Issue 3 Issue 3

Issue 3

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In This Month issue The Sallie House Hauntings by Jensen House, England History by Ashley Water house, Hauntings of Australia by Jan Murphy, Mediumship Exercise by James Kemp, Guide to Tarot Cards Pages and Knights by Kate Bowman, Magic for you to do at home by Becky Head (Positive life jar spell). Guide to Mediumship by Justin Pearce, Scariest Places meet Richard Felix at Derby Gaol.

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In This Month issue Ghost’s Stories By Jensen House England History By Ashley Waterhouse Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy Mediumship Exercise By James Kemp Guide to Tarot Cards By Kate Bowman Magic for you to do at home By Becky Head Guide to Mediumship By Justin Pearce Scariest Places meet Richard Felix

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The family called on the assistance of paranormal TV show ‘Sightings’ who came to the house and investigated it with well known medium Peter James. During the investigation, Sightings asked Tony Pickman to sit in a chair and the crew would film him to see if Sallie would scratch him.

To their amazement, and on film, scratched appeared on Tony’s body. During the show, Peter James made contact with Sallie who refused to leave the house. Instead, its claimed she simple invited more in!

Over the years, the paranormal activity appears to have increased. A recent visit to their website warns that the house is demonic and if you dare visit, you may end up going home with a demonic attachment.

USA Ghost’s Stories

By Jensen House

The Sallie House Hauntings

In 1993, an American TV show were approached by the residents of a house who they claimed was haunted. Little did they know that they were about to open a chapter one of moderns days most notorious ghost accounts.

The House was built in 1872 and has been a home to many families. For many, the most well known residents were The Pickman family. During their time in the house they would go on to encounter many unusual experiences.

Most of the activity seemed to centre around Tony Pickman. He would claim to be attacked by its most dominant spirit, Sallie, who the house is now named after. This child spirit would continue to haunt the family by scratching Tony on regular occasions.

The first unusual account was when they family returned from a night out to find the nursery toys place in a circle. There would be several pranks.

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In recent years there have been visitations from male spirits and plenty of poltergeist activity including furniture moving, objects thrown and attacks on visitors. One thing is for sure, this is a place only the bravest people dare enter.

The Sallie House also boasts over 200 EVP recordings, an impressive amount of evidence on film and in photos and statements from plenty of paranormal enthusiasts who have all experienced something.

The House has gone on to capture the attention of TV shows across the world

including Zak Bagan’s Ghost Adventures who investigated the house.

Within moments of entering the house some of the team began to feel faint, one cast member even had to lean over a side to avoid passing out.

The Pickman family no longer live in the house, but they have continued to investigate it for many years. In 2007, Tony would encounter one of his scariest encounters ever when he was lift and thrown 4 foot backwards by what could only be described a dominant male entity.

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The Children of one of the Reverends claimed to be surprised when they discovered that Borley Rectory was being dubbed England’s most haunted house because they had seen anything paranormal at all.

One former resident believed so much that it wasn’t haunted that a TV documentary had to be halted after she threatened legal action its producers. She noted that the ghosts of Borley were not real.

However, there has also been a lot of support for Prices work including from renowned investigation Peter Underwood who stated that he believed Prices work was accurate and that he did not create any phenomena.

One question does always come to mind. Why was this house so haunted? The an-swer lies with the history of the land it was built on. The house was built on the former grounds of a 13th century monastery and the reason for the Nuns was that there was a convent not too far away. It’s alleged the fre-quented the monastery.

Perhaps this is the reason why the house was believed to be doomed from the start. The house may have been burned down but it seems the ghosts aren’t in a rush to leave.

Just take a look on Youtube and you can browse through thousands of videos of peo-ple who have tried to encounter the spirits of the rectory. Most seem to focus on the church which was left empty and locked by a metal chain.

Those brave enough to approach the church have experienced its organ playing by itself, a ghostly choir singing and other strange phenomena which you have to admit it pretty firm evidence considering you couldn’t get in to the church itself.

Photo of the scratch marks on Tony Pickman

One question always seems to crop up. Exactly who was Sallie? The Sallie was at one point a Doctor Surgery. We know that for sure. But we don’t know the exact story of Sallie. One claim is that she visited the Doctor with Pneumonia and died. Whilst another story says she died on the operating table.

What we do know is that the paranormal activity first started in the room that was used as the surgery.

As a child, I had a huge interest in the paranormal and I was a regular viewer of the TV show ‘Sightings’ and this was one of the shows I have always remembered. Watching the fear set in when Tony was scratched can only be explained as truly fascinating.

In any event, we still need to assess both sides of the coin. These events are unusual and let’s face it, it is hard to say that the events that took place when Tony was being filmed by ‘Sightings’ was not real. Something definitely appears to have happened. The scratched were clearly happening as the show was filming.

‘Sightings’ aired between 1993 and 2002 and started life as ‘Sightings’- UFO Report’ its impressive ratings lead to it becoming a weekly show dedicated to stories of real life paranormal accounts in a news format.

There is a lot of activity that has happened over the years and with so many people experiencing something you have to agree that there must be something there. Tony himself, experienced activity that made him want to investigate more and the major-ity of events appear legitimate and can be verified by a number of sources.

However, there have been some claims towards to the show ‘Sightings’ which claim they hyped up the events. After all, the crews encounters at the Sallie House did become a movie named ‘Sightings- Heartland Ghost’. More recently, the family have spoken out to verify that ‘Sightings’ did not hype the events. They did however note that the show did not acknowledge the other spirits in the house. Either way, this account is fascinating and worth reading about.

www.facebook.com/ jensenhouseofficial www.jensenhouseofficial.co.uk

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England History by Ashley

Waterhouse First Mug Shots in Britain

Governor James Anthony Gardner, and the Photographs of William Garbutt

The origin and purpose of this album, can only be a matter of conjecture. Prior to the early 1870s, criminals were photographed on an infrequent and casual basis, there being no official policy in force countrywide. In 1854, James Anthony Gardner, Governor of Bristol Gaol, had a photograph made of every prisoner in his charge and sent a copy to every prison in the country to obtain evidence of any earlier offences. His plan succeeded as certain men being treated by him as ‘first offenders’ were discovered to have held previous convictions elsewhere. In December of the same year, he issued a circular recommending the adoption of his plan at all British prisons. Despite the success of Gardner’s exercise, this circular had little immediate impact. Gernsheim also notes that between 1856 and 1873 William Garbutt, Deputy Governor of Derby Gaol, and an enthusiastic amateur photographer, took portraits of suspected persons as well as of convicted prisoners, and pasted them in an album, appending brief casehistories of each sitter.

Despite these and other ad-hoc uses of photography in criminal investigation and recording, it was not until 1865, over a decade after Gardner’s circular, that a Select Committee of the House of Lords recommended to the Home Secretary the universal adoption of prison photography. In due course, this recommendation led to the 1871 Prevention of Crimes Act making compulsory the photographing of every prisoner in England and Wales.

‘Smashers’, however, on the evidence of the style of binding, of clothing, and of the photography itself, pre-dates the 1871 Act by about 10 or 15 years, having been put together in the late 1850s or early 1860s. It is likely that a person of similar authority to Garbutt or Gardner within the penal system or judiciary was compiling his own similar collection from a number of different sources although for what purpose is unclear and that this album forms part of his records (it may even be that some of these images are original Garbutt or Gardner photographs).

The quality of the original album’s binding (three-quarter polished green calf over glazed red cloth, gilt) lends support to the view of the album being a personal aide-memoire or pocket reference book commissioned by an individual of some standing, rather than a work published in some numbers for wider distribution. By the same token, it is also worth stressing that the album was designed at the time of binding to hold portraits of, specifically, ‘Smashers’, and was titled accordingly. All that can be said with cer-tainty is that this album holds rare, and probably now unique, original photographs of criminals obtained from diverse sources during the infancy of criminal photography for an unknown pur-pose, the sole common denominator being that the portraits are of known, or suspected, counterfeiters. The portraits are shown on the following pages in the order in which they appear in the album. The approximate dimensions of each original image (i.e. the dimensions of the image itself, not the dimensions of the paper holding the image) are provided. Little modern electronic retouching has been done beyond the removal of some spotting, a degree of tone-adjustment to off-set some fading which has taken place, and the cropping of the blank margins of each full-page photograph utside the image area. The original album is in a private collection in York and its provenance or history prior to 1982, the year of acquisition, is unknown.

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These photographs’s can be seen on display at Derby Gaol and are owned by Richard Felix. By Ashley A Waterhouse - Acting Curator of Derby Gaol and Police Museum.

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Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy

Old Geelong Gaol, Melbourne- Australia

This imposing maximum security Prison, which was also built by prisoners, is located on the corner of Myers Street and Swan-ston Street in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. It was built in various stages between 1849 to around 1864 and its panopticon design is based on that of Pentonville Prison in England. The prison was officially closed in 1991 and it was then that all prisoners were moved over to the newly built HM Prison Barwon in Lara.

The gaol has three levels and its central block is cruciform with east and west wings serving as cells, and the north wing as an administration block. The southern wing was a kitchen, hospital and a tailoring workshop. During WW II, and for some time after, the Australian Army used the prison as a detention barracks. In 1991 the government closed the gaol and the Rotary Club of Geelong took over its operation, opening it up to the public on weekends and daily during public and school holidays.

The gaol remains mostly unchanged these days and shadows of its violent and dark history remain. An exhibit on the Gallows area recreates the hanging of James Murphy in 1863,

who was executed for battering Constable Daniel O’Boyle to death at the Warrnambool court house.

He was the last person hanged at the gaol. In cell number 47 a painted mural on the wall, titled Window of Freedom, is still visible.

The Gaol is now referred to as the “Old Geelong Gaol” and rumors’ of it being extremely haunted are rife. Many groups have paid to explore the property and there are also public ghost hunting evenings on offer for those brave enough to enter in after dark!

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hey wanted us to know.Prisoners who were held here were forced to dwell in small, cold, damp cells for upto fourteen hours a day. And if this sounds harsh, imagine no sewerage facilities at all.

It’s not really known when the first paranormal events began happening here, although past inmates reported hearing what they described as “a woman’s cries” at night near the east wing, which was the site of the Industrial School for Girls for the late 1860s. Visitors and staff have reported witness-ing some very strange occurrences too, such as swirling mists, the strong sense of being watched, and some have even complained of being pushed or shoved from behind.

The site has been investigated by many paranormal research teams who have all reported capturing an array of unusual phenomena including sounds, EMF disturbances, light anomalies, as well as footsteps and disembodied voices. Various psychic mediums claim that to have picked up on the presence of several grounded spirits in the gaol. The old infirmary, cell 45, the gallows, and the external shower block are reportedly the main hotspots for paranormal activity.

The gaol is still currently operated by the Rotary Club of Geelong, however the building is now under threat of being torn down, despite petitions being signed to save it. Will the ghosts move on should the building disappear? I think not!

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Aradale Lunatic Asylum, Victoria- Australia

Massive, imposing, dreadful and terrifying! These are some of the words that have been used to describe Australia’s largest abandoned lunatic asylum.

This enormous facility sits within 30 acres atop of a hill near Ararat in Victoria. Originally opened in 1867, it’s believed to have housed tens of thousands of mentally ill people over its 130 year history.

Described as ‘lunatics’, these poor wretches were said to be extremely unstable and in most cases, nobody wanted to deal with them. Aradale was a place that swallowed them up and allowed the rest of the world to forget about them.

This building saw some of the most controversial psychiatric treatments ever carried out in Australia and it’s believed that more than 13,000 people died behind its walls over the years. For that reason, Aradale is now considered one of the most haunted locations in Australia, and it’s no wonder! Patients here were subjected to torturous treatments, not to mention abuse of all kinds.

Reports of paranormal activity here, in and around its sixty buildings, are plentiful. One spirit that likes to make her presence known is “Nurse Kerry”, who allegedly haunts the women’s wing.

Witnesses have claimed to have seen her watching visitors on the ghost tours and even following them from room to room.

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Other reports include the feelings of being touched by icy cold, invisible hands in the old men’s wing, loud bumps and bangs can be heard coming from the men’s isolation wing, cold spots are felt and dark figures are seen loitering in doorways. The sounds of cries and moaning can be heard too, accompanied by shuffling footsteps when no-one else is there.

Another well known grounded ghost is that of “Old Margaret”. She was allegedly thrown out of the asylum in the late 1990’s, when Aradale closed. It’s thought that she returned in spirit to the only place she knew as home for her entire life before passing.


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Mediumship Exercise

By James Kemp

Automatic Writing to Communicate with a Spirit on a Ghost Hunt

Automatic writing is a way to channel a spiritual source and write their words, message or a drawing without consciously doing it.

However you may feel the Spirit lightly take control of your arm and move it gently. Other times, you may feel the need to draw or write but unsure what you are drawing or writing.

This is how to use automatic writing on your ghost hunts:

Set up your automatic writing area on a table or flat surface.

Close your eyes and ask for a spirit in the location to join you.

Put the pencil on your paper,Ask any questions you would like to ask.

For example what is your name, how old are you, what job did you do and any other questions.

You may need to start moving the pen on the paper in a circular motionLet the pencil take control and write any words that come to you, even if they don’t make sense even drawing a picture or symbol.

Just remember not to open your eyes while you are drawing.

Close the session by thanking the Spirit, opening your eyes and wiggling your fingers.

www.facebook.com/supernatural medium

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Evening of Mediumship & Tarot at Old Gosport

Discovery Centre 14th May

7.30pm to 10.00pm £20.00 per person

An evening of Mediumship and Tarot the event is delivered in a fun and social atmosphere. Our Mediums for the evening will be Jenny

Docherty and James Kemp. Our Tarot reader will be Kate Bowman.

The mediumship will be done in group sessions and tarot will be booked slots.


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Guide to Tarot Cards

By Kate Bowman

Pages and Knights

The Tarot Card Meanings of the PagesAs people, Pages often represent young, energetic people who are at the very beginning of their personal journey. They are still developing a sense of self but they approach new challenges with fervent energy and excitement. Pages look forward to the opportunity of learning and practising new skills.On a physical level, Pages can represent young children through to young adults. However, Pages can also represent those who are young at heart or who are discovering a new aspect of themselves.

As events, Pages are often seen as messengers and come to you with a new opportunity or an invitation. Pages encourage you to go for it and give you the green light for a new project or initiative. Pages often appear when you are on the cusp of a new idea (Wands), a new feeling (Cups), a new way of thinking (Swords) or a new job or career pursuit (Pentacles). They symbolise a new stage in life.

Page of Cupskey words - essenger of love, baby news, help and good offers The Page of Cups signifies the beginning of a creative project or venture. It is an indication that there is creative energy trying to burst forth into your consciousness. Often, the Page of Cups heralds a positive message or news from loved ones.

You may hear about the birth of a child, an engagement or marriage, a wonderful idea or plan, pregnancy, a new relationship, travel plans, etc. This positive message is unexpected but welcomed, and you are likely to respond to the news or message in an emotional manner. Page of Pentacleskey words - new job, practice and perseverance, hard worker The Page of Pentacles is a card of dreams and the desire to manifest those dreams in the material world. You may be in the midst of a new project such as a hobby, business venture, or the beginning of a new educational experience. In any case, the Page is a sign of enthusiasm and desire, focused around a goal or a ‘dream’.

The Page of Pentacles encourages you to begin to put in place clear plans and actions that will ultimately lead you to achieve your dreams and goals. This is a time when you need to be able to apply careful planning in order to manifest your dreams and achieve your goals.

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He has a true passion for life, despite his understanding of this world is not yet fully developed.

He has not yet been weighed down by the burdens of the material world, coming and going as he pleases, and usually encouraging change wherever he goes. He is like the catalyst that inspires changes that might be impossible in any other situation.

The appearance of the Page of Wands indicates that you are experiencing a creative restlessness within you that is just waiting for some sort of expression, or, you may be on the verge of some sort of discovery or new phase of life. The Page of Wands represents the sudden creative spark that comes to you, suddenly and unexpectedly, and that starts you down the road of a new creative vision. Thus, he encourages you to express yourself and your individuality with light-hearted abandon. Listen to your unconscious mind and follow your creative urges, even if you are worried about being the lonely voice crying out in the wilderness. With persistence and a balanced perspective even the immature desires of the Page of Wands can be transformed into a beautiful creative vision that can change the world.

The Tarot Card Meanings of the KnightsAs people, Knights are highly action oriented more so than the Pages. The journey of the Knight is already underway and the Knight is more focused on keeping that journey going.Knights are also slightly more mature than a Page. They have enough experience under their belt to know what they’re doing, but the trouble is that that do not have the full life experience that the King and Queen have, thus they are prone to being extremists. Such excessive feelings and behavior can be either positive or negative depending on the circumstances.

You need to remain focused on the practical and tangible elements, keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground and not getting carried away with more ideas and concepts but rather being focused on what is realistic and achievable. This is when your common sense and pragmatic approach will lead you to success and to finding a solution that actually works. Page of Swordskey words - messenger of vigilance, excitement ,go getting The Page of Swords reflects an abundance of energy, passion and enthusiasm. You cannot wait to get started on a new project or an idea, and to share that with others. You start all new projects, ventures and journeys with a huge amount of energy and excitement. The challenge, however, is whether you can keep it up! As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising but something else is needed in order to maintain the pace.

The Page of Swords is almost like a green light to say, “Go for it”. There are always going to be challenges with whatever option you choose and not everyone is going to be happy with your choices but when it comes down to it, you need to follow your passions and go where your true energy lies. This Page encourages you to move forward and to get the wheels in motion, despite any challenges or setbacks that may potentially stand in the way. Page of Wandskey words - enthusiastic messenger, news concerning work or growth The Page of Wands is similar to the Fool in that he is a free spirit who represents change and new beginnings.

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For example, the Knight of Swords has an excess of ambition. Once he has his mind set on a goal, he will do anything and everything to achieve that goal. However, the downside is that he will rush into things and may potentially rail-road others to get what he wants. He doesn’t have the maturity of the King of Swords to be able to take a moderate approach, and thus he can end up charging down the wrong path if he’s not careful.

Always consider both sides of a Knight does he represent a helpful or harmful approach? What is in excess and what needs to be in moderation.On a physical level, Knights can represent adults aged between 20 and 35 (more or less).As events, Knights reflect change, movement and action. They are never still but are con-stantly on the move, looking for the next big opportunity. Knight of Cupskey words - offers of love, messengers of love, good news and hopeful. The Knight of Cups is charming and attractive to others, regardless of their sex, while still expressing the romantic, poetic view of life in his unique way.

He may be in love with love itself. This Knight also looks to his emotions to provide a map for his life direction.

He is someone who is ruled by his heart rather than his head. When faced with a decision, he will always go with what his heart tells him, whether it is logical or not. Decisions will be made without much thought and instead they are made drawing upon inner direction, with the experience of warmth, friendliness, love and the need to share these qualities with everyone.

The Knight of the Cups often appears as a messenger, an invitation or the arrival of someone or something with an emotional benefit. He offers an interesting invitation, which will result in an emotional experience that will bring high energy and lift you to an exhilarating state as new situations appear from nowhere. In addition to the physical sources of information, the Knight of Cups can also represent wisdom that comes from your dreams and that helps you to surmount life’s obstacles.

Knight of Pentacleskey words - Job payrise offer, slow progress, Stable and loyal The Knight of Pentacles works in a very methodical and rigorous manner. Though his visions may not be earth-shattering, and his methods are certainly not original, the Knight of Pentacles sees that everything he undertakes will meet with nothing but success. He has the patience to accomplish all his tasks and he is incredibly reliable due to his sense of responsibility and commitment. As a court card, the Knight of Pentacles may represent a part of yourself, someone in your life or an event.

As a part of yourself, the Knight of Pentacles suggests that you need to be trustworthy, reliable and a good provider. You need to follow a routine to ensure that an important task or job is completed from start to finish at the standard expected. You are in ‘implementation mode’ and are committed to getting the job done, even if it requires hard work along the way. You are also fiercely loyal and prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure the job gets done.

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He sets off on his journey in haste and often fails to have a clear plan of attack and this may negatively impact his chances of longer-term success. He is so focused on being the best and of fame and glory that he almost forgets to plan ahead and to keep sight of reality. The Knight of Wands can also come across as aggressive and overly ambitious. He is highly insistent even if others stand in his way, criticise him or challenge him.

As an event, the Knight of Wands may indicate an event that enters your life quickly and unexpectedly. You can expect to see a lot of change and action occurring around you, and you will no doubt be swept up by the restless, ‘busy’ energy whether you like it or not! An important matter is likely to enter your life and demand your attention until it passes. Rather than resisting it, make the time to give it your full attention. Oftentimes, the Knight of Wands can indicate a hasty change of residence, job or other living arrangement. You need to be ready to react quickly and go with the flow as resistance is useless.

On a physical level, Knights can represent adults aged between 20 and 35 (more or less).As events, Knights reflect change, movement and action. They are never still but are con-stantly on the move, looking for the next big opportunity.

Truly Blessings Kate Bowman

Kate Bowman - www.trulytarot.com www.trulyspiritualpromotions.co.ukFacebook - Trulytarot Twitter - TrulytarotUK

Knight of Swordskey words heads up reminder, going to fast, energetic The Knight of Swords is a powerful figure full of life and energy who needs to be balanced with a realisation of responsibility and com-passion. Once he has set forth on his journey, there is no stopping him! He does not see, nor care about, any upcoming challenges, risks or dangers, and instead moves forward with his strong intent to succeed and win.On the positive side, this card shows great ambition, determination and strength to succeed no matter what. On the negative side, however, he can be blind to potential challenges and consequences of his actions, and may charge forth into a dangerous territory without any foresight or preparation. He may also neglect to understand the needs of others as he fervently pursues his own goals. The Knight of Swords often reflects a time when you are embarking on a new project or idea and there really is no stopping you. You have had this sudden burst of energy that is propelling you forward and inspiring you to take quick action to manifest your goals. You are ready to overcome any problem, challenge or obstacle that is in your path. Knight of Wandskey words - action now, take off ,time for quick change The Knight of Wands is an ‘act first, think later’ type of guy. He is impatient and impulsive, with a love for action. The downside to the Knight of Wands is that while he is bursting with energy and enthusiasm, he has a tendency to rush into things without much consideration for the consequences of his actions.

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Magic for you to do at home.

By Becky HeadApril 30th/ May 1st is celebrated as Beltane, summer is on its way and the earth is alive with fertility. It is the time of the union between the Goddess and God and many a pagan will choose this time to become handfasted.

Most magic cast around Beltane concerns fertility, life, happiness and new beginnings, today’s spell is going to be a happy, positive life jar spell.

For this you will need:Rose petals, Daffodil petals, A piece of citrineA piece of rose quartz, Small jar, A length of yellow ribbon, A piece of paper, A sunny day

To begin find a warm sunny spot in your garden. Spend some time thinking of all the happy positives that you have in your life at this moment, these can be as simple as ‘I have a roof over my head’, or ‘I’m going on holiday in two weeks’, but be sure to think of the positives in everything.

Once your mind is full of positive happy thoughts, write as many as possible down on your piece of paper. Completely fill your paper with these happy and positive things, don’t worry too much about the handwriting as long as you get everything down.

Now roll the paper into a scroll and tie with the yellow ribbon. Place this into your jar then add your rose petals, daffodil petals, rose quartz and citrine. If you want, you can add photos of happy times, such as holiday pictures or other small objects that make you feel happy and positive, maybe another type of flower that you associate with happiness or a crystal that you are particularly drawn to, you can even add your wristband from last years Glastonbury festival if it is something that you associate with positivity and happiness.

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Whatever makes you think and feel happy and positive can be added into the jar, but be careful not to get too carried away or you will need a bigger jar.

Once your jar is full of your happy positive things, spend some time holding it with the lid still off, hold it up to you heart for a while and feel your heart pour some happiness, positivity and love into it, think happy thoughts, think positive thoughts. Think of all the things that make you happy, then hold it up high to the sun, and feel the bright happy rays of the sun filling your happiness jar and blending with all its con-tents. Feel the suns rays charge your happiness jar, with great and wonderful things. When you feel it is full of happiness, love and positivity while putting the lid on tightly say these words:

“Happiness and positivity are mine to keep,forever with me even as I sleep.

May my life be full of joy and pleasure,with an abundance I cannot possibly measure.

Even in the dark times, I will still see,that there will always be a light waiting for

me.The good and the bad must go hand in hand

as long as I know this, I can still stand.In this life for sure and maybe even the next,

I know I will not suffer, not even a hex.For there is always some happiness, some

positive thought,to be found in the depths that we have forgot.As the lid is closed tightly, I am made aware,

that this happiness I seek will always be there.For happiness and positivity are the things

that I need,this is what I ask of

So mote it be.”

When you have completed this you may want to spend a few more moments standing in the sun, eyes closed holding your jar, feeling the happiness and positivity fill your life.You can place your jar somewhere in your house, this can be on display or somewhere safe, as long as you can access it easily when-ever you feel the need of a happiness boost, you can always add to it.

Join Becky Head on: www.facebook.com/groups TheSouthamptonWitches www.facebook.com/TheWitchesShop

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Guide to Mediumship

By Justin Pearce

The Message to Heal

Being a medium is one of the most fulfilling jobs. Being given this gift to heal is amazing. It’s more of a calling in life to be given this ability and get to use it to help.

At one point when I first started out in this field I got caught up in the big show, big money and fame aspect of this job. I wanted so much. I wanted to be a famous medium. I wanted to be on TV. I wanted to tour the world and sell out big venues. I wanted to be recognised. I wrote a book and sold that. I tried hard at this. Through management agencies and booking big venues in the UK and Canada. It never worked out. I got ripped off by managers and got drowned in this need to be known, ego rollercoaster.

I needed to learn a huge lesson. The lesson was The Message. I forgot that the reason I do this is for the message. Not the fame or the money. But standing face to face with someone and seeing them visibly change when you bring their friend/relative through. The closure it can bring and the feeling that we haven’t lost someone, but they are living, just in a different way.

They can communicate with us. Not just through a medium but by themselves. Through dreams and songs and smells that make you think of that person.

I decided I needed a break from this. So I took myself away from the spotlight and rested.

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Asked spirit to give me a break and to collect my thoughts about the rollercoaster I had been on. Got married and relaxed. I didn’t think any more of my ability and I certainly didn’t want to use it. I gave up and did a fulltime job. It was easy not to think about this anymore.

Then one Sunday afternoon about five years ago, it all came back. I was sitting in a BBQ and I had a few to drink that afternoon. A lady I didn’t know sat and chatted to my wife. Then BOOM, It came back. I had her mum through. I gave her the message and then another lady came through for someone else. Next thing I knew, I was standing up in front of the guests giving messages. It felt great to do this and to see the help it gave. My wife said I should do this again. After a lot of thought I put a message on Facebook that I might be starting to do this again and offered a few readings.

Five years down the line and I am busy six nights a week and booking events for other mediums to help people and I Love it!!!

Unfortunately another manager approached me and promised me the world. Did I learn from last time?? NO.

I got excited about being well known again. Guess what, came crashing down again. So I started again but just doing private readings and booking other mediums for events. Doing church platforms and charity shows. That worked and I got my name out through word of mouth.

It’s about the message. That the one thing that has to be remembered through this process. I have seen some big name mediums and they are amazing. I have also seen some church mediums that do this week in week out in all weathers and they are equally amazing. As long as you remember that’s it’s the message that’s important and not your ego. You will do fine.

Love and LightJustin Pearce



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Scariest Places: Episode 3 Flowers In The Rain

Greetings to all my readers, it is I Merrick Alora, Before we get started I would like to state that I’m available for 18th’s, bar mitzvah’s and the occasional funeral, within reason. Lets catch up from where we left off last time!

So we left the story at a cliffhanger, not in an aircraft hanger. They are two completely different things. As you can remember, we last spoke about my dealings in an antiquarium bookshop! Surprisingly it didn’t hold much water! Were we had discovered my second ring! I didn’t even know I had a second ring! Plus I didn’t even know there was a third ring missing too! But we will get on to that at a later date, but for now. We had said our goodbyes to the bookkeeper and we jangled our way outside of the bookshop. On way bus journey home, somewhere along the way Peter had gone missing! Which at this point thought my ordeal was over! I was sitting on the bus thinking about the last two days, and how crazy things had escalated since the spiritual encounter night, otherwise known as Candle-Gate as I refereed to it last time. I got off the bus at edge hill and passed the Salvation Army where I was reminded that I had to go and buy some new clothes.

I decided to walk from here into town, after the last few days I wanted to clear my head. Plus I’d spent most of my money on a suit and a bus fair. Two things I’ve never desired to waste my money on before. I finally got to Liverpool One where I was greeted by loads of clothes shops. I decided to grab a coffee before I made a start on my new fashion makeover. Nothing beats a skinny white mocha, with no whip and wet! I’ve had a love for coffee ever since I spent two weeks on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. Long story! However I had my coffee and was ready to go! I started walking around the shops when I realised that that there were no sales on at all. I checked all the designer shops first. After looking at the price tags I decided that it wasn’t cost effective and I didn’t have enough… so I spent the rest of the day checking out all of the top charity shops. I’d spent a few hours trying on suits that surprisingly smelt of death each and every one of them. It’s crazy how they all have that smell. God forbid anybody had died in them before they were deposited into the shop. After failing in all of the charity shops and not wanting to be walking around in a dead man’s suit, I thought it would be a good idea to go back to the shop I had bought my previous suit and see if there was anything new! Much to my surprise that the suit I was wearing was in fact half price. So I bought it. Then I realised that the suit I was wearing had the original receipt in the pocket. So me being me, not a stereotypical scouser at all! I left the shop and swapped the receipts and went back into the shop, waited half an hour and went back to be served by a differ-ent person. They returned my money and she was kind enough to tell me that the suit I had just returned was now half price and did I want it. So I said yes, and now I have two suits for the price of one! Boss… Boss… After a few days there was still no sign of peter! This was turning out to be great! Had I finally got rid of the voices in my head? Probably not all of them but the spirit voice had defiantly done a runner! I decided to go and visit my Nan.

It was a horrible Sunday morning and the weather wasn’t boss at all. It had been raining all night so I thought it best to borrow my dad’s mac and my mum’s umbrella and head on out. Now not a lot is known about where my Nan is buried. There was a misspelling on the gravestone when it was commissioned and so a new one had to be made in time for the funeral, however as I am fully aware about the techniques of carving gravestones. It’s not just a five-minute job. It takes time and dedication, and a skilful hand to perfect the precision of each carving. Plus the guy that was doing the job before me was dyslexic and had spelt “Sadly Missed” wrong. However you can’t blame the guy. He was welsh and hard of hearing. But that’s how I got my job carving gravestones! But that’s a story for another day! But going back to the story at hand, the gravestone wasn’t completed in time and the funeral went ahead without the gravestone in place. So now one knows where she’s buried in the graveyard, not even the vicar who put her there, or the grounds men for that matter, and there was two of them! So in order to visit I have to spend at least 10 minutes with each unmarked gravestone in the grave-yard. So you can only imagine how many flowers I have to steal from Number 10 to complete my visit correctly! There is one grave that I stand at for longer as it lays under a lovely tree and I’d like to think that she’s buried under that one. Plus I remem-ber standing next to this tree when I was last at a funeral and I know it’s the same tree because there is only one in the whole compound and I’ve only ever been to one funeral in my whole life. But I’d like to think that one day I will find the grave that she lies in and ill finally be able to visit her properly. I’ve got you some nice flowers, or flower again today Nan, those ones you liked at Number 10’s garden. Things have changed since we last we talked, or rather I talked, but I’m not sure Nan what’s going on. I had this voice in my head, it was very strange! But don’t worry he’s gone now though. His name was, or is Peter but to be honest I’m still trying to figure out in my mind what is going on. It’s a strange thing Nan. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted him there in the first place and now it feels strange that not there now, I feel empty somehow. It’s been a while, so I’m not even sure if I imagined it or if it was a dream but all I do know is that I’m never watching Ghost again ever! I think he was a spirit. Are you there Nan? I began to wait to see if I would get a reply to my question, I even asked if she could tap once for yes and twice for no! The rain was dripping from my Dad’s Mac and onto my trouser legs. The cold seeped into me, but I was persistent and decided to wait a bit longer, I waited until my hands went numb but there was no answer. So I left. I decided to walk home and forget about it all.

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Later that day I looked at my phone and I had received a missed call and a message from Karen. In her message she said that she felt guilty about the joke she had played on me and that I had been such a good sport about it all. She said the old class had not been the same since I had not been going, so please say yes to become her dance partner again. It was what I needed. Forget all that spirit stuff, back to business as usual. Boss! I ran home I jumped into the shower, and jumped right back out of it. I decided to take off my raincoat and clothes and jump back in the shower and get ready for my non-date. I got dressed up. I told myself to get on with it and then I did just that. I arrived at the social club at 8pm, I waited outside until Karen arrived and escorted her inside, and she insisted that we pay separately. ‘I Like the suit Merrick’ ‘Thank you I replied. You don’t look so bad yourself ’ that was an understatement; I’d never seen Karen looking so good in all my life. We had done the warm up session with everyone else and then paired up. The music was good and this evening our moves flowed together, so much so that the tutor pointed us out as a shining example to the other students, That’s why wearing a sequined leotard really pays off for you.

The glow and good fortune continued through the night and I felt that for once Karen was really enjoying the time we where spending together. The night was filled with laughter and joy; I really don’t think anything could have spoilt it. Not even Bruno Tagliatelle or Tonioli or however you pronounce his last name, giving us a 1… not that he was even there anyway. But if he was there, it wouldn’t have affected us. Well it might of effected Ka-ren because she’s a perfectionist. But anyway back to the story. It came to the last dance of the evening where all couples have to dance to everybody else. We were on last as we were pretty boss that night. All the couples had dance and it was our turn to take to the stage. This was the moment where I thought to myself, if I ever had a chance with this girl then now was the time to pull out all the stops and go for it. I was going to dance her soaks off. But she wasn’t wearing soaks so lets say I was going to dance her feet off. She had them to start with because I checked.

The music started and we began to dance. Karen looked at me as if she was falling through space, enjoying every moment. To me I didn’t want this moment to end! The music was coming to the end of the track and I knew that this moment would be lost forever.

I wanted to say something to but was scared of ruining the mo-ment. Before I could say anything she looked at me and said the two words that I wanted to her for a very long time. Kiss me! I completely felt that all my years of hard work and dedication to showing Karen how much I felt about her was finally pay-ing off! I closed my eyes and started to move closer to her and finally kiss the girl I’ve fancied all my life when all of a sudden I was interrupted! When your quite finished Merrick dancing put the woman down as we have plenty to be getting on with! Peter I relied at the top of my voice! At the moment of our shock I completely forgot where I was! I let go to Karen and she dropped to the floor! At this point I was assuming that getting to second base was canceled due to bad weather! Karen looked shocked and got herself from of the ground where she had fallen. Mer-rick! Who the hell is Peter? Merrick looks sheepish as if he has just mentioned a previous lover by mistake. He stumbles over how to explain himself. She looks as if she has been taken for a mug of a really bad joke and is not happy about it. ‘Who the hell is PETER?’ ‘It’s like this.....’This is enough to get her angry and not the kind of angry that makes anyone look good, more the kind of angry that has nothing at all to do with kindness but is concentrating on moving towards very angry indeed. With only a slight nudge, she will overflow into a meltdown of Not Boss! rage. Before I could open my mouth it was enough to tip Karen over the edge!

‘The self-righteous strut, is not an attractive look, it comprises unequal measures of indignation, pomposity and an impossibly high level of assumed integrity. In short bursts it looks unco-ordinated and in extended bouts, ridiculous, being close to the door it is fortunately brief in duration, after some key fumbling, it is culminated with the well practiced, hinge rattling door slam’. Shut up Peter!!! I replied! Nobody wants a running commentary. Plus no one can understand you’re foreign accent! If I had of known where to give the look that could kill, I would have given it my best shot. Not that it would have made any difference to Peter, he was enjoying this way too much!Not Boss. Not Boss at all!

Until Next time!

Much LoveMerrick

Twitter: @MerrickAlorawww.facebook.com/MerrickAlora

Page 28: Issue 3

A Message from Richard Felix

I received a call some Months ago from my Agent asking if I would take part of a production called Scariest Places who wanted to film at Derby Gaol. I laughed at him when he told me and I asked him what’s it all about, he replied by saying its a group of Paranormal Investigators recording a show about Ghosts around the UK. After I agreed to do it a few months went by and the day of filming came and I meet my agent at Derby Gaol who introduced me to a couple who ran the show. Annette Pielding and Carl BT where very and introduced the whole production team to me, they all seemed to be great people till I meet Dick Feelit, there was something not quite right with him. He dressed the same as me and also shared the same mannerisms as me too! I finally realised that he must have been some kind of wannabe.

When I was walking around the gaol looking at the set for filming I noticed that Dick Feelit was following me around but also trying to copy anything I did I felt like I was being watched by my own shadow. When it was my turn to film telling the stories of the gaol. I noticed Dick filming me on his iPad in the corner of the room and it made me wonder what the hell he was up too. After I had finished my piece to camera with Carl and Stu, I went to get myself a drink and have a chat with the rest of the cast and I asked them what’s the story about Dick, they asked me why I was asking, so I told them what I had seen him doing. After that, they told me that the whole cast have been calling him Dick for the past few episodes and that his name was actually Richard. I was called over to meet the group’s medium Merrick Alora who had been stuck on a roundabout for the last half an hour, but finally managed to master the art of hanging to the left and exiting safely. Very oddly he reminded me of a guy I once worked with. Maybe they are related.

We were all asked to sit around the table to discuss tonight’s investigation and to ask questions to the group.

I was seated next to Dick, but after a short period he started his tricks by copying everything I did. So I asked him what his problem was, and he came out with so much crap that I simply had just about enough it all. I told him to pack it in, but he didn’t. He carried on regardless, but it got to the point where I ended up walking out the building and calling Ashley who plays the jailer on the ghost walks to come and lock up and babysit the team as I wasn’t prepared to put up with dicks mimicking all night.

rom what I understand they got some great investigation footage when filming, they even woke up Ashley who fell asleep during filming in the debtors cell. I would welcome the Scariest Places team back at anytime but as for Dick Feelit, he can wait in the production van next time!

I would like to take the time to wish the Scariest Places team all the best of luck on their future investigations. Happy Hauntings

Richard Felix Derby - Gaol Owner

Twitter: @RichardF_Derbywww.facebook.com/OfficialRichardFelix

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This month the Scariest Places team have been filming in Derby Gaol with Richard Felix the owner. After a very uncomfortable confrontation with Richard and Dick Feelit the historian of

the show! It was apparent that they didn’t get along all that well! Richard was not impressed with Dick’s constant copying and mimicking that Richard had received too much friction from Dick!

However the team continued to investigate without the disgruntled owner and continue with the nights investigation.

Merrick’s discovery of the ghost goat had caused Annette to be somewhat upset with the news of the sudden demise of the animal that she couldn’t continue the walk around any further in the condemned cell. But don’t worry, we have plenty of time to investigate all the other rooms that the gaol has to offer! Annette and Dick and Merrick continue the walk around in the corri-

dor as Carl had tricked Simon into becoming a human trigger object in the debtors cell… We can confirm that Simon was in there and did stand still for over 3.5 hours! Which is a recorded for Simon as we confirmed this information with his mum. She stated that Simons never stood still

for longer that 5 minutes until now! Simon has agreed that he is retiring from trigger objects and will be focusing on other toys to investigate with next time!

After Merrick picking up on a jailer named Simpson, Dick could confirm that this person in question was not in anyway related to the American TV show and is just a coincidence. Dick later found out that the jail had later started using two sets of keys for both sides of the gaol. The

left hand side of the gaol had blue keys and the right hand side started using red keys.

Where will the Scariest Places team travel to next for a their next investigation? Until next time Sleep tight and don’t let the beddybugs bite!

Twitter: @TakeTheCakeProwww.facebook.com/TakeTheCakeProductions

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Coming up next month

More articles from Jensen House, Jan Murphy, James Kemp, Kate Bowman, Becky Head, Justin Pearce, Scariest Places.

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