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IQ Accounting 2000 Manual

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The Manual for IQ Accounting 2000.

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Page 1: IQ Accounting 2000 Manual

IQ2000 REFERENCE & TRAINING GUIDE Rev: 2.9 August 2010

IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010

P R E F A C E The content of this book provides a broad product base for creating greater awareness and confidence when using IQ2000. You will not only learn about the different features in the product, but also why certain aspects of the program form an important role in the integration of IQ2000 and the positive effect it has in a practical business way.

With its wide-ranging coverage and clear illustrations, this reference & training guide is excellent for anyone wishing to understand and use the IQ2000 system.

Although every effort has been made to keep this course manual up to date, some of the screen examples may not be 100% the same as the ones reflected in the IQ2000 program. This is due to the continuous development of the system and the pre-printing of course manuals.

Unfortunately, there will be a discrepancy from time to time. We do apologize for the inconvenience that it may cause.

Should you feel that the course manual is inadequate or requires further explanation or more or better examples, please feel free to liaise with the course lecturer or email us.

We would love to have some feedback in order to improve the manual in some way or another.


IQ Retail (PTY) LTD

Page 2: IQ Accounting 2000 Manual

IQ2000 REFERENCE & TRAINING GUIDE Rev: 2.9 August 2010

IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010


End User Licence Agreement 12 Definition 12 Licence 12 Network Module 12 Multiple Site Licence 13 Transfer And Reproduction 13 Annual Renewable License Fees 13 Limitation Of Liability And Warranty 13 Virus Disclaimer 14 Miscellaneous 14

End User Support And Service Agreement 15 Inclusions 15 Exclusions 16 Remote Desktop Support 16

Recommended System Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. Supported Windows Operating Systems 7 Not Supported Windows Operating Systems 7 Networking Support 7 Pos Printers 8 Cash Drawers 8 Handheld Scanners 8 General Printing 8


Mapping A Network Drive 10 Shortcut Setup 11 Selecting A Company 14

Company Details 14 Debtor Defaults 15 Stock Defaults 17 Invoicing & Grv Extra Charges 21 Access Control 22 Ledger Defaults 23 Integration Defaults 24 Vat Table 24


What Is A Debtor? 28 Important Notes 28

Entering Opening Balances 28 Posting Payments 29

Debtor Maintenance 31 Capturing Debtor Details 31 Amending Debtor Details 35 Deleting A Debtor 35

Transaction Processing 36 Important Notes 36 Ledger Integration 37 Entering The Transaction 39 Allocating / Unallocating Credits 42

Debtor Enquiries 44 What Is Debtors Enquiries? 44 History Information 45

History File 49

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View History 49 Deleting History By Date 50

Mail Merge 51 Word Processor 51 Printing The Letter 52

Ascii Conversion 53 Debtors Export 53

Post Dated Cheques 55 Adding / Editing A Post Dated Cheque 55 Processing Postdated Cheques 57 Reports 57

Statements 58 Statement Messages 58 Selection Criteria & Filtering 59 Filtering Explained 61

Debtors Age Analysis 63 Available Report Types 63 Selection Criteria & Filtering 63 Filtering Explained 64

Audit Tracking 69 Why Use The Audit Report 69 Selection Criteria & Filtering 70

Transaction Types 74 Entering A New Posting Type 74 Deleting A Transaction Type 76

Interest Charging 77 Posting Interest 77 Filtering 78

Recurring Charges 79 Defining Recurring Charges 79 Posting Recurring Charges 80 Recurring Charges Report Preview Example 82

End of Month 83 Purpose Of Month End 83 When To Run Month End 83

Backups 84 Reports To Print 84 Running End of Month 84


What Is A Creditor? 90 Important Notes 90

Entering Opening Balances 90 Posting Payments 92

Creditor Maintenance 94 Capturing Creditor Details 94 Amending Creditor Details 97 Changing Account Numbers 98 Changing Account Types (Open Item & Brought Forward) 98 Deleting A Creditor 98

Transaction Processing 99 Important Notes 99

What Happens To A Transaction? 99 Entering The Transaction 103

Creditor Enquiries 109 What Is Creditor Enquiries? 109 History Information 110 History File 113

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View History 113 Deleting History By Date 114

Mail Merge 115 Word Processor 115 Printing The Letter 117

Ascii Conversion 118 Creditors Export 118

Printing Advice Notes 119 Advice Notes Selection Criteria & Filters 119 Filtering Explained 120

Creditor Age Analysis 123 Available Report Types 123 Selection Criteria & Filtering 124 Filtering Explained 124

Audit Tracking 126 Why Use The Audit Report 126 Selection Criteria & Filtering 126

Transaction Types 129 Adding & Editing Transaction Types 129 Deleting A Transaction Types 131 Printing Transaction Types 131

Reconciliation 132 Reconciling A Creditor 132 Printing The Reconciliation 134

End Of Month 135 Purpose of Month End 135

Backups 136 Reports To Print 136 Running End of Month 136

6-STOCK 142

Important Notes 142 When And When Not Use Stock Invoicing, Goods Receiving, Etc. 142 Cascading Items 142 Serial Number Tracking 143 Non-Stock Items (Buyouts / Service Items) 143 Entering Opening Stock On Hand Values 144 Negative Stock 144 Costing Based On Fifo (First In First Out) 145

Stock Items Maintenance 146 Copy 146 Multiple Item Creation 146 Colour 147 Size 148 Locate 148 Capturing Stock Details 149 Colour 153 Size 153 Memo 154 Editing A Stock Item 154 Deleting A Stock Item 154

Customer Invoicing 155 Integration To The Ledger 155 Entering Customer Details 155 Entering Invoice Item Information 157

Customer Credit Notes 160 Correcting A Credit Note 161

Purchasing Stock From Suppliers (Goods Receiving) 162

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Entering Supplier Details 162 Entering Item Details 163

Returning Stock To Suppliers (Goods Returned) 166 General Ledger Allocations 166 Price Variances 166 Credit Allocation 167

Stock Lists 168 Report Types 169

Audit Trails & History Report 174 Why Use The Audit Report 174

Label Printing 178 Label Printer Selection Details 178

Print Using On Hand Quantities 179 Print One Barcode For Each 179

Label Details 179 Label Details 180 Printing Grv Labels 180 Printing Specific User Defined Labels 180

Groups 182 What Is A Group? 182

Departments 183 Department Maintenance Details 184 Printing Departments 185 Update Stock Items 185

Discount Structure 186 Setting Up A Discount Structure 186 Printing The Discount Structure 186 Discount Structure Report Preview Example 186

Stock Adjustments 187 Entering Adjustment Details 188

Stock Take 189 How To Perform A Stock Take 189

Remote Stock Take Button. 190 Stock Take Type: 190

Manual Stock Count 190 Stock Count Capture Selection Details 191

Remote Stock Take 194 Remote Stock Take Type Details 195 Steps To Follow When Doing A Stock Take 196 How To Do A Remote Stock Take With A Scanner: 197

Global Changes 198 Start And End At Code Number 198 Group Code Change 198 New Vat Rate 198 New Sell Price Update Mode 198

Stock Month End 199 When To Run End Of Month 199 Backups 199 Processing Month End 199


Important Notes 202 What Is The General Ledger 202 Ledger Uses Batch Processing 202 Posting Creditors Payments 202 Posting Debtors Receipts 202 Maximum Amount Of Ledger Periods Allowed 203 What Happens At Year End 203

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IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010

Setting Up The General Ledger 204 Ledger Defaults 204 Integration Defaults 205 Vat Setup 205

Account Maintenance 206 Adding A Ledger Account 206 Editing An Existing Account 207 Deleting A Ledger Account 207

Enquiries 208 What Is Ledger Enquiries? 208 Account Selection 208

Posting Cashbook Transactions (Cheques & Deposits) 212 Posting Creditor / Debtor Payments 213 Posting Creditor / Debtor Reversals 213 Entering Cashbook Details 213 Creating A 'Recurring' (Standard) Cashbook Batch 218

Journal Postings 220 Creating & Processing A Journal Batch 220

Printing A Trial Balance 224 Trial Balance Selection Details 224

Audit Trail Reports 226 Audit Trail Selection Details 226

Vat Report 228 Vat Report Selection Details 228

General Ledger Analysis 230 General Ledger Analysis Details 230

Chart Of Accounts 232 Chart Of Account Selection Details 232

Balance Sheet 233 Balance Sheet Selection Details 233 Preview Example 234

Cashbook Printing 234 Cashbook Printing Selection Details 234 Preview Example 235

Income Statement 235 Income Statement Selection Details 235 Income Statement Report Preview 236

Bank Reconciliation 237 Bank Reconciliation Selection Details 237 Outstanding Cheque / Deposit Details 239

Budgets 241 Entering Budgets 241 Printing Budgets 242

Year End 243 Year End Backups 243 Doing The Year End 243 Case Example 245

Assets Register 246 Creating GL Assets Register 246 Calculation of Depreciation 246 Creating An Asset 247 Editing An Asset 248 Deleting An Asset 249 View Assets 249 Printing The Assets 249 Preview Example 250 Asset Post 251


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IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010

Getting Started 254 Setup Procedures 254 Daily Point Of Sale Procedures 254

Back Office 255 Store Parameters Setup 255 Sales Parameters 255 Till Option Parameters 259 Slip Reprint Parameters 262 Formats Parameter 262 Tender Format 263

Hardware Configuration 265 Till Number 266 Printer, Pole Display & Cash Drawer Ports 266 P.O.S Printer Type 267 P. O. S Printer Setup 267 Cash Drawer Port 270 Scan Codes Setup For Weighted Items 273

Slip Header & Footer Detail 276 Slip & Pole Display Promotional Messages 277

Tender Types 278 New Tender Type Maintenance 279

Reports 281 X- Report Terminal 281 Cash Up 283 End Of Day 284

Cash Sales & Item Returns/Exchanges 286 Entering And Concluding A Sale 287 Cash Refund 297 Exchanges/Item Returns 299 Account Payments 300 Petty Cash / Payouts 306


What Is A Bill of Quantity? 314 Important Notes 314

Maintenance 315 Creating A Bill of Quantity 317

Bill of Quantity Details 317 Print Bills 318

Print Bill Selection Details 318 Manufacturing 320

What Is Manufacturing? 320 Manufacture Details 320

Bulk Manufacture 321 Re-Order Report 321 Cost Update 322

10-JOB CARDS 324

What Is A Job Card? 324 Job Card Maintenance 324

Creating A New Job Card 325 Selecting Customer Details 325 Entering Job Card Item Information 326

Job Card Reports 329 Job Card Report Details 330

Job Card Ledger Defaults 331 Clear Completed Job Cards 331 Job Card Table Maintenance 331

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What Is A Sales Order? 334 Sales Order Maintenance 335

Creating A New Sales Order 335 Entering Customer Details 336 Entering Sales Orders Item Information 337 Quantity 338

Sales Order Report 340 Sales Order Report Details 341

Clear Completed Sales Orders 344 Sales Order Table Maintenance 344


What Is A Purchase? Order 346 Purchase Order Maintenance 347

Creating A New Purchase Order 347 Entering Suppliers Details 348 Entering Purchase Orders Item Information 348

Purchase Order Report 351 Purchase Order Report Details 351

Clear Completed Purchase Orders 354 Purchase Order Table Maintenance 354

13-QUOTES 356

What Is Quotes? 356 Important Notes 356

Creation Of Quotes 356 Price Changes 356

Quotes Maintenance 357 Creating A New Quote 357 Convert A Quote To A Sales Order 357 Creating An Invoice Using An Existing Quote 357 Entering Customer Details 358 Entering Quoted Item Information 359

Quotes Report 362 Quotes Report Details 362

Clear Expired Quotes 364 Quotes Table Maintenance 364


What Is The Workshop Module? 366 Amendments 366

Creating A Job Amendment 367 Selecting Job Details 367 Entering Job Card Item Information 368 Client Details 369 Job Amendments Selection Details 373

Vehicle Amendments 374 Creating A Vehicle Amendment 374 Vehicle Amendments Selection Details 375

Make Colour Mode 376 Make 376 Model 377 Colour 378

Reports 379 Report Selection Details 379

History Reports 382 Report Selection Details 382

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History Report Details 382 Ledger Defaults 384 Table Maintenance 384 Wip Stock Audit 385

Work In Progress Stock Audit Details 385 15-CONTRACT PRICE MAINTENANCE 388

What Is Contract Price Maintenance?? 388 Contract Maintenance 388

Contract Maintenance Selection Details 389 Edit Contract Price Maintenance 389 Discount Structures 390 Selection Details 391

Creating Contract Prices Structures 392 Item Details 392 Department Details 393 Group Details 394

Contract Report 395 Report Type 395 Contract Pricing Report Details 395 Contract Pricing Report Selection Detail 396

Contract Global Price Change 397 Stock Details 397 Debtors Details 398 Price Details 398 Contract Global Price Change Report 398


Posting Date 400 Effect On The General Ledger 400

Company Details 400 Default Settings 401

Debtor Defaults 401 Creditor Defaults 402 Stock Defaults 403 Invoicing And Grv Extra Charges 406 Access Control 407 Ledger Defaults 408 Integration Defaults 409 Vat Tables 409

Company Selection Details 410 Selecting A Company 410 Creating A New Company 410 Deleting A Company 411

Stationery Setup 412 Definition Of Terms 412 Report / Stationery Designer Graphic User Interface Options 413 Report / Stationery Menu’s Explained 416

Passwords Maintenance 421 Adding A New User 421 Menu Access Level Setup 422

Backups 423 Backup Current Company 423

Restore 423 Restore Current Company 423

Spreadsheet 424 Spreadsheet Functions 424 Spreadsheet Menu Explained 426

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Sheet Menu 428 Graphical User Interface Explained (Gui) 430 Registration 431


Stock Invoicing Integration 435 Stock Credit Note Integration 436 Stock Goods Receiving Integration 436 Stock Goods Receiving Integration 437 Stock Returned Goods Integration 438 Debtors Transaction Integration 439 Creditors Transaction Integration 440 Stock Adjustment 441


Basic Terms And Concepts 444 Debits And Credits 444 Assets And Liabilities 445 Owners' Equity 446 Income And Expenses 446 Income Accounts 446

General Ledger Fundamentals 447 Subledgers And The General Ledger 447 Components Of The Accounting System 448 Income Statements 449 Balance Sheets 450 Depreciation 452 Amortization 452

Inventory Accounting 453 Weighted Average 453 First In/First Out (Fifo) 453 Last In/First Out (Lifo) 453

Useful Accounting Formulas 454 Working Capital To Total Assets 455 Receivables Turnover 455 Inventory Turnover 455 Times Interest Earned 455 Sales To Operational Assets 455 Return On Total Assets 455 Return On Equity 455 Investment Turnover 456 Financial Leverage 456


Printer Strings 458 Cash Drawer Kick Strings 458

Connected Direct To Printer 458 Serial Or Comm Connected 458

Dos Printing Font Size Strings 458 20-USER NOTES 459 21-INDEX 473

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IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010




A. “IQ Retail” shall mean IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd First Floor, Rhino House, 23 Quantum Road, Technopark, Stellenbosch, 7600, the legal Distributor of the program.

B. “the USER” shall mean the original purchaser, either an individual, company or other legally constituted entity.

C. “PROGRAM” shall mean the software and related manuals and materials supplied in this package.

D. “COMPUTER” shall mean the single computer on which these programs are used.

E. “LICENCE” shall mean this agreement and the rights and obligations created hereunder by the local copyright laws.

F. “IQ Retail Systems Library” shall mean IQ Retail programs other than the programs supplied with this package.

G. “NETWORK MODULES” shall mean “program” designed for a single Local Area Network System with multiple workstations.

H. “SITE LICENCE” shall mean licensing rights for multiple single-user computers belonging to one individual, company, or other legally constituted entity.


IQ Retail grants to the USER the right to use this copy of the PROGRAM on a single COMPUTER at a single location as long as the USER complies with the terms of this licence. If you are specified on the invoice as a Multi-User, then you may install the software on a server at the site but you must comply with the number of users specified. IQ Retail reserves the right to terminate this licence if the USER violates any provision hereof and, in the event of such termination, the USER agrees to return the PROGRAM to IQ Retail. The PROGRAM is the sole and exclusive property of IQ Retail. The USER ownership is limited to the cd(s) purchased. The USER agrees to make no more than TWO (2) copies of the software for archival purposes and further agrees to label said copies with all the information included on the original cd label(s). In the event that the USER uses the PROGRAM simultaneously on more than one COMPUTER, the USER agrees to on request from IQ Retail, to pay for the additional the USER copies. When downloading the PROGRAM from the IQ Retail website. By the act of opening/Installing the download, the USER subscribes to and agrees to the terms of this licensing agreement.


As an exception to paragraph 2, NETWORK MODULE USERS are granted the right to load the PROGRAM files from the file server of the network and run these files on any workstation attached to the file server subject to number of workstation limitations, if any, as may be detailed in the documentation accompanying this program.

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As an exception to paragraph 2, MULTIPLE SITE LICENCEES are granted the right to run PROGRAMS on more than one Computer, Network or Multi-user System at the same or different physical locations, subject to written permission by IQ Retail as to costs/charges and limitations as permitted by IQ Retail.


The USER agrees to take all reasonable steps and to exercise due diligence to protect the PROGRAM from unauthorized reproduction, publication, disclosure and distribution. Unauthorized transfer and/or reproduction of these materials may be a crime, subjecting the USER to civil and criminal prosecution. The USER may not transfer, rent, lease or sell any copy of the PROGRAM to any other person without the prior written consent of IQ Retail. IQ Retail reserves the right to revoke this LICENCE and/or to seek any other legal remedies to which it is entitled should these conditions be violated.


The USER acknowledges and agrees that certain programs acquired from IQ Retail may be subject to an annual renewable licence fee, as per schedules published from time to time, covering tax, program, within version, and other update services deemed necessary by IQ Retail. The USER further agrees that should such annual licence fee remain in arrears for longer than one calendar month after due date, IQ Retail has the irrevocable right to prevent the USER having access to any or all of the functions of the program until such time as such arrear licence payment has been settled together with any penalties which may accrue due to the USERS late payment of the annual renewable licence. IQ Retail reserves the right to revoke the USER’s license, should payment not be received timorously.


The PROGRAM is sold voetstoots without warranty as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this program is assumed by the USER. IQ Retail makes no warranty against material that has been lost, stolen or damaged by accident, misuse, or unauthorized modification. IQ Retail makes no other warranty, express or implied, to the USER or any other entity or person. Specifically, IQ Retail makes no warranty that the software is fit for a particular purpose. IQ Retail will not be liable for special, incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar damages, even if IQ Retail or IQ Retail Agent has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This means IQ Retail is not responsible or liable for damages or costs incurred as a result of loss of time, loss of data, loss of profits or revenue, or loss of use of the software, or data or software created by the software, or any other losses whatsoever. In addition IQ Retail is not responsible or liable for damages or costs incurred in connection with obtaining substitute software, claims by others, inconvenience, or similar costs. Under no event or circumstances will IQ Retail’s liability for any damages to customer or any other entity or person ever exceed the price paid for the licence to use the software, regardless of any form of the claim.

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While every endeavour is made by IQ Retail to check cd(s) dispatched for virus programs, liability is hereby specifically excluded for any costs or damages that may be incurred by the USER as a result of installing a cd supplied by IQ Retail which contains, or is alleged to contain, a virus program. It is the sole responsibility of the USER to check all cd (s) supplied by IQ Retail with up-to-date anti-virus programs to ensure that those disks are free of viruses. IQ Retail’s liability is expressly limited to replacement of cd(s) supplied, proved by the USER to have contained a virus program.


IQ Retail maintains a policy of ongoing updates and product improvement. Provided the USER has paid the necessary annual licence or support contract fees, IQ Retail shall provide the USER with either copies of updates material or notification of availability and price schedules where appropriate. The PROGRAM specification and features are subject to change without notice. In the event legal action is brought by either the USER or IQ Retail to enforce the terms of this agreement.

No variations of any of these terms and conditions are valid if not confirmed in writing by IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd or its Authorized representative.

IQ Retail (PTY) LTD


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Due to the nature of supporting our systems and the involvement of Value Added Resellers in our distribution network, the following details outline the nature and scope of support that the end user can expect from IQ Retail (PTY) LTD, hereafter referred to as the Company. This agreement shall be in place and valid only for the period defined in the support agreement. Further definitions:

The Customer is the company or person using IQ Retail (PTY) LTD products. A VAR is the Value Added Reseller who re-sells IQ Retail (PTY) LTD products to customers. Inclusions are types of support available.

Exclusions are types of support not available to end users for the scope of the support / service agreement.


The Company shall use reasonable endeavors to support the products during the term of this agreement by providing support during working hours (8:30am-5pm) of a working week (Monday – Friday).

Methods of communication considered reasonable are telephonic (within South Africa) and e-mail. If the Company cannot effect any corrections telephonically, the Company, or qualified VAR, upon receipt of written authorisation from the customer, may attend the customer’s premises to effect the correction, in which such attendance together with traveling time, all expenses and billable time on-site shall be charged to the Customer by the Company or the VAR. Failure to settle these fees will lead to immediate suspension of the support / service agreement until settled in full.

The Customer shall keep up-to-date backups at all times for use in connection of errors if so deemed necessary by the Company.

The Customers obligations are: To keep master copies of the products and documentation in a safe location. To appoint a manager as contact person in all dealings with the Company. To select only suitably trained and skilled staff in dealing with the products of the Company. To institute all new releases within version and error fixes and versions in line with the Company’s recommendations and to keep machine operating systems up to date and pay all costs associated therewith. Not to reverse engineer, disassemble, translate, decode or modify the Company’s products. Not to loan, rent, assign, sub-lease or in any other manner or form transfer the product to any unauthorized third party.

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IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010


Any type of Hardware support, including all hardware and peripheral devices and POS units. These units are supported by the vendor of that specific hardware solution.

Accounting support or services.

Remote Desktop connectivity is excluded unless the contract is defined to include this type of support.

All Stationery setup.

All Report setup and Report Writing.

Incident reporting is not considered support and these incidents reports will be handled outside of the scope of any support / service agreement.

Enhancements are not considered support and these enhancement requests will be handled outside of the scope of any support / service agreement.


Remote Desktop support will only be considered if the Customer’s contract indicates that they would like such support.

Such support will only be given if the Customer can supply sufficient details and connectivity as defined by the Company to enable remote connectivity.

All points mentioned in the ‘Inclusions’ and ‘Exclusions’ sections of this document remain relevant for the purposes of Remote Desktop Support.

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Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000/2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows Vista Business and Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate.

NOTE: IQEnterprise and IQElite (only) are fully compatible with Small Business 2000/2003 Server.

NOTE: Windows XP Professional is the preferred Operating System. Try not to mix your win98SE with Windows XP Pro, Windows 2000 Pro or 2000/2003 Server. The file locking on the win98SE is totally different to the file locking on Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional or 2000/2003 Server.


Windows 95, Windows 98 First Edition, Windows ME, Windows XP Home, Windows Vista Home, Linux (All Versions), Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows 7 Home Premium.


Minimum Requirements

Processor: CORE 2 DUO CPU or Higher (No Celeron or Sempron CPU’s) Memory 1GB RAM Hard Drive: 80GB Network: 100Mbps Network Card or Faster UPS: (Uninterrupted Power Supply)

Recommended Requirements

Processor: CORE 2 DUO CPU or Higher (No Celeron or Sempron CPU’s) Memory: 2GB RAM Hard Drive: 120GB Network: 1000Mbps Network Card or Faster UPS: (Uninterrupted Power Supply)


Minimum Requirements

Processor: CORE 2 DUO CPU or Higher (No Celeron or Sempron CPU’s) Memory 4GB RAM Hard Drive: 160GB Network: 100Mbps Network Card or Faster UPS: (Uninterrupted Power Supply)

Recommended Requirements

Processor: CORE 2 DUO CPU or Higher (No Celeron or Sempron CPU’s) Memory: 8GB RAM Hard Drive: 320GB Network: 1000Mbps Network Card or Faster UPS: (Uninterrupted Power Supply)

*NOTE: If you have 10 users or more on your network, we strongly recommend you speak to your IQRetail Value Added Reseller regarding the system requirements recommended for your specific environment.

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IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010


We currently do not recommend any Wireless Networking as it is too slow (54Mbps). We do not support Wireless Networking for any setup. The recommended setup is 100Mbps (100Mbps Network Cards or 1000Mbps Network Cards).

IMPORTANT: iq2000 is not compatible with terminal services.

NOTE: We do NOT support peer to peer networks. We require a switch between 2 terminals for the managing of data being sent from one computer to another.

NOTE: For new installations that are more then two computers (e.g.: server and terminal) cloning of hard drives is not a supported option. The reason for this is that the registration process of the IQ Accounting Systems uses specific hardware serial numbers and the cloning of a hard drive will cause registration problems.


We currently recommend Symantec Corporate and NOD32 Anti-Virus Software.

NOTE: NO ant-virus program is allowed to scan any IQ Systems data files. Set the anti-virus programs scanning to exclude all IQ related data files.


We suggest any Epson compatible Slip/Receipt Printers connecting to a COM port, LPT port or USB port. However we recommend using parallel (LPT) or USB printers, they are much faster and easier to configure and more reliable.

NOTE: We currently support or suggest Slip/Receipt Printers connecting to a USB port on the Enterprise 5 system. We only support 40-column receipt printers in the Point Of Sale module.


We suggest any type of cash drawer that adheres the standard cash drawer design and configuration, connecting to a COM port or direct to printer.

NOTE: We do not currently support or suggest Cash Drawers connecting to a USB port.


We suggest any handheld scanners connecting to a PS2 port (Keyboard Wedge) or USB port.


The software packages don't require any special printing needs. You can use your existing printers connecting to a LPT or USB port (Not for POS slip printing needs).

NOTE: The Server, Terminals and Network also require a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). All software packages require internet access.

NOTE: Due to the nature of today’s ever increasing demand and technology requirements the above minimum requirements may change without prior notice. Please contact IQ Retail (PTY) LTD to obtain the latest hardware and operating system requirements.

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IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010 Chapter 1 – Before you start 1

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2 Chapter 2 – Installation IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010



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INSTALLATION NOTE: Should this be a network installation, the installation should always be done on the server PC. The software must not be installed on each and every PC on the network.

Insert the IQ for Windows CD in you CD-ROM drive. The Licence Agreement screen will automatically appear.


Should the above not happen, click on the Start button, followed by the Run option. In the Open Line, type

D:\SETUP.EXE (where “D” is the CD-ROM Drive) followed by the Enter key

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4 Chapter 2 – Installation IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010

Please read the Licence Agreement carefully. If you do not agree with the agreement select the “I don’t accept the agreement” followed by the Next button. The system will terminate the installation of the software if this option is selected.

NOTE: One of the available options must be selected in order for the Next button to made available.

After the Next button has been selected together with the “I accept the agreement” option, the “Welcome Letter” will appear.

Once the letter has been read select the Next button to continue to the next screen. The next screen that will appear is the release notes screen. This screen will indicate what changes have been made in the current and previous versions of the software. Select the Next button to proceed to the installation screen.

NOTE: Should it be required to go back to the previous screen, the Back button can be selected.

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From the install menu select the programs that must be installed, by clicking on the appropriate module with the left mouse button. A Tick should appear on those options that have been selected for installation. By clicking again on the ticked option will remove the tick and exclude that program from being installed.

NOTE: The IQ Basic Module must always be selected. The Waybills module cannot be selected with Workshop Management and Distributed Processing modules and vice versa.

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6 Chapter 2 – Installation IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010

Once all the appropriate installation modules have been selected, select the Next button to continue. When the installation is complete you will be asked if a shortcut must be created. If this the first time the installation is being done select the Yes button.

NOTE: For the installations of software updates, which are done in the same way, you would need to select the YES button to create the shortcut.

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Selecting either the Yes or No button will complete the installation process and you will to return back to the desktop. At this point the IQ for Windows program can now be run.

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8 Chapter 2 – Installation IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd © 2010

To run the IQ for Windows program locate the IQ for Windows Icon on your desktop or the IQ for Windows entry under the Programs menu.

If this is a brand new installation the will be no company information, therefore the screen that appears next will display an empty list of available companies. To create a new company, select the New Company button. The setting up of this new company will be discussed in detail over the next couple of pages (see creating a new company). However, if there are companies listed, select the appropriate company followed by the Accept button.

The next screen that will appear will be the logon screen. You will be required to enter the user number and password.

NOTE: For new installations the default entry is, the User number is 1 and the Password is IQ. Please note the password being typed in will not be visible, but will be represented as an asterisk (’*’) for each character entered.

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How to map a workstation to the network servers drive Locate the “My Computer” icon located on the desktop. Click on the My Computer icon using the right mouse button.

From the menu that appears, select the “Map Network Drive” option. Use the left mouse button to do so.

The “Map Network Drive” screen will appear next. It will automatically default the Drive option to the appropriate network drive to be used. This option may be changed, but it is recommended that it should be left as is if not 100% sure.

Click on the Browse button to locate the sever PC. A list of the available workstations and servers should appear. From the list select the server or the machine where IQ for Windows was installed, i.e. where the IQ for Windows program is kept.

DO NOT map the IQ2000 Folder. The Drive must be mapped and not the physical folder of IQ2000.

NOTE: Enable the “Reconnect at Logon” option by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Once completed select the Finish button to accept the changes or the Cancel button to return to the desktop.

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The shortcut setup is intended only for workstations / terminals where IQ for Windows was not installed, but is required to run the program.

Before creating the shortcut make sure that Windows Desktop is visible. Place your mouse cursor on an open space of the Desktop, i.e. Do not highlight or place the cursor on any desktop icons. Now click your right mouse button once.

The following menu should appear. Select the New option followed by the Shortcut option.

The Create Shortcut dialogue box will appear next asking for the Command Line path (i.e. the location of the IQWIN.EXE program file) to run the IQ for Windows program, e.g. “F:\IQ2000\IQWIN.EXE 2”.

Should you not know the location of executable file for IQ2000, select the Browse button.

The Browse dialogue will appear next. Select from the Look In field listing the mapped network drive (i.e. the network drive that has been mapped to the servers drive) option by clicking on the triangle to the right of this field.

If a network drive has not yet been mapped to the server consult the “Mapping a Network Drive” heading.

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Once the appropriate mapped network drive has been selected the available directory folders will be listed.

Double click using the left mouse button on “IQ2000” folder, or click on the “+” sign to open the IQ2000 folder.

What should appear next, is the contents of the “IQ2000” directory. Locate the file “IQWIN” and either double click on it, or click on the Open button when the “IQWIN.EXE” file becomes highlighted

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The Create Shortcut dialogue box will appear, but this time it should have the program path displayed with program path to the IQ for Windows program on the server or the computer it was originally installed on.

NOTE: Should the program path not have the “.EXE” file extension located next to the IQWIN part of the file name, the incorrect file has been selected. Select the Browse button again and locate the correct IQWIN file. Alternatively delete the text after “IQWIN” and type the following, “.EXE” (including the full stop). It should read as follows, “F:\IQ2000\IQWIN.EXE”.

Before continuing click on the program path field with your left mouse button and type in a unique numeric terminal / workstation number, e.g.” F:\IQ2000\IQWIN.EXE 2” The number entered must be in the range from 1 to the amount of users permitted by the IQ for Windows Software , i.e. Should IQ for Windows package be a Network 5 user system then the maximum amount of users permitted is 5, allowing a range from 1 to 5 to be entered. Please make sure that the number that is entered has not been used by another computer. Please note that user “1” is automatically allocated to the computer where the software was installed on.

Click the Next button to continue or the Cancel button to cancel shortcut setup. The next dialogue box to appear will ask for a descriptive name for the shortcut to be entered. The shortcut name “IQWIN” will already be displayed in this field. The shortcut name can either stay this way, or it may be altered to display your own shortcut name, e.g. “IQ for Windows”.

Once the Finish button has been selected the name together with the IQ for Windows logo will appear on your desktop. Should this not happen please follow the Setup Shortcut procedures again.

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To choose a company select Utilities, option Select Company and select the required company. You will then operate in that company until another company is selected or you exit from the system. Use your arrow keys, or if you are using a mouse, the scroll bar to scroll through the companies.


To create a new company, select the New Company option. The system will ask for the New Company ID. Enter a new unique company number. The ID number entered can either be numeric or alpha-numeric. You will then find yourself in the new company. Proceed through all the set up procedures for the new company. The company default setting will be explained in detail over the next few pages. It is important that these settings are correctly selected and filled in. The company setup option form a key point of the system integration and how the system will function.

There is no limit to the number of companies that can be run on the system.

When the company selection is changed to another company the system will default to the selected company in all program modules (e.g. debtors, stock, creditors, etc).


To setup the company particulars (company name, address details, telephone & fax, posting date format DD/MM/YYYY, etc.) select Company Details option from the Utilities menu.

Use the available fields to capture the company particulars in the displayed fields. This information willbe used by the system when printing reports and extracting other information.

Use the search facility (ALT and the down arrow) to view the possible date formats, e.g. dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy, d/m/yy, etc. These date formats will be used when entering any date in the package; debtors postings, cashbook postings, invoice dates, etc.

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NOTE: The preferred date format is dd/mm/yyyy.

Use the currency string to have the various reports print the currency symbol selected as part of the, e.g. R 100.00, $ 100.00, etc. The currency symbol is used purely for reports.



By default the correct integrating ledger company ID will already be selected. This is usually the same as the company currently be used, i.e. TES.

If the integrate to ledger was to be changed to a different company ID, all postings (i.e. customer invoicing, customer credit notes, debtors postings, sales orders, job cards, workshop) involving debtors would have their ledger account values posted to this company and not the company in which debtor originated. In other words, if the integrate to ledger was changed to “002”, the ledger accounts that would be affected would be for company 002 and not TES.

This is handy when maintaining multiple stock locations or branches, but utilizing a single or consolidate company ledger and debtors system.

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Enter either ###### or !!!!!! to indicate numeric, or alphanumeric account numbers. Any other character in the account number structure field will be interpreted literally.

EXAMPLE: If the structure “!!!!##” is used, the account number will be alpha numeric, with the first four characters being alpha and the next two being numeric only characters, e.g. SMIT01. The advantage with alpha-numeric account structure is the searching for debtors is made easier. Due to the account number consisting of the first few characters of the company’s or customer’s name, there is no need to change the sequence to the company’s name when locating a debtor.

NOTE: When entering the account number under debtor maintenance, there is no need for you enter the numeric part of the account. The system will automatically check to see if there are any previous instances of the same account, and if so, it will automatically add appropriate numeric value. E.g. If you have already created an account starting with “SMIT”, there is no need for you to enter “SMIT02”. Enter only the “SMIT” part and press enter. The system will automatically add the “02” to the account number.

Numeric only',”######” account numbers can be used as you have full alphabetic name search facilities in the system. The benefit using numeric account structure is that the system will automatically allocate the next number to be used for the account number when creating a new debtor. However, disadvantage is the numeric account number does make searching for a debtor difficult if the account number is not known.


Strict credit control refers to way in which the “over terms” and “over limit” messages are handled when debtor exceeds his limit or is over his terms. If the strict credit control option is enabled (ticked), the “over terms” and “over limit” are no longer just warning messages, but will now require a someone override the message in order for the sale to continue.

The override exceed levels are numbered 1 to 6. By setting over terms and over limit exceeded override levels to 2, would mean that anyone who has an access level (see the user setup for more details concerning access levels) of 1 or 2 can override the “over terms” pr “over limit” message.


Please refer to the debtors default section taking into consideration that there are no receipt printer and receipt number options.

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The stock default settings (see screen below) must correctly setup before commencing with data entry in the stock module. The information to be entered is explained on the following pages.


What is a cost translator code? Basically, a cost code or cost encoding code is an encoding or hidden formula used to represent the cost price of the item on the price label or price list without the client having to know the actual cost price.

Cost Code is any 10 digit word that can be used by the owner to determine the cost of a product without the buyer knowing and without needing to look it up.

EXAMPLE: Use the word FRANCHISED. Each letter of the word represents a corresponding number (starting from 1 – 0).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

E.G. AC.DI = 35.O7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

E.G. TE.FL = 37.15.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

E.G. BO.CM = 45.81

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Enter the prefix to be printed next to the document number on the invoice and credit note documents. The initial next invoice and credit note numbers (which will automatically increment while producing the documents if invoice numbers set to auto) can also be entered. The reason for this is to allow one to continue with existing invoice and credit number that may have been used in a manual or previous software system.


Use default debtors means that the system will use only the debtors from the company you are in. If set to NO it will request the debtors company number each time you are invoicing.


Auto ledger allocations means the system will accept the sales general ledger account as set on the stock item record and not prompt you on each line of the invoice for another sales account.


Allow price changes will permit your invoice clerk to change retail selling prices while invoicing.


Allow price changes will permit your invoice clerk to change retail selling prices while invoicing.


Allow negative stock will allow the sale to take place even if there is an on hand quantity less than the quantity being sold. This would then cause your stock levels to drop below zero. Normally this would not be allowed, because the usual process would be to purchase the stock first and the sell it.

NOTE: When using the point-of-sale module for sales purposes the norm is allow negative stock. The reason being, if the customer has the item then the system must be able accept it, regardless of the systems on hand quantity.


Store invoices allows you to store complete copies of your invoices, credit notes, goods received vouchers indefinitely. There is a function for clearing old invoices from a specified date back. The stored invoices may be viewed or printed as often as required.


If this is set to YES it will, when you perform month-end on stock, transfer all stock movements into the history file. This can be stored indefinitely. It will however create a very large history file and from time to time should be deleted. When deleting you can specify the deletion from a start and end date.

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Indicate whether invoice prices and GRV prices will be entered gross (i.e. VAT inclusive) or net of VAT (i.e. VAT exclusive).


Your stock number defaults to 15 characters alphanumeric. Using a combination of characters (i.e. #=numeric, !=alphanumeric ) you may set up your own stock number matrix with your own separators e.g. ###-!!!!-!!-###. Once the default is altered all 15 characters must be entered into the matrix. No blank spaces may be left. However, when entering a stock number (e.g. while invoicing), the trailing portion of the number may be left blank i.e. all 15 characters do not have to be entered, the end may be left blank.


Invoice numbers (includes credit notes) may be allocated by the computer automatically (preferred method) or manually by the operator.


The number of selling price will allow the user to have a selection of all the 5 selling price available for a stock item when doing an invoice.


Maximum invoice price / invoice quantity and GRV price sets the number of digits either side of the decimal point required for quantities and prices. E.g. maximum invoice price set to 5.2 will indicate a maximum value of 99999.99, while a maximum invoice quantity of 4.0 means a maximum value on quantity of 9999.00 units. If that value was 4.3, it would mean a value of 9999.999 (the .3 indicating 3 digits after the decimal point). Numbers cannot be made smaller than the defaults already provided.

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Use these fields to setup and allocate the next number to be used when the next invoice, job card or quote is processed.

NOTE: These fields are automatically incremented each time an invoice, credit note, quote, etc. is done.

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Extra / other charges can be best explained as an alternate way / method of adding additional value to the GRV, invoice, sales order, etc., without having to invoice or GRV any stock items.

Both the Invoicing and GRV (goods received voucher) extra charges are used in the same way, except that invoicing extra charges are usually associated with income accounts in the ledger, and GRV extra charges are usually associated with expense accounts in the ledger.

One can enter a maximum of 5 extra charges for both invoicing and GRV’s. Once these extra charges have been entered they will then appear at the bottom of invoice, GRV, credit note, sales order, etc., where they can be accessed to enter their respective values or left blank.

Use the cursor control keys (up, down, enter etc.) or the mouse to maneuver and allocate ledger accounts, description and VAT rates. Should the ledger account or VAT rate not be known use the search option (ALT and down arrow) to locate the appropriate ledger account or VAT rate.

To delete an extra charges entry one can either allocate a new ledger account, description and VAT rate or delete completely by holding down the CTRL key and pressing Delete key delete an entire row.

NOTE: These extra / other charges will not affect the pricing structure (i.e. Cost and selling prices) in any way.

When amendments are complete select the Accept option, or the Cancel option to cancel and exit.

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Allocate an access level ranging from 1 to 6. This access level is directly related to the access level of each of the menu options If a menu option has an access level of 2 then only users with an access level of 2 and less can access that menu option.


Enable (tick) this option to be able to add serial numbers to stock items in Stock Maintenance and Stock Serial Numbers. Strict Serial Number Control will force the user to enter the correct serial number of the stock item while processing. (Serial number tracking) This will force the correct original serial number of the item to be entered on a Credit Note if it was invoiced.

Invoice Extra Charges

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NOTE: If the access level is left on 0 no access has be defined and all the users can proceed with the option.


Enter the Access level required for quantity adjustment. Users with this access level will then be able to change the quantity of a stock item.


Enter the Access level required for cost adjustment. Users with this access level will then be able to change the cost price of a stock item.

NOTE: The cost price of a stock item can only be adjustment while doing a GRV or a Stock Adjustment.


Enter the Access level required to Delete Job Cards, Purchase Orders and Sales Orders. Users with this access level will then able to Delete the Job Cards, Purchase Orders or Sales Orders, if an user does not have the correct access level an access denied warning will be given.


Enter the Access level required for line discount. Users with this access level will then be able to allocate line discount when invoicing stock item.



CLOSE BOOKS EACH MONTH ON DAY (31 FOR LAST DAY) - Indicates when your general ledger closes. Usually at month end i.e. 31. Not important for debtors.

CONFIRM DEFAULT INTEGRATION MONTH - Activate and deactivate this option by clicking the left mouse button on the open block or by using the space bar. A tick in the open block indicates that the option has been selected. If this option is not selected the computer will use the system date in conjunction with the ledger end of month day to allocate the debtors postings to the appropriate ledger period. If enabled, the operator will be prompted with the confirm ledger integration information (ledger month number and company being integrated to) which may be altered or left as is.

FINANCIAL YEAR STARTS ON - Start of the financial year should be entered e.g. 01/03/2009. This is important as it indicates where the general ledger begins. Because the ledger has no 'Month End' function you direct all debtor postings to the required month number in the ledger. The system needs to be aware which month is the starting financial month.

NOTE: If your financial period starts on the 1st of March and the current calendar period falls between the 1st March 2008 and 28 Feb. 2009, the financial starting period must then be that of the 01/03/2008 and NOT 01/03/2009. The reason being, the previous financial year is incomplete. Please note the ledger integration period will then be period 13 and not period 1, which will later become period 1, once year end is done.

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The integration defaults accounts form part of the automatic integration with the ledger. Whenever a posting involves a debtor, creditor or stock item, the system will then use the integration accounts associated with them, e.g. If posting was done from creditors the system will not ask for the creditors control or the VAT account each time ,but will automatically extract the Creditors Control and VAT Input account from the ledger integration defaults.

The accounts asked for must all be filled in, no vacant fields are permitted. Should any of the accounts not be correct select, the search option located next to that entry field and select the appropriate ledger account.


The VAT table is the essence for all VAT calculations through out the system. Any transaction processed with a VAT rate numbered from 1 to 9 will have VAT calculated. The VAT amount is based on the VAT rate percentage value that is linked with VAT Rate number at the time of the posting.

NOTE: By changing the VAT Rate value will correct or influence any previous postings made.

Use the arrow keys (up, down, left right key) to position the cursor at the appropriate spot. Once located, one can begin typing.

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New VAT Rates can actually not be added. One is able to modify anyone of the 9 predefined VAT rates and their descriptions.


The 9 predefined VAT rates cannot be deleted. Their VAT rate values can only be set to zero. Should a particular VAT rate no longer be required, the VAT rate percentage value can set to zero and references to this VAT rate should be changed to the new VAT rate number.

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An individual or organization to which you have supplied goods or services on credit is called a debtor. Debtors usually occur as a result of credit sales, i.e. customers purchasing on account. Debtors are classified as current assets in the ledger as the amounts owing are usually paid during the course of the current trading year.

To set up your debtors system, follow the steps as outlined on the next few pages



NOTE: Opening balances are NOT entered under debtors Account Maintenance.

To enter the opening balances, select the debtor Transaction option. When entering opening balances use the balance brought forward code (BF). The brought forward code will allow you to age (e.g. allocate values to 30 days, 60 days, etc.) the amount, once the entry has been accepted. Note that you may only age one amount at a time.

EXAMPLE: If a customer had a outstanding balance of R 100.00 of which R 70.00 was in 30 days and R 30.00 in 60 days, then two balance brought forward transaction entries would have to be entered. The date that should be used should be the 1st of the month for the relevant age. i.e. the 30 days transaction date would be the 1st of the previous month and the 60 days transaction date will be the 1st of month for two months prior to the current month.

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NOTE: The Brought Forward posting type must have the letters “BF” as the short code (see Posting Types), otherwise the system will not allow it to be aged. Another important bit of information is the date of the transaction has absolutely no affect on the age of transaction, therefore it’s important to use the “BF” code when capturing opening balances. This is the only posting type that allows you indicate the age of the transaction that is being posted.


Credit balances must be entered using the JC (Journal credit) transaction code.


Opening balances should be allocated to the debtors clearing account in the general ledger.

When posting these opening balances the accounts that are affected in the ledger will be the debtors control (debit) and the debtors clearing account (credit). This should then be cleared when the opening trial balance is entered in the general ledger, i.e. Post the debtors control total as per the trial balance to the debtors clearing account when entering the opening trial balance.


When using the debtors module, all entries will be posted by default to the Debtors Control Account in the general ledger. Contra entries may be allocated to any ledger account. The most common default contra postings may be set under debtors Posting Types. You can integrate to any ledger (i.e. postings to debtors in company 001 can be allocated to the general ledger of company 002 etc.) and / or to any month in the ledger (i.e. postings from in your second month of debtors may be allocated to the first month in ledger etc.).


Should the invoice / credit note involve stock items or service items (e.g. Labour, services rendered, etc.) or where tax invoices / credit notes are to be printed then proceed to the Customer Invoicing / Customer Credit notes, under the Stock menu.



Debtor receipts may be posted direct from the general ledger cash book, but each payment received will be treated as separate line entries in the cash book. Unfortunately when doing

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deposits via the cash book each line entry will be displayed in the bank reconciliation instead of the one deposit made for the day, which usually appears as one entry on your bank statement at the end of the month. Please note that receipting via the cashbook should rather be used in the case of direct deposits or debit orders made by the client, which are treated as separate deposit entries by your bank.


When posting payments via the debtors posting option all payments are posted to a cash control account called Cash On Hand. This account, at the end of the day will hold the total deposits made for that day (assuming that deposits are made daily). Once all receipts have been put through then proceed the Cashbook Postings option under Ledger and post a deposit entry for the amount of the total amount receipted.

NOTE: When posting the general ledger cashbook, allocate all debtor deposits to the same Cash on Hand account. At the end of each deposit the Cash on Hand account balance should be zero.

That is why all receipting should preferably be done under Debtor Postings so that all moneys received are posted to one central ledger account (Cash On Hand) which is cleared when the actual deposit is made in the Cash Book, debit, Bank, credit, Cash On Hand. These deposits made on the computer are directly related to the amount of times you deposit funds at the bank, e.g. if you make two deposits in one day then two cash book deposits must be entered for those separate deposit book amounts.

EXAMPLE: Client ‘A’ pays R100.00 cash & client ‘B’ pays R200.00 cheque. The first step is to post these receipts under Debtor Postings using the payment code (‘PM’). These receipts amounts will automatically be posted to the cash on hand account. At this time you have written these two amounts in the deposit book and the value comes to R300.00. Now that this is done, proceed to the bank as per normal and deposit the R300.00. The bank accepts the deposit as one amount (R300.00). After doing the manual deposit the same must be applied to the computer system. This is achieved by doing a deposit for R300.00 via the cashbook option, making the contra account the cash on hand account. Once this has been done the cash on hand account will be cleared.

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Select the Debtor Maintenance option from the debtors menu followed by the add option to add a new debtor, edit to amend, or delete to delete an existing account.



If the account number mask is set to ###### (see Set Debtor Defaults) you will not be able to enter alphabetic characters. The next account number will already appear in the account number field. Press enter to accept the account, or enter a new unique numeric account number. The system will not allow you to enter a duplicate account number.

If the account number mask was set to !!!!!!!, you will be able to enter any character (alphabetic and/or numeric) into this field. However, only the first three or four characters need be entered. The system will automatically assign the last numeric digits, e.g. if the previous account number entered was ABC001 and another ABC was entered, the next numeric digits assigned will be 002 etc. If the number is not unique it will add 1 until number is unique.

In all instances duplicate numbers will be rejected.

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Enter the company name, or the surname if the debtor is an individual.


ONLY enter if the customer is an individual. This is NOT the contact persons initials and title.

If the customer is a company, initials and title should NOT be entered. Otherwise the statement print will be affected (i.e. initials and title will be printed with the company name on the customers statement).


Enter the name of the person that maybe contacted in the case of queries relating to this account.


If the debtor is placed on hold, a warning will be issued when processing any debits to the account. It does not however prevent the processing of debits from the Debtor Postings option.


Not to be confused with the postal code. This field is used for report analysis should you require customer reports by area.

EXAMPLE: Lets say that you would like to have sales reports for certain areas, Durban, Cape Town, etc. printed out each month. To do so you would enter the abbreviated format, e.g. DURB, CAPT, etc. In the area field so when printing a report you can either have it printed for a certain area, or area’s or, even sorted on these areas.

HINT: This field need not be used as an area entry field but may be a field that you require to group certain debtors, e.g. Wholesalers (WHOL), retailers (RETL), etc.

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Use the four input fields for the postal address, where the fourth field being used for the postal code. These address fields will appear on invoices and statements as entered here.


Use the four input fields for the delivery address, where the fourth field being used for the postal code. These address fields will appear on invoices as entered here, but may be altered at the time of invoicing.


Enter relevant customer details for these fields. Otherwise leave blank.

NOTE: These fields may be used to store information other than what is actually asked for.


Enter the clients e-mail address if one is available. If the e-mail address is entered the system will allow you to directly e-mail the client, various reports, invoices or orders, if available on your system.

NOTE: The format of the e-mail address should be as follows : e.g. [email protected]. ( lower case) The “http://www.” need not be entered.


Select the appropriate number of days credit that you are prepared to extend to this customer. Valid entries for this field are, C.O.D, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 & 180 days. Terms will be checked during transaction processing and invoicing, and most reports may be printed with terms as a selection criteria, e.g. Print all accounts over 60 days.


Enter credit limit, if applicable. Otherwise leave blank. If the limit is greater than zero (0) the account will be checked during transaction processing and invoicing, and most reports may be printed with terms or credit limit as a selection criteria, checking if any client has exceeded their limit or terms. Depending on the level of credit control the system may differ from a warning to a complete suspension of the account if the limit or terms has been exceeded.

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The discount % is a settlement discount which may be printed on statements at month end. Normally a message like “settlement discount of 15% R150.00 may be deducted if settled by 25-MAY-1997”, would appear on the statement layout.

NOTE: The settlement discount amount will not automatically be posted to the clients account. A manual entry done via the Debtors Postings option, using the “DS” posting type code will have entered.


Enter the co-ordinate (A, B,C, etc.) within the discount matrix that will determine the discounting structure for this debtor. Letters A - I are valid. See the stock manual for details.


Messages may be printed on statements in one of 2 different languages. This option comes into use when printing statements. The statements printing option has the facility of having messages defined per age (e.g. Current message, 30days message, etc.) and per language (English and Afrikaans). Please note messages will be printed according to the oldest aged balance of the account.

EXAMPLE: When a statement is printed for a client that has been set to English and has balances in 30 days, 60 days & 90 days the system will then print the English message for 90 days.


You may assign a single character status to each debtor.

EXAMPLE: S for slow payer or H for handed over. These status codes are a means of grouping or separating some clients from others.

Reports throughout the debtors system have the facility of entering multiple include or exclude status codes.

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This system supports two types of accounts, namely Open Item or BF (brought forward). Use the cursor keys to select the appropriate option. A brought forward system discards all transactions at month end (paid-up or not) and stores them in the history file and carries the total (i.e. the sum of outstanding transactions) forward for the following month.

Open Item accounts retain transactions until they are fully paid up. Account type can be changed but cannot be altered if there is an existing balance or transaction.


Select the appropriate rep relevant to this customer. If not needed, leave as default rep 1. Reports are available in rep number sequence so that this field can be used as a general analysis field. Whenever this client is used (stock invoicing, credit notes, etc.) the rep selected will automatically appear. This rep number can still be altered if need be, when doing the invoice or credit note.


Indicate whether the debtor receives goods at the retail, wholesale , or specially reserved alternate price (3 alternate prices). These prices are directly linked to stock selling prices. When goods are sold to the client the appropriate selling price will be used/appear.

When amendments are completed select the accept option and this debtor will be added to the list of debtors held by the system. Press Escape to cancel all input at any time.


To edit a debtor the following procedures should be followed; select Account Maintenance option from the debtors menu. Select the appropriate client from the list being displayed followed by the edit button being selected.

Most of the customers details may be altered but certain fields cannot be accessed or changed.

A customer account number CANNOT be changed. Changing a customer between Open Item and Brought Forward is only possible if the account has no transactions and the balance is zero. Changing the account type is only possible after month end has been done.


In order to delete a debtor the following procedures should be followed. Select the Account Maintenance option from the debtors menu. Select the appropriate client from the list being displayed followed by the delete button.

When deleting the account the system will ask for confirmation before deleting the account. If you are sure that the debtor must be removed select the YES option.

NOTE: The postings (invoice, payments, journal credits) that have been posted to the various ledger accounts and stock items will not be removed from the system or affect any balances whatsoever.

A debtor CANNOT be removed from the system if there is a balance on the account, or has transactions.

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Ledger contra accounts




Transactions processed under this option are real-time i.e. instantly updated, and not in batch form. However on each occasion that you perform postings a separate transaction audit trail is created for each ‘batch’ of postings entered, i.e. all postings processed while in the Postings option will be grouped under one audit trail number. While the transactions are updated after each entry a single audit trail number will be allocated for all postings done during a single 'sitting'.

Any transaction done under postings will always automatically be posted to the general ledger that the debtors system integrates to (see Set Debtors Defaults). The ledger accounts that will be involved will always be the Debtors Control account and the contra account will be that of the posting type being used at the time of the posting.

Should the posting type be a credit (e.g. JC, PM, DS, etc.) the debtors control will be credited and the ledger account linked to the posting type will be debited and vice versa.


A “Balance Brought Forward” account is an account that has been setup under debtor maintenance with “Acc Type” set to “Balance B/F”. Debits (all transaction types that have been setup as a Debits, Invoices and interest charge) will be posted to the current period (transaction date has no affect on the aging of the transaction) and credits will be posted either against the oldest balances or may be manually allocated to a particular aged period.

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A “Open Item” account is an account that has been setup under debtor maintenance with “Acc Type” set to “Open Item”. When posting a credit (all transaction types that have been setup as a Credits, Invoices and interest charge) to an open item debtor, the program will request you to allocate the payment to either the oldest invoice(s) (automatically) or manually to a displayed list of unpaid debits. All the debits for that customer will be displayed with original amounts, the balance outstanding, and an indicator on the right hand side of the screen, indicating paid, part-paid and fully paid.


Invoice / credit note documents being printed on pre-printed stationery or transactions where stock items are involved, must be processed from within the Stock module and not in debtors.


By using the Amendment button you will be able to enter / amend / delete an account without leaving the transaction posting program.


The Month Number entered for the ledger integration period dictates the month number into which the debtor transactions will be allocated in the ledger. The dates of the individual postings have no effect on the ledger.


To correct an error while entering a transaction click the left mouse button on the appropriate field or use Shift & Tab to go back one field at a time. Once the transaction has been accepted you cannot go back and alter the transaction information in this manner.

NOTE: If the incorrect information is entered, except the amount, it can be corrected by selecting the edit button under the Debtors Enquiries option.


Select the Transactions - Debtors Postings option from the debtors menu. Once selected and if activated, you will be asked to confirm the integration to the ledger.


If the Confirm Posting Month option is enabled (found in Utilities option Default Settings sub-option Ledger Defaults), transactions posted to the general ledger will have the confirm integration box appearing.

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INTEGRATED TO LEDGER - i.e. ledger integration company number. This company ID will be used so that the posting amounts may be posted to the various ledger accounts for that company. This ledger integration company ID may be altered to another ledger company each time the integration box appears or modified under the Set Debtors Defaults option to always prompt another integration company ID number other than that of the debtors system.

The debtors system that will be used is directly related to the company that is currently being used, i.e. If company 002 has been selected from the Select Company option then the debtors system will be that of that company 002 and may be integrated to company 001. Depending on the debtors integration ledger company ID will depend on what company ID number is displayed.

MONTH NUMBER - i.e. ledger integration month number.

NOTE: Month 1 corresponds with the first month of your financial year (NOT January). Accept default or enter the correct ledger month number. The Month Number entered dictates the month number into which the debtor transactions will be allocated in the ledger. The dates of the individual postings have no effect on the ledger.


To locate the appropriate client, one can either type in the account number or the company name, or use the vertical scroll bar. If the clients account number is not known toggle the sequence option to that of the Name, to search by the company’s name. The search will immediately advance character for character as the name or account is being typed in.

NOTE: To figure out in which sequence the debtors are shown look at the first column. If the first column reflects the account number the sequence is in account number sequence. However, if the Name is the first column the order of the debtor accounts are then according to name of the debtor.

If the client is new select the Account Maintenance button to add, alter or delete accounts directly without having to terminate transaction processing.

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When the client has been found select the Accept option.

The customer’s last 15 outstanding transactions will appear on the posting screen. This is for information purposes only and cannot be accessed or altered.



Enter the transaction date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This date does not determine the ageing month or the general ledger month into which the transaction is posted. For aging purposes debits are current and credits have a separate ageing function. The general ledger month is determined by the month number entered when entering the transaction processing option (confirm integration dialogue).

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Enter the reference number for this transaction (e.g. a cheque number, invoice number, etc.). The reference field may NOT be blank. The reference field will automatic increment if the previous reference was a value. E.g. If 1234 was entered in the previous line (for the same client only) the next line will automatically have a reference of 1235.


Enter the order number (alphanumeric) associated with this transaction or another referencing entry, otherwise leave blank.


In order for the transaction to be completed one must select or enter the appropriate posting type (IN, JC, JD, PM, etc) code from the list provided (use the ALT & Down arrow, or the mouse to access the available posting types). These codes can be amended, deleted and new ones added under Posting Types on the debtors menu. On accepting the code, the ledger account, VAT rate and representative for which this code has been setup to default to, will be displayed.


Enter the total transaction amount, including VAT. This amount will be posted to debtor account as well as the debtors control account in the ledger.

NOTE: Negative values are not allowed and are not a means to correct a previous transaction entry. The appropriate posting code must be used for this.


If the posting type selected has been setup to prompt for a VAT rate, a VAT rate may be entered or left as is. The VAT amount will be displayed to the right of the tax rate field, depending on the VAT rate percentage (14%, 0%, etc), see VAT setup under company details. Select the search option for this field to search for the correct VAT rate in the VAT rate table.

NOTE: Do not enter a VAT rate of 0, unless this is for a payment. To have a transaction displayed on the VAT report, even if the VAT amount is zero, always enter a VAT rate (1 - 9).


The VAT Amount is based on the selected VAT rate indicator. The value is calculated and cannot be altered. This amount will be the amount that will be posted the VAT Output account in the ledger. For Creditor postings it will be the VAT Input account.


The representative number entered against this debtor will automatically be displayed. Enter a new rep number or search for the appropriate rep. If the selected posting type has setup so that reps should not be entered (e.g. payments, journal credits ,etc.) this input field will not be available for input.


If the ledger account that appears is incorrect select the search facility to choose the correct account, otherwise leave as is to accept the default account.

NOTE: Any posting done through debtors will always go to the debtors control account and the contra ledger account will be the account number linked to posting type, specified under transaction types. Creditors control account will be used when posting via creditor postings.


After entering the ledger allocation account number, select the accept option to process the entry or press Escape (ESC) to cancel. On accepting, this transaction line will immediately be posted to the debtor and general ledger.

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On the main transaction screen, the total amount due by the customer will be updated by the transaction entered and totals outstanding and other relevant information fields adjusted, e.g. over terms, credit limit, balance of unallocated credits etc.

NOTE: Any credits left unallocated for that debtor will be reflected on the posting and any debtors search screen with a [*].


If the entry was a credit entry the system will proceed to allocations screen. After allocating credits select the accept button. If no credits where allocated to any outstanding entries and the cancel or accept option was selected then that amount left unallocated will stay there until allocated to a particular entry or entries, which may be done at anytime.

At this point there will be no further opportunity to accept the final transaction and the cursor will proceed directly to the next line entry. If finished processing transactions to this debtor select the cancel option and the cursor will return to the debtors search screen.

When posting a credit to an open item debtor, the program will request you to allocate the payment to either the oldest invoice(s) (automatically) or manually to a displayed list of unpaid debits. All the debits for that customer will be displayed with original amounts, the balance outstanding, and an indicator on the right hand side of the screen, indicating paid, part-paid and fully paid.

If a transaction is paid up, it will be ticked in the right hand column.

If not at all paid, the column will be blank.

If partially paid, the indicator will be a ‘-’ sign.

The full amount of the credit does not have to be allocated. The value of any credits left unallocated will be highlighted beneath the word terms on the bottom of the main debtors posting screen next to the word “unallocated”.

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To allocate or re-allocated existing credits, activate the allocate button. A screen with all existing credits will appear. Under normal circumstances when posting any debit posting type to a creditors account the system will automatically ask whether that debit amount currently being posted should automatically be allocated to the outstanding credit transactions or if the operator wishes to allocate to the debit amount manually to each of the outstanding credit transactions.


Move the highlight bar to the debit being paid. If the amount of the available credit (“To allocate” amount) is Greater than the debit (“due”) being paid, press, Enter or click with the left mouse button, and the highlighted debit will be paid up (due amount will become zero) and will reflect a ‘tick’ in the right hand column.

If a debit (Invoice, JD, etc.) is already paid up, you can use the same keys to un-allocate i.e. if an entry was paid up, the entry will now be unpaid, and the amount of the credit released will become available for reallocation.

NOTE: The enter key or the right mouse button will only work when the amount to allocate is greater or is equal to the outstanding debit amount. If the amount to allocate is less, then select the part allocate option.


If insufficient credit is available to allocate to any of the outstanding transactions use the part payment option to partially pay the outstanding amount. You may apply the full credit as part payment or enter only that portion of the credit being applied as part payment of the invoice.

EXAMPLE: If the “To allocate” field had a amount of R100.00 and two entries where still outstanding for R70.00 and R100.00. Use the available credit and allocate (use the Enter key to allocate) the full amount to the R70.00. The “To allocate” field will be reduced by that amount leaving R30.00 over. Allocate the next outstanding entry, the R100.00 with the R30.00 that is left over, using the part allocate option.


To automatically allocate all available credits to the oldest debits, select the Oldest Balance button.

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To automatically reverse the allocated amount use the Enter key or the left mouse button to unallocated the previous allocation made.


The system will prohibit you from allocating credits in excess of the outstanding unpaid debit balance.


To re-allocate existing credits after transactions have been posted and allocated, follow the procedures as described below.

This can be done at any time. You do not have to be posting a transaction at the time, i.e. you may select debtor’s postings just to allocate credits. To do this proceed as if you where going to post a transaction to the client, except select the allocate button instead to access the allocation facility.

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Debtor enquiries will enable you to enquire into the current status of a debtors account. Details of the transactions currently on file for that debtor will be displayed as well as details such as aged balances (current -180 days) and a sales / profit history and detailed account information. Single account statements, editing & flagging of transactions, and the facility to add your own memo are also available.


To find a debtors account no. or name enter the first couple of letters of either the account or name (if the sort sequence is by name then you would enter the clients name or company name to search by and vice versa) and the computer will search for you. As each letter is entered the system advances down to the first account that matches the letters or numbers already entered.

If there are not that many accounts, scroll through the list using the vertical scroll bar or the cursor control keys (up, down, end, etc). Use the sort sequence option to toggle the search sequence from account to name sequence or vice versa.

Once the appropriate account has been found, select the accept option.

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To view all non-current (transactions older than current) debtors transactions or to remove old history you should proceed to History menu option or select the View History button option when viewing the client’s details.


There are two methods of recalling an invoice or credit note. The first method is as follows. Proceed to the Stock menu followed by Utilities and then the sub-option Recall Documents.

NOTE : This would only apply if the invoices / credit notes were generated via the stock system.

The second method is to enquire into a debtor account (debtors enquiries) and highlight the appropriate invoice or credit note (generated from the stock system) listed on the clients account. When highlighted select the document option. The system will then display the invoice or credit note as per current stationery layout.



Select balance option to view the outstanding balances and any unallocated credits that have not been allocated.


Use your arrow up/down keys, or if using a mouse , the scroll bar to scroll through the transactions. If more detail is required on a transaction, highlight the transaction and double click the left mouse button, or press the Enter key. Further details of the transaction will now be displayed.

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If the account is an open item account a Tick () next to a debit will indicate Paid () ,indicates part paid, and if the column indicator is blank, then it’s not paid.


Use history button to see the last 12 months sales (returns taken into account)and profit history for that debtor. Months 1-12 indicate last 12 calendar months and do not refer to the months of your financial year.

Month 1 indicates the current period and month 2 would indicate last month, and month 12 would be 12 months ago. After each month end the system drop down by one month, i.e. The value for month 1 will be dropped down to month 2 and month 11’s value will become month 12.

NOTE: Sales and profit values are updated by the stock invoicing and credit note facilities located under the Stock menu. Invoicing done via debtors postings will however, only update the sales values and not the profit values, purely because the debtors postings journal has no cost attached it, therefore no profit can be calculated.

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To search for a particular entry, whether it be by invoice number, amount, date or even the first two letters or numbers of the entry, select search button to enter a search criteria. All listed transactions will be compared with the search string, and when found, the selected transaction will be highlighted. The system will automatically ask whether it must continue with search to find the next matching entry.

Use this function to add a memo for a reversal or incorrect entry that was put through, giving an explanation why it was entered, so that at a later stage one can recall why this entry was put through.


To add an additional description/reference to a transaction, highlight a transaction and select the linked reference option. You will be able to enter a comment for that specific transaction that will always be displayed at the bottom of the screen whenever this transaction is highlighted.


Select the edit button if information regarding the highlighted transaction is to be altered. Please note that the amount may not be altered.

If the amount is incorrect then correct it by reversing it, e.g. if it was an invoice then post a credit note against it (important: if the invoice was done under stock then the credit note must be processed from stock as well and not under postings). The advantage of the Edit option is that the user can change the Reference or even add a Order number or Delivery note number if this was not added initially. The disadvantage can be that the originally added information can be changed and thus making the cross reference difficult.


Use the “View History” button to view previously posted transactions that have been paid-up and month-ended. Once this option is selected the button description will change to “View Current”. Should you need to revert back to the previous selection, select the button again.


If a number of mistakes were made on an account, (e.g. an invoice was put through for the wrong amount or to the wrong client and the credit note had to be processed to correct it) and should not appear on the statement run for this client, select the flag / unflag button. A '~' will appear in front of the reference number for the transaction being highlighted. To unflag select the flag / unflag button again to clear the ‘~’. All items flagged in this manner will not print during the statement run.

NOTE: When flagging transactions it is important that the debits and credits for flagged items must be equal, i.e. if an invoice is flagged then there must be a contra credit, a credit note.

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Should there be a requirement to recall (view or print) a document as it was processed on the day select the F8 Document option. Make sure that the correct transaction has been highlighted before selecting the F8 Document option.


Statements should be printed at the end of each month, usually the 25th. They must be printed before performing the month-end. As the system runs real-time and not in batch mode, statements must be printed before beginning the following days postings. Statements may be printed / reprinted as often as required during the course of the month.


To view the various ledger account entries made in the ledger for the highlighted entry activate the audit button.

All ledger accounts that have the same ledger audit trail number will be displayed.

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During a month end run, all transactions posted during the current month will be transferred to the history file.


The list of debtors will appear on the screen. Select the account number, or alter the sequence to search by name. Once the account has been located, select the accept option to view all the history for the selected debtor.

Use balance button to see the debtors aged balances.

Use Enter to view details of the selected account. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the debtors transactions. Press Enter or double click the right mouse button on the highlighted transaction to get detailed information about the transaction.

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The size of the history file is only limited by your available disk space. You may delete your older history, by entering a cutoff date. All history before this date will be removed. If you do not do this, your history file will continue to grow. Periodic housekeeping is advisable. To delete old history enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. All history prior to the date will be deleted.

NOTE: Deleting debtors historical transaction will NOT affect any transaction in any of the other modules, e.g. creditors, stock & general ledger.

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Before a letter or mail merge can be run one must have a letter setup. If one has already been setup then you do not need to design another, unless it’s a new letter. By selecting the Design Letter button, a letter may either deleted, edited or a new letter created.

Once the letter has been written, the codes/variables entered in the letter will be substituted with the actual information from the debtor records according to the selection criteria / filter made in the Letter Merge.



NOTE: Because this word processor functions in the same way as many other windows word processors, the detailed explanation on how to setup tabs, page layouts, cursor movements, marking/blocking objects, pasting, etc. will NOT be discussed. The method which one would use to save a letter in or open a letter from, a different directory is exactly the same as that of windows, so therefore will not be discussed.

In order to under stand the word processor you must under stand what the available options are. Although this word processor functions like any other windows type, there are few functions here and there that are different. One of the main differences is the facility to setup a mail merge letter(s). The figure below is that of the word processor and an example of a typical mail merge letter with predefined codes / variables been used. The mail merge facility will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. The word processor has the facility of pasting objects from other packages and the reading and saving of files in RTF (rich text format), which may be read / imported by other packages.

NOTE: When wanting to print or change the name, or perhaps save the letter in another place, one must first open / load that letter.


To create or open a new letter do as follows :- Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Open option. A new file / letter will now be ready for you to use. Please note that this letter does not have a name at the moment. Once the letter has been completed, remember to select the Save As option from the File menu option to allocate a name to it.


To save a letter do as follows:- Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Save option. Please note that if the current letter does not have a name or the correct name, select the Save As option to allocate a file name.


To save the letter as something else or perhaps in different location or directory do as follows:-Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Save As option. If the letter already has a file name it will be displayed in the File Name field, which may be over typed with the new letter or file name. At the same time one can change the current directory by selecting Change Level icon folder.

NOTE: The method which one would use to save a letter in or open a letter from, a different directory is exactly the same as that of windows, so therefore will not be discussed.


To print the current letter do as follows:- Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Print option and proceed as per normal.

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In order to setup or create a mail merge letter one first open a file / letter. Select the File menu option followed by the Open option. Now that this has been done the word processor may be utilized like any other windows processor. The figure displayed below is an example of a typical mail merge letter.

You will notice that this letter looks just like any other, except for the codes in brackets (‘[’, ‘]’). These codes represent actual information that it will be replaced with the client information, e.g. [Name] will be replaced with the clients name (Joe Soap) when used under the Debtors Mail Merge option. The same will apply to the rest of the codes being used.


To select a mail merge letter code / variable place your cursor at the position where you would like the code to appear. When the mail merge program is run this code will be replaced with the appropriate information and placed at that position of the code.

Now that the cursor is at the right place select the mail merge variable list option with your mouse. From the list of variables select the appropriate code that will be needed by using the left mouse button. Once selected the code will appear in mail merge list box. In order to get this code to be displayed on the actual letter, double click the left mouse button the mail merge list box where the variable is now appearing. The selected variable now appears at the last position where your cursor was.

NOTE: This / these code(s) may be treated like any other text entry, i.e. Change the font size, colour or font, or cut, copy or past it somewhere else. Now that you know how to select one mail ・merge variable, one can apply the same procedures to add more variables.


Once you have completed your letter select the File option from the top menu, followed by the Save option (if editing a previous letter which already has a name) or the Save As option it is a new letter. This file / letter will be asked for again when running the mail merge program from the debtors system.


See the Word Processor chapter for detailed information on the actual setting-up, laying out and how to incorporate mail merge variables into your letter.



Use the letter name option to locate the appropriate letter that was previously designed under the Word Processor facility. By default, the mail search facility will display all mail merge files (*.rtf) for the systems default letter merge directory. Should you have saved your letter in another directory select that directory to find the letter.

If the letter was saved as something other than a mail merge letter select the Files of Type and alter option from ‘Merge Letters’ to ‘*.*’.

HINT: When you select the correct letter, the contents will be displayed to the left of the input fields. If you’re not sure which letter you’re looking for, this quick preview facility will help you locate it.

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Utilize the convert to ASCII facility to export debtors data to ASCII / text file format, which in turn can be used by a third party program like Excel, Lotus, Access, etc. To convert the master or transaction file to ASCII select the Convert To ASCII option from the Debtors menu. Enter the details onto the screen that now appears and the data will convert into ASCII format.



Selecting the Master option will enable you to output to ASCII all information that is stored in the master file (e.g. Address, balances, telephone no, etc.).

If the transaction file is selected then the information that can be output will be information concerning the transactions posted (e.g. VAT rate, amount, audit trail ,date, etc.).


NOTE: Once you have selected the process option you will be able to enter a file name to store the extracted / exported information in.

Enter the file name where the information is to be written. Please note that it may be necessary to rename this file to enable different versions of spreadsheet and word processing packages to read the file. The file created will be in the standard ASCII format.


Select the date range (if any) applicable to the data which the report must cover. This will only apply to reports output from the transaction file, not the master file.


To select only overdue accounts, enter the minimum number of days overdue. If 60 is entered into this field then only accounts whose balances are 60 days or more will be printed.

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Delimiters can be any character used to separate the data fields. e.g. *The Apple Farm*. The delimiters in this example are the asterisks (*) which enclose the customer name extracted from the master file. Delimiters are normally commas (,)if you wish to use the data in a your standard database or spreadsheet programs.

NOTE: Use the process option to write the file to disk. The exported file will be found in your current directory (i.e. \IQ2000). To select the cancel option to abort.

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Use the post dated cheque facility to capture cheque payments that have been post dated for the future. Once these PD Cheques became due thy can be processed from the same screen without having to recapture the payment under transaction processing.


Select either the Edit button to edit the highlighted cheque or select the Add button to a new cheque. Once selected, the screen to capture post dated cheques will appear.


Type in the debtors account number or use the search facility (Alt & the Down arrow key).


Enter the date when the is to be banked / cashed.

NOTE: Although the system will automatically detect which cheques are due for processing they will not automatically be processed. They must be processed be selecting the Process option. Cheques that are due for processing will be displayed with a dark background.

These two column indicate wheather chques is due for processing i.e. the date is no longer ???? and the process column indicted whether the cheque has already been processed.

These two column indicate whether cheque is due for processing i.e. the date is no longer future dated and the process column indicted whether the cheque has already been processed.

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Use the reference field to type in the cheque no. or any other form of reference number.


Type in the full amount of the post dated cheque to be processed to the debtors account.


Use the Ledger account field to allocate general ledger contra account where the cheque payment should go to. By default cheque payments go directly to the Cash On Hand account in the ledger, or any other cash control account, before being deposited using the Cashbook Postings option from within the General Ledger.

Use the search facility (Alt & the Down Arrow key) to locate a new ledger account to use, otherwise leave as is.

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In order to process postdated cheques select the Postdated cheques option. A list of the available postdated cheques will appear. Postdated cheques that are highlighted with a dark background indicate which cheques are due for processing.

NOTE: Cheques already process cannot be re-processed.

To process those cheques due for processing select the Process button. The cheques are due for processing for the current date will appear. Should there be no cheques for processing the system will indicate so.

NOTE: Postdated cheques are due when their postdated cheque date entered is equal or is prior to the current system date (computers date), i.e. that day has already past. Postdated cheques cannot be processed more than once.


The postdate cheque report will display a All Cheques, Cheques Now Due, Chques Already Processed and a Cheques Outstanding Report.

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Statements should be printed at the end of each month, usually the 25th. They must be printed before performing the month-end clear. As the system runs real-time and not in batch mode, statements must be printed before beginning the following days postings. Statements may be printed / reprinted as often as required during the course of the month.

NOTE: Statements can not be re-printed for a certain date. The user cannot print statements as at 01/03/2009 if the current date is before or after this date. Once month end is done statements cannot be re=printed for the previous months(s).


If you wish to print standard and / or overdue messages on the statements, select the messages option and enter the messages. Two different types of messages may be entered.


For age groups 30, 60, 90 and 120+ days messages may be entered in three languages which are directly linked to the customer language preference indicator entered in debtors maintenance section. These messages are also linked with the age of each customer and therefore the appropriate message will appear on statement for relevant age for that customer in the language indicated. Message 120 days will be printed on the 150 / 180 day accounts.

To accept each page of messages select the OK button. At any point during entry of messages you may exit by pressing escape. Escaping will not save any changes made.

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Standard messages work on the same basis as that of the overdue messages, except that the accounts overdue age (i.e. 30, 60 days, etc) has no bearing on this message. It will be printed on all statements regardless of age. A typical case when standard messages would be used is when promoting a sale or displaying a “seasons greetings” message.



Enter the date which must be printed on the statements, otherwise leave as is.

NOTE: This date has no influence on the actual transaction that will be printed for the date selected.


Disable this option if an open item system is in operation and only the transactions posted in the current month need be printed on the statement. Enable it to reflect all existing (outstanding) transactions on file on the statements to be produced.

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By default statements will be printed in account number sequence but may be altered to print in customer name order.


Enter the date by which payment must reach you if the debtor is to qualify for a settlement discount. The system will automatically calculate and print the appropriate early settlement amount. If no settlement discount is to be calculated then leave blank.


By enabling this option clients with zero balances will also be printed. By disabling, these clients will be ignored. Zero balance accounts are defined as accounts whose present balance is zero irrespective of whether there are current transactions or not.


If the YES option is selected, clients with credit balances (less than zero) will also be printed. Selecting NO, all clients will credit balances will be ignored.


To select only overdue accounts, enter the minimum number of days overdue. E.g. If 60 is entered then only accounts 60 days or more will be printed. This function ignores the customers’ terms and works strictly on the aged balance. Alternatively leave blank.

NOTE: Each time the Include Zero Balances, Include Credit Balances or The Account Over XXX Days options are changed the Apply Selections button must be selected for the changes to take effect.

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Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain conditions (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) select the filter button to enter such criteria. If previous filters have already been setup then use the Load Filter to access the saved filters for this report.


For this example statements are to be printed for all debtors, excluding zero and credit balance accounts and that live the JHB area , and have their account status set to ‘C’

1. Select the Filter button. The filter screen will appear next. From the Field listing, locate the Area field. Click on the Area field so it becomes highlighted.

2. Now click on the white edit area of the Field Value block and enter JHB (to extract all debtors that live in the JHB area). Do not press Enter or click the Ok button.

3. From the Fields listing, locate the Status field and click on the Status field to highlight it.

4. Click on the white edit area of the Field Value and enter “C”. Do not press Enter or click the Ok button.

NOTE: The terms “Field Value” or “By Value” do not imply that a numeric value(s) is/are to be entered.

5. The final step is view the filter criteria that we have created (this need not be applied each every time a filter is setup and is only intended for this exercise). Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields that had values entered against them will appear. Select the OK button when finished viewing the summarized filter query

Field Listing (list of fields within the database)

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6. At this point we can select the OK button to have the filter applied, or we can continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to the existing query by repeating the above steps.

7. Select the Ok button to have the filter selection applied and be returned to the statements screen. The statement screen will now reflect the result of the filter that has been applied and should reflect a single debtor account, ABC001. If not, select the Clear Filter button and repeat the previous steps to setup the filter again.

NOTE: Should you have accidentally selected the OK button or pressed Enter, at any point during the filter setup select the Filter button again to have the filter screen displayed again. The previous captured information will still be available allowing you to continue where you left-off. However, if you escaped out of the statement screen this information would have been lost. It is therefore important for any filters that have been setup and are required to be used repeatedly, need to be saved after the filter has been applied or completed.

8. Now that filter has been completed select the Save Filter button so that the filter can saved and re-used again. Saved filters can be used again by selecting the Load Filter button. There is an unlimited amount of filters that can be configured and saved.

To cancel a filter, select the Clear Filter button at any time.

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Under the age analysis option 6 different reports may be obtained namely, Name & Address, Full Listing, Short listing & Balances, Accounts & All Transactions, Top Account and Totals Only. These reports may be printed as often as required.

NOTE: The Short Listing & Balances (displays all accounts with their outstanding balances, total to 180) should be printed and filed just prior to running the month end close. The system unfortunately does not allow these reports to be printed the way they where printed with the same values, a month or two ago, if transactions have already been posted.


If all that is needed is the name & address of the client, select the Name & Address List option. If all the details (account status, terms, balances, etc.) are needed, select the Full Listing report type. If however all that is needed is the outstanding balances, select the Short Listing or Accounts & All Transactions if the balances and all outstanding transactions for the client is to be printed. If outstanding balance totals are need for all the debtors, select the Totals Only report. When selecting the Top Accounts report type, the system will prompt you to select whether the report must report on sales or profit, for the month or the year.



To select only overdue accounts, enter the minimum number of days overdue. e.g. If 60 is entered works strictly on the aged balance. Alternatively leave blank.


Use the sequence option to print the various report types in either account number or in name sequence.

NOTE: Every time the sequence option is changed the Apply Selections button must be selected so that the new sequence selected can be applied.

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Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain conditions (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) select the filter button to enter such criteria. If previous filters have already been setup then use the Load Filter to access the saved filters for this report.


For this example a short listing with balances will be extracted for debtors that are in the CPT area, have the debtor status set ‘P’ and have a balance of more than 500 in 30days and older.

1. Select the Filter button. The filter screen will appear next. From the Field listing, locate the Total field. Click on the Total field so it becomes highlighted.

2. Now click on the white edit area of the Starting Range and type 500. Do not press Enter or click the Ok button.

NOTE: For this exercise the Ending range is not entered as we are not looking for accounts that fall between a certain value range. We require accounts with an outstanding value from 500 and upwards. However, if we entered 3000 in the Ending range, the filter would extract only accounts that have a balance that falls between 500 and 3000.

3. From the Fields listing, locate the Status field. Click on the Status field.

4. Click on the white edit area of the Field Value and enter “P”. Do not press Enter or click the Ok button.

5. For the next filter criteria locate and select the Area field from Fields listing.

6. Click on the white edit area of the Field Value and enter “CPT” (to extract all debtors that live in the CPT area).

Field Listing (list of fields within the database)

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NOTE: It’s important to mention that the “Case Sensitive” option has not been enabled (no tick). This allows the query to match debtors area regardless of the format used, e.g. “CPT”, “cpt”, “Cpt”, etc.. This in turn allows for a more accurate query result.

7. For the final part of the filter query locate and select the Age field. The Age field stores the age as numeric representation of oldest balance of the debtors (1=current, 2=30 days, 3=60 days, …….., 7=180days) E.g. if a debtor has a balance in 30 days and balance in 120 days, the stored value of the age field would be 5.

NOTE: The terms “Field Value” or “By Value” do not imply that a numeric value(s) is/are to be entered.

8. The final step is view the filter criteria that we have created. Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields that had values entered against them will appear. Select OK when finished viewing the summarized filter query.

9. At this point we can select the OK button to have the filter applied, or we can continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to our existing query by repeating the above steps.

NOTE: Should you have accidentally select the OK button or pressed Enter, at any point during the filter setup select the Filter button again to have the filter screen displayed again. The previous captured information will still be available allowing you to continue where you left-off. However, if you escaped out of the age analysis screen this information would have been lost. It is therefore important for any filters that have been setup and are required to be used repeatedly, need to be saved after the filter has been applied or completed.

10. Now that filter has been completed select the Save Filter button so that the filter can saved and re-used again. Saved filters can be used again by selecting the Load Filter button. There is an unlimited amount of filters that can be configured and saved.

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The final result of the applied filter should reflect a single debtors’ account, SMI001. If the available list does not show a single account, it would mean that the filter criteria entered is incorrect. Select the Filter button and proceed with each of the previously discussed steps.


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Every transaction processed is stored in an audit file. A separate audit trail number is created every time you enter the Postings option and enter new transactions. To print listings of the debtors transaction audit trails select the Audit Tracking option under Debtors, Reports . The following screen will appear :


An audit report is a report, listing all transaction (invoices, credit notes, payments, etc.) that have been posted that depict information like the date, reference, amount audit trail numbers, profit, etc., for the given selection (filter) criteria. The audit report can be used in many ways to extract sales information, payments made, credit notes entered with summary totals being printed. One can even extract the invoice(s) for a certain client for the day.

The active sort sequence is displayed in yellow. Any of the available columns can be selected. The U column is to allow the detail to be sorted according to order

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Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain conditions (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) select the filter button to enter such criteria. If previous filters have already been setup then use the Load Filter option access these saved filters.

The resulting filter is incorrect. The PM transaction entry should NOT be included. The filter will need to be changed.

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The following filter involves the printing an audit report for all stock related entries for the current date (i.e. for today’s date).

1. Select the Filter button. From the Field listing, locate the ST_AUDIT field. Click on the ST_AUDIT field so it becomes highlighted.

NOTE: The ST_AUDIT fields is an abbreviation for the Stock Audit trail number.

2. Click on the white area of the Field Value edit box for the ST_AUDIT field. Enter a numeric value of zero (e.g. 0).

3. Enable the “Non-Matching records” option, i.e. make sure that the option has a tick. By enabling this option we have indicated that we do not want debtor transactions that have an ST_AUDIT number of zero (0).

NOTE: Any processing done via the stock menu (e.g. customer invoicing, credit notes, supplier purchases, stock adjustment, transfers, etc) will have a stock audit trail number attached to the transaction. Processing done via debtors & creditors (.e.g. transaction processing, interest charging) will not have a ST_AUDIT value.

4. The next filter criteria that is needed, is the date. From the Fields listing, locate the TXDATE field. TXDATE is the abbreviation for transaction date. This field stores the date of the transaction. Click on the TXDATE field to highlight it.

5. Click on the white edit area of the Field Value for the Starting Range and enter “Today’s Date”. Do the same for the Ending Range value. Should the report require information to be extracted for more than one day, change either the starting or ending date range.

6. Click on the OK button. The filtered query will now be applied to the list of debtors transactions resulting in a list of transactions being shown that match criteria entered.

From the list one can see that there is PM transaction included in the list. This is incorrect as we are only looking for stock transactions that involved debtor accounts.

NOTE: The reason why the PM transaction entry is included is because the payment (PM) was posted via stock and therefore is automatically allocated a stock audit trail number. The reason why the payment was posted via the stock system is due to a “Cash Sale” (e.g. CASH01) invoice being posted and at the same time, being Paid-up. The paid-up part is what caused the payment (PM) transaction entry.

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In order to correct this we need to change to filter to only include invoice (IN) and credit note (CN) transactions.

7. Select the Filter button again.

8. In order to exclude all other possible unwanted transactions we will have to indicate that we require only invoice and credit notes. The field that stores the transaction type (e.g. IN, PM, CN, PU, DS, JD, BF, etc) is the CODE field. Locate and highlight the CODE field.

9. Once selected click on the field value edit. Enter “IN or CN”. This method can also be used to extract discount (DS) or payment (PM) only transactions.

10. The final step is view the filter criteria that we have created. Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields that had values entered against them will appear. Select the OK button when finished viewing the summarized filter query.

11. At this point we can select the OK button to have the filter applied, or we can continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to the existing query by repeating the above steps.

12. Select the Ok button to have the filter selection applied and be returned to the statements screen. The audit screen will now reflect the result of the filter that has been applied and should reflect three transactions. Two invoices and one credit note. If not, select the Clear Filter button and repeat the previous steps to setup the filter again.

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NOTE: Should you have accidentally selected the OK button or pressed Enter, at any point during the filter setup select the Filter button again to have the filter screen displayed again. The previous captured information will still be available allowing you to continue where you left-off. However, if you escaped out of the Audit Tracking screen this information would have been lost. It is therefore important for any filters that have been setup and are required to be used repeatedly, need to be saved after the filter has been applied or completed.

13. Now that filter has been completed select the Save Filter button so that the filter can saved and re-used again. Saved filters can be used again by selecting the Load Filter button. There is an unlimited amount of filters that can be configured and saved.

To cancel a filter, select the Clear Filter button at any time.

Incorrect transaction included in final result. Only stock invoices & credit notes should be shown. The filter needs to be changed to exclude PM entries posted via stock.

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Any posting to a debtors account, other than from the stock module, will use Transaction Types set under this option. The more common codes are pre-created for you. You may amend existing codes, add new or remove non-required codes. Up to 99 codes may be defined on the system.

On selecting this option, all the existing/default Transaction code will be displayed. Select the Edit button to edit the highlighted posting type, or the Add button to amend the posting type.

On entering, you will be displayed with a screen used for altering, creating or deleting existing codes. Each transaction code will display both month to date and a year to date total value of transactions posted. The ledger contra account will also be shown.


Select the Add button.


The transaction code that is required is a two character code that is usually and abbreviation to the description of the transaction. (e.g. IN – Invoice, CP – Cash Payment, DD – Direct Deposit, EF – EFT, etc).

NOTE: Enter BF if the transaction type is required to be aged. The posting type description can be anything, but the transaction type must be a debit.

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Enter the description associated with this transaction, e.g. Payment, rent, club fees, etc. The description field allows for a total length of 30 characters.


Use your left and right arrow keys, mouse to select the correct option. Selecting the Debit option will Increase the Debtors balance and a Credit will Decrease the Debtors balance.

NOTE: Setting the transaction type to a Debit means that the entry to ledger will be as follows;

Debit Debtors control (automatically posted) and Credit the ledger account linked to this transaction type (contra account) and Credit the VAT Output account (if VAT has been indicated).

Setting the transaction type to a Credit means that the entry to ledger will be as follows;

Credit Debtors control (automatically posted) and Debit the ledger account linked to this posting type (contra account) and Debit the VAT Output account (if VAT has been indicated).


Activating (a tick will appear in the block) this option will mean that when this transaction code is used, the VAT portion of the transaction amount will be calculated and processed to the appropriate general ledger VAT account (Output Vat).

NOTE: The VAT portion will be calculated according to the selected VAT rate at the time of posting the transaction. The VAT account that will be used will be the VAT Output account that is defined under the Ledger Integration menu option (see Utilities followed by the Default Settings option).


Activate this option if commission is payable (i.e. a representative is to be asked for when using this posting code) on this type. If enabled, you will always have the option to enter the rep.

NOTE: The rep that is displayed at the time of the transaction will depend entirely on the rep that is associated with debtor being used. (see Debtor Maintenance on how to link reps to debtor accounts).

This is the General ledger Contra account that will be used. This transaction type indicates that the Debtors Control will be Credited and the CASH account debited.

Search Facility. Click on the three dots to search or use the ALT & Down Arrow keys.

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Use the search facility provided to search for the correct ledger account number if it is not known. This ledger account number will automatically be used whenever the posting type is used. This ledger account number will always be displayed when processing a transaction and therefore may be changed when posting the transactions.

When all amendments have been completed select the Accept option or press the ESC (escape) key to cancel any changes made and exit.


Select the Delete button to delete a transaction code. Transactions that have already been posted using the highlighted code will not be affected (i.e. all entries found under creditors, stock and ledger), but it may cause problems when trying to reconcile figures from the ledger that used the posting type at a later stage.

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You are able to charge customers interest on their overdue balances. It can be set to be done automatically or manually, can exclude / include debtors based on their status indicator on their master files, and can be restricted to accounts 'XX' number of days overdue. Interest charging should be done just prior to your statement run. To charge interest on overdue accounts select the Interest Charging option from the Debtors menu.



Enter the interest rate (per annum) that will be charged on overdue clients. It will automatically divide the rate by 12.


Enter the appropriate status code(s) should there be accounts that must not be charged interest, even if their balance is equal or over the age limit entered.


Enter the age to which interest must be charged. If an age limit of 60 is entered, then accounts that have a balance of 60 days and over will be charged interest. This field may not be left blank.

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Interest charges will be posted directly to the Interest Received account in the general ledger as designated by its transaction code (IT) - found under Posting Types . If set accordingly (the confirm integration option been activated, see ledger default settings) the system will request the ledger company number and month number before processing.


Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) conditions select the filter button to enter such criteria.

If previous filters have already been setup then use the Load Filter to access these saved filters.

The interest can be found under Ledger enquires

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This facility allows you to post recurring entries to a range of accounts. This could, for example, be used for charging debtors with a monthly service contract charge. Auto debit charges do not have to be processed monthly, they could be processed quarterly, annually etc. Debits may be set per debtor or if amounts are the same for a range of debtors, posted in bulk. If processing in bulk there is no need to set up separate debits for each debtor. To set up or process auto debits, select the Recurring Charges option from Debtors .Once you have located the appropriate debtor, select the accept option to setup the 10 possible recurring charges.


By selecting this option you will be allowed to set up recurring debits for By selecting this option you will be allowed to set up recurring debits for specific debtors for particular amounts. For each debtor up to 10 different amounts (with different descriptions) may be defined. Enter the description and the amount including VAT for each automatic debit.

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Enter the description of the debit, e.g. service fee, rent, etc.


Select the Transaction Type. The transaction code that is required is a two character code that is usually and abbreviation to the description of the transaction. (e.g. IN – Invoice, BF – Brought Forward, CS - Cash Sale, IT – Interest Charge, RF Refund etc).


Enter the auto debit amount, inclusive of VAT.

Select F10 to Accept the Recurring charges.



NOTE: If the reference field is filled in, the system assumes that you wish to process a fixed amount (this amount will be asked for later and only in the instance when this reference field has something entered in it), disregarding the various auto debits / recurring charges already allocated to each debtor. If you wish to post the amounts already defined in the auto debits setup section, leave this field blank, as well as the amount field.


Use the search facility to allocate a posting type for the automatic charge.

EXAMPLE: Lets say that you wanted to post rent (can be anything else) and wanted it to be separate from other posting types (invoices, journal debits ,etc.). Firstly you should have created a posting type for rent under posting types (see posting types for more information). Secondly select the rent posting type from the list and proceed further.

NOTE: Only debit posting codes (IN, JD, IT, or any other code that has been setup under debtors Posting Types to be a debit) may be processed.


Select Yes to Print invoices after the recurring charges process option.

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If the posting type selected has been setup to prompt for a VAT rate, a VAT rate will appear in this field. This VAT rate may be altered or left as is. Select the search option (ALT and down arrow) to locate a new VAT rate in the VAT rate table.


NOTE: This field will be skipped if the reference field is blank. If this field is not accessible it means that you are wanting to use the default auto debits / recurring charges already specified by you for certain clients. With the reference field blank, the system will then assume that the auto debits to be processed will be based on the debits as set for each individual debtor. If not, then enter the fixed amount (including VAT) which must be posted to each debtor.


Enable this option if a tax invoice (according to your invoice layout) is to be printed. After all data has been entered select the process option or the cancel option to cancel and exit.

Used the Recurring charge reference only if a once off charge must be processed for all the debtors within the filter. This field must not be filled in when posting predefined recurring charges.

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Select the Print Recurring charges option to have report list the detail of the accounts have had recurring charges entered.

NOTE: Only those accounts where recurring charges have been setup will be displayed. Select ・the Preview button to have the defined recurring charges detail displayed on the screen or print button to Print directly to the printer.

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At the end of each month the month-end procedure should be run. The end of each month is determined by the company’s policy as to when month end occurs for debtors. The norm is usually the 25/26th of each month. Please note that this does not normally apply for creditors and stock month ends, which is usually done on the last day of each month.


The sole purpose of debtors month end is to age transactions and balances, update the history file with new transactions (current) and remove any transactions (from the enquiries screen only) that have been paid up (depending is there is no unallocated credits). This is all that the debtor month end does. It does not affect, alter or post any balances or transactions in any other module (i.e. creditors, stock or ledger).

NOTE: No transactions will be deleted from the system, unless instructed to do so when using the Delete History option.

Failing to do the month end will result in all debtor transactions and balances reflecting a balance age of current and nothing in any of the 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 or 180 day ageing.

An important factor that must be taken into consideration is that one cannot continue processing new work for the following month if the current months work has not been month ended. Changing the date of the new work that is to be processed will not fix the problem. The current months work must be completed before the next months work can be captured, even if the current date is already in the next month. This is the disadvantage of a manual month ending system, as opposed to a date driven system where date of the transaction dictates the age of the transaction and month ends are not required.

NOTE: A month end cannot be run on an unlicenced system.

Before running your month end, data backups should be made, all required reports printed, and statements run.


Immediately after running statements and reports, the debtors End of Month function must be run. This will place the transactions on history (if system set that way) and age the debtor accounts.

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Prior to month end, a backup should be made. The backup Ensure that the data has been backed up to the point where the very last bit of work has been done for the month. Backups are made via the Backup & Restore option found under the Utilities menu. Failure to do backup's can result in all the information on the system being lost should there be a need to restore the month end backup!!!!!!

NOTE: Although the system is setup to do backups automatically for each of the month-end procedures for each module, this function should be solely relied on as an alternative means of doling your backups!!! Should you month-end procedure be incomplete for whatever reason you would then be able to restore from this backup that was automatically done prior to month-end.


Ensure that month end statements and age analysis reports have been run before month end. These balances cannot be printed after month-end as they were before month-end.


Select the End of Month option from the Debtors menu. The system will provide you with a checklist and remind you to do backup's. When selecting End of Month the following checklist screen would appear. Use the Space Bar to acknowledge (tick) each of the questions.

Should any option be left un-ticked the system will not do the month end. Select the Accept button or press Escape (ESC) key to cancel the month end process.

This is the backup folder destination that will be used to store the day’s backup. The backup folder is based on the current computer’s date. Once the backup is complete the folder will consist of a single backup file, BACKUP.IQZ. This file can be opened using Winzip.

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Once you have selected the process option, a final warning will be issued. This will be the last chance to terminate the month end procedure.

Upon confirming that you have checked that there is no one in the IQ for Windows system, select the Yes button to continue. The automated backup procedure will be the next screen to appear. The backup procedure that is done is a backup of the entire company and not debtor information only.

NOTE: This backup is not placed in the normal backup folder that is used in the Backup option found under the utilities menu. This backup saves the backup file within the “Debtors” folder, located under the “Monthend” subfolder of the current company.


Please note that this month end backup file is overwritten each time a month end is done, therefore it is imperative that a manual backup using the backup option via the utilities menu is done prior to doing the month end.

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Should the month end procedure fail for whatever reason the backup can be restored using the Backup & Restore function found under the Utilities menu. The backup file that should be used for restoring will either be located under today’s date, that is, if the manual backup was done prior to doing the month end, or located under the “Debtors” sub-folder of the “Monthend” folder.

The screen below is the restore of the debtors month end backup that is automatically generated at month end.

The screen below is the restore of the debtors month end backup that is manually generated by the user prior to doing the month end.

Once the month end is complete the following should have taken place (open item account type debtors only);

a. Under normal circumstances a debtor will have all new transactions posted for the month added to the history file.

b. All outstanding transactions will be aged.

c. Any transaction that is fully paid up (i.e. the amount due for the transaction is zero) will be removed from the enquiries screen, but can still viewed using the “View History file” option.

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d. All credits (payments, discounts, journal credits, etc.) will be discarded, but only if there is no unallocated credits on the account. Otherwise they will be moved to the history file if they have not been aged.

e. Transactions that have been partially paid will be altered in such a way so that the debit amount reflects the outstanding amount at the time of doing month end. The reference (description) will automatically be changed and prefixed with the symbol “B/F”, followed by the original reference, E.g. B/F Inv12345

NOTE: It is important to check that there are no accounts reflecting unallocated credits prior to doing the month end. This is the cause of older transaction being reflected under the enquiries screen even though they have been paid-up and numerous month ends have been done.

When viewing debtors via debtors Enquiries, the Unallocated value indicates that the account has Unallocated Credits. Unallocated credits can be allocated or re-allocated using the Allocation button under the Debtors Transactions screen.

When viewing debtors via debtors Enquiries, the X next to the balance column indicates that the account has Unallocated

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For Brought Forward accounts All transactions will be removed and placed into the history file. The system will not show any outstanding transactions that make-up the various outstanding balances that make-up the debtors balances.

The enquiries screen for brought forward accounts will always reflect the current months’ transactions, unlike an open item debtor that reflects all current and outstanding transactions.

At the end of the month the system will display the following screen to indicate the month end is complete. Select the OK button to exit the month end procedure and continue with further work.

NOTE: It is important that while the month end procedure is in progress no-one must log back into the system.

Should confirmation screen to indicate that the month end is complete not appear or your are unsure as to whether if you have already done the month end a quick way to check this is to print a “Totals Only” or “Short Listing & Balances” age analysis report. If the reports reflect positive values in current the month has not been done or was incomplete.

Month end moves the balances up a level so current should have moved to 30 days, and the 30 days balances should have moved to 60 days, etc, etc. The 150 days balance does not move to the 180 days balance, but gets added to the existing 180 day balance.

If you are unsure then restore the backup that was made before doing the month end.

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An individual or organization who supplies goods or services to you on credit, is called a Creditor. Creditors generally occur as a result of credit sales, i.e. items bought on account. Creditors are classified as current liabilities because the amounts owing are usually paid during the course of the current trading year.

To set up your Creditors system follow the steps as outlined on the next few pages.



NOTE: Opening balances are NOT entered under Creditors Account Maintenance.

To enter the opening balances, select the creditor Transactions option. When entering opening balances use the balance brought forward code (BF). The brought forward code (BF) will allow you to age (e.g. allocate values to 30, 60, 90, etc. up to 180 days) the amount, once the entry has been accepted.

NOTE: Only one entry may be aged at a time.

When entering balances the computer will allow you to age (allocate the entered amount to 30, 60, 90 days, etc.) the amount (once the entry has been accepted). Note that you may only age one amount at a time.

EXAMPLE: If a creditor is owed R100.00, of which R70.00 was in 30 days and R30.00 in 60 days, two balance brought forward entries would have to be entered. The date that should be used should be the 1st of the month for the relevant age, i.e. the 30 days transaction date would be the 1st of the previous month and the 60 days transaction date will be the 1st of the month for two months prior to the current month.

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Opening balances should be allocated to the Creditors Clearing account in the general ledger.

When posting these opening balances the accounts that are affected in the ledger will be the Creditors Control (credit) and the clearing account (debit). This should then be cleared when the opening trial balance is entered in the general ledger, i.e. Post the Creditors control total as per the Trial balance to the Creditors Clearing account when entering the opening trial balance.

NOTE: The Brought Forward posting type must have the letters “BF” as the short code (see Transaction Types), otherwise the system will not allow it to be aged. Another important bit of information is the date of the transaction has absolutely no affect on the age of transaction, therefore it’s important to use the “BF” code when capturing opening balances. This is the only transaction code that allows you indicate the age of the transaction that is being posted.


Debit balances (overpaid supplier) must be entered using the JD ( Journal debit ) transaction code.


When using the creditor module, all entries will be posted by default to the Creditors Control account in the general ledger. Contra entries may be allocated to any ledger account. The most common default contra postings may be set under creditors Transaction Types. You can integrate to any ledger (i.e. postings to creditors in company 001 can be allocated to the general ledger of company 002 etc.) and / or to any month in the ledger.


Should the purchase or return to supplier involve stock items or where there is a requirement to produce full tax document as per SARS requirements. If this is not the case, process through Creditors transactions.

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Creditors Control account. Use this account whenever making payments to creditors.

This is the creditor’s account. This screen appears after the cashbook line entry is complete.



Creditor payments may be posted direct from the general ledger cashbook. When posting a creditor payment in cashbook, enter the Creditors Control account number. By entering the creditors control account the system will register that a payment is being made against a creditor and therefore will then allow payment allocations to the individual creditor accounts.

The following is the screen of the creditor allocation that appears after moving past the VAT column (i.e. after pressing Enter when the VAT column is highlighted).

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Alternatively, when posting payments once can use the Transactions option, located under the creditors menu. If the payment method is cash then the ledger contra account will be that of the Cash On Hand account. If the payment method is cheque, credit card or EFT, the contra account will be that of the Bank.

NOTE: Posting payments via transactions is not the preferred method, unless paying a creditor with cash. One must not get confused with the paying of ledger expenses (e.g. water & electricity, donations, fines, accounting fees, etc.) which is normally done via ledger journal processing. The processing of cheques is usually associated with numerous entries which are entered together with cheques that were used to pay expenses as well as creditors. The cashbook posting option not only allows the mixing of creditor and expense postings, but also allows the cashbook batch to be entered over length of time. Allowing one to add, delete or change any entries before processing the batch and updating the relevant creditor and ledger accounts.

This is the General Ledger contra account that will be used when updating the general ledger. The ledger account can be changed by either entering a new account or by using the search facility

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Select Creditor Maintenance option from the creditors menu followed by the Add option to add, edit to amend, or delete to delete an existing account.



If the account number mask is set to ###### (see Set Creditor Defaults) you will not be able to enter alphabetic characters. The next account number will already appear in the account number field. Press enter to accept the account, or enter a new unique numeric account number. The system will not allow you to enter a duplicate account number.

If the account number mask was set to !!!!!!!, you will be able to enter any character (alphabetic and/or numeric) into this field. However, only the first three or four characters need be entered. The system can automatically assign the last numeric digits, e.g. if the previous account number entered was ABC001 and another ABC was entered, the next numeric digits assigned will be 002 etc. If the number is not unique it will add 1 until number is unique.

In all instances duplicate numbers will be rejected.


Enter the company name, or the surname if the Creditor is an individual.


ONLY enter if the customer is an individual. This is NOT the contact persons initials and title.

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If the customer is a company, initials and title must NOT be entered. Otherwise the statement print will be effected (i.e. initials and title will be printed with the company name on the customers Statement).


Enter the name of the person that may be contacted in case of queries on this account.


Not to be confused with the postal code. This field is used for report analysis should you require customer reports by area.

EXAMPLE: Lets say that you would like to have sales reports for certain areas, Durban, Cape Town, etc. printed out each moth. To do so you would enter the abbreviated format, e.g. DURB, CAPT, etc. In the area field so when printing a report you can either have it printed for a certain area or area’s or even sorted on these areas.

HINT: This field need not be used as an area entry field but may be a field that you require to group certain Creditors, e.g. Wholesalers (WHOL), retailers (RETL), etc.


Use the four input fields for the postal address, where the fourth field being used for the postal code. These address fields will appear on goods received and advice notes as entered here.


Use the four input fields for the delivery address, where the fourth field being used for the postal code. These address fields will appear on goods received as entered here, but may be altered at the time of doing the goods received voucher.


Enter relevant customer details. Otherwise leave blank.

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NOTE: These fields may be used to store other information other than what is actually asked for.


Enter the clients e-mail address if one is available. If the e-mail address is entered the system will allow you to directly e-mail the client, various reports, invoices or orders, if available on your system.

NOTE: The format of the e-mail address should be as follows : e.g. [email protected]. (lower case) The “http://www.” need not be entered.


Select the appropriate number of days credit that the client is prepared to extend to you. Valid entries for this field are C.O.D., 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 & 180 days. Terms will be checked during transaction processing and GRV’s, and most reports may be printed with terms as a selection criteria.


Enter credit limit, if applicable. Otherwise leave blank. If limit is greater than zero (0) the account will be checked during transaction processing and invoicing, and most reports may be printed with terms or credit limit as a selection criteria, checking if any client has exceeded their limit or terms.

Depending on the level of credit control, the system may differ from a warning to a complete block of the account if the limit or terms has been exceeded.

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The discount % is a settlement discount which may be printed on advice notes at month end. Normally a message like “A settlement discount of 15% R150.00 may be deducted if settled by30-JULY-2007.”

NOTE: The settlement discount amount will not automatically be posted to the suppliers account. A manual entry done via the Creditors Postings option, using the “DS” posting type code will have entered.


Messages may be printed on advice notes in one of 2 different languages. This option comes into use when printing advice notes. The advice notes printing option has the facility of having messages defined per age (e.g. Current message, 30 days message, etc.) and per language (English and Afrikaans).

EXAMPLE: When an advice note is printed for a client that has been set to English and has balances in 30 days, 60 days & 90 days the system will then print the English message for 90 days.

NOTE: Messages will be printed according to the oldest aged balance of the account.


You may assign a single character status to each Creditor.

EXAMPLE: G for good supplier or C for C.O.D. supplier, etc. These status codes are a means of grouping or separating some clients from others. Reports throughout the Creditors system have the facility for entering multiple include or exclude status codes.


This system supports two types of accounts, namely Open Item or BF (brought forward). Use the cursor keys to select the appropriate option. A brought forward system discards all transactions at month end, unless set to store history, and carries the total forward for the following month.

Open Item type accounts retain transactions until they are fully paid up.

NOTE: Account type can only be changed if there is no existing balance or transactions on the account.

When amendments are complete select the Accept option to save, or the Cancel option to cancel and exit.


To edit a creditor the following procedures should be followed; select Account Maintenance option from the creditors menu. Select the appropriate client from the list being displayed, followed by the edit button being selected.

Most of the customers details may be altered but certain fields cannot be accessed or changed.

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A customer account number CANNOT be changed.


If the account has transactions or balances, the account type CANNOT be changed.


In order to delete a creditor the following procedures should be followed; select Account Amendments option from the creditors menu. Select the appropriate client from the list being displayed followed by the delete button been selected.

When deleting creditor the system will ask for confirmation before removing the creditor and ALL transaction details from the creditor files (i.e. no deletion will take place in stock, debtors or ledger). If you are sure that the creditor must be removed select the YES option.

NOTE: The creditor transactions (invoices, payments, discounts, journal credits, etc) that have been posted to the various ledger accounts and the stock items will not be removed from the system or affect any balances whatsoever.

A Creditor CANNOT be removed from the system if there is a balance on the account or current transactions for the month.

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Transactions processed under this option are real-time i.e. instantly updated, and not in batch form. However, on each occasion that you perform postings a separate transaction audit trail is created for each ‘batch’ of postings entered, i.e. all postings processed while in the Transaction option will be grouped under one audit trail number. While the transactions are updated after each entry a single audit trail number will be allocated for all postings done during a single 'sitting'.

Any transaction done under transactions will always automatically be posted to the general ledger that the creditors system integrates to (see Set Creditors Defaults). The ledger accounts that will be involved will always be the Creditors Control account and the contra account will be that of the transaction type being used at the time of the posting.

Should the posting type be a debit (e.g. JD, PM, DS, etc.) the Creditors control will be debited and the contra ledger account linked to the posting type will be credited and vice versa.

Ledger contra account that will be used.

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A “Balance Brought Forward” account is an account that has been setup under creditor maintenance with the “Acc Type” set to “Balance B/F”.


An “Open Item” account is an account that has been setup under creditor maintenance with the “Acc Type” set to “Open Item”.

The system will treat a credit transaction (e.g. invoice, journal credit, interest, etc) the same way for an open item and brought forward account type. The difference comes into play when a debit (e.g. payment, discount, journal debit) transaction is processed.

A debit transaction for an open item type account will have the option to allocate the debit to a list of available credit entries, whereas the brought forward type account will only the debit to be allocated to the outstanding balances and not to a particular transaction or transactions.

The following is a screen example of what will be displayed when processing a debit transaction entry for an “Open Item” creditor. Please note that this screen will only appear after selecting the NO button when asked to “Allocate to Oldest Balances”.

“Open Item” account type allocations

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“Balance B/F” account type allocations

The following is a screen example of what will be displayed when processing a debit transaction entry for a “Balance Brought Forward” creditor. Please note that this screen will only appear after selecting the NO button when asked to “Allocate to Oldest Balances”.

From the two allocation screens it’s possible to see how completely different the allocation methods are, between “Open tem” and “Balance B/F” type accounts.


Goods received / return to supplier documents being printed on preprinted stationery or transaction where stock items are involved, must be processed from within the Stock module and not in creditors.


By using the account Amendment button you will be able to add, edit & delete an account without leaving the transaction posting program.


The month number entered for the ledger integration period dictates the month number into which the creditor transactions will be allocated in the ledger. The dates of the individual postings have no effect on the ledger.

This is the General Ledger posting period. This period is derived from the computers date and the Financial Year Starts on date entered. See Ledger Integration. This Posting period only affects the Ledger.

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To correct an error while entering a transaction, click the left mouse button on the appropriate field or use the Shift & Tab keys to go back one field at a time. No information may be altered after the transaction has been accepted.

NOTE: If the incorrect information is entered, except the amount, it can be corrected by selecting the Edit button under the Creditors Enquiries option.


Select the Creditor Postings option from the Creditors menu. Once selected, and if activated, you will be asked to confirm the integration to the ledger.


If the Confirm Posting Month option is enabled (found in Utilities option Company Details sub-option Ledger Defaults), transactions posted to the general ledger will have the Confirm Integration box appearing.

INTEGRATED TO LEDGER - i.e. ledger integration company number. This company ID will be used so that the posting amounts may be posted to the various ledger accounts for that company. This ledger integration company ID may be altered to another ledger company each time the integration box appears, or modified under the Set Creditors Defaults option to always prompt another integration company ID number other than that of the Creditors system.

The creditors system that will be used is directly related to the company that is currently being used, i.e. If company 002 has been selected from the Select Company option then the creditors system will be that of that company 002 and may be integrated to ledger company 001. Depending on the creditors integration ledger company ID will depend on what company ID number is displayed.

MONTH NUMBER - i.e. ledger integration month number.

NOTE: - Month 1 corresponds with the first month of your financial year (NOT January). Accept default or enter the correct ledger month number. The Month Number entered dictates the month number into which the Creditor transactions will be allocated in the ledger. The dates of the individual postings have no effect on the ledger.

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To locate the appropriate creditor one can either type in the account number or the company name, or use the vertical scroll bar. If the creditor account number is not known toggle the sequence option to that of the Name, to search by the company’s name. The search will immediately advance character for character as the name or account is being typed in.

NOTE: To work out which sequence the creditors are shown, look at the first column on left. If the first column reflects the account number, the creditors are then listed in account number sequence. However, if the name is the first column, the order of the accounts are then listed according to the creditors name.

If the client is new, select the Account Maintenance button to add, alter or delete accounts directly without having to terminate transaction processing. When the supplier has been found select the Accept option or double click on the highlighted supplier using the left mouse button.


The supplier’s last couple of transactions will appear on the posting screen. This is for information purposes only and cannot be accessed or altered.


Enter the transaction date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This date does not determine the aging month or the general ledger month into which the transaction is posted. For aging purposes all transactions will be posted to the current transaction age. However, any debit (e.g. payment, discount, journal debit, etc) when processing can affect the outstanding balance of the account, depending on the age of the transaction it was allocated to.

The transaction date also has no affect on the ledger integration. The ledger month that is used to post the creditors transaction is based on the Confirm Ledger Integration selection screen that was previously displayed when selecting the Transaction menu option. If this did not appear it is because the option to confirm the integration has been disabled. This option can be found under the Ledger Integration option located under Default Settings.

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Enter the reference number for this transaction (e.g. a cheque number, invoice number, etc.). The reference field may NOT be blank. The reference field is an automatic incrementing entry field. the previous line had a reference of 1234 entered, then the next line (for the same supplier only) will automatically have a reference of 1235.


Enter the order number (alphanumeric) associated with this transaction, otherwise leave blank or enter further information that may be relevant or informative to the transaction being entered.


In order for the transaction to be completed one must select the appropriate posting type (IN, JC, JD, PM, etc.) code from the list provided. These codes can be amended, deleted and new ones added under Posting Types on the debtors menu. On accepting the code, the ledger account which this code defaults to, will be displayed in the ledger field.


Enter the total transaction amount, including VAT. This amount will be posted to the debtor account as well as the debtors control account in the ledger. The contra ledger account will be updated with the full amount less any VAT.

NOTE: Negative values are not permitted and are not a means to correct previous transaction entries. The appropriate transaction code must be used for this, e.g. if a IN code was previously used, a CN code should be used, or if a JD was used, then a JC should be used, and vice versa.


If the posting type selected has been setup to prompt for a VAT rate. A VAT rate may be entered or left as is. The VAT amount will be displayed to the right of the tax rate field, depending on the VAT rate percentage (14%, 0%, etc), see VAT setup under company details. Select the search option for this field to search for the correct VAT rate in the VAT rate table. Do not enter a VAT rate of 0, unless this is for a payment. To have a transaction displayed on the VAT report, even if the VAT amount is zero, always enter a VAT rate (1 - 9).

Note that the Balance B/F entries have no VAT and the VAT Rate is 0, and the Ledger account is set to that of the creditors clearing account, and the date of each brought forward transaction entry is dated the 1st of the month and the month is according to the age of the balance being entered. The oldest balance is entered first and the 30 days balance is entered last.

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The VAT Amount is based on the selected VAT rate indicator. The value is calculated and cannot be altered. This amount will be posted to the VAT Input account in the ledger.

NOTE: For Creditor postings, stock invoicing and credit notes, it will be the VAT Output account that will be affected.


If the ledger account that appears is incorrect select the search facility to choose the correct account, otherwise leave as is to accept the default account.

NOTE: Any posting done through creditors will always go to the Creditors Control account and the contra ledger account will be the account number linked to posting type, specified under transaction types.


After entering passed the ledger contra account number, select the accept option to process the entry or press Escape (ESC) to cancel and exit. On accepting, this transaction will immediately update the Creditor and the relevant general ledger accounts.

Should you feel that the entire transaction is incorrect, press Escape (ESC), but if one of the entry fields (reference no., order number, code, amount, etc.) is incorrect then click on the appropriate field to rectify, or use the Shift+Tab key combination to go back to that incorrect field.

If the transaction was a Debit entry (e.g. Payment, Discount, Journal Debit, etc) a confirmation to allocate the debit to the oldest balance will appear next. If the Yes option is selected, the system will attempt to automatically allocate the transaction amount to the oldest outstanding transaction(s). If No is selected, a further screen will appear requesting the manual allocation of the transaction amount to the available transactions (if it’s an “Open Item” type account), or to the available outstanding balances (if it’s a “Balance B/F” type account). (See creditor maintenance regarding the account type option).

Note the Ledger account that usually defaults to the Bank account has been changed to the Cash account. This is due to the creditor being paid with cash and not with a cheque, EFT or credit card. This is a typical example when Creditor Payments are done via Transactions and not via Ledger Cashbook Postings.

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The following debit allocation screen is that of an “Open Item” type creditor. For this example XYZW01 account reference to on the previous screen was setup as a “Balance B/F” account and therefore the SPAR01 account has been reference here as an example of what a “Open Item” allocation screen would look like.

All the credits for that creditor will be displayed with original amounts, the due amount, and a indicator on the right hand side of the screen, indicating paid, part-paid and fully paid.

If a transaction is paid up, (due column value is zero), it will be ticked ( √ ) in the right hand column. If not paid at all (i.e. due value is equal to the amount value), the column will be blank. If partially paid (i.e. the due value is less than the amount value), the indicator will be a ‘−’ sign.

The full amount of the debit does not have to be allocated. The value of any debits left unallocated will be highlighted beneath the word “Terms” on the bottom of the main Creditors posting screen next to the word “unallocated”. This unallocated amount can be allocated with next debit entry.

NOTE: Processing debit entries are not the only way to access the allocation screen. Use the Allocate button within transactions to allocate or unallocated when required. The debits can be allocated and un-allocated as many times during the month, BUT once month end has been done the allocations can not be undone.


Move the highlight bar to the credit being paid. If the amount of the available debit (“to allocate” amount) is Greater than the credit (“due”) being paid, press Enter or click with the left mouse button, and the highlighted credit will be paid up (due amount will become zero) and will reflect a ‘tick’ in the right hand column.

If a credit (purchase, JC, etc.) is already paid up, you can use the same keys to un-allocate i.e. if an entry was paid up, the entry will now be unpaid, and the amount of the credit released will become available for reallocation.

NOTE: The enter key or the right mouse button will only work when the amount to allocate is greater or is equal to the outstanding credit amount. If the amount to allocate is less then select the part allocate option.

This column indicates the age (current to 180days) of the transaction and the balance age it forms part of.

This is the value that can be allocated or part allocated to one or more outstanding

This is the Due status indicator column. It indicates whether the transaction is paid, part-paid or fully paid.

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If insufficient credit is available or if the amount that must be allocated is to be used then partially pay other outstanding entries. The amount of credit available will be highlighted. You may apply the full credit as part payment or enter only that portion of the credit being applied as part payment of the invoice.


To automatically allocate all available credits to the oldest credits, select the Oldest Balance button.


To un-allocate a credit that has mistakenly been allocated to the incorrect invoice select the Un-allocate button once the appropriate invoice has been highlighted.


The system will prohibit you from allocating credits in excess of the outstanding unpaid credit balance.


To reallocate existing debits or unallocated debits after transactions have been posted and allocated, follow the procedures as described below. This can be done at any time. You do not have to be posting a transaction at the time, i.e. you may select Creditors Postings just to allocate credits. To do this proceed as if you where going to post a transaction to the client, except select the allocate button instead to access the allocation facility.


The following debit allocation screen is that of a “Balance B/F” type creditor. This will be the screen that will appear for the XYZW01 creditor that was previously referred to.

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This amount indicates the creditor has an unallocated debit. Use the Allocate button under Transaction processing to allocate the unallocated amount. This amount must be allocated before month end.

The last Column next to Balance indicates whether the creditor has an unallocated debit. A “X” next to the balance indicates that there is a unallocated debit. Use the Allocate button under Transaction processing to allocate the unallocated amount.


To allocate or re-allocated existing debits, activate the allocate button. A screen with all existing credit transactions and any previously allocated debit values will appear. Follow the previously discussed steps on how to re-allocate or un-allocate previously allocated or currently unallocated debits.


On the main transaction screen, the total amount due by the customer will be updated by the transaction entered and totals outstanding and other relevant information fields adjusted, e.g. over terms, credit limit, balance of unallocated debits etc.

NOTE: Any debits left unallocated for that Creditor will be reflected on the creditor enquiries search screen with a '[*]’, as well as the transaction processing and enquiries detail screen.

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Creditor enquiries will enable you to enquire into the current status of a creditors account. Details of the transactions currently on file for that creditor will be displayed as well as details such as aged balances (current -180 days) and a sales / profit history and detailed account information. Single account, editing & flagging of transactions, and the facility to add your own memo are also available.


To find a creditors account no. or name enter the first couple of letters of either the account or name (if the sort sequence is by name then you would enter the suppliers name or company name to search by and vice versa) and the computer will search for you. As each letter is entered the system advances down to the first account that matches the letters or numbers already entered.

If there are not that many accounts, scroll through the list using the vertical scroll bar or the cursor control keys (up, down, end, etc). Use the sort sequence option to toggle the search sequence from account to name sequence or vice versa.

Once the appropriate account has been found, select the accept option.

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To view all non-current (transactions older than current) creditors transactions or to remove old history you should proceed to History menu option or select the View History button option when viewing the suppliers details.


There are two methods of recalling an GRV or RT. The first method is as follows. Proceed to the Stock menu followed by Utilities and then the sub-option Recall Documents.

NOTE: This would only apply if the good receive vouchers / goods return were generated via the stock system.

The second method is to enquire into a creditors account (creditors enquiries) and highlight the appropriate GRV or RT (generated from the stock system) listed on the clients account. When highlighted select the document option. The system will then display the goods receive voucher or goods returns as per current stationery layout.



Select balance option to view the outstanding balances and any unallocated credits that have not been allocated.


Use your arrow up/down keys, or if using a mouse , the scroll bar to scroll through the transactions. If more detail is required on a transaction, highlight the transaction and double click the left mouse button, or press the Enter key. Further details of the transaction will now be displayed.

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If the account is an open item account a Tick () next to a debit will indicate Paid () ,indicates part paid, and if the column indicator is blank, then it’s not paid.


To search for a particular entry, whether it be by invoice number, amount, date or even the first two letters or numbers of the entry, select search button to enter a search criteria. All listed transactions will be compared with the search string, and when found, the selected transaction will be highlighted. The system will automatically ask whether it must continue with search to find the next matching entry.

Use this function to add a memo for a reversal or incorrect entry that was put through, giving an explanation why it was entered, so that at a later stage one can recall why this entry was put through.


Use the “View History” button to view previously posted transactions that have been paid-up and month-ended. Once this option is selected the button description will change to “View Current”. Should you need to revert back to the previous selection, select the button again.


If a number of mistakes were made on an account, (e.g. a GRV was put through for the wrong amount or to the wrong supplier and the credit note had to be processed to correct it) and should not appear on the advice note run for this supplier, select the flag / unflag button. A '~' will appear in front of the reference number for the transaction being highlighted. To unflag select the flag / unflag button again to clear the ‘~’. All items flagged in this manner will not print during the advice note run.

NOTE: When flagging transactions it is important that the debits and credits for flagged items must be equal, i.e. if an invoice is flagged then there must be a contra credit, a credit note.

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To view the various ledger account entries made in the ledger for the highlighted entry activate the audit button.

All ledger accounts that have the same ledger audit trail number will be displayed.

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During a month end run, all transactions posted during the current month will be transferred to the history file.


The list of creditors will appear on the screen. Select the account number, or alter the sequence to search by name. Once the account has been located, select the accept option to view all the history for the selected debtor.

Use balance button to see the creditors aged balances.

Use Enter to view details of the selected account. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the creditors transactions. Press Enter or double click the right mouse button on the highlighted transaction to get detailed information about the transaction.

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The size of the history file is only limited by your available disk space. You may delete your older history, by entering a cutoff date. All history before this date will be removed. If you do not do this, your history file will continue to grow. Periodic housekeeping is advisable. To delete old history enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. All history prior to the date will be deleted.

NOTE: Deleting creditors historical transaction will NOT affect any transaction in any of the other modules, e.g. creditors, stock & general ledger.

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Before a letter or mail merge can be run one must have a letter setup. If one has already been setup then you do not need to design another, unless it’s a new letter. By selecting the Design Letter button, a letter may either deleted, edited or a new letter created.

Once the letter has been written, the codes/variables entered in the letter will be substituted with the actual information from the debtor records according to the selection criteria / filter made in the Letter Merge.



NOTE: Because this word processor functions in the same way as many other windows word processors, the detailed explanation on how to setup tabs, page layouts, cursor movements, marking/blocking objects, pasting, etc. will NOT be discussed. The method which one would use to save a letter in or open a letter from, a different directory is exactly the same as that of windows, so therefore will not be discussed.

In order to under stand the word processor you must under stand what the available options are. Although this word processor functions like any other windows type, there are few functions here and there that are different. One of the main differences is the facility to setup a mail merge letter(s). The figure below is that of the word processor and an example of a typical mail merge letter with predefined codes / variables been used. The mail merge facility will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. The word processor has the facility of pasting objects from other packages and the reading and saving of files in RTF (rich text format), which may be read / imported by other packages.

NOTE: When wanting to print or change the name, or perhaps save the letter in another place, one must first open / load that letter.


To create or open a new letter do as follows :- Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Open option. A new file / letter will now be ready for you to use. Please note that this letter does not have a name at the moment. Once the letter has been completed, remember to select the Save As option from the File menu option to allocate a name to it.

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To save a letter do as follows:- Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Save option. Please note that if the current letter does not have a name or the correct name, select the Save As option to allocate a file name.


To save the letter as something else or perhaps in different location or directory do as follows:-Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Save As option. If the letter already has a file name it will be displayed in the File Name field, which may be over typed with the new letter or file name. At the same time one can change the current directory by selecting Change Level icon folder.

NOTE: The method which one would use to save a letter in or open a letter from, a different directory is exactly the same as that of windows, so therefore will not be discussed.


To print the current letter do as follows:- Select the File option located on the top menu. Select the Print option and proceed as per normal.


In order to setup or create a mail merge letter one first open a file / letter. Select the File menu option followed by the Open option. Now that this has been done the word processor may be utilized like any other windows processor. The figure displayed below is an example of a typical mail merge letter.

You will notice that this letter looks just like any other, except for the codes in brackets (‘[’, ‘]’). These codes represent actual information that it will be replaced with the client information, e.g. [Name] will be replaced with the clients name (Joe Soap) when used under the Creditors Mail Merge option. The same will apply to the rest of the codes being used.

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To select a mail merge letter code / variable place your cursor at the position where you would like the code to appear. When the mail merge program is run this code will be replaced with the appropriate information and placed at that position of the code.

Now that the cursor is at the right place select the mail merge variable list option with your mouse. From the list of variables select the appropriate code that will be needed by using the left mouse button. Once selected the code will appear in mail merge list box. In order to get this code to be displayed on the actual letter, double click the left mouse button the mail merge list box where the variable is now appearing. The selected variable now appears at the last position where your cursor was.

NOTE: This / these code(s) may be treated like any other text entry, i.e. Change the font size, colour or font, or cut, copy or past it somewhere else. Now that you know how to select one mail ・merge variable, one can apply the same procedures to add more variables.


Once you have completed your letter select the File option from the top menu, followed by the Save option (if editing a previous letter which already has a name) or the Save As option it is a new letter. This file / letter will be asked for again when running the mail merge program from the debtors system.


See the Word Processor chapter for detailed information on the actual setting-up, laying out and how to incorporate mail merge variables into your letter.



Use the letter name option to locate the appropriate letter that was previously designed under the Word Processor facility. By default, the mail search facility will display all mail merge files (*.rtf) for the systems default letter merge directory. Should you have saved your letter in another directory select that directory to find the letter.

If the letter was saved as something other than a mail merge letter select the Files of Type and alter option from ‘Merge Letters’ to ‘*.*’.

HINT: When you select the correct letter, the contents will be displayed to the left of the input fields. If you’re not sure which letter you’re looking for, this quick preview facility will help you locate it.

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Utilize the convert to ASCII facility to export creditors data to ASCII / text file format, which in turn can be used by a third party program like Excel, Lotus, Access, etc. To convert the master or transaction file to ASCII select the Convert To ASCII option from the Creditors menu. Enter the details onto the screen that now appears and the data will convert into ASCII format.



Selecting the Master option will enable you to output to ASCII all information that is stored in the master file (e.g. Address, balances, telephone no, etc.).

If the transaction file is selected then the information that can be output will be information concerning the transactions posted (e.g. VAT rate, amount, audit trail ,date, etc.).


Delimiters can be any character used to separate the data fields. e.g. *The Apple Farm*. The delimiters in this example are the asterisks (*) which enclose the customer name extracted from the master file. Delimiters are normally commas (,)if you wish to use the data in a your standard database or spreadsheet programs.

NOTE: Use the process option to write the file to disk. The exported file will be found in your current directory (i.e. \IQ2000). To select the cancel option to abort.

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Creditor advice notes (also known as payment advice notes) are printed to accompany your payment to your creditor. Although they may be printed at any time during the month and reprinted as often as required they must be printed before performing the month-end clear.

To print advice notes, select the Creditor Advice Notes option from the creditors menu . The following screen will appear:



Enter the date which must be printed on the advice note. The advice note date defaults to the current system date.


Toggle the print sequence to have the advice notes printed in a sequence of your choice, account number or name sequence.


Set this option to All Transactions if both current and previous months outstanding transactions must be included. If only the current months transactions are required, set this option to Current


To exclude suppliers with zero balances, set this option to NO, or leave as YES to include these accounts. Zero balance accounts are defined as accounts whose present/outstanding balance is zero irrespective, of whether there are current transactions or not.

NOTE: Advice notes will never be printed with accounts with zero opening balances and no transactions.


If the YES option is selected, clients with negative balances will also be printed. Selecting NO, all clients with a negative balance will be ignored.

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Field Listing (list of fields within the database)

These two tabs allow the field to be filtered based on a single value or for a value range.


To select only overdue accounts, enter the minimum number of days overdue. e.g. If 60 is selected then only accounts 60 days and over will be printed. This function ignores the suppliers terms and works strictly on the aged balances or else leave blank.

NOTE: Each time the Include Zero Balances, Include Negative Balances or the Account Over XXX Days options are changed the Apply Selections button must be selected for the changes to take affect.


Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain conditions (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) select the filter button to enter such criteria. If previous filters have already been setup then use the Load Filter to access the saved filters for this report.


For this example advice notes are to be printed for all creditors, excluding zero and credit balance accounts and that live the CPT Area , and have a Total outstanding greater or equal to 3000.00., and have a Terms setting of 60 days.

1. Select the Filter button to initiate the filter process. From the Field listing, locate the AREA field. Click on the Area field so it becomes highlighted.

2. Now click on the white edit area of the Field Value block and enter CPT (to extract all creditors that live in the CPT area). Do not press Enter or click the Ok button.

3. From the Fields listing, locate the TOTAL field and click on this field to highlight it.

4. If the filter criteria to the right of the Fields listing does not reflect the Starting and Ending range options, click on the By Range tab. The By Value and By Range tabs appear just above the View Summary button. Once the starting and ending range options are available click on the white edit area of the Starting Range field and enter “3000”.

5. Because this example requires all creditors that have an outstanding balance that is equal or greater than 3000, there is no need to enter an Ending Range value. However, if there was a requirement to list creditors that had an outstanding balance between 3000 and 7000, the Ending Range would have a value of 7000.

6. The next filter selection requires the TERMS field to be located and selected. The Terms field stores the allowed credit terms that the creditor has allowed, e.g. N/A, C.O.D, 30 Days, 60 Days, up to 180 Days. The system does not store value as 30 days or 60 days, but rather as a numeric value from 0 to 7.

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0 = N/A (not applicable) 1 = C.O.D 2 = 30 Days 3 = 60 Days 4 = 90 Days 5 = 120 Days 6 = 150 Days 7 = 180 Days

The example requires that only creditors with credit terms of 60 days be displayed. According to the above table 60 days is identified as having a value of 3. Click on the white edit area for TERMS field value and enter 3. If the Field Value option is not shown, but rather the Starting & Ending ranges options click on the By Value tab. The By Value tab appears just above the View Summary button.

NOTE: The terms “Field Value” or “By Value” do not imply that a numeric value(s) is/are to be entered.

7. The final step is to view the filter criteria that we have created (this need not be applied each every time a filter is setup and is only intended for this example). Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields that had values entered against them will appear. Select the OK button when finished viewing the summarized filter query.

8. At this point select the OK button to have the filter applied, or continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to the existing query by repeating the above steps.

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9. Select the Ok button to have the filter selection applied and be returned to the advice notes screen. The advice notes screen will now reflect the result of the filter that has been applied and should reflect a single creditor account, XYZW01. If not, select the Clear Filter button and repeat the previous steps.

NOTE: Should the OK button accidentally been selected or the Enter key been pressed, at any point during the filter setup select the Filter button again to have the filter screen displayed again. The previous captured information will still be available allowing you to continue where you left-off. However, if you escaped out of the advice note screen this information would have been lost. It is therefore important for any filters that have been setup and are required to be used repeatedly, need to be saved after the filter has been applied or completed.

10. Now that the filter has been completed select the Save Filter button so that the filter can saved and re-used again. Saved filters can be used again by selecting the Load Filter button. There is an unlimited amount of filters that can be configured and saved.

To cancel a filter, select the Clear Filter button at any time.

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Under the age analysis option six different reports may be obtained namely, Name & Address, Full Listing, Short listing & Balances, Accounts & All Transactions, Top Account and Totals Only. These reports may be printed as often as required.

NOTE: The Short Listing & Balances (displays all accounts with their outstanding balances, total to 180) should be printed and filed just prior to running the month end close. The system unfortunately does not allow these reports to be printed the way they where printed with the same values, a month or two ago, if transactions have already been posted.


If all that is needed is the name & address of the client, select the Name & Address List option. If all the details (account status, terms, balances, etc.) are needed, select the Full Listing report type. If however all that is needed is the outstanding balances, select the Short Listing or Accounts & All Transactions if the balances and all outstanding transactions for the client is to be printed. If outstanding balance totals are need for all the creditors, select the Totals Only or Payment Forecasting List report. When selecting the Most Active Supplier report type, the system will prompt you to select whether the report must report n the month values or the year values.

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Use the sequence option to print the various report types in either account number or in name sequence.


Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain conditions (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) select the filter button to enter such criteria. If previous filters have already been setup then use the Load Filter to access the saved filters for this report.


For this example a short listing with balances will be extracted for creditors that have “Pty” in the company name.

1. Select the Filter button. The filter screen will appear next. From the Field listing, locate the NAME field. Click on the NAME field so it becomes highlighted.

2. Now click on the white edit area of the Field Value and type “PTY”. Do not press Enter or click the Ok button.

NOTE: It’s important to mention that the “Case Sensitive” option has not been enabled (no tick). This allows the query to match the Name regardless of the format used, e.g. “PTY”, “pty”, “Pty”, etc.. This in turn allows for a more accurate query result.

NOTE: The terms “Field Value” or “By Value” do not imply that a numeric value(s) is/are to be entered.

3. The final step is view the filter criteria that we have created. Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields that had values entered against them will appear. Select OK when finished viewing the summarized filter query.

4. At this point we can select the OK button to have the filter applied, or we can continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to our existing query by repeating the above steps.

Because the query requires the filter to be based on a portion of the Name field the Search Type option, Partial Match Anywhere, must be enabled.

Due to the possibility that the ‘PTY” could have been captured as either “Pty”, “PTY” or pty” the Case Sensitive option must be disabled to allow the result of the selection to be more accurate.

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NOTE: Should you have accidentally select the OK button or pressed Enter, at any point during the filter setup select the Filter button again to have the filter screen displayed again. The previous captured information will still be available allowing you to continue where you left-off. However, if you escaped out of the age analysis screen this information would have been lost. It is therefore important for any filters that have been setup and are required to be used repeatedly, need to be saved after the filter has been applied or completed.

5. Now that filter has been completed select the Save Filter button so that the filter can saved and re-used again. Saved filters can be used again by selecting the Load Filter button. There is an unlimited amount of filters that can be configured and saved.

The final result of the applied filter should reflect two creditor accounts, SPAR01 and XYZW01. If the available list does not show these two accounts, it would mean that the filter criteria entered is incorrect. Select the Filter button and work through each of the previously discussed steps.

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Every transaction processed is stored in an audit file. A separate audit trail number is created every time you enter the Postings option and enter new transactions. To print listings of the creditors transaction audit trails select the Transactions Audit option under Creditors. The following screen will appear:


An audit report is a report, listing all transaction (discounts, goods received, return to supplier, journal debits, payments, etc.) that have been posted that depict information like the date, reference, amount order number, audit trail numbers, etc., for the given selection (filter) criteria. The audit report can be used in many ways to extract purchase information, payments made, credit notes entered, with summary totals being printed. One can even extract the purchase(s) for a certain creditor for the day, week or month.



The report may be printed in an unsorted sequence, or may be sorted in account number, rep, date, reference number or transaction posting code sequence. If the transaction file is a considerable size, sorting transactions into the selected sequences may take considerably longer to generate the report. Summary totals will always be printed, regardless of the sequence option selected here.

Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain conditions (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) select the filter button to enter such criteria. If previous filters have already been setup then use the Load Filter option access these saved filters.

The active sort sequence is displayed in yellow. Any of the available columns can be selected. The U column is to allow the detail to be sorted according to order of entry.

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The following filter involves the printing an audit report reflecting transactions that are fully paid-up and are stock related entries.

1. Select the Filter button. From the Fields list, locate the AMOUNT_DUE field. Click on the AMOUNT_DUE field so it becomes highlighted.

2. Click on the white area of the Field Value edit box for the AMOUNT_DUE field. Enter a numeric value of zero (e.g. 0). If the Starting and Ending Range options are visible, click on the “By Value” tab (above the View Summary button) to have the Field Value option made available.

3. Click the Search Type option, “Exact Match”. This option will enable only those transactions that have been fully paid up to be included.

4. The next step is to locate the ST_AUDIT field. Click on the ST_AUDIT field so it becomes highlighted.

NOTE: The ST_AUDIT fields is an abbreviation for the Stock Audit trail field.

5. Click on the white area of the Field Value edit box for the ST_AUDIT field. Enter a numeric value of zero (e.g. 0).

6. Enable the “Non-Matching records” option, i.e. make sure that the option has a tick. By enabling this option we have indicated that we do not want debtor transactions that have an ST_AUDIT number of zero (0).

NOTE: Any processing done via the stock menu (e.g. customer invoicing, credit notes, supplier purchases, stock adjustment, transfers, etc) will have a stock audit trail number attached to the transaction. Processing done via debtors & creditors (.e.g. transaction processing, interest charging) will not have a ST_AUDIT value.

“By Value” & “By Range” tabs.

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7. The final step is view the filter criteria that we have created. Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields that had values entered against them will appear. Select the OK button when finished viewing the summarized filter query.

8. At this point we can select the OK button to have the filter applied, or we can continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to the existing query by repeating the above steps.

9. Select the Ok button to have the filter selection applied and be returned to the audit screen. The audit screen will now reflect the result of the filter that has been applied and should reflect three transactions. Two invoices and one credit note. If not, select the Clear Filter button and repeat the previous steps to setup the filter again.

NOTE: Should you have accidentally selected the OK button or pressed Enter, at any point during the filter setup select the Filter button again to have the filter screen displayed again. The previous captured information will still be available allowing you to continue where you left-off. However, if you escaped out of the audit trail screen this information would have been lost. It is therefore important for any filters that have been setup and are required to be used repeatedly, need to be saved after the filter has been applied or completed.

10. Now that the filter has been completed select the Save Filter button so that the filter can saved and re-used again. Saved filters can be used again by selecting the Load Filter button. There is an unlimited amount of filters that can be configured and saved.

To cancel a filter, select the Clear Filter button at any time.

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Any posting to a creditors account, other than from the stock module, will use Transaction Types set under this option. The more common codes (e.g. IN, CN, PM, DS, JC, JD, etc) are pre-created for you. You may amend existing codes, add new or remove non-required codes. Up to 99 codes may be defined on the system.

On selecting this option, all the existing/default transaction types will be displayed. Select the Add button to add a new transaction type, or the Edit button to edit the highlighted transaction type or the Delete button to delete the highlighted transaction type


Select the edit button to edit the highlighted posting type, or select the add button to create a new posting type.


The transaction code that is required is a two character code that is usually and abbreviation to the description of the transaction.(e.g. IN – Invoice, CP – Cash Payment, DD – Direct Deposit, EF – EFT, etc).

NOTE: Enter BF if the transaction type is required to be aged. The posting type description can be anything, but the transaction type must be a Credit. Because the code is usually only used for balance take-on the description is usually something like, “Balance B/F” or “Balance Take-on” or “Take On Bal”, etc.


Enter the description associated with this transaction, e.g. Payment, rent, club fees, etc. The description field allows for a total length of 30 characters.

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Use your arrow keys to select the correct option. Selecting the Debit option will Decrease the creditors balance and a selecting the Credit option will Increase the creditors account.

NOTE: Setting the transaction type to a Debit means that the entry to ledger will be as follows;

Debit debtors control (automatically posted) and Credit the ledger account linked to this posting type (contra account) and Credit the VAT Input account (if VAT has been indicated).

Setting the transaction type to a Credit means that the entry to ledger will be as follows;

Credit Creditors control (automatically posted) and Debit the ledger account linked to this posting type (contra account) and Debit the VAT Input account (if VAT has been indicated).


Activating (a tick will appear in the block) this option will mean that when this transaction code is used, the VAT portion of the transaction amount will be calculated and processed to the appropriate general ledger VAT Input account.

NOTE: The VAT portion will be calculated according to the selected VAT rate at the time of posting the transaction. The VAT account that will be used will be the VAT Input account that is defined under the Ledger Integration menu option (see Utilities followed by the Default Settings option).


Use the search facility provided to search for the correct ledger account number if it is not known. This ledger account number will automatically be used whenever the posting type is used. This ledger account number will always be displayed when doing a posting, so therefore may be changed when posting the transactions.

When all amendments have been completed select the Accept option or press the ESC (escape) key to cancel any changes made and exit.

This is the General ledger Contra account that will be used. This transaction type indicates that the Creditors Control will be debited and the Bank account Credited.

Search Facility. Click on the three dots to search or use the ALT & Down Arrow keys.

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Select the Delete button to delete a transaction code. Transactions that have already been posted using the highlighted code will not be affected (i.e. all entries found under creditors, stock and ledger), but it may cause problems when trying to reconcile figures from the ledger that used the posting type at a later stage.


If a list of the available transaction types and their respective month to date, year to date, vat value and the amount of times each posting type has been used, select the print option.

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Use the creditors reconciliation option to reconcile the creditors statement you received with the information as recorded on your computer. This option allows the reconciliation of transactions entered and those not yet entered.

Select the Reconciliation option from the Creditors menu.


Search through the available creditors using either the cursor control keys (up, down, home, etc. ) or the mouse. Once the appropriate creditor has been highlighted select the Accept button option.


Lets say that you received a statement from your supplier indicating that you have a balance of R 3000.00 outstanding. The first thing you would is type R 3000.00 as per their statement balance in the Advice Note Balance field. What should then happen is all outstanding transactions that are on the system for this supplier must be displayed. To do so, select the Read Transactions button option. All transactions currently outstanding will be listed.

You will notice that some transactions will be in an increase column and others in a decrease column. Those transactions in the increase column are all the credit transactions and the debits the decrease column.

The idea of the reconciliation is that the difference between the total for the decrease column (debits) and the total for the increase column (credits) be the same. Should they differ, this would mean that the supplier has already invoiced you, but you have not received the goods, or you have put a payment through on your side, but the supplier has not received the payment or processed it.

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The Read Transactions option may be invoked as many times as you wish, but each time this option is invoked the same transactions are added to the list. All the transaction, that are currently on the suppliers account will be inserted, and at the same time the variance and final amount due will be calculated.

NOTE: If you make a mistake with one or more transactions the best thing would be to delete all (use the Delete Transaction option) the transactions listed and select the Read Transactions option again.


If there is an extra entry on your list of transactions that does not appear on their statement (i.e. they may have not entered a payment, invoice or a discount, etc., before doing statement run) then delete that entry using the delete button, or delete key. Delete as many entries as you wish until the balance is the same.


If however there is an extra entry on their statement that does not appear on your list of transactions (e.g. goods have not arrived, but reflects on their statement) then insert the entry using the insert button or the insert key. Insert as many entries as you like, until the outstanding balance is the same.

Should there be a problem with a purchase entry that you’re not going to accept / pay ( goods were damaged on arrival) then edit the entry by double clicking the left mouse button or by using the Enter key and toggle the entry from been a credit to a debit.

This will immediately reduce the outstanding amount by that entries amount. By changing the debit to a credit would then increase the outstanding amount.

When inserting a transaction you will be asked to enter the date, a reference, amount, credit or debit and the reason.

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Enter the date (dd/mm/yyyy) when the transaction (purchase, payment, etc.) was captured.


The reference can either be a cheque or invoice number.


The amount entered must obviously be that of the missing transaction and may not be a negative amount.


By making a transaction a debit would mean that you are wanting to reduce the variance balance. E.g. A missing purchase on their statement, but is reflected on your advice note.


Use the reason field to type a short memo explaining why the entry is not going to be paid or included, or why a new entry has been added (e.g. A missing discount entry on their statement). This information can be taken from the suppliers statement. The 'Reason' entry, can be a short memo explaining why this entry is not on your list of transactions and why you are not paying the full amount due.


Once all changes have been made print the reconciliation and post it together with the cheque.

NOTE: Any deleting or the adding of new transactions will not influence the outstanding balance on the suppliers account.

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At the end of each month this month-end procedure should be run. It will have the effect of aging the outstanding Creditors balances, clearing out transactions other than for unmatched open item transactions, and if set accordingly, transferring the transactions to the history file. A month end cannot be run on an unlicenced system.

Before running your month end, data backups should be made, all required reports printed, and advice notes run. Because the system runs in a real-time mode, the month end would probably be run at or about the 30th of each month, if that is when your Creditors are closed off.


The sole purpose of the month end is to age transactions and balances, update the history file with any new current transactions and remove any transactions (from the enquiries screen only) that have been paid up (depending is there is no unallocated debits). This is all that the creditor month end does. It does not affect, alter or post any balances or transactions in any other module (i.e. debtors, stock or ledger).

NOTE: No transactions will be deleted from the system, unless instructed to do so when using the Delete History option.

Failing to do the month end will result in all creditor transactions and balances reflecting a balance age of current and nothing in any of the 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 or 180 day ageing.

An important factor that must be taken into consideration is that one cannot continue processing new work for the following month if the current months work has not been month ended. Changing the date of the new work that is to be processed will not fix the problem. The current months work must be completed before the next months work can be captured, even if the current date is already in the next month. This is the disadvantage of a manual month ending system, as opposed to a date driven system where date of the transaction dictates the age of the transaction and month ends are not required.

NOTE: A month end cannot be run on an unlicenced system.

Before running your month end, data backups should be made, all required reports printed, and advice notes run.


Immediately after running advice notes and printed the relevant reports, the creditors End of Month function must be run. This will place all new transactions into history (if system set that way) and age the creditor accounts.

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Prior to month end, a backup should be made. The backup Ensure that the data has been backed up to the point where the very last bit of work has been done for the month. Backups are made via the Backup & Restore option found under the Utilities menu. Failure to do backup's can result in all the information on the system being lost should there be a need to restore the month end backup!!!!!!

NOTE: Although the system is setup to do backups automatically for each of the month-end procedures for each module, this function should be solely relied on as an alternative means of doling your backups!!!. Should you month-end procedure be incomplete for whatever reason you would then be able to restore from this backup that was automatically done prior to month-end.


Ensure that month end statements and age analysis reports have been run before month end. These balances cannot be printed after month-end as they were before month-end.


Select the End of Month option from the Creditors menu. The system will provide you with a checklist and remind you to do backup's. When selecting End of Month, the following checklist screen would appear. Use the Space Bar to acknowledge (tick) each of the questions.

Should any option be left un-ticked the system will not do the month end. Select the Accept button or press Escape (ESC) key to cancel the month end process.

This is the backup folder destination that will be used to store the day’s backup. The backup folder is based on the current computer’s date. Once the backup is complete the folder will consist of a single backup file, BACKUP.IQZ. This file can be opened using Winzip.

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Once you have selected the process option, a final warning will be issued. This will be the last chance to terminate the month end procedure.

Upon confirming that you have checked that there is no one in the IQ for Windows system, select the Yes button to continue. The automated backup procedure will be the next screen to appear. The backup procedure that is done is a backup of the entire company and not creditors information only.

NOTE: This backup is not placed in the normal backup folder that is used in the Backup option found under the utilities menu. This backup saves the backup file within the “Creditors” folder, located under the “Monthend” subfolder of the current company.


Please note that this month end backup file is overwritten each time a month end is done, therefore it is imperative that a manual backup using the backup option via the utilities menu is done prior to doing the month end.

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Should the month end procedure fail for whatever reason the backup can be restored using the Backup & Restore function found under the Utilities menu. The backup file that should be used for restoring will either be located under today’s date, that is, if the manual backup was done prior to doing the month end, or located under the “Creditors” sub-folder of the “Monthend” folder.

The screen below is the restore of the Creditors month end backup that is automatically generated at month end.

The screen below is the restore of the Creditors month end backup that is manually generated by the user prior to doing the month end.

Once the month end is complete the following should have taken place (Open Item account type creditors only);

a. Under normal circumstances a creditor will have all new transactions posted for the month added to the history file.

b. All outstanding transactions will be aged.

c. Any transaction that is fully paid up (i.e. the amount due for the transaction is zero) will be removed from the enquiries screen, but can still viewed using the “View History file” option.

d. All debits (payments, discounts, journal credits, etc.) will be discarded, but only if there is no unallocated debits on the account. Otherwise they will be moved to the history file if they have not been aged.

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e. Transactions that have been partially paid will be altered in such a way so that the debit amount reflects the outstanding amount at the time of doing month end. The reference (description) will automatically be changed and prefixed with the symbol “B/F”, followed by the original reference, E.g. B/F Inv12345

When viewing debtors via debtors Enquiries, the X next to the balance column indicates that the account has Unallocated Credits.

When viewing creditors via debtors Enquiries, the Unallocated value indicates that the account has Unallocated Credits. Unallocated credits can be allocated or re-allocated using the Allocation button under the Creditors Transactions screen.

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NOTE: It is important to check that there are no accounts reflecting unallocated debits prior to doing the month end. This is the cause of older transaction being reflected under the enquiries screen even though they have been paid-up and numerous month ends have been done.

For Brought Forward accounts All transactions will be removed and placed into the history file. The system will not show any outstanding transactions that make-up the various outstanding balances that make-up the creditors balances.

The enquiries screen for brought forward accounts will always reflect the current months’ transactions, unlike an open item type creditors that reflects all current and outstanding transactions.

At the end of the month the system will display the following screen to indicate the month end is complete. Select the OK button to exit the month end procedure and continue with further work.

NOTE: It is important that while the month end procedure is in progress no-one must log back into the system.

Should the confirmation screen to indicate that the month end is complete not appear or your are unsure as to whether if you have already done the month end a quick way to check this is to print a “Totals Only” or “Short Listing & Balances” age analysis report. If the reports reflect positive values in current, the month end has not been done or was incomplete.

Month end moves the balances up a level so current should have moved to 30 days, and the 30 days balances should have moved to 60 days, etc, etc. The 150 days balance does not move to the 180 days balance, but gets added to the existing 180 day balance.

If you are unsure then restore the backup that was made before doing the month end.

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When using the stock module, all entries will be posted by default to the stock on hand, cost of sales, sales, creditors control, or debtors control accounts in the general ledger. Different stock, cost of sale, and sales accounts may be specified per stock item (see stock Departments).

Stock postings are real-time, i.e. once the invoice, credit note, GRV, etc. has been processed or accepted ALL records are updated. For each group of postings entered, i.e. at one 'sitting', an audit trail with totals is created, thereby creating a batch audit control facility.


If a tax invoice / credit note is required or if stock items are to be involved, use the Stock module for processing invoices, credit notes, goods received vouchers, etc. If not, process the transaction through debtors or creditors Postings.


The system caters for multi relational products, i.e. When an item is purchased in bulk and then broken into separate packs / sub items that are then sold as individual products.

EXAMPLE: Lets say that you have a bottle store and wish to setup a bulk item (case of beers) and it’s respective broken packs, namely the 6 pack of beer and a single beer. To set these items up correctly you would make your bulk items (the case of beers) pack size 24, and the first broken pack item, the 6 pack to have a pack size of 6. The single item pack should be setup to have a pack size of one (1).

NOTE: 6 pack item and the single item should not have the cost entered, only the selling prices. The system will automatically update the cost price of the sub items when the bulk item is purchased. The unit cost prices for these items is automatically calculated by taking the pack size of the broken pack item and dividing it by the main items pack size and then multiplying it by the unit cost of the main / bulk item.

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Please remember to make the smallest item’s (single beer) “is this a main item” option set Yes. The six pack and case should have their option “is this a main item” set No and report to the main item, the single beer. The retail calculation method must be set to manual.


If stock serial number tracking is needed the system provides serial number processing (e.g. during invoicing, GRV’s, credit notes, sales orders, purchase orders, etc.), serial number reporting and viewing (e.g. who supplied the item, who bought the item, when, invoice and GRV number, etc.), serial number editing (incorrect serial numbers or no serial number entered) and serial number deletion. Serial numbers are stored on the system until cleared i.e. they are not removed when the items are invoiced out.


The system caters for both normal stock items and buyouts (i.e. non-stock items). Non-stock items are usually items that are not kept as a regular stock on hand item. To create a non-stock item a code enclosed with hash signs “#” must be created in stock Item Maintenance ,(e.g. #NON# or #N#). The description of this item may be left blank as can the cost and selling price, as these fields usually vary from item to item are usually entered when doing the invoice.

NOTE: The unit cost must be left blank. When selling a non-stock item via invoicing, the system will ask for the unit cost and the description of the item.

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NOTE: If you have set up a Stock Code Matrix (i.e. structure of the stock code) you must allow for the # sign entry for non-stock items. These # signs are alphanumeric and must be set up accordingly in the stock matrix (e.g. !!!-####-##### if non-stock item designated as #n#). If this is not done, the hash sign"#" starting the non-stock code cannot be entered

You may create as many non-stock items as required but usually one is sufficient.

Only items defined as non-stock items may begin with a # sign.


Opening stock quantities are NOT entered when creating the stock items. To enter the opening quantities do so via the Stock Adjustments option, found under the Stock menu, sub-option Utilities.


Unless prevented in terms of the setup of your Set Stock Defaults, negative stock is allowed. By allowing negative stock the system will function, post and calculate values correctly.


If you invoice ten (10) items, but have only five (5) items on hand, the system will calculate the value for the first five using the FIFO basis and the second five using the Latest unit cost. The system will correct itself in the general ledger once the new goods are received.

If you invoice out an item that has not yet been GRV'd in, there is a possibility that there will be a new cost when you receive the item. The stock on hand as well as cost of sales value in the general ledger, will be incorrect. To overcome this problem the system calculates the difference between the cost which was used for this item during invoicing and the new cost that is being GRV'd in. This difference is then automatically adjusted to the cost of sales account when the goods are eventually GRV'd in.


Use the memo option when the stock item code is asked for in the body of the invoice. This descriptive memo will be printed below the item code line entry on the invoice.

This is an example of the “Free Format” comment entry. This option is made available when the Code field is highlighted and can be invoked using the F5 Memo button. NOTE: When there is a requirement add comment that pertains the invoice and not to an item, select the F5 Memo option when the last item on the invoice is highlighted.

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Each time stock is received from a supplier the GRV details are stored, including the suppliers creditor account number. The latest 5 GRV deliveries are stored for each stock item. Most reports with “supplier” as a selection criteria, will interrogate this GRV history in order to provide the required information.


What happens to cost of sales when posting via stock?

When goods are sold i.e. via Invoicing, the cost price of the goods sold will automatically be transferred from your general ledger stock account to your cost of sales account. This applies in reverse to goods received back from customers when a credit note is issued.

NOTE: Neither the general ledger stock account or cost of sales account will be affected if the item is sold at a zero cost.


The system utilizes the FIFO (first in - first out) costing method. The system stores the cost values of the latest 5 GRV’s and will apply the costs to the cost of sales accordingly, i.e. from oldest (level 1) to most recent (level 5). Where your stock on hand is more than the total received on the last five GRV,s the system will calculated the balance on the true Weighted Average method. This means that values transferred from stock to cost of sales when goods are sold are very accurate.

EXAMPLE: If all 5 cost levels are full and another GRV (purchase) is entered the new GRV cost goes to level 5 and the old level 5 cost goes to level 4, but when level2 moves up to level1, level1 does not fall away, but the two together become an average cost and their quantities added together.

NOTE: The 5th level is the latest or last purchase, transfer in or adjustment made to the cost levels.

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NOTE: Before entering stock items see that the Stock Defaults are correctly specified. These are found under main menu option Utilities, sub-option Default Settings.

To activate the stock menu use your arrow left/right keys. Select Item Maintenance from the Stock menu to add, edit and delete stock items.

NOTE: The opening stock quantities for any stock item are entered via the Stock Adjustments option, and not under Maintenance.

Locate the appropriate stock item to edit by either typing in the item code or by typing the description of the item should you have changed the sequence to description, or use the mouse together with vertical scroll bars.

Should you need to add a new item select the “Add” button.


The copy option will replicate an existing Stock Item. This will create a copy of the Stock Item but with a different Item code.


Use the copy option, but instead of enter an item code to copy to, enter / (forward slash)

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The colour size matrix use the first 9 characters of the original item code , two character for the colour and two character for the size

The colour and size setup has to be done once at a stock item maintenance screen and can then be used.


The colour fields are there for product items like shoes, items of clothing, etc., where the actual item is the same, but is available in different colours and sizes. Add the colours by typing in the Colour ID and the Colours. Use the insert button to add another colour. The Delete button will delete a colour, be careful to delete a colour that has already been selected by a item.

Original item code Jackl 05 = Yellow 02 Medium

????????? = Item code CC = Colour SS = Size

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Add the colours by typing in the Size ID and the Size. After the completion of all the size select process.


The locate option allows one to search for any information on a specific field. Select a Field e.g. ONHAND, Type the Town in the Field Value box. Click first or next to find the item.

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The stock item code entered will be as per your stock matrix format (see Set Stock Defaults heading). A maximum of 15 and a minimum of 1 alphanumeric character(s) may be entered.


Enter the stock item description. Maximum length is 50 characters (alphanumeric).


Select the department code by pressing the ALT and down arrow key, and select the department for which the item must be linked to. The Vat rate, Sales account, Cost of sales account, and Stock account which will be affected during processing (e.g. Invoicing, goods received, stock adjustments, etc) are taken from the selected department (see Department heading later).

If a new department is needed, or if the description, ledger accounts or VAT rate for the department needs to be altered select the Department option located under the Stock, Utilities menu.

NOTE: These departments are the essence of the integration to the general ledger, therefore they must be checked that they are being linked / integrated to the correct Sales, Cost Of Sales, Stock on Hand and that the correct VAT rate is being used (see the Departments heading later).

HINT: Utilize the department facility to link items to departments that are zero rated or exempt from VAT.


Use the group code to categorize product items into sub categories, e.g. Let say you have an item, Cadbury’s 200 grm Chocolate. This item would be linked to the chocolate department and have a group code CADB. This group code will allow various sales reports to group all Cadbury’s chocolates products together for that department.

Select Alt + V to enter the Inclusive Selling Price. NOTE: This is option is use for manual price change only.

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The colour and pack description fields are there for product items like shoes, items of clothing, etc., where the actual item is the same, but is available in different colours and sizes. A maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters for the colour field and maximum of 14 alphanumeric characters for the pack description are allowed.

Utilize the Colour and Size button options to add, edit or delete colour and pack description entered.


This must be correctly set as your selling prices are based on this setting. The calculation of selling prices depends entirely on this calculation mode.


% Markup on Latest Cost, %Markup on Average Cost and %Markup on Highest Cost automatically recalculate the selling prices based on the set markup percentage and the unit cost. If these methods are used you may need to reprint retail price lists fairly frequently because the selling prices are automatically recalculated each time there is a unit cost change. If using one of the markup methods you cannot access or manually override the new calculated retail selling prices, unless setup under stock defaults to allow the selling price to be changed during invoicing. All five selling prices will be recalculated based on the markup % entered.

% Markup on Latest Cost: This method will recalculate and automatically alter the retail selling price(s) based on the Latest Unit Cost Price (as entered on GRV's) for this stock item i.e. as new items are entered through GRV's the retail price(s) will automatically be adjusted by the new latest unit price.

When using this method retail price labels and price list will continually need updating. This may cause customers to be unhappy, but it enables you to give the customer the best possible pricing structure.

% Markup on Average Cost: This method will recalculate retail price based on the items Average Cost.

% Markup on Highest Cost: Will recalculate the retail price based on the Highest Cost Price brought in under GRV for this stock item. Use this method should you wish to make the greatest amount of profit or GP% possible


Should you select this option all selling prices will stay fixed regardless of the unit cost price changing. Because this retail price calculation method does not allow markups to be entered you will have to enter the various selling prices either inclusive or exclusive.

NOTE: Because these prices are fixed one must manually change these prices, item for item. These prices can be changed in two ways. The first way is to edit each and every stock item that has been set to the manual price method (a very long and tedious job). The other way is to alter the selling prices when receiving the goods. E.g. When goods receiving an item that is set on a manual price method, the system will automatically show the current selling prices together with their GP%’s and the new cost, and at the same time allow the five selling prices to be changed. This saves time not having to go through each item and manually change the selling prices.

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Enter a numeric pack size for this stock item, e.g. 1 (single units) 12 (dozens). A stock item can only have one pack size, e.g. if an item is stored in dozens, but packs are sometimes broken up. Those separate packs must be treated as a new product and captured in item maintenance as a new product.

EXAMPLE: Lets say that you have a bottle store and wish to setup a bulk item (case of beers) and it’s respective broken packs, namely the 6 pack of cans and a single dumpy beer. To set these items up correctly you would make your bulk items (the case of beers) pack size 24, and the first broken pack item, the 6 can pack to have a pack size of 6. The single item pack should be setup to have a pack size of one (1).

NOTE: Both 6 pack item and the single item should not have cost entered but only selling prices and retail calculation price method set to manual. The unit cost prices for these items is automatically calculated by taking the pack size of the broken pack item and dividing it by the main items pack size and then multiplying it by the unit cost of the main / bulk item. Please remember to make both broken pack items “is this a main item” option set Yes and both should report to the main item. If not required leave this field blank.


Enter a three character pack description e.g. box, lit (liters), If not required leave blank.


Enter the location in the store where this item is located. The location can be printed on reports. If not required leave blank.

HINT: The storage location can help when doing stock take or when wanting to see sales figures for a particular area in the shop.


Enter the current (i.e. latest) cost price excluding VAT. No future change to cost price will be allowed as this field will be automatically updated as goods are received, i.e. from the goods received vouchers (GRV's).

NOTE: Once new the item has been saved (Accept button selected) the unit cost field will be greyed out and cannot be altered. As mentioned above, the unit cost will be updated as the item is purchased.


Enter the estimated realizable value, or standard cost, for the item. Reports are available with this valuation method as a costing option.


If manual price updates was selected in the previous field, this field will not be accessible. Enter the percentage markup to be added to the unit cost for all 5 selling prices. The retail prices will be calculated automatically.


If your pricing method is manual changes, you must enter the selling prices manually. Select the Inclusive option to change from VAT exclusive pricing to VAT inclusive prices. To change from inclusive to exclusive or vice versa, click on the respective column headings (e.g. “Incl. VAT” or “Excl. VAT”). Alternatively, use the “ALT” and “V” key combination to toggle from inclusive to exclusive.

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Enter the account number of your regular supplier for this item as defined under the creditors section of this manual.

NOTE: If there is more than one supplier for the item leave the field blank.

When printing the re-order report it will automatically extract which supplier is best supplier to order from. The best supplier is based on last 5 purchases made. This information can be viewed after the FIFO Cost Levels.


Enter the supplier's stock item code number, if different from your stock number. The suppliers item code would usually be required when reordering goods from the supplier.

NOTE: If there is more than one supplier for the item leave the field blank.


Enter the stock level at which the reorder reports and notification should be activated (i.e. when the reorder report is printed it will only include those items where the stock item’s on hand value is equal or less than the stated reorder level). The system will automatically display a warning message when the item is below or equal to the reorder level, when invoicing.

NOTE: The calculation used to determine when an item has reached the reorder level is as follows;

(Reorder Level + Reorder Qty + Sales Order > 0) AND (Reorder Level >= On Hand + Purchase Order – Sales Order - Laybye)


Enter the reorder quantity to be reordered when the stock levels reach the reorder level.

NOTE: The calculation used to determine how much of an item must be ordered is as follows;

(Order Level + Order Quantity - (On Hand + Purchase Order) – Sales Order - Laybye)


Structures for more details.


If you wish to store serial numbers for this stock item, enter YES. When posting invoices and GRV's, the system will prompt for the serial number. Only 1 item per line may be invoiced for serialized stock items while doing invoicing, but when processing GRV’s more than 1 item per line may be entered. The system will prompt for the line item serial number once the GRV has been processed.

NOTE: All serial number will be printed using the comment field. Should this field not be available on the invoice layout or goods received layout the system will not be able to printed the entered serial numbers, but will continue to store them.


If you wish to report this item to a different stock item (e.g. 6 packs or singles of beers reporting back to the case, or Tots of whiskey in Bar Reports to Bottles of whiskey), enter No to this prompt.

Refer back to the Pack Size heading for a detailed example.

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If you responded No to the previous prompt, enter the stock item to which this item must report to. Use the ALT and the down arrow key or the mouse to search for a stock code.

NOTE: The reporting and posting of the report items will be on the basis of the pack size of the main item divided by the pack size of the report item. All transactions / postings will be found under the main item and NOT the broken pack / reporting item.

Select the Accept option the stock item, or press Escape (ESC) to cancel all or any changes and exit.


The colour fields are there for product items like shoes, items of clothing, etc., where the actual item is the same, but is available in different colours and sizes. Add the colours by typing in the Colour ID and the Colours. Use the insert button to add another colour. The Delete button will delete a colour, be careful to delete a colour that has already been selected by a item.


Add the colours by typing in the Size ID and the Size. After the completion of all the size select process.

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The Memo option will allow the user to add extra information on the stock item. The memo will be visible at the stock enquiries screen.


From the Stock menu select the Maintenance option. From the list of stock items locate the appropriate stock item using either the vertical scroll bars or by typing the stock code or stock description. Once located, select the Edit button.

The stock code number Cannot be changed. Otherwise proceed as described in the take-on of a new stock item.


From the Stock menu select the Item Maintenance option. From the list of stock items locate the appropriate stock item using either the vertical scroll bars or by typing the stock code or stock description. Once located, select the Delete button.

A stock item may not be deleted if there is stock on hand, or if any transactions were entered for this item during the current month.

Once the stock item is selected, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion of this item. If confirmed, the item will be removed from the stock database.

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Sales of stock items or services are performed through Invoicing. During this process invoices will be printed, stock items, debtor details and the relevant ledger accounts updated. Select the Customer Invoicing option from the Stock menu.


Once the customer invoicing option has been selected and if the “confirm default integration month” has been enabled (see Set Ledger Defaults) the system will prompt you for the integration information, i.e. the company to which it must post the ledger entries and the ledger period to which it must post to.

Debtors or Creditor and stock related entries will always affect the current company.

Use the ALT & the Down arrow key, or the mouse to select from the available ledger periods.

NOTE: These ledger periods have no bearing on where they will be posted in the stock and debtors modules. Entries to these modules will always be posted to the current period or month 1 in the stock module.



Enter the debtors account number, or select the search option to search for an account. To see the debtor’s current aged balance, while searching, select the Balance button. To switch between number and name search, use the sequence option. If you have to invoice a new debtor, select the search facility followed by the Amendments button option to capture a new debtor directly from the stock system.

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Use the available postal and delivery address details to type a different address should the invoice or credit note goods be delivered to a different address to that what is already specified.

Should you make any typing mistake in either of the address details use the Revert option to revert back to the original address details.

NOTE: The altering of the address details will only affect the invoice or credit note that is posted at the time and will not alter the original clients address details in any way. Use the Amendments button, add, edit or delete clients.


Select Inclusive or Exclusive VAT charging method. The default VAT method is derived from the Stock Defaults option.


Enter the invoice date in the format DDMMYYYY. This date will NOT effect the period into which this transaction will be transferred into the general ledger, stock or debtors. The general ledger will only be effected by the computer / system date (found under Utilities on the main menu, or by the period specified in the “confirm ledger integration” by the operator when entering this option.


If manual invoice numbers were selected under Set Stock Defaults, you must enter the invoice number. The invoice number entered can be alpha or numeric or both, e.g. AB662, or 2377, etc. If not the manual method, the number will be automatically generated. Automatic numbers will only appear after the invoice is accepted.

NOTE: If the invoicing method is set to manual the system will not check for duplicate invoice number entered by the operator.

Depending on the number of Other Charges setup will depend on how many are shown. For this example, only one has been setup. See Stock Defaults to setup more entries. A maximum of Five (5) entries are allowed.

Negative quantities are allowed, which allow for deposits or cheques in a single process.

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Enter the delivery method. E.g. RAIL, COURIERS, etc. or else leave blank.


Enter the customer order number, if applicable.

HINT: When processing Cash Sales (e.g. CASH01 account is used) use the order number field to enter the customers name or surname. This will aid with the searching through hundreds or thousands of cash sale invoices, should their ever be a query.


The sales person for this debtor, as indicated on the debtor’s account, will automatically appear in this field. Should you wish to use another representative, use the ALT and the down arrow or the mouse to locate a new representative.


Enter a delivery note number if goods are sent on a separate delivery note, or use this field to store information other than a delivery note, e.g. Drivers name, telephone number, etc.



Enter the stock code number and press Enter, or use the search facility to search for the appropriate stock item Select the amendments button to add items which are not yet on file. When searching for the stock item use the detail button and the history button to obtain more detail on the stock item.


If a stock item has been set up to have serial numbers entered, the serial number will be requested once the item code has been accepted. If the system has been setup for Strict Serial number control he serial number must exist on the system before it can be sold. Disabling Strict Serial number control will allow the sale of serialized items to be processed that do not exist on the system. Sometimes this is necessary, especially when the processing for the goods purchased is captured after the invoice is processed.

NOTE: If a serial number is not required select the accept option or press the Space Bar once, followed by the Enter key. These serial numbers will still be stored and may, at a later stage be edited with the appropriate information (serial no, invoice date, etc.). This will only work if Strict Serial number control is disabled.


The stock description as defined in the Item Maintenance section will be displayed. Press Enter to accept this description or enter a new description.


Enter the VAT rate (1-9) which applies to this item. This VAT rate is automatically linked to the stock item via the department that is linked to the item. Should you wish to change the VAT rate so that it will permanently comes up with a different VAT rate select the Maintain Departments option under the stock menu.


If selling price changes are not allowed, this field will not be accessible. The normal selling price or the linked price (see debtor Account Maintenance for more information) for the debtor will appear in this field. Press the ALT and the down arrow to select from the 5 available selling prices.

NOTE: To increase the size of the selling price or the number of decimals change the price format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.

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Enter the quantity of the item to be sold or credited. Should you enter more than what is on hand you will be warned, if your system is not allowed to have negative stock, it will revert back to the stock code number.

NOTE: To increase the size of the quantity or the number of decimals change the quantity format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.

NOTE: Should there be a requirement to process empties, returns or item deposits, enter the quantity as a negative value (only the quantity). A typical example would be when invoicing a case of beer and the client returns an empty crate. The empty crate would be entered as a negative quantity and the case of beers would be entered as per normal. When the invoice is processed, the system will increase the on hand quantity for empty crate being returned and reduce the case of beers item. The same principal can be applied when processing a goods received voucher. A typical example here would be the processing of Coca-Cola or SAB invoice which include empties, returns, breakage, etc all on one document.


If you invoice ten (10) items, but have only five (5) items on hand, the system will calculate the value for the first five using the FIFO basis and the second five using the LATEST unit cost. The system will correct itself in the general ledger once the new goods are received.

If you invoice out an item that has not yet been GRV'd in, there is a possibility that there will be a new cost when you receive the item. The stock on hand as well as cost of sales value in the general ledger will be incorrect. To overcome this problem the system calculates the difference between the cost which was used for this item during invoicing and the new cost that is being GRV'd in. This difference is then automatically adjusted to the cost of sales account when the goods are eventually GRV'd in.

When invoicing negative stock items, the sales and profit values in the stock reports may be inaccurate. As no stock existed at the time, there is unfortunately no remedy for this situation.


Enter the line item discount percentage, if any. A discount amount cannot be entered while entering a sale line item on the invoice, only a percentage.

If a discount matrix has already been setup a discount percentage will automatically appear in this column (see the Discount Matrix option for detailed information), but can be changed.

NOTE: The discount amount / value derived from the discount percentage is not posted the any ledger account, but the discounted line total is posted to ledger.

Repeat the above steps for each line of the invoice. When all lines have been entered, press ESC.


Select the memo option when in the stock code field, to enable the entry of a memo for that item line, which will, when printed appear just below it on your invoice. Select the OK option to accept any changes made. Repeat this process if more entries are needed for other stock or service items.

NOTE: When there is a requirement add comment that pertains the invoice and not to an item, select the F5 Memo option when the last item on the invoice is highlighted.

This is an extract of the Stock Defaults screen where the price and quantity sizes are changed.

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Press ESC at the next stock code field to exit the line item entry section. The cursor will then jump to the invoice discount percentage field.


When all line items have been entered you may enter an overall invoice discount percentage. The discount must be a percentage, a discount amount cannot be entered. This discount will be in addition to any line discounts previously granted.

NOTE: The calculated discount amount will not be posted separately to a discount allowed ledger account. The invoice discount is applied to all line items, on top of any line item discounts that may have been given, resulting in a Nett line item total being posted to stock and ledger.


After entering the invoice discount but before accepting the invoice you can enter Other Charges. Press ALT - N (or O, P or Q) and enter the gross amount , i.e. Inclusive of VAT (if VAT applies). If there is VAT on the other charge it will automatically be added to the VAT total at the bottom of the invoice.

The description and ledger allocation of these charges are stored automatically by the program. When posting an invoice, these other charges will be ignored by the system if no values are entered.

NOTE: Should there be no “Extra Charges” option appearing or the description is incorrect or an extra charge entry is to be added consult the Invoice & GRV Extra Charges option under Set Stock Defaults.

To accept the invoice select the accept option, otherwise press the Escape (ESC) key to cancel the current invoice.


Invoices are processed real-time, i.e. all files are updated when the invoice is accepted. To correct an invoice after acceptance a Credit Note from stock (not debtors) must be processed.

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When an invoice is posted, the amounts are automatically transferred to the customer in the debtors system as well as to the general ledger.

The following general ledger transactions will take place after accepting an invoice. The general ledger account numbers are set on the stock item master files.

The total amount of the invoice is debited to the Debtors Control account.

The total amount of the sale excluding VAT is added to the Sales accounts.

The total VAT amount is added to the Output Vat account.

The cost price of each item sold is posted to the Cost Of Sales accounts, if the item has a cost. The value transferred is calculated on a FIFO basis. This amount is transferred from the Stock On Hand account.

NOTE: When the stock on hand value becomes negative, the value which is posted to the Cost Of Sales account will be calculated on the latest unit cost and not calculated on the FIFO basis. E.g. If ten (10) items invoiced, but there are only have five (5) items on hand. The system will calculate the value for the first five using the FIFO basis and the second five using the latest unit cost.


Stock returns from customers and / or invoice corrections are performed through the Credit Note option. Select the Stock menu option followed by the Customer Credit Notes option.

NOTE: The entering of information is identical to that of Customer Invoicing, therefore customer credit notes will not be discussed in detail.

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Credit notes are processed real-time, i.e. all files are updated after the credit note is accepted. To correct a credit note, an invoice must be passed.

Accounts affected in the GENERAL LEDGER

When a credit note is posted the amounts are automatically subtracted from the customer in the debtors system as well as transferred to the general ledger. The following general ledger transactions will take place after accepting a credit note.

The total amount of the credit note is deducted from the Debtors Control account.

The total amount of the credit note excluding VAT is deducted from the Sales accounts.

The total VAT amount is deducted from the Output Vat account.

The cost price of each item, if the item has a cost, is deducted from the Cost of Sales accounts, and added back into the Stock accounts.


After accepting the credit note, credit allocation in most cases must be allocated to a specific invoice. The answer to the confirmation message, “Allocate to Oldest” should always be No.

Unfortunately this only works effectively for accounts that have been setup as having their account type set to “Open Item”. If the account type is set to “Balance B/F” one can only allocate return to supplier to an outstanding balance and not to a specific transactions entry.


Commission statements for the relevant rep will be adjusted by the values of the credit note.

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Stock received in from suppliers is recorded through the Stock menu option Suppliers - Goods Receiving. The method of entry is identical to that of an invoice except for the following:



Will be the suppliers (creditors) account number. The name will be confirmed on the screen. If the supplier does not exist on your creditors system, select the Amendments option to add, edit or delete a creditor. Use the search grid available to locate the appropriate supplier, by typing either their account number, or by changing the sequence, and typing in their company name.


Use the available postal and delivery address details to type a different address should the invoice or credit note be posted or delivered to a different address to that what is already specified.

Should you make any typing mistake in either of the address details use the Revert option to revert back to the original address details.

NOTE: The altering of the address details will only affect the invoice or credit note that is posted at the time and will not alter the original clients address details in any way. Use the Amendments button to add, edit or delete clients.


Select Inclusive or Exclusive VAT charging method. The default VAT method derived from the Stock Defaults option.

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Enter the suppliers invoice number.


You should enter your order number in this field or any other information that you may want to store in the order number field.


Enter the suppliers delivery note number from the delivery note voucher which accompanied the actual goods received.


The date, order number and G.R.V. (goods received voucher) number fields must be completed.



Enter the stock code number and press Enter, or use the search facility to search for the appropriate stock item Select the amendments button to add items which are not yet on file. When searching for the stock item use the detail button and the history button to obtain more detail on the stock item.


If a stock item has been set up to have serial numbers entered, the serial number will be requested once the GRV has been processed.

NOTE: If a serial number is not required select the accept option or press the Space Bar once, followed by the Enter key. These serial numbers will still be stored and may, at a later stage be edited with the appropriate information (serial no, invoice date, etc.).


The stock description as defined in the Item Maintenance section will be displayed. Press Enter to accept this description or enter a new description.

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Enter the VAT rate (1-9) which applies to this item. This VAT rate is automatically linked to the stock item via the department that is linked to the item. Should you wish to change the VAT rate so that it automatically reflects the correct vat rate, select the Maintain Departments option under the Stock, Utilities menu and edit the appropriate department that item is linked to.


Enter the unit cost according to the suppliers invoice.

NOTE: Make sure that the price method (inclusive or exclusive) corresponds with that of the VAT method you have selected.

NOTE: To increase the size of the unit price or the number of decimals change the price format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.


Enter the quantity of the item to be purchased or returned.

NOTE: To increase the size of the quantity or the number of decimals change the quantity format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.

NOTE: Should there be a requirement to process empties, returns or item deposits, enter the quantity as a negative value (only the quantity). A typical example would be when returning emptily bottles and crates back to SAB or Coca-Cola. The empty crate and bottles would be entered as a negative quantity and the case of beers would be entered as per normal. When the invoice is processed, the system will decrease the on hand quantity for empty crate being returned to the supplier and increase the case of beers item.


If you invoice ten (10) items, but have only five (5) items on hand, the system will calculate the value for the first five using the FIFO basis and the second five using the Latest unit cost. The system will correct itself in the general ledger once the new goods are received.

If you invoice out an item that has not yet been GRV'd in, there is a possibility that there will be a new cost when you receive the item. The stock on hand as well as cost of sales value in the general ledger will be incorrect. To overcome this problem the system calculates the difference between the cost which was used for this item during invoicing and the new cost that is being GRV'd in. This difference is then automatically adjusted to the cost of sales account when the goods are eventually GRV'd in.


Enter the line item discount percentage, if any. A discount amount cannot be entered while entering a sale line item on the invoice, only a percentage.

If a discount matrix has already been setup a discount percentage will automatically appear in this column (see the Discount Matrix option for detailed information), but can be changed.

NOTE: The discount amount / value derived from the discount percentage is not posted to any ledger account, but the discounted line total is posted to ledger.

This is an extract of the Stock Defaults screen where the price and quantity sizes are changed.

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The system allows for the time total to be entered and allows for automatic calculators the unit cost. This also allows rounding issues to be reselected when supplier invoice totals does not match with invoice total.

Repeat the above steps for each line of the GRV. When all lines have been entered, press ESC.


Select the memo option when in the stock code field, to enable the entry of a memo for that item line, which will, when printed appear just below it on your invoice. Select the OK option to accept any changes made. Repeat this process if more entries are needed for other stock or service items.


Press ESC at the next stock code field to exit the line item entry section. The cursor will then drop to the invoice discount percentage field.


When all line items have been entered you may enter an overall invoice discount percentage. The discount must be a percentage, a discount amount cannot be entered. This discount will be in addition to any line discounts previously granted.


After entering the invoice discount but before accepting the invoice you can enter Other Charges. Press ALT - N (or O or P, Q) and enter the amount. The amount entered must be gross, i.e. Inclusive of VAT (if VAT applies). If there is VAT on the other charge it will automatically be added to the VAT total at the bottom of the invoice.

The description and ledger allocation of these charges are stored automatically by the program. When posting an invoice, these other charges will be ignored by the system if no values are entered.

NOTE: Should there be no “Extra Charges” option appearing or the description is incorrect or an extra charge entry is to be added consult the Invoice & GRV Extra Charges option under Set Stock Defaults.

To accept the goods received voucher select the accept option, otherwise press the Escape (ESC) key to cancel the current invoice. Repeat the above steps for each line of the goods received note.

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The total value of goods received is credited to the creditors account and the Creditors Control account.

The value of goods received, excluding VAT, is added to (debited to) the Stock On Hand account (s).

The total VAT amount is added to (debited to) the Input Vat account.


Returning stock to a supplier is performed through the Suppliers Goods Returned option found under the Stock menu.

The procedures used are the same as for Goods Received (and Invoicing). A return to supplier advice note is printed, onto which you should also enter your original order number. Each item would separately be specified.


The total amount of the goods returned is deducted from the creditors account and the general ledger Creditors Control account.

The actual value of the goods being returned is deducted from the Stock On Hand account(s).

The total VAT amount is deducted from the Input Vat account.


On returning goods to suppliers, if there is a discrepancy between the weighted average unit cost price of the item, and the actual value at which the goods are being returned, the difference (i.e. the cost price variance) will be adjusted against the item's cost of sales account. The adjustment would come from the Stock On Hand account.

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Return to supplier’s credit allocation in most cases must be allocated to a specific goods received voucher. The answer to the confirmation message, “Allocate to Oldest” should always be No.

Unfortunately this only works effectively for accounts that have been setup as having their account type set to “Open Item”. If the account type is set to “Balance B/F” one can only allocate return to supplier to an outstanding balance and not to a specific transactions entry.

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Select the Stock menu, then the Reports menu option followed by the Stock Lists option.

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This option will print a retail price list of all or selected stock items detailing the stock code, group, description, pack size and pack description and the selling price(s).


This option produces a report listing all relevant information on the stock items which were selected. This information will be the same as the retail price list but will also include the date last moved, unit cost, quantity on hand and the value of stock.

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This option prints a stock list detailing the stock code, description, group, pack size and pack description.


Selecting this option will print a stock list detailing the stock code number, group id, stock description, pack size, pack description, unit cost, bin location, date last moved, the actual stock on hand (on computer) and the stock value. It will allow you to enter the physical stock amounts, and provides a “difference” column.

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This report will produce a printout of the total cost of all items which were selected.


This report will produce a printout of the all the Stock Items qty for all the companies created on.

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Use the Report Sequence option to print the various report types in either account number or in name sequence.

NOTE: Every time the sequence option changed the Apply Selections button must be selected before the sequence selected can be applied.


The following filter involves the printing of a report that excludes all items that Labour and Non-Stock related.

1. Select the Filter button. From the Fields list, locate the ITEM CODE field. Click on the ITEM CODE field so it becomes highlighted.

2. Click on the white area of the Field Value edit box for the ITEM CODE field. Enter the following, “# or LAB”. The “#” is for the non-stock items that start with“#” and the “LAB” if the Labour items. If the Starting and Ending Range options are visible, click on the “By Value” tab (above the View Summary button) to have the Field Value option made available.

3. Click the Search Type option, “Partial Match at Beginning”. This option will extract only those stock items that the item code starting with a “#” or “LAB”.

4. Click the Search Type option, “Non-matching records”. This option will exclude those stock items that start with “#” or “LAB”.

5. The final step is to view the filter criteria that we have created. Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields that had values entered against them will appear, reflecting a summarized version of the filter query. Select the OK button when finished viewing the summarized filter query.

8. At this point we can select the OK button to have the filter applied, or we can continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to the existing query by repeating the above steps.

9. Select the Ok button to have the filter selection applied and return to the stock list screen. The stock list report screen will now reflect the result of the filter that has been applied and should reflect stock items that do not have a “#” and “LAB” in prefix of the item code. If not, select the Clear Filter button and repeat the previous steps to setup the filter again.

“By Value” & “By Range” tabs.

Field Listing (list of fields within the database)

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NOTE: Should you have accidentally selected the OK button or pressed Enter, at any point during the filter setup select the Filter button again to have the filter screen displayed again. The previous captured information will still be available allowing you to continue where you left-off. However, if you escaped out of the stock list screen this information would have been lost. It is therefore important for any filters that have been setup and are required to be used repeatedly, need to be saved after the filter has been applied or completed.

10. Now that the filter has been completed select the Save Filter button so that the filter can saved and re-used again. Saved filters can be used again by selecting the Load Filter button. There is an unlimited amount of filters that can be configured and saved.

To cancel a filter, select the Clear Filter button at any time.

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Select the Audit Trails & History option from the Stock Report menu option. Every transaction that involved a stock item will form part of the audit file. A separate audit trail number is created every time you process and entry via Customer Invoicing, Goods Received Vouchers, Adjustments, Transfers, POS, etc.

During month-end, all stock transactions are transferred to the history file automatically, and stored there until such time that they are manually deleted using the Delete History option. If the “Store History” option was disabled under stock defaults, all stock transactions for the month would not be accessible after month end.

NOTE: Should the stock month end procedure not be performed each month the stock transaction file that is supposed to store only the current months transactions will rapidly increase in size. This will cause all reporting, enquiries and the accessing of the audit report to become very slow.

By default, if the month end procedure has been done, the listed transactions shown will be that of the current month.


Basically an audit report is a report, listing all transaction (invoices, credit notes, payments, etc.) that have been posted that depict information like the date, reference, amount audit trail numbers, profit, etc., for the given selection (filter) criteria. The audit report can be used in many ways to extract sales information, payments made, credit notes entered with summary totals being printed. One can even extract the invoice(s) for a certain client for the day.


In order to view historical transaction select the View History option. If the stock month end has never been performed the View History option will more than likely reflect an empty audit screen.

When the option reflects the words “View History”, it is safe to assume that the information that is currently being shown is current stock transaction, i.e. Transactions that have not been month ended. If the option reflects the words, “View Current”, then the transactions that are shown are historical, i.e. transactions that have already been month ended.

Click on any of the column headings to have the data sorted accordingly. The “U” column indicates Unsorted, i.e. the list will be shown as it was captured. Selected sort sequence will have the column heading displayed in yellow.

The Code column indicates the type transaction and source document. Other available types are; IN = Invoice CN = Credit Note PU = Goods Received RT = Return to Supplier BM = Bill of Materials AJ = Stock Adjustment TI = Transfer In TO = Transfer Out

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Should there be a requirement to recall (view or print) a document as it was processed on the day select the View Document option. Make sure that the correct transaction has been highlighted before selecting the View Document option.

NOTE: The View Document option unfortunately only applies to the following transaction types (i.e. where the CODE column has one following codes);


IN – Invoice

CN – Credit Note

PU – Goods Received Voucher

RT – Return to Supplier


Should the report type be printed for certain clients and certain (e.g. accounts that are over their limit or terms or for a certain status code or area) conditions select the filter button to enter such criteria. If previous filters have already been setup use the Load Filter to access these previously saved filters.

NOTE: The filter button enables a selection criteria to be entered. By default the selection criteria will include all transaction that has not been month ended, unless the view history option has been selected.


The report may be printed in unsorted sequence, or may be sorted in account number, rep, date, reference number or transaction posting code, etc, sequence. When sorting the transaction audit list into a specific sequence, the report will take considerably longer to process, especially, if the transaction file is a considerable size. Summary totals will always be printed, regardless of the sequence option selected here. Summary totals are printed at the end of the report.

NOTE: Each time the sequence option is changed, the Apply Selections button must be selected before the sequence selected can be applied.

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The following filter involves the printing of a report that includes all invoices for department 005(castle department) that where done for a particular day and are sorted according to the amount of the transaction.

1. Select the Filter button. From the Fields list, locate the TCODE field. Click on the TCODE field so it becomes highlighted. The TCODE field is an abbreviation for Transaction Code.

2. Click on the white area of the Field Value edit box for the TCODE field. Enter “IN”. The “IN” is for all Invoice related entries. If the Starting and Ending Range options are visible, click on the “By Value” tab (above the View Summary button) to have the Field Value option made available.

3. Click the Search Type options, “Exact Match” and “Case Sensitive”. This option will extract only those stock transactions that have an exact match and are uppercase, i.e. if there where transactions with “in” or “int” they would be excluded.

4. Locate the DEPARTMENT field in Fields list. Once located click on the DEPARTMENT so it highlighted. Click on the white area of Field Value edit box. Enter “005” (Beer department). Make sure that the “Exact Match” option is selected. Otherwise the report may include stock items that start with or have “005” as being part the department, e.g. 0051, 1005, etc.

5. Locate the TXDATE field. TXDATE is an abbreviation for Transaction Date. Because this example requires information for a single date, enter the same date in the starting and ending range edit boxes.

NOTE: The starting and ending date range must conform to current month, i.e. must be in the date range of the information that currently being shown in the stock audit. If the View History option had been selected then the date range must be within that range of transactions and may not be for the current month. Unfortunately you cannot specify a date range that covers both current and historical transactions.

“By Value” & “By Range” tabs.

Field Listing (list of fields within the database)

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6. The final step is to view the filter criteria that we have created. Select the View Summary button. A screen reflecting the various fields hat had values entered against them will appear, reflecting a summarized version of the filter query. Select the OK button when finished viewing the summarized filter query.

7. At this point we can select the OK button to have the filter applied, or we can continue to add additional fields with their respective values and ranges to the existing query by repeating the above steps.

8. Select the Ok button to have the filter selection applied and return to the stock list screen. The stock list report screen will now reflect the result of the filter that has been applied and should reflect stock items that only have the CODE (transaction code) set to “IN”. If not, select the Clear Filter button and repeat the previous steps to setup the filter again.

Once the necessary query has been made, select the view button to direct the output to the screen or select the print button to direct the output to the printer.

Although both of these entries are sales or invoice entries, they were not processed in the same way. The one was processed via Stock Customer Invoicing, and the other was done via POS cash sales. The one that has the reference reflecting SALE [1-1] was done via POS and the other via customer invoicing. The [1-1] stands for Till 1 and sale number 1, respectively.

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Stock label printing is used to print stock labels, shelf talkers and bar-coded stock labels. Labels can be printed in any format, using a number of different bar code types (e.g. Code 39, EAN13, EAN128, etc). Some bar-code types make provision for numeric values, and some make provision for alpha-numeric values. Barcode type EAN13 is for numeric only item codes that are 12 characters in length, and Code39 or Code 3 of 9, is for alpha-numeric item codes of any length. Ensure that the barcode used in the report template makes provision for the item code or barcode structure in use.



This is the order in which items are displayed on the data grid, and the order in which the labels for each item will be printed. To change the sort order, click on one of the available sort orders.


There are two types, Normal and Advanced label printing. The reason for the two options is to facilitate the complex requirements that some barcode printers require. By default the Normal Label Printing is the correct one to use.

If the Advanced Label Printing option is selected the Barcode Printer option is then made available. Currently there two options, Eltron and Zebra. These are the only two printers that we currently support with regards to the format and programming language that is required by these printers. If unsure, keep the Label Type set Normal Label Printing.

NOTE: When the advanced printing option has been selected the system will not use any of the layouts that been previously setup. The design of the actual layout must be done via the label design software that was supplied with the printer.

Use the available Field Selection controls to maintain database fields that are made available when designing the label.

The Label Qty column indicates how many labels will be printed, but is only effective when the Label Quantities option is set User Definable Quantities.

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This option is only available the Label Type is set to Advanced Label Printing. This option is not required to be enabled in order to print barcode labels. This option is merely there to help with complex label printing requirements that may be required. Currently we only interface to two types of printers. By interface, we mean the downloading of the label layout in the raw format (i.e. EJF file format) the printer uses to print the label.


The label quantities are selected here. Please select one of the available label quantity methods.


The amount of labels to be printed for each item is defined by the value in the on hand field on the data grid. If there are 21 units of the item on hand, 21 labels will be printed for the item.


One barcode will be printed for each item displayed in the data grid.


When this option is selected, a small text box will be displayed, where the item quantity can be entered. If a value of 5 is entered here, 5 labels will be printed for each of the items displayed on the data grid.


Selecting this option allows the user to specify a label quantity for each of the items on the data grid. Double click on each of the items to specify a quantity for each item.


There are three layouts one can choose from. These layouts are user definable. You decide what each label layout should look like. Make that the correct layout is selected when printing or designing the label.


Before any label can be designed or printed the appropriate fields that are intended to be used in the design (i.e. the information that will be required to be displayed on label) must be selected. Use the Add, Edit and Delete Field options to maintain the list of selected fields.

NOTE: The selected fields need not be selected each and every time a label is to be printed or designed.

HINT: Add all the fields that you may require when designing the three layouts (not all three layouts must be used). Not all the fields need to be used when designing the label.

In most cases the most common used or selected fields are the tem code, description, inclusive selling price, pack description, pack size. If the label is to have a barcode printed the item code must be one of the listed fields.

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Use the filter option to filter for selected stock items, departments or other filter criteria selections.

HINT: The filter option can be used to filter only for selected stock items, departments or item code ranges.


Select the Print option to have the labels on displayed on the screen. Once the previewed, select the printer icon to start printing. Before printing make sure that the label layout has been selected.


Click on the Printed Selected option to print a barcode(s) for the highlighted item. The number of labels that will be printed will depend on the Label Quantity option, i.e. if the label quantity option has been set to “print using on hand quantities” the mount of labels printed will be equal to that of the on hand quantity. If the on hand quantity is zero or negative, no labels will be printed.


Select the stock item that will displayed on the screen. Once the previewed, select the printer icon to start printing. Before printing make sure that the label layout has been selected.


This option will reset the label quantities for each item to zero.


Utilize the Design option to create or modify the selected label layout. There are a total of four different layouts one can use. One could be, for shelf talkers (those labels that appear on the shelves showing the barcode, price and description of the item), another could be normal barcode labels that stuck onto items. The third layout could be used for general labels that may not include a barcode and the fourth is entirely up to you.

Before selecting the Design option there are two steps that must be done;

1. The appropriate fields that are intended to be used in the design (i.e. the information that will be required to be displayed on label) must be selected. Use the Add, Edit and Delete Field options to maintain the list of selected fields.


The printing GRV option will allow labels to be printed as the GRV item quantities are been processed. After the GRV has been processed the label quantity amount will increase, with every GRV the quantity amount will increase.


The Label quantity option will allow the user to change the quantity amounts of a stock item, in other word each item can have a different quantity. Select the user define access option, double click on the specific item and type the label amount and select Ok to complete the option.

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2. Make sure that the correct label layout has been selected. Another important aspect when designing the label layout is to make sure that the number of labels that must be printed on a page. If printing on an A4 size page, the number of labels across is normally

3. The number of labels down the page is calculated from the height of the label. If printing on continuous fed labels (dedicated barcode printer) the number of labels across is usually 1.

The number labels across and down the page can be altered via accessing the Page Setup option found under the File menu.


This option will reset the label quantities for each item to zero.

This is a list of available fields that are derived from the previously defined field list, which maintained on stock label screen.

The label height is measured from the top to the bottom of the white area of ^Detail band.

This is the ruler measurement for the label. It will print label according to this size regardless of the amount of information that been placed on the layout. Move the ^Detail band up or down to increase the size of the label.

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Stock items may be grouped together by utilizing the group option. Groups are either set up with no relationship between a major department (i.e. independently) or they can be linked. If they are linked, then each Major Department will consist of various Minor Departments and each Minor Department will link to only one Major Department.


The name field will show the name of the relevant groups.


The description field will show the description of the relevant groups.

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Select the Utilities option from the Stock menu followed by the Departments option from the submenu.

Departments are the essence of the stock integration to the ledger. They also provide a quick and easy way of extracting consolidated sales, purchases, GP% and profit values.

NOTE: Departments must be setup before creating stock items. The reason for this is that a department must be allocated to a stock item at the time of creating it. It would be a time consuming job to go back and edit each and every item and re-allocate the correct department.

As mentioned previously the departments help with the integration to the various general ledger accounts, but not in a direct way. What’s meant by this, is when an item is sold or purchased or adjusted, the system does not draw the ledger integration information directly from the department file, but rather directly from the ledger details stored on the item. Why, because the department ledger account details are actually stored per item in the stock file. Instead of having to enter ledger details per item the ledger details are entered via the departments and then posted to the individual items. It is easier to edit 20 or 30 departments than to edit 100’s or 1000’s of items.

The department file facilitates two things. Firstly, the facility to reproduce stock reports in a summarized format by department. Secondly, a simplified way to capture stock ledger integration details.

It is vitally important that when any changes are made to the ledger accounts for any of the existing departments, the Update Stock Items option must be selected. This need only be done once all or any departments is been altered. Failing to do this will cause a mismatch between the actual ledger accounts that are stored on the item and the ledger accounts that reflected on the department.

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To maintain department details select one the available maintenance options, Add, Edit or Delete. Once either the Edit or Add option has been selected, the Department details screen will appear.

NOTE: The Department Code cannot be altered once a department has been saved or is being edited. Delete the department and then recreate the correct one.

Use the Enter or Tab key to move between entry fields (i.e. Department number, description, VAT rate and ledger accounts).


Enter a meaningful department name, e.g. Hardware Sales.


Enter the department vat rate (1..9) as defined under Vat Setup. Utilize the VAT Rate option to create departments that are zero rated or Exempt from VAT. These zero or exempt departments are then linked to the items that zero rated or exempt from VAT.


Enter the sales account in the general ledger which must be updated with the sales value of the item, whenever an item belonging to this department, is sold. Use search facility (ALT and the down arrow) to search for account numbers in the general ledger.


Enter the cost of sales account in the general ledger which must be updated with the cost of the item whenever an item belonging to this department, is sold. Use search facility (ALT and the down arrow) to search for account numbers in the general ledger.

NOTE: The purchases account is only utilized in the IQ2000 Distributed processing add on module and therefore should be utilize the same account as the cost of sales account.


Enter the stock account in the general ledger which must be updated whenever an item belonging to this department, is sold. Use search facility (ALT and the down arrow) to search for account numbers in the general ledger.

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Enter the purchases account in the general ledger which must be updated whenever an item belonging to this department, is purchased. Use search facility (ALT and the down arrow) to search for account numbers in the general ledger.

NOTE: The system may be setup to either update the cost of sales and stock accounts immediately when sold, or alternatively to post to a purchases account when goods are purchased. (Under Stock defaults). When the second option is selected, a manual adjustment must be made in the general ledger at month-end.


The printing departments option will produce a report showing the Department number, Description, Vat number, Sales Account and Cost of Sales and Stock Accounts.


The update stock items option will be used if changes was made to a departments. This option will update all the stock items with the correct departments information, making sure all the change was made for each stock item with the selected department.

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Select the Utilities option from the Stock menu followed by the Discount Structure option from the submenu.

The stock discount structure allows the compilation of a 9x9 matrix supporting 81 different discount structures. This discount structure is automatically activated during invoices and credit notes. Stock coordinates are entered horizontal (per line) and the debtor coordinates vertically (per column).


In the example above, whenever a debtor with a discount co-ordinate of ‘A’ buys a stock item with a discount value of ‘1’, a discount of 25% will automatically apply.

In the same manner, a debtor with a discount value of 'C', when buying a stock item with a value of '1' will receive a discount of 15%

these discount values in the Debtor Maintenance as well as the Item Maintenance module.


Select the Print Discounts button to have available discounts printed.


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Select the Utilities option from the Stock menu followed by the Adjustments option from the submenu.

Use this option to adjust discrepancies between stock levels reflected on the computer, and stock levels counted during the physical stock take.

The adjustment option is not intended for the processing of stock take values for large stock listings (Although there is nothing wrong with this method, it just takes very long). Please use the Remote Stock Take option found under the Stock Utilities menu. Use the stock adjustment option to make minor on hand or costing adjustments. The costing adjustment is not there to be used as means of changing the unit cost when the supplier has a price increase. This will automatically be adjusted when the next goods received voucher is processed.

NOTE: Stock adjustment are immediate and are not batch related. Once the adjustment has been accepted the stock item and the general ledger are updated immediately. There is a batch report that will be printed after the entries are posted. This report is available to be printed when escaping or exiting from the stock adjustment screen. You cannot reprint a stock adjustment report reflecting the before after values at a later stage. All that is possible is the printing of all adjustment entries (see stock audit report) that where posted. It’s important to enter all adjustments before exiting the adjustment screen.

Once you have located the stock item select the Accept option.

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The on hand quantity that appears will be the current quantity on hand. If this is incorrect enter the new / adjusted on hand value for this stock item. This value will then replace the current on hand quantity.


The unit cost that is displayed will be the average unit cost. Should the unit cost not require altering then leave as is.


Use this field to input a reference as to why the adjustment was done, so that later enquiries into the adjustment may be made easier, e.g. Theft, shrinkage, etc.


Enter the stock account, as well as the stock adjustment account (ALT and the down arrow to search) where the adjustment values must be adjusted in the general ledger.

After each batch of stock adjustments entered the system will ask whether a stock adjustment variance report should be printed. A batch will be all adjustment that are entered from enter the stock adjustment facility to the time of exiting stock adjustments. This report details the before and after stock values, quantities and cost prices, per item adjusted and for the total items adjusted.


After all adjustments have been processed exit from the main adjustment screen. Upon exiting the system will ask whether the adjustment process should be printed. Select Yes to have the adjustment items and the total value given on the list printed.


The adjustment amount posted to the General ledge is the difference between the current stock value of the item and the adjusted value, which is the sum of the on hand x the average cost.

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This facility is used to do a stock take, and then process any adjustments automatically. Stock takes can be done per department or bin location. Once all stock items for a department or bin location have been counted, the information can be manually entered into the stock take facility. Should the counted figures contain any variances from those found in IQ 2000, the variances can be printed, and then processed. All the items with variances will then be adjusted to reflect the counted figures

Before stating the stock take print out a report to assist in the stock take. Stock, Reports, Stock List and select the Stock Take List

Go to Stock, Utilities, Stock Take. Select on the Remote Stocktake.

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Select the stock take type from the following options:

a) Remote Stock take – The user can import the stock take from the manual stock take or from any other stock take method providing the file is a TXT and that the layout is Code, Qty follow by the Consolidation and the stock take Variance report that will adjust the physical quantity of the stock items.

b) Manual Stock count – The user can capture the stock quantities, but the Manual stock count will not adjust the stock on hand quantities. This is just a means to count stock. Create a count file and import into the Remote stock take.


Use the manual stock count if no other means of stock take is possible e.g. scanners or imported files.



If the quick count option is selected you don’t have to search for items, simply type in the code of the item and enter. This will add the item line with one item counted. If Incremental Quantity Update is switch on typing the same item code will add another item at the counted field. For example type 1003 enter the counted field now show1 type 1003 and the counted field will change to 2.


When using incremental quantity update you can count a item more than once and the counted quantity will increase. For example when counting stock and a product is place in more than one place in the shop the second quantity will be added to the first quantity. If incremental quantity update is switch off the next time a quantity is entered the original amount will change in other word the quantity will override the original quantity.

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When using the stock count via keyboard the entering of on hand quantity much faster because you can use the keyboard to enter counted quantities and move down to the next item, instead of having to click with the mouse every time.


The count sheet number refers to a sheet number that is used for counting the stock items on the shelf’s. A bin location is used to enter the actual location of the stock items within the store or on the shelf.

NOTE: The stock count number will also cause the system to generate al different stock count file. If the count number is set to 2, the stock count file will be saved as stock2.dat. There are maximum of 99 stock count files that can be generated before having to import then into the remove stock count.



Select the Edit Quantity option to type the quantity of the stock item.


Once the Stock items has been selected the user can delete on stock item entry by selecting the entry line and selecting F5 Delete.


Once the Stock items has been selected the user can delete all stock item from the stock count list by selecting the F6 Delete All.

Enter the counted quantity for the stock item.

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Select the F7 Search item to choose the item for the stock count. The user can create a filter to select for example only a certain department.

Select F10 Accept to only select one item or F12 Accept All to select all the stock items for the stock count.


Once all the stock quantities has been entered the F8 Print option can be used. This print option will display the Item Code, Description, Dept, Pack Description, Pack Size, Bin Location, On hand amount, Count and the Variance quantities.

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Use the F9 sequence to change the sort order between Item Code, Department, Description and Bin Location.


Select the create count file and a “dat” file will be create that can be imported into the Remote stock take option. The file is saved on the C: in the IQ2000 folder inside the company name (001). The stock count number will change the filename e.g. STOCK2.DAT.

Select OK to proceed. the following screen will appear asking if you would like to keep the current list of count items. Select Yes or No to clear the count list of stock items.

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The view variance report will display the difference in counted quantities. The report will show the stock item: Code, Description, Bin location, Department, SDepartment, Original quantity, Original Value, New Quantity, Difference Quantity, Difference Value and Processed.


The remote stock take can only be done while trading is stopped. When using Realtime update trading can continue while the stock take is in progress.

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The file Location is where the stock1.dat file is stored. On the C drive of the server/computer inside the IQ2000 folder inside the company folder (001). The stock1.dat file is where the manual count information is stored.


Select the F12 Browse button to select the stock1.dat file.


Real time update will need the date and time when doing a stock take. Real time update can be use while trading because it will compare the stock take time and date with the selling of products. This process is slower but trading can continue while doing a stock take.


This option will zero only items that have been scanned in the stock take.


This option will zero all items with negative quantities.


This option will zero all items.


This report will display the invalid scanned items, in other word scanned counted stock quantities that was scanned in correctly.


This option will display the scanned file. The report will show the stock item: Code, Description, Bin location, Department, SDepartment, original quantity, Original Value, New Quantity, Difference Quantity, Difference Value and Processed. This report will be the same as the Variance report if the Manual Stock take option was used.

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This report will display the items not scanned. In other word the items that was not included in the stock take.


This option will delete the stock*.dat file.


This option will process the stock take adjustment. This option will take the counted/scanned quantities and change the on hand quantities to the physical quantities. This is the last step in the Remote stock take options. Remember to consolidate before starting this options.


The consolidate option will be used to merge the Stock*.dat (e.g. all stock count files from no 1 to 99 will be merged into a single file) file with the Stock.uld file. All recurrence of e.g. Stock1.dat, Stock2.dat will be merged. For example if a stock take was done a magazine item was counted in two areas, and by two or more stock centers, the Stock1.dat and Stock 2.dat will be merged in the Stock.uld file and quantities added together .


1. Do a stock count via Scan items or manual stocktake option.

2. Go to “Stock > Utilities > Remote Stocktake > Remote Stocktake

3. Consolidate the stock*.dat file with the Stock.uld file.

4. View the Invalid Scanned items, View Scanned items and View items not scanned.

5. Select F10 Start to proceed with the stock take.

6. Once the stock is complete the adjustment for each stock item can be found at the Stock, Enquiries,

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Use scanner to count stock. Then export the scanner file on to your computer.

The required fields to export are: “Item Code” and “Quantity” (and Date & Time only if you are doing a live stock take). The file path is “C:\IQ2000\#company no#”

The filename should be “STOCK*.DAT” where * is a unique number (1-99) for every scanner used in the stock take. E.g. if you are using 2 scanners for the stock take, the filenames would be STOCK1.DAT and STOCK2.DAT. You can also import other formats like: CSV, TXT & UDL.

Then go to “Stock > Utilities > Remote Stocktake > Remote Stocktake”.

If you used multiple scanners and they are correctly saved, press consolidate to integrate all the different scanner files into one (stock.uld).

From the “File Location” select the location of your scanner’s file (stock.uld if you consolidated). Click on “View scanned items” to see if the information was correctly imported. Choose what to zero before importing and then click start.

N.B. If you are doing a live stock take tick “Realtime Updating” checkbox to ensure that IQ correctly calculates the stock onhand.

Here is an example of how the data in Stock1.dat should look like if you are doing a live stock take:

001, 100, 31/09/2006, 09:00:00

Item Qty Date, Time

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Select the Utilities option from the Stock menu followed by the Global Changes option from the submenu.

This option will allow the user to make changes on the stock system as a whole. Information like the group, vat rate, ledger sales, cost of sales and stock account, the markup rate 1 to 5 and the update selling price mode, can be altered for the entire stock file or for an item by simply entering a new sales account or new markup rate, etc.


If only a series of stock items must be included in this adjustment, or if this is a restart of an adjustment, enter the first and last stock code number. By pressing Enter or Tab on the fields 'Start at Code' and 'End at Code' , the fields will default to the first and last stock items on file. If the stock code number is not known, the search facility to locate the item


If the global update should only affect a specific stock group, enter the specific group code or press Enter to ignore this function.


Enter a tax rate if a new tax rate is now applicable to the selected items, or press Enter to ignore.


Enter the selling price update mode as defined in the add stock items section. Select the ignore option if the update mode must not be altered.

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The stock month end function should be done just after the debtors month end option has been done. Please note this is merely a guide line and should be adjusted according to your business needs. Some businesses prefer to run the stock month end at the end of each month so that each months totals are from the 1st to the end of the month, and not from the 25th to the 25th of the next month. This in turn reflects exactly what sales figures where done for that calendar month and not according to a debtors or creditors ageing period.


Prior to month end a backup disk should be made. Ensure that the data has been backed up before running month end. Backups are made via the Backups option found in the Utilities section. Failure to do backup's can result in all the information on the system being lost !!!!!!

NOTE: Although the system is setup to do backups automatically for each of the month-end procedures for each module, this function should be solely relied on as an alternative means of doing your backups!!!. Should your month-end procedure be incomplete for whatever reason you would then be able to restore from this backup.


At the end of every month the system must be aged. This process clears the transaction file, updates the historic data on each stock item (if “store History” has been activated)

NOTE: The Store History option can be found under the stock defaults menu which is located under the Defaults menu under utilities menu.

NOTE: All reports (sales by department, daily analysis, rep analysis, reconciliation, any other report you require) must be printed prior to the month end process.

Before the F10 Proceed button can be selected, option “A” “Are you sure you are ready to proceed” must be set to Yes.

Option “B” should not be set to Yes. By setting this option to Yes will reset the invoice numbering back to one. The first invoice that is generated after month end will be numbered as 1. Resetting the invoice numbering back to 1 will cause duplicate invoices to be displayed, should there already be an invoice with the same invoice number. If you are going to reset the invoice numbers back to 1 then the stored documents that are currently stored in the system must be deleted.

NOTE: By deleting these store documents will not affect any balances on the system. However, it will remove the facility of being able to recall / view the invoice as was printed on the day of the invoice.

In order to keep existing store documents on the system and have the invoice numbering reset back to one, will require that the invoice prefix to be changed (see stock defaults). Some business change the prefix to reflect the year, i.e. 007, reflects 2007. Because the prefix allows for alphanumeric input, one is able to enter any 3 character invoice prefix.

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Unless the month end being done falls on the same date period as the financial year end, e.g. 29 February or 31 July set option “C” top Yes.

Please note that it is not required to do a stock month end with this option set No and then another stock month end with this option set Yes.

NOTE: Unlike the general ledger which can be year ended any time after the actual financial year end date, the year end aging for stock must be done on that date.

NOTE: If the year end option is enabled, all year to date values and, all monthly sales figures from month 2 to month 12 will be zeroed. Please note, should you wish to have access to the last 12 months total sales and total purchase figures, it would not be advisable to set the “Year aging” option to Yes, but please note the year end in stock does NOT remove transactions from the system. One is still able to print Sales Purchased report based on historical information.

Once the appropriate options have selected select the F10 Proceed button or press escape if you are not ready to proceed. You will be given one more chance to cancel the month end process. Before you proceed with month end procedure please make sure that all users are logged out of the system AND do not access the system while the stock month end procedure is busy.

NOTE: The system will automatically do a backup before you do the month end, but this is merely an additional backup to safe guard you data in the event a backup was not done. However, this backup will be overwritten with the next months month end. This is why it is important to do a backup using the Backup option under the Utilities menu.

Once the month end is complete is will return to the stock menu screen. To check that the month end has successfully been completed access the Audit Trails & History report located under the stock reports menu. There should be no information. However, if there is, then the month end procedure failed or was not done. The backup that was generated under the backup menu should be restored.

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The general ledger stores all your final or ultimate financial information. Your income (e.g. sales) and expenses (e.g. rent) are accumulated in the ledger and balanced with each other to tell you whether you are trading at a profit (Total income greater than total expenses) or loss (vice versa).

In addition, the ledger keeps records of all your assets (the things you own), e.g. your motor car costing 15000.00, and all your liabilities (the people you owe money to) e.g. Trust bank HP on the car of 12000.00. Subtract the liabilities from the assets, and you end up with the 'Owners Net Worth'. E.g. 15000 - 12000 = 3000. Close your business at that point and you take home 3000.00.

The owners Net Worth is vitally effected by successful / unsuccessful trading. If you trade at a profit, your owners Net Worth increases, but if you trade at a loss, it decreases. The following example will explain it better:-

EXAMPLE: You sell the car (above) for 17000.00 cash to Peter Piper. The car will go to the new owner. You will put his 17000 cheque in the bank. Simultaneously you settle the HP of 12000. That leaves you with 5000 cash. Your worth previously was 3000. The additional 2000 came about due to the Profit you made on the sale, i.e. 17000 sale price - 15000 original cost. So now you are worth the original 3000 plus a trading profit of 2000. Which equals your cash in the bank of 5000.

Should you have sold the car for 12000 you would have had to pay the bank the full 12000. That would have left you with nothing. Reason? Your original Net Worth of 3000 was wiped out by a trading loss of 3000 i.e. sale price 12000 - cost 15000 = loss of 3000. You can now queue for unemployment!

All the other systems e.g. stock and debtors are actually part of the general ledger and are consequently continually feeding financial data to it. It is the general ledger that ultimately decides your fate.

From the foregoing, you can see that keeping track of your financial affairs in your ledger is vitally important to the success of all business.


All ledger postings are in batch mode. Journal entries are entered under 'Journal Postings' and Cashbook items under 'Cashbook Postings'. Batches may be edited after entry (prior to update).


To post to a cheque or deposit to a creditors account , enter the cheque and allocate it to the creditors control, i.e. When asked to enter the general ledger account number enter the Creditors Control account. The system will then prompt (once you have pressed enter on the vat rate field, the field marked ‘Vat’), for the suppliers account number.

If this method is not used creditors payments should be allocated to a Creditor Clearing Account. When payments are entered in creditors the payment should also be allocated to that clearing account. After all postings have been done the clearing account balance should be zero.


To post to a cheque or deposit to a creditors account , enter the cheque and allocate it to the creditors control, i.e. When asked to enter the general ledger account number enter the Debtors Control account.

However, only 1 debtor can be allocated per deposit. It is recommended that all debtor receipts are posted via the debtor transactions module. All these receipts will accumulate to cash on hand, and only one deposit is required to transfer the funds to the bank account.

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The ledger is open for up to 24 months. As the ledger has no month end procedure, you can post to any ledger period. When posting from any other module, the computer will always prompt for the ledger period, allowing selection to any of the 24 ledger periods.


If your financial year starts on the 01/03/2007 and by the end of the year 28/02/2008 your final audit adjustments have not been received, you should continue working with your system uninterrupted. The system will continue with the next 12 months (13 -24). By 31/08/2008 you are in month 18 and your final audited adjustments are received. They are then entered into month 12 (i.e. February 2008) followed by the 'Year End' function.

NOTE: The Year End function can be done at any time, note that it will only take the first 12 months when doing the year end and not from financial month 1 to the current period you’re busy with.

The system will then close off your accounts at 28/02/2007, automatically clearing your income & expenditure accounts, carry forward necessary balances (i.e. retained income), and convert month 13 into month 1. At that point you will lose months 1- 12 off the system and you will proceed with September 2008 which will now have become month 7.

NOTE: To retain the previous years history, open a new company and copy the files over to the new company before performing the year close.

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By commencing with any posting, journal, invoice, etc. Please make sure that the ledger default settings have been set up correctly. Select from the Utilities menu the Default Settings option. Once selected Ledger Defaults and Ledger Integration Defaults options will be visible. Proceed through each of these options before doing any entry in the system.



CLOSE BOOKS EACH MONTH ON DAY (31 FOR LAST DAY) -i.e. What day do you close off / month end. Usually at month end, which is the 25th or 26th of each month.

FINANCIAL YEAR STARTS ON - Start of the financial year should be entered e.g. 01/03/1998. This is important as it indicates where the general ledger begins. Because the ledger has no 'Month End' function you direct all debtor postings to the required month number in the ledger. The system needs to be aware which month is the starting financial month.

NOTE: If your financial period starts on the 1st of March and the current calendar period falls between the 1st March 2006 and 28 Feb. 2007, the financial starting period must then be that of the 01/03/2006 and NOT 01/03/2007. The reason being, the previous financial year is incomplete. Please note the ledger integration period will then be period 13 and not period 1, which will later become period 1, once year end is done.

CONFIRM DEFAULT INTEGRATION MONTH - Activate and deactivate this option by clicking the left mouse button on the open block or by using the space bar. A tick in the open block indicates that the option has been selected. If this option is not selected the computer will use the system date in conjunction with the ledger end of month day to allocate the debtors postings to the appropriate ledger period. If enabled, the operator will be prompted with the confirm ledger integration information (ledger month number and company being integrated to) which may be altered or left as is.

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The integration defaults accounts form part of the automatic integration with the ledger. Whenever a posting involves a debtor, creditor or stock item, the system will then use the integration accounts associated with them, e.g. Debtors Control, Creditors Control, Vat Paid, Vat Received, etc. The accounts asked for must all be filled in, no vacant fields are permitted.

Should any of the accounts not be correct, select the search option located next to that entry field and select the appropriate ledger account from the ledger search option.

NOTE: If the account is not listed, select the Account Maintenance button while still in the search to add the new account.


Accept default or alter as necessary. VAT descriptions and rates may be amended at will. Changing the description or the VAT rate will not alter transaction VAT values that have already been posted.

Should transactions (e.g. journals, invoices, goods received vouchers, etc) have been posted with the incorrect VAT rate the only way to correct these entries is to reverse them using the incorrect VAT rate and then reposting them with correct VAT rate. Do not try to reverse them with the correct VAT rate.

Select the three dots to access the search facility.

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Select the Account Maintenance option from the Ledger menu.

Locate the appropriate ledger account to edit, by typing in the account code or by typing the description of the account should you have changed the sequence to description, or use the mouse together with vertical scroll bars. Or Select the Add button to begin adding a new ledger account.


Select the Add button option to add a new ledger account. A dialogue box will appear for the entry of the ledger account information.


Enter a new account number with a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters, e.g. 1000.000.00, 1200.000, 1000.ABC, Petrol, Advertising, etc..


Enter a suitable description for the account consisting of 30 characters.


Select the type (expense, income, asset, liability) of account by using the ALT and the down arrow key.

NOTE: Once this account type has been selected AND transactions (journals, invoices, GRV’s, etc.) have been posted to the account, the account type cannot be altered.

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Use the branch field to group your chart of accounts into various categories. The available ledger reports will allow trial balances, income statements, budgets, etc. to be printed for a range of branches, or a particular branch.

NOTE: It is important that this branch number be replicated in the account number. E.g. If the ledger account was “1000.001” , where “001” is the branch, the branch number “001” will have to be entered in the branch option.


Use the department to further the break down of your chart of accounts into various categories, e.g. marketing dept. administration dept. etc. Use the available ledger reports; trial balances, income statements, budgets, etc. to be printed for a range of departments.

NOTE: It is important that this department number be replicated in the account number. E.g. If the ledger account was “1000.001.XYZ” , where “XYZ” is the department, the department number “XYZ” will have to be entered in the department option as well.


If you use the available reports or the report writer, you may enter a group code for easy access by these options.

EXAMPLE: If all vehicle expenses are grouped as 123, it is easy to use the available reports to total all items belonging to a particular reporting group 123.


In order to simplify the processing of journal and cash book entries each account can be setup to default to a specific vat rate when processing journals or cashbook entries. It reduces the need to allocate the vat rate for each account when processing ledger journals and cash book entries.

If unsure as to what the default VAT rate should be, leave default selection as is, “Not Applicable”


Use the edit option to edit the account that has been highlighted.

The dialogue box that appears is the same as that for adding a ledger account and can be used in the same way, except the account number, and account type cannot be changed.

NOTE: If the account has no transactions posted to it, the account type may then be altered. Should you wish to change the account number the best thing would be to journal the balances to zero and create a new account with the correct account number and type.


Once the appropriate account has been highlighted select the delete option to delete the highlighted account.

NOTE: If the account has a balance or transactions the system will not allow the account to be deleted. Reserved accounts may not be deleted. These accounts will have a 'R' shown next to the year-to-date balance (see enquiries).

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Select the Enquiries option from the Ledger menu.


Ledger enquiries will enable you to enquire into the current status of a Ledger account. Enquiries display the details of the transactions currently on file. Enquiries will display all the transaction within each ledger account.


A sorted list of accounts will appear. To find an account number, begin typing the number and the system will locate the account. Alternatively use the arrow keys to scroll. Select the sequence button to toggle between description and number search. If doing a description search, enter the first characters of the description and the system will locate the account. Press Enter on the highlighted item when found. Account movement details will appear.


Use your arrow up/down keys, or if using a mouse, the scroll bar, to scroll through the transactions.


If more detail is required on a transaction, highlight the transaction and press Enter (or double click with the mouse). All details of the transaction will now be displayed.

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If there are numerous transactions for the account for the month, then use the search option to search for a transaction. You need not enter all the information asked for. You may enter just the amount, reference, date, etc. that must be searched for.

If a transaction is found containing the entered value the system will confirm whether it should try to locate a further recurrence of the entered field value from that position onwards.


Use the key to display balances and movements over a 24 month period.

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Use the Viewing Period to change the current view period for which the transaction detail is listed for. Account movement detail viewing periods can changed by using the left or right arrow keys on the keyboard, or by clicking on the drop down period listing or the two up and down arrows located next to it.


Should any of the listed transactions’ contra accounts (i.e. the other accounts that the highlighted entry was posted to) be required select the View Audit option. An instant batch audit will be displayed for that ledger audit trail number. This audit will also show all other ledger accounts that may have been affected or used when the batch was processed.

Select the correct period from the Viewing Period Option e.g. Period 12 (01/02/2009 – 28/02/2009

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Select the Print option to print currently selected periods list of transactions.

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To process bank deposits and payments (cheques), select Cashbook Postings option from the Ledger menu.

A list box of cashbook batches will appear. Select the first batch. If a previous batch has already been used and (i.e. will be indicated with the word “Available” or with a description that has been entered) is to be loaded, move through the list by using the arrow up and down keys, page up and page down keys, or Home and End Keys. Once located, select the Enter key.

By default the available batches will have batch names set as “Empty”. Batches that have previously been selected, will have the batch name set to “Available” or the name that has been allocated to it. The batch name can be captured after the batch has been selected.

The name of the Cashbook batch should be entered here. Please note that it’s not a necessity or requirement that a batch name be entered.

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If the contra account is either the Debtors or Creditors Control account (as defined under Integration Defaults), the system will prompt you for the individual Debtor's or Creditor's account number once you have entered passed the VAT rate field.

Once you have entered either the Creditors or Debtors Control account number and have proceeded to the end of the line, the Debtor's / Creditor's dialogue box will appear. Enter the creditors or Debtors account no.


A cheque will generate a refund type transaction for a debtor, or a payment type transaction for a creditor. Similarly, a deposit will generate a payment type transaction for a debtor, or a refund transaction for a creditor.

If a Creditor is paid, or a Debtor pays their account, the discount portion of the entry may be entered. This portions will automatically post the appropriate journal entry to the accounts. Only one debtor / creditor may be allocated per payment / deposit.


Bank account number

The default bank account as defined under integration defaults will appear in this field. Press Enter to accept the account, or enter the bank account number for the batch. Use the search function (ALT and the down arrow) to locate the correct bank account.

NOTE: Only a bank account may be used in this field. This account number must be defined in the ledger Maintenance section as being a bank account type and, i.e. typing the account description as being “bank” is not going to make it a bank account.


The default date will already appear in this field. Just press Enter to accept the date, or enter a new date in the format DDMMYYYY. This date will not change the default month to which it will post in the ledger. The cashbook entries will always be posted to the month as defined by the computer date and the company’s financial period starting. It is therefore important to set the computer date to the correct month and see that the Ledger defaults (See Default Settings under the Utilities menu), specifying the day of the month end, and the financial year, is correctly entered.

The computer date as defined under Utilities (see System Date) and the financial period starting (see ledger default settings), determines the posting month.

NOTE: The system automatically calculates the posting period to which the transaction will be posted to by calculating the amount of months that have already passed from the financial starting period up to the computers date. E.g. If the starting financial period is 01/03/2007, and the computer date is 01/05/2007, the periods or months that have passed will be 3. This will mean that entries affecting the ledger will be posted / integrated to the 3rd period.

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Enter the account number that the payment (cheque) or deposit must be allocated to or use the available search facility (ALT and down arrow or click on the button with the three dots ).

NOTE: Making a creditor payments from cashbook requires that the account number entered to be the creditors control account. This account will enable the option to allocate the creditors account number. Please note that creditors account allocation screen will only appear once you have entered past the VAT column. Normally the creditors control or the debtors control, would not be used for anything else other than to facilitate the processing of creditor payments via cashbook postings.

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Enter the cheque or deposit number in this field.

NOTE: If a numeric value (e.g. 1234) is entered, the number will automatically be increment and inserted into the reference field of the next line (e.g. 1235). The reference field is a 15 character alphanumeric field.


This field will default to either the 'allocated' account description, i.e. If the advertising account was selected then the word “Advertising” will appear in the description filed. Edit this field if required and enter a more descriptive and meaningful description. The description field It is usually edited to reflect the payee name (e.g. R & A Advertisers), or any other relevant description for the entry.


Enter the full inclusive of VAT amount under the deposit, or the cheque column.

NOTE: Should you have made a mistake with the previous cash book entry, which should have been cheque, but was posted as a deposit then post two cheque entries. The first line entry will be to cancel the original mistake and second cheque line entry will be the correct entry.

NOTE: The wording used, Deposit and Cheque, can be misleading at times. They are there to be used as a guide line. The correct wording should have read Debit and Credit, but this format is not user friendly. So entries like bank charges will have to be treated like cheque entries even though a cheque was not issued to pay bank charges. The processing of incorrect entries are done in the same way.


Enter the VAT rate 0..9 which is applicable to the transaction. The appropriate VAT rate for the ledger account should automatically appear, if it has been setup to link to a particular VAT rate.

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Select the Process option to process the current Batch. Upon processing the batch, all accounts and their amounts will then be posted to the ledger and the current batch cleared for the next batch to be entered.

Before processing the batch, it is important to make sure that the correct bank account and the correct posting period have been selected. Please remember that the dates entered for the various cashbook line entries will not dictate the ledger period to which they will be posted to.

NOTE: It is not possible to process a batch that have entries that are to affect multiple ledger periods. E.g. One cannot have cashbook entry is to be posted to this months ledger period and another that is to be posted to last months ledger period. This will not work, as the ledger period that will be used will be the one indicated in the “Posting Period” option. The only way to do this is to process two separate batches, one for last month and one for this month.

NOTE: When processing the batch the system will prompt for confirmation of the ledger integration period / month. Once this has been confirmed, there is no turning back or undoing of the batch posting.

When processing cashbook entries that involve creditors or debtors, an “allocation” screen will appear for each creditor / debtors that has been entered. The system will require the confirmation to allocate the payment to the oldest balance of the creditors account. If “No” is selected a manual allocation of the payment to one or more of the available transaction listed on the creditors account will be required.

NOTE: Cheques are used for creditors payments and deposits are used for debtors EFT payments. Debtors payments (e.g. cheques and cash), are not normally done via cashbook posting, but rather from debtors transactions, unless the payment made was a direct deposit or EFT or debit orders.

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The screen below shows what the “manual” allocation screen where it is required to allocate the “to allocate” debit amount to the various outstanding transactions.

Because cashbook postings are batch based it is possible to exit at any time (press escape to exit) and carry on with the batch at a later stage.


Unfortunately there is no easy way to correct a previous incorrectly posted batch. To reverse a cashbook batch the previous entries must be captured as they were previously entered, except for one thing. The cheque values must be entered in the deposit column and deposit entries must be entered in the cheque column. Remember that the columns should actually read “Debit” and “Credit”, but to make it easier to understand, “Debit” has been replaced with “Deposit” and “Credit” with “Cheque”.


If you wish to change a cashbook line entry you can edit the entry by either using your arrow up/down keys or the mouse cursor to locate the entry to edit. Once located, either press the Enter key to jump from field to the next, until the correct field is located or begin typing if the field is already highlighted.

NOTE: Once the change has been made press Enter to accept the changes or press escape to discard any changes made. The enter key will jump to the next field. Press enter until the following line is highlighted.

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If you wish to delete a cashbook entry use the arrow up/down keys to locate the appropriate line to delete. Once located, use the following key combination, CTLR and DELETE. A screen confirming deletion of the highlighted line should appear next. Select Yes to confirm the deletion.



All regular postings to the bank account would normally be defined as a standard batch, and if you wish to be extremely accurate, define a number of batches, for EXAMPLE:-

Leases 1st Week. Leases 2nd Week. Month end Deductions, etc.

At the end of the first week of each month, the batch 'Leases First Week' could be processed etc.

When a list of cashbook entries have been entered, and you feel that this list of entries could be used again in future with minor adjustments, proceed as follows:-

Select the Save Batch to save the standard batch. (Up to 10 standard batches may be stored at any time).

Once the save batch option has been selected the available standard cashbook batches will appear. Select from the list provided an empty batch (e.g. An empty batch is defined as having the name “Standard Cashbook Batch” ) or an existing batch.

If an existing batch is selected the current batch will overwrite the previously saved standard batch and will not be appended to it.

When the appropriate new batch or existing batch is selected you will be prompted to give the batch a meaningful name. e.g. Leases, Monthly Cheques, Recurring Monthly Expenses.

This batch is now available for future retrieval by Cashbook Postings and may be used / retrieved as often as you like.

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NOTE: Process your current batch before retrieving a standard batch. All information on your current batch will be added with that of the batch that is to be loaded.

When a previously saved standard batch must be retrieved proceed as follows:

Before selecting the Load Batch option, make sure that you are at the date field. Once enabled the previously saved standard cashbook batches will appear. Select from the list the standard batch to be retrieved.

When the appropriated batch has been selected the current batch will now contain all the entries that where stored / entered in that standard batch.

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Like cashbook postings, journal postings operate in batch mode. Therefore, allowing all entries to be made and checked prior to processing.


Select Journal Postings option from the Ledger menu. A list of journal batches will appear. Select the first batch. If a previous batch has already been used and (i.e. will be indicated with the word “Available” or with a description that has been entered) is required, move through the list by using the arrow up and down keys. Once located, select the Enter key.

By default the available batches will have batch names set as “Empty”. Batches that have previously been selected, will have the batch name set to “Available” or the name that has been allocated to it. The batch name can be captured after the batch has been selected.

NOTE: If you press the Escape key while in the batch, the that batch will be retained automatically, and saved until finally processed or erased.



The default date will already appear in this field. Just press Enter to accept the date, or enter a new date in the format DDMMYYYY. This date will not change the default month in the ledger. The journal batch will be posted to the month that is indicated in the “Posting Period” field.


Enter the account number for the journal, or use the search facility (ALT and down arrow) to access the ledger search.

NOTE: This account may not be a bank account, a Debtors Control, Creditors Control, Stock Control, Vat Input or VAT Output. These are the systems default ledger accounts that are updated automatically.


Enter the journal reference number. Usually something that has some meaning that could help identify the journal entry at a later stage or perhaps a folio, suppliers account, or invoice number or even the cashiers name when paying wages. The maximum allowed characters or the reference is limited 15.

The name of the Journal batch should be entered here. Please note that it’s not a necessity or requirement that a batch name be entered.

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On entry, this will default to the Ledger account description. Override this description if required. The entire field will not be visible. Just keep on typing, and the information will scroll from right to left. The maximum allowed characters is 30.


Enter the full amount of the journal inclusive of VAT in the correct debit or credit column. As a basic guideline:

Debit an expense (e.g. wages) to increase it.

Debit an asset (e.g. office equipment ) to increase it.

Credit income (e.g. sales) to increase it.

Crediting a liability (e.g. creditors) increases it.


Enter the vat rate 0..9 which is applicable to the transaction.

NOTE: There is no need to post VAT manually. The vat amount will automatically be posted to the correct vat accounts during the posting of the batch.

E.g. If an inclusive amount 114.00 is be posted to Advertising from Petty Cash, the full amount of 114.00 would be entered under the Debit column and a VAT rate of one (1) selected. The opposite entry (i.e. contra account) who be the Petty Cash account, with a value of 114.00 entered in the Credit column, but with a zero (0) VAT rate. When this transaction is processed, an amount of 100.00 will be posted to Advertising, 14.00 to VAT Input account and 114.00 to the Petty Cash account.

If the ledger account has previously been assigned a VAT rate the VAT rate column will automatically be populated with the appropriate VAT rate.

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NOTE: Journals must balance before processing. The screen displays the list box and the transactions as line entries. Before you are able to select the Process button, the journals must balance. In other words, the total debits must be equal to total credits.

NOTE: If you press the Escape key while in the batch, the that batch will be retained automatically, and saved until finally processed or erased.

Select the Process button to process the current batch. Only balanced batches will be allowed to be processed.

NOTE: When processing the batch the system will prompt you to confirm that ledger integration period / month is correct. Once this has been confirmed there is no turning back or undoing of the batch posting. Use the Posting Period facility to change the ledgers financial posting period before processing the batch.

If balanced, the batch will be posted to the ledger and cleared.


Should a journal batch need to be changed you can edit the entry as follows:

Use your up/down arrow keys to proceed to the journal batch to edit and proceed as if adding an entry.

Once the batch is displayed the various details can be altered. To remove an entire line use the CTRL and DEL keys together.


Firstly enter the entire batch as per normal, but before posting or processing the batch, save the batch.

Select the Save Batch to save the standard batch. (Up to 10 standard batches may be stored at any time).

Once the save batch option has been selected the available standard journal batches will appear. Select from the list provided an empty batch (e.g. An empty batch is defined as having the name “Standard Journal Batch”) or an existing batch.

If an existing batch is selected the current batch will overwrite the previously saved standard batch and will not be appended to it.

When the appropriate new batch or existing batch is selected you will be prompted to give the batch a meaningful name. e.g. Depreciation, Monthly Journals.

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This batch is now available for future retrieval and may be used / retrieved as often as you like.


NOTE: Process your current batch before retrieving a standard batch. All information on your current batch will be merged with that of the selected batch.

Before selecting Load Batch option make sure that you are at the date field. Once enabled the previously saved standard cashbook batches will appear. Select from the list the standard batch to be retrieved.

When the appropriated batch has been selected the current batch will now contain all the entries that where stored / entered in that standard batch.

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To print a trial balance select the Reports option, then the Trial Balance option from the Ledger menu.



Select the appropriate month number for which the report must be printed for. Use the search facility (ALT and down arrow) to access available ledger periods.

NOTE: A trial balance is usually a year to date report and therefore the future month period should be period 1.


Use this option to have the trial balance printed using either the month to date or year to date values.


Set the zero balances option to NO if accounts that have a zero balance should be excluded from the report.


Use the available filter options to setup a filter / selection criteria for specific or a range of ledger accounts that must be printed.

Once the print or preview option has been selected a ledger trial balance report for the displayed list of accounts will be printed.

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An audit report is a report, listing all transaction (invoices, credit notes, cash book entries, journals, debtor payments, etc.) that have been posted to the ledger and depict information like the date, reference, amount audit trail numbers, etc., for the given selection (filter) criteria. The audit report can be used in many ways to extract sales information, payments made, specific ledger entries, etc, etc.

Select the Reports option then the Audit Tracking option, from the Ledger menu



Use the first and last period options to setup a period range or specify the first and last period to be the same to have a single month printed.


Use the available filter options to setup a filter / selection criteria for specific or a range of ledger accounts that must be printed.

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The tax report reads all the entries made on the entire system and is not dependent on the actual values on the vat input and output accounts. Only those entries made with vat rate of 1..9 will be recorded.

Therefore, if you posted any journals directly to the vat accounts, the vat report will not balance with the VAT input and output accounts. Preferably, NO entries should ever be made directly to these accounts.

Select the general ledger Reports option and then the Vat Report option, from the Ledger menu.



Select Summary if only the totals for the various VAT rates (e.g. VAT rates 1 to 9) that were used are needed. These totals will be for both input and output vat and the amount payable / refundable to the receiver of revenue will be calculated.

Select Detailed if all transactions and totals are needed. Transaction information will include the taxable transaction amounts, including and excluding vat, the vat rate used (1, 2, etc.), the general ledger account number, and a description concerning the entry that was made, for both input and output vat.


Use the first and last period options to set up a period range or specify the first and last period to be the same to have a single month printed.

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Ledger accounts can be printed showing all transactions posted to the accounts for a specific period. The General Ledger report will display the Date, Reference, Description, Month, GLAudit, Debit and Credit for each Ledger accounts. Each Ledger account this then display the transactions that was posted for each account. For example the ledger account Bank will display each transaction that was process in the Cashbook Posting in date order, the Cash on Hand account will display all the POS, IN, PM etc transaction that was processed use the Cash on hand ledger account.

Select Reports , then General Ledger option from the Ledger menu.



Use the Start at and End at month options to extract the transactions information for these periods for the displayed account listing.


Use the available filter options to setup a filter / selection criteria for a specific or a range of ledger accounts that must be printed.

For more detail regarding the Setting-up Of Filters consult the Getting Started chapter.

Once the print or preview option has been selected a ledger analysis report for the displayed list accounts will be printed.

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Select the Reports option, then the Chart Of Accounts option from the Ledger menu.



Use the sort sequence to have the report printed using one the available sort option.


Use the available filter options to set up a filter / selection criteria for specific or a range of ledger accounts that must be printed. For more detail regarding the setting-up of filters consult the Getting Started chapter.

Once the print or preview option has been selected a chart of accounts (i.e. the ledger accounts) report for the displayed list of accounts will be printed.


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To print a balance sheet select the Balance Sheet option from the General Ledger, Reports menu option.



Upon selecting the financial statements option the system will prompt for the general ledger month number for which the report must be printed for to be entered.

By defaults the current ledger period will be displayed.


Select whether the income statements should report on month-to-date or year-to-date values. Month-to-date values are for the month only unlike year-to-date values which include values that start at period one (1) and end at the period entered.


Set the zero balances option to NO if accounts that have a zero balance should be excluded from the report.

NOTE: The balance sheet section of the report will always report year-to-date values.

Select the Print or Preview button to continue. A financial statement displaying both the income statement and balance sheet will appear.

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Select the Reports option then the Print Cashbook option from the ledger menu.



Enter the bank account number required. Use the search facility (ALT and down arrow, or the mouse) to have a listing of just the bank accounts displayed.

NOTE: Only bank accounts will be displayed. A bank accounts derives it’s “bank Account” status from account type (see Ledger Account Maintenance) option being “Bank”.


Use the first and last period options to setup a period range or specify the first and last period to be the same to have a

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To print an income statement together with either month to date or year to date budget values, select the Income Sheet option from the General Ledger, Reports menu option.



Upon selecting the financial statements option the system will prompt for the general ledger month number for which the report must be printed for to be entered.

By default the current ledger period will be displayed.


Select whether the income statements should report on month-to-date or year-to-date values. Month-to-date values are for the month only unlike year-to-date values which include values that start at period one (1) and end at the period entered.

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To reconcile a bank account, proceed to the Bank Reconciliation option, under the Ledger menu.

When receiving a statement from the bank, this must be reconciled with the bank account on the system. First post all interest paid and received, as well as all bank charges by using the Cashbook Entries option.



Enter the bank account number required. Search facilities can be invoked by using the ALT and the down arrow.

NOTE: Only bank accounts (i.e. Accounts that have been setup to be of a Bank Account Type) will appear.


The month that must be reconciled must be entered. By default the current period / month will appear.

Un-reconciled cheques and deposits from previous months will also be shown.


Select from the “Show” option All, if all cheques and deposits are needed whether they have been reconciled or not, for the selected reconcile period. Take the Outstanding option if only the un-reconciled cheques and deposits are needed for selected reconcile period.


Set the sequence in which the transactions must appear. This may be in Date, Reference (e.g. cheque number), Amount or Unsorted (i.e. as entered).

This is the month when the Cheque or the Deposit was processed

This is the month when the Cheque or the Deposit as Reconciled.

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Select the apply selection button to view the cheques and deposits as per the selected bank account, period and whether all or out standing entries selected.

NOTE: The apply selection must be selected each time, either the bank account, period or the “show” options are changed. The “apply selection” wording will change to red to indicate that this be done.


To reconcile the transaction ( to confirm that this transaction appears on the bank statement ) tick the entry by pressing the Enter key or Space Bar.

NOTE: Entries that are not reconciled will automatically be carried over to the next month.


To reverse the reconciliation of a cheque or deposit, press the Enter key or Space Bar again when the appropriate cheque or deposit has been highlighted.


If you have made errors and wish to clear all deposits and cheques reconciliation that have been done select this option.


If you wish to 'bulk' reconcile all cheques and deposits currently displayed select this option. Should there be a couple of cheques and deposits that need to be un-reconciled use the Space Bar or Enter key to un-reconcile them.


If there is a long list of items (cheques & deposits) to be reconciled and a particular cheque or deposit is needed, use the Search option to locate it. The search function will search for cheques and deposits by date, reference, description or by the amount.

NOTE: It is standard practice to print the bank recon once the reconciliation has been done for the month. This print out is then filed with the bank statement from the bank.

When all reconciliation’s have been completed, press the ESC key or place the mouse cursor of the mouse on the [X] and press the left hand button on the mouse.

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To capture outstanding cheques or deposits, use the Previous Cheques button option. This will allow you to enter the relevant information regarding the outstanding cheque or deposit.

NOTE: This option should only be used when there is a cheque or deposit that does not appear on the bank recon AND where the bank / cashbook balances. If the cheque or deposit does not appear in bank recon and the bank / cashbook balance is out by that amount, then the best thing to do would be to post the entry from the Cashbook Postings option.



The bank account field may not and cannot be altered. The account number used is automatically taken from the bank account specified in the Bank Account field option on the bank reconciliation screen.


Enter the ledger contra account (advertising, lights and water, cash on hand, etc.) that would have been, or was used when the cheque or deposit was posted.


Use this field to enter a cheque or deposit slip number.


Enter a meaningful description, i.e. the company or persons name to whom the allocated / paid too or the deposit slip number.

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If it is a deposit that is being entered, select the deposit option otherwise select the cheque option for a cheque entry.


Enter the original amount of cheque or deposit. No negative amounts may be entered.

NOTE: These cheques and deposits will be posted to month 0. This is the month which the system uses to keep all brought forward figures from the previous Year End. Therefore, these cheques and deposits, cannot be viewed in any of the 24 months, but only as an outstanding cheque or deposit.

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The budgets facility is used to enter budgets for GL accounts. Monthly or annual budget figures can be entered. When an annual budget amount is entered, the annual budget will be equally divided between the 12 ledger months of the financial year.

Once budgets have been entered, budget comparison reports can be printed. These reports will compare actual figures to the budget figures entered.

NOTE: The budget information can be viewed under General Ledger Reports, Income Statement . The Budget Variance for MTD and YTD will be display in the Income Statement.


To enter budgets for a particular ledger account do the following:

Select the Budgets option from the Ledger menu.


The zero Budgets option will display if Yes is selected all the ledger account with zero balances even if a budget for the account was not specified.. If No is selected only the account with budgets will be displayed.


The over budget only option will display all ledger account where the actual amount is greater than the budget specified.


Select from the list of general ledger accounts the appropriate ledger account that budgets must be entered against. Once the account has been highlighted press the Enter key to begin the entering of the budgets.


Select the Annual Budget option to enter an annual budget amount for the entire year (i.e. From month 1 to 12). This will then automatically be split over the 12 month period for the highlighted ledger account.

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Select the Next Years Budget option to enter an annual budget amount for next year (i.e. From month 12 to 24). This will then automatically be split over the next 12 month period for the highlighted ledger account.


When the Ledger Year End procedure is done the budgets entered for months 1 -12 will automatically be placed / moved to Previous Year budgets for months 1 -12. Budget months 12 -24 (the next years budgets that where entered) will automatically be moved to months 1 -12.


Select the Print or the Preview option from the menu.

Once the print or preview option has been selected a budget report for the displayed list accounts will be printed.

NOTE: Use the available filter options to set up a filter / selection criteria for specific or a range of ledger accounts that must be printed. For more detail regarding the setting-up of filters consult the Getting Started chapter.

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The Year End function is not always processed at the end of the fiscal/financial year. This process is only performed after the accountants / auditors have completed their work and have confirmed that the books may be closed for the year. Until their work is completed, the system will continue to operate and will post to months 13 up to 24. When the year end process is finally performed, the first 12 months, and only the first 12 months will be cleared, opening balances calculated, months 13 to 24 become months 1 to 12.

The year end option can be found under the Ledger menu.


Prior to Year End a backup should be made. Ensure that the data has been backed up before running month end. Backups are made via the Backups option found in the Utilities section. Failure to do backup's can result in all the information on the system being lost !!!!!!

NOTE: Although the system is setup to do backups automatically for the year end procedure, this function should be solely relied on as an alternative means of doing your backups!!!. Should your year end procedure be incomplete for whatever reason you would then be able to restore from this backup that was automatically done prior to year end.


NOTE: Before doing the year end all users must be logged off the system and may not go into the system during the year end process.

The year end will perform the clearing function for the first 12 months (there is no need to reset the computer / system date back to the end of the previous year) and calculate the correct opening retained income figure.

NOTE: After the year end is complete the previous years (month 1 to 12) transactions will not be accessible. However, the balances for the previous year will be available.

Should you wish to keep the transaction detail for the year, create a new company and copy your files (the copying of files can be done via your dealer) into that new company before doing the year end. Please note that the balances for periods 1 to 12 will be kept by the system and will be referred to as, previous year’s balances.

Please make sure that you have done everything that the check list specifies and asks you to do.

Once the appropriate options have selected, select the F10 Proceed button or press escape if you are not ready to proceed. You will be given one more chance to cancel the month end process.

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Before you proceed with month end procedure please make sure that all users are logged out of the system AND do not access the system while the ledger year end procedure is busy.

NOTE: The system will automatically do a backup before you do the month end, but this is merely an additional safe guard in case a backup was not done prior to the year end. This backup is temporary and will be overwritten with next months month end. This is why it is important to do a backup using the Backup option under the Utilities menu.

The duration of the year end procedure will depend entirely on the amount of data that has been processed over the last 12 months and the speed of the PC. It can take anything from 30 min to 3 hours to complete the year end procedure.

A confirmation message will appear once the year end procedure is complete. Wait for this message to appear before assuming the year end is complete.

Should an error or a power failure occurs or the PC was switched off or the application was terminated, do not continue processing. Restore the backup that was made prior to the year end procedure. Once restored the year end procedure must be done again.

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If a year end was not done for 4 years and the financial period is Period 24 then 2 year ends must be done. If the year end in Period 24, 2 year end must be done. But in the year end is in Period 13 only one year end is required.

PLEASE NOTE: This option must only ever be done if the Ledger figures are not to be used or the Accountant has given the go ahead. IQ2000 has two financial periods from period 1 to 12 and period 13 – 24. If two year ends was done the Ledger information will be lost.

After years ends change the Financial year start at to the begging of the current Financial year at Utilities, Default settings, Ledger.

NOTE: If you change the financial year end date, without doing a year end, when in period 24 you can end up with two periods in one year.

Change the Financial year start at the beginning of the financial year.

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In order to create a Asset Register select the Asset Register in the Ledger Menu. The ledger asset register is used to enter the details of actual assets purchased. Note the journal entries have to be captured when purchasing an asset, and that only the asset detail and depreciation details are entered here.

Depreciation is an adjustment, the accountant make, at the end of a financial year. Depreciation adjustment the value of the non-current assets to a value which is referred to as the net realizable value. The original cost of the asset is adjusted with the depreciation amount. The adjustment value of the asset is known as the carrying value or book value. Depreciation is classified as an expense account, seeing that depreciation decreases the value of the non-current asset.

A Business is entitle to use several method of depreciation. Two of the most common methods are the straight-line and Reducing Balance.



Straight line depreciation is calculate on the cost price of the asset using a pre-determined rate of depreciation. For example if a non-current asset was bough for R350,000.00 and the depreciation rate was given as 25% per annum, the annual depreciation would be: A residual value is the expect trade-in value or scrapping value at the end of the asset’s useful life.

25% of R350,000.00 = R87,500.00.

This will post the SAME amount of depreciation each time.

Straight Line Calculation Example Calculations Running Total Purchase Price 350,000.00 350,000.00Initial Depreciation % 10% 350,000-35,000=315,000 315,000.00Annual Depreciation % 25% 315,000*25%=78,750 78,750.00One months’ Depreciation 1/12 78,750*1/12=6,562.50 6,562.50


Reducing Balance depreciation is calculated as a percentage of the carrying value of the asset.

This will post DIFFERENT amounts of depreciation each time and each posting will be less than that of the previous time, as the previous depreciation amount first subtracted from the principle amount before the next depreciation amount is calculated.

Straight Line Calculation Example Calculations Running Total Purchase Price 350,000.00 350,000.00Initial Depreciation % 10% 350,000-35,000=315,000 315,000.00Previous Deprecation Amount 315,000 -78,750=263,250 236,250.00Annual Depreciation % 25% 263,250*25%=59,062.50 59,062.50One months’ Depreciation 1/12 59,062.50*1/12=4921.88 4,921.88

NOTE: All depreciation is calculated for one month regardless of the purchase date of the asset. Depreciation must be posted manually once a month.

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Select from the Assets Register option the Maintenance option to add, edit or delete an asset.

Use the Add button option to add new assets.


Allocate a unique 15 character (alphanumeric) code for the asset. The asset code need not be the full 15 characters.

HINT: Try and allocate a meaningful coding structure to your assets. E.g. VEH001, COM001, etc. Where VEH001 would indicate a vehicle asset and COM001 a computer asset).


Enter a meaningful 30 character asset description.


Enter the branch (V01 -vehicle branch) and department (ADV -advertising dept.) where the asset is kept. Leave blank if not required or utilize these fields to store information other than what is asked for.


Enter a group code to group assets together. Example VEHI will enable you to group all Vehicles together.


Enter the full purchase price, including VAT.


Enter the purchase date and write-off dates.


Enter the annual depreciation rate. (The Receiver of Revenue will have guidelines on each type of asset).

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Enter the accumulated depreciation percentage which has already been posted to the general ledger accumulated depreciation account for the item.


Indicate whether the item is depreciated on a Straight Line or Reducing Balance method.


Enter the ledger account number which this item must post to when processing depreciation, use the search facility (ALT and down arrow) to search for the appropriate ledger account.


Enter the ledger depreciation account number which this item must post to when processing depreciation, use the search facility (ALT and down arrow) to search for the appropriate ledger account.


If financed, enter the financial institution as well as the contract reference number.

Once the appropriate information has correctly been entered select the Accept option press the Escape (ESC) key to cancel and modifications.


Once appropriate asset has been located select the Edit option to modify any of the already entered asset information.

NOTE: The asset code cannot be edited / changed in any way. It would be best if a completely new asset code be created. If the purchase date, initial depreciation rate or purchase price is altered in any way after depreciation has been posted, one should then keep manual record of such changes so that reconciliation with already posted depreciation and the current changes is possible.

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To delete an asset the appropriate asset must first be located. Once the asset is highlighted select the Delete option to delete the asset.

NOTE: When the asset has been deleted from the assets file the previously posted depreciation in the ledger for the asset will not removed, i.e. deletion of assets does not affect the ledger balances or transaction entries in the ledger.


Should the initial, total, previous years and current depreciation need to be seen, select the Enquiries option from the Assets Register menu option to obtain such information.


Enter the date on which the asset is to be displayed. It is useful to display the future value of an asset.


Use the search facility (ALT and down arrow) to search for existing assets or enter the asset to be displayed.

Select the OK option or press ESC( Escape) to return to the menu.


Select the Reports option from the Assets menu if a report displaying detailed information regarding the asset is needed.


Use the sort sequence to have the report printed using one the available sort option.


Use the available filter options to set up a filter / selection criteria for specific or a range of assets that must be printed. For more detail regarding the setting-up of filters consult the Getting Started chapter.


Enter the date for which the report is to be printed.

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The depreciation module automatically posts depreciation between fixed dates to the ledger. Select from Assets menu the Post Depreciation option.


Enter the date range for which the depreciation must be calculated for. This date range can vary anything from one day to 10 years.

NOTE: Posting depreciation is calculated manually, i.e. If depreciation must be posted every month or twice a year the system will not post depreciation automatically at the end of each month or twice a year

Enter the date up to which the depreciation should be calculated. This is normally the last date of your financial year.


Use the available filter options to setup a filter / selection criteria for specific or a range of assets that must have depreciation posted to. For more detail regarding the setting-up of filters consult the Getting Started chapter.

Select the Process option to have depreciation posted for the list of available assets, or Escape (ESC) to cancel any depreciation being posted.

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Before commencing with any of the point of sales functions please follow the next couple of steps closely.

Step 1) Check Store Parameters.

Step 2) Check Hardware Configuration setup.

Step 3) Check Slip Header Details.

Step 4) Check that Tender Types are setup correctly and any new tender types added.

Step 5) Check Messages for Slip and Pole Display are correct.

*Step 6) Check variable weighted item Scan Codes are setup.

*Step 7) Check that the Laybye Contract has been entered.

(*) - These steps may be ignored if not used.


Once all work for the day has been posted the following steps should be done.

Step 1) Daily Reports (X-reports for each till/cashier or consolidate) must be done. Remember to log cashiers off.

Step 2) The Cash Up procedure must be done for each till / cashier (if consolidated X-report not taken).

Step 3) The End of Day function must be done which will involve both the Backup function and the End of Day function.

Once the above steps have been completed you may proceed with next days point of sale entries. NOTE: Please follow the above (daily and setup procedure) in the order that they appear.

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Please note that the store parameters need not be entered for each company that exists on the computer or for each terminal / workstation. Use the CTRL + TAB key or use the mouse to change from tab option (e.g. Sales, Till Options, etc) to the next.



By enabling this option the cashier will be asked each time a new sale, refund, labye, etc., is started. The screen below is what will be displayed when accessing cash sales if the “ask for cashier” option is enabled.

HINT: Use this when there are more than one cashier using a single PC and very important, the option “exit Cash Sales After Each Sale” should also be enabled. If this option is not enabled the cahier who logged on initially into cash sales will have all sales processed with their cashier details.

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The store sales option allows for the storing of the sales slip data so that the slip can be reprinted in the same format as it was printed the day the transaction took place. It does not affect the processing of sales information to stock, debtors or ledger systems, i.e. if the option was disabled sales information would still be accessible. The drawback is the reprinting of the docket at a later

stage should the client request it. However, the physical sales data can to still be accessed from the stock, debtors or ledger transaction files, should the POS transaction involve any of these modules.

Access the View Sales option from the Point Of Sale menu to reprint historical slips.

NOTE: The system does allow for the reprinting of the last sale that was processed via the Cash Sales point of sale screen.


The cashier will be able to select the rep code, in order for the sales transaction to be allocated to a selected representative. The list of reps that are made available for selection are generated from the representatives that are setup under the stock representative report, the same place where reps are created and maintained.


If this option is selected, all Ledger and Stock system entries will be posted upon completion of each sale. If this option is disabled, the Ledger and Stock entries are only updated after the End of Day procedures have been completed. Please note that selecting this option could have an adverse affect on processing speeds of POS terminals.

NOTE: For busy retail environments where speed is important, it is suggested that this option be disabled. Environments that are prone to power failures should have this option disabled.


The allow quotes option allows the sales document to be concluded and printed as a quote. In other words, the items that are listed on the slip will not be processed as per normal with the updating of the debtors, stock and ledger modules.

NOTE: The quote function does not store these documents for later access. Should there be a requirement to store such documents so that they can be recalled and continued with, try using

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the Suspend function within the Cash Sales screen. This option will allow the sale to be saved with clients details so that it can be recalled and processed at a later stage, today, tomorrow or next week.


This option sets whether or not cashiers can switch off the slip printer so that physical sale documents are not printed. The Printer On/Off option can still be access using the Shift and F12 key combination to toggle printer status.

The printer on off confirmation works best when combined with the “Exit After Each Cash Sale” option. This option is usually something is required when starting the next sale. It makes no sense to confirm the printer to be off or on, if there is a requirement to only print sale dockets if the customer request it. That is way it would best the system exists after each sale so that the printer on or off confirmation can be made at the start of each new sale.

NOTE: However, there is another way of switching the printer on and off, but does require the cashier to do manually, i.e. the system will not prompt the cashier to switch the printer on or off. By using the Shift and F12 key combination within the point of sale, cash sales screen one is able to toggle the printer status. Please note, this should be done at the start or end of the sale and not during a sale.


Enable this option if one or more of the following options are enabled, “Ask for Rep”, “Confirm Printer On/Off” or when there is more than once cashier utilizing a single pc.


This option allows the cashier to enter a line discount while capturing the stock items details via the point of sales cash sales screen. Depending on the Discount Method being used (see Discount Method option under the Till Options parameter tab), will depend whether the cashier can enter a percentage discount or monetary discount value.

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Rounding discount has three possible options, 0, -0.05 and -0.10. Zero means that there will be no rounding of the sub-total cents, whereas -0.05 and -0.10 will round down the sub-total of the sale to nearest 5 cent or nearest 10 cent.

EXAMPLE: if set -0.05 the following sub-totals will be round down tot nearest 5 cent;

1.91 becomes 1.90,

1.92 becomes 1.90

1.94 becomes 1.90

1.95 becomes 1.95

1.96 becomes 1.95

1.99 becomes 1.95

EXAMPLE: if set -0.10 the following sub-totals will be round down tot nearest 10 cent;

1.91 becomes 1.90,

1.92 becomes 1.90

1.94 becomes 1.90

1.95 becomes 1.90

1.96 becomes 1.90

1.99 becomes 1.90


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Enter a minimum percentage that must be used to calculate the deposit amount payable by the customer. This percentage will be used to calculate the deposit amount each time a laybye contract is opened.


Enter a percentage whereby a products original selling price may be altered. E.g. When processing an item through P.O.S. the selling price for that item will be displayed and may be altered. If adjusted, the items selling price may not vary from the original price displayed by more than the variance percentage entered, i.e. 25%.


Enter the number of months that the laybye customer has to pay the laybye item off.

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Enter the terminal number where the end of day will be done.

NOTE: The end of day procedure may not be done on a workstation that is to set to use a different till number to the end of day terminal. By doing this will cause some point of sale terminals to not post their sales figures when the end of day procedure is executed.

The till or workstation number is derived from the shortcut properties used to run the program. To see what till number has been assigned to the PC right click on the programs desktops shortcut icon. A menu should appear. If not try again. From the menu select the “Properties” option at the bottom.


Each time the end of day procedure is done the end of day sequence is automatically incremented. The end of day sequence indicates as to how many end of day’s have been done since installation.


Enter the number of tills that are currently in use. The number of tills entered may not exceed that of the systems maximum allowed users, e.g. If a 5 user network system is purchased the maximum number of tills may not exceed 5.

NOTE: It is imperative that the End Of Day function is done on the PC / Till that is entered.


To curb cashiers giving too much discount a discount limit can be set. Enter the maximum % discount when using the discount tender media option.

The two (2) parameter located next to the “exe” is the till number will be assigned to the PC. This is the number that is referred to as the point of sale end of day terminal number.

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To curb cashiers giving too much line discount a line discount limit can be set. Enter the maximum % discount that will be allowed when giving a line discount on a single item on the sale.

NOTE: If the option “Allow Line Discount” is disabled the maximum line discount will not utilized as the facility to enter a line discount will not be made available.


Enter the number of cents that should follow the decimal point for an items selling price when sold via point of sale. By default, leave the option to two. This is an option that is used in some countries where cents are not used and therefore do not require any decimals. This option is then set to zero.


Basically, there are two possible options. Percentage or Value. Percentage indicates that the line discount will be entered as a percentage value. The Value option indicates that the line discount entered will be a monetary value.

NOTE: It’s a clear indication the discount method is set to percentage if the percentage sign (“%”) is shown next to the line discount field.

The Selling Price decimals would be the last two zeros, “00” after the point. If the selling price decimals is set 0 the point and the two zeros would not be shown, e.g. 149

Line Discount percentage indicator.

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Use the available input fields to specify how many printed slip copies are required when either a refund, petty cash, account payment, laybye sale or an account sale is captured.

By default the laybye and the account sale option are the only two that prints two copies. One copy could be for the client and the other for the store.


By default, the system only allows for 40 characters per line, including spaces between characters.


I – represents the number of item code characters. If 10 I’s are found successively, 10 characters of the item code will be printed on the slip.

D – Represents the number of item description characters.

Q – Represents the number of item Quantity characters.

P – Represents the number of item price characters.

E – Represents the number of line total (Q x P) characters.


Use the header string to alter the way the header of the slip is printed.

NOTE: If the Sale Format strings are modified in any way then the header string will have to altered so that the Code, Description, etc, line up with the values printed out.

When complete select the Done option to save whatever changes have been made, or press the ESC key to cancel any changes made.

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The tender format string allows the tender value totals and their respective descriptions (e.g. Total, Change, Total VAT, etc) that are printed on the slip to be horizontally repositioned. 24 D’s indicates that the description of the tender (cash, change, total, etc) will be positioned 24 characters from the left side of the slip for a length of 24 characters.

The 15 E’s indicate a further 15 characters, including decimals, which will be allocated to the value of the tender.

NOTE: that the D’s and E’s only add up to 39 characters. However, the space between the D’s and E’s must also be included. The space is not a necessity and can be removed if more characters are required for the description, but should the description and the value be too close it would be wise to remove a “D” character or two and add a space between the two.

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The sale format string formats the printing of the sale detail, the code, description, quantity and the line total. %-6.6s represents the length of the product code that will be printed. Enter %-15.15s if the product code must print 15 characters on the slip. The second set, %-15.15s represents the length of the product description. The third set , %6.0f represents the quantity. 6 characters in length and 0 decimals. Should decimals be required type in %-6.2f (2 decimals) or %-6.3 (3 decimals). The final set is the line total format string, %10.2f, 10 characters long with 2 decimals.

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Use the hardware configuration to setup each of the available terminals that will be using point of sale. From the available options to setup each terminal with the correct printer, pole display, cash drawer and the appropriate communications and printer ports (LPT1, COM1, etc.) used by each of them.

The system is compatible with most makes of Point of Sale hardware. Barcode scanners, receipt printers, customer displays and electronic cash drawers can all be configured to operate in conjunction with the POS module.

NOTE: Make sure that the selected till is always the correct till. When setting the hardware it is best that one actually performs the changes while logged on to the PC that is being setup, i.e. if till number 2 is to be setup then go to computer number 2 and log on to that PC and do the necessary setup.

To access the hardware setup select the Hardware Configuration option from the POS Back Office sub menu option located under Point Of Sale.

To allocate a new hardware device (i.e. printer, pole display, cash drawer), click on the “setup” button next to each of the hardware types that are to be installed. Before setting up a new hardware device the port should be selected first. Please ensure that the correct till number has been selected for the pos terminal being configured.

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Select the till that must be setup. Use the mouse or the ALT and the Down arrow key to locate the correct till from the list.


Select from the available communication ports the port each device will use. The port is the communications port of the PC that the cable of the device that has been connected to. Any one of the COM or LPT ports or Network Printers, can be selected. If the device that is to be configured is a parallel device, select one of the LPT port options. Unfortunately, one must select the LPT port. If you do not know which port to use, contact your hardware dealer.

NOTE: Do not set up any communication device (pole display, printer, etc) until such time that the device has physically been connected to PC.

NB!! If the printer is not going to be shared by other PC’s on the network do not install a printer driver for the printer. By doing this will cause the printer to function incorrectly when accessed via the system.


Pole Display

POS Slip Printer

Cash Drawer


Computer (PC)

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Select from the list of available P.O.S printers, the printer used with the selected till. Should the printer not be listed use the “Setup” button to add or edit a printer.



Enter the name of the printer so that it may be easily reference to when setting up the printer for other PCs that utilize the same printer.


Enter an ASCII character string that will trigger the printer paper cutter. This information can be obtained from the hardware agent or resellers.

NOTE: This option will only work if the correct code has been entered AND if the printer has the facility to cut paper.

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Epson : 027-080



Citizen : 027-080-001

Star : 027-007-011-055-007

027-100-049 (TSP100 with port replication)


The baud rate, stop bits, parity, data bits will vary from printer to printer, but by default the baud rate can be set to 9600, stop bits set to 1, Data bits set to 8 and parity set to none. Please consult the printers manual that came with the printer or print a test page (see printer manual) to obtain the correct settings.

The width will always be 40. The delay can be left at 50, or changed to 10, if the printing speed is too slow. The delay refers to delay between the lines that are printed. If the printing is too slow one can reduce the delay to 10, but if the printer is known to be a slow dot matrix type of printer the delay cannot make it printer any faster.

NOTE: The communication settings do NOT apply to printers that are set up as parallel (LPT) or shared network printers.


Enable this option should there be a requirement to share the slip printer between more than one point of sale terminal.

NOTE: All point of sale sales dockets and X-Reports will print once the entire document has been generated and the locally installed point of sale printer must be shared to allow other computers to access to.


Initialization strings are the ASCII codes that are required to print the point of sale slip using various font sizes and styles. It is not a requirement that the codes be captured. The system will function 100% correct with out these codes. These codes are not supplied by the software and therefore need to be obtained from the printers manual or the manufacture of the printer.

The screen example depicts sample codes for the Epson TM-88II and therefore, may or may not work with other slip printers.

Once the necessary fields have been captured, select the “Save” and then the “Done” option to accept the printer setup. Press Escape at any point to cancel the printer setup. On completion or cancellation the main hardware configuration screen will appear. Make sure that the correct Printer Type is selected, especially if a new printer has been added.


The printer can be tested by selecting the Test POS printer button. If the printer is setup correctly it will print a test message for selected printer. If it does not print anything then check that the correct Port has been selected. If the port has been correctly allocated and the port is one the COM port port options, make sure that the communication parameters (e.g. baud rate, parity, stop bits, data bits, etc) are correct.

If a LPT printer port (parallel printer) has been selected and the printer still does not want to print make sure the cable is connected to the correct LPT port and securely connected to both the printer and PC.

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Like the printer, cash drawer and like many other hardware devices the pole display needs to be connected to the PC in order function correctly. In most cases pole displays do not connect to a LPT port, but rather a COM port. The system will not be able to indicate which port to use or which port the pole display has been connected to. Please consult hardware expert or supplier.

A pole display is exactly what it says it is. A pole that has a two or three lines of 20 characters on either a LCD or LED display, which usually displays the item, the price and the sub-total, so that the customer can see what was scanned and how much to pay. The pole display may also be used to display promotional messages between sales, so that customers are made aware of any specials.


The pole display type works in conjunction with the pole display port. Use the drop down arrow to select one of the available pole display types. Should the required pole display type not be available select the “Setup” button to create a new pole display type.


This is where the pole display settings will be entered which include such settings as the initialization strings for the pole and the communication parameters so that the display can function correctly.


Enter the name of the pole display so that it may be easily reference to when setting up the printer for other PCs that utilize the same pole display. The name is usually the make and model of the pole display.


Initialization, top left and bottom left strings are the ASCII codes that are required to clear the display, reposition the cursor at the correct position and correct line on the display.

These codes are not supplied by the software and therefore need to be obtained from the pole displays manual or the manufacture of the pole display.

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Initialization : 027-064-027-065-069

Top Left : 027-085

Bottom Left : 027-068


Initialization :

Top Left : 027-073

Bottom Left : 027-074

The delay can be left at 0, or changed to 10. It refers to delay between each character that is sent the pole display. Some pole displays prefer to have the information sent at a slower speed, more than others. One will have to experiment to find correct delay.


The baud rate, stop bits, parity, data bits will vary from pole display to another, but by default the baud rate can be set to 9600, stop bits set to 1, Data bits set to 8 and parity set to none. Please consult the pole display manual that came with the pole display or the manufacturer to obtain the correct settings.

The width (i.e. the number of characters per line that can fit on the pole display) can either be 16 or 20. Please check the pole display manual or the manufacturer as to the number of characters per line the pole display can cater for.

Once the necessary fields have been captured select the “Save” and then the “Done” option to accept the pole display setup. Press Escape at any point to cancel the setup and exit. On completion or cancellation, the main hardware configuration screen will appear. Make sure that the correct pole Pole Display Type has been selected, especially if a new pole display has been added.


The pole display can be tested by selecting the Test Pole Display button. If the pole display is setup correctly, it will display a test message. If the message that is displayed is not legible or positioned incorrectly or the text wraps around to the second or third line, check that the bottom and top left positioning ASCII escape codes are correct and the selected line width is corresponds with that of the pole display.

If the pole display does not display any message check that the correct port has been selected, and if he pole display displays “!@#$%^&*(“ type characters, it means that communication settings (i.e. baud rate, stop bits, parity, data bits) are not correct and need to be adjusted.


Select the communication port where the cable of the cash drawer will be connected to. If the cash drawer does not connect the PC, but connects to the slip printer, select the option, “Direct to Pinter” option. The direct to printer option will the communication port that has been allocated to the printer. The reason for the cash drawer connecting to one of the ports of the PC or printer is to facilitate the automatic opening of the cash drawer.

The cash drawer will open once a paid up point of sale cash sale is concluded.

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Select the appropriate cash drawer type that corresponds with cash drawer that will be used. Even though the cash drawer type may agree with the one used, it is advisable to check that the settings are correct. To check that the cash drawer settings are correct select the “Setup” button located the next the cash drawer type.



Enter the name or type of cash drawer. The name will help to know which cash drawer to use when setting up other PCs (tills) with the same cash drawer.


Enter an ASCII character string that will open the cash drawer. This information is available from the hardware agent or resellers.

NOTE: This option will only work if the correct code has been entered.


NOTE: These strings are intended for cash drawers that are connected directly to the printer.

Generic: 027-112-000-100-150





NOTE: These strings are intended for cash drawers that are connected to a COM port.

Epson/Star/Citizen : 007-000-000-000-000 (Star TSP100 with port replication only)



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The baud rate, stop bits, parity, data bits will vary from printer to printer, but by default the baud rate can be set to 9600, stop bits set to 1, Data bits set to 8 and parity set to none. Please consult the printers manual that came with the printer or print a test page (see printer manual) to obtain the correct settings.

The width will always be 40 .The delay can be left at 50, or changed to 10, if the printing speed is too slow. The delay refers to delay between the lines that are printed. If the printing is too slow one can reduce the delay to 10, but if the printer is known to be a slow dot matrix type of printer the delay cannot make it printer any faster.

NOTE: The communication settings do NOT apply to printers that are set up as parallel (LPT) or shared network printers.

Once completed select the Save option followed by the Done option to exit. Press Escape to cancel any changes made.


To test the cash drawer select the “Test Cash Drawer” button. If the cash drawer was setup correctly the cash drawer will kick open.

If the cash drawer does not open check the following; the power cable to the cash drawer is plugged in and is on the cash drawer communication cable is connected securely to tether the back of the printer or the correct communication port (COM port). The cash drawer is not locked if the printer prints a line or some text when trying to open the drawer the open drawer string is incorrect. If the cash drawer makes a slight “clicking” noise it could mean the cash drawer is locked or the open drawer string is incorrect. For serial (COM port) port set ups, the open drawer string must have the full open drawer string entered.

NOTE: The difference between a COM port and Direct to Printer drawer is they way they function. COM port drawers are designed to use a long tone (signal) to open the drawer therefore the open drawer codes are meaningless. The string sent to the drawer would then represent a tone, which would then open the drawer. These drawers are referred to as “dumb” drawers.

Cash drawers that are connected direct to the printer require special and unique codes to open the drawer. These codes are more printer specific than drawer specific, as the open drawer string is sent via the printer and the printer then interprets the codes as an instruction to open the drawer. If the open drawer codes are incorrect the printer will either do nothing or print the open drawer codes. These codes will always start with “027”.

NOTE: The above procedures and steps used to setup the cash drawer, printer and pole display must be repeated for each till.

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Variable weight scan codes are used when bar code scanning items have price differences according to their weight, e.g. meat, chicken, braai packs, vegetables or anything where the price is determined by the weight.

IMPORTANT: The entering of weighted barcodes must be concluded with the plus character (‘+’). In other words, once the barcode has been entered or scanned, the plus (‘+’) sign must follow. Select the ‘+’ key on the keyboard. If the barcode is scanned in using a hand held scanner the scanner must be setup so that the ‘+’ sign automatically follows scanning of the barcode. This is usually referred to as the “Suffix”. By default, most barcode scanners have the “Return” key programmed as the default suffix or character that is sent when barcode is scanned. If the “Return” character is not replaced with the ‘+’ character the system will attempt to locate the item using the full barcode and will no doubt respond with an error message saying that the item cannot be found or is invalid.

NOTE: According to the South African Numbering Association all variable weighted items will start with 20, 21, 22, etc.


By default there are 10 different scalable bar code types listed, which may be modified. Because the variable weighted items bar code is primarily depended on the scale it is important that scan code and the scales bar code are the same. If the bar code printed from a scale is in a format, “20IIIIIDPPPPC”, then the scan code setup for Type 20 must be the same.

E.g. If a scale prints a bar code with a code of “2000234810007”, where “20” is bar code type, “00234” is the actual item code, where “8” is a check digit and “1000” is the price for that particular item and “7” is another check digit, the scan code type 20 must read as follows “20IIIIIDPPPPC” (20=scan code type to use, IIIII = actual item code length, D = check digit, PPPP = price length and position, C = check digit). The same will apply to any other scan code types.

Should the scale print the bar code as follows; “2002348010007”, then the scan code for type 20 should be as follows. “20IIIIDPPPPPC”. Four characters for the actual item code and five for the price.

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To setup a variable weighted item for scanning proceed to the Stock menu followed by the Item Maintenance option. Select the Add option to capture a new item.


Description : Cheese / Kg Item Code : 20 00000 2003

To capture the item code for a block of cheese which has a printed bar code of “2020037012349”, use only the scan code type, “20”, and the actual item code, “2003”. Although the bar code will change with each block of cheese, the scan code type and the actual item code will not.

You may find that for each block of cheese the bar code is different. This does not mean that each and every bar code must be entered. You will notice that the scan code type (the first two characters) and item code (the next 4 to 5 characters), which form part of the actual bar code will stay the same. The only part of the bar code that will change will be the two check digits (between the price and item code and the last character of the barcode) price section of the bar code, “01234” (R12.34). Items with the following bar codes will be treated as one item on the stock file, e.g. 2020038042347,2020037022348, 2020039015007, etc.

The check digits for the following barcode, 2020038042347, are 8 and 7. The first check digit will always lie between the item code and the price. The second check digit can be fond at the end of the barcode.

The format for entering weighted items as stock item codes is as follows; scan code type + “00000” + the item code 20 00000 00123 NOTE: The five zeros (00000) must always be added immediately after the scan code type.

The final stock item code for the block of cheese should read “20000002003”.

20000002003, represents the weighted items scan code of which the 20 indicates the category type, the next five 0s are part the systems requirements, the 2003 represents the actual product as it will be stored on the scale.

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When scanning or typing the bar code in, the system will immediately know that the item is a weighted item because of the scan code type indicator. If the first two characters are not found in the scan code type setup, the bar code will be regarded as a normal item and not weighted item.

If the item is a weighted item the system will automatically take the first two characters, “20” and add five zeros, “00000” followed by adding the item code from the bar code, “00123”.

NOTE: The length of the item code is derived from the setup of scan code type, e.g. 20IIIIIDPPPPC. Should the scan code setup have read 20IIIIDPPPPPC the item code that would have been extracted would have been “2003”, (i.e. IIII).

Once the item code has been entered proceed with the entering of the remaining stock item fields.

NOTE: When entering the unit cost and any one of the available retail prices, the price entered should be according to the unit (e.g. kg, pound, litre, etc.) in which it was purchased. If the item is purchased per kilogram then the price, both selling and cost should be per kilogram and not per gram.

HINT: If the first two characters of the bar code can be matched with the first two characters of any of the 10 predefined scan codes then that item is regarded as a weighted item.


When the bar code is entered, typed or scanned, the quantity of the item is calculated not the price of the item. The price of the item forms part of the bar code.

The system calculates the quantity / weight of the item by taking the price extracted from the bar code and dividing it by the retail price. If the retail price per kilogram for chicken legs is 25.00 and the bar code reflected 10.00 (“1000”) as the price, the quantity / weight of that chicken pack would be, 10.00 divided by 25.00, with a result of 0.4 being displayed in the quantity field, 25.00 in the price field and 10.00 in the line total field.

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Select the Slip Detail option from the Back Office menu to setup the slip header and footer information.

Use the available 20 lines to enter the details of the slip header and slip footer. These details will be printed at the top and bottom of the slip each time a sale, laybye, account payment, refund, etc. is done.

Please note that all 10 lines for the header and footer need not be used. Once the slips header and slip footer detail has been entered select the Done option to save any changes made or the cancel option to cancel those changes made. To delete any unwanted lines use the DEL or Backspace key.

NOTE: Should the slip printer cut the docket to soon, add couple of additional empty footer lines. To do this press the Spacebar once in each the additional footer lines. E.g. If the paper is cutting the “thank-you” and “please call again” footer lines, add two or more additional blank footer lines.

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Use the promotional messages to setup an array of messages that will appear at the bottom of the slip and displayed on the pole display at 5 second intervals. Please note that these messages will only be displayed when the pole display is inactive.

Please note that not all 10 promotional lines must be entered and each promotional message consists of two lines.

Once the promotional messages have been entered select the Done option to save any changes made or the cancel option to cancel those changes made.

These promotional messages will be scrolled across the pole display that has been installed under the hardware configuration for the appropriate tills / PC’s. Theses messages will only be active between sales and not during a sale.

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Select the Tender Types option from the Back Office menu. Once selected the tender types maintenance screen will appear.

The tender type facility allows a variety of tendering options to be setup, e.g. Cash, credit card payments, various discounts, account, etc., which may be accessed via point of sale as a means of payment, discount, etc.

Each of these tender types are grouped into categories, Credit Card (CCARD), Discount (DISC) and Main.

When concluding a point of sale the Main tender types will appear. Depending on how other tender types are setup these main tender types may have further sub tender types linked to them, e.g. The discount tender type as displayed above has two sub tendering types linked to it, Discount 10% and Discount 20%. In other words, each of the six main tender types when selected have further tender types to choose from.

Sub categorizing tender types enables fewer key strokes to be used by the operator minimizing the risk of possible fraud and operator input errors and the facility of having a better breakdown of tenders at the end of the day.

Each of the tender types have the facility of having certain limitations, bankable, minimum and maximum allowed amount and their own general ledger integration contra accounts to be setup.

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Select either the Add option to begin adding a new sub tender type or the Edit option to edit an existing tender type. Once selected the tender input screen will appear.

NOTE: Any new tender types created will be treated as sub tender types which are accessible when any one of the main tender types that they are linked to are selected, e.g. discount, credit card, cash, coupon, account, etc.


Enter an abbreviated code that will be used to reference the tender type.


Enter the description that will be associated with the tender type. The description is what will appear when selecting from the available sub tender types.


Select from the list of available categories the appropriate category to which the tender type should be linked to. If the category selected is CASH the CASH tender type option when selected will reveal this tender type as a further sub tender type under the CASH tender type.


Use the percentage facility to setup fixed discounted percentages, e.g. discount tender types. When the tender type is selected the system will automatically calculate the correct amount to be deducted according to percentage entered, from the outstanding sale amount.


Enter the general ledger account that must be posted to when posting the tender type.


Activate the over option allowing amounts greater than the amount due to be entered. Tender types such cash and credit card usually allow for over tendering. If this option is not enabled then the amount tendered must be exactly the same as the due amount.


Indicate whether the tender type is of monetary value that can be banked, e.g. Coupons, discounts are not bankable.

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The screen below is what will appear when selecting the F1 Subtotal option to conclude. The system will display the six default main tender types. These main tender types cannot be changed, but one can have a further six sub tender types linked to the main tender types. The example depicted below is that of a sale that is being concluded using a credit card tender media type, from which a further four credit cards can be selected. The example below also reflects what will happen if the main discount tender type is selected, a further 4 predefined discounts appear, with preset discount values.

The system caters for 6 sub tender types per main tender type.

DISCOUNT sub tender types

CREDIT CARD sub tender types

MAIN tender types

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From the Back Office P.O.S Reports menu option, X-reports and re-printing of individual receipt journals for daily and for previous day ends may be printed. Once the Reports option has been selected from the Back Office menu the various daily reports (x-report, x-report selected, x-report consolidated, etc) and Reports from Backup shall appear. Should the be a requirement to reprint a point of sale report for the previous day the reports from backup should For normal day-to-day reporting select the Daily Reports option.

IMPORTANT: All point of sale reports will only reflect processes (.e.g. cash sales, account payment, laybyes, petty cash, etc) that have been done via the point of sale module. It will not include information pertaining transactions processed under debtors, creditors, stock, general ledger, sales orders, purchase orders, quotes, etc.

NOTE: All point of sale reports (e.g. X-reports, journal reprints, payouts, cash-ups, etc) are deigned to print on a point of sale 40 column printer and not a 80 column dot-matrix, laser or inkjet printer.

When selected the daily reports option will display a further selection of available reports to choose.


This report will print an X-Report for the current terminal (computer) being used. This report will print a detailed sales and tender analysis for the current terminal used. Use the X-Report Selected Terminal to print an X-Report for another terminal other than one currently worked on. The X-Report will also reflect all refunds, credit notes, discounts, laybyes, account payments, gross profit and a VAT analysis.

NOTE: The x-report must be printed before commencing with the cash-up for the selected terminal.

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This report will print an X-Report for a selected terminal (computer) number of your choice.

NOTE: All computers on the network are uniquely numbered from 1.


This report will print an X-Report consolidated for all of the available terminals / cashiers. The consolidated report is the same as the x-report and x-report selected terminal. The only difference is that this report will included the values for all available point of sale till files. This report a total overview of all the point of sale processing done for the day (* if the end of day is not done the previous days values will also be included).


This option will allow the printing of a detailed audit, listing all processing done via point of sale for the day. The re-print journal can be used to view the full details (e.g. cashier, date, time, items, quantities, discounts, tender media, etc) for each transaction (e.g. cash sale, payouts, refund, account payment, laybye entries, etc) that has been processed for the day.

Use the re-print journal to trace or reconcile tender media entries (e.g. cash, cheque, credit card, coupon, etc), cashier activity, item details, etc.

Type of transaction


Line total

Item Description

Item Code

Tender Media type Cashier

Date & Time of transaction

Store or Company ID. Document number

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In order to do a cash up for the available tills / cashiers select the Cash Up option from the Back Office menu. The cash-up forms part of the daily end of day procedure. Once the cashier is complete with the days trade, the x-report for the till is printed followed by the cash-up for that till.

NOTE: The X-Report for the specific till must able printed before the cashup is done.

Once selected the cash up screen shall appear. Start off by selecting the correct till number before entering any amounts.

When all the appropriate amounts have been entered the Difference field should be zero. Should the difference not be zero check that the cash media has correctly been entered or consult the cashier responsible for that till.

This column is the actual monetary value captured from the cash up.

This column indicated the value derived from the sales, payments etc for the selected till.

Do not forget to enter the float amount, otherwise the cash up will be incorrect. The amount can be zero if the Float was taken out the cash up.

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HINT: On most occasions when the cash-up has not balanced is due to the following reason;

1. Incorrect tender differences from that actual tender media used to conclude the sale. E.g. Cash was used to conclude the sale, but the cashier accidentally selected the cheque tender media to conclude sale or vice versa.

2. The X-report for the selected terminal has not been printed.

3. Cash has been removed from the cash drawer, but has not been recorded. E.g. cash has been taken for purchase or to pay cashiers, but the petty cash (payout) has not been processed.

4. The float has not been entered, or has not been entered correctly or the float for the day was never placed into the cash drawer.

5. To reconcile or check that all the Cash, Cheque or Credit Card has been processed correctly, compare the X-report totals with the Cash & Cheques counted and compare the Credit Card machine printout with the total for credit cards on the X-Report

Select the Print Report option to print the cash up report for the selected till followed by the Done option to complete the cash-up for the selected till.

NOTE: Please note that the cashing up for each till / cashier must be done before the End of Day procedure is done.


Select the End of Day function from the Point of Sale Back Office menu. The end of day function processes all entries done via point of sale to the relevant general ledger accounts and updates all stock items involved. It is important that when this procedure is done all users are logged out of the system and do not access it while the end of day is busy.

NOTE: Prior to doing the end of day function no postings are made to the general ledger, (i.e. no ledger accounts are affected), or to any stock item (i.e. no stock item is updated with the sales or returns) while processing through the point of sale system, unless live updating of sales is enabled.

Before doing the end of day procedure the system will prompt for a backup to be done. Only once the end of day backup has been done will the system allow the end of day procedure to be done.

NOTE: Should the end of day procedure not be done, the sales information for each of the tills / cashiers will be accumulated with next days figures.

On completion of the backup, the Do End of Day button will be enabled to allow the continuation of the day end procedure.

This is the backup folder where the end of day backup will be stored.

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The actual time taken to process the end of day depends on the amount of information each till has accumulated for the day. However, the backup that is automatically performed prior the posting of the end of day point of sale values may take considerably longer as it backs-up the entire companies data (e.g. debtors, creditors, stock, general ledger, etc).

To speed up the actual backup procedure, the historical data must be maintained. The point sale stored sales documents and the till archive files, stock history, etc must be deleted from time to time.

NOTE: The most noticeable improvement in the backup procedure is to delete the point of sales store documents. These store sales documents have influence on the actual balances or values regarding the debtors, creditors, stock or general ledger system. They merely facilitate in the reprinting of the document as it was printed the day the sale took place. The actual details on the slip can be extracted from the debtors and stock audit reports.

Should the end of day fail (not the backup routine) for whatever reason, do not assume that the end of day was done correctly. The system must be restored back to the original state it was, prior to the end of day procedure. The backup that was done before doing the end of day can be restored from the Backup & Restore option Located under the Utilities main menu

Once the end of day is completed the system is ready for the next days processing.

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Select the Sales option from the Point Of Sale menu, followed by the Cash Sales menu option. Select this option if point of sale cash sales that are to be printed on a 40 column slip printer and are required to be tendered with the following tender media, cash, account, credit card and cheque.

NOTE: Depending of the point of sale back office setup a few confirmation prompts and selections may be required before being able to commence with sales. Depending which options have been enabled under the Store Parameters option the following screens may appear when selecting the cash sales option.

If enabled the first screen that may appear is the “Ask for Cashier” screen, followed by “Select a rep” screen, which is followed by the “print a docket” confirmation.

By default, the cashier logon is the only screen prompt that will appear. The other screen prompts are based the selection made in store parameters.

NOTE: If the option, “Exist after each cash sale” has been enabled these option will be prompted for after sale has been concluded. Not necessary all three, but depending on what has been enabled.

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Numeric Keypad’s PLUS and MINUS keys.


Upon selecting the cash sales option and having confirmed all the relevant prompts that may have appeared, the cash sales screen will appear.


Firstly, SKU is an acronym for Stock-Keeping Unit. Another popular term used, is PLU Code. Both the SKU and PLU refer to the entry of an item code.

Enter or scan the product code that is to be sold or returned, or use the search facility to locate product item.

HINT: If the item that is about to be entered is the same as the previous item entered / scanned and requires no price or quantity change press the plus (‘+’) sign on the numeric key pad. The plus sign facility allows the immediate sale of the previous item without any prompts for the item code, quantity or price. E.g. if there are 5 cans of coke that are to be captured, scan or enter the item code for the first one and enter all the way through each field. For the remaining four items, select the plus (‘+’) sign four times. Every time the plus sign is selected, the sale of the item will be registered on the slip details section of screen. If too many items were rung up, select the minus (‘-’) key on the numeric keypad to reverse the previous line item. Return items are reflected with a negative quantity. Select the minus key for as many items that were incorrectly processed.

Item search button.

Item price lookup button.

Item description panel. Sales docket information

will appear here.

Printer ON / OFF status.

Sales docket sub-total.

This is the line discount method indicator. The % indicates that the value entered will be treated as a percent. The line discount method is derived from the store parameter setup.

Till / PC number being used and currently logged on cashier indicators.

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Alternately, it would be faster and perhaps safer to enter the quantity if the amount of items being sold exceeds 15. There are two ways to accomplish this. The first method is to enter or scan the product. Press enter so that the quantity field is highlighted and enter relevant quantity.

The second method would be to first select the “Quantity” button (located beneath the “Subtotal” panel), before entering or scanning the product. A quantity input screen will appear allowing for the quantity in put. Enter the relevant quantity and select the “Done” button when finished. The system will return to previous sales screen with cursor position in the SKU code field.

At this point it is vitally important to take note that once the item code has been entered, the plus sign must be selected, or if being scanned, the scanner must have been setup to accommodate the plus sign as the suffix character being used after each scan. If this not done, and the enter key is used, the system will move the cursor to the next available input field, the quantity field. This will defeat the purpose of entering the quantity before the item is entered or scanned.

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Enter a positive value if the item is being sold. If the item is being returned or exchanged enter a negative quantity. All items processed with negative quantities will be processed as credit note entries in the stock system, i.e. items will be booked back into stock. The system caters for both returns and item sales on a single sales docket. Press enter to proceed to the line discount field.

If the item being sold or returned is serial number based, i.e. requires the capturing of a serial number, the quantity value cannot be more than one (1). The system will not allow serialized items to processed with a quantity greater than 1. Serialized items are to be captured one by one.


Depending on the discount method specified under the store parameters, the discount entered will either be a value or a percentage. If the system has been setup to not allow line discounts this option will not be made available or may be restricted to certain cashiers, depending on their access level and the access level that has been assigned (see store parameters, cashier limitations).

NOTE: If there is a percentage sign (‘%’) located next to the discount field it would mean that value entered will be treated as discount percentage.

Use the line discount field if the discount is to be applied to the selected item. Should all items ave the same discount applied, it would be easier and quicker to use the discount tender media option. Select the “Subtotal” option followed by the “Discount” tender media option. A further list of available predefined discount tender types will appear. Select the appropriate discount to be used. Please note that the tender media discount will be applied to all items that have been processed so far. This method should only be used once all items have been processed.

NOTE: Using the discount tender media method more than once on a single sale will result in the second discount tender being applied to the first set items as well and not only the items that were listed after the first tender discount was processed. E.g. if two items were rung-up with a tender discount of 10% been processed (not line discount). A further two items were processed after the first tender discount with a second tender discount of 5%. The first two items will have a further

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5% discount applied to them, making it 15% discount. The next two items processed after the first tender discount will have 5% discount applied.

Type in the required amount or leave empty, and press enter again to go to the price field. Negative values are not permitted.


If the unit price is correct press enter or adjust accordingly. Depending on the cashiers limitation will depend whether the unit price can be altered and to what extent the price can be altered. The unit price can be altered in more than one way. The unit price can manually be changed by entering a new price or the a new price can be selected from one of the five the prices available lookup option, if available.

Store parameter option “Maximum Variance %” will dictate as to how much the unit price can vary from the original listed unit price. If the cashier access level has a higher number than that of the access level set for “Price Selection” under the cashier limitation tab, a supervisor override will be required.

Should any of the cashier limitations be challenged a supervisor override will be required. The supervisor override will be required for each and every instance where the cashier exceeds his or her limitation.

NOTE: The unit price must be entered inclusive of VAT.

After accepting the unit price the sales docket screen to the right will be updated immediately updated and the next product code may be entered or scanned.

At this point the next product can be entered, or the sale may be concluded or a tender discount maybe tendered.

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This is the item’s barcode value. This barcode is an example of a weighted / scale item.

Embedded Price,1600.


Weighted or scale items are captured in the same manner as all other items. At the SKU input field enter the barcode value as it appears on the barcode label, or simply scan the barcode.

For all weighted items, as previously discussed, one should not use the enter key to accept the entered or scanned barcode, but rather use the plus (‘+’) sign key to accept the item.

There is no requirement for the price and quantity to be entered, as the price is embedded in the barcode and the quantity is automatically calculated.

From the example shown, the price of the block of cheese been sold is embedded in the barcode value. The price part of the barcode lies between the two check digits. In this case the check digits are the two eights (8). The unit price is reflected as 01600, which in turn represent 16.00. Now that the unit price is known, it is easy to work of the quantity.

The cheese item is sold at 30.00 (see retail price of item under stock maintenance) per kilogram. The example of the weighted barcode item is been sold for 16.00. To calculate the quantity of the item, use the unit price and divide it by the per kilogram price (stock items retail price).

e.g. 16.00 / 30.00 = 0.533 (Unit Price) Divide By (Retail Price)

NOTE : The quantity reflected here for the weighted cheese item is incorrect. The quantity should be 0.533 and not 1. This is a slip formatting problem. It can be resolved via the Formats option located under store parameters.

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NOTE: The system will automatically calculate the appropriate quantity. Therefore there is no need to manually calculate what the quantity should be.

Once the weighted item is scanned (preferred method) or entered, using the plus sign key, the item will appear on the slip details screen on the right.

IMPORTANT: When using weighted items or items that will require the capturing of decimal / fractional quantities the slip format must amended to accommodate such quantities. If this not done the quantity reflected on the sales docket will be a “rounded up” value. E.g. If we took the example of the cheese item that has weight (i.e. quantity) of 0.533 it would be round up to 1. The slip would reflect a quantity of 1 under the quantity column. However, the value used to update the stock system will utilize the correct value of 0.533. This is because the value is not been displayed correctly, but will be recorded in the system correctly.

In order to have quantity values displayed with decimal values the following change is required. Select the store parameters menu option from the point of sale back office menu. Select the “formats” tab. There should be a space between the Q’s and E’s. Place your cursor after the last Q and press the “Del” (delete) key. The E’s should move towards the Q’s and there should no longer be space between the two. Now move the cursor to the appropriate position within the Q’s and push the point (‘.’) key on the keyboard. If quantities entered will have decimal values (e.g. 999.9, 99.99, 99.999) the point must be placed either before the last Q, or before the second last Q, or the third last Q. If there is not a space between the Q’s and E’s, delete either one of the Q’s or one of the E’s so that there is space for the point character.

The reason for deleting of one of the characters in the sale format line 1 is because the system caters for a maximum of 40 characters per line. If the all the I’s, D’s, Q’s, E’s and the spaces between the total amount of characters will equal 40.

Once this change has been done the quantity format will be represented with the appropriate number of decimals, e.g. 1.0, 1.00, or 1.000.

NOTE: This is only required if items are going to be sold in fractional quantities.

Notice the decimal point between the Q’s. This quantity format represents the following numeric representation, 999.999.

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The screen sample below is of the previous sale examples processed after the quantity format has been changed. Notice that the quantity that was previously represented as 1 is now represented as 1.00 and the cheese item as 0.533, which now represented correctly.


To void an item that has incorrectly been selected or the wrong quantity has been entered, select the same item in the SKU field and press the enter key. Press enter until the quantity field is highlighted. Enter either the full quantity value or the partial value that must be voided. Next, press enter again to jump to the unit price field. At this point, change the price if the item was sold at a different price. Do not press the enter key, press the “V” key on the keyboard. The “V” key will activate the “Void Line” option (see bottom left of the screen).

NOTE: The “Void Line” option is only accessible when the unit price field is highlighted or active.

The balance due will immediately be corrected and the product brought back into stock. The voided line item will be represented as a negative value.

NOTE: Product items that have not been entered cannot be voided, neither may the quantity that is to be voided be greater than what has already been entered.

Quantity format with 3 decimal places.

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If no further items are required, select the Subtotal option to conclude the sale or to process a tender discount. Remember, tender discounts are applied to all items that are listed so far.

Once the subtotal option is selected the available Main Tender Types will appear. Depending on how the tender types have been setup a further list of sub tender types may appear. When the tender type is selected the balance due will appear in the place of the selected tender type.

Leave as is, or enter the appropriate amount for that tender type. The remaining amount can be allocated to another tender type. Press the escape key to cancel the tender selection made.

E.g. If the total for the sale is 100.00 and the client pays 40.00 as cash and 60.00 as credit card, the sale will be concluded with two tender type processes. The first tender type will be “cash” with the amount of 40.00 entered and the second tender will be the “credit card” tender type, with a value of 60.00. After the final amount of 60.00 has been tendered the sale will automatically be concluded as the final amount due will be zero.

Repeat the above procedures until the balance due is zero.

NOTE: Once the first tender amount has been processed there is no undoing or cancelling the tenders that have already been processed. The only way to correct previously posted entries is to do the sale over. To do this one must “Void” the entire sale and recapture all details again.

The above screen is of the sale docket as it would look like once the sale is concluded. Notice the comment entry, “Customer VAT No :…….” below the cash tender line. This comment can be activated using the selecting “Comment” option.

Return or Exchange items are always entered using negative quantities when processing via cash sales.

The Total Quantity indicates the total of the quantity column including returns. The Line Items line is the total of all the lines entries for each item that is listed on the docket, including returns.

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The comments or slip message can be invoked by clinking on the “Comment” button. The comment option can be used at any stage of the sale or refund, but must be after the first item has been processed.

NOTE: The comment option can only be used once. By selecting the comment option for the second time will clear the previously entered message.

The message will appear on the slip after the sale is concluded and is printed at the bottom, beneath the last tender type processed.


Select the Void Sale option to cancel a sale at any time. A void sale will not be posted to the debtors, stock or general ledger files. In other words no stock or ledger entries will take place. The only record of the void will be available in the point of sale till file. All voids can be tracked using one of the point of sale back office report, the x-report or the reprint journal report.

NOTE: The SKU field must be the active field (i.e. the cursor must be positioned in the SKU input field) before the Void Sale option will be allowed.

If the cashier does not have the required rights to process the void a supervisor override will be required.

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Credit card or any other tender type over tendering for that matter, happens when the client indicates that his/her credit card should be debited with more than what is due, allowing the customer to be paid back in cash.

Over tendering will only be permitted if a tender type has been setup to allow over tendering. To allow over tendering the “allow over” option must be enabled (see point of sale back office, Tender Types).


Should discount be required select the Subtotal option followed by the Discount tender type. Depending how the discount tender type has been set up further sub tender discount with a predefined discount percentages (e.g. 10%, 20%, etc.) may appear.

When selected, the discounted amount according to the due amount and the selected discount percentage value will automatically be calculated and displayed.

The sample screens shown here are of a 10% discount being applied to a sales sub total of 196.00. The system automatically works out the required values based the setup of the selected discount tender type. If the discount is not any of the available predefined discount percentages the discount option without the indicated percentage discount value should be selected. This tender discount option will allow the entry of any discount value, as long as it does not exceed the sub total or any predefined maximum discount limitation (see point of sale back office store parameters).

Predefined percentage discounts tender types.

Manually entered discount type.

Enable this option if there is a requirementto allow over tendering of certain tender types.

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In order for a refund to be processed select the Cash Refund option from the Point of Sale menu.

Use the cash refund option to process items that are returned by the client for refund.

NOTE: The cash refunds process is purely meant for refunds and not combination of sales and refunds as with the cash sales. Do not enter negative quantity as done in the cash sales processing screen.

Unlike cash sales, refunds treat all quantities and tendered values as returns so there is no need to enter negative quantity or tender values.

Should the incorrect item be entered select the “V = Void Line” option as used in a normal sale to correct it or the “Void Refund Sale” option to cancel the entire refund.

Process the refund as if it were a normal sale.

Once all relevant items have been captured conclude the refund by selecting the subtotal option followed by one of the available tender types.

Once concluded the system will ask for a reason why the goods were returned. Select from the list, the reason that can best describe why the goods are been returned.

NOTE: The cash sales processing screen allows the processing of both item returns and item sales, but cash refunds does not. Another difference is, if cash sales has negative out standing value (i.e. there was a greater value of returns than sales) the system will not allow the selection of tender type. The system automatically use the cash tender type to process the cash sales refund. However, the cash refund option does allow the cash refund tender type to be selected.

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Below is an example of what the cash refund docket would like, with reason the being printed beneath the tender media type.

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In order for an item to exchanged or returned select the cash sales option from the Point of Sale menu.

Use the cash sales option to process items that are to be returned or exchanged. The benefit of processing returns or exchanges is that there is still the option to add additional items that the client may purchase on a single docket. e.g. there would be no need to first process a refund and then process the sale. Every thing can be done as single process.

One unfortunate problem when processing returns via the cash sales option is if the sales total is negative, i.e. the store owes the client money, the system will only accept cash as the tender type. Where as refunds will allow the refund to be offset against the clients account, or be concluded using a credit card or cheque.

NOTE: The exchanges should must only be used when goods are been exchanged for something else.

As illustrated in the above screen example, the case of coke is exchanged for the case of castle. The end result, the client having to pay 20.00. If it was the other way round, the castle case been exchanged for the coke case, the total due would have been -20.00. This would have resulted in the store having to pay the client. The system would have automatically treated the sale a cash refund of 20.00.

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In order for a debtors account to be paid, select the Account Payment option from the Point of Sale menu.

NOTE: Only debtor payments that are received at a point of sale terminal should be posted using the point of sale account payment option. The money received must be placed in the cash drawer of that terminal doing the payment. Failing to place the money received into the cash drawer will result in the cash-up to not balance. If these account payments are not going to be stored or placed in the point of sale terminals cash drawers, the alternate method is to process all debtor payments via the debtors transaction processing option. This option can be found under the debtors menu.

The point of sale account payments processing facility will only allow payments to be made using anyone or more of the available tender type, except the account tender type.

Account payments done via point of sale will form part of the cash-up and will reflect on all the point of sale reports, the X-reports and journal reprints. Payments done via the debtors transaction processing screen will not be included and will not form part of any x-report or journal reprint or cash-up.

When selected, a list of the available clients / debtors will appear. Select from the list the client paying their account.

The point of sale account payment screen reflecting the selected clients details and the option to enter the payment reference and amount will appear next. It is required that the full amount is entered first followed by indicating the tender media type that was used, e.g. cash, credit card, cheque, etc. The reference is not prerequisite and therefore can be left empty.

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HINT: Use the reference to indicate the type of payment being made (e.g. Credit Card, Cash, Cheq1234, etc). The actual tender type will not form part of the information posted to debtors, therefore it would make sense to have this info entered, as it will aid in the reconciling or the resolving of any queries relating to the payment made. All that will normally be listed under the clients account will be the date, reference, type of transaction (e.g. PM), and amount. The reference is populated with the receipt number that the system will generate, together with the till number on which the receipt was originally processed, e.g. Receipt [1-5].

The contents of the reference field will be stored in the order number field of the debtors transaction and is viewable under the clients account.

Enter the full amount followed by the Accept button, or press escape to cancel and exit the payment screen.

This is a screen extract from debtors enquiries listing all transactions for a particular account that have been processed. Note that there are two payments (PM) entries. The one with the “Receipt [1-3]” in the reference field and the “CHQ 1234” in the order field, was processed via the point of sale account payment module and the second payment was done via debtors transaction processing. All payment done via point of sale will always have “Receipt” as part of the reference field.

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After selecting the Accept button the six main tender types will appear. Select from the available tender types the tender media type the client is using to pay the account. For this example select the cheque tender type. The system will automatically populate the selected tender type with the full amount previously entered, 2000.00. At this point one can either press enter to accept the assigned value or change it to a lower amount press enter. By enter a lower amount it would indicate that the remaining amount is to be assigned to a different tender type. Because the system allows multi tender type processing it is possible to assign a portion to cheque tender type and the remaining portion to discount or cash, but for this exercise leave the full amount as is and press enter.

NOTE: At this point there is no turning back. Should there be a reason to cancel the account payment select the Void option.

Due to the tender type selected the cheque details screen will appear next. Cheque and credit card are the only tender types that require entry of additional information.

NOTE: The details entered for both the credit card and cheque tender types are not posted to debtors, stock or the ledger. To prevent possible fraud and customer privacy the system does not store credit card details. The cheque and credit card details are used for the generation of the receipt document.

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Both the credit card and cheque details can be left empty. Press enter to skip though the fields if not required.

As with all account payments, regardless of the tender type used, the system will require the confirmation as to whether the payment being made is to be allocated to the oldest outstanding balance or if payment is to be manually allocated to one or more of the outstanding transactions or balances.

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Selecting “Yes” option to would cause the system to automatically allocate the payment amount the oldest outstanding balance or transaction(s). If the payment that is being made is more than the outstanding balance the client balance would then be in credit. Money been owed to the client.

If “No” is selected the debtors credit allocation screen listing all outstanding transaction will be displayed. The screen will reflect the payment amount together with any previous unallocated credit amount. What will be required is the manual selection for each transaction that is be allocated (i.e. paid). This allocation screen is the same screen that is used when processing any credit entries via debtors transaction processing or cashbook postings.

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Use the up and down arrow keys to select the appropriate transaction. Once highlighted use the either the space bar to allocate (i.e. pay), or the “Part Allocate” button part pay the highlighted entry. Repeat this process until the unallocated amount is zero or all transactions have been paid.

Select the “Accept” button to complete the allocation process and return back to the point of sale accounts payment screen.

On returning to the account payment screen the account payment process will be complete and the receipt will be printed.

NOTE: Should more than one printed copy be required, change the number of copies to print to the required quantity. This is done under the store parameters option. See “Slip Reprints” tab.

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The following screen is the end result and example of the receipt that previously discussed.


In order for petty cash entries to be made in point of sale select the Petty Cash option from the Point of Sale menu option.

When selected the petty cash in and the petty cash out options screen will appear. Select the petty cash in if there is money to be paid back into the cash drawer, e.g., staff loans paid back, etc, or select the petty cash out option when money is to be taken out of the cash drawer in order to pay for an expense, e.g. milk, coffee, wages, tips, stationery, etc.

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NOTE: Petty cash in also used to correct previously posted petty cash out entries. Make sure that all details are the same as the previously posted petty cash out entry, i.e. the same ledger account, same amount and same VAT rate.


Once selected the petty cash out entry screen shall appear. By default the system will default to the ledger account amount to the last petty cash out entry posted.


Enter the ledger account that should be used to post to the general ledger, e.g. cleaning expenses, donations & fines, entertainment, sundry expenses, etc.

The contra account shall always be the allocated ledger account of the selected tender type used to conclude the petty cash entry.


Enter the reason or description of the entry been made. This reason will form part of the description of ledger transaction when posted. As shown in the example below the ledger account and description refers to donations and fines, but the reason field reflects “Red Cross”. This additional information will help identify the entry in the ledger, as there could be many more donations or fines been processed in a month or year. Having 20 or 30 entries under donations and fines or any other account for that matter will make it increasingly difficult to identify or locate a particular payout or pay in.

Below is an example of two petty cash out entries and how they are displayed in the general ledger enquiries screen. Note that the one entry has an additional description indicating exactly what it is. This will definitely aid in identifying the entry if the auditor or the tax man queries the entry in the future. There is no way to identify the second entry. The reason for the second entry not reflecting the additional information is due to the petty cash out “reason” field was not been captured.

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Enter the inclusive amount of the payout, i.e. the amount must include VAT. By default the system will populate the amount field with the amount of last petty cash entry.

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Select from the available VAT rates that must be applied if VAT be deducted from the above entered amount.

If VAT is applicable, the system will automatically update the relevant VAT account in the general ledger with correct VAT amount based on the vat rate selected.

NOTE: Before selecting the “Accept” button, make that all details entered are correct. There is no turning back after the “Accept” button is selected. Should the “accept” be selected and there is a problem, continue with petty cash entry. Do not attempt to switch the PC off or CTRL + DEL to terminate the application.

Once completed select the “Accept” button to select the appropriate tender type to post the entry. The available six main tender types shall appear next. Select from the available tender types the tender media to be used. Seeing that cash will be removed from the cash drawer to pay the expense or consumable, select the “CASH” tender type.

In all cases the “Cash” tender type will always be chosen. The full amount will be placed in the field of the selected tender type. Leave the full amount as is and press the “Enter” key.

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At this point you cannot exit or cancel the process. Continue even if the details are incorrect. The process can be corrected afterwards. This process is discussed later in the manual. The end result is a petty cash out document. Please keep this document for future reference.

The number of copies printed can be set via the “Slip Reprints” tab found in the “Store Parameters” option. If the store sales feature is enabled the document can be reprinted from the “View sales” option located under the point sale back office menu.

Below is the petty cash out document of the exercise example that was previously discussed and processed.


The petty cash in processing screen is found under the same menu as the petty cash out option, which is the petty cash menu, located under the point of sale menu. Petty cash in is processed in the same manner as petty cash out. The only difference is that it does not deduct monies from the cash drawer or the ledger, but rather places it back into the system.

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Once selected the petty cash in entry screen shall appear.


Enter the ledger account that should be used to post to in the general ledger, e.g. Cash loans, sundry income, etc.

The contra account shall always be the ledger account of the selected tender type.


Enter the reason or description of the entry being made. This reason will form part of the ledger transaction description in the general ledger when posted.


Enter the inclusive VAT amount that is to be posted. VAT RATE

Select from the available VAT rates that must be applied if VAT be deducted from the above entered amount.

Once completed select the accept option to post the entry. The tender types option shall appear next. Select from the available tender types the tender media to be used and the amount associated with it.

NOTE: When the end of day, cash up or any of the daily reports are done both the petty cash in and petty cash out entries will be recorded.


All that is required to correct the incorrect petty cash entry is to post the opposite petty cash entry, i.e. if a petty cash out was processed then a petty cash in must done, or vice versa. Please make sure when entering the details for the correction entry that all details are the same as the previously posted petty cash posting. Once the correction has been posted the petty cash out or in can be reposted again, but using the correct details this time. When posting correction petty cash entries try entering the reason that indicates that the entry is a correction, e.g. “mistake” or “correction” or “incorrect posting”.

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The x-report will reflect all petty cash in and out entries, regardless of the tender media used. The actual tender media used to conclude them will be record under the tender media totals. The tender media totals reflected are Nett totals that have already taken the petty cash in and outs into consideration.

Petty Cash totals.

Tender Media totals.

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A Bill of Quantity (BOQ) also known as Bill of Materials (BOM) lists all the items that go into a finished good or subassembly. The Bill of Quantity can simply list only the Materials and Quantities being used to manufacture a finished good or product. Furthermore, it can be structured in a manner indicating all the steps of assembly. This can let the bill of quantity look like a tree with the finished good or product as a root. Items in a assembly can be parts whose amounts would be counted as natural numbers of pieces or if it is simple materials being used, measurements of mass, length or volume. Bill of Quantities is used as documents supporting the assembly process.

NOTE: All bill of quantities that are created will be listed in this screen/view.

Once you click on Bill of quantities the following screen will open:


If you wish to create any new items to be manufactured, all the items first need to be created at the Stock menu.

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At the maintenance screen you will be able to create, delete or edit a manufactured item. Once you have clicked on maintenance the following screen will be displayed on your screen.


Select the replicate button to duplicate a bill. This will ask for a different stock item code to be assigned to the new bill; however, the details of the bill and the details of its components will be the same. This option saves time when there are multiple bills that have the same ingredients that maybe have difference quantities and addition independent items.

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Select the add button to create a new bill of quantity for manufacturing.


Select the edit button in order to edit an existing bill of quantity.


Select the delete button in order to delete an existing bill.

NOTE: Only bills with zero On Hand may be Deleted.

The screen that is now displayed will give you a list of all the items that your company can manufacture as well as the amount you have at that moment.

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Select the Item Code and Description of the product to be manufactured. (The item to be manufactured must first be created under stock maintenance as well as the raw material items).

Click on the Add (F3) button to add a new item. Once Add (F3) has been clicked the following screen will open:



The item code refers to the product to be manufactured. (i.e. the finished product is the product that will be sold.)


The partcode is the item that form part of the manufactured item. Select the various components from the stock list by either entering the item code or by searching the item using the search button.


The description field shows the description of the component item.


The department field shows the department that the component item belongs to.


The quantity field displays the amount of units required of the component in order to manufacture a single main item.

NOTE: Do not enter quantity required to manufacture multiple quantities i.e. if one is create a recipe for 5lt of ice-cream. Do not enter a quantity of 5lt, but rather a quantity of 1 when manufactory the ice-cream bill one can then enter 5. The system will multiply the quantity with the components quantity.

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The unit cost is the cost price of the component item. The unit cost of the component item will be used to calculate the newly manufactured items cost.


The line total reflects the total cost of manufacturing the item.


The process option allows on to accept the newly created bill ready for manufacturing.


To print the bills of quantity list with all their sub-items, you need to go to Print Bills. Once you have clicked on the button the following screen will be displayed.



The F2 Filter button will display the filter feature, which allows user to filter records for certain criteria.


Used this button to clear a created filter


Used this button to load a saved filter


Used this button to save a filter


Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.

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Choose F7 to change the Design of the report.


Choose F10 to Print the selected report.

The report will display the Item Code, Description, Department, Date Last Modified, On Hand, Pack Size, Pack Description, Sales Orders and Purchase Order followed by the Components details that will display the Unit Code, Description, Department, Pack Size Description, Pack Size, Quantity, Unit Cost and Cost per Item

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Manufacturing is goods or articles that are made from raw materials by hand or by machinery, the process of making goods and articles by hand or, esp., by machinery, often on a large scale and with division of labor.

EXAMPLE: If an item is going to be made using different parts, this would mean that a product is going to be manufactured. In other words if an engine is going to be the end result then one would need the engine as the main item to be manufactured and all the part or component items like (pistons, crankshaft, oil filter, diesel filter, air filter, camshaft, gaskets, timing belt etc…) to be added as the component items at the time of manufacturing.

The user can now manufacture item by clicking on Manufacture button. The following screen will pop up:



The item code shows the code of the item that will be manufactured once the process & display option has been selected.


Select what Action needs to be performed. Either manufacture to create the item or disassemble to take the item apart.


The quantity to be manufactured specifies how many of this item will be manufactured when the process takes place.


The transaction date specifies the date of the transaction for manufacturing purposes. Meaning this is the date that will be posted when manufacturing.

The bulk Manufacture button will only be available if the Item Code block is empty.

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The batch number can be utilized in such a way that numbers or names can be specified to specific batch before manufacturing. A batch number is a code used to identify the specific production point, for a product or an assembly, in a manufacturing or assembly process.


The Bill Item Information displays the information of the selected item with regards to: Sales Order, On Hand, Pack Size, Pack Description and department.

Once you are done and you would like to manufacture the items, click on manufacture. If the created items or items used in the manufacturing process, is setup in stock to have a serial number, a screen will open requesting serial numbers for these items. The items will then be created.


The bill of quantity add-on module has a feature which will enable items to be sold without being “manufactured”.

Thus Bulk Manufacturing will manufacture items that are on the Bill of Quantities list but have gone into a negative amount. Once you click on Bulk manufacture it will “replenish” the negative stock.

E.g. A hamburger business sells hamburgers but will not do the manufacturing on IQ for every hamburger physically created at that moment. They would do their hamburger sales for the day, then at the end of day they will go to manufacture and select the Bulk Manufacture option. The system will only auto manufacture items that it can find in the Bulk Manufacture list and which have a negative on hand value.

NOTE: It is not required that the item code, action and on hand quantity or anything other information be entered.


The re-order report will give a report of items needed to create a specific stock item. It will show you how many parts you have on stock and how many you still need to order. Once you have clicked on it, the following screen will be displayed:

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From the Item Code drop down box select the item you would like to see a report of. Once the Item code has been selected enter the quantity that you need to create. Click on Print (F10) to view the report. The report will now show you what items you need to order to create the amount that you have pre-selected.

The report will display the Item Code, Description, Required, On hand and To order of the specified bills of quantity item.


If stock items cost price changes, for example with GRV, the old prices has to be altered before manufacturing the items. Selecting the cost update option will refresh all the cost prices for all stock items in Bill of Quantity.

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Job Cards is designed for custom jobs/services in that each job is different in some way to the others. An example would be a vehicle repair workshop where every vehicle will require different parts and different hours of labour for the repair and service to be done.

The Add-on module Job Cards, provides the customer with option to create job cards for work that will be done. This can be used with various companies that will provide a service to clients.


To create, invoice, edit or delete a Job Card you will have to go to Job Card Maintenance. Once you have clicked on Job Card Maintenance from the Job Card main menu you will see a screen as follows:

The Invoiced column will indicate if the Job Card has been invoiced YES = Invoiced NO = Not been Invoiced

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To create a new job card please click on Add (F3).

NOTE: At any stage when selecting a debtor or adding a new item to the job card, you can add or edit a debtor/stock item by pressing the Amendments (F3) button. A new window will open that will allow you to amend current debtors/stock or add new debtors/stock.

Once you clicked on the Add (F3) button the following window will be displayed.



Enter the debtors account number, or select the search option to search for an account. To see the debtor’s current aged balance, while searching, select the Balance button. To switch between number and name search, use the sequence option. If you have to invoice a new debtor, select the search facility followed by the Amendments button option to capture a new debtor directly from the stock system.


Use the available postal and delivery address details to type a different address should the invoice or credit note goods be delivered to a different address to that what is already specified.

Should you make any typing mistake in either of the address details use the Revert option to revert back to the original address details.

NOTE: The altering of the address details will only affect the invoice or credit note that is posted at the time and will not alter the original clients address details in any way. Use the Amendments button to add, edit or delete clients.


Select Inclusive or Exclusive VAT charging method. The default VAT method is derived from the Stock Defaults option.

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Enter the quote date in the format DDMMYYYY. This date will NOT effect the period into which this transaction will be transferred into the general ledger, stock or debtors. The general ledger will only be effected by the computer / system date (found under Utilities on the main menu, or by the period specified in the “confirm ledger integration” by the operator when entering this option.


If manual quote numbers were selected under Set Stock Defaults, you must enter the quote number. The Job card number entered can be alpha or numeric or both, e.g. AB662, or 2377, etc. If not the manual method, the number will be automatically generated. Automatic numbers will only appear after the Job Card is accepted.


Enter the delivery method. E.g. RAIL, COURIERS, etc. or else leave blank.


Enter the customer order number, if applicable.


The sales person for this debtor, as indicated on the debtor’s account, will automatically appear in this field. Should you wish to use another representative, use the ALT and the down arrow or the mouse to locate a new representative.


Enter a delivery note number if goods are sent on a separate delivery note, or use this field to store information other than a delivery note, e.g. Drivers name, telephone number, etc.



Enter the stock code number and press Enter, or use the search facility to search for the appropriate stock item Select the amendments button to add items which are not yet on file. When searching for the stock item use the detail button and the history button to obtain more detail on the stock item.


If a stock item has been set up to have serial numbers entered, the serial number will be requested once the item code has been accepted. If the system has been setup for Strict Serial number control the serial number must exist on the system before it can be sold. Disabling Strict Serial number control will allow the sale of serialized items to be processed that do not exist on the system. Sometimes this is necessary, especially when the processing for the goods purchased is captured after the invoice is processed.

NOTE: If a serial number is not required select the accept option or press the Space Bar once, followed by the Enter key. These serial numbers will still be stored and may, at a later stage be edited with the appropriate information (serial no, job card date, etc.). This will only work if Strict Serial number control is disabled.


The stock description as defined in the Item Maintenance section will be displayed. Press Enter to accept this description or enter a new description.

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Enter the VAT rate (1-9) which applies to this item. This VAT rate is automatically linked to the stock item via the department that is linked to the item. Should you wish to change the VAT rate so that it will permanently comes up with a different VAT rate select the Maintain Departments option under the stock menu.


If selling price changes are not allowed, this field will not be accessible. The normal selling price or the linked price (see debtor Account Maintenance for more information) for the debtor will appear in this field. Press the ALT and the down arrow to select from the 5 available selling prices.

NOTE: To increase the size of the selling price or the number of decimals change the price format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.


Enter the quantity of the item to be sold or quoted.

NOTE: To increase the size of the quantity or the number of decimals change the quantity format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.

If you quote an item that has not yet been GRV'd in, there is a possibility that there will be a new cost when you receive the item. The stock on hand as well as cost of sales value in the general ledger will be incorrect. To overcome this problem the system calculates the difference between the cost which was used for this item during quoted and the new cost that is being GRV'd in. This difference is then automatically adjusted to the cost of sales account when the goods are eventually GRV'd in.


Enter the line item discount percentage, if any. A discount amount cannot be entered while entering a sale line item on the quotation, only a percentage.

If a discount matrix has already been setup a discount percentage will automatically appear in this column (see the Discount Matrix option for detailed information), but can be changed.

NOTE: The discount amount / value derived from the discount percentage is not posted the any ledger account, but the discounted line total is posted to ledger.

Repeat the above steps for each line of the invoice. When all lines have been entered, press ESC.


Select the memo option when in the stock code field, to enable the entry of a memo for that item line, which will, when printed appear just below it on your job card. Select the OK option to accept any changes made. Repeat this process if more entries are needed for other stock or service items.

NOTE: When there is a requirement add comment that pertains the quote and not to an item, select the F5 Memo option when the last item on the job card is highlighted.


Press ESC at the next stock code field to exit the line item entry section. The cursor will then jump to the invoice discount percentage field.

This is an extract of the Stock Defaults screen where the price and quantity sizes are changed.

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When all line items have been entered you may enter an overall invoice discount percentage. The discount must be a percentage, a discount amount cannot be entered. This discount will be in addition to any line discounts previously granted.

NOTE: The calculated discount amount will not be posted separately to a discount allowed ledger account. The invoice discount is applied to all line items, on top of any line item discounts that may have been given, resulting in a Nett line item total being posted to stock and ledger.


After entering the invoice discount but before accepting the invoice you can enter Other Charges. Press ALT - N (or O, P or Q) and enter the gross amount, i.e. Inclusive of VAT (if VAT applies). If there is VAT on the other charge it will automatically be added to the VAT total at the bottom of the invoice.

The description and ledger allocation of these charges are stored automatically by the program. When posting an invoice, these other charges will be ignored by the system if no values are entered.

NOTE: Should there be no “Extra Charges” option appearing or the description is incorrect or an extra charge entry is to be added consult the Invoice & GRV Extra Charges option under Set Stock Defaults.

To accept the job card select the accept option, otherwise press the Escape (ESC) key to cancel the current quote.

Once the quotation is processed a print-preview screen will be displayed of the job card. If you wish to print the document, click on the icon that looks like a printer at the top left of the screen.

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If you wish to edit a existing job card, select it and click on Edit (F4) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to delete a job card, select the job card and click on Delete (F5) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to re-print an existing job card, select the job card and click on the Print (F6) button at the bottom of the screen. A window will then be displayed showing the print preview screen of the document. If this looks correct, click on the button that looks like a printer on the top left hand of the screen.


If you would like to change the order of how the fields are sorted click on the sequence button. This will rotate the sorting through: Document > Invoice Date > Account.


If a job card has been completed and you would like to invoice for the job card, click on Invoice (F10). Your existing job card will now be converted into an invoice. The default invoice editing screen will now open with all the quotation details already entered. You can now edit this invoice if you wish to do so. After you are done click on the Process (F10) button.


Click on the Job Card Report button from the Job Card Main Menu to retrieve reports on previously created Job Cards. The screen looks as follows:

By selecting any of the options on the screen you can define what you would like to see in the report.

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Here you can select a specific account number so that all the Job Cards to that debtor can be seen.


Type in the start end the end item number for the job cards you wish to see. A report will now show all the job cards listed between these two values.


Here you select the delivery date for the job cards.


This allows the user to select the report type to be displayed. The selection is between Detailed and Summary.


At Rep you can select a Rep so that you can see all the quotes allocated or created by him.


Here you can select all the job cards by their status. The selection status of the job is between, All Jobs, Invoiced Jobs and Outstanding Jobs.

NOTE: If your report comes out blank, you have selected criteria that returns zero results.


Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.


Choose F7 to change the Design of the report.


Choose F10 to Print the selected report.

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Here you can set which ledger accounts the Job Cards must influence. Once you click on the button the screen looks as follows:

The Job Card’s Work in Progress will by default influence the Work in Progress ledger and the contra account the Work in Progress Control account.


Once you have invoiced a job card and you wish to delete all the completed job cards, click on Clear Completed Job Cards (F4).


This is a feature that is used to repair a corrupt table or database. For more information on this please contact your dealer

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A sales order is an internal document of the company, meaning the company itself generates it. A sales order should record the customer's originating purchase order which is an external document. Rather than using the customer's purchase order document, an internal sales order form allows the internal audit control of completeness to be monitored as a sequential sales order number can be used by the company for its sales order documents.

The customer's sales order is the originating document which triggers the creation of the sales order. A sales order, being an internal document, can therefore contain many customer purchase orders under it.

NOTE: All sales orders that are created will be listed in this screen/view.

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To create, edit or delete a Sales Order you will have to go to Sales Order Maintenance. Once you have clicked on Sales Order Maintenance from the Sales Order main menu you will see a screen as follows:


To create a new sales order please click on Add (F3).

NOTE: At any stage when selecting a debtor or adding a new item to the sales order, you can add or edit a debtor/stock item by pressing the Amendments (F3) button. A new window will open that will allow you to amend current debtors/stock or add new debtors/stock.

Once you clicked on the Add (F3) button the following window will be displayed.

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Enter the debtors account number, or select the search option to search for an account. To see the debtor’s current aged balance, while searching, select the Balance button. To switch between number and name search, use the sequence option. If you have to invoice a new debtor, select the search facility followed by the Amendments button option to capture a new debtor directly from the stock system.


Use the available postal and delivery address details to type a different address should the invoice or credit note goods be delivered to a different address to that what is already specified.

Should you make any typing mistake in either of the address details use the Revert option to revert back to the original address details.

NOTE: The altering of the address details will only affect the invoice or credit note that is posted at the time and will not alter the original clients address details in any way. Use the Amendments button to add, edit or delete clients.


Select Inclusive or Exclusive VAT charging method. The default VAT method is derived from the Stock Defaults option.


Enter the Sales Order date in the format DDMMYYYY. This date will NOT effect the period into which this transaction will be transferred into the general ledger, stock or debtors. The general ledger will only be effected by the computer / system date (found under Utilities on the main menu, or by the period specified in the “confirm ledger integration” by the operator when entering this option.

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If manual order numbers were selected under Set Stock Defaults, you must enter the internal order number. The Order number entered can be alpha or numeric or both, e.g. AB662, or 2377, etc. If not the manual method, the number will be automatically generated. Automatic numbers will only appear after the Sales Order is accepted.


Enter the delivery method. E.g. RAIL, COURIERS, etc. or else leave blank.


Enter the customer order number, if applicable.

HINT: When processing Cash Sales (e.g. CASH01 account is used) use the order number field to enter the customers name or surname. This will aid with the searching through hundreds or thousands of cash sale invoices, should their ever be a query.


The sales person for this debtor, as indicated on the debtor’s account, will automatically appear in this field. Should you wish to use another representative, use the ALT and the down arrow or the mouse to locate a new representative.


Enter a delivery note number if goods are sent on a separate delivery note, or use this field to store information other than a delivery note, e.g. Drivers name, telephone number, etc.



Enter the stock code number and press Enter, or use the search facility to search for the appropriate stock item Select the amendments button to add items which are not yet on file. When searching for the stock item use the detail button and the history button to obtain more detail on the stock item.


If a stock item has been set up to have serial numbers entered, the serial number will be requested once the item code has been accepted. If the system has been setup for Strict Serial number control the serial number must exist on the system before it can be sold. Disabling Strict Serial number control will allow the sale of serialized items to be processed that do not exist on the system. Sometimes this is necessary, especially when the processing for the goods purchased is captured after the invoice is processed.

NOTE: If a serial number is not required select the accept option or press the Space Bar once, followed by the Enter key. These serial numbers will still be stored and may, at a later stage be edited with the appropriate information (serial no, invoice date, etc.). This will only work if Strict Serial number control is disabled.


The stock description as defined in the Item Maintenance section will be displayed. Press Enter to accept this description or enter a new description.


Enter the VAT rate (1-9) which applies to this item. This VAT rate is automatically linked to the stock item via the department that is linked to the item. Should you wish to change the VAT rate so that it will permanently comes up with a different VAT rate select the Maintain Departments option under the stock menu.

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If selling price changes are not allowed, this field will not be accessible. The normal selling price or the linked price (see debtor Account Maintenance for more information) for the debtor will appear in this field. Press the ALT and the down arrow to select from the 5 available selling prices.

NOTE: To increase the size of the selling price or the number of decimals change the price format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.


Enter the quantity of the item to be sold or quoted.

NOTE: To increase the size of the quantity or the number of decimals change the quantity format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.

If you invoice an item that has not yet been GRV'd in, there is a possibility that there will be a new cost when you receive the item. The stock on hand as well as cost of sales value in the general ledger will be incorrect. To overcome this problem the system calculates the difference between the cost which was used for this item during invoicing and the new cost that is being GRV'd in. This difference is then automatically adjusted to the cost of sales account when the goods are eventually GRV'd in.


Enter the line item discount percentage, if any. A discount amount cannot be entered while entering a sale line item on the quotation, only a percentage.

If a discount matrix has already been setup a discount percentage will automatically appear in this column (see the Discount Matrix option for detailed information), but can be changed.

NOTE: The discount amount / value derived from the discount percentage is not posted the any ledger account, but the discounted line total is posted to ledger.

Repeat the above steps for each line of the invoice. When all lines have been entered, press ESC.


Select the memo option when in the stock code field, to enable the entry of a memo for that item line, which will, when printed appear just below it on your job card. Select the OK option to accept any changes made. Repeat this process if more entries are needed for other stock or service items.

NOTE: When there is a requirement add comment that pertains the quote and not to an item, select the F5 Memo option when the last item on the job card is highlighted.


Press ESC at the next stock code field to exit the line item entry section. The cursor will then jump to the invoice discount percentage field.


When all line items have been entered you may enter an overall invoice discount percentage. The discount must be a percentage, a discount amount cannot be entered. This discount will be in addition to any line discounts previously granted.

NOTE: The calculated discount amount will not be posted separately to a discount allowed ledger account. The invoice discount is applied to all line items, on top of any line item discounts that may have been given, resulting in a Nett line item total being posted to stock and ledger.

This is an extract of the Stock Defaults screen where the price and quantity sizes are changed.

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After entering the invoice discount but before accepting the invoice you can enter Other Charges. Press ALT - N (or O, P or Q) and enter the gross amount, i.e. Inclusive of VAT (if VAT applies). If there is VAT on the other charge it will automatically be added to the VAT total at the bottom of the invoice.

The description and ledger allocation of these charges are stored automatically by the program. When posting an invoice, these other charges will be ignored by the system if no values are entered.

NOTE: Should there be no “Extra Charges” option appearing or the description is incorrect or an extra charge entry is to be added consult the Invoice & GRV Extra Charges option under Set Stock Defaults.

To accept the Sales Order select the accept option, otherwise press the Escape (ESC) key to cancel the current quote.

Once the Sales Order is processed a print-preview screen will be displayed of the Sales Order . If you wish to print the document, click on the icon that looks like a printer at the top left of the screen.

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The invoice option allows one to invoice any of the existing Sales order straight the invoicing screen.


If you wish to edit a existing Sales Order, select it and click on Edit (F4) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to delete a Sales Order, select the Sales Order and click on Delete (F5) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to re-print an existing Sales Order, select the Sales Order and click on the Print (F6) button at the bottom of the screen. A window will then be displayed showing the print preview screen of the document. If this looks correct, click on the button that looks like a printer on the top left hand of the screen.


If you would like to change the order of how the fields are sorted click on the sequence button. This will rotate the sorting through: Document > Invoice Date > Account.


If a job card has been completed and you would like to invoice for the Sales Order, click on Invoice (F10). Your existing Sales Order will now be converted into an invoice. The default invoice editing screen will now open with all the Sales Order details already entered. You can now edit this invoice if you wish to do so. After you are done click on the Process (F10) button.


If you would like to change the order of how the fields are sorted click on the sequence button. This will rotate the sorting through: Document > Order Date > Account.


Click on the Sales Order report button from the Sales Order Main Menu to retrieve reports on previously created Sales Order. The screen looks as follows:

By selecting any of the options on the screen you can define what you would like to see in the report.

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Type in the start end the end item number for the Sales Order you wish to see. A report will now show all the items listed between these two values.


Here you can select the first and last order date for the range you wish to include. A report will now show all the items listed between these two values. This field is an optional search field.


Here you can select the first delivery date for the range you wish to include. A report will now show all the items listed between these two values. This field is an optional search field.


Here you can select a specific account number so that all the sales orders linked to that debtor can be seen.


This allows the user to select the report type to be displayed. The selection is between All Orders on file; Fully Processed Orders; Unprocessed Orders, Partially Processed Orders, Orders which can be executed.


This field will allow you to select the field which the information will be sorted by. The selection is between: Account number; Delivery Date; Code, Rep; Document.


At Rep Number you can select a Rep so that you can see all the Sales Order allocated or created by him.


Here you can specify which department should be listed on the report


Here you can specify the group which should be listed on the report


Here you can specify the internal order number so that the Sales Orders with that number be displayed.


Here you select if the report should be a detailed report or to just display a summary.


Here you can specify the customer order number so that the Sales Orders with that number be displayed.

NOTE: If your report comes out blank, you have selected criteria that returns zero results.

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The report types: All Orders on File, Fully processed orders, Unprocessed orders and Partially processed orders will be displayed.


The report All Orders on File will display the Stock Code, Stock Description, Debtors Account, Debtors Company, Deliver Date, Order Date, Internal Rep Number, Order Quantity, Quantity Invoiced and Outstanding Quantities.


The report Fully Processed orders will display all the completed orders.

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The report Unprocessed orders will display all the orders not yet Invoiced.


The report Partially processed orders will display all the orders partially Invoiced, in other word the stock item will be on back order.


The report Orders which can be executed will be displayed with Stock Codes, Stock Description, Debtors Account, Debtors Company, Delivery Date, Order Date, Internal Rep Number, Order Quantities, Quantity Invoiced and Outstanding Quantities.

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If you wish to clear your completed sales orders that are still on your system you need to go to the clear completed sales order section. Once you have clicked on the screen a window will open that looks like this:

Click on Proceed (F10) to proceed with the Clearing of the completed sales orders.


This is a feature that is used to repair a corrupt table or database. For more information on this please contact your dealer.

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A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document issued by a buyer or to a seller, indicating the type, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller will provide to the buyer. Sending a purchase order to a supplier constitutes a legal offer to buy products or services. Acceptance of a purchase order by a seller usually forms a once-off contract between the buyer and seller so no contract exists until the purchase order is accepted. Purchase Orders usually specify terms of payment, for liability and freight responsibility, and required delivery date.

NOTE: All purchase orders that are created will be listed in this screen/view.

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To create, edit or delete a purchase order you will have to go to Purchase order Maintenance. Once you have clicked on Purchase Order Maintenance from the Purchase Order main menu you will see a screen as follows:


To create a new Purchase order please click on Add (F3).

NOTE: At any stage when selecting a creditor or adding a new item to the Purchase order, you can add or edit a creditors/stock item by pressing the Amendments (F3) button. A new window will open that will allow you to amend current debtors/stock or add new debtors/stock.

Once you clicked on the Add (F3) button the following window will be displayed.

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Enter the creditors account number, or select the search option to search for an account. To see the creditors current aged balance, while searching, select the Balance button. To switch between number and name search, use the sequence option.


Use the available postal and delivery address details to type a different address should the invoice or credit note goods be delivered to a different address to that what is already specified.

Should you make any typing mistake in either of the address details use the Revert option to revert back to the original address details.


Select Inclusive or Exclusive VAT charging method. The default VAT method is derived from the Stock Defaults option.


Enter the order date in the format DDMMYYYY. This date will NOT effect the period into which this transaction will be transferred into the general ledger, stock or debtors. The general ledger will only be effected by the computer / system date (found under Utilities on the main menu, or by the period specified in the “confirm ledger integration” by the operator when entering this option.


Enter the delivery method. E.g. RAIL, COURIERS, etc. or else leave blank.


Enter the supplier order number, if applicable.


Enter a delivery note number if goods are sent on a separate delivery note, or use this field to store information other than a delivery note, e.g. Drivers name, telephone number, etc.


The amendments option allows one to leave the purchase orders screen and go straight to the stock maintenance option. This option is very useful if a stock item does not exist in stock and it needs to be added before the finalization of the quote.

EXAMPLE: If a stock item does not exist, the amendments option can be utilized to add the item. Once the amendments option has been selected, one can then select the add option and add the additional stock items. Upon exiting of the stock maintenance, the system will return to the quote screen where the newly added stock item may be selected.



Enter the stock code number and press Enter, or use the search facility to search for the appropriate stock item Select the amendments button to add items which are not yet on file. When searching for the stock item use the detail button and the history button to obtain more detail on the stock item.


If a stock item has been set up to have serial numbers entered, the serial number will be requested once the item code has been accepted. If the system has been setup for Strict Serial number control the serial number must exist on the system before it can be sold. Disabling Strict Serial number control will allow the sale of serialized items to be processed that do not exist on the

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system. Sometimes this is necessary, especially when the processing for the goods purchased is captured after the invoice is processed.

NOTE: If a serial number is not required select the accept option or press the Space Bar once, followed by the Enter key. These serial numbers will still be stored and may, at a later stage be edited with the appropriate information (serial no, invoice date, etc.). This will only work if Strict Serial number control is disabled.


The stock description as defined in the Item Maintenance section will be displayed. Press Enter to accept this description or enter a new description.


Enter the VAT rate (1-9) which applies to this item. This VAT rate is automatically linked to the stock item via the department that is linked to the item. Should you wish to change the VAT rate so that it will permanently comes up with a different VAT rate select the Maintain Departments option under the stock menu.


If selling price changes are not allowed, this field will not be accessible. The normal selling price or the linked price (see debtor Account Maintenance for more information) for the debtor will appear in this field. Press the ALT and the down arrow to select from the 5 available selling prices.

NOTE: To increase the size of the selling price or the number of decimals change the price format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.


Enter the quantity of the item to be sold or quoted.

NOTE: To increase the size of the quantity or the number of decimals change the quantity format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.

If you invoice an item that has not yet been GRV'd in, there is a possibility that there will be a new cost when you receive the item. The stock on hand as well as cost of sales value in the general ledger will be incorrect. To overcome this problem the system calculates the difference between the cost which was used for this item during invoicing and the new cost that is being GRV'd in. This difference is then automatically adjusted to the cost of sales account when the goods are eventually GRV'd in.


Enter the line item discount percentage, if any. A discount amount cannot be entered while entering a sale line item on the quotation, only a percentage.

If a discount matrix has already been setup a discount percentage will automatically appear in this column (see the Discount Matrix option for detailed information), but can be changed.

NOTE: The discount amount / value derived from the discount percentage is not posted the any ledger account, but the discounted line total is posted to ledger.

Repeat the above steps for each line of the invoice. When all lines have been entered, press ESC.

This is an extract of the Stock Defaults screen where the price and quantity sizes are changed.

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Select the memo option when in the stock code field, to enable the entry of a memo for that item line, which will, when printed appear just below it on your job card. Select the OK option to accept any changes made. Repeat this process if more entries are needed for other stock or service items.

NOTE: When there is a requirement add comment that pertains the quote and not to an item, select the F5 Memo option when the last item on the job card is highlighted.


Press ESC at the next stock code field to exit the line item entry section. The cursor will then jump to the invoice discount percentage field.


When all line items have been entered you may enter an overall invoice discount percentage. The discount must be a percentage, a discount amount cannot be entered. This discount will be in addition to any line discounts previously granted.

NOTE: The calculated discount amount will not be posted separately to a discount allowed ledger account. The invoice discount is applied to all line items, on top of any line item discounts that may have been given, resulting in a Nett line item total being posted to stock and ledger.


After entering the invoice discount but before accepting the invoice you can enter Other Charges. Press ALT - N (or O, P or Q) and enter the gross amount, i.e. Inclusive of VAT (if VAT applies). If there is VAT on the other charge it will automatically be added to the VAT total at the bottom of the invoice.

The description and ledger allocation of these charges are stored automatically by the program. When posting an invoice, these other charges will be ignored by the system if no values are entered.

NOTE: Should there be no “Extra Charges” option appearing or the description is incorrect or an extra charge entry is to be added consult the Invoice & GRV Extra Charges option under Set Stock Defaults.

To accept the Sales Order select the accept option, otherwise press the Escape (ESC) key to cancel the current quote.

Once the quotation is processed a print-preview screen will be displayed of the job card. If you wish to print the document, click on the icon that looks like a printer at the top left of the screen.


The invoice option allows one to invoice any of the existing Purchase order straight the Good Receiving screen.


If you wish to edit a existing purchase order, select it and click on Edit (F4) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to delete a purchase order, select the purchase and click on Delete (F5) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to re-print an existing purchase order, select the purchase and click on the Print (F6) button at the bottom of the screen. A window will then be displayed showing the print preview screen of the document. If this looks correct, click on the button that looks like a printer on the top left hand of the screen.

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If you would like to change the order of how the fields are sorted click on the sequence button. This will rotate the sorting through: Document > Invoice Date > Account.


If a purchase order has been completed and you would like to invoice for the purchase order, click on Invoice (F10). Your existing purchase order will now be converted into a GRV. The default invoice editing screen will now open with all the purchase order details already entered. You can now edit this invoice if you wish to do so. After you are done click on the Process (F10) button.


If you would like to change the order of how the fields are sorted click on the sequence button. This will rotate the sorting through: Document > Order Date > Account.


Click on the purchase order report button from the purchase order Main Menu to retrieve reports on previously created purchase orders. The screen looks as follows:

By selecting any of the options on the screen you can define what you would like to see in the report.



Type in the start end the end item number for the purchase order you wish to see. A report will now show all the items listed between these two values.


Here you can select the first and last order date for the range you wish to include. A report will now show all the items listed between these two values. This field is an optional search field.


Here you can select the first delivery date for the range you wish to include. A report will now show all the items listed between these two values. This field is an optional search field.


Here you can select a specific account number so that all the purchase orders linked to that creditor can be seen.

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This allows the user to select the report type to be displayed. The selection is between All Orders on file; Fully Processed Orders; Unprocessed Orders, Partially Processed Orders, Orders which can be executed.


This field will allow you to select the field which the information will be sorted by. The selection is between: Account number; Delivery Date; Code, Rep; Document.


At Rep Number you can select a Rep so that you can see all the purchase orders allocated or created by him.


Here you can specify which department should be listed on the report


Here you can specify the group which should be listed on the report


Here you can specify the internal order number so that the Purchase Orders with that number be displayed.


Here you select if the report should be a detailed report or to just display a summary.


Here you can specify the Supplier order number so that the Purchase Orders with that number be displayed.

NOTE: If your report comes out blank, you have selected criteria that returns zero results.


Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.


Choose F7 to change the Design of the report.


Choose F10 to Print the selected report.

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The report types: All Orders on File, Fully processed orders, Unprocessed orders and Partially processed orders will be displayed.


The report All Orders on File will display the Stock Code, Stock Description, Debtors Account, Debtors Company, Deliver Date, Order Date, Internal Rep Number, Order Quantity, Quantity Invoiced and Outstanding Quantities.


The report Fully Processed orders will display all the completed orders.

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The report Unprocessed orders will display all the orders not yet Invoiced.


The report Partially processed orders will display all the orders partially Invoiced, in other word the stock item will be on a back order.


If you wish to clear your completed purchase orders that are still on your system you need to go to the clear completed purchase order section. Once you have clicked on the screen a window will open that looks like this:

Click on Proceed (F10) to proceed with the Clearing of the completed purchase orders.


This is a feature that is used to repair a corrupt table or database. For more information on this please contact your dealer.

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A Quote is used as documents supporting the invoicing process. A quote is when a price of an item is quoted by a contractor, subcontractor, material supplier or vendor to furnish materials. A quote means the last price at which an item traded, meaning the most recent price on which a buyer and seller agreed on and at which some amount of the asset was transacted. In simple terms, a quote is used to specify a price for an item which is usually bought in large quantities. If the buyer accepts the quote, that quote is then turned into an invoice.

NOTE: All quote that are created will be listed in Recall Quotes.



When using the quotes add-on module, quotes will not automatically be converted to either sales order or invoice without you doing so manually.


Please note that if a quote is being created it can only use the selling price of the stock/last stock that you had. And that you should make sure from your creditors that that is indeed still the price of the quoted items.

The prices quoted will still be used even though the stock price has been changed under stock maintenance. You will physically have to go into the quote and refresh the item to show the new price.

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To create, edit or delete a quote you will have to go to Quotes Maintenance. Once you have clicked on Quote Maintenance from the Quotes main menu you will see a screen as follows:


To create a new quote please click on Add (F3).

NOTE: At any stage when selecting a debtor or adding a new item to the quotation, you can add or edit a debtor/stock item by pressing the Amendments (F3) button. A new window will open that will allow you to amend current debtors/stock or add new debtors/stock.

Once you clicked on the Add (F3) button the following window will be displayed.


Use the Convert button to link a quotation to a Sales Order. The Quotation will be moved from the Quote maintenance screen to the Add-on Module Sales Order Maintenance screen.


In order to select a specific quote for invoicing, click the selected quote and then select the Invoice option. This will turn the existing quote directly into an invoice.

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Enter the debtors account number, or select the search option to search for an account. To see the debtor’s current aged balance, while searching, select the Balance button. To switch between number and name search, use the sequence option. If you have to invoice a new debtor, select the search facility followed by the Amendments button option to capture a new debtor directly from the stock system.


Use the available postal and delivery address details to type a different address should the invoice or credit note goods be delivered to a different address to that what is already specified.

Should you make any typing mistake in either of the address details use the Revert option to revert back to the original address details.

NOTE: The altering of the address details will only affect the invoice or credit note that is posted at the time and will not alter the original clients address details in any way. Use the Amendments button to add, edit or delete clients.


Select Inclusive or Exclusive VAT charging method. The default VAT method is derived from the Stock Defaults option.


Enter the quote date in the format DDMMYYYY. This date will NOT effect the period into which this transaction will be transferred into the general ledger, stock or debtors. The general ledger will only be effected by the computer / system date (found under Utilities on the main menu, or by the period specified in the “confirm ledger integration” by the operator when entering this option.


If manual quote numbers were selected under Set Stock Defaults, you must enter the quote number. The quote number entered can be alpha or numeric or both, e.g. AB662, or 2377, etc. If not the manual method, the number will be automatically generated. Automatic numbers will only appear after the quote is accepted.

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NOTE: If the invoicing method is set to manual the system will not check for duplicate invoice number entered by the operator.


Enter the delivery method. E.g. RAIL, COURIERS, etc. or else leave blank.


Enter the customer order number, if applicable.

HINT: When processing Cash Sales (e.g. CASH01 account is used) use the order number field to enter the customers name or surname. This will aid with the searching through hundreds or thousands of cash sale invoices, should their ever be a query.


The sales person for this debtor, as indicated on the debtor’s account, will automatically appear in this field. Should you wish to use another representative, use the ALT and the down arrow or the mouse to locate a new representative.


Enter a delivery note number if goods are sent on a separate delivery note, or use this field to store information other than a delivery note, e.g. Drivers name, telephone number, etc.



Enter the stock code number and press Enter, or use the search facility to search for the appropriate stock item Select the amendments button to add items which are not yet on file. When searching for the stock item use the detail button and the history button to obtain more detail on the stock item.


If a stock item has been set up to have serial numbers entered, the serial number will be requested once the item code has been accepted. If the system has been setup for Strict Serial number control the serial number must exist on the system before it can be sold. Disabling Strict Serial number control will allow the sale of serialized items to be processed that do not exist on the system. Sometimes this is necessary, especially when the processing for the goods purchased is captured after the invoice is processed.

NOTE: If a serial number is not required select the accept option or press the Space Bar once, followed by the Enter key. These serial numbers will still be stored and may, at a later stage be edited with the appropriate information (serial no, invoice date, etc.). This will only work if Strict Serial number control is disabled.


The stock description as defined in the Item Maintenance section will be displayed. Press Enter to accept this description or enter a new description.


Enter the VAT rate (1-9) which applies to this item. This VAT rate is automatically linked to the stock item via the department that is linked to the item. Should you wish to change the VAT rate so that it will permanently comes up with a different VAT rate select the Maintain Departments option under the stock menu.


If selling price changes are not allowed, this field will not be accessible. The normal selling price or the linked price (see debtor Account Maintenance for more information) for the debtor will appear in this field. Press the ALT and the down arrow to select from the 5 available selling prices.

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NOTE: To increase the size of the selling price or the number of decimals change the price format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.


NOTE: To increase the size of the quantity or the number of decimals change the quantity format under stock defaults. 5.2 represent a maximum of 99999.99. If this was changed to 6.4 the maximum value would be 999999.9999.

If you quote an item that has not yet been GRV'd in, there is a possibility that there will be a new cost when you receive the item. The stock on hand as well as cost of sales value in the general ledger will be incorrect. To overcome this problem the system calculates the difference between the cost which was used for this item during quoted and the new cost that is being GRV'd in. This difference is then automatically adjusted to the cost of sales account when the goods are eventually GRV'd in.


Enter the line item discount percentage, if any. A discount amount cannot be entered while entering a sale line item on the quotation, only a percentage.

If a discount matrix has already been setup a discount percentage will automatically appear in this column (see the Discount Matrix option for detailed information), but can be changed.

NOTE: The discount amount / value derived from the discount percentage is not posted the any ledger account, but the discounted line total is posted to ledger.

Repeat the above steps for each line of the invoice. When all lines have been entered, press ESC.


Select the memo option when in the stock code field, to enable the entry of a memo for that item line, which will, when printed appear just below it on your quote. Select the OK option to accept any changes made. Repeat this process if more entries are needed for other stock or service items.

NOTE: When there is a requirement add comment that pertains the quote and not to an item, select the F5 Memo option when the last item on the invoice is highlighted.


Press ESC at the next stock code field to exit the line item entry section. The cursor will then jump to the invoice discount percentage field.


When all line items have been entered you may enter an overall invoice discount percentage. The discount must be a percentage, a discount amount cannot be entered. This discount will be in addition to any line discounts previously granted.

NOTE: The calculated discount amount will not be posted separately to a discount allowed ledger account. The invoice discount is applied to all line items, on top of any line item discounts that may have been given, resulting in a Nett line item total being posted to stock and ledger.

This is an extract of the Stock Defaults screen where the price and quantity sizes are changed.

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After entering the invoice discount but before accepting the invoice you can enter Other Charges. Press ALT - N (or O, P or Q) and enter the gross amount , i.e. Inclusive of VAT (if VAT applies). If there is VAT on the other charge it will automatically be added to the VAT total at the bottom of the invoice.

The description and ledger allocation of these charges are stored automatically by the program. When posting an invoice, these other charges will be ignored by the system if no values are entered.

NOTE: Should there be no “Extra Charges” option appearing or the description is incorrect or an extra charge entry is to be added consult the Invoice & GRV Extra Charges option under Set Stock Defaults.

To accept the quotation select the accept option, otherwise press the Escape (ESC) key to cancel the current quote.

Once the quotation is processed a print-preview screen will be displayed of the quotation. If you wish to print the document, click on the icon that looks like a printer at the top left of the screen.


If you wish to edit a existing quote, select it and click on Edit (F4) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to delete a quote, select the quote and click on Delete (F5) at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to re-print an existing quote, select the quotation and click on the Print (F6) button at the bottom of the screen. A window will then be displayed showing the print preview screen of the document. If this looks correct, click on the button that looks like a printer on the top left hand of the screen.


If you would like to change the order of how the fields are sorted click on the sequence button. This will rotate the sorting through: Document > Quote Date > Account.

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After a quotation is accepted by your client, this quotation can now be converted into a sales order so that the stock items can be ordered.


If a quotation has been accepted and you would like to create an invoice for the quotation, click on Invoice (F12). Your existing quotation will now be converted into an invoice. The default invoice editing screen will now open with all the quotation details already entered. You can now edit this invoice if you wish to do so. After you are done click on the Process (F10) button.


Click on the Quotes report button from the Quotes Main Menu to retrieve reports on previously created quotes. The screen looks as follows:

By selecting any of the options on the screen you can define what you would like to see in the report.



Here you can select the start expiry date for the range you wish to include. If no last expiry date is selected, up to today’s date will be searched. This field is an optional search field.


Here you can select a specific account number so that all the quotes to that debtor can be seen.


This allows the user to select the report type to be displayed. The selection is between All quotes on file; Expired Quotes; Valid Quotes; Quotes Expiring Today.


The user can select if the report they would like to see, is a detailed report or just a summary of the information.


This field will allow you to select a field the information will be sorted by.


At Rep Number you can select a Rep so that you can see all the quotes allocated or created by him.

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Type in the start end the end item number for the quotes you wish to see. A report will now show all the items listed between these two values.


Type in the start end the end date for the quotes you wish to see. The report will now show all the quotes listed between these two dates.


Here you can select the end expiry date for the range you wish to include. If no start expiry date is selected, from the beginning up to specified date will be searched. This field is an optional search field.


Here you can select the specific order number for the Quotation report you would like to see.

NOTE: If your report comes out blank, you have selected criteria that returns zero results.


Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.


Choose F7 to change the Design of the report.


Choose F10 to Print the selected report.

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If you wish to clear your old quotes that is still on your system you need to go to the Clear Expired Quotes section. Once you have clicked on the screen a window will open that looks like this:

To clear your old quotes select a date from the drop down bar, or type in the date that you want and click process. All the quotes up to that date will then be deleted.

NOTE: Make sure that the date you have selected doesn’t include quotes that are still valid.


This is a feature that is used to repair a corrupt table or database. For more information on this please contact your dealer.

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The workshop module was originally created for the vehicle industry where Vehicle detail can be stored.


To create, invoice, edit or delete a Job Card you will have to go to Job Card Maintenance. Once you have clicked on Job Card Maintenance from the Job Card main menu you will see a screen as follows:

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To create a new job card click on Add.

NOTE: At any stage when selecting a debtor or adding a new item to the job card, you can add or edit a debtor/stock item by pressing the Amendments button. A new window will open that will allow you to amend current debtors/stock or add new debtors/stock.

Once you clicked on the Add button the following window will be displayed.



Enter the debtors account number, or select the search option to search for an account. To see the debtor’s current aged balance, while searching, select the Balance button.


Enter the registration number, 20 character will be available, if the vehicle has already been entered into the job amendment the search button can be use to select a vehicle registration number.


The sales person for the Job card. Should you wish to use another advisor, use the ALT and the down arrow or the mouse to locate a new advisor. The list will displayed Rep list.


Enter the customer order number, 20 character will be available.


Select the date of last service date.


Select the date in the format DDMMYYYY of the Job.

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Enter the date completion date of the Job.


If manual quote numbers were selected under Set Stock Defaults, you must enter the quote number. The Job card number entered can be alpha or numeric or both, e.g. AB662, or 2377, etc. If not the manual method, the number will be automatically generated. Automatic numbers will only appear after the Job CardError! Bookmark not defined. is accepted.


Enter the vehicles kilometres reading.


Enter the name of the person that maybe contacted in the case of queries relating to this account.



Enter the stock code number and press Enter, or use the search facility to search for the appropriate stock item Select the amendments button to add items which are not yet on file. When searching for the stock item use the detail button and the history button to obtain more detail on the stock item.


The stock description as defined in the Item Maintenance section will be displayed. Press Enter to accept this description or enter a new description.


Enter the quantity of the item to be sold or quoted.


If selling price changes are not allowed, this field will not be accessible. The normal selling price or the linked price (see debtor Account Maintenance for more information) for the debtor will appear in this field. Press the ALT and the down arrow to select from the 5 available selling prices.


Enter the VAT rate (1-9) which applies to this item. This VAT rate is automatically linked to the stock item via the department that is linked to the item. Should you wish to change the VAT rate so that it will permanently comes up with a different VAT rate select the Maintain Departments option under the stock menu.


The system allows for the time total to be entered and allows for automatic calculators the unit cost. This also allows rounding issues to be reselected when supplier invoice totals does not match with invoice total.


Enter the line item discount percentage. A discount amount cannot be entered while entering a sale line item on the quotation, only a percentage.

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The detail’s is a duplicate of the information from the Debtors Maintenance option.



The four input fields for the delivery address, where the fourth field being used for the postal code.



The four input fields for the postal address, where the fourth field being used for the postal code.


The Telephone number, Fax number, E-mail address and Banking details will be displayed in these fields.


The appropriate number of days credit that you are prepared to extend to this customer. Valid entries for this field are, C.O.D, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 & 180 days. Terms will be checked during transaction processing and invoicing, and most reports may be printed with terms as a selection criteria, e.g. Print all accounts over 60 days.


The status will display a single character status to each debtor.

EXAMPLE: S for slow payer or H for handed over. These status codes are a means of grouping or separating some clients from others.

Only the boxes in white can be changed. The other boxes will be display information to be viewed only.

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If the limit is greater than zero (0) the account will be checked during transaction processing and invoicing, and most reports may be printed with terms or credit limit as a selection criteria, checking if any client has exceeded their limit or terms. Depending on the level of credit control the system may differ from a warning to a complete suspension of the account if the limit or terms has been exceeded.




Enter the general details of the Vehicle. The make, Model, Colour can be entered at the Job Amendment or at the Make, Colour Model option. The information will be entered into the respective database and can be recalled for future use.


Enter the date sold if the information is needed.


Enter the Policy Number of the client if the information is available.



Enter the Serial Number of the vehicle, 20 character will be available.


Enter the Engine Number of the vehicle, 30 character will be available.


Enter the Chassis Number of the vehicle, 30 character will be available.

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Enter the ISO Code of the vehicle if the information is available , 30 character will be available.


Select the Next Service Date of the vehicle if the information is available.


Select the petrol tank indicator by clicking on the appropriate area.


Select Yes or No if a Radio is installed in the vehicle.


Select Yes or No if the vehicle has tools in the vehicle.


Select Yes or No if the vehicle has a spare tire in the vehicle.


The Amend option will allow the user to add or edit a stock item, instead of closing the job card.


Enter the instruction option. The instruction option will capture the instruction for the job. In other word what the workshop must do to the vehicle. When printed the instruction will appear just below the client details and above the Item details on your job card. Select the OK option to accept any changes made.

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Enter the work performed option. The work performed option will capture the information for work done on the job. In other word what the workshop has done on the vehicle. Select the OK option to accept any changes made.

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If you wish to edit a existing job card, select it and click on Edit at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to delete a job card, select the job card and click on Delete at the bottom of the screen.


If a job card has been completed and you would like to invoice the job card, click on Invoice. Your existing job card will now be converted into an invoice. The default invoice editing screen will now open with all the quotation details already entered. You can now edit this invoice if you wish to do so. After you are done click on the Process button.


If you wish to re-print an existing job card, select the job card and click on the Print Job button at the bottom of the screen. A window will then be displayed showing the print preview screen of the document


By default job cards will be sorted in Job Number index, Account number index or Vehicle Registration Index sequence.


The design option allows one to design the existing report.

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To create, edit or delete a vehicle you will have to go to the Workshop Menu, select Vehicle Amendments and the following screen will be displayed.


To create a new vehicle amendment. Select the Add button.

Once clicked on the Add button the following window will be displayed.

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If you wish to edit a existing vehicle, select it and click on Edit at the bottom of the screen.


If you wish to delete a vehicle, select the vehicle and click on Delete at the bottom of the screen.


The report button will only be available if the vehicle has history, in other word if job has already been completed.


By default vehicles will be sorted by registration number or next service sequence.


The design option allows one to design the existing report.

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The Make, Model, Colour Mode will display default list that can be select at the Vehicle amendment option. If a Make, Model or Colour is not on the list a new entry can be added and will display on the list the next it’s used.


Enter a list of Vehicle make. Add a new Make by entering to a new line and then typing the new make. The list will be available at the Vehicle amendment option, add or edit the Vehicle details.

Vehicle Amendment option. Select the Make. The Colour, Model or Make can be create the Work shop Main Menu.

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Enter a list of Vehicle model. Add a new Model by entering to a new line and then typing the new model. The list will be available at the Vehicle amendment option, add or edit the Vehicle details.

Vehicle Amendment option. Select the Model. The Colour, Model or Make can be create the Work shop Main Menu.

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Enter a list of Vehicle colour. Add a new colour by entering to a new line and then typing the new colour. The list will be available at the Vehicle amendment option, add or edit the Vehicle details.

Vehicle Amendment option. Select the Colour. The Colour, Model or Make can be create the Work shop Main Menu.

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The workshop Report option will display a list of the Jobs in progress. In other word all the jobs that has not yet been Invoiced. Four type of report is available for selection: Detailed, Summary, Quote and User Defined.



The Search for option will search for the Job card Number entered.


The report may be printed in Job number, Account number or Registration Number sequence.


This option will print a Detailed, Summary, Quote or User Defined Report.


The Filter button will display the filter feature, which allows user to filter records for certain criteria.


Used this button to clear a created filter.


Used this button to load a saved filter.


Used this button to save a filter.

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Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.


The detailed report will display each workshop job per page.


The detailed report will display Job Number, Invoice number, Invoice Date, Registration Number, Account Number, Contact, Telephone Number, Next Service and Total of each Job.

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The quote report will display each workshop quote per page.


The user define report will allow the user to design their own report.


Choose to change the Design of the report.

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The workshop History Report option will display a list of the complete Jobs once the job has been completed and process to an Invoice the job will move to the History Report option.



The Search for option will search for the Job card Number entered.


The report may be printed in Job number, Account number or Registration Number sequence.


This option will print a Detailed, Summary.



The Filter button will display the filter feature, which allows user to filter records for certain criteria.


Used this button to clear a created filter.


Used this button to load a saved filter.


Used this button to save a filter.

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Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.


The detailed report will display each workshop job.


The detailed report will display Job Number, Invoice number, Invoice Date, Registration Number, Account Number, Contact, Telephone Number, Next Service and Total of each Job.


Choose to change the Design of the report.

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Here you can set which ledger accounts the Job Cards must influence. Once you click on the button the screen looks as follows:

The Job Card Work in Progress will by default influence the Work in Progress ledger and the contra account the Work in Progress Control account.


This is a feature that is used to repair a corrupt table or database. For more information on this please contact your dealer

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An audit report is a report, listing all transaction that have been posted and depict information like the date, reference, amount audit trail numbers, profit, etc., for the given selection (filter) criteria. The WIP Stock Audit report will display all the stock item being used in the jobs, that has not been completed, in other words, the Job card has not been invoiced. The report will show all the Stock items being used for a jobs in the workshop and will help with the balancing of the work in progress.



The Filter button will display the filter feature, which allows user to filter records for certain criteria.


Used this button to clear a created filter.


Used this button to load a saved filter.


Used this button to save a filter.


Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.


Choose to change the Design of the report.

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Choose to Print the selected report.

The report will display the Job Number, Item Code, Description, Quantity and Selling Price of the item in the work in progress item audit.

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Contract price maintenance is where one can setup different types of discount structures. The discount structures are contracts setup between the seller and the buyer.


The contract price allows for three different types of discounts namely, Discount per Item, Discount per Stock Department, Discount per Stock Group per Debtor.

Select the Debtor, Click Edit to enter the discount detail.

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The edit option allows one to enter discount structure, listed in the contract price maintenance screen.


The delete option allows one to delete a debtor from the Contract Price Maintenance screen, in other word the debtors will be take off the list of debtors who can receive contract discount.


Use the sequence option to sort either account number or in name sequence.


Select the Discount matrix: Item, Department or Groups before continuing with the processing.


This option allows one to give discount to a debtor per product e.g. Coke Single or Castel 6 Pack


This option allows one to give discount to a debtor per Stock department e.g. Coke in other words all the in the coke department Coke Single, Coke 6 Pack, Coke Case etc.


This option allows one to give discount to a debtor per group e.g. All the items in the Soft Drink group, Coke, Fanta, Sprite etc.

These are 3 different contact price maintenance structures.

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The description field displays the Item code per item of the discount type, item or department and group for each debtor.


The description field displays the Description per item of the discount type, item or department and group for each debtor.


The description field displays the Group per item of the discount type, item or department and group for each debtor.


The description field displays the Department per item of the discount type, item or department and group for each debtor.


The Price 1 field displays the default price of the item. This price may also be entered in manually.


The Price 2 field displays the second price of the item. This price may also be entered in manually.


The Price 3 field displays the third price of the item. This price may also be entered in manually.

Discount structure of Contract Price Maintenance

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The copy option allows one to copy any item in the three discount structures (Item, Department or Groups)


The add option allows one to add any item in the three discount structures (Item, Department or Groups)


The edit option allows one to edit any item in the three discount structures (Item, Department or Groups)


The delete option allows one to delete any item in the three discount structures (Item, Department or Groups)


The print option allows one to print the list of item in the three discount structures.


The design option allows one to change the layout design of the Customer Price Matrix report.


The accept option allows one to complete the Contract Price Maintenance Price Matrix.

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Select the Debtors. Select the Item tab option, Click the Add button.


The item details will display the Item Code, Description, Department, Group and the Latest Unit Cost Price of the select stock item. The item detail can not be changed, it is merely here as a show option.


The price field allows one to enter the price of the item.

NOTE: If no price is entered then the item’s current price will be used. However, this will not be updated if the price is changed as the price that is displayed / entered here, is assumed to be customized. Therefore, to update price changes here, one must click on the price field here and enter to bring in the system’s new price.

NOTE: Once the contract price setup between the debtor and stock item has been done, remember that these prices that have been setup will override the any other prices that may have been setup on a specific debtor.


Select the Start Date for the discount structure to commence.


Select the End Date for the discount structure to conclude.

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Select the Debtors. Select the Department tab option, Click the Add button.


Select the department code for which the item must be linked to. If a new department is needed, or if the description, ledger accounts or VAT rate for the department needs to be altered select the Department option located under the Stock, Utilities menu.

NOTE: These departments are the essence of the integration to the general ledger, therefore they must be checked that they are being linked / integrated to the correct Sales, Cost Of Sales, Stock on Hand and that the correct VAT rate is being used (see the Departments heading later).


The price field allows one to enter a price percentage of the item.

NOTE: If no price is entered then the item’s current price will be used. However, this will not be updated if the price is changed as the price that is displayed / entered here, is assumed to be customized. Therefore, to update price changes here, one must click on the price field here and enter to bring in the system’s new price.

NOTE: Once the contract price setup between the debtor and stock item has been done, remember that these prices that have been setup will override the any other prices that may have been setup on a specific debtor.


Select the Start Date for the discount structure to commence.


Select the End Date for the discount structure to conclude.

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Select the Debtors. Select the Item tab option, Click the Add button.


Use the group code to categorize product items into sub categories, e.g. Let say you have an item, Cadbury’s 200 grm Chocolate. This item would be linked to the chocolate department and have a group code CADB. This group code will allow various sales reports to group all Cadbury’s chocolates products together for that department.


The price field allows one to enter a price percentage of the item.

NOTE: If no price is entered then the item’s current price will be used. However, this will not be updated if the price is changed as the price that is displayed / entered here, is assumed to be customized. Therefore, to update price changes here, one must click on the price field here and enter to bring in the system’s new price.

NOTE: Once the contract price setup between the debtor and stock item has been done, remember that these prices that have been setup will override the any other prices that may have been setup on a specific debtor.


Select the Start Date for the discount structure to commence.


Select the End Date for the discount structure to conclude.

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Select the Contract report from the Contract Pricing Main Menu to retrieve reports on previously created Contracts. The screen looks as follows:

By selecting any of the options on the screen you can define what you would like to see in the report.


This allows the user to select the report type to be displayed. The selection is between by Item, Group or Department.


Here you can specify the sort order sequence by Item for the report


Here you can specify the sort order sequence by Department for the report


Here you can specify the sort order sequence by Group for the report



The account number of the Debtor will appear. This is a unique numeric account number.


The company name or the surname if the debtor is an individual will be displayed.


The Initial and Title of the Debtors will be display here as enter in the Debtors maintenance option.

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The Debtors Postal address details will be displayed here as entered in the Debtors maintenance option.



Choose Preview to display the report on screen before you print.


Choose F7 to change the Design of the report.


Choose F10 to Print the selected report.

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This option will allow the user to make changes to the Markup price of only Debtors with Contract discount matrix structure.

Select the Contract report from the Contract Pricing Main Menu to retrieve reports on previously created Contracts. The screen looks as follows:



Choose the First and Last Stock Code that must be included into contract pricing global price markup.


Choose the First and Last Department Code that must be included into contract pricing global price markup.


Choose the First and Last Group Code that must be included into contract g pricing global price markup

The status letter must be added without , and no repeated letter will be allowed.

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Choose the First and Last account number for each Debtor.


Choose the Status to include Debtor in the global change. For Example if you only want to increase the markup of certain Debtors for example retail debtors. These debtors will all have a R in the status column under Debtors Maintenance. More that one letter can be used in the include status block but no comma’s (,) must be used and one can not repeat letters.


Choose the Status to exclude debtors whom must not get included in the Contract Price Global price change. For Example W = Wholesale debtors will not receive a price increase.



Enter the Markup percentage for Price 1.


Enter the Markup percentage for Price 2.


Enter the Markup percentage for Price 3.


The Contract Global Price change report will display all the Debtors with their discount structure (Item, Department or Group) Markup Prices. The report will display the Start Date and End Date and Old and New Price.

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To change the system date option proceed to Utilities and select Posting Date. If the date shown, is incorrect, enter the new date, using the format DDMMYYYY or use the calendar facility (ALT and down arrow). This date is derived from the computers date (system date).


NOTE: The date entered in the field 'financial year end', (see Ledger Defaults) and this date are used to calculate the general ledger period when posting to the general ledger.

Changing the date will change the period to which transactions will be posted to in the ledger (unless overwritten by the operator at time of posting).

NOTE: Dates entered when posting transactions have no influence on the general ledger period. The general ledger period is determined by the system date, or operator specified period (which would override the system date), and not the transaction date.


To setup the company particulars (company name, address details, telephone & fax, posting date format DD/MM/YYYY, etc.) select Company Details option from the Utilities menu.


Use the available fields to capture the company particulars in the displayed fields. This information will be used by the system when printing reports and extracting other information.


Use the search facility (ALT and the down arrow) to view the possible date formats, e.g. dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy, d/m/yy, etc. These date formats will be used when entering any date in the package; debtors postings, cashbook postings, invoice dates, etc.

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Use the currency string to have the various reports print the currency symbol selected as part of the value, e.g. R 100.00, $ 100.00, etc. The currency symbol is used purely for reports.




Enter the ledger number 001/002, etc., linked to the debtors system. It will usually be the same ledger as the debtors, i.e. the current company number.


Enter either ###### or !!!!!! to indicate numeric, or alphanumeric account numbers. Any other character in the account number structure field will be interpreted literally. For example if the structure is A!!!!!, the account number will be alpha numeric, always starting with an A. 'Numeric only' account numbers can be used as you have full alphabetic name search facilities in the system.


Allocate an access level ranging from 1 to 6. This access level is directly related to the access level of each of the menu options. If a menu option has an access level of 2 then only users with an access level of 2 and less can access that menu option.


If a access level was create a override option will appear requiring an password, if the user does not have the correct access level the user will not be allow to continue with the debtors invoice.

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The user will not be allow to continue with an invoice if the debtors has exceeded his Terms. The term will be created at the Debtors Maintenance option.



Enter the ledger number 001/002, etc., linked to the creditors system. It will usually be the same ledger as the creditors, i.e. the current company number.


Enter either ###### or !!!!!! to indicate numeric, or alphanumeric account numbers. Any other character in the account number structure field will be interpreted literally. For example if the structure is A!!!!!, the account number will be alpha numeric, always starting with an A. 'Numeric only' account numbers can be used as you have full alphabetic name search facilities in the system.

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The stock default settings (see screen below) must correctly setup before commencing with data entry in the stock module. The information to be entered is explained on the following pages.


What is a cost code? Basically, a cost code or cost encoding code is an encoding or hidden formula used to represent the cost price of the item on the price label or price list without the client having to know the actual cost price.

Example: 1234567890 could be represented by the word KENILWORTH, where K=1, E=2 etc.)


Enter the prefix to be printed next to the document number on the invoice and credit note forms, and enter the next invoice and credit note numbers (which will automatically increment while producing the documents if invoice numbers set to auto).


Use default debtors means that the system will use only the debtors from the company you are in. If set to NO it will request the debtors company number each time you are invoicing.

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Auto ledger allocations means the system will accept the sales general ledger account as set on the stock item record and not prompt you on each line of the invoice for another sales account.


Allow price changes will permit your invoice clerk to change retail selling prices while invoicing.


Allow negative stock will allow your stock levels to drop below zero. Important when using the point-of-sale module or when using the cash drawer control. By means of tracking the sales invoices and subsequent incoming GRV's the system will correctly cater for your stock cost of sale transfers if your stock level drops below zero.


Store invoices allows you to store complete copies of your invoices, credit notes, goods received vouchers indefinitely. There is a function for clearing old invoices from a specified date back. The stored invoices may be viewed or printed as often as required.


If this is set to Yes it, IQ2000 will create and control the Invoice numbers, but if switch off the user will create the invoice number.


Your stock number defaults to 15 characters alphanumeric. Using a combination of characters (i.e. #=numeric, !=alphanumeric ) you may set up your own stock number matrix with your own separators e.g. ###-!!!!-!!-###. Once the default is altered all 15 characters must be entered into the matrix. No blank spaces may be left. However, when entering a stock number (e.g. while invoicing), the trailing portion of the number may be left blank i.e. all 15 characters do not have to be entered, the end may be left blank.


If this is set to YES it will, when you perform month-end on stock, transfer all stock movements into the history file. This can be stored indefinitely. It will however create a very large history file and from time to time should be deleted. When deleting you can specify deletion from an entered date back.


Indicate whether invoice prices and GRV prices will be entered gross (i.e. VAT inclusive) or net of VAT (i.e. VAT exclusive).


Invoice numbers (includes credit notes) may be allocated by the computer automatically (preferred method) or manually by the operator.

If Auto Invoice Number is on the option will be grey, meaning the user can not type an invoice number.

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The number of selling price will allow the user to have a selection of all the 5 selling price available for a stock item when doing an invoice.


Maximum invoice price / invoice quantity and GRV price sets the number of digits either side of the decimal point required for quantities and prices. E.g. maximum invoice price set to 5.2 will indicate a maximum value of 99999.99, while a maximum invoice quantity of 4.0 means a maximum value on quantity of 9999.00 units. If that value was 4.3, it would mean a value of 9999.999 (the .3 indicating 3 digits After the decimal point). Numbers cannot be made smaller than the defaults already provided.

Example of Price and Quantity decimals. Remember only the Price and Qty field will change no other field will be influence by the changes.

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Use these fields to setup and allocate the next number to be used when the next invoice, job card or quote is processed.

NOTE: These fields are automatically incremented each time an invoice, credit note, quote, etc. is done.


Extra / other charges can be best explained as an alternate way / method of adding additional value to the GRV, invoice, sales order, etc., without having to invoice or GRV any stock items.

Both the Invoicing and GRV (goods received voucher) extra charges are used in the same way, except that invoicing extra charges are usually associated with income accounts in the ledger, and GRV extra charges are usually associated with expense accounts in the ledger.

One can enter a maximum of 5 extra charges for both invoicing and GRV’s. Once these extra charges have been entered they will then appear at the bottom of invoice, GRV, credit note, sales order, etc., where they can be accessed to enter their respective values or left blank.

Use the cursor control keys (up, down, enter etc.)or the mouse to maneuver and allocate ledger accounts, description and VAT rates. Should the ledger account or VAT rate not be known use the search option (ALT and down arrow) to locate the appropriate ledger account or VAT rate.

To delete an extra charges entry one can either allocate a new ledger account, description and VAT rate or delete completely by holding down the CTRL key and pressing Delete key delete an entire row.

NOTE: These extra / other charges will not affect the pricing structure (i.e. Cost and selling prices) in any way. When amendments are complete select the Accept option, or the Cancel option to cancel and exit.

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Allocate an access level ranging from 1 to 6. This access level is directly related to the access level of each of the menu options If a menu option has an access level of 2 then only users with an access level of 2 and less can access that menu option.


Enable (tick) this option to be able to add serial numbers to stock items in Stock Maintenance and Stock Serial Numbers. Strict Serial Number Control will force the user to enter the correct serial number of the stock item while processing. (Serial number tracking) This will force the correct original serial number of the item to be entered on a Credit Note if it was invoiced.

NOTE: If the access level is left on 0 no access has be defined and all the users can proceed with the option.


Enter the Access level required for quantity adjustment. Users with this access level will then be able to change the quantity of a stock item.


Enter the Access level required for cost adjustment. Users with this access level will then be able to change the cost price of a stock item.

NOTE: The cost price of a stock item can only be adjustment while doing a GRV or a Stock Adjustment.


Enter the Access level required to Delete Job Cards, Purchase Orders and Sales Orders. Users with this access level will then able to Delete the Job Cards, Purchase Orders or Sales Orders, if an user does not have the correct access level an access denied warning will be given.


Enter the Access level required for line discount. Users with this access level will then be able to allocate line discount when invoicing stock item.

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Indicates when your general ledger closes. Usually at month end i.e. 31. Not important for debtors.


Start of the financial year should be entered e.g. 01/03/1998. This is important as it indicates where the general ledger begins. Because the ledger has no 'Month End' function you direct all debtor postings to the required month number in the ledger. The system needs to be aware which month is the starting financial month.

NOTE: If your financial period starts on the 1st of March and the current calendar period falls between the 1st March 1997 and 28 Feb. 1998, the financial starting period must then be that of the 01/03/1997 and NOT 01/03/1998. The reason being that the previous financial year is incomplete. Please note the ledger integration period will then be period 13 and not period 1, which will later become period 1, once year end is done.


Activate and deactivate this option by clicking the left mouse button on the open block or by using the space bar. A tick in the open block indicates that the option has been selected. If this option is not selected the computer will use the system date in conjunction with the ledger end of month day to allocate the debtors postings to the appropriate ledger period. If enabled, the operator will be prompted with the confirm ledger integration information (ledger month number and company being integrated to) which may be altered or left as is.

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The integration defaults accounts form part of the automatic integration with the ledger. Whenever a posting involves a debtor, creditor or stock item, the system will then use the integration accounts associated with them, e.g. If posting was done from creditors the system will not ask for the creditors control or the VAT account each time, but will automatically extract the Creditors Control and VAT Input account from the ledger integration defaults. The accounts asked for must all be filled in, no vacant fields are permitted. Should any of the accounts not be correct select the search option located next to that entry field and select the appropriate ledger account from the ledger search.

NOTE: If the account is not listed select the Account Maintenance button to add the new account.


Accept default or alter as necessary. VAT descriptions and rates may be amended at will. Changing the description or the VAT rate will not alter transaction VAT values that have already been posted.

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To choose a company select Utilities, option Select Company and select the required company. You will then operate in that company until another company is selected or you exit from the system. Use your arrow keys, or if you are using a mouse, the scroll bar to scroll through the companies.


To create a new company select the New Company option. The system will ask for New Company Id. Enter a new unique company number. The ID number entered can either be numeric or alpha-numeric. You will then find yourself in the new company. Then go through all the set up procedures for the new company.

There is no limit to the number of companies that can be run on the system.

When the company selection is changed to another company the system will default to the selected company in all program modules (e.g. debtors, stock, creditors, etc).

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Select the Delete Company option from the Utilities menu.

It will delete all data for the company you select from the list of available companies.

NOTE: Use this function with care so that you do not delete a company whose data you still require. Once this option is selected you will be asked to confirm the deletion of the selected / highlighted company. If this is the wrong company or you do not wish proceed then select the 'NO' option (use TAB or ALT & N).

Once you have accepted (selected 'YES') then all data for the company that you were currently in will be deleted. There is NO way of recovering this data via this system. Use your backups to restore the data if the deletion of the company was a mistake.

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Standard stationery layouts are generated by the system automatically. However it is possible to modify these layouts.

To alter stationery layout select the Utilities menu followed by Stationery Setup, or use the Design option on any of the report screens. Select the document layout you wish to modify by using your arrow keys and pressing Enter on the required document, or by clicking the left hand mouse button on the on the appropriate document option needing adjustments. Once selected the stationery design screen together with the selected stationery document will appear.

NOTE: The stationery / report layout does not have the facility when previewed or printed to include or exclude specific accounts or items. Use the filter facilities to do so.

In the next few pages an example on how to setup (add or edit) a report / stationery document will be discussed. By following the steps and instructions explained one can apply them to any report or stationery layout that needs amending.



The term "Report" describes a printout of data records from a database. The report defines the look of the printout (layout, fonts, arrangement of data fields, etc.). For example if you want to print a list of addresses, then you use a report to tell the computer which fields of your address database to print and in which order. A report can print data as a list, page by page or any other way you want your data to be printed.


A file with data records of the same type is called table, e.g. a file with address information, parts or invoice items. A table can be a single file, for example a DBase or Paradox file, or it can be part of a database.


A query consists of SQL statements, which are used to access a table or database and to retrieve a group of data records. SQL means "Structured Query Language" and is a kind of programming language for databases. A complete description of SQL is beyond the scope of this manual, but there are many books available on this topic.

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A dataset is used as a collective name for tables and queries.


Queries and tables can be grouped together in a database, which can be a local file on your hard disk or a database server in a network. To access a table you need either its directory if it is a single file, or you need the database name if the table is part of a database.


Aliases are descriptive names available as place holders for path names or databases.


New report

Open report

Save current report.

Cut selected text or fields.

Copy selected text or fields.

Paste previously cut text or fields to the current cursor position.

Page setup (A4, letter, legal, etc)

Print document

Font size

Changes Selected object(s) to Bold

Underlines selected object(s)

Changes selected objects(s) Italics

Centers the contents of the selected object(s)

Right justifies the contents of the selected object(s)

Left justifies the contents of the selected object(s)

Sends selected object to the background

Brings selected object to the foreground

Changes the font color for the selected labels

Changes the outline color of the selected object / labels

Report Region

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Sub-Report Band

Changes the outline color of the selected object(s)

Fills the background with the selected color for the selected object(s)

Adjusts the line thickness of the selected object(s)

Changes the line style (dotted, dashed, continuous) of the selected object(s)

Changes the mouse cursor back to the selection state, an arrow

Allows a text label to be added to the report

Allows a memo entry label to be added to the report

Allows a rich text entry label to be added to the report

Allows a system calc label (system date, page no, etc) to be added

Allows a picture to be added. Available formats are BMP, WMF and ICO.

Select this option to add shapes to the layout, e.g. Circles, triangles, rectangles, etc

Select this option to add lines to the layout. Use this option in conjunction with the line style button.

Select this option to add a single barcode with a fixed barcode value to the layout Use this option to add data base field label (e.g. Account, name, balance, etc) to the report

Use this option to add a database barcode label linked to a specific database field (e.g. Account, item code)

Use the database memo option add database fields that are memos, e.g. Debtors account memo, line item memo

Use the database rich text option add database fields that are of a rich text nature, e.g. mail merge letters

Use this option to add user definable calculations to layout, e.g. (120 days + 150 days+ 180 days)/1.14, etc

Use the database calc option to add simple calculations made on single fields to the layout, e.g. SUM(30days)

Use the database picture option to add database fields that are pictures to the report layout.

Aligns the Vertically selected objects / labels to the left

Centers the Horizontally selected objects / labels

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Aligns the Vertically selected objects / labels to the right

Centers the Vertically selected objects / labels

Align horizontally selected objects / labels according to the lowest object / label, i.e. Aligns to the bottom

Centers the horizontally and vertically selected objects / labels according the band (header / footer).

Spaces selected objects / labels vertically equally according to the band they’re reside

Spaces selected objects / labels horizontally equally according to the band they’re reside

Centers the selected objects / labels vertically within the band

Align horizontally selected objects / labels according to the highest object / label, i.e. Aligns to the top

Shrink the width of selected labels to the smallest

Grow the width of selected labels to the smallest

Shrink the height of selected labels to the smallest

Grow the height of selected labels to the smallest

Nudges (moves) the selected labels / objects up, millimeters at a time

Nudges (moves) the selected labels / objects down, millimeters at a time

Nudges (moves) the selected labels / objects to the left, millimeters at a time

Nudges (moves) the selected labels / objects to the right, millimeters at a time

Data field selector. Use this option when using database labels to select he appropriate field

Use the design tab to design / modify the actual report layout and the preview tab to view the report layout with actual information

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Select the New option to create a new report / stationery layout or the Open option to open a stationery / report layout that already exists. Use the close option to Close the current layout without saving any changes made and exit from the stationery / report builder.

Use either the Save or Save As option to save current report / stationery layout. Use the Save As option to save the current layout to a new location or as a different report name.

Select the Page Setup to modify the paper size (e.g. A4, legal, letter, etc).

NOTE: Any adjustments made will result in the layout been modified accordingly. Use the Print option to print stationery / report layout with actual information.

Use the Print To File Setup option to setup the format (tabbed, fixed length, text) and file name to use for the print file, together with the appropriate information needed to export to the print file. This facility allows the printed result of the report to be exported in one of the available formats to another package (spreadsheet, word processor, etc). This print to file option may unfortunately only be accessed while in the report / stationery designer.


Use the Cut option to remove the selected object / label(s) from the form and store them in memory to be used in conjunction with Paste option to paste them back on the form on another band. The Copy option does the same thing as the cut option except that it does not remove the selected object(s) / label(s) from the form. Objects / labels that have been cut or copied will stay in memory until the next object / label is cut or copied.

Use the Delete (delete button) option to remove selected label(s) / object(s) from the layout. Use the Undelete option to cancel any deletions made.

Use the Select All option to have items (labels, pictures, etc) automatically selected. Normally one would click on each of the objects / labels with left mouse button to select it.

Utilize the Bring To Front and Send To Back to manipulate objects / labels / pictures in a way that they form part of the background or part of the foreground.

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Use the Toolbars option to customize what graphic user interface options should be displayed. Normally all options should be selected. Use the left mouse button to select.

Select the Rulers option to have the vertical and horizontal ruler appear on the layout screen.

Select the Grid Options facility to adjust the vertical and horizontal “snap to” grid size.

Use the Show Data option to replace the database labels with actual database information, i.e. Instead of showing “ACCOUNT” the actual account number will be shown.

Select the Outline option to display the report outline and all the sub-reports and components that make-up the report.


Use the data option to view the database (i.e. where the relevant information is extracted) source of the information / data.

Select the Title, Summary, Header, Footer or groups option to add these bands / sections to the layout or to remove them.

NOTE: If a band already exists (i.e. A tick appears next to it) and is selected again the tick will disappear, as well as the band together with any labels or objects that may have been placed on it. By selecting it again will bring the band back, but not the labels or objects.

Use the Portrait and Landscape options to change the report layout size to either landscape or portrait. Please remember that printer paper setup must correspond with the options chosen here.

Use the Units option to change unit measurements to one of the available unit measurements. By changing the unit measurement will result in all measurements (e.g. Ruler, mouse & label / object and band positions) to be displayed in according to that unit measurement.


To modify the properties on any label, object, picture or band use the right mouse button, i.e. place the mouse cursor on the appropriate item and press the right mouse button the properties screen should then appear. Please note that properties screen is not always the same for objects, labels or pictures.

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Select the Database label (DBText) option. Once selected place the mouse cursor on the correct band and click the left mouse button. A “DBText” label database label will appear.

From the data fields (also known as the set value option when using an ordinary text label) option select the appropriate database field to be used. Use the stretch facility to stretch the Dbtext label box to width and height needed. Use the mouse to drag / move the Dbtext label to the right position. Use the nudge options to accurately align the Dbtext label box.

Utilize the labels format options (bold, italics, font type, font size, left, right or center justification, etc) to alter the appearance of the database label or a text label.


In order for any item to be deleted from the layout the item(s) must first be selected. Use the left mouse button to select the appropriate item(s) that must be deleted. To select multiple items do as follows. Select the first item as per normal, before selecting the next item hold the Shift key down. Keep the Shift key down until all items needed for deletion have been selected.

Selected items can be identified as those items that have 6 greyed blocks surrounding it.

Once all items have been selected press the DEL / DELETE key. All items selected will immediately be removed from the layout. Use the Undelete (see Edit menu)option have the delete function reversed.


To change a database field the field must first be selected. Select the appropriate database field using the left mouse button. Once selected select from the data fields list the database field that should be used.

The selected field will immediately be updated / changed with the new database field.


Select the Text Label option. Once selected place the mouse cursor on the correct band and click the left mouse button. A “Label” text label will appear.

From the Set Value option enter the appropriate text label to be used, e.g. Item Code, Account. Use the stretch facility to stretch the text label box to width and height needed. Use the mouse to drag / move the text label to the right position. Use the nudge options to accurately align the text label box.

NOTE: The text label is in most cases used as part of the header to describe what each of the detail bands columns below are. Should a text label be added to the detail band the text label will be printed as many times as there are records for the selected database. Unlike the database label where the contents of the label changes for each record read, the text labels contents does not. Utilize the labels format options (bold, italics, font type, font size, left, right or center justification, etc) to alter the appearance of the database label or a text label.

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In order for a bar code to be printed select the Database Bar Code option (DBBarcode) and place it on the Detail Band. Once added a bar code will appear.

Use the mouse to size and align the bar code correctly.

Use the properties option (select the bar code using the right mouse button) to adjust the position, bar code type (e.g. Code 39, EAN13, etc) or to have Human Readable Characters printed ( i.e. Human readable characters are those characters that are associated with it, the account number or the items code, etc, and usually appear below the actual bar code).

To change the default bar code type (Code 39) to a new type (code 128, postnet, EAN13, etc) select the Configure option from the properties menu.

From the configuration screen, the type, the orientation, bar width (vertical line width) and height ratio can be altered.


Use the database calculations option to add user defined fields to the layout. Once selected place the mouse cursor on the band (e.g. detail or summary, footer)that requires it and press the left mouse button. An empty field label will next appear. With the right mouse button click on it. The properties menu for that label shall appear.

Utilize the available properties option to customize the way in which the label is printed / displayed.

To add, edit or delete the fields actual calculation formula select the settings option. The build formula screen shall appear next.

To cancel or change an existing formula select the field where formula resides and delete it using either the backspace or delete key. Once the formula field is completely clear proceed with the entry of the new formula.

To add a new formula select the from the list of available database fields the appropriate field. For this example the formula that will be set up will that of the total outstanding balance of the client less VAT.

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To add database fields to the formula double click with left mouse button on the selected field. That field will immediately appear in the formula input field enclosed in brackets. For this example select the Total field.

Now that the Total field appears select from the available operands (+, -,*,/)the divide (/) option. The next part is to add the value by which it must be divided. Select from the available numeric’s (1,2,3,4, etc), “1.14”, using the left mouse. Select the formula field to delete any incorrect values entered and try again.

Once complete select the Done option to have formula added to the layout.


To change the paper size or orientation (landscape / portrait) select either Page Setup option from the File Menu or select the Page Setup button option.


In order for the height of the bands to be altered select the band that must be changed. Once the mouse cursor moves over the selected band the cursor will change to a vertical doubled sided arrow. Press the left mouse button when this appears and keep the button down. Move the mouse up or down (while keeping the left mouse button down) to adjust the size of the band.

NOTE: By adjusting the height of the Detail Band to be smaller will allow more information to be printed on a single sheet. Increasing the height will obviously reduce the number of lines that can be printed on a single sheet.

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By default when running the IQ for Windows system for the first time the default user number and password is “1” and “IQ” respectively and have an access level of one (1). A user with an access level of one (1) has the facility to access all available menu options (i.e. invoicing, maintenance, postings, etc).

Access level one is the highest level that’s available where six (6) is the lowest level of authority. To set up a list of users together with their name, user number, password and access level, proceed to the Utilities menu followed by the Password Setup option. Once selected a screen with the available users will be listed. Use the available options to add, edit and delete users.


To add a new user to the system select the add option.


Enter the user number that will be allocated to the user. Please note that this number must be entered together with the corresponding password before the user is allowed access to program.


Enter a 15 character alphanumeric user name.


Use the password field to enter a 15 character password. Only upper case characters and numbers can be entered.


Allocate an access level ranging from 1 to 6. This access level is directly related to the access level of each of the menu options (debtors maintenance, enquiries, invoicing, etc) access levels. If a menu option has an access level of 2 then only users with an access level of 2 and less can access that menu option. Menu access levels is discussed later.

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To edit an existing user highlight the appropriate user followed by selecting the edit or double clicking the left mouse button.


Highlight the user followed by selecting the delete option.


To have a list of the existing users with the user number, name and their password printed select the Print option.


To allow some users and disallow others from the available menu options one must setup the access level for each of the available menu options (e.g. Debtors maintenance, postings, enquiries, invoicing, cashbook postings, etc).

Please note that only users with an access level of one (1) may setup or change menu access levels or a user with a higher access level may change an existing user access level should that person have a lower access level, but can not exceed their one access level. i.e. A user with an access level of 3 may change the access level of a user who has an access level ranging from 3-6.

To setup a menu access level click with the Right mouse button on the appropriate menu option. The access level screen should appear next. Select from the list the appropriate access level required for the selected menu option

Any user with an access level less than or equal to that menu access level entered may have access to that menu option. Repeat this procedure for all available menu options..

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To make backups of the current companies data files and only the data files select the Backup Current Company option from the Utilities menu.

The backup facility will backup only the current company that you are busy with to the computers hard drive. The system will keep a history of the last 10 backups, allowing any one of them to be restored.

NOTE: Backups should not be attempted when there are other users still busy on the IQ Accounting system.



Select the Restore Current Company option from the Backups menu option if previously made backup needs to be restored.

NOTE: Whatever company that was previously backed up will be restored to its original company. E.g. If company 006 was backed up and is restored and the current company is 001 company 006 will not overwrite company 001, but only company 006.

The restore function works and looks same as the backup screen. The backup and restore procedure use an archiving / compression program to backup and restore data.

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To access the Spreadsheet facility select the Report Writer option from the Utilities menu. The spreadsheet that appears functions and behaves like any other windows spreadsheet and read and save spreadsheet files as various formats, e.g. tabbed text, normal, text or excel 4.0, 5.0, etc.

The example below is what the spreadsheet shall look like when accessed, with exception of inputted text and cell values.

The spreadsheet has a maximum default of 16384 rows of and a maximum range of columns ranging from A to IV, which may be sized vertically and horizontally to meet your needs.



To enter text or values highlight the appropriate cell using either cursor keys or the mouse. Once highlighted type in the numeric value (343.44) of the cell. a text entry (ABC Wholesalers) or formula (A1:A4) followed by using either the cursor keys or the enter key to proceed to the next cell.

To change the cell value highlight the appropriate cell and either type in the new value or use the Edit Bar to change the cell value.

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To mark a block of cells place the mouse cursor on the cell or highlight the cell with cursor keys, where the block should start. With the left mouse button click on the cell and do NOT release the mouse button. Now move the mouse cursor in the appropriate direction (while the left mouse button is still kept down) to mark a block of cells. A black block should appear indicating which cells are being marked. Once the appropriate cells have been blocked or marked release the mouse button.

NOTE: To cancel the marked block click on one of the cells in the marked block. Use the block feature to quickly format, delete, change the font colour or size, formula, etc. for a range of cells.


Three different types of information may be entered into the spreadsheet namely:


Text is typed information which will be printed on the spreadsheet printout exactly as it is displayed on the terminal display.


This would be an entered numeric value (e.g. 999.99, 10.5, 765.89).


This entry would be a value determined by the formula as entered. A spreadsheet formula may be used to do additions, subtractions, division, multiplication, percentages etc. of selected cell values. Please note that values in a specific cell is accessed by entering the CELL NUMBER and not the value in that cell. Examples of spreadsheet formulae are:


+ (plus) to add the values of two or more cells and display the result in the selected cell: e.g. B5+B6+B7 will add the values of the 3 selected cells together and display the total in the cell number in which the formula was entered. B5:B7 will add the values of all cells from B5 up to and including B7 and display the result in the selected cell.


To subtract the values of two or more cells and display the result in the selected cell: e.g. B5-B6-B7 will subtract the values of cells B6 and B7 from the value in cell B5 and display the total in the selected cell.


To multiply one value with another and display the result in the selected cell: e.g. B5*B6 will multiply the values of cells B5 and B6 and display the total in the selected cell.


To divide one value with another and display the result in the selected cell: e.g. B5/B6 will divide the value of cells B5 with the value in B6 and display the result in the selected cell.


To calculate a percentage the usual mathematical calc may be used: e.g.(B5/B7)*100 will result in the value of cell B5 expressed as a percentage of the value in cells B7.

SUM OF (:)

Use the sum of sign ':' to add a range of cells together, e.g.. A1:A10, =SUM(A1:A10)

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Use new option clear the current spreadsheet and start a new spreadsheet


Use the read option to load an existing saved spreadsheet.


Use the write option to save the current spreadsheet.


Use the print option to print the current spreadsheet.


Use the page setup to change the current page size and orientation (landscape/portrait).


Use the print setup to alter the currently selected printer and the printer properties.


Use the exit option to exit / quit the spreadsheet program.



Use the copy option to copy the highlighted cell(s) , pictures, lines, etc. into memory and the paste option to paste the previously copied information to the current cell position or replicate the copied data for a range of cells already blocked.

NOTE: Make sure that appropriate cell is highlighted before using the paste function. There is unfortunately no undo facility should the pasting of information overwrite other cells information.

Use the cut option to remove the contents of a selected cell or cells if block marked or a selected object (picture, line, etc).

NOTE: Use the paste option to paste back the cell or object to currently highlighted cell if accidentally cut.


Use the clear option to clear (not delete) the contents of currently selected cell(s). Use the block function to clear a range of cells at a time.


Use the insert option to insert a single column cell at the position of the currently highlighted cell. All cells below will move one cell down. Use the delete option to delete the entire row that the highlighted cell appears on.


Use the copy right and copy left to copy selected / blocked cells either to left or to the right of the marked cell block.

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Us the go to option to enter a cell position to go to a particular cell, e.g. A12.



Disable or enable the Main Toolbar menu option by using either the mouse or the enter key. A tick indicates that the main toolbar must be displayed. The main toolbar is a graphic representation for the file menu options, e.g. Paste, write, cut, copy, etc.


Disable or enable the Drawing Toolbar menu option by using either the mouse or the enter key. A tick indicates that the drawing toolbar must be displayed. The drawing toolbar is a graphic representation for drawing lines, boxes, circles, etc.


Enable the edit bar option should you wish to use the edit bar facility to enter the cell values (text, formulas, etc) instead of typing the values directly into the selected cell.


Enable the status bar so that information concerning the spreadsheet selections being made can be displayed on the status bar.


Use the allow option to setup mouse actions, editing options and keyboard options that may be allowed when using the spreadsheet.


Use the show option to setup how the spreadsheets and the spreadsheet columns and rows should be displayed.

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Use the F9 Recalc option at anytime while in the spreadsheet to have all cells where formulas have been entered to automatically updated.


Use the Calculations option to setup the formula results should be displayed and formatted.


Use the Define name option to specify a name for a area (group of Cells)


Use the sort option to sort the currently marked blocked in either ascending or descending order for a row or a column.


Use the autofill option to autofill selected cells.



Use this option to set up the area of the spreadsheet that should be printed.


Use this option set up the page titles that should be used when printing the spreadsheet.


Us the set page breaks option to set up where the actual page break should take place when printing the spreadsheet.


Use the insert and delete sheet option to add and delete currently selected spreadsheets.


Use the colour palette option to set up or design your own colour schemes. And the default font to set up the default font to be used when adding information to the spreadsheet.


The enable & disable protection option will allow the spreadsheet to be either modified or not allowed to be modified in anyway.


Use this option to fix all tows and columns in the spreadsheet where the cell contents does not fit correctly.



Use the alignment option to format currently marked cell(s) to be left justified, right justified or centred.

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Use the font option to change currently marked cell(s) font type and size and the border option to change, add or delete the current border type and colour. Use the pattern option to change marked cell(s) background colour and pattern design, e.g. lines, dots, circles, etc.


Use the cell protection set to the selected cell(s) status to either hidden, protected (may not be modified) or both.


Use either one of the options to have the selected cells formatted accordingly. General = 100.10 Currency (0) = R100 Currency (2) = R100.10 Fixed = 100.10 Percent = 10010% Fraction = 100 1/10 Scientific = 1.00E+02


Use the M/D/YY to have the selected cells value converted into a date value. Please note that the cells value will be regarded as the amount of days since 1900, i.e. If the cells value was 367 the cell would then formatted to read, 01/01/1901. Use the H:MM option to convert the cells value to display both date and time since 1900 and the Custom Number option to format the cell using a format of your choice. Use the Validation Rule to setup various validations that must be applied when entered cell information conforms to a specific criteria.


Use this option to change the selected cells height and width



Use the Pattern option to change the selected cells back ground fill colour and pattern.


Use the Line Style option to adjust the currently selected drawing objects, e.g. circle, rectangle, etc. Line thickness, colour and style (dotted, dashed, normal, etc).


Use the Name option to setup a naming facility where each drawing, graph or picture object is given name, whereby it may be reference at a later stage using the given name.


Use the Options facility to setup various limitation for various objects within the spreadsheet.


The Bring to Front and Send To Back options allow the selected object to be displayed either as a background or as a foreground object.


Use this option to have all drawing objects, graphs and pictures select in one easy step.

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New worksheet.

Read worksheet from file.

Write / Save current worksheet.

Cut selected / marked cell block or object.

Copy selected / marked block or object.

Paste previously cut or copied object to currently selected cell.

Print currently selected worksheet.

Preview worksheet before printing.

Polygon edit mode option allows altering of points and size of polygon drawing object.

Line drawing option Rectangle drawing option.

Oval drawing object.

Arc drawing object.

Polygon drawing object.

Graph drawing object.

Worksheet style formatting object.

Option to have a Financial statement imported into the spreadsheet.

Import database fields directly into cells.

Exit the spreadsheet.

Display or remove worksheet grid guides.

Display or remove worksheet headers.

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To register the IQ for Windows software select the Registration option from the Utilities Menu. Upon entering the company name, software serial no., date, control code 1 and the unlock to be entered, will be displayed.

Before dialling (021 8800420) one of our operators to obtain Unlock Code, please make sure that the date displayed is the current date and that the necessary information is at hand, i.e. Company name, address details, fax and telephone no., serial no., control code 1, etc.

Once the Unlock Code has been entered select the F1 Register option. The system will now be licenced. Should the F2 Run as Evolution option be selected, the system will continue to run as an evolution system for 30 days from the date the program was first run.

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SYSTEM INTEGRATION Over the next few pages a visual explanation will be given depicting the integration of the various modules with each other and the general ledger. The examples that are used are from the course exercises.


Stock Invoicing

Stock Credit Note

Stock Goods Receiving

Stock Returned Good

Debtors Transaction

Credit Transaction

Debtors Transaction

Stock Adjustment

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This is the general flow of a Stock Invoice and the accounts that will be affected.

NOTE: In all instances, the Stock Control Account is involved. A Stock Invoice will credit the Vat Output Account.

Stock Enquiries

Debtors Enquiries

Stock Invoicing

General Ledger Audit

The Sales, Cost of Sales, Stock Accounts that are used to update the General Ledger are derived from the stock item’s department.

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This is the general flow of a Credit Note Invoice and the accounts that will be affected.

NOTE: In all instances, the Stock Control Account is involved. A Stock Credit Note will debit the Vat Output Account.

Stock Enquiries

Debtors Enquiries

Stock Credit Note

General Ledger Audit

The Sales, Cost of Sales, Stock Accounts that are used to update the General Ledger are derived from the Stock Items Department

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This is the general flow of a Stock Goods Receive voucher and the accounts that will be affected.

NOTE: In all instances, the Stock Control Account is involved. A Stock Goods Receiving will debit the Vat Input Account.

Stock Enquiries

Creditors Enquiries

Stock Goods Receiving

General Ledger Audit

The Sales, Cost of Sales, Stock Accounts that are used to update the General Ledger are derived from the Stock Items Department

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This is the general flow of a Returned Goods and the accounts that will be affected.

NOTE: In all instances, the Stock Control Account is involved. A Stock Returned Goods will credit the Vat Input Account.

Stock Enquiries

Creditors Enquiries

Stock Returned Goods

General Ledger Audit

The Sales, Cost of Sales, Stock Accounts that are used to update the General Ledger are derived from the Stock Items Department

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This is the general integration of the transactions: Invoice, Payment, Balance Brought Forward, and Discount. Theses accounts will be affected.

Debtors Invoice (IN)

Debtors Payment (PM)

Debtors Balance Brought Forward (BF)

Debtors Discount (DS)

Debtors Enquiries

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This is the general integration of the Transactions: Invoice, Payment, Balance Brought Forward, and Discount. Theses accounts will be affected.

Creditors Invoice (IN)

Creditors Payment (PM)

Creditors Balance Brought Forward (BF)

Creditors Discount (DS)

Creditors Enquiries

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The stock adjustment shown here is of the Castel Single item. It previously had a on hand of 255, but adjusted to have a on hand of 250. The actual adjustment posted is for five items, i.e. the difference between the stock before and the stock after adjustment. The GL Audit displays the amount of 14.58, which is the average cost value of the five items. The stock on hand Account is credited and Stock Adjustment Account is debited.

Stock Enquiries (AJ)

General Ledger Audit

Stock Adjustment

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There are a few (and only a few) things you need to understand in order to make setting up your accounting system easier. They're basic (trust me), and they will probably clear up any confusion you may have had in the past when talking with your CPA or other technical accounting types.


These are the backbone of any accounting system. Understand how debits and credits work and you'll understand the whole system. Every accounting entry in the general ledger contains both a debit and a credit. Further, all debits must equal all credits. If they don't, the entry is out of balance. That's not good. Out-of-balance entries throw your balance sheet out of balance.

Therefore, the accounting system must have a mechanism to ensure that all entries balance. Indeed, most automated accounting systems won't let you enter an out-of-balance entry-they'll just beep at you until you fix your error.

Depending on what type of account you are dealing with, a debit or credit will either increase or decrease the account balance. (Here comes the hardest part of accounting for most beginners, so pay attention) Figure 1 illustrates the entries that increase or decrease each type of account.

Figure 1

Debits and Credits vs. Account Types

Type Account Increase Decrease Asset Debit Credit Liability Credit Debit Equity Credit Debit Revenue Credit Debit Expense Debit Credit

Notice that for every increase in one account, there is an opposite (and equal) decrease in another. That's what keeps the entry in balance. Also notice that debits always go on the left and credits on the right.


In the first stage of the example we'll record a credit sale:

Accounts Receivable 1,000 Sales Income 1,000

If you looked at the general ledger right now, you would see that receivables had a balance of 1,000 and income also had a balance of 1,000.

Now we'll record the collection of the receivable:

Cash 1,000 Accounts Receivable 1,000

Notice how both parts of each entry balance? See how in the end, the receivables balance is back to zero? That's as it should be once the balance is paid. The net result is the same as if we conducted the whole transaction in cash:

Cash 1,000 Sales Income 1,000

Of course, there would probably be a period of time between the recording of the receivable and its collection.

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That's it. Accounting doesn't really get much harder. Everything else is just a variation on the same theme. Make sure you understand debits and credits and how they increase and decrease each type of account.


Balance sheet accounts are the assets and liabilities. When we set up your chart of accounts, there will be separate sections and numbering schemes for the assets and liabilities that make up the balance sheet.

A quick reminder: Increase assets with a debit and decrease them with a credit. Increase liabilities with a credit and decrease them with a debit.


Simply stated, assets are those things of value that your company owns. The cash in your bank account is an asset. So is the company car you drive. Assets are the objects, rights and claims owned by and having value for the firm.

Since your company has a right to the future collection of money, accounts receivable are an asset. The machinery on your production floor is also an asset. If your company owns real estate or other tangible property, those are considered assets as well. If you were a bank, the loans you make would be considered assets since they represent a right of future collection.

There may also be intangible assets owned by your company. Patents, the exclusive right to use a trademark, and goodwill from the acquisition of another company are such intangible assets. Their value can be somewhat hazy.

Generally, the value of intangible assets is whatever both parties agree to when the assets are created. In the case of a patent, the value is often linked to its development costs. Goodwill is often the difference between the purchase price of a company and the value of the assets acquired (net of accumulated depreciation).


Think of liabilities as the opposite of assets. These are the obligations of one company to another. Accounts payable are liabilities, since they represent your company's future duty to pay a vendor. So is the loan you took from your bank. If you were a bank, your customer's deposits would be a liability, since they represent future claims against the bank.

We segregate liabilities into short-term and long-term categories on the balance sheet. This division is nothing more than separating those liabilities scheduled for payment within the next accounting period (usually the next twelve months) from those not to be paid until later. We often separate debt like this. It gives readers a clearer picture of how much the company owes and when.

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After the liability section in both the chart of accounts and the balance sheet comes owners' equity. This is the difference between assets and liabilities. Hopefully, it's positive-assets exceed liabilities and we have a positive owners' equity. In this section items like the following be included

Partners' capital accounts Stock Retained earnings

NOTE: Owners' equity is increased and decreased just like a liability:

Debits decrease Credits increase

Most automated accounting systems require identification of the retained earnings account.

Retained earnings are the accumulated profits from previous years. At the end of one accounting year, all the income and expense accounts are netted against one another, and a single number (profit or loss for the year) is moved into the retained earnings account. This is what belongs to the company's owners. That's why it's in the owners' equity section. The income and expense accounts go to zero. That's how we're able to begin the new year with a clean slate against which to track income and expense.

The balance sheet, on the other hand, does not get zeroed out at year-end. The balance in each asset, liability, and owners' equity account rolls into the next year. So the ending balance of one year becomes the opening balance of the next.

Think of the balance sheet as today's snapshot of the assets and liabilities the company has acquired since the first day of business. The income statement, in contrast, is a summation of the income and expenses from the first day of this accounting period (probably from the beginning of this fiscal year).


Most companies want to keep track of just where they get income and where it goes, and these accounts tell you.

NOTE: For income accounts, use credits to increase them and debits to decrease them. For expense accounts, use debits to increase them and credits to decrease them.


If you have several lines of business, you'll probably want to establish an income account for each. In that way, you can identify exactly where your income is coming from. Adding them together yields total revenue.

Typical income accounts would be

Sales revenue from product A Sales revenue from product B (and so on for each product you want to track) Interest income Income from sale of assets Consulting income

Most companies have only a few income accounts. That's really the way you want it. Too many accounts are a burden for the accounting department and probably don't tell management what it wants to know. Nevertheless, if there's a source of income you want to track, create an account for it in the chart of accounts and use it.

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Most companies have a separate account for each type of expense they incur. Your company probably incurs pretty much the same expenses month after month, so once they are established, the expense accounts won't vary much from month to month. Typical expense accounts include

Salaries and wages Telephone Water & Electricity Repairs Maintenance Depreciation Amortization Interest Rent


The general ledger is the core of your company’s financial records. These constitute the central “books” of your system, and every transaction flows through the general ledger. These records remain as a permanent track of the history of all financial transactions since day one of the life of your company.


Your accounting system will have a number of subsidiary ledgers (called subledgers) for items such as cash, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. All the entries that are entered (called posted) to these subledgers will transact through the general ledger account. For example, when a credit sale posted in the account receivable subledger turns into cash due to a payment, the transaction will be posted to the general ledger and the two (cash and accounts receivable) subledgers as well.

There are times when items will go directly to the general ledger without any subledger posting. These are primarily capital financial transactions that have no operational subledgers. These may include items such as capital contributions, loan proceeds, loan repayments (principal), and proceeds from sale of assets. These items will be linked to your balance sheet but not to your profit and loss statement.

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There are two main issues to understand when setting up the general ledger. One is their linkage to your financial reports, and the other is the establishment of opening balances.

The two primary financial documents of any company are their balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, and both of these are drawn directly from the company’s general ledger. The order of how the numerical balances appear is determined by the chart of accounts , but all entries that are entered will appear. The general ledger accrues the balances that make up the line items on these reports, and the changes are reflected in the profit and loss statement as well.

The opening balances that are established on your general ledgers may not always be zero as you might assume. On the asset side, you will have all tangible assets (the value of all machinery, equipment, and inventory) that is available as well as any cash that has been invested as working capital. On the liability side, you will have any bank (or stockholder) loans that were used, as well as trade credit or lease payments that you may have secured in order to start the company. You will also increase your stockholder equity in the amount you have invested, but not loaned to, the business.


Don’t let the word audit scare you in any way. Although, if you are audited for whatever reason, a well-maintained general ledger is essential.

But you will also want an internal trail of transaction so that you can trace any discrepancy (such as double billing or an unrecorded payment) through your own system. You must be able to find the origin of any transaction in order to verify its accuracy, and the general ledger is where you will do this.


Think of the accounting system as a wheel whose hub is the general ledger (G/L). Feeding the hub information are the spokes of the wheel. These include

Accounts receivable Accounts payable Order entry Inventory control Cost accounting Payroll Fixed assets accounting

These modules are ledgers themselves. We call them subledgers. Each contains the detailed entries of its specific field, such as accounts receivable. The subledgers summarize the entries, then send the summary up to the general ledger. For example, each day the receivables subledger records all credit sales and payments received. The transactions net together then go up to the G/L to increase or decrease A/R, increase cash and decrease inventory.

We'll always check to be sure that the balance of the subledger exactly equals the account balance for hat subledger account in the G/L. If it doesn't, then there's a problem.

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An income statement, otherwise known as a profit and loss statement, is a summary of a company’s profit or loss during any one given period of time, such as a month, three months, or one year. The income statement records all revenues for a business during this given period, as well as the operating expenses for the business.


You use an income statement to track revenues and expenses so that you can determine the operating performance of your business over a period of time. Small business owners use these statements to find out what areas of their business are over budget or under budget. Specific items that are causing unexpected expenditures can be pinpointed, such as phone, fax, mail, or supply expenses. Income statements can also track dramatic increases in product returns or cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales. They also can be used to determine income tax liability.

It is very important to format an income statement so that it is appropriate to the business being conducted.

Income statements, along with balance sheets, are the most basic elements required by potential lenders, such as banks, investors, and vendors. They will use the financial reporting contained therein to determine credit limits.

1. Sales: The sales figure represents the amount of revenue generated by the business. The amount recorded here is the total sales, less any product returns or sales discounts.

2. Cost of goods sold: This number represents the costs directly associated with making or acquiring your products. Costs include materials purchased from outside suppliers used in the manufacture of your product, as well as any internal expenses directly expended in the manufacturing process.

Gross profit: Gross profit is derived by subtracting the cost of goods sold from net sales. It does not include any operating expenses or income taxes.

3. Operating expenses : These are the daily expenses incurred in the operation of your business. In this sample, they are divided into two categories: selling, and general and administrative expenses.

Sales salaries: These are the salaries plus bonuses and commissions paid to your sales staff.

Collateral and promotions : collateral fees are expenses incurred in the creation or purchase of printed sales materials used by your sales staff in marketing and selling your product. Promotion fees include any product samples and giveaways used to promote or sell your product.

Advertising: These represent all costs involved in creating and placing print or multi-media advertising.

Other sales costs: These include any other costs associated with selling your product. They may include travel, client meals, sales meetings, equipment rental for presentations copying, or miscellaneous printing costs.

Office salaries: These are the salaries of full- and part-time office personnel.

Rent: These are the fees incurred to rent or lease office or industrial space.

Utilities: These include costs for heating, air conditioning, electricity, phone equipment rental, and phone usage used in connection with your business.

Depreciation: Depreciation is an annual expense that takes into account the loss in value of equipment used in your business. Examples of equipment that may be subject to depreciation includes copiers, computers, printers, and fax machines.

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Other overhead costs: Expense items that do not fall into other categories or cannot be clearly associated with a particular product or function are considered to be other overhead costs. These types of expenses may include insurance, office supplies, or cleaning services.

4. Total expenses: This is a tabulation of all expenses incurred in running your business, exclusive of taxes or interest expense on interest income, if any.

5. Net income before taxes: This number represents the amount of income earned by a business prior to paying income taxes. This figure is arrived at by subtracting total operating expenses from gross profit.

6. Taxes: This is the amount of income taxes you owe to the federal government and, if applicable, state and local government taxes.

7. Net income: This is the amount of money the business has earned after paying income taxes.


A balance sheet is a snapshot of a business’ financial condition at a specific moment in time, usually at the close of an accounting period. A balance sheet comprises assets, liabilities, and owners’ or stockholders’ equity. Assets and liabilities are divided into short- and long-term obligations including cash accounts such as checking, money market, or government securities. At any given time, assets must equal liabilities plus owners’ equity. An asset is anything the business owns that has monetary value. Liabilities are the claims of creditors against the assets of the business.


A balance sheet helps a small business owner quickly get a handle on the financial strength and capabilities of the business. Is the business in a position to expand? Can the business easily handle the normal financial ebbs and flows of revenues and expenses? Or should the business take immediate steps to bolster cash reserves?

Balance sheets can identify and analyze trends, particularly in the area of receivables and payables. Is the receivables cycle lengthening? Can receivables be collected more aggressively? Is some debt uncollectable? Has the business been slowing down payables to forestall an inevitable cash shortage?

Balance sheets, along with income statements, are the most basic elements in providing financial reporting to potential lenders such as banks, investors, and vendors who are considering how much credit to grant the company.

1. Assets: Assets are subdivided into current and long-term assets to reflect the ease of liquidating each asset. Cash, for obvious reasons, is considered the most liquid of all assets. Long-term assets, such as real estate or machinery, are less likely to sell overnight or have the capability of being quickly converted into a current asset such as cash.

2. Current assets: Current assets are any assets that can be easily converted into cash within one calendar year. Examples of current assets would be checking or money market accounts, accounts receivable, and notes receivable that are due within one year’s time.

Cash: Money available immediately, such as in checking accounts, is the most liquid of all short-term assets.

Accounts receivables: This is money owed to the business for purchases made by customers, suppliers, and other vendors.

Notes receivables: Notes receivables that are due within one year are current assets. Notes that cannot be collected on within one year should be considered long-term assets.

3. Fixed assets: Fixed assets include land, buildings, machinery, and vehicles that are used in connection with the business.

Land: Land is considered a fixed asset but, unlike other fixed assets, is not depreciated, because land is considered an asset that never wears out.

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Buildings: Buildings are categorized as fixed assets and are depreciated over time.

Office equipment: This includes office equipment such as copiers, fax machines, printers, and computers used in your business.

Machinery: This figure represents machines and equipment used in your plant to produce your product. Examples of machinery might include lathes, conveyor belts, or a printing press.

Vehicles: This would include any vehicles used in your business.

Total fixed assets: This is the total dollar value of all fixed assets in your business, less any accumulated depreciation.

4. Total assets: This figure represents the total dollar value of both the short-term and long-term assets of your business.

5. Liabilities and owners’ equity: This includes all debts and obligations owed by the business to outside creditors, vendors, or banks that are payable within one year, plus the owners’ equity. Often, this side of the balance sheet is simply referred to as “Liabilities.”

Accounts payable: This is comprised of all short-term obligations owed by your business to creditors, suppliers, and other vendors. Accounts payable can include supplies and materials acquired on credit.

Notes payable: This represents money owed on a short-term collection cycle of one year or less. It may include bank notes, mortgage obligations, or vehicle payments.

Accrued payroll and withholding: This includes any earned wages or withholdings that are owed to or for employees but have not yet been paid.

Total current liabilities: This is the sum total of all current liabilities owed to creditors that must be paid within a one-year time frame.

Long-term liabilities: These are any debts or obligations owed by the business that are due more than one year out from the current date.

Mortgage note payable: This is the balance of a mortgage that extends out beyond the current year. For example, you may have paid off three years of a fifteen-year mortgage note, of which the remaining eleven years, not counting the current year, are considered long-term.

Owners’ equity: Sometimes this is referred to as stockholders’ equity. Owners’ equity is made up of the initial investment in the business as well as any retained earnings that are reinvested in the business.

Common stock: This is stock issued as part of the initial or later-stage investment in the business.

Retained earnings : These are earnings reinvested in the business after the deduction of any distributions to shareholders, such as dividend payments.

6. Total liabilities and owners’ equity: This comprises all debts and monies that are owed to outside creditors, vendors, or banks and the remaining monies that are owed to shareholders, including retained earnings reinvested in the business.

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The concept of depreciation is really pretty simple. For example, let’s say you purchase a truck for your business. The truck loses value the minute you drive it out of the dealership. The truck is considered an operational asset in running your business. Each year that you own the truck, it loses some value, until the truck finally stops running and has no value to the business. Measuring the loss in value of an asset is known as depreciation.

Depreciation is considered an expense and is listed in an income statement under expenses. In addition to vehicles that may be used in your business, you can depreciate office furniture, office equipment, any buildings you own, and machinery you use to manufacture products.

Land is not considered an expense, nor can it be depreciated. Land does not wear out like vehicles or equipment.

To find the annual depreciation cost for your assets, you need to know the initial cost of the assets. You also need to determine how many years you think the assets will retain some value for your business. In the case of the truck, it may only have a useful life of ten years before it wears out and loses all value.


Straight-line depreciation is considered to be the most common method of depreciating assets. To compute the amount of annual depreciation expense using the straight-line method requires two numbers: the initial cost of the asset and its estimated useful life. For example, you purchase a vehicle for 20,000 and expect it to have use in your business for ten years. Using the straight-line method for determining depreciation, you would divide the initial cost of the truck by its useful life.

The 20,000 becomes a depreciation expense that is reported on your income statement under operation expenses at the end of each year.

For tax purposes, some accountants prefer to use other methods of accelerating depreciation in order to record larger amounts of depreciation in the early years of the asset to reduce tax bills as soon as possible.

You need, additionally, to check the regulations published by the federal Internal Revenue Service and various state revenue authorities for any specific rules regarding depreciation and methods of calculating depreciation for various types of assets.


In the course of doing business, you will likely acquire what are known as intangible assets. These assets can contribute to the revenue growth of your business and, as such, they can be expensed against these future revenues. An example of an intangible asset is when you buy a patent for an invention.


The formula for calculating the amortization on an intangible asset is similar to the one used for calculating straight-line depreciation. You divide the initial cost of the intangible asset by the estimated useful life of the intangible asset. For example, if it costs 10,000 to acquire a patent and it has an estimated useful life of ten years, the amortized amount per year equals 1,000. The amount of amortization accumulated since the asset was acquired appears on the balance sheet as a deduction under the amortized asset.


Initial Cost / Useful Life = Amortization per Year

10,000 / 10 = 1,000 per Year

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Inventory accounting may sound like a huge undertaking but in reality, it is quite straightforward and easy to understand. You start with the inventory you have on hand. No matter when you sell product, the value of your inventory will remain constant based on accepted and rational methods of inventory accounting. Those methods include weighted average, first in/first out, and last in/first out.


Weighted average measures the total cost of items in inventory that are available for sale divided by the total number of units available for sale. Typically this average is computed at the end of an accounting period.

Suppose you purchase five apples at 10 apiece and five apples at 20 each. You sell five units of product. The weighted average method is calculated as follows:

Total Cost of Goods for Sale at Cost (divided) Total Number of Units Available for Sale = Weighted Average Cost per apple Five apples at 10 each = 50 Five apples at 20 each = 100 Total number of apples = 10 Weighted Average = 150 / 10 = 15 15 is the average cost of the 10 apples


First in, first out means exactly what it says. The first apple you bring into inventory will be the first ones sold as product. First in, first out, or FIFO as it is commonly referred to, is based on the principle that most businesses tend to sell the first goods that come into inventory.

Suppose you buy five apples at 10 each on January 3 and purchase another five apples at 20 each on January 7. You then sell five apples on January 30. Using first in, first out, the five apples you purchased at 10 would be sold first. This would leave you with the five apples that you purchased at 20, which would leave the value of your inventory at 100.


This method, commonly referred to as LIFO, is based on the assumption that the most recent units purchased will be the first units sold. The advantage of last in, first out accounting, or LIFO, is that typically the last apple purchased were purchased at the highest price and that by considering the highest priced items to be sold first, a business is able to reduce its short-term profit.

Suppose you purchase five apples at 10 apiece on January 4 and five more widgets at 20 apiece on February 2. You then sell five apples on February 20. The value of your inventory, using LIFO, would be 50, since the most recent apples purchased, at a total value of 100 on February 2, were sold. You were left with the five apples valued at 10 each.

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Accounting formulas, also known as financial ratios, express relationships among the amounts reported in the financial statements. These accounting formulas, or financial ratios, can offer insights into the economic health of a business. The ratios can also indicate the reasonableness of the assumptions implicit in any business plan forecasts. For example, by comparing the ratios of your business with the ratios of similar businesses, you can compare the financial characteristics of your business with those of other businesses. By comparing the ratios in your pro forma model with industry averages and standards, you also test your modeling assumptions for reasonableness.

Two general categories of accounting formulas, or financial ratios, exist: common size ratios and intrastatement or interstatement ratios. Common size ratios convert a financial statement usually a balance sheet or an income statement from dollars to percentages. Common size ratios allow for comparisons of the assets, liabilities, revenues, owner equity, and expenses of businesses of various sizes. The comparison can be either at a point in time or as a trend over time.

Intrastatement or interstatement ratios quantify relationships among amounts from different financial statements or from different parts of the same financial statement. Intrastatement and interstatement ratios are an attempt to account for the fact that amounts usually cannot be interpreted alone, but must be viewed in the context of other key financial factors and events. Common intrastatement and interstatement ratios include the following accounting formulas:


The Current Ratio figures show the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. The current ratio provides one measure of a business’s ability to meet its short-term obligations.

Current assets Current Liabilities

= x :1


The Quick Ratio figures show the ratio of the sum of the cash and equivalents plus the accounts receivable to the current liabilities. The quick ratio provides a more stringent measure of a business’s ability to meet its short-term financial obligations than other ratios.

Current assets - Inventory Current Liabilities

= x :1


The Gross Profit Percentage Ratio should be of a concern for the business if there is a decline in the year to year comparisons. The reasons for a decline could include lost of obsolete inventory, stolen inventory, clearance sales etc.

Gross Profit Total Sales

X 100 = x%


The Nett Profit Percentage Ratio is part of the Profitability Ratios. The reasons for a decline could be in the efficiency ratios, the bottom line of the business has been affected negatively.

Net Profit Total Sales

X 100 = x%


The Return on Average owner’s Equity Ratio is part of the Profitability Ratios. The reasons for a decline could be in the efficiency ratios, the bottom line of the business has been affected negatively.

Net Profit Average owner’s equity

x 100 = x%

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If the Average Debtors Collection period increase it could contributor to poor cash flow of the business. If there’s an increase in the average number of days it take for debtors to pay their account the business should be concerned.

Average Trade Debtors Credit Sales

x 365 = x days


If the Average Creditors Collection period decease it could be a liquidity problem.

Average Trade Creditors Credit Sales

x 365 = x days


The Working Capital to Total Assets figures show the ratio of working capital (the current assets minus the current liabilities) to the total assets. The Working Capital to Total Assets ratio is another measure of a firm’s ability to meet its financial obligations and gives an indication as to the distribution of a business’ assets into liquid and non-liquid resources.


The Receivables Turnover figures show the ratio of sales to the accounts receivable balance. The Receivables Turnover ratio indicates the efficiency of sales collections. One problem with the measure as it’s usually applied is that both credit and cash sales might be included in the ratio denominator. Two potential shortcomings exist with this approach. First, the presence of the cash sales might make the receivables collections appear more efficient than is the case. Also, mere changes in the mix of credit and cash sales might affect the ratio, even though the efficiency of the receivables collections process has not changed.


The Inventory Turnover row shows the ratio of the cost of sales to the inventory balance. The Inventory Turnover ratio calculates how long inventory is held. It can indicate depleted or excessive inventory balances.


The Times Interest Earned row shows the ratio of the sum of the net income after taxes plus the interest income to the interest expense. The ratio indicates the relative ease with which the business is paying its financing costs.


The Sales to Operational Assets row shows the ratio of sales revenue to net plant, property, and equipment. The ratio indicates the efficiency with which a business uses its operational assets to generate sales revenue.


The Return on Total Assets row shows the ratio of the sum of the net income after taxes plus the interest expense to the total assets for each period. The ratio indicates the overall operating profitability of the business, expressed as a rate of return on the business assets.


The Return on Equity row shows the ratio of the net income after taxes to the owner equity for each period. The ratio indicates the profitability of the business as an investment of the owners.

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The Investment Turnover row shows the ratio of the sales revenue to the total assets. The ratio, like the Sales to Operational Assets ratio, indicates the efficiency with which a business uses its assets (for example, its total assets) to generate sales.


The Financial Leverage shows the difference between the return on the owner equity and the return on the total assets. The ratio indicates the increase or decrease in an equity return as a result of borrowing. A positive value indicates an improvement in the return on owner equity by using financial leverage; a negative value indicates deterioration in the return on owner equity.

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Epson (Cut Strings) : 027-105


Citizen (Cut String) : 027-080-001

Star (Cut String) : 027-007-011-055-007

027-100-049 (TSP100 model with port replication only)




Cash Drawer Kick Strings : 027-112-000-100-150






Epson/Star/Citizen : 007- (TSP100 with port replication only)




Normal / 10cpi : 027-018


Condense / 16cpi : 027-015


Form Feed : 027-012

Expand Print: ON : 027-014

Expand Print: OFF : 027-018

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A Access Control 28, 413 Access Levels 29, 413 Account Payments 306 Account Type, 103 104, 243, 454 Accounting Terms 453, 454 Advice Notes 125 Age Analysis 69, 72, 73, 74, 129 Allocations 24, 47, 112, 113, 172, 410 Asset Register 252 Assets And Liabilities 455 Audit Tracking 54, 75, 79, 118, 132, 232 Average Cost 156, 463

B Backup 90, 91, 92, 142, 143, 144, 206, 250, 260, 287, 291,

429 Balance Brought Forward 42, 106, 107, 446, 448 Balance Sheet 239,239, 460 Balances 34, 35, 48, 51, 66, 69, 94, 96, 106, 107, 113, 116,

125, 126, 129, 146, 215, 230, 239 Bank 36, 39, 99, 101, 219, 236, 240, 243, 245, 255, 375 Bank Reconciliation 243 Barcode 184, 185, 271 Barcode Printing 184 Bill Of Quantity 319, 320, 323, 328 Budgets 247 Bulk Manufacture 327

C Cascading Item 148 Cash Drawers 8 Cash Sales 163, 261, 262, 263, 292, 343, 365 Cash Up 260 289, 290 Cashbook, 208, 245 Cashbook Postings 36, 62, 98, 208, 218, 224, 245 Cashier 261, 292 Chart Of Accounts 238 Comments 301 Company Details 20, 108, 406 Contract Price Maintenance 394, 395, 397 Contract Pricing 393, 401, 402, 403 Cost Adjustment 29, 413 Cost Levels 151, 158 Cost Update 328 Credit Balances 66 Credit Control 22 Credit Limit 407 Credit Notes 51, 166 Creditors 112, 113, 208 Creditors Defaults 105, 108 Creditors Enquiries 108

D Debtors 208, 428 Debtors Defaults 42, 44 Debtors Enquiries 43, 50 Debtors Maintenance 375, 404, 408 Default Settings 29, 43, 81, 109, 136, 152, 210, 219, 407 Delete Company 417

Departments 148, 155, 163, 170, 188, 189, 333, 343, 355, 365, 374, 399

Depreciation 228, 252, 254, 255, 258, 457, 459, 462 Discount 29, 66, 40, 103, 111, 158, 164, 170, 192, 263, 264,

266, 267, 284, 295, 302, 333, 344, 355, 366, 374, 394, 395, 396, 141, 446, 448

Discount Matrix 164, 170, 333, 344, 355, 366 Discount Structure 192, 396

E Early Settlement Discount 66 End Of Day 260, 262, 266, 290 Enquiries 43, 50, 108, 115, 202, 214, 256 Exchanges 292 Exclusive 110, 162, 168, 331, 342, 354, 364, 410 Expenses 224, 456 Extra Charges 27, 165, 171, 334, 345, 356, 367, 412

F FIFO 150, 151, 158, 164, 166, 170, 463 Filters 125, 236

G Global Changes 204 Good Receiving 356 Groups 188, 395, 397

H Hardware Configuration 260, 271 History File 55, 119

I Import 436 Inclusive 110, 157, 162, 165, 168, 171, 331, 334, 342, 345,

354, 356, 364, 367 Income Statement 241, 242, 247, 459 Input Vat 172 Installation 9, 10 Interest Charging 83 Invoicing 27, 29, 35, 52, 148, 151, 155, 161, 166, 172, 180,

412, 414, 440, 441 Item Returns 292

J Job Cards 29, 329, 330, 335, 336, 337, 390, 413

L Label Printing 184, 185 Latest Cost 156 Ledger Defaults 29, 43, 108, 161, 210, 337, 390, 406, 414 Load Batch, 225 229 Locate 16, 18, 78, 152, 182, 212

M Mail Merge 57, 58, 121, 122, 123 Maintenance 100, 190, 212, 390, 394 Manufacturing 326, 327 Mapping A Network Drive 16

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Messages 40, 64, 65, 103, 260, 283 Minimum Hardware Requirements 7 Minor Departments 188 Month End 29, 89, 141, 205, 210, 414

N Negative Balances 125, 126

O Opening Balance 34, 35, 96 Order Report 327, 346, 347, 357 Output Vat 81, 166, 167

P Pack Description 198, 325, 327 Pack Size 158, 198, 325, 327 Periods 209 Petty Cash 227, 268, 312, 313, 316, 318 Point Of Sale 7, 259, 260, 262, 271, 275, 276, 292 Pole Display 272, 275, 276, 283 Pos Back Office 271 Price Maintenance 394, 395, 397 Print Cashbook 240 Purchase 29, 158, 190, 252, 254, 325, 351, 352, 353, 354,

356, 357, 358, 359, 412, 413 Purchase Order 29, 158, 325, 351, 352, 353, 357, 358, 413

Q Quotes 262, 361, 362, 363, 368, 370

R Recall Documents 51, 116 Reconciliation 138, 140, 243, 244 Recurring Charges 85, 86, 87, 88 Reference, 46, 53, 62, 86, 110, 140, 194, 221, 226, 236,

243, 245, 255 Registration 373, 376, 379, 385, 386, 388, 389, 437 Remote Stock Take 193, 196 Report Writer 430 Restore 90, 92, 142, 144, 250, 291, 429 Retail Price 156, 297 Returned Goods 444, 445

S Sales Order 29, 158, 325, 327, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345,

346, 347, 350, 356, 363, 412, 413 Save Batch 224, 228 Scale Item 297 Scan Codes 260, 279 Search 133, 138, 178, 182, 198, 243, 244, 385, 388 Select Company 20, 44, 108, 416 Sequence 66, 69, 125, 130, 132, 178, 181, 184, 199, 238,

256, 335, 346, 357, 358, 367, 368, 379, 381, 395

Serial Number Tracking 149 Serial Numbers 28, 413 Settlement Discount 66 Spreadsheet 430, 431, 432 Statements 54, 64, 459 Stationery Design 419 Stationery Setup 418 Stock 133, 168, 191 Stock Adjustment 29, 150, 152, 193, 413, 440, 450 Stock Credit Note 440, 442 Stock Defaults, 23, 150, 152, 155, 162, 165, 168, 171, 331,

332, 334, 342, 343, 345, 354, 356, 364, 367, 374, 409 Stock Goods Receiving 440, 443 Stock Invoicing 148, 440, 441 Stock List, 174 195 Stock Maintenance 28, 413 Stock Month End 205 Stock On Hand 150, 155, 166, 172 Stock Take, 193, 195, 196 Stock Utilities 193 Store Parameters 260, 261, 292, 316 System Integration 439, 440

T Tender Types 260, 284, 285, 300, 302 Terminals 8 Terms 39, 102, 112, 126, 127, 375, 408, 418, 453, 454 Transaction Types 80, 97, 135 Transfers 180 Trial Balance 230

U Utilities 20, 43, 51, 81, 90, 92, 108, 116, 136, 142, 144, 150,

152, 155, 162, 170, 189, 192, 193, 195, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 219, 249, 250, 251, 291, 332, 342, 354, 364, 399, 406, 416, 417, 418, 427, 429, 430, 437, 459

V Vat Exclusive 110 Vat Input 226, 443, 445 Vat Output 441, 442 Vat Report 234 View Audit 216 View Sales 262

W Weighted Items 279 WIP Stock Audit 391 Workshop 12, 371, 380

Y Year End 209, 246, 248, 249