Issun Boshi Si Swordsman One Inch Issun Boshi is a Japanese folk tale that tells a child petite with a size of one inch and aspires to become a samurai warrior. Stories Issun Boshi is estimated to come from the Muromachi period. Storyline Based on the story developed, especially in the Japanese society, long time ago there was a pair of grandparents who live a happy life, but the lives of those less complete because for decades have never been blessed with children. They crave the presence of a child. One day my grandparents went to the temple and begged the gods to be given a child. Every day they beg in earnest. Gods finally granted the grandparents. Although the size of the child is very small, just as big as your little finger, but, they were very happy when their child is born into the world. By her parents the child was named "Saemon". As the age of adolescence, but it remains high and has not increased the size of his body, that's why people call him "Issun Boshi". Although petite, Issun Boshi had a courageous spirit, manners and helper to others. When Issun Booshi 15 years old, he began to have a desire to become a great man, a famous samurai warrior.

Issun Boshi Si Swordsman One Inch

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Issun Boshi Si Swordsman One Inch

Issun Boshi is a Japanese folk tale that tells a child petite with a size of one

inch and aspires to become a samurai warrior. Stories Issun Boshi is estimated to

come from the Muromachi period.


Based on the story developed, especially in the Japanese society, long time

ago there was a pair of grandparents who live a happy life, but the lives of those

less complete because for decades have never been blessed with children. They

crave the presence of a child.

One day my grandparents went to the temple and begged the gods to be

given a child. Every day they beg in earnest. Gods finally granted the

grandparents. Although the size of the child is very small, just as big as your little

finger, but, they were very happy when their child is born into the world. By her

parents the child was named "Saemon".

As the age of adolescence, but it remains high and has not increased the size

of his body, that's why people call him "Issun Boshi". Although petite, Issun

Boshi had a courageous spirit, manners and helper to others.

When Issun Booshi 15 years old, he began to have a desire to become a

great man, a famous samurai warrior. In one afternoon, Issun Boshi, facing his

parents and expressed his intention

"Dad, Mom, I can not forget all my duty to you. It's time for me to leave

you. I will go to the capital to find a job that suits my talents this".

Both parents Issun Boshi his decision approving it. The next night, his mother

Issun Boshi made from a piece of silk fabric clothes while her father equip Issun

Boshi with a sword from the needle. The next morning Issun Boshi said goodbye

to her parents, she started up a bowl of rice that will be used to travel to the capital

city via the river. Slowly he began rowing his boat to use chopsticks. Issun Boshi

tanggannya waved farewell to both parents. Not long after Issun Boshi begin to

pull away and the adventure he began.

A voyage through the raging rivers is a new thing for Issun Boshi. He

learned a lot about nature, wind and rapids. All the natural beauty he encounters

along the way he had forgotten just when Issun Boshi arrived at the gates of the

city. On arrival at the riverbank him off his boat and hurried to a busy road. Issun

Boshi walked around town until he finally arrived at the front gate of the castle


"I came to town to practice and find a job, so I beg you accept it into your waiter


Because the body Issun Boshi is small, the Keeper of the palace in front of her

had not noticed Issun Boshi.

 "I'm here, down here" Issun Boshi yelled at the palace guards.

Eventually it was discovered Issun Boshi guard and take him to the palace.

Issun Boshi Sanjo allowed to meet with the count. After expressing his intention

to Sanjo, while its knees and bowed palm Sanjo, Issun Boshi began pledging

allegiance to his master.

It turns out that royalty can feel the talents Issun Boshi so Issun Boshi began

employed as a servant in the palace. Without waiting for a long time the people

who were in the palace, and the daughter of the duke began to respect talent and

charm Issun Boshi. Because of his talent that Issun Boshi appointed a bodyguard

for the princess.

One day, Issun Boshi requested by the princess to escort him to the

Kiyomizu temple to pray is usually done by the princess. The layout of the temple

is far away from the city center and to arrive there to go through a haunted forest.

When the group arrived at the forest's daughter suddenly heard a roar of laughter.

Not long after came two evil giants. All except Issun Boshi bodyguard daughter

fleeing in fear of the evil giant edible. One of the giant interesting and gripping

daughter's body. The daughter screaming and crying in fear. Issun Boshi who

were there as fast as lightning struck the giant hand with a needle sword to release

the princess from the clutches of the evil giant. Although his body is much smaller

than the giant, Issun Boshi fearlessly confront and challenge them.

The giant was amazed at the courage Issun Boshi. However, the giants

getting angry, they began attacking Issun Boshi. Suddenly one giant catch Issun

Boshi then opened up and swallowed Issun Boshi.

Issun Boshi not a quitter, the position at the belly of a giant favor. Issun

Boshi again attacked the giant of the stomach. With the sword of the needle Issun

Boshi kept stabbing and slashing menyayat- giant's belly. The giant howl howl in

pain. He began coughing up tebatuk Issun Boshi finally spewed out of his

stomach. Once out of the belly of a giant, Issun Boshi immediately climbs the

giant mustache and went up to his nose and then stab the giant eye.

The giant finally gave up in tears he ran away to the mountains where he

lived. The giant let the daughter of grip and left everything he was carrying. One

thing that left a giant hammer that is magical or "No Uchide Kozuchi" a hammer

that can grant any demanders or spending money and rice when it swung back and

forth. Issun Boshi ask the princess for swinging a hammer at him and begging for

change Issun Boshi body into a normal sized adult male.

After the incident in the woods was Issun Boshi and the princess back to the

palace . In the palace of the princess recounted the incident on his father Sanjo .

Sanjo amazed by his good looks and posture Issun Boshi new.

In short end they all live happily . Sanjo father of the princess to marry

Issun Boshi with his beloved daughter . Before the wedding was held Sanjo ask

Issun Boshi to invite both parents Issun Boshi in the village lived together in the

palace . Issun Boshi can be met and reunited with his parents .

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Kelompok IV

1. Karmila

2. Kevin Widiatama. S

3. Kurniasih

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5. Mela Fitriani

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