ISRAEL vs. PALESTINE Jerusalem vs. Jerusalem (the ‘capital’ of Palestine) 7 590 758 vs. 4 300 000


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ISRAEL vs. PALESTINE. Jerusalem vs. Jerusalem (the ‘capital’ of Palestine) 7 590 758 vs. 4 300 000. Land Literature. Borders the Mediterranean sea, Lebanon and Egypt Area total: 20770sq km Land: 20 330 sq km Water: 440 sq km Not landlocked, coastline: 273 km . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Israel vs. Palestine


Jerusalem vs. Jerusalem (the capital of Palestine)7 590 758 vs. 4 300 000

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2Land LiteratureBorders the Mediterranean sea, Lebanon and EgyptArea total: 20770sq kmLand: 20 330 sq kmWater: 440 sq kmNot landlocked, coastline: 273 km

Geographical GeneralizationBorders the Mediterranean sea, Egypt, Jordan, IsraelArea total: 6220sq kmLand: 6000 sq kmWater: 220 sq kmNot landlocked, coastline: 40 km

Religion & EthnicityLooks, Colors, and RacesLiteracy, Poverty & Life spanGPI of 150 / 158Adult literacy rate: 97.1Primary school enrolment: 96.9Secondary school enrolment: 87.5Unemployment 5.8 Official language: HebrewLife expectancy 81.6Male: 78.88Female: 83.36Infant mortality rate 3.6Maternal mortality 7/100000 Reading, Money & Days til they dieGPI: Not includedAdult literacy rate: 94.6Unemployment 32%Official language: ArabicLife expectancy 72.8Infant mortality rate 30/1000

Israels atmosphere?Hot & Dry Palestines surroundings?Hot & Dry & BarrenRulers & AdministratorsForm of G. DemocraticHead of G. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Independency of G. Depends on the USPrefer the Jews more than othersCurrent ruling party: Kadima PartyEvolve from the Ottoman EmpireColonized by: Canaanites Official Independence: 14 May 1948 after WWIIThe People of the ThroneForm of G. DemocraticHead of G. Prime Minister Salam FayyadIndependency of G. Depends on Arab countriesPrefer ArabsCurrent ruling party: Fatah/HamasEvolve from the Ottoman EmpireColonized by: IsraelitesOfficial Independence: 15 November 1988Prepare the World without COAL & OIL!Import: tin, lead, silver, copper, iron, grain, gold and timber

Export: farm products, olive oil, wine, grains

Mineralswood and metalSoilsnatural gascrude oilNatural ResourcesSadness of importsImport: Food, Consumer goods, construction materials, chemicals petroleum

Export: Everything they produce; look up

FruitsVegetablesNatural gasLimestoneStoneCarnationsNatural Resources

Rates & Crises!Unemployment Rate: 5.8%GNP per Capita: Nominal gross per domestic product (US$) per capita Poverty: $7.30 per day, 23.6% of the population

No need for PalestineWere not recognized

Human Development Index

Homo Sapien Development Index

DEFENSEIsrael is highly support by the United StatesAllies: United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, India and other smaller supporters are Canada, China and Czech Republic Size of weapon arsenal: Nuclear weapon for war, they wanted to be the first in the MIDDLE EASTDanger!! Trying to go against Irans nuclear program, Palestine conflict of trying to get back the homeland

FAILED DEFENSEPalestine is only supported by India only for the UNAllies: Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Syria, Size of weapon arsenal: Not foundPalestine conflict of trying to get back the homeland Military & WarIsrael defense forcesIsrael naval forcesIsrael air forcesAll men 18 years old and above have to work in the military Palestinian defense forces are patheticControlled by IsraelEnemy >>The Title Says It All

and propel21GREEN?Energy ConsumptionsThe total amount of energy consumption in Israel is 0.64 quadrillionNon renewable energyThey are trying to use wind and solar energy to deal with the environmental crises Israel tested out a new technology by storing a tile like generator installed under the roads and the highway to convert the weight and the motion of the passing vehicle into electricity. PollutionWater and Air pollution is the biggest problemMost of the streams and Rivers in Israel are polluted

Lets go Green?Rules for green?With the environmental issue, it is taken care of by the Environment Ministry of Israel and has a strict law relating environmental issuesIsrael is as well working with organizations such as Friends of the earth, Israel Union for environmental defense, Society for the protection of nature in Israel and much more organizations to improve RecycleIsrael recycled over 50% of the countrys plastic bottlesIt was the most successful recycling city in 2011Exceeded the governments target of 73% in recycling Brown?Energy ConsumptionsThe total amount of energy consumption in Palestine 550million kWhNon renewable energyOil being usedNothing being done for recyclingOrganizations helpPollutionAir, water, Boring country

INFLUENCE?May 11, 1949 Joined the UN

ECOSOC was biased to Israel and didnt want them to join but was replaced in 2005 by the Human Rights Council

Main AlliesOpposition State:

Jewish OrthodoxWorking with SocietyIsrael is:a member of the United Nationsworld trade organizationWorld Health organizationsUNESCOInternational Monetary Fund organization

All in all, they worked with 49 organizations worldwide INFLUENCE?Never joined the UN

Never part of ECOSOC

Main AlliesOpposition State:


Theyre broken

Issues and ProblemsSignificant ProblemsIsraels main problem is with the Palestinian issuesOutside of Israel, the Palestinian have caused violent act against Israeli Israel border protection

Palestines main problem is with the Israeli issuesIsrael causing violence in PalestinePalestine border shrinking

Issues and ChallengesPoliticsArab Israeli conflictThe relationships between Jewish movementsThe nature state of Israel (Jewish state and Region of Israel)Less water resources SocialLong term challenges is the growth of Ultra OrthodoxShort term challenges is the inability to duplicate the success in telecommunication industry Issues and ChallengesEnvironmentalAir and Water pollution in IsraelPolluted streamRunning out of natural resourcesEconomicIsraels economy depends on agricultureNatural resources are running out which may be a problem to the import and exportsPalestinian Issues and ChallengesPoliticsPalestine-Israeli ConflictFatah-Hamas WarsWater problemSocialReligious problems with Israel -.-We hate you guys too :pEnvironmentWater CrisisArable LandEconomicIsrael declarationUnknown countryTAKE THE CHANCE TO MAKE PEACEJunmin & Molicamedia5null1828.5707eng - iTunPGAP0eng - iTunNORM 000000EF 000000EF 0000060B 0000060B 00000272 00000272 00002B82 00002B82 00000272 00000272eng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 000008F0 0000000000013000 00000000 00007E88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000