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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report (GWW)

Dear Global Watch Weekly (GWW) Member If you are one of our members who been with us from the beginning you may remember one of our early editions of the global watch weekly (Edition 6) was focused on the evil influences observed with many of the video games that children are playing.

In fact if you are as old as me you will probably remember the old Atari video games from the 1970s

and early 1980s, especially my favorite tennis. Remember how you could play it in two stages.

Either the basic stage or the advanced stage. By advanced all that would happen is that the line you

use to hit the ball would become shorter. Other classics included Ms Pacman, Donkey Kong etc.

However such games are all but forgotten as the games being played today on the Xbox,

PlayStation and Super Nintendo and such likes are a totally different dimension of user experience.

More importantly the games over the years have taken on more occultic undertones, sex and

violence than previous decades. You have to wonder if this is coincidence or whether there is a

sophisticated attack on our youth generation. We normally speak out against the messages

conveyed by Hollywood and the music industry yet the video game industry is even more lethal.

However unlike our earlier GWW edition in 2011 where we focused on the rise of violence and

sexual undertones in modern video games, in this edition we focus on the rise of both conspiratorial

and biblical apocalyptic themes in modern day video games.

In this edition we take a look at 10 of some of the popular video games I have researched and

played for evidence of this.


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Before we examine these 10 selected video games its important to understand the covert operation behind children toys and games.

For instance, Monster High is a highly successful toy franchise that is somewhat similar to the Bratz doll line, as both are comprised of edgy, fashionable characters with attitude. Like many other toy franchises, Monster High is much more than a doll line: It is a multi-platform franchise comprised of toys, DVDs, a web series, music videos, video games, books, clothing accessories, and much more.

The brand distinguishes itself with its unique, twisted universe inspired by monster movies and sci-fi horror. All of the characters are either offspring of known movie monsters or some kind of undead zombies.

While Monster High’s slogan is “Be yourself, be unique, be a monster!”, this franchise also communicates deeper messages to its young audience. In fact, a closer look at the stories in Monster High reveals that it is perfectly in sync with the Illuminati’s Agenda as it promotes themes such as hypersexualization, superficiality, a culture of death and even Monarch Mind Control.

These themes are abundant in mass media and, the fact that they are present in a doll line for kids further proves that there’s a continuous effort to expose impressionable minds to a specific set of symbols and values.

This should not come as a surprise, as Monster High was created by the world’s largest toy company, Mattel, with revenues of over $6.2 billion per year. The chairman of the board of directors, Robert A. Eckert, is a long-time member of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers, two powerful elite circles shaping the world today.

As you might know, company representatives who attend these elite meetings are there because their brands can help push the elite’s long-term Agenda. Powerful, world-reaching companies such as Mattel do not simply sell products, they sell a culture associated with them. Considering how children get attached and even obsessed with their dolls and the universe that surrounds them, what better way to reach young minds and to teach them the values of a New World Order future?

The same logic applies to video games which is just one more form of manipulation. The violence in video games has a way of creating a knee jerk reaction if one was to play it for long enough. For example, if you’re playing a first person shooter for days on end and then someone in the real world were to bump into you, it might provoke a more aggressive reaction from you because you’ve been conditioned to have an instant and hostile response.

Anders Breivik who killed 77 people in Norway several years ago admitted that he used a video game as training for his shooting spree. He went through a period of playing the game “World of Warcraft” up to 16 hours a day, he testified.

But that is just one point to highlight how video games can most definitely spill over into everyone’s lives if you don’t keep it in check. This especially applies to people who might be susceptible to addiction, or that might already have a mental health issue and just need that little “nudge”.

So with this in context let us now explore 10 video games which have profound apocalyptic themes which we would associate with specific end time theology.

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Bioshock is easily my favorite series of games. The first two games feature a storyline in an underwater world where people are able to genetically alter themselves via plasmid injections (e.g. telekinesis, fire, etc.). This is reminiscent to the deceptive theory of aliens manipulating our genetic forms into what human species they desired.

The jump from homo sapiens to homo sapiens sapiens has arguably had a missing link that some ancient alien theorists suggest could be explained by a manual genetic manipulation of our DNA. (We expound upon this later).

The game also has aspects of MK Ultra, as there is a character that has forms of triggered brainwashing unbeknownst to them. One of the writer’s of the game, Ken Levine admits that the utopia environment of the game was inspired by George Orwell’s 1984.

One of the coolest themes of the game is the political aspect behind it. The reason there are people living in this underwater world called Rapture is due to a man named Andrew Ryan’s

vision. He discusses his philosophy throughout the game which could possibly be pieced together as one of libertarianism mixed with the worst parts of greedy capitalism (he’s anti-big government and anti-religion sort of).

He uses a term of interest, “Great Chain” and you can see it throughout the background images also. He uses this to describe how industry and the economy unite the people together (capitalism) because they need to work and pay taxes back to the government in order to provide upkeep and services for the population, so they are all tied together via this “chain.” This “Great Chain,” I believe, could be related to Aristotle and Plato’s “great chain of being” concept that defines a hierarchal structure of all life that God created. The chain connects everything in life together in a chain, from God in the heavens, all the way down to the dirt and minerals of the earth.

Perhaps this analogy is telling us that Andrew Ryan is the God of Rapture and he is supporting the manipulation of all of its inhabitants.

“I believe in no God, no invisible man in the sky. But there is something more powerful than each of us, a combination of our efforts, a Great Chain of industry that unites us. But it is only when we struggle in our own interest that the chain pulls society in the right direction. The chain is too powerful and too mysterious for any government to guide. Any man who tells you different either has his hand in your pocket, or a pistol to your neck.” ―Andrew Ryan

To any length, it’s a great game with an interesting story and the ambience of Rapture is simply addictive and allows the game to hold a solid replay value. Its story gives it more importance than a simple point and shoot action game and you can give yourself various endings depending on how you decide to traverse the game.

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Tomb Raider is a wildly successful franchise based on an archaeologist named Lara Croft. The original Playstation One (and Sega Saturn) game came out in 1996 and allowed the player to control Croft as she searched for ancient artifacts and relics, similar to Indiana Jones.

It was cool because you had to solve puzzles and fight against a shadowy elite group that were searching for the same artifacts (Sounds like the Smithsonian Institute?)

Some of the artifacts had alien origins, reminiscent of the crystal skulls seen on the Ancient Aliens series.

If you know anything about the Ancient Aliens series you will know its an American television documentary series that premiered on April 20, 2010 on the History channel. Produced by Prometheus Entertainment, the program presents hypotheses of ancient astronauts and proposes that historical texts, archaeology, and legends contain evidence of past human-extraterrestrial contact. Such thinking has been championed by

the likes of Erich Van Daniken (author of Chariots of the Gods) and Zecariah Sitchin (godfather of the ancient astronaut theology).

Another spin off from the ancient astronaut thinking is the movie Prometheus, a 2012 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott, It is set in the late 21st century and centers on the crew of the spaceship Prometheus as it follows a star map discovered among the artifacts of several ancient Earth cultures. Seeking the origins of humanity, the crew arrives on a distant world and discovers a threat that could cause the extinction of the human race.

Later on in the Tomb Raider series Lara finds the tomb of Egyptian God Set and collects pieces of Horus’ armor to fight him in locations such as the Valley of the Kings and Temple of Karnak. Set and Horus are gods which are spoken about in several of the ancient cultures and texts in different forms.

The Contending's of Horus and Seth is a mythological story from the Twentieth dynasty of Ancient Egypt found in the first sixteen pages of the Papyrus Chester Beatty I and deals with the battles between Horus and Seth to determine who will succeed Osiris as king.

These Egyptians gods are seen to be the early stagers in the development of mystery Babylon religion, a movement which also has influence from Nimrod. Isis, Tammuz, Enki, Dagon, Osirus, Horus, Dionysis and More!

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That’s right; the world’s highest selling video game for over 20 years has some sort of link to the conspiratorial themes covered previously. The story revolves around two plumber brothers, Mario and Luigi, who go through the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue the Princess Toadstool from the enemy Bowser.

Bowser’s enemy forces include mutant turtles called Koopa Troopas, which were created based on the Kappa legend from Japan. Kappa is a salamander, reptilian humanoid creature that is known to kill children. There are similar tales in Germany, Finland, and Scotland about these water dwelling reptilians. More reptilian humanoids in the game include the main enemy, Bowser. In the second Super Mario Bros. there is a main enemy boss called Wart who is a frog-like monster.

David Icke is most famous for his reptilian Illuminati theories where he suggests that there are humanoid alien/reptilians that exist and shape shift in and out of our earthly dimension. He believes this is the root of the UFO agenda.

Such theories also contribute to a particular theology emerging within mainstream Christianity but which has its roots in the Christian Identity

movement and largely influenced by the controversial William Branham. The theory that Eve had sex with the devil and so Cain was not the real brother of the Abel but rather a seed of the serpent.

Whilst we understand that the royal networks of power behind the global elite may believe they are descendants of a lineage which is not necessarily human we believe this is to do with Genesis 6 and the attempt of the fallen angels to corrupt the human race rather than a serpent seed theory that attempts to twist the story of Adam and Eve to a ridiculous level. In fact one of the most notorious and racist aspects of the serpent seed theory is its ultimate conclusion that the modern day descendants of the seed of the serpent are the Jews.


Another game Mega Man is a series of video games that goes back to the 1980’s from the Nintendo days. Not only was this game ridiculously difficult, but it featured an android as its main character.

This protagonist was created in a lab and converted to a battle robot. He has a cannon attached to his arm with an ability to upload knowledge of new attacks after defeating the boss that possessed them. Nintendo then modified Mega Man to become Mega Man X, an android with free will over his actions, thoughts and feelings. Robots that were built to replicate Mega Man X, called Reploids, have the ability to shape shift and also have free will. The lines between Reploids and humans then blurs due to the humans being augmented with robotic parts, and all beings are now referred to as Humanoids. The ultimate essence of transhumanism.

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This 2011 game features a character named Enoch who must seek fallen angels to prevent an apocalyptic flood from destroying humanity. The game was inspired by the actual Book of Enoch which isn’t official biblical material by every religion, but some Orthodox Christian groups do subscribe to it.

Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah and he discussed the angels who created the Nephilim (The Watchers). The Watchers interact with humans in the Book of Enoch and they proceed to create the Nephilim as described in the book of Genesis, 6:4.

In El Shaddai, they depict the Nephilim as humanoid blob creatures at the Tower of Babel. Enoch must destroy them by purifying the souls of the Watchers that created them.

The use of the name Metatron in the game title is interesting. Metatron is an archangel in Judaism, known as the Recording Angel or the Chancellor of Heaven (which makes Adramelech his infernal counterpart). How the name originated is a matter of debate. Although Metatron is mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud, he

appears primarily in mystical Kabbalistic texts within the Rabbinic literature. In that tradition, he is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe or "recording angel".

According to Jewish apocrypha, Metatron is Enoch, the great grandfather of Noah, and was transformed into an angel. The book of Genesis (5:24) is often cited as evidence of Enoch's bodily ascension into heaven: "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him."

Metatron also appears in the Pseudepigrapha, most prominently in the Hebrew Merkabah Book of Enoch, also called 3 Enoch or Sefer Hekhalot (Book of [the Heavenly] Palaces). The book describes the link between Enoch, son of Jared (great grandfather of Noah) and his transformation into the angel Metatron. His grand title "the lesser YHVH" resurfaces here. The word Metatron is numerically equivalent to Shaddai (God) in Hebrew gematria; therefore, he is said to have a "Name like his Master".

Metatron says, "He [the Holy One]... called me, 'The lesser YHVH' in the presence of his whole household in the height, as it is written, 'my name is in him.'" (12:5, Alexander's translation.) The narrator of this book, supposedly Rabbi Ishmael, tells how Metatron guided him through Heaven and explained its wonders. 3 Enoch presents Metatron in two ways: as a primordial angel (9:2–13:2) and as the transformation of Enoch after he was assumed into Heaven.

This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye-lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye-balls to flaming torches, and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory, received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron.

In the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel Metatron is not identified as Enoch. Instead he is identified as the archangel Michael. While he also appears in other apocalyptic writings he is most prominent in the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel. In these writings he plays the role of heavenly interlocutor delivering knowledge about the coming messiah.




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This game was from the PlayStation 1 system back in 1999. It was played like an interactive movie where the player would point and click on different clues to solve puzzles and move the agent (Craig Willmore-NOT Mulder or Scully) through an investigation of the disappearance of Agents Mulder and Scully.

What’s cool about this game was the actual filming in Seattle of the actors from the television series. The plot of the game is part of the mythology of X-Files (the good part of the show) and has ties to aliens taking over the bodies of humans. The game is supposed to have taken place during season three of the show.

If I’m not mistaken, there were three or four discs for this game, and you would have to load each one up at the proper time. The gameplay was somewhat difficult considering how basic it truly was. When you clicked on the wrong door by accident you’d have to sit through the subsequent film from that click. The game itself isn’t all that great, but the nostalgia of the 90’s and the X-Files mythology arc make it count.

The X-Files is an American science fiction horror drama television series created by Chris Carter. The program originally aired from September 10, 1993, to May 19, 2002, on Fox, spanning nine seasons, with 202 episodes and a feature film of the same name, before returning with a second film in 2008 and a six-episode tenth season in 2016. The series revolves around FBI special agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana

Scully (Gillian Anderson) who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Scully, a medical doctor and a skeptic, is assigned to make scientific analyses of Mulder's discoveries to debunk his work and thus return him to mainstream cases.

Early in the series, both agents become pawns in a larger conflict and come to trust only each other and a very few select people. They develop a close relationship which begins as a platonic friendship, but becomes a romance by the end of the series. In addition to the series-spanning story arc, "Monster-of-the-Week" episodes form roughly two-thirds of all episodes.

The X-Files was inspired by series which featured elements of suspense and speculative fiction, including Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, Tales from the Darkside, and especially Kolchak: The Night Stalker. When creating the main characters, Carter sought to reverse gender stereotypes by making Mulder a believer and Scully a skeptic

The X-Files directly inspired other TV series, including Strange World, The Burning Zone, Special Unit 2, Mysterious Ways, Lost, Dark Skies, The Visitor, Fringe, Warehouse 13, Supernatural, and Gravity Falls, with key aspects carried over to more standard crime dramas, such as Eleventh Hour and Bones.




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Turok is a first person shooter for the Nintendo 64 where the main character is a Native American who can travel through time. Each Turok warrior must protect a barrier between Earth and this “lost” land where primitive creatures roam. These creatures consist of aliens and dinosaurs. It also features an alien artifact that an evil cyborg enemy attempts to gain control of to rule the universe.

The game series continues on to hold similar stories of reptilian-like aliens, time travel through portals, and powerful weapons. A common theme is the lack of an existence of time. These themes are commonly held by David Icke-isms also, because he is always speaking on how time is an illusion and we are deceived into viewing it as linear in nature. Alien megaliths and powerful energy fields are another topic also covered in Ancient Aliens.


Assassin’s Creed is a large series of games about a guy who descends from a lineage of assassins. He is abducted by the Knights Templar and forced to try to help them retrieve

artifacts that hold the power to control mankind and bring humanity together. This supports the one consciousness revolution idea, perhaps what could happen on December 21st, 2012. There’s part of the story revolving around devastating solar flares and pre-human beings who have tried to interbreed with humanity. They produced hybrids with special powers, similar to Icke’s idea of reptilian/human hybrids who he claims were created to control humanity.

In understanding the evolution of secret societies it is commonly know that the Freemasons are a continuation of this mysterious order called the Knights Templar. These knights were monks who took up arms in 1118 A.D. in order to protect Christian pilgrims traveling from Jaffa (a port city in Israel) to Jerusalem.

According to legend, the Knights Templar discovered the greatest treasure in history buried in the ruins of King Solomon’s temple. The Knights became rich—so rich, in fact, that they were the targets of envy and suspicion.

In 1307, King Philip IV of France had all of the Knights Templar arrested so that he could take possession of their great wealth.

However he justified his move on the basis that the Knights Templars had deviated away from the teachings of Catholicism and were heavily involved in a form of magic known as Kabbalah.

What happened to the Knights after their imprisonment remains a mystery, but some say they went into hiding and continued their work in secret, only to reemerge in Europe during the 1700s as the modern Freemasons.

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This is another 80’s NES game that it was difficult to beat. But in my defense, these old NES games were way more difficult than today’s game where you can simply save the game’s progress wherever you felt. I don’t remember if Bionic Commando had the option to save at certain points or not, I just remember it was hard as hell.

Anyhow, this game revolved around the hero, Ladd Spencer who was transhumant-ish with his bionic grappling gun/arm that could extend and retract to move him around. Jumping was not an option in this game, so navigating was half of the battle. Ladd was trying to save Super Joe from an earlier video game called Commando from the enemy state called the Empire.

The Japanese version of the game featured swastikas because their Empire government was a neo-Nazi outfit. Interestingly enough, the American version swapped it out for a bird, similar to a phoenix or eagle.


This game has a storyline where in the future (2020’s-which is not so far off) augmenting the human body is common. The original Deus Ex game has what is termed “immersive simulation,”

where they use a first person camera angle and character interaction to make it feel that there is very minimal “gaming” involved and it creates a more realistic feel.

You are a character that has the ability to customize and upgrade your body with over 50 augmentations. The story line also features various conspiracy theory topics; The Majestic-12 scientists are working on self-replicating nanobots that will communicate with the human host’s brain.

Later on in the story a few more years, the Majestic-12 defeat the Illuminati in a power struggle and the character JC Denton is successfully nano-augmented as one of their agents. Even later on in the story, nano-augmentation is widespread. The story line has several more turns and such, but you get the picture.


In conclusion I trust this edition of the Global Watch Weekly shows you how Christian apocalyptic themes and conspiratorial thinking is now a major part of the gaming industry.

On the positive this can be a good thing due to the increased awareness but on the other hand it could also lead to a sense of de-sensitization when such themes are constantly in the eye of the viewer.

We have also seen where Christian thinking and themes are misrepresented leading the viewer to a false position of understanding about issues that are pertinent to their spiritual well being.

In video games we see the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

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