & Stock Control Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.240 Inventory Control methods and calculation rules 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.250 Inventory Planning and Stock Control 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.260 Logistics & Supply Chain Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.270 Logistics and Transport Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.280 Logistics and Warehouse Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.290 Logistics and Warehouse Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.300 Logistics Supply and Warehouse Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.310 Logistics Supply and Warehouse Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.320 Material Cataloguing, Specification and Storage 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.330 Materials and Supply Chain Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.340 Measuring and Monitoring Suppliers' Performance 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

LSCM13.350 Pre-qualification process, pro-active methodology and placement in the bidding cycle

3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.360 Procurement and Supply Chain Management Best Practices 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.370 Procurement Best Practices 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.380 Production Management and Material Requirements Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.390 Purchasing Management and Cost Saving Techniques 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.400 Risk Management in Supply Chain and Logistics 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.410 Sourcing In Procurement and Supply 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.420 Strategic Sourcing 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.430 Strategic Sourcing framework and detailed description of the different steps

3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.440 Successful Planning and Controlling Material and Inventory 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.450 Supplier Relationship Management concept and Key Performance Indicators

3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.460 Suppliers Relationship Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.470 Suppliers Relationship Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.480 Supply Chain Risk Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.490 Supply Chain: Concept, Solution and Application 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.500 Transport Management & Planning 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.510 Warehouse & Stores Management 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.520 Warehouse Costing, Benchmarking and Activity Profiling 3 days AUH/DXB

LSCM13.530 Warehouse Operations and Management 3 days AUH/DXB


ITD14.010 IT Development - (ERP) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.020 IT Development - CMS (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.030 IT Development - Course In Blogging (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.040 IT Development - CRM (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.050 IT Development - eMarketing (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.060 IT Development - eTechnology, Messenger, Skype and Video Conference (DC)

3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.070 IT Development - MOODLE LMS (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.080 IT Development - Picture, Sound And Video For The Net (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.090 IT Development - Produce Your Own Training Videos (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

ITD14.100 IT Development - To Produce Sounds For The Net (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.110 IT Development - TYPO3 Ccourse outline (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.120 IT Development - Video For The Net (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.130 IT Development - Webshop - eCatalog (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.140 IT Development - Website Baker CMS (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

ITD14.150 IT Development - Writing For The Net (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB


SIT15.010 New Media Day (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

SIT15.020 eCommunication (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

SIT15.030 eBusiness Introduction (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

SIT15.040 The Use of IT In The Business (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

SIT15.050 Web 2.0 (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB

SIT15.060 eBusiness Strategy Advanced (DC) 3 days AUH/DXB


ICDL03.16.010 ICDL - Module 1 - Basic Concepts - Covers Vocabulary, Applications And Use Of Computers, IT And Society And Other General Issues.

3 days AUH/DXB

ICDL03.16.020 ICDL - Module 2 - Using The Computer And Managing Files Deals Mostly With The Use Of The Operating System. The Test Is A Practical One.

3 days AUH/DXB

ICDL03.16.030 ICDL - Module 3 - Word 2003 - Word Processing - this module requires all the usual skills, plus doing such advanced tasks as mail-merge and integration with spreadsheets and graphics. The test is a practical one.

3 days AUH/DXB

ICDL03.16.040 ICDL - Module 4 - Excel 2003 - Spreadsheets - this requires a thorough familiarity with spreadsheet use. The test is a practical one.

3 days AUH/DXB

ICDL03.16.050 ICDL - Module 6 - Powerpoint 2003 - Presentation Tools - again a practical test.

3 days AUH/DXB

ICDL03.16.060 ICDL - Module 7 - Outlook 2003 - Information and Communication - the use of electronic mail and information retrieval. The automated test is a multiple choice test, followed by a practical one.

3 days AUH/DXB

Note: Courses will be held subject to availability of minimum no of participants at any location.

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P.O. Box 106049, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ph. (+9712) 5835701 | Fax. (+9712) 5835704 | [email protected] | www.iskills.co

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s


TAL7.010 Artificial Lift Methods 5 days AUH/DXB

TAL7.020 Artificial Lifting System 5 days AUH/DXB

TAL7.030 Beam ( Rod ) Pumping 5 days AUH/DXB

TAL7.040 Comprehensive Gas Lift 5 days AUH/DXB

TAL7.050 Electric Submersible Pumping 5 days AUH/DXB

TAL7.060 Gas Lift design & Optimization 5 days AUH/DXB

TAL7.070 Gas Lift high Volume Producers 5 days AUH/DXB

TAL7.080 Gas lift operations & Trouble-shooting 5 days AUH/DXB


TCW4.010 Applied Geosteering/Mud Logging (Horizontal Drilling) 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.020 Coiled Tubing Application, Risk Assessment and Well Control 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.030 Completion & Workover Operation 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.040 Completion Design for New Wells 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.050 Horizontal Completions 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.060 Mud Logging 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.070 Smart Well Completion & Workover Operation 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.080 Special Coring & Core Analysis (Core Description & Evaluation) 5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.090 Well Integrity Management System (Integrity Evaluation Techniques, Well Performance Analysis, Remedial & Stimulation)

5 days AUH/DXB

TCW4.100 Wireline and Fishing Operation 5 days AUH/DXB

Corrosion, Coatings & Cathodic Protection (CP)

TCO11.010 Cathodic Protection Systems 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.020 Cathodic Protection Theory, Design and Operation 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.030 Corrosion & Control in Amine Plant 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.040 Corrosion Awareness 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.050 Corrosion Control in Power Plants for Boilers & Steam Generation Systems 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.060 Corrosion Control in Refining Industry 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.070 Corrosion for Non-Corrosion Engineers 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.080 Corrosion Fundamentals, Types, Causes & Analysis and Correction of Corrosion Failures

5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.090 Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.100 Corrosion in Petroleum Refineries 5 days AUH/DXB

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TCO11.110 Corrosion Monitoring & Inhibitor Injection in Oil & Gas Fields 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.120 Corrosion Resistant Painting, Coating and Lining 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.130 Corrosion Resistant Protective Coatings 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.150 Corrosion, Metallurgy & Failure Prevention 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.150 Internal and External Corrosion Control of Pipelines 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.160 Material Selection for Oilfields, Refineries and Power Plants 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.170 Microbiological Corrosion in Oilfields 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.180 Operation & Maintenance of Cathodic Protection Systems 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.190 Plant Inspection & NDT for Oilfields, Petroleum Refineries & Power Plants 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.200 Pressure Equipment In-Service Inspection 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.210 Protective Coating and Linings 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.220 CP 1-Cathodic Protection Level 1 - NACE 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.230 CP 2-Cathodic Protection Level 2 - NACE 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.240 CP 3-CP Technologist -NACE 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.250 CP 4-CP Specialist - NACE 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.260 Coating Inspection Level 1 (CIP1) - NACE 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.270 Coating Inspection Level 2 (CIP2) - NACE 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.280 PCI - Protective Coating Inspector - SSPC 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.290 PCS – Coating Specilaist - SSPC 5 days AUH/DXB

TCO11.300 PCI - Protective Coating Inspector - SSPC 5 days AUH/DXB


TDE2.010 Advanced Drilling Principles and Practices 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.020 Basic Drilling Engineering & Well Work Over Intervention 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.030 Basic Drilling Technology 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.040 Bottom hole Assembly & Drill String Design 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.050 Casing Design 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.060 Caterpillar Fuel System 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.070 Directional Drilling 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.080 Drill String Design and Inspection 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.090 Drilling Fluids Training Program 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.100 Drilling Fluids, Hole Problems & Hydraulics 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.110 Drilling for Non-Drilling Engineers 5 days AUH/DXB

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TDE2.120 Drilling Optimisation and well Planning 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.130 Drilling Technology 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.150 Engine Reconditioning with Emphasis on Measurement and Machining Process

5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.150 Failure Analysis of Turbocharger 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.160 First Line Supervisor’s BOP & Well Control (Refresher) 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.170 Horizontal Drilling 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.180 Introduction to Pumps & Valves 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.190 Multilateral technology of Oil and Gas Wells 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.200 Oil & Your Engine 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.210 Rig Inspection 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.220 Stuck Pipe and Fishing Operation 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.230 Swivel & Rotary System 5 days AUH/DXB

TDE2.240 Tools Principles and Physics II 5 days AUH/DXB


TGE5.010 Applied petroleum Geology 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.020 Basic Field Geology 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.030 Basic Petroleum Geology 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.040 Basic well Logging 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.050 Basic Wireline Log Interpretation 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.060 Cased Hole Logging 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.070 Comprehensive Geology 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.080 Cross Sections, Contouring & H.C. Prospecting 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.090 Depositional Environment of Reservoir Rocks 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.100 Drill Cuttings, Core Handling & Description 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.110 Fundamental Concepts of Development Geology 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.120 Geostatistics & 3D Geological Modeling 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.130 Introduction to Exploration Geochemistry 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.150 Introduction to Oil & Gas Geology 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.150 Introduction to Sequence Stratigraphy 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.160 Introduction to Wireline Logging 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.170 Mud Logging Techniques 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.180 Open Hole Logging 5 days AUH/DXB

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TGE5.190 Potential Source Rocks of Indus Basin 5 days AUH/DXB

TGE5.200 Subsurface Formation Pressure Evaluation 5 days AUH/DXB


TGP6.010 Practical Seismic Data Processing 5 days AUH/DXB

TGP6.020 2D/3D Seismic Refraction Analysis using PC 5 days AUH/DXB

TGP6.030 3-D Seismic Data Acquisition & Survey Design 5 days AUH/DXB

TGP6.040 Field Parameters & Q.C. in Seismic Acquisition 5 days AUH/DXB

TGP6.050 Seismic Velocities 5 days AUH/DXB


TIA8.010 IADC Well Cap- all Levels 5 days AUH/DXB

TIA8.020 IWCF Intervention Well Control 5 days AUH/DXB

TIA8.030 IWCF Well control ( 5 Days ) 5 days AUH/DXB

TIA8.040 IWCF Well Control ( 10 Days ) 5 days AUH/DXB


TME10.010 ASME Process Piping, Valves, Flanges & Fitting Standards 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.020 Above Ground Storage Tanks Design, Inspection and Maintenance as per API – 653 and API – 650

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.030 Advanced Welding Technology & Fabrication 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.040 Any other thing related to NDT and Static Equipment 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.050 API 510 Pressure Vessels Inspector certification 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.060 API 570 Piping Inspector certification 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.070 API 571 Supplemental Inspection certification Program (Corrosion & Material)

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.080 API 577 Supplemental Inspection certification Program (Welding & Metallurgy)

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.090 API 580 Supplemental Inspection certification Program (Risk Based Inspection -RBI)

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.100 API 653 Above Ground Storage Tanks Inspector certification 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.110 API Certification Refreshment (Vessels, Valves, Piping & PSV’s) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.120 API TES Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.130 Basic Vibration for Engineers &Technicians 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.150 Basics For Measurement & Instrumentation Systems 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.150 Bearing and lubrication technology 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.160 Boilers and Steam Generation System 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.170 Brazing Techniques and Applications 5 days AUH/DXB

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TME10. 180 Centrifugal Compressor & Steam Turbine : Design, Operations & Maintenance

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.190 Centrifugal Compressors, Performance & Maintenance 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.200 Centrifugal Pump Technology 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.210 CNC Turning Center Programming 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.220 Code & Standard Application In Oil & Gas Industry 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.230 Complete Project Management 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.240 Compressors & Blowers Selection, Operation & Maintenance 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.250 Compressors Control Technology for Technicians 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.260 Compressors Technology (Types, Design, Operation & Maintenance) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.270 Compressors, Selection, Operation, Troubleshooting and Maintenance 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.280 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.290 Damage mechanisms for Refinery and process equipment as per API – 571 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.300 Design & Construction Of Piping System 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.310 Design & Selection Of Fluid Power Pumps & Motors 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.320 Diesel Engine (Construction, Operation & Maintenance) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.330 Direct Iron Reduction 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.340 Failure of Mechanical Components 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.350 Fitness for Service as per API – 579 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.360 Friction loss in Pipeline 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.370 Fundamentals of Mechanical Maintenance 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.380 Gas Turbines, Classification, Selection, Operation, Troubleshooting and Maintenance

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.390 Heat Exchanger (Operation, Design, Inspection & Maintenance) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.400 Heat Exchanger Design 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.410 Heater Operation (Fired Heater Equipment) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.420 Heavy Duty &Hydraulic Equipment (Operation, Maintenance, Inspection & Troubleshooting)

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.430 Hydraulic Circuits (Theory, Components & Practice) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.440 Inspection and maintenance of Pressure Relieving Devices as per API - 576, API -527, 528

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.450 Internal Combustion Engine (Overview) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.460 Introduction to NDT techniques 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.470 Introduction to Steel Industry 5 days AUH/DXB

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TME10.480 Lifting Gear Inspection 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.490 Maintenance Planning & Scheduling 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.500 Maintenance Shutdown Planning Workshop 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.510 Maintenance System & Management 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.520 Mechanical Equipment 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.530 Mechanical Integrity & Reliability in Refineries, Petrochemical & Process Plants

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.540 Mechanical Production Workshop (Level-I) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.550 Mechanical Seal in Pumps, Compressors and Turbines 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.560 Mechanical Seals Technology 5 days AUH/DXB


TME10.580 Multiphase Flow Modelling of Crude Pipeline Networks 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.590 Plant piping Design, Inspection and Maintenance as per API – 570 and ASME B 31.3

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.600 Preparation of Quality Plan for Inspection and construction activities 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.610 Pressure Vessels Design, Inspection and Maintenance as per API – 510 and ASME Section VIII Div. 1,2 or 3

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.620 Principles Of Failure Analysis 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.630 Principles & Practices of Metallurgy For The Non Metallurgist 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.640 Pumps Technology (Types, Construction, Operation & Maintenance) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.650 Pumps, Selection, Operation, Troubleshooting and Maintenance 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.660 Quality Control & Mechanical Testing of Materials 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.670 RBI & FFS of Pipeline, piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581 Standards and ASME B13G)

5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.680 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning For Technicians (level 1) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.690 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning For Technicians (level 2) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.700 Risk Based Inspection as per API – 580 and API -581 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.710 Rotating Equipment (Session-I) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.720 Rotating Equipment (Session-II) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.730 Separators (Operation, Design, Maintenance & Inspection) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.740 Storage Tanks (API-650) - Operation, Design, Inspection & Maintenance 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.750 Strength of Materials (Overview) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.760 Total Asset Integrity Management System 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.770 Turbines (Over view) 5 days 3 days

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TME10.780 Valves Classes & Pressure Rating, SRV’s Insp, Repair, Ops & Mnt 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.790 Valves Fundamental (Design, Selection, Operation & Maintenance) 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.800 Vibration Instruments & Conditioning Monitoring Systems 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.810 Welding techniques and metallurgy as per API - 577 5 days AUH/DXB

TME10.820 Welding Technology 5 days AUH/DXB


TPT9.010 Basic and Detail Process Equipment Design Procedures in Oil and Gas Industries

5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.020 Basic Petroleum Engineering 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.030 Basic Petroleum Engineering For Non Production Engineers 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.040 Dehydration of Crude Oil 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.050 Enhanced Oil Recovery 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.060 Introduction to Petroleum Industry (Basics) 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.070 Multiphase Flow Modelling of Crude Pipeline Networks 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.080 Oil and Gas Concession Agreements 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.090 Oilfield Water Technology (Corrosion & Scale Control) ; Water Quality for Downhole Injection

5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.100 Petroleum Engineering for other Disciplines 5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.110 Quality Control For Water Injection Treatment - Modern power systems protective relaying

5 days AUH/DXB

TPT9.120 Role of Chemical Analysis in Evaluation of Water Corrosively & Scale Forming

5 days AUH/DXB


TPL12.010 Pigging Operations for Field Operators 5 days AUH/DXB

TPL12.020 Pipeline Inspection Using Intelligent Pigging 5 days AUH/DXB

TPL12.030 Pipeline Integrity Management system (PIMS) 5 days AUH/DXB

TPL12.040 Pipeline Fabrication and Maintenance (Basic Level) 5 days AUH/DXB

TPL12.050 Pipeline Construction 5 days AUH/DXB

TPL12.060 Pipeline Design and Transportation operation 5 days AUH/DXB

TPL12.070 Pipelines Engineering (Design, Fabrication, Operation & Testing) 5 days AUH/DXB


TPE3.010 Hydraulic Jet pumping 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.020 Advanced Flow Assurance & Gas Hydrates 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.030 Basic Formation Evaluation (Open Hole Formation Evaluation) 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.040 Basic Petroleum Engineering for Non-Production Engineers 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.050 Basic Production Engineering and Operations Surface Facilities 5 days AUH/DXB

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TPE3.060 CO2 Surface Facilities 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.070 Fabrication, inspection, Repair and Testing of Pressure Vessels 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.080 Facies and Sedimentary Environments 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.090 Flowing Well Performance 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.100 Gas Hydrates and Flow Assurance 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.110 Gas Production & Processing Facilities 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.120 Gas Production Engineering 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.130 Gas Production Operation 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.150 Introduction to Artificial Lift 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.150 Introduction to Well Testing Methods 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.160 Nodal System Analysis and Production Optimisation 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.170 Oil Storage Tanks 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.180 Open & Closed Hole Production Logging 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.190 Petroleum Refinery Processing 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.200 Pipe Phase Software 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.210 Production Logging 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.220 Production Operation and Production Chemistry 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.230 Production Operations 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.240 Prosses Plant Start-up 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.250 Reliability Central Maintenance 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.260 Surface Production operation 5 days AUH/DXB

TPE3.270 Water Control in Production 5 days AUH/DXB


TRE1.010 Advanced Reservoir Engineering 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.020 Applied Reservoir Engineering 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.030 Basic Reservoir Engineering for Production Engineers 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.040 Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.050 Gas Reservoir Engineering 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.060 Hydraulic Fracturing 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.070 Modern Well Testing Analysis 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.080 Oil and Gas Well Testing Analysis 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.090 PVT and Phase Behaviour of Reservoir Fluid 5 days AUH/DXB

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills

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T r a i n i n g p l a n - s o f t s k i l l s

TRE1.100 Reservoir Stimulation ( Part 1 & 2 ) 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.110 Special Coring & Core Analysis (Core Description & Evaluation) 5 days AUH/DXB

TRE1.120 Well stimulation Methods Acidizing and Hydraulic Fracturing 5 days AUH/DXB

Note: Courses will be held subject to availability of minimum no of participants at any location.

Training plan - TECHNICAL skills