CARERS CONNECT NETWORK UPDATE Notts HC County & City Local Mental Health Teams support for Carers During COVID19 County Local Mental Health Teams (LMHT) are identifying families and carers who need extra support. If you care for anyone receiving treatment from County teams please get in touch. Phone support is available Thursdays & Fridays 9 -5.30. For other support e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Work Mob. 07970 367500 City Carers Support Service Jude Greenaway is supporting carers who are currently under the service and has been accepting new referrals. Please contact: [email protected] NOTTS HC- LOCAL MENTAL HEALTH TEAMS (LMHT) SUPPORT FOR CARERS Carers Connect Network Issue 1 was a first in more ways than one! Due to COVID19 we've had to rethink about how we work in different ways. In our Carers updates we will continue to work together looking forward to the future. EMPLOYERS FOR CARERS ISSUE 2 MAY 6TH 2020 CARERS WEEK 8-14 JUNE 2020 ISSUE 2 NEWS SERVICE USER & CARER FEEDBACK This newsletter is for you as carers, staff and partners. What do you want to see in Issue 3? Send information, photos and links to: jane.danforth@nottshc,nhs.uk

Issue 2 Supporting Carers during Corona Virus

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Page 1: Issue 2 Supporting Carers during Corona Virus


Notts HC County & City Local Mental HealthTeams support for Carers During COVID19 County Local Mental Health Teams (LMHT) areidentifying families and carers who need extra support.If you care for anyone receiving treatment from Countyteams please get in touch. Phone support is availableThursdays & Fridays 9 -5.30. For other support e-mail:[email protected] [email protected] Work Mob. 07970 367500 City Carers Support Service Jude Greenaway is supporting carers who are currentlyunder the service and has been accepting newreferrals. Please contact:[email protected]


Carers Connect Network Issue 1 was a first in more ways than one! Due toCOVID19 we've had to rethink about how we work indifferent ways. In our Carers updates we will continueto work together looking forward to the future.


I S S U E 2 M A Y 6 T H 2 0 2 0




This newsletter is for you as carers, staff andpartners. What do you want to see in Issue 3? Send information, photos and links to:jane.danforth@nottshc,nhs.uk

Page 2: Issue 2 Supporting Carers during Corona Virus

Due to COVID19 all paper feedback forms and tablets tocollect feedback have been suspended in line with NHSEngland guidance. This means it's more difficult to capturefeedback. For ward or secure areas we realise this may impact on ourpatients and carers as there will be fewer opportunities forsharing feedback. Please tell us your ideas about how we can continue tolisten to patients, carers and families during COVID19We care about what you say so that we can improve ourservices for patients, carers and families.Remember that all feedback is anonymous. Feedback survey: bit.ly/NottsHCFeedback .Share your story: www.careopinion.org.uk/youropinion You can also call Care Opinion: 0800 122 3135

Your Feedback Matters to us!

For other queries or concerns: Patient Advice and Liaison Service Tel: 0115 9934543 [email protected]

What you think our Notts Healthcare Carers Pledge should be in 2020? How can we make caring more visible?Send us your ideas. We know that Carers Week make look different from last year but itdoesn't mean that we can't make an impact. If you are planning any online,community orinpatient events let us know. Contact: [email protected]

In 2020 the theme is 'Making Caring More Visible'.

ISSUE 2 NEWS CARERS CONNECT NETWORK - To keep you up to datewith the latest news and work, we are currently meeting onlineusing MICROSOFT TEAMS If you want to join in or become part of this online groupcontact: [email protected]

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Update from Wathwood Hospital Inpatient - Medium Secure Services. Staff make contact with families regularly with an update on any changes to thecurrent situation. Skype is being used to connect carers with their families.Notts Healthcare Carer Lead for Wathwood Hospital is Lisa Locking [email protected] British Sign Language (BSL)SupportNottinghamshire County Council (NCC)has developed a specific webpage forDeaf people.There's a telephone number for Deaf people to contact the NCCCustomer Service Centre using Relay UK. Relay helps people with hearing andspeech difficulties communicate with anyone over the phone.The number is:18001 01623 434 993.Our Trust has details of how Deaf BSL Users can access our urgent mentalhealth helpline (0300 303 0165) via BSL video relay

Information for Carers and FamiliesSupporting Children and Young People duringCovid19 CAMHS are still available as usual for self-referrals


Good news! In March 2020 NottinghamshireHealthcare has been recognised by Employers forCarers - Carers UK as a Carer Confident ActiveEmployer. Designed to help organisations andbusinesses of all shapes and sizes create a morecarer-supportive workplace for their staffRead more about it here: coffee chat and carers

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Visit our website:involve.nottshc.nhs.ukJoin us on social mediaInstagram: @involvenotthcTwitter: @involvenottshc

Coming SoonIssue 3 More about the work on the next phase of theTriangle of Care. Notts Healthcre work with staff,carers and families and The Carers Trust using the sixstandards of The Triangle of Care

Carers Trust East Midlands Information and support via Notts Carers Hub(County and City) Phone: 0115 824 8824 https://carerstrustem.org/hub Nottingham City Council SupportPhone: 0115 915 5555www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/coronavirus/ Nottinghamshire County CouncilSupportPhone: 0300 500 80 80coronavirus/nottinghamshire-coronavirus-community-support-hub

Help in a crisis during COVID-19Even if you are not using our services you can call0300 303 0165 24 hours a day 7 days a weekwww.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/help-in-a-crisis