NEW PUBLICATIONS. AN ECCENTRIC SCHOLAR. wnr TIKE AM) ACHIKVIMIESTS OF EWARD ^"hKNIY PAIMKU Ht WUSMM WMwAWt. M.A. l-'mia. pp- flttB »« * Huitun a 4.-0. Mr. Iloaaut* biography of one of tbe most re¬ nowned of tuodern Orientalists beers the mai ha ol baale but is not tbe lesa a spirited and attractive .ketch, lt would hare boen difficult, iuileeil. even for e wriler lesva accomplished end a frien.l less de- - ,t*d to make uninteresting thrdrewing oi Palmer'* character and tbe story of lila life. I_al thara tier waa uaconrentional ami original: that short life wa* lull ttl labor and achievement, wit li a rurio'-i tangle of ttM aromatic aud huuiorons elements. Palmer waa « mau of au almost im iediblo capacity f.r wntk he hsi.l an actual genius for the aeqniei* tionof aliin**flr***a Tli never failed to supplement » muse mu* instinctive ipfnteinttOB si thor , . . er. by the painful lmlustiv which one expects I uni' only in a stu lent of the ploddingVtWO. lu,'r inl aaya of linn thai he waa a scholar most nani'-I BB- resolu e, ¦ tot alwayI witb the heart ni u b rj ; ao areal a linguist -Bal he stood alone, yet alwa> ¦tfltfll tull ul reliance ll htHteell yet ,,s,t MiiniilDti'iai; alwave at work, yet always With tim. (or leisure ; the most sen. at mau in the bbb* d w u be hail a purpose iu flaw, vet the most «V ^hin,. uni tue most mirthful of companions." il.iatra iBlatortaf the New lestament. tltm tain un..ge fliilfll of Arabic, this lnteipntrr ol strange now intricate tongues, was not ns a chid . In-ok-worm. nor was Le precocious. He was of the middle-class, tito son of ¦ CattM-M school- master who ilie.l ta) early that he contributed little to tue training of ihe fulme Orientalist. While a lo-ihle. petted, ami somewhat fiagil* boy at school, Palmer wai more distinguished for his clerernev. wit ti his llutrers in constantly _U.*U*g and devising things ami foi Ins gymnastic f-ats IBM for intellectual prowesa: the only war In which!'* then betrayed the promise of the iiitiirc jens WM IB bli in :.'peui!ciit :ii(|iii-.ltiou ol Boat* «itv. lie freiiueuteil the g.'.cay tents, lie paid liz* pence a lesson to travelling iiulsois, and deprived blffiTT" of bia pocket inc-ney Ul buying frotn dark* et ed gipsy girls a few moro wi.rds to add to his ISOIhalirr He made for himself a gipsy diction* pjrt. and became posses ed of u taste which be never lost for wandering with these, lawless and pu-tare* me people. The BBBinal had a. ways a charin for bim. Milo not think." says Charles Leland. " be ever heard a atraugo word or saw a strange face or heard a strange thing 'that he did not remember it." The distinguished Professor Lei .ame a beloved companion of tbeat wild ea* giants. He twuild sit al thc doors of their tent* and would talk, thongh he waa a " gorgio." like a Kum- -any of the purest blood; " in fact, t hev believed that lie belonged to them, but that for tome un known reason he chose to go about among the swells and dressed like them." They never con¬ cealed from bini their many misdemeanors in tlie tray el poaching, cheating etc. Many were the adrenlnres he had BBM»| them with Ins friend Charles Leland." To these .rood folk, says the latter. ¦ we were always a first-class mystery.'' What trish out *p ai>i:ig Romany " down tn tbe liottniii eui*!"' end rainier', incredibls proficiency at tbiiiib eng, -'ringing the i lianne*." piekina pocket*1 cmd-sli uping, tliiec-monc, ami cverv kind of legerdemain, these honest people never could unite mike up theil mindi whether we were a kind of Urah imus, to which they were as Sudras. or vt bar. Woe to the (siper sharp who tried tho cards willi thePrtsjfeeeorl How often hare we gone int- ¦ tea where we were all un know ti um regarded asacmi|ile wt green Genttlee! And with what a wonderful air ol ltiti'iic'iee would Pilmer, plat tbe pun ni ¦ lamb and ask them to give him a spetiiuen of their lan« Baag'-: end when they ts.fated, ox prefeesed them* g. Ires unabls to do so, lmw amiebl* he would torn to am Bud remark la deep Hominy that ire won mistaken, ami Unit the people "l the leal were oi.ly atiaerabie mnmnereof mizod blood who could not railer I Once i remember, be said thia toa gip >-. Who ietaliated in a gnat race, "How tlie devil could I know tbat you were a gipsy, if you come here dressed up lik-; a goff.*> aud looking like a gentle¬ man T" When ths boy ralmer 'cit school, lie went di rcctly Into mercantile life in London, and there, unlike iiost cit/ clerks spent every spiro moment In learning 1'ierch nnd Italian. The old-fashioned methods al learning he threw asl.le as usele«s en¬ cumbrances, nnd found his maatera among Conti¬ nent il refageee, organ-grinders, sailors at the docks, and selleiaof plaster-cast Imagea .before hew-as eighteen ho bad made hiinsrlf a perfect master of these tsvolaiiL'tiages, knowing tho country speech as well as that of the schools. 1 lure w as uo pttloh of italy or Flam i windi he eottld not speak, lie thus Biienrered for himself ai a youth tht method cf learning languages which was to terre him so BBtt tiiiilly in tbe years that followed. .' Either you tvant t.> learn s Unanage,** lie would ¦ny, " or von do not. If jroo do not, follow tbe trev nf the Enaliefa seboole. .-md you will sneeeed. if, bo trever, von do-" .and here ho would so on ta explain bow il should .tel be studied witbout the grainuiar, ami with the intention of acquiring, to begin with, the moil important part of tbe actual vocab;.i.nv j bow language*, being Lu groupe, pre- ..b.linties which, witta certain ranations, pra common property ; how inflections, suffixee,ai d fo form, also reeemble each oilier, and therefore come quite eaeily ta tbe mao who hm begun with tho wiii.-.s. so thal in learning simply how in rend a tongue, without opening anj thing more than ¦ die* ti.nary, yon acquire ineeneibly a viii amount ol atmnmsr anil ¦ greai quantity of syntax. The true je, mi, he always lneiitied, of tho brilliant failure .li un.dem languages wine ii distinguishes our schools ls that we only appro iota them br tbe aid ol grammar! modelled alter the Latin and (week man* i ind that we mil'take tbe teaching of inflection and syntax tor tbat of language* Any Intelligent ii ranii, 1'nlmer maintained, cnn learn to read ¦ Ungnnae In ¦ tow wee.e. ind to sneak il In a few ian:,tiia. nuiess it be Ins lir*i attempt at :.u Oriental lai. .i.iage. At twenty and In the enforced idleness of conva¬ lescence alter severe illness in Cambridge. Palmer began tbo sttdy of Arabic. The incentive wat his acquaintance with Bye! Abdullah, a learned teacher cf Indian languages who caine to the university town to read with a class of men who wire going ont m.the Indian Civil Service. The conversation and the writings of this able Oriental Minmi Palmer's imagination ; he began to leam the Arabic character; tho taite bec imo a p.nsion, und fayed Abdullah foundthat he had a pupil " not only apt, but with an extraordinary natural genius fer I mi ern lanngages." Painui never resumed hie clerk* Ship ; there ts always a demand in England for tbs literary un.l Bedlgoglnil ser.ire*. of Orientalists, nnd he pursued bis studies.entering at last the I'niversity.with a fervor which quickly brought | him helpers and employers. At twenty-six he was said to lae of all Kurnpeans the one most thoroughly vt-Tsed lu Pastern languages, lie became a notable translator, pmfesaor, and explorer of thc sa'.'red re¬ gions of tbs Baot B ichol.ir aud poet with a strang,© dash of tbe boy and tbe actor. .* He stood,"' writes Mr. Stanley Late Poole, " in strongly marked con¬ trast to tbe other scholars of bis time Most of them " were brought np upon grant..n nad aJetionariei; b-learned Arabic by the eal ami mouth. Ot lui* were careful about their conjujitions ami syntax; Palmer duned to the root of all grammatical rules, aud spoke and wrote so and f.o because it would not Ix -jtoken or written any other way. To lum etrange idioms that a book student could not under* Stand were perfectly clear ; he bad libed them him¬ self lu tho desert again and again, lie was a linguist rather than a philologist, nnd be had the merits and faults of a linguist." Many interesliDf* stones are told concerning I'almer's experiences with strange tongues. Once there was a burglary in Cambridge, the burglare escaping and leaving no clew to their detection sure a tiny piece of paper oddly marked. Palmer e. as supposed to knoiv every language under tbe son, and tbe police brongbt him the scrap. He haprened to be acqnetnted with the character; it was " Yid¬ dish,'' the language of tbs German aud Poliah Jew«, a enrioae mixture of Hebrew and of (Jermsui. The note announced that " there was another crib about to be cracked " ; Palmer read it to the ptlice, and the burglars were actually canght at work. One day there esma to the Pro lessor au ill-spelt note from jVfancbester. ¦ Iiear Sir," lt said, " can you read tbe encloaed I Yours truly,-" The enclosed was a short flffflBBiinl in Persian. Breseutiug no difficulty. Palmer replied that it was b warrant or ticket lor certain gooda. *>>-ttiu^ lortli, In the name of Allah, tbat UM baie willi win.ii it .ame contained ao n-anv yards of stutt, oi such equality, made by mich a mamiluetuivr, and BO foi tn, a naper of thi' most prosaic kind. A nay or two after he neut oil hi* translation another letter I I came fi on*, tho same correspotid»nt. It enclosed a teu-noniul .loto, with tbe words r. " Dear Slr, Hooray toroid Cn inridge ! Tins wns what the Oxford chap sai it was. "tours truly,-¦ Tho "Oxford cbnp" wns rt little wideof the mark. "This very cm ions and most interesting doti'tnent, ' he said, " appears fofl bc a copy ol an ancient I'i rat <n inscription, mrohabl/ take- limn ¦ tomb or a trinu***bal coiutnii. li is, however, verv incomplete. lt lent. ne j.ltowe i 'in tne nants of God. ibis -was made |or erected) Ly [name i.mettam] in the year [unci rfnin). lt is one fhonsand four liuti.lrvil and sevenly-livo . . . Jong, ami iTttB hundred and thirty . . . broai!; ind kl Here tbe m.uni. citiit nbnipt'v cal-." The name of tbo O.ferd MhO.U' wa md given. Aa a traveller in tho P.ast, Palmor lind .1 re¬ markable influence over tho tribes whoso lan¬ guage lie spoke, and w linne dress lie wore. Not bIwuvn, however was ho safe aiiiong theta. " dm c tinting Ins fir-1 vi*it to the Eail he Waa led ass.tv ny a tlBMbernat guiilo and betrayed min il; power of a gsiug nf Arab robbers, v, bo intended to rob and kill him. Tba fla J before the lu when it wastoo late to n-lrcat, lie r'ceivid al i'ni- m:i* un from one who bid qn**v*relled wi h theotheri as tn what was to take plaoe, \ er* soon hiscuidors .lor snell thev cfloc'ivelv were.bega, tn treal him rudoly. lie B.toted tn take BO ii'dice ol this, aile:: thc basalts bl.anteBtofn pointed and finally unmis¬ takable. As if it liiul oe. uru'd to liim for the first time, ho sprang up in a 1 age and curi-rd them nil. * ihia. to .!,:> jj,, rurel; and drawing from his pocket a le'ter fi.uti in English lady, he exclaimed nbefio.ti.*ed it, 'Dawn oa ymir knees roudoga und B..the DB..WlitiBg of the sultan.'1 ..nd down went tho whole tue.' hundred of them on their f.'c s. uttcilv subdued. 'linly, I think thal the Arabs whoalnw.ltitn al Inri mutt bare bren tbemeelvei reauurkabla, for no ordiaarjf (Mental conld have reel1 od Palasor'iei traer-inary personal inflnonoe.1' When (inring A rn bi'a rebellion tho llritisli Qor- 01.mont became coiicenifd for tbe eafe4y of 'he Sue/. Canal, it -.elected Palmor aa un ambassador to tlie Desert sheikhs who might ho prrsu (ted to disown Alain and to maure the (anal from lestmo* tiou. "Alone and single-handed," says Ins b ogra plier, .' he induced the tribes to trust his piomisee, to rise at bia bidding; to guard tbe Canal; to line it with guards If neCOBBMy; and if culled upon tu fight Arabi's Nile Bedawiu with lilts- Ihonaaud wen.'' Palmer's death at tlio bauds of tho Arabs ended with a ?rai'say Ins snuroeeful miaaioa. lt remains a .mystery: no one knows whether the murder wai enneed by ebanee ami the blind rags of desert robbers disappointed of their gold, or by order of Bonmbody in power. The oande draoh tbe blood of as brilliant ¦ scholar as Kaglaad o.wicil, und way it was shed may never be known. Xctu ptiblicniiuns. nOW DELLS, THK LADIES' FAVOItl I I FAMILY MA'iAZIN H. A JOURNAL fd BYBBY BOHR An one tlie must lanorlBBl it ure* of thia publication mav bemenUianedUieCULOKa.UPA ls. F \is,i, ,.> PLA 1.. i-nini; l> i.i KI,IN WOOL P A TTE K.N's, EMB09MKD 1*. DE8IONI4, BOW BELL*. ABT WORK I NaT ICC I 11 CUT OUT DKBIGitS. Site FOUlt-PAOE UV MC SUPPLEMENTS. Kn. Ii 111 Dthlv l«sn*. contains ninctr-slx page*, of oitjtlnal m.itt*' br ponai ir willeri, and some ton r. ciirh: 111nsi1.1t . bromine- artiaia. aUaa vainable coileetton of talrteea ol tbe best tuelia.lu-s Irom Hie Leal io iipoeera. The LADIES' PAGEBara aepeeiall ». :i it rae ri vp. containing mthey do mil raa**eenm*-*nfaol P10UKK8 0PTHK ni nf. K8T CO8TUM B>, "I ti.-- WOMB IMIil. ,0f the TO I LETTE. and list inn nol lesal, origin*! i>:ii> i. rd ...1 OOH l. B V AND DOlfl isl I' K'li.M'M t 1 be BOVEM lil'. H HA lil' will be published to tt.utdw and can to obtained nf unr newnli'.ler Pi ne IS fn:, p-t eopv. Ye.nly rabeortpllofl ibu teen nu.berni, iciluillug the extra t'hrutinms uumliei, $1 tO. Till: INTI'KN.4TIONAI. RBWB COMPANY, Nos. 29ami SI Beek maa st.. New-Vork. TULLS VERNE'S LAST AND GREATEST STOHV "An American RoblnaonCrnaoe 1" or, "GodfreyMernai aCalilnrni.i Mystery." luiiiu's tiansiminn; uriabn Price Five Dewe, il) RKDl-AT irs WEEKLY, No. 35& "Vi'EKI's .'* br Mis* Laffan. Completcln same number- l"or sale UV Hil iiewnne.il a. OfiCO NO. ti I'aik-l'l.ice. Mew* Vork._ OCTOBER MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN ll I- oliV now te tu v. I un! ni ns PICTUBE*>QUl CORNER OF TH REI BTA1 St A ('hauler of li.Alan lllitorv and Trail Itt. n. suueitiiv Illustra¬ te.! fn.iu oilmiial ski t< bea by the autl .> da lt ta-'l "KU Al. SKI. ii II UK I'l Lim. AN U J BAM LA. ll 1 II UK KA.Mm S SMI li'il,1.1 H ul' LOfl - l\.\ A. Kiiai chapter* i.y ii mi i iiniie* oavarre, I 111 U illisfi is BPI 1.1.1*. (I l.i'OK-. ITS CKNTl V NIAL AN NIVE BOA KY. Uv.lee in i.tiau. rtOMETHlNONEW ol' BKNf.OIi I ARNOI I) ANO HIS DEbOENDAIfTSIN ECHOPK, Hylton, lutar .. Arnold THETA.BBB. Aa Antique Pnblicatloa By Bon. Ito* ratio K'lii.'. ORIGINAL DOCUMENT*!. Kir^t rtbeeeneaof Mt ate lateiilgence Papers ol air Barry Clli min tbe Ret itiou, eoiitiiiiiite.: i.v lu Thomee Ado. Kim. i, wllbintri ductlen ami i.nt's bj- Edward i Minor Topics. Noiea, Qn»rlea, h_iillf i .nd R present a neb table of eonteats. Tbetrji lipif.ee h bot. trait of Mir Henry Cl.iton. Tenna SS a yea -.¦.i. ... Sold bv aewedealers ererya l-l ui.iC4.Ti N OPTIi ll. HO I aft ette-Plare ...... al tbi moet Inteieetin*- un.' t..u .,<. c.f AiiJt-rloan publications ".Turon)._ DROPER PRIDE. A lAsflNATINO BTORT OB ' AV .KUY J.I KI? I>' INDIA. 'Ml' TOWS AH-COUNTRY I.TPE IN ENOLAMD. HO. Titl.'lUNR. MW.Y iRK. UST RECEIVED."Tale nf .1 Sbiit.1 lem. etamp for epecimea oopy. Coehrane d ., 521 ..1 3ne.rnc.uM. For Bovs aril Youri? M^a -City. \ CLASS for Young Gentlemen Iipl-i tembers27. i".iv..t.- ustm Hod, i.'' moona, Aptilyto Mr. Thu 4ah. Hf. w at 1..ih¦¦'. Mornings, t) to 12. ARNOLD 8CH00L, 29 Easl mer . .' M.el!.... irea lol n|. mtlUi -.iii a .-. Hi I for cn Ur ur bb* jib toe. A. Ml i ks, Beirt.aster, at above sddrsM attar > ip. l.-Ilibel o. a -COLL M li 1A GK A M M AI' SCHOOL. J\» f.lSTjST.. NKAB IMUS.)NAVi: 120thjrearbeglBB MONDAY, nepteiatief 24, isa. \, « and apaelona baudin*;eonstraoted exproiilrtor Betaool pur Perfect lo all del.Ui ...' llfbt, li a.i renuiattion. and oompletelr equipped si. in. 'iboiotwu tiainlni foi ooilegw. ael intlflc aohooli and b <iu"aa. Oepartmeut tor rouoeei boj'i a'o extra bareet Ni.bi i ul iiul;,- in.it.-il. Application! ai..m.,I li. made earl; TM_-aa- I1'"* ¦*: ¦* P- ""''A' "¦- Ciii.-iloriiea al tbe si bo il and .<t PnUi.nt'e, Uti t BEKKI.Li:V SCHOOL.No.Ji'WJri ulTson-ave., r.rm September 27 lie bi ai ii «i .ia H-li.ioi -af plumber 4 to 7 aaa all Columbia Institute, l<><>u>.*t -i --. E. Fow¬ ler, All., Pim: Munbon iis'li Chart- I. If MA ilea.I- Baster. Collet.tte.Bnilneei ana Prim Lpi i. openeaepL^tf. f^ULLEGL GRAMMAK SCHOOL, \J Ra 15 East tUtb-Bi. THANK OKISLER, A. nt rTlISaelpsI. If '..;.ens Wedneaoav, s.eiit. 2V. i or oin n ai i .vc, a; r ni be Bl Lo.'.. "I !.' Pl of. ll I. N'KV li Kl:S 1,1 IL 49 We 1 .l.i. I. PADV.S METKOPOLITAN BUSINESS I 0L- KJ LEok. iso Hast 14tb-et At iheihi K.linly s«.Hints of lils 1'oileRo jounr and mlditle-ayed psraosa receive,In tho iborteal tims unu al ibo lowoet rate*ot tuition, tborongb Batrnctton iu bookteeplns. comaiei eaIcnlatloaa, len^uiinslilp, correapouitence, pbOBOflTapbi and* ii.u.iee irepanttien for buslneas._ PLASSICAL -TM ATI! EM ATI AL SCHOOL U of ME88RS. V7ILS0N ,V Kl U .NOS. WhW IM OTU AVE. (45 . Jlss'f.i f-rviTith year begins September '.i. Ii ..-.l uniurpassrj in iboroogb and biu.it praparadon foi ooi.eg* and cientlrto ei.oi'i. I.iii taoalnesac inree, modern lan*-ua«;es, elemeotar/ ,ii-a. Laigeuai! well.voiilllateii c. « I.ie. 1 HHARL1ER INSTITUTE. L/ Uu Ken! rm Parlt. . I 108 Weet V-.h-at., between fifi ind 7m aves. iOAIltil.NU AM) ii.Va ..aCHOOl, PO HUV.S AM) YOUNO MKS OK 7 lu 90, Prepllfea fe' -1'l.tl S"tl)0'iS. M'ist .otiit Nsval Aa*-1" ny, an>l ba*l'i",s. rreacb, 'inrm.n. I'uniah apokea ami uugbl tboroogblr. .e* bulldlnrs recioilpurpossii. (be oest-eitti-saped prlrati io hool ii ihe rorld. la'extacliDjl ve*!'-in i"yi Heptemb ls. m.t. Pmf. I I.IK t li A KL ILK. DiiBCtor. "lOLLLtiiATL INSTITUTE U ot LR. J. HACH-, Ko, 3h West ..liihat., UOPXHa MONDAV, SEPT. 17. Tnorounth preparall ni In . aaa [en " tUf HA' 'Alli', rol.t'MniA and CORNELL,' ami . eiifldc irhoo' Jil)'oixanlzeil bniliiDts couri), l'HLNCH aad (il*.KM A I >rm lniporunt fetturos of regular ephesus of Instrn'Uo. ILW BflLIJlNd. porfoct In saaltary arran* lOSSata \ OB ANDWELI BQPIPPEP Ul 4.NABIP.I. \\ S. EVERSON'8COLLEGIATE SCH001*. I ". ornei t.11st. anil itb.»v, upi.,-ilia Reeerrou .ark. reopena *<ept. 20. Hbortb.eena tl.oio. -uiy niaeieie.l tcfors to foilowliiK putroua. ioi. i i..ii.i . 'Un l'.i v. Iii,, .ul oiby, in-1:.-I. boinaailastlnrii, Tba Rer< ile 11 is i.iiimiiet. ii I:.-, ebal Knox, Ute Her. Proi K.D. Hltcbcock, be Kev. Pl t (. I.. I'leiitlas, 'I'lie Kl-T. K. N V*.'!jU... lie Kev. ll.HN.r.l llllght, ililli. Pl .'. A. lillggt, eome A. ilobl.ne., Itobrtt Win 17 (J. IRELAND'S CLASSfor BOYS, Na ll L . West .t'Jlliit. .Aiiliiinu tenn opein lal.flBJ". flap inlier'^0 Nlimber UualtoL Mr. litUml .il. bo at han,l- ptembei 18. LIOLLADAY A- 1 I I'l'KK'S Si-liool for Hove, 1 No. 96 Wool t8d-et.i enreful ami Iborvingb preparation il l.e-t e.il et,' a I.linen le! |.Ilpili ll,, lt. ii tlie t.e-t adVB.¦ lajealnerery reapeot is.., .er ii _ IQHN McMULLEN'S SCHOOL [,-62 Broad* " way, comer ir.'ii-a' ti : 17. m.* *4'i lot-iii'll Miaanle . 0*00. lrtuia s at Putnem'* ' 'A ' *' ... I ll. HORSE'S 81 Hool. Foi' lioVH. t . Bo, u-j Weet Tblrly-elKbtb-at. iieojaen* Beptomuaw 2S. Tbe Pilnclpal la maw al bu.o. i \ tel V v nhl Bot All i. m :i; Hpt Bo s. , I Wi n il i\ tbi i.i j E Wt Jnatrnctton. _ For Bov* ind Youn» Men.City. . nOLQMBU OOLLEOB. SCHOOL OF ARTS. Tl t e*tmiri»tton of einrtldatei for .<lml«»lr.n will Vegln on WI DH aDAV, sept. M, at MM i. m. OMitoatM c.nidlttoued lu JuuolMtwtli prca-i.' laMMMttfBI at thc aamu tim .. r.SMaitefti ¦n*na»M*nti th- coi.m-.i\.t-itsr VOB WOMSN will pe-cnt UMMWiVM »t Hil (MUg* "li TOMDAY. flatpt Ut a: lu a.m. cm-ular* ot luf"i tn ii i->n brill Ml .»; ;>1Um'.<':i. 1.111 .ii.i.. mi ORA DUATI DXPARTMZaTT will prMWtthMf Alpteaeaa letta PmMMMi *t tk. tan. <m FRIDAY MOIUffMG, taft, *"-<. Circular* t.tobllag UM ->f Itiniuctii-u tor liic Mnll| )car may If I eppi.catto.i. SCHOOL ol' MINTS. Candidates tel taMleelM I" ur om of 'h* t!x regular collive*, vu. Minion Urine iring, Civil Analytical .ill'l A pp led CUm Mtv. QojMOgr, Meta An ic run au il Military liii'.'uiM Minir, will pr.-.f r l hem- ¦bivi tu iialaiUoo ¦¦ Pl j AV, sept, 34, et wisw a. nv <'uuiliilaie-icuudili.Mi-.l-u J ii.io UMtWUl Ml WIMIIWl Ml thebault- Uh B4 HOOL OP POLITICAL srn-.VCF.. Tho intrfKiif- ol thu school is to eive s rom- let .. rv ral rte t pf ail tin- tanja K uol of lu terna! an external public inu't, I, nm :!,!¦ Iii: t in.it Man liin.m -.( lil-.to. .-. law anil phlln Ophy. Candida Ot lot m.il rle H.ti.nil will proeeol Hi -ir Ofrd ira M lo iii-- Proudest, al Um College, on PHI OAK Huum.vu, Beet. SA Thou »t Meeton of oma ot tb etan iotaeJe will b MO.MiA i >t. 1. M H lila. tn. r. a. P. BARNARD, l.t.. rt., PreafdMO, 41>th end ."-i-th <ti. Madison ead -uh eretv, Kew-York Ct tr. I YON ic GILBERT'* CLASSICAL H Iii iOL, MJ ilH ,'itii-avr.. will reopen Sept. 20. Papua er* propel ¦'. tboioughlr fur tin- beat rollogee and aeteuttn. tel.lt; '-so nrparttnenta BenlOI anu Junior, each lmtlt>d to Oftern puuilfc. Tho Principal* will bee! the achoo! after dept. lo. MISS MILLER'S Prunar* Class for Boys win reopen al '-'l -' Weal l2d-aL,on 11 khDAY, Oeiober <:. YORK SCHOOL ol' LANGUAGES. JJEW- 1,4*1 BROADWAY (Comer of Forir-thli A i.liitll.l- <-.;..¦i'd purpose ol niling pinn i thoroughly, br ii- be-l m. Ihode, oreo I na prole* me' j ur- tultt. The plan of ino ruction com "lue* private tuition ii ila -iiii.i I'l.-'.i-.ii.ir, dei>arUneoJ tor boy* flout eight to eleren year* ol ago. i-ir catalogue* containing fall Inioraetio principal*, n vi: Y c. mu J _LUAKLEM C. gil .' ''¦>._ PREPARATORY SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL"! 1 MjiII-iiu itv and «i4th-at., nts foi-School nf MlB rene I nat :i ..' ai ',¦ - .. .:,.. A c i.i .v, iate Engineer orpa l ¦-. Nm and Prof. Naval \ci-lr.iy. |>.\< K.\i;i>'- BUSINESS COLLEOEJ WW I Broadway, le the apeiropoilteu ami eoemopollien trbooi if t hr count rr. ii-'ic .ir--1 -n -hi. in til-- moat efl bookki ping, erith lette, commer. la tw, <.inti ri lal ipondeme, pcnmanthlp n.t. baaineei idalia ge*, ii mi -inn, li uni, iv, »-writing and the modern un/n .-. u tena foi clteeuir. kV s. PACKARD. PreMdevt, ST. Louis College, 134 Weat 37rh>st.-->Selecf cuiim ic sch "i. nit language*, complete bu mateo. Wera njch. l.ipht nruoteUca. Term* moderati TPHE NE~W-YORK LATIN SCHOOL. No. 8 1 Baal 4 7 u «\. reopen*. Monday. Hep vern ber it, a-ardlnc putin Bead tor circular, v. Dau.mKY, i'tlmlpai. 'PUK COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. 1 T'J Kadlaon a»C upai 1'Uh.Ki. t'liM.im''' to ( ("litral Park I.ii N ¦. J a-i LKIth-lt). Ur. il l; CIlAPl ..''.¦ Soreciiicfiiiiv in tr for eolleaeor baeineM prtmarTUe :trt- Hem: <rvi"ii.i.iiiiiu new handing ootnpietJ lu ito appoint- rina, ratra ol m.t.mi ininti riie 64 tb achool yeer be¬ nni vV'edeee<iaj, dept. IB. Circa ai ion eppdaaiton, I [NTVEKSI V GRAM MAH SCHOOL, No. VJ 1.4«1 Broadwar, n--:ir IJ.i *t 47th year. l'nrnaiv, ninini mu ann flaeeicai i"-, .'i tm. DI . M, M BOHHY, W. i, akin, rrfaeuiela * \\r\f. W. RICHARDS'S Behool for Doti .* reopen* Hept 24, al iii limited to ii eojapleit grmiieainnt nend for i-in-ui u-." For "Yourie: Lacuna.City. 4 t Miss..-. PERRINS1 SCHOOIa, 2,021 Fifth- r\ arc, New-York, reran \% paplU, prr yoar, 4UU. willi 'ii I-..', r ld I. 4 -MADAME ROCH'S SCHOOL! 7i:i Mi.li- .%» Hon-aviv, roopent sew 24, Dnatael tai Bee tor cjntn- ii-.inir a i-iicnii. weil-balanc. I edooaUon. Kxceileut opper- and Kine Art* Madame iioch wm t :i reta htorope on or before n pt, i". ALLEGE OP MIDWU ERY, 119 Rod 451 ^ Ttii-H-'.. Rew-Tork, la lae only ( mfrhd lin ,; 'i .1 '1 :' r enfen '-ii Un diplmua of ¦ADCATI Ul MinwiPBRT. Boord..Hos. Preaklln a. i. Iton, kfa] r nf !fi «-Tork) iirr. t"hurlr« i-.'r.Miiv. Ber. li -ti rv M Wilber V. VYetktat, D, Di, nu. Chicf-Ju-"'.!' M'-A-I'iiu, ll ii. idgeCli L. Ia la, M. n.. Pro- M ii, M. a. lu ls r. Dewaea, M. I'., taakP. Pootor, M. IX, HoreeeT. Baa -. at n.. Anea Bebeeek, m;. I'r-'f.'-- ' :.' - 'I li.iilv M. li; I'-,,., i-.ir.lnlin AKl'.-f M. H., Pot) at, Ir. bit I-. iletal r. M. I". i '1 ,iar. Free bj audi ^IRLS' SCHOOL, 9 \V.',i JOtfj-aU j\ reopem Oct, 4 ANICA C. BRACK KM IDA bf. ELIOT._ kllss REYNOLDS, feitrlii ?oarn teacher ia "I MMe Uainei* MenooU, en West Portjr-flftb-eti Brat. Sa. diss GIBBoNS'S Eosrl sh nod Preach Wost 47tb-tc. roopena Sept. 29, ,11.:. «<LiSBURY, 29 K.m Tifli-st., coroer 'i M. av. r. iilisi' u.'l Uar Behool wal retren wlRS. JONSON inni MISS JONES, Boan fl and Daj bctu ol forYi It-at will ie n|i. ii s,.|,t,.[i.ii i tua ., li c; a ii- rr am! nnvi.it-' Di i-hi i'm '.ii - M i.-i J KS. WILLI A MES' ENGLISH Hud FRENCH ri sc11o-ii. lor M'iM. i.m-1 i.s i.i 11.:.i.iki.s. i' an 1 lil-1 .: V. K0T, 1. ll ». DI ..lilli LfESDEMOISELLES CHARBONNIER'S fl Preach Protrttani itonr-linr and Dar B hoi for vonni '.ay, October 1. I'hotoagho. .; e In all tug Uah JRS. J. A. <: ILLAHKH v ill reopea ber II ig and Dar Bi a< 'i ".. Octa ber -'. Ai NO. WWJ M.\I)|mi,\.\Vi... r.i. ;,ii'ii-.-. Prep Mt lou tm college il .U- ir- .1. A limit [or doti nuder ten J1SS RAINES AND MLLE DE lANON '1 aneceededbr KVB. D' <»hkmii:ci\ VO» TAU »K rn mi.i.k. ni; BRUYN KOPii [aiproved ni tching, Beni »a applloaUo Addroet Nu. lOUi irk. ilLLE. RUEL ainl Miss ANNIE BROWN H will r^oii-'ti Un ir French uu-i Knrlltb Boarding and irBchoi '. 5 tod 71 rm a vi:.. .nw Central I'ara. Btudunu prepa m. Uuileglate examluaUonalf desiri I. IRS. RAWLINS' ENGLISH, FRENCH and 'I Hi:uM\N Boat ding and Day Behool for roting ladlee ll reopen septemoer 24*1 *o. 8 ia--., tn-t" Mi-. O ~. ilai v^r ina. Prim- . lt the arl ool aller September liss .1. !.'. WREAKS1 HOARDING AND 1 DAY BCHO0L POR Vul'Vi LADIBfl AM) (lill,. H..N. ."-j ;hi ;,¦ nber tl. <'ont. itruction thorough an I complete -; in paid to ithemaUci and langa-.et Kludcrgai u -. lAuterlcan i.- .-I -v.itcm reopen* >. toh IMF.. C. MFAK-'S I 1 \'.!.|sil FHK.MII A.NIKII.HMAN' IlOAItlilNi. A^M I'A^ SCHOOL ir V-uin? Iai-llxa Ifoanded 18401, So, -"-'- >Ia-li»onaTi\, .w-York, raopena Wedneadar, Itwd, Preneti the language "i the ' nliy an tonool; lecture* la tugltoh, ruell and '.-'iniin br 'ii1'1 peela! attention ld lo i-:o*iisli and Frent h Primary Department, Mm-. a. . mi \ itu. Prim IpaL Ills. SYLVANUS REED'S Boardinx nod 1 DnyRcnooltoi YoongLadtea, Ne*.8and 8Ka tween Madison ami 5h mu 1, N.Y. In the Collegiate jiiiiiiiiciii the com.titudy coln ldc* with thal ol aaub* ned College*, ami the examlnaUon* aterqnlralent Til- ry ami Preparmtori Claa«e* re tire careful training. r-urh ami norman practical^- tanght. Rrery pupil U nuder ni Mrt. ticed. liss WARY HARRIOTT NORRIS, 46 I i.aat istb-at re ipen* n ir -i -ii il fa Yonng I, idle* tu i tteaoet ld elaaee*toradalt* Nor.lt prep* ttlento Va*- I -v. siniii, ,ii i narrar 1 eva ii mi adranced lae*, :n Art,LtteraturcScicoceand Mathematic*; unuraal ii MoJern Language* aid Un*la hoar-ltn^ .TON. .N. J. IUTGERS PEMALE COLLEGE, Nos. 66 l niel Weet BSth-tfc <inir chartered Oolleg* fur ¦.¦.T.-, mk. l-'aliy equippeil In ali Department* boarding and day pnnll*. am. mualo. Kindergarten. Ac rm npi ai Beptembet 2d Adi!re«» s. u. lil r.ciiAiui, a rt.. _Prcslilc.if. niiryflsSES PliRINE,""" No :ih Etat T111. «t. r ii.'i um! I mob sciiiini foi Young Ladlee, Thorough .mc Tho namban* ol t enidant iuiii.»iiunie-L October 1. MIF, Missen GRAHAM (satNNMsors to tho UleeeeORBKNlformerlf ol No. 1 Kitti.ive., mn ¦-«- ti their Kngilthand Preneh Ho inllug un May bi hool tor ingiadle«on rilVRBDAY, ti nberi7, at Na 03 Ptfth- l,Hew*York city._ 'HE MISSES GRINNELL'8 English ind French School for YOUNO LADIES A'.'.'i i.ITTTX BLt, 6* Ena) Mtb-al (taodoer*from Madlaon-are.). wu. nen October L Tnoroagh c. Lecture* Ait, se;, ace hu 1 Lit >rai ire. ill department*. Separate cia^tea for hoya october li. idergarton. rAN NORMAN' INSTIT! TF. foi. .v.mmir la- die*.315 Weal .">Tt «.., New-York, win reip* il.-:.,. DU. A MMI*. VAN NORMAN. Fnncl OUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN AKSOCIA- TION.7 Cn-t l.'.iiiHt. Free elatee* In book ki tina-, phonography, retouching photo- nogatlrea, « toarrapha lie.- elrculatlng ilbrary, readloe-rooma, end ml-Hr. i-i-.rv. InarmoUon In ti-ul an machine Kind* "f needlework given mu tn wooten- also ulina- ia found foi \."ii!-'u lu all departmeaU except hooiehold in-. Hil- cIrks fci women . -vetr Ba adey ut fl p. m. J WE8T 130TH-8T..The Misoes JacoTs 9 a- ho--, foi yonng ladle* t- dal couraefot ronug ladle* foi coii-ko <>iatninatlona. -lin Kindergarten and Primary liepartatoia. ai ti- preparatory i lasa .'or hoy ¦, from lu to 19,_ /lu MADISON-AVK.-Mi,. ROBERTS and ¦IO Mia* > i LKKfl i French Mchooi IlltUegtrla. I'liinarv cluat ujul'T kin lkei a l-iaouul cato. AAraaetM clatac* for pott grad- For Both Sexas.OitY. T PR0FE880R DI CROQUET'S (ern du rt to from PerM) 1 rem h eonToraaUM le.illy hri|iilred in ie iimiiiii*. liennsu laaght by Mra. Ducroqnet, Claaaca ni vate Ugh eat rufotenc, .. ni i aat lilli'. LOCUTIQN.-AUeUlde Hicli! reader and teacher. Yoke Culture a Specially. Ho. 241' Weat *U«wL I tu I Ta I Un ( < lij l-l I I ii A I ply i dn I i'- ,i N. I 1 .V ye ul rea tot P P r p BM p If I I! ll -lill S t;.' iii. V 1 .< iU*l JrifltrnrHon. For Botii Sexes.Oitr. A -NEW-YORK SCHOOL OP-LANGUAGES. I CHI H i KAU, Pto, 1.491 RROAUWAY, CORNKR43D.BT. CtaMteofor la-llosaui! rmiileiiioi In Kn<ll*i. Fronch, nee. mai Italian -punish, orrek and LaUo. Modem laugu*r'»* b.iuht' r native tra. h-rs. In ibu afternoon special .-lessee i\' 1.1 si V Kl.Y furl idle*. Kvonin* classes for eeiitlo u > 1. Iii.-he.tot teachers mrnlshol fur pel vate lustrucUon olth*r at the notion! or at the pauli'« r.si lonee._ BPBCIAL DEPARTMENT! mn, I'uitllsh Llteretitio. UUtory. ii'iicehums3 todp. m. ftaoiroolara¦drtraai pF.I'OKK's Now Fn-ni'li Method..Leasoiia I * y tho AC I'llOll free dem -tutriitlon pronunclatmi. j I'n.iv.'i-.ii.i.ii more acquired in om; mouth than lu tlueebr ui<\ ni,.e. ., .ii-iii mi payment io advance, cnnse, for i. ichers ii.-.-. lava. Ki ii ay a; spei lal U-iui*. 31 Kasl 17th-»t., Colon equi e.________ PARLLSLE INSTITUTE, 572 Madison-are- V> cor. Mtta-st.. New-Yere, (Oeotral PM.i Hnir-iins-ami dav achoo! ir vi tog i*U*4 ii! o ul ire i. rii-n-.ru onliest- .i--ui at i le iti ii natta mt iii depart, n na 'i ci- langoora of tn nstaoi Benaan, Latta ml - ,,i.-ii. Aero mn ilaiinm for boarding p Hula uusur- paeood. er H rr i ii i it -. Bl : ir: j i. Uta y W newt, JA. f ACKSON KEMINARY, 813 and 515 Eaat . " 1 .'"Hi st. . Int'1 h Frau li and Herman oat-ding- acaoolfoi i-eiiginii « indodianni doelrabiolocation ; ot. idfair ground* i lenna, #200 to S80u par yen*. Foe lie-liars p|ii i-1> th-' seminary. Koonana Bop lemuel i:i. \|I8S WARREN, No. 71 Wist 17th-st., r.-- i*l open* the boys'department ol her scimol Sept 21. younc ii in .' nop'iLinen! Sept. 2d._ MISS 8. D. DOREMUS i. >pons her DAV HCtlOOL »or TOURO LADIES ami OUU li--,"!,, i a. at 47 Kast Sl0t*et, _ ni KL KINDERGARTEN a td e ententary .lune* lor boys and fi ri a from St* io ir* old. >. .,r" for klodrrgaltau teachers. ... Xo. 7 lust J-M st, Kriuli-aia I'ioi. J. KHAL's and -. K ll \ i'--'-ii, I.I M MESDAMES D'OREMIEULX VON TAUBE 1"I ami i). nm nv Kui'-., ¦neeeaaon t-i th. Bainee and de Jaoon Int uro* rd method separate mi. school open* september jo. No.li»Oiaui«icy Park._ \l.ss CHISHOLM'S school lor GIRLS, i»l Tis Ma,iiion ave., reopen* MUNDAY, Bentember 24, toop Boy* la«*e**eptrate. Pabue acboot method*. m.ni will be al nu,ii ",i ii er 17. ll Chi- l\| Rs. GRIFFITTS will reopen her Ed dish. *' I trench and loman Der Behool tor Yoong Ladlee ami eoon Ve lo* til ir ie pie o'te td. a 411 Modlaon-avoL. .i eu ira ie ei om ol W MME. DA SILVA it MRS! BRADFORD'S .' I rurmertf Mr*, >¦- le Hoffhi in'*i v ri -: uti Boarding and Dar h. iu.il Jor Tonne Ladle* i. No i.," Wr*i .:-ir;i ,r \'ew V>rk. will ii upon -ii lob it I. Apt-li- limn mar bo uia-le hr letter or per- m.u illy, ai .Uioie. Miss COMSTOCK" N'-.s. :{..» and :: I Weal 40tli-el ii cia rhV ervolr P*r2. English, French and i...tuan Hoarding and Day rtebool. Ormoaetlca studio i-.:v.,te, as* for young boy«. CbuMe.il Department Thara. L27. nm u. e. .it I, une iffei .'t '. \|ME. E. C. SFIi\ All I >' Ts7i.T-s-.ir lo t'l Mile. M. I». TAKUIVI Ll n gi lah. French, dorman ¦ god Daj kc bool loi Young nain ¦ anal hlldroo e-i 4Hth-*i. rconem september .". French »i-oko-i fluently In lu. year, Lectern in French toil Kuglleh i.v pioteeeore. Drawing anti Mnal. ni pal Kindergarten. noam Baa*, -i. i a.d tn primary and ptejaratory uepert- teu. _ YEW-YORK NATATORIUM arid PHY8I- 11 w s -1 Tl - it, neei 1Mb ac. Winter i-r on, v inaatli * iud ¦ ringi Ac i-i i-ss tor adioe and children. Beeclrculart i.nwn rei.al* Han foi wini r _^_ IL <»KuliAJtb. CELECT SCHOOL aol KINDERGARTEN, CT o 7 Baal ''th <t Reopen* Monday, Beptemoe 17. ma lu maali extra. Teima reaaooable. A -THIRD ANNUAL OPENING, .'*. N. Y Ml l-l BR8CIIAFT, Behool ol Mini-- ii Langa geo, i" West .-j.i (L.oppoai e Kee xvolr. "he larigua:" * ictneUy epoken tal in a eurprudngly anni-t llinr. >ay au.i ev.-n mr claeeeii ladle* ami gentlemen achoo!or tesl.lenee. /u Tue day, October v. .tr .. n. in- oleo Wednoaday B p. m., a le- mik- entitled staci: . 0ACH| or. LIOHTN1N0 RXPR -,; Bo . tn ruv.i to Po rlotvfl e. will he de Ive rd bj Prolesoor F. DM ON DO tHTINEAU, .iiuiij-ai Mc-i- haft si hum ni ii.,iel-,i latuguagea,attiie ucw ela** i'¦ oms, 17 w ea ADMIBBION FK.E. Musici*. FDOAR SHERMAN, Piano-forte Teacher. L_ CbJekering Mall._ CHURCH ORGANIST of uris city denirrs nn ^J cngag. '-'ii ci Nea v.,r» vicinity. Term* will bi- lade tavorabie by eaily eppilcation good reference. litre** mi tue week, a. E. l.riiii.u, i;,,v jj. Tribune \? REINBECK'S PRIVATE school of la. mi -n and la.nhc M-i.-. imi Broadway, anora Iii K, INSTRUMENTAL and VOCAL LESSON^j a-ivan.cl pupils o beginner* receive most lb niat.c tralulnc: Qeiman and itali n methoda MMK DE IN.,I, addree* y*M''.. ocbirmer, HS Cnlon-*qu iVM. UdSSEJa CASF, Pianist, itinouoooa his II return nod reallnre* to accept pupils nut cooee audi eta bli *' ring li Art Scnooia.Citr. iKT STUDENTS1 LEAGUE OF NEW- V vie ;;4 wi 81 l; ii BTR1 R. ,ii- .! nd ,-. Ont. ¦¦.. l, 1483, tn-tiu' t i:- T. V, Dewing Y. Turner, v kV lillam Bartain, wiM.m if. Chase, j. .-, ii rede nek ine.i ian. Five i.i:-- C-aseee, 2 PnlnUng Bead Claaoea and Antiuue i.a m.i lr; a laecea aud wkefch .leo-..... ci,i-s iinii Leoture* :. .M.- au ii.in,, areekli. he o ipp lc dion. .III JHN FoFF will resiune her elis II li. iWU* p.l tl iln i. um r gaioan.1 lay, 0. tobei udi", 7 tth-ave., comet -j.'.'.-i.-t. For Bova ant Youi? Usa.CsantraT t LEXANDER INS II 11.' IE.Military board- x in ¦... I., wi. le PUdna, K. V. o. R, wi LLIB, Ph, D. Indi i a TTARRYTOWN-6N-THE-HUDS6n7N.Yh V s. \ K,i's m ci a itv !\-n ir ri:. ii. U Ia 1 li HOP OTA KR, A. M., Prtnototl. t GOOD BOARDING SCHOOL of forty-four \ re tr*1 ttandlng, cu x"-\ Cork and riolnity, TUOMAB HAN l.o.N, P. c., Petuungton, N. J. lOYSand YOUNG MEN prirately titted mr 9 .telle ra Jiallttiael if 111-1»- -. coaehel. mmerorst ... V. UoFfMANN. tOYS received into family for iastrnctioBi ' .' atil pupl.a ad. Iii Cit. -il' I. OF -Cil'llil.-, I .ll.il,l;.;. I.. I. IETTS MILITARY A^ADEilY, Stamford, 'Conn., nu Prospoot Ul ry healthy. iii vcji iii gin* Be ile ber lu Prej u bo foi tlneea Fortail intormatlia ¦ nd for caulogae. CAYUGA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY, / Atiroia. N. V. MA f. w. a. flint, Principe! HyTTAGE HILL BCIIOOL, POUGHKEEP- > BIE, N. Y., nroparei Boy* .'i* ii ri-iii i-,'rniiisnt ,, .;, :,. Q i -. ia. JOHN MILBY, n elpali VI!. PINN ED'S FAMILY SCHOOL FOR " BOYS, Qroonwleb ona. will re -;>»* sept. IB. .REEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freehold, v. .).- For Boya i.toa Bngllab, Bcleatino, Cla**loal, m.aI I* | ii. ciIa -Iii:.::-. IIGHLAND MIL! I ARY ACADEMY, a Worcester, Ma**, 27th year. For tall Information ap- lo c. ll. M KTCAI I'. A. M.. sn; Bnntee IIGHLAND FALLS ACADEMY (for Roys) I on the Hndaon, one aile aouth of Weat Pol ¦illira.-.nd'o.-_CALEB HI sk l- to l-rtl il'Hsii.N ACAUE.M V..Catskill i.'.:n.u.; excelieal nome foi f-mr bov*. between lu and 14, rn iii;!, ii family, am', beal educational advantages, k -r millars, toma, Ai , addree* PRINCIPAL, lox 2, uutUou, IIVING INSTITUTE TARRl I"WN, N. V. loy* prepared for o...-j, or lot b iain**!. A-l.lte.o KA Vi I'A. BOWE, \. M., Pi InclpaL fORKIS ACADEMY, FOR BOYS, MORRIS- I TOWN, IS. J.- I..-- Academy baa been for the peat two ra nuder the *nrce*eful managemeut «f Mr. ANDKKW F, CST. univ Profeeeor lu Princeton i ollege. Reopone tue win .1 SHAY, si.i'i. i_. Bnelneee, Ciaaaical and inrea Bamrdor*received Pot elreuiara apply he I':!.!- lpai, CBARLKS ii. PLATT. A. M.. Fotiut-iiy of i/r. I'mgry's Bcboo Eiltatain, N. X. EEKSKILL (N.Y.i Military Academy^-For circular..addreoa OoL c.i wrimii i, a. m.. Pi AUK INSTITUTE. RYfi, NT. Y. orhovs, fainua v."ir. HENRY TATLOCK, Principal. _ OUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. MILITARY INSTI- 'Ini...Dr. Waring's BoardlogBchooL Thorongb.good, et ami propel iii -i i in-- ii I. MUltary not the piliicipai Hung ENN8YLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, ciii.-riiit, 22d ft ipteriber 1 -'. Boll ll ri a t. buprriiriipti'iiiit.*ia. civil Eagiueerlagj ciioui.cai,' (llabOournaa Degree* oontorred, _ COL. 1I1KO. HYATT, PreMdoat, YE, N. Y..Bradford Mansion School. Will BeptOMtal ls. . J. CULLINS, KilnilpaL 1VLRV1LW ACADEMY, POUORKEEPaIR, V. Y. ritsfor ant ciiis^.' orOovsrnment v-ials-ur. o^-aspirani'-to:''niie^t admittance reoatea tull prcpar*- for buMaee* andaoeftel rautttoo*. ractloe ami m;inary recareful atlenuon. A,lire" mr. PRKaiDRKT. F.MMIT MILITARY ACADEMY. BammlK New Jeiser, prepares f..r beet colleg n appotutiu-nt* teless; MOO pei yuar. ALFRED ri! FLLLKit, A. IL irvard i, Principal. _^____^______ RESTON MILITARY INSTITUTE. J \t Weston. Conn, nrthyoar. .Nimh.-r of hov. hauled, i anna ica,.-liable. pcb, Oeruiuu and Oi-aituh thoii'ilaltly tauglit I'm ctrru- traaddiaaa U*U- A. tv J AR Via, 1-riaulusJ. ia U end pro A one A mat ,i i. . ', ii qua ii:i'i nil i i.i,.. O M S3 Al fol exp. Ki". I T JTnstrnction. For Boys and Young: Men.Country. (STEVENS HIGH SCHOOL. TUE AOADKMIC DBI-.TM-VT OF TITE STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Rlver-iL. between (tb and (llb st*.. Hoboken, N. J.. OPENS bVpTEMBEU 17, 1*83. INSTRUCTION OIVES IN THK ANCIENT AND MODERN LANlll.'AUES; IN FRKK-HAND AND MECHANICAL DRAWING. JINIOK DEPARTMENT. BM PER ANNUM. SENIOR DEPARTMENT, $16'J PER ANNUM. These tern,* include ll the studlea __ For catii,Bgaoa apply to the Librarian of Steven* Institute. ft fi*Ml A YEAR for fount nun and boysj V t* ft f nt Mella (Pena.) Aca-lorny. 13 miles from I mad -af *titloii. I'lul'.'¦¦ nhl t I.i train* dally. Circulars f. swum v. Blfi/itTLinoE. A. M. (Ilarv-trd College Oradnaiei. Principal amt Proprietor. For Youn? Ladies.Countro. CARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for girls *ad yoong women. HOWARD OOLLKUIATK INSTITUTE, West Bridgewater, Mas*. OPENS OCTOBER 1, Int. For circulars anJ f Uti particular!, ni ira,* tu* prlnclpaL HELEN ma<; I LL. Ph. D., Orednareof s.trthmir* Colie.ro, Booton L'ulvorslcr and m a nu.un i'll.'jd, cam irldga, cullan L pOOK'S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, for \J youngladlea Advantage! aoiorp ta* >1 uEoituEW. COOK. Pa. P.. Principal Pou<uk<aep*i*. -a". V. I\REW LADIES' SEMINARY, Carmel, N, Y. 1' Home-Ilka thorough, progressive New illustrate! circular, with fall particulars. UKO. c. SMI III. A.M. QROVEHALL..MiH4 Mon Cort's Behool for B young' i lie ¦Wit IVUII, MISS E. i»I I'.Ni.L 1 IILLSIDE SEMINARY, Bridwport, Conn.- I I. For young ladlee nod litUe gtrto tits ie* graduation, eand foi Harvard and Col um na examination* ANNI -I'iNK, MARIANA -i.Alll HONOR7. I IIGHLAND SEMINARY. Sing; Shut, N. Y., I I will re yjif-ii -epieni'ier Li jj I', n TZend Mi-s r.s. LEY. Prince als. VfoRRlsTowN N..I.. MISS STEVENSON'S l»l French and Rnglleh school for Oli t reopene sept M Heel ira, h. r. .iniii.iv-"l ,nr Uluru.<-,'.¦¦. mm.c. pslnUng. Aa Aliss WILLI AM S'S school for YOUNG I'S LADIES, j", ial.i ,i ,i Wooster Mass,. Krouch ami oerman ipoken In the famUy, MISS AIKEN'S BOARDING AND DAY ID OL fer roon* holies, t .ni'iird. nun . reopens Bopt, I i. l-i,i p i-Mcul.iis address Miss c AIKcN. MISS BULKLEY'S BOARDING snd DAY i*l sc ii i,i,r, f,., OIHLH. Tarrvtown-uu-l ie. Hudson will un. en \s l-.l/NKstiAV, .soptonioerlJ. Ad.tress uy lotwr uatll S- pteuilial 1. MISS N< TTS Enarlish aod French Family a-TI and Dar soi.[for Young La lie*, ;< Wall-aC, New. Haven, c.mn. rho 11th ear i.cini lu irs lay. scptombor IU CllCUIar* -;l ni.ni. ap,, li ELIZABETH DAN \ - 1.1-If AND FRENCH BOARDING SCHOOL FOR viii ni; LADIES, MORRISTOWN, N, J.. pt '< En irge-l tohioi-ro'ini tad gymnaMam. Lui'-' md attractiverraondia Superioradvantage*lo avery lepartmenL Uoaid uni tuition in BngUab and LaHu SttHI /fi annum. For circular* iddrea* the Pi WYACK SEMINARY N\ uk, N Y. Ls For <in alar* add Mr*. IMOOENK BERTH RYE SEMINARY, lt YE,' NEW-YORK. IX Knrparlici.iaia a-1 lien Mrs. S. .1. LIFE PEMPLEGROVE LADIES' SEMINARY,Sar- ¦ 'togaSprings, n. * rweuty-nlnth year beg.n> sepl ll ¦nd tor year book iiuu.isi i-iwn, a. m., I'l-esi-ien'', rHF ELMS..Family nd day school for ¦¦lils. No. Ml iiiuti..it, -prl-Kii-I'i, Ma.a. For circular* -h Mtotee PORT-H A CUAMP-KY, For Both Sexes.Country. AMENIA SEMINARY, for both sexes : $225 ra per yeer. L'nsurpnssed aarantagoe. For cironlar ads nog WILLI \m -T.juiiN itaatotrar. A monia, N. v. QREENVVTCH ACADEMY, tor both Sexa*>- i S i be nana! Utorary Coan .«. with M isioel fnstltace tn 1 n nuicii lil .-., I.-.-,.. Foao.led I-'.'. Inilii.'M deoideUv .. Home 'mi-" i.i I co nforts. Ohtr nlnflr u-i.oiu inset t Bay. anton ll reel rout* fr, a sew-York r, toeion Oiaad onuortooltlee fir ttlt-wi ir itttl.-iz ml outlna-.wttn nmiieteni or.-rsi mr. '1 mms mo lurite- itndenta eco.ve tata vtluie catalogue free tor, P. tx BLAKES- ¦KS, A. M., t'liucnui. aia-at OredOWlCh, lt i. | fOME8( HOOL for CHILDREN, Old Bridge, l * N..i. ii", per year. Miss a. e.CONOVER, Principal. DOCKLAND COLLEGE IA Nyack-on-tbe-llndeon Both sexes, MBA W. Il il WM-, I BR, A. M. .ul ll JERSEY INSTITUTE, Brid gelou, Noe J. Botheexea Fall corps ol teach in-tructinn thorough. ina.', r utting Drawing, climate mild, very healthy. in-itiR-ept. lit Ad-Ires* tl. K. TRAsK, Principal. PHE MISSES MASTERS will reopen their I sol for young ladlee and c ii den. at nobb* eu;,', N, v., -;.;!. I.-. During ino lura uei ra. it lon they ' ave removed into new and commodious imus .acre t--t I -tie. ii. i or the school, and are therefore pi eyaced to take a IW tuoie puplis into Hu ir family. Soul for oatt- Miscellaneous. URI ( LARS OF ..ooo SCHOOLS FREL s t-|' ion sqi in 11 ea case state ermin men! -. achool f uruii ure IHIAM OoYlU-KE 6 CO., 31 Last i7lU- UroolUrm Or'iools. PHE PACKER OLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, l ullin, ;ly> iii-.Diii i.-. / .hi bool for 'lei tui.. hui n lohln r ol \ onnir Ladlea T.J. HACK!'- Ll '.. I lld il or ti,e Faculty. -. :- ¦'. 1'.' .'!. 1 -l-.l Cb UrgO* for litton in ,. ito Li rn ii lil rhi cu. No extra lon bj .¦..»., L i'm, rem h. Oerman. Drawiu ral singing. For Ibo irty-oigbth annual Caul' address pack Eu COLLS- lA'l I. INS II il lill. ., N. Y. tait) Schools. NNI AL SESSION C-'Sth) nf the LnwSchool \ il rtho cl*r of J *w York .- i ind euJa .i in-.', a -1, a..I. Vanderpoel, LL.O-, i-alilenl il i.aw Ft ult v. 'or catalogue i, Ac,, :' RU --.-I l.. 171 nulli ir, o. M. B. \ ''...-. iii-ury of Lan Faculty Bryant Building. 83 Llbarty-st COLUMBIA COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL, ''iii .".. ne ir .da ii' ra-ava rhotwenty-elxthoional tenn of thl* viii co-n- II,.' mi Hie Urti Monda* of October, 1*13, lithe Law '.Baal illili.ar., li .:'.. t'i aui Madigan es., nor h lida and wUl OOOttlU* UUUI I ni". Uti. nm cooroo ol (tody embraoei twu ,-e.ir.a. andu lou?uo lt» ra run ¦ id anet.ate iiiati-u u>u lo lau pnnelptoJ a 11 praj- nt the law. gaea .vc, a.i Iron ¦¦- tb iva. THEODORE u DWIOHT, Wai len. Ac. DaiicitLi Rcaoemtef. LEX. MACGREGOR'- L ll.1 th-,tc sui Vt .:-!i-t,i private lesnons 1 ci-n-ei in dane! ug. sec cir. >. LLEN DODWORTH'S School for Dancing, k. No. 681 I'uiii-.iv.-., tv.11 .-U.10U aal "lailft will num¬ il ,,ii -ii ur,I.iv, ii ... [J 'ARL MARWIG'S SCI iol for DANCING. Bl Ma '..-. -.ia-..-. -.: ., na i, tuber 'j. send for circa- IF. ROBERT s. MANUEL will resume his ' aanctu* iati il 'ovember I7.nt hi* uis, 5u \\.a' .. il >t., m iwce ilma Iway ami ..ll. ave. tc .tc i,. rs. N ENGLISH LA >Y. who teacheg thor- ougn fcngilsh, French. Ot-i rad moate. deatre* a re Dither resident or ur few hour*delly. Ad- -..v.. ax so, Tribune Uptoi ie, 1,28s Broadway. MERIGAN and Fl l.'olr.AN TFAl'HFKS' ni RE A U aappliee without charge collegee, schools un. t lille* with ihoroughlj - wura, prluclpala a Families go!"-: ii ri fl ur to the e,mut iv with au; erin tun r.. coi ipooion* and gov- .--ea. -ni on or adare* i LkokNDRK. l.ltts Liiiw.iv, New.York. YALK ORADI'ATE. ni I'Mxricnc.-Vl in- .tructor ana private tut attire* aa engagement ol or moro hoara natlf A. Ueee W. a., Ttlbana utii.-e. HARVARD r.; 'i:i ii -. with po ><! referencos doalrei private pupil* or a pn.it mn m ¦ ichooL Addn m H., Bos 12. ii.ii me toa n .;..-, :.j.h brooda yr, N EXPERIENCED (FKMaN TEACHEX ito ol Cnlveiaity o' Rot.n, deelre* furnished room (change for Inetrnctlon. addree* K.L., Tribe \ l-l tim; TEAcITErcharffea$20 <7i.iT. ter tor one ooarnoo a wook, *i-'fo.- two, and noon. Thu ilonoonalatiof tour hann, two of which ero devoted to bemaUca htatory ami llieiatur-. ant ooo tu I lnuuage mob, Oerman or Latin), and .-u- to music .vf..e.i na- -i- 'ii a. a ra; Cit ul 00! ,' eau -lallv «u:paa* lu .itity ami iiimiitvof workaatadrni inaaohool. Pi.-aeut ipili «;;i -i'.:, thl* Aisi ito.¦.;.i. terma Addles* .. I. d si K, !i Pu '..vu. V V ' RADUATE NORM VI. OLLEGE U pre¬ pared to teach all Eupil-h tnchoa, matheniatlca ui.d man. Addree* TK0ROC .11 ti.huuo L'plottu lillico - Broadway, ADY "i experience! . loreig- travel de¬ ane* position a* vuinag ibor.Engllah branches, neb, mi-ie- leet n epeoialty. renee*, t ali or address '. at iss IIESSETSU W .'.. supplii i .''1111" ttoacbora tutor*, it ¦¦ i-.ni, lingera hmtte- e. ch ii f favor lim., it, ., Pith and ex-sec. Kvorte. ARY Ii. RUNYON, i. rears lenci er ot .tin giro pit- . loatruotioa: Miecij' rat-1 for ichool*. 401 ll J-,1 st. _ RIVA 1 il I il i ION hj ii Yale sra li t Wm. M l..v or, DiD.i "- e cher,eminentlyqualll dtoln enthnslaam.'* lamg ¦rirtici In preparing tiudeui* I r > ,. ami tot pnue,. al life Addreea oTuma, Trie Dptowa OMoo,l.tM Mway, _ EA( HERS, TUTORS,GOVERNESSES bud- nurnonded to ma. h.uiik.Ni > fi rn rf. 27 I uton square._ EACHER ..i VISITING OV ERNESS..R> eyooog lady; apeak* tier ¦ otoh and Kngllafa h.* 9 rlence; wantatltaalio < ilhollc family ur url- school, uu-iiieittoiiaulo I iv.ee*. CO-LPE > N i'. un* u tilca 6 boa din a ii IA Ri Ii r CIT 1 BTI I Un N Hi. C.P.I Ca Ci V, M. i JAP Titi Exci lo Kori IV , N BR 1. Hr cahii PEI IV s~ V 1st Lim' ni-l I Rt H HI I. Kat tun- Cahir gre ll KC . li. w AUK ililli |.ll||,l. roomi leii-if al aaa RA1 New- 1 ll- !or <- .I..,' 0.1 _eacber.. 1^VJT0\i^Q0VE RY_^Eltt.~TEAfJIT?m, Maalc.art. nailing and real-lent tnpplled free to sea. piovera E. MIRIAM COYHIERE A co.. ;il Kaet 17th et,. union sqntre._ U TOR..Geiman g ntletnan with StZS city references, wants position a* visiUng 1010." tod ronipsnlon for hors, «,lorrimer, llnr tb -lr sui Ile*. Ao. Ad¬ dress EXPERIENCE. Box fe. Tribune Olri.e I Summer Reaorta. rKTRTMAHi^i A^B g|i \J CLIFF. Ill rhett tostlmnnlsls at 74 Weat Sith »t ii i len Wood house, Jj DELAWARE WATER OAP. PENN. SPECIAL REDUCED ItATr.S fur SEPTEMBER and Ol I''!! Eli.. For lie 1, Ul, pleasure and Comfort thia lions* is ti ii sm passed. Adaliee* OEtiRi.E W. /I r.wI.EK. Proprietor. KITTATINNY HOUSE, DELAW \RK WATER OAP, PEW, Will rsraaia 01 en until Nov-niucr, affording tn <«,, ortanltyto visit Mils po;, mu mountain ies.irtd.iiin/ the Pie neal au nun mont ii*. Scud tor ciruuiar. _ W a. HKoDil ea Ii A SO vs. M EARNS HOUSE, mar Wist Cirri. 'IVnns renonnable tor septembor, Pirti mom honan, exten¬ sive ground* shade, fruit and fresh veg.-t tu ea For mle or tototuext season. I lliisiraied circular. Mra A. MKakN'-j. JR.. A SON. Highland Fails. N, Y_ PAVILION HOTEL, Islip, L. I., will remain 1 open until November. JAMES slater, of tue Kurae. Icy. Bth-ave. ami Uthst., owner and proprietor. PROSPECT HOUSE. J HAY SHORE. f.ON'l isl AND. sitnatodin full vi-wof tho u-isan 11 ' 11 » Ml SoejN flar, luis ne linet ll ailinn in I rBA tingle lui vi n mr »f Near. V.11K riieo:ii» 1 ru mttet fi .may oa til wajof.Ui situ*. Hon renders lt fro* fro 1, lal iota ur 11 turn. Two or thr-ae rei v desirable co'isa-ea to rim. uear n list- *Te< ia! teiuisfur Juue. H. P. SEWELL. Ulintcr Resorts. AKEWOOD, N. J. i WIN 1'ER AND SPRINO RESORT. LACK I. IIOl>.. reopen* october 4. Addi--a M.C WENT WORTH. Manager. Droyosais. PROPOSALS will lm reeeired by the mider^ de .-,-.1 a'the otflce ot tho Haltirno'c and ohlu eil. iad< ompaiir. Uultlmore. until w tobor 18, 13<3. for the nundall 11 a ami M.ianniy Of tho SOoqnohann* Ritur Bridge, Tie propoeaia mmi Ucinde m-teri. m col * -na eta oe.of eu* and tn* coot of M oking esme io bed-rock Also oust of -, ii u ii- na and 'ulTers Iree fi uni wa'ci during the time u-ie and tnatonry I* being 111-1. P.aus iud nyoMAens .1111 iii.iv be eon at tho Chief Engli,e-ra .i'll nu aol after P.lui 1. tho ouipany ri-aei vea ilio lU'it lo ;ej.-, t any ena llpr-ipoaals. II. T. DOI'<II.A-s. Chief engineer. Gales bn faction. PHE UNDERSIGNED, aani-nee of E. p. Roo, I will Mil ut pub ie anett, fi on the sixth (Sta ¦'*» af oeto- 11, at 2 o'eiock p> M at tho entacribor'emoto Io .omwni- II 1, ip son. N. Y.. said Roc'* lnreic.at lu a eookg written or 11.. and pi'ished pilor to Feb. 1, iSsii, hy Dodd, Mead A 11. of N. w Yotk. Farther particular* may bc obtained of . N. va VANT. Assignee, oinna..-un.lliitLson, N. Y. ©ceart Sieancrj. INCIIOR LINE U.E. Mail Steamships. sail from New. York, every saturday for OLA-OOW via Londonderry. Fruin Pier 2oV North River. MK A ssl a. sept. JA ,i p. m. | A NCH'/RI A, Oct. 13, 3 p. tn, laii'Pi a 1. <i *a m. (BOLIVIA.oct. 20, Ba m. Cabin PMoago, seutotso. seoooa Cabin, $t& siee-atfo ".uwanl. si'-M. loei-aid. KJl LIVERPOOL AK J I4UE- -stow n SERVICE. prom Pier 4L North -titer. ELORA VIA sail* We 1-eadey, ti ber a. 0 a. ra, URNESSIA salis Saturday. October 13,'ip, M. irv >/e KOMBatlM -.11,11.1 av. October ST. Sit aa linn patanga SdutoSlOo, aceordlag to mmmsmMMbSBm s.enii.t 1-.linn au I -teora/. ta ahora. Anchor Lino orana i**ti*d at towool ratal art miitai oe arge in .-11 riaul, scotland an 1 Ir*', aa 1 tor yajsuirn. Cabin Piaiia, Uooa of fours. A'., apply t> HENDERSON BROTHERS,; Howling Oreen. BORDEAUX LINK. 9 New ai,.I direct line io tho south of Franc*. NEW-VORK AND HORDEAl.'X DIRECT. IATT.AI LE, "VILLE, t.iKMtoui.-at Sept M (AH M LAFITR. t.iMioton*.W.-.I.. Oct 24 men " Pr.-nti- c's -torus (uear Wall-at. Ferryi Brou*.rn* Irat eilcrs for France, snaln an I Italy, IVreaoea. Pail. 1.1 i e., will sive tune and expens-a hr tiki-lg thl* hue. tullin (Including wino). $s0 steeraire. #J i. 101 po.a.-»ugu apply lo . _ . v 8 vv F. LE BOC LA Mi I it M Reaver-it. ^unard~line. noti«.::-"Lane son ra.. 10M- NEW-YORK TO LIVERPOOL Via QUEEN* IOWN. FROM PIKE- Na 4J N ) tl'.l lUVuUL YTHiA .Wean eadey, oat, if.'J a. nt. t i.i IA .^ edno* ny. -t. 10, noon, iTIINIA .We nie-, i.- ',' 17. usia, k VON IA.Wedues-lay, Oct. 24, noora .abm nonage, MO, fs.iaud $10i>. -i, ,-iiiu'e ticket* to ano from a.i part* of Enropeat very low ¦ ici ht and >**aage ofllco. No.4 Buwiiug Orooa. VERNON H. SROWR A C )., Ageuta M TON LINK. J UN IT RD STATES MAIL STEAMERS FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Leaving Pier M, N. R.. fuu of Klog-*a .ASKA.'lues,in, oct. 2. 5a.m. lb* "Nsin .Tuesd ly. Oct'.'. 10a.m. UZONA.Tuesday, oct. ld. 4 a, m. I (JON.Tuesday. '" t- '-'.'. lu.itoa. rn, IYbsINIA.»orn d-F- Oct 27 StSO p. & rbeee *tearner*are bnlltof irou.with water-Hglu com- t111.11ia.ainl nie fiirni-heal willi evciy requlsiio to make mo Atlantic both safe amt .urea>ab!e. nar- balli-inn .1. Mnokleg-room, ilr.iwiug-ruoin, ;.Wno and libra. surgeon, *t'-war Mm an I c iterec on cactt amer Theataterooma nra ail npperdeck thus insuring iso greateat Of all luxuries at sea, pei it-ct vuuUlaUon eua nba peaeoge incaorMnctootatorooml.asn, ssoandsioo; it neiii. a.-. r ni. steerage at low ratea FFiCE. NO. 1"! BROADWAY. WILLIAMS A OUI0N. IENERAL TKANSArLANlIC COMPANT r n-tw.-eii New-York and Havre. inpativ's Pi.i newi, No. 42 North River, tool of Morton-«t. 1 Orellers by thia itu* ovoid both transit by Engliah rall- rai ii tim diaeomfort of iiieMing the Cbaunoi to a small >. Spiciil tram leivlng tue company** dick at Harri iel for Perl* on annal of ntcatuor*. Ra-rgagu checked al it York Huoiuh to Pail*. ii, \D01t. Cou tor.Wedneeda-, oct a. na. m. 1: U an in E. sm t in.Wedue day. Oct lu. nuoa beck* payable al sight, in amount* to .amt, on the Banuue Uiuttlanuqaeof Pans. .M anil pastageaoplv to l.'/L'is UR ci-: lil AN, Agent N'o. ii Ruwitng Oreeo. KUM AN AND U. 8. MAIL STEAMEBST" NORTH OERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP LINK BETWEEN NEW-VORK, nOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN IN. .. Wed ---I". -".' lilli-, n.sat.,0e«.fl I,DA Wed.. 01 ¦:. i S tLlE t.Wed, Oct ll TI.SOE PASSAOBfrom NEW YORK r-tSOL'TMAMP- loN, HAVREor BREMEN. i.sT CARIN.S100ISECOXDC '.i'.IN'.$60 Sl'KERAOK, KIO. fiurn tickets at re luco I rate*. Propatd -tivrige Orttl- -a,$22. -teimets sall from Pier tatwooa second and idol*.. Hoboken. A. J. . OKLRICHH A CO.. 2 Howling Oreen. .iii\ PASSAOf-$do, aSdandglOJi iiitei-uiediato, «AJ» .i:i'.A«iE.r-'s. Prepaid. S'llT irpasia-40 ic applv to the [NMANSTEAMB.tPOOkj lied.ai ai.'. ..i Broodway, N. Y. Philadelphia o_oe. so. io", soul i-at,___^ ATIONAL LI NF.-Flinn Pier :i:i. N. It. FOR LIVERPOOL AND OLEKN-TOWN. i.VI.'li t, o-r li H e isca S .- t. ia. 2:i>0^m FOR LONDON OlRECl. -i 11, 0 '.1 .1 AN .A ¦" Iii. 2 il" p. nw oin S*S'1 ST 1. oaswari .1 !«.».>* iii riruul s:ttr*|* ft,»JJ. t. A. J. dUlWl". Manager.-j 1 aat, J Broad wayg 1C1FIC MAIL 8TEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE FOR CA I.I FO RN I A. sA N D W ll 11 IS LAN D.-». AN CHINA. NEW-ZEALAND. Al's I itALIA, CEN" tl. ami SOUTH AMERICA and MEXICO. I rom Vow-York, mer toot ,'* i*'-a V. It For San Francisco via the Utan lau: Pa la'OA, A' apl i.co salis Moodar, Oct 1. noaa, mueciuie for central ann south America an t MexlCJ. From son Fr*nel*oo, l*« amt Brannan For Japan ant China O. A O. SS. C Ptlt! sails 1'hur.t.iav, ?ot, 11. noon. lrsiou tia-tMA belwe»n san Fi aadsou au I Voauanuaai special rate*. I HONOLULU, NEW./.EALAN'D.Hld AUSTRALIA, /i A LAN DIAoaUa Saturday, yet 2a. ouariivai of l.omlon mails at san I rauelsco. [relgbt, paaaaiO and geuoral Infoi-malii.u, apply atco*> pauy'soUicoou the pur. b N. R. ll. J. HUL1.A1. sup, rintenaen*. SD STAR LINE. For Antwerp ind Pan* nell rug tr in Non-York ami Antwerp) rory satunlay. ,nti.. .saturdav. .'Cloner d s a. tn 01.M.AND .saiuitur, uetooer IA ^uu p. m nuns, stateroom*, amokiug ami hatlir-snua umldshtps it cabin, ttfoto $'.»oi eii-u.s.mi, jumu Sisft taltal gos, i-xcurelon, #H»./i »toerago. *"-'". tueuaid. $2<t ER WRIOH r a SoN's. Oeiieiai Agonto. M Hruatlwav^ »VAL MAIL TO THE NE 1 'll ERL ANDS. Stoaiudi'* leave Oa'a dIt, foot of susietst, Jereey dlr. Em Amatcntam. [.jrdaui,. Oct.it. 7 ilo a.m. Zaaudam, Oot, KA 12:80 p.ot, For Rotterilaiu IT. A. sith ii.TR n.Wednesday, oct 17, va. rn cabin OdO, Steerage. $26 prenti,1, *'* Mill,, ., H. CAZAUX. Oeneral Agent. 25 SOU« h Vt IIMomol Nell I- DYE.* CO 1,. VV Vli/llltl-, Win'"..,, st.. Fictoht Agts, M R'way. Hen. Pa**. A**j vITFI) STATES AND GERMAN MAIL s 11-. a M F. R -.- II ambur*- Americau ^ke.t.°/>"__t« for PLYMOUTH tLondonr. CHBRHOURO (Pariel. I tMUURO. saturday steamers. Il.tuih.irg direct ia hms. oct 4 sii.i.-sIA...sat. oct ll vAa.rnnr otto HA dal' -st a. Thura Oct il es du'Fariaet.tr*>: PfM «'*om. *1»". Second Cable, Meerage the PrepaM steerage tloksta. f-J'2. Fir** nu-.ai.ii lay (Reamer*, *04 and i, ). Ktcuraton rat** r ,- -ll.,' I. Send tor " 1 Ollllst l' '- . NtuAiturAcO-oe.Aata, !Ca$l Bread ot, N. Y. Kit.A BO a Co., tien Paos. Ak l a.. SI lt'way. N. Y. ,n ti: star li nf. Nin.i'-IAIESA.ND BOYALMAILSTIAICIM 1 HiRC'llEN'sIOWN AND LIVERPOOL, earners of ih.t >luo lake Uni 1.ue Itonta lotsodei tnt Maury, U. at -V. ou botii _f ird ami homeward vovasev ... » _ _ ill! Capt -li- doti . satui'Uv. n.t. ll. St.at nc.'apt PoreoU.';" ,,!'°''."''.,,' .V'.;,0** M \ NIC. ant. (t.-iiue-lt - ..li.ul.iv. '' .. 1 J, -' u)p. at. 'vii Cant. Jennings.Thura., Oct IA maj e. ox t .,.. m i.- 'tn -ti/. " m. in. tl IR] WHITE Sit POOT OF WlOst DUH si. a _ -teatauuurssre unir.jruiiii «i«* tiHUHlraiUM l?*-,'< u.-nts. I,,- -, mi -it nor,, i aa. ¦» 0 Ul ant Hath. mldsh .. where the u na. ,,i mutton gs ila* ada* i ot so ntoti Bl laru aaattMMNa ii:-.-sii,,,,n. fun. foj aui RH., BM »-u itok*«*a ". Stooraj* fruu Ci' J'-1'^' i R--'. >lt trJM York, rid, .inr iiiit'i'i- oattle, sio-i nor plea luape. lion o! pluusai. loll-. toplf »5 tM .tnyautlc^S,,..; Utoatway. fcTfiS&Mb Al*, . BARTLETT A CO., Ageuts. llostuu. i. lt* itlU'lT. Atent U4 souih,JU at. l'tuladslpkiai I

i^Q0VE NEW PUBLICATIONS. Young:Men.Country. RY ^Eltt ... · bbb* d w u be hail apurpose iu flaw, vet the most «V ^hin,. uni tuemost mirthful of companions." il.iatra iBlatortaf the

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Page 1: i^Q0VE NEW PUBLICATIONS. Young:Men.Country. RY ^Eltt ... · bbb* d w u be hail apurpose iu flaw, vet the most «V ^hin,. uni tuemost mirthful of companions." il.iatra iBlatortaf the



l-'mia. pp- flttB »« * Huitun a 4.-0.

Mr. Iloaaut* biography of one of tbe most re¬

nowned of tuodern Orientalists beers the mai ha ol

baale but is not tbe lesa a spirited and attractive

.ketch, lt would hare boen difficult, iuileeil. even

for e wriler lesva accomplished end a frien.l less de-- ,t*d to make uninteresting thrdrewing oi Palmer'*character and tbe story of lila life. I_al thara tier

waa uaconrentional ami original: that short life

wa* lull ttl labor and achievement, wit li a rurio'-i

tangle of ttM aromatic aud huuiorons elements.

Palmer waa « mau of au almost im iediblo capacity

f.r wntk he hsi.l an actual genius for the aeqniei*tionof aliin**flr***a Tli never failed to supplement» muse mu* instinctive ipfnteinttOB si thor

, . . er. by the painful lmlustiv which one expectsI uni' only in a stu lent of the ploddingVtWO.lu,'r inl aaya of linn thai he waa a scholar most

nani'-I BB- resolu e, ¦ tot alwayI witb the heart

ni u b rj ; ao areal a linguist -Bal he stood alone, yetalwa> ¦tfltfll tull ul reliance ll htHteell yet,,s,t MiiniilDti'iai; alwave at work, yet alwaysWith tim. (or leisure ; the most sen. at mau in the

bbb* d w u be hail a purpose iu flaw, vet the most

«V ^hin,. uni tue most mirthful of companions."il.iatra iBlatortaf the New lestament. tltm tain

un..ge fliilfll of Arabic, this lnteipntrr ol

strange now intricate tongues, was not ns a chid .

In-ok-worm. nor was Le precocious. He was of

the middle-class, tito son of ¦ CattM-M school-master who ilie.l ta) early that he contributed little

to tue training of ihe fulme Orientalist. While a

lo-ihle. petted, ami somewhat fiagil* boy at

school, Palmer wai more distinguished for his

clerernev. wit ti his llutrers in constantly _U.*U*gand devising things ami foi Ins gymnastic f-ats

IBM for intellectual prowesa: the only war Inwhich!'* then betrayed the promise of the iiitiirc

jens WM IB bli in :.'peui!ciit :ii(|iii-.ltiou ol Boat*«itv. lie freiiueuteil the g.'.cay tents, lie paid liz*

pence a lesson to travelling iiulsois, and deprivedblffiTT" of bia pocket inc-ney Ul buying frotn dark*et ed gipsy girls a few moro wi.rds to add to his

ISOIhalirr He made for himself a gipsy diction*pjrt. and became posses ed of u taste which be

never lost for wandering with these, lawless and

pu-tare* me people. The BBBinal had a. ways a

charin for bim. Milo not think." says CharlesLeland. " be ever heard a atraugo word or saw a

strange face or heard a strange thing 'that he did

not remember it." The distinguished Professor

Lei .ame a beloved companion of tbeat wild ea*

giants. He twuild sit al thc doors of their tent* andwould talk, thongh he waa a " gorgio." like a Kum--any of the purest blood; " in fact, t hev believed

that lie belonged to them, but that for tome un

known reason he chose to go about among the

swells and dressed like them." They never con¬

cealed from bini their many misdemeanors in tlie

tray el poaching, cheating etc. Many were the

adrenlnres he had BBM»| them with Ins friendCharles Leland." To these .rood folk, says thelatter. ¦ we were always a first-class mystery.''What trish out *p ai>i:ig Romany " down tn tbe

liottniii eui*!"' end rainier', incredibls proficiency attbiiiib eng, -'ringing the i lianne*." piekina pocket*1cmd-sli uping, tliiec-monc, ami cverv kind oflegerdemain, these honest people never could unitemike up theil mindi whether we were a kind ofUrah imus, to which they were as Sudras. or vt bar.Woe to the (siper sharp who tried tho cards willithePrtsjfeeeorl How often hare we gone int- ¦ teawhere we were all unknow ti um regarded asacmi|ilewt green Genttlee! And with what a wonderful airol ltiti'iic'iee would Pilmer, plat tbe pun ni ¦ lamband ask them to give him a spetiiuen of their lan«Baag'-: end when they ts.fated, ox prefeesed them*g. Ires unabls to do so, lmw amiebl* he would tornto am Bud remark la deep Hominy that ire wonmistaken, ami Unit the people "l the leal were oi.lyatiaerabie mnmnereof mizod blood who could notrailer I Once i remember, be said thia toa gip >-.Who ietaliated in a gnat race, "How tlie devil couldI know tbat you were a gipsy, if you come heredressed up lik-; a goff.*> aud looking like a gentle¬man T"When ths boy ralmer 'cit school, lie went di

rcctly Into mercantile life in London, and there,unlike iiost cit/ clerks spent every spiro moment

In learning 1'ierch nnd Italian. The old-fashionedmethods al learning he threw asl.le as usele«s en¬

cumbrances, nnd found his maatera among Conti¬nent il refageee, organ-grinders, sailors at the docks,and selleiaof plaster-cast Imagea .before hew-aseighteen ho bad made hiinsrlf a perfect master ofthese tsvolaiiL'tiages, knowing tho country speech as

well as that of the schools. 1 lure w as uo pttloh ofitaly or Flam i windi he eottld not speak, lie thusBiienrered for himself ai a youth tht method cflearning languages which was to terre him soBBtt tiiiilly in tbe years that followed.

.' Either you tvant t.> learn s Unanage,** lie would¦ny, " or von do not. If jroo do not, follow tbe trevnf the Enaliefa seboole. .-md you will sneeeed. if,botrever, von do-" .and here ho would so onta explain bow il should .tel be studied witboutthe grainuiar, ami with the intention of acquiring,to begin with, the moil important part of tbe actualvocab;.i.nv j bow language*, being Lu groupe, pre-

..b.linties which, witta certain ranations,pra common property ; how inflections, suffixee,ai dfo form, also reeemble each oilier, and thereforecome quite eaeily ta tbe mao who hm begun withtho wiii.-.s. so thal in learning simply how in rend atongue, without opening anj thing more than ¦ die*ti.nary, yon acquire ineeneibly a viii amount olatmnmsr anil ¦ greai quantity of syntax. The trueje, mi, he always lneiitied, of tho brilliant failure

.li un.dem languages wine ii distinguishes ourschools ls that we only appro iota them br tbe aid olgrammar! modelled alter the Latin and (week man*i ind that we mil'take tbe teaching of inflectionand syntax tor tbat of language* Any Intelligentii ranii, 1'nlmer maintained, cnn learn to read ¦Ungnnae In ¦ tow wee.e. ind to sneak il In a fewian:,tiia. nuiess it be Ins lir*i attempt at :.u Orientallai. .i.iage.At twenty and In the enforced idleness of conva¬

lescence alter severe illness in Cambridge. Palmerbegan tbo sttdy of Arabic. The incentive wat hisacquaintance with Bye! Abdullah, a learned teachercf Indian languages who caine to the universitytown to read with a class of men who wire goingont m.the Indian Civil Service. The conversationand the writings of this able Oriental MinmiPalmer's imagination ; he began to leam the Arabiccharacter; tho taite bec imo a p.nsion, und fayedAbdullah foundthat he had a pupil " not only apt,but with an extraordinary natural genius fer I miern lanngages." Painui never resumed hie clerk*Ship ; there ts always a demand in England for tbsliterary un.l Bedlgoglnil ser.ire*. of Orientalists,nnd he pursued bis studies.entering at last theI'niversity.with a fervor which quickly brought |him helpers and employers. At twenty-six he wassaid to lae of all Kurnpeans the one most thoroughlyvt-Tsed lu Pastern languages, lie became a notabletranslator, pmfesaor, and explorer of thc sa'.'red re¬

gions of tbs Baot B ichol.ir aud poet with a strang,©dash of tbe boy and tbe actor. .* He stood,"' writesMr. Stanley Late Poole, " in strongly marked con¬trast to tbe other scholars of bis time Most of them" were brought np upon grant..n nad aJetionariei;b-learned Arabic by the eal ami mouth. Ot lui*were careful about their conjujitions ami syntax;Palmer duned to the root of all grammatical rules,aud spoke and wrote so and f.o because it would notIx -jtoken or written any other way. To lumetrange idioms that a book student could not under*Stand were perfectly clear ; he bad libed them him¬self lu tho desert again and again, liewas a linguist rather than a philologist, nndbe had the merits and faults of a linguist."Many interesliDf* stones are told concerning

I'almer's experiences with strange tongues. Oncethere was a burglary in Cambridge, the burglareescaping and leaving no clew to their detection surea tiny piece of paper oddly marked. Palmer e. assupposed to knoiv every language under tbe son,and tbe police brongbt him the scrap. He haprenedto be acqnetnted with the character; it was " Yid¬dish,'' the language of tbs German aud Poliah Jew«, aenrioae mixture of Hebrew and of (Jermsui. The noteannounced that " there was another crib about tobe cracked " ; Palmer read it to the ptlice, and theburglars were actually canght at work. One daythere esma to the Pro lessor au ill-spelt note fromjVfancbester. ¦ Iiear Sir," lt said, " can you readtbe encloaed I Yours truly,-"The enclosed was a short flffflBBiinl in Persian.

Breseutiug no difficulty. Palmer replied that it wasb warrant or ticket lor certain gooda. *>>-ttiu^ lortli,In the name of Allah, tbat UM baie willi win.ii it.ame contained ao n-anv yards of stutt, oi suchequality, made by mich a mamiluetuivr, and BOfoi tn, a naper of thi' most prosaic kind. A nay ortwo after he neut oil hi* translation another letter I

I came fi on*, tho same correspotid»nt. It enclosed a

teu-noniul .loto, with tbe words r." Dear Slr, Hooray toroid Cn inridge ! Tins wns

what the Oxford chap sai it was. "tourstruly,-¦Tho "Oxford cbnp" wns rt little wideof the mark.

"This very cm ions and most interesting doti'tnent, '

he said, " appears foflbc a copy ol an ancient I'i rat <n

inscription, mrohabl/ take- limn ¦ tomb or a

trinu***bal coiutnii. li is, however, verv incomplete.lt lent. ne j.ltowe i 'in tne nants of God. ibis-was made |or erected) Ly [name i.mettam]in the year [unci rfnin). lt is one fhonsand fourliuti.lrvil and sevenly-livo . . . Jong, ami iTttBhundred and thirty . . . broai!; ind klHere tbe m.uni. citiit nbnipt'v cal-." The name oftbo O.ferd MhO.U' wa md given.Aa a traveller in tho P.ast, Palmor lind .1 re¬

markable influence over tho tribes whoso lan¬

guage lie spoke, and w linne dress lie wore. NotbIwuvn, however was ho safe aiiiong theta." dm c tinting Ins fir-1 vi*it to the Eail he Waa ledass.tv ny a tlBMbernat guiilo and betrayed min

il; power of a gsiug nf Arab robbers, v, bo intendedto rob and kill him. Tba flaJ before the luwhen it wastoo late to n-lrcat, lie r'ceivid al i'ni-

m:i* un from one who bid qn**v*relled wi h theotherias tn what was to take plaoe, \ er* soon hiscuidors.lor snell thev cfloc'ivelv were.bega, tn treal himrudoly. lie B.toted tn take BO ii'dice ol this, aile::

thc basalts bl.anteBtofn pointed and finally unmis¬

takable. As if it liiul oe. uru'd to liim for the firsttime, ho sprang up in a 1 age and curi-rd them nil.* ihia. to .!,:> jj,, rurel; and drawing from his

pocket a le'ter fi.uti in English lady, he exclaimednbefio.ti.*ed it, 'Dawn oa ymir knees roudogaund B..the DB..WlitiBg of the sultan.'1 ..nd downwent tho whole tue.' hundred of them on theirf.'c s. uttcilv subdued. 'linly, I think thal theArabswhoalnw.ltitn al Inri mutt bare bren tbemeelveireauurkabla, for no ordiaarjf (Mental conld havereel1 od Palasor'iei traer-inary personal inflnonoe.1'When (inring A rn bi'a rebellion tho llritisli Qor-

01.mont became coiicenifd for tbe eafe4y of 'heSue/. Canal, it -.elected Palmor aa un ambassadorto tlie Desert sheikhs who might ho prrsu (ted todisown Alain and to maure the (anal from lestmo*tiou. "Alone and single-handed," says Ins b ogra

plier, .' he induced the tribes to trust his piomisee,to rise at bia bidding; to guard tbe Canal; to line

it with guards If neCOBBMy; and if culled upon tu

fight Arabi's Nile Bedawiu with lilts- Ihonaaudwen.'' Palmer's death at tlio bauds of tho Arabsended with a ?rai'say Ins snuroeeful miaaioa. ltremains a .mystery: no one knows whether themurder wai enneed by ebanee ami the blind ragsof desert robbers disappointed of their gold, or byorder of Bonmbody in power. The oande draoh tbeblood of as brilliant ¦ scholar as Kaglaad o.wicil,und way it was shed may never be known.



An one tlie must lanorlBBl f« it ure* of thia publication mavbemenUianedUieCULOKa.UPA ls. F \is,i, ,.> PLA 1..i-nini; l> i.i KI,IN WOOL PATTE K.N's, EMB09MKD1*. DE8IONI4, BOW BELL*. ABT WORK INaT ICCI 11 CUT OUT DKBIGitS. Site FOUlt-PAOE UVMCSUPPLEMENTS.

Kn. Ii 111 Dthlv l«sn*. contains ninctr-slx page*, of oitjtlnalm.itt*' br ponai ir willeri, and some ton r. ciirh: 111nsi1.1t .bromine- artiaia. aUaa vainable coileetton of talrteea oltbe best tuelia.lu-s Irom Hie Leal io iipoeera.The LADIES' PAGEBara aepeeiall ». :i it rae ri vp. containing

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PADV.S METKOPOLITAN BUSINESS I 0L-KJ LEok. iso Hast 14tb-et At iheihi K.linly s«.Hints oflils 1'oileRo jounr and mlditle-ayed psraosa receive,In thoiborteal tims unu al ibo lowoet rate*ot tuition, tborongbBatrnctton iu bookteeplns. comaiei eaIcnlatloaa,len^uiinslilp, correapouitence, pbOBOflTapbi and* ii.u.ieeirepanttien for buslneas._PLASSICAL -TMATI!EMATI AL SCHOOLU of

ME88RS. V7ILS0N ,V Kl U.NOS. WhW IM OTU AVE. (45 . Jlss'f.i

f-rviTith year begins September '.i. Ii ..-.l uniurpassrjin iboroogb and biu.it praparadon foi ooi.eg* and cientlrtoei.oi'i. I.iii taoalnesac inree, modern lan*-ua«;es, elemeotar/,ii-a. Laigeuai! well.voiilllateii c. « I.ie.


HHARL1ER INSTITUTE.L/ Uu Ken! rm Parlt. . I

108 Weet V-.h-at., between fifi ind 7m aves.iOAIltil.NU AM) ii.Va ..aCHOOl, PO HUV.S AM)

YOUNO MKS OK 7 lu 90,Prepllfea fe' -1'l.tl S"tl)0'iS. M'ist.otiit Nsval Aa*-1" ny, an>l ba*l'i",s. rreacb, 'inrm.n.I'uniah apokea ami uugbl tboroogblr. .e* bulldlnrsrecioilpurpossii. (be oest-eitti-saped prlrati iohool ii iherorld. la'extacliDjl ve*!'-in i"yi Heptemb ls. m.t.

Pmf. I I.IK t li A KL ILK. DiiBCtor.


LR. J. HACH-,Ko, 3h West ..liihat.,

UOPXHa MONDAV, SEPT. 17.Tnorounth preparall ni In . aaa [en " tUf HA''Alli', rol.t'MniA and CORNELL,' ami . eiifldc irhoo'Jil)'oixanlzeil bniliiDts couri), l'HLNCH aad (il*.KM A I>rm lniporunt fetturos of regular ephesus of Instrn'Uo.ILW BflLIJlNd. porfoct In saaltary arran* lOSSata

\ OB ANDWELI BQPIPPEP Ul 4.NABIP.I.\\ S. EVERSON'8COLLEGIATE SCH001*.I ". ornei t.11st. anil itb.»v, upi.,-ilia Reeerrou.ark. reopena *<ept. 20. Hbortb.eena tl.oio. -uiy niaeieie.ltcfors to foilowliiK putroua.ioi. i i..ii.i . 'Un l'.i v. Iii,, .ul oiby,in-1:.-I. boinaailastlnrii, Tba Rer< ile 11 is i.iiimiiet.ii I:.-, ebal Knox, Ute Her. Proi K.D. Hltcbcock,be Kev. Pl t (. I.. I'leiitlas, 'I'lie Kl-T. K. N V*.'!jU...lie Kev. ll.HN.r.l llllght, ililli. Pl .'. A. lillggt,eome A. ilobl.ne., Itobrtt Win

17 (J. IRELAND'S CLASSfor BOYS, Na llL . West .t'Jlliit. .Aiiliiinu tenn opein lal.flBJ". flapinlier'^0 Nlimber UualtoL Mr. litUml .il. bo at han,l-ptembei 18.

LIOLLADAY A- 1 I I'l'KK'S Si-liool for Hove,1 No. 96 Wool t8d-et.i enreful ami Iborvingb preparationil l.e-t e.il et,' a I.linen le! |.Ilpili ll,, lt. ii tlie t.e-t adVB.¦lajealnerery reapeot is.., .er ii


IQHN McMULLEN'S SCHOOL [,-62 Broad*"way, comer ir.'ii-a' ti : 17.

m.* *4'i lot-iii'll Miaanle . 0*00. lrtuia s at Putnem'*' 'A ' *'


I ll. HORSE'S 81 Hool. Foi' lioVH.t .Bo, u-j Weet Tblrly-elKbtb-at.iieojaen* Beptomuaw 2S.Tbe Pilnclpal la maw al bu.o.




:i;HptBos. ,

IWin il

i\tbii.i j



For Bov* ind Youn» Men.City. .


Tl t e*tmiri»tton of einrtldatei for .<lml«»lr.n will Vegln on

WI DH aDAV, sept. M, at MM i. m.

OMitoatM c.nidlttoued lu JuuolMtwtli prca-i.' laMMMttfBIat thc aamu tim ..

r.SMaitefti ¦n*na»M*nti th- coi.m-.i\.t-itsrVOB WOMSN will pe-cnt UMMWiVM »t Hil (MUg* "li

TOMDAY. flatpt Ut a: lu a.m. cm-ular* ot luf"i tn ii i->n

brill Ml .»; ;>1Um'.<':i.1.111 .ii.i.. mi ORADUATI DXPARTMZaTT will

prMWtthMf Alpteaeaa letta PmMMMi *t tk. tan. <m

FRIDAY MOIUffMG, taft, *"-<. Circular* t.tobllag UM->f Itiniuctii-u tor liic Mnll| )car may If I


SCHOOL ol' MINTS.Candidates tel taMleelM I" ur om of 'h* t!x regular

collive*, vu. Minion Urine iring, CivilAnalytical .ill'l A pp led CUm Mtv. QojMOgr, MetaAn ic run au il Military liii'.'uiM Minir, will pr.-.f r lhem-¦bivi tu iialaiUoo ¦¦ Pl jAV, sept, 34, et wisw a. nv<'uuiliilaie-icuudili.Mi-.l-u J ii.io UMtWUl Ml WIMIIWl Ml

thebault- Uh

B4 HOOL OP POLITICAL srn-.VCF..Tho intrfKiif- ol thu school is to eive s rom- let .. rv ral rte t

pf ail tin- tanja K uol of luterna! an external public inu't,I, nm :!,!¦ Iii: t in.it Man liin.m -.( lil-.to. .-. law anil phlln Ophy.Candida Ot lot m.il rle H.ti.nil will proeeol Hi -ir Ofrd ira M

lo iii-- Proudest, al Um College, on PHIOAK Huum.vu,Beet. SA

Thou »t Meeton of oma ot tb etan iotaeJe will bMO.MiA i >t. 1. M H lila. tn.

r. a. P. BARNARD, l.t.. rt., PreafdMO,41>th end ."-i-th <ti. Madison ead -uh eretv, Kew-York Ct tr.

I YON ic GILBERT'* CLASSICAL H Iii iOL,MJ ilH ,'itii-avr.. will reopen Sept. 20. Papua er* propel ¦'.tboioughlr fur tin- beat rollogee and aeteuttn. tel.lt; '-sonrparttnenta BenlOI anu Junior, each lmtlt>d to Oftern puuilfc.Tho Principal* will bee! the achoo! after dept. lo.

MISS MILLER'S Prunar* Class for Boyswin reopen al '-'l -' Weal l2d-aL,on11 khDAY, Oeiober <:.

YORK SCHOOL ol' LANGUAGES.JJEW-1,4*1 BROADWAY (Comer of Forir-thli

A i.liitll.l-<-.;..¦i'd purpose ol niling pinn i thoroughly, br ii- be-lm. Ihode, oreo I na prole* me' j ur-tultt. The plan of ino ruction com "lue* private tuition .¦ iiila -iiii.i I'l.-'.i-.ii.ir, dei>arUneoJ tor boy* flout eight toeleren year* ol ago.

i-ir catalogue* containing fall Inioraetioprincipal*, n vi: Y c. mu J

_LUAKLEM C. gil .' ''¦>._PREPARATORY SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL"!1 MjiII-iiu itv and «i4th-at., nts foi-School nf MlBrene I nat :i ..' ai ',¦ - .. .:,.. A c i.i .v, iateEngineer orpa l ¦-. Nm and Prof. Naval \ci-lr.iy.

|>.\< K.\i;i>'- BUSINESS COLLEOEJ WWI Broadway, le the apeiropoilteu ami eoemopollien trbooiif t hr count rr. ii-'ic .ir--1 -n -hi. in til-- moat eflbookki ping, erith lette, commer. la tw, <.inti ri lalipondeme, pcnmanthlp n.t. baaineei idalia ge*,ii mi -inn, li uni, iv, »-writing and the modern un/n .-.

u tena foi clteeuir. kV s. PACKARD. PreMdevt,

ST. Louis College, 134 Weat 37rh>st.-->Selecfcuiim ic sch "i. nit language*, complete bu

mateo. Wera njch. l.ipht nruoteUca. Term* moderati

TPHE NE~W-YORK LATIN SCHOOL. No. 81 Baal 4 7 u «\. reopen*. Monday. Hepvernber it,a-ardlnc putin Bead tor circular, v. Dau.mKY, i'tlmlpai.'PUK COLLEGIATE SCHOOL.1 T'J Kadlaon a»C upai 1'Uh.Ki. t'liM.im''' to ( ("litral ParkI.ii N ¦. J a-i LKIth-lt). Ur. il l; CIlAPl ..''.¦Soreciiicfiiiiv in tr for eolleaeor baeineM prtmarTUe :trt-Hem: <rvi"ii.i.iiiiiu new handing ootnpietJ lu ito appoint-rina, ratra ol m.t.mi ininti riie 64tb achool yeer be¬

nni vV'edeee<iaj, dept. IB. Circa ai ion eppdaaiton,I [NTVEKSI V GRAMMAH SCHOOL, No.VJ 1.4«1 Broadwar, n--:ir IJ.i *t 47th year. l'nrnaiv,ninini mu ann flaeeicai i"-, .'i tm. DI .

M, M BOHHY, W. i, akin, rrfaeuiela* \\r\f. W. RICHARDS'S Behool for Doti.* reopen* Hept 24, al iii limited to

ii eojapleit grmiieainnt nend for i-in-ui u-."

For "Yourie: Lacuna.City.4 t Miss..-. PERRINS1 SCHOOIa, 2,021 Fifth-r\ arc, New-York, reran \% paplU, prr yoar,4UU. willi 'ii I-..', r ld I.

4 -MADAME ROCH'S SCHOOL! 7i:i Mi.li-.%» Hon-aviv, roopent sew 24, Dnatael tai Bee tor cjntn-ii-.inir a i-iicnii. weil-balanc. I edooaUon. Kxceileut opper-

and Kine Art* Madame iioch wmt :i reta htorope on or before n pt, i".

ALLEGE OP MIDWU ERY, 119 Rod 451^ Ttii-H-'.. Rew-Tork, la lae only (mfrhd lin ,; 'i .1 '1 :' r enfen '-ii Un diplmua of¦ADCATI Ul MinwiPBRT.Boord..Hos. Preaklln a. i. Iton, kfa] r nf !fi «-Tork) iirr. t"hurlr«i-.'r.Miiv. Ber. li -ti rv M Wilber V. VYetktat, D, Di,

nu. Chicf-Ju-"'.!' M'-A-I'iiu, ll ii.

idgeCli L. Ia la, M. n.. Pro-M ii, M. a. lu ls r. Dewaea, M. I'.,

taakP. Pootor, M. IX, HoreeeT. Baa -. at n.. Anea Bebeeek,m;. I'r-'f.'-- ' :.' - 'I li.iilv M. li; I'-,,., i-.ir.lnlin AKl'.-f M. H.,

Pot) at, Ir.bit I-. iletal r. M. I".

i '1,iar. Free bj audi

^IRLS' SCHOOL, 9 \V.',i JOtfj-aUj\ reopem Oct, 4ANICA C. BRACKKM IDA bf. ELIOT._

kllss REYNOLDS, feitrlii ?oarn teacher ia"I MMe Uainei* MenooU, en West Portjr-flftb-eti Brat. Sa.

diss GIBBoNS'S Eosrl sh nod PreachWost 47tb-tc. roopena Sept. 29,

,11.:. «<LiSBURY, 29 K.m Tifli-st., coroer'i M. av. r. iilisi' u.'l Uar Behool wal retren

wlRS. JONSON inni MISS JONES, Boanfl and Daj bctu ol forYiIt-at will ie n|i. ii s,.|,t,.[i.ii i tua ., li c; a ii- rr am!nnvi.it-' Di i-hi i'm '.ii - M i.-i

J KS. WILLIAMES' ENGLISH Hud FRENCHri sc11o-ii. lor M'iM. i.m-1 i.s ;¦ i.i 11.:.i.iki.s.

i' .¦ an 1 lil-1 .: V. K0T, 1. ll ». DI ..lilli

LfESDEMOISELLES CHARBONNIER'Sfl Preach Protrttani itonr-linr and Dar B hoi for vonni

'.ay, October 1. I'hotoagho. .; e In all tugUah

JRS. J. A. <: ILLAHKH v ill reopea berII ig and Dar Bi

a< 'i ".. Octa ber -'.Ai NO. WWJ M.\I)|mi,\.\Vi... r.i. ;,ii'ii-.-.

Prep Mt lou tm college il .U- ir- .1. A limit[or doti nuder ten

J1SS RAINES AND MLLE DE lANON'1 aneceededbr KVB. D' <»hkmii:ci\ VO» TAU »Krn mi.i.k. ni; BRUYN KOPii [aiproved nitching, Beni »a applloaUo Addroet Nu. lOUiirk.ilLLE. RUEL ainl Miss ANNIE BROWNH will r^oii-'ti Un ir French uu-i Knrlltb Boarding andirBchoi '. 5

tod 71 rm a vi:...nw Central I'ara.

Btudunu prepa m. Uuileglate examluaUonalf desiri I.

IRS. RAWLINS' ENGLISH, FRENCH and'I Hi:uM\N Boatding and Day Behool for roting ladleell reopen septemoer 24*1 *o. 8 ia--., tn-t" Mi-. O ~.

ilai v^rina. Prim- . lt the arl ool aller Septemberliss .1. !.'. WREAKS1 HOARDING AND1 DAY BCHO0L POR Vul'Vi LADIBfl AM) (lill,.H..N. ."-j ;hi ;,¦ nber tl. <'ont.itruction thorough an I complete -; in paid toithemaUci and langa-.et Kludcrgai u -. -« lAuterlcani.- .-I -v.itcm reopen* >. tohIMF.. C. MFAK-'SI 1 \'.!.|sil FHK.MII A.NIKII.HMAN' IlOAItlilNi.

A^M I'A^ SCHOOLir V-uin? Iai-llxa Ifoanded 18401, So, -"-'- >Ia-li»onaTi\,.w-York, raopena Wedneadar, Itwd, Prenetithe language "i the ' nliy an tonool; lecture* la tugltoh,ruell and '.-'iniin br 'ii1'1 peela! attentionld lo i-:o*iisli and Frent h Primary Department,

Mm-. a. . mi \ itu. Prim IpaLIlls. SYLVANUS REED'S Boardinx nod1 DnyRcnooltoi YoongLadtea, Ne*.8and 8Katween Madison ami 5h mu 1, N.Y. In the Collegiatejiiiiiiiiciii the com.titudy coln ldc* with thal ol aaub*ned College*, ami the examlnaUon* aterqnlralent Til-ry ami Preparmtori Claa«e* re tire careful training.r-urh ami norman practical^- tanght. Rrery pupil U nuder

ni Mrt. ticed.liss WARY HARRIOTT NORRIS, 46I i.aat istb-at re ipen* n ir -i -ii il fa Yonng I, idle* tu itteaoet ld elaaee*toradalt* Nor.lt prep* ttlento Va*-

I -v. siniii, ,ii i narrar 1 eva ii mi adrancedlae*, :n Art,LtteraturcScicoceand Mathematic*; unuraal

ii MoJern Language* aid Un*la hoar-ltn^.TON. .N. J.

IUTGERS PEMALE COLLEGE, Nos. 66l niel f« Weet BSth-tfc <inir chartered Oolleg* fur

¦.¦.T.-, mk. l-'aliy equippeil In ali Department*boarding and day pnnll*. am. mualo. Kindergarten. Acrm npi ai Beptembet 2d Adi!re«»

s. u. lil r.ciiAiui, a rt.._Prcslilc.if.

niiryflsSES PliRINE,"""No :ih Etat T111. «t.

r ii.'i um! I mob sciiiini foi Young Ladlee, Thorough.mc Tho namban* ol tenidant iuiii.»iiunie-L October 1.MIF, Missen GRAHAM (satNNMsors to thoUleeeeORBKNlformerlf ol No. 1 Kitti.ive., mn ¦-«-

ti their Kngilthand Preneh Ho inllug un May bi hool toringiadle«on rilVRBDAY, ti nberi7, at Na 03 Ptfth-l,Hew*York city._'HE MISSES GRINNELL'8 English ind

French School for YOUNO LADIES A'.'.'i i.ITTTXBLt, 6* Ena) Mtb-al (taodoer*from Madlaon-are.). wu.nen October L Tnoroagh c. Lecture*Ait, se;, ace hu 1 Lit >rai ire.ill department*. Separate cia^tea for hoya october li.idergarton.rAN NORMAN' INSTIT! TF. foi. .v.mmir la-

die*.315 Weal .">Tt «.., New-York, win reip*il.-:.,. DU. A MMI*. VAN NORMAN. Fnncl

OUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN AKSOCIA-TION.7 Cn-t l.'.iiiHt. Free elatee* In book ki

tina-, phonography, retouching photo- nogatlrea, «toarrapha lie.- elrculatlng ilbrary, readloe-rooma, endml-Hr. i-i-.rv. InarmoUon In ti-ul an machineKind* "f needlework given mu tn wooten- also ulina-ia found foi \."ii!-'u lu all departmeaU except hooieholdin-.Hil- cIrks fci women .-vetr Baadey ut fl p. m.

J WE8T 130TH-8T..The Misoes JacoTs9 a- ho--, foi yonng ladle* t-dal couraefot ronug ladle* foi coii-ko <>iatninatlona.

-lin Kindergarten and Primary liepartatoia.ai ti- preparatory i lasa .'or hoy ¦, from lu to19,_/lu MADISON-AVK.-Mi,. ROBERTS and¦IO Mia* > i LKKfl i French Mchooi

IlltUegtrla. I'liinarv cluat ujul'T kinlkei a l-iaouul cato. AAraaetM clatac* for pott grad-

For Both Sexas.OitY.T PR0FE880R DI CROQUET'S (erndu rt tofrom PerM) 1 rem h eonToraaUM le.illy hri|iilred in

ie iimiiiii*. liennsu laaght by Mra. Ducroqnet, Claaacani vate Ugh eat rufotenc, .. ni i aat lilli'.LOCUTIQN.-AUeUlde Hicli! reader andteacher. Yoke Culture a Specially. Ho. 241' Weat*U«wL


















I! ll-lill


V1 .<


JrifltrnrHon.For Botii Sexes.Oitr.



CtaMteofor la-llosaui! rmiileiiioi In Kn<ll*i. Fronch, nee.mai Italian -punish, orrek and LaUo. Modem laugu*r'»*b.iuht' r native tra. h-rs. In ibu afternoon special .-lesseei\' 1.1 si V Kl.Y furl idle*. Kvonin* classes for eeiitlo u > 1.

Iii.-he.tot teachers mrnlshol fur pel vate lustrucUon olth*rat the notion! or at the pauli'« r.si lonee._

BPBCIAL DEPARTMENT!mn, I'uitllsh Llteretitio. UUtory.

ii'iicehums3 todp. m. ftaoiroolara¦drtraai

pF.I'OKK's Now Fn-ni'li Method..LeasoiiaI * y tho AC I'llOll free dem -tutriitlon pronunclatmi. jI'n.iv.'i-.ii.i.ii more acquired in om; mouth than lu tlueebrui<\ ni,.e. ., .ii-iii mi payment io advance, cnnse, fori. ichers ii.-.-. lava. Ki ii ay a; spei lal U-iui*. 31 Kasl 17th-»t.,Colon equi e.________PARLLSLE INSTITUTE, 572 Madison-are-V> cor. Mtta-st.. New-Yere, (Oeotral PM.i Hnir-iins-amidav achoo! ir vi tog i*U*4 ii! o ul ire i. rii-n-.ru onliest-

.i--ui at i le iti ii natta mt iii depart, n na

'i ci- langoora of tn nstaoi Benaan, Latta ml- ,,i.-ii. Aero mn ilaiinm for boarding p Hula uusur-

paeood. er H rr i ii i it -. Bl : ir: j i. Uta y W newt, JA.

fACKSON KEMINARY, 813 and 515 Eaat. " 1 .'"Hi st. . Int'1 h Frau li and Herman oat-ding-acaoolfoi i-eiiginii « indodianni doelrabiolocation ; ot.

idfair ground* i lenna, #200 to S80u par yen*. Foelie-liars p|ii i-1> th-' seminary. Koonana Boplemuel i:i.

\|I8S WARREN, No. 71 Wist 17th-st., r.--i*l open* the boys'departmentol her scimol Sept 21.younc ii in .' nop'iLinen! Sept. 2d._MISS 8. D. DOREMUS i. >pons her DAV

HCtlOOL »or TOURO LADIES ami OUUli--,"!,, i a. at 47 Kast Sl0t*et,


ni KL KINDERGARTENa td e ententary .lune* lor boys and fi ri a from St* io

ir* old. >. .,r" for klodrrgaltau teachers.... Xo. 7 lust J-M st, Kriuli-aia I'ioi. J. KHAL's and-. K ll \ i'--'-ii, I.I


MESDAMES D'OREMIEULX VON TAUBE1"I ami i). nm nv Kui'-., ¦neeeaaon t-i th.Bainee and de Jaoon Inturo*rd method separate

mi. school open* september jo. No.li»Oiaui«icyPark._\l.ss CHISHOLM'S school lor GIRLS,i»l Tis Ma,iiion ave., reopen* MUNDAY, Bentember 24,toop

Boy* la«*e**eptrate. Pabue acboot method*.m.ni will be al nu,ii ",i .¦ ii er 17.


l\| Rs. GRIFFITTS will reopen her Eddish.*' I trench and loman Der Behool tor Yoong Ladlee ami

eoon Ve lo* til ir iepie o'te td. a 411 Modlaon-avoL..i eu ira ie ei om ol W

MME. DA SILVA it MRS! BRADFORD'S.' I rurmertf Mr*, >¦- le Hoffhi in'*i v ri -:

uti Boarding and Dar h. iu.il Jor Tonne Ladle*i. No i.," Wr*i .:-ir;i ,r \'ew V>rk. will

ii upon -ii lob it I. Apt-li- limn mar bo uia-le hr letter or per-m.u illy, ai .Uioie.

Miss COMSTOCK" N'-.s. :{..» and :: I Weal40tli-el ii cia rhV ervolr P*r2. English, French and

i...tuan Hoarding and Day rtebool. Ormoaetlca studioi-.:v.,te, as* for young boy«. CbuMe.il Department Thara.

L27.nm u. e. .it I, une iffei .'t '.

\|ME. E. C. SFIi\ All I >' Ts7i.T-s-.ir lot'l Mile. M. I». TAKUIVI Ll n gi lah. French, dorman

¦ god Daj kcbool loi Young nain ¦ anal hlldrooe-i 4Hth-*i. rconem september .". French »i-oko-i

fluently In lu. year, Lectern in French toil Kuglleh i.vpioteeeore. Drawing anti Mnal.

ni palKindergarten.

noam Baa*, -i.i a.d tn primary and ptejaratory uepert-


YEW-YORK NATATORIUM arid PHY8I-11 w s -1 Tl - it, neei 1Mb ac. Winteri-r on, v inaatli * iud ¦ ringi Aci-i i-ss tor adioe and children. Beeclrculart i.nwn rei.al*Han foi wini r

_^_IL <»KuliAJtb.

CELECT SCHOOL aol KINDERGARTEN,CT o 7 Baal ''th <t Reopen* Monday, Beptemoe 17.

ma lu maali extra. Teima reaaooable.


Behool ol Mini-- ii Langa geo,i" West .-j.i (L.oppoai e Kee xvolr.

"he larigua:" * ictneUy epoken tal in a eurprudngly anni-tllinr.

>ay au.i ev.-n mr claeeeii ladle* ami gentlemen achoo!ortesl.lenee.

/u Tue day, October v. .tr .. n. in- oleo Wednoaday B p. m.,a le- mik- entitled

staci: . 0ACH| or. LIOHTN1N0 RXPR-,; Bo . tn ruv.i to Po rlotvfl e.

will he de Ive rd bj Prolesoor F.DMON DO tHTINEAU,.iiuiij-ai Mc-i- haft si hum ni ii.,iel-,i latuguagea,attiie

ucw ela** i'¦ oms, 17 w eaADMIBBION FK.E.

Musici*.FDOAR SHERMAN, Piano-forte Teacher.L_ CbJekering Mall._CHURCH ORGANIST of uris city denirrs nn^J cngag. '-'ii ci Nea v.,r» vicinity. Term* will bi-lade tavorabie by eaily eppilcation good reference.litre** mi tue week, a. E. l.riiii.u, i;,,v jj. Tribune

\? REINBECK'S PRIVATE school ofla. mi -n and la.nhc M-i.-. imi Broadway, anoraIii K,

INSTRUMENTAL and VOCAL LESSON^ja-ivan.cl pupils o beginner* receive most lb

niat.c tralulnc: Qeiman and itali n methoda MMK DEIN.,I, addree* y*M''.. ocbirmer, HS Cnlon-*quiVM. UdSSEJa CASF, Pianist, itinouoooa hisII return nod reallnre* to accept pupils nut cooee

audi eta bli *' ring li

Art Scnooia.Citr.iKT STUDENTS1 LEAGUE OF NEW-V vie

;;4 wi 81 l; ii BTR1R. ,ii- .! nd ,-. Ont. ¦¦.. l, 1483,

tn-tiu' t i:- T. V, Dewing Y. Turner, v

kV lillam Bartain, wiM.m if. Chase, j. .-, iiredenek ine.i ian.Five i.i:-- C-aseee, 2 PnlnUng Bead Claaoea andAntiuue i.a m.i lr; a laecea aud wkefch

.leo-..... ci,i-s iinii Leoture*:. .M.- au ii.in,, areekli.

he o ipp lc dion.

.III JHN FoFF will resiune her elisII li. iWU* p.l tliln i. um r gaioan.1 lay, 0. tobeiudi", 7 tth-ave., comet -j.'.'.-i.-t.

For Bova ant Youi? Usa.CsantraTt LEXANDER INS II 11.' IE.Military board-x in ¦... I., wi. le PUdna, K. V. o. R, wi LLIB, Ph, D.Indi i

a TTARRYTOWN-6N-THE-HUDS6n7N.YhV s. \ K,i's m ci a itv !\-n ir ri:.ii. U Ia 1 li HOP OTAKR, A. M., Prtnototl.

t GOOD BOARDING SCHOOL of forty-four\ re tr*1 ttandlng, cu x"-\ Cork and riolnity,TUOMAB HAN l.o.N, P. c.,

Petuungton, N. J.

lOYSand YOUNG MEN prirately titted mr9 .telle ra Jiallttiael if 111-1»- -. coaehel.mmerorst ... V. UoFfMANN.tOYS received into family for iastrnctioBi

' .' atil pupl.a ad.Iii Cit. -il' I. OF -Cil'llil.-, I .ll.il,l;.;. I.. I.

IETTS MILITARY A^ADEilY, Stamford,'Conn., nu Prospoot Ul ry healthy.iii vcji iii gin* Be ile ber lu Prej u bo foitlneea Fortail intormatlia ¦ nd for caulogae.CAYUGA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY,

/ Atiroia. N. V.MA f. w. a. flint, Principe!

HyTTAGE HILL BCIIOOL, POUGHKEEP-> BIE, N. Y., nroparei Boy* .'i* ii ri-iiii-,'rniiisnt -¦ ,, .;, :,. Q i -. ia. JOHN MILBY,n elpaliVI!. PINNED'S FAMILY SCHOOL FOR" BOYS, Qroonwleb ona. will re -;>»* sept. IB.

.REEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freehold, v. .).-For Boya i.toa Bngllab, Bcleatino, Cla**loal, m.aI

I* |ii. ciIa -Iii:.::-.

IIGHLAND MIL! I ARY ACADEMY,a Worcester, Ma**, 27th year. For tall Information ap-lo c. ll. M KTCAI I'. A. M.. sn; Bnntee

IIGHLAND FALLS ACADEMY (for Roys)I on the Hndaon, one aile aouth of Weat Pol¦illira.-.nd'o.-_CALEB HI sk l- to l-rtl

il'Hsii.N ACAUE.M V..Catskill i.'.:n.u.;excelieal nome foi f-mr bov*. between lu and 14, rn

iii;!, ii family, am', beal educational advantages, k -rmillars, toma, Ai , addree* PRINCIPAL, lox 2, uutUou,


loy* prepared for o...-j, or lot b iain**!.A-l.lte.o KA Vi I'A. BOWE, \. M.,

Pi InclpaL

fORKIS ACADEMY, FOR BOYS, MORRIS-I TOWN, IS. J.- I..-- Academy baa been forthe peat twora nuder the *nrce*eful managemeut «f Mr. ANDKKW F,CST. univ Profeeeor lu Princeton i ollege. Reopone tuewin .1 SHAY, si.i'i. i_. Bnelneee, Ciaaaical and

inrea Bamrdor*received Pot elreuiara applyhe I':!.!- lpai,

CBARLKS ii. PLATT. A. M..Fotiut-iiy of i/r. I'mgry's Bcboo Eiltatain, N. X.

EEKSKILL (N.Y.i Military Academy^-Forcircular..addreoa OoL c.i wrimii i, a. m.. PiAUK INSTITUTE.

RYfi, NT. Y.orhovs, fainua v."ir. HENRY TATLOCK, Principal.


OUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. MILITARY INSTI-'Ini...Dr. Waring's BoardlogBchooL Thorongb.good,et ami propel iii -i i in-- ii I. MUltary not the piliicipai HungENN8YLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY,

ciii.-riiit,22d ft ipteriber 1 -'. Boll ll ri a t.buprriiriipti'iiiit.*ia. civil Eagiueerlagjciioui.cai,' (llabOournaa

Degree* oontorred,_

COL. 1I1KO. HYATT, PreMdoat,

YE, N. Y..Bradford Mansion School. WillBeptOMtal ls. . J. CULLINS, KilnilpaL


ritsfor ant ciiis^.' orOovsrnment v-ials-ur.o^-aspirani'-to:''niie^t admittance reoatea tull prcpar*-for buMaee* andaoeftel rautttoo*. ractloe ami m;inary

recareful atlenuon. A,lire"mr. PRKaiDRKT.

F.MMIT MILITARY ACADEMY. BammlKNew Jeiser, prepares f..r beet colleg n appotutiu-nt*

teless; MOO pei yuar. ALFRED ri! FLLLKit, A. ILirvard i, Principal. _^____^______

RESTON MILITARY INSTITUTE.J \t Weston. Conn, nrthyoar.

.Nimh.-r of hov. hauled, i anna ica,.-liable.pcb, Oeruiuu and Oi-aituh thoii'ilaltly tauglit I'm ctrru-traaddiaaa U*U- A. tv JAR Via, 1-riaulusJ.

ia Uendpro



mat,i i.. ', iiquaii:i'inil ii.i,..





JTnstrnction.For Boys and Young: Men.Country.


INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,Rlver-iL. between (tb and (llb st*.. Hoboken, N. J..

OPENS bVpTEMBEU 17, 1*83.



These tern,* include ll the studlea__

For catii,Bgaoa apply to the Librarian of Steven* Institute.

ft fi*Ml A YEAR for fount nun and boysjV t* ft f nt Mella (Pena.) Aca-lorny. 13 miles fromI mad -af *titloii. I'lul'.'¦¦ nhl t I.i train* dally. Circularsf. swum v. Blfi/itTLinoE. A. M. (Ilarv-trd CollegeOradnaiei. Principal amt Proprietor.

For Youn? Ladies.Countro.CARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for girls


West Bridgewater, Mas*.OPENS OCTOBER 1, Int.

For circulars anJ f Uti particular!, ni ira,* tu* prlnclpaLHELEN ma<; I LL. Ph. D.,Orednareof s.trthmir* Colie.ro, Booton L'ulvorslcr and

m a nu.un i'll.'jd, cam irldga, cullan L

pOOK'S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, for\J youngladlea Advantage! aoiorp ta* >1 uEoituEW.COOK. Pa. P.. Principal Pou<uk<aep*i*. -a". V.I\REW LADIES' SEMINARY, Carmel, N, Y.1' Home-Ilka thorough, progressive New illustrate!circular, with fall particulars. UKO. c. SMI III. A.M.

QROVEHALL..MiH4 Mon Cort's Behool for


young' i lie ¦Wit IVUII,

MISS E.i»I I'.Ni.L

1 IILLSIDE SEMINARY, Bridwport, Conn.-I I. For young ladlee nod litUe gtrto tits ie* graduation,

eand foi Harvard and Colum na examination*ANNI -I'iNK, MARIANA -i.Alll HONOR7.

I IIGHLAND SEMINARY. Sing; Shut, N. Y.,I I will re yjif-ii -epieni'ier Lijj I', n TZend Mi-s r.s. LEY. Prince als.

VfoRRlsTowN N..I.. MISS STEVENSON'Sl»l French and Rnglleh school for Oli t reopene sept MHeel ira, h. r. .iniii.iv-"l ,nr Uluru.<-,'.¦¦. mm.c. pslnUng. AaAliss WILLIAMS'S school for YOUNGI'S LADIES, j", ial.i ,i ,i Wooster Mass,.Krouchami oerman ipoken In the famUy,

MISS AIKEN'S BOARDING AND DAYID OL fer roon* holies, t .ni'iird. nun . reopensBopt, I i. l-i,i p i-Mcul.iis address Miss c AIKcN.

MISS BULKLEY'S BOARDING snd DAYi*l sc ii i,i,r, f,., OIHLH. Tarrvtown-uu-l ie. Hudson willun. en \s l-.l/NKstiAV, .soptonioerlJ. Ad.tress uy lotwr uatllS- pteuilial 1.

MISS N< TTS Enarlish aod French Familya-TI and Dar soi.[for Young La lie*, ;< Wall-aC, New.Haven, c.mn. rho 11th ear i.cini lu irs lay. scptomborIU CllCUIar* .¦ -;l ni.ni. ap,, li



pt '< En irge-l tohioi-ro'ini tad gymnaMam.Lui'-' md attractiverraondia Superioradvantage*lo averylepartmenL Uoaid uni tuition in BngUab and LaHu SttHI/fi annum. For circular* iddrea* the Pi

WYACK SEMINARY N\ uk, N Y.Ls For <in alar* add


RYE SEMINARY, lt YE,' NEW-YORK.IX Knrparlici.iaia a-1 lien

Mrs. S. .1. LIFE

PEMPLEGROVE LADIES' SEMINARY,Sar-¦ 'togaSprings, n. * rweuty-nlnth year beg.n> sepl ll¦nd tor year book iiuu.isi i-iwn, a. m., I'l-esi-ien'',rHF ELMS..Family nd day school for

¦¦lils. No. Ml iiiuti..it, -prl-Kii-I'i, Ma.a. For circular*-h Mtotee PORT-H A CUAMP-KY,

For Both Sexes.Country.AMENIA SEMINARY, for both sexes : $225ra per yeer. L'nsurpnssed aarantagoe. For cironlar adsnog WILLI \m -T.juiiN itaatotrar. Amonia, N. v.

QREENVVTCH ACADEMY, tor both Sexa*>-i S i be nana! Utorary Coan .«. with M isioel fnstltace tn 1n nuicii lil .-., I.-.-,.. Foao.led I-'.'. Inilii.'M deoideUv

.. Home 'mi-" i.i I co nforts. Ohtr nlnflr u-i.oiuinset t Bay. anton ll reel rout* fr, a sew-York r,

toeion Oiaad onuortooltlee fir ttlt-wi ir itttl.-iz mloutlna-.wttn nmiieteni or.-rsi mr. '1 mms mo lurite- itndentaeco.ve tata vtluie catalogue free tor, P. tx BLAKES-¦KS, A. M., t'liucnui. aia-at OredOWlCh, lt i.

| fOME8( HOOL forCHILDREN, Old Bridge,l * N..i. ii", per year.Miss a. e.CONOVER, Principal.

DOCKLAND COLLEGEIA Nyack-on-tbe-llndeon Both sexes,MBA W. Il il WM-, I BR, A. M.

.ul ll JERSEY INSTITUTE,Brid gelou, Noe J.

Botheexea Fall corps ol teach in-tructinn thorough.ina.', r utting Drawing, climate mild, very healthy.in-itiR-ept. lit Ad-Ires* tl. K. TRAsK, Principal.PHE MISSES MASTERS will reopen theirI sol for young ladlee and c ii den. at nobb*eu;,', N, v., -;.;!. I.-. During ino lura uei ra. itlon they '

ave removed into new and commodious imus .acre t--t I-tie. ii. i or the school, and are therefore pieyaced to take aIW tuoie puplis into Hu ir family.

Soul for oatt-

Miscellaneous.URI ( LARS OF ..ooo SCHOOLS FRELs t-|'

ion sqi in

11 eacase state ermin men! -. achool f uruii ureIHIAM OoYlU-KE 6 CO., 31 Last i7lU-

UroolUrm Or'iools.PHE PACKER OLLEGIATE INSTITUTE,l ullin, ;ly> iii-.Diii i.-.

/ .hi bool for 'lei tui.. hui n lohln r ol \ onnir LadleaT.J. HACK!'- Ll '.. I lld il or ti,e Faculty.

-. :- ¦'. 1'.' .'!. 1 -l-.l Cb UrgO* forlitton in ,. ito Li rn ii lil rhicu. No extra lon bj .¦..»., L i'm,rem h. Oerman. Drawiu ral singing. For Iboirty-oigbth annual Caul' address packEu COLLS-lA'l I. INS II il lill. ., N. Y.

tait) Schools.NNI AL SESSION C-'Sth) nf the LnwSchool

\ il rtho cl*r of J *w York .- i

ind euJa .i in-.', a -1, a..I. Vanderpoel, LL.O-,i-alilenl il i.aw Ft ult v. 'or catalogue i, Ac,,

:' RU --.-I l.. 171 nulli ir, o. M. B. \ ''...-.iii-ury of Lan Faculty Bryant Building. 83 Llbarty-stCOLUMBIA COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL,

''iii .".. ne ir .da ii' ra-avarhotwenty-elxthoional tenn of thl* viii co-n-

II,.' mi Hie Urti Monda* of October, 1*13, lithe Law'.Baal illili.ar., li .:'.. t'i aui Madigan

es., nor h lida and wUl OOOttlU* UUUI I ni". Uti.nm cooroo ol (tody embraoei twu ,-e.ir.a. andu lou?uo lt»ra run ¦ id anet.ate iiiati-u u>u lo lau pnnelptoJ a 11 praj-

nt the law.gaea .vc, a.i Iron ¦¦- tb iva.


DaiicitLi Rcaoemtef.LEX. MACGREGOR'-

L ll.1 th-,tc sui Vt .:-!i-t,i private lesnons1 ci-n-ei in dane! ug. sec cir. >.

LLEN DODWORTH'S School for Dancing,k. No. 681 I'uiii-.iv.-., tv.11 .-U.10U aal "lailft will num¬il ,,ii -ii ur,I.iv, ii ... [J

'ARL MARWIG'S SCI iol for DANCING.Bl Ma '..-. -.ia-..-. -.: ., na i, tuber 'j. send for circa-

IF. ROBERT s. MANUEL will resume his' aanctu* iati il 'ovember I7.nt hi*

uis, 5u \\.a' .. il >t., m iwce ilma Iway ami ..ll. ave.

tc .tc i,. rs.

N ENGLISH LA >Y. who teacheg thor-ougn fcngilsh, French. Ot-i rad moate. deatre* a re

Dither resident or ur few hour*delly. Ad--..v.. ax so, Tribune Uptoi ie, 1,28s Broadway.MERIGAN and Fl l.'olr.AN TFAl'HFKS'ni REA U aappliee without charge collegee, schools un. t

lille* with ihoroughlj - wura, prluclpalaa Families go!"-: ii ri fl ur to the e,mut iv

with au; erin tun r.. coi ipooion* and gov-.--ea. -ni on or adare* i LkokNDRK. l.lttsLiiiw.iv, New.York.YALK ORADI'ATE. ni I'Mxricnc.-Vl in-.tructor ana private tut attire* aa engagement ol

or moro hoara natlf A. Ueee W. a., Ttlbana utii.-e.

HARVARD r.; 'i:i ii -. with po ><! referencosdoalrei private pupil* or a pn.it mn m ¦ ichooL Addn m

H., Bos 12. ii.ii me toa n .;..-, :.j.h brooda yr,N EXPERIENCED (FKMaN TEACHEX

ito ol Cnlveiaity o' Rot.n, deelre* furnished room(change for Inetrnctlon. addree* K.L., Tribe

\ l-l tim; TEAcITErcharffea$20 <7i.iT.ter tor oneooarnoo a wook, *i-'fo.- two, and noon. Thu

ilonoonalatiof tour hann, two of which ero devoted tobemaUca htatory ami llieiatur-. ant ooo tu I lnuuagemob, Oerman or Latin), and .-u- to music .vf..e.i na-

-i- 'ii a. a ra; Cit ul 00! ,' eau -lallv «u:paa* lu.itity ami iiimiitvof workaatadrni inaaohool. Pi.-aeut

ipili «;;i -i'.:, thl* Aisi ito.¦.;.i.terma Addles* .. I. d si K, !i Pu

'..vu. V V '

RADUATE NORM VI. OLLEGE U pre¬pared to teach all Eupil-h tnchoa, matheniatlca ui.dman. Addree* TK0ROC .11 ti.huuo L'plottu lillico- Broadway,ADY "i experience! . loreig- travel de¬ane* position a* vuinag ibor.Engllah branches,

neb, mi-ie- leet n epeoialty. renee*, t ali or address'. at

iss IIESSETSU W .'.. supplii i .''1111"ttoacbora tutor*, it ¦¦ i-.ni, lingera hmtte-

e. ch ii ffavor lim., it, ., Pith and ex-sec. Kvorte.

ARY Ii. RUNYON, i. rears lenci er ot.tin giro pit-

. loatruotioa: Miecij' rat-1 for ichool*. 401ll J-,1 st.


RIVA 1 il I il i ION hj ii Yale sra lit Wm. M l..v or, DiD.i "-

e cher,eminentlyqualll dtoln enthnslaam.'* lamg¦rirtici In preparing tiudeui* I r > ,. ami tot pnue,.al life Addreea oTuma, Trie Dptowa OMoo,l.tMMway, _


ma. h.uiik.Ni > fi rn rf. 27 I uton square._EACHER ..i VISITING OV ERNESS..R>eyooog lady; apeak* tier ¦ otoh and Kngllafa h.* 9

rlence; wantatltaalio < ilhollc family ur url-school, uu-iiieittoiiaulo I iv.ee*. CO-LPE > N i'.

un* u tilca







I Un



Ci V,M. i






BR 1.


IVs~ V1st

Lim'ni-l IRt HHI I.Kat

tun-Cahirgre llKC

. li.




|.ll||,l.roomileii-ifal aaaRA1

New-1 ll-!or

<- .I..,'



1^VJT0\i^Q0VERY_^Eltt.~TEAfJIT?m,Maalc.art. nailing and real-lent tnpplled free to sea.piovera E. MIRIAM COYHIERE A co.. ;il Kaet 17th et,.union sqntre._

U TOR..Geiman g ntletnan with StZScity references, wants position a* visiUng 1010." tod

ronipsnlon for hors, «,lorrimer, llnr tb -lr sui Ile*. Ao. Ad¬dress EXPERIENCE. Box fe. Tribune Olri.e


Summer Reaorta.rKTRTMAHi^iA^B g|i\J CLIFF. Ill rhett tostlmnnlsls at 74 Weat Sith »t

iii lenWood house,Jj DELAWARE WATER OAP. PENN.SPECIAL REDUCED ItATr.S fur SEPTEMBER andOl I''!! Eli.. For lie 1, Ul, pleasure and Comfort thia lions* is

ti ii sm passed. Adaliee* OEtiRi.E W. /I r.wI.EK. Proprietor.


01 en until Nov-niucr, affording tn <«,, ortanltyto visit Milspo;, mu mountain ies.irtd.iiin/ the Pie neal au nun mont ii*.Scud tor ciruuiar.

_W a. HKoDil ea Ii A SO vs.

M EARNS HOUSE, mar Wist Cirri. 'IVnnsrenonnable tor septembor, Pirti mom honan, exten¬sive ground* shade, fruit and fresh veg.-t tu ea For mle ortototuext season. I lliisiraied circular. Mra A. MKakN'-j.JR.. A SON. Highland Fails. N, Y_PAVILION HOTEL, Islip, L. I., will remain1 open until November. JAMES slater, of tue Kurae.Icy. Bth-ave. ami Uthst., owner and proprietor.PROSPECT HOUSE.J HAY SHORE. f.ON'l isl AND.sitnatodin full vi-wof tho u-isan 11 ' 11 » Ml SoejN flar,luis ne linet ll ailinn in I rBA tingle lui vi n mr »f Near.

V.11K riieo:ii» 1 ru mttet fi .may oa til wajof.Ui situ*.Hon renders lt fro* fro 1, lal iota ur 11 turn. Two or thr-aerei v desirable co'isa-ea to rim. uear n list- *Te< ia! teiuisfur

Juue. H. P. SEWELL.

Ulintcr Resorts.AKEWOOD, N. J.


reopen* october 4. Addi--aM.C WENTWORTH.


Droyosais.PROPOSALS will lm reeeired by the mider^

de .-,-.1 a'the otflce ot tho Haltirno'c and ohlu eil.iad< ompaiir. Uultlmore. until w tobor 18, 13<3. for thenundall 11 a ami M.ianniy Of tho SOoqnohann* Ritur Bridge,Tie propoeaia mmi Ucinde m-teri. m col * -na eta oe.ofeu* and tn* coot of M oking esme io bed-rock Also oust of-, ii u ii- na and 'ulTers Iree fi uni wa'ci during the time

u-ie and tnatonry I* being 111-1. P.aus iud nyoMAens.1111 iii.iv be eon at tho Chief Engli,e-ra .i'll nu aol afterP.lui 1. tho ouipany ri-aei vea ilio lU'it lo ;ej.-, t any ena

llpr-ipoaals. II. T. DOI'<II.A-s. Chief engineer.

Gales bn faction.PHE UNDERSIGNED, aani-nee of E. p. Roo,I will Mil ut pub ie anett, fi on the sixth (Sta ¦'*» af oeto-11, at 2 o'eiock p> M .¦ at tho entacribor'emoto Io .omwni-II 1, ip son. N. Y.. said Roc'* lnreic.at lu a eookg written or11.. and pi'ished pilor to Feb. 1, iSsii, hy Dodd, Mead A11. of N. w Yotk.Farther particular* may bc obtained of

. N. va VANT.Assignee, oinna..-un.lliitLson, N. Y.

©ceart Sieancrj.INCIIOR LINE U.E. Mail Steamships.sail from New.York, every saturday for

OLA-OOW via Londonderry.Fruin Pier 2oV North River.

MK A ssl a. sept. JA ,i p. m. | A NCH'/RI A, Oct. 13, 3 p. tn,laii'Pi a 1. <i *a m. (BOLIVIA.oct. 20, Ba m.

Cabin PMoago, seutotso. seoooa Cabin, $t&siee-atfo ".uwanl. si'-M. loei-aid. KJl

LIVERPOOL AK J I4UE- -stow n SERVICE.prom Pier 4L North -titer.

ELORAVIA sail* We 1-eadey, ti ber a. 0 a. ra,URNESSIA salis Saturday. October 13,'ip, M.irv >/e KOMBatlM -.11,11.1 av. OctoberST. Sit aalinn patanga SdutoSlOo, aceordlag to mmmsmMMbSBm

s.enii.t 1-.linn au I -teora/. ta ahora.Anchor Lino orana i**ti*d at towool ratal art miitai oearge in .-11 riaul, scotland an 1 Ir*', aa 1tor yajsuirn. Cabin Piaiia, Uooa of fours. A'., apply t>


BORDEAUX LINK.9 New ai,.I direct line io tho south of Franc*.

NEW-VORK AND HORDEAl.'X DIRECT.IATT.AI LE, "VILLE, t.iKMtoui.-at SeptM(AH M LAFITR. t.iMioton*.W.-.I.. Oct 24men " Pr.-nti- c's -torus (uear Wall-at. Ferryi Brou*.rn*Irat eilcrs for France, snaln an I Italy, IVreaoea. Pail.1.1 i e., will sive tune and expens-a hr tiki-lg thl* hue.tullin (Including wino). $s0 steeraire. #J i.101 po.a.-»ugu apply lo

. _ .v 8 vv F. LE BOC LA Mi I it M Reaver-it.

^unard~line.noti«.::-"Lane son ra..


FROM PIKE- Na 4J N ) tl'.l lUVuULYTHiA .Weaneadey, oat, if.'J a. nt.

t i.iIA .^ edno* ny. -t. 10, noon,iTIINIA .We nie-, i.- ',' 17. usia,

k VON IA.Wedues-lay, Oct. 24, noora.abm nonage, MO, fs.iaud $10i>.-i, ,-iiiu'e ticket* to ano from a.i part* of Enropeat very low

¦ ici ht and >**aage ofllco. No.4 Buwiiug Orooa.VERNON H. SROWR A C )., Ageuta


FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOLLeaving Pier M, N. R.. fuu of Klog-*a

.ASKA.'lues,in, oct. 2. 5a.m.lb* "Nsin .Tuesd ly. Oct'.'. 10a.m.

UZONA.Tuesday, oct. ld. 4 a, m.I (JON.Tuesday. '" t- '-'.'. lu.itoa. rn,

IYbsINIA.»orn d-F- Oct 27 StSO p. u»& rbeee *tearner*are bnlltof irou.with water-Hglu com-t111.11ia.ainl nie fiirni-heal willi evciy requlsiio to make

mo Atlantic both safe amt .urea>ab!e. nar-balli-inn .1. Mnokleg-room, ilr.iwiug-ruoin, ;.Wno and libra.

surgeon, *t'-war Mm an I c iterec on cacttamer Theataterooma nra ail npperdeck thus insuringiso greateat Of all luxuries at sea, pei it-ct vuuUlaUon eua

nba peaeoge incaorMnctootatorooml.asn, ssoandsioo;it neiii. a.-. r ni. steerage at low rateaFFiCE. NO. 1"! BROADWAY. WILLIAMS A OUI0N.

IENERAL TKANSArLANlIC COMPANTr n-tw.-eii New-York and Havre.inpativ's Pi.i newi, No. 42 North River, tool of Morton-«t.1 Orellers by thia itu* ovoid both transit by Engliah rall-rai ii tim diaeomfort of iiieMing the Cbaunoi to a small>. Spiciil tram leivlng tue company** dick at Harriiel for Perl* on annal of ntcatuor*. Ra-rgagu checked alit York Huoiuh to Pail*.ii, \D01t. Coutor.Wedneeda-, oct a. na. m.1: U an in E. sm t in.Wedue day. Oct lu. nuoabeck* payable al sight, in amount* to .amt, on the BanuueUiuttlanuqaeof Pans.

.M anil pastageaoplv tol.'/L'is UR ci-: lil AN, Agent N'o. ii Ruwitng Oreeo.



IN. .. Wed ---I". -".' lilli-, n.sat.,0e«.flI,DA Wed.. 01 ¦:. i S tLlE t.Wed, Oct llTI.SOE PASSAOBfrom NEW YORK r-tSOL'TMAMP-


Sl'KERAOK, KIO.fiurn tickets at re luco I rate*. Propatd -tivrige Orttl--a,$22. -teimets sall from Pier tatwooa second andidol*.. Hoboken. A. J.

.OKLRICHH A CO.. 2 Howling Oreen.

.iii\ PASSAOf-$do, aSdandglOJi iiitei-uiediato, «AJ»

.i:i'.A«iE.r-'s. Prepaid. S'llTirpasia-40 ic applv to the [NMANSTEAMB.tPOOkjlied.ai ai.'. ..i Broodway, N. Y.

Philadelphia o_oe. so. io", soul i-at,___^ATIONAL LI NF.-Flinn Pier :i:i. N. It.

FOR LIVERPOOL AND OLEKN-TOWN.i.VI.'li t, o-r li H e isca S .- t. ia. 2:i>0^m

FOR LONDON OlRECl.-i 11, 0 '.1 .1 AN .A ¦" Iii. 2 il" p. nw

oin S*S'1 ST 1. oaswari .1 !«.».>* iii riruul s:ttr*|*ft,»JJ. t. A. J. dUlWl". Manager.-j 1 aat, J Broad wayg


I rom Vow-York, mer toot ,'* i*'-a V. ItFor San Francisco via the Utan lau: Pa la'OA,

A' apl i.co salis Moodar, Oct 1. noaa,mueciuie for central ann south America an t MexlCJ.

From son Fr*nel*oo, l*« amt BrannanForJapan ant China

O. A O. SS. C Ptlt! sails 1'hur.t.iav, ?ot, 11. noon.lrsiou tia-tMA belwe»n san Fi aadsou au I Voauanuaai


/i ALANDIAoaUa Saturday, yet 2a.ouariivai of l.omlon mails at san I rauelsco.

[relgbt, paaaaiO and geuoral Infoi-malii.u, apply atco*>pauy'soUicoou the pur. b N. R.

ll. J. HUL1.A1. sup, rintenaen*.

SDSTAR LINE. For Antwerp ind Pan*nellrug tr in Non-York ami Antwerp) rory satunlay.

,nti...saturdav. .'Cloner d s a. tn01.M.AND .saiuitur, uetooer IA ^uu p. mnuns, stateroom*, amokiug ami hatlir-snua umldshtpsit cabin, ttfoto $'.»oi eii-u.s.mi, jumu Sisft taltalgos, i-xcurelon, #H»./i »toerago. *"-'". tueuaid. $2<t

ER WRIOH r a SoN's. Oeiieiai Agonto. M Hruatlwav^»VAL MAIL TO THE NE 1 'll ERLANDS.Stoaiudi'* leave Oa'a dIt, foot of susietst, Jereey dlr.

Em Amatcntam.[.jrdaui,. Oct.it. 7 ilo a.m. Zaaudam, Oot, KA 12:80 p.ot,

For RotterilaiuIT. A. sith ii.TR n.Wednesday, oct 17, va. rncabin OdO, Steerage. $26 prenti,1, *'*

Mill,, .,H. CAZAUX. Oeneral Agent. 25 SOU« h Vt IIMomolNell I- DYE.* CO 1,. VV Vli/llltl-,Win'"..,, st.. Fictoht Agts, M R'way. Hen. Pa**. A**j

vITFI) STATES AND GERMAN MAILs 11-. a M F. R -.- II ambur*-Americau ^ke.t.°/>"__t«for PLYMOUTH tLondonr. CHBRHOURO (Pariel.

I tMUURO. saturday steamers. Il.tuih.irg directia hms. oct 4 sii.i.-sIA...sat. oct llvAa.rnnr otto HA dal' -st a. Thura Oct iles du'Fariaet.tr*>: PfM «'*om. *1»". Second Cable,Meerage the PrepaM steerage tloksta. f-J'2. Fir**nu-.ai.ii lay (Reamer*, *04 and i, ). Ktcuraton rat**r ,- -ll.,' I. Send tor " 1 Ollllst l' '- .

NtuAiturAcO-oe.Aata, !Ca$l Bread ot, N. Y.Kit.ABO a Co., tien Paos. Ak l a.. SI lt'way. N. Y.


earners of ih.t >luo lake Uni 1.ue Itontalotsodei tnt Maury, U. at -V. ou botii _fird ami homeward vovasev ... » _ _ill! Capt -li- doti . satui'Uv. n.t. ll. St.atnc.'apt PoreoU.';" ,,!'°''."''.,,' .V'.;,0**M \ NIC. ant. (t.-iiue-lt - ..li.ul.iv. '' .. 1 J, -' u)p. at.'vii Cant. Jennings.Thura., Oct IA maj e. ox

t .,.. m i.- 'tn -ti/. " m. in.tl IR] WHITE Sit POOT OF WlOst

DUH si.a _-teatauuurssre unir.jruiiii «i«* tiHUHlraiUM l?*-,'<

u.-nts. I,,- -,mi -it nor,, i aa. ¦» 0 Ul .» ant Hath.mldsh .. where the u na. ,,i mutton gs

ila* ada* i ot so ntoti Bl laru aaattMMNaii:-.-sii,,,,n. fun. foj aui RH., BM »-u itok*«*a

". Stooraj* fruu Ci' J'-1'^' i R--'. >lt trJMYork, rid,

.inr iiiit'i'i- oattle, sio-i nor plealuape. lion o! pluusai. loll-. toplf »5 tM.tnyautlc^S,,..; Utoatway. fcTfiS&Mb Al*,. BARTLETT A CO., Ageuts. llostuu.i. lt* itlU'lT. Atent U4 souih,JU at. l'tuladslpkiai I