IST contribution to GMES Dr. Dr. M M á á rta rta Nagy Nagy - - Rothengass Rothengass Head of Unit Head of Unit European Commission, DG INFSO European Commission, DG INFSO ICT for the Environment ICT for the Environment

IST contribution to GMES - DLR PortalDr. Márta Nagy-Rothengass, EC DG INFSO „ICT for Environment“ - Page 10 IST contribution to GMES • R&D in support of generic GMES applications

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Page 1: IST contribution to GMES - DLR PortalDr. Márta Nagy-Rothengass, EC DG INFSO „ICT for Environment“ - Page 10 IST contribution to GMES • R&D in support of generic GMES applications

IST contribution to GMES

Dr. Dr. MMáártarta NagyNagy--RothengassRothengassHead of UnitHead of Unit

European Commission, DG INFSO European Commission, DG INFSO ““ICT for the EnvironmentICT for the Environment””

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Dr. Márta Nagy-Rothengass, EC DG INFSO „ICT for Environment“ - Page 2


1. Information and communication Technologies (ICT) support :- ICT system challenges- ICT for the environment

2. ICT and GMES:- Infrastructure architecture - ICT contribution to GMES

3. Outlook FP7:- FP7 overview- ICT for Environment including GMES part

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Dr. Márta Nagy-Rothengass, EC DG INFSO „ICT for Environment“ - Page 3

ICT systems challenges•• MiniaturisationMiniaturisation

pushing the limits of technology manufacturingethics

•• IntegrationIntegrationphysicalcomplexitydesign formalisationheterogeneous environmentsinterfacing

•• FunctionalityFunctionalitysecurity & dependabilityquality of servicesoftware explosionsimple to use

•• Global value chainsGlobal value chains

•• Systems engineering skillsSystems engineering skills


ICT systems challenges

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ICT for Environment in FP6

StrategicStrategic ApproachApproach11::

•• To cover the To cover the whole risk management cyclewhole risk management cycle: Risk assessment, : Risk assessment, preparedness, early warning, alert, response, recovery, lessons preparedness, early warning, alert, response, recovery, lessons learnt learnt etc.etc.

•• To coverTo cover all environmental and industrial hazardsall environmental and industrial hazards, including , including systemic risks / cascading riskssystemic risks / cascading risks

•• To To focus on system architecture rather than specific applications focus on system architecture rather than specific applications thereby decreasing development & maintenance costs, whilst improthereby decreasing development & maintenance costs, whilst improving ving reliability, scalability and interoperabilityreliability, scalability and interoperability

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ICT for Environment in FP6

Strategic ApproachStrategic Approach22::

•• To support To support large scale pilot test with endlarge scale pilot test with end--usersusers

•• To foster To foster prepre--standardisation activitiesstandardisation activities as an integral part of research as an integral part of research and technological developmentand technological development

•• To promoteTo promote ““open sourceopen source”” as a mean to improve the uptake of as a mean to improve the uptake of research resultsresearch results

•• To To contribute to contribute to the relevant EU policies and actions: the relevant EU policies and actions: ieie:: INSPIRE, INSPIRE, GMES, GEOSSGMES, GEOSS

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Response•Dispatching of resources•Emergency telecom•Situational awareness•Command control coordination•Information dissemination•Emergency healthcare

Disaster Management Cycle

Prevention and Mitigation•Hazard prediction and modeling•Risk assessment and mapping•Spatial Planning•Structural & non structural measures•Public Awareness & Education..

Preparedness •Scenarios development•Emergency Planning•Training

Alert•Real time monitoring& forecasting•Early warning•Secure &dependable telecom•Scenario identification• all media alarm

Post Disaster•Lessons learnt•Scenario update•Socio-economic and environmental impact assessment•Spatial (re)planning

Recovery•Early damage assessment•Re-establishing life-lines transport &communication infrastructure

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FP6 Ongoing Research Themes

•• Risk information infrastructure and generic servicesRisk information infrastructure and generic services

•• Emergency management and rescue operationsEmergency management and rescue operations

•• Humanitarian Humanitarian DeminingDemining

•• InIn--situ monitoring and smart sensor networkssitu monitoring and smart sensor networks

•• RTD on public safety communication, alert systems and rapidly RTD on public safety communication, alert systems and rapidly deployable emergency telecommunications systems. deployable emergency telecommunications systems.

•• Specific support and coordination actions to achieve full interoSpecific support and coordination actions to achieve full interoperabilityperability

•• Develop, validate and demonstrate a distributed tsunami early waDevelop, validate and demonstrate a distributed tsunami early warning rning and alert system, relevant to Europe & Indian Ocean.and alert system, relevant to Europe & Indian Ocean.

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1. Information and communication Technologies (ICT) support :- ICT system challenges- ICT for the environment

2. ICT and GMES:- Infrastructure architecture - ICT contribution to GMES

3. Outlook FP7:- FP7 overview- ICT for Environment including GMES part

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Infrastructure architecture










Service Providers



Service Exploitation

Service Consumers


New service providersData integration


GMES fastrackServices +EO focus

Current serviceProviders migration


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IST contribution to GMES

•• R&D in support of R&D in support of genericgeneric GMES applicationsGMES applicationsFocus on the integration of EO in main stream applicationIntegration In-situ and satelite dataMultiple use of the data and interoperabilityThematic focus on environmental disaster management

•• R&D on ICT architecture in support of the Single R&D on ICT architecture in support of the Single Information Space for Information Space for EnvironmentEnvironment in Europe SISEEin Europe SISEE

Long term viewINSPIRE is a subsetSISEE is part of Single European Information Market strategy of DG INFSO ( i2010)

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Disaster risk reduction projects

EURORISKPrevention /


EURORISKPrevention /


INTAMAPautomated mapping

INTAMAPautomated mapping

OASISOperations, C3

OASISOperations, C3

CivilNatural disasters



Alert bulletin, risk maps

Rapid mapping,damage assessment













SANYIn-situ monitoring

SANYIn-situ monitoring

OSIRIScrisis monitoring

OSIRIScrisis monitoring

Sensor networks

All mediaAlertsystems




Humanitarian crisis


U2010PSC& IPv6U2010


Disaster Risk Reduction projects

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Most of the elements to implement an EU Most of the elements to implement an EU wide wide service infrastructure are available or being service infrastructure are available or being developed featuringdeveloped featuring

Full Geo-Spatial data interoperability• Short term solution but• Long term view ( semantic web)

Real time, sensor based monitoring systems• In-situ• Airborne ( UAV HALE)• SensorWeb approach

Efforts should be made to integrate all those components in Efforts should be made to integrate all those components in one single open architecture and to address non technical one single open architecture and to address non technical issues (i.e. data policies)issues (i.e. data policies)

Conclusion: ICT and GMES

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1. Information and communication Technologies (ICT) support :- ICT system challenges- ICT for the environment

2. ICT and GMES:- Infrastructure architecture - ICT contribution to GMES

3. Outlook FP7:- FP7 overview- ICT for Environment including GMES part

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EuropeEurope’’s R&D s R&D investmentinvestment::Not Not greatgreat, but , but improvingimproving


In brackets:with annual growth rate (%)

between 1997-2001

In 2003-2004, EU averagewas still lagging behindinvestments of Japan & US

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Indicative budget for FP7

Total budget: 50.521 million Total budget: 50.521 million €€**

Indicative breakdown:Indicative breakdown:

* Commission modified proposal (May 24, 2006)* Commission modified proposal (May 24, 2006)

20062006 20072007 20082008 20092009 20102010 20102010 20122012 20132013

5.0445.044 5.0825.082 5.5795.579 6.1196.119 6.9326.932 7.9687.968 8.9258.925 9.9139.913

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FP7 structure & budget

Ideas: 7.460 m€To reinforce scientific excellence through funding best “frontier research”by competing, individual teams

People: 4.728 m€To strengthen the career prospects,training and mobility of our researchers

Capacities: 4.217 m€Large-scale infrastructures, regional cooperation and innovating SMEs

64% 15%



Trans-national cooperation: 32.365 mۥ From collaborative projects and networks to

the coordination of national programmes,• to gain leadership in key scientific and technology areas


l EC:


21 m




: ~


00 m


Joint Research Centre : 1751 m€(non-nuclear direct actions)

FP7 structure & budget

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FP7 RTD priorities

Security and Space9%

Information and Communication


Socio-economic Sciences



Food, Agriculture, Biotechnology


Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies



Transport - Aeronautics


Environment -Climate change


Source: Competitiveness Council 24 July 2006

9.110 m€

“Cooperation”: 32.365 m€

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ICT in FP7: Building on Europe’s strengths

• Industrial & technological leadership in key ICT fields

Telecoms, embedded IT, nanoelectronics, microsystems, rich audio-visual content etc.

Expertise in handling complexity

Transform “complex technologies” into reliable products

Infrastructures: energy, telecoms, transport

Complex devices: mobile, home

• Strengths in many markets

Automotive, aerospace, machinery, pharmaceuticals, automation, …

• Experience in partnering & collaboration

Pan-European partnerships & consensus-building

•• Industrial & technological leadership in key ICT fieldsIndustrial & technological leadership in key ICT fields

Telecoms, embedded IT, nanoelectronics, microsystems, rich audio-visual content etc.

Expertise in handling complexityExpertise in handling complexity

Transform “complex technologies” into reliable products

Infrastructures: energy, telecoms, transport

Complex devices: mobile, home

•• Strengths in Strengths in manymany marketsmarkets

Automotive, aerospace, machinery, pharmaceuticals, automation, …

•• Experience in partnering & collaborationExperience in partnering & collaboration

Pan-European partnerships & consensus-building










Health applications

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Challenge 6: ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability & Energy Efficiency

(1) Systems for safer & more efficient mobility of people & goods

(2) Raising Europe’s capacity in sustainablemanagement of natural resources & waste

(1) Systems for safer & more efficient mobility of people & goods

(2) Raising Europe’s capacity in sustainablemanagement of natural resources & waste

Links to:•• The Intelligent CarThe Intelligent Car

•• ICT for Sustainable ICT for Sustainable Growth Growth


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FP7 workshops to look forward

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ICT for Environmental Management

Collaborative systems for environmental management

• Monitoring, reporting, management, alert & response• Enhanced capacity to assess population exposure & health risk• Visionary concepts, as well as evolutionary integrated systems• Generic solutions with prime validation focus on water and air

Coordination & Support Actions• Adoption of common open architectures (INSPIRE, GMES,

GEOSS)• ICT research for disaster risk reduction & emergency

management• ERA-Net in ICT for environmental sustainability

«Towards a SingleInformation Space

for the Environment in Europe»

Call 2 -54 MEUR

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ICT for Energy Efficiency

ICT for energy-intensive products, services & processes

• Design & simulation of energy profiles over the life cycle• Monitoring & business models for energy

production/distribution/use • Efficient management of local power grids• Towards energy-neutral living & working environments

Coordination & Support Actions

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DG INFSO Strategy FP7

I2010 Single European Information Market in Europe

Single Information Space for the environment in Europe (SISEE)

RTD CIP Innovativeprocurement


Large scaledemonstration

Thematic networks


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IST 2006 event

Conference Conference


Networking & Networking & workshopsworkshops


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FP7 launch event in Brussels












•• Public exhibitionPublic exhibitionon European research on European research

""Today is the FutureToday is the Future" "

(to be attended by Chancellor (to be attended by Chancellor MerkelsMerkels and President and President BarrosoBarroso))

•• DatesDates0707--18 March 200718 March 2007

•• PlacePlaceGareGare maritime at "Tour et Taxis" maritime at "Tour et Taxis" Brussels, BelgiumBrussels, Belgium

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•• European research on the webEuropean research on the web::http://cordis.europa.eu/http://cordis.europa.eu/era/fp7/home.htmlhttp://ec.europa.eu/comm/research/future

•• Registration as an expert for future evaluation ofRegistration as an expert for future evaluation of proposalsproposals::http://www.cordis.lu/experts/fp6_candidature.htm

•• Information Society Technologies (IST):Information Society Technologies (IST):http://europa.eu.int/information_societyhttp://www.cordis.lu/ist/http://www.cordis.lu/ist/so/risk-management/home.html

•• DG INFSO Unit DG INFSO Unit ““ICT for the EnvironmentICT for the Environment””Mailbox: INFSO - [email protected]

•• GEOGEO:: http://http://earthobservations.orgearthobservations.org//•• GMESGMES: : http://http://www.gmes.infowww.gmes.info//•• INSPIREINSPIRE: : http://www.echttp://www.ec--gis.org/inspiregis.org/inspire//•• CIPCIP::


For more informationFor more information

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