An analysis of the figures for London using outright method In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate.... 1. Outright method 2. The religion of Islam in America and the reproductive religious believers practitionersratio 3. America’s demise 4. Conservatism or Destructivism 5. Transference, replacement and practicablity. 1. Outright method Outright 1: Muslim land (religion or religious affiliation) Outright 2: Muslim maximum or majority (daily observance and weekly attendance) The religious practicability of Londoners has clearly swayed from Christian to Muslim. Not only is there a Muslim majority where a Christian majority is impossible but soon we will have a Muslim land where a Christian land will be impossible. The Christians will soon be living in quasi-Bantustans in cities like London. So whereas today Redbridge, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and Hackney form the East London Muslim Crescent, soon, assuming West London and North London only are dominated by

Islam and outright method

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An analysis of the figures for London using outright method

In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate....

1. Outright method

2. The religion of Islam in America and the reproductive religious

believers practitioners’ ratio

3. America’s demise

4. Conservatism or Destructivism

5. Transference, replacement and practicablity.

1. Outright method

Outright 1: Muslim land (religion or religious affiliation)

Outright 2: Muslim maximum or majority (daily observance and

weekly attendance)

The religious practicability of Londoners has clearly swayed from

Christian to Muslim. Not only is there a Muslim majority where a

Christian majority is impossible but soon we will have a Muslim land

where a Christian land will be impossible.

The Christians will soon be living in quasi-Bantustans in cities like

London. So whereas today Redbridge, Tower Hamlets, Waltham

Forest and Hackney form the East London Muslim Crescent, soon,

assuming West London and North London only are dominated by

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Islam, Christians will live in the Bantustan of South London in London

as a whole. South of the River Thames being the only place where

they are still in the majority.

Whereas today the white British ethnic minority applies only in

London, Slough, Leicester and Luton; tomorrow Bradford,

Birmingham, Sheffield and other cities will see more people, for

example from the Indo-Pak sub-continent (by their roots) than white.

Therefore Hindi-Urdu will become the lingua franca and Anglicanism

will remain as it has this century or even this millennium, the

occupying faith of the violent minority throughout Britain and it’s

dominion. English as a language becomes the lingua franca of the

capitalist or democratic movement in India.

However what is vital here is that in Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man,

Faroe Islands, Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands and the

West Indies, and on the British Isles themselves (anywhere

considered part of Britain) we have witnessed Islam take over

Christianity as the practicable religion of the people. It can

realistically never win back the status of the religion of the UK.

The Jews of this country have gone down as saying Britain is The

Islamic Republic of Great Britain. The reason why they name Britain,

The Islamic Republic of Great Britain, is because the term “The

Islamic Republic of Great Britain” comes from the country known as

Pakistan. IT is officially known as The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Originally the term comes from the Urdu language and is

pronounced Islami Jamhouriah e Pakistan. Therefore the idea of the

Jews of the The Islamic Republic of Great Britain comes from the idea

of an Islaami jamhouriah.

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Jamhour itself means majority or democracy. Therefore, The Islamic

Republic of Great Britain, is Britain as we now know it, where the

majority practice Islam and the only democratic ideology is one of

the Muslims, Islam.

The non-Muslims advocate monarchy and anarchy and are the

minority. There is a big difference between the majority (Muslims)

and the minority (ahl ul dhimma).

Interestingly, the right and left wing of American politics too,

democratism and republicanism, stem from these concepts of

democracy and before that majority or together, Islamic democratic


Perhaps there is a lack of education about the meaning of, or the

significance of having a Muslim majority. Indeed Great Britain having

a Muslim majority implies it is an Islamic (Democratic) Republic. This

Islamic Democratic Republicanism is logically possible because of the

majority Muslim demography.

Legislation is only from Allah and His Messenger (PBUH). There is no

legislation that is not for Allah and His Messenger (PBUH). If the

ideology of the British republic and democracy is pressed it therefore

cannot yield to monarchy or anarchy. The religion of Islam informs us

of the superiority of Muslims and Muslim rule over non-Muslims

(who have no right to rule).

Officially, in the capital, London, the white British of the British Isles

are now a minority. The label of Black and minority ethnicity then

applies no longer. It is a majority (Islam) who are dominant. This

group excludes the church of England, who are deemed anarchic and

as ahl ul dhimma must conform to the status given them.

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Having acknowledged London as the seat of power of Britain, we

conclude Britain should become a Democratic Republic. In fact it is

already something like an Islamic democratic republic of Britain. The

“moral majority” of the British Isles have automatically replaced the

violent Christian minority and from now on our rules are going.

They tried to implement democracy at gunpoint in Iraq and

Afghanistan and not only killed thousands of thousands of people

but created multi-holocaust in their foreign wars. Now through

peace and the hope of peace, we hereby rename Great Britain as The

Islamic Democratic Republic of Britain. Great Britain is now the

Islamic Democratic Republic of Britain.

Islamic democratic republic (IDR) for the future, what a great idea!

The thousands of adherents of the church of England, the abolished

religion of the British Isles do not come near, do not compare to the

millions of Muslims, God-fearing and coming from proper practising

families not broken homes, who seek only to defend the faith of God

from being attacked and to prevent blasphemy and calumny of our

faith. Where is the sense in upholding the 800-year old Magna Carta

(so-called “grand” charter) when the people have long abolished the


Where are our children’s Muslim English newspapers, Muslim

schools, Islamic universities, mosques, madrassas and Islamic

legislature (ie. Full implementation of Islamic shariah and law after

abolishment of the church) going to come from?

Egyptian economist, Professor Samir Amin has gone on record as

saying the world needs a new (Communist) “International”. Let me

say, I think communism is an alternative to capitalism but what the

world needs from Britons is a new nation! We need more than a new

newspaper or two that addresses the concerns of the Muslim

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population, strives to create an environment where Muslim

schooling and Islamic universities are acceptable in the eyes of all,

and will represent the dominant religion of Britain.

The religiously affiliated, daily and weekly practitioners of religions in

London, especially and the UK and dominion generally are now

swinging towards Islam. Within twenty years the white British will be

replaced by Pakistani Muslims. The very same people who claim to

rule us, the white British who are now becoming an ethnic minority

in their own definition. Pakistani Muslims are now the new,

replacement majority, religious majority, religion etc. Why? The

white British are a racial category or an ethnic group (occupiers),

whereas Pakistani Muslims are a religious grouping and we pray our

eemaan never weakens. Ameen.

The Islamic revolution in Britain is clearly threefold:

1. Maximum

2. Majority

3. Muslim

The millions of this Ummah are, in Urdu or Persian:

1. Jamhour (The majority)

2. Jamhouri (Democratic)

3. Jamhouriat (Persian for republic)

What is clear from the sources of Islaamic law is that democracy is

not so much a trickle-down from ijma, or consensual opinion of

scholars, but that it is from the very idea of dar al islam. In other

words the ideas of democracy and republic come from the ideas of

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1. Muslim countries

2. Muslim majority nations

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Figure 1: Muslim England

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The Muslim country is ruled by justice and equity of Islam and so is

associated with a democracy, devoid of any tyrant or despotic ruler,

whereas the Muslim majority nation is like a democratic republic,

where other spheres of political influence still exist such as political

parties, though the word of Allah has not necessarily become

dominant just yet. England, the place where the rules of the games

of football, cricket and hockey were written, and sportsmanship was

written into the fabric of modern life, now lies with more Muslim

worshippers than Christian. When will the Queen of England be a

good sport, abdicate, and take her “legal” institutions and courts

with her?

We, as Muslims will not be happy unless and until we are free to not

merely practise but to practice our religion in this country. The

acceptability of religion is not that it is all acceptable but that it is all.

If there are, at present between 4 and 5 million Catholics in the UK

today and between 3 and 4 million Muslims, it will not be long before

there are more Muslims than Catholics in Britain. Further, British

authorities will have to admit the UK is not a Christian but a Muslim

country, starting with the NOMIS (National Office for Manpower

Information System, Office for National Statistics, UK). In other

words, it is a former Christian country, and it is basically (yet) to

become a Muslim country. It may well be the next UK census will

show more Muslims than Catholics by affiliation and more Muslims

than all Christians by practice and therefore will cede governance to

Muslim hands, upon the Queen’s abdication. As head of the failed

Church surely this is her responsibility, to ensure replacement takes


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2. The religion of Islam in America and the reproductive religious

believers practitioners’ ratio

Figure 2: Americans may have big circles as above but there is an

insignificant intersection between faith, religion, family life and of

course, practice.

If we look at the practice of the middle section or intersection as

above who are praying ie. attending a place of worship weekly, we

find even in America, more Muslim families are, as compared to

Christian families.



In God




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Figure 3: The middle intersection of American Christians- 3 m.




Figure 4: The middle intersection of Muslim Americans- 4 m.

In 15 years from now, there will be more Muslims recorded in

America than Jews. That’s 1.8% of the total population. Over 6

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million. The size of “Israel” or 40 % of the Jews on the planet. Of the

religious, believing, practising American dual-parent families, more

are Muslim than any other faith. My proof? The ratio is calculated

first as a type of productivity or specifically reproductivity ratio in my

earlier work.

In it’s own way, the religious belivers’ ratio shows that of 50% of

Americans who are Christian, only 3% answer yes to the following

questions as opposed to 4% being Muslims:

1. Do you believe in God?

2. Are you religious?

3. Do you attend a place of worship on a weekly basis?

Did both your parents bring you up?

This reveals the reproductive, believing, religious, practitioners of

religions in America are more often Muslim than not. Islam then is a

sort of maximum if not a majority. This tells us eventually Muslims

will be in the majority as it gives a good idea as to the trend of how

the situation will change in the future.

3. America’s demise

2014 is indeed a year in which the UN agencies admit China may well

overtake America in the size of it’s economy. Nevertheless, the

habits of the Irish are a good example of the failings of the

established church in Britain, which applies well to moral and ethical

life in America. In the seventies, in Ireland, 90% of the people were

Christian, 90% of whom were regularly church-going.

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Now, 40 years later only 25% of Ireland go to church this Sunday.

USA shows a similar low attendance.

I don’t prophesise a new “Israel” in the Islam of the USA, rather a

new America. With only 5% or 10% nationals as Muslims, all of whom

are devout, faithful, mosque-going (or at least ¾ are or will be), and

most important of all, from stable families, America will be more

Muslim than Jewish or Christian.

American politics is relevant to here in the UK as well.

Republicanism, the right-wing, described as neo-conservative,

responsible for enforcing war on the blessed poor across the world

tells us it is enforcing democracy.

Given that the left-wing of American politics informed them to

continue warring, successive governments of Obama have failed to

fulfil promises to end their false-flag wars.

The Muslim peoples of that land or this (ie. UK) can be a Muslim

majority, associated with the political right; or a Muslim country,

associated with the political left, in the eyes of the very same


4. Conservatism or destructivism

It is not the conservatism that Mr Bush, enemy of the respected

people of the land of Prophet Abraham’s birth, shoved down our

throats. Rather it is the democratism which is nearer, for now to

what is Islamic. Wherever Muslims live in the world, first we must do

away with the Tony Blairs and then live according to Shariah.

Having done that, it may become important for us to denounce, in

the UK, the Queen and the institution of royalty, and only then can

we become a Muslim country where the word of God is utmost.

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Foremost is that the political will of the respected peoples is carried


As for the accusation that Muslims are fanatical terrorists, in the last

century, only Christians had the monopoly on Fascism, Nazism (and

indeed Communism). Terrorists were born in Ireland we all know. As

Muslims we don’t ask for democracy to be given to us on a plate nor

for the Queen to abdicate, rather we are associated with left-wing

political views. Indeed the whole argument only gives precedence to

the fact that should we become majority what would we do with the

legal institutions if we were right-wing or conservative?

Democracy is a Muslim invention. Many scholars have said

democracy comes from the Ijma or consensus form of Islamic


Personally, and given the increased use of Islam as a legal religion in

the west, I say the notion of voting in the team with the most

support comes from dar al Islam itself (when there are more Muslims

in a land than non-muslims) or Muslim majority.

I say this because having read Aflatoon (Plato) and Arastu (Aristotle)

etc. there is no mention of democracy only republics.

5. Transference, replacement and practicability.

These three terms express Islam’s need to take over the British Isles.

We have a sort of democracy, now we must believe in

“practicability”. By practicability, I mean the relevance of Islam in the

West and that it is the only religion that can be implemented fully. In

other words that beyond Zahir and Batin is something else that

cannot be achieved outside of the religion. Another word for

megareligiousity. You can call it the unofficial religion, or the religion

in practice. Also the real religion or the practised or most practised

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religion. Without this admission there is no allowance for the

mutuality of personal, social, community, familial elements of

religious life in practice. Each person is a believer but do we admit to

any sort of religiousness in our life? Religion can be important in just

about anyone’s life but do we come from a religious family? And if

we are from such a family, do we practice what we preach?