Islamic Studies

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These words are the words of the book of wisdom. The words ALIF, LAAM, MEEM are the words which show the knowledge of Allah. Through this Surah Allah has delivered us a little knowledge from his knowledge. The main message in this Surah is Tauheed, etiquette, rights of people, Salah and to obey Allahs commands. There is no God except Allah and he is the only creator. Allahs knowledge is limitless and no man can compete with it. Salah is a very important part of ibadah and success comes by establishing a habit of offering prayer. MOHSINEEN are the favourite people of Allah as they are beautiful from the inside. Parents have a right to be respected by their children as they love us more than their lives. Disobedience of parents is a sin. A true follower of Islam is recognized by etiquettes and manners and he walks in a subtle manner and says Salam to everyone. Allah also likes patience and people who practice patience are ranked higher. We should also be humble and not be arrogant in any way. Useless talk should be avoided as it is a waste of time. A parent should also bring up their children in such a way that they start pondering on what they do. Those people who will go against the command of Allah will be punished and the people who will devote their lives to Allah shall be rewarded.