IRE HAIN18VILLE SUN JANUARY J 2 is6 1 rlllon rta rr r- rR i PARTS OF FLORIDA arid Tnm Varta- ubetes tf State THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Trwtasjirlnc In Land ef Ftowrara- TMftf B Jta J Down te Suit the Haa r Item of Interest to Dlde county fair will be held nt Him Mareb 12ih to lath Haay f orange groves around OflMsle art nearly through with pick to Dr Freak H Caldwell one of Flor Itea J adlur hjslcian rtieii at Tampa i SttsjrsJay- Darla the year 1606 the P oieola pane 80 arrrats2085 whites TIle wei an dry election in O cnla County whieh in to be held February lit la KffttlBff quit exciting LakatMd I the seat of- FaMt bat Bartew will make strong re lataaait racy split the county if toy tee hard Ta ailaaMllBBof the State HwiatUm will be held at Owk M UM people ef that city fife JfctM repel tsHHtora are gattiaf tt i Kact d with MlMri all Bight in a faiMsaaa that waa aeeupied by North fB yltl m ml oily Sot 2 18 The teMte feewer of Dad county IsM bus e kethered with water coy Haf their Lids that they frald piusa will heeaae wehfeoted The Sea Iitoad eettea growers have perfrated erflaalMtiea fit Cotata- Ma eeMty sad elealtd J W Hatcher- ffwideat aid T J Aepleyard arere DA Flftwerte ef TilMvllle has r- faatsl 9UOOO fir the crop of grape grave at Alva The crop ettlaaateel at aheet 8000 hole It to a fbnr year eld Jaaiea P Oeker Matenerd ia the UaJtesl Staua Court at Feaaaeota Frl elay te acne a tote ef 13 moaths at the Federal prison Atlanta He was g tie free eie of the sail near Marteaaa The ripen that there la smallpox ia- Si eaiphatieally dealed lit the mayer ef that city cad State ef Health ae deelana St Mftkvrf haaaeeie pretty low ea The will ef the late Joha M Long f Tamp Rivet ere of the most valuable enter properties la that city worth seat 000 te tile Y M O A building if such aa- ateatioa ia start there The plant of the Waraell Lumber and Veneer Company at Loekharti was deatref by Ire Saturday Jan Hh Th will employed 100 sea sad the tea was 40000 The Orlando rraiea went oa a special train to sight the epenlag of the Putnam House Palatkaa resort hotel U aa iudi that per sister eity making rapid trades ia the right direction Palatka is hound to go forward for they have mea of push to roan the eblary that make It postible Mitt Mary Simrall of Ormond wit the victor in Thr toluR- cente t tad won orer six others tar vole being 20WU Maude Frye of Palatka was nut highlit with 15169 Biearall will crown the speed I king at the auto raeea Kiatimmee in now enjnjinR the citement of a cow case The cine i KIM Of grrat irapottaner it iivnlrm the ownerthip of a numbtr of cattle should it be decided in favor of the Cold Storage Is the bet rrctlr l l y which the pro ducers of meats can thm taken eare of The DIASOM ICK OMTANV- Haa the ooinplft plant in Crt tral Florida and ilie proce IK the best for W solicit patronage HIM guaranty perfect atUfaetiun tt iirnpartd proc can alto be inokid Diamond Ice Company R a UVINUSTOSMirr lialnri Uic KlorMa THE lLAtlll Itt tOMlAVV- AUrhum Flnrlda Will also put mull by the process Leave order at either I I I j I i j I j e s All The lIt All 1 Rap will- Ie tsp trait M IIi Pest Ie I Pee on- e Ire- ne i f ma- L I i Jail I I tx II han I must t I I hue Meal I I I J L p7M i his w 1 Cltsss The yr the tr M sad 8U1 Naeks- ti after county They pall Illlst Live a a Thep worked are t life a Lis alp grove was r vied dow abae iesawbere t wblh s 4N A sail F Times Uniun Miss Orntrrnd Daytona and I a Mac 1 i m r > + ALL SICK WOMEN sami KM ws FITS LETTER to AS Pars ef the United aH t e Ljrdte- K PlBk ana Coapouod- Haa Elected gtmiiar curca lay wonderful cures of female art to light which hare been brought about K- Pinkhama Vegetable Compound and through the advice of Mrs llnkhasi- I Lynn Ma which IK jrivm to niclc women free of charge The present Mr Pinkham has for twentyfire years made a of the of her MX haa consulted with and advised thousands of women who today owe not only their health but even to helpful adrico Mrs Fannie D Fox of T Chestnut Street Bradford Pa writes I Mffcml tee a with female raeUe aad told pbjrrida- atUt 1 had e tmor I ROt want to tateBtt to aa operation aa wrote edric I letter told sad today I am trek My doctor says cared I am rice more a well woeaaa better E PtokhaaB Vecrtable C The testlmoalala which we are COB grateful womea eaUbUaa beyond a doubt the of E Vegetable Con paid to conquer Wcmea aufferiag from any form of female Ire to romptly eommaaicate with Mrs at Lynn Mass She aothing in retain her advice It fa absolutely free and to thousands of women proved to be more precious han gold plaintiff would mean the f prominent cattlemen on the charge uf fraudulently nUeiinij name and timtid of cattle Putt Iogl lead the lilt of port rum which Florida hared rock ex- ported ia 1905 The shipments fur lat year of this mineral from all ports to- taled 570819 distributed a lows Port Ingli 185211 Savannah I8D1M9 Ffrnandina 1I5R37 Port Tampa 6 767 In a family quarrtI Saturday night Noah Bird shot and killed Juth Murll at the home of the latter about three miles Iron Oilando wife Birds sister He was in a bad humor with her and Bird interfered whets he claims Gall drew hi knife and started for him whereupon Bird shot killing him instantly Both men hive been residents of that section all their liver Charles Hamilton tits aeronaut gave an exhttiition hi aeroplane- at OrmnntlMytotia Birch Sunday af- tornoon which nearly him life The aeroplane was being towfd by an automobile and when it had reached a height of 2UO fret commenced to dive and pitch until it came to the uarth Hamilton e ed with only nn injured knee and declnml he would try auain Miami and Palm Bench an now linked bygone ciiutiiiiinii pared n di tance of vixtyftKlit milt aril which fcnnl to no good roa l or constructed tJii roiikliIre in the State tin joining link of twenty two milt pf l el fti Kurt lnijilerdi Udrny to which jlilnt it had previously l en limit from Miami arid WVt Phlm Bench n ijctiv lj hiivitiK been th n the past fiv dry thonch it will i forne dnys yet before it ha It en iiiiinniuhly cru li d and rolled to l easy and iumnrtittli pa i to- pulfntrutt uiiinhl vihul atitomi I tilv or bicycle The Mnmi Me troitili A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good A11 Thurner n wfllknowti coal Oieratirnf ItitTnlt 1 writop Ilmve been lillictfd with kidney and liladder trouble tint y jir ihK gravel rilonen eicriicialini yam I tul no relief front medicine until I lif nn taking FoltyS Kidiuy Purr thuti the result wa urininu A lew ilo e started the brick dust like line tune Nod pow I have no pain across my kid neyr and I feel liter a new man It dune Wirth of Roud J V- MeCollumdCo ot 6tllcl Dear PlRkbaa b1 Rl1 did for r tssoe fin iitap 1 Is in the world lilcha asks the ful Mil II i curt n crash cal lit afT I In WIt Is h ant klilzl I L Veg table Ills e i r 7 4Vra F NieDFox s ly the Dial that aetUy war you ss sate plla6ll the brit edk1ae artist several was tons Brunswick 23112 with isis with West hiKbarJ this nail and runtpb tr- w alj ten IS 1 w r s d II r bi ¬ > > > > > < + + + + + + + DEATH OF O SUTHERLAND- Was a Former Resident of Gainesville ard Well and Favorably Known Through the kmdne of Phillip Mil- er The is able to correct tte- wrnna con FrnTng of Mr Suther and at Jnek onrile in Wrdnetdav January 17ih a mane were lid to brli r it was Ir Suthet land High Sprinff Mr Miller who n well aoquionteil with the deceased waj in Jack onviile t he tine of hi death at d did all h told Iwfire and after hi denv r- in ilit In semiiit a ni0itiri to Mr Miller in tide city he caiKd hits I oo and the mpre i i not nut tha it wan fir Siilherland i flish S riruv Many old it iiient will rememl r the deCfRftrd li H Stllherlainl Who w iittrrfted in teal e ta e iu th city i Hi R nm er f tars nisi who ws the founder iiiifrUn1 liilUttoroutth county If ilHuuhtHr Mi r air M 11 d lift nut he wa et ilTlj Carr t f r d i rinu hs in omen i I hi many Irieut ii tli city t t dei their heartfelt sjmputliiep m M- Smherlai and the otfr r fatve Cured Lumbago- A B CaruiNfi e- M reh 4 1J 3 Mariiigleentroiilled with lumbago at different times undone physician aft ranuiher different ointment and liniment Iran it up altogether So I tried once more and a bottle of V Snow Liniment which gave me al- most instant relief I can cheerfully recommend it and will add my name to list of sufferers Sold by V M Johnson BONDS FOR Proposals will be received by the Works of the of Gainesville Florida until Monday the Ath day of February A D at 8 oclock p m for the purchase of 0500000 of bonds with the privilege of 5000000 additional bonds if sued wihin twelve months thereafter D ted January I 1900 Interest Give pre cent per annum Maturity 85 15 year 40 in lj 40 bonds in 35 year Payable Principal and interest in gold coin and payable at the offle of the laity Trea urer the City of Gainesville Florida Denomination 1 OrtKO tact Au Chapter 5497 l wn of da approved May 9 19 nmices of the eit in purmmnce thereof SeptenitMr 5 1XX Deposit A certified check for 5OfO 00 onil l Debt Inilnihnu this MMjelIVJiOKO other I5000DOO iMtiert ILWOUOW I Astested Valuation I79J7S7 W Ue1 livery at either bunk in faitieville Right referred to reject W W HAMITOX Secretary Hoard of Public Work tiinevilie Florida NOTICE Notice i hereby given that four weeks after the publication here- of I will apply to the County Judge of Alachua county for an order to II all right title and interest of John It Beville a minor in and to the fullowiriff tract or lot of land to wit The E i f Sic 31 in Tp 0 It 19 South ono Kist Im lu acre in the Sw corner of the N of the Ne4 of Section This January 11 19- AHKMA BKVIIIK iuanlian of J It Bettlle a Minor NOTICK OK ArilUATION HHt TAX DKKU tNUKIt SKtTlOX f OK CHAITKIt 4vi LAWS OK KMHtlDA Notice lierebjr Herb that M K JeTonl- IMrobascrtif Tux Ierilrieate No iC doted of July A In li tlliil eertltleute uiy offlee und tnuilr ai- luloatlon Ittr tax ileeil to i ne in uriiinliiiue with law Salt crrtllleute finlruoi the loi lr describei iTocert tu t il In Aliictiuu- Iountv K2i nit4 ttxrif- W 15 f S lli t Sw M see i T In It- Ji 3i oft Sr M of se M of Sw See Tl In II TIt i1d t in iivM Mil t the ilatr nf the l uiriif uf luehterUMalr in the Mrs S J ColM k atuJ Mf lur tm- tlie add hail lit riiltiiccil ae- Otmlint tn law tux sirs will UMH therinn nn the iit ilii ot leiiuir A H ivm- VlUii HIV Oir l laturi Ul t il thN- tlt IMtuluv of Juiiuurt II J H lViKNti- NOTUK lt IMHUCATIOX- J4 u rv i l herein teal the f inv in rmweil eiter ttleit notice ar hi trtf iici t make niwi tt MH In Jtil i l or tun oUti itttA tint J r mr will b Dtfbrt the Kerf l 4r t llnflvvr itlne kiMf hTa on IViiru M tf litl u- K 1 1 K- Mr n rue lti follow MVw lire miih John u urn A II iitutiu Win J WWW U tiiiAtlt r M U it KllMtVsOX Kaatstcr- M TICK Tii THK ITKrUM r K wnr TATK OK j OiMMHHVtV T Ai i r the i r i r 4U I ieron Jm iur- ttti ll l j jK- sh ila J tf A l i tl i MASON iV J I tit t hI of If hl1 11 art Jar Chi flu Ballast LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS r SALE- S td I bond in j of i and f I I rol du U old oJ It sire Jed IH 11 xruit cart Land et OU Ira Mia r III F T t SMellI lIot ltI ur t iii Tl I mYl1 hi rrWiale anol 1 ut A S oil fort tIII j In iwrehr flat a 101111 tor I tltdll tdtualtrtrtx tltr t and aa w 000 aid ale err u or I tb HIt I 1 t I i o qua imprr inn slit h uh tlal ii F tll i s vilI Idlr11 turn and find late igr writ nisi lieu gratin r Fhrn 5 1nli I Florida an- r all bid a said Net and tae has u e I nun e 1t4 1uhun 1u Ufier lialnerritr Fr 54 1l1i1 Ns rla a fl M- u wuni l to r1nlnuuu ut w r 1ltltrlu utrWiandu tINS t ort real huu r u Sit J rV iirtw l war4- 1oa err auti111ihI ur In oTlfMt of wld e441e ha rrn tbt of ad lire t- 1luatr Judr Iircbn rlwnt Nridr ti aM de rt t for hrrrhr pi 1J I t j r t t r bt > > > > > ¬ ¬ < > > + > > > > > > > > > > > < > > > > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ItT TIN tort KLKiTt N- jrlej o if er if sohiM th tn rt X ie iectJ- t a i Hl nl o Oo int t i ir eifir for h- I ce rf ru0if t ti ettilrui ti- i1nl at l ot bf i jr e- ttfe tfi e n nlr- N rin i tl 11 II t It I h V M r u J- i t II lUue i i t i M ii r v- AMI l t I 9 i tt t f u f M K le 4H 1 Vat li J VV a J t Arr n I l l It Ui W M J l III t I i Mi tnllf t tt II i v X il Mf H H- v j j nv r i t K I i J V A nuile- rr jri M n A I II e I Mimt nier J T V i rtcr A i I 1 1 i Tljr i htf NiT ri ttn B wi J re t- H Iuhli lr ti J tt n at i- n eet a H ii d in IVbruur U KOK lTIHfATI N- IRiMt iimee lit tijirrii Ki- W Mt lt- tr jMi pi in i r Act of Int- ilfit fit At Ai ur th 1 Ni it unit XVusfintou Terrltoft- i xtetMeil tn the lutiic r 1 tutt Act 11 Ilust t t VV r II I- i ciMint of I VnilU tme 01 nor ti i r v t i i s i Tve i sHiru st it- U ti No SI I nr tf i iriliwi o the XX- i ej srtot NI I T isii j Ni No I utit iiVr i of ti spuw ru ti irl s l r- H of Its till er oi stiM i c i in i n t sf iti i ti c t i Iutit iii ItrfMt K rfs r l i Cei if r e i K ul XYe tr c luj the J I of March I He raiifs us u tt tsfs 1 I Cit 1 Ho nifo H iNi cr 1 1 sUil a of I To MI Ha A y ill nS inrsors einuVif iiiUersfr the ut nveileMrlb I iar s re re riestJ to M- saUt Slst XX ItolllXsOX ReisterN- OTICK OK AIIMCATION IXH TAX DEKIi cUBIt KCTInN OK CHAITKK 4 LAWS OK KUOltlUV- Soilee N herein A OSteont irt- turelia r of Tax l rtKout No III doled the eth dav ur Juiy A I I V has tKrrt aid certlBoHte In my office aul hat made aiiilcatlon for tax to l n- torxjanor wltbiaw SaUliertia Mttelul riK the fullowln itrMVlNtl tro rt ltuatrti In Aluhua oiirV Kluriila tuwlt- K I 3 of SH I I uml VV of I I oral Se ll of Xw and Sw of Xr ll ec I T I B l JM acres The akl laml a oxil at the dote of the K unmc of hurh certificate In thcnaiueof- Wiley How anl- corrtlnrf to law tax ilml tl issue thereon oa the ithua ol Keliruurv A II t- VXltness tuv orcicla Itiaturc uiij s ai this the ul Jatuar A O K- i H ClfrK Circuit Ctiurt AUchua Co Ka NOTICK OK TAX IIKKU OK l IAXXS OK KIJOKIO- ANotice Is herehv that A o stecn- hur tarcfciior of Tax Certificate No dated me ftul dui of July A O- o tus rileil smi ccrticatc li nit ortlcc and hs rumle at t lcutiori for tax din to Issue tn acconliMe with iaw iJe- ertiUcnte embraces the diiiowl1 scrltHil troicit situaeil u Alaclniii county Nc tl of se ll Sec t Tr It II I1 sire The snlil land belt ist sitl at the ilate of the issuance ol In the naxc of J I Hrnrr tress certillcato tie reileemetl ac- conllik to tux drill u 11 sj thereon on i the ithili of KeliiuaiA A I XXitress ny olll in siliture atil seal this the let day of Jinuuij A II S II XXMKNiKS H Circuit Court Aiadrja 10 Kia- NOTICK OK APPLICATION KOIt TAX UKKU rXUKIt SKCTION CIIAPTKK- is LAXVS OK FIJOIIIUA Notice is ticrehv teen thai Mrs M C lluiivr or Tux Iertltloate No eertlttcate it Ill uRIic b ililO4 lion fur tax deli tolssje In DMconlance with law saM cirrtiticate eruhimces the follow ir UM rllK l roi rrty In Aiioliu turn ty KlorliU KiMt- tsc4 of Nw sec ITf I It K are Tbe heln iss ss l ul too date of the tssjance ot such ceritncuii In the name of 1 11 n 1 J Duts- Unlivssalilccrtlftciitesiil re Ieim Ht ac- oordln to i tax item u thereon on the ol Ietiruuri A Ii tw XVItness ruy ottviii oiuatarr and Mal tftlj the lUilay of J tU4r A P S II 11 Icrk Circuit Court Aaohja Co Via NOTICK lJt IfllUCATItlX- lan1 once auainrsvliu Ka DiCrBitJcr I lit Notice is ticrehv ti n that the follow tm ti nl ettier lifts niiil nolle of tils intention to make Hta priHif In ut i on of his cUlin anil I 11 k I l ter anil ICccclver it i 4tnfsiie I la or Jiuj- arv iV l v IHAMIIK l l l Asuf Vlliefortl Pit Hit i 13 fur the N w ll I uf Sw lISi Tf S It IS names t e follow liiiT cs to tils c iiiinai i rcsSiiici im IUd cuitUitiun of sakl UM v- UJs isicr John Miiler Aiec Khtiun t c Davis HV or Viofonl tt- lt V li lUHIIVoX Ittrlstcr- N iTICi KWU ICHMCATION Notice Is tiMiv rfiveti tjt the olio lu mm d ittif tu s rtliit r iit r of his lutentmn to Hiahe earl l rit In ui t ri M cl iHi i ih th t iru f will Iw M befoC INvifr lit or i 0 T S K II K- or wit i WI mm Alien THort Fruelnr Jame Me r Jttne i ai s Jr i U U NlTTICI WH ilIttirAlfON- C Hhw I h ret y tfiten ilutt h- uf I Ti He i li CfHMV uf IhNitue K II 1C M K A li IliiUnl XVm J Write o liHiri Kl4- W KolllNsuN HcrfMcr I j i i i I I I j j i i v I I Ill I u t t t I 1 t lflI StI- t i I I I I A I t 11 I u 9 tII 11I1ol 1 H TI I tl i i i Io r 1111 Tr l salt II It I Z tr I I r I U t J t > lICE S 1 fiat it I II I I 1 r 11 I t OI I I tN I Ief t I t l 11 I r ChI yr lllrh l dent In I e uJ I Wlh nsli t- Ill Il TIllS lit t ITS elf 111lt toulda It I ha Iu I I lit u Ihr lIl1lalIrSmht U Pet 01101 III aid sal J t ItS t Ir the h 1 I I II ltD r 1 a Kfteuht vt t to SI Sw Set It auuI Iii lruI 1NllllltlCN LllUtIlUU find tilt tit w lIIuUSu kltr trntl Dill at PI t oj loth utied hua In wtrlrt j tlll Ullf t I Itrltllt1 ia otI FlrMurrr tn nil t ot I us tll lh4I IUIIOI tit IJntlllcJ tad I tIWOI ilbot 11 I G I r I p l t 1 7 t t nrt Ir 11 Nr tae I r t1 a s 1u rartu4 art a h ltanr ta > A u Iu li a JI li 1 1r 1 SI 1 t rV 6 J 1 silt 3 LIt ll IFr N ln J t eta t1 1 w 1 t w- r uer lrrrhl Irr rUULIr 14e u r aM ttr 1J ItGltl 1r J I N J r I I nip fur all t lie t 11 r raln u111r urrhrr dal sit Ir1 I rev that I 1 I1 heir Cner rerllnette hai tie tedrrnrd aC l dui Ii tEat err ICS sir T pN web reruncatr old t > irk pun hawr until hstLed and nfl lr Itu led I 1N J hnntf WI tnnJr vii r t prof IandI atsJlne tu V Utwl ndCr G of wit a rs it trital 1f1ir IZa du Jatua- L1 1IUMI d Itra rls tN ell a ai of tbr hdbwI rItnr rtarr a clr tW r IZ- itl e IlataeYtil Jeaurrr tr id11t a wrt settler bar or hI rate 141 flxkr anal pit pf ns- e aa1 hest i Ut trade hit rev sal hreritrr rt li tits Ifs J Na HIIl 9brthdS wyaYnl w 5er S to Nrn wrWen e ut a CIilI4Ul Tar d l I i t nn r S C a i > > > > < > > > > > > > < > < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > < > > ¬ <> < < > > < < < > > < > > = < + + + + + + + + + + + XnTICt KW PUILICATION- Uifid Ottoe at airiest ja January n Notice herein en that n c rti witn U Kovsiisof the Act o i rrf f- J ine I An Act or the i or tlUiter iit lslr the states of la if OIL a re- in Netiila jind U u iiln ftoti Ttrilot M- c liidd lo a the niitfc i lid States iv or irfjt l t O tieonieM Met of MlM r- ciuilt of llradord state ot Korda us day Died tn his sworr state went No tv for the i ich s f tb Ne f sw of Section No t Town htl No I S Itaiue Si i end offer priNif to sio soi ti wore for its tlrulxT or stone hin akricuitjrai tiirt o es and to sr tU claim to s n irii ote He te ir ne- ceivrratiiiiiresfiit Ka X riff CM the Jl t ilat of March I He tuttiesns witrssis A II y- ul K Kisiir Xiii ife fhes f o- IoMt Kia tit aiii 1 i eriiris ciiuiHf i the i ive ile tis rr its t rah r tin otc r or sjid- NTICK roll IlIIMC- l4fll IVCI UHil ittsv- ivceu er- Notoe U ifiven that c B with the oi lobs of th ict o Julie eitlleil Al act fill t- tttiilicr lamis n the tritis of riii- iti Nctuja and XVastiiiiktoi v- MeDileil to 1 the i utiic iril siies- ol AlJst Aliiihiin II iaw o Tow I Cijiitt of LaKiitit e stiteiif Kt has ti ii iinl 111 this ti turns Xo U fut t parr N i of s itiiit Nn of Neiof sectiii No 3- Kalue No 13 K a lit l i js s r cu t i S that the laud so tin er or stiiiii tlnn- msfs and t i is- riieore Keisr It lnilui i l l iv Uir- i rinr i o s NI t i ILl fur rl ur his to siuj Jjfj4 ce M r it v tiaries wiiMssis K hi iaul- iei Aeb It Il Nut tJits iM of IM Town Ku Art iitil a a u r alvrise c tbs aiHivcie iirli iil lints a i n i isit to ale their ciiiiitis ir th ofTVr or or iicore vald 3 nl Ira of Keirtiiitr- vft vV i ItoillNsoX ster- XOTICK FOIL IllillC XTIoV laril tiJiC1 it i v IV IMM I S- Not e is hcreliv tlvcr that n eoi ii ane will the t rivisiiii of the u Corikress of Juie sjs cntiieti Ar art I i Ic sjc ttf tiiiixr Huts In the states of aifornu l r S ton Xevaifa ar il VVa li tot territory extenlril toMt the li ml stitr Av of Auust i trj Kilwunl K listrr of Otf 1 Town cojttv ot SInN of KorfiU has ncii ir ihlsotnce l 1 u era No i l fur the jnlie uf the of Ne rod t of s e4 of cctoti No 33 To nslii Xo s Itaotfe Xo K util wtt- fuTer t tool tn show that tIc I a ml sou bt te 2- morp itualile fur Its tltiiner ur turns than for 1- Hkrricultura iiurtusrs aiit to esiitttsb bS claim to ail iarxl tiefore Itcktsirr IHK Hrcelr j- pr at i ltiesvie Kiorttlaon Krld y the a dot of Krhruary He nanjeu witnesses A II Shaw It C U Utvls Nathaniel IVrs XV J Airn a of S Town r a s Ant all fers4irs claltiirk aivers j atMivedescrlifd lands an rejr teil to lilt their ciaiuis In this ottce oror nefore ilril H of Keur ar l l Wi KiiIIX oX Ite tits XOTICK nn IritiicxTUN- l Office at liiiresv e Ka Ihcrmiii s S V Notice herrbv fiven tliiit n c 111 witi the provision ol tne Art of ionie oC rntltlril Ah ct tlr at Umber ialMls In the States ol l iif riu Or0r stun Ncvaila IM XXuohlhkton Territory M extemleil to 11 the ulii itO raft If Act of August I I ThornsoXV8 Jifinl ciKHtv of Altclnia FuN of K rlda his in itu iieil in s uorn state iiient No 113 purchase of the i Sr of Sec Xo tull Kanke No is K tin 1 x ill offer if to show that the alMl suhl is more viuiiic or IM tiinlf or stutc tti iii ior HTCJua ut osri and loe tal i h his cliilrn to ti l an nrfors ami Itecelver iiiriesn c Ka OS KrMav tlie itrl ilav of Iclfirv He names us w lines Jiitits I ne C XXUianjs J II JaiKsoni I allot XXlileforU Kiii Anv MM iJi Iersurs iiitir nlversiy the idioMili iillnl i raid to OM aitf It ttls in I n suul ilav of Iehluirv rt IH VV i KOIIINSON KristerN- OTICK hull IlIIIICATION I it l Oftlce tairesvlie R 4 Iiccenicr l rt j Noiloeislerehr arn tilt In comtlanc wth the innNionsof the set ur CorCM f t I ntltled An all for the ate of tlmhor larls u the States of i 1 fornla tfotiNevadii ami XVi hinirtn Territory U to a the utie tates lr Act J of August I tsfr Uotcrt C I usof of LiKnteite Mat of Kortd bee f Me1 in IMS ome tj sworn state t o liV fur the purchase of the Sct ot 7 o n iii iianrfr u i K wfl rrrr froof to ttat be laa- dsouht more niiualuc for ts tuiiwr or t M than for aifrlcuitural iiirtoe and uirstabJsk f- hisc kin tisml uMt heforc Ittvlster sat Korlda Knday of KetifurvI- 111 nesses K v rter A H tnt oral 1 H rson iiuiiirf adverse v athivc ilr4rtlfi iirtls rt iJested 04 their ciiiittts in this itticc on or lieftire said i3nl Cut of Kehruar l l- lil XV i ItoitfXSOX Kerfster- XOTIfK OK AlMIlirXTlOX FOR TAX DKKU LNUKIt ICTIOX OK I OK KUMtlUA- Xottce Is heretr klven that O It lrc O- MI ctiH cr of lux No l hate the fth dtx ol 1 t A It I I t Ill sal certmcrite ir ami M ntc uit c A thin tot tix iliisl to Ishue in acconlnnoe with sji1 ccrtlncitte ertiirtcs the foKiwInjr devrihiti iroi i rt Mluatid itt AuhJa chart It Klortdu town Nit it Nw cor Main aril F tS I and l t V V Kin t Lot I XX js rtoa l XXitol Hir The suid brio i siwd the date of the is uumof Jib cerUicite m tne rata of C M Kvatis t Iniess 4M certificate ha reileeti ed aC fi rrtltJ t i law t dee l w i v c ti tS lt Mt of Jabuarv A I XXltnevsibv nlOcUl strfuature and sci this thrind v of ifcH iMwr A I I s II VIKNIS f i l i h fin Ciwrt x M I Ki- aXOTIlK oK AIIUiATlON Koi TAX UKKO IXDKK W Tlo oK t AIT I LAW OK IUlltlDA- Nttlce h rehr uei J I Costk Nireb Mr of Tax CvrtMUje X i dat 4 tar th of Juiv A H t s s c- Acertlllcatc r 4ii iUnnm for tut t s c ta with tar hr ts the foUtxvfnK i roc Hjl- autril in AUehuiteuuMi l ii rt i X ll see Ti I K S v re Th fcl Ira helrnr uvrfxiMti t ttn irt ni4ti ti t Marti Klfa CblewMikl tertli tr ha he rer a- cKtlltw tax aired w I is ir IIIM the if J oi4rt A M i W tn s BV ore sintin atil tn the JM du tl ve UIHT A I I V S H XVIKNiKS 11 Ccrk Clf t fjrt AMiiua LO I A nice I Act his t Ill I ttla tit lal1 ur K I t- tI t I j1 1111 Cl r TIJo jo c r yf I ur Ur- I OQ IcJa Ie I h I II 1 aIL aril iI Ie J I I a I i I l I I br tl fa I I l Oil oral the I nil t fur HaUIId T 1 rr of s t I J I iII Jed S a t June Ore J ttfnttI sat Old 1UII Ui > fey II I t oral 1I I He- r It tin lbe Ird I i oohlll of 111 I CUr n 1 S 1 I I I I l II I i I mat Elf u r h r t e r dI > M r oft r r 1 V r Niu s alit alit r r r t hN y d t q lrd LIP 1e u u u IJrC A I a h r 1 Ir r IN At 1 I u r J t 101 i u r std lrl T u 1u st is a I hUlr t rut I r t AIt n 1 lrrr x i- II > i trnG a LI Itr I r Ia ii ti q Pun II Fat rttr dui u err rate Icy r fir II Bald t J arcs June a P a IIIIs unlit the x aN1 l ll rut o lit j Krtiter a C hal ate a i ire r Count dot u1 Sci N uN rrlt dot Ili a ti Ihr GuUdrn filth s tux n hll the alt I rCrrtr rat sits ha Li N roll brit at a In l x rut u lit r 1 t that 1 t sir ant bat lea r rro a r tux 1 w f trot IniyIM r d to low alb r a i > < > ° > > < > > < > < < > < > > > + > > > > > > < > > > > < > < > > < < > < > > > > = < = + + + + + + ++ + +

IRE All WOMEN hisufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01375/00703.pdfIRE HAIN18VILLE SUN JANUARY J 2 is6 1 rlllon rta rr r- rR i PARTS OF FLORIDA arid Tnm Varta- ubetes tf State

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2 is6 1rlllon rta rr r-

rR i


arid Tnm Varta-ubetes tf State


Trwtasjirlnc In Land ef Ftowrara-

TMftf B Jta J Down te Suit the

Haa r Item of Interest to

Dlde county fair will be held nt

Him Mareb 12ih to lathHaay f orange groves around

OflMsle art nearly through with pickto

Dr Freak H Caldwell one of FlorItea J adlur hjslcian rtieii at Tampa

i SttsjrsJay-

Darla the year 1606 the P oieolapane 80 arrrats2085 whites

TIle wei an dry election in O cnlaCounty whieh in to be held Februarylit la KffttlBff quit exciting

LakatMd I the seat of-

FaMt bat Bartew will make strong relataaait racy split the county iftoy tee hard

Ta ailaaMllBBof the StateHwiatUm will be held at

Owk M UM people ef that cityfife JfctM repel

tsHHtora are gattiaf tt i Kact d withMlMri all Bight in afaiMsaaa that waa aeeupied by North

fB yltl m ml oily Sot 2 18

The teMte feewer of Dad countyIsM bus e kethered with water coy

Haf their Lids that they fraldpiusa will heeaae wehfeoted

The Sea Iitoad eettea growers haveperfrated erflaalMtiea fit Cotata-Ma eeMty sad elealtd J W Hatcher-ffwideat aid T J Aepleyard arere

D A Flftwerte ef TilMvllle has r-

faatsl 9UOOO fir the crop of grapegrave at Alva The crop

ettlaaateel at aheet 8000 hole Itto a fbnr year eld

Jaaiea P Oeker Matenerd ia theUaJtesl Staua Court at Feaaaeota Frlelay te acne a tote ef 13 moaths atthe Federal prison Atlanta He was

g tie free eie of the sail nearMarteaaa

The ripen that there la smallpox ia-

Si eaiphatieally dealedlit the mayer ef that city cad State

ef Health ae deelana StMftkvrf haaaeeie pretty low ea

The will ef the late Joha M Long fTamp Rivet ere of the most valuableenter properties la that city worthseat 000 te tile Y M O A

building if such aa-ateatioa ia start there

The plant of the Waraell Lumberand Veneer Company at Loekhartiwas deatref by Ire Saturday Jan

Hh Th will employed 100 sea sadthe tea was 40000 The Orlando

rraiea went oa a special train tosight the

epenlag of the Putnam HousePalatkaa resort hotel U aa iudi

that per sister eity makingrapid trades ia the right directionPalatka is hound to go forward forthey have mea of push to roan the

eblary that make It postibleMitt Mary Simrall of Ormond wit

the victor in Thr toluR-cente t tad won orer six others tarvole being 20WU Maude Frye ofPalatka was nut highlit with 15169

Biearall will crown the speed I

king at the autoraeea

Kiatimmee in now enjnjinR thecitement of a cow case The cine i KIM

Of grrat irapottaner it iivnlrm theownerthip of a numbtr of cattleshould it be decided in favor of the

Cold StorageIs the bet rrctlr l l y which the pro

ducers of meats can thm takeneare of The


Haa the ooinplft plant in Crttral Florida and ilie proce IK thebest for

W solicit patronage HIM guarantyperfect atUfaetiun tt iirnpartd

proc can alto be inokidDiamond Ice Company

R a UVINUSTOSMirr lialnri Uic KlorMa

THE lLAtlll Itt tOMlAVV-AUrhum Flnrlda

Will also put mull by theprocess Leave order at either











s All









Pest IeI


















I hue MealI



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Msad 8U1 Naeks-


after county


Illlst Livea


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Times Uniun


Orntrrnd Daytona











to AS Pars ef the United aH t e Ljrdte-K PlBk ana Coapouod-Haa Elected gtmiiar curca

lay wonderful cures of femaleart to light whichhare been brought about K-

Pinkhama Vegetable Compound and

through the advice of Mrs llnkhasi-I Lynn Ma which IK jrivm to niclc

women free of chargeThe present Mr Pinkham has for

twentyfire years made a of theof her MX haa consulted with

and advised thousands ofwomen who today owe not only theirhealth but even to helpfuladrico

Mrs Fannie D Fox of T ChestnutStreet Bradford Pa writes

I Mffcml tee a with femaleraeUe aad told pbjrrida-

atUt 1 had e tmor I ROt want totateBtt to aa operation aa wroteedric I letter

told sad today I amtrek My doctor sayscared I am rice more a well woeaaabetter E PtokhaaB Vecrtable C

The testlmoalala which we are COBgrateful womea

eaUbUaa beyond a doubt the ofE Vegetable Con

paid to conquerWcmea aufferiag from any form of

female Ire toromptly eommaaicate with Mrs

at Lynn Mass Sheaothing in retain her advice It faabsolutely free and to thousands ofwomen proved to be more precioushan gold

plaintiff would mean the fprominent cattlemen on the

charge uf fraudulently nUeiinijname and timtid of cattle

Putt Iogl lead the lilt of portrum which Florida hared rock ex-

ported ia 1905 The shipments fur latyear of this mineral from all ports to-

taled 570819 distributed alows Port Ingli 185211 SavannahI8D1M9 Ffrnandina 1I5R37 PortTampa 6 767

In a family quarrtI Saturday nightNoah Bird shot and killed Juth Murllat the home of the latter about threemiles Iron Oilando wifeBirds sister He was in a bad humorwith her and Bird interfered whetshe claims Gall drew hi knife andstarted for him whereupon Bird shotkilling him instantly Both men hivebeen residents of that section all theirliver

Charles Hamilton tits aeronautgave an exhttiition hi aeroplane-at OrmnntlMytotia Birch Sunday af-

tornoon which nearly him lifeThe aeroplane was being towfd by anautomobile and when it had reached aheight of 2UO fret commenced to diveand pitch until it came to the uarth

Hamilton e ed withonly nn injured knee and declnml hewould try auain

Miami and Palm Bench annow linked bygone ciiutiiiiinii pared

n di tance of vixtyftKlitmilt aril which fcnnl to no goodroa l or constructed tJii roiikliIre inthe State tin joining link of twentytwo milt pf l el fti Kurtlnijilerdi Udrny to whichjlilnt it had previously l en limitfrom Miami arid WVt Phlm Benchn ijctiv lj hiivitiK been

th n the past fiv dry thonch itwill i forne dnys yet before it haIt en iiiiinniuhly cru li d and rolled to

l easy and iumnrtittli pa i to-

pulfntrutt uiiinhl vihul atitomi I

tilv or bicycle The Mnmi Me

troitiliA Thousand Dollars Worth of Good

A11 Thurner n wfllknowti coalOieratirnf ItitTnlt 1 writop Ilmvebeen lillictfd with kidney and liladdertrouble tint y jir ihK gravelrilonen eicriicialini yam I tulno relief front medicine until I lif nntaking FoltyS Kidiuy Purr thuti theresult wa urininu A lew ilo e

started the brick dust like line tuneNod pow I have no pain across my kidneyr and I feel liter a new man Itdune Wirth of Roud J V-




Dear PlRkbaa

b1 Rl1did


tssoe fin iitap1

Is in the world

lilcha asks



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n crash cal




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hant klilzl



Veg table





4Vra F NieDFox




aetUy war



plla6ll the brit edk1ae




Brunswick 23112






this nailand

runtpb tr-

























+ +


Was a Former Resident of Gainesvilleard Well and Favorably Known

Through the kmdne of Phillip Mil-

er The is able to correct tte-wrnna con FrnTng

of Mr Suther and at Jnek onrile inWrdnetdav January 17ih a manewere lid to brli r it was Ir Suthetland High Sprinff

Mr Miller who n well aoquionteilwith the deceased waj in Jack onviilet he tine of hi death at d did all h

told Iwfire and after hi denv r-

in ilit In semiiit a ni0itiri to MrMiller in tide city he caiKd hits I oo

and the mpre i i not nut thait wan fir Siilherland i flish S riruv

Many old it iiient will rememl r

the deCfRftrd li H Stllherlainl Whow iittrrfted in teal e ta e iu thcity i Hi R nm er f tars

nisi who ws the founderiiiifrUn1 liilUttoroutth county If

ilHuuhtHr Mi r air M 11 dlift nut he wa et ilTlj Carr t f r d i

rinu hs in omen i

I hi many Irieut ii tli city t t deitheir heartfelt sjmputliiep m M-

Smherlai and the otfr r fatve

Cured Lumbago-A B CaruiNfi e-

M reh 4 1J 3 Mariiigleentroiilledwith lumbago at different timesundone physician aft ranuiherdifferent ointment and linimentIran it up altogether So I tried oncemore and a bottle of VSnow Liniment which gave me al-

most instant relief I can cheerfullyrecommend it and will add my nameto list of sufferers Sold by VM Johnson


Proposals will be received bythe Works of theof Gainesville Florida until Mondaythe Ath day of February A D at8 oclock p m for the purchase of0500000 of bonds with the privilegeof 5000000 additional bonds if suedwihin twelve months thereafter

D ted January I 1900 InterestGive pre cent per annum Maturity85 15 year 40 in lj

40 bonds in 35 year PayablePrincipal and interest in gold coin andpayable at the offle of the laity Treaurer the City of Gainesville FloridaDenomination 1 OrtKO tact Au

Chapter 5497 l wn ofda approved May 9 19

nmices of the eit in purmmnce thereofSeptenitMr 5 1XX Deposit

A certified check for 5OfO 00 onil lDebt Inilnihnu this MMjelIVJiOKO

other I5000DOO iMtiert ILWOUOW I

Astested Valuation I79J7S7 W Ue1livery at either bunk in faitieville

Right referred to rejectW W HAMITOX

Secretary Hoard of Public Worktiinevilie Florida

NOTICENotice i hereby given that four

weeks after the publication here-of I will apply to the County Judge ofAlachua county for an orderto II all right title and interestof John It Beville a minor in and tothe fullowiriff tract or lot of land towit The E i f Sic 31 in Tp 0 It19 South ono Kist Im lu acre in theSw corner of the N of the Ne4 of

SectionThis January 11 19-

AHKMA BKVIIIKiuanlian of J It Bettlle a Minor


Notice lierebjr Herb that M K JeTonl-IMrobascrtif Tux Ierilrieate No iCdoted of July A In li tlliil

eertltleute uiy offlee und tnuilr ai-luloatlon Ittr tax ileeil to i ne in uriiinliiiuewith law Salt crrtllleute finlruoi the loi

lr describei iTocert tu t il In Aliictiuu-Iountv K2i nit4 ttxrif-

W 15 f S lli t Sw M see i T In It-

Ji 3i oftSr M of se M of Sw See Tl In II

TIt i1d t in iivM Mil t the ilatr nfthe l uiriif uf luehterUMalr in theMrs S J ColM k atuJ Mf lur tm-

tlie add hail lit riiltiiccil ae-Otmlint tn law tux sirs will UMH therinn nnthe iit ilii ot leiiuir A H ivm-

VlUii HIV Oir l laturi Ul t il thN-tlt IMtuluv of Juiiuurt II

J H lViKNti-


J4 u rv il herein teal the f inv in

rmweil eiter ttleit notice ar hi trtf iicit make niwi tt MH In Jtil i l or tun oUti itttAtint J r mr will b Dtfbrt the Kerfl 4r t llnflvvr itlne kiMf hTa onIViiru M tf litl u-

K 1 1 K-

Mr n rue lti follow MVw

lire miih John u urn A II iitutiuWin J WWW U tiiiAtlt rM U it KllMtVsOX Kaatstcr-



T Ai i r the i r i r 4U I

ieron Jm iur-

ttti ll l j jK-sh ila J tf A l i

tl i MASON iV J



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1t I



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wuni l tor1nlnuuu ut w r 1ltltrluutrWiandu

tINS t


huu r u Sit J rV iirtwl war4-1oa err auti111ihI urIn oTlfMt of wld e441e ha rrntbt of ad lire t-

1luatr Judr Iircbn rlwnt Nridrti aM dert t for hrrrhrpi

1J I







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ItT TIN tort KLKiTt N-

jrlej o ifer if sohiM th tn rt X ie iectJ-

t a i Hl nl o Oo int t

i ir eifir for h-

I ce rf ru0if t ti ettilrui ti-

i1nl at l ot bf i jr e-

ttfe tfi e n nlr-N rin i tl 11 II t It I

h V M r u J-

i t II lUuei i t i M ii r v-

AMI l t I 9 i tt t f

u f M K le 4H1 Vat li J VV a J t Arr n I

l l It Ui W M

J l III t I i Mi tnllf t

tt II i v X il Mf H H-

v j j n v r i tK I i J V A nuile-

rr jri M n A I II eI Mimt nier J T V i rtcr A

i I 1 1 i Tljr i htfNiT ri ttn B wi J re t-

H Iuhli lr ti J tt n at i-

n eet a H ii d in IVbruur U


IRiMt iimee lit tijirrii Ki-

W Mt lt-

tr jMi pi in i r Act of Int-ilfit fit At Ai ur th

1 Ni it unit XVusfintou Terrltoft-i xtetMeil tn the lutiic r 1 tutt Act11 Ilust t t VV r II I-

i ciMint of I VnilU tme 01 nor ti ir v t i i s i Tve i sHiru st it-

U ti No SI I nr tf i iriliwi o the XX-

i ej srtot NI I T isii j NiNo I utit iiVr i of

ti spuw ru ti irl s l r-

H of Its till er oi stiM i

c i in i n t sf iti i ti c t i Iutitiii ItrfMt K rfs r l i Cei ifr e i K ul XYe tr c luj the J I

of March I

He raiifs us u tt tsfs 1 I Cit 1

Ho nifo H iNi cr 1 1 sUil a of I

To MI HaA y ill nS inrsors einuVif iiiUersfr the

ut nveileMrlb I iar s re re riestJ to M-

saUt Slst

XX ItolllXsOX ReisterN-


Soilee N herein A OSteont irt-turelia r of Tax l rtKout No III doledthe eth dav ur Juiy A I I V has tKrrtaid certlBoHte In my office aul hat

made aiiilcatlon for tax to l n-

torxjanor wltbiaw SaUliertia Mttelul riKthe fullowln itrMVlNtl tro rt ltuatrti InAluhua oiirV Kluriila tuwlt-

K I 3 of SH I I uml VV of I I oral Se llof Xw and Sw of Xr ll ec I T I

B l JM acresThe akl laml a oxil at the dote of

the K unmc of hurh certificate In thcnaiueof-Wiley How anl-

corrtlnrf to law tax ilml t l issue thereon oathe ithua ol Keliruurv A II t-

VXltness tuv orcicla Itiaturc uiij s ai thisthe ul Jatuar A O K-

i HClfrK Circuit Ctiurt AUchua Co Ka


ANotice Is herehv that A o stecn-hur tarcfciior of Tax Certificate No

dated me ftul dui of July A O-o tus rileil smi ccrticatc li nit ortlcc

and hs rumle at t lcutiori for tax dinto Issue tn acconliMe with iaw iJe-ertiUcnte embraces the diiiowl1scrltHil troicit situaeil u Alaclniii county

Nc tl of se ll Sec t Tr It II I1 sireThe snlil land belt ist sitl at the ilate ofthe issuance ol In the naxc ofJ I Hrnrr

tress certillcato tie reileemetl ac-conllik to tux drill u 11 sj thereon on ithe ithili of KeliiuaiA A I

XXitress ny olll in siliture atil seal thisthe let day of Jinuuij A II

S II XXMKNiKSH Circuit Court Aiadrja 10 Kia-


Notice is ticrehv teen thai Mrs M C lluiivror Tux Iertltloate No

eertlttcate it Ill uRIic b ililO4lion fur tax deli tolssje In DMconlance withlaw saM cirrtiticate eruhimces the follow irUM rllK l roi rrty In Aiioliu turnty KlorliU KiMt-tsc4 of Nw sec ITf I It K areTbe heln iss ss l ul too date ofthe tssjance ot such ceritncuii In the name

of 1 11 n 1 J Duts-Unlivssalilccrtlftciitesiil re Ieim Ht ac-

oordln to i tax item u thereon onthe ol Ietiruuri A Ii twXVItness ruy ottviii oiuatarr and Mal tftlj

the lUilay of J tU4r A PS II

11 Icrk Circuit Court Aaohja Co Via

NOTICK lJt IfllUCATItlX-lan1 once auainrsvliu Ka

DiCrBitJcr I litNotice is ticrehv ti n that the follow

tm ti nl ettier lifts niiil nolle of tils intentionto make Hta priHif In ut i on of his cUlin anilI 11 k Ilter anil ICccclver it i 4tnfsiie I la or Jiuj-

arv iV l v

IHAMIIK l l l Asuf Vlliefortl PitHit i 13 fur the N w ll I ufSw lISi Tf S It IS

names t e follow liiiT cs totils c iiiinai i rcsSiiici im IUd cuitUitiunof sakl UM v-

UJs isicr John Miiler Aiec Khtiun t cDavis HV or Viofonl tt-

lt V li lUHIIVoX Ittrlstcr-


Notice Is tiMiv rfiveti tjt the olio lumm d ittif tu s rtliit r iit r of his lutentmnto Hiahe earl l rit In ui t ri M cl iHi i ihth t iru f will Iw M befoC INvifr

lit or i0 T S K II K-

or wit i

WI mm Alien THort Fruelnr JameMe r Jttne i ai s Jr i U U

NlTTICI WH ilIttirAlfON-

C Hhw I h ret y tfiten ilutt h-

uf I TiHe i

li CfHMV uf IhNitue


M K A li IliiUnl XVm J Writeo liHiri Kl4-

W KolllNsuN HcrfMcr
















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pun hawr untilhstLed

and nfl lr

Itu led




hnntf WI tnnJrvii



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ofwit ars it trital 1f1ir IZa du Jatua-

L1 1IUMI d Itra rlstN ell a ai of

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XnTICt KW PUILICATION-Uifid Ottoe at airiest jaJanuary n

Notice herein en that n c rtiwitn U Kovsiisof the Act o i rrf f-

J ine I An Act or the i ortlUiter iit lslr the states of la if OIL a re-

in Netiila jind U u iiln ftoti Ttrilot M-c liidd lo a the niitfc i lid States ivor irfjt l t O tieonieM Met of MlM r-

ciuilt of llradord state ot Korda usday Died tn his sworr statewent No tv for the i ich s f tbNe f sw of Section No t Townhtl No I S Itaiue Si i end

offer priNif to sio soi tiwore for its tlrulxT or stone hinakricuitjrai tiirt o es and to sr tUclaim to s n irii ote He te ir ne-ceivrratiiiiiresfiit Ka X riff CM theJl t ilat of March I

He tuttiesns witrssis A II y-

ul K Kisiir Xiii ife fhes f o-IoMt Kia

tit aiii 1 i eriiris ciiuiHf i thei ive ile tis rr its t

rah r tin otc r or sjid-

NTICK roll IlIIMC-l4fll IVCI UHil ittsv-

ivceu er-

Notoe U ifiven that c Bwith the oi lobs of th ict oJulie eitlleil Al act fill t-

tttiilicr lamis n the tritis of riii-iti Nctuja and XVastiiiiktoi v-

MeDileil to 1 the i utiic iril siies-ol AlJst Aliiihiin II iaw oTow I Cijiitt of LaKiitit e stiteiif Kthas ti ii iinl 111 this titurns Xo U fut t parrN i of s itiiit Nnof Neiof sectiii No 3-

Kalue No 13 K a lit l i

js s rc u t i S

that the laud sotin er or stiiiii tlnn-msfs and t i is-

riieore Keisr Itlnilui i l l iv Uir-

i rinr i

o sNI t

i ILlfur rl ur

his to siuj Jjfj4ce M r it v

tiaries wiiMssis K hi iaul-iei Aeb It Il Nut tJits iM ofIM Town Ku

Art iitil a a u r alvrise c tbsaiHivcie iirli iil lints a i n i isit to aletheir ciiiiitis ir th ofTVr or or iicore vald3 nl Ira of Keirtiiitr-vft vV i ItoillNsoX ster-

XOTICK FOIL IllillC XTIoVlaril tiJiC1 it i v


Not e is hcreliv tlvcr that n eoi ii anewill the t rivisiiii of the u Corikress ofJuie sjs cntiieti Ar art I i Ic sjc ttftiiiixr Huts In the states of aifornu l r S

ton Xevaifa ar il VVa li tot territoryextenlril toMt the li ml stitr Avof Auust i trj Kilwunl K listrr of Otf 1Town cojttv ot SInN of KorfiUhas ncii ir ihlsotnce l 1u era No i l fur the jnlie uf the ofNe rod t of s e4 of cctoti No 33To nslii Xo s Itaotfe Xo K util wtt-fuTer t tool tn show that tIc I a ml sou bt te 2-morp itualile fur Its tltiiner ur turns than for 1-Hkrricultura iiurtusrs aiit to esiitttsb bSclaim to ail iarxl tiefore Itcktsirr IHK Hrcelr j-pr at i ltiesvie Kiorttlaon Krld y the adot of Krhruary

He nanjeu witnesses A II Shaw It C UUtvls Nathaniel IVrs XV J Airn a of STown r a s

Ant all fers4irs claltiirk aivers jatMivedescrlifd lands an rejr teil to lilttheir ciaiuis In this ottce oror neforeilril H of Keur arl l Wi KiiIIX oX Ite tits

XOTICK nn IritiicxTUN-l Office at liiiresv e Ka

Ihcrmiii s S V

Notice herrbv fiven tliiit n c 111witi the provision ol tne Art of ionie oC

rntltlril Ah ct tlr atUmber ialMls In the States ol l iif riu Or0rstun Ncvaila IM XXuohlhkton Territory Mextemleil to 11 the ulii itO raft If Actof August I I ThornsoXV8Jifinl ciKHtv of Altclnia FuN of K rldahis in itu iieil in s uorn stateiiient No 113 purchase of the iSr of Sec Xo tullKanke No is K tin 1 x ill offer if to showthat the alMl suhl is more viuiiic or IMtiinlf or stutc tti iii ior HTCJua ut osriand loe tal i h his cliilrn to ti l an nrfors

ami Itecelver iiiriesn c Ka OSKrMav tlie itrl ilav of IclfirvHe names us w lines Jiitits I ne CXXUianjs J II JaiKsoni I allotXXlileforU KiiiAnv MM iJi Iersurs iiitir nlversiy theidioMili iillnl i raid to OM

aitf It ttls in I n suulilav of Iehluirv rtIH VV i KOIIINSON KristerN-

OTICK hull IlIIIICATIONI it l Oftlce tairesvlie R 4

Iiccenicr l rt jNoiloeislerehr arn tilt In comtlancwth the innNionsof the set ur CorCM ft I ntltled An all for the ate of

tlmhor larls u the States of i 1 fornlatfotiNevadii ami XVi hinirtn Territory Uto a the utie tates lr Act Jof August I tsfr Uotcrt C I usofof LiKnteite Mat of Kortd bee f

Me1 in IMS ome tj sworn state to liV fur the purchase of the Sct ot7 o n iii iianrfr u

i K wfl rrrr froof to ttat be laa-dsouht more niiualuc for ts tuiiwr or t Mthan for aifrlcuitural iiirtoe and uirstabJsk f-

hisc kin tisml uMt heforc Ittvlster satKorlda Knday

of KetifurvI-111 nesses K v rter A H

tnt oral 1 H rson iiuiiirf adverse vathivc ilr4rtlfi iirtls rt iJested 04their ciiiittts in this itticc on or lieftire said i3nlCut of Kehruar l l-

lil XV i ItoitfXSOX Kerfster-

XOTIfK OK AlMIlirXTlOX FOR TAXDKKU LNUKIt ICTIOX OKI OK KUMtlUA-Xottce Is heretr klven that O It lrc O-

MI ctiH cr of lux No l hatethe fth dtx ol 1 t A It I I t Ill salcertmcrite ir ami M ntc uit c Athin tot tix iliisl to Ishue in acconlnnoe withsji1 ccrtlncitte ertiirtcs the foKiwInjrdevrihiti iroi i rt Mluatid itt AuhJa chartIt Klortdu townNit it Nw cor Main aril F t S I andl t V V Kin t Lot I XX js rtoal XXitol HirThe suid brio i siwd the date ofthe isuumof Jib cerUicite m tne rataof C M Kvatis tIniess 4M certificate ha reileeti ed aCfi rrtltJ t i law t dee l w i v c ti tSlt Mt of Jabuarv A IXXltnevsibv nlOcUl strfuature and sci thisthrind v of ifcH iMwr A I I

s II VIKNIS fi l i h fin Ciwrt x M I Ki-

aXOTIlK oK AIIUiATlON Koi TAXUKKO IXDKK W Tlo oK t AITI LAW OK IUlltlDA-Nttlce h rehr uei J I CostkNireb Mr of Tax CvrtMUje X i dat 4tar th of Juiv A H t s s c-

Acertlllcatc r

4ii iUnnm for tut t s c tawith tarhr t s the foUtxvfnK i roc Hjl-

autril in AUehuiteuuMi l ii rt iX ll see Ti I K S v reTh fcl Ira helrnr uvrfxiMti tttn irt ni4ti ti t

Marti KlfaCblewMikl tertli tr ha he rer a-

cKtlltw tax aired w I is ir IIIMthe if J oi4rt A M iW tn s BV ore sintin atil tn

the JM du t l ve UIHT A I I V

S H XVIKNiKS11 Ccrk Clf t fjrt AMiiua LO I A



his tIll


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rr ofs







JuneOre J

ttfnttI satOld 1UII

Ui> fey

II I toral 1I


He-r It tin lbeIrd I i

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CUrn 1 S











Elfu r h r ter





oft r r1 V r

Nius alit alit

r r




q lrd LIP 1eu uu IJrC


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I ur J t 101 iu r std lrl T

u 1u stis a I hUlr

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AIt n 1 lrrrx


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arcsJune a P a

IIIIs unlitthe xaN1 l ll rut o


jKrtiter a

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atea iire r


u1 Sci N



Ili a tiIhr GuUdrn filth stux n hll


I rCrrtrrat sits ha

Li N


brit ata

Inl x rut


lit r 1


that 1 t

sirant bat

lea r rro a r

tux 1

w f trotIniyIM

r dto low








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