Isilon OneFS Version 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Isilon OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference - Dell · on the cluster or to system configuration libraries, based on the resource URL provided in the request. The following simplified diagram

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IsilonOneFSVersion 7.2.1

OneFS API Reference

Copyright © 2001-2015 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA.

Published December, 2015

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2 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Introduction to this guide 5

About this guide..............................................................................................6Isilon scale-out NAS overview..........................................................................6Where to go for support...................................................................................6

Introduction to the OneFS API 7

OneFS API overview.........................................................................................8OneFS API architecture.......................................................................8OneFS API terminology .................................................................... 10

OneFS API access.......................................................................................... 10HTTP methods..................................................................................11Privileges......................................................................................... 12

OneFS API authentication..............................................................................12HTTP Basic Authentication................................................................12Session cookies...............................................................................13

System configuration API 17

System configuration API overview................................................................ 18Collection patterns...........................................................................18OneFS API self-documentation......................................................... 21

System configuration API resources...............................................................21Authentication and access control................................................... 21Auditing........................................................................................... 67NFS.................................................................................................. 70SMB.................................................................................................90System jobs................................................................................... 100SyncIQ backup and recovery.......................................................... 112Deduplication................................................................................ 179HDFS..............................................................................................183IP address pools............................................................................ 189File system.....................................................................................189File pools....................................................................................... 191SmartLock......................................................................................198Storage pools.................................................................................202SmartQuotas..................................................................................215Snapshots..................................................................................... 226Access zones................................................................................. 239Cluster statistics............................................................................ 243

Code samples for file system configuration................................................. 247

File system access API 249

File system access API overview.................................................................. 250Common response headers............................................................250Common request headers.............................................................. 250Common namespace attributes......................................................251

Troubleshooting..........................................................................................252File system access operations..................................................................... 254

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference 3

Access points.................................................................................254Directory operations.......................................................................260File operations............................................................................... 275Access control lists........................................................................ 288Query operations........................................................................... 313SmartLock settings........................................................................ 317

Code samples for file system access........................................................... 320


4 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Introduction to this guide

This section contains the following topics:

l About this guide......................................................................................................6l Isilon scale-out NAS overview..................................................................................6l Where to go for support...........................................................................................6

Introduction to this guide 5

About this guideThis guide describes how the Isilon OneFS application programming interface (API)provides access to cluster configuration and access to cluster data. This guide alsoprovides a list of all available API resource URLs, HTTP methods, and parameter andobject descriptions.

We value your feedback. Please let us know how we can improve this document.

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Isilon scale-out NAS overviewThe EMC Isilon scale-out NAS storage platform combines modular hardware with unifiedsoftware to harness unstructured data. Powered by the OneFS operating system, an EMCIsilon cluster delivers a scalable pool of storage with a global namespace.

The platform's unified software provides centralized web-based and command-lineadministration to manage the following features:

l A cluster that runs a distributed file system

l Scale-out nodes that add capacity and performance

l Storage options that manage files and tiering

l Flexible data protection and high availability

l Software modules that control costs and optimize resources

Where to go for supportYou can contact EMC Isilon Technical Support for any questions about EMC Isilonproducts.

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Canada: 800-543-4782

Worldwide: +1-508-497-7901

For local phone numbers in your country, see EMC CustomerSupport Centers.

Help with onlinesupport

For questions specific to EMC Online Support registration oraccess, email [email protected].

Introduction to this guide

6 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Introduction to the OneFS API

This section contains the following topics:

l OneFS API overview.................................................................................................8l OneFS API access.................................................................................................. 10l OneFS API authentication...................................................................................... 12

Introduction to the OneFS API 7

OneFS API overviewThe OneFS application programming interface (API) is divided into two functional areas:One area enables cluster configuration, management, and monitoring functionality, andthe other area enables operations on files and directories on the cluster. You can sendrequests to the OneFS API through a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface,which is accessed through resource URIs and standard HTTP methods.

When an API request is sent over HTTPS to a cluster IP address or hostname, that requestis authenticated and then authorized through role-based access control (RBAC). After therequest is approved, access is provided to either file system configuration libraries ordirectories and files on the cluster.

OneFS API architectureWhen you send an HTTP request through the OneFS API, your request is sent to an Apacheserver. The Apache server verifies your username and password, either through HTTPBasic Authentication for single requests or through an established session to a singlenode for multiple requests over a period of time.

After the user account is authenticated, the privileges associated with the user accountthat generated the request are verified by role-based access control (RBAC). If the useraccount has the required privileges, the request enables access to files and directorieson the cluster or to system configuration libraries, based on the resource URL provided inthe request.

The following simplified diagram shows the basic flow of the two types of OneFS APIrequests:

Introduction to the OneFS API

8 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

/platform(system configuration API)

/namespace(file system access API)

HTTP Basic or Session Authentication


Directories and files on the cluster System configuration libraries

Apache Server

API request throughHTTPS/URI

Introduction to the OneFS API

OneFS API architecture 9

OneFS API terminologyThe following terms are relevant to understanding the OneFS API.

Term Definition

Access point Root path of the URL to the file system. You can define an access point for anydirectory in the file system.

Collection Group of objects of a similar type. For example, all of the user-defined quotas inthe system make up a collection of quotas.

Data object An object that contains content data, such as a file on the system.

Namespace The file system structure on the cluster.

Object Containers or data objects.

This term can refer to system configuration data that is created by users, or to aglobal setting on the system.

For example, a user-created object can be a file system snapshot, quota, share,export, logical unit, or synchronization policy.

An object can also be global settings on the system, such as default share settings,HTTP server settings, snapshot subsystem settings, and so on.

Resource An object, collection, or function that you can access by a URI.

OneFS API accessBy applying standard HTTP methods to resource URIs, you can modify file system settingsor access content on any node in a cluster through the OneFS API. When making multiplechanges through the OneFS API, it is recommended that you send all requests to a singlenode to avoid configuration collisions.

OneFS API resource URIs are composed of the following components.

Component Definition

my_cluster The IPv4 or IPv6 address or hostname for the cluster

obj_port The number of the port. The default setting is 8080

access_point The name of the access point, such as /ifs

resource_path The file path to the directory that you want to access

resource_version The version of the OneFS API

collection_pattern The namespace, collection name, and object ID of the resource that you wantto configure

In both types of API requests, you can append query parameters to the end of resourceURIs to refine your request. For example, you can revise a GET request to return only a set

Introduction to the OneFS API

10 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

number of entries. In the following example, a maximum of 1,000 SMB shares arereturned:


File system configuration API requestsFor file system configuration API requests, the resource URI is composed of the followingcomponents:


For example, you can send a GET request to the following URI to retrieve all SMB shareson a cluster, where protocols is the namespace, smb is the collection name, and sharesis the object ID:


File system access API requestsFor file system access APIs requests, the resource URI is composed of the followingcomponents:


For example, you can send a GET request to the following URI to view files that are storedin the folder at /ifs/users/folder1:


Additionally, in file system access API requests, you can indicate a special operation inyour request by appending a predefined keyword to the end of the resource URI. Thesekeywords must be placed first in the argument list and must not contain any value. Ifthese keywords are placed in any other position in the argument list, the keywords areignored. Predefined keywords are acl, metadata, worm, and query. For example:


HTTP methodsYou can apply certain HTTP methods to resource URIs through the OneFS API to modifyfile system settings or to access file system content.

The following conditions apply to the HTTP methods available for the OneFS API:

l The GET method returns an object or collection.

l The HEAD method returns response header metadata without the response bodycontent.

l The DELETE method removes an object from a collection.

l The POST method creates objects.

l The POST method returns a document indicating the success of the request and thelocation of the created resource.

l The PUT method enables partial modification of a resource.

l The PUT and POST methods do not return full resource entity bodies upon success;these methods return success or failure codes.

Introduction to the OneFS API

HTTP methods 11

PrivilegesPrivileges permit users to complete tasks on an EMC Isilon cluster.

Privileges are associated with an area of cluster administration such as Job Engine, SMB,or statistics.

Privileges have one of two forms:


Allows a user to perform a specific action on a cluster. For example, theISI_PRIV_LOGIN_SSH privilege allows a user to log in to a cluster through an SSHclient.


Allows a user to view or modify a configuration subsystem such as statistics,snapshots, or quotas. For example, the ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT privilege allows anadministrator to create and delete snapshots and snapshot schedules. A read/writeprivilege can grant either read-only or read/write access. Read-only access allows auser to view configuration settings; read/write access allows a user to view andmodify configuration settings.

Privileges are granted to the user on login to a cluster through the OneFS API, the webadministration interface, SSH, or a console session. A token is generated for the user,which includes a list of all privileges granted to the user. Each URI, web-administrationinterface page, and command requires a specific privilege to view or modify theinformation available through any of these interfaces.


Privileges are not granted to users that do not connect to the System Zone during login orto users that connect through the deprecated Telnet service, even if they are members ofa role.

OneFS API authenticationYou can authenticate to OneFS API resource URIs by establishing a session with a cookieor through HTTP Basic Authentication. You can only authenticate to resources for whichyou have privileges.

You can establish a session by creating a session cookie through the session resource.HTTP Basic Authentication requires more system processing resources and is slower thanauthentication with a session cookie. If you want to initiate multiple requests over aperiod of time, it is recommended that you create a session cookie.

HTTP Basic AuthenticationWith HTTP Basic Authentication (RFC 2617), you can create a standard Authorizationheader with a valid username and password and send your request to the server. If yourusername and password are authenticated by the server, you can access the resource.

The following example shows a sample HTTP Basic Authentication request.

GET https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource_uri> HTTP/1.1Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

Introduction to the OneFS API

12 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Session cookiesEstablish a session by creating a session cookie through the session resource.

You can create a session cookie by sending credentials to a session service resource,which responds with a Set-Cookie header. The Set-Cookie header contains anauthentication token that can then be sent with subsequent requests to provideimmediate authentication.

Session resource overviewYou can set a session cookie that provides extended authentication to a single node.

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

username String Specifies the username for theaccount requesting access to thecluster.


password String Specifies the password for theusername requesting access to thecluster.


services Array Specifies a list of services to obtainaccess to.


timeout_absolute Integer Retrieves the number of secondsbefore the session expires in a GETrequest.


timeout_inactive Integer Retrieves the number of seconds ofinactivity before the session expiresin a GET request.


Create a session

You can authenticate to a OneFS API resource URI by creating a session cookie and asession. When you create a session, you extend your authentication to a node formultiple requests over a period of time.

Session cookies are specific to a single node; all requests must be made to the samenode from which the session cookie is obtained.


1. Send a POST request to /session/1/session by specifying the JSON content-type inthe request header and by specifying your username, password, and the service thatyou want to access in the request body. In the services property, specifyplatform for system configuration or namespace for file system access.

Content-type: application/jsonBody:{"username": "<string>","password": "<string>",

Introduction to the OneFS API

Session cookies 13

"services": ["platform" | “namespace”]}

If the server validates your username and password, a Set-Cookie header is returned.

2. Obtain the isisessid value from the Set-Cookie header.

201 CreatedContent-Length:104Content-Type:application/jsonDate:Fri, 22 Feb 2013 19:08:36 GMTSet-Cookie:isisessid=12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab; path=/;HttpOnly; SecureResponse Body:{"services":["platform","namespace"],"timeout_absolute":14400,"timeout_inactive":900,"username":"user123"}

This value will authenticate the session when you send a request through a sessioncookie.


A session is created on the node on which the POST request was executed.

Send a request for access through a session cookie

Authenticate to a session through a session cookie.

Before you begin

Create a session and obtain an isisessid value from the Set-Cookie header.

You do not need to specify a WWW-AUTHENTICATE header.


1. Send a GET request to any API resource by typing the isisessid value in the Cookierequest header.

If the server validates your username and password, access is granted.


Authentication is granted for future requests on the specified node.

Request example

GET isisessid=12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab

Response example

200 OKContent-Type:application/json{//JSON content}

Introduction to the OneFS API

14 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Get information about the current session

You can send a GET request to obtain information about the current session. If the servervalidates your session cookie, the system returns a JSON document that containsinformation about the session. If the server does not validate the session ID contained inthe cookie, the server returns an error message.

Request syntax

GET /session/1/sessionCookie: isisessid=12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab

Response bodyIf authorization is successful:

"username": <string>"services": [<string>, ...] "timeout_absolute": <integer>, "timeout_inactive": <integer>

{ "services":[ "platform", "namespace" ], "timeout_absolute":14396, "timeout_inactive":900, "username":"user123"}

If authorization fails:

401 UnauthorizedContent-Type: application/json{ "errors":[ { "message":"authorization required" } ]}

Log out of a session

If you no longer need to stay authenticated to a node, you can log out of a session bydeleting the session cookie. Session cookies are configured to expire automatically in 15minutes after a period of inactivity or in 4 hours after an absolute period of time.

Request syntax

DELETE /session/1/session Cookie: isisessid=12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab

Response bodyIf authorization is successful:

204 No ContentSet-Cookie:isisessid=deleted; path=/; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; HttpOnly; SecureContent-Length: 0

Introduction to the OneFS API

Session cookies 15

If authorization fails:

401 UnauthorizedContent-Type: application/json{ "errors":[ { "message":"authorization required" } ]}

Introduction to the OneFS API

16 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


System configuration API

This section contains the following topics:

l System configuration API overview........................................................................ 18l System configuration API resources.......................................................................21l Code samples for file system configuration......................................................... 247

System configuration API 17

System configuration API overviewYou can access cluster configuration, status information, and file system content throughobjects and collections of objects. These objects and collections are exposed as resourceURIs, which are represented as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatted documents.

Collection patternsYou can configure the file system on your cluster through the OneFS API by applying HTTPmethods to resource URIs according to a set of collection patterns.


The OneFS API supports a maximum URI length of 8,198 characters.

Read a system objectYou can read a system object that has a unique identifier through the GET method; theidentifier is the name or system-generated id for that object.

Request pattern:

GET https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<object-id>


Content-Type: application/json{"<object>": { "<property>": <value>, ... }}

Modify a system objectYou can modify an object by sending one or more of the object properties through thePUT method. Only the specified properties are modified on the resource, which leaves allother properties in their current state.

Request pattern:

PUT https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<object-id> Content-Type: application/json{ "<property>": <value> ...}


{Standard JSON success or error response}

System configuration API

18 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Read an entire collectionYou can read all of the objects in a collection through the GET method.

Request pattern:

GET https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<collection-name>


Content-Type: application/json{ "<collection>": [ "<property>": <value> ... ]}

Read an object from a collectionYou can read an object in a collection through the GET method.

Request pattern:

GET https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<collection-name>/<object-id>


Content-Type: application/json { "<collection>": [ "<property>": <value> ... ]}

Create an object in a collectionYou can create a user object in a collection through the POST method. The systemresponds with the final URI where the new object is located.

Request pattern:

POST https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<collection-name> Content-Type: application/json{ "<property>": <value>, ...}


Location: https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<collection-name>/<new-object-id>

Content-Type: application/json {Standard JSON success or error response}

System configuration API

Collection patterns 19

Modify an object in a collectionYou can modify an object in a collection through the PUT method.

Request pattern:

PUT https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<collection-name>/<object-id>

Content-Type: application/json{ "parameter_name": <value> ...}


{Standard JSON success or error response}

Delete an object from a collectionYou can delete a user object from a collection through the DELETE method.

Request pattern:

DELETE https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<collection-name>/<object-id>


{Standard JSON success or error response}

Filter a collectionYou can apply a filter to a collection to retrieve user objects that match some commoncriteria.

Request pattern:

GET https://<cluster-ip-or-host-name>:<port>/<resource-version>/<namespace>/<collection-name>?<parameter_name>=<match-pattern>&...


Content-Type: application/json {"count": <integer>,"<collection-name>": [ { "<parameter-name>": <matched-value>, ... }, ... ]}

System configuration API

20 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

OneFS API self-documentationYou can access detailed self-documentation about file system access API resources,including URI descriptions, query arguments, allowable HTTP methods, and the requestand response JSON representation structures.

You can access the OneFS API self-documentation through any /platform resource URI byappending the describe query parameter.

For example, for self-documentation on the quotas resource, type the following URL:


You can retrieve a list of all of the resources for a feature by appending the describe,list, and all query parameters. The content is returned as mime-type text/plain. Forexample, to return a list of all resource URIs for snapshots, type the following URL:


You can retrieve a list of all of the resource URIs on your cluster by typing the followingURL:


You can retrieve the JSON-formatted documents that are included in the self-documentation through any resource URI by appending the query parameters describeand json. This content is returned as mime-type application/json.

For example, to obtain the JSON-formatted document for the quotas resource, type thefollowing URL:


If you include any values for either the describe or json parameters, the values areignored.

System configuration API resourcesYou can make requests through the OneFS API to access system configuration resources.

Authentication and access control overviewOneFS supports several methods for ensuring that your cluster remains secure, includingUNIX- and Windows-style permissions for data-level access control, access zones for dataisolation, and role-based administration control access to system configuration settings.

OneFS is designed for a mixed environment that allows you to configure both AccessControl Lists (ACLs) and standard UNIX permissions on the cluster file system.


In most situations, the default settings are sufficient. You can configure additional accesszones, custom roles, and permissions policies as necessary for your particularenvironment.

System configuration API

OneFS API self-documentation 21

Authentication classesAuthentication classes define values for the object properties in authenticationresources.

<persona-id>The <persona-id> class must be set in the following format: "["user", "group", "SID", "UID","GID"] : [<string>]", such as: "GID:2003" or "user:johndoe".

<persona>The <persona> class must be set with either the <persona-id> or the <type> and <name>parameters, as follows:

Property Type Description

id <persona-id> Specifies the serialized form of the persona.

type String Specifies the type of persona, which must becombined with a name. The type of thepersona can be set to user, group, or


name String Specifies the persona name, which must becombined with a type.

<user-id>The <user-id> class must be set in the following format: "["user", "SID", "UID"] : [<string>]",such as: "UID:2283" or "user:johndoe".

<user>The <user> class contains the following properties:

Property Type Description

dn String Specifies the distinguished name for theuser.

dns_domain String Specifies the DNS domain.

domain String Specifies the domain the object is part of.

email String Specifies an email address.

enabled Boolean True if the user is enabled.

expired Boolean True if the password for the user has expired.

expiry Integer Specifies the Unix Epoch time at which theuser account will expire.

gecos String Specifies the GECOS value, which is usuallythe full name.

generated_gid Boolean Indicates if the GID was generated.

generated_uid Boolean Indicates if the UID was generated.

gid <persona> Specifies the group ID.

home_directory String Specifies the home directory for the user.

System configuration API

22 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description

id String Specifies the system ID given to the user orgroup. In a POST request, this value is the IDthat refers to the item in the collection itemresource path.

locked Boolean Specifies if the account is locked.

max_password_age Integer Specifies the maximum age in secondsallowed for the password before thepassword expires.

member_of Array of[<persona>]

Specifies groups that this user or group aremembers of.

name String Specifies a user or group name.

password_expired Boolean Specifies whether the password has expired.

password_expires Boolean Specifies whether the password is allowedto expire.

password_last_set Integer Specifies the last time the password was set.

primary_group_sid <persona> Specifies the security ID of the primary groupfor the user.

prompt_password_change Boolean Prompts a password change for the user atthe next log in.

provider String Specifies the authentication provider theobject belongs to.

sam_account_name String Specifies a user or group name.

shell String Specifies the path to the shell for the user.

sid <persona> Specifies the security identifier.

type String Indicates the object type.

uid <persona> Specifies the user ID.

upn String Specifies the principal name for the user.

user_can_change_password Boolean Specifies whether the user can change theirown password.

<group-id>The <group-id> class must be set in the following format: "["group", "SID", "GID"] :[<string>]", such as: "GID:2003" or "group:admins".

<group>The <group> class contains the following properties:

Property Type Type Property of

dn String Specifies the distinguished name forthe group or object.


dns_domain String Specifies the DNS domain for theobject.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 23

Property Type Type Property of

domain String Specifies the domain of the group. groups

generated_gid Boolean Indicates if the GID was generated. groups

gid <persona> Specifies properties for the persona. groups

id String Specifies the system ID given to theuser or group. In a POST request, thisvalue refers to the item in thecollection item resource path.


member_of Array of[<persona>]

Specifies properties for groups thatthis user or group are members of.


name String Specifies a user or group name. groups

provider String Specifies an authentication provider. groups

sam_account_name String Specifies a user or group name. groups

sid <persona> Specifies properties for the securityidentifier.


type String Indicates the object type. groups

<privilege>The <privilege> class must be set as follows:

Property Type Description

id String Specifies the formal name of the privilege.

name String Specifies the name of the privilege.

read-only Boolean Determines if the privilege is specified asread-only.

Authentication resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete authentication providers, users, groups, andother configurations and settings through authentication resource URIs.

Auth access token resource

Retrieve information about the access token for the authenticated user.

Operation Method and URI

Get the security token for the currentlyauthenticated user

GET /platform/1/auth/id

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/auth/id?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

24 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

ntoken Object Specifies properties for the accesstoken.


additional_id Array[<persona>]

Specifies additional UIDs, GIDs, andSIDs.


gid <persona> Specifies properties for the currentlyauthenticated primary group ID forthe user.


group_sid <persona> Specifies properties for the currentlyauthenticated primary group securityID for the user.


ifs_restricted Boolean Indicates if this user has restrictedaccess to the /ifs file system.


local_address String Specifies the IP address of the nodethat is servicing the request.


on_disk_group_id <persona> Specifies the group ID that is storedon disk for the authenticated user.


on_disk_user_id <persona> Specifies the user ID that is stored ondisk for the authenticated user.


privilege Array[<privilege>]

Specifies the privileges granted to theauthenticated user.


protocol Integer Specifies the protocol that isresponsible for the creation of thetoken. The integer values for eachprotocol are as follows: NFS (1), SMB(2), NLM (3), FTP (4), HTTP (5), ISCSI(7), SMB2 (8), NFS4 (9), OneFS API(10), HDFS (15), console (16), andSSH (17).


remote_address String Specifies the IP address of the clientrequesting the information.


uid <persona> Specifies the currently authenticateduser ID.


user_sid <persona> Specifies the currently authenticatedsecurity ID for the user.


zid Integer Specifies the ID of the access zonethat is serving the request.


zone_id String Specifies the name of the accesszone that is serving the request.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 25

Auth user access resource

Retrieve the access rights that a specified user has for a file.

Operation Method and URI

Get the access rights that a user has for aspecified file

GET /platform/1/auth/access/<user-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/auth/access/<user-id>?describe

Query parameters

path=<string>Specify the path to the file, which must begin with /ifs.

zone=<string>Specify an access zone for the user.

numeric=<boolean>Return only the numeric user and group identities.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

access Object Specifies properties for access rights. N/A

file Object Specifies access permissions for thefile.


group String Specifies the group name or ID for thefile.


mode String Specifies the mode bits on the file. file

owner String Specifies the name or ID of the fileowner.


relevant_mode String Specifies the mode bits that arerelated to the user.


id String Specifies the user ID. access

permissions Object Specifies the permissions for the useron a file.


dacl String Returns a status message if the NullACL is set.


delete_child String Returns a status message if theparent directory has thedelete_child property set for the

user. If the delete_child property

is set for a user, that user is able todelete the file.


expected String Specifies the Access Control Entry(ACE) for the user.


System configuration API

26 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

ownership String Returns a status message if the userowns the file.


sticky String Returns a status message if thesticky bit property is set on the

parent directory. If the sticky bit

property is set, only the owner of thefile has permission to delete the file.


relevant_aces Object Specifies the relevant ACE for theuser.


user <persona> Specifies the user persona. access

uid Integer Specifies an ID for the user. user

Auth user password resource

Enable users to change their password on a local authentication provider.

Operation Method and URI

Change the password for a user PUT /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>/change_password

View the detailed JSON schema forthis resource

GET /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>/change_password?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

new_password String Specifies the new user password. N/A

old_password String Specifies the old user password. N/A

Auth users resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about users who are authenticated througha local authentication provider. Remote users are restricted to read-only operations.

Operation Method and URI

Get all users GET /platform/1/auth/users

Get one user GET /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>

Modify a user PUT /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>

Create a user POST /platform/1/auth/users

Flush the users cache DELETE /platform/1/auth/users

Delete a user DELETE /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 27

Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/users?describe

Query parameters

cached=<Boolean>If true, only return cached objects.

domain=<string>Filter users by domain.

filter=<string>Search for user names based on partial strings.

provider=<string>Filter users by authentication provider.

query_member_of=<Boolean>Enumerate all groups for which a user is a member and also retrieve informationabout group membership.

resolve_names=<Boolean>Return both the user ID and name, default is set to true.

zone=<string>Filter users by access zone.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


users Array[<user>]or <user>

Retrieves an array of user objects or asingle user object.


Auth users member of resource

Create, retrieve, or remove group membership for a user who is authenticated through alocal authentication provider. Remote users are restricted to read-only operations.

Operation Method and URI

Get the groups that a user is a member of GET /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>/member_of

Add a group membership for a user POST /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>/member_of

Remove a group membership from a user DELETE /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>/member_of/<group-id>

System configuration API

28 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/users/<user-id>/member_of?describe

Query parameters

provider=<string>Filter groups by provider.

resolve_names=<Boolean>Retrieve additional information about the user ID and name, default is set to true.

zone=<string>Filter groups by access zone.

resume=<string>Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


member_of Array[<persona>]

Specifies properties for groups thatthis user or group are members of.


Auth groups resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about groups that are authenticatedthrough a local or remote authentication provider.

Operation Method and URI

Get all groups GET /platform/1/auth/groups

Flush the groups cache DELETE /platform/1/auth/groups

Get a group GET /platform/1/auth/groups/<group-id>

Create a group POST /platform/1/auth/groups

Modify a group PUT /platform/1/auth/groups/<group-id>

Delete a group DELETE /platform/1/auth/groups/<group-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/groups?describe

Query parameters

cached=<Boolean>If true, only return cached objects.

domain=<string>Filter groups by domain.

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 29

filter=<string>Search for user names based on partial strings.

provider=<string>Filter groups by provider.

query_member_of=<Boolean>Enumerate all groups for which a user is a member and also retrieve informationabout group membership.

resolve_names=<Boolean>Return both the group ID and name, default is set to true.

zone=<string>Filter groups by access zone.

limit=<Integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Type Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


groups Array[<groups>] or <group>

Retrieves an array of group objects ora single group object.


Auth groups members resource

Add, remove, or retrieve information about the members of a group who areauthenticated through a local or remote authentication provider.

Operation Method and URI

Get the members of a group GET /platform/1/auth/groups/<group-id>/members

Add a member to a group POST /platform/1/auth/groups/<group-id>/members

Remove a member from a group DELETE /platform/1/auth/groups/<group-id>/members/<persona-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/groups/<group-id>/members?describe

Query parameters

provider=<string>Filter groups by the provider.

resolve_names=<Boolean>Retrieve additional information about the user ID and name, default is set to true.

zone=<string>Filter groups by access zone.

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30 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resume argument forcontinuation requests.


id String Specifies the system ID given to the new member ofthe group. In a POST request, this value is the ID thatrefers to the item in the collection item resource path.


members Array[<persona>] Specifies persona properties for users or groups withthis role.


Auth netgroups resource

Retrieve information about the members of a netgroup that are specified through a localor remote authentication provider.

Operation Method and URI

Get the members of a netgroup GET /platform/1/auth/netgroups/<netgroup>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/netgroups/<netgroup>?describe

Query parameters

provider=<string>Filter netgroups by authentication provider.

recursive=<Boolean>Perform recursive searches, when set to true.

ignore_errors=<Boolean>Ignore netgroup errors, when set to true.

zone=<string>Filter netgroups by access zone.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

netgroups Array Specifies properties for netgroups. N/A

domainname String Specifies the domain for which thenetgroup is valid.


hostname String Specifies the host that is valid for thisnetgroup.


netgroup String Specifies the name of the netgroup. netgroups

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 31

Property Type Description Property of

username String Specifies the user who is valid for thisnetgroup.


Auth settings mapping resource

Modify or retrieve information about identity mapping settings.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve default identity mapping settings GET /platform/1/auth/settings/mapping/defaults

Modify the default identity mappingsettings

PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/mapping/defaults

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/mapping/defaults?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if the parameter is unspecified, allfields are shown. If the parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-defaultvalues are shown. If the parameter is specified as default, the default values arereturned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

mapping_settings Array Specifies the global settings forauthentication


gid_range_enabled Boolean Determines whether a fixed rangeallocates GIDs.


gid_range_max Integer Specifies the ending number forallocated GIDs


gid_range_min Integer Specifies the starting number forallocated GIDs


gid_range_next Integer Specifies the next GID that will beallocated.


uid_range_enabled Boolean Determines whether a fixed rangeallocates UIDs.


uid_range_max Integer Specifies the ending number forallocated UIDs


uid_range_min Integer Specifies the starting number forallocated UIDs


uid_range_next Integer Specifies the next UID that will beallocated.


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32 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Auth mapping identities resource

Set, modify, delete, or retrieve information about identity mappings.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve identity mapping (UID, GID, SID, andon-disk) for the specified source persona

GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities/<identity>

Flush the identity mappings cache DELETE /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities?remove=true

Flush the identity mapping DELETE /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities/<identity>?remove=true

Manually set or modify the mapping betweentwo personae

POST /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities/<identity>?describe

Query parameters

nocreate=<boolean>Disables the automatic create of identity mappings when set to true. Default is setto false.

filter=[auto | external]Only deletes automatically generated identity mappings when set to auto. Onlydeletes identity mappings from external authentication providers when set toexternal. This parameter will only work when the remove parameter is set totrue.

target=<boolean>Enable the delete of a specified identity mapping.

remove=<boolean>Removes all of the identity mappings when set to true. Default is set to false,which only flushes the identity mappings to the identity mappings cache.

replace=<boolean>Replace the existing mappings with a manually created identity mapping, when setto true. The default is set to false, which leaves the existing identity mappingand returns an error.

type=[uid | gid | sid]Specify the type of target to create an identity mapping to.

2way=<boolean>Create or delete the bi-directional identity mapping between the source and targetwhen set to true. The default is set to false, and will only create or delete theidentity mapping.

zone=<string>Specifies the name of the access zone that is serving the request.

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Authentication and access control overview 33

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

identities Array Specifies the properties for theidentity mapping entries.


id Array[<id>] Specifies the properties for theidentity mapping entry ID.


source Array[<persona>]

Specifies the properties for thesource identity.


targets Array Specifies the properties for the user. identities

on_disk Boolean Determines whether the identity ispreferred on-disk.


target Array[<persona>]

Specifies the properties for the targetpersona.


type String Specifies the origin of the identitymapping


Auth mapping users rules resource

Retrieve the rules for user mapping. User mapping rules define how access tokens arecreated during authentication.

Operation Method and URI

Get the user mapping rules GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/rules

Replace all user mapping rules PUT /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/rules

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/rules?describe

Query parameters

zone=<string>The access zone that the rules apply to.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

rules Array Specifies the properties for usermapping.


default_unix_user Object Specifies the properties for a defaultUNIX user. Requires a token to haveboth a primary UID and GID.


domain Integer Specifies the domain name. default_unix_user

user String Specifies the user name for thedomain.


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34 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

options Object Specifies the properties for options. rules

break Boolean Stops processing further rules andimmediately creates a final token if arule is applied successfully.


default_user Object Substitutes this user if the seconduser in a rule is not found.


domain Integer Specifies the domain name. default_user

user String Specifies the user name for thedomain.


group Boolean Specifies that the primary GID andprimary group SID are copied to theexisting credential.


groups Object Specifies that all additional identifiesare copied to the existing credential.


domain Integer Specifies the domain name. groups

user String Specifies the user name for thedomain.


user Object Maps users in the format of domain\user(n), where n is the user number.For example, user1.


domain String Specifies the domain name. user

user String Specifies the user name for thedomain.


user1 Object Specifies the properties for theprimary user.


domain Integer Specifies the domain name. user1

user String Specifies the user name for thedomain.


user2 Object Specifies the properties for thesecondary user.


domain Integer Specifies the domain name. user2

user String Specifies the user name for thedomain.


Auth mapping users lookup resource

Retrieve the access token for any authenticated user.

Operation Method and URI

Lookup a user through the user mapper GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/lookup

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Authentication and access control overview 35

Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/lookup?describe

Query parameters

user=<string>The user to lookup.

zone=<string>The name of the access zone that is serving the request.

uid=<integer>The system generated user ID.

gid=<integer>The supplemental group IDs of the user to lookup, which is combined with the uidparameter, and can be specified multiple times.

primary_gid=<integer>The primary group ID of the user to lookup, which is combined with the uidparameter.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

mapping Array Specifies the properties for theaccess token.


groups Array[<groups>]

Specifies the properties for the group. mapping

privileges Array[<privilege>]

Specifies the properties for the userprivileges.


user <user> Specifies the properties for the user. mapping

Auth providers summary resource

Retrieve a summary of all of the authentication providers that are configured on thecluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get a summary of authentication providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/summary

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/summary?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

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36 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

provider_instances Array Specifies properties for theauthentication providers that areconfigured on the cluster.


id String Specifies the ID of the provider. provider_instances

active_server String Specifies the server that the providerserves authentication requests with.Null if no server is set or is notapplicable for that provider.


forest String Specifies the Active Directory forest.Null if not applicable.


site String Specifies the Active Directory sitename. Null if not applicable.


name String Specifies the name of the provider. provider_instances

status String Indicates the online and active stateof the provider.


type String Specifies the type of provider. provider_instances

Auth Kerberos providers resource

Create, modify, delete or retrieve information about Kerberos authentication providers.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve all Kerberos providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/krb5

Retrieve a Kerberos provider GET /platform/1/auth/providers/krb5/<ID>

Create a new Kerberos provider POST /platform/1/auth/providers/krb5

Modify a Kerberos provider PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/krb5/<ID>

Delete a Kerberos provider DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/krb5/<ID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/krb5?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/krb5/<ID>?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]The name of the access zone that is serving the request. If this parameter isspecified as effective, or if the parameter is unspecified, all fields are shown. If

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 37

the parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-default values are shown. Ifthe parameter is specified as default, the default values are returned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

krb5 Array Specifies a Kerberos authenticationprovider.


id Array Specifies the Kerberos provider ID. krb5

keytab_entries Array Specifies the key information for theKerberos Service Principal Name(SPN).


encryption Array Specifies the encryption types. keytab_entries

kvno Integer Specifies the version number for theSPN key.


spn String Specifies the Service Principal Name. keytab_entries

timestamp Integer Specifies the time the key wascreated.


keytab_file String Specifies the path to the keytab file toimport.


manual_keying Boolean When set to true, keys are managedmanually. When set to false, keys aremanaged through kadmin.


name String Specifies the Kerberos providername.


password String Specifies the Kerberos providerpassword.


realm String Specifies the name of the realm. krb5

recommended_spns String Specifies recommended ServicePrincipal Names.


status String Specifies the status for the provider. krb5

system Boolean Indicates that the provider instancewas created by OneFS and cannot beremoved.


user String Specifies a user for kadmin tasks. krb5

Auth settings krb5 defaults resource

Retrieve or modify default Kerberos authentication settings.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve default Kerberos authenticationsettings

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/default

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38 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Operation Method and URI

Modify the default Kerberos authenticationsettings

PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/default

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/default?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

krb5_settings Array Specifies the default settings forKerberos authentication.


always_send_preauth Boolean Determines if a pre-authenticationrequest is sent to the controller.


default_realm String Specifies the realm for unqualifiednames.


dns_lookup_kdc Boolean Determines if DNS is used to searchfor KDCs.


dns_lookup_realm Boolean Determines if DNS is used to searchfor realm names.


Auth settings krb5 realms resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about a Kerberos authentication realm.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve Kerberos authentication settingsfor realm

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms

Retrieve Kerberos authentication settingsfor a specific realm

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms/<realm name or ID>

Create a new Kerberos authenticationrealm

POST /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms

Modify Kerberos authentication realmsettings

PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms/<realm name or ID>

Delete a Kerberos authentication realm DELETE /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms/<realm name or ID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms/<realm name or ID>?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 39

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

realm Array Specifies the Kerberos settings forrealm access.


admin_server String Specifies a hostname for theadministrative server.


default_domain String Specifies the default domain that ismapped to the realm.


is_default_realm Boolean Determines whether the realm is setas the default.


is_joined Boolean Determines whether the realm isjoined.


kdc Array Specifies a list of KDC hostnames. realm

realm String Specifies the name of the realm realm

Auth settings krb5 domains resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about a Kerberos authentication domain.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve Kerberos authentication settingsfor domains

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains

Retrieve Kerberos authentication settingsfor a specific domains

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/<domain name or ID>

Create a new Kerberos authenticationdomain

POST /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains

Modify Kerberos authentication domainsettings

PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/<domain name or ID>

Delete a Kerberos authentication domain DELETE /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/<domain name or ID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/<domain name or ID>?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

domains Array Specifies the Kerberos settings fordomain-realm mappings.


domain String Specifies the name of the domain. domains

realm String Specifies the name of the realm. domains

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40 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

ID String In a POST request, this value is the IDthat refers to the item in thecollection item resource path.


Auth ADS providers domains resource

Retrieve information about the trusted domains of configured ADS providers.

Operation Method and URI

Get all trusted domains of ADS providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<id>/domains

Get the trusted domains of a single ADSprovider

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<id>/domains/<ads-domain>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<id>/domains?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

domains Array Specifies the properties for trusteddomains of configured ADS providers.


dc_address String Specifies the address for the domaincontroller.


dc_name String Specifies the name for the domaincontroller.


dc_site String Specifies the site for the domaincontroller.


domain String Specifies the name of the domain. domains

guid String Specifies the globally unique ID forthe domain.


id String Specifies a unique identifier for everydomain returned.


netbios_name String Specifies the NetBIOS name for thedomain.


sid String Specifies the security ID for thedomain.


site String Specifies the site that the cluster is infor that domain.


status String Indicates whether the domain isonline or offline.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 41

Property Type Description Property of

trust_type String Specifies the type of trust with thedomain. Options consist ofprimary, unknown, external,

and forest.


Auth ADS providers resource

Join, modify, or leave an ADS provider domain.

Operation Method and URI

Get all ADS providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads

Get one ADS provider GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<provider-id>

Join an ADS domain POST /platform/1/auth/providers/ads

Modify an ADS provider PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<provider-id>

Leave a domain DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<provider-id>

View the detailed JSON schema forthis resource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<domain>?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if the parameter is unspecified, allfields are shown. If the parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-defaultvalues are shown. If the parameter is specified as default, the default values arereturned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

ads Array Specifies the properties for ADSprovider domains.


allocate_gids Boolean Allocates a GID for an unmapped ADSgroup. Active Directory groupswithout GIDs can be proactivelyassigned a GID by the ID mapper. Ifthis option is disabled, GIDs are notproactively assigned, but when auser's primary group does not includea GID, the system may allocate one.


allocate_uids Boolean Enables allocation of a UID for anunmapped ADS user. Active Directoryusers without UIDs can be proactivelyassigned a UID by the ID mapper. Ifthis option is disabled, UIDs are not


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42 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

proactively assigned, but when auser's identity does not include a UID,the system may allocate one.

assume_default_domain Boolean Enables lookup of unqualified usernames in the primary domain.


authentication Boolean Enables use of the provider forauthentication and identity.


check_online_interval Integer Specifies the time between provideronline checks.


controller_time Integer Specifies the current time of thedomain controller.


create_home_directory Boolean Creates a home directory on the firstlogin.


domain_offline_alerts Boolean Sends an alert when the domain goesoffline.


forest String Specifies the ADS forest. ads

home_directory_template String Specifies the home directory templatepath.


hostname String Specifies the fully qualified hostnamethat is stored in the machine account.


id String Specifies the ID of the providerinstance.


ignore_all_trusts Boolean Ignores all trusted domains. ads

ignored_trusted_domains Boolean Includes trusted domains whenignore_all_trusts is set to



include_trusted_domains Boolean Includes trusted domains whenignore_all_trusts is set to true.


ldap_sign_and_seal Boolean Uses encryption and signing on LDAPrequests.


login_shell String Specifies the login shell path. ads

lookup_domains String Limits user and group lookup to thespecified domains.


lookup_groups Boolean Looks up ADS groups in otherproviders before allocating a GID.


lookup_normalize_groups Boolean Normalizes ADS group names tolowercase before lookup.


lookup_normalize_users Boolean Normalizes ADS user names tolowercase before lookup.


lookup_users Boolean Looks up ADS users in other providersbefore allocating a UID.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 43

Property Type Description Property of

machine_account String Specifies the SAM account name ofthe machine account. In POSTrequests, specify this property asaccount.



Integer Specifies the maximum age of apassword.


name String Specifies the ADS provider name. ads

netbios_domain String Specifies the NetBIOS domain nameassociated with the machine account.


nss_enumeration Boolean Enables the ADS provider to respondto getpwent and getgrentrequests.


primary_domain String Specifies the primary domain name. ads

sfu_support String Specifies whether to support RFC2307 attributes on ADS domaincontrollers. Valid options are none or



site String Specifies the ADS site. ads

status String Specifies the status of the provider. ads

store_sfu_mappings Boolean Stores the SFU mappingspermanently in the ID mapper.


system Boolean Indicates that the provider instancewas created by OneFS and cannot beremoved.


Auth ADS providers controllers resource

Retrieve information about all of the domain controllers for a trusted ADS domain.

Operation Method and URI

Get all domain controllers for a trustedADS domain

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<domain-id>/controllers

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<domain-id>/controllers?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

controllers Array Specifies properties the domaincontrollers.


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44 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

dc_address String Specifies the IP address for thedomain controller.


dc_name String Specifies the name for the domaincontroller.


id String Specifies the name for the domaincontroller.


Auth ADS providers search resource

Perform searches within Active Directory service (ADS) providers for users, groups, andcomputer accounts.

Operation Method and URI

Get objects that are searchable in domains GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<object>/search

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/<object>/search?describe

Query parameters

domain=<string>The domain to search in.

user=<string>The username to authentication to the domain, if untrusted.

password=<string>The password for the domain, if untrusted.

filter=<string>The filter to use when performing a search. The filter must be in the form of an LDAPquery.

description=<string>An optional description to search for.

search_users=<Boolean>If true, search for users.

search_groups=<Boolean>If true, search for groups.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 45

Property Type Description Property of

objects Array Specifies the properties for searchobjects.


description String Specifies the description returnedfrom the Active Directory server.


display_name String Specifies the display name returnedfrom the Active Directory server.


id <persona> Specifies the properties for apersona, which consists of either atype and a name or an id.


Auth file providers resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about an authentication file provider.

Operation Method and URI

Get all file providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/file

Get one file provider GET /platform/1/auth/providers/file/<provider-id>

Create a file provider POST /platform/1/auth/providers/file

Modify a file provider PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/file/<provider-id>

Delete a file provider DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/file/<provider-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/file?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]If specified as effective, or unspecified, all fields are shown. If specified asuser, only fields with non-default values are shown. If specified as default, thedefault values are returned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

file Object Specifies the properties for anauthentication file provider.


authentication Boolean Enables authentication andidentification through the provider.


cache_entry_expiry Integer Specifies the amount of time to cachea user or group.


create_home_directory Boolean Creates a home directory on the firstlogin.


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46 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

enabled Boolean Enables the file provider. file

enumerate_groups Boolean Enables providers to enumerategroups.


enumerate_users Boolean Enables providers to enumerateusers.


findable_groups String Specifies a list of groups that can beresolved.


findable_users String Specifies a list of users that can beresolved.


group_domain String Specifies the domain used to qualifygroups for this provider.


group_file String Specifies the location of the file thatcontains group information.


home_diretory_template String Specifies the home directory templatepath.


id String Specifies the file provider ID. file

listable_groups String Specifies groups that can be viewedin the provider.


listable_users String Specifies users that can be viewed inthe provider.


login_shell String Specifies the login shell path. file

modifiable_groups String Specifies groups that can be modifiedin the provider.


modifiable_users String Specifies users that can be modifiedin the provider.


name String Specifies the name of the fileprovider.


netgroup_file String Specifies the path to a netgroupsreplacement file.


normalize_groups Boolean Normalizes the group name tolowercase before lookup.


normalize_users Boolean Normalizes the user name tolowercase before lookup.


ntlm_support String Specifies the supported NTLM versionfor users with NTLM-compatiblecredentials.


password_file String Specifies the location of the file thatcontains user information.


provider_domain String Specifies the domain for the provider. file

restrict_findable Boolean Checks the provider for filtered listsof findable and unfindable users andgroups.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 47

Property Type Description Property of

restrict_listable Boolean Checks the provider for filtered listsof listable and unlistable users andgroups.


restrict_modifiable Boolean Checks the provider for filtered listsof modifiable and unmodifiable usersand groups.


status String Specifies the status of the provider. file

system Boolean Indicates that the provider instancewas created by OneFS and cannot beremoved.


unfindable_groups String Specifies a group that cannot beresolved by the provider.


unfindable_users String Specifies a user that cannot beresolved by the provider.


unlistable_groups String Specifies a group that cannot belisted by the provider.


unlistable_users String Specifies a user who cannot be listedby the provider.


unmodifiable_groups String Specifies a group that cannot bemodified by the provider.


unmodifiable_users String Specifies a user who cannot bemodified by the provider.


user_domain String Specifies the domain that qualifiesusers for this provider.


Auth LDAP providers resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about a Lightweight Directory AccessProtocol (LDAP) provider.

Operation Method and URI

Get all LDAP providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ldap

Get one LDAP provider GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ldap/<provider-id>

Create an LDAP provider POST /platform/1/auth/providers/ldap

Modify an LDAP provider PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/ldap/<provider-id>

Delete an LDAP provider DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/ldap/<provider-id>

View the detailed JSON schema forthis resource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ldap/<provider-id>?describe

System configuration API

48 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]If specified as effective, or if the parameter is unspecified, all fields are shown. Ifspecified as user, only fields with non-default values are shown. If specified asdefault, the default values are returned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

ldap Object Specifies the properties for an LDAPprovider.


authentication Boolean Enables authentication through theprovider.


balance_servers Boolean Connects the provider to a randomserver.


base_dn String Specifies the root of the tree in whichto search for identities.


bind_dn String Specifies a distinguished name thatis used when binding to LDAP servers.


bind_mechanism String Specifies the bind mechanism to usewhen connecting to an LDAP server.The only supported value is simple.


bind_password String Specifies a password for adistinguished name that is usedwhen binding to LDAP servers.


bind_timeout Integer Specifies a timeout in seconds whenbinding LDAP servers.


cache_entry_expiry Integer Specifies the amount of time to cachea user or group.


certificate_authority_file String Specifies the path to the rootcertificates file.


check_online_interval Integer Specifies the time between theprovider online checks.


cn_attribute String Specifies the canonical name. ldap

create_home_directory Boolean Creates a home directory on the firstlogin.


crypt_password_attribute String Specifies a hashed password value. ldap

email_attribute String Specifies the LDAP email attribute. ldap

enabled Boolean Enables the LDAP provider. ldap

enumerate_groups Boolean Enables the LDAP provider toenumerate groups.


enumerate_users Boolean Enables the LDAP provider toenumerate users.


findable_groups String Specifies a list of groups that can beresolved.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 49

Property Type Description Property of

findable_users String Specifies a list of users that can beresolved.


gecos_attribute String Specifies the LDAP GECOS attribute. ldap

gid_attribute String Specifies the LDAP GID attribute. ldap

group_base_dn String Specifies a distinguished name forthe entry where LDAP searches forgroups begins.


group_domain String Specifies the domain used to qualifygroups for this provider.


group_filter String Specifies the LDAP filter for groupobjects.


group_members_attribute String Specifies the LDAP Group Membersattribute.


group_search_scope String Specifies the depth from the base DNto perform LDAP searches.


home_directory_template String Specifies the home directory templatepath.


homedir_attribute String Specifies the LDAP Homedir attribute. ldap

id String Specifies the ID of the LDAP provider. ldap

ignore_tls_errors String Continues over secure connections,even if the identity check fails.


listable_groups String Specifies groups that can be viewedin the provider.


listable_users String Specifies users that can be viewed inthe provider.


login_shell String Specifies the login shell path. ldap

name String Specifies the name of the LDAPprovider.


name_attribute String Specifies the LDAP UID attribute,which is used as the login name.


netgroup_base_dn String Specifies a distinguished name forthe entry where LDAP searches fornetgroups begins.


netgroup_filter String Specifies the LDAP filter for netgroupobjects.



String Specifies the LDAP NetgroupMembers attribute.


netgroup_search_scope String Defines the depth from the base DNto perform LDAP searches.


netgroup_triple_attribute String Specifies the LDAP Netgroup Tripleattribute.


System configuration API

50 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

normalize_groups Boolean Normalizes group names tolowercase before lookup.


normalize_users Boolean Normalizes user names to lowercasebefore lookup.


nt_password_attribute String Specifies the LDAP NT Passwordattribute.


ntlm_support String Specifies the supported NTLM versionfor users with NTLM-compatiblecredentials.


provider_domain String Specifies the provider domain. ldap

require_secure_connection Boolean Specifies whether to continue over anon-TLS connection.


restrict_findable Boolean Checks the provider for filtered listsof findable and unfindable users andgroups.


restrict_listable Boolean Checks the provider for filtered listsof listable and unlistable users andgroups.


search_scope String Specifies the default depth from thebase DN to perform LDAP searches.


search_timeout Integer Specifies the search timeout period. ldap

server_uris String Specifies the server URIs. ldap

shell_attribute String Specifies the LDAP shell attribute. ldap

status String Specifies the status of the provider. ldap

system Boolean Indicates that the provider instancewas created by OneFS and cannot beremoved.


uid_attribute String Specifies the LDAP UID Numberattribute.


unfindable_groups String Specifies groups that cannot beresolved by the provider.


unfindable_users String Specifies users who cannot beresolved by the provider.



String Specifies the LDAP Unique GroupMembers attribute.


unlistable_groups String Specifies a group that cannot belisted by the provider.


unlistable_users String Specifies a user who cannot be listedby the provider.


user_base_dn String Specifies a distinguished name forthe entry where LDAP searches forusers begins.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 51

Property Type Description Property of

user_domain String Specifies the domain used to qualifyusers for this provider.


user_filter String Specifies the LDAP filter for userobjects.


user_search_scope String Specifies the depth from the base DNto perform LDAP searches.


Auth local providers resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about a local authentication provider.

Operation Method and URI

Get all local providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/local

Get one local provider GET /platform/1/auth/providers/local/<file-id>

Create a local provider POST /platform/1/auth/providers/local

Modify a local provider PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/local/<file-id>

Delete a local provider DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/local/<file-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/local?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if the parameter is unspecified, allfields are shown. If this parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-defaultvalues are shown. If this parameter is specified as default, the original values arereturned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

local Object Specifies the properties for a localauthentication provider.


authentication Boolean Enables authentication through theprovider.


create_home_directory Boolean Creates a home directory on the firstlogin.


home_directory_template String Specifies the home directory templatepath.


id String Specifies the ID for the local provider. local

System configuration API

52 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

lockout_duration Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds that an account isinaccessible after multiple failedlogin attempts.


lockout_threshold Integer Specifies the number of failed loginattempts necessary for an account tobe locked out.


lockout_window Integer Specifies the time in seconds inwhich lockout_threshold failed

attempts must be made for anaccount to be locked out.


login_shell String Specifies the login shell path. local

machine_name String Specifies the Active Directory accountname for the machine.


max_password_age Integer Specifies the maximum password agein seconds.


min_password_age Integer Specifies the minimum password agein seconds.


min_password_length Integer Specifies the minimum passwordlength.


name String Specifies the name of the localprovider.


password_prompt_time Integer Specifies time in seconds remainingbefore being prompted to change thepassword.


status String Specifies the status of the provider. local

system Boolean Indicates that the provider instancewas created by OneFS and cannot beremoved.


Auth NIS providers resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about an Network Information Service (NIS)authentication provider.

Operation Method and URI

Get all NIS providers GET /platform/1/auth/providers/nis

Get one NIS provider GET /platform/1/auth/providers/nis/<nis-name>

Create an NIS provider POST /platform/1/auth/providers/nis

Modify an NIS provider PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/nis/<nis-name>

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 53

Operation Method and URI

Delete an NIS provider DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/nis/<nis-name>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/providers/nis?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if the parameter is unspecified, allfields are shown. If this parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-defaultvalues are shown. If this parameter is specified as default, the original values arereturned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

nis Object Specifies the properties for an NISauthentication provider.


authentication Boolean Enables authentication andidentification through the provider.


balance_servers Boolean Enables the provider to connect to arandom server.


cache_entry_expiry Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds to cache a user or group.


check_online_interval Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds between provider onlinechecks.


create_home_directory Integer Creates a home directory on firstlogin.


enabled Boolean Enables the NIS provider. nis

enumerate_groups Boolean Enables the provider to enumerategroups.


enumerate_users Boolean Enables the provider to enumerateusers.


findable_groups String Specifies a list of groups that can beresolved.


findable_users String Specifies a list of users that can beresolved.


group_domain String Specifies the domain used to qualifygroups for this provider.


home_directory_template String Specifies the home directory templatepath.


hostname_lookup Boolean Enables host name lookups. nis

id String Specifies the NIS provider ID. nis

System configuration API

54 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

listable_groups String Specifies groups that can be viewedin the provider.


listable_users String Specifies users that can be viewed inthe provider.


login_shell String Specifies the login shell path. nis

name String Specifies the NIS provider name. nis

nis_domain String Specifies the NIS domain name. nis

normalize_groups Boolean Normalizes the group name tolowercase before lookup.


normalize_users Boolean Normalizes the user name tolowercase before lookup.


ntlm_support String Specifies the NTLM version for userswith NTLM-compatible credentials.


provider_domain String Specifies the provider domain. nis

request_timeout Integer Specifies the request timeout intervalin seconds.


restrict_findable Boolean Checks the provider for filtered listsof findable and unfindable users.


restrict_listable Boolean Checks the provider for filtered listsof listable and unlistable users.


retry_time Integer Specifies the timeout period inseconds after which a request isretried.


servers String Specifies a list of NIS servers for thisprovider.


check_online_interval Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds between provider onlinechecks.


status String Specifies the status of the provider. nis

system String Indicates that the provider instancewas created by OneFS and cannot beremoved.


unfindable_groups String Specifies a group that cannot beresolved by the provider.


unfindable_users String Specifies a user that cannot beresolved by the provider.


unlistable_groups String Specifies a group that cannot belisted by the provider.


unlistable_users String Specifies a user that cannot beresolved by the provider.


user_domain String Specifies the domain used to qualifyusers for this provider.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 55

Property Type Description Property of

ypmatch_using_tcp Boolean Uses TCP for YP match operations. nis

Auth roles members resource

Add, modify, remove, or retrieve information about the members assigned to a role.

Operation Method and URI

Get the members of a role GET /platform/1/auth/roles/<role>/members

Add a member to a role POST /platform/1/auth/roles/<role-id>/members

Remove a member from a role DELETE /platform/1/auth/roles/<role-id>/members/<persona-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/roles/<role-id>/members?describe

Query parameters

resolve_names=<Boolean>Retrieve additional information about the user ID and name, default is set to true.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resume argument forcontinuation requests.


roles Array Specifies properties for members assigned to a role. N/A

members Array[<persona>] Specifies users or groups that are assigned this role. roles

Auth roles resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about roles that are assigned toauthenticated users.

Operation Method and URI

Get all roles GET /platform/1/auth/roles

Get one role GET /platform/1/auth/roles/<role-id>

Create a role POST /platform/1/auth/roles

Modify a role PUT /platform/1/auth/roles/<role-id>

Delete a role DELETE /platform/1/auth/roles/<role-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/roles?describe

System configuration API

56 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Query parameters

resolve_names=<Boolean>Retrieve additional information about the user ID and name, default is set to true.

resume=<string>Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resume argument forcontinuation requests.


roles Array Specifies properties for user roles. N/A

id String Specifies an ID for the role. roles

name String Specifies a name for the role. roles

members Array[<persona>] Specifies users or groups that are assigned this role. roles

privileges Array[<privilege>] Specifies privileges that are granted by the role. roles

Auth roles privileges resource

Add, modify, remove, or retrieve information about the privileges that are assigned to arole.

Operation Method and URI

Get the privileges of a role GET /platform/1/auth/roles/<id>/privileges

Add a privilege to a role POST /platform/1/auth/roles/<id>/privileges

Remove a privilege from a role DELETE /platform/1/auth/roles/<id>/privileges/<privilege-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/roles/<id>/privileges?describe

Query parameters

resume=<string>Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


privileges Array[<privilege>]

Specifies the privileges that aregranted by the role.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 57

Auth global settings resource

Retrieve or modify the global authentication settings on the cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get global settings GET /platform/1/auth/settings/global

Modify global settings PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/global

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/settings/global?describe

Query parameters

scope=[effective|user|default]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if the parameter is unspecified, allfields are shown. If this parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-defaultvalues are shown. If this parameter is specified as default, the original values arereturned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

global_settings Object Specifies properties for globalauthentication settings.


alloc_retries Integer Specifies the number of times to retryan ID allocation before failing.


cache_cred_lifetime Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to cache credentialresponses from the ID mapper.


cache_id_lifetime Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to cache ID responses fromthe ID mapper.


gid_range_enabled Boolean Enables the use of a fixed range forallocating a GID.


gid_range_max Integer Specifies the ending number forallocating a GID.


gid_range_min Integer Specifies the starting number forallocating a GID.


gid_range_next Integer Specifies the next GID to beallocated.


group_uid Integer Specifies the UID to use when thekernel must retrieve a UID for a group.


load_providers array[<string>]

Specifies which providers are loadedby the authentication daemon(lsassd). Valid strings are"ActiveDirectory", "Local", "File","NIS", or "Ldap".


System configuration API

58 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

min_mapped_rid Integer Starts RID in the local domain to mapa UID and a GID.


null_gid Integer Specifies the alternative GID to usewhen the kernel is unable to retrievea GID for a persona.


null_uid Integer Specifies the alternative UID to usewhen the kernel is unable to retrievea UID for a persona.


on_disk_identity String Specifies the type of identity that isstored on disk.


rpc_block_time Integer Specifies the minimum amount oftime in milliseconds to wait beforeperforming an oprestart.


rpc_max_requests Integer Specifies the maximum number ofoutstanding RPC requests.


rpc_timeout Integer Specifies the maximum amount oftime in seconds to wait for an idmapresponse.


send_ntlmv2 Boolean Specifies whether to send NTLMv2responses.


space_replacement String Specifies space replacementcharacter.


system_gid_threshold Integer Specifies the minimum GID toattempt to lookup in the idmapdatabase.


system_uid_threshold Integer Specifies the minimum UID toattempt to lookup in the idmapdatabase.


uid_range_enabled Boolean Enables a fixed range for allocatingUIDs.


uid_range_max Integer Specifies the ending number forallocating a UID.


uid_range_min Integer Specifies the starting number forallocating a UID.


uid_range_next Integer Specifies the next UID to allocate. global_settings

unknown_gid Integer Specifies the GID to use for anunknown or anonymous group.


unknown_uid Integer Specifies the UID to use for anunknown or anonymous user.


workgroup String Specifies the NetBIOS workgroup ordomain.


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 59

Auth shells resource

Retrieve a list of user shells that are supported on the cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of user shells that are supported on thecluster

GET /platform/1/auth/shells

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/auth/shells?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

shells Array[<string>]

Specifies a list of supported shells. N/A

Auth wellknowns resource

Retrieve wellknown personas from the cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get all wellknown personas GET /platform/1/auth/wellknowns

Get a wellknown persona GET /platform/1/auth/wellknowns/<wellknown>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/auth/wellknowns?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

wellknowns Array[<persona>]

Specifies values for a persona, whichconsists of either a type and a nameor an ID.


Authentication API examplesYou can see examples for some authentication API requests.

System configuration API

60 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Change a user password

Change a user password.

Request exampleSpecify both the new and old password.

PUT /platform/1/auth/users/USER:johndoe/change_passwordAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain

Create a local group

Create a local group.

Request example

POST /platform/1/auth/groupAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"name": "mygroup", “type”: “GROUP”}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "SID:S-1-5-21-4224731515-2571109568-2823010237-1003"}

Modify a local group

Modify a local group.

Request exampleYou must include the force parameter when modifying an authentication group.

PUT /platform/1/auth/groups/GROUP:mygroup?force=trueAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"gid": 2004}

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 61

Add a member to a local group

Add a member to a local group.

Request example

POST /platform/1/auth/groups/GROUP:mygroup/membersAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"id": "USER:user01"}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "SID:S-1-5-21-4224731515-2571109568-2823010237-1003"}

Create a user

Create a user and add the user to a local group.

Request exampleCreate the user "user123" through the following request:

POST /platform/1/auth/usersAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"name": "user123", “type”: “USER”}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "SID:S-1-5-21-4224731515-2571109568-2823010237-1005"}

Request exampleThen, add "user123" to a group called "administrators" through the following request:

POST /platform/1/auth/groups/administrators/membersAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"name": "user123", “type”: “USER”}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "SID:S-7-6-25-4784731515-2575609568-2323010237-2005"}

System configuration API

62 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Modify a user

Modify the properties for a user.

Request exampleIn this example, an email address is added for the user.

PUT /platform/1/auth/users/USER:user123Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"email": "[email protected]"}

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: application/json

Join a domain

Join an Active Directory server domain.

Request example

POST /platform/1/auth/providers/adsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json


Modify an ADS provider

Modify an Active Directory authentication provider.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/server1.company.comAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain

System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 63

Create an LDAP provider

Create an LDAP provider.

Request example

POST /platform/1/auth/providers/ldapAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "ldaptest"}

Modify an LDAP provider

Modify an LDAP provider.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/ldap/ldaptestAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain

Modify a local provider

Modify a local provider.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/local/zone1Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"home_directory_template" : "/ifs/home/%Z/%U"}

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain

System configuration API

64 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Create an authentication role

Create an authentication role.

Request example

POST /platform/1/auth/rolesAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "dba"}

Modify an authentication role

Modify an authentication role.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/auth/roles/dbaAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain

Modify global authentication settings

Modify global authentication settings.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/globalAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain

Create a krb5 realm

Create a krb5 authentication realm.

Request example

POST /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realmsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


System configuration API

Authentication and access control overview 65

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "2024839292}

Create a krb5 domain

Create a krb5 authentication domain.

Request example

POST /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domainsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "domain":"test_domain", "realm":"test_realm"}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "29274939282"}

Modify krb5 domains

Modify a krb5 authentication domain

Request example

PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/test_domainAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "domain":"test_domain2", "realm":"test_realm4"}

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: application/json

Modify krb5 settings

Modify default krb5 authentication settings.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/defaultsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "dns_lookup_realm":"true" "dns_lookup_kdc":"true"}

System configuration API

66 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: application/json

Auditing overviewYou can audit system configuration changes and SMB and NFS protocol activity on anEMC Isilon cluster. All audit data is stored and protected in the cluster file system andorganized by audit topics.

When you enable system configuration auditing, no additional configuration is required;all configuration events that are handled by the application programming interface (API)through the command-line interface (CLI) are tracked and recorded in the config audittopic directories.

Auditing can detect many potential sources of data loss, including fraudulent activities,inappropriate entitlements, and unauthorized access attempts. Customers in industriessuch as financial services, health care, life sciences, and media and entertainment, aswell as in governmental agencies, must meet stringent regulatory requirementsdeveloped to protect against these sources of data loss.

You can enable and configure protocol auditing for one or more access zones in a cluster.If you enable protocol auditing for an access zone, file-access events through the SMBand NFS protocol are recorded in the protocol audit topic directories. The protocolaudit log file is consumable by auditing applications that support the EMC Common EventEnabler (CEE). You can specify which events to log in each access zone. For example, youmight want to audit the default set of protocol events in the System access zone butaudit only successful attempts to delete files in a different access zone.

The audit events are logged on the individual nodes where the SMB or NFS client initiatedthe activity. The events are then stored in a binary file under /ifs/.ifsvar/audit/logs. The logs automatically roll over to a new file after the size reaches 1 GB.

Audit resourcesYou can retrieve and modify OneFS audit topics and settings.

Audit settings resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to OneFS audit settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get audit settings GET /platform/1/audit/settings

Modify audit settings PUT /platform/1/audit/settings

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/audit/settings?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

config_auditing_enabled Boolean Enables logging for API configurationchanges when set to true.


System configuration API

Auditing overview 67

Property Type Description Property of

protocol_auditing_enabled Boolean Enables logging for the I/O streamwhen set to true.


audited_zones String Specifies the zones that are auditedwhen theprotocol_auditing_enabledproperty is set to true.


cee_server_uris String Specifies a list of Common EventEnabler (CEE) server URIs. Protocolaudit logs are sent to these URIs forexternal processing.


Audit topic resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to OneFS Audit topics.

Operation Method and URI

Get all audit topics GET /platform/1/audit/topics

Get an audit topic GET /platform/1/audit/topics/<name>

Modify an audit topic PUT /platform/1/audit/topics/<name>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/audit/topics?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String Specifies the system-provided ID forthe audit topic.


name String Specifies the name of the audit topic. topics

max_cached_messages String Specifies the number of messagesthat can be sent and received at thesame time. Messages that are sentand received at the same time can belost if a system crash occurs.However, you can prevent messageloss by setting themax_cached_message property to

0, which sets audit logs tosynchronous.


Audit API examplesYou can see examples for some audit API calls.

System configuration API

68 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Enable protocol auditing

You can enable SMB protocol auditing on the system for specified zones.

Request exampleIn the following example, protocol auditing is enabled for the "myZone" and "System"zones.

PUT /platform/1/audit/settingsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'audited_zones': ['myZone', 'System'], 'protocol_auditing_enabled': True }

Response exampleIn the following example, the request was successful, and protocol auditing is enabledon the system for the specified zones. No message body is returned for this request.

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Enable configuration auditing

You can enable configuration auditing on the system.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/audit/settingsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'config_auditing_enabled': True }

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Modify an audit topic

You can modify an audit topic on the system.

Request example

PUT /1/audit/topics/protocolAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "max_cached_messages": 1000 }

System configuration API

Auditing overview 69

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

NFSOneFS provides an NFS server so you can share files on your cluster with NFS clients thatadhere to the RFC1813 (NFSv3) and RFC3530 (NFSv4) specifications.

In OneFS, the NFS server is fully optimized as a multi-threaded service running in userspace instead of the kernel. This architecture load balances the NFS service across allnodes of the cluster, providing the stability and scalability necessary to manage up tothousands of connections across multiple NFS clients.

NFS mounts execute and refresh quickly, and the server constantly monitors fluctuatingdemands on NFS services and makes adjustments across all nodes to ensure continuous,reliable performance. Using a built-in process scheduler, OneFS helps ensure fairallocation of node resources so that no client can seize more than its fair share of NFSservices.

The NFS server also supports access zones defined in OneFS, so that clients can accessonly the exports appropriate to their zone. For example, if NFS exports are specified forZone 2, only clients assigned to Zone 2 can access these exports.

To simplify client connections, especially for exports with large path names, the NFSserver also supports aliases, which are shortcuts to mount points that clients can specifydirectly.

For secure NFS file sharing, OneFS supports NIS and LDAP authentication providers.

NFS classesNFS classes define values for the object properties in NFS resources.

<user-mapping>The <user-mapping> class must be set as follows:

Property Type Description

enabled Boolean True if the user mapping is applied.

user <persona> Specifies the name of the privilege.

primary_group <persona> Specifies persona properties for the primaryuser group. A persona consists of either atype and name, or an ID.

secondary_group Array of<persona>

Specifies persona properties for thesecondary user group. A persona consists ofeither a type and name, or an ID.

<persona>The <persona> class must be set with either the <persona-id> or the <type> and <name>parameters, as follows:

Property Type Description

id <persona-id> Specifies the serialized form of the persona.

System configuration API

70 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description

type String Specifies the type of persona, which must becombined with a name. The type of thepersona can be set to user, group, or


name String Specifies the persona name, which must becombined with a type.

<persona-id>The <persona-id> class must be set in the following format: "["user", "group", "SID", "UID","GID"] : [<string>]", such as: "GID:2003" or "user:johndoe".

NFS resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete NFS export configurations and settings.

NFS exports summary resource

Retrieves summary information for NFS exports.

Operations Method and URI

Get the NFS exports summary GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports-summary

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports-summary?describe

Query parameters

zone=<string>Filter exports by access zone.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

summary Object Specifies properties for the collectionof exports.


count Integer Specifies the total number of exportsin the system.


NFS exports resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about NFS exports.

Operation Method and URI

Get all NFS exports GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports

Get one NFS export GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports/<export-id>

Create an NFS export POST /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports

System configuration API

NFS 71

Operation Method and URI

Modify an NFS export PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports

Delete an NFS export DELETE /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports/<export-id>

View the detailed JSON schema forNFS exports

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for asingle NFS export

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports/<export-id>?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

check=<Boolean>Check for conflicts when listing exports.

scope=[effective|user]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if it is unspecified, all export fieldsare shown. If this parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-default valuesare shown.

force=<Boolean>Override client and username conflicts or errors when creating or modifying anexport.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

zone=<string>Filter exports by access zone.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of exportsconfigured.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


all_dirs Boolean True if all directories under thespecified paths are mountable.


block_size Integer Specifies the block size returned bythe NFS statfs procedure.


can_set_time Boolean True if the client can set file timesusing the NFS set attribute request.


System configuration API

72 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

This parameter does not affect serverbehavior, but is included toaccommodate legacy clientrequirements.

case_insensitive Boolean True if the case is ignored for filenames. This parameter does notaffect server behavior, but is includedto accommodate legacy clientrequirements.


case_preserving Boolean True if the case is preserved for filenames. This parameter does notaffect server behavior, but is includedto accommodate legacy clientrequirements.


chown_restricted Boolean True if the superuser can change fileownership. This parameter does notaffect server behavior, but is includedto accommodate legacy clientrequirements.


clients String Specifies the clients with access tothe export.


commit_asynchronous Boolean True if NFS commit requests executeasynchronously.


conflicting_paths String Reports the paths that conflict withanother export.


description String Specifies the user defined string thatis used to identify the export.


directory_transfer_size Integer Specifies the preferred size fordirectory read operations. This valueis used to advise the client of optimalsettings for the server, but is notenforced.


encoding String Specifies the default character setencoding of the clients connecting tothe export, unless otherwisespecified.


id Integer Specifies the system ID given to theexport. In a POST request, this valueis the ID that refers to the item in thecollection item resource path.


link_max Integer Specifies the reported maximumnumber of links to a file. Thisparameter does not affect serverbehavior, but is included toaccommodate legacy clientrequirements.


System configuration API

NFS 73

Property Type Description Property of

map_all <user-mapping>

Specifies the users and groups thatare mapped to non-root clients.


map_failure <user-mapping>

Specifies the user and groups thatclients are mapped to ifauthentication fails.

map_full Boolean True if user mappings query theOneFS user database. When set tofalse, user mappings only query localauthentication.


map_lookup_uid Boolean True if incoming user IDs (UIDs) aremapped to users in the OneFS userdatabase. When set to false,incoming UIDs are applied directly tofile operations.


map_non_root <user-mapping>

Specifies the user and groups thatnonroot clients are mapped to.


map_retry Boolean Determines whether searches for theusers specified in map_all or

map_root are retried if the search



map_root <user-mapping>

Specifies the users and groups thatare mapped to root clients.


max_file_size Integer Specifies the maximum file size forany file accessed from the export.This parameter does not affect serverbehavior, but is included toaccommodate legacy clientrequirements.


name_max_size Integer Specifies the reported maximumlength of a file name. This parameterdoes not affect server behavior, but isincluded to accommodate legacyclient requirements.


no_truncate Boolean True if long file names result in anerror. This parameter does not affectserver behavior, but is included toaccommodate legacy clientrequirements.


paths String Specifies the paths under /ifs that

are exported.


read-only Boolean True if the export is read-only. exports

read_only_clients Array Specifies the clients with read-onlyaccess to the export.


read_transfer_max_size Integer Specifies the maximum buffer sizethat clients should use on NFS readrequests. This value is used to advise


System configuration API

74 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

the client of optimal settings for theserver, but is not enforced.

read_transfer_multiple Integer Specifies the preferred multiple sizefor NFS read requests. This value isused to advise the client of optimalsettings for the server, but is notenforced.


read_transfer_size Integer Specifies the preferred size for NFSread requests. This value is used toadvise the client of optimal settingsfor the server, but is not enforced.


read_write_clients Array Specifies the clients with both readand write access to the export, evenwhen the export is set to read-only.


readdirplus Boolean True if readdirplus requests are

enabled. Enabling this property mayimprove network performance and isonly available for NFSv3.


readdirplus_prefetch Integer Sets the number of directory entriesthat are prefetched when areaddirplus request is processed.



return_32bit_file_ids Boolean Limits the size of file identifiersreturned by NFSv3+ to 32-bit values.


root_clients Array Specifies the clients with root accessto the export.


security_flavors Array Specifies the authentication typesthat are supported for this export.


setattr_asynchronous Boolean True if set attribute operationsexecute asynchronously.


snapshot String Specifies the snapshot for all mounts. exports

symlinks Boolean True if symlinks are supported. This

value is used to advise the client ofoptimal settings for the server, but isnot enforced.


time_delta Integer Specifies the resolution of all timevalues that are returned to the client.


unresolved_clients Array Reports clients that cannot beresolved.


write_datasync_action String Specifies the action to be taken whenan NFSv3+ datasync write isrequested. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



System configuration API

NFS 75

Property Type Description Property of

write_datasync_reply String Specifies the stability dispositionreturned when an NFSv3+ datasyncwrite is processed. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



write_filesync_action String Specifies the action to be taken whenan NFSv3+ filesync write is requested.Options include datasync,

filesync, and unstable.


write_filesync_reply String Specifies the stability dispositionreturned when an NFSv3+ filesync isprocessed. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



write_transfer_max_size Integer Specifies the maximum buffer sizethat clients should use on NFS writerequests. This value is used to advisethe client of optimal settings for theserver, but is not enforced.


write_transfer_multiple Integer Specifies the preferred multiple sizefor NFS write requests. This value isused to advise the client of optimalsettings for the server, but is notenforced.


write_transfer_size Integer Specifies the preferred size for NFSwrite requests. This value is used toadvise the client of optimal settingsfor the server, but is not enforced.


write_unstable_action String Specifies the action taken when anNFSx3+ unstable write is processed.Options include datasync,

filesync, and unstable.


write_unstable_reply String Specifies the stability dispositionreturned when an NFSv3+ unstablewrite is requested. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



zone String Specifies the zone in which the exportis valid.


NFS aliases resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about NFS aliases. Aliases are names forphysical paths in the file system.

Operation Method and URI

Get all NFS aliases GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases

System configuration API

76 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Operation Method and URI

Get an NFS aliases GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases/<alias id>

Create a new NFS alias POST /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases

Modify an NFS alias PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases/<alias id>

Delete an NFS alias DELETE /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases/<alias id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases/<alias id>?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

check=<boolean>Check for conflicts when listing exports.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

zone=<string>Filter exports by access zone.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of aliasesconfigured.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


aliases Object Specifies properties for NFS aliases. N/A

health String Specifies whether the alias is usable.Options include: good, illegalfile type, illegal path, nameconflict, not exported, pathnot found, and unknown.


id Integer Specifies a string which representsthe unique location of the alias.


System configuration API

NFS 77

Property Type Description Property of

name String Specifies a name by which the aliascan be referenced


path String Specifies the path to which the aliaspoints.


zone String Specifies the access zone in whichthe alias is valid.


NFS NLM locks resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to NFS Network Lock Manager (NLM) advisorylocks.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of NFS advisory locks GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/locks

View the detailed JSON schema forthis resource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/locks?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of locksavailable.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


id String Specifies the system ID given to thelock. In a POST request, this value isthe ID that refers to the item in thecollection item resource path.


client String Specifies the client host name and IPaddress.


client_id String Specifies the client ID. locks

lock_type String Specifies the type of lock. locks

System configuration API

78 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

range Integer Specifies the byte range within thelocked file.


path String Specifies the path under /ifs that is



created Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time thelock was created.


lin String Specifies the LIN in /ifs that is



NFS NLM lock waiters resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to NFS Network Lock Manager (NLM) lock waiters.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of NLM lock waiters on NFS GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/waiters

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/waiters?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of lockwaiters available.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


waiters Array Specifies information for an NLM lockon an NFS export.


id String Specifies the system ID given to thelock. In a POST request, this value isthe ID that refers to the item in thecollection item resource path.


System configuration API

NFS 79

Property Type Description Property of

client String Specifies the client host name and IPaddress.


client_id String Specifies the client ID. waiters

lock_type String Specifies the type of lock. waiters

range Integer Specifies the byte range within thelocked file.


path String Specifies the path under /ifs that

is locked.


created Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time thelock was created.


lin String Specifies the LIN in /ifs that is



NFS NLM sessions resource

Delete or retrieve information about NFS Network Lock Manager (NLM) sessions.

Operation Method and URI

Get all NFS NLM sessions GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions

Delete an NFS NLM session DELETE /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions/<session-id>

View the detailed JSON schema forNFS NLM sessions

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions?describe

View the detailed JSON schema foran NFS NLM session

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions/<session-id>?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total String Specifies the total number ofsessions to display.


System configuration API

80 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


sessions Array Specifies properties for NLMsessions.


id String Specifies the system ID assigned tothe session.


client String Specifies the client host name and IPaddress.


NFS default export settings resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to default NFS export settings. These settingsare applied to all new exports, unless otherwise specified.

Operation Method and URI

Get default NFS export settings GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/export

Modify default NFS export settings PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/export

View the detailed JSON schema forthis resource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/export?describe

Query parameters

scope=[effective|user|default]When specified as effective, or not specified, all fields are returned. Whenspecified as user, only fields with non-default values are shown. When specified asdefault, the original values are returned.

zone=<string>Filters exports by access zone.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of exportsconfigured.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


all_dirs Boolean True if all directories under thespecified paths are mountable.


block_size Integer Specifies the block size returned bythe NFS statfs procedure.


can_set_time Boolean True if the client can set file timesusing the NFS set attribute request.This parameter does not affect serverbehavior, but is included to


System configuration API

NFS 81

Property Type Description Property of

accommodate legacy clientrequirements.

case_insensitive Boolean True if the case is ignored for filenames. This parameter does notaffect server behavior, but is includedto accommodate legacy clientrequirements.


case_preserving Boolean True if the case is preserved for filenames. This parameter does notaffect server behavior, but is includedto accommodate legacy clientrequirements.


chown_restricted Boolean True if the superuser can change fileownership. This parameter does notaffect server behavior, but is includedto accommodate legacy clientrequirements.


commit_asynchronous Boolean True if NFS commit requests executeasynchronously.


directory_transfer_size Integer Specifies the preferred size fordirectory read operations. This valueis used to advise the client of optimalsettings for the server, but is notenforced.


encoding String Specifies the default character setencoding of the clients connecting tothe export, unless otherwisespecified.


link_max Integer Specifies the reported maximumnumber of links to a file. Thisparameter does not affect serverbehavior, but is included toaccommodate legacy clientrequirements.


map_all <user-mapping>

Specifies the users and groups thatare mapped to non-root clients.


map_failure <user-mapping>

Specifies the user and groups thatclients are mapped to ifauthentication fails.


map_full Boolean True if user mappings query theOneFS user database. When set tofalse, user mappings only query localauthentication.


map_lookup_uid Boolean True if incoming user IDs (UIDs) aremapped to users in the OneFS userdatabase. When set to false,


System configuration API

82 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

incoming UIDs are applied directly tofile operations.

map_non_root <user-mapping>

Specifies the user and groups thatnonroot clients are mapped to.


map_retry Boolean Determines whether searches for theusers specified in map_all or

map_root are retried if the search



map_root <user-mapping>

Specifies the users and groups thatare mapped to root clients.


max_file_size Integer Specifies the maximum file size forany file accessed from the export.This parameter does not affect serverbehavior, but is included toaccommodate legacy clientrequirements.


name_max_size Integer Specifies the reported maximumlength of a file name. This parameterdoes not affect server behavior, but isincluded to accommodate legacyclient requirements.


no_truncate Boolean True if long file names result in anerror. This parameter does not affectserver behavior, but is included toaccommodate legacy clientrequirements.


read-only Boolean True if the export is read-only. exports

read_transfer_max_size Integer Specifies the maximum buffer sizethat clients should use on NFS readrequests. This value is used to advisethe client of optimal settings for theserver, but is not enforced.


read_transfer_multiple Integer Specifies the preferred multiple sizefor NFS read requests. This value isused to advise the client of optimalsettings for the server, but is notenforced.


read_transfer_size Integer Specifies the preferred size for NFSread requests. This value is used toadvise the client of optimal settingsfor the server, but is not enforced.


readdirplus Boolean True if readdirplus requests are

enabled. Enabling this property mayimprove network performance and isonly available for NFSv3.


System configuration API

NFS 83

Property Type Description Property of

readdirplus_prefetch Integer Sets the number of directory entriesthat are prefetched when areaddirplus request is processed.



return_32bit_file_ids Boolean Limits the size of file identifiersreturned by NFSv3+ to 32-bit values.


security_flavors Array Specifies the authentication typesthat are supported for this export.


setattr_asynchronous Boolean True if set attribute operationsexecute asynchronously.


snapshot String Specifies the snapshot for all mounts. exports

symlinks Boolean True if symlinks are supported. This

value is used to advise the client ofoptimal settings for the server, but isnot enforced.


time_delta Integer Specifies the resolution of all timevalues that are returned to the client.


write_datasync_action String Specifies the action to be taken whenan NFSv3+ datasync write isrequested. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



write_datasync_reply String Specifies the stability dispositionreturned when an NFSv3+ datasyncwrite is processed. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



write_filesync_action String Specifies the action to be taken whenan NFSv3+ filesync write is requested.Options include datasync,

filesync, and unstable.


write_filesync_reply String Specifies the stability dispositionreturned when an NFSv3+ filesync isprocessed. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



write_transfer_max_size Integer Specifies the maximum buffer sizethat clients should use on NFS writerequests. This value is used to advisethe client of optimal settings for theserver, but is not enforced.


write_transfer_multiple Integer Specifies the preferred multiple sizefor NFS write requests. This value isused to advise the client of optimalsettings for the server, but is notenforced.


System configuration API

84 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

write_transfer_size Integer Specifies the preferred size for NFSwrite requests. This value is used toadvise the client of optimal settingsfor the server, but is not enforced.


write_unstable_action String Specifies the action taken when anNFSx3+ unstable write is processed.Options include datasync,

filesync, and unstable.


write_unstable_reply String Specifies the stability dispositionreturned when an NFSv3+ unstablewrite is requested. Options includedatasync, filesync, and



zone String Specifies the zone in which the exportis valid.


NFS global settings resource

Retrieve or modify global configuration settings for NFS exports.

Operation Method and URI

Get default NFS export settings GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/global

Modify default NFS exportsettings

PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/global

View the detailed JSON schemafor this resource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/global?describe

Query parameters

scope=[effective|user|default]When specified as effective, or not specified, all fields are returned. Whenspecified as user, only fields with non-default values are shown. When specified asdefault, the original values are returned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

settings Object Specifies the global NFSconfiguration


service Boolean Enables the NFS service. When set tofalse, disables the NFS service.


nfsv3_enabled Boolean Enables NFSv3. When set to false,disables NFSv3.


nfsv4_enabled Boolean Enables NFSv4. When set to false,disables NFSv4.


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NFS 85

Property Type Description Property of

lock_protection Integer Provides the number of nodes thatcan fail in the cluster without losinglock functionality.


rpc_minthreads Integer Provides the minimum number ofthreads in the nfsd thread pool.


rpc_maxthreads Integer Provides the maximum number ofthreads in the nfsd thread pool.


NFS exports configuration check resource

Retrieves information on the status and validity of current NFS exports. Each export withan error is reported along with the first error encountered during the check.

Operation Method and URI

Check NFS exports for configuration errors GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/check

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/check?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

checks Array Specifies information about the NFSexport.


id Integer Specifies the ID of the NFS export. checks

messages String Provides a message about the statusand validity of the NFS export.


NFS zone settings resource

Retrieve or modify zone configuration settings for NFS exports.

Operation Method and URI

Get NFS server settings for a zone GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/zone

Modify NFS server settings for azone

PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/zone

View the detailed JSON schemafor this resource

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/zone?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

86 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

settings Object Specifies the per-zone NFSconfiguration


nfsv4_allow_numeric_ids Boolean If true, sends owners and groups asUIDs and GIDs when look up fails or ifthe nfsv4_no_name property is set

to 1.


nfsv4_domain String Specifies the domain or realmthrough which users and groups areassociated.


nfsv4_no_domain Boolean If true, sends owners and groupswithout a domain name.


nfsv4_no_domain_uids Boolean If true, sends UIDs and GIDs without adomain name.


nfsv4_no_names Boolean If true, sends owners and groups asUIDs and GIDs.


nfsv4_replace_domain Boolean If true, replaces the owner or groupdomain with an NFS domain name


zone String Specifies the access zones for thesesettings.


NFS reload resource

Reloads cached export information. The netgroup cache is updated against the remoteprovider and hosts are updated against the DNS if the time to live (TTL) has expired.Netgroups are automatically refreshed on an interval specified by the netgroup expirationoption. DNS hosts are intermittently refreshed. Local export information, such as optionsspecified with exports create or exports modify, is updated immediately following theaction.

Operation Method and URI

Reload NFS exports POST /platform/2/protocols/nfs/reload

View the detailed JSON schema for NFSexport reload

GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/reload?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object propertiesThere are no properties for this resource.

NFS API examplesYou can see examples for some NFS API requests.

System configuration API

NFS 87

Create NFS alias

Create an NFS alias.

Request example

POST /platform/1/protocols/nfs/aliasesAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "name":"nfs_alias_01", "path":"/ifs/nfs/aliases"}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json


Modify NFS alias

Modify an NFS alias.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/nfs/aliases/204Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

Create NFS export

Create an NFS export.

Request example

POST /platform/1/protocols/nfs/exportsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "paths":[ "/ifs/nfs/exports/test", "/ifs/nfs/exports/test2" ]}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json


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88 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Modify NFS export

Modify an NFS export.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/nfs/exports/24Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

Modify default NFS settings

Modify the default NFS settings on the cluster.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/nfs/settings/exportAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"block_size":512, "can_set_time":true,"case_insensitive":false}

Response example

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

Modify global NFS settings

Modify the global NFS settings on the cluster.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/nfs/settings/globalAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"nfsv3_enabled":true }

Response example

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

System configuration API

NFS 89

Modify NFS zone settings

Modify the settings for an NFS access zone.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/nfs/settings/zoneAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

SMBOneFS includes a configurable SMB service to create and manage SMB shares. SMBshares provide Windows clients network access to file system resources on the cluster.You can grant permissions to users and groups to carry out operations such as reading,writing, and setting access permissions on SMB shares.

The /ifs directory is configured as an SMB share and is enabled by default. OneFSsupports both user and anonymous security modes. If the user security mode is enabled,users who connect to a share from an SMB client must provide a valid user name withproper credentials.

SMB shares act as checkpoints, and users must have access to a share in order to accessobjects in a file system on a share. If a user has access granted to a file system, but not tothe share on which it resides, that user will not be able to access the file systemregardless of privileges. For example, assume a share named ABCDocs contains a filenamed file1.txt in a path such as: /ifs/data/ABCDocs/file1.txt. If a userattempting to access file1.txt does not have share privileges on ABCDocs, that usercannot access the file even if originally granted read and/or write privileges to the file.

The SMB protocol uses security identifiers (SIDs) for authorization data. All identities areconverted to SIDs during retrieval and are converted back to their on-disk representationbefore they are stored on the cluster.

When a file or directory is created, OneFS checks the access control list (ACL) of its parentdirectory. If the ACL contains any inheritable access control entries (ACEs), a new ACL isgenerated from those ACEs. Otherwise, OneFS creates an ACL from the combined file anddirectory create mask and create mode settings.

OneFS supports the following SMB clients:

SMB version Supported operating systems

1.0 Windows 2000 or laterWindows XP or later

Mac OS X 10.5 or later

2.0 Windows Vista or laterWindows Server 2008 or later

Mac OS X 10.9 or later

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90 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

SMB version Supported operating systems

2.1 Windows 7 or laterWindows Server 2008 R2 or later

3.0 - Multichannel only Windows 8 or laterWindows Server 2012 or later

SMB resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete SMB share configurations and settings.

SMB shares summary resource

Retrieves summary information for SMB shares.

Operation Method and URI

Get the SMB shares summary GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares-summary

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares-summary?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

count Integer Specifies the total number of sharesin the system.


SMB shares resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SMB shares.

Operation Method and URI

Get a single SMB share GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares/<share-name>

Get a list of SMB shares GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares

Create an SMB share POST /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares

Modify an SMB share PUT /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares/<share-name>

Delete an SMB share DELETE /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares/<share-name>

View the detailed JSON schema forSMB shares

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares?describe

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SMB 91

Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema foran SMB share object

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares/<share-name>?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

zone=<string>An optionally named zone to use for user and group resolution.

scope=[user|default|effective]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if it is unspecified, all export fieldsare shown. If this parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-default valuesare shown. If this parameter is specified as default, the original values arereturned.

resolve_names=<Boolean>When this parameter is set to true, the group and user names are resolved.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of sharesdisplayed.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


run_as_root Array Lists the personas to be run as root.The permissions for the personas inthis list override permissionsspecified elsewhere.


id Integer Specifies the serialized form of thepersona (such as 'UID:0','USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel','SID:S-1-1').


name String Specifies the persona name, whichmust be combined with type.


type String Specifies the type of persona, whichmust be combined with name.


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92 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

allow_execute_always Boolean Enables users to execute files thatthey have read rights for.


strict_locking Boolean Specifies whether byte range lockscontend with SMB I/O.


hide_dot_files Boolean Hides files and directories that beginwith a period.


impersonate_guest String Specifies the condition in which useraccess is performed as the guestaccount.


strict_flush Boolean Determines whether the data isalways flushed to disk.


mangle_byte_start Integer Specifies the starting value for theautomatic byte mangling range (indecimal notation).


directory_create_mask Integer Specifies the permission bits (indecimal notation) that can be setwhen a directory is created.


directory_create_mode Integer Specifies the permission bits that areset when a directory is created.


file_create_mask Integer Specifies the permission bits (indecimal notation) that can be setwhen a file is created.


file_create_mode Integer Specifies the permission bits that areset when a file is created.


create_permissions String Determines how permissions are setfor new files and directories in theSMB share.


mangle_map Array Specifies the character mangle map. share

impersonate_user String Specifies the user account to be usedas a guest account.


change_notify String Specifies the level of changenotification alerts on the SMB share.


oplocks Boolean Specifies whether to support oplocks. share

allow_delete_readonly Boolean Specifies whether read-only files inthe SMB share can be deleted.


ntfs_acl_support Boolean Supports NTFS access control lists(ACLs) on files and directories.



Boolean Enumerates only the files and foldersthat the requesting user has accessto. This does not apply to the rootdirectory of the share.


System configuration API

SMB 93

Property Type Description Property of


Boolean Specifies whether access-basedenumeration is used in the rootdirectory of the SMB share.


host_acl array Lists the hostnames, subnets, or IPaddresses that are allowed or deniedaccess to the share. All types areallowed unless specifically denied. Itis recommended that a deny clausebe the final entry in the list.


inheritable_path_acl String Sets an inheritable ACL on the SMBshare path.


id String Specifies the system ID given to theSMB share. In a POST request, thisvalue is the ID that refers to the itemin the collection item resource path.


description String Describes the SMB share. share

path String Specifies the path of the SMB sharewithin /ifs.


name String Specifies the SMB share name. share

csc_policy String Specifies the client-side cachingpolicy for the SMB shares.


browsable Boolean Ensures that the SMB share is visiblein net view and in the browse list.


permissions Object Specifies an ordered list ofpermission modifications.


permission String Specifies the file system rights toallow or deny.


permission_type String Specifies whether to allow or denythe permission.


trustee Object Specifies a persona, which consistsof either a type and name or an id.


id Integer Specifies the serialized form of thepersona (such as 'UID:0','USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel','SID:S-1-1').


name String Specifies the persona name, whichmust be combined with type.


type String Specifies the type of persona, whichmust be combined with name.


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SMB open files resource

Retrieves a listing of all files that are currently open through SMB on the queried node.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of files opened throughSMB

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/openfiles

Close a file opened through SMB DELETE /platform/1/protocols/smb/openfiles/<file-id>

View the detailed JSON schema forSMB open files

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/openfiles?describe

View the detailed JSON schema foran SMB open file object

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/openfiles/<file-id>?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of openfiles available.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


id Integer Provides the system ID given to thefile. In a POST request, this value isthe ID used to refer to the item in thecollection item resource path.


file String Provides the path of the file within /ifs.


user String Provides the name of the user withthe file opened.


locks Integer Provides the number of locks the userholds on the file.


permissions String Provides the permissions on the filefor the user.


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SMB 95

SMB sessions resource

Retrieves a listing of all SMB sessions that are currently open on the queried node.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of SMB sessions GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions

Close an SMB session user DELETE /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions/<computer>/<user>

Close an SMB session computer DELETE /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions/<computer>

View the detailed JSON schemafor the SMB session

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions?describe

View the detailed JSON schemafor the SMB session user

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions/<computer>/<user>?describe

View the detailed JSON schemafor the SMB session computer

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions/<computer>?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofsessions available.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


id Integer Specifies the ID for the SMB session. sessions

computer String Specifies the internet address for theclient.


user String Specifies the local user name. sessions

client_type String Specifies the client type. sessions

openfiles Integer Specifies the number of files currentopened by the client.


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96 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

active_time Integer Specifies the number of secondssince the session started.


idle_time Integer Specifies the number of secondssince the last client operation.


guest_login Boolean When set to true, guests can log in. sessions

encryption Boolean When set to true, the session isencrypted.


SMB share settings resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to default SMB share settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get SMB share settings GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/settings/share

Modify SMB share settings PUT /platform/1/protocols/smb/settings/share

View the detailed JSON schema forSMB share settings

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/settings/share?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]If this parameter is specified as effective, or if it is not specified, all export fieldsare shown. If this parameter is specified as user, only fields with non-default valuesare shown. If this parameter is specified as default, the original values arereturned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

allow_execute_always Boolean Enables users to execute files thatthey have read rights for.


strict_locking Boolean Specifies whether byte range lockscontend against SMB I/O.


hide_dot_files Boolean Hides files and directories that beginwith a period.


impersonate_guest String Specifies the condition in which useraccess is performed as the guestaccount.


strict_flush Boolean Determines whether the data isalways flushed to disk.


mangle_byte_start Integer The starting value for the automaticbyte mangling range (in decimalnotation).


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SMB 97

Property Type Description Property of

directory_create_mask Integer Specifies the permission bits (indecimal notation) that can be setwhen a directory is created.


directory_create_mode Integer Specifies the permission bits that areset when a directory is created.


file_create_mask Integer Specifies the permission bits (indecimal notation) that can be setwhen a file is created.


file_create_mode Integer Specifies the permission bits that areset when a file is created.


create_permissions String Determines how permissions are setfor new files and directories in theSMB share.


mangle_map String Specifies the character mangle map. settings

impersonate_user Array Specifies the user account to be usedas a guest account.


change_notify String Specifies the level of changenotification alerts on the SMB share.


oplocks Boolean Specifies whether or not to supportoplocks.


allow_delete_readonly Boolean Specifies whether read-only files inthe SMB share can be deleted.


ntfs_acl_support Boolean Supports NTFS Access Control List(ACL) on files and directories.



Boolean Enumerates only the files and foldersthat the requesting user has accessto, but does not apply to the rootdirectory of the share.



Boolean Specifies whether access-basedenumeration is used in the rootdirectory of the SMB share.


host_acl Array Provides a list of hostnames,subnets, or IP addresses that areallowed or denied access to theshare. All of these types are allowedunless specifically denied. It isrecommended that a deny clause bethe final entry in the list.


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98 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

SMB global settings resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to the global SMB share settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get the global SMB settings GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/settings/global

Modify the global SMB settings PUT /platform/1/protocols/smb/settings/global

View the detailed JSON schema for theSMB share summary

GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/settings/global?describe

Query parameters

scope=[user|default|effective]When specified as effective, or when not specified, all the fields are returned.When specified as user, only the fields with non-default values are returned. Whenspecified as default, the original values are returned.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

service Boolean Specifies whether the SMB service isenabled.


access_based_share_enum Boolean Enumerates only shares that therequesting user has access to.


audit_fileshare String Specifies the level of file share auditevents to log.


audit_logon String Specifies the level of logon auditevents to log.


dot_snap_accessible_child Boolean Enables access to .snapshotdirectories in SMB sharesubdirectories. This property does notaffect the root directory of the SMBshare.


dot_snap_accessible_root Boolean Enables access to the .snapshotdirectory in the root of all the SMBshares.


dot_snap_visible_child Boolean Shows .snapshot directories in theSMB share subdirectories. Thisproperty does not affect the rootdirectory of the SMB share.


dot_snap_visible_root Boolean Shows the .snapshot directory in theroot of all SMB shares.


enable_security_signatures Boolean Indicates whether the server supportssigned SMB packets.


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SMB 99

Property Type Description Property of

guest_user String Specifies the fully qualified usernameto use for guest access.


ignore_eas Boolean Specifies whether to ignore extendedattributes (EAs) on files.


onefs_cpu_multiplier Integer Specifies the number of OneFS driverworker threads per CPU.


onefs_num_workers Integer Sets the maximum number of OneFSdriver worker threads.


require_security_signatures Boolean Indicates whether the server requiressigned SMB packets.


server_string String Provides a description of the server. settings

srv_cpu_multiplier Integer Specifies the number of SRV serviceworker threads per CPU.


srv_num_workers Integer Sets the maximum number of SRVservice worker threads.


support_netbios Boolean Specifies whether NetBIOS support issupported on the server.


support_smb2 Boolean Specifies whether the SMB2 protocolis supported on the server.


System jobs overviewThe most critical function of OneFS is maintaining the integrity of data on your Isiloncluster. Other important system maintenance functions include monitoring andoptimizing performance, detecting and mitigating drive and node failures, and freeing upavailable space.

Because maintenance functions use system resources and can take hours to run, OneFSperforms them as jobs that run in the background through a service called Job Engine.The time it takes for a job to run can vary significantly depending on a number of factors.These include other system jobs that are running at the same time; other processes thatare taking up CPU and I/O cycles while the job is running; the configuration of yourcluster; the size of your data set; and how long since the last iteration of the job was run.

Up to three jobs can run simultaneously. To ensure that maintenance jobs do not hinderyour productivity or conflict with each other, Job Engine categorizes them, runs them atdifferent priority and impact levels, and can temporarily suspend them (with no loss ofprogress) to enable higher priority jobs and administrator tasks to proceed.

In the case of a power failure, Job Engine uses a checkpoint system to resume jobs asclose as possible to the point at which they were interrupted. The checkpoint systemhelps Job Engine keep track of job phases and tasks that have already been completed.When the cluster is back up and running, Job Engine restarts the job at the beginning ofthe phase or task that was in process when the power failure occurred.

As system administrator, through the Job Engine service, you can monitor, schedule, run,terminate, and apply other controls to system maintenance jobs. The Job Engine providesstatistics and reporting tools that you can use to determine how long different systemjobs take to run in your OneFS environment.

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To initiate any Job Engine tasks, you must have the role of SystemAdmin in the OneFSsystem.

System job resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete system job settings and configurations.

Job types resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to system job types.

Operation Method and URI

Get all system job types GET /platform/1/job/types

Get a system job type GET /platform/1/job/types/<name>

Modify a system job type PUT /platform/1/job/type/<name>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/job/types?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

show_all=<Boolean>Whether or not all job types are returned, including hidden job types. The defaultvalue is false.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of jobtypes available.


allow_multiple_instances Boolean Determines whether multipleinstances of the job type can runsimultaneously.


description String Provides a brief description of the jobtype.


enabled Boolean Determines whether the job type isenabled and is able to run on thesystem.


exclusion_set String Specifies a set of mutually-exclusivejob types for the job. No job in the setcan run concurrently with another jobin the same set.


System configuration API

System jobs overview 101

Property Type Description Property of

hidden Boolean Determines whether the job type istypically visible in the webadministration interface.


id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe job type.


policy String Specifies the default impact policy forthe job type.


priority Integer Specifies the default priority for thejob type in descending order ofpriority.


schedule String Specifies a schedule for the job type. types

Job policies resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to job impact policies.

Operation Method and URI

Get all job impact policies GET /platform/1/job/policies

Get a job impact policy GET /platform/1/job/policies/<name>

Create a job impact policy POST /platform/1/job/policies

Modify a job impact policy PUT /platform/1/job/policies/<name>

Delete a job impact policy DELETE /platform/1/job/policies/<name>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/job/policies?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

show_all=<Boolean>Determines if all job types are returned, including hidden job types. The defaultvalue is false.

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of policiesthat are available.


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102 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument for continuation calls.


description String Specifies a description of the impactpolicy.


id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe impact policy. In a POST request,this value is the ID that refers to theitem in the collection item resourcepath.


intervals Array Specifies the time span for the impactpolicy.


begin String Specifies the beginning time for thepolicy in the following format:'WWWW HH:MM', where WWWW isthe full name of the day of the week,HH is the hour (00-23), and MM is theminute (00-59).


end String Specifies the ending time for theimpact, in the following format:'WWWW HH:MM', where WWWW isthe full name of the day of the week,HH is the hour (00-23), and MM is theminute (00-59).


impact String Specifies the impact of the time spanas low, medium, high, or paused.


name String Specifies the name of the impactpolicy.


system Boolean Determines whether the impact policyis read-only.


Jobs resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to OneFS system jobs.

Operation Method and URI

Get information about all system jobs GET /platform/1/job/jobs

Get information about a system job GET /platform/1/job/jobs/<id>

Create a system job POST /platform/1/job/jobs

Modify a system job PUT /platform/1/job/jobs/<id>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/job/jobs?describe

Query parameters


System configuration API

System jobs overview 103

Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

batch=<Boolean>Determines if other query parameters are ignored. When set to true, all other queryparameters are ignored, and the results are returned unsorted and as quickly aspossible.

state=[running|paused_user|paused_system|paused_policy|paused_priority]Return only the jobs that are in the specified state.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of jobsavailable.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument for continuation calls.


create_time Integer Specifies the time the job wasqueued in seconds from UNIX Epoch.


current_phase Integer Specifies the current phase of thejob.


description String Specifies a description of the job. jobs

id Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe job.


impact String Specifies a value for the impact of thejob on the system. Options includelow, medium, high, and paused.


participants Integer Specifies the set of device IDs(devids) that are working on the job.


paths String Specifies the paths that the job isqueued for.


policy String Specifies the impact policy that isapplied to this job.


priority Integer Specifies the current priority of thejob in descending order ofimportance.


progress String Specifies a human-readabledescription of the progress of the job.The value for this property is definedby each job implementation and canvary between the phases of the job.


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104 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

retries_remaining Integer Specifies the number of retriesavailable if the job fails.


running_time Integer Specifies how long the job has beenrunning.


start_time Integer Specifies when the job started inseconds from UNIX Epoch.


state String Specifies the current state of the job.Options include running,

paused_user, paused_system,



cancelled_system, failed,

succeeded, and unknown.


total_phases Integer Specifies the total number of phasesfor the job type.


type String Specifies the job type. jobs

waiting_on Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID ofthe job that precedes another job inthe queue.


waiting_reason String Specifies the reason the job iswaiting. For example, a job mightwaiting because it is lower in priority.


allow_dup Boolean Determines if the job is queued whenanother job of the same type isalready running or queued.


changelistcreate_params Object Specifies the required parameters forthe ChangelistCreate job.


newer_snapid Integer Specifies the newer snapshot ID. changelistcreate_params

older_snapid Integer Specifies the older snapshot ID. changelistcreate_params

retain_repstate Boolean Determines if the replication record isretained after a changelist is created.Retaining a replication record allowsa changelist to be recreated later.


domainmark_params Object Specifies parameters for thedomainmark job.


delete Boolean Determines if the operation is adelete operation.


root String Specifies the /ifs path to associate

with the domain.


type String Specifies the type of domain. domainmark_params

System configuration API

System jobs overview 105

Property Type Description Property of

prepair_params Object Specifies the parameters for thePermissionRepair job.


mapping_type String Specifies the type of permissions forconvert mode. Options includeglobal, sid, unix, and native.


mode String Specifies the type ofPermissionRepair operation. Optionsinclude clone, inherit, andconvert.


template String Designates an /ifs file or directory

as a template. This template isrequired for clone and inherit modesand is not accepted for convert mode.


zone String Specifies the authentication zone.This zone is not accepted for clone orinherit modes.


snaprevert_params Object Specifies the parameters required forthe SnapRevert job.


snapid Integer Specifies the snapshot to revert. snaprevert_params

Job reports resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to system job reports.

Operation Method and URI

Get all job reports GET /platform/1/job/reports

Get a job report GET /platform/1/job/reports/<id>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/audit/settings?describe

Query parameters

begin=<integer>Returns only reports at or after the given time in seconds from UNIX Epoch.

end=<integer>Returns only reports before the given time in seconds from UNIX Epoch.

job_id=<integer>Returns only reports with the specified job ID.

job_type=<string>Returns only reports with the specified job type

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

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106 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of reportsthat are available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument for continuation calls.


id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe reported job event.


job_id Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe job.


job_type String Specifies the job type. reports

phase Integer Specifies the job phase number atthe time of the reported event.


results String Specifies the job results. reports

time Integer Specifies the time of the reportedevent in seconds from UNIX Epoch.


Job events resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to system job events.

Operation Method and URI

Get information about job events GET /platform/1/job/events

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/job/events?describe

Query parameters

begin=<integer>Returns only events at or after the given time in seconds from UNIX Epoch.

end=<integer>Returns only events before the given time in seconds from UNIX Epoch.

job_id=<integer>Returns only events for the specified job ID.

job_type=<string>Returns only events for the specified job type


Return only the events for jobs that are in the specified state.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

System configuration API

System jobs overview 107

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of eventsthat are available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument for continuation calls.


id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe reported job event.


job_id Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe job.


job_type String Specifies the job type. events

message String Specifies a description of the event. events

phase Integer Specifies the job phase number atthe time of the reported event.


policy String Specifies the policy in effect for thejob at the time of the event.


progress String Specifies a human-readabledescription of the progress of the job.The value for this property is definedby each job implementation and canvary between the phases of the job.


running_time Integer Specifies how long the job will take tocomplete.


results String Specifies the job results. events

time Integer Specifies the time of the reportedevent in seconds from UNIX Epoch.


Job statistics resource

Provides statistics about system jobs and workers across the cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get system job statistics GET /platform/1/job/statistics

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/job/statistics?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of jobstatistics that are available.


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Property Type Description Property of

job_id Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe job.


nodes Array Specifies properties for the node. jobs

cpu Object Specifies properties for the CPU. nodes

average Integer Specifies the average CPU usage ofthe job on the node.


current Integer Specifies the current CPU usage ofthe job on the node.


maximum Integer Specifies the maximum CPU usage ofthe job on the node.


minimum Integer Specifies the minimum CPU usage ofthe job on the node.


io Object Specifies the input and outputproperties.


read Object Specifies the read properties. io

bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recently read by this job on thisnode.


ops Integer Specifies the number of readoperations that were recentlyperformed by this job on this node.


write Object Specifies the write properties. io

bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recently written by this job onthis node.


ops Integer Specifies the number of writeoperations that were recentlyperformed by this job on this node.


memory Object Specifies properties for memoryusage.


physical Object Specifies the properties for physicalmemory usage.


average Integer Specifies the average physicalmemory usage of the job on the nodein KB.


current Integer Specifies the current physicalmemory usage of the job on this nodein KB.


maximum Integer Specifies the maximum physicalmemory usage of the job on this nodein KB.


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Property Type Description Property of

minimum Integer Specifies the minimum physicalmemory usage of the job on this nodein KB.


virtual Object Specifies the properties for virtualmemory usage.


average Integer Specifies the average virtual memoryusage of the job on the node in KB.


current Integer Specifies the current virtual memoryusage of the job on this node in KB.


maximum Integer Specifies the maximum virtualmemory usage of the job on this nodein KB.


minimum Integer Specifies the minimum virtualmemory usage of the job on this nodein KB.


node Integer Specifies the devid of the node. nodes

pid Integer Specifies the process ID of the node. nodes

total_workers Integer Specifies number of workers for thisjob on the node.


workers Object Specifies properties for the workers. nodes

stw Integer Specifies the sleep-to-work ratio forthe worker.


task String Specifies a non-human-readablerepresentation of the task the workeris processing.


task_result String Specifies a non-human-readablerepresentation of the task results thatthe worker produced.


worker Integer Specifies a system-assigned ID to theworker.


phase Integer Specifies the phase that the job iscurrently in.


total_node Integer Specifies the number of nodes thatare participating in the job.


System job API examplesYou can see examples for some system job API calls.

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110 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Modify a job type

You can modify a system job type.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/job/types/AVScanAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'policy': 'MEDIUM', 'enabled': True}

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: 'text/plain', Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Create a job policy

You can create a system job policy.

Request example

POST /platform/1/job/policiesAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'intervals': [ { 'impact': 'High', 'begin': 'Tuesday 00:00', 'end': 'Thursday 23:59'} ], 'name': 'myPolicy', 'description': 'Custom policy' }

Response example

201 CREATEDContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE'

{ 'id': 'myPolicy' }

Modify a job policy

You can retrieve modify a system job policy.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/job/policies/myPolicyAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'intervals': [ { 'impact': 'Medium', 'begin': 'Tuesday 00:00',

System configuration API

System jobs overview 111

'end': 'Thursday 23:59'} ], 'description': 'Custom policy - medium impact Tuesday through Thursday'}

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: 'text/plain', Allow: 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD'

Start a new system job

You can queue a new instance of a job to run after the current job has completed.

Request example

POST /platform/1/job/jobsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'type': 'AVScan', 'allow_dup': True}

Response example

201 CREATEDContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'GET, PUT, POST, HEAD'

{ "id": 1234 }

Modify a system job

You can modify, cancel, pause, or resume a running system job.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/job/jobs/AVScanAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'state': 'pause'}

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: 'text/plain', Allow: 'GET, PUT, POST, HEAD'

SyncIQ backup and recovery overviewOneFS enables you to replicate data from one Isilon cluster to another through the SyncIQsoftware module. You must activate a SyncIQ license on both Isilon clusters before youcan replicate data between them.

You can replicate data at the directory level while optionally excluding specific files andsub-directories from being replicated. SyncIQ creates and references snapshots to

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112 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

replicate a consistent point-in-time image of a root directory. Metadata such as accesscontrol lists (ACLs) and alternate data streams (ADS) are replicated along with data.

SyncIQ enables you to maintain a consistent backup copy of your data on another Isiloncluster. SyncIQ offers automated failover and failback capabilities that enable you tocontinue operations on another Isilon cluster if a primary cluster becomes unavailable.

Sync resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete resources for data replication with SyncIQ.

File matching patterns

You can apply the following file matching pattern to filter specific objects in SyncIQ.

<file_matching_pattern> := { "or_criteria" : [ { "and_criteria": [ <file_criterion>, <file_criterion>, ... ] }, { "and_criteria": [ <file_criterion>, <file_criterion>, ... ] }, ... ]}

<file_criterion> = { "type": <string>, "operator": <string>, "value": {<string> | <integer>}}

The following table defines available operators.

operator Description

== Equal

!= Does not equal

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal

< Less than

<= Less than or equal

! Not

The following table defines available file criteria types.

System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 113

Type Conditions

name Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

path Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

posix_regex_name Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

accessed_time No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

accessed_before No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

accessed_after No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

birth_time No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

birth_before No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

birth_after No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

changed_time No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

changed_before No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

changed_after No operator is required; every operation is set to "==".

The value must be in the following form: {<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> [<HH>:<mm>] |<integer> {days | weeks | months | years} ago}

size Paired with all operators except for "!".

The value must be in the following form: An integer, followed by B, KB, MB,GB, or TB (such as 100B or 12TB).

file_type Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

The value must be in the following form: 'file', 'directory', or 'symlink'.

user_name Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

user_id Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

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114 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Type Conditions

group_name Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

group_id Paired with operators "==" or "!=".

no_user Paired with operators "!".

no_group Paired with operators "!".

Does not require a value.

The following example shows a sync policy filter.

"file_matching_filter": { "or_criteria" : [ { "and_criteria": [ { "type": "size", "operator": ">=", "value": "500000KB" }, { "type": "file_type", "operator": "==", "value": "file" } ] }, { "and_criteria": [ { "type": "posix_regex_name", "operator": "==", "value": "some_special_prefix_*" } ] }, { "and_criteria": [ { "type": "file_type", "operator": "==", "value": "symlink" } ] } ]}

Sync jobs resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SyncIQ replication jobs.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of all replication jobs GET /platform/1/sync/jobs

Get the details of a replication job GET /platform/1/sync/jobs/<job_id>

Start a replication job POST /platform/1/sync/jobs

Modify an in-progress replication job PUT /platform/1/sync/jobs/<job_id>

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Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/sync/jobs?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.


Return only those jobs that are in the specified state.dir=[ASC|DESC]

Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofreplication jobs available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


action String Specifies the action taken by thereplication job. Options includeresync_prep, allow_write,

allow_write_revert, test, andrun.


ads_streams_replicated String Specifies the number of streams thatare created by the replication job.


block_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of blockspecifications that are required by thereplication job.


bytes_recoverable Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatcan be recovered by the replicationjob.


bytes_transferred Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


char_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of characterspecification files that are replicatedby the replication job.


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Property Type Description Property of

directories_replicated Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


dirs_changed Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were changed by the replicationjob.


dirs_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted by the replicationjob.


dirs_moved Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were moved by the replicationjob.


dirs_new Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created by the replicationjob.


duration Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds between the start and end ofthe replication job. If the replicationjob has not ended, this value is theamount of time since the replicationjob started. This field is null if thereplication job has not started.


end_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob ended in Unix EPOCH seconds.This field is null if the replication jobhas not ended.


error String Specifies the primary error messagefor the replication job.


errors Array Specifies a list of error messages forthe replication job.



Integer Specifies the number of files withchecksum errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


error_io_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files with I/Oerrors that were skipped by thereplication job.


error_net_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withnetwork errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


failed_chunks Integer Specifies the number of data chunksthat failed transmission.


fifos_replicated Integer Specifies the number of First In FirstOut (FIFO) files that were replicatedby the replication job.


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Property Type Description Property of

file_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytestransferred from the source to targetclusters.


files_changed Integer Specifies the number of files changedby the replication job.


files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked by the replication job.


files_new Integer Specifies the number of files createdby the replication job.


files_selected Integer Specifies the number of files that areselected for replication before theyare transferred.


files_transferred Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere unlinked by the replication job.


files_with_ads_replicated Integer Specifies the number of files withADS that were replicated by thereplication job.


flipped_lins Integer Specifies the number of LINs thathave changed between replicationjobs.


hard_links_replicated Integer Specifies the number of hard linksthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


hash_exceptions_fixed Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were fixed by thereplication job. Files that havechanged on the target cluster for anyreason may fail a hash check.


hash_exceptions_found Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were found by thereplication job.


id String Specifies a unique identifier for thereplication policy.


job_id Integer Specifies an ID for the replication job. jobs

lins_total Integer Specifies the number of LINs thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


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Property Type Description Property of

network_bytes_to_source Integer Specifies the total number of bytessent to the source cluster by thereplication job.


network_bytes_to_target Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent to the target cluster bythe replication job.


new_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of new files thatwere replicated by the replication job.


num_retransmitted_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob.


phases Array Specifies data for each phase of thereplication job.


end_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobcompleted for this phase.


phase String Specifies the phase that thereplication job is in.


start_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob started for the phase.


policy Object Specifies the replication policy that isassociated with the replication job, ornull if there is no associatedreplication policy with the replicationjob. Replication jobs without anassociated replication policy mightbe newly created and unavailable inthe underlying database.


action String Specifies the action taken by thisreplication policy. When set to copy,

source files are copied to the targetcluster. When set to sync, the source

directory is replicated to the targetdirectory. Files and directories thatwere deleted on the source cluster,moved within the target directory, orno longer match the selection criteriaare deleted from the target directory.


check_integrity Boolean Determines whether cyclicredundancy checks (CRC) areperformed on the received data.


conflicted Boolean Determines if the replication policywill start any scheduled replicationjobs after encountering an error. If setto true, the replication policy will not


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Property Type Description Property of

start any more replication jobs untilthis field is set to false.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.

description String Specifies a user-assigned descriptionfor the replication policy.


disable_fofb Boolean Enables or disables data failover orfailback.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


disable_stf Boolean Enables or disables the SnapshotTracking File (STF) based data transferthrough a file system scan for OneFSversions 6.5 or greater.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


enabled Boolean Determines if a replication job willautomatically run based on aschedule for the replication policy.


file_matching_pattern String Specifies a file matching pattern thatcan filter and search for a set of fileswith specific properties. For example,(a AND b) OR (x AND y).


or_criteria Array Specifies an array that containsobjects with and_criteria properties,each set of which is logicallyconnected through the OR operator tocreate the full file matching pattern.


and_criteria Array Specifies an array that containsindividual file criteria objects, each ofwhich describes one criterion. Thesevalues are connected logicallythrough the AND operator to form aset a criteria.


items Array Specifies criteria for finding a file. and_criteria

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Property Type Description Property of

case_sensitive Boolean Determines if the value comparison iscase sensitive. The default value istrue.


attribute_exists Boolean Determines that a custom attributespecified in the field option isavailable. The default value is true.


field String Specifies the name of the fileattribute to match. This field is onlyrequired if the attribute is acustom_attribute type. The defaultvalue is empty. Additionally, theattribute_exists parameter must beset to true.


operator String Specifies how to compare theattribute of each file to the value. Forexample, ==, !=, >, <, <=, or !.


type String Specifies the type of file attributecriteria to match. For example, name,path, accessed_time, group_name,and so on.


value String orInteger

Specifies the value that the specifiedattribute of each file is compared to.


whole_word Boolean Determines if the attribute will matchthe entire word. The default value istrue.


force_interface Boolean Determines whether data is sentthrough only the subnet and pool thatis specified in thesource_network field. Set this

option when there are multipleinterfaces for the source subnet.When this option is enabled, thenet.inet.ip.choose_ifa_by_ipsrc sysctlmust also be set.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


has_sync_state Determines whether the replicationpolicy has scanned the file system.When this field is set to false, thepolicy is reset. When this field is setto true, the policy is in progress.


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Property Type Description Property of

id String Specifies the replication policy ID. Ina POST request, this is the ID of thecreated item that refers to the item inthe collection item resource path.


last_job_state String Specifies the state of the most recentjob for the replication policy.


last_started Integer Specifies the last time a replicationjob was started for the replicationpolicy. The value is null if thereplication policy has never run.


last_success Integer Specifies a timestamp of the lastknown successfully completedreplication job. The value is null if noreplication jobs were successfullycompleted for the replication policy.


log_level String Specifies the severity an event mustreach before the event is logged.


log_removed_files Boolean Determines if the system will log anyfiles or directories that were deleteddue to a replication job.


name String Specifies the user-assigned name ofthe replication policy.


next_run Integer Specifies the next time the replicationjob is scheduled to run in Unix EPOCHseconds. This value is null if thereplication job is unscheduled.


password_set Boolean Indicates if a password is set for thetarget cluster. The password value isnot shown in GET requests.


report_max_age Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds that a replication policyreport is stored.


report_max_count Integer Specifies the maximum number ofreplication policy reports that arestored on the system


restrict_target_network Boolean Determines if a replication policy willconnect to only nodes with aSmartConnect zone specified in thetarget_host parameter. If this

value is set to false, replicationpolicies are not restricted to specifiednodes on the target cluster.


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Property Type Description Property of

schedule String Specifies a schedule for newreplication jobs on a replicationpolicy.


source_exclude_directories Array Specifies the directories to excludefrom a replication job. If you modifythis field, a full or differentialreplication job is performed on alldata on the source cluster.


source_include_directories Array Specifies the directories to include ina replication job. If you modify thisfield, a full replication job isperformed on all data on the sourcecluster.


source_network Object Restricts replication policies on thelocal cluster to a specified subnetand pool.


pool String Restricts replication policies to thespecified pool.


subnet String Restricts replication policies to thespecified subnet.


source_root_path String Specifies the root directory on thesource cluster that files are replicatedfrom. If you modify this field, a fullreplication job is performed on alldata on the source cluster.


source_snapshot String Specifies an optional snapshot thatcan be copied and replicated from.

source_snapshot_archive Boolean Determines if archival snapshots ofthe source data are taken on thesource cluster before a replicationjob. When this value is set to true, asnapshot is taken.



Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to keep a snapshot on thesource cluster before the snapshot isdeleted.


source_snapshot_pattern String Specifies the name pattern forsnapshots that are taken on thesource cluster before a replicationjob.



Boolean Determines if the target clustercreates diffs against the originalreplication job. When this value is setto true, a diff is created.


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Property Type Description Property of

target_detect_modification Boolean Determines whether SyncIQ checksthe target directory for modificationsbefore replicating files.


target_host String Specifies a hostname or IP addressfor the sync target cluster. Thereplication policy will not run if thetarget cluster host is modified andthe new target does not match thecurrent target association.


target_path String Specifies an absolute file systempath on the target cluster for thereplication job.


target_snapshot_alias String Specifies an alias for the snapshottaken on the target cluster after areplication job completes.


target_snapshot_archive Boolean Determines if an archival snapshot ofthe target data is taken on the targetcluster after a successful replicationjob is complete. When this value isset to true, the snapshot is taken.


target_snapshot_expiration Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to keep a snapshot on thetarget cluster before deleting thesnapshot.


target_snapshot_pattern String Specifies a snapshot naming patternfor snapshots that are taken on thetarget cluster after the replication jobcompletes. For information onsnapshot naming patterns, see theOneFS CLI Administration Guide.


workers_per_node Integer Specifies the number of workerthreads on a node that are performinga replication job. In a POST request,this parameter is only valid when theaction property is set toallow_write or



policy_action String Specifies the action the replicationpolicy will perform. Options include:sync and copy.


policy_id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe replication policy.


policy_name String Specifies the user-assigned name forthe replication policy.


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Property Type Description Property of

regular_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of regular filesthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


retransmitted_files String Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob. Files are retransmitted if they faila hash check or are missing from thetarget cluster for any reason.


retry Integer Specifies the number of times thereplication job was retried.


sockets_replicated Integer Specifies the number of sockets thatare being replicated by the replicationjob.


source_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the source cluster.


source_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the source cluster.



Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_visited Integer Specifies the number of sourcedirectories that were processed in theinitial replication job.


source_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the source cluster.


source_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the source cluster.


source_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the source cluster.


sparse_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of sparse databytes that were transferred by thisreplication job.


start_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobstarted in Unix EPOCH seconds. Thisfield is null if the replication job hasnot started.


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Property Type Description Property of

state String Specifies the state of the replicationjob. Options include: scheduled,

running, paused, finished,

failed, canceled,

needs_attention, and unknown.


symlinks_replicated Integer Specifies the number of symlinks thatare replicated by the replication job.


sync_type Integer Specifies the type of actionperformed by the job. Optionsinclude: invalid, legacy,

initial, incremental,

upgrade, fofb, and domainmark.


target_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the target cluster.


target_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the targetcluster.


target_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the targetcluster.


target_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the target cluster.


target_directories_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the targetcluster.


target_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the target cluster.


target_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the target cluster.


target_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the target cluster.


target_snapshots Array Specifies list of the target snapshotscreated by this replication job.


total_chunks Integer Specifies the total number of datachunks that were transmitted by thisreplication job.


total_data_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytestransferred by the replication job.


total_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere changed by the replication job.


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126 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

total_network_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent over the network bythe replication job.


total_phases Integer Specifies the total number of phasesfor the replication job.


unchanged_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere unchanged by the replicationjob.


up_to_date_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of up-to-datefiles that are skipped by thereplication job. These files were onthe source cluster during a file systemscan, but were not transferredbecause the file had not changed.


updated_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of updates filesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


user_conflict_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withuser conflicts that are skipped by thereplication job.


warnings Array Specifies a list of warning messagesfor the replication job.


workers Array Specifies a list of workers for thereplication job.


connected Boolean Determines whether the source andtarget clusters are connected on thenetwork.


last_split Integer Specifies the time for when the lastnetwork split occurred in UNIX time.


last_work Integer Specifies the time for when theworkers last received a replication jobin UNIX time.


lin Integer Specifies the LIN that the replicationjob is performing an operation on.


process_id Integer Specifies a process ID for eachworker.


source_host Integer Specifies the source hostname foreach worker.


target_host Integer Specifies the target hostname foreach worker.


worker_id Integer Specifies an ID for each worker. workers

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Sync policies resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SyncIQ replication policies.

Operation Method and URI

Get all replication policies GET /platform/1/sync/policies

Get a replication policy GET /platform/1/sync/policies/<policy>

Create a replication policy POST /platform/1/sync/policies

Modify a replication policy PUT /platform/1/sync/policies/<policy>

Delete all replication policies DELETE /platform/1/sync/policies

Delete a replication policy DELETE /platform/1/sync/policies/<policy>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/sync/policies?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

scope=[user|effective]Specifies which fields to return. The effective option returns all fields and theuser option returns only fields with non-default values. If you do not specify thescope parameter, all fields are returned. The default value is effective.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

local_only=<Boolean>Deletes the replication policy from only the source cluster. This parameter is useful ifthe target cluster is unavailable to have the replication policy removed.

force=<Boolean>Deletes only replication jobs that are not currently running.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String Provides the system ID assigned tothe replication policy.


conflicted Boolean If set to true, checks if the mostrecent run of the replication job failedbecause of a conflict with anotherreplication job or because of incorrectsettings. Conflicted policies will stopafter a failure until the problem is


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128 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

fixed and the conflicted flag isremoved.

action String If set to copy, source files are copiedto the target cluster. If set to sync,files and directories that were deletedon the source cluster and files that nolonger match the selection criteria aredeleted from the target directory.


name String Specifies the user-assigned name forthe replication policy.


check_integrity Boolean If set to true, determines if the datawas transmitted correctly across thenetwork. If the transfer fails, thereplication job fails and the error islogged. If set to false, no check isperformed.


description String Provides the user-defined descriptionof the replication policy.


enabled Boolean If set to true, replication jobs areautomatically run based on theassociated replication policy andschedule. If set to false, replicationjobs are only performed whenmanually triggered.


file_matching_pattern Array Specifies criteria that determineswhich files are selected for transfer.


source_root_path String Specifies the root directory on thesource cluster for the replication job.


source_include_directories Array Specifies the directories that areincluded in the replication job.


source_exclude_directories Array Specifies the directories that areexcluded from the replication job.


target_path String Specifies the destination file systempath on the target cluster for thereplication job.


target_snapshot Boolean If set to true, archival snapshots ofthe data are taken on the targetcluster after a successful replicationjob completes. If set to false, nosnapshots are taken.



Boolean If set to true, SyncIQ detects if fileswere changed on the target clusterand resends all modified files.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 129

Property Type Description Property of

schedule String Specifies a schedule that determineswhen replication jobs should run for areplication policy.


log_level String Provides the severity level that anevent must reach before the event islogged.


log_removed_files Boolean If set to true, the system logs any filesor directories that are deleted duringa replication job. If set to false, nodeleted files are logged.


report_max_age Integer Specifies the length of time, inseconds, that a replication policyreport is stored.


report_max_count Integer Specifies the maximum number ofreplication policy reports that can bestored on the cluster.


source_network Object Restricts replication policies on thelocal cluster to the specified subnetand pool.


restrict_target_network Boolean If set to true, limits the replicationpolicy to nodes that are in the targetzone name. If set to false, thereplication policy applies to allavailable nodes in the target cluster.



Boolean If set to true, files on the target clusterare compared against the sourcecluster during the initial replicationjob, and missing files are transferred.


last_success Integer Species a timestamp for when thelast known successful replication jobcompleted.


target_snapshot_alias String Specifies the alias of the snapshottaken on the target cluster after thereplication job completes.


target_snapshot_pattern String Specifies the naming pattern forsnapshots taken on the target clusterafter the replication job completes.


target_snapshot_expiration Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds that snapshots are kept onthe target cluster.



String Specifies the naming pattern forsnapshots taken on the sourcecluster before a replication job.


System configuration API

130 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of


Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds that snapshots are kept onthe source cluster.


workers_per_node Integer Specifies the number of workerprocesses on a node that areperforming a replication job.


source_host String Specifies the hostname or IP addressof a source cluster for a replicationjob.


source_cluster_grid String Specifies the globally uniqueidentifier for the source cluster.


Sync policies reset resource

Resets the incremental state of a replication policy and forces a full sync or copy. Youmust post an empty object: {} to reset the policy.

Operation Method and URI

Reset a replication policy. POST /platform/1/sync/policy/<policy>/reset

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource.

GET /platform/1/sync/policy/<policy>/reset?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object propertiesThere are no properties for this resource.

Sync reports resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SyncIQ reports.

Operation Method and URI

Get all replication reports GET /platform/1/sync/reports

Get a replication report GET /platform/1/sync/reports/<report-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/sync/reports?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

policy_name=<string>Return only those reports that have the specified replication policy name.


Return only those reports whose replication jobs are in the specified state.

System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 131

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending ( ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

newer_than=<integer>Return only those reports for replication jobs that started before the specifiednumber of days.

reports_per_policy=<integer>Return only the specified number of reports per replication policy. Ten replicationpolicies are returned by default.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofreplication jobs available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


action String Specifies the action taken by thereplication job. Options includeresync_prep, allow_write,

allow_write_revert, test, andrun.


ads_streams_replicated String Specifies the number of streams thatare created by the replication job.


block_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of blockspecifications that are required by thereplication job.


bytes_recoverable Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatcan be recovered by the replicationjob.


bytes_transferred Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


char_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of characterspecification files that are replicatedby the replication job.


directories_replicated Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


System configuration API

132 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

dirs_changed Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were changed by the replicationjob.


dirs_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted by the replicationjob.


dirs_moved Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were moved by the replicationjob.


dirs_new Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created by the replicationjob.


duration Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds between the start and end ofthe replication job. If the replicationjob has not ended, this value is theamount of time since the replicationjob started. This field is null if thereplication job has not started.


end_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob ended in Unix EPOCH seconds.This field is null if the replication jobhas not ended.


error String Specifies the primary error messagefor the replication job.


errors Array Specifies a list of error messages forthe replication job.



Integer Specifies the number of files withchecksum errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


error_io_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files with I/Oerrors that were skipped by thereplication job.


error_net_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withnetwork errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


failed_chunks Integer Specifies the number of data chunksthat failed transmission.


fifos_replicated Integer Specifies the number of First In FirstOut (FIFO) files that were replicatedby the replication job.


file_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytestransferred from the source to targetclusters.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 133

Property Type Description Property of

files_changed Integer Specifies the number of files changedby the replication job.


files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked by the replication job.


files_new Integer Specifies the number of files createdby the replication job.


files_selected Integer Specifies the number of files that areselected for replication before theyare transferred.


files_transferred Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere unlinked by the replication job.


files_with_ads_replicated Integer Specifies the number of files withADS that were replicated by thereplication job.


flipped_lins Integer Specifies the number of LINs thathave changed between replicationjobs.


hard_links_replicated Integer Specifies the number of hard linksthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


hash_exceptions_fixed Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were fixed by thereplication job. Files that havechanged on the target cluster for anyreason may fail a hash check.


hash_exceptions_found Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were found by thereplication job.


id String Specifies a unique identifier for thereplication policy.


job_id Integer Specifies an ID for the replication job. reports

lins_total Integer Specifies the number of LINs thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


network_bytes_to_source Integer Specifies the total number of bytessent to the source cluster by thereplication job.


System configuration API

134 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

network_bytes_to_target Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent to the target cluster bythe replication job.


new_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of new files thatwere replicated by the replication job.


num_retransmitted_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob.


phases Array Specifies data for each phase of thereplication job.


end_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobcompleted for this phase.


phase String Specifies the phase that thereplication job is in.


start_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob started for the phase.


action String Specifies the action taken by thisreplication policy. When set to copy,

source files are copied to the targetcluster. When set to sync, the source

directory is replicated to the targetdirectory. Files and directories thatwere deleted on the source cluster,moved within the target directory, orno longer match the selection criteriaare deleted from the target directory.


check_integrity Boolean Determines whether cyclicredundancy checks (CRC) areperformed on the received data.


conflicted Boolean Determines if the replication policywill start any scheduled replicationjobs after encountering an error. If setto true, the replication policy will notstart any more replication jobs untilthis field is set to false.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


description String Specifies a user-assigned descriptionfor the replication policy.


disable_fofb Boolean Enables or disables data failover orfailback.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 135

Property Type Description Property of


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.

disable_stf Boolean Enables or disables the SnapshotTracking File (STF) based data transferthrough a file system scan for OneFSversions 6.5 or greater.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


enabled Boolean Determines if a replication job willautomatically run based on aschedule for the replication policy.


file_matching_pattern String Specifies a file matching pattern thatcan filter and search for a set of fileswith specific properties. For example,(a AND b) OR (x AND y).


or_criteria Array Specifies an array that containsobjects with and_criteria properties,each set of which is logicallyconnected through the OR operator tocreate the full file matching pattern.


and_criteria Array Specifies an array that containsindividual file criteria objects, each ofwhich describes one criterion. Thesevalues are connected logicallythrough the AND operator to form aset a criteria.


items Array Specifies criteria for finding a file. and_criteria

case_sensitive Boolean Determines if the value comparison iscase sensitive. The default value istrue.


attribute_exists Boolean Determines that a custom attributespecified in the field option isavailable. The default value is true.


field String Specifies the name of the fileattribute to match. This field is onlyrequired if the attribute is acustom_attribute type. The defaultvalue is empty. Additionally, the


System configuration API

136 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

attribute_exists parameter must beset to true.

operator String Specifies how to compare theattribute of each file to the value. Forexample, ==, !=, >, <, <=, or !.


type String Specifies the type of file attributecriteria to match. For example, name,path, accessed_time, group_name,and so on.


value String orInteger

Specifies the value that the specifiedattribute of each file is compared to.


whole_word Boolean Determines if the attribute will matchthe entire word. The default value istrue.


force_interface Boolean Determines whether data is sentthrough only the subnet and pool thatis specified in thesource_network field. Set this

option when there are multipleinterfaces for the source subnet.When this option is enabled, thenet.inet.ip.choose_ifa_by_ipsrc sysctlmust also be set.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


has_sync_state Determines whether the replicationpolicy has scanned the file system.When this field is set to false, thepolicy is reset. When this field is setto true, the policy is in progress.


id String Specifies the replication policy ID. Ina POST request, this is the ID of thecreated item that refers to the item inthe collection item resource path.


last_job_state String Specifies the state of the most recentjob for the replication policy.


last_started Integer Specifies the last time a replicationjob was started for the replicationpolicy. The value is null if thereplication policy has never run.


last_success Integer Specifies a timestamp of the lastknown successfully completed


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 137

Property Type Description Property of

replication job. The value is null if noreplication jobs were successfullycompleted for the replication policy.

log_level String Specifies the severity an event mustreach before the event is logged.


log_removed_files Boolean Determines if the system will log anyfiles or directories that were deleteddue to a replication job.


name String Specifies the user-assigned name ofthe replication policy.


next_run Integer Specifies the next time the replicationjob is scheduled to run in Unix EPOCHseconds. This value is null if thereplication job is unscheduled.


password_set Boolean Indicates if a password is set for thetarget cluster. The password value isnot shown in GET requests.


report_max_age Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds that a replication policyreport is stored.


report_max_count Integer Specifies the maximum number ofreplication policy reports that arestored on the system


restrict_target_network Boolean Determines if a replication policy willconnect to only nodes with aSmartConnect zone specified in thetarget_host parameter. If this

value is set to false, replicationpolicies are not restricted to specifiednodes on the target cluster.


schedule String Specifies a schedule for newreplication jobs on a replicationpolicy.


source_exclude_directories Array Specifies the directories to excludefrom a replication job. If you modifythis field, a full or differentialreplication job is performed on alldata on the source cluster.


source_include_directories Array Specifies the directories to include ina replication job. If you modify thisfield, a full replication job isperformed on all data on the sourcecluster.


System configuration API

138 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

source_network Object Restricts replication policies on thelocal cluster to a specified subnetand pool.


pool String Restricts replication policies to thespecified pool.


subnet String Restricts replication policies to thespecified subnet.


source_root_path String Specifies the root directory on thesource cluster that files are replicatedfrom. If you modify this field, a fullreplication job is performed on alldata on the source cluster.


source_snapshot_archive Boolean Determines if archival snapshots ofthe source data are taken on thesource cluster before a replicationjob. When this value is set to true, asnapshot is taken.



Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to keep a snapshot on thesource cluster before the snapshot isdeleted.


source_snapshot_pattern String Specifies the name pattern forsnapshots that are taken on thesource cluster before a replicationjob.



Boolean Determines if the target clustercreates diffs against the originalreplication job. When this value is setto true, a diff is created.


target_detect_modification Boolean Determines whether SyncIQ checksthe target directory for modificationsbefore replicating files.


target_host String Specifies a hostname or IP addressfor the sync target cluster. Thereplication policy will not run if thetarget cluster host is modified andthe new target does not match thecurrent target association.


target_path String Specifies an absolute file systempath on the target cluster for thereplication job.


target_snapshot_alias String Specifies an alias for the snapshottaken on the target cluster after areplication job completes.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 139

Property Type Description Property of

target_snapshot_archive Boolean Determines if an archival snapshot ofthe target data is taken on the targetcluster after a successful replicationjob is complete. When this value isset to true, the snapshot is taken.


target_snapshot_expiration Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to keep a snapshot on thetarget cluster before deleting thesnapshot.


target_snapshot_pattern String Specifies a snapshot naming patternfor snapshots that are taken on thetarget cluster after the replication jobcompletes. For information onsnapshot naming patterns, see theOneFS CLI Administration Guide.


workers_per_node Integer Specifies the number of workerthreads on a node that are performinga replication job. In a POST request,this parameter is only valid when theaction property is set toallow_write or



policy_action String Specifies the action the replicationpolicy will perform. Options include:sync and copy.


policy_id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe replication policy.


policy_name String Specifies the user-assigned name forthe replication policy.


regular_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of regular filesthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


retransmitted_files String Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob. Files are retransmitted if they faila hash check or are missing from thetarget cluster for any reason.


retry Integer Specifies the number of times thereplication job was retried.


sockets_replicated Integer Specifies the number of sockets thatare being replicated by the replicationjob.


source_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the source cluster.


System configuration API

140 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

source_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the source cluster.



Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_visited Integer Specifies the number of sourcedirectories that were processed in theinitial replication job.


source_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the source cluster.


source_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the source cluster.


source_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the source cluster.


sparse_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of sparse databytes that were transferred by thisreplication job.


start_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobstarted in Unix EPOCH seconds. Thisfield is null if the replication job hasnot started.


state String Specifies the state of the replicationjob. Options include: scheduled,

running, paused, finished,

failed, canceled,

needs_attention, and unknown.


subreport_count Integer Specifies the number of subreportsthat are available for the replicationjob.


symlinks_replicated Integer Specifies the number of symlinks thatare replicated by the replication job.


sync_type Integer Specifies the type of actionperformed by the job. Optionsinclude: invalid, legacy,

initial, incremental,

upgrade, fofb, and domainmark.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 141

Property Type Description Property of

target_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the target cluster.


target_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the targetcluster.


target_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the targetcluster.


target_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the target cluster.


target_directories_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the targetcluster.


target_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the target cluster.


target_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the target cluster.


target_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the target cluster.


target_snapshots Array Specifies list of the target snapshotscreated by this replication job.


total_chunks Integer Specifies the total number of datachunks that were transmitted by thisreplication job.


total_data_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytestransferred by the replication job.


total_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere changed by the replication job.


total_network_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent over the network bythe replication job.


total_phases Integer Specifies the total number of phasesfor the replication job.


unchanged_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere unchanged by the replicationjob.


up_to_date_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of up-to-datefiles that are skipped by thereplication job. These files were onthe source cluster during a file systemscan, but were not transferredbecause the file had not changed.


System configuration API

142 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

updated_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of updates filesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


user_conflict_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withuser conflicts that are skipped by thereplication job.


warnings Array Specifies a list of warning messagesfor the replication job.


Sync reports subreports resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to subreports about replication jobs.

Operation Method and URI

Get all subreports for a single report GET /platform/1/sync/reports/<ID>/subreports

Get a subreport for a single report GET /platform/1/sync/reports/<ID>/subreports/<SID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource.

GET /platform/1/sync/reports/<ID>/subreports?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). Thedefault setting is ascending.

newer_than=<integer>Return only those subreports for replication jobs that started before the specifiednumber of days.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofreplication jobs available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 143

Property Type Description Property of

action String Specifies the action taken by thereplication job. Options includeresync_prep, allow_write,

allow_write_revert, test, andrun.


ads_streams_replicated String Specifies the number of streams thatare created by the replication job.


block_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of blockspecifications that are required by thereplication job.


bytes_recoverable Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatcan be recovered by the replicationjob.


bytes_transferred Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


char_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of characterspecification files that are replicatedby the replication job.


directories_replicated Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


dirs_changed Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were changed by the replicationjob.


dirs_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted by the replicationjob.


dirs_moved Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were moved by the replicationjob.


dirs_new Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created by the replicationjob.


duration Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds between the start and end ofthe replication job. If the replicationjob has not ended, this value is theamount of time since the replicationjob started. This field is null if thereplication job has not started.


end_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob ended in Unix EPOCH seconds.


System configuration API

144 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

This field is null if the replication jobhas not ended.

error String Specifies the primary error messagefor the replication job.


errors Array Specifies a list of error messages forthe replication job.



Integer Specifies the number of files withchecksum errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


error_io_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files with I/Oerrors that were skipped by thereplication job.


error_net_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withnetwork errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


failed_chunks Integer Specifies the number of data chunksthat failed transmission.


fifos_replicated Integer Specifies the number of First In FirstOut (FIFO) files that were replicatedby the replication job.


file_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytestransferred from the source to targetclusters.


files_changed Integer Specifies the number of files changedby the replication job.


files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked by the replication job.


files_new Integer Specifies the number of files createdby the replication job.


files_selected Integer Specifies the number of files that areselected for replication before theyare transferred.


files_transferred Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere unlinked by the replication job.


files_with_ads_replicated Integer Specifies the number of files withADS that were replicated by thereplication job.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 145

Property Type Description Property of

flipped_lins Integer Specifies the number of LINs thathave changed between replicationjobs.


hard_links_replicated Integer Specifies the number of hard linksthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


hash_exceptions_fixed Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were fixed by thereplication job. Files that havechanged on the target cluster for anyreason may fail a hash check.


hash_exceptions_found Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were found by thereplication job.


id String Specifies a unique identifier for thereplication policy.


job_id Integer Specifies an ID for the replication job. subreports

lins_total Integer Specifies the number of LINs thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


network_bytes_to_source Integer Specifies the total number of bytessent to the source cluster by thereplication job.


network_bytes_to_target Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent to the target cluster bythe replication job.


new_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of new files thatwere replicated by the replication job.


num_retransmitted_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob.


phases Array Specifies data for each phase of thereplication job.


end_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobcompleted for this phase.


phase String Specifies the phase that thereplication job is in.


start_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob started for the phase.


action String Specifies the action taken by thisreplication policy. When set to copy,

source files are copied to the target


System configuration API

146 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

cluster. When set to sync, the source

directory is replicated to the targetdirectory. Files and directories thatwere deleted on the source cluster,moved within the target directory, orno longer match the selection criteriaare deleted from the target directory.

check_integrity Boolean Determines whether cyclicredundancy checks (CRC) areperformed on the received data.


conflicted Boolean Determines if the replication policywill start any scheduled replicationjobs after encountering an error. If setto true, the replication policy will notstart any more replication jobs untilthis field is set to false.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


description String Specifies a user-assigned descriptionfor the replication policy.


disable_fofb Boolean Enables or disables data failover orfailback.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


disable_stf Boolean Enables or disables the SnapshotTracking File (STF) based data transferthrough a file system scan for OneFSversions 6.5 or greater.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.


enabled Boolean Determines if a replication job willautomatically run based on aschedule for the replication policy.


file_matching_pattern String Specifies a file matching pattern thatcan filter and search for a set of files


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 147

Property Type Description Property of

with specific properties. For example,(a AND b) OR (x AND y).

or_criteria Array Specifies an array that containsobjects with and_criteria properties,each set of which is logicallyconnected through the OR operator tocreate the full file matching pattern.


and_criteria Array Specifies an array that containsindividual file criteria objects, each ofwhich describes one criterion. Thesevalues are connected logicallythrough the AND operator to form aset a criteria.


items Array Specifies criteria for finding a file. and_criteria

case_sensitive Boolean Determines if the value comparison iscase sensitive. The default value istrue.


attribute_exists Boolean Determines that a custom attributespecified in the field option isavailable. The default value is true.


field String Specifies the name of the fileattribute to match. This field is onlyrequired if the attribute is acustom_attribute type. The defaultvalue is empty. Additionally, theattribute_exists parameter must beset to true.


operator String Specifies how to compare theattribute of each file to the value. Forexample, ==, !=, >, <, <=, or !.


type String Specifies the type of file attributecriteria to match. For example, name,path, accessed_time, group_name,and so on.


value String orInteger

Specifies the value that the specifiedattribute of each file is compared to.


whole_word Boolean Determines if the attribute will matchthe entire word. The default value istrue.


force_interface Boolean Determines whether data is sentthrough only the subnet and pool thatis specified in thesource_network field. Set this

option when there are multipleinterfaces for the source subnet.


System configuration API

148 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

When this option is enabled, thenet.inet.ip.choose_ifa_by_ipsrc sysctlmust also be set.


This field should not be changedwithout the help of Isilon TechnicalSupport.

has_sync_state Determines whether the replicationpolicy has scanned the file system.When this field is set to false, thepolicy is reset. When this field is setto true, the policy is in progress.


id String Specifies the replication policy ID. Ina POST request, this is the ID of thecreated item that refers to the item inthe collection item resource path.


last_job_state String Specifies the state of the most recentjob for the replication policy.


last_started Integer Specifies the last time a replicationjob was started for the replicationpolicy. The value is null if thereplication policy has never run.


last_success Integer Specifies a timestamp of the lastknown successfully completedreplication job. The value is null if noreplication jobs were successfullycompleted for the replication policy.


log_level String Specifies the severity an event mustreach before the event is logged.


log_removed_files Boolean Determines if the system will log anyfiles or directories that were deleteddue to a replication job.


name String Specifies the user-assigned name ofthe replication policy.


next_run Integer Specifies the next time the replicationjob is scheduled to run in Unix EPOCHseconds. This value is null if thereplication job is unscheduled.


password_set Boolean Indicates if a password is set for thetarget cluster. The password value isnot shown in GET requests.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 149

Property Type Description Property of

report_max_age Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds that a replication policyreport is stored.


report_max_count Integer Specifies the maximum number ofreplication policy reports that arestored on the system


restrict_target_network Boolean Determines if a replication policy willconnect to only nodes with aSmartConnect zone specified in thetarget_host parameter. If this

value is set to false, replicationpolicies are not restricted to specifiednodes on the target cluster.


schedule String Specifies a schedule for newreplication jobs on a replicationpolicy.


source_exclude_directories Array Specifies the directories to excludefrom a replication job. If you modifythis field, a full or differentialreplication job is performed on alldata on the source cluster.


source_include_directories Array Specifies the directories to include ina replication job. If you modify thisfield, a full replication job isperformed on all data on the sourcecluster.


source_network Object Restricts replication policies on thelocal cluster to a specified subnetand pool.


pool String Restricts replication policies to thespecified pool.


subnet String Restricts replication policies to thespecified subnet.


source_root_path String Specifies the root directory on thesource cluster that files are replicatedfrom. If you modify this field, a fullreplication job is performed on alldata on the source cluster.


source_snapshot_archive Boolean Determines if archival snapshots ofthe source data are taken on thesource cluster before a replicationjob. When this value is set to true, asnapshot is taken.



Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to keep a snapshot on the


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150 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

source cluster before the snapshot isdeleted.

source_snapshot_pattern String Specifies the name pattern forsnapshots that are taken on thesource cluster before a replicationjob.



Boolean Determines if the target clustercreates diffs against the originalreplication job. When this value is setto true, a diff is created.


target_detect_modification Boolean Determines whether SyncIQ checksthe target directory for modificationsbefore replicating files.


target_host String Specifies a hostname or IP addressfor the sync target cluster. Thereplication policy will not run if thetarget cluster host is modified andthe new target does not match thecurrent target association.


target_path String Specifies an absolute file systempath on the target cluster for thereplication job.


target_snapshot_alias String Specifies an alias for the snapshottaken on the target cluster after areplication job completes.


target_snapshot_archive Boolean Determines if an archival snapshot ofthe target data is taken on the targetcluster after a successful replicationjob is complete. When this value isset to true, the snapshot is taken.


target_snapshot_expiration Integer Specifies the length of time inseconds to keep a snapshot on thetarget cluster before deleting thesnapshot.


target_snapshot_pattern String Specifies a snapshot naming patternfor snapshots that are taken on thetarget cluster after the replication jobcompletes. For information onsnapshot naming patterns, see theOneFS CLI Administration Guide.


workers_per_node Integer Specifies the number of workerthreads on a node that are performinga replication job. In a POST request,this parameter is only valid when theaction property is set to


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 151

Property Type Description Property of

allow_write or


policy_action String Specifies the action the replicationpolicy will perform. Options include:sync and copy.


policy_id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe replication policy.


policy_name String Specifies the user-assigned name forthe replication policy.


regular_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of regular filesthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


retransmitted_files String Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob. Files are retransmitted if they faila hash check or are missing from thetarget cluster for any reason.


retry Integer Specifies the number of times thereplication job was retried.


sockets_replicated Integer Specifies the number of sockets thatare being replicated by the replicationjob.


source_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the source cluster.


source_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the source cluster.



Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_visited Integer Specifies the number of sourcedirectories that were processed in theinitial replication job.


source_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the source cluster.


source_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the source cluster.


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152 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

source_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the source cluster.


sparse_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of sparse databytes that were transferred by thisreplication job.


start_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobstarted in Unix EPOCH seconds. Thisfield is null if the replication job hasnot started.


state String Specifies the state of the replicationjob. Options include: scheduled,

running, paused, finished,

failed, canceled,

needs_attention, and unknown.


symlinks_replicated Integer Specifies the number of symlinks thatare replicated by the replication job.


sync_type Integer Specifies the type of actionperformed by the job. Optionsinclude: invalid, legacy,

initial, incremental,

upgrade, fofb, and domainmark.


target_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the target cluster.


target_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the targetcluster.


target_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the targetcluster.


target_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the target cluster.


target_directories_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the targetcluster.


target_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the target cluster.


target_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the target cluster.


target_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the target cluster.


target_snapshots Array Specifies list of the target snapshotscreated by this replication job.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 153

Property Type Description Property of

total_chunks Integer Specifies the total number of datachunks that were transmitted by thisreplication job.


total_data_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytestransferred by the replication job.


total_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere changed by the replication job.


total_network_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent over the network bythe replication job.


total_phases Integer Specifies the total number of phasesfor the replication job.


unchanged_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere unchanged by the replicationjob.


up_to_date_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of up-to-datefiles that are skipped by thereplication job. These files were onthe source cluster during a file systemscan, but were not transferredbecause the file had not changed.


updated_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of updates filesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


user_conflict_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withuser conflicts that are skipped by thereplication job.


warnings Array Specifies a list of warning messagesfor the replication job.


Sync reports rotate resource

Rotates the records in the database and periodically removes older reports from thesystem.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve information on whether the rotation isrunning.

GET /platform/1/sync/reports-rotate

Force the reports in the database to rotate. POST /platform/1/sync/reports-rotate

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/sync/reports-rotate?describe

System configuration API

154 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

message String Reports if the replication reports arecurrently being rotated.


running Boolean Determines whether the replicationreports are being rotated.


Sync target policies resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SyncIQ target replication policies.

Operation Method and URI

Get all target replication policies GET /platform/1/sync/target/policies

Get a target replication policy GET /platform/1/sync/target/policies/<policy-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/sync/target/policies?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

target_path=<string>Return only those replication policies with the specified target path.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending ( ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofreplication policies available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument for continuation calls.


failover_failback_state String Specifies the condition of thereplication policy with respect to datafailover/failback. Options include:writes_disabled,


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 155

Property Type Description Property of






id String Specifies an ID for the replicationpolicy.


last_job_state String Specifies the state of the lastreplication job run for the replicationpolicy. Options include: scheduled,

running, paused, finished,

failed, canceled,

needs_attention, and unknown.


last_source_coordinator_ip String Specifies the IP address from which aSyncIQ coordinator daemon lastconnected to the cluster to updateinformation about the job processesfor this replication policy.


last_update_from_source Integer Specifies the time in Unix EPOCHseconds that the cluster was lastupdated with information about thereplication job from the source clusterfor this replication policy. The value isset to null if no update has occurredyet.


legacy_policy Boolean Indicates if the replication policy wasdefined by a OneFS version before6.0. OneFS versions before 6.0 didnot have the target replication policyconcept, and canceling from thetarget side is unavailable


name String Specifies the user-assigned name ofthe replication policy.


source_cluster_guid String Specifies a unique identifier for thesource cluster.


source_host String Specifies the hostname or IP addressof the replication source cluster.


target_path String Specifies the absolute file systempath on the target cluster for thereplication job destination.


System configuration API

156 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Sync target policies cancel resource

Cancels the most recent replication job for a replication policy from the target cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Cancel the most recent replication job POST /platform/1/sync/target/policies/<policy>/cancel

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource.

GET /platform/1/sync/target/policies/<policy>/cancel?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String The unique identifier that refers to theitem in the collection item resourcepath.


Sync target reports resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to replication reports running on a target cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get all replication target reports GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports

Get a replication target report GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports/<report-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource.

GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

policy_name=<string>Return only those target reports that have the specified policy name.


Return only those target reports whose replication jobs are in the specified state.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending ( ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

newer_than=<integer>Return only those reports with replication jobs that started before the specifiednumber of days.


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SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 157

Return only the specified number of reports per replication policy. Ten reports arereturned by default.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofreplication jobs available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


action String Specifies the action taken by thereplication job. Options includeresync_prep, allow_write,

allow_write_revert, test, andrun.


ads_streams_replicated String Specifies the number of streams thatare created by the replication job.


block_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of blockspecifications that are required by thereplication job.


bytes_recoverable Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatcan be recovered by the replicationjob.


bytes_transferred Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


char_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of characterspecification files that are replicatedby the replication job.


directories_replicated Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


dirs_changed Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were changed by the replicationjob.


dirs_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted by the replicationjob.


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158 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

dirs_moved Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were moved by the replicationjob.


dirs_new Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created by the replicationjob.


duration Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds between the start and end ofthe replication job. If the replicationjob has not ended, this value is theamount of time since the replicationjob started. This field is null if thereplication job has not started.


end_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob ended in Unix EPOCH seconds.This field is null if the replication jobhas not ended.


error String Specifies the primary error messagefor the replication job.


errors Array Specifies a list of error messages forthe replication job.



Integer Specifies the number of files withchecksum errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


error_io_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files with I/Oerrors that were skipped by thereplication job.


error_net_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withnetwork errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


failed_chunks Integer Specifies the number of data chunksthat failed transmission.


fifos_replicated Integer Specifies the number of First In FirstOut (FIFO) files that were replicatedby the replication job.


file_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytestransferred from the source to targetclusters.


files_changed Integer Specifies the number of files changedby the replication job.


files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked by the replication job.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 159

Property Type Description Property of

files_new Integer Specifies the number of files createdby the replication job.


files_selected Integer Specifies the number of files that areselected for replication before theyare transferred.


files_transferred Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere unlinked by the replication job.


files_with_ads_replicated Integer Specifies the number of files withADS that were replicated by thereplication job.


flipped_lins Integer Specifies the number of LINs thathave changed between replicationjobs.


hard_links_replicated Integer Specifies the number of hard linksthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


hash_exceptions_fixed Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were fixed by thereplication job. Files that havechanged on the target cluster for anyreason may fail a hash check.


hash_exceptions_found Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were found by thereplication job.


id String Specifies a unique identifier for thereplication policy.


job_id Integer Specifies an ID for the replication job. reports

lins_total Integer Specifies the number of LINs thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


network_bytes_to_source Integer Specifies the total number of bytessent to the source cluster by thereplication job.


network_bytes_to_target Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent to the target cluster bythe replication job.


new_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of new files thatwere replicated by the replication job.


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160 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

num_retransmitted_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob.


phases Array Specifies data for each phase of thereplication job.


end_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobcompleted for this phase.


phase String Specifies the phase that thereplication job is in.


start_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob started for the phase.


policy_action String Specifies the action the replicationpolicy will perform. Options include:sync and copy.


policy_id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe replication policy.


policy_name String Specifies the user-assigned name forthe replication policy.


regular_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of regular filesthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


retransmitted_files String Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob. Files are retransmitted if they faila hash check or are missing from thetarget cluster for any reason.


retry Integer Specifies the number of times thereplication job was retried.


sockets_replicated Integer Specifies the number of sockets thatare being replicated by the replicationjob.


source_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the source cluster.


source_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the source cluster.


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SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 161

Property Type Description Property of


Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_visited Integer Specifies the number of sourcedirectories that were processed in theinitial replication job.


source_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the source cluster.


source_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the source cluster.


source_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the source cluster.


sparse_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of sparse databytes that were transferred by thisreplication job.


start_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobstarted in Unix EPOCH seconds. Thisfield is null if the replication job hasnot started.


state String Specifies the state of the replicationjob. Options include: scheduled,

running, paused, finished,

failed, canceled,

needs_attention, and unknown.


subreport_count Integer Specifies the number of subreportsthat are available for the replicationjob.


symlinks_replicated Integer Specifies the number of symlinks thatare replicated by the replication job.


sync_type Integer Specifies the type of actionperformed by the job. Optionsinclude: invalid, legacy,

initial, incremental,

upgrade, fofb, and domainmark.


target_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the target cluster.


target_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the targetcluster.


target_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the targetcluster.


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162 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

target_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the target cluster.


target_directories_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the targetcluster.


target_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the target cluster.


target_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the target cluster.


target_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the target cluster.


target_path String Specifies the absolute file systempath on the target cluster for thereplication job.


target_snapshots Array Specifies list of the target snapshotscreated by this replication job.


total_chunks Integer Specifies the total number of datachunks that were transmitted by thisreplication job.


total_data_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytestransferred by the replication job.


total_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere changed by the replication job.


total_network_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent over the network bythe replication job.


total_phases Integer Specifies the total number of phasesfor the replication job.


unchanged_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere unchanged by the replicationjob.


up_to_date_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of up-to-datefiles that are skipped by thereplication job. These files were onthe source cluster during a file systemscan, but were not transferredbecause the file had not changed.


updated_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of updates filesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


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SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 163

Property Type Description Property of

user_conflict_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withuser conflicts that are skipped by thereplication job.


warnings Array Specifies a list of warning messagesfor the replication job.


Sync target reports subreports resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SyncIQ subreports for replication jobs on thetarget cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get all target subreports for a single report GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports/<ID>/subreports

Get a target subreport for a single report GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports/<ID>/subreports/<SID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource.

GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports/<ID>/subreports?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). Thedefault setting is ascending.


Return only those subreports whose replication jobs are in the specified state.

newer_than=<integer>Return only those subreports for replication jobs that started before the specifiednumber of days.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofreplication jobs available.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


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164 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

action String Specifies the action taken by thereplication job. Options includeresync_prep, allow_write,

allow_write_revert, test, andrun.


ads_streams_replicated String Specifies the number of streams thatare created by the replication job.


block_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of blockspecifications that are required by thereplication job.


bytes_recoverable Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatcan be recovered by the replicationjob.


bytes_transferred Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


char_specs_replicated Integer Specifies the number of characterspecification files that are replicatedby the replication job.


directories_replicated Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


dirs_changed Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were changed by the replicationjob.


dirs_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted by the replicationjob.


dirs_moved Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were moved by the replicationjob.


dirs_new Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created by the replicationjob.


duration Integer Specifies the amount of time inseconds between the start and end ofthe replication job. If the replicationjob has not ended, this value is theamount of time since the replicationjob started. This field is null if thereplication job has not started.


end_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob ended in Unix EPOCH seconds.


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SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 165

Property Type Description Property of

This field is null if the replication jobhas not ended.

error String Specifies the primary error messagefor the replication job.


errors Array Specifies a list of error messages forthe replication job.



Integer Specifies the number of files withchecksum errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


error_io_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files with I/Oerrors that were skipped by thereplication job.


error_net_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withnetwork errors that were skipped bythe replication job.


failed_chunks Integer Specifies the number of data chunksthat failed transmission.


fifos_replicated Integer Specifies the number of First In FirstOut (FIFO) files that were replicatedby the replication job.


file_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytestransferred from the source to targetclusters.


files_changed Integer Specifies the number of files changedby the replication job.


files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked by the replication job.


files_new Integer Specifies the number of files createdby the replication job.


files_selected Integer Specifies the number of files that areselected for replication before theyare transferred.


files_transferred Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere unlinked by the replication job.


files_with_ads_replicated Integer Specifies the number of files withADS that were replicated by thereplication job.


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166 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

flipped_lins Integer Specifies the number of LINs thathave changed between replicationjobs.


hard_links_replicated Integer Specifies the number of hard linksthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


hash_exceptions_fixed Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were fixed by thereplication job. Files that havechanged on the target cluster for anyreason may fail a hash check.


hash_exceptions_found Integer Specifies the number of hashexceptions that were found by thereplication job.


id String Specifies a unique identifier for thereplication policy.


job_id Integer Specifies an ID for the replication job. subreports

lins_total Integer Specifies the number of LINs thatwere transferred by the replicationjob.


network_bytes_to_source Integer Specifies the total number of bytessent to the source cluster by thereplication job.


network_bytes_to_target Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent to the target cluster bythe replication job.


new_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of new files thatwere replicated by the replication job.


num_retransmitted_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob.


phases Array Specifies data for each phase of thereplication job.


end_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobcompleted for this phase.


phase String Specifies the phase that thereplication job is in.


start_time Integer Specifies the time that the replicationjob started for the phase.


policy_action String Specifies the action the replicationpolicy will perform. Options include:sync and copy.


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SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 167

Property Type Description Property of

policy_id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe replication policy.


policy_name String Specifies the user-assigned name forthe replication policy.


regular_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of regular filesthat were replicated by the replicationjob.


retransmitted_files String Specifies the number of files thatwere retransmitted by the replicationjob. Files are retransmitted if they faila hash check or are missing from thetarget cluster for any reason.


retry Integer Specifies the number of times thereplication job was retried.


sockets_replicated Integer Specifies the number of sockets thatare being replicated by the replicationjob.


source_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the source cluster.


source_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the source cluster.



Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the sourcecluster.


source_directories_visited Integer Specifies the number of sourcedirectories that were processed in theinitial replication job.


source_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the source cluster.


source_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the source cluster.


source_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the source cluster.


sparse_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of sparse databytes that were transferred by thisreplication job.


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168 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

start_time Integer Specifies the time the replication jobstarted in Unix EPOCH seconds. Thisfield is null if the replication job hasnot started.


state String Specifies the state of the replicationjob. Options include: scheduled,

running, paused, finished,

failed, canceled,

needs_attention, and unknown.


subreport_count Integer Specifies the number of subreportsthat are available for the replicationjob.


symlinks_replicated Integer Specifies the number of symlinks thatare replicated by the replication job.


sync_type Integer Specifies the type of actionperformed by the job. Optionsinclude: invalid, legacy,

initial, incremental,

upgrade, fofb, and domainmark.


target_bytes_recovered Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere recovered on the target cluster.


target_directories_created Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were created on the targetcluster.


target_directories_deleted Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat were deleted on the targetcluster.


target_directories_linked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are linked on the target cluster.


target_directories_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of directoriesthat are unlinked on the targetcluster.


target_files_deleted Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere deleted on the target cluster.


target_files_linked Integer Specifies the number of files that arelinked on the target cluster.


target_files_unlinked Integer Specifies the number of files that areunlinked on the target cluster.


target_path String Specifies the absolute file systempath on the target cluster for thereplication job.


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SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 169

Property Type Description Property of

target_snapshots Array Specifies list of the target snapshotscreated by this replication job.


total_chunks Integer Specifies the total number of datachunks that were transmitted by thisreplication job.


total_data_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytestransferred by the replication job.


total_files Integer Specifies the number of files thatwere changed by the replication job.


total_network_bytes Integer Specifies the total number of bytesthat were sent over the network bythe replication job.


total_phases Integer Specifies the total number of phasesfor the replication job.


unchanged_data_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes thatwere unchanged by the replicationjob.


up_to_date_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of up-to-datefiles that are skipped by thereplication job. These files were onthe source cluster during a file systemscan, but were not transferredbecause the file had not changed.


updated_files_replicated Integer Specifies the number of updates filesthat are replicated by the replicationjob.


user_conflict_files_skipped Integer Specifies the number of files withuser conflicts that are skipped by thereplication job.


warnings Array Specifies a list of warning messagesfor the replication job.


Sync rules resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SyncIQ replication job performance rules. Rulescan restrict the amount of network bandwidth or files transferred per second forreplication policies.

Operation Method and URI

Get all replication job performance rules. GET /platform/1/sync/rules

Create a replication job performance rule. POST /platform/1/sync/rules

Delete all replication job performance rules. DELETE /platform/1/sync/rules/

System configuration API

170 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Operation Method and URI

Delete all replication job performance rules bytype.

DELETE /platform/1/sync/rules?type=<string>

Delete a replication job performance rule. DELETE /platform/1/sync/rules/<rule>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/sync/rules?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

type=[bandwidth|file_count|cpu]Specifies the type of rule to delete.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of rulesavailable.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


description String Specifies a user-assigned descriptionto the performance rule.


enabled Boolean Determines whether the performancerule is in effect during the specifiedintervals.


id String Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe performance rule.

In a POST request, this value is the IDthat refers to the item in thecollection item resource path.


schedule Array Specifies a list of time intervals that aperformance rule is in effect within agiven week. Options include begin,

end, or the day of the week, such as

monday, tuesday, wednesday,

thursday, friday, saturday, orsunday.


System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 171

Property Type Description Property of

begin String Specifies the start time for theschedule. The start time is inclusive,and the format is \"hh:mm\" wherehh: is the hour in 24-hour format andthe minutes. A null value indicatesthe beginning of the day (\"00:00\").


end String Specifies the end time for theschedule. The end time is inclusive,and the format is \"hh:mm\" with athree-letter weekday nameabbreviation, where hh: is the hour in24-hour format and the minutes. Anull value indicates the end of theday (\"23:59\").


limit Integer Specifies the amount of systemresources that are limited by the rule.Units include: kb/s for bandwidth,file/s for file-count, or a percentagethat indicates the processingpercentage used for the CPU.


Sync settings resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to global SyncIQ settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get global SyncIQ settings GET /platform/1/sync/settings

Modify global SyncIQ settings PUT /platform/1/sync/settings

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/sync/settings?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

force_interface Boolean Determines whether data is sent overa specified source interface and asource subnet, which is useful if thereare multiple interfaces for a singlesource subnet. When enabling thisproperty, you must also set a defaultsource interface. This property isenabled for all new replicationpolicies unless otherwise specifiedwhen the replication policy is created.


System configuration API

172 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

report_email String Specifies email addresses to sendreplication job reports to.


report_max_age Integer Specifies the default amount ofseconds to retain a replication jobreport before the replication jobreport is deleted.


report_max_count Integer Specifies the maximum number ofreplication job reports to retain for areplication policy.


restrict_target_network Boolean Determines if replication policiesconnect only to nodes in the specifiedzone if the target cluster is set as aSmartConnect zone. This property isenabled for all new replicationpolicies unless otherwise specifiedwhen the replication policy is created.If this property is disabled,replication policies can connect toany node on the target cluster.


source_network Object Restricts replication policies on thelocal cluster to the specified subnetand pool.


service Array Specifies if the replication job serviceis on, paused, or off. If set to

paused, all replication jobs are

paused. If set to off, all replication

jobs are canceled.


Sync history file resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to OneFS replication job performance reports.These reports indicate the number of files per second that were sent by replicationpolicies at a given time.

Operation Method and URI

Get all replication job performance reports. GET /platform/1/sync/history/file

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/sync/history/file?describe

Query parameters

begin=<integer>The beginning timestamp for the report.

end=<integer>The ending timestamp for the report.

System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 173

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of reportsavailable.


allocated Integer Specifies a list of nodes that areallocated for the replication job.


id Integer Specifies an ID for a singleperformance report.


limit Integer Specifies the number of files persecond that can be sent by areplication policy.


timestamp Integer Specifies a timestamp for theperformance report.


total Integer Specifies the total number of files persecond that were sent during thereplication job.


Sync history network resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to OneFS replication job performance reports.These reports indicate the amount of network bandwidth consumed by data replicationpolicies at a given time.

Operation Method and URI

Get all replication job performance reports. GET /platform/1/sync/history/network

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource. GET /platform/1/sync/history/network?describe

Query parameters

begin=<integer>The beginning timestamp for the report.

end=<integer>The ending timestamp for the report.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of reportsavailable.


allocated Integer Specifies a list of nodes that areallocated for the replication job.


id Integer Specifies an ID for a singleperformance report.


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174 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

limit Integer Specifies the kilobytes per secondthat can be consumed by areplication job on the network.


timestamp Integer Specifies a timestamp for theperformance report.


total Integer Specifies the total kilobytes perseconds consumed by the replicationjobs.


SyncIQ API examplesYou can see examples for some SyncIQ API calls.

Start a replication job

Manually start a replication job on the system.

Request example

POST /platform/1/sync/jobsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'id': 'testpol' }

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'GET, POST, HEAD'

{ "id":"testpol" }

Modify a replication job

Pause, cancel, or restart a job.

Request exampleYou can only modify the state object property for a replication job. Options are pause,cancel, and restart.

PUT /platform/1/sync/jobs/testpolAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'state': cancel, }

System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 175

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain,Allow: 'GET, PUT'

Create a replication policy

You can create a replication policy on the file system.

Request example

POST /platform/1/sync/policiesAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'log_level': 'fatal', 'name': 'myNewPolicy', 'schedule': 'every 3 weeks', 'source_root_path': '/ifs/data/sync2', 'target_path': '/ifs/data/sync/target2', 'action': 'copy', 'report_max_count': 144, 'source_exclude_directories': ['/ifs/data/sync2/exclude'], 'source_include_directories': ['/ifs/data/sync2/include'], 'target_host': 'localhost' }

Response examplesIn the following example, the request was successful and a replication policy ID isreturned for the created object.

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'DELETE, GET, POST, HEAD'

{ "id":"a33006f364842eefb629fc6b95c92559" }

In following example, the replication policy was not created and an error was returned.

500 Internal Server ErrorContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'DELETE, GET, POST, HEAD' { "errors":[ { "code":"AEC_EXCEPTION", "message":"duplicate policy <name,type> entry with id=\'(null)\', name=\'myNewPolicy\'" } ] }

Modify a replication policy

You can modify a replication policy on the file system.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/sync/policies/myNewPolicy Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

System configuration API

176 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

{ 'target_compare_initial_sync': True, 'enabled': True, 'description': 'New policy', 'target_host': 'newHostname' }

Response examplesThe request was successful. No message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content content-type: text/plain, allow: 'DELETE, GET, PUT, HEAD'

In the following example, the policy was not modified and an error message wasreturned.

500 Internal Server ErrorContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'DELETE, GET, PUT, HEAD'

{ "errors":[ { "code":"AEC_BAD_REQUEST", "field":"source_network", "message":"Flexnet subnet not found" } ] }

Reset a replication policy

Reset a replication policy and force a full sync and copy replication job.

Request example

POST /platform/1/sync/policy/testPolicy/resetAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'POST'

{ "id":"5275f97ebb3892ed4a47f71de20d4609" }

Force rotation for reports

Manually start rotation for the records in the database, which deletes reports that areolder than the specified maximum retention period.

Request example

POST /platform/1/sync/reports-rotateAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

System configuration API

SyncIQ backup and recovery overview 177

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'DELETE, GET, POST, HEAD'

{ "id":"a33006f364842eefb629fc6b95c92559" }

Cancel a target replication policy

You can cancel a replication policy from the target cluster.

Request example

POST /platform/1/sync/target/policies/testpol/cancelAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

Response example

200 OKContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'DELETE, GET, PUT, HEAD'

{ "policies" : [

{ "failover_failback_state" : "writes_disabled", "id" : "021a24618064135c5df4c431fd132437", "last_job_state" : "paused", "last_source_coordinator_ip" : "", "last_update_from_source" : 1371769450, "legacy_policy" : false, "name" : "testpol", "source_cluster_guid" : "005056300217c137c2512b163880cb4d843d", "source_host" : "jgregory", "target_path" : "/ifs/data/tgt" } ] }

Create a replication policy rule on the system.

You can create a replication policy rule on the file system.

Request example

POST /platform/1/sync/rulesAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'type': 'file_count', 'limit': 123, 'schedule': { 'begin': '09:00', 'end': '17:00', 'monday': True, 'tuesday': True, 'friday': True, 'wednesday': True,

System configuration API

178 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

'thursday': True, 'sunday': False, 'saturday': False } }

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'DELETE, GET, POST, HEAD'

{ "id":"fc-0" }

Modify a replication policy rule.

You can modify replication policy rules on the system.

Request example

PUT /platform/sync/rules/Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain, Allow: 'DELETE, GET, PUT, POST'

Modify SyncIQ settings

You can modify the SyncIQ settings on the system.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/sync/settingsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'report_max_count': 1234, 'service': 'on' }

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: text/plain,Allow: 'DELETE, GET, PUT, HEAD'

Deduplication overviewThe SmartDedupe software module enables you to save storage space on your cluster byreducing redundant data. Deduplication maximizes the efficiency of your cluster bydecreasing the amount of storage required to store multiple files with similar blocks.

SmartDedupe deduplicates data by scanning an Isilon cluster for identical data blocks.Each block is 8 KB. If SmartDedupe finds duplicate blocks, SmartDedupe moves a singlecopy of the blocks to a hidden file called a shadow store. SmartDedupe then deletes theduplicate blocks from the original files and replaces the blocks with pointers to theshadow store.

System configuration API

Deduplication overview 179

Deduplication is applied at the directory level, targeting all files and directoriesunderneath one or more root directories. You can first assess a directory fordeduplication and determine the estimated amount of space you can expect to save. Youcan then decide whether to deduplicate the directory. After you begin deduplicating adirectory, you can monitor how much space is saved by deduplication in real time.

SmartDedupe does not deduplicate files that are 32 KB and smaller, because doing sowould consume more cluster resources than the storage savings are worth. Each shadowstore can contain up to 255 blocks. Each block in a shadow store can be referenced32000 times.

Deduplication resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete SmartDedupe configurations and settings.

Deduplication summary resource

Applies the standard summary pattern to OneFS SmartDedupe jobs.

Operation Method and URI

Get a summary of deduplication jobs GET /platform/1/dedupe/dedupe-summary

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/dedupe/dedupe-summary?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

block_size Integer Specifies the file system block size inbytes.


estimated_physical_blocks Integer Specifies the estimated number ofphysical blocks that arededuplicated.


estimated_saved_blocks Integer Specifies the estimated number ofphysical blocks that are saved bydeduplication.


logical_blocks Integer Specifies the number of logicalblocks that are deduplicated.


saved_logical_blocks Integer Specifies the number of logicalblocks that are saved bydeduplication.


total_blocks Integer Specifies the total number of physicalblocks in the cluster.


used_blocks Integer Specifies the total number of physicalblocks that are holding data in thecluster.


System configuration API

180 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Deduplication settings resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to OneFS deduplication settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get deduplication settings GET /platform/1/dedupe/settings

Modify deduplication settings PUT /platform/1/dedupe/settings

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/dedupe/settings?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

assess_paths Array Specifies the path to directories thatare assessed for deduplication.


dedupe_schedule String Specifies a schedule fordeduplication.


paths Array Specifies the paths that arededuplicated.


Deduplication reports resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to SmartDedupe reports.

Operation Method and URI

Get a report for all deduplication jobs GET /platform/1/dedupe/reports

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/dedupe/reports?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

begin=<integer>Return only those reports at or after the given time in seconds since UNIX Epoch.

end=<integer>Return only those reports at or before the given time in seconds since UNIX Epoch.

job_id=<integer>Return only those jobs with a specific identifier.

job_type=[Dedupe|DedupeAssessment]Return only those jobs with the specified job type.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

System configuration API

Deduplication overview 181

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument for continuation calls.


dedupe_percent Boolean Specifies the percentage of scannedblocks that were deduplicated.


elapsed_time Boolean Specifies the amount of time taken tocomplete the job.


id String Specifies a unique identifier for thereport.


job_id String Specifies a unique identifier for thededuplication job in the report.


job_type String Specifies the type of deduplicationjob.


reports Array Specifies a list of entries in the reportfor the deduplication job.


phase Integer Reports the phase of the job. Thisvalue ranges from 1-4.


results String Specifies the results for the report. reports

time Integer Specifies the time that the report wasgenerated in seconds since UNIXEpoch.


Deduplication API examplesYou can see examples for some deduplication API calls.

Modify deduplication settings

You can modify deduplication settings on the cluster.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/dedupe/settingsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'paths': [ '/ifs/data/dedupeme1', '/ifs/data/dedupeme2' ]}

System configuration API

182 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: 'text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Hadoop overviewHadoop is an open-source platform that runs analytics on large sets of data across adistributed file system.

In a Hadoop implementation on an EMC Isilon cluster, OneFS acts as the distributed filesystem and HDFS is supported as a native protocol. Clients from a Hadoop clusterconnect to the Isilon cluster through the HDFS protocol to manage and process data.

Hadoop support on the cluster requires you to activate an HDFS license. To obtain alicense, contact your EMC Isilon sales representative.

HDFS resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete HDFS configurations and settings.

HDFS racks resource

Create or retrieve information about HDFS racks.

Operation Method and URI

Get all HDFS racks GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks

Create an HDFS rack POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks

Get an HDFS rack GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/<rack ID>

Modify an HDFS rack PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/<rack ID>

Delete an HDFS rack DELETE /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/<rack ID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/<rack ID>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of HDFS rackson the cluster.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


System configuration API

Hadoop overview 183

Property Type Description Property of

client_ip_ranges Array Specifies an array of IP ranges.Clients connections from these IPranges are served by nodes from anarray of corresponding nodes fromthe ip_pools parameter.


id String Specifies the system-provided ID ofthe HDFS rack.


ip_pools Array Specifies an array of IP pool names.Clients connections from the IPranges specified in theclient_ip_ranges parameter are

served from this array.


name String Specifies the system or user providedname of the HDFS rack.


HDFS proxyusers resource

Create, delete, or retrieve information about HDFS proxyusers.

Operation Method and URI

Get all HDFS proxyusers GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers

Get an HDFS proxyuser GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>

Create an HDFS proxyuser POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/ or

PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>

Delete an HDFS proxyuser DELETE /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>

View the detailed JSON schema forthis resource

GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers?describe

View detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>?describe

Query parameters

zone=<string>Specify an access zone for the user. The default value is system.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of proxyusersconfigured.


System configuration API

184 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


proxyusers Array Specifies the HDFS impersonationinformation of a proxyuser.


id String Specifies the ID of the proxyuser thatis assigned by the system.


members Array Specifies users or groups that areimpersonated by a proxyuser.


id String Specifies the serialized form of the IDsuch as 'UID:0', 'USER:name', or 'GID:0.


name String Specifies the persona name, whichmust be combined with the typeoption.


type String Specifies the persona type, whichmust be combined with the nameoption. Values include "user","group", or "wellknown".


name String Specifies the name of the proxyuser. proxyusers

HDFS proxyusers name members resource

Add, modify, delete, or retrieve information about HDFS proxyuser members.

Operation Method and URI

Get all members of the HDFSproxyusers

GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>/members

Add a member to the HDFS proxyuser POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>/members/ or

PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>/members/<MEMBER>

Remove a member from the HDFSproxyuser

DELETE /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>/members/<MEMBER>

View the detailed JSON schema forthis resource

GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/<NAME>/members?describe

Query parameters

zone=<string>Specify an access zone for the user.

System configuration API

Hadoop overview 185

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


members Array Specifies properties for proxyusermembers.


id String Specifies the serialized form of thepersona (such as 'UID:0','USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel','SID:S-1-1').


name String Specifies the persona name, whichmust be combined with type.


type String Specifies the type of persona, whichmust be combined with name.


HDFS settings resource

Modify or retrieve information about global HDFS settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get the global HDFS settings GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/settings

Modify the global HDFS settings PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/settings

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/settings?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

default_block_size Integer Specifies the block size(size=2**value) reported by the HDFSserver.


default_checksum_type String Specifies the checksum type reportedby the HDFS server.


server_log_level String Specifies a log level for the HDFSdaemon.


server_threads Integer Specifies the number of workerthreads dedicated to the HDFSdaemon.


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186 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

HDFS API examplesYou can see examples for some HDFS API requests.

Create an HDFS rack

You can create an HDFS rack.

Request exampleThe rack name must be preceded by a forward slash (/).

POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racksAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "name":"/racktest"}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

{"id" : "1-5-21-4224731515-2571109568-2823010237-1003"}

Modify an HDFS rack

You can modify the properties for an HDFS rack.

Request exampleThe rack name must be preceded by a forward slash (/). In the URL, you must replace theforward slash with the escape character %2F.

PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/%2Fracktest

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "name":"/rack2test"}

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Modify global HDFS settings

You can modify the properties for global HDFS settings.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/settings/Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "default_checksum_type":"crc32"}

System configuration API

Hadoop overview 187

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Create HDFS proxyusers

Create an HDFS proxyuser.

Request example

POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusersAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

You can also create an HDFS proxyuser through the PUT method.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/proxy_user_testAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

Create HDFS proxyuser member

Create an HDFS proxyuser member.

Request example

POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/proxy_user_test/membersAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json

You can also create an HDFS proxyuser member through the PUT method.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/proxy_user_test/members/USER:proxy_user_member_testAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


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188 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Response example

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

IP address poolsWithin a subnet, you can partition a cluster's external network interfaces into pools of IPaddress ranges. The pools enable you to customize your storage network to servedifferent groups of users. You can configure subnets in IPv4 or IPv6.

You can associate IP address pools with a node, a group of nodes, or NIC ports. Forexample, you can set up one subnet for storage nodes and another subnet for acceleratornodes. Similarly, you can allocate ranges of IP addresses on a subnet to different teams,such as engineering and sales. These options help you create a storage topology thatmatches the demands of your network.

In addition, network provisioning rules streamline the setup of external connections.After you configure the rules with network settings, you can apply the settings to newnodes.

As a standard feature, the OneFS SmartConnect module balances connections amongnodes by using a round-robin policy with static IP addresses and one IP address pool foreach subnet. Activating a SmartConnect Advanced license adds features, such asdefining IP address pools to support multiple DNS zones.

Cluster external IPs resourceThis resource contains the external IP addresses for the cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get external IP addresses for the cluster GET /platform/2/cluster/external-ips

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/2/cluster/external-ips?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

items Array The list of external IP addresses forthe cluster.


Structure of the file systemOneFS presents all the nodes in a cluster as a global namespace—that is, as the defaultfile share, /ifs.

In the file system, directories are inode number links. An inode contains file metadataand an inode number, which identifies a file's location. OneFS dynamically allocatesinodes, and there is no limit on the number of inodes.

To distribute data among nodes, OneFS sends messages with a globally routable blockaddress through the cluster's internal network. The block address identifies the node andthe drive storing the block of data.

System configuration API

IP address pools 189


It is recommended that you do not save data to the root /ifs file path but in directories

below /ifs. The design of your data storage structure should be planned carefully. A

well-designed directory optimizes cluster performance and cluster administration.

File system settings character-encodings resourceView and modify settings for character-encodings.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve default character-encodings settingsfor the cluster

GET /platform/1/filesystem/settings/character-encodings

Modify the default character-encodingssettings for the cluster

PUT /platform/1/filesystem/settings/character-encodings

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/filesystem/settings/character-encodings?describe

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of itemsavailable.


character-encodings String Specifies the properties for characterencodings.


default-encoding String Specifies the default characterencoding.


encodings Array Specifies the list of supportedencoding values.


current-encoding String Specifies the current characterencoding.


File system settings access-time resourceView and modify settings for the file system access-time.

Operation Method and URI

Retrieve default access-time settings GET /platform/1/filesystem/settings/access-time

Modify the default access-time settings PUT /platform/1/filesystem/settings/access-time

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/filesystem/settings/access-time?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

190 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of itemsavailable.


access-time String Specifies properties for access-timesettings.


enabled Boolean Determines if the access-timetracking is enabled.


precision String Specifies the access time tracked inseconds for each enabled cluster file.


File poolsFile pools are sets of files that you define to apply policy-based control of the storagecharacteristics of your data.

The initial installation of OneFS places all files in the cluster into a single file pool, whichis subject to the default file pool policy. SmartPools enables you to define additional filepools, and create policies that move files in these pools to specific node pools and tiers.

File pool policies match specific file characteristics (such as file size, type, date of lastaccess or a combination of these and other factors), and define specific storageoperations for files that match them. The following examples demonstrate a few ways youcan configure file pool policies:

l You can create a file pool policy for a specific file extension that requires highavailability.

l You can configure a file pool policy to store that type of data in a storage pool thatprovides the fastest reads or read/writes.

l You can create another file pool policy to evaluate last accessed date, allowing you tostore older files in storage pool best suited for archiving for historical or regulatorypurposes.

File pool resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete file pool configurations and settings.

File pool default policy resource

Modify or retrieve information about the default OneFS file pool policy.

Operation Method and URI

Get information about the default file pool policy GET /platform/1/filepool/default-policy

Modify the default file pool policy PUT /platform/1/filepool/default-policy

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/filepool/default-policy?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

File pools 191

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

default-policy Object Specifies the default file pool policy. N/A

actions Array Specifies a list of actions that will betaken on matching files.


action_param Object Specifies parameters for the actionthat vary by the definedaction_type. This parameter can

be set as a string, Boolean, object, ornull.


action_type String Specifies the type of action. Optionsareset_requested_protection,






File pool policies resource

Create or retrieve information about OneFS file pool policies.

Operation Method and URI

Get information about all file pool policies GET /platform/1/filepool/policies

Get information about a file pool policy GET /platform/1/filepool/policies/<policyname>

Create a file pool policy POST /platform/1/filepool/policies

Modify a file pool policy PUT /platform/1/filepool/policies/<policyname>

Delete a file pool policy DELETE /platform/1/filepool/policies/<policyname>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/filepool/policies?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/filepool/policies/<policyname>?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of file poolpolicies on the cluster.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


policies Object Specifies a file pool policy. N/A

System configuration API

192 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

actions Array Specifies a list of actions that will betaken on matching files.


action_param Object Specifies parameters for the actionthat vary by the definedaction_type. This parameter can

be set as a string, Boolean, object, ornull.


action_type String Specifies the type of action. Optionsareset_requested_protection,






apply_order Integer Specifies the order in which thispolicy is applied.


birth_cluster_id String Specifies the GUID that is assigned tothe cluster where the file pool policywas created.


description String Specifies a description for the filepool policy.


file_matching_pattern Object Specifies the file matching rules forthe file pool policy.


or_criteria Object Specifies the criteria for the oroperator.


and_criteria Object Specifies the criteria for the andoperator.


attribute_exists Boolean Specifies whether an attributeindicates a match. Only applies whenthe type parameter is set to



begins_with Boolean Determines if files are matchedrecursively under the given path. Onlyapplies when the type parameter is

set to path.


case_sensitive Boolean Determines whether to apply case-sensitivity when comparing fileattributes. Only applies when thetype parameter is set to either nameor path.


field String Specifies a file attribute field namefor comparison when the typeparameter is set tocustom_attribute.


System configuration API

File pools 193

Property Type Description Property of

operator String Specifies the comparison operator tocompare an attribute against a value.Comparison operators are "==", "!=",">", ">=", "<", "<=", and "!".


type String Specifies the file attribute that iscompared against a given value, suchas name, path, link_count,

accessed_time, birth_time,


metadata_changed_time, size,

file_type, and



units String Specifies the unit of size, such as B,KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB. Onlyapplies when the type parameter isset to size.


use_relative_time Boolean Determines whether time units referto a calendar date and time (such asJun 2, 2009) or a period of time (suchas 2 weeks). Only applies when thetype parameter is set to

accessed_time, birth_time,

changed_time, or



value String orInteger

Specifies the value that is comparedagainst a file attribute.


id Integer Specifies the system assigned ID forthe file pool policy.


name String Specifies the system or user assignedname for the file pool policy.


File pool templates resource

Retrieve information about OneFS file pool policy templates.

Operation Method and URI

Get information about file pool policy templatea GET /platform/1/filepool/templates

Get information about a file pool policy template GET /platform/1/filepool/templates/<name>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/filepool/templates?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/filepool/templates/<name>?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

194 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of file pooltemplates on the cluster.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


templates Object Specifies a file pool policy template. N/A

actions Array Specifies a list of actions that will betaken on matching files.


action_param Object Specifies parameters for the actionthat vary by the definedaction_type. This parameter can

be set as a string, Boolean, object, ornull.


action_type String Specifies the type of action. Optionsareset_requested_protection,






apply_order Integer Specifies the order in which thispolicy is applied.


birth_cluster_id String Specifies the GUID that is assigned tothe cluster where the file pool policywas created.


description String Specifies a description for the filepool policy.


file_matching_pattern Object Specifies the file matching rules forthe file pool policy.


or_criteria Object Specifies the criteria for the oroperator.


and_criteria Object Specifies the criteria for the andoperator.


attribute_exists Boolean Specifies whether an attributeindicates a match. Only applies whenthe type parameter is set to



begins_with Boolean Determines if files are matchedrecursively under the given path. Onlyapplies when the type parameter is

set to path.


case_sensitive Boolean Determines whether to apply case-sensitivity when comparing fileattributes. Only applies when the


System configuration API

File pools 195

Property Type Description Property of

type parameter is set to either nameor path.

field String Specifies a file attribute field namefor comparison when the typeparameter is set tocustom_attribute.


operator String Specifies the comparison operator tocompare an attribute against a value.Comparison operators are "==", "!=",">", ">=", "<", "<=", and "!".


type String Specifies the file attribute that iscompared against a given value, suchas name, path, link_count,

accessed_time, birth_time,


metadata_changed_time, size,

file_type, and



units String Specifies the unit of size, such as B,KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB. Onlyapplies when the type parameter isset to size.


use_relative_time Boolean Determines whether time units referto a calendar date and time (such asJun 2, 2009) or a period of time (suchas 2 weeks). Only applies when thetype parameter is set to

accessed_time, birth_time,

changed_time, or



value String orInteger

Specifies the value that is comparedagainst a file attribute.


id Integer Specifies the system assigned ID forthe file pool policy.


name String Specifies the system or user assignedname for the file pool policy.


File pools API examplesYou can see examples for some file pools API requests.

System configuration API

196 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Create a file pool policy

You can create a file pool policy.

Request example

POST /platform/1/filepool/policies Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{'file_matching_pattern': {'or_criteria': [ {'and_criteria': [ {'operator': '==', 'type': 'path', 'value': '/ifs/data/vms'} ] } ] }, 'name': 'mirror_vms', 'actions': [ { 'action_param': '8x', 'action_type': 'set_requested_protection' } ]}

Response example

201 Created Content-type: application/json

{"id" : "mirror_vms"}

Modify a file pool policy

You can modify a file pool policy.

Request exampleIn the following example, "vms_mirror" is the ID of the file pool policy.

PUT /platform/1/filepool/policies/vms_mirror Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "action_param":"false" "action_type":"set_requested_protection" }

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

System configuration API

File pools 197

Modify the default file pool policy

You can modify the default file pool policy.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/filepool/policies/ Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "action_param":"random" "action_type":"set_data_access_pattern" }

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

SmartLock overviewYou can prevent users from modifying and deleting files on an EMC Isilon cluster with theSmartLock software module. You must activate a SmartLock license on a cluster toprotect data with SmartLock.

With the SmartLock software module, you can create SmartLock directories and commitfiles within those directories to a write once read many (WORM) state. You cannot eraseor re-write a file committed to a WORM state. After a file is removed from a WORM state,you can delete the file. However, you can never modify a file that has been committed toa WORM state, even after it is removed from a WORM state.

SmartLock resourcesYou can retrieve, create, or modify SmartLock configurations and settings.

SmartLock domains resource

Create or retrieve information about a SmartLock domain.

Operation Method and URI

Get all SmartLock domains GET /platform/1/worm/domains

Get a SmartLock domain GET /platform/1/worm/domains/<domain>

Create a SmartLock domain POST /platform/1/worm/domains

Modify a SmartLock domain PUT /platform/1/worm/domains/<domain>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/worm/domains?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/worm/domains?describe

System configuration API

198 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. The default value is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of SmartLockdomains on the cluster.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


autocommit_offset Integer Specifies the autocommit time periodfor the domain, in seconds. After afile is in the domain without beingmodified for the specified timeperiod, the file is automaticallycommitted. If this parameter is set tonull, there is no autocommit time,and files must be committedmanually.


default_retention Integer Specifies the default amount of time,in seconds, that a file in this domainwill be protected. The defaultretention period is applied if noretention date is manually set on thefile. This parameter can also be set toforever, use_min (which applies

the min_retention option), or

use_max (which applies the

max_retention option).


id Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID forthis protection domain.


incomplete Boolean If true, indicates that OneFS is stillcreating the domain and is unable toprevent files from being modified ordeleted. If false, indicates that thedomain is fully created and is able toprevent files from being modified ordeleted.


lin Integer Specifies the logical inode number(LIN) for the root of this domain.


System configuration API

SmartLock overview 199

Property Type Description Property of

max_modifies Integer Specifies the maximum number oftimes a SmartLock domain can bemodified.


max_retention Integer Specifies the maximum amount oftime, in seconds, that a file in thisdomain will be protected. This settingwill override the retention period ofany file committed with a longerretention period. If this parameter isset to null, an infinite length retentionperiod is set.


min_retention Integer Specifies the minimum amount oftime, in seconds, that a file in thisdomain will be protected. This settingwill override the retention period ofany file committed with a shorterretention period. If this parameter isset to null, this minimum value is notenforced. This parameter can also beset to forever.


override_date Integer Specifies the override retention datefor the domain. If this date is laterthan the retention date for anycommitted file, the file will remainprotected until the override retentiondate.


path String Specifies the root path of thisdomain. Files in this directory and allsubdirectories will be protected.


privileged_delete String When the on option is selected, files

in this domain can be deletedthrough the privileged delete feature.If the disabled option is selected,

privileged file deletes arepermanently disabled and cannot beturned on.


total_modifies Integer Specifies the number of times thisdomain has been modified and thenumber of times the attributes for thedomain have changed. A SmartLockdomain can be modified a fixednumber of times as defined by themax_modifies parameter.


type String Specifies whether the domain is anenterprise domain or a compliancedomain. Compliance domains can notbe created on enterprise clusters.Enterprise and compliance domains


System configuration API

200 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

can be created on complianceclusters.

SmartLock settings resource

Modify or retrieve information about SmartLock global settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get SmartLock global settings GET /platform/1/worm/settings

Modify SmartLock global settings PUT /platform/1/worm/settings

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/worm/settings?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

cdate Object Specifies the current time of theSmartLock compliance clock in UnixEpoch seconds. If the complianceclock is not set, this value is null. APUT request will set the complianceclock date to the current system time.The cluster must be in compliancemode to set the compliance clock.


SmartLock API examplesYou can see examples for some SmartLock API requests.

Create a SmartLock

You can create a SmartLock domain.

Request example

POST /platform/1/worm/domains Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "path":"/ifs/test/domain_test" }

Response example

201 Created Content-type: application/json


System configuration API

SmartLock overview 201

"id" : "224731515-4837484-928237-1003"}

Modify a SmartLock

You can modify a SmartLock domain.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/worm/domains/domaintest Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

Modify SmartLock settings

You can modify SmartLock settings.

Request exampleIn this example, you can set the compliance clock to the current system time by sending aPUT request to this resource with an empty JSON object {} for the cdate value. This clustermust be in compliance mode to set the compliance clock.

PUT /platform/1/worm/domains/settingsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"cdate" : }

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

Storage pools overviewOneFS organizes different node types into separate node pools, and you can organizethese node pools additionally into logical tiers of storage. By activating a SmartPoolslicense, you can create file pool policies that store files in these tiers automatically,based on file-matching criteria that you specify.

Without an active SmartPools license, OneFS manages all node pools as a single pool ofstorage. File data and metadata is stored across the entire cluster so that data isprotected, secure, and readily accessible. All files belong to the default file pool and aregoverned by the default file pool policy. In this mode, OneFS provides functions such asautoprovisioning, node class and SSD compatibilities, virtual hot spare (VHS), SSDstrategies, global namespace acceleration (GNA), L3 cache, and storage tiers.

When you activate a SmartPools license, you can manage your data set to improve theperformance of your cluster. With a SmartPools license, additional functions becomeavailable, including custom file pool policies and spillover management.

The following table summarizes storage pool functions based on whether a SmartPoolslicense is active.

System configuration API

202 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Function Inactive SmartPoolslicense

Active SmartPoolslicense

Automatic storage pool provisioning Yes Yes

Node class compatibilities (nodeequivalency)

Yes Yes

SSD compatibilities Yes Yes

Virtual hot spare Yes Yes

SSD strategies Yes Yes

L3 cache Yes Yes

Tiers Yes Yes

GNA Yes Yes

File pool policies No Yes

Spillover management No Yes

Storage pools resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete system storage pool settings andconfigurations.

Storage pool settings resource

Modify or retrieve information about OneFS storage pools.

Operation Method and URI

Get storage pool settings GET /platform/1/storagepool/settings

Modify storage pool settings PUT /platform/1/storagepool/settings

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/settings?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of


String Automatically manages the I/Ooptimization settings on files.Operations are optimized by storingsingle copies of each file's metadataon SSD and reducing the latency ofmetadata read operations.Options are: all,

files_at_default, and none.

When the option forfiles_at_default is specified,

files that do not have a manually


System configuration API

Storage pools overview 203

Property Type Description Property of

managed flag set will have their I/Ooptimization settings set by theSmartPools job.


String Automatically manages the protectionsettings on files. Options are: all,

files_at_default, and none.



Boolean Determines if metadata is stored onsolid state drives. Enabling thisoption optimizes namespaceoperations.



String Specifies whether namespaceoperation optimizations are currentlyin effect. Read-only values are:honored or inactive.



Boolean Determines if an additional protectionlevel is added automatically to alldirectories.


spillover_enabled Boolean Determines if data is written intoother pools when the specifiedstorage target is not writeable.


spillover_target Object Specifies a target pool for data whenthe specified storage target is notwriteable.


id Integer Specifies the target pool ID if a targetis specified. Otherwise, this value canbe set to null.


name String Specifies the target pool name if atarget is specified. Otherwise, thisvalue can be set to null.


type String Specifies the type of target pool.Options are tier, nodepool,

anywhere, and invalid.



Boolean Determines if writes are denied inreserved virtual hot spare space.



Boolean Determines if reserved virtual hotspare space is hidden from free spacecounts.



Integer Specifies the number of drives toreserve for the virtual hot spare. Thisvalue can be 0-4.



Integer Specifies the percent space to reservefor the virtual hot spare. This valuecan be 0-20.


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204 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Storage pools tiers resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to OneFS tiers.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of all tiers GET /platform/1/storagepool/tiers

Get a single tier GET /platform/1/storagepool/tiers/<name or id>

Create a new tier POST /platform/1/storagepool/tiers

Delete all tiers DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/tiers

Delete a single tier DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/tiers/<name or id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/tiers?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of tiers. N/A

id Integer Specifies the system ID given to thetier.


lnns Array Specifies the nodes that are part ofthis tier.


name String Specifies the name of the tier. tiers

usage Object Reports the total tier usage. tiers

avail_bytes Integer Reports the number of available freebytes that are in the tier when avirtual hot spare is taken intoaccount.


avail_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of available freebytes that are in the tier and on SSDdrives when a virtual hot spare istaken into account.


balanced Boolean Reports if the pool usage is currentlybalanced.


free_bytes Integer Reports the number of free bytes thatare in the pool.


free_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of free bytes thatare in the pool and on SSD drives.


total_bytes Integer Reports the number of total bytes ofdata in the pool.


total_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of total bytes ofdata in the pool and on SSD drives.


System configuration API

Storage pools overview 205

Property Type Description Property of

virtual_hot_spare_bytes Integer Reports the number of bytes reservedfor a virtual hot spare in the pool.


Storage pools node pools resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to OneFS node pools.

Operation Method and URI

Get information for all node pools GET /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools

Get information for a single node pool GET /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools/<name orid>

Create a new node pool POST /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools

Modify a node pool PUT /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools/<name orid>

Delete a manually managed node pool DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools/<name or id>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of nodepools.


id Integer Specifies the system ID given to thenode pool.


lnns Array Specifies the nodes that are part ofthis node pool, by Logical NodeNumber (LNN).


manual Boolean Determines if the node pool ismanaged manually by the user orautomatically by the system.


name String Specifies the name of the node pool. nodepools

protection_policy String Specifies the underlying protectionpolicy.


tier String Specifies the name or system ID ofthe tier that the node pool is in. If thenode pool is not in a tier, this value isnull.


usage Object Reports the total pool usage. nodepools

avail_bytes Integer Reports the number of available freebytes that are in the pool when a


System configuration API

206 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

virtual hot spare is taken intoaccount.

avail_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of available freebytes that are in the pool and on SSDdrives when a virtual hot spare istaken into account.


balanced Boolean Reports if the pool usage is currentlybalanced.


free_bytes Integer Reports the number of free bytes thatare in the pool.


free_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of free bytes thatare in the pool and on SSD drives.


total_bytes Integer Reports the number of total bytes ofdata in the pool.


total_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of total bytes ofdata in the pool and on SSD drives.


virtual_hot_spare_bytes Integer Reports the number of bytes reservedfor a virtual hot spare in the pool.


Storage pools resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to OneFS storage pools. You can supply atoplevels argument to filter out node pools within tiers.

Operation Method and URI

Get information for all storage pools GET /platform/1/storagepool/storagepools

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/storagepools?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of storagepools.


id Integer Specifies the system ID given to thestorage pool.


lnns Array Specifies the nodes that are part ofthis storage pool, by Logical NodeNumber (LNN).


manual Boolean Determines if the node pool ismanaged manually by the user orautomatically by the system.


System configuration API

Storage pools overview 207

Property Type Description Property of

name String Specifies the name of the storagepool.


protection_policy String Specifies the underlying protectionpolicy.


type String Specifies the pool type. Options aretier or nodepool.


tier String Specifies the name or system ID ofthe tier that the node pool is in. If thenode pool is not in a tier, this value isnull.


usage Object Reports the total pool usage. storagepools

avail_bytes Integer Reports the number of available freebytes that are in the pool when avirtual hot spare is taken intoaccount.


avail_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of available freebytes that are in the pool and on SSDdrives when a virtual hot spare istaken into account.


balanced Boolean Reports if the pool usage is currentlybalanced.


free_bytes Integer Reports the number of free bytes thatare in the pool.


free_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of free bytes thatare in the pool and on SSD drives.


total_bytes Integer Reports the number of total bytes ofdata in the pool.


total_ssd_bytes Integer Reports the number of total bytes ofdata in the pool and on SSD drives.


virtual_hot_spare_bytes Integer Reports the number of bytes reservedfor a virtual hot spare in the pool.


Storage pools suggested protection resource

Retrieve information about the suggested protection policy for a storage pool.

Operation Method and URI

Get information about the suggestedprotection policy

GET /platform/1/storagepool/suggested_protection/<NID>

View detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/suggested_protection/<NID>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

208 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

suggested_protection String Specifies the suggested protectionpolicy.


Storagepool compatibilities SSD active resource

Create, delete, or view active SSD compatibilities

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of active ssd compatibilities GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active

Get an ssd compatibility by ID GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active/<ID>

Create a new ssd compatibility POST /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active

Delete an ssd compatibility DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active/<ID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active/<ID>?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of itemsavailable.


active Object Specifies the properties for activessds.


class_2 String Specifies the optional second classthat is turned on in an ssdcompatibility.


class_1 String Specifies the node class of an ssdcompatibility. Required in a POSToperation.


id Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe ssd compatibility.


assess Boolean Determines if an ssd compatibilitycan be created, but does not createthe compatibility.


System configuration API

Storage pools overview 209

Storagepool compatibilities SSD available resource

View a list of available ssd compatibilities.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of available ssd compatibilities GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/available

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/available?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of itemsavailable.


class String Specifies the node class of an ssdcompatibility.


Storagepool compatibilities class available resource

View a list of available class compatibilities.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of available class compatibilities GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/available

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/available?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of itemsavailable.


class_1 String Specifies the first node class of anavailable class compatibility.


class_2 String Specifies the second node class of anavailable class compatibility.


System configuration API

210 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Storage pool compatibilities class active resource

View or create a storage pool compatibility.

Operation Method and URI

Get all storage pool compatibilities GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active

Get a storage pool compatibility by ID GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active/<ID>

Post storage pool compatibilities POST /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active

Delete a storage pool compatibility by ID DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active/<ID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active/<ID>?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of itemsavailable.


active String Specifies the properties for the activeproperties.


class_2 String Specifies the second class in anactive compatibility. Required in aPOST operation.


class_1 String Specifies the first class in an activecompatibility. Required in a POSToperation.


id Integer Specifies the system-assigned ID forthe active compatibility.


assess Boolean Determines if a compatibility ispossible, but does not trigger thecreation of a compatibility.


Storage pool status resource

Retrieves the heath status of the overall OneFS pool system.

Operation Method and URI

Get the status of the OneFS pool system GET /platform/1/storagepool/status

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/storagepool/status?describe

System configuration API

Storage pools overview 211

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

affected Object Identifies unhealthy nodes and drives. unhealthy

device Object Specifies the logical node number or drive identifier. affected

bay Integer Specifies the drive bay number. device

lnn Integer Specifies the node the drive is on. device

down Boolean Determines if the device is currently down. affected

restriping Boolean Determines if the device is currently being repaired. affected

smartfailed Boolean Determines if the device is currently smartfailed. affected

type String Specifies the type of device that is affected. affected

drives Array Identifies the drives that are part of the disk pool. diskpool

bay Integer Specifies the drive bay number. drives

lnn Integer Specifies the node the drive is on, by Logical NodeNumber (LNN).


id Integer Specifies the system ID given to the disk pool. diskpool

name String Specifies the disk pool name. diskpool

nodepool_id Integer Specifies the system ID of the node pool for the diskpool. If the disk pool is not in a node pool, this valueis null.


protection_policy String Specifies the protection policy for the disk pool. diskpool

ssd_drives Array Specifies the SSDs that are part of the disk pool. diskpool

bay Integer Specifies the drive bay number. ssd_drives

lnn Integer Specifies the node the drive is on. ssd_drives

health_flags Array Specifies the health status for the disk pool. Optionsinclude: underprovisioned, missing_drives,

devices_down, devices_smartfailed, and



unprovisioned Array Identifies drives that are currently not provisioned intoa disk pool.


bay Integer Specifies the drive bay number. drives

lnn Integer Specifies the node the drive is on. drives

Storage pools API examplesYou can see examples for some storage pools API calls.

System configuration API

212 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Modify storage pool settings

You can modify the global storage pool settings on the system.

Request exampleYou must specify at least one property in the request.

PUT /platform/1/storagepool/settingsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'global_namespace_acceleration_enabled': false, 'automatically_manage_protection': 'all' }

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 NO CONTENTContent-type: text/plain, Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Create a tier

Create a tier on the system.

Request example

POST /platform/1/storagepool/tiersAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'name': 'myTier' }

Response example

201 CREATEDContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE'

{ "id":"myTier" }

Modify a tier

Modify a tier.

Request exampleWhen you modify a set of nodes that belong to a tier, you must also set the tierproperty on that node pool through the /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools URI.

PUT /platform/1/storagepool/tiers/myTierAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "name": myTier }

PUT /platform/1/storagepool/nodepoolsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

System configuration API

Storage pools overview 213

{ "tier": myTier }

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 NO CONTENTContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'

Create a node pool

Create and manually manage a node pool.

Request exampleYou must specify a minimum of three lnns. After these nodes are added to the newlycreated node pool and removed from their current node pool, the number of nodes in theoriginal node pool must either be 0 or greater than 2.

POST /platform/1/storagepool/nodepoolsAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'name': 'myPool', 'lnns': [2, 3, 1] }

Response example

201 CREATEDContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE' { "id":"myPool" }

Modify a node pool

You can modify a node pool on the system.

Request exampleYou must specify at least one property in the body. Additionally, you can only specify lnnsfor manually managed node pools and you must specify a minimum of three lnns whenmodifying a manually managed node pool. If nodes are moved to a new node pool andremoved from their current node pool, the number of nodes in the original node poolmust either be 0 or greater than 2.

PUT /platform/1/storagepool/nodepools/myPoolAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ 'tier': 'myTier', 'name': 'myNewPoolName' }

System configuration API

214 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No ContentContent-type: application/json, Allow: 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'

SmartQuotas overviewThe SmartQuotas module is an optional quota-management tool that monitors andenforces administrator-defined storage limits. Using accounting and enforcement quotalimits, reporting capabilities, and automated notifications, SmartQuotas managesstorage use, monitors disk storage, and issues alerts when disk-storage limits areexceeded.

Quotas help you manage storage usage according to criteria that you define. Quotas areused for tracking—and sometimes limiting—the amount of storage that a user, group, orproject consumes. Quotas are a useful way of ensuring that a user or department doesnot infringe on the storage that is allocated to other users or departments. In some quotaimplementations, writes beyond the defined space are denied, and in other cases, asimple notification is sent.


Do not apply quotas to /ifs/.ifsvar/ or its subdirectories. If you limit the size of

the /ifs/.ifsvar/ directory through a quota, and the directory reaches its limit, jobs suchas File-System Analytics fail. A quota blocks older job reports from being deleted fromthe /ifs/.ifsvar/ subdirectories to make room for newer reports.

The SmartQuotas module requires a separate license. For more information about theSmartQuotas module or to activate the module, contact your EMC Isilon salesrepresentative.

Quotas resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete SmartQuotas configurations and settings.

Quota license resource

Retrieves license information for the SmartQuotas feature.

Operation Method and URI

Get license information for SmartQuotas GET /platform/1/quota/license

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/quota/license?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

duration Integer Specifies the total duration inseconds for temporary licenses.


System configuration API

SmartQuotas overview 215

Property Type Description Property of

expiration Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time whenthe license expires.


status Array Specifies the current status of thelicense. Possible states are:activated, evaluation,

expired, inactive, and



name String Specifies the name of the licensedfeature.


Quota summary resource

Applies the standard collection summary pattern to OneFS quotas.

Operation Method and URI

Get summary information about quotas GET /platform/1/quota/quotas-summary

View detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/quota/quotas-summary?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

count Integer Specifies the total number of quotas. summary


Integer Specifies the total number of default-group quotas.


default_user_quotas_count Integer Specifies the total number of default-user quotas.


directory_quotas_count Integer Specifies the total number ofdirectory quotas.


group_quotas_count Integer Specifies the total number of groupquotas.


linked_quotas_count Integer Specifies the total number of userand group totals that are linked.


user_quotas_count Integer Specifies the total number of userquotas.


System configuration API

216 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Quota quotas notification rules resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to the notification rules for a quota.

Operation Method and URI

Get all notification rules for aquota

GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications

Get a notification rule for aquota

GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications/<notification-id>

Create notification rules for aquota

POST /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications

Create empty overridenotification rules for a quota

PUT /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications

Modify notification rules for aquota

PUT /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications/<notification-id>

Delete all notification rules for aquota

DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications

Delete notification rules for aquota

DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications/<notification-id>

View detailed JSON schema forquota notification rules

GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications?describe

View detailed JSON schema fora single quota notification ruleobject

GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications/<notification-id>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String Specifies the system ID given to therule. In a POST request, this is the IDof the created item that refers to theitem in the collection item resourcepath.


action_alert String Sends an alert when the rulematches.


action_email_address String Sends an email to a specific addresswhen the rule matches.


action_email_owner String Sends an email to the quota domainowner when the rule matches.


email_template String Specifies the path of theoptional /ifs template file used for



System configuration API

SmartQuotas overview 217

Property Type Description Property of

condition Array Specifies the condition that mustoccur on the quota to triggernotification actions. Options include:exceeded, denied, violated,



holdoff Integer Specifies the time to wait betweendetections for rules that are triggeredby user actions.


Quotas resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to file system quotas.

Operation Method and URI

Get all quotas GET /platform/1/quota/quotas

Get one quota GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>

Create a quota POST /platform/1/quota/quotas

Modify a quota PUT /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>

Delete all quotas DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas

Delete a quota DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>

View the detailed JSON schema forall quotas

GET /platform/1/quota/quotas?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for asingle quota

GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>?describe

Query Parameters

path=<string>Only applies to quotas matching this path (see recurse_path_*).

type=[directory|user|group|default-user|default-group]Only applies to quotas matching this type.

persona=<string>Only applies to user or group quotas that match this persona. This parameter mustbe used with the corresponding type argument).

include_snapshots=<Boolean>Only applies to quotas with the setting for include_snapshots.

enforced=<Boolean>Only applies to quotas with this enforcement (non-accounting).

exceeded=<Boolean>Only list quotas which have exceeded one or more of their thresholds.


System configuration API

218 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

If used with the path argument, this parameter applies to all quotas at that path or atany parent directory.

recurse_path_children=<Boolean>If used with the path argument, this parameter applies to all quotas at that path or atany descendent subdirectory.

report_id=<string>Uses the named report as a source rather than the live quotas. See the quota reportsresource for a list of valid reports.

zone=<string>An optionally named zone for user and group resolution.

resolve_names=<Boolean>If true, resolves group and user names in personas.

resume=<string>Continue returning results from a previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object Properties and Structure

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of quotasavailable.


resume Integer Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


container Boolean Enables the SMB shares using thequota directory to see the quotathreshold as the share size.


id String Specifies the system ID given to thequota. In a POST request, this is theID of the created item that refers tothe item in the collection itemresource path.


enforced Boolean True if the quota providesenforcement, otherwise anaccounting quota.


force String Forces the creation of quotas on theroot of /ifs.


include_snapshots Boolean True if the quota governs snapshotdata as well as head data.


linked Boolean True if the quota for a user or group islinked and controlled by a parentdefault-* quota. Linked quotascannot be modified until they areunlinked.


notifications Array Specifies a summary of notifications:custom indicates that one or morenotification rules are available fromthe notifications sub-resource;default indicates that the system


System configuration API

SmartQuotas overview 219

Property Type Description Property of

default rules are used; disabledindicates that no notifications areused for this quota.

path String The /ifs path governed. quotas

ready Boolean True if the accounting is accurate onthe quota. If false, this quota iswaiting on the completion of aQuotaScan job.



Boolean True if thresholds apply to the dataplus file system overhead that isrequired to store the data (such asphysical usage).


type Array Specifies the type of quota. quotas

id Integer Specifies the serialized form of thepersona (such as 'UID:0','USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel','SID:S-1-1').


name String Specifies the persona name, whichmust be combined with a type.


type String Specifies the type of persona, whichmust be combined with a name.


inodes Integer Specifies the number of inodes (filesystem entities) used by governeddata.


logical Integer Specifies the apparent bytes used bygoverned data.


physical Integer Specifies the bytes used for governeddata and file system overhead.


advisory Integer Specifies the usage bytes at whichnotifications are sent but writes arenot denied.


advisory_exceeded Boolean True if the advisory threshold was hit. threshold

hard Integer Specifies the usage bytes at whichfurther writes are denied.


hard_exceeded Boolean True if the hard threshold was hit. threshold

soft Integer Specifies the usage bytes at whichnotifications are sent and soft gracetime is started.


soft_exceeded Boolean True if the soft threshold was hit. threshold

soft_grace Integer Specifies the time in seconds afterwhich the soft threshold is hit andbefore writes are denied


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220 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Quota reports resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to quota reports.

Operation Method and URI

Get all quota reports GET /platform/quota/reports

Get a quota report GET /platform/quota/reports/<report-id>?contents

Create a quota report POST /platform/quota/reports/<report-id>?contents

Delete a quota report DELETE /platform/quota/reports/<report-id>

View detailed JSON schema aboutquota reports.

GET /platform/quota/reports?describe

View detailed JSON schema about asingle quota reports object.

GET /platform/quota/reports/<report-id>?describe

Query parameters

type=[summary|detail|all]Only applies to reports matching this type.

generated=[manual|scheduled|all]Applies to reports that match the source type (scheduled, manual, or all).

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be used with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of reportsavailable.


resume String Specifies the value of the resumeargument to be used for continuationcalls.


id String Specifies the system ID given to thereport. In a POST request, this valueis the ID that refers to the createditem in the collection item resourcepath.


System configuration API

SmartQuotas overview 221

Property Type Description Property of

generated String Indicates whether the report wasgenerated manually (live) orscheduled.


type String Indicates whether the report is asummary report or detail report.


time Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time thatthe report was generated.


Quota about reports resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to return metadata for individual quotareports.

Operation Method and URI

Get metadata about a report GET /platform/1/quota/reports/<report-id>/about

View detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/quota/reports/<report-id>/about?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String Provides the system ID given to thereport. In a POST request, this is theID of the created item that refers tothe item in the collection itemresource path.


generated String Indicates whether the report wasgenerated manually (live) or by aschedule.


type String Indicates whether the report is asummary report or detail report.


time Integer Provides the UNIX Epoch time thereport was taken.


Quota report settings resource

Applies the standard system object pattern to quota report settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get quota report settings GET /platform/1/quota/settings/reports

System configuration API

222 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Operation Method and URI

Modify quota report settings PUT /platform/1/quota/settings/reports

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/quota/settings/reports?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String Specifies the system ID given to therule. In a POST request, this is the IDof the created item that is used torefer to the item in the collection itemresource path.


live_dir String Specifies the directory on /ifswhere manual or live reports areplaced.


live_retain Integer Specifies the number of manualreports to keep.


schedule String Specifies the isidate schedule

used to generate reports.


scheduled_dir String Specifies the directory on /ifswhere schedule reports are placed.


scheduled_retain Integer Specifies the number of scheduledreports to keep.


schedule String Specifies the schedule for repeatednotification rules.


threshold Integer Specifies the detected quotathreshold.


Quota default notifications rules resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to default quota notification rules.

Operation Method and URI

Get default global notification rules GET /platform/1/quota/settings/notificationsor GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications

Get a default global notification rule GET /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/<notification-id>

System configuration API

SmartQuotas overview 223

Operation Method and URI

or GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications

Create a default global notificationrule

POST /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/<notification-id>or POST /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications/<notification-id>

Modify a default global notificationrule

PUT /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/<notification-id>or PUT /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications/<notification-id>

Delete default global notificationrules

DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/notificationsor DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications

Delete a default global notificationrule

DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/<notification-id>or DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/<quota-id>/notifications/<notification-id>

View the detailed JSON schemaabout global notification rules

GET /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications?describe

View the detailed JSON schemaabout a global notification rule

GET /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/<notification-id>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String Specifies the system ID given to therule. In a POST request, this is the IDof the created item that refers to theitem in the collection item resourcepath.


action_alert String Sends an alert when the rulematches.


action_email_address String Sends an email to a specific addresswhen the rule matches.


action_email_owner String Sends an email to the quota domainowner when the rule matches.


email_template String Specifies the path of theoptional /ifs template file used for



System configuration API

224 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

condition Array Specifies the condition that mustoccur on the quota to triggernotification actions. Options consistof: exceeded, denied, violated,

and expired.


holdoff Integer Specifies the time to wait betweendetections for rules triggered by useractions.


schedule String Specifies the schedule for repeatednotification rules.


threshold Integer Specifies the detected quotathreshold.


Quota mappings settings resource

Applies the standard collection pattern to quota notification email mapping rules.

Operation Method and URI

Get quota email mapping settings GET /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings

Create quota email mapping settings POST /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings/<domain>

Modify quota email mapping setting PUT /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings/<domain>

Delete all quota email mapping settings DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings

Delete a quota email mapping setting DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings/<domain>

View the detailed JSON schema forquota email mapping settings

GET /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for aquota email mapping settings object

GET /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings/<domain>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id Integer Specifies the system ID given to thedomain. In a POST request, this is theID of the created item that refers tothe item in the collection itemresource path.


System configuration API

SmartQuotas overview 225

Property Type Description Property of

domain String Specifies the fully qualified domainname of the source domain to map.


mapping String Specifies the fully qualified domainname of the destination domain tomap to.


type Array Specifies the authentication providertype. Options include: ADS, local,NIS, LDAP, and file.


Snapshots overviewA OneFS snapshot is a logical pointer to data that is stored on a cluster at a specific pointin time.

A snapshot references a directory on a cluster, including all data stored in the directoryand its subdirectories. If the data referenced by a snapshot is modified, the snapshotstores a physical copy of the data that was modified. Snapshots are created according touser specifications or are automatically generated by OneFS to facilitate systemoperations.

To create and manage snapshots, you must activate a SnapshotIQ license on the cluster.Some applications must generate snapshots to function but do not require you toactivate a SnapshotIQ license; by default, these snapshots are automatically deletedwhen OneFS no longer needs them. However, if you activate a SnapshotIQ license, youcan retain these snapshots. You can view snapshots generated by other modules withoutactivating a SnapshotIQ license.

You can identify and locate snapshots by name or ID. A snapshot name is specified by auser and assigned to the virtual directory that contains the snapshot. A snapshot ID is anumerical identifier that OneFS automatically assigns to a snapshot.

Snapshots resourcesYou can retrieve, create, modify, or delete snapshot configurations and settings.

Snapshot license resource

Retrieves license information for SnapshotIQ.

Operation Method and URI

Get license information for SnapshotIQ GET /platform/1/snapshot/license

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/license?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

System configuration API

226 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

duration Integer Specifies the total duration inseconds for temporary licenses.


expiration Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time whenthe license expires.


status Array Specifies the current status of thelicense. Possible states are:activated, evaluation,

expired, inactive, and



name String Specifies the name of the licensedfeature.


Snapshot summary resource

Retrieves summary information about file system snapshots.

Operation Method and URI

Get summary information about file systemsnapshots

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots-summary

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots-summary?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

count Integer Specifies the total number ofsnapshots.


active_count Integer Specifies the total number ofsnapshots that are not aliases orpending for deletion.


deleting_count Integer Specifies the total number ofsnapshots that are pending fordeletion.


aliases_count Integer Specifies the total number ofsnapshot aliases.


shadow_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes in asnapshot that are referenced in ashadow store.


size Integer Specifies the sum of sizes in bytes ofall snapshots.


System configuration API

Snapshots overview 227

Property Type Description Property of

active_size Integer Specifies the sum of sizes ofsnapshots that are not aliases orpending for deletion.


deleting_size Integer Specifies the sum of sizes ofsnapshots that are pending fordeletion.


Snapshots resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about file system snapshots.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of all snapshots GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots

Get a single snapshot GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<id|snapshot name>

Create a snapshot POST /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots

Modify a snapshot PUT /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<id|snapshot name>

Delete all snapshots DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots

Delete a snapshot DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<id|snapshot name>

View the detailed JSON schemafor a single snapshot

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<id|snapshot name>?describe

View the detailed JSON schemafor all snapshots

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. Options consist of id, name, path, created, expires,size, has_locks, schedule, alias_target, alias_target_name,pct_filesystem, pct_reserve, and state. The default value is id.

schedule=<string>Only list snapshots that were created by this schedule.

type=[all|active|deleting]Only return snapshots that match this type.

state=[all|alias|real]Only return snapshots that match this state.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).


System configuration API

228 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofsnapshots available.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


id Integer Specifies the system ID that is givento the snapshot. This ID is useful fortracking the status of delete pendingsnapshots, because after beingmarked for deletion, a snapshot canno longer be referenced by name. In aPOST request, this value is the ID thatrefers to the item in the collectionitem resource path.


name String Specifies the user or system suppliedsnapshot name. This value is null forsnapshots that are pending delete.


shadow_bytes Integer Specifies the number of bytes in asnapshot that is referenced in ashadow store.


schedule String Specifies the name of the scheduleused to create this snapshot, ifapplicable.


created Integer Specifies the Unix Epoch time thesnapshot was created.


expires Integer Specifies the Unix Epoch time thesnapshot expires and is eligible forautomatic deletion.


path String Specifies a snapshot of the /ifspath.


size Integer Specifies the amount of storage (inbytes) used to store this snapshot.


pct_filesystem Integer Specifies the percentage of the /ifsdirectory that is storing this snapshot.


pct_reserve Integer Specifies the percentage of theconfigured snapshot that is reservedto store this snapshot.


alias_target Integer Specifies the ID of the snapshotpointed to if this value is an alias.


alias_target_name String Specifies the name of the snapshotpointed to if this value is an alias.


System configuration API

Snapshots overview 229

Property Type Description Property of

has_locks Boolean True if the snapshot has one or morelocks present. See the locks resourceof a snapshot for a list of locks.


state String Specifies the snapshot state. Theoptions are active or deleting.


Snapshot schedules resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about snapshot schedules.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of all snapshot schedules GET /platform/1/snapshot/schedules

Get a single snapshot schedule GET /platform/1/snapshot/schedules/<id|schedule name>

Create a snapshot schedule POST /platform/1/snapshot/schedules

Modify a snapshot schedule PUT /platform/1/snapshot/schedules/<id|schedule name>

Delete all snapshot schedules DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/schedules

Delete a snapshot schedule DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/schedules/<id|schedule name>

View the detailed JSON schema for asnapshot schedule

GET /platform/1/snapshot/schedules/<id|schedule name>?describe

View the detailed JSON schema forsnapshot schedules

GET /platform/1/snapshot/schedules?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field. Options consist of id, name, path, pattern,schedule, duration, alias, next_run, and next_snapshot. The defaultoption is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

System configuration API

230 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number ofschedules to display.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


id Integer Specifies the system ID given to theschedule. In a POST request, thisvalue is the ID that refers to the itemin the collection item resource path.


name String Specifies the name of the schedule. schedules

pattern String Creates names for snapshotschedules according to a pattern withthe strftime function.


path String Specifies the path to take a snapshotof.


schedule String Specifies the isidate compatible

natural language description of theschedule.


duration Integer Specifies the amount of time before asnapshot is automatically deleted bya schedule. This duration is notadjusted for Daylight Saving Time(DST).


alias String Specifies the alternative name tocreate for each snapshot.


next_run Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time of nextsnapshot to be created.


next_snapshot String Specifies the formatted name of thenext snapshot to be created.


Snapshot locks resource

Create, modify, remove, or retrieve information about locks on an individual snapshot.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of locks on asnapshot

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<id|snapshot name>/locks

Get a single lock on asnapshot

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<snapshot-name|id>/locks/<lock-id>

Create a lock on a snapshot POST /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<snapshot-name|id>/locks

Modify a lock on a snapshot PUT /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<snapshot-name|id>/locks/<lock-id>

System configuration API

Snapshots overview 231

Operation Method and URI

Remove a lock from asnapshot

DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<lock-id>/locks

View the detailed JSONschema for a snapshot lock

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<snapshot-name|id>/locks/<lock-id>?describe

View the detailed JSONschema for snapshot locks

GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/<id|snapshot name>/locks?describe

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field; options consist of id, expires, and comment. Thedefault option is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of items available. N/A

resume String Specifies the value for the resume argument to be used forcontinuation calls.


id Integer Specifies the system generated lock ID. In a POST request, thisvalue refers to the item in the collection item resource path.


comment String Specifies the user-supplied lock comment. locks

expires Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time the snapshot lock expires and iseligible for automatic deletion.


Snapshot pending resource

Retrieve information about snapshots that will be generated by a snapshot schedule.

Operation Method and URI

Get a list of scheduled pending snapshots GET /platform/1/snapshot/pending

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/snapshot/pending?describe

Query parameters

schedule=<string>Limit output to the named schedule.

System configuration API

232 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

begin=<integer>UNIX Epoch time to start generating matches. The default option is now.

end=<integer>UNIX Epoch time to end generating matches. The default option is forever.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


id String Specifies the system supplied uniqueID used for sorting and paging.


schedule String Specifies the name of the schedulethat created this snapshot.


time Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time thesnapshot will be created.


snapshot String Specifies the system snapshot nameformed from the schedule formate.


path String Specifies the /ifs path of the

snapshot that is taken.


Snapshot aliases resource

Create, delete, or retrieve information about snapshot aliases.

Operation Method and URI

Get all snapshot aliases GET /platform/1/snapshot/aliases

Get a snapshot alias GET /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/<snapshot alias name or ID>

Create a snapshot alias POST /platform/1/snapshot/aliases

Modify a snapshot alias PUT /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/<snapshot alias name or ID>

Delete all snapshot aliases DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/

Delete a snapshot alias DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/<snapshot alias name or ID>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/aliases?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/<snapshot alias name or ID>?describe

System configuration API

Snapshots overview 233

Query parameters

sort=<string>Order results by this field; options consist of id, name, snapshot, and created.The default option is id.

dir=[ASC|DESC]Directions for the sort order are ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The defaultsetting is ASC.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).

resume=<string>Continue returning results from previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of snapshotaliases.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


created Integer Specifies the time that the snapshotalias was created in Unix Epoch time.


id Integer Specifies the system ID assigned tothe snapshot alias.


name String Specifies the user or system assignedname to the snapshot alias.


target_id Integer Specifies the target snapshot ID. snapshots

target_name String Specifies the target snapshot name. snapshots

target String Specifies the name of the snapshottarget for the alias.


name String Specifies the user or system assignedname for the snapshot alias.


Snapshot changelists resource

Create or retrieve information about snapshot changelists.

Operation Method and URI

Get all snapshot changelists GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists

Get a snapshot changelist GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/<changelist>

Delete a snapshot changelist DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/<changelist>

System configuration API

234 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of snapshotchangelists returned.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


id String Specifies the system ID given to thechangelist.


job_id Integer Specifies the ID of the job thatcreated the changelist.


num_entries Integer Specifies the number of LIN entries inthe changelist.


root_path String Specifies the root path to all of theLINs in the changelist.


snap1 Integer Specifies the job that computed thechangelist. The job specifies thesnap1 property as the lower

snapshot ID boundary.


snap2 Integer Specifies the job that computed thechangelist. The job specifies thesnap2 property as the higher

snapshot ID boundary.


status String Specifies the status of the changelist. changelists

Snapshot changelists changelist lins resource

Retrieve information about a snapshot changelist entry.

Operation Method and URI

Get snapshot changelist entries GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/<changelist>/lins

Get a snapshot changelist entry GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/<changelist>/lins/<lin>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/<changelist>/lins?describe

System configuration API

Snapshots overview 235

Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/<changelist>/lins/<lin>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of lins returned. N/A

resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


atime Object Specifies the access time, whichindicates when a file was lastaccessed. The atime property is

disabled by default and must bemanually enabled.


nsec Integer Specifies the timespec innanoseconds.


sec Integer Specifies the timespec in seconds. atime

ctime Object Specifies the changed time, whichindicates when the file was lastchanged.


nsec Integer Specifies the timespec innanoseconds.


sec Integer Specifies the timespec in seconds. ctime

id String Specifies the logical inode number(LIN) of the file associated with thesnapshot changelist entry.


mtime Object Specifies the modified time, whichindicates when a file was lastmodified.


nsec Integer Specifies the timespec innanoseconds.


sec Integer Specifies the timespec in seconds. mtime

path String Specifies the path to the file that isassociated with the snapshotchangelist entry.


size Integer Specifies the size of the file that isassociated with the snapshotchangelist entry.


type String Specifies the type of file that isassociated with the snapshotchangelist entry.


System configuration API

236 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Snapshot repstates resource

Create or retrieve information about snapshot repstates.

Operation Method and URI

Get all snapshot repstates GET /platform/1/snapshot/repstates

Get a snapshot repstate GET /platform/1/snapshot/repstates/<repstate>

Delete a snapshot repstate POST /platform/1/snapshot/repstates/<repstate>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/repstates?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/repstates/<repstate>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the number of snapshotrepstates returned.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument to be used for continuationrequests.


id String Specifies the system-generated IDassigned to the repstate.


snap1 Integer Specifies the job that computed thechangelist. The job specifies thesnap1 property as the lower

snapshot ID boundary.


snap2 Integer Specifies the job that computed thechangelist. The job specifies thesnap2 property as the higher

snapshot ID boundary.


Snapshot settings resource

Modify or retrieve information about global snapshot settings.

Operation Method and URI

Get the current snapshot settings GET /platform/1/snapshot/settings

Modify the current snapshot settings PUT /platform/1/snapshot/settings

System configuration API

Snapshots overview 237

Operation Method and URI

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/snapshot/settings?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

service Boolean True if the system allows snapshotcreation.


autocreate Boolean True if the scheduled snapshotcreation services is enabled.


autodelete Boolean True if the scheduled snapshotdeletion services is enabled.


reserve Integer Specifies the percentage of space toreserve for snapshots.


global_visible_accessible Boolean Enables a global switch foraccessibility and visibility settings ofsnapshot directories.


nfs_root_accessible Boolean True if the root .snapshot directory isaccessible over NFS.


nfs_root_visible Boolean True if the root .snapshot directory isvisible over NFS.


nfs_subdir_accessible Boolean True if the subdirectory .snapshotdirectories are accessible over NFS.


local_root_accessible Boolean True if the root .snapshot directory isaccessible locally.


local_root_visible Boolean True if the root .snapshot directory isvisible locally.


local_subdir_accessible Boolean True if the subdirectory .snapshotdirectories are accessible locally.


smb_root_accessible Boolean True if the root .snapshot directory isaccessible over SMB.


smb_root_visible Boolean True if the root .snapshot directory isvisible over SMB.


smb_subdir_accessible Boolean True if the subdirectory .snapshotdirectories are accessible over SMB.


Snapshots API examplesYou can see examples for some snapshots API requests.

System configuration API

238 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Create a file pool policy

You can create a file pool policy.

Request example

POST /platform/1/filepool/policies Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{ "action_param":"true" "action_type":"set_requested_protection" }

Response example

201 Created Content-type: application/json

{"id" : "224731515-2571109568-2823010237-1003"}

Modify a snapshot alias

You can modify a snapshot alias.

Request example

PUT /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/snapshot2541Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"name" : "snapshot2641"}

Response exampleNo message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content Content-type: text/plain

Access zones overviewAlthough the default view of an EMC Isilon cluster is that of one physical machine, youcan partition a cluster into multiple virtual containers called access zones. Access zonesallow you to isolate data and control who can access data in each zone.

Access zones support all configuration settings for authentication and identitymanagement services on a cluster, so you can configure authentication providers andprovision SMB shares and NFS exports on a zone-by-zone basis. When you create anaccess zone, a local provider is created automatically, which allows you to configure eachaccess zone with a list of local users and groups. You can also authenticate through adifferent authentication provider in each access zone.

To control data access, you can direct incoming connections to the access zone through aspecific IP address pool. Associating an access zone with an IP address pool restrictsauthentication to the associated access zone and reduces the number of available andaccessible SMB shares and NFS exports. Another advantage to multiple access zones isthe ability to configure audit protocol access for individual access zones. You can modifythe default list of successful and failed protocol audit events and then generate reportsthrough a third-party tool for an individual access zone.

System configuration API

Access zones overview 239

A cluster includes a built-in access zone named System, where you manage all aspects ofa cluster and other access zones. By default, all cluster IP addresses connect to theSystem zone. Even if you create additional access zones, you configure all access zonesin the System zone. Role-based access, which primarily allows configuration actions, isavailable through only the System zone. All administrators, including those givenprivileges by a role, must connect to the System zone to configure a cluster.

Configuration management of a non-System access zone is not permitted through SSH,the OneFS Platform API, or the web administration interface. However, you can create anddelete SMB shares in an access zone through the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

Access zone resourcesRetrieve, create, modify, or delete access zone configurations and settings.

Access zones resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about the access zones on a cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get all access zones GET /platform/1/zones

Get one access zone GET /platform/1/zones/<zone-id>

Create an access zone POST /platform/1/zones

Modify an access zone PUT /platform/1/zones/<zone-id>

Delete an access zone DELETE /platform/1/zones/<zone-id>

View the detailed JSON schema for all accesszones

GET /platform/1/zones?describe

View the detailed JSON schema for a singleaccess zone

GET /platform/1/zones/<zone-id>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

id String Specifies the system ID for theaccess zone. In a POST request, thisvalue is the ID that refers to the itemin the collection item resource path.


all_auth_providers Boolean Enables all authentication providersthat are available.


alternate_system_provider String Specifies an alternate systemprovider.


audit_failure String Specifies a list of failed operations toaudit.


audit_success String Specifies a list of successfuloperations to audit.


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240 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

auth_providers Array[<string>] Specifies the list of authenticationproviders used on this access zone.


cache_size Integer Specifies the maximum size of zonein-memory cache.


create_path Boolean Determines if a path is created whena path does not exist.


hdfs_authentication String Specifies the authentication type forthe HDFS protocol.


hdfs_keytab String Specifies the Kerberos keytab forHDFS authentication.


hdfs_root_directory String Specifies the root directory for theHDFS protocol.


home_directory_umask Integer Specifies the permissions set onautomatically created user homedirectories.


ifs_restricted Array[<persona>]

Specifies a list of users and groupsthat have restricted read/writeaccess to /ifs”.


map_untrusted String Maps untrusted domains to theNetBIOS domain duringauthentication.


name String Specifies the access zone name. zones

netbios_name String Specifies the NetBIOS name. zones

path String Specifies the access zone basedirectory path.


protocol_audit_enabled Boolean Determines if I/O auditing is enabledon this access zone.


skeleton_directory String Specifies the skeleton directory thatis used for user home directories.


syslog_audit_events String Specifies a list of audit operations toforward to the syslog.


syslog_forwarding_enabled Boolean Determines if zone events areforwarded to the syslog.


system_provider String Specifies the system provider for theaccess zone.


user_mapping_rules Array Specifies the current ID mappingrules.


webhdfs_enabled Boolean Determines if WebHDFS is enabledon the access zone.


zone_id Integer Specifies the access zone ID on thesystem.


System configuration API

Access zones overview 241

Access zones summary resource

Retrieve summary information about the access zones on a cluster.

Operation Method and URI

Get information about all access zones GET /platform/1/zones-summary

Get non-privileged information about a specificaccess zone.

GET /platform/1/zones-summary/<ZONE>

View the detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/zones-summary?describe

View detailed JSON schema for this resource GET /platform/1/zones-summary/<ZONE>?describe

Query parametersThere are no parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

count Integer Specifies the total number of accesszones on the cluster.


list String Returns a list of access zone names. summary

path String Specifies the base path for a specificaccess zone.


Access zone API examplesYou can see examples for some access zone API calls.

Create an access zone

Create an access zone on the cluster.

Request example

POST /platform/1/zonesAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==

{"name":"MyZone", "path":"/ifs/data/myzone"}

Response example

201 CreatedContent-type: application/json


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242 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Modify an access zone

Modify the properties for an access zone on the cluster.

Request exampleIn the following example, the name for ZoneA is changed to ZoneB.

PUT /platform/1/zones/ZoneAAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


Response example

204 No ContentContent-type: 'text/plain

Cluster statisticsYou can view performance, historical, and in-depth usage statistics for your EMC Isiloncluster, and control the output for each mode of statistics reporting.

Statistics resourcesYou can retrieve information about OneFS statistics through the following resources.


Statistic API resources are available, but are currently unsupported.

Statistics current resource

This resource enables you to query OneFS current statistics. Current statistics are themost currently available metrics at the time of the request. For a list of available statisticskeys with descriptions, see the /platform/1/statistics/keys or /platform/1/statistics/keys/<KEY> resources.

Operation Method and URI

Get all current statistics GET /platform/1/statistics/current

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/statistics/current?describe

Query parameters

degraded=<boolean>If true, try to continue even if some nodes are unavailable. If some nodes areunavailable, errors will be present in the per-key returned data.

devid=<string>Query the specified node by device id (devid). This parameter can be set to either aninteger representing the devid or set to all. You can repeat this parameter to querymultiple nodes or set this parameter to the all option to query all nodes. Set thisvalue to 0 to query the local node.


System configuration API

Cluster statistics 243

Query multiple keys by name. You can repeat this parameter to query for multiplekeys.

timeout=<integer>Wait for the specified amount of time for results from remote nodes.

expand_clientid=<boolean>If true, use name resolution to expand client addresses and other IDs.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

stats Object Specifies properties for statisticshistory.


devid Integer Specifies the devid of the node forstatistics or 0 for cluster-scopedstatistics.


error String Specifies the key specific error string. stats

error_code Integer Specifies the key specific errornumber.


key String Specifies the key name of thestatistics.


time Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time thestatistic was collected.


value Any Specifies the key-dependent value. stats

Statistics keys resource

This retrieves meta-data for matching statistics keys.

Operation Method and URI

Get all statistic keys GET /platform/1/statistics/keys

Get a statistics key GET /platform/1/statistics/keys/<KEY>

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/statistics/keys?describe

View detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/statistics/keys/<KEY>?describe

Query parameters

count=<boolean>Only count matching keys; do not return meta-data.

queryable=<boolean>Only list keys that can or cannot be queries. The default value is set to true.

limit=<integer>Return no more than this many results at one time (see resume).


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244 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Continue returning results from the previous request (cannot be combined with otherparameters).

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

total Integer Specifies the total number of keysavailable.


resume String Specifies the value for the resumeargument for continuation requests.


keys Object Specifies properties for statisticskeys.


aggregation_type String Specifies the type of aggregationused in down-sampling. Optionsinclude: last, min, max, avg, sum,

and custom.


base_name String Specifies the name of any key thatthis key is derived from.


default_cache_time Integer Specifies the default time in secondsthat the system will use cachedvalues.


description String Specifies the description of thestatistics key.


key String Specifies the key name. keys

policies Array Specifies the effective history policiesfor the key.


interval Integer Specifies the time in secondsbetween samples.


persistent Boolean Determines whether history ispersistent.


retention Integer Specifies the time in seconds to keepdata.


policy_cache_time Integer Specifies the configured time inseconds that the system will usecached values.


real_name String Specifies the name of the real key,when an alias is used.


scope String Specifies the scope of the key keys

type String Specifies the data type of the keyvalues.


units String Specifies the units of key values. keys

Statistics history resource

This resource enables you to query OneFS time-series statistics over custom time ranges.Not all statistics will have time-series enabled, and for those statistics with time-series

System configuration API

Cluster statistics 245

enabled, the full extent of the requested time range may not be available due toconfiguration or system uptime. For a list of available statistics keys with descriptions,see the /platform/1/statistics/keys or /platform/1/statistics/keys/<KEY> resources. These resource also describe available history policies for each key.

Operation Method and URI

Get all statistics history GET /platform/1/statistics/history

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/statistics/history?describe

Query parameters

begin=<integer>Set the earliest time in UNIX Epoch seconds of interest if available. Negative timesare interpreted as relative to before now.

end=<integer>Set the latest time in UNIX Epoch seconds of interest if available. Negative times areinterpreted as relative to before now. If unspecified, use now as the end time.

devid=<string>Query the specified node by device id (devid). This parameter can be set to either aninteger representing the devid or set to all. You can repeat this parameter to querymultiple nodes or set this parameter to the all option to query all nodes. Set thisvalue to 0 to query the local node.

key=<string>Query multiple keys by name. You can repeat this parameter to query for multiplekeys.

timeout=<integer>Wait for the specified amount of time for results from remote nodes.

interval=<integer>Set the minimum sampling interval time in seconds. If native statistics are of ahigher resolution, the data will be down-sampled.

memory_only=<boolean>Only use statistics sources that reside in memory. These sources are faster, but haveless retention.

degraded=<boolean>If true, try to continue even if some statistics are unavailable. If some statistics areunavailable, errors will be present in the per-key returned data.

expand_clientid=<boolean>If true, use name resolution to expand client addresses and other IDs.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

stats Object Specifies properties for statisticshistory.


devid Integer Specifies the devid of the node forstatistics or 0 for cluster-scopedstatistics.


error String Specifies the key specific error string. stats

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246 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Property Type Description Property of

error_code Integer Specifies the key specific errornumber.


key String Specifies the key name of thestatistics.


values Array Specifies the time-series values. stats

time Integer Specifies the UNIX Epoch time thestatistic was collected.


value Any Specifies the key-dependent value. values

Statistics protocols resource

This resource returns a list of protocol and client statistics for OneFS.

Operation Method and URI

Get all protocols GET /platform/1/statistics/protocols

View the detailed JSON schema for thisresource

GET /platform/1/statistics/protocols?describe

Query parametersThere are no query parameters for this resource.

Object properties

Property Type Description Property of

protocols Object Specifies properties for this resource. N/A

name String Specifies the abbreviated name of theprotocol.


type String Specifies whether the protocol isinternal or external. Internal protocolsexpose metrics for internal OneFSsystems; external protocols arecustomer-facing.


Code samples for file system configurationCode samples illustrate the basic syntax of OneFS API requests for file systemconfiguration.

You can download a zip file that contains code samples for the Python programminglanguage and for curl commands from EMC Online Support. The sample code providesbrief examples on how to access, modify, and delete configuration settings on yourcluster through OneFS API requests.

System configuration API

Code samples for file system configuration 247

System configuration API

248 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


File system access API

This section contains the following topics:

l File system access API overview.......................................................................... 250l Troubleshooting..................................................................................................252l File system access operations............................................................................. 254l Code samples for file system access................................................................... 320

File system access API 249

File system access API overviewYou can access files and directories on a cluster programmatically through the OneFS API,similar to the way you can access files and directories through SMB or NFS protocols.

Through the OneFS API, you can perform the types of file system operations listed in thefollowing table.

Operation Description

Access points Identify and configure access points and obtain protocol information

Directory List directory content; get and set directory attributes; delete directories from thefile system

File View, move, copy, and delete files from the file system

Access control Manage user rights; set ACL or POSIX permissions for files and directories

Query Search and tag files

SmartLock Allow retention dates to be set on files; commit a file to a WORM state

Additionally, you can create an external client or application to access the OneFS API inany major language, such as C, C++, Python, Java, or .Net.

Common response headersYou may see the following response headers when you send a request to the namespace.

Name Description Type

Content-length Provides the length of the body message in the response. Integer

Connection Provides the state of connection to the server. String

Date Provides the date when the object store last responded. HTTP-date

Server Provides platform and version information about the serverthat responded to the request.



Provides the resource type. This value can be a containeror an object.


Common request headersWhen you send a request to the OneFS API, you can access data through customizedheaders along with standard HTTP headers.

The following table provides information about common HTTP request headers:

Name Description Type Required

Authorization Specifies the authenticationsignature.

String Yes

Content-length Specifies the length of the messagebody.

Integer Conditional

File system access API

250 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Name Description Type Required

Date Specifies the current date accordingto the requestor.

HTTP-date No. A client shouldonly send a Dateheader in a requestthat includes an entity-body, such as in PUTand POST requests. Aclient without a clockmust not send a Dateheader in a request.


Specifies the protocol specificationversion. The client specifies theprotocol version and the serverdetermines if the protocol version issupported. You can test backwardscompatibility with this header.

String Conditional


Specifies the resource type. For PUToperations, this value can becontainer or object. For GET

operations, this value can becontainer, object, or any, or this

parameter can be omitted.

String Yes, for PUToperations.

Conditional, for GEToperations.

Common namespace attributesThe following system attributes are common to directories and files in the namespace.

Attribute Description Type

name Specifies the name of the object. String

size Specifies the size of the object in bytes. Integer

block_size Specifies the block size of the object. Integer

blocks Specifies the number of blocks that compose the object. Integer

last_modified Specifies the time when the object data was last modified in HTTPdate/time format.

HTTP date

create_time Specifies the date when the object data was created in HTTP date/time format.

HTTP date

access_time Specifies the date when the object was last accessed in HTTPdate/time format.

HTTP date

change_time Specifies the date when the object was last changed (includingdata and metadata changes) in HTTP date/time format.


type Specifies the object type, which can be one of the followingvalues: container, object, pipe, character_device, block_device,symbolic_link, socket, or whiteout_file.


File system access API

Common namespace attributes 251

Attribute Description Type

mtime_val Specifies the time when the object data was last modified in UNIXEpoch format.


btime_val Specifies the time when the object data was created in UNIX Epochformat.


atime_val Specifies the time when the object was last accessed in UNIXEpoch format.


ctime_val Specifies the time when the object was last changed (includingdata and metadata changes) in UNIX Epoch format.


owner Specifies the user name for the owner of the object. String

group Specifies the group name for the owner of the object. String

uid Specifies the UID for the owner. Integer

gid Specifies the GID for the owner. Integer

mode Specifies the UNIX mode octal number. String

id Specifies the object ID, which is also the INODE number. Integer

nlink Specifies the number of hard links to the object. Integer

is_hidden Specifies whether the file is hidden or not. Boolean

TroubleshootingYou can troubleshoot failed requests to the namespace by resolving common errors andviewing activity logs.

Common error codesThe following example shows the common JSON error format:

{ "errors":[ { "code":"<Error code>", "message":"<some detailed error msg>" } ]}

The following table shows the descriptions for common error codes.

Error Code Description HTTP status

AEC_TRANSIENT The specified request returned a transient errorcode that is treated as OK.

200 OK


The specified request returned a bad requesterror.

400 Bad Request


The specified request requires an argument forthe operation.

400 Bad Request

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252 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Error Code Description HTTP status


The specified request requires only a singleargument for the operation.

400 Bad Request


The specified request requires userauthentication.

401 Unauthorized

AEC_FORBIDDEN The specified request was denied by the server.Typically, this response includes permissionerrors on OneFS.

403 Forbidden

AEC_NOT_FOUND The specified request has a target object that wasnot found.

404 Not Found


The specified request sent a method that is notallowed for the target object.

405 Method Not Allowed


The specified request is unacceptable. 406 Not Acceptable

AEC_CONFLICT The specified request has a conflict that preventsthe operation from completing.

409 Conflict


The specified request has failed a precondition. 412 Precondition failed


The specified request has requested a range thatcannot be satisfied.

416 Requested Rangenot Satisfiable


The specified request was not modified. 304 Not Modified


The specified request exceeded the limit set onthe server side.

403 Forbidden


The specified request has an invalid license. 403 Forbidden


The specified request has an object name sizethat is too long.

403 Forbidden


The specified request has failed because theserver encountered an unexpected condition.

500 Internal Server Error

Activity LogsActivity logs capture server and object activity, and can help identify problems. Thefollowing table shows the location of different types of activity logs.

Server Logs Object Daemon Log Generic Log

l /var/log<server>/webui_httpd_error.log

l /var/log/<server>/webui_httpd_access.log

For <server>, type the path to the server directory. Forexample: /apache2.



File system access API

Troubleshooting 253

File system access operationsYou can make requests through the OneFS API to perform operations on the file system.

Access pointsYou can access the file system namespace through an access point. The defaultnamespace access point for the OneFS file system is /ifs.

Root users can create an access point on the namespace, and initially only the root userhas privileges for that access point. The root user can create an access control list (ACL)to provide read privileges for additional users.

The root user can also grant write privileges to users, but non-root users with writeprivileges are unable to reconfigure the path of an existing access point.

Additionally, each file or directory in an access point has its own permissions, so even ifa user has privileges for an access point, the user must still be given permissions foreach file and directory.

Configure a user accounts for read privilegesYou must configure user accounts with read privileges before users can access an accesspoint. User access privileges (such as read, write, or read-write) for files and directoriesthat are under an access point are governed by the OneFS system ACLs and permissions.Users privileges to an access point can be modified, however, the read privilege must begiven to a user, or the user will be unable to access the access point.


1. Create a user account by running the following command, where user1 is the new useraccount name:

isi auth users create user1 --password user1 --home-directory /ifs/home/user1 --password-expires no

2. Grant users read-privilege to a OneFS access point through by applying the PUTmethod to the URI.

In the following example, user1 is granted access to the ifs-ap1 access point bymodifying the ACL read-privilege on the access point.

PUT /namespace/ifs-ap1?acl&nsaccess=true HTTP/1.1Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==Host: 140{"authoritative":"acl", "acl":[{"trustee": {"name":"user1","type":"user"}, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":["file_read"], "op":"add"}]}'

Create a namespace access pointCreates a namespace access point in the file system. Only root users can create orchange namespace access points.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point> HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]

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254 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Content-Length: <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "path" : "<absolute_filesystem_path>" }


The path to the namespace access point must begin at /ifs, which is the root directoryof the OneFS file system.

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example requestThe following request creates an access point named 'accesspoint1' on the namespace.

PUT /namespace/accesspoint1 HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 21:51:50 GMTContent-Type: text/xml

{ "path": "/ifs/home/" }

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 21:51:50 GMTServer: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8x mod_webkit2/1.0 mod_fastcgi/2.4.6Allow: DELETE, GET, HEAD, POST, PUTx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Encoding: gzipKeep-Alive: timeout=15, max=335Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/plain

Get namespace access pointsRetrieves the namespace access points available for the authenticated user.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/ HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

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Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headerThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyAn array of namespace access points is output in JSON. Only the access points that theuser has privileges for are returned.

Example requestThis example retrieves a list of all access points for the namespace on this cluster by theroot user.

GET /namespace/ HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Allow: GET, HEAD Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: application/json Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 20:31:33 GMT Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=499 Server: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8x mod_webkit2/1.0 mod_fastcgi/2.4.6 Transfer-Encoding: chunked x-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0

{ "namespaces": [ { "name": "user1", "path": "/ifs/home/user1" }, { "name": "ifs", "path": "/ifs/" } ]}

Get or set an access control list for a namespace access pointRetrieves or sets the access control list for a namespace access point.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>?acl&nsaccess=true HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>Date:<date>Authorization: <signature>

PUT /namespace/<access_point>?acl&nsaccess=true HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>

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Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

acl This parameter is a functionalkeyword that does not have a value.

N/A N/A Yes

nsaccess Indicates that the operation is on theaccess point instead of the storepath.

This value must be set to true. If set tofalse or left blank, the requestbehaves similarly to a GET or PUToperation.

N/A Boolean Yes

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyThe access control list for the namespace access point is returned for the GET operation.

No message body is returned upon success for the PUT operation.

Example request 1In this example, the GET operation retrieves the access control list from the namespace.

GET /namespace/ifs-ap1?acl&nsaccess=true HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Authorization: <key>

Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 18:42:16 GMTx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Transfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: application/json { "acl":[ { "accessrights":[ "file_read" ], "accesstype":"allow", "inherit_flags":[

], "trustee":{ "id":"UID:2000", "name":"user1", "type":"user" }

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Access points 257

} ], "authoritative":"acl", "group":{ "id":"GID:0", "name":"wheel", "type":"group" }, "mode":"0060", "owner":{ "id":"UID:0", "name":"root", "type":"user" }}

Example request 2In this example, the request sets an access control list for the access point.

PUT /namespace/ifs-ap1?acl&nsaccess=true HTTP/1.1Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==Host: 140

{ "authoritative":"acl", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "name":"user1", "type":"user" }, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":[ "file_read" ], "op":"add" } ]}

Example response 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 17:24:55 GMTTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/plainx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0

Get version information for the namespace access protocolRetrieves the protocol versions that are supported for the current namespace accessserver.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/?versions HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

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Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

versions This parameter is a functionalkeyword that does not have a value.

N/A N/A Yes

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyAn array of version strings that are supported by the current namespace API server isoutput in JSON.

Example requestThis example retrieves a list of all versions supported for the namespace access server.

GET /namespace/?versions HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization:<signature>

Example responseThis example shows that the namespace access server supports only version 1.0.

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{"versions": ["1.0"]}

Delete a namespace access pointDeletes a namespace access point. Only root users can delete namespace access points.Additionally, the deletion of a namespace access point does not delete the namespaceresource that the access point references.

Request syntax

DELETE /namespace/<access_point> HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

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Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example requestThis example shows the delete operation for an access point named 'user1.'

DELETE /namespace/user1 HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Directory operationsYou can perform directory operations on the namespace.

Create a directoryCreates a directory with a specified path.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>[?recursive=<boolean>][?overwrite=<boolean>] HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>x-isi-ifs-target-type: container

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

recursive Creates intermediate foldersrecursively, when set to true.

False Boolean No

overwrite Deletes and replaces the existinguser attributes and ACLs of thedirectory with user-specifiedattributes and ACLS from the header,when set to true.

Returns an error if the directoryalready exists, when set to false.

If the directory does not already exist,the directory is created and set withthe user-specified attributes andACLs from the header. If no ACLs areset in the header, the default mode isset to 0700.

True Boolean No

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Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Specifies a pre-defined ACL value orPOSIX mode with a string. If thisparameter is not provided, the modefor the directory is set to 0700 bydefault.

0700 (read,write, andexecute withownerpermissions)

String No


Specifies the OneFS node pool name.When set to ANY, OneFS selects thepool for the directory. Only users withroot access can set this header.

N/A String No


Specifies extended user attributes onthe directory. The attributes namesare stored in upper case, and alldashes (-) are converted tounderscores (_).

N/A String No

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example requestThis request creates a directory on the namespace named 'folder1/folder2'.

PUT /namespace/ifs/folder1/folder2/?recursive=true HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080x-isi-ifs-target-type: containerContent-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Get the attributes for a directory with the HEAD methodRetrieves the attribute information for a specified directory without transferring thecontents of the directory. Attributes that can be displayed are returned only as headers,such as x-isi-ifs-<name>=<value>.

Request syntax

HEAD /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path> HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

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Directory operations 261

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Returns directory content only if thedirectory was modified since thespecified time. If no directory contentwas modified, a 304 message isreturned.

None HTTP date No


Returns directory content only if thedirectory was not modified since thespecified time. If there is nounmodified directory content, a 412message is returned to indicate thatthe precondition failed.

None HTTP date No

Response headers


Description Default Type Required


Provides the content encoding thatwas applied to the object content, sothat decoding can be applied whenretrieving the content.

None String No


Provides a standard MIME-typedescription of the content format.


String No


Provides the extended attributes thatwere set in the message header. Theattribute names are stored inuppercase, and all dashes (-) areconverted to underscores (_).

None String No


Provides the number of attributesthat cannot be displayed in the HTTPheader. Missing attributes can beretrieved through the followingoperation: GET the extendedattributes of a directory.

None String No


Provides the access mode for thedirectory in octal notation.

None String No

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

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Example request

HEAD /namespace/ifs/my_folder/ HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTConnection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTx-isi-ifs-access-control: 0600x-isi-ifs-attr-color: redx-isi-ifs-missing-attr: 1x-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0x-isi-ifs-target-type: containerVary: Accept-EncodingContent-Encoding: gzipContent-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8

Get the extended attributes of a directoryRetrieves the attribute information for a specified directory with the metadata queryargument.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>?metadata HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

metadata This parameter is a functionalkeyword and does not have a value.

N/A N/A Yes

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyThe object attribute information is returned in JSON format.

{ "attrs":[ { "name":"<key_name>", "value":"<key_value>", "namespace":"<namespace_value>" }, ... ]}

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Directory operations 263


The namespace parameter is optional. When this parameter is missing, the attribute isconsidered to be a system defined attribute. When the <name_space> value is set to user,the attribute is considered a user defined attribute.

Example request

GET /namespace/ifs/my_folder/?metadata HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length : <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <Length>Content-Type: application/JSONConnection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{ "attrs":[ { "name":"is_hidden", "value":false }, { "name":"size", "value":96 }, { "name":"block_size", "value":8192 }, { "name":"blocks", "value":4 }, { "name":"last_modified", "value":"Fri, 23 Mar 2012 16:32:42 GMT" }, { "name":"change_time", "value":"Fri, 23 Mar 2012 16:32:42 GMT" }, { "name":"access_time", "value":"Fri, 23 Mar 2012 16:32:42 GMT" }, { "name":"create_time", "value":"Wed, 21 Mar 2012 22:06:23 GMT" }, { "name":"mtime_val", "value":1332520362 }, { "name":"ctime_val", "value":1332520362 },

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{ "name":"atime_val", "value":1332520362 }, { "name":"btime_val", "value":1332367583 }, { "name":"owner", "value":"root" }, { "name":"group", "value":"wheel" }, { "name":"uid", "value":0 }, { "name":"gid", "value":0 }, { "name":"id", "value":2 }, { "name":"nlink", "value":6 }, { "name":"type", "value":"container" }, { "name":"mode", "value":511 } ]}

Get the contents of a directoryRetrieves a list of files and subdirectories from a directory.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>[?<query>] HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>


The query argument is optional and can include the parameters in the following table.

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

detail Specifies which object attributes aredisplayed. If the detail parameter

None String No

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Directory operations 265


Description Default Type Required

is excluded, only the name of theobject is returned.

You can specify multiple attributenames in CSV format.

If you set this value to default, thefollowing attributes are included:name, size, owner, last_modified,type, group, and mode.

limit Specifies the maximum number ofobjects to send to the client. You canset the value to a negative number toretrieve all objects.

Additionally, you can specify themaximum number of objects to returnwhen sorting directory entries byopening a secure shell (SSH)connection to any node in the cluster,logging in, and running the followingcommand:

isi_gconfig -t oapi max_sort_dir_sz=<integer>

1000 Integer No

resume Specifies a token to return in theJSON result to indicate when there isa next page. The client can includethe resume token to access the nextpage.

None String No

sort Specifies one or more attributes tosort on the directory entries. You canspecify multiple attributes byseparating the attributes with acomma, such as name, size,last_modified.

When sorting is on, the maximumnumber of objects returned is 1000.The entries are sorted in the orderthat the attributes appear in the list,from left to right.

None String No

dir Specifies the sort direction. Thisvalue can be either ascending(ASC) or descending (DESC).

None String No

type Specifies the object type to return,which can be one of the followingvalues: container, object, pipe,character_device, block_device,symbolic_link, socket, orwhiteout_file.

None String No

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Description Default Type Required

hidden Specifies if hidden objects arereturned.

None Boolean No

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Returns directory content only if thedirectory was modified since thespecified time. If no directory contentwas modified, a 304 message isreturned.

None HTTP date No


Returns directory content only if thedirectory was not modified since thespecified time. If there is nounmodified directory content, a 412message is returned to indicate thatthe precondition failed.

None HTTP date No

Response headers


Description Default Type Required


Provides the content encoding thatwas applied to the object content, sothat decoding can be applied whenretrieving the content.

None String No


Provides a standard MIME-typedescription of the content format.


String No


Provides the extended attributes thatwere set in the message header.

None String No


Provides the number of attributesthat cannot be displayed in the HTTPheader.

None Integer No


Provides the POSIX mode in octalnotation.

None String No

Response bodyAn array of objects in the directory is output in JSON format.

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Directory operations 267

Example requestThe following request returns the contents of a directory named 'folder1/folder2'.

GET /namespace/folder1/folder2 HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Type: application/JSONConnection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{ "children":[ { "name":"cover" }, { "name":"f2" }, { "name":"cover.txt" }, { "name":"cover8" } ]}

Request example 2This request returns object details for the directory named 'folder1/folder2'.

GET /namespace/folder1/folder2/?limit=500&detail=default HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length: 0Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Response example 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Type: application/JSONConnection: close

{ "resume":"<the_resume_token>", "children":[ { "last_modified":"Fri, 18 Nov 2011 22:45:31 GMT", "name":"cover", "size":24, "type":"object",

}, { "last_modified":"Fri, 18 Nov 2011 20:01:04 GMT", "name":"f2", "size":4,

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}, { "last_modified":"Fri, 18 Nov 2011 22:45:40 GMT", "name":"finance", "size":0, "type":"container",

} ]}

Copy a directoryRecursively copies a directory to a specified destination path. Symbolic links are copiedas regular files.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path> HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-copy-source: /namespace/<access_point>/<source_path>Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

overwrite Specifies if the existing file should beoverwritten when a file with the samename exists.

False Boolean No

merge Specifies if the contents of a directoryshould be merged with an existingdirectory with the same name.

False Boolean No

continue Specifies whether to continue thecopy operation on remaining objectswhen there is a conflict or error.

False Boolean No

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the full path to the sourcedirectory.

The source and destination mustshare the same access point.

None String Yes

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

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Directory operations 269

For this operation, the HTTP status code 200 OK does not always indicate a completesuccess. If the response body contains a JSON message, the operation has partiallyfailed, and the error message is reported in a structured JSON array.

If the server fails to initiate a copy due to an error (such as an invalid copy source), anerror is returned. If the server initiates the copy, and then fails, "copy_errors" are returnedin structured JSON format.

Because the copy operation is synchronous, the client cannot stop an ongoing copy orcheck the status of a copy asynchronously.

Example request 1

PUT /namespace/ifs/dest1/ / HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-copy-source: /namespace/ifs/src1/Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OkDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTServer: Apache2/2.2.19Content-Encoding: gzipx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/plain

Example request 2In this example, the directory 'src1' contains files {f1, f2, f3, f4} and the directory 'dest1'exists and contains files {f1, f2}.

PUT /namespace/ifs/dest1/?merge=true&continue=true HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-copy-source: /namespace/ifs/src1/Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTServer: Apache2/2.2.19x-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: application/json

{ "copy_errors":[ { "source":"/ap1/src1/f1", "target":"/ap1/dest1/f1", "error_src":"target side", "message":"target exists(not copied)",

}, { "source":"/ap1/src1/f2", "target":"/ap1/dest1/f2",

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"error_src":"target side", "message":"target exists(not copied)" } ],


Move a directoryMoves a directory from an existing source to a new destination path.

Request syntax

POST /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path> HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-set-location: /namespace/<access_point>/<dest_path>Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the full path for thedestination directory.

The source and destinationdirectories must be in the sameaccess point.

None String Yes

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

POST /namespace/ifs/folder1/folder2/ HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-set-location: /namespace/ifs/dest1/dest2/Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No ContentDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

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Directory operations 271

Delete a directoryDeletes the directory at the specified path.

Request syntax

DELETE /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>[?recursive=<Boolean>] HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

recursive Deletes directories recursively, whenset to true.

Returns an error if you attempt todelete a directory that is not empty,when set to false.

When the recursive parameter is

set to true, and there is an errordeleting a child, the operationcontinues to delete other children.Only the last error is returned.

False Boolean No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

DELETE /namespace/folder1/folder2 HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No ContentDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

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Set attributes on a directorySets attributes on a specified directory with the metadata query argument. You can alsoset attributes with a header when the directory is created with the header format x-isi-ifs-<name>=<value>.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>?metadata HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length : <length>Content-Type : application/JSONDate: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "action":"<action_value>", "attrs":[ { "name":"<key_name>", "value":"<key_value>", "namespace":"<namespace_value>", "op":"<operation_value>" }, ... ]}


You can omit attribute values or enter "" for the value.

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

metadata The metadata argument must be

placed at the first position of theargument list in the URI.

N/A String No

Request body parameters


Description Default Type Required

action The values for the <action_value> fieldare replace or update. Note that

the <action_value> field operates inconjunction with the <operation_value>field.

To modify the existing attributes, setboth <action_value>and<operation_value> to update.

To delete the existing attributes, set<action_value> to update and

<operation_value> to delete.

update String No

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Description Default Type Required

To remove all extended attributesfirst, and then replace the attributeswith the values specified in theattrs parameter, set <action_value>

to replace. When <action_value> is

set to replace, the <operation_value>

field is ignored.

op The values for the <operation_value>field are update or delete. The

<operation_value> field is onlyapplicable when <action_value> is setto update.

update String No

namespace Specifies the namespace associatedwith the attributes set for thedirectory. The only supported valuefor this parameter is user.

user String No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

PUT /namespace/ifs/my_folder/?metadata HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length : <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "action":"replace", "attrs":[ { "name":"Manufacture", "value":"Foo", "namespace":"user" } ]}

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 17:19:15 GMTServer: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8x mod_webkit2/1.0 mod_fastcgi/2.4.6Allow: DELETE, GET, HEAD, POST, PUTx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Vary: Accept-Encoding

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Content-Encoding: gzipKeep-Alive: timeout=15, max=500Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/plain

File operationsYou can perform file operations on the namespace.

Create a file objectCreates a file object with a given path. The file is either successfully created in whole, orno file is created at all. Partial files cannot be created.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path>[?overwrite=<Boolean>] HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length : <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

[Message Body]

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

overwrite If the overwrite parameter is set to

true, the preset user attributes andACLs of the file are deleted andreplaced with the user-specifiedattributes and ACLs from the header.If the overwrite parameter is set to

false and the file already exists, anerror message is returned. If the filedoes not already exist, the file iscreated and set with the user-specified attributes and ACLs fromthe header.

True Boolean No

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the content encoding thatwas applied to the object content, sothat decoding can be applied whenretrieving the content.

None String No


Specifies a standard MIME-typedescription of the content format.


String Conditional

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File operations 275


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the resource type. Thisvalue can be container orobject.

None String Yes.

The valuemust be setto 'object.'


Specifies a pre-defined ACL value orPOSIX mode with a string in octalstring format.

0600 (read,write withownerpermissions)

String No


Specifies the extended attributes thatwere set in the message header. Theattributes names are stored in uppercase, and all dashes (-) are convertedto underscores (_).

None String No

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

PUT /namespace/ifs/my_folder/picture.jpg HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080x-isi-ifs-target-type: objectContent-Type: image/jpegContent-Length: 65536Date: Thu Sep 22 16:06:32 GMT 2011Authorization: <signature>

[Byte Streams of pictue.jpg]

Example response

HTTP/1.1 201 CreatedDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Get the contents of a fileRetrieves the contents of a file from a specified path.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path> HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>Range: bytes=<byte_range>

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

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276 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Request headers


Description Default Type Required

Range Returns the specified range bytes ofan object. Only the basic range issupported. The format is defined as:

first-byte-pos "-" last-byte-pos

The first-byte-pos value in a byte-range-spec gives the byte-offset ofthe first byte in a range. The last-byte-pos value gives the byte-offset of thelast byte in the range; that is, the bytepositions specified are inclusive. Byteoffsets start at zero.

None String No


Returns only files that were modifiedsince the specified time. If no fileswere modified since this time, a 304message is returned.

None HTTP date No


Returns only files that were notmodified since the specified time. Ifthere are no unmodified files sincethis time, a 412 message is returnedto indicate that the preconditionfailed.

None HTTP date No

Response headers

Header Name Description

Content-Encoding Provides the content encoding that was applied to the objectcontent, so that decoding can be applied when retrieving thecontent.

Content-Type Provides a standard MIME-type description of the content format.

x-isi-ifs-attr-<attr_name> Provides the extended attributes that were set in the messageheader when the file was created.

x-isi-ifs-missing-attr Provides the number of attributes that cannot be displayed in theHTTP header.

x-isi-ifs-access-control Provides the access mode for the file in octal number format.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

GET /namespace/ifs/my_folder/picture.jpg HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080

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Date: Thu Sep 22 16:06:32 GMT 2011Authorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu Sep 22 16:06:32 GMT 2011Content-Length: 54380Content-Type: image/jpegConnection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

[54380 bytes of data]

Copy a fileCopies a file to the specified destination path.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path>[?overwrite=<Boolean>] HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-copy-source: /namespace/<access_point>/<source_path>Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

overwrite Specifies if the existing file should beoverwritten when a file with the samename exists.

False Boolean No

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the full path of the source.

The source and destination pathsmust be in the same access point.

N/A String Yes

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success. For this operation, the HTTP status code 200OK may not indicate a complete success.

If the response body contains a JSON message, the operation has partially failed. If theserver fails to initiate a copy due to an error (such as an invalid copy source), an error isreturned. If the server initiates the copy, and then fails, "copy_errors" are returned instructured JSON format. Because the copy operation is synchronous, the client cannotstop an ongoing copy operation or check the status of a copy operation asynchronously.

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278 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Example request 1This example shows a successful copy.

PUT /namespace/ifs/folder1/myfile HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-copy-source: /namespace/ifs/source1/myfileHost my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OkDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Example request 2This example shows a failed copy, where the file is not overwritten.

PUT /namespace/accesspoint1/directory1/file2_copy HTTP/1.1Host /namespace/accesspoint1/directory1/file2Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 21:33:55 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 21:33:55 GMTServer: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8x mod_webkit2/1.0 mod_fastcgi/2.4.6Allow: DELETE, GET, HEAD, POST, PUTx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=500Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: application/json

{ "copy_errors":[ { "error_src":"target side", "message":"target exists(not copied)", "source":"/accesspoint1/directory1/file2", "target":"/accesspoint1/directory1/file2_copy" } ], "success":false}

Move a fileMoves a file to a destination path that does not yet exist.

Request syntax

POST /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path> HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-set-location: /namespace/<access_point>/<dest_path>Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

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Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the full path of thedestination file. The source anddestination paths must be in thesame access point.

If the x-isi-ifs-set-location points to afile name that is different than thesource file name, the user canrename the file.

None String Yes

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

POST /namespace/ifs/folder1/myfile HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-set-location: /namespace/ifs/dest1/myfileHost my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 Non ContentDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Delete a fileDeletes the specified file.

Request syntax

DELETE /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path> HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date:<date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

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280 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

DELETE /namespace/ifs/my_folder/test.txt HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No ContentDate: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Clone a fileClone a file to the destination path. If the parameter is set as a snapshot name, the file iscloned from that snapshot.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path>[?<clone>][&<snapshot>][&<overwrite>] HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-copy-source: <source_file_path>Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

clone You must set this parameter to true inorder to clone a file.

False Boolean No

snapshot Specifies a snapshot name to clonethe file from. If a snapshot name isnot given, a temporary snapshot iscreated. The temporary snapshot isdeleted after the cloning operation iscomplete.

N/A String No

overwrite Specifies if an existing file should beoverwritten by a new file with thesame name.

False Boolean No

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the full path of the source.

The source and destination pathsmust be in the same access point.

N/A String Yes

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File operations 281

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo response body is returned upon success.

Example request

PUT /namespace/ifs/folder1/myfile?clone=true HTTP/1.1x-isi-ifs-copy-source: /namespace/ifs/source1/myfileHost my_cluster:8080Content-Length : 0Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 14:33:29 GMTContent-Length: 0Connection: close

Set attributes on a fileSets attributes on a specified file with the metadata query argument through the JSONbody. You can also set attributes with a header when the file is created through a headerwith the format: x-isi-ifs-<name>=<value>.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path>?metadata HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length : <length>Content-Type : application/JSONDate: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "action":"<action_value>", "attrs":[ { "name":"<key_name>", "value":"<key_value>", "namespace":"<namespace_value>", "op":"<operation_value>" }, ... ]}


You can modify only the <content_type> and user specified attributes. All other systemattributes are ignored.

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282 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

metadata The metadata argument must be

placed at the first position of theargument list in the URI.

N/A String No

Request body parameters


Description Default Type Required

action The values for the <action_value> fieldare replace or update. The

<action_value> field operates inconjunction with the <operation_value>field.

To modify the existing attributes, setboth <action_value> and<operation_value> fields to update.

To delete the existing attribute, setthe <action_value> field to updateand <operation_value> to delete.

To remove all extended attributes firstand then replace the attributes withthe values specified in the attrsparameter, set <action_value> toreplace. When <action_value> is set

to replace, the <operation_value>

field is ignored.

update String No

op The values for the <operation_value>field are update or delete. The

<operation_value> field is onlyapplicable when <action_value> is setto update.

update String No

namespace Specifies the value for thenamespace that the attributeassociates with a directory. Thisparameter must be set to user if the

attributes are specified by users.

user String No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo response body is returned upon success.

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Example request

PUT /namespace/accesspoint1/my_folder/mytest.txt?metadata HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Content-Length : <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "action":"replace", "attrs":[ { "name":"Manufacture", "value":"Foo", "namespace":"user" }, { "name":"user.Material", "value":"Steel", "namespace":"user" } ]}

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 14:33:29 GMTServer: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8x mod_webkit2/1.0 mod_fastcgi/2.4.6Allow: DELETE, GET, HEAD, POST, PUTx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Encoding: gzipKeep-Alive: timeout=15, max=500Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/plain

Get the attributes for a file with the HEAD methodRetrieves the attribute information for a specified file. Attributes are returned as headersonly if they can be displayed.

Request syntax

HEAD /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path> HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headers


Description Default Type Required


Returns only file content that wasmodified since the specified time. Ifno file content was modified, a 304message is returned.

None HTTP date No

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284 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Description Default Type Required


Returns only file content that was notmodified since the specified time. Ifthere is no unmodified file content, a412 message is returned to indicatethat the precondition failed.

None HTTP date No

Response headers


Description Default Type Required


Provides the content encoding thatwas applied to the object content, sothat decoding can be applied whenretrieving the content.

None String No


Provides a standard MIME-typedescription of the content format.


String No


Provides the extended attributes thatwere set in the message header.

None String No


Provides the number of attributesthat cannot be displayed in the HTTPheader.

The missing attributes can beretrieved through the operation: GETextended attributes of a fileoperation.

None Integer No


Provides a pre-defined ACL value orPOSIX mode with a string, such asprivate, private_read, public_read,public_read_write, or public.

0700 String No

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example request

HEAD /namespace/ifs/my_folder/picture.jpg HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Date: Thu Sep 22 16:06:32 GMT 2011Authorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu Sep 22 16:06:32 GMT 2011Server: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8x mod_webkit2/1.0 mod_fastcgi/2.4.6Allow: DELETE, GET, HEAD, POST, PUTLast-Modified: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 18:16:17 GMT

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x-isi-ifs-access-control: 0600x-isi-ifs-attr-color: redx-isi-ifs-missing-attr: 1x-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0x-isi-ifs-target-type: object

Get the extended attributes of a fileRetrieves the attribute information for a specified file with the metadata query argument.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path>?metadata HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

metadata The metadata argument must be

placed at the first position of theargument list in the URI.

N/A String No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyThe object attribute information is returned in JSON format.

{ "attrs":[ { "name":"<key_name>", "value":"<key_value>", "namespace":"<namespace_value>" }, ... ]}}


The namespace parameter is optional. When this parameter is missing, the attribute isconsidered to be a system defined attribute. When the <namespace_value> field is set touser, the attribute is considered a user-defined attribute.

Example request

GET /namespace/accesspoint1/directory1/file1?metadata HTTP/1.1Host: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0

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Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflateCookie: _SID_=20130321154838-cffed57ca0a91f15a7dca80fc88ed0a8; isisessid=7651c367-71d1-4ff1-9dd0-1eee09a4b03d; legacy=1; ys-lastStatusDashView=n%3A1; ys-monitoringView=s%3ALIVE; ys-monitoringData=s%3AAVGConnection: keep-aliveCache-Control: max-age=0

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OkDate: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 19:58:11 GMTServer: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8x mod_webkit2/1.0 mod_fastcgi/2.4.6Allow: DELETE, GET, HEAD, POST, PUTx-isi-ifs-spec-version: 1.0Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=436Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: application/json

{ "attrs": [ { "name": "content_type", "value": "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" }, { "name": "is_hidden", "value": false }, { "name": "size", "value": 27 }, { "name": "block_size", "value": 8192 }, { "name": "blocks", "value": 52 }, { "name": "last_modified", "value": "Wed, 20 Mar 2013 18:16:17 GMT" }, { "name": "change_time", "value": "Wed, 20 Mar 2013 18:16:17 GMT" }, { "name": "access_time", "value": "Wed, 20 Mar 2013 18:16:17 GMT" }, { "name": "create_time", "value": "Wed, 20 Mar 2013 18:16:17 GMT" }, { "name": "mtime_val", "value": 1363803377 }, {

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"name": "ctime_val", "value": 1363803377 }, { "name": "atime_val", "value": 1363803377 }, { "name": "btime_val", "value": 1363803377 }, { "name": "owner", "value": "root" }, { "name": "group", "value": "wheel" }, { "name": "uid", "value": 0 }, { "name": "gid", "value": 0 }, { "name": "id", "value": 4300276817 }, { "name": "nlink", "value": 1 }, { "name": "type", "value": "object" }, { "name": "mode", "value": "0600" }, { "name": "Manufacture", "namespace": "user", "value": "Foo" }, { "name": "user.Material", "namespace": "user", "value": "Steel" } ]}

Access control listsYou can configure access control lists (ACLs) or permissions modes for namespacedirectories and files.

For detailed information on access control lists, see the OneFS Administration Guide.

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288 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Access control personasPersonas are a union of a user ID (UID), name, and type. Personas represent users andgroups for access control list (ACL) operations.

The JSON format for personas is:

{ "id":"<ID>", "name":"<name>", "type":"<type>"}


<ID>: <"USER" | "GROUP" | "SID" | "UID" | "GID"> : <the ID string><name>: <the normal user name in a string><type>: <user, group, or wellknown>

For PUT operations, you can specify either the ID or both the name and type. The ID valuetakes precedence when all fields are available.

Access rights for directoriesThe following table lists the access rights for directories.



list The right to list entries

add_file The right to create a file in the directory

add_subdir The right to create a subdirectory

delete_child The right to delete children, including read-only files

traverse The right to access files in subdirectories

dir_read_attr The right to read directory attributes

dir_write_attr The right to write directory attributes


The right to read extended directory attributes


The right to write extended directory attributes

dir_gen_read The right to list entries, read attributes, read extended attributes, and readaccess control lists

dir_gen_write The right to create files, create subdirectories, write attributes, write extendedattributes, and read access control lists


The right to access files in subdirectories, and read access lists

dir_gen_all Includes the rights specified in dir_gen_read, dir_gen_write, dir_gen_execute,delete_child, std_read_dac, std_write_dac, std_write_owner, and std_delete.

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Access control lists 289

Access rights for filesThe following table lists the access rights for files.

Access rights Functionality

file_read The right to read file data.

file_write The right to write file data.

append The right to append to a file.

execute The right to execute a file.

file_read_attr The right to read file attributes.

file_write_attr The right to write file attributes.


The right to read extended file attributes.


The right to write extended file attributes.

file_gen_read The right to read files, read attributes, read extended attributes, and readaccess control lists.

file_gen_write The right to write to the file, append to the file, write file attributes, writeextended file attributes, and read access control lists.


The right to execute files, and read access control lists.

file_gen_all Includes the rights specified by file_gen_read, file_gen_write, file_gen_execute,std_read_dac, std_write_dac, std_write_owner, and std_delete.

Access rights for files and directoriesThe following table describes the access rights for both files and directories.



std_read_dac The right to read the access control list of the directory or file.

std_write_dac The right to write the access control list of the directory or file.


The right to change the owner of the directory or file.

std_delete The right to delete the current directory or file.

modify Includes the following access rights for a directory: add_file, add_subdir,dir_write_ext_attr, dir_write_attr, delete_child, std_delete, std_write_dac andstd_write_owner.

Includes the following access rights for a file: file_write, append,file_write_ext_attr, file_write_attr, std_delete, std_write_dac andstd_write_owner.

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290 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Inherited access rightsThe following table lists the inheritance flags for directories and sub-directories.Inheritance flags specify the access rights inherited by the children of a directory.



object_inherit Only files inherit access rights from their parent directory.

container_inherit Only directories inherit access rights from their parent directory.

no_prop_inherit Stops the propagation of inherited rights for directories and files.

inherit_only Access rights do not apply for the current directory, but are applied to childdirectories and files when they are inherited.

inherited_ace Indicates that the access control list of the current directory or file wasinherited from a parent directory or file.

Get the ACL of a directoryRetrieves the access control list of the directory for the authenticated user.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>/<container_name>?acl HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

acl The acl argument must be placed at

the first position of the argument listin the URI.

N/A String Yes

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response body

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{ "owner":{

File system access API

Access control lists 291

"id":"<owner id>", "name":"<owner name>", "type":"<type>" }, "group":{ "id":"<group id>", "name":"<group name>", "type":"<type>" }, "authoritative":"acl"|"mode", "mode":"<POSIX mode>", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "id":"<trustee id>", "name":"<trustee name>", "type":"<trustee type>" }, "accesstype":"allow" | "deny", "accessrights":"<accessrights_list>", "inherit_flags":"<inherit_flags_list>" } ]}

Response body parameters

Parameter Name Description

owner Provides the JSON object for the owner persona.

group Provides the JSON object for the group persona of the owner.

authoritative Can be set to acl or mode.

If the directory has access rights set, then this field is returned as acl.

If the directory has POSIX permissions set, then this field is returned asmode.

mode Provides the POSIX mode.

acl Provides the JSON array of access rights.

accesstype Can be set to allow or deny.

allow: Allows access to the directory based on the access rights set for

the trustee.

deny: Denies access to the directory based on the access rights set for

the trustee.

accessrights Provides the list of access rights that are defined for the directory.

inherit_flags Provides the inherit flags set for the directory.

Example request

GET /namespace/ifs/dir1/dir2/dir?acl HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

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292 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{ "owner":{ "id":"UID:0", "name":"root", "type":"user" }, "group":{ "id":"GID:0", "name":"wheel", "type":"group" }, "authoritative":"acl", "mode":"0722", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "id":"UID:2001", "name":"foo1", "type":"user" }, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":[ "dir_gen_read", "dir_gen_write" ], "inherit_flags":[ "container_inherit" ] }, { "trustee":{ "id":"GID:23", "name":"group1", "type":"group" }, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":[ "dir_gen_read" ] } ]}

Get the ACL of a fileRetrieves the access control list of the file for the authenticated user.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>/<file_name>?acl HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

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Access control lists 293

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

acl The acl argument must be placed at

the first position of the argument listin the URI.

N/A String Yes

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response body

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{ "owner":{ "id":"<owner id>", "name":"<owner name>", "type":"<type>" }, "group":{ "id":"<group id>", "name":"<group name>", "type":"<type>" }, "authoritative":"acl"|"mode", "mode":"<POSIX mode>", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "id":"<trustee id>", "name":"<trustee name>", "type":"<trustee type>" }, "accesstype":"allow"|"deny", "accessrights":"<accessrights_list>", "inherit_flags":"<inherit_flags>" } ]}

Response body parameters

Parameter Name Description

owner Provides the JSON object for the owner persona.

group Provides the JSON object for the group persona of the owner.

authoritative Can be set to acl or mode.

If the directory has access rights set, then this field is returned as acl.

If the directory has POSIX permissions set, then this field is returned asmode.

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294 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Parameter Name Description

acl Provides the JSON array of access rights.

accesstype Can be set to allow or deny.

allow: Allows access to the file based on the access rights set for the


deny: Denies access to the file based on the access rights set for the


accessrights Provides the list of access rights defined for the file.

inherit_flags Provides the inherit flags set for the file.

Example request

GET /namespace/ifs/dir1/dir2/file1?acl HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 12 Jan 2011 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{ "owner":{ "id":"UID:0", "name":"root", "type":"user" }, "group":{ "id":"GID:0", "name":"wheel", "type":"group" }, "authoritative":"acl", "mode":"0022", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "id":"UID:2000", "name":"foo2", "type":"user" }, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":[ "file_gen_read", "file_gen_write" ] }, { "trustee":{ "id":"GID:1001", "name":"group2", "type":"group" }, "accesstype":"allow",

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Access control lists 295

"accessrights":[ "file_gen_read" ] } ]}

Set the ACL for a directory when the directory is createdSets the access control list for a directory by setting the headers when the directory iscreated.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>/<container_name> HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>x-isi-ifs-access-control : "private_read" | "private" | "public_read" | "public_read_write" | "public" | "<POSIX mode>"


The attribute x-isi-ifs-access-control can be set to a pre-defined ACL value or to a POSIXmode in octal string. If this header is not specified, the directory mode is set to 0700 bydefault when the directory is created.

Pre-defined ACLvalue

Access rights Access rights displayed

private_read The directory owner has the followingrights: list entries, read attributes,read extended attributes, access filesin subdirectories, read access controllist, and write access control list.

Directory owner: "accessrights":["dir_gen_read","dir_gen_execute","std_write_dac"],"inherit_flags":[]

private The directory owner has the followingrights: list entries, read attributes,read extended attributes, read accesscontrol list, create files, createsubdirectories, write attributes, writeextended attributes, access files insubdirectories, delete children(including read-only files), changeowner, write access control list, anddelete current directory.

Directory owner:"accessrights":["dir_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

public_read The directory owner has the followingrights: list entries, read attributes,read extended attributes, read accesscontrol list, create files, createsubdirectories, write attributes, writeextended attributes, access files insubdirectories, delete children(including read-only files), change

Directory owner: "accessrights":["dir_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

All users: "accessrights":["dir_gen_read","dir_gen_execute"],"inherit_flags":[]

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296 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Pre-defined ACLvalue

Access rights Access rights displayed

owner, write the access control list,and delete current directory.

All users have the following rights: listentries, read attributes, readextended attributes, read accesscontrol lists, and access files insubdirectories.

public_read_write The directory owner has the followingrights: list entries, read attributes,read extended attributes, read accesscontrol list, create files, createsubdirectories, write attributes, writeextended attributes, access files insubdirectories, delete children(including read-only files), changeowner, write the access control list,and delete current directory.

All users have the following rights: listentries, read attributes, readextended attributes, read accesscontrol lists, create files, createsubdirectories, write attributes, writeextended attributes, and access filesin subdirectories.

Directory owner: "accessrights":["dir_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

All users: "accessrights":["dir_gen_read","dir_gen_write","dir_gen_execute"],"inherit_flags":[]

public All users have the following rights: listentries, read attributes, readextended attributes, read accesscontrol list, create files, createsubdirectories, write attributes, writeextended attributes, access files insubdirectories, delete children(including read-only files), changeowner, write access control list, anddelete current directory.

All users: "accessrights":["dir_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

The POSIX mode is an absolute mode that is constructed from the sum of one or moreoctal numbers listed in the following table.



4000 The set-user-ID-on-execution bit. Executable files with this bit have their UID set to theUID of the file owner.

2000 The set-group-ID-on-execution bit. Executable files with this bit have their GID set tothe GID of the file owner.

1000 The sticky bit.

0400 Allows read by owner.

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Access control lists 297



0200 Allows write by owner.

0100 For files, allows execution by owner. For directories, allows directory queries byowner.

0040 Allows read by group members.

0020 Allows write by group members.

0010 For files, allows execution by group members. For directories, allows directory queriesby group members.

0004 Allows read by others.

0002 Allows write by others.

0001 For files, allows execution by others. For directories, allows directory queries byothers.

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyThere is no message body for this response.

Example request

PUT /namespace/ifs/dir1/dir2/dir HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>x-isi-ifs-access-control: "public_read"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Set the ACL for a file when the file is createdSets the access control list for a file by setting the headers when the file is created.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>/<file_name> HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>

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298 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>x-isi-ifs-access-control : "private_read" | "private" | "public_read" | "public_read_write" | "public" | "<POSIX mode>"


The attribute x-isi-ifs-access-control can be set to a pre-defined ACL value or to POSIXmode with octal string. By default, the mode for the file is set to 0600.

Pre-defined ACLvalue

Access rights Access rights displayed

private_read The file owner has the following rights:read files, read attributes, readextended attributes, read accesscontrol lists, execute files, and writeaccess control list.

File owner: "accessrights":["file_gen_read","file_gen_execute","std_write_dac"],"inherit_flags":[]

private The file owner has the following rights:read file, read attributes, readextended attributes, read accesscontrol list, write to the file, append tothe file, write file attributes, writeextended file attributes, execute file,write or modify the access control list,change owner, and delete current file.

File owner:"accessrights":["file_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

public_read The file owner has the following rights:read file, read attributes, readextended attributes, read accesscontrol list, write to the file, append tothe file, write file attributes, writeextended file attributes, execute file,write or modify the access control list,change owner, and delete current file.

All users have the following rights: readfiles, read attributes, read extendedattributes, read access control lists,and execute files.

File owner: "accessrights":["file_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

All users: "accessrights":["file_gen_read","file_gen_execute"],"inherit_flags":[]

public_read_write The file owner has the following rights:read file, read attributes, readextended attributes, read accesscontrol list, write to the file, append tothe file, write file attributes, writeextended file attributes, execute file,write/modify the access control list,change owner, and delete current file.

All users have the following rights: readfiles, read attributes, read extendedattributes, read access control lists,write to the file, append to the file,write file attributes, write extended fileattributes, and execute files.

File owner: "accessrights":["file_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

All users: "accessrights":["file_gen_read","file_gen_write","file_gen_execute"],"inherit_flags":[]

File system access API

Access control lists 299

Pre-defined ACLvalue

Access rights Access rights displayed

public All users have the following rights: readfile, read attributes, read extendedattributes, read access control list,write to the file, append to the file,write file attributes, write extended fileattributes, execute file, write/modifythe access control list, change owner,and delete current file.

All users: "accessrights":["file_gen_all"],"inherit_flags":[]

The POSIX mode is an absolute mode, which consists of an octal number that isconstructed from the sum of one or more octal numbers listed in the following table.



4000 The set-user-ID-on-execution bit. Executable files with this bit have their uid set to theuid of the file owner.

2000 The set-group-ID-on-execution bit. Executable files with this bit have their gd set tothe gid of the file owner.

1000 The sticky bit.

0400 Allows read by owner.

0200 Allows write by owner.

0100 For files, allows execution by owner. For directories, allows directory queries byowner.

0040 Allows read by group members.

0020 Allows write by group members.

0010 For files, allows execution by group members. For directories, allows directory queriesby group member.

0004 Allows read by others.

0002 Allows write by others.

0001 For files, allows execution by others. For directories, allows directory queries byothers.

Request query parametersThere are no query parameters for this request.

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyThere is no message body for this response.

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300 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Example request

PUT /namespace/ifs/dir1/dir2/file HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>x-isi-ifs-access-control: "public_read"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Set the ACL of a directorySets the access control list of the directory.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>/<container_name>?acl HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "owner":{ "id":"<owner id>", "name":"<owner name>", "type":"<type>" }, "group":{ "id":"<group id>", "name":"<group name>", "type":"<type>" }, "authoritative":"acl"|"mode", "mode":"<POSIX mode>", "action":"<action_value>", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "id":"<trustee id>", "name":"<trustee name>", "type":"<trustee type>" }, "accesstype":"allow"|"deny", "accessrights":"<accessrights_list>", "inherit_flags":"<inherit_flags_list>", "op":"<operation_value>" } ]}

File system access API

Access control lists 301

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

acl The acl argument must be placed at

the first position of the argument listin the URI.

N/A String Yes

Request body parameters


Description Default Type Required

owner Specifies the JSON object for theowner persona. You should onlyspecify the owner persona if you wantto change the owner of the target.

N/A JSON object No

group Specifies the JSON object for thegroup persona of the owner. Youshould only specify the grouppersona if you want to change thegroup of the target.

N/A JSON object No

authoritative The authoritative field is mandatoryand can take the value of either aclor mode.

acl: You can modify the owner,

group personas, or access rights forthe directory by setting theauthoritative field to acl and by

setting <action_value> to update.

When the authoritative field is set toacl, access rights are set for the

directory from the acl structure. Any

value specified for the modeparameter is ignored.

N/A String Yes

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302 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Description Default Type Required


When the authoritative field is set toacl, the default value for the

<action_value> field is replace. If the

<action_value> field is set toreplace, the system replaces the

existing access rights of the directorywith the access rights specified in theacl structure. If the acl structure is

empty, the existing access rights aredeleted and default access rights areprovided by the system. The defaultaccess rights for directories are readaccess control list (‘std_read_dac’)and write access control list(‘std_write_dac’) for the owner.

mode: You can modify the owner and

group personas by setting theauthoritative field to mode. When the

authoritative field is set to mode,

POSIX permissions are set on thedirectory. The <action_value> field andacl structure are ignored. If mode is

set on a directory that already hasaccess rights or if access rights areset on a directory that already hasPOSIX permissions set, the result ofthe operation varies based on theGlobal ACL Policy.

mode Specifies the POSIX mode. 0700 fordirectories

0600 forfiles

Octalnumber,specified asa string


action The <action_value> field is appliedwhen the authoritative field is set toacl. You can set the <action_value>

field to either update or replace.

When set to update, the existing

access control list of the directory ismodified with the access controlentries specified in the acl structure

of the JSON body.

When set to replace, the entire

access control list is deleted andreplaced with the access control

replace String No

File system access API

Access control lists 303


Description Default Type Required

entries specified in the acl structure

of the JSON body.

Additionally, when set to replace,

the acl structure is optional. If the

acl structure is left empty, the entire

access control list is deleted andreplaced with the system set defaultaccess rights. The default accessrights for directories are read accesscontrol list (‘ std_read_dac’) and writeaccess control list (‘ std_write_dac’)for the owner.

acl Specifies the JSON array of accessrights.

N/A JSON object Conditional.

Mandatorywhen the<action_value> field is setto update;

optionalwhen the<action_value> is set toreplace

accesstype Can be set to allow or deny.

allow: Allows access to the directory

based on the access rights set for thetrustee.

deny: Denies access to the directory

based on the access rights set for thetrustee.

N/A String Yes, unlessthe<action_value> field is setto replaceand the aclstructure isempty.

accessrights Specifies the access right valuesdefined for the directory.

N/A List of stringvalues


Mandatorywhen the<action_value> field is setto updateand the<operation_value> field isset to eitheradd orreplaceand the<inherit_flags_list>field isunspecified.

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304 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Description Default Type Required

Optionalwhen the<action_value> is set toupdate and

the<operation_value> field isset todelete, or

when the<action_value> field is setto replace.

inherit_flags Specifies the inherit flag values fordirectories.

N/A List of stringvalues


op The <operation_value> field is appliedwhen the <action_value> field is set toupdate. You can set the

<operation_value> field to add,

replace, or delete. If no

<operation_value> field is specified,the default value is add.

add: Creates a new access control

entry (ACE) if an ACE is not alreadypresent for a trustee and trusteeaccess type. If an entry is alreadypresent for that trustee and trusteeaccess type, this operation appendsthe access rights list to the currentACE for that trustee and trusteeaccess type.

delete: Removes the access rights

list provided from the existing ACE fora trustee and trustee access type. Ifthe input access rights list is empty ,the entire ACE that corresponds to thetrustee and trustee access type isdeleted.

replace: Replaces the entire ACE for

the trustee and trustee access typewith the input access rights list.

add, when

<action_value> is set toupdate.

String No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

File system access API

Access control lists 305

Response bodyThere is no message body for this response.

Example request 1This sample sets the ACL of a directory.

PUT /namespace/ifs/dir1/dir2/dir?acl HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>Content-Type: application/json

{ "authoritative":"acl", "action":"update", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "id":"UID:1001", "name":"user23", "type":"user" }, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":[ "std_write_dac" ], "inherit_flags":[ "object_inherit", "inherit_only" ], "op":"add" }, { "trustee":{ "id":"GID:1210", "name":"group12", "type":"group" }, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":[], "op":"delete" } ]}

Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Example request 2This sample replaces the existing ACL of the directory with the access control entriesspecified in the acl structure. If the acl structure is empty, the existing ACL is replacedwith default system values. The directory owner has default read and write access to theaccess control list.

PUT /namespace/ifs/dir1/dir2/dir?acl HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization:<signature>

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306 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Content-Type: application/json

{ "owner":{ "id":"UID:2001", "name":"foo1", "type":"user" }, "group":{ "id":"GID:0", "name":"wheel", "type":"group" }, "authoritative":"acl", "action":"replace", "acl":[]}

Example response 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Set the ACL of a fileSets the access control list of a file.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>/<file_name>?acl HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Content-Length: <length>Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>x-isi-ifs-target-type: objectContent-Type: application/json

{ "owner":{ "id":"<owner id>", "name":"<owner name>", "type":"<type>" }, "group":{ "id":"<group id>", "name":"<group name>", "type":"<type>" }, "authoritative":"acl"|"mode", "mode":"<POSIX mode>", "action":"<action_value>", "acl":[ { "trustee":{ "id":"<trustee id>", "name":"<trustee name>", "type":"<trustee type>" }, "accesstype":"allow"|"deny", "accessrights":"<accessrights_list>", "op":"<operation_value>"

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Access control lists 307

} ]}

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

acl The acl argument must be placed at

the first position of the argument listin the URI.

N/A String Yes

Request body parameters


Description Default Type Required

owner Specifies the JSON object for theowner persona. You should onlyspecify the owner or group persona ifyou want to change the owner orgroup of the target.

N/A JSON object No

group Specifies the JSON object for thegroup persona of the owner. Youshould only specify the owner orgroup persona if you want to changethe owner or group of the target.

N/A JSON object No

authoritative The authoritative field is mandatoryand can take the value of either aclor mode.

acl: You can modify the owner,

group personas, or access rights forthe file by setting the authoritativefield to acl and by setting

<action_value>to update. When the

authoritative field is set to acl,

access rights are set for the file fromthe acl structure. Any value

specified for the mode parameter is


N/A String Yes

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308 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Description Default Type Required


When the authoritative field is set toacl, the default value for the

<action_value> field is replace. If the

<action_value> field is set toreplace, the system replaces the

existing access rights of the file withthe access rights specified in the aclstructure. If the acl structure is

empty, the existing access rights aredeleted and default access rights areprovided by the system. The defaultaccess rights for files are read accesscontrol list (‘std_read_dac’) and writeaccess control list (‘std_write_dac’)for the owner.

mode: You can modify the owner and

group personas by setting theauthoritative field to mode. When the

authoritative field is set to mode,

POSIX permissions are set on the file.The <action_value> field and aclstructure are ignored. If mode is set

on a file that already has accessrights or if access rights are set on afile that already has POSIXpermissions set, the result of theoperation varies based on the GlobalACL Policy.

mode Specifies the POSIX mode. 0700 fordirectories

0600 forfiles

Octalnumber,specified asa string


action The <action_value> field is appliedwhen the authoritative field is set toacl. You can set the <action_value>

field to either update or replace.

The default value is replace.

When set to update, the existing

access control list of the file ismodified with the access controlentries specified in the acl structure

of the JSON body.

When set to replace, the entire

access control list is deleted and

replace String No

File system access API

Access control lists 309


Description Default Type Required

replaced with the access controlentries specified in the acl structure

of the JSON body.

Additionally, when set to replace,

the acl structure is optional. If the

acl structure is left empty, the entire

access control list is deleted andreplaced with the system set defaultaccess rights. The default accessrights for files are read access controllist (‘ std_read_dac’) and write accesscontrol list (‘ std_write_dac’) for theowner.

acl Specifies the JSON array of accessrights.

N/A JSON object Conditional

Mandatorywhen the<action_value> field is setto updateand optionalwhen the<action_value> field is settoreplace.

accesstype Can be set to allow or deny.

allow: Allows access to the file

based on the access rights set for thetrustee.

deny: Denies access to the file based

on the access rights set for thetrustee.

N/A String Yes, unlessthe<action_value> field is setto replaceand the aclstructure isempty.

accessrights Specifies the access right valuesdefined for the file.

N/A List of stringvalues


Mandatorywhen the<action_value> field is setto updateand the<operation_value>field isset to eitheradd or


and whenthe

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310 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference


Description Default Type Required

<inherit_flags_list> field isunspecified.

Optionalwhen the<action_value> field is setto updateand the<operation_value> is set todelete.

inherit_flags Specifies the inherit flag values forthe file.

N/A List of stringvalues


Either the<accessrights_list> or<inherit_flags_list> mustbe specifiedwhen the<action_value> field is setto updateand the<operation_value> field isset to add orreplace.

op The <operation_value> field is appliedwhen the <action_value> field is set toupdate. You can set the

<operation_value> field to add,

replace, or delete. If no

<operation_value> field is specified,the default value is add.

add: Creates a new access control

entry (ACE) if an ACE is not alreadypresent for a trustee and trusteeaccess type. If an entry is alreadypresent for that trustee and trusteeaccess type, this operation appendsthe access rights list to the currentACE for that trustee and trusteeaccess type.

delete: Removes the access rights

list provided from the existing ACE fora trustee and trustee access type. Ifthe input access rights list is empty ,

add, when

the<action_value> field is setto update

String No

File system access API

Access control lists 311


Description Default Type Required

the entire ACE that corresponds to thetrustee and trustee access type isdeleted.

replace: Replaces the entire ACE for

the trustee and trustee access typewith the input access rights list.

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example requestThis sample sets the ACL of a file named 'file1'.

PUT /namespace/ifs/dir1/dir2/ns/file1?acl HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Content-Length: <length>Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>Content-Type: application/json

{ "owner":{ "id":"UID:0", "name":"root", "type":"user" }, "group":{ "id":"GID:0", "name”:"wheel", "type":"group" }, "authoritative":"acl", "action":"update", "acl": [ { "trustee":{ "id":"UID:0", "name":"root", "type":"user" }, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":[ "file_read", "file_write" ], "op":"add" }, { "trustee":{ "id":"GID:1201", "name":"group12", "type":"group" },

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312 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

"accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":"std_write_dac" ], "op":"replace" }]}

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Query operationsYou can search for files and directories on the namespace that matches certain criteria.Files are searched for through a namespace traverse and a filtering mechanism.

Query an objectQuery objects by system-defined and user-defined attributes in a directory.

Request syntax

POST /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path>?query[&<query_param>] HTTP/1.1Host <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>


Request query parametersThe query_param argument is optional and can be one or more of the parameters in thefollowing table, separated by an “&”.


Description Default Type Required

limit Specifies the maximum number ofobjects to send to the client. You canset the value to a negative number toretrieve all objects.

1000 String No

detail Specifies which object attributes aredisplayed. If the detail parameter

is excluded, only the name of theobject is returned. If the detailparameter is set to yes, then systeminformation such as name, owner,group, mode, and size is returned.

You can specify multiple attributenames in CSV format. For example:


No String No

File system access API

Query operations 313


Description Default Type Required

If you set this value to default, thefollowing attributes are included:name, size, owner, last_modified,type, group, and mode.

max-depth Specifies the maximum directory leveldepth to search for objects. If set to 0,only the specified directory issearched for objects. If set to -1, theentire hierarchy below the specifieddirectory is searched for objects.

0 String No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyAn array of the objects that match the query filter criteria are returned in the JSON body.

Example request

POST /namespace/ifs/my_folder/?query HTTP/1.1Host my_cluster:8080Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "result":[ "name", "size", "last_modified", "container_path", "user.color", "content_type" ], "scope":{ "logic":"and", "conditions":[ { "operator":">=", "attr":"last_modified", "value":"Thu, 15 Dec 2011 06:41:04" }, { "operator":"like", "attr":"name", "value":"ta.*" } ] }}

Example response

{ "children" :

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314 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

[ { "content_type " : "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "container_path" : "/ifs/movie", "last_modified" : "Thu, 05 Jan 2012 04:29:56 GMT", "name" : "fantasy", "size" : 56 }, { "content_type " : "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "container_path" : "/ifs/folder", "last_modified" : "Thu, 15 Dec 2011 06:41:04 GMT", "name" : "tar", "size" : 3359, "user.color" : "green" } ]}

JSON query formatYou can apply the following JSON query format to refine your search.

The query is defined in the following format, in Backus-Naur Form (BNF) style.

query = <scope_query> |{ "result":<attribute_list>, "scope":<scope_query>}scope_query = predicate |{ "logic":"<logic_operator>", "conditions":[ <condition> ]}

The attribute_list is an array of attribute names, which include system attributes anduser-defined attributes. For example:

["name", "last_modified", "user.color"]

In the results, the user-defined attribute is prefixed with "user."

The only logical operators supported are "and", "or", and "not", where "not" is an unaryoperator and only one condition is valid. The "not" operator negates the conditionevaluated in the conditions parameter. You must specify two or more conditions for the"and" and "or" operators in the conditions parameter.

logic_operator = and|or|not

The conditions parameter includes an array of conditions. Each condition is defined asfollows:

condition = scope_query|predicate

The predicate value is defined as follows:

predicate ={ "operator":"<comparison_operator>", "attr":"attr_name", "value":"attr_value" | string_array}

File system access API

Query operations 315

The <comparison_operator> value can be any of the following operators: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=,like, or in.

The arithmetic comparison operators are self-explanatory. The "like" operator matchesthe specified attribute with a pattern of regular expressions. For example, the followingJSON query returns all objects with the attribute "Model" prefixed with "T75":

{ "operator":"like", "attr":"user.Model", "value":"^T75.*"}

If the operator is set to "in", the value must be an array of strings, with at least oneelement in the array. When only one element is in the array, the "in" operator behaves thesame way as the "=" operator. For example, the following query returns objects with theattribute "color" set to either "blue", "green", or "turquoise":

{ "operator":"in", "attr":"user.color", "value":[ "blue", "green", "turquoise" ]}

The attribute name can be the name of a user-defined attribute or one of the systemdefined attributes, such as:

"name" : file or directory name"size" : the object size in bytes"last_modified" : last modified date"content_type" : content type"container" : the container name"container_path" : the container full path"owner": the owner of the object

If the attribute is the user-defined attribute, the attribute must be prefixed with "user." todifferentiate the attribute from a system attribute with the same name. For example, ifthere is a user defined attribute called "name", you should write the attribute as"user.name."

Multiple query predicates can be combined through logical operators. For example, thefollowing query returns objects that satisfy one of the following conditions: "Model" isprefixed with T75 or the "color" attribute is either "red," "green," or "turquoise," or the"manufacture" attribute is ACME.

{ "logic":"or", "conditions":[ { "operator":"like", "attr":"user.Model", "value":"^T75.*" }, { "operator":"in", "attr":"user.color", "value":[ "red", "green",

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316 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

"turquoise" ] }, { "operator":"=", "attr":"user.manufacture", "value":"ACME" } ]}

Instead of basic predicates, the element of the conditions array can be a sub-query,which allows more complex queries. For example, the following query returns objects inwhich either the attribute "manufacture" is set to "ACME" or the "model" attribute is setto "T750," and the "color" attribute is set to "black."

{ "logic":"or", "conditions":[ { "operator":"=", "attr":"user.manufacture", "value":"ACME" }, { "logic":"and", "conditions":[ { "operator":"=", "attr":"user.model", "value":"T750" }, { "operator":"=", "attr":"user.color", "value":"black" } ] } ]}

SmartLock settingsOnly root users can configure SmartLock Write Once Read Many (WORM) retention dateand commit flag settings for a file in a SmartLock directory. A SmartLock license must beactive on the cluster to configure these settings.

Get the WORM properties of a fileRetrieves the WORM retention date and committed state of the file.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/<access_point>/<WORM_directory>/<file_name>?worm HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

File system access API

SmartLock settings 317

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

worm The worm argument must be placedat the first position of the argumentlist in the URI.

N/A String No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response body

{ "worm_committed":<boolean>, "worm_override_retention_date":<"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss GMT">|null, "worm_override_retention_date_val":<seconds from the Epoch>|null, "worm_retention_date":<"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss GMT">|null, "worm_retention_date_val":<seconds from the Epoch>|null}

Response body parameters

Parameter Name Description

worm_committed Indicates whether the file was committed to the WORM state.

worm_retention_date Provides the retention expiration date in CoordinatedUniversal Time (such as UTC/GMT). If a value is not specified,the field has a null value.

worm_retention_date_val Provides the retention expiration date in seconds from UNIXEpoch or UTC.

worm_override_retention_date Provides the override retention date that is set on theSmartLock directory where the file resides. If the date is notset or is earlier than or equal to the existing file retentiondate, this field has a null value. Otherwise, the date isexpressed in UTC/GMT, and is the retention expiration datefor the file if the worm_committed parameter is also set to



Provides the override retention date that is set on theSmartLock directory where the file resides. If the date is notset or if the date is set to earlier than or equal to the fileretention date, this field has a null value. Otherwise, the dateis expressed in seconds from UNIX Epoch and UTC, and is theretention expiration date set for the file if theworm_committed parameter is set to true.

This parameter is the same asworm_override_retention_date, but is expressed in

seconds from the Epoch or UTC.

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318 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference

Example request

GET /namespace/ifs/dir1/file?worm HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: <length>Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

{ "worm_committed":true, "worm_retention_date":"2013-01-22 15:11:36 GMT", "worm_override_retention_date":null, "worm_retention_date_val":1358885496, "worm_override_retention_date_val":null}

Set the retention period and commit a file in a SmartLock directorySets the retention period and commits a file in a SmartLock directory.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<WORM_directory>/<file_name>?worm HTTP/1.1Host: <hostname>[:<port>]Date: <date>Authorization: <signature>

{ "worm_retention_date":<"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss GMT">, "commit_to_worm":<Boolean>}


If a file is not explicitly committed and an autocommit time period is configured for theSmartLock directory where the file resides, the file is automatically committed when theautocommit period elapses.

If the file is committed without setting a retention expiration date, the default retentionperiod specified for the SmartLock directory where the file resides is applied. Theretention date on the file can also be limited by the maximum retention period set on theSmartLock directory.

For details about SmartLock WORM behavior, refer to the OneFS Administration Guide.

Request query parameters


Description Default Type Required

worm The worm argument must be placedat the first position of the argumentlist in the URI.

N/A String No

File system access API

SmartLock settings 319

Request body parameters


Description Default Type Required


Specifies the retention expirationdate string in Coordinated UniversalTime (UTC/GMT).

N/A Time, in thestring formatof: "YYYY-MM-DDhh:m:ssGMT"



Specifies whether to commit the fileto a WORM state after the retentiondate is set. If the file was committedbefore, the file remains committedregardless of the value in this field.

False Boolean No

Request headersThis call sends common request headers.

Response headersThis call returns common response headers.

Response bodyNo message body is returned upon success.

Example requestSet the retention date for a file in a SmartLock directory.

PUT /namespace/ifs/dir1/file?worm HTTP/1.1Host: my_cluster:8080Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTAuthorization: <signature>

{ "worm_retention_date":"2013-04-11 12:00:00 GMT", "commit_to_worm":true}

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 22 May 2012 12:00:00 GMTContent-Length: 0Connection: closeServer: Apache2/2.2.19

Code samples for file system accessCode samples illustrate the basic syntax of OneFS API requests for file system access.

You can download a zip file that contains code samples for C++ and Python programminglanguages and for curl commands from EMC Online Support. The sample code providesbrief examples on how to access, modify, and delete files and directories on your clusterthrough OneFS API requests.

File system access API

320 OneFS 7.2.1 OneFS API Reference