i^PllPP^iiii^^P^^i^^^g^^ J}eneva,Qnt. C^AjsrUlllb, 184{>., lytS J OHN Rv JO HN6T-0N, ' '•' '• jaxtotipA&itrtiEsC' oV *T|AM£RWtei, MtttM, Mill toriag&Siiw.Mili Engines, ^ STOVES af.MACHlNfftV.JN GEKE8AL-. .- i.Spe.ca Lake F<>'ii|<iry t CrtsUe street (jleneva.'Ori- | ' fano county jSi. Y —1845. ' Ifcsct,. Wira. "Sil«n5>€r, P HYSICIAN & SUKGEON. Of- iice on Hie west side of Main-stteet,.ftve doors 1,01th of the Rank. . GeriJ>va,'Jaii<iiijv 2, 1845. Mv8..J:ttiac» M. Fulton "tAri i - t*«li<xVVU ;iw- t>«r -truv^cntig on I j£j^it(si>ey,£t-?el ,'&-;•: cue 9011$ "of Castle _. j e a s t siite,J vviheie she will attend to all , , fVtwwitk tke Jlieamaf^/l^^''^„ t „'.^' Alll '. .. MI -J*,L -i. -•*• *«.* i ^ i ^ . - f c ^ i i s i a ' ' MAKING AND REPAIRING 'HOBS* & SHUN' 1* ' ' ' •Vmbreuat, ParasiU awl Swn. Shadet covered 43$d)tu& Glazing aiii'Pfflff.- - w -" &iber| be* )ea^#'rar-Bi , lh?,*n- g;.*br Geneva ajrtl wi i,! ^-•- '-"'Mlar, and, fifty cents, i//«Md in 11* Wtfecr,"-* .1;. ?-»•* >*.' .>,.•>•'*« " To^hpse.wliQ^aue \n packages qf ten or more, 0ne;TOiitS^H# n ffifi y e, C8fil»» <?# «««//»* odoutite. "? '•' •?' .' * ' ", trf" The above .terms Will be strictly adhered lo. - ,; M,\, •- 1 \^. =~» t t ttuajre I insertion, - »'"*-'' $0 50 -W? *&..••"«.. •.,-..- .'- I.W 1 ."..>. a.montha, \ r . - • *. -8 no Y v* g • « -.V •„ : • BOO * ."?',* .'Iriffc' - V L* '-- "• - 80U ' ,Aad in .the saine proportion fftc.a great er^ttan-' U'y t.- A liberal dec.uetiqrli yv.ill be made to fhair who arfytirttec, by me .year, . CCttTOBCIlUC)) VUSH THBiGAZETTE W * I.AKOB A5( , , ,.. vSj&t'laiNTU^ TYPE FOR /WHICH Wl| Jj-rfjt? BJCp^JJ.TIJ.!) ON nBASiffi ,B ' •" -.'#*&?»?* AT 4HJB»T sartORo-SwA , featStaotft.*bf Geneva M r p e M " ^ , . •m-llft 'Jrfistm^pWil'rise* H%seyiS%lfceir»et,,\yhe>e *: ii. J -ai u ii'.\,;.s^.4 , L. -...-*• - ...... TtfSijk 'i&iwitf&Wte' receiving bi/supl^y A ' oiMods t b f the copjiug gewprij.cn^rftisH^ i t t ^ ^ ^ o t ^ - i r i | arlicjea i. . ' .... ISMmlf rlo '<pSro and Pitch, . SalWi/&Steel, " M\*Ow ; -cm.faws, Eng.& i&ner. B H s t e ^ o - ^ ' f »«Bg Any. 3, M^Bod^ ../ ,• IWW.Bellows, 'l^MpM**® Vrimtiiittgs. '^rgtstinJcaT a very'extensive and complete 6&mertt.j>r*£io"cfcs, l^atcheBj Bolts, Screws, aox>r Ifenaies, &c. ' . •^c'jfer^Iiltge^nd eKo'iceselec'ion of *Tablu and PStket Cuttecy, Rttzbrt; Scissorsj eook Knives, &c. Very low. ' '. Plated Ware, . ! S6m«s very line jiatterne 6t Silver Plated, Man- W»6ri<l Cli&ttiber Candlesticks j also Brittania and Brass d_p, CJlt-peiitcrs' Tools aniiVepaireil on the mc*st rpaaonable terms, and «W'i»nt ed eatra I to I he bee t.. . -i G4e-va, Jtine 13, 1845. 8 aienf LeVer Buckle. E sulHscriln-r having purchased eriKbtto use VERMrANk'S PATENT W5VK BUCKLE, VUJUW give noticf ibat he lias oiaia.nd Harness made wi h these Bm Ule^ l-attachB, and VMsbeii tdjlttspose oftbem on rea- 8t(iiabBterm'<. -The psciiliar sdVait^agea ot tlie»e Bucy Jars to dt^pcnsi" » i t b tbe-n^e nl the fongne •and^itlitestrQyiiig erlects, as in the eoinmot Bncltl.e .The tTace ran be taken up or.aheieil with p Sett ease to any retjuip il length, a light Of fie'ai drnnght, which every person acqnaiiit- "dd'Wttl Harness will readily admit is an Un| or- tant ca Wit ration. Also, its simplicity., neat- ness, s.iily, durability and cheapness, will cctin- jmeiul ilo all perso s-having useforrjarnfess. •*He hi also an Tiand, and will unafee to ofder the bestiality of , wis, -mm, TRIMS, ap(la|l.iiie.rarticfe8usuatly kept at alike;esjab- Ifsiini'erl anil wouW particnlarly invite thj^pub- lie t^-«x liitJe hii stock t>f Goods before^ put; clmjwifl; sewhere, as he flatters himself that he caflk'saitWrn a g t o price and quality. . W»T SIDE WATER-STREET, - - I Twa doo» North of V. fiockor'» itore, andoe*r- '• ' ' opposite the Seneoa-Hoijse. GEORGE B. PAGE. Gi-nevotDec. 25, 1845. ^2 Gan'ges.^SfjiceS arfd Bulls, Bpd,h\{stgt, every n thingiieces,«tlry ffif Hie Trade. Cop^Tslin'g of Rubbe'r and Oil Cloth, patent Leather, Brass and/ 4 " 1 '" Bands, Axle A'<n B , &q. &V-.f alsocpp^tantlyon band. HAlR GLOTH •Of yaritius y*llpSi Wheelbarrows, Shavels, $Mea, J$i$? a''d Hay Porks, Scythes', &c. &r . all of/which he offers on the most reasona- ble teruy» , T . JOHN H. TlLtMAN. Corner Seneca & Water sra. Geneva, "Moy 28, lct46. ' . f-fAWFOR SALE. n -SJ-J-, Sj&xjjLAsres ofqhorce land, twelve 01 JjL.lasi.rfeejn, acreskilj vvopds, and a good portion of rai!'_,iirhber, 'Tile improved lands arc well fencei^jjKjd, node* good cutfivation. The said Fam js 4 J-2.rniiesjoe. rly in a south course from Getieyjupti Jpj pre-einprion road, and 1 1-2 Itiile- from 5en'ec"aT£ali:V; Tn>re'is otTthe said premi- ses,' ofte-PR^M^E DWELLING, nnd'a Wood HaUse^f 7gd0d.siaif} rrie Barn artd Sh*ds, one Hor«e*'Bft_rtf,.tf»<I- a biidk Smuke House. Also. &®V1 h 1 >9f8l *Z&<teW 'eA<»Udg '6|f8.?jg T;Q JO pueis j>[0 aqt^nsoddo SX •|jBj.8tqi |o pa/^sijos q njsv 'gaAiastasqi JOJ sniaicxi p.uo l|Bo-jrp»> oq 1 aso'qx •»35iioai siq^ 111 \MM$O aioj. sqj^/ta uq| J^MOI pjos aq ||ii\ puu Suuii«)Jt.a uiji^}e|^ jo pirn'AWU IJO oat! uepuje'aqj, *. •sa&sBio.' Sni1{OO r pae 840^ 'BjiniBitJa 'S^BJX'BO.I, duroi"|iB l s>j|apiniJio *Sd«CE1 J-Bf^g . •oij'' as s t|f) aU|A\ 'SJ»iqmnjL pdSb9j<j piiB ing ^SB^K jAa^SdJj 's»qs)tl ifjsiaa, 'op a*n ff 's»i|sip jjjjng pewAOo—-• a ^ u j A . SSB;I>!>. -0 •' 3 '5»'8' IB AI n.">«ja w i)|>p>itreglrpwisiif piw .pas!nj*«H3g _ I pttvq pfoa Avo.ucn pun <*p;«v jo \ivii 111 3ui|sifiuo3 '3U0ain3t/)Mt£ puv ssvjf) '/LuyotuQ jo juam -Ijosss a8«|«iq oj 'iiiunoa piiesa3ef|iA Suipunoj Jus pue 'IIAJII*P) jo siMZiiio oqijo not|ud( T •IBtiqi ||eoA||'ijjo»ds8j ppto.wjaqiJ3sqns.giJiJji / / u noA s x irsijiooxo "li/ias GNV 3^vs^^OHM a well of Water to pacb.dwetji' g. «ith somegooM springs. Plenty p( «4>pic*f1FB,UJt'af_all binds Pussessioii con be ^iad af an} tiifr 1 . iff sireJ. ~ . <v;'i_j./.'-.Si « i i i . irf.1,' iicne^a, OntaabH!t'n|?, >"?W Tftrlt. m&Wvffl 61 BYWASiPM! X the reGfeatifJft nud e»«»r(Jisi 4 <if gontlf- meii oT*e'4Vnfa?y eniployments. will he "peti fruin 9 n'BWts'K-"4. V °it'itil 9 -'clock P. M., - daily (SanT#s r ei&e'pted) at No. 10, Wah-v^iViPt, a teW'rfi'rSrl - So'dtri 'of. J". H; T*l'ltaaii i v~HafiiWare Store, G6l|eVa.' 'flits exetcise being_ of a vigor- ous arid iifalthy fcjiaftcter,'js due stilongly feci% meiidadby the Faculty tot-dyspeptics &. alllhosp Uhirinl'uiip^r alfi'cfions'ol'tlie c4iesf- ! o^t;B"!'(0 IlIllKi'UgS. •• flv »ttKi.fi, or totnsvius, sir. t wandered out one summer nigtK— ' 'Twos wh^o nfy'yearf were 'fe&; The bfuozo Wn« singing irl' tHe ll^it, And 1 was aingingtopi* , Tlie moonbonras Itiy opon fho hill, The ulmclpTO in tlia ,vaJe, And here and there a leaping rill }' WaalMghing at the gale. OnejBeeoy cloud upon the air mis all that met my e*yes'; ; Itfluawrt,!ik8an tinpel there 'Boiween tiis and the skies. y ., I clnp'nedmy hands and warhlAt)" wild • -." As.here and lihere Iflewi • • For I.was bat a careless childj- And.!did' as cliifdrmi das% , •» f ' i'" The wq^s ^ajia, dancing <^«Jr th,»«o* In bright and glittering bands: •> lilke-Wdo children wild; with gtee, 4Sey linked their (linipted hiaids. ^w^^.Urdtsdy(te»iiilHq^i i -4ot.*to Icaoght Tlair.rauipod rirpos $£;&%*& ||i8tbeQ«nj lii3--acciii .us. >5T> ' eeth anrJl% ryon xbii I * ' J,e it t b ' of so base a character, eral laughed, -ain& t®ffl& lions were by- no i The Yankt)6 grbu® marked, "It's tarnat : «?® aitita;tharri l , forifjI-WB* darn' quick, tenr.'-'' ' ^ '*!M Don't yew see/'Ssidf ft| ttrg to the Frettelwffttfif v^fc! glance, * MonsMuWbj&lfi^&H ttJb true'tr* he afcjflke/ ^Atynfeif'tK^^t'elichmah as} sured the six' (oof 3'Wil|j||iiter that"' t h e G e n e r a l , onFy j'esiDetlfY ' You are as much rot1|p'ken, , replied j t h e ^ e ^ r a l , -W if J 8 u j M 3 4>u,rnt y our Thoy fcjssad, AVay the The twjligh' p.v f^ot—.as quiet thought 'hppI^s'fliswV hours like birdsflowby, -As light); and lis free: Pqr ever*j» tije -Arjtli dimple.4 cWlj ThaMeaBiuynntlieair . Hadpaijghtffp^tyr in its emhriice, Ajid .)iel3Jf,|fe#ri)hling. there,. The young -rnhrtb too, with upturned tidot, Her mirrorteieiraty FBVB! And os'a biirknti'ttTichnf rides, She Tfdeffjio'ift'liewave. Tbe'setf wasJHicgOii! heaven above" Asjteffe^%ojfiffaswhole; t Sftvothnt it'see'med to thrill with lore Aatlrrills tSe injmnrtal soul. - Theflnwerernllfolded to their dreams, •Wore bofred in slumber fiVe. -- By breezy hilts and murmuring streams, 'Where'er they chanced to bo. Nr/fniilty tftors hod they to weep". No sins to be forgiven; They closed 1 ^ei^ eyeB and went to sleep Right in the feed' of heaven No costly raiment round them shone, No jewels from the ><•«« j Yet'Salomon.ap'on hi» throne Was ne'or, arroj'd like these j And just asfie^fromgui't anil art, Were lovely Wmtm flowern, Ere sorrow set her bleeding heart On this fair world of ours. Ihear4 ? the'|iiughing wind behind A playing with my hair— -The llRSoayfingersof the wind, Bow cool and moist they were! I heard the night bird warbling o'or Itssoftrenchanting strain— I Hover beard such sounds before And never shall agntn. r Then wherefore weave such strains as these And sing them d ty by day, When every bird upon the .breeze Can sing a swapter lay 1 IMfive tho World fir'their sWoSt art, ° C'^FBofiplmple, tlie divine,; «• / > . yd^pjfcj^ worltt. tqftnaltoss.beBtfrf»-.. .^»;)lhay have me'ted mine. ,. „ : ..' ' My garne,' Vepii'e'd the' Gtrneral/' 1 it id Open and Skutf ' Vat (bryou say, General 1 me no tin- a^fstand you, a^re. Xs it von dead open atf&lliut.'vitsti votl'eartf, eb ?'.' , 5 ']' f \ %' r Open and shut wfrfi every tiling else ty$(&8,' said the General, wit^t a course ktigh 4i * I will give you an exa^uple.^— ?lie tJ»in'p"faped hinrsel^in an attitude to explain his game, which was done by placing his4au<ls behind him, anct requi- pftig.'the French mail to Say whelher tney were open orsfmtj , + . v Woi9«e»F*. bai*41y knowing jvhat to "tiiaTtfi of ]t,j 6aid 'tipgn.' . ' How much w|U yptifc^tV w!ked the General. , - . . . , ? •-, u.• \ ' Suppose me bette you von Heetie huti» dred dollare.' , , " _ .. ^.tl ' Gone l* said the "General, at the same I a"m w i l t i n g to haek my/pbusatlbtT ^hfi time shovying th^ astonished Frenchman "iinsinuratfitg fin^eKi I'fiuwwr TTrbxjwts nan h u t w h a t l * Prom ihe'eindinnati jB|stot.' 4 my money f and Ij.'Wril: b^fyou a hundred dollars. *hat to 8#t , cfi"t ! b1^ , an&ee*a%'aa." f|He btfg?sv you wfll find' ' | | | e a s t one hilrn- 'dred'-fofn guft/ffiirts^atilSi many vioe^t- ett nuftirpgs/ ^ m ''' W •;•• * t" Vt»e |ou ,fiv<j| li^red dolkW| ea?d the Frenchman, '.tj^^rcy friend car- rjfr-nd'woo.tfe niitmeg-nii|fg.un flint iffrjjs vttrt'JeetWaaddfe B'gg'.'"'^, '"•' 'Ltake affe}Kh tit^f&id the Gen^ ejgtl tqrpiwg to Girffy-r-K^pi was show in" hjtB ivnjty, and placing j | j | above named snfii ijfhis "hand. " P h S w s immediaieW chyefed by" the FrencT^n, while the yaefeee dismounted an.f|0jfpared to set. tie, the matter by utiia^giig his saddle [*&• '•• ••••• -fS : For some momf ntsaJJ ^jhered around in bienlhU'ss silence, whgij the Yankee, to bia gr<>at astonialime^tj;4rew forth the" aV'ove. nftmed articles, .-^ ' Well, you. see v l havejj^pn,' continued .tlie General, while; Ctiflry -roared und ca- pered ajinut with delight, sho ing the whole hreadth of his. whites— his eytjs opening to an extraordinary magnitude, and his nose flattened like a viper—cry- ' \ ou didn't ca^ch de General dis %r time, gosh a nnghiy ! wiil dl-m 'ar horn g u n flints.' ' What have you to do vith it, you tarnel black,niggfryou V criel Jonathan, turning to htm with-a fiti'ious look. ' Why, you 8e>,„l is.de.(|eH'ral's aid- decamp i it) t 4ioldt|!g.^le st?kesjr dis 'ar spe- cial game )' at tht\samtj time he handed them over lo his master'with 1. chuckling lau l n - , r • - - 5,. j The losing $|rl^,.Baw 1J50 deception ] ...of ,'he trick ^ .apj.earjejd idpubly anx ' ~jj^us to facilji^jji t|ietr^joprn,ejl. "'""'Z'&rhe Genera^was rjp'ne^lbejess merry for having wo.11 ^ ^ r t i ^ n e y i i aqd o,qca- fitGnaJ!^,laJi£he4;ftV^^ t s^.nsJiehad \4 - :>,B'-TW0iff. M*B*l!NeTSNV .«* I On W^ater Street. T HE subscribers having opeiied a new Mar- blf Shop on Wali>r Street, Geneva, in the north emlflfthp buildftig used as a-Bethel school, Room, on the bridge, (nearly opposite A. Flem-' iound at I Fe-w*\vho travelled much on the broad Mrsiissjpgtat^n early day, but what have ly|a;rd, with ct^ad the name of Gen. Wil- l^^^Jofitgomery, and none, but knqw of* the' j^'n^ihg called ' Montgpmery'a Fo'ttit,' vyhjch for its location and peculiar advantages,;. was^hurS to be excelled.— Montgomery himself was a.shrewd, ipiick vvitted, low bred fellow, who,-in roguish exploits, waa, seldom if ever equalled.— He was the termor of the South, to all who knew him, and as a sportsman, gam- bler, &c, was as, notorious as the cele- brated Captain Kidd for a pirate. The Itee Ajg^P. wjiljji'liearty lau^jh—plapi his thUsn^bitf). bi*t)nsfti und giving h ^ i i S ger a> few>e*tra 'fiotirisbes—• I" s»y, £ W'irr| eral, j^st give noty, rM»4ct to t|j)tt |r-e ,t%- ger of jou'rnj,' 'atidr'aatt't g^t sq|f**~- ! ' J rne/u.— -.-.., tliought to bave,_«9.ade several thousand dollars. ,.,. , The Frenchman' sighed aloj said he thoagjtjt^t' vonSia^e'expensivfijountree., T'he Gvnt?y!» however, a%tred. him that he shpjujd havea chance f|\Vin. back hia'money^sjj ponn as he should feel dis- hw closed bands. 'I am very sorry to jin'Rtftii you that you have lost,' and. a proile i>C peculiar meaning played around '^tnoath. j %l* 2th"! sacre^me shall no understand j iVmjpuch game, General.' ' j * '''''iVlu'sJ understand it, by Jupiter!' thyn-' J^f&JL the.General, unce more placing his ! lraiids bt'hind him. The Frenchman guessed again, and 'ToSt of bourse. This w&p repeated sev- eral timesj until Monsieur declared ho could no longer, play, .,..' Produce a stthst,itttte, then 1' cpied the Oeueral,. '.by > tbjiiid*c 1 thia.mttst be pfeyed ',* .' , . Monsieur then referred him to bis ,wnr|by friend the Yankee—who, being „Ottl'u.a upon, proposed that he should be lilferjiately entiiled to tho privilege of se- ; eretiqg- his bunds. But il*t» Getierul soon gave htm |o understand' that the game coul(J.,only be played 9*4 way—at the, sprae time te,\liug the landlord he might as well station himself on shitre with his rifle, as he intended there should be very little p/quiyocati^n in his gaming transac- tions. ' The Yankee, finding that he was. ple- ferminedi not to give him a fair chance—- proppsed that the other should bet him two to His one. The General laughed at his simple,.proposition, and readily consented, provided the Yankee would let him name the amount, which was also conceded. . To a northern traveler tliis-scene would have beep, highly interesting. About thirty yarefs. from the boat, perched upon a slump, with a long rifle in his hnods, was their worthy host, ready to obey the slightest command of the General,,- At the stern of the boat stood Monsieur, with a pale cheek,, and- feeluigs thnt^an ™_ w rWlH%eTTm'og|ned than descrlbed^agjs ger or joU'ro, and^dati't ee,t so 4 |jb^iit none of you 4#ad opeti and shats^wlshi* Yankee again i' and he added t«» thej^l^ ish of Jjis fingers by gtving his other'.jytm' (.he'lpplion «£, |urjiiri§ < j|.qriink,.Ja«d..WBP ingftme by movittg his right foot np'Wftif dovvn Rslon^f"BS>he'WssM8ijjht. ' ' . ; ( ' U n t i l the d a j > f ' ^ j 3 '4|uft»?.^Pij.i4i^tJ&.' ; p^) severer chastiseroelrt cp»hi have been ii(flicted.upon hiniK thajj^to simj>fyswy*-! ' (lorn gun flints'—woodeU - •.•jfteWjegs'-aw ' Mg YM^e'-^ffench geKtreihan/ or Dead Open and Sfiut f \, r-^ ~ 1 . IJ «-•,'- 1^ " v A "Bonlilng Incldewc, '••The followingf iiicideot occurred'" fit;! thiicir^'saysa^ewOrleansr>aper)a few days siu«,e. The roarsbafe have been to,!" the last two months' dealing dttstructiou's devasting doom,' among the canine Pace. A little" girP playing'wpjh two lavorite drtgs, left them for a fewrt.oaients,and on returoing saw the marshal approach-|'"f ing them gun in band. By^-commands , and etitreBfios she succeeded in getting! one inside of a ga$o, beyond the'reach of danger.; but was too late to assist the other in effecting bis retreat.- The marshal "jiad pOjW advanced with- in shooting'dja'tance, <and took a deadly ,n4lttj > j)<f^llio(f. o*f**3& «etg*fe«ft^'W<tfn#i quafeeifn fiwuth t|u» 4hr®WAfi{ 0tlti0rM&. tltli^* m- ol'^fiftiild^SMieysd •ly \hfrp<mhr> iim^atiw ^Wl&M WW'* [liuf « © ' « ' SiojstttoMjoni a«d a«| ' mitfm, im.< -j.^^™,. «jg'_ ite%tpj|^s|e^t|3(t|f, ftg'reed to^|fe:p|ffiPeByf to a tnari, anof tffMfcl ifetried «?*C^'fl| te$$ ^ Well endorsed we^ejaj woul.1 not and Wo witrcorgtfft* TOt "«S|' w i t l l ^ u i ^ ^ named. %,.Jfi^gl«ji ,a#ieJ|^W "hut %• hurricftaeafandi Wo^fB»5j*iwfer hem into fragtHetiTSTanld^ iw#^ offices Hust ^^•yhx$\$~~ """'""* iiried the horr*>y^ a£kat t> ; _ pair ; 1 have antne iWaiuabte ^S^»^gsk will yon tnk« thtxl* ^>'Ri&Pmkt&% d—n-ym the P fdts^«»w^MS quakes will eraeffljp and%i, fl^^^ m 1 keep rhijmone^' aim at the dog. For one Instant the, - , , , ,,, . - , sweet child hesitated, and the contending! ^."i fff 0 ^ ' tt *^* .** e emotions of personal apjirutieiisiufis and ~ "" ""** love J*or her playmate \v<W lfgihly du- (HQtetl on .her beau'iful face*- It wad bull for" a m ,,ment-ll,e next, and with al^,,, a ,"| tXjofe .$ ft )&.#&. bon n<J, she had reached her -friend ami ' p »"*•*•»"»*»•**•«• -1 du^n^d him „,; t J r !" w :- and k pu»ce. of mawserti)i>«no^priii«s"n:ce complete shtehi ,0 h.m trt.m the messen. bmk * { ,1} B f bU.&'^E| 8 er oi.U«ih. aiuiexclanning all the l.me.j cimunvMC ^ VaJma iu '^JgJS which would,in all probability, end by leayinghim and his heirs several thousand dollars minus. A little distanoe in from of him stood the General and the Yankt e the former pool and collected- i -*the lat- ter exhibiting much uneasiness; which was particularly perceptible in his blood- posed, by any other game be of h]s down less, quivering lips-^-and he seemed half east friend should see proper tp select., I inclined to 'hack out,' A few oaths, how.- Monsietir said ho onlv kre^ one, | ever, from his dceaded.antngonist, finally mg's Maible Shop,) tlW will he nil times ready to wait i.p.-n those who may fa-1 Cjrfufral vy»s said to have many redeem- rvi.rlhein \vitb a call Persons wishing Monti-] ing qualities in his gntiling transactions ment», Gravestones FirerPlaees, Hearttis and, which might classed a* follows: Facings, in fact any thing in their line of bust- i s a l i o w e ^ | ^ a | J f j | j e ^ h p i ^ aT6^ri« head*4ri^r|i|ftM. and M l ! & ^ l te'^ r .fe > ' v * ! i, fhe Proprietbr $oitfrl tu.'i:.i ^f-''.'\j7charact^r fric/ 9J1 tJbV jpqgsejit. q-f tjieji'-janaats,. n\iM(i^i:, „$ . bisoldstand, .Maim fstteet, fr'-*»- ny. {Jetteva-j keeps con- , - t -.- t.%»# WS& «#rt>,-of every ^ M i i | ^ A l 4 i f l M V %:S!w,ft,iio,tice. Also, Slirondsj-*S«v:eK>f6t|s* &c. He wilf furnish Hearsa^jBj|ieawJafei^ artdHitentfto a lf fhe du- ttesaMftSWn a<i<j.«tjf*take* at any hodV.is- saralnEahosrespolrsrtttltyP" stt.it-> -••?' « ?<••• sHavirjgrrecenrty furtiishea*n4l!6rs'elf w « h > tfew Hearse-te' eotnpieie ottfirf attd^tif th* *Jto'iWHt 'tytij at«l h M p g l n a trrea*5are**r»li«qiHsii«d;hjs fornier feusinsss, hefta^tershitnsBlfth'ax fram fife long experijeace in Mtfe abwa busi«es9j,*fie^iij bd able-to * discharge the duties in '"&"IproW j monnerfal^ay* consulting thfeHvisriea',<rf*i^rtaii, J *ti mWmmitrteaeiVeii from tft* Trasteei (if the viHasr, theiapjirStfttrneiit of^etftoo; aJVaftpli- catiop^for-irr|»i , meflf» wilt be rnarjp tfe tm«-8ii6 r acriber,wfib has 8 plot_6ftlj» BtYfyina; Ground/ end itas-the^ispbsaT^f lo's In the8?ldie.: tSBS$ig%$&^* New'.assortment of *f BWaima MVer watches, clieaper than aver, nitfa'AiiVii-W.vtft&i^ to»Sbl«ti, feitt ipwelled Gisfa ooia fewel ted, 4, af the W$w? Jewell'y Storey 4©fene '". "\. v r .:" •" '..''.T.we&l ^ reprtsen- ip'tiecu sji^et.. CAKSON. G»lifijT <jif Turpentine, at f*d»e*d k -'artce^,by' L. KELLY & CO. ^ay, r --•-' 'T'HiB OdirTpellows' Tok«», edited A by "Kate, B»r«Uy',» a Lady of Geneva— mpubfi«R4and for nj»,'by^thjVd*.'»'JBSC'.? ness, will find it to their advantnge to call and examine their Maible and juices, before purcha- sing eRewherr. " N B;- The subscribers-are tnorrlfilv receiving tre*h supplies ot beautiful Snow White and Scr- lienlilie Marble ffiup the Riitlatid. VI ,.quairys, ii'-il can sett as cheap as any other man in this »t»'e,*ti«f 'IIP -%ork—Be vr>i'f hrag—j*ist cT-Bie and 4oe, that's alt. 73 A. ALLEN. May 20, me. L. W . WHITTAKER^ Wbolssiale & Uet&il Cabinet nia* & IipholKkvry j W {»!»<* rooiMsi, T HE "iihscnbei will manufacture- ami ki-.-p rnsiantly nn hand all km.ls n'f CABINET WAKE, and CHAIUR, at Ins establishment on Seneca sj., the most important of whieii are Sofas J Looking Glasses, Divans, . 1 Marble Top Bureaus, Side Ottomans, j <$• Centre Tables, Card Tables, Mahogany. Curl Mafic, Fmicy'\ anl Co'ttge Chairs, fye ; Mahogany Bed. •«&a$»j Welters. Sideboard, Bureaus, &c He%ttH)VrPttdv. abo. ia atteniLto aU'orders for Itairnrrd straw Ma'trasses, Church and,Chair Cnsliidtf?^ JtCij p||.ha. r (d. , . . Old tuwr, lviallrasies.cleaheil.and repaiiedV "—**'-"•'' "Mahogany; Black'watiint, ] 'tfherry & Chestnut Co'ffiii? oi'-atl sizesj keptconstant ly?| on hand. - •"- Tbersobsoriber takes this 'eppdrtmtfty- «f-t>o - i-4 fyiiig the public, that he has Just fiitmslie.l him- ^ell' with a^ljearse, o'nl will bohj himselt in remlitiess'al all tfuie-i, to attend .Ftineral«,"arul will furnish iSbroiids, procure* rarrjiiges, and make a l l jiecessary arran^erneht for funeral oc- casions. Hehasal«oa plot of tln» WiastiinsJtion.Mrept Burying Gitftinil','ih'cl>iili'rip; th6 new iiar^'«?i'hich Jtcaa at any time- b e referred to All applications f-made to hittt;-.\VHt reeelve'^tois prompt and care- f u l attention. CHARLES E.SILSBE. Geneva^.'^p.rfTl[Y, 1846.:,' " ' .',68 ,-.••»- AwWteijStrnytoi^s Wotlce. MptUEStJANt to ohoraerof George B. Parburt, he found a man naked, he If ho was hungry, he led o FlKST.,lf clnthed him. him. SECOND. If he .was .thirsty and poou> he gnve-him to drink, arid advised him to be off to some mors saltibrioos climate. And last, thoug!* pot least, if lit* was 'thirsjy and fttcft, lije madd him drink and then riihbed him. Lnf ^heci^'ui.^afil coiinty, deceased, to present '.thesiiiae wfiB^fi'e votibhers thereof to Caroline J. Cnttende>,'.aiwijrjwt»BtrJxt,at»d I'hilo Bronson and Lnoias psj*%a4m|ui8tratorSH*f the goods, chat- , 8, ??l?*?-%.^w4.<leeea8ed( at^^the residence ot Mid Phdo Bp.imr.«,ia, > t|ietownof Sene.a afore- eaul on or betore^the- felt^ay of April next. Da- ted SepU-mber 15, l8#. - -c! ,-.„. yi PHIL0 «aONSOJN, LTOIU8 WABNEB;, Ulnsie Books. HE 'Carrtiiria. S a c r a , ^aalr4o4ist. PsaTlery, Spngs^ .of Sacred Praisc,'"8Wred Warp, Mii9ka SfacraV Voting Choir, Voting Choir's Companion, and Juvenile Choi-. ..- '•--', W. H. SiMtTB^-. Nov 14 ', , 3iSeriec«-M«- O CrOBEBt Waaraxines.—Grahsm'I, Godey's Lady's Book, National Magaaiue, His nolopious life was the Occasion of all ganthl«ns yielding to his nefarious de- signs, who ehancfd to fall- in vt itb him ; ami v\ hatexer the Gft^eral said, must of course bo right, as none dared to gainsay hin. - - 11 «os about the time when his notori- ety had attained its height, that a French gentleman ai-t'i'mputiied by a^ituge van- kff arrived .at the ' Point' on their way to tlie head waters of- the A rkansas riv- JBI; aud, sis there wax no ojher hotel in thtf place, port upvcilbtbe Genpral. Ap- pluuitii.ti -being made to him firir cotivey- aitcp, he atl'vised them to defer their jour- •nfy. some-iew days, .as be thought the prospect tif some high wafer was iii their favor.. •-. •. - ' . ••-.' -«-.. This, proposition >• ns lry -no means a welcome one to Jonathan, who hod heard more than once of life di v spe*raf«-charac- ter? of their host; <snd" 'he'vdVelai-ed'ite would rat,her walk, and fntfkftumrkhorge of himself than remain. Tlfe French- man assured htm like • HP, that his ho'si- tiess teas very urgent, thai he must go," on foot even, if* there was'no other con- veyance- TheGi-nei-al w^s Hot pleased Vrt-hthe determined obsttriary of th'e fwfl ntvd could not'welt hit uponriplan wherp- by 10 detain'thYm, with their"olvfrcfiu- se«f,''so lie' finally agreed »o fake fliPrn through on- horseback, as (Wr as Fort Smith. The- Worses vrere aVen'radihglj/ eqoipped, arid "the General,"with hi* n«*- J gro, the Frenchman and tlie Yiitikev at I H»ngtn v, s6t o'tttJ^Haking quite a respetSia- bte looking c'ar'avan, for the Arkansas wilderness; " Ere they tTtounted, however, the Gen- [.e+al begnfi rUTiriiii^ his ' soft sawder* on the Yankee, about the rnanj advantages he |toBsesaed pve'r'muliitudes of southern people, ftflich were no other, than being siiflij&ien't in strength to answer as his o«n pactc horse,;anil jbuogh he might have, bushels";of Woden outmeg«. and horn, grj'n Bints to pack through the state, he could plway!8" aceomrhoiiate h'unself. v J^he'Yanfeee'ielt somewhat chagrined at'the General's.insinuotion, for fear thai ch»r»oteN" After their leaving, the l Geoeral still caused Jonaihafi, no which was the French game Ving-un, or twenty-one. The General replied that thai v as one of his strongest games, and thtit 10 soon 8s they could make themselves tofnforta- bly situated as to their lixlgfig, they would have a friendly touch of,it. Arriving at a hotel, whpre tlpy inten nerved him to the sticking point,' wl)ich was made manifest by, his saying—" ' I guess I'm just about as ready as I ever will bc.General—so bow much do you think I ought to bet 1 Don't be git- tin' it tow high, now, cause you see, Gin- eral, ydu'll have to bet me tew to ono.' ' O, that matters not, my dear fellew,' t-aid the other, ' we Arkansas Generals ded to pas* the night, the Frenchman and t 1 /• _ _ » J 1 P - * -" - only play iorjimuseroent; and so, mere iptereating, my lark- ly 1 «iH try you wii" lars. smttng as a reason, that «,» trtend. W al, Gineral, seem'it's you%rjd on Whom rlipv aftntrhr wnft oi n fnnpl. ' - ' . . " - - to the , . " ' / ""," '**."' ,• - - .1 •-- only ptay torjimusen h.s companton bavtng determ.icl not to , ^ ^ th^garae i proceed any further wt.h theiGeneral, > j ^ ^ wW made thetf- intentions knownjto* htm— ,,^ n >> J J that the as a reason, that fie friend 1 {hey sought was ol a tour', Siuth, and that on the first ly for amusement, dew jest lay down . . . j. f j 1 1 . tbem are four thousand of youenet and opportunity they shouldem/m.-kon a boat T - n , „„ 1 „ • „ , i „ • ,<• ,•', fof Nntchex 11 11 try and raise the half ot, 1. . . _ , The General accordingly laid down The General said he th)|iglitl|e would hi s f our thousand dollars on the boat, have a very pleasant trii, and that he would dispatch Ids servj^t home with his horses and accompany' therri This was certainly anything lilt agreeable; but as there was no help fdr it, our trav- eling friends thought p'rope- to assent. Th,e wa^er at. this lime being low, it was proposed by the G neral that a small flftt biia't should be priturcd, which would be very adv-atiiogenis, as he and the French8]a'i «:«;»Ud play it their favo- rite game of twenty-one, w ile the down easter.aud the landlord, wlwn the Gen- eral pnrsuaded to go along, should man- age the boat, , .Tbia, accordingly, being acceded-to, the: boat, was aot,n under w y . Scarce- ly bad they left the shore, e't the Gener- eral, e^gerfirtr the game, gavt the French- man a hint%t«--1hat effect—and thVy Avere soon in full blast—the Frenc man taking tbt> deal, tlie.General bettirj high, arid losirig. Night setting in the 1 Concluded Io lay to, and dispense win the game until morning. ' . '.The next day \vb»le laying it the shore, tbfy' resumed tht} play—the W-eiieral still losing the most important bits. At last [The. proposed a "change of deal! Mo'iitsieu r r a*SHred him «otfld only |>lty bis game one way, uifbt that was to di uK' Again they plitypd dn-f-n-a time, wh -n the Gen- eral uppeaHng tit get out of pa'tlebce./in- aistedlbai the game should he changed, as he «»as over a thousand dollajs'the lo- . . '-'sftv. • ' set*.-" « ;7^_ Monsieur said he thought If o»f unfair request, ds he had a frequently eaijl he kfteW no tlthur game. ^ V Th^ Genpral! stlir pressed lnssoit, and while the Yankee placed his two thoq- satid in companionship. - ' Now, Mislur Giueral,' said Jonathan. 'jest hide them are hands of yotrrn, and speak it all. right oufu plain—so 2 shan't make no mistake.' The General cast his. eye towards the landlord—winked—placed his hands be- hind him* and then in a low, distinct voice, said ' open or shut V The Yankee looked at him steadily for some minutes without moving a muscle of bis face, as though by some intuition he was about to divine the certain posi- tion of bis bands—rwhen, with»a-motion quick as lightning, he drove his Ifravfrnoy fiwf. full between tho. eyes of the rfther, which bad no sooner taken effect thato be was lying;.prostrate upon the deck. •Open! by GosHl' cried the Yarikee. as he saw the other's hands flying through the air—at -the same time snatching the money, cramming it into his pneket'and hurling the straightened body of the General on the shore*' then giving the boat a sudden shove by means of a pole, he and his French companion, to the great discomfiture' of their enemies, were soon gliding down the stream;. 'Fire!' rimred.out the Genera! at the top of his-lottgs.-ffff soon aS'he could re- gain his fejel and lupn. toJti».host-i-* fire4 I tell yi>M,you stupid fool 1-wBlaze awayf blow-out .that infernal Yankee's brains*? he's notfitfor.di»grroeat V - The frightened host endenvorod to o- I bey, but it was no go - the more he tried" . . . . .m« in the most thrilling acce^its^of supplica tion, but still with the look of 11 youth- ful Pocahontas— ' He'snof mad, Mr. Marshal—ho'si KOT mad.* The mashal brought his giiir to his shoulder, dime to the 'boyt fiice, and mafcrred' off, remarking to a, geiitlernah thai he Would not kill that d o g fur all the mayors add aldermen in creation. PRESERVATION OP An^bBs.'—Apples intended to be preserved fin* winter and spring use, should remain upon the trees until quite ripe, which usually takes place at the coming of the firat Imavy frosts They should be picked from the trees by the hand, in a fair day, and J>acked up immediately in casks, in alternate Iiiyer* ofdrysanl, piaster, ehutf.,saw-dust, or Utvfto t asnil'oonVoyetf - fo-«-a coul. dry. placi as soon ax pnsUiblf). ..The-&iind-{w-*xa^ dust may he dried in the heat tif sum- mer, or may be bnkett in an oven at the time required to be used. The peculiar advantages arising from packing apples in sand, are nxplained and commented' upon as follows ; by the late Mr. Web- ster, nnthor of the " American Dictiona- ry of the English Language." '• 1st. The sand keeps tho apples i'roni the air, which is essential to their preservation. Sndi .The sand checks the evaporation or perspiration of the apph's, - thus pre serving in* 'them their lull fiWor. My pippins; in Rljay and June, t^rq.a'it fresh as when first picked ; even the end of the stems look as if just sepa-roted from the twigs. 3rd. The sand is trqukfly it a preservation from JVost, rot,*,' «c, Sot., after the extreme heat of June- take"*! place, all apples speedily lose their fla vor, and become insipid." *' comme.nce4l^pad'«i« *ty <.-Jffo«s!.vjteiiifsKits that- he did not .d-ista»vel«.harw ^?e «V«fW| paying him irr nfeovr'n otJia K 'tlnt^%f iffik ed him what it vyusjjus* (SOr^eij|ap^nJ was writing lu him abriut^a AVpman-l-s# " Why, took hot'e^squtre," «a|*^he>T , '^oi!? surely are not rending my pi'tytie^etteW,'* » Ceiwinly^ sb:,- f: salct'*-r^ ?W£M reading our privatu roaTUSunpt*-.«»'jEJ(l; was plagued-—-begged? us not tf> .mentjott his name—f-romistftl to'df/Vi^'iip i p ^ | and we- quit e v V n . ^ g f y ^ y ' ^ ^-^." ANECD<»Ti*.-4.AFr-en^l^e»llt*|^§ft^ tally uuacqiiaitued wi|h OJttf hng#jt|$<w. being* intrcnluced to tj?Btrcle'of youhgollii' dies "and g'-ntlemiin, aftertbfe ^stiutJ^C^t |ilnneut.s hail imsse.l, seated. nimselF.bfB; ; side a beatif'ul,young lady^ .afid,-/heir|g deprived if lire Srtti n facti(m of cOnVersitif^' wl .presset hb» to b««aj^-—v\hicTthe mistook Tor tli%? FrV-tch w o r d ' ^ / * , ; W 0 ^ ^ 0 $ ^ gan kissing lier'to^he gre^jp.irt^of^j^jj who(.« company.,, T h e ooi-se^tcaic^^iaKte that Jli« ' .*•-.. termi'iat Frenchmiin latlies : oa*n^ to a.anarnlmotii^iJai ion never to. *fy^%$»$^ 1* &;#$. t saya: tCJ"Society,like ashaded*ilk, must be viewed in all situations! cr its colors will deceive* a*. Goldsmith observed; that one man who-frrtveistbroogh Borope rilt f trjf. and who, like Scrihleros, mak«*s his le^gs bis com passes, and another who is whisk- ed thrrtttgh in a chaise and four-, will f«rm very differe'it conclusions at the end of their journey...' The pl'ttlos ipber, there- fore, will draw his estimate.of human na- ture, by varying as much as possibk* his own situation, to multiply the points of| vie\v tinder which he observes her Un circumscribed by lines, »{' lutitode cat of] longitude, he will examine her butttmerl Up aiiri laced in the forms and''-t'ereihantes of c'wilfniitioii, andat%fer'eii$e,uiireslrairt- \ed, in the tight and-feattttal costume of \ the taoage\ He will dlso associate with th6 highest without servility, and with lhe lowest yvithnut vulgarity. In sHurt,"in the-grand theatre of human lilt?, he will visit the? pit and- the gallery-, as well m th«* boxes, fttit ho will TfOftrimrd thelrrfxes thrft ; he'comt , 8*airiongst them tmin the pit^.- nor the .pit that he visits tliem fromtbo gallery. ** <- .•!..«..-*. T h e faslmiii of w«ar1itg'itr%"fcii (ri _,__„, loons, w<* beUev#,.ia roat*)ly^o>t|§.f9|j9fr fushimi, but it seems - frO^;<he f^loWl^r- extract fronrtlfo'last rep'oirt'jbf' t l i & ^ W York m** t,?mmsvMwtTid$m$£ are adopting it JlheJUeJfi*^ iffipfg^lffil ' Until qnftr* r8r3en^^i^n,4MSiff^ much pleitsfttf iK§k0"^^^^S0^^i hie KTyleft f«r/iadii?s*? ^ s s ^ s . l w ^ B i ^ S i i s S sn*t|*oied -they*. n't'T«ri^ou^Adorf»gi^i But yoii'caRnt^j*n«gtn'e%|«)*tWtp«ii||ip^^ at noiicing'a ver^^^gtfril'JMy^&ft^ sicaffootto her pantalette;"»••* ^--•»is i % %<* PROI»*!R RESKNTMBST,-T-A : ' "milditefe^- ppred olf e^M^fh^WftSfi^^l his^eelf^r staTra^|t£< i ..Jftffife^^^|^ bro\\;n j|Uche,r,,oni^qfto*t^K<|W|^;«pB*.» liis-f.'et clipping. (reanp^l^wett/^^^K^^ Waa prtfiipU8Wd-'t^<teo^b.i|fB)i| te |l^^ wife a„ni,ce old lad^,, j h e a r n j f c i p e , , , ! ^ ^ ran to*"*.cellar door^anti f ^ | ^ l > ^ 4 v » " Why, bu*band I h a r e jrott Jbroki*«*flb»'' p'ttcherF ". r-;« ^^g-^tfr*** 1 " 3^.%'a ma •""•••.fc . .. r _. , rlowl" «nd • imniwdiatejr|'y#r^ii!r^f^i&* niioher afignnsi x$b,$ei tittffitL&jSF® tan , <ttiditiiai Blgttfty> , 'The loJlMv-tn* t|tin0e ; ffrflii«n' i* stiid" fo .ha^^p|ssl*d i b^w« ; eri a, cfrtaTn Vfdjady an^ a.cer|ow> pre^iiltng Judge in '• iv» : >. Thttilestriwd fritrctiniiftry wa*jB»pp't>rtpd orrftlig right arid left ny*feirwArftiy SftjtO. et^.^herf'MVs; f/_ tfUv$f% to gi*j> etyduri'ce.' ., ' ..... ".Take oft yotw bbnrw-ti tiiatlam," "I had ratlrefhni-.sir'.'^ * '•"J^otirids and biim8ton&. ttjadaitn t a f e rjff ytttit bonnei, i *fty.'* '" " In public asiiernblies,: sir, women fjgeneratly dovtjr thefr heads B.ich,T. I *ara sure ft "ihh cttstoTtl*dfie'«f'l9're, < a ; «i'l; to shoot, the more iie c o u l d ' n t ; 'Virhite' fo cotnplet* riven* chagrin, and'add to their vexation, the voice of t-hrt Yankee—fit>| said he xvaa willing'to leave Itjo tfieir'the real nasal twang—warhtJaid cal!ii» I.OBl t W i f h e r or no it was rlgttlhat he out, " e aWttfltl -give himtfchance to win bafkhis] ' I say. Mineral,^^'ttia Pre^' putty con- m " n S^' '-" ! 81 l ' e,ng a *!*!"$> ^ iead I siderable kind of a slick garrre of aimjBt?.- rtl the Gejberal, bf course deeided, tn his j ment, ain't it ? Tell that are dhao bn •'ST'-'v, *,'.'•« •» v - * - •. «n 0 »""nptol)Ta*s«faway. k^ p ^&ll,n' l hfm F r y rhit» firbe all was ready for their to—^horn gon flints are reiVf alick-thlngt truhVhmg'departure, and Monsieur,^think-1 to shoot with, ain't they, 0eneral4' ing lib might come out second heat, wa» ' I givtr it up,* aaid the ©eneral, with anxious to yav'ej but the Generaj de- [an oath—• that cussed Yankee has beat th^F^nchthah nitghf cohsiden him a man clared thiat his|^ie «tM/,be rtlayfrfwiih-jmy game *^ad «?p.o and"abot/ by load ortbat character. After their leavinE.lqFiii furtfier de|4j*— 1ing/my «on with : =M-ood«ii mitmega, anii m t furl her de|S|— •Vej,dei),jM6n«c_., ..,.—_ .._ _.._ r _... v< ing my gun with w o o d e n nsieur,' whined the oth-; potting in horn gun flinta 1 nutmegs, and [;M w?ar» shilling, by way of pri-jecl, i»y,.Grtriortl,* cttllad out tho Yan yierefore, I wtft not ta,k'i' lir^f'rny : ^lf)neflr* , . ^|>r> ypii bva'i* thjtt,,ge.t)ttf^&qj ' Bhe pVR|en$J»-to know mnreabdut lltese matt sttrsthan the- Judge himself!— Madyott |Sfot''bei:#e>, t n1ad!tnir cOmO afid t^ke a Wki W t h e fetirjcfi ?••'..' [' :: •/•-:. ,,:.' '1 ^,'.. •'Si** fir, I thank ym,, fftt ^rtftt^r- think there are old*loofntn eno«glVtlteri& alriffiody.^ 1 ;; \- upeak, stood behihfi (dry £«u>d».-" ttf filrW* 1 Wjipssilile, :sn'e y$m$l dt iast ar# said* -%pt>fe: k tfn»'*ljesTlteg-»-^loV- ! i^S VVeli:^wlfe^#||| as she laid<an emphasiaron- Would fffij t»ii^-a^(>ngf@b^>li^^%%#*' «ero not sodehrf*-"-r*m%fi ^mtmtv* the \vml, rec^i.tk, dj*-^^-t|Mir^^ areImaniAo t>eiitiv;o,itf)j^%^^iH>«i£l«*it« [•Scor>p all the : watt^-,oii^|-?lh§5^I|n^ea!l gristle «tf boyhoods " ^ijitrja - ^ 9 a ^ P 8 tfed'«>loq*'n«>e;! ••f*;,i >-j££^3M , fhe whbTe' M0G&& 16.006. t^e#i»oie#%4Wl|«| ^ ^ ;«itvhs?aj*ail^ht* .v '•'»• *«'' •• •-,<>"-v-rt*^' -••-'» .- yi.!•.-*^v ! '-^f»„W$fi' N B.v\ejft i ..SAtf8F»«s^^hg*'^r^.,ppp^ ^'BEfi- -ioi^S i D die \\-orlJ whoare.ty^^ <»f their HllacW i<>ie ; 6£tb»iedr«nwoti*c^^ being* warn%SBin*:tl««»t>«h.ottritreetAeW^ If.^arii-ahilltn^.-r-^^g'tt^i «**>te^ f ^ P ^ 3 * ^ •c, (n a ton* of pctilant 'dittj^tntrjrii'iiit: ii^'M MH N*fi * intuit ^m^r^^- "PUK m - * ^ ! ^

i^PllPP^iiii^^P^^i^^^g^^ - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031108/1846-10-23/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · •Of yaritius y*llpSi Wheelbarrows , Shavels, $Mea, J$i$?

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Page 1: i^PllPP^iiii^^P^^i^^^g^^ - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031108/1846-10-23/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · •Of yaritius y*llpSi Wheelbarrows , Shavels, $Mea, J$i$?


J}eneva,Qnt. C ^ A j s r U l l l b , 184{>., lytS

J OHN Rv JO HN6T-0N, ' '•' '• jaxtotipA&itrtiEsC' oV

*T|AM£RWtei, MtttM, Mill toriag&Siiw.Mili Engines,

^ STOVES af.MACHlNfftV.JN GEKE8AL-. .-i.Spe.ca Lake F<>'ii|<irytCrtsUe street (jleneva.'Ori-

| ' fano county jSi. Y —1845. '

Ifcsct,. Wira. "Sil«n5>€r,

PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON. Of-iice on Hie west side of Main-stteet,.ftve

doors 1,01th of the Rank. . GeriJ>va,'Jaii<iiijv 2, 1845.

Mv8..J : t t iac» M. F u l t o n "tAri i-t*«li<xVVU ;iw- t>«r -truv^cntig on I j£j^it(si>ey,£t-?el ,'&-;•: cue 9011$ "of Castle

_ . jeas t siite,J vviheie she will attend to all

, , • fVtwwitk tke Jlieamaf^/l^^''^„t„'.^'Alll'. . . MI -J*,L -i. -•*• *«.* i ^ i ^ . - f c ^ i i s i a ' ' MAKING AND REPAIRING

' H O B S * & SHUN' 1* ' ' ' •Vmbreuat, ParasiU awl Swn. Shadet covered

43$d)tu& Glazing a i i i ' P f f l f f . - • - w - " &iber| be* )ea^#'rar-Bi , lh?,*n-

g;.*br Geneva ajrtl

• wi

i , ! ^ - • - '-"'Mlar, and, fifty cents, i//«Md in 11* Wtfecr,"-* .1;. ?-»•* >*.' .>,.•>•'*«

" To^hpse.wliQ^aue \n packages qf ten or more, 0ne;TOiitS^H#nffifiye, C8fil»» f» <?# «««//»* odoutite. "? '•' •?' .' * ' ", trf" The above .terms Will be strictly adhered lo.

- ,; M,\ , • - 1 \ ^ . = ~ »

t t ttuajre I insertion, - »'"*-'' $0 50 - W ? *&..••"«.. • . , - . . - .'- I.W

1 ."..>. a.montha, \ r . - • * . -8 no Y v* g • « -.V •„ : • BOO • * ."?',* . ' I r i f f c ' -V L* '-- "• - 8 0 U ' ,Aad in .the saine proportion fftc.a great er^ttan-'

U'y t.- A liberal dec.uetiqrli yv.ill be made to fhair who arfytirttec, by me .year, .


/WHICH Wl| Jj-rfjt? BJCp JJ.TIJ.!) ON nBASiffi , B ' •" -.'#*&?»?* AT 4HJB»T sartORo-SwA

, featStaotft.*bf Geneva M r p e M " ^ , .


'Jrfistm^pWil'rise* H%seyiS%lfceir»et,,\yhe>e * : i i . J -a i u i i ' . \ , ; . s^ .4 , L. - . . . - * • - . . . . . .

TtfSijk 'i&iwitf&Wte' receiving bi/supl^y A ' oiMods tb f the copjiug gewprij.cn^rftisH^

i t t ^ ^ ^ o t ^ - i r i | arlicjea i . . ' . . . .

I S M m l f rlo '<pSro and Pitch, . S a l W i / & S t e e l , " M\*Ow;-cm.faws, Eng.& i&ner. B H s t e ^ o - ^ ' f »«Bg Any. 3, M ^ B o d ^ . . / ,• I W W . B e l l o w s ,

' l^MpM**® Vrimtiiittgs. • '^rgtstinJcaT a very'extensive and complete

6&mertt.j>r*£io"cfcs, l atcheBj Bolts, Screws, aox>r Ifenaies, &c. ' .

•^c'jfer^Iiltge^nd eKo'iceselec'ion of *Tablu and PStket Cuttecy, Rttzbrt; Scissorsj eook Knives, &c. Very low. ' '.

Plated Ware, . ! S6m«s very line jiatterne 6t Silver Plated, Man-W»6ri<l Cli&ttiber Candlesticks j also Brittania and Brass d_p,

CJlt-peiitcrs' Tools

aniiVepaireil on the mc*st rpaaonable terms, and «W'i»nt ed eatra I to I he bee t . . . -i

G4e-va, Jtine 13, 1845. 8

a i e n f LeVer B u c k l e . E sulHscriln-r having purchased eriKbtto use VERMrANk'S PATENT

W5VK BUCKLE, VUJUW give noticf ibat he lias oiaia.nd Harness made wi h these Bm Ule

l-attachB, and VMsbeii tdjlttspose oftbem on rea-8t(iiabBterm'<. -The psciiliar sdVait agea ot tlie»e Bucy Jars to dt pcnsi" »i tb tbe-n^e nl the fongne •and^itlitestrQyiiig erlects, as in the eoinmot Bncltl.e .The tTace ran be taken up or.aheieil with p Sett ease to any retjuip il length, a light Of fie'ai drnnght, which every person acqnaiiit-"dd'Wttl Harness will readily admit is an Un| or-tant ca Wit ration. Also, its simplicity., neat­ness, s.iily, durability and cheapness, will cctin-jmeiul ilo all perso s-having use for rjarnfess. •*He hi also an Tiand, and will unafee to ofder

the bestiality of ,

wis,-mm, TRIMS, ap(la|l.iiie.rarticfe8usuatly kept at alike;esjab-Ifsiini'erl anil wouW particnlarly invite thj^pub-lie t^-«x liitJe hii stock t>f Goods before^ put; clmjwifl; sewhere, as he flatters himself that he caflk'saitWrn agto price and quality.

. W»T SIDE WATER-STREET, - -I Twa doo» North of V. fiockor'» itore, andoe*r-'• ' ' opposite the Seneoa-Hoijse.

GEORGE B. PAGE. Gi-nevotDec. 25, 1845. ^2

Gan'ges. SfjiceS arfd Bulls, Bpd,h\{stgt, everyn

thingiieces,«tlry ffif Hie Trade.

Cop^Tslin'g of Rubbe'r and Oil Cloth, patent Leather, Brass and/4"1'" Bands, Axle A'<nB, &q. &V-.f alsocpp^tantlyon band. HAlR GLOTH •Of yaritius y*llpSi Wheelbarrows, Shavels, $ M e a , J$i$? a''d Hay Porks, Scythes', &c. &r . all of/which he offers on the most reasona­ble teruy»

, T . JOHN H. TlLtMAN. Corner Seneca & Water sra.

Geneva, "Moy 28, lct46. ' .

f-fAWFOR SALE. n -SJ-J-, Sj&xjjLAsres ofqhorce land, twelve 01

JjL.lasi.rfeejn, acreskilj vvopds, and a good portion of rai!'_,iirhber, 'Tile improved lands arc well fencei^jjKjd, node* good cutfivation. The said Fam js 4 J-2.rniiesjoe. rly in a south course from Getieyjupti Jpj pre-einprion road, and 1 1-2 Itiile-from 5en'ec"aT£ali:V; Tn>re'is otTthe said premi­ses,' ofte-PR^M^E DWELLING, nnd'a Wood HaUse^f 7gd0d.siaif} rrie Barn artd Sh*ds, one Hor«e*'Bft_rtf,.tf»<I- a biidk Smuke House. Also.

&®V1 h 1 >9f8l *Z&<teW 'eA<»Udg '6|f8.?jg T ; Q JO pueis j>[0 aqt^nsoddo SX

•|jBj.8tqi |o pa/^sijos q njsv 'gaAiastasqi JOJ sniaicxi p.uo l|Bo-jrp»> oq 1 aso'qx •»35iioai siq^ 111 \MM$O aioj. sqj^/ta uq| J^MOI pjos aq ||ii\ puu Suuii«)Jt.a u i j i ^ } e | ^ j o pirn'AWU IJO oat! uepuje'aqj,

*. •sa&sBio.' Sni1{OOr pae 840^ 'BjiniBitJa 'S^BJX'BO.I,

duroi"|iB ls>j|apiniJio *Sd«CE1 J-Bf^g . •oij'' asst|f) aU|A\ 'SJ»iqmnjL pdSb9j<j piiB

ing ^SB^K jAa^SdJj 's»qs)tl ifjsiaa, 'op a*n ff 's»i|sip jjjjng pewAOo—-• a^ujA. SSB;I>!>.

- 0 •'3'5»'8'IBAI n.">«ja w i)|>p>itreglrpwisiif piw .pas!nj*«H3g _

I pttvq pfoa Avo.ucn pun <*p;«v jo \ivii 111 3ui|sifiuo3 '3U0ain3t/)Mt£ puv ssvjf) '/LuyotuQ

jo juam -Ijosss a8«|«iq oj 'iiiunoa piiesa3ef|iA Suipunoj Jus pue 'IIAJII*P) jo siMZiiio oqijo not|ud( T •IBtiqi ||eoA||'ijjo»ds8j ppto.wjaqiJ3sqns.giJiJji

/ / u no A s x irsijiooxo "li/ias GNV 3^vs ^OHM

a well o f Water to pacb.dwetji' g. «ith somegooM springs. Plenty p( «4>pic*f1FB,UJt'af_all binds

Pussessioii con be ^iad af an} tiifr1. iff sireJ. ~ . <v;'i_j./.'-.Si « i i i . irf.1,' iicne^a, OntaabH!t'n|?, >"?W Tftrlt.

m&Wvffl 61

BYWASiPM! X the reGfeatifJft nud e»«»r(Jisi4<if gontlf-meii oT*e'4Vnfa?y eniployments. will he "peti fruin 9 n'BWts'K-"4. V °it'itil 9 -'clock P. M.,- daily (SanT#srei&e'pted) at No. 10, Wah-v^iViPt, a teW'rfi'rSrl-So'dtri 'of. J". H; T*l'ltaaiiiv~HafiiWare Store, G6l|eVa.' 'flits exetcise being_ of a vigor­ous arid iifalthy fcjiaftcter,'js due stilongly feci% meiidadby the Faculty tot-dyspeptics &. alllhosp Uhirinl'uiip^r alfi'cfions'ol'tlie c4iesf-

! o^t;B"!'(0

IlIl lKi'UgS. •• •

flv »ttKi.fi, or totnsvius, sir.

t wandered out one summer nigtK— ' 'Twos wh^o nfy'yearf were 'fe&; The bfuozo Wn« singing irl' tHe ll^it,

And 1 was aingingtopi* , Tlie moonbonras Itiy opon fho hill,

The ulmclpTO in tlia ,vaJe, And here and there a leaping rill }' WaalMghing at the gale.

OnejBeeoy cloud upon the air mis all that met my e*yes';

; It fluawrt,!ik8 an tinpel there 'Boiween tiis and the skies. y

. , I clnp'nedmy hands and warhlAt)" wild • -." As.here and lihere I flew i • •

For I.was bat a careless childj-And.!did' as cliifdrmi das% ,

•» f • ' i ' " The wq^s ajia, dancing < «Jr th,»«o*

In bright and glittering bands: •> lilke-Wdo children wild; with gtee,

4Sey linked their (linipted hiaids. ^w^^.Urdtsdy(te»iiilHq^ii-4ot.*to Icaoght

Tlair.rauipod rirpos$£;&%*&

| | i8tbeQ«nj lii3--acciii

. u s . >5T>' eeth anrJl% ryon xbii I

• * ' J,e it t b '

of so base a character, eral laughed, -ain& t®ffl& lions were by- no i

T h e Yankt)6 grbu® marked, "It's tarnat:«?® aitita;tharril, forifjI-WB* darn' quick, tenr.'-'' ' '*!M

• Don't yew see / 'Ss idf ft| ttrg to t h e Frettelwffttfif v fc! glance, * MonsMuWbj&lfi^&H ttJb true'tr* he afcjflke/ ^Atynfeif'tK^^t'elichmah as} sured the six' (oof 3'Wil|j| |iiter that"' the General, onFy j'esiDetlfY

' You are as much rot1|p'ken,, replied j the ^ e ^ r a l , -W if J 8 u j M 3 4>u,rnt y our

Thoy fcjssad, AVay the

The twjligh'

p.v f ot—.as quiet a» thought 'hppI s'fliswV

hours like birds flow by, -As light); and lis free:

Pqr ever*j» tije -Arjtli dimple.4 cWlj ThaMeaBiuynntlieair .

Hadpaijghtffp tyr in its emhriice, Ajid .)iel3Jf ,|fe#ri)hling. there,.

The young -rnhrtb too, with upturned tidot, Her mirrorteieiraty FBVB!

And os'a biirknti'ttTichnf rides, She Tfde ffjio'ift'lie wave.

Tbe'setf wasJHicgOii! heaven above" Asjteffe^%ojfiffaswhole; t

Sftvothnt it'see'med to thrill with lore Aatlrrills tSe injmnrtal soul.

- The flnwerernll folded to their dreams, •Wore bofred in slumber fiVe. --

By breezy hilts and murmuring streams, 'Where'er they chanced to bo.

Nr/fniilty tftors hod they to weep". No sins to be forgiven;

They closed 1 ei eyeB and went to sleep Right in the feed' of heaven

No costly raiment round them shone, No jewels from the ><•«« j

Yet'Salomon.ap'on hi» throne Was ne'or, arroj'd like these j

And just as fie^from gui't anil art, Were lovely Wmtm flowern,

Ere sorrow set her bleeding heart On this fair world of ours.

Ihear4?the'|iiughing wind behind A playing with my hair—

-The llRSoay fingers of the wind, Bow cool and moist they were!

I heard the night bird warbling o'or Itssoftrenchanting strain—

• I Hover beard such sounds before And never shall agntn. r

Then wherefore weave such strains as these And sing them d ty by day,

When every bird upon the .breeze Can sing a swapter lay 1

IMfive tho World fir'their sWoSt art, ° C' FBofiplmple, tlie divine,; «• / >

. yd^pjfcj^ worltt. tqftnaltoss.beBtf rf »-.. . »;)lhay have me'ted mine. ,. „ : ..'

' My garne,' Vepii'e'd the' Gtrneral/'1 it id Open and Skutf ' Vat (bryou say, General 1 me no tin-

a^fstand you, a^re. Xs it von dead open atf&lliut.'vitsti votl'eartf, eb ?'.' , 5 ']'f\ %' r Open and shut wfrfi every tiling else ty$(&8,' said the General, wit^t a course kt igh 4 i * I will give you an exa^uple.^—

? l i e tJ»in'p"faped hinrsel^in an attitude to explain his game, which was done by placing his4au<ls behind him, anct requi-pftig.'the French mail to Say whelher tney were open orsfmtj ,

+.vWoi9«e»F*. bai*41y knowing jvhat to "tiiaTtfi of ]t,j 6aid 'tipgn.' .

' How much w|U ypti fc^t V w!ked the General. , - . . . , ? •-, u.• \

' Suppose me bette you von Heetie huti» dred dollare.' , , "

_ . . ^ . t l ' Gone l* said the "General, at the same I a"m wilting to haek my/pbusatlbtT ^hfi time shovying th^ astonished Frenchman


fin^eKi I'fiuwwr TTrbxjwts nan h u t w h a t l

* Prom ihe'eindinnati jB|stot.' 4

m y money f and Ij.'Wril: b^fyou a hundred dollars. *hat to 8#t,cfi"t!b1^,an&ee*a%'aa."

f|He btfg?sv you wfll find' ' | | | e a s t one hilrn-'dred'-fofn guft/ffiirts^atilSi many vioe^t-ett nuftirpgs/ ^ m ''' W •;••

* t " V t » e | o u ,fiv<j| l i ^ r e d d o l k W | ea?d the Frenchman, '.tj^^rcy friend car-rjfr-nd'woo.tfe niitmeg-nii|fg.un flint iffrjjs vttrt'JeetWaaddfe B'gg'.'"'^, '"•'

' L t a k e affe}Kh t i t ^ f & i d the Gen^ ejgtl tqrpiwg to Girffy-r-K^pi was show in" hjtB ivnjty, and placing j | j | above named snfii ijfhis "hand. " P h S w s immediaieW chyefed by" the F r e n c T ^ n , while the yaefeee dismounted an.f|0jfpared to set. tie, the matter by utiia^giig his saddle

[*&• '•• ••••• - f S :

For some momf ntsaJJ ^ j h e r e d around in bienlhU'ss silence, whgij the Yankee, to bia gr<>at astonialime^tj;4rew forth the" aV'ove. nftmed articles, . - ^

' Wel l , you. seevl havejj^pn,' continued .tlie General, while; Ctiflry -roared und ca­pered ajinut with delight, sho ing the whole hreadth o f his. whites— his eytjs opening to an extraordinary magnitude, and his nose flattened like a viper—cry-

' \ ou didn't ca^ch d e General dis %r time, gosh a nnghiy ! wii l dl-m 'ar horn gun flints.'

' What have you to do vith it, you tarnel black,niggfryou V criel Jonathan, turning to htm with-a fiti'ious look.

' W h y , you 8e>,„l is.de.(|eH'ral's aid-decampiit)t4ioldt|!g.^le st?kesjr dis 'ar spe­cial game )' at tht\samtj time he handed them over lo his master'with 1. chuckling l a u l n - , r • - - 5,. j

The losing $|rl^,.Baw 1J50 deception ] ...of ,'he trick ^ .apj.earjejd idpubly anx ' ~jj^us to facilji^jji t|ietr^joprn,ejl. "'""'Z'&rhe Genera^was rjp'ne^lbejess merry

for having wo.11 ^ ^ r t i ^ n e y i i aqd o,qca-fitGnaJ!^,laJi£he4;ftV^^ts^.nsJiehad


- :>,B'-TW0iff. M*B*l!NeTSNV

. « * I

O n W^ater S t r e e t .

THE subscribers having opeiied a new Mar-blf Shop on Wali>r Street, Geneva, in the

north eml flf thp buildftig used as a-Bethel school, Room, on the bridge, (nearly opposite A. Flem-'

iound at I

Fe-w*\vho travelled much on the broad Mrsiissjpgtat^n early day, but what have ly|a;rd, with ct^ad the name o f Gen. Wil-l^^^Jof i tgomery , and none, but knqw of* the' j^'n^ihg called ' Montgpmery'a Fo'ttit,' vyhjch for its location and peculiar advantages,;. was^hurS to be exce l led .— Montgomery himself was a.shrewd, ipiick vvitted, low bred fel low, who,-in roguish exploits, waa, seldom if ever equalled.— H e was the termor o f the South, to all who knew him, and as a sportsman, gam­bler, & c , was as, notorious as the cele­brated Captain Kidd for a pirate. T h e

Itee Ajg^P. wjiljji' l iearty lau^jh—plapi his thUsn^bitf). bi*t)nsfti und giv ing h ^ i i S ger a> few>e*tra 'fiotirisbes—• I" s»y,£W'irr| eral, j ^ s t give noty, rM»4ct to t|j)tt |r-e ,t%-ger o f jou'rnj,' 'atidr'aatt't g^t sq|f**~-!'J

r n e / u . — - . - . . , tliought to bave,_«9.ade several thousand dollars. , . , . ,

T h e Frenchman' sighed aloj said he thoagjtjt^t' vonSia^e'expensivfijountree.,

T'he Gvnt?y!» however, a%tred. him that he shpjujd havea chance f|\Vin. back hia'money^sjj ponn as he should feel dis-

hw closed bands. 'I am very sorry to jin'Rtftii you that you have lost,' and. a proile i>C peculiar meaning played around ' ^ t n o a t h . • j

%l* 2th"! s a c r e ^ m e shall no understand j iVmjpuch game, General.' ' j * '''''iVlu'sJ understand it, by Jupiter!' thyn-'

J^f&JL the.General, unce more placing his !lraiids bt'hind him.

The Frenchman guessed again, and 'ToSt of bourse. This w&p repeated sev­eral timesj until Monsieur declared ho could no longer, play, . , . . ' Produce a stthst,itttte, then 1' cpied the Oeueral,. ' .by >tbjiiid*c 1 thia.mttst be pfeyed ',* . ' , .

Monsieur then referred him to bis ,wnr|by friend the Y a n k e e — w h o , being „Ottl'u.a upon, proposed that he should be lilferjiately entiiled to tho privilege of se -

;eretiqg- his bunds. But il*t» Getierul soon gave htm |o understand' that the game coul(J.,only be played 9*4 way—at the, sprae t ime te,\liug the landlord he might as well station himself on shitre with his rifle, as he intended there should be very little p/quiyocati^n in his gaming transac­tions. '

The Yankee, finding that he was. ple-ferminedi not to give him a fair chance—-proppsed that the other should bet him t w o to His one. The General laughed at his simple,.proposition, and readily consented, provided the Yankee would let him name the amount, which was also conceded. .

To a northern traveler tliis-scene would have beep, highly interesting. About thirty yarefs. from the boat, perched upon a slump, with a long rifle in his hnods, was their worthy host, ready to obey the slightest command of the General,,- At the stern of the boat stood Monsieur, with a pale cheek,, and- feeluigs thnt^an

™_ w „ „ rWlH%eTTm'og|ned than descr lbed^agjs

ger o r joU'ro, and^dati't ee,t so 4 | jb^i i t none o f you 4#ad opeti and shats^wlshi* Yankee again i' and he added t«» t h e j ^ l ^ ish of Jjis fingers by gtving his other'.jytm' (.he'lpplion «£, |urjiiri§<j|.qriink,.Ja«d..WBP ingftme by movittg his right foot np'Wftif dovvn Rslon^f"BS>he'WssM8ijjht. ' ' . ;

( 'Unti l the d a j > f ' ^ j 3 '4|uft»?. Pij.i4i^tJ&.'; p ) severer chastiseroelrt cp»hi have been ii(flicted.upon hiniK thajj^to simj>fyswy*-! ' (lorn gun flints'—woodeU-•.•jfteWjegs'-aw ' Mg • Y M ^ e ' - ^ f f e n c h geKtreihan/ or • Dead Open and Sfiut f

\, r-^ ~ 1 . I J « - • , ' - 1 ^ "

v A "Bonlilng Incldewc, '••The followingf iiicideot occurred'" fit;!

thi ic ir^'saysa^ewOrleansr>aper)a few days siu«,e. T h e roarsbafe have been to,!" the last two months' dealing dttstructiou's devasting doom,' among the canine Pace. A little" girP playing'wpjh t w o lavorite drtgs, left them for a few rt.oaients, and on returoing saw the marshal approach-|'"f ing them gun in band. By^-commands , and etitreBfios she succeeded in getting! one inside of a ga$o, beyond the'reach of danger.; but was too late to assist the other in effecting bis retreat.-

T h e marshal "jiad pOjW advanced with­in shooting'dja'tance, <and took a deadly

,n4lttj>j)<f^llio(f. o*f**3& «etg*fe«ft^'W<tfn#i

quafeeifn fiwuth t|u» 4hr®WAfi{

0tlti0rM&. t l t l i^* m- ol'^fiftiild^SMieysd •ly \hfrp<mhr> iim^atiw

^Wl&M W W ' * [liuf « © ' « ' SiojstttoMjoni a«d a « | ' mitfm, im.< - j . ^ ^ ™ , . «jg'_ i te%tpj |^s |e^t |3(t | f , ftg'reed to^|fe:p|ffiPeByf to a tnari, anof tffMfcl ifetried «?*C^'fl | te$$ Well endorsed we^eja j woul.1 not and h« Wo witrcorgtfft* TOt "«S|' w i t l l ^ u i ^ ^ named. % , . J f i ^ g l « j i , a # i e J | ^ W "hut %• hurricftaeafandi Wo^fB»5j*iwfer hem into fragtHetiTSTanld^ i w # ^

offices Hust ^^•yhx$\$~~ """'""* iiried the horr*>y^ a£katt>; _ pair ; *» 1 have antne iWaiuabte ^S^»^gsk will yon tnk« thtxl* ^>'Ri&Pmkt&%

d—n-ym the P fd ts^«»w^MS quakes will eraeffljp and%i, fl^^^



keep rhijmone^'

aim at the dog . F o r one Instant the, - , , , ,,, . - , sweet child hesitated, and the contending! ^ . " i f f f 0 ^ ' t t * ^ * .** ™e

emotions of personal apjirutieiisiufis and ~ "" ""** love J*or her playmate \v<W lfgihly du-(HQtetl on .her beau'iful face*- It wad bull for" a m , , m e n t - l l , e next, and with a l ^ , , , a ," | tXjofe.$ ft )&.#&. bon n<J, she had reached her -friend a m i • ' p »"*•*•»"»*»•**•«• -1

du^n^d him „ , ; t J r!"w : - a n dk pu»ce. of mawserti)i>«no^priii«s"n:ce complete shtehi ,0 h.m trt.m the messen. bmk *{ ,1} B f b U . & ' ^ E | 8 er o i . U « i h . aiuiexclanning all the l .me.j cimunvMC^ V a J m a i u ' ^ J g J S

which would,in all probability, end by leayinghim and his heirs several thousand dollars minus. A little distanoe in from of him stood the General and the Yankt e — the former pool and collected- i-*the lat­ter exhibiting much uneasiness; which was particularly perceptible in his blood-

posed, by any other game be of h]s down less, quivering lips-^-and he seemed half east friend should see proper tp select., I inclined to 'hack out,' A few oaths, how.-

Monsietir said ho onlv kre^ one, | ever, from his dceaded.antngonist, finally

mg's Maible S h o p , ) t l W will he nil times ready t o wait i.p.-n those who may fa-1 Cjrfufral vy»s said to h a v e m a n y r e d e e m -

rvi.rlhein \vitb a call Persons wishing Monti-] i n g q u a l i t i e s in h i s gnt i l ing t ransac t ions ment», Gravestones FirerPlaees, Hearttis and, w h i c h m i g h t b» c l a s s e d a* f o l l o w s : Facings, in fact any thing in their line of bust-

i s a l i o w e ^ | ^ a | J f j | j e ^ h p i ^ aT6^ri« head*4ri^r|i|ftM.

and M l ! & ^ l t e ' ^ r . f e > ' v * !

i, fhe Proprietbr $oitfrl tu.'i:.i ^f-''.'\j7charact^r

fric/ 9J1 tJbV

jpqgsejit. q-f tjieji'-janaats,.

n\iM(i^i:, „ $

. bisoldstand, .Maim fstteet,

fr'-*»- ny. • {Jetteva-j keeps con-, - t -.- t . % » # WS& «#rt>,-of every ^ M i i | ^ A l 4 i f l M V %:S!w,ft,iio,tice. Also, Slirondsj-*S«v:eK>f6t|s* & c . He wilf furnish Hearsa^jBj|ieawJafei^ artdHitentfto a l f fhe du-ttesaMftSWn a<i<j.«tjf*take* a t any hodV.is-saralnEahosrespolrsrtttltyP" stt.it-> -••?' « ?<•••

sHavirjgrrecenrty furtiishea*n4l!6rs'elf w«h> tfew Hearse-te' eotnpieie ottfirf attd^tif th* *Jto'iWHt 'tytij at«l h M p g l n a trrea*5are**r»li«qiHsii«d;hjs fornier feusinsss, he fta^tershitnsBlf th'ax fram fife long experijeace in Mtfe abwa busi«es9j,*fie^iij bd able-to * discharge the duties in '"&"IproW j monnerfal^ay* consulting thfeHvisriea',<rf*i rtaii,J

*ti mWmmitrteaeiVeii from tft* Trasteei (if the viHasr, theiapjirStfttrneiit of^etftoo; aJVaftpli-catiop^for-irr|»i,meflf» wilt be rnarjp tfe tm«-8ii6r acriber,wfib has 8 plot_6ftlj» BtYfyina; Ground/ end itas-the^ispbsaT^f lo's In the8?ldie.:

tSBS$ig%$&^* New'.assortment of *f BWaima MVer watches, clieaper than aver, nitfa'AiiVii-W.vtft&i^ to»Sbl«ti, feitt ipwelled Gisfa ooia fewel

ted, 4, af the W$w? Jewell'y Storey 4©f ene '". " \ . v r.:" •" '..''.T.we&l

^ reprtsen-ip'tiecu sji^et.. CAKSON.

G»lifi jT <jif Turpentine, at f*d»e*d k-'artce^,by' L. KELLY & CO.

^ a y , r - - • - '

'T'HiB OdirTpellows' Tok«», edited A by "Kate, B»r«Uy',» a Lady of Geneva—

mpubfi«R4and for nj»,'by^thjVd*.'»'JBSC'.?

ness, wi l l find it to their advantnge to call and examine their Maible and juices, before purcha­sing eRewherr. "

N B ; - The subscribers-are tnorrlfilv receiving tre*h supplies o t beautiful Snow White and Scr-lienlilie Marble ffiup the Riitlatid. VI ,.quairys, ii'-il can sett as cheap as any other man in this »t»'e,*ti«f 'IIP -%ork—Be vr>i'f hrag—j*ist cT-Bie and 4oe, that's alt. 73 A. A L L E N .

May 2 0 , me. L. W . W H I T T A K E R ^

Wbolss ia le & Uet&il C a b i n e t nia* & IipholKkvry j W {»!»<* rooiMsi, •

TH E "iihscnbei will manufacture-ami ki-.-p rnsiantly nn hand all

km.ls n'f C A B I N E T W A K E , and CHAIUR, at Ins establishment on Seneca sj . , the most important of

whieii are Sofas J Looking Glasses, Divans, . 1 Marble Top Bureaus, Side Ottomans, j <$• Centre Tables, Card

Tables, Mahogany. Curl Mafic, Fmicy'\ anl Co'ttge Chairs, fye ; Mahogany Bed. •«&a$»j Welters. Sideboard, Bureaus, &c He%ttH)VrPttdv. abo. ia atteniLto aU'orders for

Itairnrrd straw Ma'trasses, Church and,Chair Cnsliidtf?^ JtCij p||.ha.r(d. , . .

Old tuwr, lviallrasies.cleaheil.and repaiiedV " — * * ' - " • ' ' "Mahogany; Black'watiint, ]

'tfherry & Chestnut Co'ffiii? oi'-atl sizesj keptconstant ly?|

on hand. - •"- • Tbersobsoriber takes this 'eppdrtmtfty- «f-t>o-i-4

fyiiig the public, that he has Just fiitmslie.l him-^ell' with a^ljearse, o'nl will bohj himselt in remlitiess'al all tfuie-i, to attend .Ftineral«,"arul will furnish iSbroiids, procure* rarrjiiges, and make a l l jiecessary arran^erneht for funeral oc­casions.

Hehasal«oa plot of tln» WiastiinsJtion.Mrept Burying Gitftinil','ih'cl>iili'rip; th6 new iiar '«?i'hich

Jtcaa at any time- b e referred to All applications f-made to hittt;-.\VHt reeelve'^tois prompt and care­f u l attention. CHARLES E.SILSBE.

Geneva .' p.rfTl[Y, 1846.:,' " ' . ' ,68

,-.••»- AwWteijStrnytoi^s Wotlce. • MptUEStJANt to ohoraerof George B. Parburt,

he found a man naked, he I f ho was hungry, he led

o FlKST.,lf

clnthed him. him.

SECOND. I f he .was .thirsty and poou> he gnve-him to drink, arid advised him to be off to some mors saltibrioos climate.

And last, thoug!* pot least, if lit* was 'thirsjy and fttcft, lije madd him drink and

then riihbed him.

Lnf ^heci^'ui.^afil coiinty, deceased, to present '.thesiiiae wfiB^fi'e votibhers thereof to Caroline J.

Cnttende>,'.aiwijrjwt»BtrJxt,at»d I'hilo Bronson and Lnoias psj*%a4m|ui8tratorSH*f the goods, chat-

,8 ,??l?*?-%.^w4.<leeea8ed( at the residence ot Mid Phdo Bp.imr.«,ia,>t|ietownof Sene.a afore-eaul on or betore the- felt^ay of April next. Da­ted SepU-mber 15, l 8 # . - -c! ,-.„. yi


Ulns i e B o o k s . • H E 'Carrtiiria. S a c r a , ^aalr4o4is t . PsaTlery, Spngs^ .of Sacred Praisc,'"8Wred

Warp, Mii9ka SfacraV Voting Choir, Voting Choir's Companion, and Juvenile Choi-. . . -

'•--', W. H. SiMtTB^-. Nov 14 ', , 3iSeriec«-M«-

OC r O B E B t Waaraxines.—Grahsm'I, Godey's Lady's Book, National Magaaiue,

His nolopious life w a s the Occasion of all ganthl«ns yielding to his nefarious de­signs, who ehancfd to fall- in vt itb him ; ami v\ hatexer the Gft^eral said, must of course bo right, as none dared to gainsay h i n . - -

11 «os about the time when his notori­ety had attained its height, that a French gentleman ai-t'i'mputiied by a^ituge van-k f f arrived .at the ' Point' on their way to tlie head waters of- the A rkansas riv-JBI; aud, sis there wax no ojher hotel in thtf place, port upvcilbtbe Genpral. Ap-pluuitii.ti -being made to him firir cotivey-aitcp, he atl'vised them to defer their jour-•nfy. some-iew days, .as be thought the prospect tif some high wafer was iii their favor.. •-. •. - ' . ••-.' -«-.. •

This, proposition >• ns lry -no means a welcome one to Jonathan, who hod heard more than once of life divspe*raf«-charac­ter? of their host; <snd" 'he'vdVelai-ed'ite would rat,her walk, and fntfkftumrkhorge o f himself than remain. Tlfe French­man assured htm like • HP, that his ho'si-tiess teas very urgent, thai he must go," on foot even, if* there was'no other con­veyance- TheGi-nei-al w^s Hot pleased V rt-h the determined obsttriary of th'e fwfl ntvd could not'welt hit upon ri plan wherp-by 10 detain'thYm, with their"olvfrcfiu-se«f,''so l i e ' finally agreed »o fake fliPrn through on- horseback, as (Wr as Fort Smith. The- Worses vrere aVen'radihglj/ eqoipped, arid "the General,"with hi* n«*-J

gro, the Frenchman and tlie Yiitikev at I H»ngtnv,s6t o'tttJ^Haking quite a respetSia-bte looking c'ar'avan, for the Arkansas wilderness; "

E r e they tTtounted, however, the Gen-[.e+al begnfi rUTiriiii^ his ' soft sawder* on the Yankee, about the rnanj advantages he |toBsesaed pve'r'muliitudes of southern people , ftflich were no other, than being siiflij&ien't in strength to answer as his o « n pactc horse,;anil jbuogh he might have, bushels";of W o d e n outmeg«. and horn, grj'n Bints to pack through the state, he could plway!8" aceomrhoiiate h'unself. v

J^he'Yanfeee' ielt somewhat chagrined at'the General's.insinuotion, for fear thai

ch»r»oteN" After their leaving, the l Geoeral still caused Jonaihafi, no

which was the French game Ving-un, or twenty-one.

T h e General replied that thai v as one o f his strongest games, and thtit 10 soon 8s they could make themselves tofnforta-bly situated as to their lixlgfig, they would have a friendly touch of,it.

Arriving at a hotel, whpre tlpy inten

nerved him to the sticking point,' wl)ich was made manifest by, his saying—"

' I guess I'm just about as ready as I ever will bc .General—so bow much do you think I ought to bet 1 Don't be git-tin' it tow high, now, cause you s e e , Gin-eral, ydu'll have to bet me tew to ono.'

' O, that matters not, my dear fellew,' t-aid the other, ' we Arkansas Generals

ded to pas* the night, the Frenchman and t 1 /• _ _ » J 1 P - * -" - only play iorjimuseroent; and so , mere

iptereating, my lark-ly 1 «iH try you wii"

lars. smttng as a reason, that «,» trtend. • W a l , Gineral, seem'i t ' s you%rjd on W h o m rl ipv aftntrhr wnft oi n fnnp l . ' - ' . . " - -to the

, . " ' / ""," '**."' ,• - - .1 •-- only ptay torjimusen h.s companton bavtng determ.icl not to , ^ th^garae i proceed any further wt.h theiGeneral, > j ^ w W

made thetf- intentions knownjto* htm— , ,^ n >> J J

that the as a reason, that fie friend 1 {hey sought was ol a tour', S i u t h , and that on the first

ly for amusement, dew jest lay down . . . j . f j 1 1 . tbem are four thousand of youenet and

opportunity they shouldem/m.-kon a boat T - n , „ „„ 1 „ • „ , i „ • ,<• ,•', fof Nntchex 11 11 try and raise the half ot, 1. .

. _ , The General accordingly laid down T h e General said he th)|iglitl|e would h i s four thousand dollars on the boat,

have a very pleasant trii, and that he would dispatch Ids servj^t home with his horses and accompany' therri This was certainly anything lilt agreeable; but as there was no help fdr it, our trav­eling friends thought p'rope- to assent.

Th,e wa^er at. this lime being low, it w a s proposed by the G neral that a small flftt biia't should be priturcd, which would be very adv-atiiogenis, as he and the French8]a'i «:«;»Ud play it their favo­rite game of twenty-one, w ile the down easter.aud the landlord, wlwn the Gen­eral pnrsuaded to go along, should man­age the boat, ,

.Tbia, accordingly, being acceded-to, the: boat, was aot,n under w y . Scarce-ly bad they left the shore, e't • the Gener-eral, e^gerfirtr the game, gavt the French­man a hint%t«--1hat effect—and thVy Avere soon in ful l blast—the Frenc man taking tbt> deal, t l ie .General bettirj high, arid losirig. N ight setting in the 1 Concluded Io lay to, and dispense w i n the game until morning. ' .

'.The next day \vb»le laying it the shore, tbfy' resumed tht} play—the W-eiieral still losing the most important bits. A t last

[The. proposed a "change of deal! Mo'iitsieu r ra*SHred him h« «otfld only |>lty bis game one way, uifbt that was to di uK' Again they plitypd dn-f-n-a time, wh -n the Gen­eral uppeaHng tit get out of pa'tlebce./in-a is tedlbai the game should he changed, a s he «»as over a thousand dollajs'the lo-

• . . ' - ' s f t v . • ' set*.-" « ;7^_

Monsieur said he thought If o»f unfair request, ds he hada frequently eaijl he kfteW no tlthur game. ^ V

T h ^ Genpral! stlir pressed lnssoit, and

while the Yankee placed his two thoq-satid in companionship. -

' Now, Mislur Giueral,' said Jonathan. ' jes t hide them are hands of yotrrn, and speak it a l l . right oufu plain—so 2 shan't make no mistake.'

The General cast his. e y e towards the landlord—winked—placed his hands be­hind him* and then in a low, distinct voice, said ' open or shut V

The Yankee looked at him steadily for some minutes without moving a muscle o f bis face, as though by some intuition he was about to divine the certain posi­tion of bis bands—rwhen, with»a-motion quick as lightning, he drove his Ifravfrnoy fiwf. full between tho. e y e s of the rfther, which bad no sooner taken effect thato be w a s lying;.prostrate upon the deck.

• O p e n ! by GosHl' cried the Yarikee. as he saw the other's hands flying through the air—at -the same time snatching the money, cramming it into his pneket'and hurling the straightened body o f the General on the shore*' then giving the boat a sudden shove by means of a pole, he and his French companion, to the great discomfiture' of their enemies , were soon gliding down the stream;.

' F i r e ! ' rimred.out the Genera! at the top of his-lottgs.-ffff soon aS'he could re­gain his fejel and lupn. toJti».host-i-* fire4 I tell yi>M,you stupid fool 1-wBlaze a w a y f blow-out .that infernal Yankee's brains*? he's not fit for.di»grroeat V -

The frightened host endenvorod to o-I bey, but it was no go - the more h e tried"

. . . . .m« in the most thrilling acce^its^of supplica tion, but still with the look o f 11 youth­ful Pocahontas—

' He'snof mad, Mr. Marshal—ho'si KOT mad.*

T h e mashal brought his giiir to his shoulder, d i m e to the 'boyt fiice, and mafcrred' off, remarking to a, geiitlernah thai he Would not kill that d o g fur all the mayors add aldermen in creation.

PRESERVATION OP An^bBs.'—Apples intended to be preserved fin* winter and spring use, should remain upon the trees until quite ripe, which usually takes place at the coming of the firat Imavy frosts — They should be picked from the trees by the hand, in a fair day, and J>acked up immediately in casks, in alternate Iiiyer* o f d r y s a n l , piaster, ehutf.,saw-dust, or

Utvftot asnil'oonVoyetf - fo-«-a coul. dry. placi as s o o n ax pnsUiblf). ..The-&iind-{w-*xa^ dust may he dried in the heat tif sum­mer, or may be bnkett in an oven at the time required to be used. T h e peculiar advantages arising from packing apples in sand, are nxplained and commented' upon a s follows ; by the late Mr. Web­ster, nnthor o f the " American Dictiona­ry of the English Language." '• 1st. The sand keeps tho apples i'roni the air, which is essential to their preservation. Sndi .The sand checks the evaporation or perspiration of the apph's, - thus pre serving in* 'them their lull fiWor. My pippins; in Rljay and June, t rq.a'it fresh as when first picked ; even the end of the stems look as if just sepa-roted from the twigs . 3rd. The sand is trqukfly it a preservation from JVost, rot,*,' « c , Sot., after the extreme heat of June- take"*! place, all apples speedily lose their fla vor, and become insipid." *'

comme.nce4l^pad'«i« *ty <.-Jffo«s!.vjteiiifsKits that- he did not .d-ista»vel«.harw ^?e «V«fW| paying him irr nfeovr'n otJiaK'tlnt^%f iffik ed him what it vyusjjus* (SOr^eij|ap^nJ was writing lu him abriut^a AVpman-l-s# " W h y , took hot'e^squtre," «a|*^he>T,'^oi!? surely are not rending my pi'tytie^etteW,'* » Ceiwinly^ sb:,-f: s a l c t ' * - r ^ ? W £ M reading our privatu roaTUSunpt*-.«»'jEJ(l; was plagued-—-begged? us not tf> .mentjott his name—f-romistftl to'df/Vi^'iip i p ^ | and we- quit e v V n . ^ g f y ^ y ' ^ ^ - ^ . "

ANECD<»Ti*.-4.AFr-en^l^e»llt*|^§ft^ tally uuacqiiaitued wi |h OJttf hng#jt|$<w. being* intrcnluced to tj?Btrcle'of youhgollii' dies "and g'-ntlemiin, aftertbfe ^stiutJ^C^t |ilnneut.s hail imsse.l, seated. nimselF.bfB;;

side a beatif'ul,young lady^ .afid,-/heir|g deprived if lire Srttinfacti(m o f cOnVersitif^' wl


hb» to b««aj^-—v\hicTthe mistook Tor tli%? FrV-tch w o r d ' ^ / * , ; W 0 ^ ^ 0 $ ^ gan kissing lier'to^he gre^jp. ir t^of^j^jj who(.« company.,, T h e ooi-se^tcaic^^iaKte that Jli« ' . * • - . . *«

termi'iat Frenchmiin

latlies:oa*n^ to a.anarnlmotii^iJai ion never to. * f y ^ % $ » $ ^

1* &;#$. t


tCJ"Society,like ashaded*ilk, must be viewed in all situations! cr its colors will deceive* a*. Goldsmith observed; that one man who-frrtveistbroogh Borope rilt f trjf. and w h o , like Scrihleros, mak«*s his le^gs bis com passes, and another who is whisk­ed thrrtttgh in a chaise and four-, will f«rm very differe'it conclusions at the end of their journey. . . ' The pl'ttlos ipber, there­fore, wil l draw his estimate.of human na­ture, b y varying as much as possibk* his own situation, to multiply the points of| vie\v tinder which he observes her U n circumscribed by lines, »{' lutitode cat of] longitude, he will examine her butttmerl Up aiiri laced in the forms and''-t'ereihantes of c'wilfniitioii, andat%fer'eii$e,uiireslrairt-

\ed, in the tight and-feattttal costume of \ the taoage\ H e will dlso associate with th6 highest without servility, and with lhe lowest yvithnut vulgarity. In sHurt,"in the-grand theatre of human lilt?, he will visit the? pit and- the gallery-, as we l l m th«* boxes, fttit ho will TfOftrimrd thelrrfxes thrft;he'comt,8*airiongst them tmin the pit^.-nor the .pit that he visits tliem f r o m t b o gallery. ** <- . • ! . . « . . - * .

T h e faslmiii of w«ar1itg'itr%"fcii(ri_,__„, loons, w<* beUev#,.ia roat*)ly^o>t|§.f9|j9fr fushimi, but it seems - frO^;<he f^loWl^r-extract fronrtlfo'last rep'oirt'jbf' t l i & ^ W

York m** t,?mmsvMwtTid$m$£ are adopting it JlheJUeJfi*^ i f f i p f g ^ l f f i l

' Until qnftr* r 8 r 3 e n ^ ^ i ^ n , 4 M S i f f ^ much pleitsfttf iK§k0"^^^^S0^^i hie KTyleft f«r/iadii?s*? ^ s s ^ s . l w ^ B i ^ S i i s S sn*t|*oied -they*. n ' t 'T«r i^ou^Adorf»g i^ i But yoii'caRnt^j*n«gtn'e%|«)*tWtp«ii||ip^^ at noiicing'a ver^^^gtfril 'JMy^&ft^

sicaffootto her pantalette;"»••* ^--•»isi% %<*

PROI»*!R R E S K N T M B S T , - T - A : ' "milditefe^-ppred o l f e^M^fh^WftSfi^^l his^eelf^r staTra^|t£< i . . J f t f f i f e ^ ^ ^ | ^ bro\\;n j|Uche,r,,oni^qfto*t^K<|W|^;«pB*.» liis-f.'et clipping. (reanp^l^wett/^^^K^^ Waa prtf i ipU8Wd-' t^<teo^b. i | fB) i | t e | l^^ wife a„ni,ce old lad^,, j h e a r n j f c i p e , , , ! ^ ^ ran to*"*.cel lar door^anti f ^ | ^ l > ^ 4 v »

" W h y , bu*band I hare jrott Jbroki*«*flb»'' p'ttcherF ". r-;« ^^g-^tfr***1"


ma •""••• . fc . . . r _ . ,

rlowl" «nd • imniwdiatejr|'y#r^ii!r^f^i&* niioher afignnsix$b,$ei tittffitL&jSF®


, <ttiditiiai Blgttfty> , 'The loJlMv-tn* t|tin0e;ffrflii«n' i* stiid" fo

.ha^^p|ssl*d ib^w« ;eri a, cfrtaTn Vfdjady an^ a.cer|ow> pre^iiltng Judge in '• iv» :>. Thttilestriwd fritrctiniiftry wa*jB»pp't>rtpd orrftlig right arid left ny*feirwArftiy SftjtO. e t ^ . ^ h e r f ' M V s ; f/_ tfUv$f% to gi*j> etyduri'ce.' . , ' . . . . .

" . T a k e oft yotw bbnrw-ti tiiatlam," " I had ratlrefhni-.sir'.'^ * '•"J^otirids and biim8ton&. ttjadaitn t a f e

rjff ytttit bonnei, i *fty.'* '" " In public asiiernblies,: s ir , women

fjgeneratly dovtjr thefr heads B.ich,T. I *ara sure ft "ihh cttstoTtl*dfie'«f'l9're,<a;«i'l;

to shoot, the more iie could'nt; 'Virhite' fo cotnplet* riven* chagrin, and'add to their vexation, the voice of t-hrt Yankee—fit>|

said he xvaa wi l l ing' to leave I t j o tfieir'the real nasal twang—warhtJaid c a l ! i i » I.OBl tWifher or no it was r lg t t lhat he out, " e aWttfltl -give him tf chance to win b a f k h i s ] ' I say. Mineral,^^'ttia P r e ^ ' putty con-m"nS^' ' -" ! ' ° 8 1 l ' e , n g a *!*!"$> ^ i e a d I siderable kind of a slick garrre of aimjBt?.-rtl the Gejberal, bf course deeided, tn his j ment, ain't it ? Tel l that are dhao bn

•'ST'-'v, * , ' . ' • « • » v - * - •. «n0»""nptol)Ta*s«faway. k^p^&ll,n' lhfm Fry rhit» firbe all was ready for their to—^horn g o n flints are reiVf alick-thlngt

truhVhmg'departure, and Monsieur,^think-1 to shoot with, ain't they, 0 e n e r a l 4 ' ing lib might come out second heat, wa» ' I givtr it up,* aaid the ©eneral , with anxious to yav'ej but the Generaj de- [an oath—• that cussed Yankee has beat

t h ^ F ^ n c h t h a h nitghf cohsiden him a man clared thiat h i s | ^ i e «tM/,be rtlayfrfwiih-jmy game * ^ a d «?p.o and"abot/ by load o r t b a t character. After their leavinE.lqFiii furtfier de|4j*— 1ing/my «on with:=M-ood«ii mitmega, anii

m t furl her de|S|— • V e j , d e i ) , j M 6 n « c _ . , . . , . — _ . . _ _.._ r _ . . . v <

ing my gun with w o o d e n nsieur,' whined the oth-; potting in horn gun flinta

1 nutmegs, and [;M w?ar» shilling, by way o f pri-jecl,

i»y,.Grtriortl,* cttllad out tho Yan

yierefore, I wtft not ta,k'i' lir^f'rny:^lf)neflr*,

. ^|>r> ypii bva'i* thjtt,,ge.t)ttf^&qj ' Bhe pVR|en$J»-to know mnreabdut lltese matt sttrsthan the- Judge himself!— Madyott |Sfot''bei:#e>,tn1ad!tnir cOmO afid t^ke a Wki

W t h e fetirjcfi ?••'..' ['::•/•-:. ,,:.' '1 ^,'.. •'Si** fir, I thank ym,, fftt ^rtftt^r-

think there are old*loofntn eno«glVtlteri& alriffiody.^1 ;; \-

upeak, stood behihfi (dry £«u>d».-" t t f filrW* 1 Wjipssilile, :sn'e y$m$l dt iast a r # said* -%pt>fe:


VVeli:^wlfe^#|| | as she laid<an emphasiaron-Would fffij t» i i^-a^(>ngf@b^>l i^^%%#*' « e r o notsodehrf*-"-r*m%fi ^mtmtv*

the \vml, rec^i.tk, d j * - ^ ^ - t | M i r ^ ^ areImaniAo t>eiitiv;o,itf)j^%^^iH>«i£l«*it«

[•Scor>p all the :watt^-,oii^|-?lh§5^I|n^ea!l

gristle «tf boyhoods " ^ijitrja - ^ 9 a ^ P 8 tfed'«>loq*'n«>e;! ••f*;,i >-j££^3M

, fhe whbTe' M0G&&

16.006. t^e#i»oie#%4Wl|«|

^ ^

;«itvhs?aj*ail ht*

.v '•'»• • *«'' •• •-,<>"-v-rt*^' -••- '» .- yi.!•.-*^v!'-^f»„W$fi' N B.v\ejfti..SAtf8F»«s^^hg*'^r^.,ppp^ 'BEfi- - i o i ^ S

iD die \\-orlJ whoare.ty^^ <»f their HllacW i<>ie ;6£tb»iedr«nwoti*c^^ being* warn%SBin*:tl««»t>«h.ottritreetAeW^

I f . ^ a r i i - a h i l l t n ^ . - r - ^ ^ g ' t t ^ i «**>te^ • f ^ P ^ 3 * ^ • c , (n a ton* o f pct i lant 'dittj^tntrjrii'iiit: i i ^ ' M

MH N*fi * intuit ^m^r^^- "PUK •


• - * ^ ! ^