The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details! Volume 1, Issue 2 September 2007 INDIANA STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION Former and future State Champions compete in the Masters section. Jim Dean and John Cole share the 2007 Masters title after com- peting in two rounds con- cluding draws. John Cole due to make the State Title, will this year be his? The Senior Championship came down to tie breaks for the title. John Roush won out over Rev. Michael Gant and Walt Thompson each having 3 wins out of 4 games. Dennis Geisleman withdrawing the 4th round potentially cost Gant tie break points for the title. State by-laws dictate breaks being used to determine the champion whenever there is a three way tie. Garrett Smith took the Ama- teur Championship with a perfect 4 game score. Current- ly Garrett is 40 points away from his Na- tional Masters certifi- cate. Best of luck. Daniel Gater won the Junior champi- onship as well with 4 points. Daniel is also the 8th Grade Scho- lastic Champion. His USCF rating is 1664 and rising. Thanks to all competitors. Hope to see you all at the big dance. John Cole and Jim Dean tie for 1st at the Masters. Masters/generations brings tough players to Logansport Unsound lines Champions & ISCHoF 2 & 3 Games 2006 State 4 Classy A Games 4 Kokomo Open 5 Scholastic Chess 6 Tactically Speaking 7 TLAs 8 Inside this issue: Special points of in- terest: Lester VanMeter & Emory Tate page 4 Cole, Davidson & Par- ham on page 4 Les Kistler & Mike Her- ron page 5 Josh Smith & Cameron Donis page 6 White wins 2 of 4 page 7 the Kokomo Chess Club Hosts The Class Championships A beautiful August day in Kokomo brought 46 players to the Union Hall to com- pete for 5 State titles. Throughout the day the doors were propped open and distant road noise from the highway as well as a dry warm breeze surrounded the competition for a perfect day of chess. The Master/Expert section consisted of a quad with Mike Herron and Garrett Smith tying with 2 of 3 points. Roshambo (rock pa- per scissors) was played, best 2 of 3, to award the plaques. Herron won the exciting contest as players watched on. In Class A Robert G Da- vidson finished first with 3.5 points of 4. Daniel Ryker finished first with 3.5 points as well in Class B. Class C finished with a tie between Frank Owens and Siyang Liu scoring 3 of 4 games. Last but not least the D Class finished with Matt McKee taking first with a perfect score of 4.

ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

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ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

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Page 1: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

Volume 1, Issue 2

September 2007


Former and future State

Champions compete in the

Masters section. Jim Dean

and John Cole share the

2007 Masters title after com-

peting in two rounds con-

cluding draws. John Cole

due to make the State Title,

will this year be his?

The Senior Championship

came down to tie breaks for

the title. John Roush won

out over Rev. Michael Gant

and Walt Thompson each

having 3 wins out of 4

games. Dennis Geisleman

withdrawing the 4th round

potentially cost Gant tie

break points for the title.

State by-laws dictate breaks

being used to determine the

champion whenever there is

a three way tie.

Garrett Smith took the Ama-

teur Championship

with a perfect 4

game score. Current-

ly Garrett is 40 points

away from his Na-

tional Masters certifi-

cate. Best of luck.

Daniel Gater won

the Junior champi-

onship as well with 4

points. Daniel is also

the 8th Grade Scho-

lastic Champion. His

USCF rating is 1664

and rising.

Thanks to all competitors.

Hope to see you all at the

big dance.

John Cole and Jim Dean tie for 1st at the Masters.

Masters/generations brings

tough players to Logansport

Unsound lines

Champions & ISCHoF 2 & 3

Games 2006 State 4

Classy A Games 4

Kokomo Open 5

Scholastic Chess 6

Tactically Speaking 7

TLAs 8

Inside this issue:

Special points of in-


Lester VanMeter & Emory Tate page 4

Cole, Davidson & Par-ham on page 4

Les Kistler & Mike Her-ron page 5

Josh Smith & Cameron Donis page 6

White wins 2 of 4 page 7

the Kokomo Chess Club Hosts The Class


A beautiful August day in

Kokomo brought 46 players

to the Union Hall to com-

pete for 5 State titles.

Throughout the day the

doors were propped open

and distant road noise from

the highway as well as a dry

warm breeze surrounded

the competition for a perfect

day of chess.

The Master/Expert section

consisted of a quad with

Mike Herron and Garrett

Smith tying with 2 of 3

points. Roshambo (rock pa-

per scissors) was played,

best 2 of 3, to award the

plaques. Herron won the

exciting contest as players

watched on.

In Class A Robert G Da-

vidson finished first with 3.5

points of 4. Daniel Ryker

finished first with 3.5 points

as well in Class B. Class C

finished with a tie between

Frank Owens and Siyang Liu

scoring 3 of 4 games. Last

but not least the D Class

finished with Matt McKee

taking first with a perfect

score of 4.

Page 2: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

P A G E 2 U N S O U N D L I N E S

PRESIDENT: Gary J Fox Ph. (574)722-4965 ISCA, P.O. Box 114 Logansport, IN 46947 E-Mail: [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT: Sean Hollick Ph. (317)679-3514 12189 Belfry Dr., Noblesville, IN 46060 E-Mail: [email protected] SECRETARY: John Cole 2525 College Ave., Goshen, IN 46528 E-Mail: [email protected] TREASURER: Tom Byers Ph. (574)722-1137 ISCA, P.O. Box 114, Logansport, IN 46947 E-Mail: [email protected] EDITOR: Drew Hollinberger PH. (317)841-3885 8350 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46250 E-Mail: [email protected] HISTORIAN: Roger Blaine P.O. Box 353, Osceola, IN 46561 E-Mail: [email protected] MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: Adam Heeter ISCA, P.O. Box 114, Logansport, IN 46947 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB DIRECTOR: Terry Vibbert 1125 Suwannee Dr., Evansville, IN 47725 E-Mail: [email protected] DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE: Steven J Steppe Ph(812)299-5111 53 E. Antler Dr., Terre Haute, IN 47802 E-Mail: [email protected] DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE: Randy Miller 3610 River Bluff Rd., Anderson, IN 46012 E-Mail: [email protected]

I S C A B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s

Chief TD Advisor / Clearinghouse—Roger Blaine E-mail: [email protected] Master Advisor—Jim Dean E-mail: [email protected] Media Administrator—Terry Perkins E-mail: [email protected] Games Administrator—Vacant E-mail: [email protected]

P r e s i d e n t ’ s A d v i s o r y C a b i n e t

Regular $15.00 Young Adult (Under age 25) $10.00 Youth (Under age 17,Dec & June Issues only) $6.00 Scholastic (Under age 17, No magazines) $3.00 Family Plan (Whole) $22.00 Family Plan (Children only) $17.00 Affiliate $25 Scholastic Affiliate $15

I S C A A n n u a l M e m b e r s h i p D u e s

P a t r o n M e m b e r s h i p s

Gold: $100 Silver: $50 Bronze: $25 Patron Members: Gold: No current Gold Members Silver: Mike Gant Bronze: Gary J Fox, Roger Blaine, Gordon Simons

Editor: Gary Fox Contributors: Randy Miller, Les Kistler, Mike Herron Photographers: Gary Fox Printer/Publisher: Four County Counseling Center

U n s o u n d L i n e s

Indiana State Champion: Emory A. Tate, Jr. IN State Reserve Champion: Brian Benson Indiana State Vano/Brooks Challenge Champion: Dennis Monokroussos Class Champions: Master/Expert - Mike K. Herron & Gar-rett L Smith, Class A - Robert G. Davidson, Class B - Dan-iel Ryker, Class C - Frank Owens & Siyang Liu, Class D - Matt A. McKee Beginners Class Champions: Class E - Jeb Boots, Class F - Austin D. Hildebrand, Class G - Dannie Bailey & Taw Reynolds, Class H - Jacob Steele, Unrated - Ryan Polk Masters/Generations: Masters - John W. Cole & Jim H. Dean Senior Champion - John D. Roush, Senior Reserve Cham-pion - James A. Spalding & Thomas E Byers Amateur Champion - Garrett L Smith, Amateur Reserve Champion - Michael Vidulich Junior Champion: Daniel B. Gater State Quick Champion: Jim A. Mills State Blitz Champion: Garrett L. Smith State Junior Blitz Champion: Jimmy D. Hildebrand State Team Champion: “QxNd4” (John W. Cole, Jason R. Doss, James Stephen Cates and David R. Frey) State Reserve Team Champion: Team Donley (Terry Per-kins, Dan Hildebrand, Jimmy Hildebrand, Todd Wide-man)

I n d i a n a S t a t e C h a m p i o n s

Individual Champions: 12th Grade and Under: Cameron Donis 9th Grade and Under: Daniel Ryker 6th Grade and Under: Sean Vibbert 3rd Grade and Under: Matthew Zelenin Individual Girls Champion: Alea Ford Grade Champions: 12th grade: Will Weber,11th: Karl Roots, 10th: Evan Hanley, 9th: David Witwer, 8th: Daniel Gater, 7th: Samuel Ludlow, 6th: Brian Kidd, 5th: Yushi Homma, 4th: Sean Vibbert, 3rd: Sam Concannon, 2nd: Evan Stoddard, 1st: Neal Hostetler, pre-kindergarten/kindergarten: Sam Witwer Team Champions: High School Division (12th Grade & Under): Canterbury School of Fort Wayne (David Witwer, Daniel Ryker, Ben Klimek, and Will Weber) Middle School Division (8th Grade & Under): Wilbur Wright Middle School of Munster (Fengyee Zhou, Mi-chael Tzolov, Santhosh Narayan, and Joseph Hunt) Elementary Division (6th Grade & Under): Sycamore School of Indianapolis (Yushi Homma, Jeffrey Cheng, Alexander Crich, and Josh Segaran) Primary Division (3rd Grade & Under): Canterbury A team of Fort Wayne (Jashan Patel, Michael Brothers, Sam Witwer, and Sean Smits)

I n d i a n a S c h o l a s t i c S t a t e C h a m p i o n s

Page 3: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

Indiana State Chess Hall of Fame

P A G E 3

Dear ISCA members,

This message is a bit out dated and was to be published earlier this year. But I want to keep it in tact.

I want to welcome our new board members Randy Mil-ler – Director at Large, Terry Vib-bert - Web Director, John Cole - Secretary and Adam Heeter – Membership Director. A couple of shifts to different positions are Drew Hollinberger to Editor and the Super TD from Indianapolis Sean Hollick to Vice-President.

This next announcement

proud honor and time in my life to run this organization through the years. I have spent a lot of time and effort to support our bi-

laws and keep Indi-ana Chess active. I have enjoyed every moment and I will continue working Indiana Chess through out the rest of my term and after.

Gary J Fox, ISCA Pres-ident

President’s Message

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2

comes with a heavy heart. After seven years being President of the Indiana State Chess Associa-tion I am not going to run for election at the end of this term. I am go-ing to take a break from Indiana Chess politics. I am making this announcement early in my seventh term so plans can be made to continue running this fine or-ganization in an ap-propriate manner. It has been a very

Player Indiana State Championships

John Van Benton + 3 (consecutive)

Donald O. Brooks + 7

Edward Vano + 7

Dennis V. Gogel 6

Lester L. VanMeter 5

Emory A. Tate Jr. 5

Jim H. Dean 4

Service To Chess In Indiana

Glen Donley +

Robert J. Rice +

John T. Campbell +

Thomas J. Harris +

Robert J. Fischer

Roger E. Blaine

+ indicates deceased

Page 4: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

P A G E 4 U N S O U N D L I N E S

Cao,Tony (2181) - Cole,John W (2320)

2006 Indiana State Championship (5), 10/01/06 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be3 e5 7.Nb3 Be6 8.f3 h5 9.Qd2 Nbd7 10.0-0-0 Rc8 11.Kb1 Qc7 12.h3 Be7 13.Bd3 h4 14.f4 b5 15.Rhe1 0-0 16.Qf2 b4 17.Nd5 Bxd5 18.exd5 Nxd5 19.Bf5 Nxe3 20.Qxe3

Rcd8 21.Bd3 a5 22.Nd4 Nc5 23.fxe5 dxe5 24.Nf5 Nxd3 25.Rxd3 Rxd3 26.Qxd3 Rd8 27.Qe3 Qd7 28.Qf3 Bf6 29.Ne3 e4 30.Qg4 Qd2 31.Qd1 Qxd1+ 32.Nxd1 Rd2

33.Ne3 Bg5 34.a3 Bxe3 35.Rxe3 f5 36.axb4 axb4 37.c4

bxc3 38.Rxc3 Rxg2 39.b4 f4 40.Rc8+ Kh7 41.Kc1 f3 42.Rf8

f2 43.Kd1 Rg1+ 44.Ke2 e3 45.Rf4 Re1+ 0-1

Final Position

Indiana Plays Chess

31.Rxc8 Rxc8 32.Bc3 Bb4 33.Bxb4 axb4 34.Ne1 Rc4 35.Kf2 Qa7 36.Rd1 Qxa4 37.Nd3 Rc2+ 38.Rd2 Bc4 39.Ne1 Qa1 40.g4 Rxb2 41.Kg3 Rxd2 42.Qxd2 Qc3+ 43.Nf3 b2 44.Qd1Be2 45.Qxe2 b1=Q 46.Kh4 Qbd3 47.Qa2 Qc8 48.Ng5 b3 49.Qa7 Qe8 50.Qxh7+ Kf8 51.Qh8+ Ke7 52.Qg7+ Kd8 53.Nf7+ Qxf7 54.Qxf7 Qxd4 55.Qxe6 b2 56.Qb3 Qxf4 57.Qd5+ Kc7 58.Qd6+ Kb7 59.Qd7+ Kb6 60.Qd8+ Kc5 61.Qd6+ Kc4{Game continued about 20 more moves under severe time pressure without recorded

moves; White Resigned} 0-1

[Date "2007.08.18"][Round "3"]

[White "Dionisi Koulianos"]["1903"]

[Black "Robert G. Davidson"]["1864"]

[Opening "Colle"][Class "A"][Result "0-1"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.e3 e6 4.Bd3 d5 5.O-O c4 6.Be2 Nc6 7.Nbd2 Bd6 8.c3 O-O 9.Qc2 b5 10.a4 b4 11.e4 b3 12.Qb1 Bc7 13.Ng5 Bf4 14.Ngf3 Qc7 15.g3 Bh6 16.e5 Nd7 17.Nh4 f5 18.f4 Qd8 19.Nxc4 Nxd4 20.cxd4 dxc4 21.Bxc4 Nb6 22.Qd3 a5 23.Be3 Nxc4 24.Qxc4 Qb6 25.Rfc1 Bb7 26.Qc7 Qa6 27.Qc3 Bd5 28.Bd2 Rfc8 29.Qe3 g6 30.Nf3 Bf8


(Class A Section)

UAW Hall, CR 50 E, Kokomo, IN

August 18, 2007 (G/90)

Bernie Parham II (1840)–Les Kistler (1974)

Round 1, Board 3, B20 Sicilian Defense

1. e4 c5 2. Qh5?! Nf6 3. Qh4 Nc6 About 10

years ago, several Indiana players made a

strong bid to destroy this opening variation

with the enterprising gambit 3. … g5!? 4.

Q:g5 N:e4 5. Qe5 Nf6 6. Q:c5 Nc6, with full

(Continued on page 5)

A couple classy games from the A Class 07

Tate Jr,Emory A (2455) - Van Meter,Lester L (2216)

2006 Indiana State Championship (5), 10/01/06

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 Bc5 6.Nb3 Be7

7.f4 d6 8.Be3 Nd7 9.Qf3 Ngf6 10.g4 h6 11.h4 h5 12.g5 Ng4 13.Bd2 b6 14.Bc3 e5 15.N1d2 0-0 16.f5 b5 17.Ba5 Qe8 18.Qg3 d5 19.exd5 e4 20.Nxe4 Nc5 21.Nbxc5 Bxc5 22.0-0-0 Be3+ 23.Kb1 Qd7 24.Rhe1 Bd4 25.Bc3 Bxc3 26.Nxc3 b4 27.Ne4 Rd8 28.g6 Bb7 29.Ng5 Bxd5 30.Be4 Nf6 31.gxf7+ Kh8 32.Bxd5

Nxd5 33.Qf3 1-0

Final Position

Page 5: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

P A G E 5 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2

capture on h6, giving White no time to take

over d5. 10. Bd2 Up to this point, Parham

had consumed only 3 minutes, an average

of less than 20 seconds per move. Is the

position that simple? Parham played quite

rapidly, as if all of this was all well–known to

him. 10. … Nc7 This move and the next one

signaled my desire to play an aggressive

complicated game. The routine 10. … Nf6 is

fine, but I wanted to keep my bishop and

queen trained on h4.

POSITION 1 - AFTER 10. … Nc7.

11. Nf3 Parham played this whole game

quickly, using less than a minute most of the

time. Here is one of the few times I saw him

pause (for 4 minutes) to think it over. 11. …

(Continued on page 7)

compensation for the pawn in the form of a

lead in development. Disciples of this off–

beat opening probably play it to force oppo-

nents to play outside their comfort zone.

Although I like wild irrational play, this gam-

bit line might not be advisable with a sud-

den–death time limit. 4. Be2 This modest

move is directed against … Nh5, a move

which would attack the queen at g3 or de-

fend against the mate on g7. 4. … e5 5. d3

Be7 6. Qg3 O–O 7. h4 d5 8. Bh6 Ne8 9. Nc3

Moves like this are what make this opening

worrisome for me. White drove the knight

back to e8, and now his knight threatens to

move into d5, the square just abandoned by

that knight. 9. … Kh8 This move threatens to

(Continued from page 4)

Kistler, Les (1986) - Herron, Mike (2083)

2007 Howard County Open (4), 4/21/07 Hi everybody, here's a very exciting and interesting game from

board 1 last round at the Howard County open in Kokomo a

week or so ago. I needed a win to tie Josh Bousum for 1st, and

les needed a win to finish clear 2nd and in the money. A draw

didn't do much for either of us, so it was a really good fight. Les'

double piece sac deserved a better fate, as you'll see. Moves 25-

32 especially are full of cool tactics. Les Kistler (1986) vs. Mike

Herron (2083) 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.Bd3 Nf6 5.c3 Nc6

6.Bf4 Bg4 7.Qb3 Qd7 {more common is 7...Qc8} 8.Nd2 e6

9.Ngf3 Be7 10.0-0 0-0 11.Rae1 a6 12.Ne5 Qc8(?!) {naturally I

was intending 12...Nxe5 here, but at the last moment I started

looking at 13.dxe5 Ne8 14.Qc2 g6 when my g4 bishop is ma-

rooned. he can either try to win it by getting bishop and queen

off that diagonal and pushing kingside pawns, or he can just

play 15.h3 Bf5 16.Bxf5 gxf5 where my kingside is drafty. I didn't

like any of this, so I switched it up. my move is survivable, but it

looks ridiculous and I hate to lose tempii as black in king-pawn

openings, especially against someone who attacks like les does}

13.Qc2 Bh5 14.Ndf3 Bxf3 15.Nxf3 g6 16.Bh6 Re8 17.Qd2 Ng4

18.Bg5 Qd8 19.Qf4 Bxg5 20.Nxg5 Nf6 21.Re3 Kg7 22.Rh3 Rh8

23.Re1 Qb8 24.Qe3 h6(?!) {The safe move to prevent what's

coming is 24...Qd6. I saw the sac, but just underestimated it. I

saw that my c6 knight covers e7, my f6 knight covers d7, g4,

and e4, and I have the resource Re8 to skewer queen and rook

or force a rook exchange...so I figured I could keep the material

and win} 25.Nxf7(!) {The fireworks begin! a totally sound sac}

25...Kxf7 26.Bxg6+(?) {more exact is 26.Qxe6+ Kg7 27.Bxg6.

then if I don't take the bishop he has 3 pawns for the piece and

a huge attack, and if I take the bishop then we have the game

position with white to move instead of black. that would mean

that I wouldn't have the possibility of forcing the draw with Re8

and he'd have an extra tempo for attack. after 28.Ree3 Qf4

29.Reg3+ Qg5 30.f4 Rae8 I’m maybe just barely alive, but there

are a dizzying array of material imbalances that could arise with

white better in most of them} 26...Kxg6 27.Qxe6 {the idea of his

sac is that he will play Ree3, then check on g3 with a rook, then

check on f5 or f7 with the queen and mate me. and it's not an

easy idea to stop} 27...Qf4 {one problem with his move order is

that I can now force a draw with 27...Re8. it looks like it wins

outright because the queen and rook are skewered and if

28.Rg3+? then just 28...Qxg3! wins. however he has the re-

markable 28.Rxh6+(!) shot. then after 28...Kxh6 29.Qxf6+ I’m

up rook and knight for a bunch of pawns, but his queen gives

perpetual. I decided to play on mainly because I needed to win

to tie for 1st in the tournament, but also I was still underesti-

mating his attack. 28.Ree3(!) {the key move. it prevents the Re8

skewering idea and prepares a rook check on g3. not

28.Rg3+?, as 28...Qxg3 29.hxg3 Re8 with gobs of material for

the queen wins for me} 28...Rhf8 29.Rhf3 Qg5 {possibly better

is 29...Qh4. then 30.Rg3+ Kh7 31.Qf5+ Kh8 32.Rh3 Qg4

33.Rxh6+ Kg7 34.Rg3 Kxh6 35.Rxg4 Nxg4 36.Qxg4 where it's

queen and 4 pawns vs. 2 rooks and a knight. who's better?

who knows? not me} 30.h4(?) Still trying to attack, I think just

30.Rg3 is the way to go now. Then 30...Rae8 31.Rxg5+ hxg5

32.Qh3 Rxe3 33.fxe3 and white has queen and 3 pawns for

rook and two knights. Very unclear ending with a wild materi-

al imbalance, I think white's chances are a bit better, although

with les having about 5 minutes left and me about 11 minutes,

probably all 3 results would have been possible} 30...Qh5

31.g4(?) {probably the losing move. he could maybe sit on this

position a bit, as if I attempt to untangle with 31...Rae8? he

would hit me with the 32.Rxf6+! thunderbolt. now the g-file is

closed and I can defend 31...Qxh4 32.Qf5+ Kg7 33.g5 {losing,

but 33.Rg3 allows 33...Qg5 and his attack has gone away}

33...Qg4+ 34.Qxg4 Nxg4 35.gxh6+ Kxh6 {as long as I’m care-

ful not to lose a piece to a rook check, it's over. he's under 2

minutes left now, and the rest is time scramble} 36.Re6+ Kg5

37.Rg3 Kf5 38.Rd6 Rad8 39.Rf3 Ke4 40.Rxf8 Rxf8 41.Re6+ Kd3

42.Rg6 Nxf2 43.Rg3+ Kc2 {of course I’m happy to give up one

knight in order to exchange rooks and eat all the queenside

pawns} 44.Rg2 Kxb2 45.Rg5(?!) {Doesn’t matter anymore,

45.Rxf2+ Rxf2 46.Kxf2 Kxc3 47.Ke3 Nxd4 is just as clear}

45...Nh3+ 46.resigns 0-1 I’d be interested in comments

from les, fritz, and anyone who would like to weigh in on this. I

didn't use a computer in the analysis, so I likely have some mis-

takes in here. Hope you find this one interesting, Mike

Thanks Mike for sending me this e-mail. I thought it should be

included. As you said it was a key game in the tourney.


Page 6: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

P A G E 6 U N S O U N D L I N E S

National Scholastic Events


U.S. Junior Chess Congress 3/8-3/9 2008

East Side Middle School - Anderson, IN

National Junior High (K9) 4/4 – 4/6 2008

Hyatt Regency DFW - Dallas, TX

National Senior High (K12) 4/18 – 4/20 2008

Hyatt Regency Atlanta - Atlanta, GA

National Elementary (K-6) 5/9 - 5/11 2008 David L. Lawrence Convention Center

Pittsburgh, PA


September 15, 2007 - Chase The King (Pre-K - 6th), Indianapolis

Children’s Museum, Indianapolis

September 22, 2007 - Heartland Fall Scholastic, Heartland Minis-

tries, Sharpsville

October 13, 2007 - Ben Davis Scholastic, Ben Davis High School,


October 20, 2007 - Tri-State Fall Chess Open, Evansville

November 3, 2007 - Orchard Fall Scholastic, The Orchard

School, Indianapolis

Fall 2007 Scholastic Tournaments

0 12. Nc2 Bg5 13. Bd3 Ne7

Chessmaster scores the current po-sition as a slight edge to black, with the continuation 14. Nce3 Nxd5 15. Nxd5 Be6 16. Qf3 g6 17. 0-0

Bxd5 18. exd5 f5 19. Rae1.

14. Nce3 Be6 15. Bc2 f5?!

Slightly better here would have

been 15. … Nxd5.

16. Nxe7 Qxe7 17. Nxf5 Bxf5 18.


White is now up a pawn in material, but based on position, Chessmaster scores this as a 1/2 pawn ad-

vantage for white.

18. … Kh8 19. 0-0 Rac8 20. Qd3

Rfd8 21. f6

White threatens mate, but better a slightly better continuation would have been 21. a4 b4 22. cxb4 Qb7 23. b5 axb5 24. axb5 Rc5 25.

Ba4 d5.

Round 5 of the Indiana Individual State Chess Championships – 12th

and Under division

The results of the day left two play-ers at 4-0 going into the last round.

In round 4, Cameron Donis defeat-ed Kevin Krenk to defend board 1, and Josh Smith defeated Benjamin Klimek for his shot to be the first sophomore since FM Jim Dean to win the state title (according to Jim

Dean…not independently verified).

Sicilian Defense – Pelikan Variation

W Josh Smith (1761)

B Cameron Donis (2091)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e5 6. Nb5 d6 7.

Bg5 a6 8. Na3 b5

Smith goes out of opening book with 9. Nd5. Book move would be

9. Bxf6.

9. Nd5 Be7 10. Bxf6 Bxf6 11. c3 0-

Scholastic Chess 21. … gxf6 22. Rad1 d5 23. a4?!

White’s advantage is gone with this move, and black has an even game


23. … bxa4 24. Qxa6 a3 25. Rxd5 Rxd5 26. Qxc8+ Rd8 27. Qa6 ax-b2 28. Rb1 Bc1 29. g3 e4 30.

Qb5? e3

Here is Chessmaster 10th Edition’s take on move 30. Qb5? Leads to 30...Rd2 31.Kf1 Rxc2 32.Qb3 Rd2 33.Qb4 Qxb4 34.cxb4 Kg7 35.b5

Kf7, which wins a queen for a queen and a bishop. Better is Kf1, leading to 30...f5 31.Qb6 Rc8 32.Bb3 Qe5 33.Qd4 Qxd4 34.cxd4 Kg7, which wins a queen for a queen. This was white's only signifi-cant error of the game, but it was costly. White was never able to re-gain the lost ground and eventually resigned. (Score of a 5 pawn ad-

vantage for black after this move)

Page 7: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

P A G E 7 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2

Tactically Speaking White to play and win

Black to play and win

White to play and win

Black to play and win

f5! I pondered 10 minutes here 12. Bg5 The

pawn is poisoned: 12. N:e5 N:e5 13. Q:e5

Bd6! traps the white queen. 12. … f4 13.

Qh2 If this is the best white can do after his

second move, then the opening system must

be a failure. I was expecting 13. B:e7 Q:e7

14. Qg5, but 14. … Qd6! threatens … h6

followed by Bd7–e8 trapping the queen. 13.

… Be6 Several times during this game, I es-

chewed the moves … Nd4 or … Nb4. White

easily parries the threat to c2. Obviously

White thought about it, or he wouldn’t have

made his 14th move. 14. a3 d4 15. Nb1 b5

Obviously, Black has no intention of captur-

ing on g5 since 15. … B:g5 16. hg leads to

immediate catastrophe on the h–file. Par-

ham was still playing unbelievably fast, hav-

ing consumed only 10 minutes on the first

(Continued from page 5) 15 moves, an average of 40 seconds per

move. I had consumed 33 minutes. Per-

haps I was “overthinking” this position, but I

wanted to knit things together very carefully

so he would have no chance at counterplay.

16. N:e5!? I must admit this move escaped

my notice, but I found a good response

while I was thinking it over. 16. … N:e5 17.

B:f4 R:f4! By sacrificing the exchange, all of

White’s attacking chances disappear, and

Black keeps all four minor pieces. A mechan-

ical count of material says that White is a

pawn ahead, but his pieces are not partici-

pating in the game. 18. Q:f4 Qd6 Threaten-

ing to win his queen by … N:d3+, but 18. …

Bd6 is worth considering. I thought about

the bishop move, but the variation 18. … Bd6

19. Qg5 Qd7 20. f4 Nf7 21. Qg3, probably

good for Black, looked too unclear. 19. Qg3

Rf8 20. Nd2 There was a little trap here: 20.

f4?? R:f4! wins a pawn since 21. Q:f4

N:d3+ carries out the threat from the pre-

vious note. 20. … c4 Black is better, but

how much better? The position is murky,

and there is no obvious way to get at the

white king. Playing … b4 would be bad

because it could open up the a–file to

White’s advantage. At this point, Parham

was a full 31 minutes ahead of me on the

clock. His clock read 4:42, only 12

minutes consumed, an average of 36(!)

seconds per move. This rapidity might be

unnerving to the slower player who ob-

serves that White has a “good” position

while Black has no clear way to proceed.

POSITION 2 - AFTER 20. … c4.

21. O–O c3!? I was not especially happy

about this. I wanted to do some more

damage to his center, but couldn’t find a

way to make progress. However, the h–

pawn’s advance has weakened White’s

kingside a bit. 22. b:c3 d:c3 23. Nf3 N:f3+

24. B:f3 Qd8! 25. Qe5 B:h4 26. Q:c3 I

thought for a while here, rejecting 26. …

Bf6 27. e5, with no clear progress for

Black. Black has no more center pawns,

so his minor pieces cannot attack much

there. Instead, my eyes were drawn to

the kingside where White has only one

defender. 26. … R:f3!

(Continued on page 8)

Page 8: ISCA Unsound Lines Vol. 1, No. 2 Sep 2007

The Indiana State Championship, Reserve Championship, and Beginners Class Championships, SEPT. 29 & 30 2007, Page 8 for details!

P.O. Box 114 Logansport, IN 46947

Sep. 29-30, Indiana ChessCafe.com Grand Prix Points: 15 (enhanced) INDIANA STATE CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP Indiana State Chess Champi-onship, Ramada Conference Center, 3550 E. Market St. Logansport IN 46947. In 2 Sections Championship: 5SS, 40/105 Game/45, EF: $55 rcvd

by 9/25, $65 at site. $$: $500-215. U2300 $210, U2200 $205, U2000 $200, Upset $30. $100 State Champion Award. 1st Place Guaranteed. Re-

serve: 5SS, 40/105 Game/45, Open to 1799 & under. EF: $45 rcvd by 9/25, $55 at site. $$: $250-170-160. Class C $150, $70, Class D & Under

$140, $70, Upset $30. ALL: Memb. Req'd: ISCA. OSA. Reg: 8-9:30. Rds: 10-3-8, 10-3:30. Annual Meeting 2:30pm Sunday. ENT: Gary J Fox, P.O.

Box 114, Logansport, IN 46947. INFO: 574-722-4965 [email protected]. HR: $85.50 574-753-6351, Reservation by 9/7/07, code CGISCA.

www.indiananchess.org. Check website for entry discounts. NS NC W.

Sep. 29, BEGINNERS CLASS CHAMPIONSHIPS Indiana State Beginners Class Championships, Ramada Conference Center, 3550 E. Market

St. Logansport IN 46947. In 6 Sections Class E: 4SS, Game/30, Open to 1199 & under. Class F: 4SS, Game/30, Open to 999 & under. Class G:

4SS, Game/30, Open to 799 & under. Class H: 4SS, Game/30, Open to 599 & under. Class I & J: 4SS, Game/30, Open to 399 & under. Unrated:

4SS, Game/30, Open to Unrated & under. ALL: EF: $10 rcvd by 9/25, $15 at site. Memb. Req'd: ISCA. OSA. Prizes: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Trophies each.

Reg: 11-12:30. Rds: 1-2-3-4. ENT: Gary J Fox, P.O. Box 114, Logansport, IN 46947. INFO: 574-722-

4965 [email protected]. www.indianachess.org. Check website for discounts. NS NC W.

Tournament Announcements

Phone: 574-722-4965 E-mail: [email protected]


Were on the web!!!



This sacrifice will be obvious to any master or

grandmaster, but I had to take a leap of faith. I

saw most of the main variations, but I was

afraid to dig too deeply into the variations with-

out running severely short of time, yet I just

knew there was a win here. 27. g:f3 Qg5+ 28.

Kh1 Qh5! I was really worried about allowing

him to take the knight then swooping back

with Qc7–h2, holding everything. At first I

pondered 28. … Qf4!? here but 29. d4! holds

the f3 pawn and forces Black to work harder.

(Continued from page 7) 29. Kg1 If 29. Q:c7 Bd8+? 30. Qh2 holds, but

29. … Bg3+!! does it. In fact, after 30. Kg2 there

is no need to capture the queen because of 30.

… Qh2#. 29. … Bh3 A picturesque position;

bereft of defenders, the white king perishes. 30.

Kh2 B:f1 31. Qc6 Even if mate could’ve been

averted (it can’t), the discovered check … Bf6+

wins decisive material. 31. … B:f2# (0–1). An-

other picturesque position complementing the

previous diagram. After the game, I took great

pleasure in showing the mating finish to Garrett

Smith and Nate Criss. I told Garrett “I like being

old. People underestimate me.”