Unabated (adj)- Without any reduction in intensity or strength. Imprecise (adj) – Not clear or exact. Entrench (V) – Establish so firmly that change is difficult. Scrutinize (V) To look at or examine something carefully. Relent (V) – To finally agree to something that you had refused. Relentless (Adj) – Not stopping or changing. Cynic – A person who believes that people only do things for themselves, rather than to help others. Consequence (N) – Something that happens or follows as a result of something else – Many people may lose their jobs as a consequence of recent poor sales. Impact (N) - An effect or impression – I hope this anti smoking compaign will make/have an impact on young people. The action or force of one object hitting another – The bomb exploded on impact. Heed(V) – To pay attention to advice, a warning etc., - Heed (N) – To pay careful attention to what something says – You should take heed of your doctor’s advice. Prosecution (N) – The process of officially charging something with a crime and of trying to show that he/she is guilty in a court of law.

ISO 14001 Interpretation

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ISO 14001 interpretation

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Unabated (adj)- Without any reduction in intensity or strength.

Imprecise (adj) – Not clear or exact.

Entrench (V) – Establish so firmly that change is difficult.

Scrutinize (V) To look at or examine something carefully.

Relent (V) – To finally agree to something that you had refused.

Relentless (Adj) – Not stopping or changing.

Cynic – A person who believes that people only do things for themselves, rather than to help others.

Consequence (N) – Something that happens or follows as a result of something else – Many people may lose their jobs as a consequence of recent poor sales.

Impact (N) - An effect or impression – I hope this anti smoking compaign will make/have an impact on young people.

The action or force of one object hitting another – The bomb exploded on impact.

Heed(V) – To pay attention to advice, a warning etc., -

Heed (N) – To pay careful attention to what something says – You should take heed of your doctor’s advice.

Prosecution (N) – The process of officially charging something with a crime and of trying to show that he/she is guilty in a court of law.