Issue 3 Issue 5 Featuring Andrew House Ashley Waterhouse Jan Murphy James Kemp Kate Bowman Becky Head Justin Pearce LeiLei Parapi Scariest Places

Issue 5

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Featuring Andrew House, Ashley Waterhouse, Jan Murphy, James Kemp, Kate Bowman, Becky Head, Justin Pearce, LeiLei Parapi, Scariest Places.

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Issue 3

Issue 5

FeaturingAndrew House Ashley WaterhouseJan Murphy James Kemp Kate Bowman Becky Head Justin Pearce LeiLei Parapi Scariest Places

In This Month issue UK Ghost’s Stories By Andrew House England History By Ashley Waterhouse

Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy Guide to Supernatural By James Kemp Taroscopes By Kate Bowman Magic for you to do at home By Becky Head Guide to Mediumship By Justin Pearce

Haunting’s of USA By LeiLei Parapi Scariest Places Pendle Hill Special Part 1

Spring park was a hunting lodge which saw several owners before it was demolished. But who are the ghosts of Woodchester. It is said that when the 2nd Earl of Ducie took over the earldom, he threw a dinner event. During the event he claimed to have been visited by the ghost of his late father. It shocked him so much he died and both ghosts continue to dwell at the mansion.

There was also a fateful event which took place during the Second World War which took the lives of several Soldiers who were completing a training exercise for the D-Day Landings. A bridge over the lake collapsed killing them. At the time they were stationed at the Mansion and their bodies were left there for several days. Their ghost continues to haunt the property.

UK Ghost’s Stories

By Andrew House

Woodchester mansion

From the outside, this impressive gothic mansion provides all the looks for one of the UK’s most haunted venues. On the inside it’s a shell, a building that was never completed for reasons unknown.

Whilst one story suggests that the builders fled the building after encountering its many ghosts, other stories state that the building owner William Leigh died during its construction. No one really knows what happened.

What we do know is that the building is now home to many ghosts. Your first question may be ‘why would a building that’s never been completed be haunted?’ The answer that lies in the grounds history.

Originally known as Spring Park, Leigh had the original house built in 1631 by the Ducie family demolished to make way for an impressive building known now as Woodchester mansion.

Visitors have claimed to have seen men in Military uniforms and smells of candles burning despite the fact no candles are present. Others have seen short men lingering in corridors and it is widely accepted that this is due to the locations past and not that of Woodchester mansion. Several TV shows have filmed at the venue in a bid to locate its spooks. Most Haunted have filmed at the mansion twice, one of which was a live show in which they experienced stones being thrown and other strange electrical occurrences.

It has also featured on Ghost Hunters, Hauntings and Scariest places in the world. This is buildings ghost has certainly captured the imagination of vivid ghost hunters from around the world. I have visited the mansion myself on many occasions carrying out paranormal investigations. Strangely, I agree that the ghosts may be from the grounds past. In fact, some of the best activity I have witnesses has taken place in the grounds.

On one occasion our team witnesses what looked like a white figure directly by the lake. At the time I wasn’t aware of the account of the bridge collapsing.

The Children of one of the Reverends claimed to be surprised when they discovered that Borley Rectory was being dubbed England’s most haunted house because they had seen anything paranormal at all.

One former resident believed so much that it wasn’t haunted that a TV documentary had to be halted after she threatened legal action its producers. She noted that the ghosts of Borley were not real.

However, there has also been a lot of support for Prices work including from renowned investigation Peter Underwood who stated that he believed Prices work was accurate and that he did not create any phenomena.

One question does always come to mind. Why was this house so haunted? The an-swer lies with the history of the land it was built on. The house was built on the former grounds of a 13th century monastery and the reason for the Nuns was that there was a convent not too far away. It’s alleged the fre-quented the monastery.

Perhaps this is the reason why the house was believed to be doomed from the start. The house may have been burned down but it seems the ghosts aren’t in a rush to leave.

Just take a look on Youtube and you can browse through thousands of videos of peo-ple who have tried to encounter the spirits of the rectory. Most seem to focus on the church which was left empty and locked by a metal chain.

Those brave enough to approach the church have experienced its organ playing by itself, a ghostly choir singing and other strange phenomena which you have to admit it pretty firm evidence considering you couldn’t get in to the church itself.

The mansion itself may not be the most active area but it’s certainly no stranger to it. Much like the TV show most haunted, we also witnessed stones being thrown

on the top floor of the building.

There was absolutely no explanation for this at all. I can confirm that it did scare us! After all, no one wants stones thrown at them.

In another incident, we witnessed a man with blood stained clothes near the

entrance. We later discovered a story which suggests work stopped as a result of a murder, although there is nothing to back this up.

Whatever you believe, if you are an avid ghost hunter you should give this location a go. Supernatural Tours are running a ghost hunt here on November 21st


www.facebook.com/jensenhouseofficial www.jensenhouseofficial.co.uk

England History by Ashley

Waterhouse Here is a short History on Village & Town Lock ups that you may live next to or my know of one. I’m wanting to put this article forward as it was the last thing my Friend & Curator of Derby Police Museum did before he died Retied PC Wayne Johnson.

THE LOCK-UPS & EARLY POLICING In towns and villages across the country can still be found curious structures built of brick or stone with conical or spired roofs and usually very old iron studded wooden doors. These are the old village lock-ups, or house of correction, the forerunner of our prison system. There has always been an attempt at keeping law and order in our society be it the humiliation of the village stocks, or the horror of the gibbet, the lock-ups have their place. Thankfully there are over 200 throughout the country many have been pulled down and remain just a reference in parish records. The lock-up came into general use as a result of the establishment of an early policing system dating from medieval times, The Watch and Ward. The town or village Watchman was elected to keep the peace and to patrol streets at night, to challenge st rangers moving about or vagrants and vagabonds.

The orders of The Statute Of Winchester 1285 authorised the appointment of Constables This had been a military rank previously counter stabilis, King Edward 111 Introduced a system in which a board of justices travelled around the counties trying cases of misconduct and crime. Courts were held four times a year at The Quarter Sessions. The Watchman and later The Parish Constable were elected for a years duty they were unpaid and organised by the Parish Council the person was expected to carry on his own trade as well as his duty, some paid others to perform the duty for them, not a popular appointment. A holding place was needed to allow the Parish Constable to lock-up any drunks or cut throats etc that had been arrested, some persons spent the odd night to sober up to calm their temper, some were travelling vagrants in need of shelter, other to await transportation by the militia and justice to the assizes such as Derby or Nottingham. The lock-ups were built in all sorts of styles, in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottingham they tended to be round house as in the case of the Ticknall, Smisby and Breedon – on – the Hill structures, the Alfreton Lock-up is rectangular quite large and locally known as “The Toby Jug”, a Toby being a local reference to a foot pad or highwayman. One very fine building in Curbar village in the Peak District was used to jail rowdy lead miners and is situated on an old route. The building known as “Jaggers Keep” a Jagger being an old name for a pack house driver. Someone had made this into a summer house at sometime.

Often a lock-up has walled area built or near to it, not as an exercise yard but as a Pin fold, to secure straying cattle, horse, dogs or the occasional old goat.

These could be released to their owner on payment of a fine to the Parish, again enforced by The Constable or Beadle. A fine example is in Sandyacre, a square structure and Pin fold locally called “The Dog Pound”. In other towns around the country there are lock-ups with triangular, circular, conical styles, some built in the gap between two buildings, even one that i have seen built into the base of a clock tower. They are not always easy to find as some Parishes were allowed to at least provide a secure place, this could be a store room at the back of a pub, part of a mill of the base of the Town Hall, as in Bakewell and Chesterfield town centres. But that’s part of the fun.. (i keep telling myself). There are some interesting local names given to the village lock-up, such as; The blind house, the Jug, the Bridewell (after an old London Gaol) the Barrel house, Nick, Drunk Tank, Keep and the Slammer Sin Bin. The Watchman and later the Parish Constable were elected for a year duty they were unpaid and organised by the Parish Council the person was expected to carry on his own trade as well as his duty, some paid others to perform the duty for them, not a popular appointment.

Eventually thus system of policing became inadequate, Constables were often drunk and some open to bribery. Henry Fielding’s “Bow street runners” had shown the new direction and on the 27th August1839 Sir Robert Peel introduced the New Police through an Act of Parliament.

Paid and Trained Constables were established throughout the Country, these following years were the troubled times of the reformation Act. We are luck that any of these ancient lock-ups still survive today, those that do are usually cherished by the Town or villagers as part of their Heritage and well maintained, & part of British heritage. There may be one near to you!!. If you know of anymore that we don’t know of please send us your details to the editor please.

Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy

Fortuna Villa, Victoria- Australia

Fortuna Villa is a mansion near Bendigo in Victoria, Australia. It was built during the gold rush in 1855 and went from being a large house to the sprawling mansion we see it as today. A Lookout tower was constructed near to the kitchen so that the businessman who owned the mansion, Mr. Theodore Ballerstadt, could look out over the gold fields he owned. In 1871, Theodore sold the villa to a Mr. George Lansell, an English mining entrepreneur, who further expanded the villa to accommodate his rather large and growing family. Lansell became known as the “Quartz King” and indeed, being successful, he revived the town of Bendigo somewhat, bringing more people and business into its midst. He died in 1906 but his wife Edith continued to renovate the house. During WWII, the house was occupied by the Australian Army and used as a mapping survey center, it was during this time that many an officer stationed here was spooked by unusual activity at night. One man in particular refused to sleep there unless he had his dog, a Doberman, with him. And at the same time every night that dog would go berserk in a particular corner. This could never be explained. Some military personnel reported that previously locked doors were often found open, and the apparition of a little boy in a sailor suit once appeared to a female soldier here, disappear-ing suddenly as she called out for help.

The following three accounts are actual reports submitted and recorded by the Army at the time:

Captain J. Bloor, February 1973: “Whilst on picket duty, at about 0450 hours, I crossed the road in front of the new barrack block to go down the stairs leading to the path around the lake. Out of the corner of my eye, just as I mounted the gutter on the lake side of the road, I noticed an object standing by the double doors of the kitchen. I stopped and took another look, because usually there is nothing in that position. I saw an apparition which was like a shroud hovering by the door and moving slowly from side to side. The form was about 1.8 metres tall. Brickwork could be seen through it. The apparition was moving very slowly and moved through the outer door of the kitchen and stopped by the inner door. The top half of it could be seen. It stayed there for some time and then turned around and returned to its original position.

Once again it rotated slowly from left to right and then suddenly stopped. I got the impression that it had suddenly sensed my presence. It then moved about six metres to the east which, due to the building corner between us, put it out of my view. I moved back to the centre of the road to a position where I could see the apparition beneath the window of the kitchen. It was still moving slowly from left to right. Once again it stopped as if again it had seen me. It then moved back to its original position and disappeared. The whole sighting lasted for a couple of minutes.” Sergeant, 1982: “I was performing a security check of the main building of Fortuna and as part of my duties I was to check incoming telex messages. I checked the door to the telex room and found it to be locked as would be expected. I then proceeded to the main keyboard located in the switchboard room, and, as I was removing the telex room key, I heard a woman’s voice say softly: ‘What are you doing here?’ I was extremely frightened as I had carried out a full check of the doors and windows of the building and knew it to be secure. I then hurried to the telex room (a distance of some six metres). I approached the locked door and just as I was about to insert the key, the door slowly opened. I had not touched the door at this time and there were no strong draughts that could have caused this movement.

Corporal, 1965: “At 0300 hours, I was adding logs to the open fireplace in the billiard room (now the Corporal and Sappers mess). Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the double doors that connected the ballroom and the billiard room.As I turned towards the doors, they both opened fully. As the building was locked and I was the only occupant, there was no logical explanation”.

It is said that members of the Australian Army wrote a letter to their superiors asking for relocation from the property due to ongoing, eerie, disturbances. This request was, of course, denied.

After the war the mansion was eventually declared the property of the Victorian Parliament and became a listed Commonwealth Heritage site. Over the years, many people have continued to report ghostly sightings at Fortuna Villa. The spectre of George Lansell himself has been sighted, presenting himself as a bearded figure. The ghost of a teenage girl also haunts the property, she apparently approaches the unsuspecting visitor and asks them to “leave the house immediately”! If this wasn’t enough to alarm you, footsteps can also be heard at night, as well as a loud tapping noise, and in some rooms cold spots can be felt which chill to the bone. In 1986, one eye-witness claims to have seen the dark shape of a head and torso without legs, drifting through the bannister of the main staircase, and some claim to have heard the voice of a woman calling out from a room off the main corridor. Could it be the voice of Bedilia, Lansell’s first wife, who allegedly died in uncertain circumstances?? Fortuna Villa has recently undergone restoration work and is now open to public for weekly tours.

Adelaide Gaol, Adelaide Western Australia

The Adelaide Gaol was built in 1841 and housed approximately 300,000 prisoners during its 147 years of operation. A total of 45 people, including one woman, were hanged

here and for the rest of the inmates life was very hard. Conditions were said to be awful and cells were small and generally contaminated, as was the drinking water!

The Gaol was closed in 1988, and is known as the longest continuously operating prison in Australia.

The last man to be hanged at the gaol was a man called Glen Sabre Valance, he’d been sentenced to death after he allegedly shot his former employer with a shotgun, before

raping the man’s wife. Some say he should have been acquitted of the crime on the grounds of insanity, however, on 24 September, 1964, Valance was led to execution. But in a horrific botch

up the hanging went terribly wrong and as the trap door fell away beneath Valances feet, he fell through the air with a rope around his neck which was apparently too long and, instead of

being suspending in the air, he hit the floor hard and was badly injured. It’s said that this mistake was quickly covered up and he then had to be hung again immediately! Due to the

nature of this execution it’s no surprise that the restless and miserable soul of Glen Valance is believed to haunt this area. His apparition has been seen on many occasions by visitors, said to

have an angry and restless look about him.

Paranormal activity has been documented in many places around the Gaol. People have seen full body apparitions of inmates and prison guards, heard disembodied voices, felt cold spots

and even recorded EVPs. Witnesses have reported being touched, scratched, pushed and shoved whilst

making their way through the building and apparently the same large, heavy, door slams violently shut every morning between 4- 4:30 am.

Would you volunteer to spend an evening here alone…?

Studley Park House, New South Wales- Australia

Studley Park House was built in 1889 and is arguably said to be Camden’s most haunted building! Over the years it’s been sold countless times over by its many different owners with residents only living there a few years before leaving. In the early 1900’s it was bought by Dr Henry Oliver who made it into a boarding school, it was during this time that, on October

15, 1909, a fourteen year old student by the name of Ray Blackstone tragically drowned while swimming in a nearby dam with 5 other boarders. His lifeless body was dragged from the water and taken to the cellar, to await burial. After the incident, the house was quickly sold again and with it came a curse-like stain that resulted in many more deaths and an endless

cycle of fast fleeing owners!

The house now belongs to Camden Golf Course, and, thankfully, although no more deaths appear to have taken place here, people still claim to witness strange events at the property with regular reports of haunting activity. Visitors have heard voices coming from the attic,

and the apparition of a woman has been seen staring down at passers-by out of the window at night when the building is supposedly empty. Rather chillingly, workmen who carried out repairs to the property recently made a disturbing discovery when they came across an old

hangman’s noose dangling from the rafters in the steeple!

Someone once reported seeing the lights on in a part of the house where there were no lights. Another time the fire brigade was called out to investigate a report of lights

being switched on and off repeatedly inside the house, when they checked the mains however, they found they were “switched off.’’ Pretty weird hey?


Guide to the Supernatural

By James Kemp

For this issue I thought I would go more into supernatural and explain bit more about few different types of ghosts. 7

Ghost Types

Ghost of a Black DogCommonly known generally to be omen of death.

Doppeganger “Doppelgänger” is a German word for “double goer.” Doppegangers will take on a physical appearance of someone living or someone died.

Crisis Apparition These are visions of persons, who at the time of their appearance are undergoing some form of crisis. Example a severe illness, an injury or even death. Elemental Elemntal ghost are formed out of energy rather than a spirit that has a departed soul. These can be frightening and powerful as most are born out of a turbulent or depraved actions.

Graveyard GhostMany people believe graveyards are full of ghosts however ghost tend to haunt the place of their death or place with a strong connection. Graveyards always have one ghost and that is the first person to be buried there. The belief dates back to ancient Europe it was believed they would warn off evil sprit’s and unwanted intrudes.

Incubus and Succubus Those who have had an encounter with an incubus find themselves interacting sexually with a presence. That may be visible or feel sensations and on rare accounts physical force. Incubus will appear as an attractive human male. Succubus will appear as an attractive female.

Poltergeist The word poltergeist is a German for noisy ghost. It is now accepted term to describe several kinds of activity mainly movement of objects and noises. Poltergeist activity can happen around a specific person. In many cases the poltergeist will base itself and activity around a young female going through puberty.

Will-o-the-wisp (Jack-o-Lantern)Will manifest itself as dancing lights and believed to bring death if followed.

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Taroscopes for July/August

By Kate Bowman

Summer is well and truly here! We enter the fabulous sun sign of leo this month Leo - July 23 -August 21 -Leo is the lion, this well suited symbol represents Leo very well. The Tarot card for the leo is represented by The sun and the strength card. On July 22, the Sun enters Leo. Leo is, of course, the lion, an animal whose image and myth permeates Western culture. Leo, with its majesty and golden mane, is ruled by the Sun, associated with the tarot card of the same name.

The sun indicates positive achievement material success, happiness & contentment. Leos possess both the skill and the drive to achieve their ambitions and receive recognition for their accomplishments. Joy success and achievement.

The strength card represents a very powerful person just like the leo! The ability to cope with and overcome problems facing up to them with courage determination and perseverance.

Aries - Page of wands Energy, loyalty and new beginnings are all indicated this month Aries the ram, good news in career and on the knowledge front. You may be looking at new ways to improve yourself such as courses or books or in a creative area. Teaching, studying are all favourable this month with good results.

Taurus - 3 of wands New starts, long term success and partnerships for you Taurus the bull, you are no afraid of hard work as a rule and it looks like that hard work is starting to pay off at last! You are entering the beginning of a very productive period particularly around work .Keep focused on a particular area especially.

Gemini - 2 pentacles Fluctuating fortunes and prudence. Gemini twins You are often juggling many things and this month is no exception, you may also keep your form of being in 2 minds or feeling indecisive as you see both sides of the game. This month’s focus is more on the material side of things, money may be in one hand out the other but at least it’s there! Change is coming and you may face setbacks which leaves you juggling things. Prudent management of resources is recommended. Cancer - 10 cups Achievement, commitment and good marriage. Cancer the crab, hugely sensi-tive, this card for you this month signi-fies the final attainment of some long sought after goals which brings in its wake great happiness and fulfilment. Doubts should be resolved, family tensions lifted and frictions healed. Traditionally represents long and happy unions so any weddings being planned this is the month to seal the deal!

Libra - The word Completion, satisfaction, and enlightenment - What a great month you should have! you love balance and peace and this month brings a whole new chapter with better balance. Loose ends are being tied up and things are coming full circle. A new chapter awaits with change, and a successful conclusion to certain parts of your life. Restrictions are now removed and limitations are now removed. Travel is also signified. Scorpio - The star Serenity, renewal, hope - You lucky scorpions - This is a very positive month for you and signifies a period of calm and serenity. Difficulties are resolved and the path ahead becomes clearer. Psychical and spiritual renewal is indicated. Aim high with your dreams and wishes, there is hope on the horizon. Confidence and attainment all feature now along with good news and new starts. Sagittarius - The Emperor Male Authority, authority, and rationality - While fun is usually your game here this month we have you approaching more serious matters or taking back control of events. Master of your own destiny, being self disciplined, organization and taking action to a path of fulfilment. Sounds like a busy month for you are you prepared! If you have felt over powered recently now you will feel back in the driving seat. Father figures also feature strongly this month.

Leo - Knight of pentacles Thoroughness,dependability, good news! Travel plans, pay rises,new job offers, all indications here are of good news especially within finances. Persistence and patience are paying off and things are moving slowly forward. A good reliable friend or partner may come around giving you some good news or advice.

Virgo - The hermit card Introspection & solitude - This is your card sits comfortably in your sign, practical Virgo. Time out here is needed this month; you may be feeling like you want to go within yourself. This is a great time to reflect over the past and decide what it is you really want to do with the rest of your time. Stand back from everyone else; take yourself out of situations that cause you strife so you can reflect quietly.

Aquarius - Queen of cups Sensitive, emotional, intuition - Usually a quirky sign and one who wants to be different from the crowd this month you may be feeling a little extra sensitive, or a little vulnerable. Try not to let people take advantage of your kind good nature and trust your gut instincts they are super strong! Let your emotions flow don’t hold back and let people know how you feel. Equally a female who is kind & caring may make a strong impact on you this month.

Pisces - The wheel of fortune Cyclical change, good fortune, - Lucky fish! You are in for a great ride this month Pisces! At last things are moving in the right direction, you can relax and go with the flow a little more due to your previews actions that have taken you into a new chapter, a lucky chapter one with expansion and travel. More knowledge is welcome in your path as you become much more wiser. If things are a little slow at first - take the action to get the life you want- and soon you won’t want to miss this lucky timing!

Truly Blessings Kate Bowman

Kate Bowman - www.trulytarot.com www.trulyspiritualpromotions.co.uk Facebook - Trulytarot Twitter - TrulytarotUK

Capricorn - 7 cups Dreams & aspirations, confusion choices - Lovely Capricorns - you may feel a little out of sorts this month, where you normally like to be focused and direct here we see there are too many choices and not enough clarification! This is not a month to make big decisions, not until you have clearer facts. The emotions associated with you are those stemming from within, from the mind. Too much confusion for your desires & dreams. Hold back for a while or recognize pipe dreams allowing you a more productive path.

Magic for you to do at home.

By Becky HeadMany Witches, Pagans and Druids have just celebrated Litha, otherwise known as Summer Solstice or midsummer, this is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The Oak King has to now surrender to the holly King and the sun will now begin to fade and darkness will again reign.

Now can be a good time to renew things from relationships, vows, promises etc. Including promises you have made to yourself, such as keeping healthy, being more confident, getting out more etc.

So for this we are going to do some simple sigil magic.

For this you will need: Piece of paper, A pen

Spend some quiet time thinking on what you wish for, you may want to relax in the bath with some candles on and your music playing. When you have your wish write it on your piece of paper ie;


Make sure this is written in a positive way, note it says *I AM not *I WANT TO BE. It can be a full sentence or just a few words. It

needs to reflect well your desires.You can write anything you like such as:

“I am fit and healthy” “I am a size 12” “I own my own house”

“I am in a loving relationship”You can combine more than one thing into

your sigil if you so wish.

Next you take to take away all the vowels and repeated letters until you are left with what looks like a random jumble of letters.


Now you need to play with you letters, rearrange the letters you have, make a pattern out of them, turn them into an image, turn them upside down and back to front and inside out. There is no rule as to what the finished product looks like. It all depends on your creativity and your artistic capability.

If you want you can use invisible ink, or an assortment of colours for ink and paper. Or if you are good on a computer you can design you sigil on a graphical programme. Some have even suggested drawing it onto a mirror.

When you have finished they may look something like either of the pictures above or it may look more complicated, it is entirely up to you what it looks like, there is no right or wrong way.

You can join all the letters together in a much more artistic way if you like. As long as you put in some thought and are happy with the completed piece and in your eyes you cannot tell what is says and it is perfect and beautiful that is all that matters.

When you have finished and are satisfied that your sigil is complete, discard any scribbles or spares and ensure that you have a neat and tidy finished product. If you want you can stitch it into a piece of cloth or paint it onto some canvass so that it is a completed piece of art work.

Then you will need to spend some time with your sigil, meditate on it, stare at it intensely until you feel that it has imprinted into your mind, into your dreams into your soul and into your whole being. Become so involved in it that you are more or less in a state of trance. Stare at it to the point where you can no longer ‘see’ it, this is where drawing it on a mirror can be handy as you can literally stare through it into your own soul. Stare at it until you are dizzy and imbalanced, drunk on the mere thought of it.

When you can stare no more you can put your sigil away, this may be in the bottom drawer or you may want to keep it in your purse or wallet, or even in your gym bag. Wherever you see fit to put it, the idea is to just forget about it and let it do its thing.

Join Becky Head on: www.facebook.com/groups TheSouthamptonWitches www.facebook.com/TheWitchesShop

Guide to Mediumship

By Justin Pearce

Letting Go

I have been thinking a lot lately about how much we hold onto.

Whether that’s an anger from something or someone that has done you wrong in the past. Or a past love that you can never really let go of.

Our minds are complex things and what we think directly affects our bodies too. There is a Doctor in Japan called Dr Masaru Emoto. He did experiments with water and positive and negative thoughts given to water. Thought I would enlighten you to this man’s amazing work. Through the 1990’s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the different variables and subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures. The results were nothing short of remarkable...

Biwako Lake Shimanto River (polluted) (clean)

For example: Water before Prayer Water after Prayer

“Thank you” “Love and Appreciation”

“You make me sick, I will kill you”

“Adolph Hitler”

After observing these miraculous results, Dr. Emoto went on to type out different words, both positive and negative in nature, and taped them to containers full of water. The results were as follows:

As you can tell, the water stamped with positive words is far more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing than that stamped with dark, negative phrases. If you are reading this article on this particular website, you probably already knew that positive and negative thinking have a major impact on the surrounding environment. That concept is relatively easy to grasp, but this extremely tangible evidence of it is astounding. If the words and thoughts that come out of us have this effect on water crystals, it’s amazing to think of what kind of effect they have on the people and events that come into our lives.

Oh and by the way, the average human body is 60% water. Ponder that one a while. What happens to our bodies, being mostly water, by our thoughts?

It’s very difficult to not have negative thoughts or energies by what has happened to us in the past or is happening to us now. I was sick last year and worked out that it was mostly negative thoughts that would cause this. I had so much pent up anger towards two people that had done me wrong in my life, that it built up and caused me months of agony... Once I had let it go, I felt better.

It’s not easy to let go. I know this, but try. It will change your life and your energies and the way you feel about any situation. I always think of negativity and anger as the Witch from the Wizard of Oz. She chucked everything at Dorothy to get to her and all it took was a bucket of water to get rid of her!! No matter what you’re going through or how much anger you have in you, please try and let go. I promise it will make your life a whole lot better. Problems and anger only come back to cause you issues. So just let go!!! Justin Pearce is available for private and party Tarot, Palm and Mediumship evenings and private one to one readings in the daytime. Call 07723 406630 or go to justinpearcepsychic.weebly.com and download his free book Love and LightJustin Pearce


Haunting’s of USA By

LeiLei ParapiKOA Camp site.

In the summer of 2010 my family, our best friends, and I headed to our local coast and stayed at a KOA cabin. For now I will refrain from mentioning the city or the location of the KOA as I am still looking into the child’s death. Initially when we got there all seemed well however as it started to get dark I noticed a little boy constantly peaking behind a tree near our fire pit (non-living). He looked to be between the ages of 8-10, was wearing a blue t-shirt, jeans, and had a light brown 70’s style haircut. He looked very much like he came from the 70’s or 80’s. His completion was very whitish blue and he was kinked and hunched, almost as if his body had been crammed into something and he couldn’t stand straight because of it. Honestly, initially I didn’t give it much thought; it’s very common for me to run into spirits on road trips, even children. He never said anything by that point, he just seemed curious. I never even mentioned seeing him to anyone as he wasn’t a distraction. About 30 minutes after I started noticing him my friend Jen & I were asked to run to the local store real quick and get more juice. On the car right there Jen, who also sees spirits occasionally, asked me if I saw a little boy around our cabin. Of course I told her yes and we started describing him to each other, basically finishing each other’s sentences; it was clear he was there and making himself visible.

Due to the fact that we’re both used to seeing spirits we kind of just said how sad it was that he was so young, but mostly left it alone.

We got back to the KOA with the juice, put the kids to sleep, and went out by the fire to drink with the boys. About 30 minutes into our drinking we heard my daughter scream-ing at the top of her lungs. Us girls ran in to see what was going on; she was scared out of her mind. She insisted a boy that looked like her brother who was nine at the time was grabbing her and trying to scare her. Jen and I just looked at each other like “oh crap”, but didn’t say anything in order to keep her calm. We got her calmed down and she fell back to sleep. About 15 minutes later my son started screaming, he never screams, when we got there he said he woke up to the little boy’s face right in front of his. He was so tired he was just rambling things about some boy and then passed out mid sentence. We went back out to drink thinking “Oh my god what is going on?” Everything calmed down for about an hour and once the boys sobered up they headed to a nearby casino for a bit. We stayed with the kids, just hanging out like girlfriends do.

Once again my daughter woke up screaming her lungs out. We went to check on her and she was in hysterics saying he was back and he was scarring and grabbing her again. By this time I was pretty pissed off, I have a strict rule that if spirits want to com-municate they need to do so respectfully and scarring my kids when I could clearly see him was not ok with me. I went into the room and started yelling at him to leave the kids alone right now and that if he needed something he needed to come to the adults. We got my daughter back to sleep and we went to sit on the front porch of the cabin to talk. All of a sudden he showed up out on the deck, he came right behind me and asked me to follow him. He took me behind the cabin and there was a tall field, he just pointed at the field and said “There”. I could feel that’s where his body is or was at one time. I then got an image of him crammed into a very small space, not alive, but I couldn’t make out what he was in. I thought he was trying to get help by telling me where he was, but then he started getting angry. He started yelling “Leave me alone!” and “Go away!”. Eventually he went away for the night and all the adults fell asleep, I feel asleep with Jen in the front room of the cabin. The next morning I woke up first, I got up and started getting ready for the day. At some point I turned around and he was laying in bed right next to Jen as she slept. To this day I have trouble getting the image out of my face. He was lying there, but his face was much more blue then the previous encounters and his mouth was frozen wide open; it’s hard to explain, but it was a very hard scene to see. After that he was pretty quiet most of that morning, but he did come back one more time a few minutes before we packed up and left and once again said “Leave me alone, go away!” in a very upset tone.

After that he was pretty quiet most of that morning, but he did come back one more time a few minutes before we packed up and left and once again said “Leave me alone, go away!” in a very upset tone. I was leaving anyway and he didn’t seem to want my help anymore so I tried to let it go. The whole way home I couldn’t get his face out of my head, the last image of him lying in bed with his mouth frozen open. Then days later I still couldn’t get it out of my head, even months later it haunted me. I’ve seen spirits all my life and this was really the first I couldn’t shake. I decided it was haunting me for a reason and that I needed to help. I contacted the specific KOA site by phone to ask questions about its history, but the weirdest thing happened, they said I had the wrong number. I matched it to the number I dialed the day we made the reservations and looked it up online and they were all the same number I dialed yet I was told I had the wrong number. I then sent the specific location an email requesting information on the history and never heard back. I then sent numerous emails to numerous general KOA email addresses, even at the corporate office. I said we had taken a vacation there and that my son had a homework assignment to write about his last vacation and the history behind the location. I asked if they could send me information on the specific KOA we stayed at’s history and the history of the land before it was a KOA and I never heard back. It was very clear that nobody with the KOA company or the specific KOA site we stayed at was willing to help me. I then began searching all the Oregon missing children sites I could find, going back as far as 1964 hoping to see his face.

Filmographer Jason Nappi seen with de-fined Orb in attic at

The ShoreHouse Restaurant.

I found a couple leads that looked a lot like him and contacted the fliers requesting more information, but even after months I never heard anything back from any of them.

I had finally started to move on and was just to a point where I wasn’t thinking about him all the time when he came to my house. He gave me some more details and showed me some

more images, for the sake of the case I will leave those details out, but it made me think I am supposed to keep going with his case. I have a strong feeling his body is still missing so not only does he need closure, but his family most likely does as well. I know he was murdered

so if his murderer is still alive and not already serving time somewhere then it’d be nice to get justice against that individual as well. I plan to go back to the same KOA sometime this

summer and see if I can’t run into the kid again, I continue to search missing children sites here and there, and I plan to send out new emails to the different KOA connections I have

again in the near future.

Even if this case takes me years to figure out, I believe it is something I am meant to do and I don’t plan to give up until I either resolve it or until I die.


Photo of the KOA cabin

Psychic Fair and open day at Portsmouth Fort Widley

22nd August 2015 Supernatural Tours hosts a Psychic Fair at Portsmouth’s Fort Widley. The event will run between 10am-4pm and include:

A range of stalls, The Supernatural Cafe, Family Activities. FREE Ghost Walks of the tunnels Taking place at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm. The walks are interactive and our tour guides will share the Forts many ghostly stories with you. Prepare to be scared!

The Ghost Walks are extremely popular and we recommend arriving early to book your spaces. We are unable to book spaces until the day itself.

Mediumship shows we have two Mediumship shows taking place during the day at 12 pm and 3pm with Justin Pearce and Jenny Docherty. Tickets just £4 per person and will be available soon.

If you would like a stall for the event please contact the events team at [email protected], tables will be provided, free entry for the public, free car parking and stall prices start from £30.00.


Psychic Fair and open day at Portsmouth Fort Widley

22nd August 2015 Supernatural Tours hosts a Psychic Fair at Portsmouth’s Fort Widley. The event will run between 10am-4pm and include:

A range of stalls, The Supernatural Cafe, Family Activities. FREE Ghost Walks of the tunnels Taking place at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm. The walks are interactive and our tour guides will share the Forts many ghostly stories with you. Prepare to be scared!

The Ghost Walks are extremely popular and we recommend arriving early to book your spaces. We are unable to book spaces until the day itself.

Mediumship shows we have two Mediumship shows taking place during the day at 12 pm and 3pm with Justin Pearce and Jenny Docherty. Tickets just £4 per person and will be available soon.

If you would like a stall for the event please contact the events team at [email protected], tables will be provided, free entry for the public, free car parking and stall prices start from £30.00.


Scariest Places: Pendle Hill

Special Part 1Hello and welcome back to this week’s edition of the Merrick Alora story. This week we have been away filming our next installment of Scariest Places at Pendle Hill in the very lovely village of Downham so I thought this week we should tell you about our experiences and thoughts on the loction itself.

I remember when I first arrived at Downham, it’s a very quiet village with very little happening, however, as we waited for Simon Healy to turn up, which was odd as he is always the first one to arrive, I knew at that point something was up and I don’t mean mini airplanes!

We waited 3 hours for Simon so Annette told me to go into the Assheton Arm’s and order myself a BLT with chips. The food there was boss and I highly recommend it to anyone. We found ourselves waiting around and it was at this point I thought it best to investigate around the village by myself and pick up on a few things before we began filming. I walked into the graveyard of the church across the road from the pub and found myself checking out all the names on the gravestones. It was a very active place, not because there where people buried there, but because of the location itself. Many people focus on the hill itself as being one of the most active places on earth, but I must admit I feel that most people have got it quite wrong.

The whole landscape reeks with history and power. We are not just talking about the witch trials, we are talking about all the things that went on here 400 years ago! I was being lead to the back of the churchyard where there stood an old stone wall, at the end of the path that ran adjacent to the church I found an old wooden door, it was locked but I knew I had to get inside. Being a Scouser I wasn’t going to let a lock on a door stop me from gain-ing entry. I’m glad the life skills I had learnt when I was growing up in Anfield were now going to pay off for me, but then realizing that I never paid attention to my mentors so I couldn’t open the lock or pick it so I thought it would be a better idea to jump over the wall and just do it that way. I climbed onto the top and weighed up my options as to my downward journey on the other side. Will I fall and hurt myself or would I land safely. I took the jump and as I fell to the ground I slipped and banged my head on a stone that was lying on the ground. At this point I was not feeling right at all, it was a not boss situation! As I started to stand up and brush myself down, I could hear this chanting coming from the end of the path. I decided to follow it and after what had just happened what’s the worst thing that could happen? I started walking down the stone path and to my surprise the colour of the path started to slowly change to a bright yellow! Now I have seen many things in my time, but never have I been walking down the path to see it suddenly start changing colour.

I couldn’t see the end of the path so I decided to continue on with caution! I had been walking for about 5 minutes when I came to a crossroads in the path. The only thing around was a very funny looking scarecrow! Typical, I’m stuck in the village of Downham in some crazy private garden with a path that has changed colour and a scarecrow that looks a lot like Dale Winton!

“Well who do you think you are?” a voice from out of nowhere had shouted at me. “That’s right” it shouted at me! What the hell was going on. “Over here dear”.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, you’re right in what you’re thinking. The scarecrow is talking to me and it is the spitting image of Dale Winton! “Pardon” I relied. “Who do you think you are

talking too?” Well at this point I wasn’t sure if I was actually speaking to a scarecrow but then I weighed up my options and decided to give in and humour the stuffed mannequin! “My name is Merrick Alora, International Medium from Liverpool and you are” “Never heard of you. I,

darling am the real Dale Winton, however I have looked better. Oh how I do hate people seeing me like this” “What happened to you” I enquired. “Well one night at a party I bit off more than I could chew and I was banished to this lifestyle, people in the TV industry don’t like celebrities becoming devas, for years rumours have been going around the BBC about

banishing people like me, when we get to a stage in our careers where we suddenly think we are more important than anything else, it was a simple mistake! I merely asked for another

series of Supermarket Sweep and that was it.

I was sent here to live the rest of my adult days as a scarecrow!” “Wow I didn’t think they had the power to do such a thing” “Oh yes they have done it to millions of ex presenters, the first celebrity to get this treatment was Jon Pertwee!” “What did he do wrong” “Apparently they

didn’t like his lisp.

They told him if he didn’t sort it out, he would become a scarecrow” “Wow, and there’s me thinking it was a kids program”. “That’s what they wanted you to think, in the end it was a warning to us all to never become too big for our shoes.” “Well I wish I could help you in

some way, but sadly I have to follow this path to find out where the chanting is coming from.” “Chanting, I can’t hear anything.” “No you won’t. It’s a personal sign from my spirit guide

Peter, who is sadly on holiday. I need to follow the chanting to find my new spirit guide who’s covering for the next two weeks. I know that if I follow the sound of the chanting, it will all

become clear. I’m filming in the village and haven’t had chance to tell them that Peter is away on holiday. If I can solve this problem and get a replacement spirit guide then I can still carry on with the show tonight.” “Well my lovely, we all have a job to do. If you can help me speak with your spirit guide then maybe he can help me get back to London and sort out my career

before it’s too late” “Sounds like a boss idea to me. Let’s go.”

I decided to let Dale the scarecrow join me on my quest to find my replacement spirit guide in the hope that we could help him at the same time, maybe this was all part of my journey and trust that I have with Peter? Who knows? Join me next time as I tell you the rest of this

boss story!

Until Next time! Much Love MerrickTwitter: @MerrickAlora www.facebook.com/MerrickAlora

And Now a Message from Annette Pielding!

Pendle had been a place I had long been wanting to investigate so when the opportunity arrived for us to go I most certainly jumped at the chance. The whole area is alive with the atmosphere and you almost expect to see a phanomalie at every turn.

‘Plenty of stuff for Merrick to get Peter earning his new wage on’. As you can guess I’m still less than impressed I have had to have a cut in my makeup allowance so that ‘Peter’ gets a

wage, (I’m sure Merrick has a scam going on here!)

The team arrived and everyone was eager to start filming until Tara (my lovely makeup artist) announced that Simon was nowhere to be found! Really! I decided to explore the beautiful

village while Stuart and Dan try and locate Simon.

Amongst the quaint picture postcard houses and cottages sat a lovely garden with a couple of benches which I immediately headed for. Three birds sang their songs from a tall old oak

nearby and I felt instantly the magic of the area. How could you NOT believe in the paranormal or magic when surrounded by an area such as this!

Feeling suitably enchanted and humming the song ‘ I’ll put a spell on you’ from my favorite film ‘Hocus Pocus, I headed back to the team to see what they had discovered.

“Simons’ where?” I yelled when I was told Simons’ whereabouts.”He’s still in Derby, he was never let out of the Debtor’s cell when we left”. Stuart informed me rather sheepishly. “After we had had a few pints we kind of forgot. I had to run back to the hotel to change my pants and

Karl went to get the first round of drinks. We both thought each other had let him out.”

“What a pair of idiots you two are,” I looked at Stuart completely lost for words, “So what happens now?” “Oh he’s out now,” he replied seemingly rather pleased with himself, “I got our Producer, Ashley to let him out.

He should be here later.” I simply groaned and let him carry on sorting the equipment out ready for whenever we get to start filming. I had a feeling that maybe the Witches and Faerie Folk where having their fun with us already; what was the investigation going to uncover?

Merrick Alora suddenly arrived and as usual was dropped off at the pub. His excuse was that he needed to soak up the atmosphere of a location and what better place than a public house! I have my doubts. I caught up with him and Karl at the bar seemingly having a difference of opinion over who was to pay for the drinks.

Merrick claimed that they should be part of his expenses as they were necessary for him to absorb energies, Karl claimed he was a sly, conniving, tight fisted ########. I can’t repeat what he said mainly because I can’t spell the words, so I will just say Merrick ended up with a cup of coffee. I sat with Merrick once things had calmed down and informed him of the unfortunate incidence with Simon therefore we will be late starting filming. “Not a problem ‘Netty,” he said (I hate my name being abbreviated) “There’s a lovely old church across the way I can go and say hello to the spirits and maybe find out a few pieces of hysterical information.”

“Don’t you mean historical information?” I asked. “No no ‘Netty I’ve got Peter’s Uncle Sam with me today so it will definitely hysterical!” Oh dear...... What can I say but the episode speaks for itself...... Annette Pielding Twitter: @AnnettePielding

Simon Healy’s Top Gadgets!Top Of The Morning,Evening,Afternoon or Night! Whichever it is where you are....

My Name is phenomenologist Simon cariest Place Healy and while I sit in a taxi on the way to

the Next #ScariestPlaces Location I thought I would give you my top 3 Potato....I mean Paranormal Experiments of all time in which you can all use in your Ghostly


Number 3: Trigger Object Experiment: This is a Grand one as long as you don’t use yourself as a trigger object like I was in Derby Gaol and Feckin forgotten about but I will say no more in case I get into trouble. See Our Derby Gaol Episode!! Anyways,You place an Object on a piece of white Paper and draw

around the object with a pen so there is an outline around the object. You then place a locked off camera on the object and make sure there is nobody in the room. You then make sure the room is cleared and locked and then wait and see if the object moves by a spirit while there

is nobody around. I have had some good results. One Time I had a #HolyFeck Moment I had a cup of tea move but sadly it spilled all over the place or maybe it was a thirsty spirit I will

never know. Biscuit Anyone???......

Number 2:Table Tipping Experiment:This is a good one but do it with caution. What you need to do is stand around a table with a few other people and gently place your hands on the table lightly so it’s only finger tips touch-

ing the table. Then call out and ask any spirits to come forward and please move the table across the room or in the air. You be surprised with the results you get like another #HolyFeck Moment one time I had with Annette,Merrick and Myself when we all went out for Dinner at our local Italian restaurant after a #ScariestPlaces Public Event when I decided to try table tip-ping to experiment for an episode of #ScariestPlaces but it was not a good idea as all the food ended up all over Annette’s lovely hair,Merrick’s New Suit and My new iPad not a good night

but at least I didn’t have to pay for the Bill that Night. Thanks Carl......

Number 1: Ghost Box Experiment:Another Popular one I recommend which is a ghost box that is a device used by ghost inves-tigators to communicate with ghosts/spirits.The device scans radio frequencies and this, it is claimed, can be used by ghosts to answer questions asked by the sitter.It’s classed as a more direct method of spirit communication compared to something like Electronic Voice Phe-

nomena (EVP) for which you use a recording device that you listen back to after the time of recording before picking out any answers or phrases from the spirits present at the time. The

Ghost Box, as you will hear, allows you to hear the answers directly. A #HolyFeck Moment was when Myself and the #ScariestPlaces Team were Filming one time in an Irish Pub in Liver-

pool named Acorah’s Irish Bar and Lounge when we made contact with a Leprechaun named Charlie by using the Ghost Box. He played some Irish Music and we all danced the night away.

shame we never got to film an episode which cost a lot but as we got got so engrossed in the music,The Leprechaun and the Guinness it was a night to remember......

Well that’s all folks join Me next time for another of Simon’s Top 3.....Simon Healy

Twitter: @SimonSPHealy


Supernatural debate meeting

After 5 years it's back! Brand new venue, brand new night but the same fun!

Supernatural Tours hosts the Supernatural debate meeting on the last Monday of everydebate meeting on the last Monday of every

month at Chi Coffee in Portsmouth!

Each month we'll discuss supernatural related topics in front of an interactive audience

who can have their say!

The event is hosted by Andrew House and we will have an experienced panel each month to answer your questions based on topics duringanswer your questions based on topics during

the evening.

It's informal, fun and interactive! Hosted at Chi Coffee where you'll be able to purchase drinks.


Coming up next month

More articles from Andrew House, Jan Murphy, James Kemp

Ashley Waterhouse, Kate Bowman, Becky Head, Justin Pearce, Scariest Places.

and much more.

If you wish to get involved in The Supernatural News or advertise with us

please email us at [email protected]