IrishEcho The Media Kit 2015

IrThe ishEcho - Irish American weekly newspaper · 2016-09-09 · MediaKit2015. Irish America’s Premier News Platform Commitment to delivering a Jrst-class news service, while building

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Page 1: IrThe ishEcho - Irish American weekly newspaper · 2016-09-09 · MediaKit2015. Irish America’s Premier News Platform Commitment to delivering a Jrst-class news service, while building


Media Kit 2015

Page 2: IrThe ishEcho - Irish American weekly newspaper · 2016-09-09 · MediaKit2015. Irish America’s Premier News Platform Commitment to delivering a Jrst-class news service, while building

IIrriisshh AAmmeerriiccaa’’ss PPrreemmiieerr NNeewwss PPllaattffoorrmmCommitment to delivering a Jrst-class news service, while building up the proud Irish Americancommunity it serves, has won the Irish Echo its reputation as the Irish American newspaper ofrecord in the U.S. Since 1928, the Irish Echo has been the premier news title in Irish America andtoday boasts readers in every state in the Union. Our dynamic website at www.irishecho.com,social media feeds (facebook.com/irishecho and @irishecho) and daily ezine reaching 50,000readers all complement our digital App and online edition of the weekly newspaper. Over 200,000 individual Irish Americans visit our website every month.

OOuurr RReeaaddeerrss100,000 Irish and Irish Americans with an average age of 3882% of our readers are homeowners44% of our readers are Jrst-generation IrishAnnual household income $90,000 - $120,00070% are college graduates

OOuurr IInntteerrnneett PPrreesseenncceeWith over 200,000 invidivual visitors to our website each month, irishecho.com reaches asophisticated, engaged audience. Our email blasts, Facebook and Twitter feeds, combined withour daily web updates make us the go-to news and current affairs source for Irish Americans.


Echo St. Patrick’s DayCardinal leads254th paradeinto thehistory booksOn a day that was a fair weather one by recent stan-dards, Cardinal Timothy Dolan led the 254th NewYork St. Patrick’s Day Parade into the history books onTuesday, March 17th.


Media Kit 2015

No. 36 The USA’s most widely read Irish-American newspaper


Est. 1928 SEPTEMBER 7-13, 2011


Celebrating83 years1928-2011

Vol. 84

SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE ISSUEMarking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy

We remember the heroes

of September 11, 2001

Commitment to delivering a �rst-class news service, while building up the proud Irish American community it serves, has won the Irish Echo its reputation as the Irish American newspaper of record in the United States. Since 1928, the Irish Echo has been the premier news title in Irish America and today boasts readersin every state in the Union.

Our dynamic website atwww.irishecho.com, social media feeds and video blogs has put us at the cutting edge of Irish American media, a position con�rmed when we became the �rst (and only) IrishAmerican newspaper to release an iPhone and iPad app.This media kit will give you an insight into how our premium newspaper can give a premium return to advertisers.

Our Readers100,000 Irish and Irish Americans Average age: 3882% are homeowners 44% are �rst-generation IrishAnnual household income: $90,000-$120,000 70% are college graduates

Our Internet PresenceWith over 200,000 individual visitors to our website each month, the irishecho.com reaches a sophisticated, engaged audience across Irish America. Our email blasts, Facebook and Twitter feeds, combined with our daily web updates make us the go-to news and current a�airs source for Irish Americans.

New York City Comptroller John Liu addressing the Irish Lawand Order 2010 celebration in Áras na hÉireann,

Consulate of Ireland, Park Avenue, New York.

Page 3: IrThe ishEcho - Irish American weekly newspaper · 2016-09-09 · MediaKit2015. Irish America’s Premier News Platform Commitment to delivering a Jrst-class news service, while building

Celebrating Irish AmericaThe Irish Echo salutes Irish America in an exciting series of events which celebrate the very best of Irish America,giving sponsors an unique opportunity to promote their brands and products. These prestigious events include:

Irish Labor 10 in association with LIUNA, New York, September 2015Golden Bridges Conference, Boston, sponsored by Liberty Mutual, October 2015Irish First Responders 50, New York, November 2015Irish Law and Order 50, New York, January 2016Irish 40 Under 40, New York, February 2016Irish Echo Small Business 50, New York, April 2016New York-New Belfast Conference, New York, June 2016

We offer a range of sponsorship packages which include maxium event exposure in all promotional materials and at the event, brand naming rights, speaking opportunities and editorial coverage.

PLATINUM BUSINESS PARTNER OPPORTUNITIESOne Platinum Business Partner will be accorded naming rights for our awards. • Logo on all published material, including press ads, websites and supplement• Branded as Platinum Business Partner of the event• Foreword and full page advertisement in the commemorative supplement• Included in the launch publicity and all post event coverage• Mentioned in all press releases• 10 tickets to the event• A representative will speak at the event and present the main award of the nightPLATINUM BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP: $8,000

GOLD BUSINESS PARTNERGold Business Partners will sponsor one of the awards. • Logo on all published material, including press ads, websites and supplement• Gold Sponsors will present their award• 5 tickets to the event• Included in pre-event and post-event publicityGOLD BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP: $5,000

SILVER BUSINESS PARTNERSilver Business Partners will receive:• Silver Sponsors will present their award• 2 tickets to the event• Full page advertisement in the commemorative supplement• Included in pre-event and post-event publicitySILVER BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP: $3,000

Page 4: IrThe ishEcho - Irish American weekly newspaper · 2016-09-09 · MediaKit2015. Irish America’s Premier News Platform Commitment to delivering a Jrst-class news service, while building

Display Advertising RatesSIZES AND GROSS RATES

Ad Size Dimensions PRICE COLORFull Page 5 Cols x 13 7/8 in $2,289.00 + $6001/2 Page 5 Cols x 6 7/8 in $1,144.50 + $3001/4 Page 3 Cols x 5 7/8 in $588.60 + $1501/8 Page 2 Cols x 4 7/8 in $294.30 + $75


LINE ADSREGULAR LINE ADS $25.00 for 3 lines $7.00 per additional line (30 characters/spaces per line)HOUSEHOLD HELP ADS $35.00 for 3 lines $10.00 per additional line (30 characters/spaces per line)LEGAL NOTICE $3 per Agate line 1000 Agate lines/pageBOX ADS $42.00 per col. inch

WEBSITE ADSThere will be a charge of $5.00 for ads to appear in the ClassiJeds section of the Irish Echo’s web site,www.irishecho.com. You can place classiJed ads directly online at www.irishecho.com

READ US IN A VARIETY OF FORMATSPrint edition by subscription or on newstands.Price $50 per annum, subscribe online or by contacting Madeline at 212-482-4818(First-class post delivery $86 per annum)Digital Edition $50 per annum via www.irishecho.com/subscribeItunes edition: Search Irish Echo in the App Store

Contact Mairéad Tully, Advertising and Sponsorships ManagerTel: 212-482-4818 • Email: [email protected] • Twitter: @mtullynycTracey Quilligan, ClassiJed ManagerTel: 212-482-4818 • Email: [email protected] Echo Newspaper Corp.165 Madison Avenue, #302, New York, NY 10016Tel: 212-482-4818 • Fax: 212-482-6569 • www.irishecho.com